1 s.- ... , . K THE HERALD. LOCAL . . NEWS. LOCAL A1VF.KTISKMENTS. Trtiiisieiit, 25 cents a l!u.'- Hepular advertis eis, la cenu tier Jims. No advei lisetnent inser ted for lens than zi cnts. Le.il Nollivs ut Statute rates. Attonirvs and !T;cts of tlie law v.-ill be lirld restmnsibfe fur all ifj:al notices tlicy hand in, and nil (Dirties Jem;il!(iiiif a roif f pnblir.i- ikiii i any nonce win in; nent ior me publica tion fee ol such notice. comSiuni'catio.v. A our space is limited, all oiiimnnioations tn'ift Im hrief and to tne point, with no waste ot word. X E W S PA P E U I EC 1 S I O X S. . Any person who taken the pajM-r n-gularly from the postoiTn-''. whrtner ilirected to hi taAiite. it wlK-th'-r Ire is a si:!seriber or not-is icspousibie (r the p;i'. 2. If any i'.'r-."i :ihts Ms jiai-r liseontin fectl. he iiiuat pay ail aiTeurnpfs. or the publish er may continue to send it until payment is iiiade, ami collect the whole amount, whether t'je inner is tai.cn from the nilire ir not. 3. The eoiirls Itavn deeiii-l that rc lusin'r to take newspapers and periodicals from tin rost f!ice. or rt:inovti:a and leaving them unrailed or, is jrt mm 'faric evidence of intkntio.nal t'RX L'l. B. M. R. R. TIME-TABLE. On ami after the 1'jth of Mav. 1375. the Kuenei 'trains out of I'latlsiuuutli, will leave as follows : Morning Train (for Lincoln) II f) A.M. Omaha Tram 1 :4o P.M. Morning mixed. (f'ir Omulia IWA.M. Return l'nss. Train J a: Omaha CTg " coi.; ka st : I'aasengir, train (each day), .11 :1.-i A.M. C :X) P.M. 4 m P.M. AVe hope Hank Straight will find tliC villain who poisoned his dog. l'ieper has turiiMl p;iste maker, so lie calls it anyway. Strawberries and cream at Streight's leu Cream Parlor. -ious. Hank Deli- Mr. Way! night's new house is en closed and is being rapidly finished in side. : Faxon is in town and is daily selling large quantities of goods. He has an immense stock and sells cheat". The Ep:.-.e.pal Sociable will meet at Mrs. J. W. Shannon's on Tuesday eve, dune 15th. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. Mike Schnellbacher has the handsom est Sff-l Horse Xftoes for trotting hors es, &c. (Jo and let Mike .shoe you Wo, .January, hold your fool still. T!u! ():nah:i Driving Association are giving the lovers of the turf a rare treat this week. Tho trotting and rac ing will hist four days, and some very line horses are entered. Iteports of Medical Convention, Un ion Sabbath School Convention, and County Commissioners proceedings crowd out High School lloll of Honor and several other important locals. The- Ladies of the M. E. Church gave :t Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival lst Tuesday evening, for the benefit of lb? v. Mr. MeKelvey. The weather was so stormy that only a few were out, so they decided to repeat it on Wednesday evening, when it was well attended. 20,000 Fnvt'lnjM's at the IIimr.i o.'liee. want printing hats: hats: hats: A fine stock of new Hats. Lr-test stylo at Wm. sr.'.nw.M vnn's. 'Come to Merges Shoe store for the iarg t and best assortment and for the lovserd cash prices. When you go to Weeping Water don't fail to call on Heed IJros. and ex amine their stock of gooils. They have excellent bargains in boots, shotjs and summer clothing. 9tf KST1IA Y NOTICE. Taken up by the undersigned, on the 52d of May, in Mt. Pleasant precinct. Two black colts, one twj year old, one yearling. 0VU J.o. Cir M'. Doc Jones has a nw driving team, the little bay and a new dark btxwit, and they are sailers. We took a cjtiplt of the -Con Con's" nut behind them last week and made then nervous, at the gAit. SCHOOL .NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that any pu pils of the City Schools, absenting them selves from the annual examination commencing on the loth inst, will re Miaiu i:i tho grades where they now are luring the next term. IJy Oiiler ol Iioard of El ication. Jtl Taos. Pollock, Scc'y. Doctor Donelan returned from a vis it to St. .Joe. Jul list week. lie re-i "ports the grasshoppers as terrific about there. They have cleaned the wheat, all the garden truck and are after the corn and fruit trees. The people are very jnuch discouraged. They hope Nebras ka will raise tioinethitig so they can at least have a place to buy at next winter. Mr. Murphy, the Photographer, has seme very line "views" from along tho P.. &. M. & U. I. roads. They were la ken for Col. Curley's new lxok on Nebraska. Among the rest is the Thurch at North Platte, Hotef at Sid Jiey, two views of Fairmount, Kearney Junction, Columbus. Court House at Srand Island, and Mr. .Jordan's house jtt the same place. In one of the views of Sidney Andy MoAnsJand is repre sented as sitting in the foreground very 'much tanned by the sun. Groceries are usually sold on a sma'l profit, but still -you can save -considerable on them, by buying of Peed Bros. They endeavor to keep their stock com 4lete. and to keep only the best of goods. -t'tf fahuerx attention: Julius Feppefberg. Cigar Manufac turer, opposite the IIekali office, on Main St., Plattsiuouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and American To fcaecoes for smoking purposes. For Hide. liest qualities of plug-smoking .o!; pern :!'