-is . 4! 4 4 THE HERALD, LOCAL NEWS. LOCA I. A U VKKTISEM KNTS. Transient, i". ccnU n Hue. Jietiular advertis ers, lit cents nrr line. No advertisement inser td lur ItrMt tlian Z' cents. Legal Not Iron at SUit ute rates. Attorneys and o.lleers of tlie la will be hold rnHiM)iiiil)! for all legal notices they hand in, and all parties (leiiiandinir a proof of ptiblica tioii of any not ire will be held for the publica tion fee ul such notice. comSilmcation. A our space is limited, nil communications must be brief and to the point, with no M iislc of word. NKWSPAI'EK DKCISIONS. 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly troax Uie poslolllce. whether directed to hn oani. or whether he is a subscriber or not in rroponsihle for the pay. 2. If any person orders his palter dlscnnlin urd, Un mtisl pav all arrearages, or the puldish tr may coutmue to send it until payment is made, and rolled the whole amount, whether the p;iper is taken from the omce r not. 3. 1 lie courts have decided that relusing to take newspapers and eriodicals from llie st tllee. or removing and leaving them uncalled lur. tspri'Hia Jmte evidence of imkntiunal MUl 11. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Corrected Monday, June 2Ut, 1873. KOlt OMAHA FROM I'LATTSMOUTH. 1-eaves. 5 :J0 !. ti. Arrives 7 :15 a. tit I " J:W. lit. Arrives, 4 p. in. 1'itOM OMAHA FOU PLATT.'sMorTIL leaves, 8 :'5 a. in. Arrives, 10 a. in. " 0 p. in. Arrives, 8 p. in. KOlt T!IK yvi:st. leaves PlattMimutli. 0 : a. ni. Arrives In Lincoln. Ii :2T. Ke.nmy. S :lf p. m. FUOM TH K WKT. Lnavivt Kearney, 0 : a. in. leaves Lincoln. 12 :A5 p. ut. Arrives I'lattsmoutli, 3 :ii" p. in. woino kast : J':t.ssenj5"r. train teach, day), 4 :TO 1.M. Vote early! Vote early! lie sure :ul read vour tickets. Look out lor lxgus reiiillican tickets. Primaries to noiniinUe precinct olli eers Saturday evening. A number of local notices and other matter must lay over until after t-lec- Clint. Hilling is the most accommo dating man that ever diove two grey horses. Ueiueiaher tln-tv is but one voting place in the town of Plattsmouth on tht 12th. Sage & Co. For stoves now. Here's your chance for cheap winter stoves. i; ?s and S!k. s, cheaper than ever, for C.tslu Pi:ti;k MKiwfks. HATS? HATS: HATH! flue stock f new Hat i. Latest style at Wm. Staiiki.ma.vx's. Vu sure you vote the true republican ticket. Kpiseopal Festival in the old Post nrtire biiihlitig, on Thursday a week. Uentember the evening ami come out. Henry Eikenberry came mighty near getting his house burned up by the ex plosion of a kerosene lamp. Henry yays lie doesn't want so close a call again. We have a letter from Capt. Hoover .tbtrit Post Oilice matters. Judge -Childs says the charges that he cannot or did not make out his own post office riKjtts ate untrue. Pesides, we are not running him for a post office, but for Co. Commissioner. Every man wants to be at the Polls next Tuesday, and see that all his neighbors are. Examine well your ticket, be sure you vote true Republi can tickets. Don't lag, don't fail, go early, ami stick late. That's the only way to win. Never give up and don't loose a vote. SAGE fc CO. New store and hardware firm. E. T. Duke's old stand, flood times, good "boys. Call and see them have some work done buy a stove and help the liusiness of the town. One good buggy for sale at the Usu al i office. HKilirST AW Alt I). I received Diploma for tine dress lont3 at the Stale Fair and continue to make the best and nicest lits. (Jive liia a call. (14-tf) ' P. Mkkolys. FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, on Main SU Plattsmouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaceoes for smoking puqMtses. For Sale. Pest qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. -'0-tf. We understand that Pro. Jo. Peards ley thinks we ought to have touched his friend Miller up a little mote &c For a fellww that can't remember when to go to Kearney that's rather cool. Suppose we say we forgot him, .To, liow'd that work? We don't be lieve you had any more to remember that week than we had the past two. TAKE .NOTICE!!! Judges and Clerks of election will take notice that the law requires them to return the ballots to the County Clerk and they are requested to do so at once. Pe very particular about the law as this election is very important. ATTEMIO-N KEITHLICANS! Th Republican voters of Platts mouth City are requested to assemble at the Court House, on Saturday evn'g, at 7 o'clock, to nominate Precinct olfi cers to-wit: One Assessor, Two Justices of the Peace, Two Constables, Three Judges of Election, Two Clerks of Election. Rkp. Cek. Coat. $fi,000.(X NOTICE. Having sold 82.000 worth of boots and shoes, since I began selling at re duced prices, I am still bound to fur ther reduce my stock, now is j our time. , Roots formerly $7.00, now $5.00 Fine Kid Shoes, f orra'ly 3.50. - 3.00 The best IS thread serge shoes only 2.25 Men's Shoes 1-25 Women's Shoes 1-00 Call and examine. No charge for seeing goods and prices. Will be happy to show ltnth. 