THE II ERA LI). J. A. MACMUKFHYi .fciiiTon. lATTMOUrif. NOV. 4. 1873. Wc have not received clubsrattMfrom -.5 niny papers as we desire 3 ft, and Ai .defer our club list and oil? un : il another week. Dacruo lu.s pol.l the II.istinj.?. .Aw njf to a Mr. Wi.iL.. n. THE SUPPER! MAKING CAHK OF IT. F.itli.r MoMy U rogh on Stffl or e Steele is ;i pn ttv t;ii-!i c;i.-;ti:ier. We :irr sjrry to h -tr that I5ro. Well of t!ie Sutton 7 tints hat been on '.l a sU-': list. For once the I'.'o.'imj got off a :od thiti-j on the Jibbenaiiios.ty of V. Vi'e in earn "Blood. Ia'o, Ac." ThVRepubliem' editors of Cax; coun ty art! enacd in crimination and re ri m i nation. Wa tct nan. A mistake. There is but one Re- lablican editor in the county at jnes nt. The W. W. chap can hardly be .-ailed an editor, but what there is of s.i:n id Democrat, died in tha wool. The .Il v w!u d"23 tho pretty on thd 'YalJiman is neither A eunuch in ;.;.litics. The Star iiIuljes in a perfert "slop )v r" of advice to Geo. Smith, and at tributed his defeat to his connection with Hitchcock, Cunningham, Stout, Ac We know nothing about that, but we do know that Geo. Smith would to-day. be District Attorney but for a plain fraud. It is utterly impossible that a Republican candidate in Nema ha County, should not get more than 173 votes, if the tickets had been there for the people to vote, Mr. Iiroady's election is no honor to him, if it was ?v amplished by such questionable :na&s. TILTOVdTrECi L liE. The Hunters' Club gave their An nual .Supper last Saturday evening. We presume they chose Saturday even in;; so that their jr-iosls miht have all day Sunday to wrestlf? with indiges tion, caused by such f?amey larks as this. We are informed that few of the club could attend Church Sunday but then that is not so unusual as one, and dx-s not always follow from a game supper. TO COME TO BCSIXESS, The Club has largely increased this season, and numbers some 40 members. If each one brought a wife or a sweet heart, that would alone make 80 guc.-ds to sit down at St ide man's, where the supper was prepared. Those who were obliged to be absent, "sent a hand." The Press together with some invited guests, made about &0 ptrsoas who sat down to canvass this game proceeding. Such a table is seldom seen; though we have hard times and no money in Nebraska, they cannot cheat us out of something to eat while our hunters survive, and powder holds out to burn. Here is theill of Fare: ANNUAL SI'ITEIJ OI'" THE PLATTSMOUTII SPOTS MEN'S CLUi:, Off. 35. M K N U Mr. Theodore Tiltoa lectured in Oma uh i Monday evening, on "The Problem of Lift-." The house was fairly full but not crowded, 33 it was supposed it would be. Tilt on is o:ju of the finest looking iiv n that ever appeared on a stage. His pose is grand ; his lecture is full of truths; his speaking is almost per fect. We do not think aa audience warms up to him as it d to some men. He evidently has determined to face his problem in life, in this way, and bis apj-aranc before the public will really act in I113 favor. Whether he intends it or not, his "lec ture is a passionate appeal to the sym pathies of mankind. While we admire Mr. Tilton's oratory, we could not help this thought: A part of the unsolved problem of life thu past few years has been, how big a fool can a man m ike of himself, and yet survive to lecture? "STILL IIAiaIN(T"0X3iy dal(;ji- TF.n v The committee appointed on County S-at from Weeping Water, waited on the Commissioners Tuesday, accom panied by their lawyer, Mr. Steven s' n. of Neb. City. Mr. Stevenson made a very hand-E-une and manly plea for their side of the question, and asked: First: That the election be bet aside, on the grounds that it was not the Election contemplated by the law, inasmuch as a number of ballots were cast without designating a place, being simply "against re-location of County Seat." He claimed the call for an election, illegal, on this ground; referred to the case of Hamilton County '3d Neb.,) and asked the Commissioners to call a new election. ( Secondly: lie claimed that if said call was legal, the count showed that more than two-fifths of the vote of the county had been cast for some other place than Flatlsmoutk, and asked that the econd election, contemplated by the law, be called. .Lastly, if neither were done, he inti mated very sweetly, but very clearly, that a mandamus would be resorted to to compel the same. The Cora'rp, also acting under legal advice, say they have no further power over the election after tho rejxjrt of the canvassers, and they shall consider the matter as having passed out of their hands. And so stands the battle check! 'A'e !j not atTiv TvitU Lawyer .Stevt i,sii. 'tin' I'a-c 'jd:ii in ''.. 3'1. "a un !T t'i old liw f Hftnovil of County Seiits. it jioviled for luit one ek-rtio'l :;nj le- nut then si;-' iuw tl.