.v;ivs on h ind. 20-tf. One good buggy for sale at the Her ald office. Am. Lazenbyj the shadow, now lives on "Knowledge Hilh He's moved. Cottonwood lumber at McGuire & Curtis' Mill, on the river bank. Cheap. T. J. Todd left us the finest rhubarb last week, and discussed Theology with the old gentleman to boot. . We've got our little pig and a beauty he is, full Berkshire, black as a coal with a clean white mouth, and pretty white stockings on his feet. Mr. Puby did it with his little hatchet. CLOTHING. For a -iiu: suit of Clothes call on Wm. Staiiki.maxn. Largest Assortment, Jtet Assortment, Cheapest Assortment, of Boots and Shoes at Merges Shoo Store. FOR SALE OR RENT. A small dwelling house, two rooms, 12x18, a gootl well of water and close to the business part of town. Enquire at the Hf.kali office. btf. FOR SALE OR RENT. The F. W. 1. Ilolbrook house on 5th st, near Dr. John Black's, lately occu pied by (Jen. Cunningham. Enquire of 7tf. " JOHN' ClIKISTIANiSEJf. Heed Bios, desire to call the atten tion of the public to their stock of dry goods, during these close times there is nothing on which you can save so much, by exercising care in buying, as on dry goods. In looking for cheap goods beware that you do not get goods chetip in quality. Dtf CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned not to buy or trade for a note, of one hun dred and thirty dollars and fifty-five cts., given to one Fliza (larlic, dated Tipton Oct. 1st or 10th 1874, due Oct. 1st 1875. Signed by A. S. Cooley with Dick Cooley its securitv. !t3 A. S. COOLKY. M iy 21, 1875. FOR SALE. At IiOW Rates. An excellent stock of Gladioli, Ver benas, Geraniums, Dahlias and a gen eral assortment of Ui:mixc. Plants. Also a nice lot of Tomato plants, both Trophy and Canada Victor. Dtf L. A. Moore. Buggy for sale Mike ?dcGuire has any amount good of Cotton wood Li m i; e::. selling at $16, $17, and 13 per thou sand. Go and hunt Mike up. We call attention to the new adver tisement of Roltert Donnelly, black smith. Mr. Donnelly has purchased the interest of Mr. Hoffman, and will continue the business at the old stand. Parties wanting work done will find Mr. Donnelly a good workman, and will do well to give him a call. ICE COOL COLD ICC. Pla'.tsmouth Ice company will deliv er Ice to their regular customers at the following rates: 100 lbs per day, 50c per hundred, 50Its per day. (iOo per hundred, 25 l!s or Ipss, lc per !l. Ice can be had at any time of day at A. W. White's store. All orders deft at A. W. White's grocery store, or at Wm. Stadelmann's clothing store, Main street, Piatlsmouth, Nebraska. HAIL STORM. YARNS. Doe Li vingston says we mustn't let the Omaha chaps beat us on hail "Sta tistics," (he calls them.) The Herald has headed this article according to its own notion, you see. Well in that big storm a week ago last Monday, the hail fell around Plattsmouth in the biggest -chunks ever known to man. Mny measured 7 and 8 inches around and erenuiue. ilev. Mr. Burgess picked up three that weighed a pound; and great numbers weighed 2 and 3 ounces. 104 w" i. i- ;mtu wt Hrt:iJB K....iR2o KTJ'-jrS&Hw--;t;s Yl Br and everything else needed in House cleaning, refitting or ornamenting, you can get at Frank Stadtek's. 1. S. Orders received for all kinds of painting, graining, paper hanging, kalsomining, done in a workmanlike manner by -1-tf. McElwatn IIodapp. HI OH EST AWARD. I received Diploma for the finest boots at the State Fair, and I manufac ture lhem constantly. I also do re pairing good and promptly and warrant satisfaction. P. Merges. Billy Stadelmann keeps the best, the largest and the cheapest stock of Clothing in the town. also A very good assortment of Boots and Shoes, a large assortment of hats and cajs, and the largest and best assort ment in town of CSEXTS' FURNISHING" GOODS, consisting of Fnderwear. Collars, Ties, Shirts. Gents' Pocket Handkerchiefs, Pocket Knives, Jewtlr' and gents' gloves of all kinds. Just drop in and see John Wvnde. WANTED. Masonic Hall Co. Shares. Up b A WM 'j S! AWNINGS' In accordance with the direction of Plattsiuouth Lodge No. 6, A. IV. & A.. M. we will purchase two hundred and fifty-eight and 70-100 dollars $MS.70j worth of the shares issued to aid in the erection of the Masonic and Odd Fellows building in Plattsmouth. No shares will be purchased unless the said shares were issued to some MEMBER OF TIIE MASONIC FRATERNI- rri. Bils will be received fr the mon ey until June 30th, 1875; and those shRres ptwehased from which the own er will .make the largest per cent dis count from itiie par value of the shares. The bids shou'.il be sealed and address ed io Julius 3?e.perberg. Sec'y. Platts mouth Neb. and endorsed "bids for sale trf shar in the-fLasonie and Odd Fel bvvs it..!: CV -Vii i'.e -..1 ..; iv-f.-re r Now is t i .0 -!!:! ' i and turpets from tl light as.-i a'r. t or ; v:v s :.'.v:.:r.gr fcee Pepperberg13 micl Muhirer's places. Give me a call. 5tf Frank i tauter: - Oi June lrr'.ne ; the. July .I:lV !ne 1 st 1 I LANK I.. V ; i i i x. V.