12 If Petkii M LUGE. Voters, read your ticket. Rilly Stadelmanu has gone eas. Look out. Remember the city primaries Satur day night. Frank Stadter is improving in pic tures and portraits. Re sure and vote the Republican ticket Tuesday next. Waterman has a two pound peach Mow potato at 'Vivian's." Johnson's Organs took the premium again at the Otoe County Fair. Take notice, there will be but one voting place (Court House) in the city next Tuesday. The only ticket a Republican has any business with is a straight ticket. No mixes swaps or trades. Vote for your own men every time Geo. Smith, Candidate-for" District Attorney, will run ahead of his ticket in Otoe and Nemaha, in spite of Mr. Eroady's assertion. 20,000 Envelopes want printing at the Hi:i:aLi oilice. Once more Stadel matins at 10 per cent below cost. Jump when the pig eon Hies. i m EXCHANGE NOTICE. I am bound to exchange my large stock of Roots and Shoes for cash. Come and see if I don't. PKTLII MKKfJES. . JIRL WANTED. flood wages and steady employment given to a Girl capable of doing all kinds of housework. Inquire at the IIkrald oilice. 24t4 Rring 'em out! bring m out! All want to vote Tuesday. A team attached to a wagon loaded with hay got frightened last Monday afternoon and ran away, spilling the hay but doing no other damage. The ladies of St. Luke's church de sire to thank Mr. Eaton, the Musical Instrument dealer, for the loan of an organ at their sociable. Remember there are three elections Tuesday. One for County Officers, one for or against re-location of County Seat, and one for or against the New Constitution. We are very sorry to lose Mr. Merk our hardware man. He sold out just in the wrong time we think, however we wish him good luck where ever he goes. He has been a good citizen and an active business man. Oil Thursday: week from to-day the Ladies of the St. Lukes Church, (Epis copal ) will hold an OYSTEK SUITER A FESTIVAL at the old Post oilice building in Fitz gerald Elock. C1IAMJE OF FIKH. The old firm of E. T. Duke & Co. having left for Omaha; Messrs. SAKE & CO. have bought their stock of stoves ami tinware and will keep the stock in the old store for the present. Harvey Sage is well known to all our people and we predict for the new linn a rousing business. NOTICE. Clapp & O tee nsl ate at Elm wood Neb. general dealers in dry goods, groceries, ami all articles generally kept in a country store, desire to call attention to their stork just laid in thh season, and ask the. farmers to call and exam ine our goods before going away from home to buy. 2Rf Clapp & Ghekxslati- IlEGISTKAIt'S NOTICE. I will set Friday and Saturday the 8th and !th days of Oct., at the drug store of J. II. Ruttery for the purpose of correcting the Registry, for the gen eral electicn of State and County oili cers, to be held on the 12th day of Oct. O. II. Rlack, Registrar. Rob Doom and Mickelwait, Pollard and Sheldon, old man Wolfe and the D mocracy. There's a good four horse team for Jones to drive. There will be a meeting of the offi cers and directors of the Cass Co. Agri cultural Society at the oilice of Smith & Windham, on next Saturday, at 2 o'clock p. m. Any one having business before the Society will appear at that time. J. Vallfky Sil, R. R. Win'ihiam, President, Secretary. WE IIAVE BEEN REQUESTED TO ri nusii THE FOLLOWING. "Cummins the Democratic candidate for Treasurer loaned out County mon ey on interest, but tiie County has no money to ledeem her warrants." Reg istt r. Editou Herald. I find the above "sweet morsel" in the last number of the Nebraska Reijister, to the authorof which I tender my compliments, and say that it is an unmitigated lie. J. C. C-CMMIXS. The young men who visit our Churches Sunday Evenings and talk in loud whispers, and laugh, and gen erally annoy the Congregation, want to Ik? reminded that it is no part of a gentlemen's education to disturb a public assemblage of any kind, and the IIekald will publish their names if the like occurs again. The Hi'jJie.st Prlre Paid fur Good SPECIMENS OF FltUIT ! of all kinds, at my FRUIT ROOM, on Main Street, to be kept on exhibi tion for the inspection of those who wish to plant the lest kind of fruit. Also specimens of vegetables and grain wanted. I am soliciting orders for all kinds of fruit trees and plants, from apple trees to strawberry plants, ornamental trees, shrublery, flowers, seeds. &c. I have a room full of pictures, and wish to show all the kinds of fruit that grow and bear well in this vi cinitv. W. S. West. Plattsmouth, Neb, Sept. 175. LOST. On Main St., Saturday 've7 Oct 2d, an account book, size 4x" C inches. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the Post Oilice. ANNOUNCEMET. 