! rr r 1 THE HERALD. LOCAL, NEWS. LUC A L A I ) V E i :r i s e m e n ts. Transient, 25 eents a lino. Kepular advertis ers, 10 evlits per liin". No advertisement inser ted for less than cents. I -'k:i1 Notices at Statute r;te. Attoriicvs ami otllrer I the law will be held nvponiibfe for iill Ii'sal notices they hand in. and :ill p:trtin demanding a proof of publica tion of :iuy .notice will be held lor the publica tion Ije ot such notice. comC'nYcation. As our fcpaee is limited, communications unml bu brief and lo the point, with no waste of words. n i; v s PA i' i. u i a I s i o n s. 1. Any person nhu takes the paper regularly from tile postolYiec. whether directed to his n. tni';. or w ha her he is a subscriber or not i.s responsible for ihe pay. 2. If aiiT person orders his paper discoiil iu ucd, lie inii-t :iy all arrearages, or the publish er may continue to send it nmil payment is made, and collect the w hole amount, whether the paper is taken from I lie oliiee t.r not. 3. i he courts have decided that i"iumh;c to tnke newspapers and periodicals fvom the ost oftice, ur removing and leaving them illieal'.ed f or, is jrii'l facie evidence of in tk.m io.n.m. KAtI. B. f- M. R. R. TIME-TABLE. On and after tin l:th of May. TO. the p;issetii:er trains out of I'latbsmoiit li, will leave ah follows : Morning Train (for I.ineohi) 11 :W A.M. f hu;ili;t Train t :li l'.M. Morning mixed, (for Omaha 7 ;oo A.M. Ketiiin I'ass. Train I.e. Omaha 11 -.1" A.M. ev'g " " " C : l'.M. coi m; kast : Vassenger, train (each day), 4 t'jo P.M. City orders for sale. Grasshopper cocktails at MeGuire & Curtis. Bcmembcr Vaxon just a few tlavs Mr. Dwight Norton will 'prohaldy be the next kmdlord of the Brooks HoiLse. !iO,00 Envelopes want printing at the JIi:k.li otlicc. Frank "While is the Ice man, fresh sparkling, cool every day. Order your Ice now! ! ! Hon John House called on the Iler Ai.D and and well Uncle Johnny is ill ways welcome, you know. Can Paine nourishes around anion"; the Con. Con's, like a green hay hoie in a white, clover patch. A few City Orders for .sale at the 1 1 F.BALI.) otlicc. HATH! HATS.' HATS! A i":i:e stock of -icw Hals. Latest style at Wm. St hki.m vnn's. FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius J Ypperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, opposite the I Ikkalp office, on Main ."St., Plattsnnuith, Neb. Cigar Clippings f Spanish and American To-ba'-cins for smoking purposes. For Sale. J Jest iiualit'us of plug-smoking tobacco always un h:ind. 0-tf. st -st:tr A" shingles for 84-00 per thousand at "Waterman's lumber yard, I'lattsmouth, Neb. 12t',J ONLY UiaiL TmTtTlIASSHOrrKKS LEAVE ! ''axon will stay till the last grass hopper goes to roost, and sell those cheap goods still cheaper. Stadelinan had to get two extra men to help wait on customers on Saturday last, owing to his great sale of clothing at grasshopper prices. Xow is the time to buv. AT W.U Kii.tt. V.N S LUXKEK YAKI) .WOJiW Star A. Shingles, the bvt. at ."4 per thousaiel. John Cummins next girl, last Fri day night; and he played it ..mart on the boys and never let 'em know. j Azro Smith sends the IIi:i:Ai.u aome i i- 41... 4 1. ! MTV Ullt J I"IS, lilt: illb - ".lit linu this season. Jiy the way, what has be come of Azro? The IIki:ai.o has n-;t seen him in a cat's age. llesser a; "-pear-etli daily and 1-e.isley p"ps up and down, but Smith echo answers, where is .Smith of Hock lJluiTs? O'KASSHDPrEKEI) lfilly stadelman selling off for Cash, at grasshopper prices. Coma ami see me. Wm. .Stadklmax. A. (I. Ilatt, the butcher, has been fix ing up his meat shop very nice. Xico green wire blinds protect every door and window, and keep all the Hies out, so that tho meat is pure and clean. His Ice chest is a marvel of coolness and keeps both Ilatt and the meat from "spileing" before their time. PA XON ! PAXOX! Faxon's CJiieat Auction will be continued for a few days longer. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Pi.attsmoi tii, June 3, IST.i. The firm of Donnelly & Hoffman, have this day dissolved by mutual con sent, Hubert Donnelly will continue the business at the old stand. llt:J 1:oki:kt Donnelly. AWNTMiS! AWMMiS ! . liusiness and private awnings put up by Fkank Stadtek. Xow is the time to protect your goods and carpets from the Sun and yet have light and air. For business awnings see Pepperhcrg's and Mushizer's places, (live me a call. Otf FKANK St.VDTKK. WAMEI. Masonic Hall Co. Shares. In accordance with the direction of Plattsmouth Lodge Xo. G, A. P.. & A.. M. we will purchase two hundred and Jifty-right ami 7U-100 dollars (. jS.TO) worth of the shares issued to aid in the erection of the Masonic and Odd Fellows building in Plattsmouth. X'o shares will be purchased unless the said shares were issrj to some mkmcei: ok the Masonic Fraterni ty. Hids will be received fwr the mon ey until June aOth, 1873; and those shares purchased from which the own er will make the largest per cent dis count from the par value of the shares. The bids should be sealed and address ed to Julius Pepperberg. Sec'y, Platts mouth Xeb. and endorsed "bids for sale of shares in the Masonic and Odd Fel lows' Hall Co." Bids must be on file on or before June aOth, and the awards on the same I will be made on Thursday July 1st 18T.K Plattsmouth Xebniska, May 19th 17.. Thank E. "White, AW. M. Klbkkt T. Duke, Treas. Julius Peppekheko, See'y I'lattsmouth Lodge Xo. G, A.'