THJE TIE It A-Li). Tor the "Herald." frontier Experience. J.A..3LiCMURriIY,. ...thrron. i PLATTSMOUTn. JUNE 3, 1873. The marriage of Gen. Sheridan with Miss Tlucker takes place to-day in Chicago. Andy Borden, of the Grand Central had an offer of increased wages Satur day. Andy thought the man was crazy and bo did some other fellows. The CourTof Claims has awarded the Union racilic Co, S3 12,000 on their -laim against the Government for Gov. transportation. The case is appealed. AVe have received a Communication from a citizen of Cass County about one of our large stock farms, which we shall publish with great pleasure next week. The delegations of Indians now in Washington have given up the greater jHjrtion of the Northern part of Neb, included within their bounds in con sideration of the sum of S21,000. We are glad to see that Geo. Smith fells the Con. Con. they must not crowd too much legislation into their instru ment. Go slow, boys, 20,000 for a use- less Convention every k -getting monotonous. Decoration layTMay ad. was largely Celebrated through the larger cities ;md States of the Union. A praise worthy feature in the more Southern States ttas the pleasant feeling exist ing between the Unionists and ex-Con federates who both took part. BY POSTAL CARD. Afton, Neb, May 27. Ed. Herald: We are having a fine season for crops, which are most all in. I'lenty of rain. Plenty hoppers flying northeast, none here to hurt Will likely , have good crops if they stay away. Corn large enough to plow, wheat jointing. Health good; appe tites good,but"hash"scarce. Grass very goal; stock fat. Yours, E. S. Child. PRESIDENT GRANT'S LETTER. We hope the third-termers are now satisfied. Gen. Grant has written a letter to the President of the Penna. Kepublican Convention, in which he declares that he never has expected a third nomination, and does not wish for any such thing. It is a straight forward very Grantish sort of letter, and will no doubt relieve some persons very ranch. The third term never troubled the IIkmald any, in Wash ington. it has some in Plattsmouth therefore we are not singing peans over the letter. The Conntv Commissioners met yes terday and had a lively time. Petitions poured in from all quarters; one to re quest M. L. White, Co. Commissioner, to resign ; one to ask the Commission ers to rescind the call for a "special election" on extension of Bonds ; one for the appointment of C. P. Moore as County Clerk, the death of Mr. Mc Kinnon being an ascertained fact. The first two were referred to the County Attorney for advice and au thority, and on the last they appointed CAL. MOORE kunty Clerk to serve until a regular election next fall. Let the reader Imagine himself at a hotel, in a small frontier town, having under his char' are the wife and child of a friend, his pocket book tery light, and still forty-five or fifty miles of road be tween him and his home (their destina tion,) said road lying over a wild, unin habited divide, which at the time Is covered with several inches of snow; let him imagine this and lie will have the "situation." Then Jet him take such a trip, with such company, and he will have the "experience." On a cold morning in February, having given up all hopes of my own team coming after us I hired a "livery rig," of the following description: a pair of ponies that would certainly have taken the premium for lazyness anywhere, a light two seated, spring wagon, and a "jehu," whom I certainly recommend as -a very cautious driver. However wo smothered all feelings of doubt or distrust, put in our baggage, seated ourselves, and started for home. L xm talking with Jehu on the subject, lie agreed to land us with in eight miles of home that night, but after the first mile or two grave doubts arose in our minus as to ins, for it needed careful observation to convince us that we were moving it all ; but hints, gentle remonstrance, and open and strong expresssons of our doubts, were alike of no avail. Night approached, we were miles from our destination, it soon became so dark I had to go ahead on foot, to show the road, which was here a mere track, and I had frequently to wait for the team to catch up. About one hour after dark wo came to a broad field of snow, and in crossing it we lost the track. We then fruitletsly wandered around and among canons for an hour longer, then fairly exhausted, I told the. driver we would have to find a deep canon and camp. This we found with out trouble, and easing the wagon down we drew up near some large weeds, un hitched the horses and tied them out, then finding we had no matches and knowing we had no pro vis ions, we com menced making preparations for the night. Our stock of bedding consisted of two small robes, three light blankets, and two old qnilts. The robes and one blanket the driver used, and made his bed under the wagon, with the balance I arranged a bed for my companion, her little girl, and myself in the wagon. The wind blew very strong and