-La!!otf '::iit ( primed. V,V t 1;..- U th.s n".v "iispridi 1 the (1!ht entirely. H for Bc-lm-iili-n of Cmtiiiy Scats, is ml :i!o for till -f eh-iti-uis. ill tiiL Ijit 01, li, voir m:iy vote aain: t ar.y n-loe: ;iim. After .':jk'. for a jilA'-i-. N E W ( 'ONSl'I I U T 10 N. us up "a. helped cook Gov. Garber's Froc Ianatioa. Whereas, at a general election held on the 12th day of October, lSTl, at which was submitted to the electors of this ?tate for their adoption or rejec tion a new constitution framed by tho bite constitutional convention, and al so separate articles relating to the seat of government, and allowing the elec tors to express their preference for United States senators; and Whereas, A majority of all tho w.'es polled were cast lor tho new cor:-'.! ca tion and also for tho articles relating to the seat of government and for the article allowing electors to express their preference for United States sen ators ; Now. therefore, in pursuance of the power in me vested. I. Silas Garber, governor of the state of Nebraska, do issue this day a proclamation and de clare said constitution, together with the articles relating to tho seat of gov ernment and allowing electors to ex press their preference for Uni ted States senators, to be adopted, and thai the same will take effect and be the su preme law of the State of Nebraska on and after the 1st day of November, 137.1. In testimony whereof I have hereun der set my hand and caused to be affix ed the great seal of state. Done at the city of Lincoln, this the 30th day of October, 1873. 1W the Governor: Silas A. Gakber. Uui'NO T-ciii'ck, Scc'y of State. JoOiE. 11. jait. a la Esquimaux. !'Iire de Fr:i:u c. Huriteii' ch-lilil. irKANT Stii:Tc(l with unions, a la Cliinois. StUiiVil v.iiii ;i;i!rs. rs u;nt. BaHeJ. Ptewcl. iHua" eil. Fiiccimlcaa. Gkkkm Wished TF.Ar. Kn voyru;'iir. In diau .sljlc. btutfel witii onions. lU.i E Wi n '!:! Ik a i. Ko.'.st. l!akpl. htul ed wail ajink-. riicnssce. PiMiuiK Cim kk.v Tot ji. linked i-ie. li'ut. J i iruu U-ua. (jUAir. o.i toat. Oa Toijuite. Syii'ii O'i toust. 1'i.cvKi: Oa to;i-t. Kqvib!:ei. Pie. Find. SaatoJaux pctis poii. 1JAHKIT A 1 1! alien iu Keuf?k. l'ate. Vkoeta m.ns M;i-hed I'o'ii'ioos. Kiicd To-t;Uot-. St-'V. ed Tutn:ilH-s. Kail. Celery. 81 ad. Cold Siauii. a l iaver. I'astuv anij DiisKisr Ajf!o Fios. Ciau beny I'ies. l'ies. TaM.s. Craubeny Jeiiv. Currant Jelly. Wine Jeily. A! i'il beiis. itaifnis. i'OKFKK. Win ea f"at:w!)a ; Mi:-" ; Clianij'aiotie ; Star; Eos An-io ; lJ! I Se.ii. The Ducikscnthe table were only ri valled by the Dears at the table, and the Quail that lay on the board were not as haudsoinj as the Doves that lluttered over it. Geese flourished on the cloth and by the cloth. No (gut ter) Suiic allowed, but glorious I'lovi r lay scattered about. Game showed in the eyes of the men, and watered in the mouths of the youth. The trophies of the chase (somewhere) glittered in many a bonnet, and dead shots glanced from more than one bright eye. At 8 o'clock the live game commenc ed to devour the dead, and a chap bad to be quick on tho trigger, to get his pouch full before the hunt was over. When the eating match was closed and the club lay back for evening roll call, THE I'KESIDEXT ANNOUNCED: "The hour having arrived when the banquet of Game must cease, (for lack of material; the higher feast of reason, and the How of Donolan's Muscat will commence:" He called for Cap. Holdrege. Q UK Tt IKS, TOAST.-?, AND SPKECnS-S. When the glasses were filled, Mr. Holdrege said: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am a poor hand at any kind of a toast except Quail on toast, so will offer you a connundrum: "Why are the Quail that we brought ia, and our host, Mr. Stadelman, in soma respects alike, at this supper?" "You tell" "give it something easy.'Vcc. "Because they both Capt. Jones' Goose." "God for Holdrege!" Capt. Jones sprang to his feet: "Mr. President, that's a mis-lire; what was the differance between Capt. Holdrge when he returned from tha hunt, and a Mackeral j'ic-t landed in the hold of a Yankee fishing smack ?" Vivian "Mr. President, I ariso to a point of order I" President "The gentleman will state his point." Vivian "While from the necessities of the case, ve may have to allow much that is Fowl to pass around this table, we object to anything Fishy." Shouts of laughter "Good" "tally one for VivT Club "Answer !" "answer ! I" President "The gentleman's point 13 well taken; Capt. Jones will pro pound again." . Club "No!" "no!" "Jones!" "Jones!" "Answer" "Answer" "Division" "We call for a divi-.i :i!" President 'Gentlemen, I submit a I : Fricassee; Jones has the net, let him haul in his fish." Jones "UwMiege was well peppered, and the Mavkerai well salted." Club "Jones