T H If TJ I? P A T I Dressed poultry, butter and . I il Ei 11 VJ li A U I, taken in exchange for Millinery G i at oods Mrs. Crocker & Co's. LOCAL, NEWS IJJC A L A I V E HI 1 S E M K M a. Tmnsient, Z". cnln a line. Regular advertis er., lo criit per line. No advertisement, lusti lU lor lout; tuti tvitls. I'-yil KottccM at Sitiule rates. iUunii'ji n.iil olflccT of the U will tie held reiiHiisio.: far ail lnal notices lliey baud in. Klul Mil p.rii deniAiiiliittf a proof of pubiic.t- UOU ff of lH'!l uull'f. 3Ttf tion ol my :t;ice tvill ii ucii lor liie publiea Trunks, valises, travelling bags &c, at cost, at the new harms shop. lilank 15ouk! Miscellaneous Books! and Juvenile Rooks, at 5St3 ' IK. Chapman's. CO it Ml' NUTATION. Ai wtr jce in limited, all communications m isi o b.ici .tad to ibe polul. Willi uu waste NEWSPAPER DECISION?.. 1. A:iv penan who taken the piper irpularly from iMMtuili)1. whetiier directed to li lis vjiu.e. or wnelher lie Is. subscriber or not ii rvijx:nH:ln tor tlie pay. i. II an H-rtuu older hi paper discontin ytc he iuu't py n!i jre:trni;en. or the put-ltsh-r may continue ti send it until payment is viA'.ii?. :ui(l collect the whole amount, whether p"er in taken front tlie niee r not. t. 'Pit- court have decided that rclusimr to u e n"iaterH and periodical from ilie post ' rh-e. oi removing and leaving them uncalled : r. i ; facte efidc-uc! ot iktk.ktiox.ai. fkU Ii. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Corrected Monday, Deo. Cth, OU OVIAHA KROU PLATTSMOUTIL LtiTw. S :ij a. in. Arrives 11 a. lu. t :3 p. in. Arrive. 3 :4."p. in. ZZJA OMAHA. FOR P.'.A TTsMOCTn. Z-tto. 8 a. in. Arrives. 10 :05 a. ui. 6p.ua. Ari-lTPS, 7 :45 p. in. rot: the wesr. t .. riatU-citouth, 9 : a. m. Arrive In .jMIy. 12 :10 Kearney. S :(f p. iu. FU'JVI TUE WEST, vfow Kearney, ( :40 a. in. Leave Lincoln. : ii p. ui. Arrive J'lattujioiHh, 3 :15 p. la. soixa eaht : j.re. 6."" A. IJ. , :;?r. train (eaeli dv. 3 P.M. lXUMKilLMS, TO CO SEE. I'rf. i Eylrupal S. S. Children's Matinee. I4-e i, il l'rof. Saldwlu'a vxpofv of hiirit- ti'.Mil. Dk. iT-M v..!:lc :e!tlra!. .ta. IT. 1'eak J'anilly Hell lilr.geu. JUL' -Olllujlj j W pUR O.IO)C; tVh paid for I'ork )y 514 E. G. Dovet. A oo.l harness for 82, at the new ' -tniesa shop. i . m Mcis undersells th; whole country i t)ooU Hint shoes. Head price list and . und try him. 3-tf. k Streiht has bt:ig!it the Saun n s House "lius," and runs the rua hit.e -liiself" now. ( i!i. Metteer has sold his place of iiiiness, and Fred. Ecnhoff and John nle take hold there. Gold Tens, Pencil, ami a full line of tationary, at Chapman's. Iluneniber the Christmas pantomim r.s x: Saturday afternoon ami evening. i.'j! to see the oM woman that lived ' t sh'ic, and all her other children. ir; dd women who went up iu a rt., and lots more fun and pretty .. ;ext Saturday, will be a treat. lttlstios iionx:i:rs. ,! IVwont-ors, and all those sfttled in . .iAa prior to lMit), anl who are residents of Cass County. N'ebras . are 'rdially invitel to attend a tin;? of the Pioneers Association be held at the Court House in tlsmouth, on Saturday tho IStli of Dec. Ibl't, at 2 p. m. :nj everybody, a gool time is ex 1. order of tho Association. Wm. E. Wells, Sec'v. SCHLATEU THK JCWELtR ist received a handsome lot of iay (Joods. Call and see him and ine his tdock. 3Tt4 ever undersold in boots and shoes, price list elsewhere. . d-tf l'KTFK MKIMilX if.. iits i :m Ml LEGAL NOTICES. Probate Notice. Notice i.t li i'!y ifiv- i. ti :til r'-.vt h. v- 1V;1,. , f J. W. WATERMAN'S.- The old Stand-by Lumber Yard. Kinnon. d-eea-e.t, t !! the snnie In t!IP t'h.fi: ! -r-. v . i TT7: - V fhnn ' of Prot.aie .Indue. H.ito,tit:th. ,': C'uninjr; I Hi I UiU W lliLci OvUOi. Ulicap- ; 1'iiOFESSION AL CA1U)S is. I 'ei.. on or leloie the Hlh d y 'f June. A -tTi ii:, i: r: i:i.Li.-M i'. - 11 iJ Notic er than ever. it. n. tvixm.ui. ATTOUNLY nnil Counselor at Iir. Kcal l:iU' iM.i.jht aiuT hl. Tnes l aid : and !- i ci:il Httei. lion given t eolleiiont. tuticeover lr. Cli:inian s J).n;i wtore; i'iaii"iionin. j.ji ATTORNEY AT LAW and S.,l.. iiMr ha:i y. I !:.io in E:t;cra:d' r.iH-k, I'lattliionth. . enraskH. rn 1 H a i te on ai.