cold, life was at stake for the lady and child and that was no time for mock modes ty. The wagon stood with one corner towards tho wind, so that by my lying on that same side, I could in ameasnre break the wind from them. During the forepart of the night I could have slept some, as I was very tired, but my companion feeling ill at ease would every few minutes ask: "are you asleep E V" About midnight the cold increas ed to such an extent that I did not dare to sleep. It would have been easy for me to get up and exercise and warm m-self, but that would not do, for the child would certainly freeze, and the lady would likely share the same fate. Header did you ever get so cold that your whole body felt icy? did you ever feel your heart shiver, while your teeth would rattle a fearful accompaniment? If so you can guess how I felt. Morn ing came at last, the little one awoke saying she was "warm and nice." The mother was very cold, but thank God! none of us were frozen. We soon hitched up, and drove (as it was cloudy.) about four miles right away from home. Then about face, and reached shelter about noon, and there discharging our livery, we got an ox team, and reached home safely that night. E. S. C. STATE ITEMS. . Gen.- O'Neill has gone with the first installment of hi Irish Colonists to their home in Holt county,' northern Nebraska. E. D. Webster's cheese factory, at North Platte, is of capacity sufficient to work the milk of COO cows. About 400 will be milked this spring. The North Platte Kepublican states that there are over 3,000 acres under cultivation in Lincoln county, that the grasshoppers do not trouble them and that crops look fine. ALFALFA " FOlf SlTCKASKA. SECTIONALISM AT LINCOLN. The Omaha Republican under the above caption, says: "In almost every act of public thought and opinion, its zealous citizens see a stab at Lincoln", etc. This may be partly true, but there are two sides to this story. With su perabundant foolishness and gross in justice the Omaha Herald, Bee, and nearly all the smart democratic and republican papers in the state, have made a business of howling "Lincolu ring, Lincoln thieves," whenever they thought they had found a mare's nest in any state office, forgetting that said officers were- elected from all parts of the state and were not chargeable to Lincoln at all. Two important conventions met in Plattsmouth this week. THE STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY Opened its sessions on Tuesday morn ing. Dr. John Black, President. Sev eral very able papers were read, and tho City of Lincoln appointed as the next place of meeting. In the even ing the Medical gentlemen, together with many of our own citizens, were very handsomely entertained by Dr. Jno. Black, the President of the Association- Full proceedings in the Her ald next week. THE UNION SABBATH SCHOOL CONVEN TION Of Cass county also met on Tuesday. ITev. David Marquett presiding. Their exercises were fairly attended, and much interest shown in the work. Owing .to the fact that we go to press early Thursday morning no further notice can be given at this time, but we are promised a fuller report for next week. AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Mt. Pleasant, May 29th '75. Mr. Ed. It is with great pleasure and sincere gratitude, to the donors, that we acknowledge the receipt of the generous sum of twenty dollars, from the hands of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey, and Mrs. Wm. Hobson. The above .sum is the proceeds of a festival held in the school house at Mt. Pleasant, for our benefit, on the evening or the 26th - inst. Although the evening was un propitious,yet those present had a very movable time, and greatly aided in re lieving their Pastor and family from a heavy burden, and adding another link to the golden chain of friendship, that binds our hearts to each other "a friond ,ueri is a friend Indeed. V lth many thanks to all, we hope ever to re main worthy of the esteem and confi dence f our friends. G. B. Chippen, Adaline CKIPrEN. Factoryvillk, Neb.. May 2G, '75. Dear Herald: 'Tis not amid burst ing bombs, nor rattling shell, nor e'en amid want and poverty, but amidst the ravages of the uncompromising grasshoppers, that I undertake to jot down a few items of news from this corner of the county. The most absorb ing item is the ravages of the grass hoppers. They are destroying every thing in their track. Many, or most of the farmers hereabout, are plowing their wheat fields and planting them to corn. Here and there, however, can be seen a field with a very fair prospect for a wheat crop; but ere to-morrow night may be entirely destroyed. I know or some garuens that looked ta.r 3res- terday morning, that are now dreary wastes, and this morning, farmers wives can be seen replanting their gar dens, relying upon the promise of "seed time and harvest". But, notwith standing tne prospect or a snort crop in this part of the county this year, there seems to be