-. M.". Mlli'.p.t t'. Duke, Tfeas. Julius Pepperbero, 8'y. ruttsmuutu Lodge NobVAv i . .auu MARRIED. SERLY ?.I ITCHELIi M trrled at the resilience vt inn bniie'.i sinter, In liatt.Hf utl". Monilay. June Till. li'a. 1'V the liev. Chas. llchtivcy, Mr. Caiil, T. Sfklv. of Omaha, ami Miss CYNTHIA C. MlTC-UF.I.L, Of Piuttsliioutll. Ami the liaipy emil left f -r Sioux City on the afternoon train, ancl if thpy don't something they will not come down to n full stop until the hridal trip is over and the honey moon fairly Inaugurated. Look out for your self, Carl, you have sot a "heavy take" in hand; mind your "make up"' ; don't put too many flourishes" In tlie "border" ; may your "proofs" he good, your -'punctuation" maikn in the right plaee, and your "onus" ever ready to go to "press." Amen. PERSONAL. "We were introduced to Mr. Osborn, the new road master of the B. &. M. last week. lie is a good looking man. Mr. J. II. Vallery called and remem bered the Herald substantially. J. U. Austin celebrated his 47th birthday by paying las dues to the newspaper man, a good plan and he a good fellow. G. TV. Adams and Wm. B. Lathrop called and paid up. Thanks. Mr. Robertson of Madison and Mr. Frady of Pierce, members of the Con. Con., visited Plattsmouth last week, and testified their pleasure at our handsome town site, and the good looks of tho people. Mr. Geo. Nichols of Beatrice, hits been in tow n for a week, visiting his relatives anl friends. Mr. Joseph Ferree, son of U. W. Fer ree, of this county, arrived in town Inst Wednesday evening. Joe has been swinging around the circle since he left here three years ago, and is as good looking a.s ever. He will remain here a short time, then strike out again. STRAYED Oli STOLEN. From the undersigned about the Cth inst. One dark brown or black horse, eight yerrs old. Any person giving in formation of his whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. Apply to 11-lt Mrs. O. Mullis, Plattsmouth, Neb. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Plattsmouth, June 3, 1875. The firm of Donnelly & Hoffman, have this d;iy dissolved by mutual con sent, Robert .Donnelly will continue the business at the old stand. 1U3 Robert Donnelly. I). W. McKlNNO-WS itm:ual. AUCTION SALE! Consignment Sale of Boots, Shoes, L,ad!;s' and Men's Gaiters, Children's and Indies' Slippers, a lot of Gloves, a full set of Shoemaker's tools, lasts, and sundry other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence Saturday, June 12th. 1875, at 11 o'cloc k a. m. Wm. Stadelmann, Consignee of W. II. Poole. F. S. White, Auctioneer. Also at the same time and place I will offer one 3 year old mare cult, taken as the property of II. Calhoon, to pay charges. 10t3 m FAXON, the AUCTIONEER, will bo in Plattsmouth on next MONDAY, JUNE 7th with a big and splendid stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES, AND SUGARS; NOTIONS, DRY & CANNED FRUITS, a large variety CARPETS t . HATS A2TD CAl'S, BOOTS AND SHOES. The largest stock he h:us ever brought to this town. The Auctiori will bo held in Fitzgerald Block, at Dr. Chapman's old stand, at 2 AND 7 P. M., EACH DAY, until further notice. LlOtf SPECIAL NOTICES. The body of our lamented friend Me Kinnon, was brought from the west Tuesday evening and was met at the Dpot by his Masonic brethren who escorted his remains to the house of W. I j. Hobbs. His brother Mr. Jos. McKinnon. a brother-in-law and other relatives were present, many friends showed their devotion by a last sad look at the body. THE FUNERAL Took place on Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock from the house of Wm. L. I Iobbs, many friends of the deceased from Saunders count-, and those of Plattsmouth who were in Lincoln, re turned home to attend. The Masonic fraternity took charge and Rev. Mr. McKeivey conducted the services. A very large procession of Masons led by Bro. Cutler followed the Hearse to the Cemetery and a still larger concourse of mourning friends and acquaintances. Deceased was a member of Macoy Lodge. The Herald had intended to allude to the past career and services of deceased, but the short time before going to Press prevents. The follow ing tribute is so appropriate that we cheerfully give it place feeling that it will better express all that could be said further on this mournful occasion. For the IlEitALn. IN MEM OKI AM. When June's sweet roses rniiio, A voice from the far West Came niiiiK'e'l with a vision sad A peaceful, silent rest. The Tision of :i sleep The faintest living breath Then the twin Mother's gnni, face The "old, old fashioned Death." Hands ehisped so still and eold ; Faee bearded, marble-pale ; A noble casket gone, the soul Aiiiiwn the shadowy vale. No erowd of inourninc friends r.ear him to his loved land ; Only a brother's loving rare. Only "Our Father's" hand. Rack from the "Golden State" They bring liim to his rest ; Naught but the waving prairie graM Above hfs honored breast. Mourned for his generous heart ; Mourned for the help he gave ; Mourned for the work but just begun. Now ended hi the grave. A vision still a form Bent w before the 1 ltrone ; A crown, a harp, a