4-. . -.- .JyJ 4 i , i 6 ' THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS. I.OCALAO V K KT I S K M E N IS. Tru.M ;it, 2T ci'iiUa lino. Kmular advert is- is, lo cvt.ta i.crline. No advertisement inscr-I'-d lor i- s than IS cent. I cl .Notices at Statute rates. , . , , , YUoi r-vs and officers f tlie law will le rv ! s,;fe for ail legal notices they hand in, an. 5 h I i.arlw s demiuidin a proof of publica iM rioi ;nv notice will be held for the publica tion ! c of" such notice. M'lsl. ii T.. COMMUNICATION, ur space Is limited, nil communication . in lei and to the point, with no waste 1. NEWsrAl'EK DECISIONS. A iv r rsoii who takes the paper regularly 'it 'll til'" IMIslOUlC. WIICIIKI ...... i. u ... ... fc.viu;. . : whether he Is a subscriber or not is .i..blt: for the pay. i- nv perwm orders hia paper discontin ue.! : iiu'-t pny all arrearages, or the pubhsh i n..v . ..ntiiiue to iteud it unt:l payment is n, n in t olleet the whole amount, whether in.- r i taken from the oftie or not. i ' ; i;f ciurls have derided that reliisiii;; to t v' i.esp ' and period leal from the post- "'.. .r i -moving and leaving them unealled .Hi. : pm.tk facte evidence of istkmioxil Hi M I'. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. t:,rr-.-UX Mvulay, Jane 2Ut, 1873. t . I. ( MAMA FKOM rLATTSMOUTlI. !.at,-(. i .i. t!. Arrives 7 :15 a. in. . .) p. m. Arrives, 4 p. ni. Vi. .! OMAHA FOK rLATTSMOUTlI. . M. Arrives, 10 a. in. ij p. m. Arrives, 8 p. m. lOIl THE WEST. j..i s I'lattsinouth, 9:30 a. in. Arrives In ;.:.n - n Kearney. 8 :15 p. m. FKOM THE WEST. L-:.... ivTirney, 0 :X a. m. leaves Lincoln, i 1 ;. i... Arrive I'lattnnou'wii, 3 :lo p. in. tioiNii mast : Ifx.---iK- r, train (each day), 4 -..'JO P.M. One good buggy for sale at the. IIeh ald olhee. "Here's your Ice!" is the welcome cry of Charley JJlack, these warm mornings. Mike Schnellbacher gives the person who lias been borrowing his wood, warning, that if he does not return the wood or its equivalent in one week, he will send the Marshal to pay him a visit. . Envelopes want printing '.-. li ri:.i.ii ofiici. L..v. ": x. McKelvcy will preach at M. ! '.. ( 'liiirch next Sunday, niorn .ui i evening. r :.i friend aim neigiiuor, jonn u, - vi , is running Kxiues.s unci more; ri .1 :;icti?H to Junction, (loud for Our folks had a lively little frolic about paying taxes this week. As family quarrels arc always best to be kept within a man's own household, the IIeualu does not deem it proper to advertise our little whims on this matter any further. FOUND DROWNED. The body of an unknown man was found floating down the river Tuesday, by some of the machine shop boys. They brought his body to shore and the coroner's jury set on it. There was no means of identifying it so it wasbu ried at the county's expense. For the first time in 1875, the Her ald paid a visit to Ilesser's well known Pic Xic Gardens, on Saturday last. The expense Mr. He.sser has been to, and the variety and progress he has made in the bust year aro wonderful. In spito of hard times and grasshop pers, I lesser keeps on improving and spending money on thel'ic-nic Gardens. We only hope he may get it back one of these daws. A r:u- load of Texas Cattle v nt east, cr t!.e U. A. M. Snnd.iy morning. K"j it up gentleman, that is what , o.-.teru Nebraska is made for. 1 ).K' next shoit is to be between Mr. II. .f. StM-i;;!it and Jm Cunningham, li Thi'.rs-Hy (to-day;, at -0 a sid.-. Kv.'-m it up boys. t in ' omity Ciuiiinissioners seem to h.ivtj i !i tnged the order of rlie Poor H .... v- Medicinal Program i nr. J Jr. Si.. -k is appointed im-difal atttu l;!it f.r tlie ensuing year. - .i :'."- -k before la.it some of our best u young men went olf on a hunt corners .V We allude to the .'ing party of Messrs. Sch'.egel, !;k in & Wells. We lipe they may .'.e a -.iiccessful trip, have lots of k'il plenty of IJuffalo and sur ;. creation if necessary and I'nclo :a w il! pay for it. hatm hath: HATS! ; ni jeX of new Hats. I-aiest .vlyli- at W.M. SlAHKUlAXXX IIKJIIKST A WAIID. 1 i ! 'i v4d Diploma for fmc dress t ;U tlie State Fair and continue to .ij- iiii'. best and nicest tits. Give (U-tf) P. Meikjes. A r.ouxu ron lit: nt. its-.s of four rooms; g(.d well of lalijuiie at J-. (!oLii(i's ; store. 17t I ; l-:c. J 1 1 1 -x M. Adair will deliver two at ML Pleasant next Sunday and evening, in the M. K. there. d! ..if I le Mr. J ir.:-"i . M. li.:.: ' v. .ill!.'' irvey i-.i.i; ia by the name of W m. Williams rvned in the Missouri on Fri- Ile was coming down o:i a raft t' e uper country, with a man .' 