ahead!" "Tally two for Jones!" THE PRESIDENT OTKERS SOME TOASTS. President "La lies and Gentlemen, I offer you a.', a sentiment to-night, "The Flattsmmith Sporting Club," a set of jolly goo 1 boys; and I c:dl on Capt. John O'Hourko for an answer." Capt. O'ltourke "Thai's a lino shot, and takes me under the wing. Like Holdrege, I atn better at eating a toast, than answering a toast. The editor of the; Louisville Couri-ir-Journil says: 'Tho inscription, "D. B'i::i3 kill 1 a lnr oa t'.iis ;r ;o in 1775." may be foun I on more than two thousand trees in Old Ivaintuck.' That is just about oa3 hundred years ago, and while you were all laughing at our two captains' connundraras. I, imitat ing Bro. MacMurphy, went one eye, on it, and sat meditatively pooping into that last Champaignebottle we opened. I there saw this vision: One hundred years had fled; a band of jolly hunters and antiquarians, were meandering tho banks of the classic Missouri. Nat many miles below the nnnth of the Plat to they found a mound and an old charred post, bearing this inscrip tion: "This ja-irk? th" s;-t wh:- t'as tswst famous aliot of ancient days, i.i.ri '4!! of vim and Iiu wor. k ivc Uis last tlr; of whiskey to a poor old d"af Ferryman, and weat without, 'All Ilsiak, for the rest of liU hunt. For t'.iis ('.red of charily, and sclf-dcuial. Ids l'.viii eoim ides Ii3vermsd t'i's iiur-.-.v ""' . May Is I. amik; never lie forgotten, :.a.J Lis cliootiie.: never e::"ed. P. S. I lis name wan K. II. Uvi;:g-tosi." Passing down tho stream, they foitnd another mound which said: "Thi living clump of !.n!rijs!;rsbifi ?0"r- l.eeri laTsfi-vc 1 t'roai the (l"v;:e. i;nz ll;!) I of i.k'.u i eo!ii:n;'.nor;le i'.ie spot wlo-re a 1 1 1 1 1 1 : y iiajircr of o!d. madti a viy line: jioinl ly sitt::i siid-'.ealy In I he v,zt:t as aa iminoav "c'.i of i)n -ks came tlvit way. The dn -k la'dakis;; his lhy head fjr a little i.:;.:id of wih..w, lit down ia ru-!i liiimiien t'mt Ik? l.e- -a many hundred, aad ui:ide itjore jioiius tlian tie; whole yportin elua that ) Hit n.i.11:! wai I$ 'iiiie'.t." fctill further on, another mound told this story: "riaerud to tin; memory ol It: -'. Smith, a of few faults and manf cartridges, who from this s f . ; t sliot a sin,rlo p-oose. at v.:i a' Incredible ditane, thereby c.uiiii:4 the yminj est toddler of the Farmer's wife wh Jived rln by, to tura three double soni:rau!l: ;::id briu up on the kile'ien table with : 'lio. Ha, that ire:i(dier :nan out there shot a pose more as a n;i!e oif-Hurra ! lie has loiiti been ;:'iti:ered in thegir-at bunt lv.g poji.h of Nat are, but hi loving comrades till iememb''r the sreat preacher's siiot, with awe and wonder, an J )i::t to hi. n as a maa who never missed his mark." I am told that the valley is full of such reminiscences of the jolly Platts mouth boys, of a hundred years ago, but the dry eyes .and parched lips of my hearers warn me to take my eyo out of that bottle, and open the other, (the other eye I mean;. Here's a long rango and plenty of amunition through life, (drank.) That's my parting charge Mr. Presidennt. Three cheers wero given for the Captain, and tho r K ESI D KNT A N N O U N't' K I : "To the best shot, Andy McLaughlin." Mr. MoL "Friends and fellow huut ets, that is. you hunt for tne gim and I hunt for the supper. lean draw a chock, but not a b:id. I might dis count an acceptance, but no man can discount this supper. I can compute interest oa note or account, but no o:ij can compute tho interest with which I counted on this feast. It makes no difference whether it is given-back canvass-back, or blue wing, specie or cur rency, our friends of the sporting club have solved thy inter-convertible bond system. They have converted a modicum of circulating duck an. I geeso into a bond of couimoa sympa thy, and brotherly tastes; they have, converted their strength and their manhood into d icks and drakes, as one may say, for our pleasure. They have pre.-ented their currency at the coun ter of our appetites, and shall we r. 'l issue them thy best bond on earth i:i return? liu bond of love, esteem, and affection, for all time. Gentlemen, I can cash a draft, but this ovt my pile. The best shot doesn't always bring in- the game. I have over checked my deposit (of words) and shall close the account." Loud and continued ch?ering ari l hurrahs for Mac ooxni'.ydkum;. J. Marthis "V.'hv is Cap. Bennett like the great Jewbh lawgiver?" "Because Moses mother lay him down carefully in the bulrush -s, but Cap., like a good boy, sat down with out any mother." Osborne "Why are thf boys who didn't get any game, like an old beer drinker on a bust ?" Club "Giye it up." "Though they didn't make a p'int, they can all hold a quart." MOKE TOASTS. The Press "MacMurphy" ; Mac. had been late to supper, but slowly and gravely arose as if oppressed with the weight of passing events, and faced the r."enoe. II .'