garment while, A glad cry : "Welcome Home !" FA HITS FOR SALE. I am authorized to sell Ihe north cast quarter of section ten, township twelve, range twelve, and the north east quarter of section eleven, township eleven, range twelve, for two thous and ('.o;!) dollars per quarter. Tkiuis Five hundred dollars down ami five hundred in one, two, and three years, at ton per cent interest, payable annually. For fur ther particulars inquire of A. W. McLAUCIILIN, 4tf At First National Rank, Plattsmouth, Neb. Awoxishixc The progress made by the Wilson Shuttle Dewing Machine. Inventive skill has beeu taxed to its utmost, and the re sult is the most perfect and desirable machine for general and family use yet produced. It is Minple and easy to operate, is not liable to get out of repair, its work is the best, as was shown by the first premiums- awarded it at the Univer sal Exposition in Vienna, lsn, jintl it is sold at a loss price than any ot her mac hine of its stand ard excellence. Machines will be delivered at any Railroad Station in this count v, free of traisMrtation charges, if ordered through the Company's nranch House at No. 610 4th Street, St. Louis, Mo. They send anclegant catalogue and cliromo circular, frc? on application. This Company want a few more good agents IS VOI R lil I'K WORTH IO CEXTS ? Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody complains of some disease during their life. Win ii sick, the object is to get well: now we sav plainlv that no person In this world that is suib-iing with Ds)epsi, Liter Complaint and its ellects. such as Indigestion, . ostiveness. Sick Headache. Sour Stomach, Heart-burn, Palpitation of ti Heart. Depressed Spirits, &e., can take Onuo's AlocsT Flowkk without pelting reliet and cure. If you doubt this, go to your Druggist. Dr. . R. Cltapmaii. i'latts niouth, Nf-b., and get a Sample Ui.ttle tor to cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents, 'two doses will relieve you. 4'l SICK NURSE. Mrs. Charlotte Finny desires to give notice that she will ;wt. as Sick Nurse, whenever call ed on. Residence in Stiles' addition, near Al-Uitler-s Mill, PkUtsmouth, Neb. SinJ FOR SALE. A second-hand Victor Sewing Machine tor sale cheap. oince. For terms inquire, at Hkkai.d LEGAL, NOTICES. Probate Notice. In llu; mallet of the Estate of Joel Sheldon, de ceased. To ?'ftom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that application has been made br LiVsen Sheldon to be jipiioint.ed Administrator of the. Fsate of joe! Sheldon, de ceased. That said cause is set for hearing at mr Ofliee in Plattsmouth. Cass Count v, Nebras ka, on the 2d day of July. A. D. at 1 o'clock v. m of said day, at w blob time all persons in terested may apoear and show cause, if any they have, why tne said L-iv,son Sheldon should not be appointed such Administrator according to the praver of t;aid petitioner. Witness"my band and tf!kial seal tills the 8th day of June, A. D. 1875. "w H. K. F.LLISON, Ht3 Probate Judge. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the "state of Craudle Shaw, to tile the same in the Probate Judge's ofliee. Plat tMiioulli. Cass -outity, Nebraska, on or before the l-'th day of November, A. D. Is7.r. 11. E. ELLISON, 7t." Probate Judge. riattsnw.ul.li. June Dili. AMICA. The grasshoppers are very bad in many sections, and will no doubt en tirely destroy some fields of grain. The prospect is foreboding enough to warn all clashes of people to be careful and spend their money where it will buy the most. Try where you will it will be diiiicult for you to find a place where j our money will buy so much as at Keed Ifeos. of Weeping "Water. Dtf BOOTS & SHOES. I ha3 the largest stock and assort ment aid deal exclusively in Uoots and Shoes and can and do sell foot gearing cheaper than the cheapest. Peter Merges. PLATTSMOUTH SAW MILL. NEAR TRANSFER LANDING. McC.UIRE & CURTIS Having purchased the above named Mill are prepared to furnish Cotton wood Lumber at "Hard Times" prices. They will keep constantly on hand and for sale in their yard at the Mill : SCANTLING, SHEETING, JOISTS, FENCING, And all kinds of Lumber necessary for farm ue. Orders for sawing lumber from owners logs will be promptly filled at low rates. All orders left at their store 2 doors east of new Post Office will receive immediate atten tion. ALSO McGUIRE & CO., 2d door east of the new Post Omce, in addition to their large and varied as sortment of Pirst Class Liquors, Wines, find Ales, have just received a large tok of: CAM-ILI.t'N I'IVk; Hk.'M'V, .VXcn.K', t'.VlAWBA, CAT II". I.M V, DRY Jt, SPARKLING RHINE, WINES. and McGuiunis' Dublin Ale and Por- I ter. Tobaccos of fine aroma, and the best Brand of Cigars in market, all of which will hf sold low, Wholesale and Retail.- 4Jtf Sheriff's Sale. IS v virtue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court, Second Judicial kii...i.. ...ill.!.. .....1 ... i-..,i,.,v V.il.pnuL'i IfPllii I, n hiuii ni.it v , ... u i t.'