1' Iter and when opposite the i '' the Platte was drowned. Tlie iiged to McGuire it Curtis. M ix well, an Iowa man, took a .;r . eying party front this place . Fred Dorrington, wan of the Johnny Marshall, Frank , two of the Sprague 1k)vs, Joe 1 and some others. They go to and subdivide the Otoe andoth ui Reservations. ON MDEiVALXS. l'.. IIeiiamk The sidewalk .on v'i'ic M., is horrid ; a la ly fell through Sivi.piy last. If the residents have v.? ; : : can't the City Marslial force build a deewnt sidewalk and ut tl ; weeds down. Try it Mr. Mar--V.al :r:.l commodate a traveler. Citizen. XOTICJ2! ersons having Accounts against : ti & Nathan, are requested to t their store and have the same 1. All persons indebted In us vise call and settle immediately, leave here on the 1st of Septern our accounts mtist m settled. ' Solomon & Nathan. , We aro desired to announce that the small-pox has entirely disap peared from Louisville, and there is no possible, danger in going there to trade. Dr. Waterman is well and at tending to his patients. Noyes is kick ing around as usual and "kalkulates" to make S-jO.OOO on wheat this fall. All tlie rest of the good people of Louisville are on their taps and waiting for the results of harvest to develop themselves. Mushixer has newly painted, paper ed, and refitted his Tonsorial palace thoroughly, and it is even a pleasure to set there and wait jour turn to be shaved by him or his able assistanL Ml'SHIZEK'S POET It Y : W h'-u you may wish an casv shave, A.s g-.iod as P.ailc-r ever gave, .lust call on me at my saloon. At morn, or eve, or busy noon ; 1 curl nnrf tirrss t!:e hair with graro, I'll suit the on. lour of your face ; My room is neat, Hiul lay towels clean. Scissors sharp, and razors keen ; And cverylliiiiir, 1 think you'll find. To please the taste ami suit the mind. And all that art and skill can do, If you'll jimt call, I'll drt for you. CLOTHING. For a eneap suit of Clothes call on W.M. STAIKI.MAX. Hoots and Shoes, cheaper than ever, for Cash. Petek Mkkuks. MONEY TO LOAN. Loans on improved Ileal Estate can be secured on reasonable terms by ap plying to Pollock a IIeaiidsly, 17tf - Plattsmouth Neb. SHOUT HORN POETRY. Pe.licated to 3Ir. Cecil Williams. From an Eastern plas, w ith a frekled fas and a very Human nos. the stranger cam and announced his aim a system to disc'os. In tons profetic he sed fo netic" spelling must prov the thing, that silent letters were jenyus' feters and his name was Professor Ping. When lie sat or wauked, by tlie hour he tanked consenting his sistem Strang, and opened -a skool, where he taut by rul to spel at the shortest rang. In the skool a youth, who, to tell the trootli, was the wickedest boy in toun, just made a not w hen the techer rot an ex ainpel of speling doun. An 1 he rased a row by slioing old How (indeed 'twas a cruel sel) a not on his string from Professor. Ping relating to "meeting How's Pel." The whol truth to tel. it was "meeting hous bid" the "fonetic" m:i had ritten, but old How deluded, at once concluded his dauter Pel was smitten. In a pashun hot, a big charge of shot he lodged in Professor Ping: and the vois profetic wioh sed "fonetic" ceasd sainganithing. Selected Poems. A YERY SAD ACCIDENT. :i Thursday evening last, a very sad i ri ! ; nt happened to the family of Mr. An.', ileinhackle of this place. A lit ih s ; i Frederick, and the other ch'd !;;!, older, concluded to play "keep V in the kitchen, and In order to 5 0. proposed to build a lire as all . .u-vieepers do. The kindlings not ' g as they desired r.nd imitating V j oi ler ones they got the keroseue ;;nd poured it on the smouldering .ui '-! -. Instantly it canght fire and i.Ilo p ..- r child Frederick only four ye.; -iir.l 1 1 v. was so bally lntrned that he night and was buried on Fri- i i'ti $o(M.00 NO I ICE. v ! j sold 6'2.00a worth of Wots "i- -s, since 1 began selling at re 1 ; rices, I am still louiid to fur i vluce my stock, wow is your time. - f irinerlv -S7.0O, jiow ."5.00 K i I S h oes, f n n'l y Mr. Johnson, the Organ man totally, mistakes the tenor and scope of our ar ticle on manufactories. There is not a word or a line in that article that could be distorted, by any man in his senses, to mean that wo advocated the estal lishment of another organ factory, or, that we supposed the committee would pry into his secrets, or interfere with Ins "process," or tell him how to make his organs or anything of the kind, liy help was meant pecuniary help to en huge (if lie needed it) and if lie didn't to help some other man in some other line. No other construc tion