.F.and longer. One good buggy for sale at the Her ald office. CLOTHING. For a eicai suit of Clothes call on W.M. STAIiEI-MANX. The 1 'resbyteiiaa Sociable will meet at Dr. John Black's, Thursday evening June 2:Jd. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. CHEAT PKJEON MATCH. A return Pigeon Match at the fair ground, on Saturday June 19th. Good sport. A UK IV EI). Ju.'t as we go to Press, Frank "White and Mrs. Frank White from their bri dal trip. Frank doesn't look as if he ever saw a grasshopper in his life. Rudolph Heisel's house on the hill, west of High School, burned up last Thursday evei;i;;g. It all came from a kerosene lamp, and the fire boys could not get there before it went up. Insu rance .?f;oo. "We have received a very well writ ten letter from Weeping Water on the extension of bonds. It was crowded out by by the almighty gr.u-isho; per this week. It shall appear next week, if the writer still desires it. The Her ald has great respect for his opinion, but he is arguing from false premises this time entirely and we think he will ?re it nest week. THE HH00KS HOUSE Has changed hands. Mr. John Fitz gerald, so long the proprietor, has sold the entire property, furniture, good will and all, to a firm of gentlemen from Chicago, for $23,000, who take charge at once. Messrs. Mann Sc. Congdon. the new proprietors, expect to thoroughly refit the House, put in an experienced Hotel keeper, and make the Brooks House one of the best in the state. CUT FLOWERS. For the Hand, Throat, Dress, Coat, Weddings, Bails. Dinners, and Funer als. Will always do our best to give satisfaction, and think we can. Orders for Cut Flowers from parties liv ing not more than one days journey, will receive prompt attention, can till such orders by express at small expense to purchaser, and will ins'ure safe arri val. Prices from 23c. to 3 00 an I up ward, from Buttonhole Bonnets to elaborate baskets. Sic. VStt L. A. Mooue. FOR SALE OR RENT. A small dwelling house, two rooms, 12xis, a good well ot water and close to the business part of town. Fnquire at the Herald office. Stf. FOR SALE OR RENT. The F. W. D. Holbrook house on 3th st, near Dr. John Black's, lately occu pied by Cen. Cunningham. Knquire of 7tf. John Christiansen. vf Y - - kt: v&ui- j ,t:s v s and everything els? needed in House cleaning, refilling or ornamenting, you can get at Frank Stadteu's. P. S. Orders received for all kinds of painting, graining, paper hanging, kalsomining, done in a workmanlike mair.KT by l-'.f. " McF.LWAIN Si ITODAIT. (,i!-;Ar ru; eon shoo:"'. Our sportsmen had a big time last Th:::vday at trap pig -on shooting, out on the Fair ground. Dr. Livingston and Mr. Iloldrege were chosen captains and it was vot;-d that the losing side pay lor th? expense, of getting the pig eons. The sides w-ro chosen, as follows: Livingston Agnew, Jones, Streight H. J.), Ca.i'ibij'i tin ("A.), Cutler. Holdrege Chapman S. M., Leving Vivian, Petersen, Mathews. LOADING. Powder, ad lil. shot limited to j oui.ces. Each man to have four min utes to bring his bird in. Distance from trap, 21 yards, KElEREES. J, W. Barnes and A. W. McLaughlin. Livingston's men won by five birds and the score stood well. Out of 7 shots Billy Agnew got birds, Sam Chapman got 3. The birds gave out, and (hitler, Hold rege and Livingston had but six shots. Two birds being left, they were both put in and Agnew got both at a double shot. Xext Saturday the boy s hope to have another trial, and Mr. Holdrege's side think they can get away with the baggage next heat. DROWNED. A young man named Kana was acci dentally drowned in Platte Hiver last night. lie was engaged with a part ner in fishing and when drowned they were passing under the Platte Hiver bridge in a skiff when by some cause he fell overboard and was drowned. There were several men standing near at the time but nothing could be done to save him. His father lives near Glenwood, Iowa, and was immediately telegraphed for. Tho body has not been recovered. Notice ! ! ! Persona interested will take notice, that there will be a special meeting1 of the Board of County Commissioners on Saturday, June 19, 1875, at!) o'clock, A. m., to consider the propriety of revoking the call, already issued, for an election, to be held on the 23th day of June, 1875, for the purpose of extending the time one year on Jl. Ji. bonds. C. P. Moore, County Clerk. $s,ooo.o;) NOTICE. I am bound to reduce my large stock of Boots and Shoes, and for Cash only. Boots formerly $7.00, now $3.00 Fine Kid Shoes, form'ly a.30, " 3.00 The best