. had a gimey look, bis eyes were owly, his cravat had parted, owing to an burnt use siiu of squirrel pot-pie that had passed through while laughing at Vivian's p'int of order, and two buttons of his vest had left to make room for the last quail that had lluttered away from his fork. "Waving aloft the leg of a m tg niiicent "grtcu-wing," be tov'.c a bite ?.nd began: "Gentlemen of the convention. laugh ter aside Confound ii! laugh, will you, I ain't half done supper. L:: s of this sewing circle, more laughter Blast it, some body start mo, won't you? 'A horse! a horse! my kingb'iu for a horse!' shouted King Blc.hard during a gamey carnage many years ago. Juke him on the scene of this Livory Business, ' and tho t p and all the parapherna-1 0111 CO.1".; IT i t'TION'. j f, John Slmnaon. sor.ietlme I lia-of a printing onic?, lb ti is all call- will be seen by the Governor's ! Isi-wes sih anala Jo!m' cd 77 -: l'rtss; M0W-.1-.! ays ;;n d that n ; ,,,,,, !a;u:;ti0n Nebraska l.-s at last got j 5 lm I" the what you wi'i vvj t spea: to, . snv-1 a n0.v constitution, and we -n; now pose; well, I will: j iivi;:g umbr it. We do not evpericiice The press - Has . rc o.mmnu-a i-' ! :uu..-h chango as ;d. It's a good deal ; ani Hili:- trmicd much, to World. ItiiastVstrned the oj-r- Uk0 IW oa ,atly t5rit Uyi.d on tho bor- ::3y or5-otf, : now pive due ionaofth old Wftrld, it has tuar-l-d ; .,..TA uf x,n:i a:i Carolina. Tho j ait1 (nic! notice lliat I want men to ex;.r.v m re uttm ;ly their ha- ; Vl,v, hl.. imperfect sho did not n :ay acc,!l3j Settle A uj by trcd of tyranny and bigotry and m ; u.a!lv know to which State she belong-1 ttie ;m,v?d all mo.nkind with its fercu and ; fv1 '0ne imt-r Tia-le Sam had the j . , , , Iower. It has ma le tne telegraph and , n.u. survv,.a t!il, oll v,om.;u v-;;s ; USt 01 J ailUry, IlCXt, ailO. tkesteaiu engine availablo; without ; oc:itM in"N;(,r;:.. Card inn.- "lh d-ar," j tV.t T";t tSe F With t . . . X A- u n oflt would be tho Atlantic CabV. ! v-.,, l.n ,,,...,:-:... tu" tKt"1 11 ; 13 T) ...,..- ; aii .... .- -uia. 5J.iy ana cost Cash, iXH ,rX.u ,,,.-ou f ... , o': ltl""i" ' 1 a.iv , v.-cji il4 vcra! oilier tiiing.s mankind fio.n the loar q.:,iiie:s Oi , t::i!j..;, ... h. vownykler. : ' 3 earth, and create now nvds and I " rrrr-rrrr iinti'd htaj. Thori'Jbro tiilic Notice, It "j oa t;i"' that ortf "wo ijiiih" Iunt of mar th new ideas, the tea:n engine woi'dd be comparatively vahieb --s. G-'nth': men, it has uo:;e more; it nas proinu-.'d tins j Vew'Vtirk IVnnsvlvania "I i-sachu- ' Pm np wp In-i'jpo January 1st, "we 1 ii ) fr 1 n 1 .7 .," ! that v.v.5 b.tve ! ,r- . . . i uns will !wvf 1u start Kiact:iins nf- 41 ' " - V. ; sens, . isocnsin, j.ii:i!iesoi lississip-, ..v.. Ui,.",,-.i.f ilIn. ,1,-ivps a. Uy jmiiy ami c&rrle little pieoes of payer sorvo on all Uellii- Witness my lianl Hid seal jsew loik is reported Ilcpubhcan "i " " - tJ , ; setts, v. isconsin, '.ltnnesot :. .Mississip- ; lcl. ,.yoa UM... so greatly t-nj. ed. It lias bfougut the Harvland. Xew Jersev, of ho .States a game from tho clouds, and spread it j hfM t.k,t..5un Tiu-dav, are ! of Utl before you to-night in this very ttttrac- j i,e.,,-, " wUici. J.e s:ai t-ntire. tii-o bill of fare. Without the ?,- ,, you might have gone supperl -ss and hungry to bed to-night ; v.ithoul tlio j pen'nsvlva;:ia has elected Ilartranft press, you would never read of the .,, . f;OVernor. Massach:(tto, Kicr, (ItciO ov?i.!jtig3 yon have gained this night; without the pre?:?, this feast, worthy of ! .1 X 1 1 -I 1. A f . . . . t tne t.o-is, couia n-.n-ei nave taeu 1 Wisconsin pocs Republican, place. Aye! you roll your eyes and j Minntsola, largely lU'publican. shake your heads; I'll prove it; .1 re-j Mh:siss;p u, Democratic, peat, you owe all this 'Fricu.Lcu and 1 M:.ryiu,u Demoeiaiic. Es'jimxuc and Chinoh: to a little I .jcrScy, Republican gains re press, not a 'Novelty' or a "Gordon, but, just at tho nick of time, to the j That's enough for this week. 23h liy f -to!jor, lS7iit and Sco cm yourst'Iven aocordln'ly. tjr Ufe . sui i Ji,- Jl, CLOSIl'G- OUT!! vot'.-s e:v ; at t'.i- V;t e!e'Mio;i. as 1 ci!t.te! and e. ! t.iio.l hy the l;e-..-.l el a: ( is : Koa m i Jeeves. C, "!'.. J .- " z ':: ue. o! -.,:-.) i:.''w'. 1 '!-ia ..".'.".".".",'.' '.'."..".'.'.'.'.'.T-veoi eaiterui.j- n 1 'ik c,.:;.i i re-. ;o.. l';r Z e.- i e.tTl :.; .v.'.y 1:? '1.72$ TiU'C VfJXALCOCl'O.V. F.'r :.o.Oi2 Loud applause, and Mite's other ' OJ-'FiCIALCOUNTUFTIIll KLF.OTION. button leaves the vetd, and pops a lady j !,. tl, r.v, om t!.f. ..Mi.-r s:d of th fa- i Tit-" far....vh!c a" tli--;.:eJ ' tnt..1s .of t'ao be.