1 hereby give positive notice that I am not a candidate for Representative in and for Cass Co. Neb. A. C. Lodku. Look well to your whole ticket and see if the State an 1 District names are right and true republicans. We have a new style of Letter Heads, Envelopes and cards called "(J ranite," which are odd and unique. Come and get in a stock, busincs men. SPECIAL XOTICES. CLOTHING. l"or v. vuf.ip suit f Clothes eall on W.M. ST.UtKl.MANX. TEACHERS' E A' AM IN A TIONS. The f.-iil precinct examinations for l';iss coun ty, will be lie'.U at tlic following namuil times anil places Stove Creek October Weeping Water tMobcr 2lt, lTS. Oretui'.vood, (Waters s,cli"l ljiu.-.e Oct. ijtll,7o. riuUMii-nith November olh, 1S7.". Applicants will please be in attendance promptly at 10 o'clock. C W. WISE, Siii'eiiiiteiKlcnf. I'lattamouth. Neb.. Sept. lotli,"ls7.. Ots NOTICE TO SOLDIERS! Sofdicrs who lutve takeu only eibty acres lrior to June 22'1, LSTI, an J have isot taken an a;bii: iniial eighty, aro iaviie.l to correspo:i'l witlime. IIomeMe.ul iulits and il.eap lands for sab, in Clay, I'oik, York, and Hamilton J. II. Liggett of Kearney Junction, has taken the "Saunders House" and proposes to run the best Hotel in the country, and we think he'll doit. More next week. counties, i:;tu. ly W. E. SHKI.nON, Lincoln, Neb. RE SOCTARLE. There will be a II ak vest Home so ciable at Mrs. Ed. Euttery's on this evening (Thursday). All are invited ; to attend. HOUSE AND FURNITURE FOR SALE. I will sell my house, 16x24, with good well of water in yard, and all my household furiture, cheap for cash. For particulars call at my residence, just south of the Machine Shops. Pktek Pedkksox. LETT EES FROjTrR U(.G ISTS. There is no case of Dyspepsia that Greene's August Flower will not cure. Come to the Drug Store of (L 15. Chap man and inquire about it. If you suf fer from Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Liver Coin plaint, or derangement of the Stomach or Liver try it. Two or three doses will relieve you. Roschee's German Syrup is now sold in every town and city in the United States. We have not less than live hundred letters from druggists, saying it is the best medicine they ever sold for Consumption. Throat or Lung dis ease. Sample bottles of both 10 cents each. Regular size 75 cents. nobis, goes to Success PERSONAL. Miss L. Davis, of Marysville Mo., is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. R. Spu rlock. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Dr. Schildknecht is recovering from the effects of her fall, and hope to chroni cle her entire recovery in a short time. Mr. R. R. Claiborne re-moved his family to Weeping Water last Friday. Wm Stadelmanu, our enterprising clothier left for Chicago last Tuesday afternoon, where he will lay in a large stock for his fall trade. He will be back in time to vote. Lines on the death of Mrs. Eenj. Austin will have to layover until next week. Our old friend Emiey made the rif fle for Sheriff in Douglas County at the Convention Saturday. Hope he may get elected now. J no. L. Hobbs, son of Win and formerly of Rod; E'uffs, Omaha to enter into business. to j"ou,Johu. G.od boy too. Mr. II. II. Redwell another of Piatt s mouth's old citizens leaves us thi- week for Kansas City. Mr. 1. is endeared to us by many pleasant associations and kindnesses. We were loth to part, the necessities of business are break ing up old friendships all the time. We most heartily wish our friend Redwell success, fame and fortune wherever he may light. Elbert Duke, our old hardware man came down from Omaha Friday. He sold $100 worth of stoves in two hours Saturday, gave the Herald two beau tiful knives, wished everybody good luck sold the rest of his stock to Sage & Sage and Itft us jolly as ever. Ceph Metteer's the man. Two days after time, but better late than never. Father Robal, our favorite Catholic I'riest, leaves for Omaha this week. Father Jannet takes his place. Perry Gass has a brother visiting him. He's a better looking man than Perry, though it may be owing to the plug hat. We never saw Perry in a plug. Frank White, Sr., has returned from a trip out west looking hearty and as full of the do'il as ever. JUIKiE ELLISON'S CARD. To the Citizens of Cass County. My rean'tns fur running as an Inde puidtnt Candidate for County and Probata Judy'.: 1st. I withdrew from the Eight Mile Grove Convention and returned home before the nomination forjudge, with the intention of running Indepen dent, and refused to have my name mentioned, and if it was mentioned, it was unauthorized. 2d. I believe it is any man's un questionable right in the political economy of our nation, to run for an oliice, Independent of party if he de sires, and fill it if the people elect him. 3d. I ant not dissatisfied with the Republican party, or the proceedings of the Eight Mile Grove Convention, but simply desire to run Independent. I have leen encouraged to run for the office by many respectable citizens of Cass Couaty. 