IS thread serge shoes only 2.23 Men's Shoes 1.23 Women's Shoes 1.00 Call and examine. Xo charge for seeing g wids and prices. Will be happy to uliinv both. 12t3 Peter Merges. BY POSTAL CARD. Ai tox, Fkoxtiei: Co., Xeb. ) Jun? "d, 173. ( En. Herald Another week gone by. We have been busy planting late beans, and all garden stuff. Some have been plowing corn'all this week. Crops look splendid, and will look still better to-morrow, for to-night it is raining quite hard and life ground is covered with water. "Hoppers" dying over n. w. to-day, but no damage done here yet. Buffalo are coming in. We have feast ed fn their meat for near a week. Health of people generally good. More news next week from E. S. Child. PERSONAL Cassius M. Cropsey, a son of A. J. Cropsey of Lincoln, died in that city on tho 7th inst., of consumption. He was about 20 years old. Hank Streight's gone a fishing. Ice Cream don't pay. Joe Connor has returned from the east, happy, hearty and unterrified by the hoppers. J. B. Holmes paid the Herald $3.00 like a man Tuesday, in spite of the grasshoppers. It came veryjoppoi tune. Schnasse is looking after grasshop pers about now. School examinations are taking place this week. State Grange Master, W. B. Porter has sent for S30 bushels of early seed corn from Michigan. It is warranted to ripen in 90 days and will help our grasshoppered. Sam Taylor, the Life Insurance man of Xebraska was in town again last week. Captain Wile3 our well known citi zen and farmer dropped in and rejoiced the heart of the Herald. John T. Bell well known as a short hand writer in this State, visited us last week and took dinner with the Herald. Glad to see John. Billy Stadelinann keeps the best, the largest and the cheapest stock of Clothing in the town. ALSO A very good .assortment of Boots and Shoes, a large assortment of hats and caps, and the largest and best assort ment in town of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, consisting of Underwear, Collars, Ties, Shirts, (tents' Pocket Handkerchiefs, Pocket Knives, Jewelry and GENTS' GLl'VES of all kinds. Just drop in and see John Wvnde. SPECIAL XOTICES. FARMS FOR SALE. I am autluirizeil to sell the nnrUi east quarter of seeiinn ten. township twelve, range twelve, and the north cast quarter of section eleven, township eleven, range twelve, for two thous and (.-i'J.iiiio) dollars j;er quarter. TEKMSKivc hundred dollars down and five hundred in one, two. and three years, at ten per rent interest. payaMe annually. For fur ther partieu'.ars inquire of A. W. !!. A Uf! II LIN. 4tf At First National Rank. l'iatLsinouth. Neb. TIf K PEOPJiK WAST I'liOOK. There is no medieine presrrihed ly I'hysl eians. or sold by Untwists, that earrie.s sueh cvidenee of its Miceess and superior virtue as I'.os.'ii'KK'.s (iKltstAN Syklt for severe Coughs, Colds settletl on the llreast. Consumption, or anv disease of the throat and Ulnars, a proof of that fact is that any person alTiieled. can Krt a Samole Rottle fi.-r 10 cents and try its superior cll'et before buv inji the regular size at rents. It h:is lattdy been intnnlueed in this country from Germany, and its wonderful cures are as toiiishhqj every one that use it. Three doses will relieve anv ease. Try it. Sold bv Dr. G. li. Chapman, Drugisl, i'hitt.smouth. Neb. 4yl SICK NURSE. Mrs. Chariot! e Finny desires to rive notice that she will act. as Sick Nurse, whenever call ed on. Kesidcnre in Stiles' addition, near Al tallrr's Mill, PlaUsniouih, Net). oina "Ont Favorixk Skwino Machine. The cheapest and best Sewing Machine now manu factured for family Use is the Wilson. We cer tainly would use no other. It works with equal facility on muslin, cloth, cambric, tarletan, flan nel and leather. It does not paralyze the spine or wear out the operator in any way, neither does it demand an incessant stoppage to 15 nil out where th difliculty is, as none exists. There no difficulty. It runs smoothly and evenly, hems, fells, tucks, uathers and hinds. It does th" finest ami most beautiful work on cambric and linen. It also has the merit of heinyrcheap er than any other first-class sewing machine. It does not tret out of order, nor break needles, nor sliji. nor pucker the cloth. So complete has the iison Sewing Machine been made, by a skilful combination of brain ami muscle, that it has left nothing to be desired." Machines will be delivered at any Railroad Station in this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through- the Company's Hraneh House at No. 010 -Uh Street, St. Louis, Mo. They send an elegant catalogue and chroino circular, free on application. This Company want a few more good agents FOR SALE. A second-hand Victor Sewing Machine for saie cheap. For terms inquire nt Hkisald oltice. LEGAL XOTICES. Probate Notice. In the matter of tin- Estate of .loci Sheldon, de ceased. T whom it man emwi-rn: Not ice is hereby given that ii'iolic.ition has been made by i.:.u .in Shehlon l.i be appointed Administrator o! i i.e Estate of Joel Sheldon, de ceased. That s:.io cause is set tor hearing at my Oliiee in riait.'i' r.th, Cass County, Nebras ka, ai the L'd flay oi' July, A. I). lsT.j. at 1 o'clock 1-. M of said day. at u hi -h time ail persons in terested may appear ami show cause, if any they have, why tne s.ihl l.av.s.ni Sheldon should not be appointed such AihainNirator according to the prayer of said petitioner. "Witness my hand and o.lu ud seal this the Silt dav of June, A. 1. IS".''). H. E. ELLISON. llt:j l'robate Judge. Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate of In the Vrobate. D. W. MrKinnon, deceased. ) Court. To u-bmn it may concern: Notice is hereby given that application has been made by Joseph Mclviunon to be appoint ed Administrator on the Estale of D. W. MrKin non. deceased : that said cause is set for hearing atmvoflice. in I'hittsmoiith. Nebraska, on the yih day fif July. A. 1. IST i, at 2 o'clock r. m. of said day, at which time and place all persons interefed may appear anil show cause, if any they have, why said .Joseph McKnmon should not "be apiMiint'ed such Administrator accord in to tiie prayer ot said application. Witness niv hand and ollisial seal this the 11th day of June.'A. 1). 1S75. JI. E. Ellison. IJt3 l'robate Judge. Sheriff's Sale. I?p virtue of two executions, issued lv Clerk of the District Court, L'nd Judicial District, within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to tut-: directed. I will on the 17th dav of July, A. D. P-75, at 10 o'clock. A.M.. of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the citv of riattsmouih. in said county, sell at Public Auc tiou. the billowing Heal Estate, to-wit : Id.s ei-lit (. nine (it. ten lo. eleven (11) anil twelve (12, in Idock sixty four (C4), in the city of l'laUsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska. Said property is known as the Altaffcr Mill property. The some beins levied tijuui and taken a-s tho property of "William Altaffer. Defendant; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by E. G. Dovev, also one, by William Siadelmanu, J-laintifTs. Fl.ittsinouth, Neb., Jnne Hth. A. D. is". M. 15. CUTLER. . IA5 Sheriff Coas County, Neb. Sheriff's Sale. l?y virtni of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court. Second Judicial District, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, aud tome directed. I will on the usth day of June, A. D. i;5. at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day at the south floor of the Court House in thecity of riattsmoiith, in said rounty, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wit : The south half (s'i) of the northw est quarter (nw'tj) of section jhirty-t wo Ci'J). township iium ler twelve (1!i, north of range number nine (yi, east of the Sixth principal meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken its the property of Doom l'ro. & Co., defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by the M'oline Flow Company, plaintiffs. I'lattsmoutli, Neb., .May 2ti. 175. W5 M. 15. CUTLER, Sheriff- . Executors Sale of Real Estate l!y virtue of an order of sale from Judge of District Court (and under the seal of the same) in and for the District Court, Second Judical District, in the County of Cass ami State of Ne braska., and directed to the undersigned, in an action wherein Lloyd D. liennett, surviving ex ecutor of the la.st w ill and testament of Shep herd Duke, deceased, is Plaintiff, and Lawn a Duke and others are Defendants, 1 will at 10 o'clock a. in., on the lth lay or .Fane 175. in front of the Court House in the City of Flatts inouth and State of Nebraska, offer for sale at pubiie auction, to the highest ladder the lands and tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : cash in hand. Said lands be long to tiieest: te of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are described as follows, to-wit : The following hits in the City of Plattsmouth, in said Cass County, hits eleven (II) in block five (".!, also the following lots lying ami being in J itili-j's Addition to the city of Flattsinoutli, aforesaid, that is to say lots one (1 1 two (-) three (ji four (4) live (") six (0) nine (!t) ten (10) eleven (ID twelve (Vi) thirteen (l:$; fourteen (ID fifteen (l.M sixteen (Pj) seventeen (17) eighteen (IS) and nineteen (tin. in block four (41, bits six ) seven (7 eight is) nine ('.0 ten (In) eleven (11) twelve (f.'i thirteen (l.i) fourteen (14) fifteen ti5)siMeen (ICl seventeen (17) and eighteen (Is), in block (5) lots four (4) live (5) six (ti seven (7) eight (S) nine (! ten t,loi eleven (11) and twelve (lm in block .six (o), lofs one (1) two c-'i three (.".) four (!) five (5) six (r.) seven (7) t iglit (S) and nine (it) in block seven (7).. lots one il tv.o (2) three ('tl four4) in block nine f!. lots four 4 five (.") six ;) seven (7) eight (S! nine ,'!') ten dm eleven (11) ami twelve (1J), in block eleven (11), all of bhjck twelve (l-.'i bring lols one (1) to twenty-two in elusive, all of