-. "Jaidies an-l gentlemen, there is one more kind ot press. A I'lencui.ini J once beard a gentleman 'pi rs i a lily i to promenade with him. lie g it the j diction-iry and found that 'Press' I m?ant to 'snfeze. An evening or two j after, wishing to hear a lady sing, that had refused once, ho sai l: 'Ma lame, please Itt me squeeze you. to sing.' I've pre. sed h my last cartridge; I am expressed out, you m:iy press me all you pl.M.ji . you 1 an sipieezo no nr. re opLeeh "Vit of me t )-ni"ht." Whooi)! Vhoop!:-V;!!:j TOAsT. "Goosey goosey gander, Rev. G:o. Smith :" Mr. Smith "I objer-t to being in tide ! game o;. -p u : m ; :: sp u , s . : ; .s ; j true .-porting uv.g-. I e'e-t to being j ; lire.l at in this iu -r, with bfth b.r- j . ! n Is. So:::.; y.e.s u be- . --h-1 . i- r i ; j i I don't mi;v.l tied, f-.u- your cartridges j T i are wc-k. bv.t on" or tV: la.'h'-heel- I ! iag ch les 1 -ova I! i !ire ch ar tl:v -ago lav wed si.r'fed j '1... 1 ..ti l .ti.-i. illl.i 1 a.. , - -l . ..-it. . . : 1 . W . 1 hunt, T sh.ul t-prea 1 my.-. -If and sail ; a way, on the v,a AT- COST S FOR CASH ! .iaJii:,:!v er us ths: at-0:1 A 1. c I. ; A : j-Liij.aiiy I'.-r i':. a :.e-; : .. ; y c a. 1: , S. .1. i a. ,-. i -. ...oa s. r. . F. .'.I. O.M.:' -I ,v j'e: :e: ( v v'.'.'. . . '. .iae.'-s "1 , 1 1. ! 1. i I't.l :e r. .1. : ...i-a- i. .1. l ..e. .v. i;. ;e- !' - A. 0. "e .vj r Iro for op Beat ! ! Of every description Chopper TI'i.ii Ever. Some things even SEJLOW COST ! ! j Cliamber Cets, $25 and up. I Brewing Bureaus, $12.50, up. I Bedsteads, 3, up. "oa! I Exto:.;:Ion TablG3$7.50, up. :..:'r. Chairs, v50c, up. . ..ii. i;s Boston RorkerG, $2.50, up. ; Uvu mli ic-JiuO, yO, ll.J. .-IT- J 1 n i 2 i -j .liill t i I. t 'it , o .7-") ..'.'1 ir r..m-r., is i:i and . cs, voiy Ciui). Everytliing in the Furniture j Line, Cheap, -v:' j It don't believe it call );. i. i. ;.s i ..-. no e-n:; i l . ; .. all of m' (-.!:;:;.;; teach i - - lit", nor tie- ..::: c.ivy dip ray 1 U: ' 1 v;-.'Y Y.: wings; th-j raae of tdl oar , (. ' I siii'iii ;u'!i', 1 -liall :;:-til tne .-un- i ::, ' . i. . i '. e . SH H, VI IKS I'LATT.iMoi'Tir, xi-;n. Closin goul ror I -asn iie. ;m:r.vs FA3IIJA' MEDICINES Alt K the result of :in exjmrii.n.fof thirty yeart in tin1 l.r.icllcij I a .UK-restful !iyi:i;iii. Hitter Toii1p--Aii pxtra-i of n.i ei and lierb so JiullcioiislY .-ill. I nif"li-hi;illy couiliiiu'il. Hint every part of Hits ilise.-iseil Imiiy receives tlm liel reoiiireil. It is nut cl;iimeil us a jiMiiaeeii for all tli" ills of lif, but for J ii--i:i. lii!ious antl liver coiti)l;iiiits. ferer aene, clinlera, ilehilitv. ami all tliseate of flic stomach, liver, ami digestive organs, il is tin etleetUHl reinedy. As a preventative uxai list lever and iifim tvtC malarious diseases it Is iiusiii-aiteil. It streiif,-tlo-ns and huilds tip Ihe delulilated sys tem, mid Kives renew ed vigor t all parts of tn lxxlv. li'iiiiC'is Cure-Acts as a Ilfretlc ovaciiant in eases of dropsy, jrout. travel, and diseases of the Madder ami kidneys, purl lies the Mood, cures scrofula ami eruptive diseases, l ic ami iii'iiialiiic pains, and all disease of the uri nary orjrans. i'.x iter torimt-A prompt remedy for coiir;li astliuia, cioiip, and all diseases t the throat, luns and cliest, and! lie first stages ot con sumptioii and U phold fever. l-'eTer nil A true IMIlM-Are prepared -x-presslv to aid I In tonie in ciirlii" acute and chronic cases, they act without depletion. Crimean I.iul.ueiit Oncns l lie pores f tin llesli, and peiii-lrates to the hone or seat of pain, (living relief to man or beast as speedily as any outward application ran. .Sold by all li nu'iiists and Kealer T. ItAKTItl KF & CO., fiityl I'.iirlinrton. !oa i: : . I per cv.-mng. v:i.en f an-.l a-.lonisli ll.-.- nutivi s by tin; sri - niaiut'cp manner m wi.u-ti I will hl A (ivose is a n-.dde bir.l ; k saf- ed ib)ia-', and I i-nv vet b. calh-d en t--' (:- T' dv:;v ' !lr: soo in s,.ii. s:t c t!i? rcmiviit mil oi .u;s Ciiu; ay r.n: e sl'ut. TOAST. "TliO :est in ;i :rios-d re C!ia:v-;a:i." eii. women :id audits, we : 1, '.'. .ii-i '. .::.! -1 ; eCi!. Oi'r yx 1 1 Jiloimted !.M i ' i'"-e.- ; . ;.::: -.hi;.- iu the markt-r. JUr. j I'l-iK.n- ;e . .'! : "b-e-.ick ot:t yet'rda'.aiiil : i - Ii. ; ; -.y hot!:-,. ce'ii!el !t7.'' A la- 4 ! ! .-- ; ; i..-r pieliis for the I'ore- e. "!! .;-..:.;. .' ' ; n '.uy no ! ' o !;.. 1 i!ie elear ! ed T.'.:'. V.'.; i ;.;-jh' ijyoi:.l (puestioll that -; .i , line . "-..eel i i i'.e--.- chromos in ieveu ui.ikie- d;ys. We have the lariresf and !i-;-,'t :i ;'.; .ir. i:i Hit: l.'i.ited "-.tales; hun i d ' ' .i- oi' c':oiee Mii-j.-i !.- f: .ai l.ich to select. W wid send . ) ;,-s!.-i-t-.l tii of the best s nine on i t . i-i-.i ol --;.i; i. S.-nd in your orders or ;:i'.- is ,i ca". i.-o;e ! v t---;i! i.V.. or 1'J for -t.'J v. ;i-.;ii;;u;i S; l.'iMoi), .Mass. I". (. It-. 2s(13 itho (.ltnnns ol' the .IIk;ai.! ot la-t J ! Wt-ek a let 'ir .