. . J ,,.lr,-H.,.. THE HERALD. LOCAL LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient, 25 cenu a line. liegular advertis m, 10 rents ier line. Nu advertisement inser ted for lews than 2S cviiis. Legal Notice at Statute rates. Attorney and ofiicers of the law will be held responsible fur all U'ttal notices lliey hand in, ainl all unities deniHiiiliinr a iroof of publica tion of any notice will be held for the publica tion fee ot si such notice. COMMUNICATION. As our space Is limited, all communications miifct be Uriel and to the point. Willi no waste vf words. NEWSPAPKU DECISIONS. 1. An? person who takes the paper regularly from the jMistoflice. whether directed to his name, or whether he is u subscriber or not is reiKiisible for the pay.. 1. If anv person orders bis pajM.-r discontin ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish er m.iy continue to send it until payment is made, ami collect the whole amount, whether the paper Is taken from the oflice or not. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the post oflice. or removing and leaving them uncalled t or. is prima icic evidence of inten tional KKAL'U. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Correct! Monday, June 2 1st, 1873. KOR OMAHA FIIOM I'LATTSMOUTH. leaves. 5 a. in. Arrives :15 a. in. " 2 :t0 p. in. Arrives, 4 p. ni. FROM OMAHA FOR rL.YTTSMOUTH. Leaves, 8 :V a. in. Arrives, 10 a. in. " 6 p. in. Arrives, 8 p. in. FOR THE W EST. Leaves riuttsmoutli, 9 :.'J0 a. in. Arrives In IJnaoln, 12 :J5. Kearney. 8 :15 p. in. FROM THE WEST. Leave Kearney. 0 :.V a. m. I.vaves Lincoln, 12 :5o p. in. Arrives l'l.itt smoutli, 3 :2.r p. m. uoi kast: I'aascnor, train (each day), 4 i'H) P.M. 20,000 Envelopes want printing at the Herald ollice. Printing Material for Sale. A good (seven column) second hand press for sale. A. good (Jerman printing office for sale. Apply at the new JIekald office. latf The stands, racks, types, press and printinjr material formerly beloiiifiuu to tlu? Deutsche Warht for sale by the pro prietors of the Herald. itf A few City Orders for salo at the IIkkald office. It has cleared off, for how long no man knoweth. And the Kearney Press has taken to special artist3 and cuts. The new Saunders House sign went up Monday in spite of the rain. Whoever says Nebraska is a dry coun try after this is a '"villain anil a liar." Grumbeig is fixing up his Lumber Yard very sensibly, and st ems to be do, inga hcavv business. The ladies of the M. E. Church give the first I Jerry festival of the season, on Tuesday evening, next. The new Pastor of tho Presbyterian congregation, the Rev. J. T. IJaird will be here and will preach morning and evening at the Presbyterian church on iSundav next. The new proprietors of the Saunders House invited a few friends to dinner on the Fourth. Every appointment of the House was in first class shape, bo say the diners all, City orders for sale. If ATS! HATH! J I ATS! A fine stock of new Hats. Latest .style at Wm. St iki. Manx's. KSTKAY XOTICF. Taken up by the subscriber, at my place on Luke "Wiles' farm, one ml mid white cow. The owner must call, prove propertv, pav charges and take her away. " l.iVS M. W. Walsh. IIH.'lIL'ST AWAKIft. I received Diploma for fine dress boots at the State Fair and continue to make the best and nicest tits. Give me a call. (14-tf) P. Merges. IH VINE SEKY1CES. There will be divine services in St. Lukes church on Friday evening at 8 a. in. Vestry Meeting. A meeting of the Vestry will take place at the llectory Saturday even ing at 8 o'clock. We understand that there are to be several changes in the Surveyor Gener al's office independent of the chief. Mr. Schlegal long known as chief lerk has resigned and Mr. A. Cunning bam is appointed in his place. Mr. Ueardsley leaves for his farm at Weep ing Water, and is replaced by another party. Jacob Horn, one of the oldest and most substantial farmers of Cass Co. was thrown from his horse on Tuesday evening and was very badly injured. . Dr. Donelan was sent for and re mained with him from Tuesday even ing until Wednesday morning, during the whole time of which he remained insensible. At this writing he is some what better and hopes are entertained of his ultimate recovery. OUU FOURTH OF JULY Passed off pretty nicely after all. In the morning the clouds just opened their pores and poured down water on us, making the boys feel blue enough, about noon the band came down onus, to find every body in doors, no orator, no excursion, and only Frank Stadter, Harvey Sage and the big cannon, which boomed Fourth of July every few min utes,from midnight until late Monday