4th. I believe I a;a qualified to fill the office. I believe and know the of fice under the present complicated pleadings and practice should be filled by an attorney or some one who has had experience. 5th. I desire the republican party no harm and intend it none, and am under obligations to the caucus of gen tlemen who met at my office on Tues day ami asked me if I would withdraw, but I have gone too far to withdraw without showing bad faith to the citi zens who propose to support me. and then I would be charged with selling out to a ring. II. E. ELLISON. 2Stl Every man road every name on your ticket. Fr 1G, S20, $2o, $30, .-$33, and S40, you may save the expense of a Water Closet, and save the women and chil dren, the sick and infirm, from expos ure and discomfort, by procuring their 'latest improvements" from the Wakk field E.i:tii Closet Co,. 3fi Dey St., N. V. EMPLOYMENT J&HZT bave.iiist wii.ilyou ii'-ed. Our ytl Moumeil t'iiromos outsell auvftiire in the market. .Mr. Perkiii-'!is mites : "1 li uck out yesterday. ami by working e:y four li.mi-s. cle:n"ed S7." A la dy lias ju-a rejMirtotl lmr piidils for the fore 1100:1 as s.j : yes:ciday up to 2 o'clock sfie clear ed 7.."o. We can prove beyotul puetin tliat one se-reiit ordered o.t'io!) of tlie-ie cluouios in eleven workinsr d.-ivs. We bave tli largest and lbiest assortment i'a tin; I'niled States; hun dreds of l:,.ii e sai.jects from wliffh to select. We will send you an assorted Kh of the let selliii on reeei.t ol ;.io. Send in your orders or jrivc us a !1. Sample bv mail i.x-., or for tfi.iu. .1. Latham a .. 4!fi Washington St., Loston, Mass. 1. O. n.v at.il. 2Stl3 . SKVt IX(i TlACHIXi:S BE F-A-XIRylKi ID I ! I am now prepared to fix any kind of Sewing Maehhits that needs repairing in the place. I have just received a new lathe, and can guarantee my work, and at prices that will not beggar the poor man or woman to pay. Also, Gun Work of every description all kinds of line mechanical work can be done at my shop. 5 7 1 2 Geo. W. K i ns e u. KENTl'CKY DISTILLED WHISKY. New Stock For Sale. Down With the Prices ! ! Good whiskv at 81.-V) per gallon, oth er brands at 1 .7.5, .200 2.25 and 2.50. Extra fine imported whisky and brandy. Gin, Port Wine.Cherry and all kinds of imported wines. New stock of gooils all through. California, Cigars, Dublin Stout, London Cream Ale. Gentlemen now is the time to save your money. Remember the place, one door east of the Post Oilice. Milwaukee Lager. Mt Gui i:e & Co. LEGAL. NOTICES. Legal Notice. KhotP rill men by these present: That the Socth I'lattf. Lvni Company is firmly bound and bel J to the board of County Commissioners of Cass County, Nebraska, in the sum ol Ten Thousand Dollars (?10,ooo), for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, it binds itself. THs conditions of tliis obligation are such, that, IV Keren, If the pee pi of Cass county shall, rithi:i two vears i:-,u date, bv lucul rut': chaim"the County Seat from Plattsmouth to Loci -;vi:!e : t hen. in consideration of such lo cation at Louisville, theaoove tioundeii p.'riy a. reo-to io:;aie to said Cass Couaty or said l";:rd oi Comity Commissioners in trust for said cuiitv. l"if;y-srvcli (a?; averace lois in said town of Louisville and to convey tlie xaid lots I'V ir. 'oil and -milirieii' tille. "And now if the said South I'latte Land ('mil-p-mv shall well ami truly convey said bts upon t he c.-ia!ii ions auovc stated, then Ibis obliga tion sliali lc null uu.i void, olneiwisj i;t lull 1 "" 'soUTIT I'LATTE LAND COMPANY. Iy AKTiiei: Conn am. Secretary. Os-vvi; A. Mi i.i.kn U an ss. 1 iri-ohi. Neb., (x-ti'bor 7th, i ST".. Ti.e two other pi;.pii'iors of the town site of I."".isv.llc have vwv t d hurt the same grce tm r.ts and t'rrir dec. Is an? on record, inai-ins 171 lois altogether offered to Cass county on the abuYo couditki'is. Lorisvir.i.r: Town Co. Probate Notice. In the tu nrter of the Probate ) -of the last W.I! ami Testa- Pr ' ,f ,,...t ment of .loliu L. i;:m n d. c d. S 1 ror,'Ut Loiut. j': Wlnnn it iiuii Ciihu rn: Take notice that Kliabeth J. Urown. has fil ed in tav i?!e an in-trument in writing pur purporiiim to be the last w id and testament of .Ino. L. iirown, deec;iscd ; that said matter is set for hearing at my oliice in l'lattsmoutli. on the -jjd day of O'-tober. A. D. Is7ri. at ten o'ebn-k a. in. of said day. at said time and place, all par ties mav appear and show caue if any they have why said instrument should not be'allow cd as the last will anil testament of Jno. L. Lrown, deceased' Witness my h and and oTueial seal this ... I the :isili day of September. Is7.. s. .