-Ltl. I GUI N U t oil isTO AN1 THE 5 C 2 t .1. W .LJIb ml V Every one remembers the old EegemI t . of Giuevra, how she ran awa f rum the : ff gay dancers, and hid herself in th old j chest which closed on her with a spring j and how they all: 'riou-ht that iillit and they songlit her next day, a ml ihev nou lit li'-r In vain, when a week nasi- edawa." i l'-,t before we slut, stop at Car-! 1 t'His anei vv iteu iiei iuvci au old man. they find her skeleton in the old oaken chest. All of which will be represented and sang at Fitzgerald Hall, on Staturduy afternoon ami evening, next. E.U i:-d o. liovey. Vs. St. L. ; Ir.tre It. K. E'.'.iion. PnOiate .1- vi!'ti:i f Ca-. ami S...;c ul S. harness filanuHiiturers, LUiDt.l.s, SAIUH-LS COLT. A LS. an'i for tin' Cu'ini. '!;. f. u l iif v '! t-ii-e n i:ii-e ?i:t on the 2 : d-iy ii'c.i;,o'i , . 1). ;;. tiie-.nd l'rol-ne ! ;u.d a'.l 1 inJ-J of l:.;.-u i tltjtk, cor.stuhtiy on J .i;.e i-Mi''U ;ii order -i i-xt:r,'. i.t in the! !-;iiul. i .i n i f r-e i v nii.e .-r iiis i . '. 4 :: ll'r ym:r 1 " ' " . . " ' ... .: I i : i I t i : i 1 : 'I iviij:i;j.i: . rjK.vxs.TT, liEAL ESTATE n.l Tax I'ayins AlviUi. No t:u n -t PnMie, Eite and Liie la.-suiaine Apenli. I'iattMinout !i, Nt lraka. It. I.I VIX4i!TX. rilYSICI AN .Ni SIT.'n.ON. tenders hi pr" f s.mna'. services to the ciiii-n. id C:ih county, lle-ii'.enee soiiliieasf eorm I S!l!l im.l O.ik sts. ; ;!: on !:;io f reet. two iloor-t ve-itot ix;li. ! I'iattsnior.l l. Ni'lnaika. I 1 ! I e.tns j i il y of J iuM-tr. A. I. l. :. a- ni ''''. ; A. : a. . tin-!: tisr.e voti ca i t ari l make i'.c- ; Yvw'ii CoiitVctioncry, LH'iV i:ii ii. 1MVEY. i: i'iiAi:A & S;-;: (.t k. Li -' t-i vs for Pi"!?. GPvOCEry Store n b etc: oor& nun . rk mo iiii Ulila.UWl ZJ? A I W V&4Vf WHOLESALE 5c ttttTJXXJ Nos. 260 and 2G3 Wabash Avfenuc, Chicago WE ARE SPECIAL AGENTS TOTl i:ljin watches. AN" I) HAVE A FULL tlOCK OF HOWABD WATCHE381; AND AN ENDLESS VAr.IUTY F Ering in your Pork for Cash. Ct4 E. G. Dovey, MA KM ED. VALLEl7TiUTLIi:)S)N of tne bride 'h father. Dec. Mh. Hr.". by Jlev. (L li. Cnppeii. Mr. Jacob i:. Vaixkuv and Mm tl.uiv E. Kii iiAitnsox. eldest daughter f S.uii'l Kichard-ion, N. ; ail of Etgilt Mile (rove, Cass County, Neb. They had a huge gathering at this wedding, the ilKHAl.D iimleislaiid.s, some b0 odd peo ple, friend and relatives, were present, and a hui;e wedding cake on our table attests to the f;wt that they were all friends of the JlKR- Al.lt. DIED. THOMAS On the loth inst., at t o'clock a. in., i f li 'iltt !hti:i. 1 1 en il Ok It. infant son of Sam uel S. and S.irnh A. Thouas. Aged two year one month and Hilt-en days. Darling baby, liltle Hi:gl ! Hiveetas r.ises filled with dew. With the dawning of the dy. Paused thy little life away. Tea our (tailing little Iiuh, Always young, and fair, and true. When our feet with weary tread. Wandering upward, to our God, Spans the Miivering stream of death. Closed i life's fast fleeting bivr.th. We will gieet the, litlli- Hugh ! Bweet as roes filled with dew. 51 KS. II. E. Dl UNKTT. HIGHEST AWAKD. 1 received the diploma for line dress bouts at the State Fair, and continue to make the best and nicest tits. (live tne a call. aa-tfj 1. Meke.s. Fine French Chronios given away at Carruth's Jewelry Store with every $-.00 worth of good sold. JJTtf Your attention is now call ed to Dr. Chapman's large and well selected stock of Holiday Goods. Acordial in vitation is extended to all, to call and examine Goods. Diaries ! Diaries ! for 1876. Books of every description. Goods New ! Rates Low. Dr. Chapman. At Dave Miller's house, a new har ness mailer. At Ero. Waterman's. A partner in the lumber business. Dr. John Elack butchered 8 bogs which weighed 2143 lbs or an average of L'fiS pounds apiece. They were beauties. The trial of Fred Stadelmann and the Fire Department takes place Sat urday, after which the IIehald will have something to say about that mat ter. The ladies of the Pres. Church will in few days give the entertainment of the season. The Earn! of the 2;U Infy, from the Omaha Earracks have been engaged for the occasion. Further no tice hereafter. hildien's velvet h its, for fifty cents Mi:. E. 15. Ckockek & Cos. 87tf Joe Connor has turned lawyer, and "brothers" Sprague, Chapman and the others as natural. He had some notion of stepping into Judge Hainr's shoes, ( in signing papers &c.) but the judge filed a caveat. Prof. Eald win will give a practical illustration of the manner in which oiuojuj v. dMdoaj nm'dJOK .Ota fvj.ilin.ijr.) spooS jo U-io.w'o0'c$ ! the Davenport Eoys, Eddy Eros, and 1,as for j Prolnte 'Notice. HOLIDAY PKSSENTS. ! :-ff if mi'i.