evening. We fixed the hand and sent them home. About two it began to clear up and by night we had a very decent day and the Fourth began at once, cracker guns, music and balloons. Somebody hustled 'round and got Johnson's band to play, big postern were put out announcing the Ball irt the evening and by that time it was dark enough for the fireworks. They sixrted splendidly. "Fireworks Knoll" waa crowded with boys and other folks and the balloons sailed away In grand style. After that the ball. 88 tickets were sold and erery-4 body feels happy, and will long remem ber th Fourth of July which came on the 5tU 173, II. Dobinney, of Weeping "Water, called on the Herald not long since. Antoine Cabna, of Richardson, an old settler of Neb. visited us last week. Mike Murphy sends us another Irish Dutch paper. Some kind of "Mike's blat." Prof. Sturgis got up a very hand some Programme for the High School exercises. He deserves great credit. The hail storm was very severe in the county several miles west of here through the farms of Joe Gilmour, Mr. Craig, Mr. 1 1 ol in us, and so on through the Mt. Pleasant district, and down into Otoe it did great damage. Mr. L. F. Johnson and his we?I known Band, very handsomely fur nished the boys some music on the evening of the 3th, so they had their ball after all. RASPBERRY FESTIVAL, On Tuesday evening, July 13th, in Fitzgerald Block at the old Post Office by the ladies of the M. E. Church. All are invited. We desire a full attendance. One good buggy for sale at the Her ald office. CLOT 11 IN a. For a cheap suit of Clothes call on W.M. STADELMAXX. Once more Stadelmanns at 10 ier cent below cost. Jump when the pig eon flies. FOR SALE OR REXT. The F. W. D. Holbrook house on 5th st, near Dr. John Black's, lately occu pied by (Jen. Cunningham. Enquire of 7tf. John Christiansen. FA RMERS A TTENTION! Julius Pepjierberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Xeb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. All lower Plattsmouth is painting and fixing up. Buttery is making the old store over and it smells as sweet as new mown hay, Doc. Donelan lias painted and painted and Bro. Dovey has built a new prick sidewalk, so Ben Heuipel says. Peter Mumm our favorite Milkman, has gone out of the business, we are very sorry to say. He was obliging honest and kept good milk. All the babies mother's liked it, for wasn't it "mum' milk and wouldn't it keep them quiet. Connor draws our attention to a prophecy in the Omaha Herald that after these great rains we shall have a long dry spell until in October, and suggests that all farmers try and get all the crops in they can while the damp weather holds. This accords with our own experience of the weath er, and tho suggestion is timely. Frank Stadter is painting a very faithful picture of the great FRKEMOXT LAND SLIDE, below town. It gives a good view of the point of the Bluff and a train of cars passing around it, with the old President out in the stream. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the I'ost Office at i'lattsmouth, Nebraska. July 1st. M75. Anderson Miss Mary Hertz Miss 2 Alley Jetlersnn Anderson Mrs Martha Anderson John ISahl Charles Culver Miss Ella J Cary James Clieeny J I! Dilley J R .1 Doyle Peter I' Else Jack Evan A Co Fate J X 2 Fcbbee Deckle Gray A It Hale A T Howell G W Hickman Miss B Johnson W li Loug U C Mitchell Frank 2 Peters Miss Vallle Paul Conrad Kipling K Spearman Mr A Sijitlrcs C'has G 2 Saunders Hubert P Siinsou Miss Mary Turner J Walker F J 3 Wildiuati (I W When eallins for alxive letters, sav "adver tised." J. W. Maiishaix, P. M. CUT FLOW ERS. For the Hand, Throat, Dress, Coat, Weddings, Bails, Dinners, and Funer als. Will always do our best to give satisfaction, and think we can. Orders for Cut Flowers from parties liv ing not more than one days journe', will receive prompt attention, can till such orders by express at small expense to purchaser, and will insure safe arri val. Prices from 2c to 00 and uih ward, from Buttonhole Boquets to elaborate baskets, &c. 13tf L. A. Moore. $0,000.00 NOTICE. Having sold $2,000 worth of boots and shoes, since I began selling at re duced prices, I am still liound to fur ther reduce my stock, now is your time. Boots formerly . $7.00, now S.j.00 Fine Kid Shoes, form'ly 3.50, a.00 The best 18 thread serge shoes only 2.2.3 Men's Shoes 1.23 Women's Shoes 1.00 Call and examine. Xo charge for seeing goods and prices. Will be happy to show both. lit'i Peter. Merges. FIRE MEETING. Regular Fire Meeting on Wednes day evening, to hear report of commit tee on Fourth &c. Turn out. The School board met on