- II r L'l I Kl'V J II. I.. I . I. . I v . . , -'TIG I'robaie .ludi'e. Legel Notice. Catherine AVlieelaml. and Augustus AVhee land, and tiro. W. sroat. lion-tesident defen dants will fake notice tnaf on the Jolh day of September. 1'7". O.Her I". Mason, Plaintiff, filed ids petition i.i the oilice of the Clerk of the Dis trict Court, in and tor C:iss couiitv. Nebr.iska. the objl'ct and prayer of said petition is to reform a cert am moriac deed given by Cath erine' and Amr'T.stas V li'cland, to plaintiff, on the iitli 4iay ol iee.. 1S7.J, and which was intend ed to convey lot one 1 1 in block one (I ) in Stibs' addition to I'laitsiuoutli city. Cass county, Ne braska, but which by mistake liescnbeii said lot. one vi as lyin in block seven " in said ad dition, u hen it was and should lie block one 1 1 ) in said addition, and ;sl -o 1 hat said lot one (1) in block one ( 1 1 in Stiles' nid addition be de creed to ii;; sold to sat i.-fy I he payment of two certain promissory notes, of even dal with .said morfa.e deed, and callm;; for pavmetil of one himdi cd i i -Miio 1 'i tit h. 174. and seveu- iy-live dollars i7C .luiic '.ith. Is7.". with intcri'St a"; the rate of to per e i.t. r annum, and also prayim: tint ; ceitain moi lir.:" need made c ecuted and deliv red by said Cat berine I Au jzustus hecland. to said tim. W. Stoat be de deed to lie I't:'!. vid, and of no effect, aif I that the -loud cast upon the title to said real e.-late by reason of s iid moi -i.va'-e deed to Oeo. V. Sroat, remaiuiti!; unsati -tieil of record I"- 1'orr ver ri moved, and said title declared to b" perfect in -ll respects ; Said dcfeiidents are reipiire.l to answer sunt petition on itr before the;!) day of Nov., 1-7"', or a decree v'll be rendered against cacti one oi tlie.it in accordance with tiie prayer of s.iid I'eiilion. OLIVKK T. MASON. Bv Cif APSl .V & Si ltAOI. K. 7ta " liisatt'ys. Legal Notice. John Mornn, ) PI 'if. vs. Honora Monui, ) Deft. Ilouora Morau will tal:e notice- th.it I did. on the J i: h day of September, A. D. iS7.. tile my petition in the oflh-e of the clerk of the disirct court in and for Ciss Co., Nel.. against you, the said Ilouora Morau, deft, setting forth that the said deft has been ijui.iy of v.iilluilv aban :oi.iiv.r petiiiom r wifiiout' just cause for more tb;in ovii years last p.-st. and prayimr that peti tioaer lie granted a divorce from the bonds of matrimotiy by decree of the district court hi and for Ca.ss C ounty. Nebraska, and that unless you appear and answer by tlieM'ii day of November A. 1. Is7". default wid betaken auamst vou up oil th" same. Joil.N Mo'itAN, I'.V l HAl'MAN" & St'H.Ua'l'. 27ti hisatt'js. Proposals for Forage. IlKAIKiCAKTEia DKPT. OF XUK I'LATTE. OrncH C. Q. Tit.. Omaha, Nkb.. Sept. 1S.1S75 SKAI.I'.D l'KOl'tisAfS, in triplicate. vill be received at this oilice. until 11 o'clock a. in. Wc.'.nesday. tetobcr -). 1S7.". a! which p'.n-eand time they vi!l be op-ned in the presence of the bkbiers. for the.delivery in new fiunny nd bur lap sacks, at Omaha Depot. Nebra-.ua. in inan ti'ties as ieiuut d diiri:!- see,-:i.l ij'aarternf fiscal year eiulimr .Imte :n. l"T'i, of t .v millions i2.ik.. uoo.i pounds of com and one million U .oii.O"t') pounds of oats. 1'ropos.ils for a less (juaiitity will be received. I'ach lid to le cunsidor'ed should he pnaran tectl by two responsive parties, not bidilers, that thev will becoi.ie Loi.dsutcu uu award of contract. The pioposp.ls inus be in triplicate and be made separately tor Corn and forOats.and mitut jf.i; i rroprom which it iprox-rl tu rlWiivr. Preference vvill he given to Alleles of Uoincs lie production. Bids should be endorsed on envelope 'Bids for Koraire.' The contract.; will lie let with the proviso that tfie ii-.iaiititn s contracted f ir may ! iiiercaseil or reduced ouc-ttnrd by the Chief Quartermas ter of the Department, at any time pending full delivery. The rilit to reject any or all bids is reserved. Blank bids furnished and full conditions) made known on appU;-atio:i to this otv.ce. ALliX. .1. PLKKY. Depary (.V M. Ocucral. ' ' Probate Notice. In the mffttr nf tfic tdntc of John H" IJving tn, tlrreanctl: Notice is lit rel.v piven that the oi 'Mrf and all pel-sous iuteresicil in the final sctUemrnt vf aid esi.ite, will meet the administrator of said estate bei. ue me. Probate .fude of Cass ceVI t v,ebrska.at the Prolmte Court in Raid ooi:n-' ty. on the 8th day of October, A. I). 1SI", at 10 o'clock a. in. Witness'mv hand and official ' Seal i, I this tiie 21st Hay of Sept. A. D. 175. ' L- 11. K. KI.LISON. -s 2012 Probate Jutle. Special Election Notice. Notice is hereby given, that on Tuesday. October 12th. 175. at tho usual places of holding elections in the various precincts of jt'ass County. Nebraska, an election wal be. held tor the purpose of sub mitting the fodowin proposition, to-wit : "Shall the County .