-r f (i.r p: ' i't ,' the Lit ft Ul and An enlarged stock of line WATCHES & CHAINS, Some of the. latest VATTERX or JEWELRY, SIL VER d- PLATED WARE, of all kind.;. A Largo Assortment of a l o g us: s, new designs and patterns.and a variety of NOTIONS, CARD CASES. VASES, etc., CUBA I' AS 'THE CHEAPEST! Xot to be undersold by parties sel- 1 il. tUHCld IH .S. !)::, .ll.Vu. ('t til ftdl T wiioai it n ay c uce..i : Til!: ii - lint J. M I'ntf'ilnion of Cas Co.iiily, Nei r..-r i. !;a- li in If.y i.l.ce )U sti ucii ii! r.f w ii j;.iti i to be the last Wiiiand i'cs.t:i:fi.t . f eiae.. icl Ail.'y. ileeeasd, :'.u l made :;-,i;iiiiMl i n I ' ii.ee the s in e ,n!i:iit le1 to Pi bate : I'.. at - .:d inriiter i-t for hcai it it at oil.re :n ; tisii.oui !i. on t !.c t h I day of .I filial y. A. D. l-7i.a: l' o'l-iie k ;i. m. ! of said d.iv. at ulih'h t' nc a::d place ail persor.s luteresietl may :;' ear at: I '.n imiiv; if any Uiey have '.vuy s.ud in ,i rament shot.; I not be j iilliuvi d as tiic larf will and :'!. '.nit nt of Sas.i- ! nel Alley, jeeeat-d. and the snic.e be uditi.'.Itd j Nl TS, SITUAKS. CANT) IPS. TEAS. TOUACCor.S, COFI'Er.S, I'LOC IX. Heniciil'iT t!i- pla-v1, op:m ite E. ! Ac. I)ovcy "s on lj'V.frM.i':i Siicet. ST HE 1 OUT if- MILLER. ii.i. n. TiiTir. TTni:FV AT I. VW and Ileal Esfite l'ro- kl'f. -pi'r:.i: nttetitiotl 'icti to Collection j r.ird all inatrcrs ;nei tin t the title t real estate. i;'ie(. on d tloor. over Post Oil.ce, Plat tinoiUli, Nebraska. ' ' ji'mticp. t 'vnr. ii:.'i j Oflicc on Main street. PlattsmoitMi. Net.. two ) lioots east of Hl.lt At.! rtilee. I'.i's'c.ess hour i fiom s a. ill. to t p. in. All eot'iity busiin ss usu I iiliv trars-tcted before a Justice of the Peace I v.iii be attended to. Also Kei.eirl collector of debts. lldvl .1. W. Hainks. DR. SCIIILDKHECI1T. Eclectic iv Ilc?naM)pathic Physician. tT 0":ce .ipiI Residetiec corner Silh and Vine ;iels. P'.attsnioiil h. Neb. Calls attended nt all hours. soyL int. j. 3i. wn r.uM.is. food fresh iniirt i'vvun,, ,.v h,d a,. lo.aiai se.,,.,Ms DELIVERED DAILY ! Physio-Medical Practitioner. I!.e HJI! U.IJ ui iFfceiiioei . .. i. in, . I KVni'DOr.)"S WjMF.IS pla TTS?fOUTli j ir i:ti:v want it. cv i L.8. - i CiSt.-l' Jt. V.. ELLISON. l'r iii.it" .Inde. Notice. Edward Met"; err. ti'.d J ute ,. ;;e-r. no i- rc-iiliat itit'tid nits wot take in He.- t : at hil ling less tfian cost. A largt' assortment t t;. D..vey. ..f the eoumy ;t cas. :. the , 70 , . ,,, , i st.ae ot Nebr.t.K:i. i!:i ! the tf.t.i uny of !- of 18 kt. rings. Please call and exam- ,.,.,; .r A. D. i.sto. ! his p.-ti:-o:i ,:x '-..- i-i- Iyuai.-Ti'dr. Cit Co., AVi. I fT-A!w:ts nt the oT.ce on Saturdays. rlouse ! 4oyl ine gotKls before purchasing. '3lli F. C.KlMtUTII. CHRISTMAS PANTO MI MKS! CUILDKEXS AFTEUNOOX 5IATINEE. Also, Tableaux and Drama, ia the Evening. Next Satciiday (the ISthI the Sun day Scliool children of the Episcopal Church, will give a Matinee in the af ternoon, for the btnlit of the children, the fund to be used for Christmas Presents. Time ."J o'clock. There will be Jlothtr Goose Tableaux, PantomiKie, "MistMoe Iioujh," Other Tableaux, - Songs and Music. In the evening the Pantomime, w hich is very elaborate, and a drama, entitled "The girls of the period." will bp given for the entertainment of the older ones. We want you all out, and know yuii will be pleased. Admission 2o cents; children 11 cts. Entertainimyit to be given at Fitzger ald Hall. A few bushels of corn to feed our chickens, wanted at this office on sub scription. For good and cheap harness go to the new harness shop. TERS()NAI We are greatly obliged to our friend Hunniwill, of Lincoln for copies of the Warren Journal, X. J. We know but little of it lately and yet we were burn in that county many years ago. We learn from the Wahoo R'-rcV-le that our old friend. Ceo. W tti'-t Court of C.iss Coiiiity. iitol St.tt.-of Nru:a ka. a.taii;st ymt. ei i i:: !; : thai J'ai ;;:ne a! i.Mi-tgf.ge t' f.ie said K.iw.ird i. l) .ey on lot iiuiiibcr four (). in Hock nni::i. r foriy-.-ix (Iriil in the city of i l.'.f isiaouth. in tin said nun: y or Cass, to s.-c ti c p.i.!iic::l ol toar hiini.o'd and t v nly-oiie doli.a s and t.iai t -one cents ( S-iJi.y! ., according in a ccnjia n..:e icle-red lo i in said itiipus :;, nd praying that Edward McOerr a:iu j .:.'