Monday last, and elected Miss Shelton, Miss Iluby, Miss Gardner, and Mr. Usinger as teachers for the ensuing year. They also consolidated the three ward schools in the High School building in order to save fuel .and other items of expense. It is supposed Miss Ander son will teach the Fourth Ward school There are three teachers to elect yet, which with Prof. Wightman makes 8 in all. The utmost reduction they could make. They are moving in the right direction. Our High School examination last Friday was a great success, so say the visitors. In the evening the prospect of a storm sent many of the audience home before they wanted to go. The Herald feels pleased to see the little and big scholar doing so well, and had it time would give you all a big "send off' for next year. We have already allowed a good deal of space to your programme &c. You must let us off for the present and when your new school open we shall be on hand to aid and encourage you to new efforts. The Ashland Btuie Ball Club plays a match game with the Fremont Club to-day: Report says Del Johnson is married. The Herald can't find out and dassent say no more now. Our right(?) hand has had a felon on it for two weeks now, and it3 a hard job to work alone. Boots and Shoes, cheaper than ever, for Cash. Peter Merges. PERSONAL. Mr J. J. Roberts, father of James and Joseph Roberts, was in town last week to see the boys and keep 'em straight. A. McMurray, of Waverley, called at the new Herald Office and left us a "good morning." II. J. Davis, of Liberty, called at the new Herald Office last week and brought us valuable information. G. W. Young takes a Herald after this. A stout churn, belonging to Thad. Adams, was split in four quarters by the hail storm Saturday. Ed. Post, of Eagle, was in town hunt ing an eagle the other day, why hunt so far from Eagle. Prof. Wightman, the new Principal of the High School, sends for the Her ald. He is a "white man" sure. Cap." Bennett is laboring for "free de livery" on Express matter in town, with good chance of success. Hurrah for the Captain! Doc. Jones has a very handsome new carriage team a pair of duns, large and stylish. lion. Geo. S. Smith delivered a very fine oration at the School Commence ment exercises. It had one great mer it ; it was short and to the point. Dan Parmele, of Omaha, was in town on Thursday last. Rill McCaig was twice married last week, once in Lancaster and once in Cass counties, and they brought hhn back 40 miles to take the last degree. Hon. Lawson Sheldon was in town on Friday. He's after the County "Corn's" yet. Uncle Thomas Jefferson Todd sends us some very fine butter and wants us to know that at least one farmer's wife in Cass County can make butter, that will keep good for a great length of time. The Bank men gave 810 towards the Fourth of July fund. The sidewalk on Vine Street, be tween 3d and Gth streets, is horrible and absolutely danrous. It is impass ible at night, and ought to be fixed at once. We have called the City Mar shal's attention to the same, and he says tho lot owners have been warned time ami again, and neglect to repair. Somebody must attend to it speedily, or the city will have damages . to pay for broken limbs. Leasley, the Plattsmouth City vege table man, sends us the finest and the biggest cabb:igttof the season. There dwelt in the land of the g-hop-r pers a favorite citizen, named John. Lo, behold, and the said John made un to himself a nice little garden and, be ing under the brow of the hill from the south, the red-legged pests did pass over John's little garding and left the cabbages, and rutabagas, and other sass to grow very finely; but behold, the birds of the air and the fowls of the region did spy John's garding and lit thereon, and did threaten to devour what the hoppers had so kindly left. Especially did some fine wudkoks take delight in picking tender herbage in this garding under the hill. Now John was a sportsman, as well as a vegeta ble raiser, and the temptation being great, he did gather a neighbor, and they did both shoot at ye wudkok, whereat the City Marshal waxed wroth and tried to kum Ordinance 44 over John. Whereupon John did pint with his left forefinger over his right shoul der 'round the corner, and the garding was saved. Xow is your time to buy your Boots and Shoes at Merges' Shoe Store. Cheap for Cash. GERMAN SCHOOL. The undersigned will teach a German school during vacation in the First Ward School house, to be commenced on Monday, July 12th, The sessions will be from 8 to 11 o'clock in the fore noon. Tuition S2.00 per month. For three pupils of the same family, 85.00. lotl Conrad Usinger. SPECIAL NOTICES. SICK NURSE. Mrs. Charlotte Finny desires to give notice that she will act, as Sick Nurse, whenever call ed on. Residence in Stiles' addition, near Al taffer's Mill. I'lattsmouth, Neb. 3m3 FARMS FOR SALE. I am authorized to sell the north east quarter of section ten, township twelve, range twelve, arid the north east quarter of section eleven, township eleven, range twelve, for two thous and (?,000) dollars per quarter. Tkkms Five hundred dollars down and five hundred In one, two, and three years, at ten per cent Interest, payable annually. For fur ther particulars inquire of a. w. Mclaughlin. 