block thirteen (1.1) being one (11 to twentv-t wo () inclusive, lots one (1) ami two (lm in block fourteen (14), lots one (1.) two (1) three (M) four ( 1) five (." anil six (til, in block fif teen (KO, lots four (4) live (r; and six (6). in block eighteen ( 1S. lot s one (1 1 two i ll seven (7) citht (.si nine cm ten (1" eleven (It) and twelve (I2;,in block nineteen (PJ), all of block twenty ('-') ex cept lot twelve (12) being lots one(l) to twenty two (2v!) inclusive excent lot twelve (lili. lots one (1) three (.;) four (4) ami ten (HMin block twenty one CJl) lots one (l i two (2) three (:t) four (4) live (:) six (iii seven (7) eight (S) eleven (11) anil twelve (12). in block twenty-three (23). lots one ( 1) two (2) t lace V'i four (4) six (U) seven (7) cijiht (s nine - ten Llo eleven 111 and twelve 1121. in block twenty-seven 27, all of block twenty eight 28 except lot seventeen 17 being lots one 1 tot went v 20 inclusive, except lot seven teen 1171. lots one ft I two 2 three 3 live .1 and twelve 112) in block twent v-nine 2!iJ. lots one 1 two 2 three :'. four 4 five r.j six pi seven f7 and eight sj m block thirty :!n. lots three 131 four (4 live six p'J seven 7j and eight 8. in block thirty-one (31 1, hits fine 1J two (2) three .'! four 4 i live ."q seven 7J nine J tea 1(1 eleven 111 and twelve 2, in block tell 10, lots one IU two 2 four I4j live 15 sev en 71 eimht K nine ten loj eleven 11J and twelve 1 12J in block twenty-two 22. Saiil sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. l.i. until sundown of the said day it will be adjourned from day are sold ; l'lattsmout!). Mav llth. 1873. I.LO I) D. IJKXNKTT. Survivin.'' Executor of the last will ment of Shepherd Duke, tlece:i.sed D. 11. WllKEI.KK, 7tf Attorney for Executor. ROBERT DONNELLY'S Wagon k Hlncksuiith Shop Wagon, Bag;;, Marhine and Flow re pairing, a nd general jobbing. Suv IVasrons mul Itusgies made to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. I Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streight's Stable. , if nccessarv, and to day until all and testa- The above sale is hereby adjourned until Sat urday June 10th. 173. ltoard of County Coinmis- Special Election Notice. Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held in the several precincts of Cass county, Nebraska, at the usual place of holding elec tions, on the 2sth day of June, A. D. 1S73, for the purpose of voting on the proposition here inafter statetl, viz. : at a called session of the Board of Co. Commissioners of Cass Co., held at I'lattsmoutli, in said county, on the 'JSth day of May, A. D. 187j, it was by this board resolved that the following proposition be submitted to the electors of Cass county, Nebraska : "Whereas the bonds voted in aid of the "Weep ing Water anil I'latte Valley Railroad Compa ny, their successors or assigns, by the electors of Cass county, Nebraska, at a special election held in said county on the 2Mb day of January, A. D. l7;l. at which said special election the amount of Five Thousand Dollars (Jo.'HU) per mile of the bonds of said Cass rounty were voted in aiil of the construction of the said Weeping Water and I'latte Valley Railroad, upon certain coudil ems and under eta tain re strictions, and wht reas, one of the conditions submitted in the proposition under which said bonds were voted on the 25th day of .January. A. D. ts;:!, was that any of said bonds not due and delivered to said" Company, under the terms of said proposition on the 31sr. day of December, A. D. ts;t;, shall revert l Casscoun tv and thereby e.vjiire by limitation ; "Now the proposition submitted to the elect ors of said Cass county is : "Shall the time at which said bonds revert to said county under the tenis and conditions of tiie said proposition voted upon by the electors of said Cass county upon the 2."!h day of Jan uary. A. D. Is;.;, be extendi d until the olst day of December, A. D. 1s77." The form in whieli the question in said prop osition shall be taken shall be by ballot, and each elector voting upon said proposition shall ha ve written or pi anted upon their ballot the words : "Shall tho time for the reversion of the "Weep ing Water and Platte Valley Railroad l'.otitls be extended Yes"' or "Shall tiie time for the reversion of the Weep ing Water and Finite Valley railroad bonds be extended No" : And if a "iiiajorily of the the ballots cast at said election liave written or printed thereon the words "Shall the limit for the reversion of the Weeping Water and I'latte Valley Railroad l'.oinls be extended Yes." then said proposition shall be deemed and taken as earned and adopted, ami said time shall be extended ac cordingly ; but if a majority tif said ballots have written or printed thereon the words: "Shall the time for the reversion of the "Weep ing Water and I'latte Valley Kail road Ronds be extended No." then said proposition shall be deemed and taken as lost. The question of the adoption of the ahovo proposition shall be submitted to the electors of Cass county at a special election to be held for that purpose on Monday, June 2Sth, A. I. 175. and a special election for that purpose i.s here by ordered to be held at said time and at the usual places of holding elections in the several precincts lit said Cass county, Nebraska. Said election wall be opened at S o'clock a. in. of t lie 2sth dav of June A.I). 