.i ii and tome directed. I will on the"jsth day of June. A. I). Is75. at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day at the south door of the Court House in the city of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wit : The south half (s'i) of the northwest quarter (nw?i of section thirty-two (32). township nun ber twelve (ti, north of range number nine (o, east of the Sixth principal meridian, in Cxss count v. Nebraska. The'same being levied upon and taken as the property of Doom F.ro. & Co., defendants; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by the Moline Plow Companv. plaintiffs. Plattsmouth, Neb., May 2u. lsr.i. M. R. CUTLER, Sheriff- Special Election Notice. Notice Is hereby given that an election will be held in the several Precincts of Cass County, Nebraska, at the usual place of holding elec tions, on Monday the 2stl day of June, A. D. 1875, for tho purpose of voting on the proposition hereinafter stated, viz : At a' called session of the Uuar.l of County Commissioners of Cass County, held at Plattsmouth, hi said Comity, on the 2Sth day of May, A. D. 1875, It wm by the ISoard resolved that the following proposition be submitted to the electors of Cass County, Nebraska j Whereas the bond voted in aid of the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Kail Road Company their successors or assigns, by the electors of ('as County.. Nebraskiu at a special election, held in paid County n tli2-"th day of January, A. D. lsi;s. at which said special election the amount of One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars ($l30.nuo) of the bonds of said Cass Coun ty we voted in aid of Uie roustruction of the said Sl Louis and Nebraska Trunk Rail Koad upon certain conditions and under certain re strictiouM. And whereas one of the conditions, submitted in the proposition, muter which said bonds wene voted on the Mh lay of January, A. D. lfTo, was. that any of said bonds, not due and delivered to nid Company under the terms of said proosition on the 30th day of June A.D. ls7-", shall revert to Cass County and tbwehy expire by limitation. Now the proposition sub mitted to the electors of said Cass County Is: "shall the time at which said bonds revert to said County by the terms and conditions of said B reposition voted upon bv the electors of said ass County on the tfcM.li day of January, A. D. 187:5, be extended until the 30Ui day til June, A. D. 1S7'. The form in which the question in said propo sition .sliall be taken, shall be by ballot, and each elector, voting ujKn aja iproyiition, shad have written or printed upon their ballots the words : "Shall the time be extended Yes", or "Shall the time be extended No". And if a majority ot the bailors cast at said election have writteu or printed thereon the words: "Slisll the tiuM3 be extended Ye", then said proposi tion shall be deemed and taken as carried and adopted, and said time shall be extended ac cordingly ; but ii a majority of said ballots have written or printed thereon the words : "Shall the time be extended No", then and in that eae said proposition shall be deemed and taken a.s lost. The question of the adoption of the above proDositiou shall be submitted to the electors of- v'ounty at a spechil election to be held for trrtt puriose on Monday June SMtfc, A. 1. 175, and a siiecial election for that purpose is here by ordered to be held at said time and at the usual places of holding elections in the several precincts in said Cass County. Nebnka. SaW election will be opeued at 8 o'clock A. M. of the 'jstti dav of June, A.D. 1S75, ar.d will remttin open ui'rril o'clock P. M. of said day. isy oi.er ol the Board of County Commiss'n'YS M. L. WHITK Count v W. B. ARNOLD f Comuilss'n'rs AUest : D. W. McKINNON. Clerk. 1 ByC. P. Mooee, Dcp'y Clerk, 3to Executors Sale of Real Estate Ry virtue of an order of sale from Jnde of District Court (and under the seal of the same) in and for the District Court, Second Jut-teal District. In the County of Csiss and State of Ne braska, and directed to the undeisigncd. iu an action wherein Lloyd I). iUMincit. surviving ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Shep herd Duke, deceased, is Plaintiff, and Iivina Duke and others are Defendants, I will at 10 o'clock a. m.. on the 12tli Day of June 1S75. hi front cf the Court llcu-ie in iheCity of Platts iuouth and State f Nebraska, olfer tor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder the lands and tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : cash in hand. Said lands bo long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are described as follows, to-wit : The following lots in tlie City ol Plattsmouth, In said Cass Countv, lots eleven (11 1 in bioc k nve tfO, also the following lots lying and being in Duke's Addition to the city of Plattsmouth. aforesaid, that Is to say lots one 0) two (ti) three 13) four (4) nve O) six (6) nine (0) ten (10) eleven Ml) twelve (IS) thirteen (13) fourteen (14 fifteen (15) sixteen (16) seventeen (17) eighteen (IS) and nineteen (Vji. In block four (4. lots six (r) seven (7) eight (8i nine (i ten (pi) eleven ill) twelve (12) thirteen (i:' fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (Hi) seventeen U7) and eighteen lis), in block 5) lots