4tt At First National Dank. I'lattsmouth. Neb. A iooi) Skwixo Machixk is a household treasure that no family can afford to do without. If you want the best, the Wilson Shuttle should be your choice. It combines, in the most per fect manner, all the requisites of durability, simplicity, ease of operating and perfection of w ork, and Is sold at a less price than any other first-class machine. Machines will be delivered at any Railroad Station in this eonntv. free of transportation charges, if ordered through the Company's I'.runcli House at No. till) 4tli Street, St. Louis, Mo. They send an elegant catalogue and ehromo circular. freoii application. This Company want a few more good agents TIIK PKOPLK WAST PUOOP. There is no medicine preMTibed by Physi cians, or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its success and superior virtue as Roschkk's liKitM.VN" Sviitr for severe Coughs, Cohls settled on the Itrcabt, Consumption, fir any disease of the throat and lunirs. a proof of that fact is that any person afflicted, can get a Sample Itottle for to cents and try its superior effect before buying the regular size at 75 cents. It has lately been introduced in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are as tonishing every one th.U use it. Three doses will relieve anv ease. Try it. Sold by Dr. J. J3. Chapman, Druggist, Flatt.sinoutu, Neb. ir.yi LEGAL, NOTICES. Probate Notice. In tli? matter of the Probate of the last Will aivl Testament of Clarissa H. Jiuckley, de- . eeased. T't tcfiom if may concern: Take notice that A. C. Loder lias filed in y Oflice an Instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will anil testament of Clarissa II. Huckley. and made application to have the same admitted to Probate ; and that said cause is set for hearing at my Ollice in Plattsmouth, on the Wth day of July, A. I). l7a, at 8 o'clock a. m. of said day, at winch time and place all persons interested are notilled to appear and contest the same anil show cause, it any they have, why said instrument sohuld not be allow ed as the last will and testament of Claris.-a II. Buckley, deceased. Witness my hand and official seal this ftie 7th day of July, A, D. 1S70. II. E. ELLISON, l.M.i Probate J udgo. Sheriffs Sale. Ry virtue of an Execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 7th day of August. A. I. 175, at 10 o'clock. A.M. of said day. at the south door of the Court house in said Coutitv. sell at Public Auction, the fol lowing Real Estate, to-wit : Commencing ci;ht (g chains and twenty-five (2'i) links west of the quarter section corner of the north side ot section nineteen (1m. town twelve 1 1U, range fourteen (U), east of sixth P. M.. south live .r) degrees, east five (5) chains and seventv-five (75) links ; thence west twenty five (25) links ; thence south two (2) chains and four(4) links : thence west two (2) chains and sixty-one fil links to a point on east line of Fifth street, if continued south from Platts mouth ; thence north along the east line of said street seven 7J chains and seventy-six and one half TO'-il links to the north line of said section, thence east on the section line two 12 chains and thirty-two and one-half j.32'i links to the place of beginning ; containing two '2 acres more or less, and situated iu Cass County, Ne braska. The same being levied uron and taken as the property of J. V. Carnes, Defendant : to satisfy a judgment ol said Court, recovered by Vallery & Ruffner, Plaintiffs. I'lattsmouth, Neb., July 7th, A. D. 1875. M. It. CUTLER. 15t3 Sheriff Cass County, Neb. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Henry Amison, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate before me. Probate Judge of Cass countv, Nebraska, at the Probate court in said county on the:mtli day of July, A. D. 175, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of presenting their ii i i -1 if. v 1'robate Judge. June 3uth, 1875. I4t4. Mortgage Sale. Whereas. Andrew J. lfanson. of Cass county Nebraska, on the lth day of June, A. D. 1K74, made and executed a mortgage to Fred S. Fris bee. of Cass County. Nebraska, to secure 1H5 payable in three promissory notes, as ioiiows : one for S."o, due Sept. lst,tlH74 ; one for $50, due January 1st, 1875. and one for $95, due July 1st. 1S75. which mortgage was recorded In the office of the Clerk of Cass county on the 7th day of September. A. D. 1K74, at 3 o'clock p. m. and re corded in book F on pages 53 and 54 and that there is due on said mortgage up to the 1st day of the first publication of this notice principal and interest, making together the sum of l5u.yo and whereas default has been made in the pay ment of the money secured by said mortgage : therefore the said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of said property on the 23d day of July A. D. 1875, b tween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m. at the town of Weeping Wa ter. Cass county. Nebraska, for cash on delivery. The following is a description of the mortgage Iiroperly, one combined Reaper and Mower nuwn as the Advance, of McCormick manu facture. Fkki. S.Fkisbkk. This the 30th day cf June, A. D. 1875. I4ta Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of J In the Trobato D. W. McKiuuon, deceased, j" Court. To trhoin fttnrrv concern: Notice is hereby given that application has been made by Joseph McKinnon to be apioint ed Administrator on the Estate of D. W. AU-Kin-non. deceased ; that said cause is set for hearing :it inv otlli-e. in I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, on the th fay of July. A.I). 1K75, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at which tune ami place an persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why said Joseph McKinnon should not be appointed such Administrator accord in to the prayer of said application. Witness my hand audollisial seal this the Uth day of June, A. D. 1S75. II. E. Ei.i.isox, 1213 i ronatc judge. Sheriffs Sale. ltr virtue of two pveentlons. Issued liv Clerk of the District Court. 2nd Judicial liistrict. within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on the 17th day of July. A. 1). 175. at 10 o'clock. A.M.. of said day, at the south diMir of the Court House in the eitv of Plattsnioutli, in said countv. sell at Public Auc tion, the following Real Estate, to-wit. : Lots ci'lit (S). nine !. ten ( ill), eleven (il) ami twelve 1 12. in Hlock sixty four 4). in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska. Said property is known as the Altaffer Mill property. The same being levied upon and taken as the !roiertv of William Altaffer. Defendant : to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by K. ii. Dovey, also one, by w imam Maucimauu, Plaintiffs. " Plattsnioutli, Neb., June 14th, a. D. 175. M. H. CUTLER. 12t5 Sheriff Cass County, Neb. Executors Sale of Real Estate Rv virtue of an order of sale from Judge of District Court ( and under the seal of the same) in and for the District Court, Second Judical District, in the county ol Ciiss ana state of Ne braska, and directed to the tindersimied. in an action wherein Lloyd J). Hcnnett, surviving ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Shep herd Duke, deceased, is Plaintiff, nnd Iiviiia Duke and others are Defendants. I will at 10 o'clock a. in., on the lth la.v of J tine 1N75. in front of the Court I louse in the Citv of Plntts moutli and State of Nebraska, offer for salcwit public auction, to the burliest bidder the lands mid tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : esish in hand. Said lands be long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, an l are described as follows, to-wit : The following lots in the Citv of Plattsmouth. in said Cass County, lots eleven (11) in block five (5), also the following lots lying nnd being in Duke's Addition to the city of Plattsmouth. aforesaid, that Is to say lots one (l)two(2) three i.:t) four (4) five (5) six (ij) nine (!) ten (lo) eleven li) twelve (U) thirteen 113.) fourteen (14) iiiteen 15) sixteen (10) seventeen (17) eighteen (IS) and nineteen (19). in block four (4). lots six (G) seven (7) eight (S) nine (!) ten (lo) eleven (11) twelve (12) thirteen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (tc) seventeen (17) and eighteen (IS), in bbck (5) lots four (4) five (5) six (t seven (7) eight (8) nine (!) ten (lot eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block six(u), lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) five (5) six (fi) seven (7) eight (S) ana nine ('.) in mock seven (7)., lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) in