a bountiful supply of old grain for home consumption therefore the people are not entirely discouragad. The 1 actory ville Mills, under the most excellent managem of Graham and Banning, are doing a lively business. Graham, "the Miller" of superior ability, is. manufacturing the very best flour for sale and is doing a very satisfactory business at custom work, while "Jim" (Banning) is "doing" the financial work to the satisfaction of all concerned. Our greatest need here is a genera merchandising and grocery store. If some lice man would come here and put in a stock of goods to the amount of 2 or 3,000 dollars, he would undoubt edly do well, as our nearest market is Plattsmouth or Nebraska City. There is also an opening for a blacksmith at this place. The schools in this section are not in operation this summer, owing to the magnanimity of the charitable legisla ture last winter in donating the public school fund to private institutions. There is a Lodge of the I. O. O. F. at this place, and we learn the Lodpre is in a prosperous condition. The Odd Fellows have the upper story of the old store room rented, and it is very comfortably furnished for a country hall. - The health of the community is un usually good. This I learn from our resident physician, who is complaining of having nothing to do, owing to the unusual good health of the people. 1 et the doctor does not really complain Dr. IL B. Wallace is a young man of superior medical and surgical abilities, a graduate of the Jefferson Medicai College at Philadelphia, Pa, and is al ways ready to attend to all calls day or night, hot or cold, sunshine or cloudy. There are no accidents, incidents, marriages or deaths to record at this time; but by the the sheep's-eye glan ces and twitterings we see and hear occasionally, perhaps there will be some locals to record soon. I have already strung this out too long, and will close. More anon. Brad, Jr. Welmdan interesting communica tion in the Beatrice Express over the signature of "W. II. S," in relation to the new grass that is taking the lead of all others in California. It is thouht that it will be just the thins for the Platte valley, and the other val leys of this State. We give the letter in full: I wish to say a few words as to the value of Alfalfa or Chilian clover, and to urge upon our people the importance of introducing it into this State. It i3 being extensively grown in California, and is adding greatly to the wealth of the Golden State. That it will ulti mately be of greater value to Nebraska and Kansas than the gold mines of Cal ifornia to that State, scarcely admits of a doubt. The crop report of the United Sates shows that the hay crop is second only in point of value to the corn crop of the country. Mr. Itoper, in a recent letter to Judge Parker, of this city, asserts substantially the same thing. He claims from his experience with alfalfa that it will yet be worth more to Nebraska than the entire prop erty of the State is now worth. This seems like a pretty broad assertion, yet its marvelous production in Calfornia justifies him in making it. He says he has two cows "lariated" on one-third of an acre, and that it furnishes more feed for the cows than they can consume. The only question with most will doubtless be, will it succeed in this cli mate? This question h am glad to be able to answer in the affirmative. Dr, Sprague.formerly of this place.obtained a small quantity of seed two years ago, which he sowed in his garden, and at this writing April 12, it is growing fine ly, and is strongly rooted. It is claim ed by those who are familiar with al falfa, that the roots penetrate the ground to the depth of 12 to 15 feet This then would seem to settle the question that it will do for our dry cli mate. e then say to the-farmers try airaiia. liiue grass ana Timothy are hard to get started, but in alfalfa you have a substitute of far more value that you can grow easily; at least it is worth a trial. The seed costs from 18 to 25 cents per pound. Here is something that should be more generally known. It is said that bed-bugs will live a year without air or food if placed in hemetically sealed bottle. Persons desiring to keep their bed-bugs over the winter without feed ing them will do well to remember this. Thus science assists the most humble. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. Reported by White. & Darraii. wheat : 6oac5 Com .