four (1) live () six (ti seven (7 eight (8) nine 9) ten (K eleven (ill and twelve (li.i in block six (til, lots one (1) two fi) three (3) four U) live (5) six ((') seven (7) eight t and nine ; in block seven (7)., lots one tlj two () three (y) four(4) in block tune ). lots four ft live (".) six ) seven (7) eight (8 nine y!') ten (1(0 eleven (11) and twelve (12), in block eleven (11), all of block twelve (12) being bls one (1) to twenty-two in elusive, ail of block thirteen (ia) being one (1 ) to t wentv-t wo () inclusive, lots one (1) and two '(2) in block fourteen (14). lots one O) lo (2) three (3) fonr (4) five (5) and six ui. in block fif teen ( id), lots four (4) live (5) and six (6). in block eighteen (is), lots one (l two (3) seven (7) eight (S nine (!') ten (Hi eleven (11) and twelve (I2).in block nineteen (19). all of block twenty (2i) ex cept lot twelve (1) being lots one (M to tventy t wo (22 ) inclusive except lot twelve (12), lots o'ie (1) three (3) four (4,1 and ten (Hi; in block twenty one (21) lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (1) live (Ti six (i) seven' (J) t ight (s) eleven (11) and twelve (12). In block twenty-three (2-j). lots one (1) two (.') three (3) four (4) six (;) seven 7eight xj nine la ten 10 eleven 111 and twelve 1121. in biock twenty-seven 27. all of block twenty eight 2S except lot seventeen I7J being lots one ill to.t went v 2M Inclusive, except lot seven teen 171. lots one ij two 2 three ol five r. and twelve fi2j in block twenty-nine biy, lots one 11 two 2 three 31 four 4 five 5 six ;) seven I" and eight si In block thirty :10. lots three S four (4J five 5J six pi seven 7 and eight isf, in block thirty-one 31. lots one HJ two (2 three 3 four 4 five 51 seven 17 nine !i I ten lo eleven 11 and twelve 12!, in block ten 1 10. lots one 1 two 2 four (4 live " sev en 7 eight t nine 1 ten i eleven llj and twelve 12 in block twenty-two 22. Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. m. until sundown of the said day. If necessary, and it will be adjourned from day to day uutil all are sold ; Plattsmouth. May 11th. 1S7. LUiYIll. I5ENNKTT, Surviving Kxecutor of the last will and testa ment of Shepherd Duke, deceased. D. 11. Whkklkk, Ttf Attorney for Executor. Special Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the several precincts of Cass county. Nebraska, at the usual place of holding elec tions, on the 2sth c'ay of June, A. IK lf75, for the purpose of voting on the proposition here inafter stated, viz. : at a called session of the P.oard of Co. Commissioners of Cass Co., held at riattsinouth. In said county, on the 28th day of May, A. D. 1875. it was by this board resolved that the following proposition be submitted to the electors of Cass county, Nebraska : Whereas the bonds voted in aid of the Weep ing Water and Platte Valley lUiilroad Compa ny, their successors or assigns, by tlie electors of Cass county, Nebraska, at a special election held iu said county on the 2'jtli day of January, A. D. 1S73. at which said special election tlie amount of Pive Thousand Dollars (?f.oi)0 per mile of the bonds of said Cass county were voted ill aid ot the construction of the said Weeping Water and Platte Valley Hailroad, upon certain conditions and under certain re strictions, and whereas, one of the conditions submitted iu the proosition under which said bonds were vutcd on the 2.tli day of January, A. D. 173. was that any of said bonds not due and delivered to said Company, under tlie terms of said proposition on the 31st. day of December, A. D. lsa;, shall rcrcrt to Cass coun ty and thereby expire by limitation ; Now the proposition submitted to the elect ors of said Cass comity is : "Shall the time at Which said bonds revert to said county under the terms and conditions of the said proposition voted upon by the electors of said ( ass county upon the 2.Mh day of Jan uary. A. D. 1S73, be extended until the 31st day of December, A. D. 1H77."' The bum in which the question in said prop osition shall be taken shall be by ballot, and each elector voting upon said proposition shall have written or printed upon their ballot the words : "Shall the time for the reversion of the Weep ing Water and Platte Valley iiailroad Bonds be extended Yes" or "Shall the time for the reversion of the Wf ep ing Water :;nd Platte Valley railroad bonds be extended No" : And if a majority of the the ballots c;vst at said election have written or printed thereon the words "Shall the time tor the reversion of the Weeping Water and Platte Valley Hailroad ISonds be. extended Yes," then said proposition shall be deemed and taken as carried and adopted, and said time shall be extended ac cordingly ; but if a mr.j.jrity of said ballots have written or printed thereon the words : "Shall the time for the reversion of the Weep ing Water and Platte Valley hailroad iionds ho extended No," then said proposition shall be deemed and taken as lost. The question of the adoption of the above proposition shall be submitted to the electors of Cass county ;it a special election to be held for that lMirpose. on Xondaj-, June Hl!i. A. I. 