-seat of Cass County be re located." The form i;i which said proposition shall be taken, shall be by ballot, on each of which shall be written or printed the words : "I'or lie-location of County Seat, at ,'or "Auasnsi He-locution of County Seat." The .1 ml ires and Cierks of the regular elec tion will receive the ballots on K location of Couiitv Scat and deposit them in a separate ballot box. kc;t tor that purpose ; they shall be counted and returned the same us ballots In Oeneral Kleetions. Also, by proclamation of the Governor of Ne braska, an election tor meiiibr of the Legis lature in the Fourth District, to fill the place of lion, .lohn Brown, resigned. Which election w ill be opened at 8 o'clock a. ni. and wiil continue open until o'clock p. m. of the same day. Bv order of the County Com inisiiouers, this 23d ilav ol August, 1S7.". C. P. MOORE. Co. Clerk. Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesidaj'. October lath, 1N75. nt the usual j'laces of liohliii;; elections lit tho various precincts of Cass County, Nebraska, an election will be held lor the purpose of elect in"; Three .Indies of the Supreme Court Six lieecenls of the I'niversitv. One Jude for the Second . I udielal District, toe prosecuting Attorney for the Second Ju dicial District, One ( 'ounty Clerk, One i 'ounty Treasurer, One County Judge, One Probate Judge, One Sheriff. One County Commissioner, Second or Middle District, one County Suoerintcndent Public Instruc tion, One Coroner. One County Surveyor, ne Assessor, Two Justices of the Peace in e;u h precinct, Two Constables in each nrecinct. One. Supervisor in each Road District, Three .ladies of Blection in each precinct. '1 wo Clerks of election in each precinct. Also t lie new Constitution will be submitted to the people at the same time, for adoption or rejection, and there shall be separately sub mitted, at the same time, for adoption or re jection, the independent article relating to "Seat of Government", and the independent arti .de "allowing electors to express their pref erence for United States Senator" ; which said ballots shall be of the following form : For the New Constitution." "Airatnst the New Constitution." "For the article relating to Seat of Govern ment " "Against tho article relating to the Scat of Government." "For the article allowing electors to express their preference for United States Senators." "Airainst the'artic'.e allowing electors to ex press their preference for L'nitcd Stales Sena tors." Which eiociion wiil he opened ;it 8 o'clock, n. in., and will continue open until six o'clock, p. m . of the same dav. By order (if the County Conimi.-sioncrs, this Otn'davof September ls7:. Jiir, ' C. P. MORF, Co. Clerk. SEWING MACHINES! New Improved Lock Stitch GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE, For sale by .CHARLES VIALL, With all tho F!ras and At tachments, such as Needles. Oil. Tiiekeis. Hinders, etc. Those who fomcmpluic buyimr a machine, will do well to give the Grover"& Baker a tn:l. Satisfaction guaranteed, and the cheapest machine in tiie market. All orders bv mail promptly attend id to. Address, ('11AHU:S V1A1.L. 2m'! Fiattsmoulh. Neb. Ben Hempel. IIF'3 TI1F MAN, EEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON I.OWKi: MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream. Soda 'Water, & Lemonade to Cool you. Good f quart Meals, nice Lunches, &e.f &e. to warm you. Ales." Wines and good Liquor1 to he fined rea sonably, for your benefit if you desire. P. HEMPEL, Prop. THE WAKEFIELD EARTH CLOSET. Do you care for the health of the females and children, the aired, infirm and invalids of your household? Then furnish for their comfort the greatest blessing of the day. The Wakefield Earth Closet. I any member of your family confined to the room witii waslinir'disease? Remember that you mav have in that room an uncoiitamiiiated atmosphere by using The Wali'Jldd Earth Closet. It is endorsed by thousands ol families who have used them ten veal's, and by the best med ical authority in the country. It is not only a comfort, but is indispensable for health and cleanliness. Send to our oilice. s df.y stri:i:t, new york, for descriptive pamphlets. "Agents wanted everywhere, to whom liberal inducements vvill lie offered. Kxclusive territory given. i"it4. A. L. STRANG, StatE AgenT FOR Halladay's Patent Wind Mills! Double and Single acting Force ;mtl rurni 6m:iis, Feed 31H!s, ec. The Ilalladay MiH has stood the test for six teen years, both in the l'nitcd States and Eu rope and is t lie only one generally adopted by ail Principal Itnilroad ft ml Farmers. Terms Liberal. Send for Catalogue and Price List. A. L. ST K A Nii, Lincoln, Neb. 1 . if j4 II ATT, TIIE I5UTCIIER, OLDEST A'I 1SKST KSTAHLIHHF.D )Ieat Market in Hie City. Not changing eonsfantly. hut the rid Reliable Sit vvliere yon cm g-t your Steaks. lUa.sts. ilaiiie," Kish and Fowl in Seasiii. South Side of Main St., PROFESSIONAL CARDS