-eldiesst 1 to mvself with 1 viinr o- !n r: idv I .:ii:1.! s:iv I : . . 1 i- : .. ' ;i.Hio.n: : new iwO".. now nesioroa : in hn t-nv.-'.xi.i :mv -met on eh'einai n , . . . . .. . , .... , . A"" '-- .' is pit -i . -!i '. ii"V.- edition of jam. j '"' i':,';e se ieii iiiisint'ss. huipja'-.t v .- ,'.!. fu!n-nn'll"s lfirat- i the ') :;S I! in exceed lii'l: ;-:l minnU s. : : -"'- el I". .--a.r .-u th r.-idieal cure ii'; : v.- .. : h. t'.i y I r. ! - vev s miiee was -Mr. Chana.aa "I ccntd to hunt Lai ; ?. , ' it-'i i-icaii- matelt over i 'j'hni.. h: v. and J j wit!: tb-: s'l want (.- l..;v' mv wind. 1'il v a.l . a :t ' 1 v ' " on J.Kii tl.'.Y. ; ' ! . l : ' x i : , 1 .1 V. i-e. : ., I i , e' M i - IV!!l:i! !;. ':' his bill.- InmMt . S."--e-i. fi..-!..-e.vv. :-:-r.e ! e:el rhy-in-.-il liiC.-i-l,:. l.... ,, I ' ,1 ,i; i ! :':-. ti: -.' -.;is to ye.Mi-;:e. etc.; also ...... l !'-.. ,,.,...,.. i , : . ... i i-;.. :..,!. 1 i... . ''.Vn i iet tl- , -c;: eouii! ; ii. e or s. -,u:.l Mra'. avauee. ir. ..... ...... ........ ! ." -.' t'liee. ill :l tf. . '. I e-.v .'I.viim imlv . i v 1 ; f ' e. I . t i ..... .-, : i ,. 1 - , ; . ' " i '! I .k: i i..:.. . . v t v . i: v n i , - t - - I . . liiliiiliPt'ti I'.KPi. !ele lto:.!. ..-tMil-l ; ;" ,;". ;r: tr-.; Mtihor, in tins ac-ir;.J-le es- tii'in. gay m-.. itr t.ii.s eee:e-i .;i: 'Our " r !..y.-; r.n iu.;!.; .j, :i;e. ilia in-r i:j!,ii a IT u ; T.j s'l.'ini v j a "a, l :i :e ' '.i-.-; e. t li, T:e.i' i..-il!:i:i ; b:-.:-k a::i! r-t--.':-:- !:i. ! ,(.,,U-. .....o.g .v oota. Ao 1 . , ,r ,, ;f ..i.,...,. , ,.iy :: . ; ;!y e'tircd wit'i- -. uoe.-v iii'iUS lit y-eir . o-i ! ; i: :e i.-l miej-'iai iron i.-iiu; m t !. ajediea v, i. I ..,""..,,; e ei i i i.t- k:;..' . piiiee.-e oi:t a n-o'ie of enre . . . . i . . . .... i't i . . i e.i. . lit... its 1 i ' vir I l 1 1 i n . . " . - i -1 . ' - r-v- . ' . , .j ..... ... .... ... . i . . ..'(... i.e. '.- ' l . l . V , l . . ... t u v i. j i .. ...v.., ,v.i I' ' . ' . 1 .mi l I' I , 1.1F 111 II II lllilt illS S( I seei . e. t r. . -. . :.' j ! c e.-ii t.u y l,e. r::,y c.:iv l:i.tii.-t elieap!)', -Nov. T:-. llrv-v, I suon.d ra-.i have ; - r;.i. i,,,.,,. ,;;iM i. j ti,P isnnds of snoken oi' ' Ids !:..! v-.a n.-t so .-.?. V-' 1 - ery y ee:- :....' i . :.t:.n in toe Uml. i i, i , . ; , . i ,, - I",. 1 ,. -' e.l:.!e:- v.-al. in pe-i-i el: Velope. to at!V th,--ed l...-ot.:o bo- k J.i:,,..s!, o.,r , .;.,,. VN j,.u.vy,U:;n .a six co.u or tvb gi'e.-.) j!'-:-;'a!i!.y ia L!i" nil-;; alter t!..-y j l , -,e e so ,,,, ...t ..'.Hi-,.', f. ,r :!!!(,-;. 'i io y'i ' u.:x.:i to e-i.e.l.',; . rn"V, Wliel; o-.-.e ev f.:s :l.l lei ; TIi-.-U" :.!., ; :.: ..:,. , ..?-.i i.. - e.-. is -lr.--s"t. Am I -i.i ! .:-,:y ey. Mr. (t!'i;-.:.i-Ji an and a nnmber of edher g, all., iee.i 1 1; IikuUs. 1 .1 , '.Jl'.l . ... . A. . -- w e s e . e: i r :: ' n.!i!-r tin to irivt; .? ... . ...... . i. thorn r.U. At la-t lb- I'tv-.i-iont, Dee- j ' ''' "xvx, hed'th" : :ret tleit you ' tor Living;;. .-a, wa - tadl-.-d; , w---nfr d to pay yos;r ta:-:. s ( vh ther j Livi:g.don "Ladi.'i and gc-nt'emen, : '''-1 r'r ('-KiU'". 1 aek re tiiilerenee, j l 1 . 1 . i .:. . 4 . i I I ' I , : i I i . '.'.;,'. j Tha'd-s r v, !-.: roi'inSlioe-nis. Thft !i."-iing; til-o piibVp-'y oi an 1 :dr. Vi.-t-rr' : The j ne a v, a ) iuiw i.iv.t :ndro me i;avu i t-onni j left :.u nothing to r'ioot at. ',t. t CJJ Ati. .J. C. liMrVK Jk vo l-'T v . iy. ". V. ; V. . box, 4.VK. 13 YOUR CliANCE! battlp-l'u Id, stre 1 v.'ith the w ; of jast lives, I sbont: A duck! a dudJ lor ItV.lVill.. tl. i; . .ii ei e an i- it et, a goo-if j uaa ja i;.. -.. en 1 la; ad ha e-.ek. 1 : ! i' u.-.-a. Th- g -ntb- ! fur two!' I don't mean a gty. hes two i-l-jas and a duck only oa-., thet would not bo complimentary to tie la dies. I mean I'll givo a da--'; or a goose to get the bung of this Ihie.g.-the right f.x-jT.'v-ion for th:; -ieei. Oh! it was a pn sjn-eeh you waat j !. "Wt il, I atii s i dei'c .'ied by the great number and variety of tilings, that my friends have pr:: . d eti m t!i:.; even ing, that I caaat i:.;;v.-'- th renoe of ojy.ov-i'.vion that: pres-n-s upon my i.i.uiiy bosom (laying his hand oa tha l ever part of Lis vest, thinking it was his heart) to-night. Although I am, .13 ono may say. staggering utiuer a prt$ of canvas.; (baek), I have taken so much e a- aboard, that lib? I'.onr.fttJ I am wai :t dt-t-p in the water, and tnako no moro headway than if I was under bare poles. There are many kinds of Presses: there is the e.,i"es.vt.rvss. nud ta-r clothfsprc-ss. nni rrc-s your girl to J3 to supper, yon line .v. There is the express, and the im press, and the cylinder-pros, rind thi Hoe-press, and ti;2 hand press. .V man perambulates your streets with line ankle jewelry, of iron, and you say he bvloiigs to the Press-gang. A foreign power seizes our comrade at tlm da;ic-. I fir re.'eT aril 'orr.