173, and a sjeial fleet Jon for that purpose is here by ordered to le held at said time and at the usual places of holding eb-etioiis in the several precincts in said Cass county. Nebraska. Said election will be opened at 8 o'clock a. m. of the 2Sth dav of June A. D. 1S7., and will remain open until 6 o'clock p. m. ot" said dav. By order of tlie Board ef County Commis sioners, M. L. WHITE, Po rom.I3 W. It. AHNOI.D, 1 LO- Lom IS Attest, D. W. McKixkox, Clem. Ot.y by C. P. Mooke, Deputy. HEAD E.G.DOVEY'S G-IRJtlv-T A.IE. NOTICE TO THE PUELIC ! Having made up my mind several years ago RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR 1875, and being still of the sanic'iuind. I take thl method ol informing the public that I am selling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS ! AT COST. and shall continue doing so through this year or until the is disposed of. During that time I intend to Sell Goods for Cash, Lower than any other house can do and sustain themselves. My stock consists o GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS A- CAPS, BOOTS d- SHOES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, dC, cCC, cf C. The whole stock will be sold at Bottom Prices until it is ALL SOLD OUT. "Hy object is not to but to GET out of BUSINESS. Give me a call and see for yourself. 6,yl E. G. DOVEYr PROFESSIONAL. CAKDS HAll. H. rJlAPMA'JV, ATTOKN K Y A f LAW and Solicitor In Chan cery. O.vce in ra.-cra'd's B'ock, PlatlsmouUi. Nebraska. yviii:i:li-.i: a. hkxvktt, ltKAL KSTATE andT.-i Paving Agents No taries Public, Kireiiiidl.il! lnshrs.net: Agents, l'lattsniouth. Nebraska. It. K. LIVIXWHTOX. PHYSICIAN & SI'I'O EON, tenders His pro fessional services to the citizens of Cass county. Residence southeast corner Sixth and Oak sis. ; Office on Main street, two doors west of Sixth, l'lattsniouth, Nebraska. GEO. S. SMITH. K. It. M IMJIIAM. SMITH A niXPIIAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Ileal Estate Bro kers. S(ecial nttenliiin . given to Collection. and all matters aTtecting tlie title to real estate. Office on M fltor, over Post OCice, I'l.itisinouth, Nebraska, ' Jt'KTlt'K OF TIIE niVCK. Office on jlain street, riattsinouth. Neb., two doors east of IIkkau ollli-e. Business hour from R a. m. tb 8 P. m. All county business usu ally transacted before a Justice of tlie Peace will be attended to. Also general collector ol J. W. llAlKKS. debts. DR. SCHILDKJJECHT. Eclectic & Homoeopathic Physician. jgr-OfTlce and Kesidence comer Sixth and Vine Streets, Platlsmoulh, Neb. Calls attended at ail hours. 40yl. Wm. ESTeville, I'liOriitF.TOIl OF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (.Main St., under First Nat. Bank.) FLATTSMOrTII, - - - XEIl. MY BAR IS PUITUKD WITH THH BEST WINES," LIQUORS, Art-? BEER, ETC., ETC. 40yl m 3 pq HF 3 JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEB. llcpairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and tjrist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron ripe, Force and lift pumps, steam tillages. Safety valve Governors, and all kindsof Brass Engine Fittings re paired on short notice. PAKM M A II I X K It A' . repaired on short notice. 4;yl CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the building opposite Math ews Hardware Store, (On 4th Street. Bet. Main and Vine.) Where in addition to other work, he will fives', ecial attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKIXO I'WTL'RK FRAMtS, 1C. Also Ajrent for the COMMON SENSE I HON ING TABLES. of which we have a number on hand ; call and sec them. Careful Work and Prompt Attend aiice to Calls. 40-ly WM. L. TUCKER. FOR GO TO Gus. HerolcTs. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Jiwt PuMMicil, in a Sealed Envelope, price 6 cts mrBlaYtm A Lecture on the Nature. Treat- Jr il(jfi. Anient, and liadical cure of Seminal BfJr Weak iin. or Spermatorrhea. In duced by Sclf-Abnie. Involuntarv Emiswions. Iwpoieticy, Nervous Debility. auJ Impediments toniarnajre generally ; Consump tion, Epilepsey, and Fits : Mental and Physical Incapacity. &c.-By KOBKKT J. CL'LVEIl WKLL, M. I) , author of the "Green Book." &c. The world -renowned author. In this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience that the awful consequences of Self -Abuse niav be effectually removed without medicine, ami without dangerous surgical operation, bou pies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a inotle ot cure at once certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, ana radically. JirT"2 lis Lecture will proove a Itoon Ut Moim amta awl tluntmiulx. Sent under seal. In plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receiii of six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, ( HAS. J. V. KMXK JL CO, W-431y 127 Bow ery, N. Y. ; P. O. box, 458. OMAHA ADS. Grand Central Hotel. largest and finest hotel between Cbicago and San Francisco. Geo. Thrall, proprietor, Omaha. WEEPING WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, bEALEKS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. And Farnifrs'Knpplirstiencrnllj'. Our Goods are all "Sew, and we sell them CHEAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE! (40yl) WEEPING WATER, NEB. LOUISVILLE ADS. JK. JL. 31. WATEItMAX, Physio Medical Practitioner. iAiiUrttle, Cox Co., A'cb. ty Always at the office e Sat urd ays . 