c:tn be put on the language by any one not morbidly egotistical, and jealous of his own business. As regards the seasoning of lumber, no one here knew of Mr. Johnson's won derful invention, certainly not the edit or of the II era Lit, therefore we could not have alluded to thaL and in fact did not have Mr. Johnson's Iumler In our mind when writing; but mention ed over and over what seasoned lumber waa needed for; viz: wagons, cooper age, furniture &c, and not for organs. The amount of lumber used In organs is a mere drop in the buckeL Put fiddle, we are wasting time and space. Is there any use to talk to peo ple in the face of such blindness. Once more Stadelmanns at 10 ier cent below eosL Jump when the pig eon llies. FA H2IEIIS ATTENTION! Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Oigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can ToHaccoss for smoking purposes. F'jr Sale, liost qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. CUT FLOWERS. For the Hand, Throat, Dress. Coat, Weddings, Pails, Dinners, and Funer als. Will always do our best to give satisfaction, and think wecan. Orders for Cut Flowers from parties liv ing not more than one davs journey. ' ; e (-t 18 thread serge shoes only 2.2-" wjn receive prompt attention, can fill Mni'.' !iocs 1.2 such orders by express atsmall expense v'. iv Shoes 1.00 j to purchaser, and will insure safe arri- ...::' a id examine. No charge for I val. .Prices from S-lc to 5 00 ami up . ds an-l prices. Will be happy ward, from Puttonhole Poquets to ,,t!i. I elaborate baskets. &c. V""n :j Alrr,;;;- . V'if L- A. Moora-, :i.00 I - i John Shannon has a new dog story. See him. Pill Wells' terrier dog is getting, up a reputation as a lightest. The Plattsmouth Sorting Club are requested to meet at Henry Streight's office on Friday evening, July 30th, at 7 o'clock, for business. st. lukeVchuucu. Pishop Clarkson will hold Divine Service in St. Luke's Church on Sunday next. Matthews has got a new lot of shoot ing lixings on hand. All varieties of powder 21 sizes of shot, wads, caps, Cartridges to match &c, &c. Here's your chance, bhootista!. Punning race; Kenedy and Bron- c oand a stranger and a bay mare. 50 aside; race ain't over yet, can't tell how it's coming out, got to go to press. Solomon & Nathan are disposing of their immense stock of goods very low now, as they will leave here on the 1st of September nexL We will be sorry to lose them, but suppose it can't be helped. DIED. DAVIS. Died at the residence of his son in Marvsvillc, Mo, of Cousunip tion, W.M. II. Davis, aged sixty-one years, six months and six days. Mr. Davis was born in Kentucky in 1814, and removed to. Missouri at an early age, where he has remained ever since. He was the father of Mrs. Purl Spurlock, of this city, and leaves many warm friends here to mourn his loss. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The Plattsmouth Grain Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due the company will be col lected and all claims against the com pany will be paid by E. T. Duke.Treas. E. G. Dovey, E. T. Duke & Co., J. II. PUTTEKY. D. SCHXASSE, F. GOKDKR. F. 11. fiUTIIM.VN. Plattsmouth Neb., July 1st, 1875. . The business will be continued un der the name and style of the Platts mouth Grain it Stock Co.. Thankful for the patronage of the farmers for the last two years, we cheerfully recommend the new compa ny to the contidence and patronage of tlie community. 18t3 Plattsmouth Grain Co. EXCHANGE NOTICE. I am bound to exchange my largo, stock of Poots and Shoes for cash. Come and see if I don't. Petek Merges. Wc certainly shall look up Mr. E. Clark's paper and see what has become of it. We do tot want to loso a "sub" if possible. LOST. On Friday afternoon or evening last, a lace handkerchief. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at the First National Pank. Hurrah! a bran new sidewalk op posite the new Herald office, and in front of Mr. Fitzgerald's private resi dence. Now Boeek and Panne! e. and tlie rest of "you 'u'ns" finish the good work. Mr. Eaton's handsome brown team ran away last Friday and came near playing smash. They tried to run be tween the'O K Saloon and the building next to it, a space of about two feet. A boys kite frightened them and that reminds us that the'little fellows ought not to (ly kites on the main streets and avenues. There are plenty of hills made a purpose to fly kites on. The Herald thinks it proper to say that this tax payment business ought to have been pushed to a head long ago and while it is not our province to pass judgment