. esr may pay ;a;a satn oi four liiiini red iit.d t . cuty -"tie if. ilni s ..:!.l nine t v-ori'" cents i siJI.'.'i i'. iih in ten st froi i l pe r.( !i day of J tiiie, A. D. is;, or that said pivtnises may be S'i!i to pay tin'Sitna and that tin Eil ward Mctii-ir and .lata- Meilcrr are I.Cietiy IK-iii'ii dtli il l';. ate ic:;'. i.ed to a.;ie:tr Uhii ausw'i r.s iid pet:tic:i o:i t.r l.'elore the '.Ith day of Janaaiy, A. 1, it-7 . eijv. ai:;) a. dovf.y. IJV ClIAl'MAN S'-ltAOl K. .1St." ii..s Al lorneys. Estray Notice. T;iken nr by the uwlet i;'ned. of So'i'h Pend Precinct, a small sorrel Lois- with a wtiile sriot in thu foielicHil, three shoes on, g -.llcd on ill back; had a leather halter on w hen taken up by me. II COON. South tlend, Xov.J.ili, ls7.". 3 Notice to Stockholders. At a luce tins of the Stockholders of the Franklin T.nVii Coiiioatiy. hail Nov.'aihcr ii4lh, lsTa, tiie following resolutions w.i.-t ;i ioaieu : "f'VcoiVriJ.- Tliat the Pn sident .unl Secretary he direct cJ to notify nil stockholders of this company to come foiwaid v.ithit ni.i'-ty !:;; s and pay ;.ssesaietils aad ;fl U'Ttls to ta. .r lots. KaM n-.itii-e to !. u!!i :c! t'.'ity da;. i'l County papers of Cass Conri!y. Neb and all Slocki'iolileis fai'.iig or n ti.sr. g to pay sesiaenl :. pi u nb n I y li.is i cs'.in. ioa, siiall for.i ii t'.a ir .stock.' C. H. lil.Al li, 1'IIOS. PuLI.l'l'K. Plcs't. a i 1 Scc'y. Legal Notice. David Mason r.nii -resident d- fervlaat, w til lake notice il at 'ciihia Ma-on did on ti c ill day of August. IsTa. tiie 111 pi I i! i 'I! Ill 1'c of-!i'-e of i he Cierk of t ha 1 'ist : let . cai t in a in I lor C.is County. Ne'oiasa. p'avbi'; th it ili eree of divorce be Lranted plaiiioll' fioni sa.id tb-tend-aat. !isMi!vin tar-riial iei.-tit..is !:! --'ei . e isiing between this plaint i!l s:nd la-i'.-nd-:r.i'. on the gr.ititiils of v. i.tul I s i n'l u ;i.a:a -t i Ii" ny del L-n-1. int. i : ia. t i hau t a 'it ;;'.": li the lilmg oi .-aid i : a on. ana -n-1 ticar.i si:nmi i.s Vi"t n oitnnti .vsn t vrtt.i. thy ami iuvk v o l" ! t an.', serve yon ive;-;"ar!y. roll YOCil -jt Delter You C;;ll on dot. Ben Hempel. Iir.S THE MAN. KEEPS AN EATING HGUSE. ON LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSlIoUTII, - - -. - NEIi. Heals at all Hours. Ales. Wines and . I l.bi:n;-s to be used rea son.'.hly. loi juur benclU if you desire. 4 0-y 1 B. II EM PEL, 1 Vo;. WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF ft ?rr" ?r i? y w La- li fL IN TOWN. -tvt Saunders P LA TTSMO UTII, XElt. J. II. LIGGETT, Proprietor. EWLY OPENED, RE-FITTED, AND RE-FURNISHED. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! -?-Cii arc.es Moderate. GRAND CENTRAL' HOTEL, Largest and finovt !Iolcl Ip lvccn C'lilrarToauil San rranflsco. GEO. THRALL, - - Prop. OMAHA. NEK. SEWING MACHINES" 1 now preoarcl to fix at:y kind of SEWIRG MACHINES, that need reimitinp: !:i tii" place. I havn received a New Lathe, j'tvucni Ki'ftit or PAT, A fir. lUTJJA'RD T-TAT.T, - - , v ! and cr.n miar.mtee tnv worl:. I'.nd nt prices that Maiu St.. ruder 1 .r.-t Nat. l.ar.k.) ;. ,.()t i ..r:ir t ;,e poor n.an or wunuin k 2 X-'-1i"e- 6 ' --If. ,...f.A,s- (;un wort; of every .ie-crilUiou - P.ll fv r.A: is .t fi'UMi vt rit tuf. 1 1., r f.Ue i-.t-cbaiiical work e-.n be oti at BEST WINES, LIQUORS, ir. v M.iip. ir;i. V. iiin.T. nit is notiileii that i.i.i.-s he ;; i ;,r and : t- i V -y ft "TT7i -i VV W III 1 JLLfj Iatiiiaty. 1-7J. tin-.-ai'tc will be tak-ii ; coa- j . , ,. wfi Cj. -A-. le.-.-eii, a!id ii ilcd'cu ia ii'i.'rtal aeeoitli Zi:::il.lA .vlAS' 1V ClIAI-MAN t Sl'itAl.l. !;. "iSlieriif's Sale. Py virtue of an 'xceiitio.i. i--aieo by C. V. Moor-. Cb-rk of i1). l-tsiitet Co-i-t. v niii.i a: nl 1 r ' as.- Cmiti'v. n !ua ;at. and ta ine direct el. t E E t H , UTC ? n ETC. f;vl 9 Vvm. uramberg, Deaier'ia F Is 4 1 rsTArrsMOt'TD, Nrtf.., op. Pi.-tt- V'.ley House. t-it hatn-l all Kinds of LU 211:7:1:, U(jfRS. SASH, ELl.VDS, SUING L ES. LA THS. ALSO Eurto'i, ! 1 wis; on ;:ie L'f.':'i i .-v ..f p 1 r. A. i. ';:. i t ): Nontli (ti er , , ... - ,r , 1 at 10 o c.o-k a. in. ot sai-l 11.1 v. at t :: sont 11 it;. or has bought out the oluce ot rhotnpson ,.. , ,.n t h. ,.,,., i i the en . oi p:-K,Sm"tn. & lteese in that place and entered upon Xtlul'u V'Vme n',e' f the practice of law for himself. Mr. hand dated 1 ee. 1st. Is. ". cabins for t l.e s;;n of four baail'.