block nine I:il. lots four 4 five (5) six (; seven (7) eight (S) nine CJ) ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12), in block eleven (in, an ot mock twelve (12) being lots one (1) to twenty-two in elusive, all of block thirteen (13) being one (1) to t weiity-t wo (22) inclusive, lots on (1) and two (2) in block fourteen (14), lots one (li two 2) three (3) fonr (4) five (5) and six (6). in block fif teen (15), lots four (4) five (5) and six (6). in block eighteen (18), lots one (1) two (3) seven (7) eight (8) nine (!)) ten (in eleven (11) and twelve (12), in block nineteen (19). all of block twenty (2)) ex cept lot twelve (12) being lots one (1) to t wenty two (22) inclusive except lot twelve (12). lots one (1) three (3) four (I) and ten (10) in block twenty- one (21) lots one (i) two (2) inree (3) lour ( nve (5) six (i) seven (7) eight (S) eleven (11) and twelve (12). in mock twenry-tiiree (23). lots one (I) two (2) three (3) four (4) six () seven (7) eight SI rime I'll ten 1 101 eleven 1 11 1 nun twelve 112 . n block twenty-seven 27J, all of block twenty- one 111 to,tventy I20l Inclusive, except lot seven teen 171. lots one 1J two 12 three 31 five (5 and twelve fl2l in block tweutv-nine I2ti. lots one (1 two 2 three 3 four 14 five 5J six lJ seven 7 and eight s in block thirty 30J. lots three 31 four (4j five 5 six seven 17 and eight . in block thirty-one 31. lots one (1 two (21 three 31 four 41 live .M seven 71 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 and twelve 12, in block ten (lol. lots one II two 21 four 41 five 51 sev en 7 eight 1 nine 9 ten 10J eleven 111 and twelve 12 in block twenty-two 122. aii saie win continue irom 10 o ciock a. ni. until sundown of the said day, if necessarv, and it will be adjourned from day to day until all are sold ; Plattsmouth. May 11th. 1875. L1.0VD D. Hk.nxktt. Surviving Executor of the last will and testa ment of Shepherd Duke, deceased. D. II. Wheki.ku. 7tf Attorney for Executor. The above sale is hereby adjourned until Sat urday July 10 . 1875. Wm. Gramberg's LUMBER YARD, r.vATTSMOCT, NF.n., Op. riatte Valley House. On hand all kinds of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, SHINGLES, LATHS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LIME, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKED 1U.TES. 10m Call and Examine. RVBERT DONNELLY'S Wagon & Blacksmith Shop Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing. Xew AVasons nnd Ituggleis made to urufr. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixth street, opositeStreight's Stable. 0. K. BARB Ell SHOP. T. 15. Hall has opened a fine, new, handsome, well appointed BARBER SHOP. South side of Main street, east of Vivian s Store. There is the place to get a clean shave. Give Hall a call. 14. Ben Hempel. nE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB, Meals at all hours. Ice Cream. Soda 'Water, & Lemonade to Cool you. Oood square Meals, nice Lunches, &c, &c. to warm you. Ales, Wines and good Liquors to be used rea- sonamy, ior your nenetii it you desire. 40-fl B. HEMPEL, Prop. MILK Good fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY ! AT- VEJt YBOD T'S HOME I A PLA TTSSIO UTH IF THEY WAXT IT, BV J. I". IIEAI'JHUISTCK. er.su ix Yoi'it ORnmts axd i will tky and GIVK YOU 40yl and serve you regularly. B. L. MORROW'S NEW Blacksmith Shop, ON Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. Does a general business in Horse-Shoeing, Mending, and Repairing Wasions . farm Machinery, Dressing Mill Picks, and all Steel and Iron Work, on SHORT NOTICE I ! I REMEMBER THE SIGN, D. L. Morrow's 43ly Blacksmith Shop. GEO. SHAFER'S BLACKSMITH SHOP, rou HORSESHOEING, Mending and Repairing ! ALL KIXDS OF FAItM IMPLEMENTS Mended and Fixed. 95 New Wagons for Sal c jr X A 3 O li CHS J. New Wagons made to order. Rates reusonablo and work guaranteed. I'LATTSMOUTH. NEB, On Washington Ave.. I 4"yl near 7th St., f MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE SU0EIMJ, AND WAGON REPAIRING. All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly if- Promptly :0: Horse Shoeing, Mule Shoeing, Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Coma and see us. JSTBW SHOP, on Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Streets, just across the corner from the sr.w HEltAJ.D offiur. N'Jl WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF GROCERIES IN TOWN 40yl STRE1GHT & 'MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS. SUGARS, COFFEES. TOBACCOES, FLOUR, Remember the place, opno ite E. G. Dovey's on Ixwer Main Street. 