PLATTSMOUTH, lOjl NEB. NAM. .11. II A I'M AX. ATTOBNI'.Y AT LAW and Solicitor ifi Chan-e-erv. i tllice in Fitzgerald's Block, I'laitsiuoutli. Nehraska. WHKKLKIt A nEXXKTT, KKAL ESTATE and Tax Paying Agents. No taries Pfibilc. Firo and Bile Insurance Agents, PiaUsmoulh. Nebraska. tt. It. MVIXtSTO V, PHYSICIAN & St'KC.EON. lenders his pro fessional service t the -ittAi-tis of Cass county. Beshlence southea-i corner Sixth and Oak sts. ; Oilice on Main street, Ivio doors west of Sixth, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. . . ;KO. 8. SMITH. V.. Tt. RtiHAM. Nil ITH A YTIXntlASI. ATTOUNEYS AT LAW and Ileal EstMc Bro kers. S)ecial attention uiven to Collections and all matters alleeiing the title to real cMate. Oilice on 2d tloor, over Post Oilice, l"lattsinoi;tli, Nebraska. -ML JTWTICK OF TIIK I'KACt- Offlce on Main street, riattsmouth. Neb., two doors east ol Hkkald otlice. Business hour from 8 a. m. to H p. in. All county business usu ally transacted before a Justice of tiie Peace vvill be attended to. Also general collector of debts. lOyll J. W. 1IA1NF.S. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Homoeopathic Physician. tOfflce and Residence corner Sixth and Vine Streets. Plattsmouth. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. 4oyl. Obstacles to Marriage- Ilnppy Itelieffor Young Jtrn from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. lniediiiients to Marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWAKD ASSOCIATION. 41! X, Ninth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. an Institution having n high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. 9yt SHOP, JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Itepairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Crist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and lift pumps, tiuages. Safetv valve Uovernors. and kinds of Brass Engine Fittings re paired on short notice. ' A It It it A V II 1 X K K Y repaired On short notice. steam all 49M - 2 O i . . bi m 2 CD KsH 2 - a. """" "5 5 3 'r! c Si O III p i.i? i H z o 3 O ? B" - cr- I GO sZ: H 3 2 3 M - II S sS - - . ZJT: CO 'f . t as T Reduced Kates for Lumber Clear tiie Track for our Spring Trade. II. A. WATERMAN & SON Will sell Frame Lumber, of all kinds at S20 per ni. Flrwt Quality of FenrluK, 0. " Heeond - 17. " First Boards, 0. " Second " " - 17. Ktar "A"' NIiinglcM, f3.50 per M. 'o. 1 Mhinglew. .50. " Other srailes of Lumber equally Cheap w ith Boors, Siili ItllndM, Ae Ac. See other ad. on outside. STRE1UIIT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES w: IDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constafitly on hand. . Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store NITS, CANDIES, TEAS. SUGARS, COFFEES, TOBACCOES, FLOUR, Remember the place, oppo ite E. O. Dovey's on Lower Main Street. 21-ly STREIGIIT tf- MILLER. NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. The partnership of O. M. Streight and W. D. Jones, being this day dissolved Dr. I). JONES, will open a new Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, at the Oid HI ATT BARN, on Main Street, just east of .lohn Shannon's well known Stable, Plattsmouth. Neb. IIorisen, Itagr:; A Carriages, to let at all times, at leasonable rates. HOUSES BOAIWEI) nr THE DAY, WEEK, on Moyni. Particular attention paid to drivingand train ing Morses, liavimc all the appliances I shall make a particular feature of mv liusiness the drivingand handling of TROTTING STOCK.. fBeing well known all over the county, no further chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite nil my friends to call and see me, and ihey will receive a hearty welcome. Respectfully, 3m d W. D. JONES. Cs4 I. Z. ft I DICK STREIGHT'S L I "V :H3 IR, "2" , Feed and Sale Stables. Corner Cth and Foarl Sts. IIORSKS POAi'.IIFD BY TIIK BAY, IT C Eli, OR ItlO.VTII. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. HENRY ROWLAND. AI-'O1 General Blacksmithing. TEA31S AT ALL HOURS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TKOTTIXC STOCK. Will also have for service during the season the CELKllBATKD IIORSKS : N0R3IAN & TALARAN, Known as the W. I. JOXES IIOIIWEH. E'CFor particulars, see bills or posters. 3vl j Wm. Gramberg's LUMBER YARD, PXATf m.Sc th, Neil, Op. Platto Valley House. (oi hand all kinds of LUMBER, IMORS. SASH, BLINDS, SUING LIS; LATHS. ALSV MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LI3IE, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKED RATES. 