-'t-q hlrrt iri dd'ddt.ird. -- . .... . - - A an 1 we say be is i:u,,''i -ed. A man gains a .great victory, and we hay he has the .-f-.y::g3 cf triumph on his bro v. There are more kinds of presms iu this world than there va3 game on this table a short moment ago, but I cannot treat of them alb YVo come now to the great Pi:i:ss; that meaui tue, and Billy Shryoek, down yonder, and Hush, and the Devil, up bom and the old 'Washington at the of.iee, and the ink, and the rollers, b'r : : - .1 ! ma: h e-i. i .- , , . v . i ... i u .n.i c . . : . ; o .::!.;;:, Lee; 1- .: it.'; .v ?...i n : , o.' ::-.-::. :: : t ! . ! up iv'.l. My ' .. d i.i -nd 1. .o .- M i ', . . i ai. .-; h-g.u.ii y l'i ei. . ttaU-.J th-? ca.... th-.t I :. a i :.i..-.n ont of f'onrt. 1 : to ay. . :, .'. en my b.u-l; v. illi L i 'i.e. : ( at.d wili :i is a -a i .:.... . M. I'd. KiTi.r:;:. v.V'M; ;;,-;,fC;o td -r of A. V. Arie'd.-cf CY.-r c: .- - ;:;'-. b-T-a -. -; . : :.' i !; I p. p"i t ' s.-.!;,.. j....) ;-' !..'.;-)' et ; h.. i t ,:.:: y. I ; :a nor ;t i! e' .' ; j i he 1 - -;v v. ta'-l o. 'f -;:'-s.v. .v-.aa sTiy i a . ; -. t: . '-'. f t'tfs ; i VV- . .. ... - . -. . - . i t i X -... W'- ; :'g.v- wpH xV--'" il : -k 1 ii-'a; iav i ! 1 , v.ith I i-.i '.t ! a,; i ay .pi. -.le a Ll.e ' a--! aa 1 i .V :.: . 111. : ;:i tie- ' of . i : . i J . : . i; i r -ti s: . ' . i. i : , i.-i V I ". or-re- 1 1 am ! .: i-: v. i: ! : ' l ' i 1 tit- to ai-p-eer oeea'i.'C - ir. h-' V. .'"tb; j; tic..-, led e;: ta "ae .- irr: - 1 ;-iv fa. I her ;' i: r t .i- : . IS : -a I am ! 1 tiiiligS 1 t.r 1 t'-Vof".;.' f . i : , i ; i fr. in t '. ; : civ.m'ae t i.ov.'n :re ana ; la a p .-.-! of M . ai..- j .'.'..' in - 1; . en a sliui- ! r,--- t: r me ib-' j -. i ij.i'.io ; e .""' ! j of j oar pe-w, .-.-r, i.r I'm r s"''"l: e M.ize of b-'t ' ' . ' T ' Tt is ,:.-L a -obv ,-.r ,.. I n. ,( :.: i::;::;s. : ; .. : i e i. . : . . . . a r i::.aii. aa 1 g-.u il ...'.. p.; -1 -v. a:.-: ." i-e ' r ! a ! . '.. t . P. ; ' ! .-r t:..-v h..d ;...t.i hi.nt.-is, :i .-,' f e, .. ' xv. , :. .'.::, t sii.'J 1 . . '.i'.;i . ',:...!.-; ?.;.. Vn.iu. Xjv. X i C-I-t. 1 ''. '.MV" 11' A Tf:lf '.'. CLOCKS, TO VS. AX!) FAb'CY tiff A A WAUL' AT COST! the Next DO Dys, - -A T JuiiivtCii o vjvJtv-il y JiUI&i !.' .,,iie t' .-i i.ate Valtey ti'MW. m ;;;STA I E AGENT " t v o ti Between now and Februa ry 1870, I propose to close out the whole stock of goods now in my store at Platts mouth. This is a positive sale and no humbug1. Dry Goods, Hats, Notions, Caps, Queens ware, Yill be marked down to Cost Trices alisoluteJj. AVo invite purchasers to come and examine the stock and note the prices. iN"ext week a list of goods and prices will be given. Elt I'lttmmek. MUSIC ! MUSIC!! MUSIC!! UK W1SK, AM HA V K SIIINKV, ly nsin tin ln-st ami . Cheapest Or Ran Mado At tin Oi'ran Agency f ji. katox. vlattsmdl tu, ae1 woui.i i:knowm:j Mason & Hamlin c;aksii:t oescmxs, lirl:iri'il !' unc tin 1 imii ! I . I reletn iteil M iisie!;uis "I'nrix ;ill'eil miiiI I a I lie," x limine I lie first Mi-ilalut iiihI's Fair. Paris, in "ti7, also tin txxn lii-li.-sl Me.lal.s, anil Ui lil.iin.i et Koiiiir ut VIENNA WORLD'S EXHIBITION ' , 3 'all anil .see the PIANO UAKI'-OIUIAX, Just invented and :it.'iiti'il, rivalliii tlm l'i:uw fin-iiri!y and luliiiancv el 0 .- alsn tin jtli'Kaiit Oit;:ui Kia ;ere ras.-, ilie most lieaulifiil iiraii ii i :u 1 1 . au-i many oilier slyle.s exci-edini.' any-' tiling lieretiifiiri. in. iiml letiin-d ly tin- MASON .S; IIAMI.IN I'llM I'AN'Y, TIIK KHIIKST. MUSI ill I.I A I'.l.h. aiiJ I.:i!K'st Uran Maiiulaetnry in the Woilil r.vr,Y o:eci.t a mi A xt it:i:ri;cT i.v n'EiiY I'AUT. AMt HI I.I, LAST A L1FKTI3IE, And sold at l'li'-es r.n u-r i-i-nt. less ihan luuji (illii-r iii.iki-r.H, - tin- Injtrii'r niyumt. i jV'Kxaniiii' irii-i lit and Organs l.efoc liuyititr, Hitii f-riiiiiaie fur yomsi-lves. l'liee llHt, llliisi lali-d ('a' alnir(i rtnd ( 'ii eulars free on n plieal ion to iln N eliiaska A.ny.--Sioiv opposiii- ili llrooks Iloiisf. I'iattsuioulli, t'.iss County, .Net.iasUa. 41 f I'. II. I'ATtlX. Mrs. A. H. Knee, VOKKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switelies. l'nff ai'd all l;indiif Hair Work iniiipl!j' and neatly made I y Ordi'isli-n at MKS. KI-NNKDV'S si il ii e r: n v st H u i: . On Main St., 1 i! ..r ea ;t of CLu k l. r'.unmier'.s. r7 f w v " (Mid frcsli milk DELIVERED DAILY ! AT K Villi VJIUD i".S ll( M K IX I'Ut TTSMOUTll IF TliKV WANT IT, ItV j. sr. us: ai :3ii:istku. KV.t I Ol'Ii CIKIIKK A MM I Wll.l. TUT All ;ivk ji: 401 and nervo you refill. u !y. ROBERT DiiH NULL "S AND ISLACKSUITK SPIOP. Wagon, liit'j'jy, MarJiine and I'lom rw pairiii'j, and j.nTal j'Abin(j. VETKR RAURy, The old Reliable Waron Maker ha.s t.