-e.l ilooai's tsita.e)' l:tatt. ft. liie liurton is an energetic, well informed ! Eii-t Natn.nai Ih.ntv of P.a.is:n-inii. Nebm-ka. . . . land l:vable ten t (o il i s alter iat-. : t tw. Ive and promising young man, ami we e.- , i-, )M.r cent, per ai,.:;ai after m.-turitv. j..nl -i'l ...,f 1.;,.. ...i- l.So ..,.,-!- ?r. ioAin' reason nut-;f 1. rt'ev s b e tf ... e-l d oy L LU AUVJ Itliil lil.liv. 110 111.11 IV ill ..'iiuii- ders county. Hon. Jos. M Kinnon and wife were in town some days hist wPL-k,the guests of Ceo. S. .Smith Es;p Hon. Tom. Majors, of Nemaha, Cen tennial mm for that County, and heaps of other good things surrounding him, was in Omaha on Monday. Mr. Wm. Stevens, of t lie firm of Stevens & Wilcox, visited us hist week and called-at the 1Ierali o'.lice. The firm of Stevens & Wilcox is one of the largest and oldest in Omaha. They Dealer in "rv "'"5 f7 t-fs TT "T rfl?, Main st., bt. 5th and Oth., PLATTSMOCTH, - NEB. sail . ami said nine is -i uci by .1. M.( al ter asm I do tin ii:!i:i"f". ill I ".: i. r : i as fallow : pa v to J tlie order of M. I.. (':; b-r. Sienit. lass Cia"it;. . and sii'ned A. W. M'l a'.i li.in. Cissl.icr; :', ; SkiiIji horses, oil- ill tvvo-l.oist- waon. i'lul j . ore .!, set ot luo-l; ir.c harn-s: the same b- j J TTTT.T) T TT fi- P A T V) T? it, u levied II. ...natal f.',e,i as t he ja-.e-.-v; y of.!. ' U 1. 1 J i. X ST ii J-l J-V , !. Cater. . -11111 V. .1. latter, tb-iendanls : to MouldingS, iveic i by s-ttlsfy a jli.l inn ti'. ol vMI n :r Cbal ics Shepherd. ila.!iiiu. PlaitStiiotith, Neb., iec. 7ih. A. I. tS"-V M. It. v L'l Li n 37t2 Sher: In Bankruptcy. In the District Contt of the t'ln'd States, far the Dwinct of .S-!ir.!-!i.i ; ia the matter of John ll .u.s:', i;a:'.kru;d. IHxlrirt f A't '.i .i.s.a. : This is to .five no; ice, I hal oa the 4th il.iy of Dee.-inii.-r. i.sT). a Warrant of P-aukruptcy Was issue.! out of Distrn-t .'otirt of tiie I nited Staii s lor tne District ot ebras;;a. r.t'.'.m-l It e csiata of John 11. eise. of . ia -ii wm.. I. in t .; Conui of I V'-lU ApOipiJaAO put! IplMlAliy 31 OH E WET CARPETS NO MORE COLD FEET ! UJI'STAIILE THRESHOLD!!! I Oat all Cold, Wet, and Dnst! new thing Rubber Thresholds. ssrs. Miitheny & Dover, Agents for new adjustable Eubber Threshold, 1 be in Plattsmouth for a week or cT. and are prepared to put these holds down at once. They arc rranted to keep out all wet or cold . tights. Price 82.73 for common m-; .side, lining of rubber all around - door included. Xow is your time. Matheny & Eoyeu, Saunders House. others perform tricks and wonders by the aid of spirits. The Prof, takes no spirits in his and will discount the best of the seances in open daylight, flo and see him and be disabused of many errors. COLLECT 1UX NOTICE. All persons indebted to M. McGuire or McCuire & Curtiss, either on lum ber account or for Eiipior must settle their accounts. We have changed our i partnership and the business must be settled up. Please take notice, nil ac counts must be settled within the next thirty days or they will be collected by law. M. Metier re, MCOUIRE & Cl'RTIS. do an immense business, and are per- Kon-illv two nf tilt finest 1 lemen ! Cnss. in s.od distri'-f. who lias been duly a.i- son.ui, iwo oi ui iiiu-.t nHuu tit ii jjl(,.(ll a t:i!,Mip; . u; oa l. is o vi Pctiri.ia. and the reader or any bo.lv else ever met. t.ie payment u any i -i.ts. ;an tee oe iv. n. i any piopcny be.oii;;it.ir to s.iil il.nil'.ru;-:, We had the pleasure of meeting Se retary Taffe, in Omaha, Tuesday. Mr. Taffe is looking very well and meets with welcome wherever he goes among his old Nebraska friends. NOTICE. d persons indebted to nie are re ed to come forward and settle by st of January, either by note or r the accounts will be placed in tnds of an officer for collection. 