13m3 Call and Examine. A. W. WHITE, GROCERIES, Main st., bet. 5th and Cth., rLATTSMOUTH. .... NKB. Highest Price Paid for Coun try Produce. CASH PAID FOR HIDES. GEO. SHAFER'S ANI RLACKS31ITH S II 0 P, FOR HORSE-SHOEING, 31cnilini5 and Repairing ! ALL KiynS OF FARM IMPLEMEyTS Mended and Fixed. :New Wagons for $90, IlagsicM and Light AVngons on liand. and for Hale all the time. C jr E si 7 F O It CsiSIf. New Wagons made to order. Rates reasonable and work guaranteed. On Washington Ave. I PLATTSMOUTH, 4oyt near 7th St., f NKB. WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of tlie Largest Stocks OF GROCERIES IN TOWN. 40yl PROI'KIKTflH fF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St.. under First Nat. Bank.) PliATTSJIOl'TII, - - - XEU. 1V B.UJ Irt 8UITLIED WITH THK BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC, Uiyl SIIU3IAN MISERY. Jvt 1111 ilixhal, in a .Scaled L'ntv for , price C ct A Lecture o the Nature. Treatment, and Radical cure of Kcminal Weakness, or Kperiua torrhiea. induced try Splf-Aluse. Invohintary Kmissions. Impotcncy, Nervous Dehility, ana Iinpeilinii iits to marriage generally ; I'oiisump tion, Kpilepsey, and Fits : Mental and Physical Incapacity, &e. Bv ROBKRT .1. CULVl.li WI.LL, .L 1., author of the "On-ch Book."tc. Tlie world -renowned author, in this adpiira hle Iecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience that t he aw fid consequences of Self-A huse mav he effectually removed without medicine, ami without dangerous surgical operation. bou gies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and eflectuai by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may" be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. f !Tlii Ijeclvre will jtrvtre a lxxm f thowt (7. nid thinuttimU. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address tiie Publishers, CHAN. .1. C. KM.VK A CO. 10-?ly r 127 Bowery-. N- Y. : P. O. box, 4.-C. OMAHA ADS. Grand Central Hotel. Largest and finest hotel between Chicago and San Francisco. Oeo. Thrall, proprietor, Mnalia. WEEPING WATER ADS. Fleming Si Race, DEALERS IN DRY --GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, ' SHOES. AND NOTIONS. And Farmem'Moppllfii Generally. Our Goods are all Nov, and we sell iheni CHEAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE I (40yl) WEEPING WATER, NEB. CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, KF.ALEItS IX IJOtjTS, SHOES, AXD GliOf EttlES, Of every kind, at the lowest ptIMe fatfti. Also DEALERS IN GRAH.N. For whh h the highest C A prices are paid. Hides and produce of afi kind bought at Rea.son:ftil? raU-s. F.MIURIt'M ST.lTIOX-i Cedar Creek.) JOyt CASS CO., XEIillASKA. Vnrriojce, llntricieM. andf, M'lcp Itepalied.ou (Short Attr. A l-SO" iti.siioi:i.(; And all id her iron work promptly ntf( D.-1 : cd to. cheaper than I lie cheapest, for cixvtl By the undersigned. t-l III. IIOWLANB. Shop ooi th west Cor. of i ne a sUUi bU. M.Ai TKMOI TH. NEB. -READ- E.G.DOVEY'S NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I Having made up my mind nevoral years ego RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about tlie end of THE YEAR 17, and being still of the same '"mind. I take thl method ol informing I lie public thai I am selling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS I AT COST. and shall continue dulnSfto t'irmjih this ycoi or until I lie is disposed of. During that time I Intend to Sell Goods for Cash, Iovvcr than any other house can do nnd sustain themselves. .My Mock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS& CAPS, BOOTS tt- SHOES, WALL PA PE 11, CAiPETS, AC, AC, A C. The whole stock will he sold at ottomPrices until it ii ALL SOLD OUT. My object is not to? but to' GET out of BUSINESS. flive nie a call and see for yourself. 5l E. G. DOVEY. LOUISVILLE ADS. 1K. J. M. WATr.ll.TIAS, Physio Medical Practitioner. Jjrtibtrillc, Can Co., Xfb: tf Always at the office on Saturdays. V)yi MORROW BROS.' 13 LAC K S MI TH AND Machine Shop, At I). L. Morrow's old stand, Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. Wc ai e prepared to do a general bushiest In HORSE-SHOEING, And Repairing nil kind is of Mark In fry. mieh mm IIcsihtn. nowrni, Tit rexlii nie .11 acliineH, l'l o vv, Ac. Av. MILL PICKS, AND ALL Iron & Steel Work a Specialty. Tw Order. lJ'All Work Wnrruid-dtoaine Sat isfaction or Monr-y Rffnnded. CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to tlie building opposite Math ews Hardware Store. (On 4th Street. Bet. Main and Vine.) Where in addition to other work, he will give special attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKIXG VICT V HE FIIAMES.AC. Also Agent for the COMMON SENSE IBOX INO TABLES, of which I have number on iK'tid ; call and see them. Careful Work and Prvsmpt Attent tiiu-e to Calls. W-ly U M. L.Tf'CKEI. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE SUOhlXW, AH II WA(;ON NErAIKINO. All kinds of FA KM IMPLEMENTS mended N tatty & Promptly :0: Horse, Mnle& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything th.it lias four feet, from a 7a bnl to a Giraffe. Come and nee us. JtriETW" SHOP, on Fiith St.. between Main ant Yji" Streets, j.ist H-'lx'Ss tlic cotner fro:,i ihe E'.v Ili-.I; VLI oina;, f