on the Treasurer's selec tion of individuals on whom the burden fell, it was due to the tax-paying com munity at large, that some definite ac tion should be taken, and the Treasur er was justified in settling the legality of the levy, promptly. DYSPEPSIA. Americans ;tr particularly subject to this disease and its tUects; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitu al Costiveness, Heart-burn water-brash, coming up of tlie food, coated tongue, disagreeable, taste in the mouth, Palpi tation of the Heart, and all diseases of the Stomach and Liver. Two doses of Green's August Flower will relieve you at once, and there positively is not a case in the United States it will not cure. If you doubt this go to your Druggist G. P. Chapman, and get a sam ple liottle for 10 cents and try iL lteg ular size 75 cents. We observe a notice of the dissolu tion of the old Plattsmouth Grain Co.; and the formation of a new Stock and Grain Co. We are pleased to hear from Mr. Duke, Treas. of the old Com pany, that their business has been prosperous the last year, and we know the new men will do as well. The Stock and Grain firm are Messrs. Schnasse, Lazenby and Go?rder. THE rLATTSJIOUTII GRAIN AND STOCK C0-UPANY. The above firm, consisting of some of our best known citizens, desire to inform the public that they are pre pared to buy live stock of all kinds that are marketable, and grain as be fore, at the highest market prices. They think that the high price of grain always paid in Plattsmouth, above that of other towns, is largely due to the endeavors of the Plattsniouth Grain Company, and they pro'ose to keep it up iu the future. Resieetuliy asking for the good will and patronage of the farmer and producei they hope to make their bus iness transactions mutually profitable to both. THE NEW FIRM ARE, G. Schnasse, Chas. Lazenby, lto Fred. Gceruer. TtRSONAL. Mr". John Fitzgerald has returned home after an absence of some length. With his usual energy he is head and ears in new plans and new business al ready. "Capt. Charlton" and wife arrived hen? Tuesday both 'ooking well, and oh! so glad they got married. The Presbyterians and everyone else seem pleased with the new minister, Mr. Paird. Preach in earnest and you will win. Mr. P. P. Murphy, the City Marshal, called on the new Herald office last week, to see how get along. Very well, we thank you. Mr. Nelson Jeans called on the Her ald last Saturday, in our new office. Welcome Jeans. Pight in the midst of the grasshop per devastation in this county the corn field of Henry Taylor was spared, and he never hail so good a crop before. Talks about 70 or 80 bushels to the acre. Hon. John Barnes, left for the scene of his duties last week. Mr. W. S. Stevens, of San Jose Cal.;a relative of Capt. Bennett's paid us a visit lately. He is a very intelligent man and the Herald returns thanks to him for much valuable information about that country. There should bo no personal feeling against Marshal Murphy in regard to his late action on tax matters. He is simply an officer of the law, obeying orders from those charged with enforc ing law as they understand it. Mrs. Freuch, daughter of Mr. and and Mrs. A. Wright, returned to Platts mouth last week. SPECIAL NOTICES. Dissolution of Co Partnership. The Co-partnership heretofore exist ing and doing business under the name of Clark & Plummer, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The busi ness will be continued in the name of Eli Plummer, who will settle the affairs of the late linn. Plattsmouth, Neb., July 8th, 1S75. JOHN P. CLARK, lGt3 ELI PLUMMEIL Thk Mwfrn Wonifr. Experienced peo ple ;tre loiiiid wondering how so perfect a sew ing machine as the Wilson Shuttle can be made so perfect in every part, so thoroughly adapted the requirements nt family sewing, and yet he sold for twenty dollars less than any other tirst class machine. The reason is easy and plain : The Wilson Sewing Machine Company is con tent with a fair profit, because the most perfect machinery is used In Its construction. Tlie splendid establishment of the Company. and its immense business, is the best evidence that this policy has been a success. Machines will bo delivered at any Railroad Station in this county, free of tnti'siortation charges, if ordered through the Company's I'.raneh House at No. C10 4th Street, St. Iiuis, Mo. They .send an elegant catalogue and cliromo circular, five on application. This Company want a few mora good agents NOTICE ! Contracts for Bridge-building. Sn.ii.r,i I'uovos vt-s for building bridges will be received until Wednesday, the 4th day of August. A. I. ls7.". J'.ridges to be built in ac cordance with specification, to be seen at the Clerk's OfticF. The Hoard reserves the right to reject .uiiv or all bid.. I:v order of the Hoard of County Commisaion ers.Muly loth, 1875. C. i . MOO It E, 116loAug4J Clerk Cass County, Neb. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Sale. Ry virtue of an order of sale issued by C. 1. Moore, clerk of the District Court, within and for Cjiss Count v, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will on the 2Sth day of August, A. 1). Is75.at Id o'clock, a. in. f if said dav at the south door of the Coiilt House, in said county, sell at public auction -the following real estate to-wit : The soiitu-wct quarter Isw'l of section twenty-one -1, tn twelve ( 111, north of rangn nine yj east of the sixth ithj principal meridian ; also the south east quarter se') of the the south-east quarter scUl and the north west quarter pnvUJ of the south-east quarter se.i of section twenty I2u. town twelve 12. north of range nine east of the sixth 6th principal meridian all in Cass Countv, Nebras ka. '1 he same being levied upon ami taken as the property of William J. Martin, et. al., de fendants; to satisfy a Judgment of said Court, recovered bv Johu U. Clark, plaintiff. riattsniouth, Nebraska, July 27th. A. D. 1ST5. M. It. CUTLER. lSt5 .Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Rv virtue of an order of sale issued by C. P. Moore, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 2hlh day of August, A. D. 175, at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of 1'lattsmotith, in said county, sell at public auction, the following real es'ate. to-wit : The south-east quarter sc'-tl of section thirty-four in town num ber twelve 112. range twelve 121. east sixth 16th principal meridian, in Cass County, Ne brasta. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of .John Hoss ami Susan Ross, defendants : to satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered bv David Keniiek, plaintiff. I'lattsmoulh, Nebraska, July 27th. A. D. 1S75. M. R. CUTLER, 18t5 Sheriff. Legal Notice. William O. Woodruff, Sarah K. W odruff. and Joanna it. North, non-resident defendants. You, and each of yon will take notice that on the 24th day of July, A. D. Is7;". Christian Schluntz tiled his petition In the District Court, in and for Cass county, Nebraska. The object and prayer of which petition is that an account may he taken of tlie amount due said Christian Schltmtz from William U. Woodruff, iinon a cer tain I'romissory Note and Mortgage Deed exe cuted by said William (1. Woodruff and Sarah E. Woodruff, of Date June I2.1KT1. and due Jan. 1st, 1S75, and that the following decsribed Real Estate covered by said Mortgage deed viz : The south-east quarter se'J and the west half w'4 of the north-east quarter ne'l of section eight S1, and the south-west quarter sw1 of the soul li-CiLst quarter Ise1 of section five 15). all in town eleven 11 J, north range thirteen UJ, east sixth ;th principal meridian, and also a strip fifty rods wide off of the south side of the south-east quarter se'iij of the south-east quarter Ise1, or section five 3, in town eleven 111, north range fourteen 14, east sixth 6th principal meridian, all in Cass county, Nebras ka, be sold to satisfy the sum so found due said Christian Schluntz. "unless William ti. Woodiuff anil Sarah E. Woodruff pay said sum so found due, by a day to be named by the Court, and that Joanua'E. North answer said petition set ting forth any interest she may have, or claim in and to said Keal Estate covered by the Mort gage Deed of Christian Schluntz ; by virtue of a certain Mortgage J ced. made, executed and delivered to her, Joanno B. North, by William ;. WiodrulT, on the ISth day of April, 1s70, and in default of such answer that Joanna E. North forever stand and be barred of any and all qmty of redemption in and to said premises, and you are each one notified that unless yon answer said petition on or before the btli day of September, ls7", judgment will be taken against each one of you, according to the prayer of said petition. CHKISTIAN SCHLUNTZ 18t5 1'laintiff. Sheriff's Sale. ry t'uju of an Execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass Coun tv, Neniska. and to me directed. 