21-ly STR EIGHT & MILLER. E.T.Duke&Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE AND OTJTLBB YT. STOVESJINWARE, Iron, Nails, Hoes, RAKES, SHOVELS, KNIVES AND FORKS, AXES, tfx-., dc A LI. KIJiDi OF Tinware Manufactured. MAIN ST., I3ET. 5n4 & 3d 4oyt PROFESSIONAL CARDS .1M. . fHAIMIAX. ATTORNEY AT I.'AW ajd Solicitor in Chan cery. O&ce in Fitzgerald s Block, rialtsinouth. Nebraska. AVIIFKLF.lt . IlKXXKTT, rauce Agents, REAL ESTATE and Tat Raying Agents, No taries lnblic. Fire and Life Ilisnr; l.-T M lll'lll , 1 V IllKI M I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. It. It. MVIX(TOX. IMIYSICIAN & RURtiEON. tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of Cass county. Residence southeast corner Sixth and Oak sts. ; Oflice on Main street, two doors west of Sixtn, rialtsmoutli, Nebraska. G EO. 8. 8M 1TH. It. K. W I X I) H A M. N1IITII A M IMHIA1I, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Bro kers. SM-ri;il attention given to Collections and all matters atlectini: the title to real estate. Office on 2d lloor, over l'ost Ollice, I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. ! Jl'NTlCKOFTIl K 1 K A V K. Office on Main street, I'lattsnionlh. Neb., two doors east uf 11f.kai.ii oflice. Rusiness hours from s a. ni. to 8 i. in. All county business usu ally transacted before a Justice of the I'cace wifl be attended to. Also general collector of debts. Uuyl .1. w. iiaixkn. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Homoeopathic Physician. -"Ofllee and Residence corner Sixth and Yine Streets, riattsmouth. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. 4oyl, rnoritiKTOK of PALACE E3LLIAD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Rank.) PLATTSMOl'TH, ... A I'll. MY JIAU IS SUrrLlKD WITH TH K BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC. 4f)yl S IEEE O IE3 , JOHN WAYMAN, PLA TTS3IO UTH, NEB Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and tilist Alius. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron ripe. Force and lift pumps, steam Ullages. Safety valve Governors, and all kinds of Rrass Engine Fittings re paired on short notice. V A It M M A V II 1 X K It V . repaired on short notice. 49yl CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the building opposite Math ews Hardware Store. (On 4th Street. Het. Main and Vine,) Where in addition to other work, he will give special attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAK1XU PICTURE FRAMES, A-C. Also Agent, for the COMMON SENSE IRON ING TABLES, of which vv have a number on hand ; call and sco them. Careful Work and Prompt Attend a nee to Calls. 40-ly WM. L. TUCKER. FOR GO TO Gus. HerolcTs. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. J"if PuMUtheA, in a ScalcA EnreXojtc, price 6 ft JlBfWTtwt A 'fftiire on the Nature. Treat X7rAmeiit. and Radical cure of Seminal HHSCfjlr Wpuknt'KS. or Snerinntorrhiia. in duced bv Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emissions. Impotency, Nervous Debility, ana Iniiicdinients to marriage irenei ally : Consump tion. Epilepsey, and Fits ; Mental and l'hvsieal incapacity, &e. uv koi;i-.ki j. i i i,tn WKLL, M". D.. author of the "Green Book." Ike. The World-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse mav be effectually removed w ithout medicine, and without dangerous surgical operation, bou gies, instruments, rings, or eordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual bv which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may ture himself cheaply, privately, and radically. trT)ii Lecture xrill itroorc a bnun to thmm- aiuixanA fioHxirwfx. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to anv ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of sis cents or two post stamps. Aiiuress me I'lionsuers, ( HAS. J. V. KLLVE . CO, 10-431y y 127 Bowery, N. Y. ; V. O. Ikx, 4.S8t. OMAHA ADS. Grand Central Hotel. Largest and finest lintel between Chicago and San ir rancisco. ieo. Thrall, proprietor, Omaha. WEEPING WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. And Farmers" Nuppllcw Generally. Our Goods are all New, and we sell them CHEAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE I (40yl) WEEPING WATER, NEB. LOUISVILLE ADS. I It. J. M. WATEKMAS, Physio Medical Practitioner. Isntifrtllc, CfUtx Co., Xeb. Always at the oflice on Saturdays. 40yl FOX & GLOVER, Sell the BEST GOODS at the lowest prices, nt LOUISVILLE, CASS CO., NEB. CKNKRAL DEALEllS IN DRT GOODS, UICOCEIliES ! HATS, HEADY LAI'S, MADtZ BOOTS A CLOTHIXO. SHOES. XOTIGSS, CROCKERY WARE, AND FARMERS' SUPPLIES GENERALLY. Call and give them a trial. r?