1S7.1, ami will remain open until 6 o'clock i. m. of said flay. i.y order fit tiie is sinners. M. L. WHITE. tPo rm...s W. 15. ARNOLD, Jto. tonus -attest, I). W. MiKlNNtiN, Clerk. Uf. by O. F. Mookk, Deputy. Special Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the several Precincts of Cass County, Nebraska, at the usual place of holding elec tions, on Monday the sth day of June, A. D. 187."i, for the purimse of voting on the proposition hereinafter stated, v iz : At a called session of the Hoard of County Commissioners of C;iss County, held at I'lattsmoutli, in said County, on the 2hth day of May. A. D. ls75, it was by the Board resolved that the following proposition he submitted to the electors of C;vsi County, Nebraska : Whereas the bonds voted in aid of the St. Louis mid Nebraska Trunk Rail Roail Company their successors or assigns, by t he electors of Cass Coiintv. Nebraska, at a special election, held in said County on the i".th day of January'. A. D. 1S7.1. at which said special election the amount of One Hundred anil Thirty Thousand Dollars (rMUHKqof the bonds of said Cass Coun ty were voted in aid of the construction of the sii'ul St. I-ouis and Nebraska Trunk Rail Road upon certain conditions and under certain re strictions. And whereas one ol the conditions, submitted in the proposition, under w hich said bonds were voted tut the 2.1th day of January, A. I). ls73. was, that any of said bonds, not due and delivered to said Company under the terms of said proposition on theSoth day of June A.D. l.7-"i. shall revert to Cass County and thereby expire by limitation. Now the proposition sub mitted to the electors ot said Cass County is: "Shall the time at which said bonds revert to said County by the tenns and conditions of said proposition voted upon by the electors of said Cass County on the ."ith oay of January, A. D. Is7.l. be extended until the aoth day vl June, A.D. 1S7. The form in which the question in said propo sition shall be taken, shall be by ballot, and each elector, voting upon said proposition, shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words : "Shall the time be extended Yes", tir "Shall the time be extended No". Anil if a majority of the ballots cast at sahl election have written'or printed thereon the words : "Shall the time be extended Yes", then said proposi tion shall be deemed and taken as carried and adopit-d. and said time shall be extended ac cordingly ; but if a majority of said ballots have written vr printed thereon the words: "Shall the time be extended No", then and in that case said projiosiiion shall be deemed and taken as lost. The question of the adoption of the above proposition sludl be submitted to the electors of Cass County at a special election to be held for that purpose on Slonday June 2Htl. A. I. 175. and a special election lor that purpose is here by ordered to he held at said time and at the usual places uf holding elections in the several precincts in said Cuss Countv, Nebraska. Said election will be opened at 8 o'clock A. M. of the JSth day of June, A.D. ls7."i, and wall remain open until ( o'clock P. of said day. liy order of the Roardof Count v Commiss'n'rs M. I WHITE (County W. 15. ARNOLD i Commiss'n'rs Attest : D. W. McKINNON. Clerk. liy C. 1. Mookk, Dep'y Ckak. &to MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLA CKSJI1 Til. HORSE SUOEINU, and WAGON REPA1UINC. All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Ncatlg d- Promj.tly :0: Horse Shoeing? Mule Shoeing, Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JtSTZETW" SHOP, on Fifth St.. between Main anil Yine Streets, just across the corner from the new HERALD tn-KKK. loyl PROFESSIONAL CARDS HAM. 51. CIIAPM AX, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor In Chan cery. O.tec in Fitzgerald's Work, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. aviu'.i:li:i: a kkxxktt. REAL ESTATE and Tax Paying Agents. No taries l'ublir. Fire and Life Insurance Agents, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. . It. It. MVlXUMTO, niYSICIAN it SI'RCEON. aiders his pro fessional services lo the citizens of Cass county. Resilience southeast corner Sixth aud Oak sts. ; Otnce on Main street, two floors westol tdxin Plattsinonth, Nebraska. ;ko. s. .SMITH. It. II. WIM'HAM & YVIXIUI.V3I. ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Rstnte I5ro- kers. Special attention given to Collections rind all matters altecinig t..e title to real esian Office on 2d lloor, over Post Oliiee, 1'lattsniouth, reera.sKa. -toy i WILLIAM GRAMBERG'S Lumber Yard! All kinds of Building Material AT BOTTOM PRICES. Main St., opposite I'latte Valley House. PLATTsMOUTII. - NEB. E. 0. DOVEY, Prel. E.T. DUKE, Treat. L ATT S -M O 1 T 22 GRAIN COMPANY. This Co. will buy grain at the HIGHEST MARKET RATES, AT ALL TIMES. SCALES AT OFFIrK T E. O. DOVEY'S STORE, 1-OWKU MAIN STKKKT, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. FRED, a ORDER, - - - - linger. 40yl TM7 T7 T7 Mi flood fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY ! AT EVERYBODY'S HOME IX PLATTSMOUTH IK THEY WANT IT, BY J. F. IICAI'JIEJSTKU. SKXIl IN" YOL'K OHDFKS AND I WILL. THY ASD OIVE YOU -JOyl and serve you regularly. I). L. SORROW'S NEW Blacksmith Shop, ON Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. Does a general business in Horse-Shoeing, Mending, and Repairing Wagons . farm Machinery. Dressing Mill Picks, and all Steel and Iron Work, on SHORT NOTICE ! ! I REMEMHER THE SIGN, D. L. Morrow's 4:rty Illacksmith Shop. DICK STREIGHT'S LIYEBY, Feed and Sale Stables. Corner Cth and Realists. HORSES r.OARDEO i:y thk D.iY, flKJIK, Oil HJOXTII. HOUSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEAMS ATjVLL II0UKS. I'aiticular attention paid to Driving and Training TKOTTIXG STOCK. Will also have for service during the season the f KI.l;IlKATEl) houses : S0R31AN & TALARAN, Known as the W.IKJOVKS 1IO US F.. t'For particulars, see bills or posters. 31 v STREIGHT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store NUTS, CANDIED, TEAS. SUGARS, COFFEES, TOBACCOES, FLOUR, Remember Ihe place, orpo ite E. G. Doyey's on Lower Main Street. STREIGHT C- MILLER. Ben Henipel. HE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTII, - - - - NEB. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream. Soda Water. & Lemonade to Cool you. Good square Meals, nice Lunches, &c., &c. to warm yon. Ales. Wines and good Liquors to be used rea sonably, tor your benefit if you desire. B. 1IEMVEL, Prop. mtKtuuxt I am now prepared to furnish the best una dulterated milk TWICE EVERY DAV, To all parties notifying me )-yl rETERJIl'MJIACir; Jl'STICi: S' THK l'KAt'K. . office on Main street. Plattsmouth, Neb., two doors cast of Hei'ai.h office. Business hours from s a. m. lo S i. in. All countv business usu ally trarsaeted before a .lust ice of the Peace will be attended to. Also general collector of debts. tuyl J J. W. Haines. DR. SCIIILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Homoeopathic riiysician. Tp-Office- and Residence corner Sixth and Vine streets. l'lattsmout!:, .eL. calls attended at all hours. 40y 1. rilOI'RIETOli OF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Bank.) PLATTSMOlTtl, - - - XEU. MY BAU IS SUri'I-IEI WITH THE BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC. 40 V 1 7 v7Tav7 7m ma S IK O HP , JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Tipe, Force and lift pumps, steam Uuages, Safety valve Governors, ami all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings re paired fin short notice. V ARM 31 A C II I X K It Y . repaired on short notice. 4'jyl CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the building opposite Math ews Hardware Store, t,On 4th Street. Bet. Main and Vine.1 Where in addition to other work, he will give special attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKIXO PICTURE Fit AMES, AC. Also Agent for the COMMON SENSE IRON ING TABLES. of which we have a number on hand ; cull and see them. Careful Work and Prompt Attend ance to Calls. 4il-ly WM. L. TUCKER. FOR msm GO TO Gus. HerolcTs. A LECTURE TO "YOUNG MEN. Ju.-t PuIiUshal, in a Scaled Envclipc, price C cte A Lecture on the Nature. Treat ment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhea, in duced bv Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emissions. Impotency, Nervous Debility, ana InilK'iliineiits to marriage generally ; Consump tion, Epilepsey, and Fits; Mental ami l'hvsical Incapacity, &c Bv ROBERT J. CULVEK W ELL. M". D., author of the "Green Book." &c. The world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience that the awful consequences of Stdf-Abuse lnav be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operation. bou gies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual by w hich every sufferer, no matter what his condition may" be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, ami radically. f'ffThix lecture icilt jinxtve a Ikkhi to Uioim- flinfx Oll-l ioisiliid.s. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, CHAM. J. C. KI.IXK A CO- 10-431y y 127 Bowery. ' Y. ; T. O. box. 4oSi. HENRY HOWL AN J). General Blacksmi thing-. C'nrrl.igrec. Itnesl. nntl lVaaron'' ttepnlicd on boit .Voliir. AI.S' iioiisE:-siio::a; Arid all other iron work promptly attend-, cd lo. cheaper thmi the cheapest, for ca-sl By the undersigned. . . , . II.HOWLAND. Shop northwest Cor. of iiic .v nixlh st. FLATT.'-MOl'TH, NEB. OMAHA ADS. Grand Central Hotel. Largest and finest hotel between Chicago and San Francisco. Ueo. Thrall, proprietor, Omaha. WEEPING WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. And Farmer" Supplies Generally. Our Goods are all New, and we sell them CIlEAr. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! (40yl) WEEPING WATER. NEB. LOUISVILLE ADS. lilt. J. M. WATEUIIAX, Physio Medical Practitioner. Lfjiiixriilc, Cass Co., Xeb. Always at the office on Saturdays. 40yi FOX & GLOVER, Sell the BEST GOODS at the lowest prices, at LOUISVILLE, CASS CO, NEB. GKXKKAL DKALEI13 IS dry coons, c;itoci:mi:s r HATS, BEADY CAPS. . MADE BOOTS A CLOTHIXa. SHOES. JVOTIONS, CROCKERY WARE, AND FARMERS' SUPPLIES GENERALLY. Call and give them a trial. . ti-Also "deal in GRAIN & COAL. 4dyi CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, DEALERS IN OSaOTEESISG!-, BOOTS, SHOES, AXD GROCERIES, Of every kind, at the lowest possible rates. Also DEALERS IN GRAIN. For which the highest CASH prices are paid." Hides and produce of all kinds bought at Reasonable rates. IXII i:LIi:K STATIOX-(.Cedar Creek.) lOj l C-LSS CO., XEBRASKA. GO TO VALLERY & RUFFNER'S, FOR GOOD NEWS FOR THE PURL1C!! Now is the time to lmv your DBa8Lp) Notwithstanding the depression of the country, will still continue to soli goods at their old stand in FITZGKKALD'S JJL.OCK, cheaper than ever, and defy competition in prices ard goods. Thej constantly keep on hand A largo as sortment of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HEADY MADE CLOTHING. GROCERIES. BOOTS cf- SHOES' HATS AND CAPS' QUEENS WARE, WOOD tf- WILLOW WARE, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, TOBACCO, dV., dV. Tliev will si ll till troods :is low as anv house in town, even if advertised at cost. They do not deem it necesstiry to give a price list, hut woujd ask you. to call and examine the goods, hear the prices, and satisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Our motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS,-' IF O IR, CASH. VALLERY & RUFFNER'S Implement Uepaz-firnezit,' FOB 1875. They also would call attention of the farming community to tho fact, that' tliev sell Hie unproved and woiiu icnow m-u ,i. i. .v i. n i ii juj.-ji ING MACHINE. The Nichols & Shepherd's "VIBRATOR" Thresh ing Machine, the "Old Reliable" Mc('ormick "Advance" REAP ER r- MOWER: also the McCORMICK HARVESTER, the best in the market. Don't give your orders un til you see samples. Trices lower than any other dealer. THE LITTLE CHAMPION REAPER AND MOWER,' " which gives perfect satisfaction. THE KIRBY REAPER d- MOWER, THE WEIR CULTIVATORS AND PLOWS. DERE tt- CO.'s GANG AND STIRRING PLOWS, iW in van: KEYSTONE ct BROWN CORN PLANTERS. FISH BROTHERS' WAGONS, Th beat on wheel; BROAD CAST SEEDERS. DRILLS, STALK CUTTERS, HARROWS, CORN SHELLERS. tf c, dr. "Which they will sell at bed-rock prices to suit the times. ZWYov the above named Machinery, they always keep on hand a full' line of extras, which is a great item to farmers. VALLERY & RUFFNER. Great Sacrifice of Boots and Shoes l :.-:t.. . -W J. . . - , -tl. . - .1. X . VC. t. -3 i .jrnt.' ' .. t i.nsa 14 1 1 ' .Tryc r ",fv ., ' ' ' PETER 31ERGES. M ,v i ii i i, - rvi i .ii i ... Down coinc tiie Prices of the Largest and Rest stock of Roots and Shoes in the Slate. READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES: Nice Serge Gaiters, only 81. Genuine 18-th read Serge Gaiters, only .01.73 Women's Serge Slippers, only 75c. Men's Brogans, only 81.25. Every thing else in proportion. I have a nice assortment of "White Slippers and Misses' and Child Pearl Colored Shoes, Button and Lace. I also received DIPLOMA for fine home made Boots at the State Fair. Repairing always done with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine. I will always be pleased to show goods' and prices. PETER MERGES. Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Eraid, Curls. Switehes, Fuffs. and all kinds of Hair Work prunijitly and neatly made by Orders left at MUS. KENNEDY'S 31 1 1, L. I ZV K U Y STOUC. On Main St., 1 donf east of Clark &r mummer's. Tin jni m van wi-TOt FOB SALE liY with all the EXTRAS, ATTACHMENTS, ZrZEZETDILIES, &C. Also, Plows. Cull iv.itoK. AVagoim, and FAH-M IMl'LEMENTS for sale. Cor. Main and I 4oyl 6ili btu. T rLATTSMOCTII. NEIL" SEWIXG MACHINES! New Improved Ixiek Stiteh GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Fur sale by CHARLES VIALL. "With all the Extras :nd Attael'.iiients, sueli as' Neeilles, iil. Tm keis. I'.-ndei-s, etc. Those wln fiHiiemplate buying a maeliine. will ilo well to :ive the lirover tV l'.alt r a trial. Satisfaction j-uaraiitecd,:'.i!d the ehenpot inaeliine in tli market. All orders bv mini promptly attend ed to. Address, C'HAHl.fX VIALL, 2inG l'latt.sinoiuli. Svh. MERCHANT TAILOR,- Is in reeeipt of tiie finest and 7J E S T si S S O it TAC 17 Y T Of CAMiKirreK CIotli, VoJ luc. Scotch UooiIn, Xrinh FrifMCH. Ac. Xffln fact, tiie largest and best assortiiittiit, of t'lotlis cvrrbronirlit to this city. wlii-li I aiii lu-epareil to make up in the Latest Styles. Call and examine tJotuU. -roy? ii n n 0