-'.ki n rlia.v,'.' of tLio Ytvjiuu lior He Is w-!l known as . NO. 1 WOKHMA1. Or tier. (SATISFACTION (il AItANTUHI). S!iop on Sixth fti.-rt. (ii.slt- Htieilit'i St .bkw WFil 3!:-'T c:;: 1 j-..; ;-t:in r Un w .is t :; tt- x.:.. i. .. : i-i i -' v i " ' t .-"'; I of Xtlras'.cu Ci;v. r.ixU:'.2 K.i i::. j I Ovrr L'iV j V" ! r.'.;.:'A:.:.i ot ; Uxvetl: !::iv. a :t;;.-.M-;it in t!:e ' ( 'ly I w"t"rn V 'V ol :v:'--'" :;! f.i "'.( I 1 i .ft- ' f -; - ',. i with. thHU lt"..ut oif; iau:t-s::i-.l t- t '.i ! tl.t-ti.s:tii'I u!l:ir-? f .i- 'i. S-i s tys t'.i ' il i.. T"A I'K'KTs. Cii; vi; i, -Nov. ?, r 1(1 . 1 I I- t - i - r r x -j Ml..-' . ol tiii !'.:: s,iv ir )- :;h i i.: U'.'rat t'.i nrr- :.!':. tv : in.i ju'.'.-t:Vs- i.i;i.ii-t t ''..; ii.ii i- i -i ... i: .. . " .-nr. i, i.- i, , f '.: -' " . ! ,- - V-.. .-.--V-4J - - '. " - -V. - VMs 1 Halladav's Patent Wind Mills j f''.'-Vr!.. -.a s:.n. uetr- j !ir-,o','of'i thvy' i ror- ii::5 Fsu-ai i'uiBj'S Fee j i- l.i- i, ;.i.-i" i!.. til! ;... i' I iiis si.'i. ; 3Siis,t'iC. ti.: le ; i ! :. i .,,!:. e. : i ' l'.;-V !i.- il- -i. aid ., .... . i .1... i f..- I ii. . l . .... ... . . . r i I 'T I. LI. . Ii !l. ".'I llir i-i i"i j ;i- tip .ilt-( iv.-k i:i '(!:i:.'.M. V' t-;- ..i u. 1 ,'V.''V; s- -tV vv'rX'l --ii. i;i i!.. fnii.l Mates and I ... ! .;!n.Ki:;i.-.ns. It ores ::-. 1 jasfc af- : r;'. V.; !. 1-: -1 u-t'1! i:x-ae1:iHy adopted i-y . I . , I- r, ix xx ill ii '.. v...! -d II', i r . l.i-.ii ex -; y us- '' I . - I j tC-r the fl'.-Ctl'-a j ki .. ... j .. n :;.,,.; :,,...vs, -..n:i; ci;;.. ii . Stailro K5 arul S'sirm.-rs. t .." . .-: ' a,-. I iT.sisi:s.. teiit xx it-i .Mii-i fen iin.T fi. Ti-nus I.iLei,U. S.-nd !.:' araloCH "".' rlr J A H-j-Kii-t tiling"U i-iUitei". j i.ira;. oi iuh )...-...-ai-iow -uvi.tu. ; lm. fV.nnrll of th II-1 -ii .j fr vf- ii i'stc-if :-tln ;t.-".:t:it t;f a v - .'--nt vny- ; I-,; I itlUIUUf MH'i .ii,,. . A. I-. hIitAN'U, Liacxlu, Ntl. I t - . : i t -' ' f - Sit-.'jU&j tZctStsT-trfi WSsfSwe XST Aa our a. I veruncr li4 not ii.ui lua ul vrtl ment ulunjether dintlnot, we will Interpret c4 laU i rate it u lollowi : j k. i$. rooTK, r.i I Anthf ot I'laio Home Talk, Mwlical Coiumnn P-n""J : Kcipnce in Buiry. etc.. 120 LxinKt" Annul. ; Knot asth StroetX N'-w Tork, an Iudkkrpde lHTKiiAir. treat all f.rm of Lhtgtrlng or OAromla rs3elro letters from all rte ot Of I CiviuzrD Would. rttr l.i. uritilruti toav of ootirtnctinif a Mortis rra ti. he in aucjcen-fully trpntiiiir nuinmue rtiuta Knrope, the Kent Indies, liomlnlou Camilla, and in evirry part of the Uniud hit.-a. ro MEitcuniAii Or deleterlotu dm nl. He ban, .luriufr the twenty three yearn, tr rated miooenffullr urly or irulw 40.0IW cwt. All facu corinncti-d with each cae are carefully recorded, wliether they be rmmunUii hy letter or In person, or observed by the licvr or his an.som'nte phynioiatia. The latter are ail edeirfttto mediuul men. HOW INVALIDS AT A DIBTAKCB Are treated. "All Invalid at a difrtjwine are nqnlrtd to iiuwi-r a liit of Dlain qaeetiona. whinh elicit eTerf symptom undiT which the inralid nSera. All com. mumnaintm trtatti trictly confldnitvii. A corni.lete pvntem of reiiurinK ient DiiHUtie or twi.liuKJO. List of qnestione aerit free, on application, to any part of the world. Sixty-pae pampiiU of EriDKBcea ow Pcccesb, alff) aent free. All tbene teatimorilala art from thine who hare bee treated by ruail aod en Adtick m orricav, ob trx mac, rua or obajkmc Coll oo or addreee DR. E. Di FOOTE, " Ho. 120 Lexington Are g.-T. r Ttfryiil Cermcncn. SensetAL&o DrFcotcs Science (n Story, lor Particulars cdaresa art I IV Dr. Eergor'i Tonic Eowel and Pile Pills. Thee piliaare an infallible remedy for oonetipatto. and pile, caused by Weakness or sT-.ppreeeiin u the pensta.tic motion of the bowels. They ery Bnty lacresyte the activity of the Intestinal canal, prod use soft stixV.s and relier piles on. Thousand hare been care1 by them. Iri 60 cent, sent by tnott en reoe-;it of prioe. Prepissd only by V. ALJ-'ilElJ l'.EICKAEUT, Phasvxacut, .J FocsrtH Atbvcs, r.W XOK UITT. Dr.. Bsrjrer'i Compouad Fltill Eitrart rf Bhubarb and Dandelion. The best combination of pnrely rentable mM'rtties to entirely replace Calomel or Blue PilL It stiniuiatea toe liver, increasci the flow of bile, and Uins reinovea st once torpidity of the lirer, biliour.ess and hstiittiel Tonstipatioo. au.l the diseases srmlnjr from such aa jyspepsia. sick headache, flatulrnoe. eU-. Theefteo ttreness of tais Exuaot will be proved, vioibly. at otit-e to the patient, aa one or two bottle are sufficient t3 clear the complexion be-iutifu'lr, an 1 remove pimples anl stains mused by liver irtwil) es. I'rce tf 1 per b"tt la. S bottles, $5: will be sent on r-'-"it of the price to any al lreen. free of charge, rrepared only by F. ALFRED KK1CHAHOT. 1'HAttMA ISX, tOaFot.Ti AVCHCE. Kl York CITY. Jj li IN I