1 Ir. W. II. SCHJLDKJiECHT. FARMERS ATTENTION! .Litis Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac ! on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. -r Clippings of Spanish and Ameri-robaeeiK-s fur smoking purioses. S'tle. Eest qualities of plug-smok-.obaeco always on hand. 2t)-tf. CL OTIIING CL OTH I NO ! A 'in. Stadelmann htvs just received one of the finest stocks of clothing, hvots, shoes, hats and caps ever brought tt tire city of Plattsmouth. Come one coinenll and see for yourself, no charg es for showing goods. Also a nice lot of I.AVtf's FI RS, lady's F US Call and see the lady's furs, 31tf. at "Win. Stadelmann's. NEW HUTCHER SHOP. NOTICE. pp & Greenslxteat Elm wood Neb. al dealers in dry gds. grtceries, ill articles generally kept in a :ry store, desire to call attention 'tr stock just laid in this season, .ok the farmers to call and exam ir pc)ods lfore oin away from to bay. f CLJtrP A flHEENSLATE. Plattsmouth, Neb.. ) November 22d, 18T5. TUe undersigneil wish to call the attention of the Public to their New Meat Market, on south side of Main Street, two doors east of Jones Eivery j NO EXCISE F0II IJElNli SICK. No person can use Eosehee's German Syrup without getting immediate re lief and cure. We have the first case of Coughs, Colds or Consumption, or any disease of the throat and lungs, yet to hear from that has not been cured. We have tlisli ibuted every year for three years, over 2."!,Mi0 sample hot ties by Druggists in all parts of the United States. No other manufactur er of medicines ever gave their prepa rations such a test as thi Go to your Druggist G. IJ. Chapman, and get a pot tle for Tile and try it Two doses will relieve you. Sample bottles 10 cents each. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOUND! A Key. evidently lielonjjiri-r to a hotel, a It has a brass cheek and number attached to it. Cull at this ollice and p.iv for this notice. NOTICE. A certain promis.sory note, given by the un dersigned to Mary Altschuler, for the sum of three hundred dollars t$:.0O), has been lost, and I hereby w arn anyone from purchasing the same, it having been paid in full. And I having a re ceipt lor tbe some. iverv ot to him. or to his u-e, and the trans: rot aav . lon er v bv him are forbidden by la.v. That a meeting of the cr.Miiors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or 'more s-!.:ni-es .f his E-rai. w i':i be held ;it a Court of li.iuuraptcy to in tioaieii al Ouiali i, in s :;d d.stiiet on ihe 'tt!! day of De cember. IsT.'.. a 4 o'clock p. in., at I lie o'bee of J. L. Webster, Esm., the Reuister iu liaiiki uptcy of said Court. WILLIAM DMLV. 3712 I". S. Marshal. Manhood: How Lost. How Hettorod! sv Sn Jiit published, a new edition of jTLzMi''- Culverwell's Vlrltr.it- "iJ' Unsay on the radical eure y'nfl i Vtirr iwil tioui niedn ine) of Soeriuaittr rinea orSeniinal W eakness.Involnntai'y Seminal lisses, linpotency. Mental iitid Physical Inca pacity. Impedimctils to MaiTiatrei etc.: aNo Consuicptioii. Epi!e;is, and I n-, iial'tced by self-iiidn!:ncc or sexual c.vtiaai.iice. .c. i2t'iice, In a sealed envelope, only six cents. Tiie ecli brated nrhor. in this .dniirnMe es say, clearly ib nioi.i rau s. f.oai a ii iny yeai-' sueccssf al 'I'. u t a ', i !ia t t 11" a l i r uii,; eotisc.t a":i 'es of sclf-abes' may be radicaliy cural w'itit out the use ot intern il mcdi.-iue '.r the a;'i!i-1-tion of the kai'i-, point na; out a mode of cure al once si!ii;L . cer'aai. a.:., caectiial. !' uiciMis of which eery stiT.-rer. no matter wliat bis condition may "be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. .y"T.i.s lccf.ne sho'ald In in t'le hands ot every yaath and every man iu the laud. . s.iit" under seal, in ii plaii envelope, to rr.y address, jxil -paid, on receipt of six cents or t post aire stamps. Address the Publislicis. -IIAM. J. '. lil.lXK A .. 10-;-Ty J- 127 Bowery, X. Y. : P. O. box. ir.-'i. CE3IENT. LI21E, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKED R.VTE3. !?ia Call an ' Ptamine. Mrs. A. H. Knee WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Cnr'.s. Switch . pulTs, mul :di kinds of Hair Work pronijiily and beat I v mane by Highest Price Paid for Coun try Produce. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Ladies pine Oold Watches, liobl i )ieiii i 'hams, iold Neck Clinins, Siiver est Chains, Table t 'aMorx. Cake P.askels, Nut Picks. Card Slam's. Napkin Rins V alters. Butter Dishes, tiold Rings, Dlrc'i'i-Hi. Cold Tooth P!V. liobl Watch Io), Coral I cads. Coral Neeklstci-. t oral Sets und P.rone OruauieiiU, Silver Soons, Tea Sets. Ladies' Sets, Pearl Sets, lee Pitchers, C-"Te T"nis. , tl i'uf I Is'ie. poon Holders, Clip and .oL.iflS; frt-rrlrts, -f'rt 'thimble. Oliver Thlniblna, to. id l..ek.ina.t fhirt :u.lf. heal li'iigs, r.ioo! ae I OflBce and Parlor Clocks of overy Description. Watch Materials and Tools for Jewelers Every one vlsttimr CHIC.MiO should call ft our esiablisbment nmPexninino our toods. 