1 will on the Till da" of August. A. D. 1x75, at 10 o'clock, A.M. of said day, at the south door of the Court house in iud County, sell at Public Auction, the fol lowing lU'al Estate, to-wit : Commencing eight is; chains aud twenty-five (25) links west of the quarter section corner of the north side of section nineteen (19). town twelve (121. range fourteen (in. east of sixth 1. M.. south five (5) degrees, c:ut live) chains and seventy-five i75) links ; thence west twenty five (25) links ; th tn-e south two (21 chains and fonri4i liuks ; thence west two (2) chains and sixty-one l links to a ioiiit on east line of Filth street, if conliuucd south from l'latts mouth ; thence north along the east line of said street seven 7 eh. .ins and seventr-six and one halt 7t'il liuks to the north line of said section, thence east on the section line two 2 chains and tb-irty-two and one-half :524 links to the place "f beginning ; containing two 2 acres more or Jess, and situated iu Cass County, .Ne braska. The Aiue being levied upon and taken as the property Tf J. V. Canies. Defendant ; satisfy a jiidgujetHf said Court, Recovered by Valk-ry & Kufiner, riywntitls. l'lattsmoutit, Neb., Julv 7th, A. P. l7s. .'1 . n. tuiLt. rv. 1.MV Sueuff Caas County, .Neb ROBERT DON NELL YS Wagon & Blacksmith Shop Wa'jon) Buggy, Machine and Plotc re pairing, and general jobbing. Xew Wagon and ItugIeM made to Order. SATISFACTI ON IU AIC.VNTEED. Shop on Sixth street, opposite StrcigUt's Stable. E ES. Sister, MERCHANT TAILOR, Is hi receipt of the finest and S X .9 T H S S O II TJK JS W T OF Cassimerrs, Cloth. Vetins. Scotch (;oo(N, Irish. Krieiie, A r. iff"u fact, the largest and best assortment of Cloth ever brought to this city, which I aiu prepared lo make up in the 1-atest Styles. Call and examide (loods. 40yl CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the building opposite Math ews Hardware Store. (On 4th Street. Bet. Main and Vine.) Where in addition to other work, he will give special attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKIXO VICTVUE FRAMES, JtC. Also Agent for tho COMMON SENSE IKON liti TA I1I.ES. of which we have a number on hand ; call and see them. Careful Work and Prompt Attend ance to Calls. 40-ly WM. L. TUCKER. 0. K. RARBEIt SHOP. T. B. Hall lias opened a fine, new, handsome, well appointed BARBER SHOP. South Bide of Main street, cast of Vivian's Store. There is the place to get a clean shave. Give Hall a call. 11. Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAX. KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream. Soda Water. & .Leuiouade to Cool you. Good square Meals, nice Lunches, &c, &c. to warm you. Ales. Wines and good Liquors to be used rea sonably, for your lenefit if you desire. 40-y B. HEMPEL, Prop. W Good fresh luilk DELIVERED DAILY ! AT EVEIIYUODYS HOME1XPLA TTSMOUTIT 1 F TFT KY WANT IT, I!Y J. F. IJEAIMKISTKM. gRKD IN VOl'Il ORPEKS AND I WILL TKV AND GIVK YOU ZrPTTIRIE mile: 111 4fyl and serve you regularly. 1). L. 3I0RR0WS NEW Blacksmith Shop, ox Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. Docs n general business In Horse-Shoeing, Mending, and Uepairing Wairons farm Machinery. Dressing Mill Ticks, and ail steel and Iron Work, on SHORT NOTICE 1 1 ! REMEMBER THE SIGN, D. L. Morrow's 431 y Illacksmilh Shop. WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF GROCER IN TOWN. ES STRE1GHT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES URIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly vn hand. Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS. SUGARS, COFFEES, TORACCOES, FLOUR. AC. Remember the plae, oppo ite E. G. Doyey's on Lower Main Street. 2Uly HI' RE I GHT d- MILLER. Wm. Gramberg's LUMBER YARD, Fnattssioutit, Xeb., Op. riatte Valley House. On hand all kinds of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATHS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LIME, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKED RATES. 13m3 Call and Examine. E.T.Duke & Go., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. STOVESJINWARE, Inox, Xails, Hoes, RAKES, SHOVELS, KNIVES AND FORKS, AXES, cn da. ALL K1NIS OF Tinware Manufactured. MAIN ST;, r.LT. Cud & 3d iovv PJIOFESSIOXAL CAKDS W V3f. U. HA I'M AX. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chan cery,. Oilicc in Fitzgerald's lilock, I'lattsinouth, Nebraska. WUKKIiEK A lKIXrrT, REAL ESTATE and Tax ray4ne Agents. No taries l'ublic. Fire and Lilo Insurance Agents, r'mttsmouth. Nebraska. It. il. I,IVlAHTOX, rriYRlCIAN fi SCROEON. tenders his pro fessorial services to the citizens of Cass county. Residence .southeast corner Sixth and Oak sts. ; iflice on Slain street, two doors west of Sixth, I'lattsinouth, Nebraska. CiKO. 8. H.MITH. - R. U, WINDHAM. MHITll A WIXDItAM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Bro kers. Special attention given to Collections and all matters affecting the title to rral estate, oflice on ad floor, over 1'ost OfUce; riattsniouth, Nebraska. i. Jl siTICE Ol1 TIIK PEACE. Oflice on Main street, riattsniouth, Xeb.. two doors east of Hkkalu oflice. Rustness hour from 8 a. in. to 8 p. ut. AH county business usu ally transacted before a Justice of the Feace wiil be attended to. Also general collector of debts. I40yl J. W. Hai.xks. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Homoeopathic Physician. E7-Offlce and Residence corner Sixth and Vine .streets, riattsniouth. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. 4uyl. HENRY IIOWLAXJ). AI-S'J r. General Blacksmithing. 4'rrlnco, lliiSKiewt, and Waicoii Ite pa I red on Nhor t Xotlcc ALSO . UOIt.NE-MIOriM; Atnl .ill other lr.n work promptly nttohd ed to. cheaper than lh cheapenl, for caU Hy tho undersigned. II. IIOWLAND. Shop nortTiwet Cor. of V lw a Mitli sts I'L.VITSMOUIII, M.ll. PROPRIETOR OF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Bank.) PLATTSMOUTH, - - - XEB. MY BAR IS SUPPLIED WITH THK BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC, 40yl S ZE3I O ILP , JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH,' - - - - NEB. Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Suw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Ripe, Force and lift pumps, steam GuaKes, Safety valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings re paired on short notice. K ARM MAORI X K It Y. repaired on short notice. 49yl a i- o C TJ a -b o e-I 5C r-. ZK P 2 3 e-r CD fx) O o 3 C " 3 -a J- o 3 . O S o -ri - j. o cr re S Z .3 so c ? 2 2 - o " 2 1 GO s- CD i CO o 5 e.5 fj CD . a i us o trJ Hi o CD --TriFif' Obstacles to Marriage- Happy Relief for Yonng len from the effects of Errors and Abuses iu early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books ami Circulars sent free. In sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION. 411) N, Ninth St., rhiUdclphia, Ta. an Institution having a hitch reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. 9yl TIIK OR EAT ('Al'SE HUMAN3IISEUY. Jwt Pithludied, ih a Scaled Eitrtlope, price C ct A I-ectiire on the Nature, Treatment, and Itdical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spenna-torrho-a. induced by Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emissions, Iin potency. Nervous Debility, ana linpedimeiits to man aage generally ; Consump tion, Epilepsey, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Ineapacitv, &c By ROBERT J. CX'LVKR WELL. M". D-. author of the "Green Book." &c The world-renowned author, in this admira ble lecture, clearly proves from his own exiicr ience that tlie awful consequences of Self-Abuse mav be eiTcetuaily removed without medicine, and without danperous surgical operation. bou gies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. ir-Thi Lieetnre will jtroorc a boon to ihiwt anilxantl thHands. sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receiptor six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, I'll AN. J. V. KLIXK 4. CO, 10-431y 'r 127 Bowery, N. Y. : P. O. box. 45J-6. OMAHA ADS. Grand Central Hotel. Largest and finest hotel between Chicago and San Francisco. Geo. Thrall, proprietor, Omaha. WEEPING WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. And Farmers npplle Generally. Our Goods are all New, and we sell them CIIEAF. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! (40yl) WEEPING WATER, NEB. LOUISVILLE ADS. IK. J. 31. WATERMAX, PhysioMedical Practitioner. LtmufViUt, Cans Co., JV"c?j. Always at the office on Sat nrdays. 40yi FOX & GLOVER, Sell the BEST COODS at the lowest rrices, at LOUISVILLE, CASS CO., NEB. CK.VKRAL PKALKRS IX DRY GOODS, GIlOCi:ilii:S ! HATS, READY CAPS. MADE BOOTS k CLOTHIXa. SHOES. XOTIUSS, CROCKERY WARE, AND FARMERS' SUPPLIES GENERALLY. fall and give them a trial. C?-Alsodcal in GR Al N & COAL. 4oy l CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, CfSaOTHnSS, BOOTS, SHOES, AXD ORvCEBTES, Of every kind, at the lowest possible rates. Also DEALERS IN GRAIN. For which the highest CASH ibices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at Reasonable rates. IX II ELREKts STATI OX (Cedar Creek.) 4ovv ca.vs co., xeisraskta: O-O TO VALLERY & RUFFNER'S FOR G001 NEWS FOlt THE PURLIC!! 