-. Oats 50.7t.i5 Rye ...Iffmho Barley kkTwk) HojjS 6.00(36.25 Flax Seed 1.25 Cattle 2.50(23.00 LATEST NEW YORK MARKETS. New Vobk. June 2. Money.., Gold Assisting Xatfire. It is of no use attempting to force nature. She won't Stand tt, and rebels'; She must be coaxed, as it were, not driven. For Instance In attempting to overcome constipation or inde- gestion, violent, or what physicians call, by way of euphony, -heroic" treatment, is sure to de ficit IliA vuirTMwn in vit.iv whtph ia tr c)illlil Via to permanently remedy the evil. The use of urastie cathartics is especially to he deprecated, for although they temiiorarily overcome cost iveness, yet the intestines are so weakened and inflamed by them as to be rendered unfit to per form the elective function properly. How much better to assist nature in such a ease with such a mild and salutary aperient as Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, which strengthen at the same time tiiiU they relieve the bowels. Not only is mis resuu ac.iieveu ny ineir use, mil ine activ ity or tne torpid liver is restored, the stomach invigorated, and the entire system greatly benefitted. Flour. . Wheat Corn... Oats... Kye.... Barley. Cattle . Hogs... 3 percent 51 10 LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, June 2. 4.65&JS.00 91 (53 - !! WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF 1.18 5.50G.60 6.3X7.00 1GR0CE IN TOWN R1ES 40yl MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, B LJl CKSJUi TH . HORSE SHOEING, WAO.OX KEPAIKIXG. All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly tf Promptly :0: Horse Shoeing, iilulc Shoeing, Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see usj JSTZETW SHOP. on Firth St., between Main and. Vine Streets, just across the corner from the NEW UEKALD OFFICK. loyl Obstacles to Marriaqe- Happy Itelief for You riff Men from the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New method f treatment. 'ew and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWAK1) ASSOCIATION. 41i N, Ninth St., I'hiljtdrlphia, Pa. an Institution having a hih reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. ayl c 5 go e-t-CD SO o o B CO i 00 e-3 5' o CO CD s CO -so . CD tV fc o c ft -S ft) b a ra . X. c p 4 3 3 ra 1 CO 63 o 3 in S3 5. 8 3 " 5t S3 bd M Kl CLARK & PLUMMER. ilore new goods next week, without any special invitation. Come A new invoice of Spring and Summer SHAWLS. Genuine-Plantation Ceylon Coffee. Try it. STORE AND MILL AT An assortment of Invisible Dress Goods. Maid The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Ladies Hosiery in the City. Common at $1.23 per dozen. Rock Bluffs. J. S- H. SHEIlJl. "We have purchased the -ROCK BLUFFS STEAM FLOURING, AND SAW MILL, And will hereafter run the fame fa Connection With Our Stora CUSTOM WORK will be guaranteed to be satisfactory. W em ployed the A large and well selected stock of Yankee Notions. Purchased for cash, and for sale cheap. The largest stock of Parasols, will be Jiere next week, that has ever been brought to this market. Come and see luem. w mm we ;ould find. POLLOCK 1 BEAKDSLE Y II CAL ESTATE ACE2VTS, AND NOTARIES PUBLIC ! ! Havinp formed a partnership for the purpose of doing a General Real Kttate Untunes, we are prepared to attvnd to the same in all its branches. Our list of Lands is LAKH H aHd CHOlC'li and oiue VERY LOW PRICES. We have an Abstract of Ilea! Kst.ite Titles, fo Cass County, which we have carefully com pared with the Original Records, and will Kive Special Atentlon to the Ex amination of titlws, to furnishing Certified Abstracts, nnd Con veviiucimr. aud Notary Work, erald's I51ock, over Frst N'atloq Office in Fitz, al ltank. 47yl Pollock & Beardsley. tm. ; v i is whose repntation is well known, and It te The largest stock and finest assort ment cf Ladies' Neckties, and the Cheapest. Come and see them. posed that the farmers and all other have if thoy bring Good Wheat ! ! More Hamburg Edging. Cash paid for good Tallow. The hlgheet market prioo paid for Ot Best Wheat and Corn. e x. z j4 i DICK STREIGHT'S Xj I "V IE 3Ei "3T , Feed and Sale Stables. Corner 6th and Pearl SU. HOUSES BOARDED BY THK DAT, WEEK, OR 3IOXTH. HORSES BOUOHT, A new invoice of Coffee, Yellow C, Extra C, and New Orleans Sugar. OUR STORE A choice Japan T, at 70 cents. is Salt Lake Peaches. WILLIAM QRAMBERG'S Lumber Yard ! SOLD OR TRADED, A splendid quality of Syrup in Five Gallon Kegs. Pure Sugar goods, cheap. Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL, and we mean to sell them At Low Rates For a Fair Commission. A (jiKLCIAN LEGEND. "When Bacchus was a boy, he All kinds of What is the use of talking of this world's brightness and sunshine to a nan that has tight boots ? - The following excellent toast was given by a schoolmaster: "The fair daughters of America may they add virtue to beauty subtract envy from friendship multiply amiable accom plishments by sweetness of temper di vide time by sociability and economy and rednco scandal to its lowest denomination." The latest Irish fashion is a home rula hat. It has no crown. jour neyed through Hellas to go to Naxia, and as the way was very long, he got tired and sat down upon a stone to rest. As lie sat there with his eyes up on the ground he saw a little plant spring up between his feet, and was so much pleased with it that he determin ed to take it with him and plant it in Xaxia. He took it up and carried it with him; but as the sun was very hot he feared it might wither before he reached his destination. He found a bird's