-Also-dcal in GRAIN & COAL. 40yl CEDAlidllEEKADS. J. INHELDER & SON, IEALKKM IX HOOTS, SHOES, AXD GROCERIES, Of every kind, at the lowest iossible rates. Also DEALERS IN GRAIN. For which the highest CASH prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at Reasonable rates. IX IIKL.I Klt'S STATION Cedar Creek.) 401 CASS CO., XEBRASKA. HENRY UOWLAMl. ALSO Gene-il Blacksmitlilng. y ... 'ArrlajcM. ltucsleo. and IVrcokk Ite pnl real on Nhort .Vollcc. ALSO . . fioicsr-siiorixf; . . . j And all other iron wolk promptly attend ed to. cheaper than the cheapest, for casll Bv the undersigned,' If. HOW LAND. Shop northwest for. of N ine Sixth st. 1'LA 1 ISMOl lll, NEB. C3-0 TO VALLERY & RUFFNER'S, FOR GOOD NEWS FOR THE l'UHMCM 3Tow is the time to luiy your (DflnosLjjp (H-apopall Notwithstanding the depression of the country," will still continue to sell goods at their old stand in 1" 17AYM Al.ll'tf 1JLOCK, cheaper than ever, and defy competition in prices ard goods. Thej constantly. keep on hand a largo nn soi tnient of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, READY MADE CLOTHING. GROCERIES, ROOTS d- siioks: HATS AND CAPS.' QUE ENS WARE, WOOD d- WILLOW WARE, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, TOBACCO, tf., d: They will sell all goods as low as any house in town, even if advertised at cost. They do not deem it necessary to give a price list.lmt would ask you, to call and examine t lie goods, hear the prices, and satisfy yourselves beforo purchasing elsewhere. Our motto is --QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," IF O IR, GASH. VALLERY. & RUFFNER'S Implement Department IF1 O 1875. .. i They also would call attention of the farming community to th, fact. thaC thev sell the Improved and world renowned J. I. Case it Co.'s THRESH ING MACHINE. The Nichols & Shepherd's " VIBRATOR" Thresh ing Machine, the "Old Ileliahle" McCormick "Advance" REAP ER d- MOWERi also the MvCORMICK HARVESTER,' the liest in the market. Don't give your orders un til you see samples. Trices lower than any other dealer. THE LITTLE CHAMPION REAPER AND MOWER,' which gives perfect satisfaction. THE KIRBY REAPER .f- MOWER, THE WEIR CULTIVATORS AND PLOWS. DERE d- CO.'s GANG AND STIRRING PLOWS, brt In we.' KEYSTONE d- BROWN CORN PLANTERS. FISH BIKtTHERS' WAGONS, Tho best on tiheelh' BROAD CAST SEEDERS. DRILLS, STALK CUTTERS, HARROWS, CORN SHELLERS. tf., dc. "Which they will sell at 'bed-rock prices to suit the times. Srtf-For the above named Machinery, they always keep on hand ft full line of extras, which is a great item to farmers. VALLERY & ItUFFNER. Great Sacrifice of Boots and Shoes; ..mm? il I mm H V , PETER MERGES. ( Down come the Trices to the level of Grasshopper Times. Now is your time to buy of P. Merges ! READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES-. Nice Serge Caiters. only 81. Best 18-thread Serge (laitcrs, only 82.25 "Women's Serge Slippers, only 7.1c. Uoots, formerly $7.2.1, now 83.50. Women's Kid Shoes, formerly 83-50, now 8'5.00. Men's Shoes $1.2-1. Every thing else in proportion. r I have a nice assortment of White Slippers and Misses' and Cliilds' Pearl" Colored Shoes, liutton and Lace. I also received DIPLOMA for fine homo' madeTioots at the State Fair. Repairing always done with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine. I will always be pleased to show goods and prices. Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Hraitls, furU, SwitHics, Tuff, and a'l kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatlv made liy 3VETS. DEC 1ST IE IE. Orders It-ft at M KS. KENNEDY'S MILLI.RKY 8TOUK. On Main St!, 1 door east of Clark & I'himtiipr's. sixc;eii si:ivic; M&CMEIES KOlt SALE BY IF". JT. SSe4teer, with all the EXTRAS, ATTACHMENTS ISTZHjIEjIDIjIES &g. ) Also,-l'hjwS. Cultivators. "Wagons, and FAItM IMPLEMENTS for sale. PETER MERGES. SE1VIX0 MACIIIXIiSI Cor. Main and fciyt Oth Sts.- S rLATTSMOUTH. NEB. New Improved Lwk Stitch GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE, For sale by CHARLES Vil AiLiL. With all tli Extras and Attachment, such a' Neeillrs. Oil. Tm krn, i'.inder, et. Those who contemplate Inlying a machine, v. ill do w ell to 'ivo the CrnVer & Hakcr a trial. Satisfaction, guaranteed, and the cheapest machine in the iriarkct. All Orders 1 mail promptly attend edto. Address. CHARLES VIA LL, 2umI l'latlsiuoutli. Neh. MERCHANT TAILOR,- ls in receipt of'the finest and SJE AT ii S O 72 T.U&.YT O JP OaisMmei'eM. lotIiM. Vetlnxri; Mcetrh" Woods, Irinli KricfteM, f?-In fact, the lamest and best assortment of Cloths ever brought to this city, which I arc, prepared lo make up in the Latest .Styles. Cali and examine floods.' 4y?