4oy 1 FOX & GLOVER, Sell the BEST GOODS at the lowest prices, at LOUISVILLE, CASS CO., NEB. GENERAL DEALERS IX 1)111 GOODS, GROCGK1LS ! ii ats, ready caps, made boots & clothixg. shoes. A'OTIQXS, CROCKERY WARE, AND FARMERS' SUPPLIES GENERALLY. Call and give them a triaL tS-AlodeaT in GRAIN & COAL. 40y i CEDAR CHEEK ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, DEALERS IIT CEaOT'ISElBT, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GROCERIES. Of every kind. at the lowest possible rates. AU6 DEALERS IN GRAIN. For which the highest CASH prices are paid. Hides and produce of ail kinds N-!'!t rt IleasonaWe rates. IMIELnERM STATIOX-(Cedar Creek,) . 40yr CASS CO., XEBRASKA. IIKMIY jlOWLANJ). i ALSO General Blacksmithing. i'arriaifr'j. ItntrKlex. nnt Wiob IIci0--t on pnn .iwire. ' . -VlJiO . iifusi'io!:ii; .. And all other Iron w.u'k ,"i"'nplIy attend ed to. cheaper than the . N-apl si. lor casl By the underM.Kned. Sboii nort'iwe I Cor. l .i." t Suth M PLATTSMOLTH. NUI. GrO TO VALLERY & RUFFN ER'S, von t t GOOD M:VS FOIt THK PUKL1C!! Xow is the time to buy your (DDnaip Xotwitlistanilin the depression of the country, will still continue to sell goods at their old stand in riTZOE.UALD'J BLOCK, cheaper than ev r, and lefy competition iu pi ices and goods. The; constantly kei on hand ii huge aa bortmciit of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, "' READY MADE CLOTHING. ' . . GROCERIES, BOOTS rf- SHOES 'HATS AND CAPS QUE ENS WARE, WOOD ii- WILLOW WARE, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, TOBACCO, IV., d'v. They will sell all jroods as low as any house in town, oven if advertiser at cost. They do not deem it necessary to give a price list, hut would ask yot to call and examine the good, hear the prices, and satisfy yourselves heforV purchasing elsewhere. Our motto is . "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS' IF1 O IR, cash; f VALLERY & RUFFNER'S Implement Hcparfmcnt, 3P O JRj 1875. They also Would call attention of the farming community to the fact, tlia', thev sell the Improved and world renowned J. I. Case & Co.'a THRESH- ING MACHINE. The Nichols & Shepherd's "VIBRATOR" Thresh ing Machine, the "Old Keliahle" McOormick "Adviuico" REAP ER iX- MOWER: also the McCORMICK HARVESTER, the best iu the market, bni't give your orders un til you see samples. I'ltces lower than any other dealer. THE LITTLE CHAMPION REAPER AND MOWER, which gives perfect satisfaction. THE KIRBY REAPER cf: MOWER, THE WEIR CULTIVATORS AND PLOWS. . .... DERE cf- CO.' GANG AND STIRRING PLOWS, h:si tniun KEYSTONE A- BROWN CORN PLANTERS. FISH BROTHERS' WAGONS, Thi bext on wheels, BROAD CAST SEEDERS. DRILLS, ' STALK CUTTERS, , HARROWS, CORN SHELLERS. dc, ifv. . "Which they will sell at bed-rock prices to suit the time. ;rfir"Tor the above named Machinery, they always keep on hand a full line of extras, which is a great item to farmers. 5iyt VALLERY & ItUFFNER. Great Sacrifice of Boots and Shoes 'A 'We... in PETER MERGES. WXm kMi vitem I IF.t' - . rr--rrr -y m'.r.fr - rrf.-rt tj t- T m) , Down conic tlie Prices of tlie Largest nd Rest stock of lioots and Shoes in the State. READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES: Nice Serge Gaiters, only 1. Genuine 18-thread Serge Gaiters, only 1.75 "Women's Sevga Slip'pers. only 7.c. Men's lirogans, only 01.23. Every thing else in proportion. I have a nice assortment of White Slippers and Misses' an I Childs' J'earl Colored Shoes, Button and Lace. I also received DIPLOMA for fine home made Jioots at the State Fair. Iiepairing always done with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine. I will always be pleased to show goods and prices. PETER MERGES. Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Ilrahls. furls, Kvitri, PufN, anl all kindsof Ilajr Wtxk purtiiptly aiul ui'.atly made by Orders left at MUS. KENNEDY'S MILLI .V E It T STO It K . On Main t., I iKj.tt oat Clark & I'liitunicr's. MACMIffiE FOR SALIC BY U taJ. ESEetf eer, with nil the EXTRAS, ATTACHMENTS, AloC I'l.'v- I ..::.-.--. v-,c-!--: a.-.-t I Xl-l . iruKLKMENTS lor sale. Cor. Main aiiA ' i '. PLATTSMOUTH. 40yl 6thSt.i. NJK15- SEWING 31 AC JUNES! ew Iii provea ik-k MiK-n GROVER & BAKEI SEWING MACHINE, For n ly CHARLES VI ALL, W ith a.11 tin- i:trusainl AtUu:lmiit, micli : N'fil!f. 4 1:1. Tiickcis. liiliiliTR. tit:. Ttlos? wl r-onit rnn!;ite b.ivin-' a inacluiiH. u ill dn well t pive tlr irver l'?knr h trial. S;itisf:ictii'( pnaraHtOl.tuft ttii;" cuenpest machine in tl , iiKirkct. Ail v?rs lv mail rnij)tly fltten ed to. Address, IHAHLES V I ALU 26 I'lattstiiotult. Neb. I MERCHANT TAlLOJbt Is in rtf'iipt of tlie finest and 2! S T ft S S O 7t TM Ii A' T Of CaKslmrrrH. Cloths. Vesting:. .Scot 4(XmI, Irih f-"rt-. , .- j ll nil ii r ri in u;iii. i u ill t 1 1 j i in' ii a -i-'j prepared to make up in tne latest Styles.- 4t t I ?.nI csartine Ou'ds. f '.'i"511fEt'-l-l n n