35t2i XII K IIF.AI'I14T I'UII'I N 1M OI U 31UTTO. HENRY HOWLANI). CABBIAGE & -WLC3-OIr X. JA-EI, A WO General Blacksmithing: 'u.rt'la-rei. Iliirrlei. nml Wngrtrf ite pa I red on Mhort Xotlex) AIJSO laoiic-Niionixo Aid all other Iron wf.rk promptly attend ed to. cheaper than tbe cl.eapest, for By the utidcrstuiied. H.HOWJ.AND. Shop northwest Cor. ot V inn A SlXlli I J J.AlJSMtll.il, .M.H. . I ..... I . -l mT s- '4, ' V-iV.;' :-.. - ;';'. defy any cstablislunciit in Jtlic United Stated W Low Down Prices. Men's Stoga Eoots Men's good whole stock Stoga Eoots, Men's good all calf hand made Eoots, Men's good Wool or Euffalo lined Shoes, Women's line Oil Grain Sewed Shoes Women's first class Pebble Goat Sewed Shoes Women's Art1 tic Over Shoes, Men's Arctic Over Shoes, - Snow Excluders, 2.)C extra. . - The best in the world, those Women's Frenclr Calf Shoes 8.35 .S3.50 . 5.00 2.50 . 1.83 . 2.59 . 1.25 . 1.3U Llanufacturing & Repairing done Neatly and with Dispatch- Plattsmouth, Neb. P. MERGES. f 5P r-t- o o B a v " Z3 3. O SAGE BROTHERS, lica'ers ia ., ETC., ETC. -t3. Ia. ClOLDlNt; Stable. Here, gentlemen, you will rind j 5!&Samantan Nervine Etcf ami Pork, Mutton and Veal for TEST aVETF aiLLINEKY STOCK. Chmst Hats la Toxrn. ; dwTion & Nathan are constantly "iving additions to their line of mil ry, and are bound to suit everybody, lined hats from 81.50 up. Call and . nine their goods. Complete assort d of ffHtltem, flowers, plumes, &c. 31tf. Sale, at wholesale and retail, cheap for Cash. We also keep on hand Turkeys, Chickens. Eggs. &c &c. Give us a trial, gentlemen, and get tho worth of your money, in gotxl meat. liespect fullv. Young- & Williiite. 37tf. AT FRANK STAWTEUTS ! Holiday Tresents for Everybody. More especially portraits of friends; which are the most pleasing Holiday Presents that can be made. Frank Stadter paints such portraits in oil colors, in the most artistic man ner, this being proved by the opin ions of persons from abroad, who see his portraits on exhibition at his The preat Nerve Coiie.ueror. cures Epileptic Kits. Convulsions, spa.-ms. St. Vitus Datice, und all Nervous Diseases : the only known p(sitlve remedy for Epileptic Kits. It has been tested by thousaud.s and lias never been know n to tail iu a simile ea-e. Trial package tree. Enclose stamp lor Circulars trivimt evidence of cures. Address, Dlt. S. A. RICHMOND. "Uly - Box 741, SC Jo. Mo. EMPLOYMENT. Men. women nd agents, we li:ivr int ivii-.it Mill lo-e.l. Our Uxll Mounted I'brornos oulseJl .-.tiyttnr.i; in tbe market. Mr. Perkbisoiis wii.es ; "1 -trnciti i:t yesterday. and bv v.ort.in 'ii- v f-.ur bouts,, cleared 7." A la dy lias ju: reported her profits for tlie fore-lli-on as .J ; ysb-nlay up to 'i o'ciiK-k she clear ed ?7 .v. We can prove beyond question that one a-nt or.b red 5.l-,an ol these chronios in eleven working itavj. vVe have liie laii;es: and finest aso:t. eciit in tiie I'.iited stales; hun dreds of choice subjects from which to select. We wiU semi yoa an assorted mo of the b-st sellius mi receiot of o.n i. Send iu your orders or irivc us a calf. Sample bv mail or 12 for Ka. I 51..1 4K. 1 1.. 49 V.'.isUiatou Hi., Boston, Mass. P. . Box l'l A. ?nrti ETC One Door Eas; of the Post-Orhce, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Practical V."i.rkcis ia SHEET IRON, ZI.C, TIN, BRA ZIER T, cf-., tfv:. Otdcis left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Til I Ia Ia 1 X S; 21 Y STORK. On Main St., 1 door east of Clark & Plummer's. ROBERT DON NELL Y S A'2 ELACKS311TH SHOP. Y:gou, Jiugg'j, Mzehln; a:i l Plow re jxiit iiij, an ! g: mral Jnlbinj. PETER RACEN, The old Reliable V7ason Maker lias taken ciiar re of ihc- waon FTiori, IIo is wt-'.l knorvn as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. 'Jew 1Vasis ei'-l J?i;-;it4 ma e trd-r. SATISKACTIO.V OI ARANTEED. Shop on Sixth st ; -t et. :..) d'e S'l eight's St -.Me. CEDAR CRtCEK ADS. J IM MELD EH bSOiU lft.M.FlaS 1" Of every ki.id.ai the lovvost p-.s-ible rates. Also For whi.-h th.-l:i.-l,est CAS'I prices sre paid. Hides ana pfi.'i'ic" of a".", kinds :jf.i:;;!t at ii'-asoiiabie r.itcs. I"ISi:MI".ir. W r.TiV-.Celar Cre, k.) -if-vl C.tss rn.. .YKLVf.-l sr.J. 00 CD OT 53a c- -1 S T CS u - eT m 71. rt ' J- rxj ! t-H o NE W LIVERY, FEEI, AND SALE STABLE ! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. The part nershiii f O. M. Streurht and W. 1). Jones, bo'ii this day dissolved Dr. VT. 1). JONES, w lil open a new l.ivet v. i-c-d, ami aie r-iaoie, at tne Old HI. M'T HARN.ou .Main Street, just east of John Shannon's well known ; Sliioie. I'lattsmouin. .sen. I 5Ioi-e. IlacicM A. '.irria;et, ! to let at all times, at leasonal.le rates, j HOUSES JiOAnnKD HV Til K DA 1", WEEK, iff THE JOHNSON ORGAN, JL' READ LG.DOVEY'S a-J-T AD. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I .Manufactured by th JOHNSON ORGAN CO., AT rLATTSMOUTH, Kr.. Drew the First Premium At the Eighth Annual Fair of Cas County, Neb., over all competitors. The following Organs were ia Competition: S Mason A Hamlin, 1 Estel, and 1 Standard. These organ'? are all put tap ia elegant Elack Walnut Cases, and Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! and guaranteed to givfl perfect tathv fact Jen. Having made up my mind several yeaiVago RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR 1875, and bein? still nf the same'mind. T take UU method of informing the public that I a.'H selling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS I ' Is the most icrfect lhat h;i3 ever bcorf proiucei on any icen iiisiruuienb. THE TONE uu Mu.xru. Particular attention paid to driving and train ! iti' Horses. llavniLT all the appliances 1 shall ! i. take a particular leatnre of mv bii-iness the j diivin;aad hamiiin of i'ROTl INtJ STOCK. ;?f"!b-'.ni: well kno-va all over tin- county, no ; further chi. i music is neeesNnry. I cordially in I vi e nil mv friends to call and see me. ami tliCV will receive a hearty welcome. Respectfully, Liir;je as.soii.uunt of Hard and Soft COAL STOYE3, W01..I and Coal Stoves for HEATINli 01 C00K1N15. AVhvays tni Hand. Cms V. D. JONES. IV BERING WATER ADS. $I.U0. Every variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept la Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notn-e. tsrErznrTuixa i va ii ua y ted : PCICim LOW UOIV.V. mt SAGE BROS. Fleming & Race, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. Ani 1'arniern'Kupplien (ifnerally. Our (Joods are all New, and we sell them CHEAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! WA-1 WREPTVG WATER, NUB. C.-t Z. L Jl 7 DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and tiale Stables. Corner Glli and Pearl Sts. hoksks i;oai:kd i:v the may, ri:i:2L, o:i ;io.tii. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, Fora Ka!r CoinmHsion. TEA3IS AT ALL HOURS. Partieui.ir attention paid to Driving arid Training TKOTTIXC STOCK. Will also have for service during the season the CELKKKATMI HOUSES : NOR 31 AN & TALARAN, Known as th IV. I. JO.VKfi IIOIIHES. j JT"Ft parti?9S, W7 vr pmier. yy AT COST. and shall contintte rtoineso through tM jmu or until tile IHTficIc Stools is dlspo.pd vt. During that time I Intend to 8ell (Joods for Cash, Lower than any other house can do and sustain themselves. II y stock consists of GROCERIES, DR T GOODS; II ATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES; WALL PAPER, CARPETS, dC, tC, dC. The. whole stock will be sold st otlomPrices until it is ALL SOLD OUT. My object Is not to 1 SSEalse ESozles', but to GET out of BUSINESS. Give me a call and see for yourself. E. G. DOYEY. The satisfaction they are giv ing, and the universal praisa they are receiving aro justly merited They are First Class in Every Respect. Ivory Fronts for Key. F.bony Mharps, II raw 11 n w, 3Iorticf 'lothcl, that thrrr It no Krlctloa or Hqaralilns. Action as Quick and Per fect as the Rest Piano. X-zf The Tuning and Voicing in all done by mvself, and the superiority of Tone and its ijuick response to the' touch is acknowledged by every judge that has yet tried them, whether prej udiced in favor of other organs or not. If they see and hear them they invari ably give the verdict in their favor 1ST MY TRICE LIST is as low J for an First Class Instrument and those who wish to procure a good and reliable organ either for Parlor or Church will advance their own inter est by trying my Organs. Address, TIIE JOHNSON ORGAN CO., Plattsmouth, NeW. WHOLESALE ard Rftail Dealer ire fifing, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuntvl and Repaired.- Satisfaction guaran1-tl. TT rrrr ,i - -s -r.r-jr- -vvr