3fow la the timo to buy your Notwithstanding the ilepression of the country, will still contimio to soil goods at their old stand in FITZGKK ALIVB BLOCK, cheaper than ever, and defy competition In prices ard goods. The j constantly keep on hand a largo as sortment of DRY GOODS, N OTIONS READY MADE CLOTHING. GROCERIES, BOOTS if- StI0E HATS AND CAPS. QUE ENS W A Mi, WOOD d- WILLOW WARE, BEST BllANDS OF FLOUR, TOBACCO, &c, dn. They will soil all goods a low as any house In town, even if advertised at cost. " They do not deem it necessary to givo a price list, hut would ak jun to call and examine the goods, hear the prices, aud satisfy yourselves befort purchasing elsewhere. Our motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," for cash: Imp VALLERY & RUFFNER'S DEVOIR, 1S75. They also would call attention of tlie fanning community to the" fart, thai thev sell the Improved and World renowned J. I. CjJko & Co.';? THRESH- ING MACHINE. Tho Nichols & Shepherd's "VIB!lA7'UR" Thresh ing Machine, the "Old Reliable" McCormiek "Advance" REAP ER d- MOWER: also the McCORMICK HARVESTER, the best in the market. Don't give your orders un til you see samples. Prices lower than any other dealer. THE LITTLE CHAMPION REAPER AND MOWER, which gives perfect satisfaction. THE KIRBY REAPER d- MOWER, THE WEIR CULTIVATORS AND PLOWS. DERE d- CO.' GANG AND STIRRING PLOWS, Ust in turn KEYSTONE d- BROWN CORN PLANTERS. FISH BROTHERS' WAGONS, Tha bst on. whwl BROAD CAST SEEDERS. DRILLS, STALK CUTTERS, HARROWS, CORN SHELLERS. dc, d-c. "Which they will sell at bed-rock prices to suit tho times. f"For the above named Machinery, they always kccji on hand a full lino of extras, which is a great item to farmers. 511 VALLERY & RUFFNER. Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Draids, Curls, Switches, riifTs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made ly Orders left at MKS. KENNEDY'S MILLICR1 S T O II II . On Main St., 1 door east of Clark & Hummer's. MIMES K SALE 11 Y sixger scwi.c; MJLC l'O with all the EXTRAS, ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES &C. i Also, flows. Cultivators. Wnpons. and FA KM IMPLEMENTS for dale. Cor. Main and I 40yl Ctli Stfl. I'L ATTSMO CT1 1. NEI5. SEWING MACHINES! New Improved Lock Stitch GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE, For sr.la hy CHARLES VII ALL. With all the Extras and Attachments, such as Needles. Oil. Tuckcis, Limicrs, etc. Those who contemplate, buyiuir a ma'li!iie, will do well to Hive the G rover & Baker a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed, nd the cheapest machine in the market. All orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Address, CJL4 HL.ES VI ALL, 2m i'lattsinouth. Net). NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE S T .A. IB Xj IB I AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. ' The partnership of O. M. Ktrelcht and V. D. Jones, liclng this ilay dissolved Dr. W. I. JONES, will ojicn a new Llverv. Vei-d, and Sale Stahle, at the Old HIA J T J'.AUN.oii Main Stic.-t, just east of .John Shaiiiion's r 11 known Stable, riartiiioiith. Nch. Hor-MCN. Itacsrlen A 'nrrlaxc, to let at all times, at leaiionnldo rates. HORSES HOARDED 7.T THE DA Y, WEEK, OR MOXTH. l'artlcular attention paid to drivlnirand traln liiC 1 lows, llavinif all the a)i!lanc'A I sluill make a particular teature of mv liiistncss the driviiitfand handling of TIJOT'i I N U STOCK. Cf Being well known all over the county, no further chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite all my friends to c;i!l and sc me. nnd tlx y will receive a hearty welcome. Itcspcctf idly. 3m 8 W. D. JONES. GEO. SHAFER'S tar axh BLACKSMITH SHOP, FOH HORSE-SHOEING, Mending and Repairing; ! ALL KIXDS OF FARM IMPLEMEXTS .Mended and Fixed. 95 New Wagons for Sale, ItntrcieM utid Light Wogeot on Iiaud. an-.l for nalc all the t laie. c r r .-i 3 o 12 c .-i $ jr. New Wa.:"Vi3-ic.:(le to .i r. lialcs tcason.ililc un.1 work guaranteed. On W'.ishin-ton Ave. ) rLATTS'IOl'TlT. ifiyi nt ar'Tth S;.', Mill. Beduced Bates for Lumljcr Clear the Track for our Spring Trade. H. A. WATERMAN & SON Will sell Frame I.. amber, of all klnOa at 9ZO per m FtrMt quality or Fenflnt, HO. " Second " 17. M Flrt ItoardN, fUK " Heeond 17. " Rtar ".V KlilogleM, S3. 50 per M Xo. 1 Whlncle. J.30. Otlier gradeM ofLumber finally ( licnp--w ith Doom, HanIi ItlindM, A.c. See other ad. on outside. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, ULJl CKS.U1 Til II0TJSE SirOEIM., AND WAilON KErAIKINC. All kinda of FAKM IMTLEM "NTS ' mended' Neatly d- Promptly :0: Horse, Mnle& OxShocing,; In short, we'll shoe anything that has' four feet. from, a Zebra to a tiirafCe. (Tome and eco m, JSTEIW SHOP, on Fifth St., hotv.oCii alul ilie S rrf! i ayrv, ; l.c corner f;o.a fie xrw HEj:.i'.l