skeleton, into which he thrust it, and went on. Hut in his hand the plant sprouted so fast that it started out of the bones above and below. This gave him fresh fear of it wither ing, and cist about for a remedy. He found a lions bone, which was tlucker than the bird's skeleton, and he stuck the skeleton with the plant in it into the bone of the lion. Ere long, howev er, the plant grew out of the lion's bone likewise. Then he found the bone of an ass. larger still than that of the lion; so he put it into the ass's bone, and thus made his way to Xaxia. "When about to set the plant, he found that- the roots had entwined themselves around the bird's skeleton and lion's and ass's bone ; and as he could not take it out without injuring the roots, ne piaceu it as it was, ana it came up speedily, ana bore, to Ins great joy, the most delicious grapes, from which he made the first wine, and gave it to men to drink! Hut behold a miracle! When first drank of it. they sang like birds; next, after drinking alittlemore they became vigorous and gallant like lions; but when they drank more still they began to behave like asses. Building Material AT BOTTOM PRICES. Main st., opposite I'lattc Valley House FLATTsMOUTII. - NEB. E. G. DOVEY, Pret't. E. T. DUKE, Treat. Jdm I. A T T S HI O IF T J&d GRAIN COMPANY. This Co. will buyKratn at the HIGHEST MARKET RATES, AT ALL TIMES. SCALES AND OFFICK AT K. G. POVEV'S STORE, LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. FRED. GORDER, - - - - Jhiyer. 40J-1 TEAMS AT XVL HOUItS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TROTTIXG STOCK. Will also have for service during the season the f'.KLKBRATKI) HOKSF.S : K0RMAX & TALARAX, Known as the "IV. I. JOXKS HORSES. ZSfF or particulars, see bills or posters. Sly UBW AXX A large invoice of Hrown and Bleached Muslins, bought before the advance. Having stock. been enabled to rmrohMo a logc Xew Currants at 10c per pound. Uncommonly Low, They will be sold to all. EQUALLY LOW. XOW IS YOUR TIME TO Choice Michigan Apples, cheap. J.&H.Shera, Pure Maple Syrup. HOC It. ULuITS. SKD. Reduced Rates for Lumber Clear the Track for our Spring Trade. All other goods cheaper than elsewhere, rou cAvSii. THE JOHNSON ORGAN, (loud fresh ntilSc DELIVERED DAILY ! AT E YEIi Y BODY'S HOME IX PLA TTSMO DTJ IF TIIKV WAXT IT, BT J. F. IZEAL'SimSTEIl. SEXD IX YOUR ORPr.RS AND I give you Wlf.L TRT AXDi ine JNew York Evening rost, in commenting on an article relative to "Advertising in dull times," says: "Ve remember a similar instance among our own advertisers in the pan ic of 1837. A merchant continued his advertisement in our columns through the whole period of stagnation, and notwithstanding many predictions that it wouldn t pay. His testimony after wards was that his sales were steady and his profits satisfactory, while many a merchant around him who 'couldn t afford to advertise,' saw his clerks stand idle behind the counters." A financial panic does not mean that no one has any money. There is plen ty of money in the country, and those who hoard it are just the ones to bo ea ger ior tne oargxins wnich a tall in prices hold out Hut to buy they must know where to buy, and the merchant who tells them will receive their cash. PURE MILK V)y and serve you regularly. D. L. HOHIIOW'S NEW Blacksmith Sho ON II. A. WATERMAN & SON Will sell Frame Lumber, of nil kinds at S21 perm, i-'enrins, S20 lo S23. Common Hoards, S20toS&3. Ilest Khiugle. $4.25, Xo. 1 KhinslCM. S2.75. Other errades of Lumber equally Cheap Iooi H.!iaisli A Illindet at Factory prices Sec other ad. on outside. NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE S T .A. IB ILL, IE ! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. la The partnership of O. M. Streiht and W. Jones, being this day dissolved D. Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. Dr- w- D" J0S, Manufactured by m.- ib1. 0"oi3iirsrsoT, AT PLATTSMOUTn, MKIV. Drew the First Premium At the Eighth Annual Fair of Cass County, Neb., over all competitors. The following Organs were in Competition: 3 Mason & Hamlin, 1 Estel, and 1 Standard. UIEAD E.G.D0V g-ir,:e3j.t EY'S AIE. MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC!! UK WISE, ANI HA V K MONEY, by using the best and Cheapest Organ Made I At the Origan Aironey of E. II. EATOX, I'liTTSMOUTIl, XEB. WOULD KKXOWNEI) Mason & Hamlin caiii.m:t oiicjavs Declared by one thousand celebrated Musicians "I'nrivallcd and Incomparable, "w inning tho First Medal at World's Fair. Paris, In '07, also the two highcyt Medals, nml di ploma of Honor at VIENNA WORLD'S EXHIBITION '3 Call and see the PIANO HARP-ORGAN, Just Invented and patented, rivalling the I'lano for purity and hnlliiincv of tone; also tha Kleuant Ofgan Ktagere case, the most beautiful organ made. and many other styles exceeding any thing heretofore manufactured by the MASON & HAMLIN COM PANY, THE RICHEST. MoSl and largest Organ Manufactory in the World. EVWIY OSBfiA. irABRAXTED PERFECT f.V EVERY PART, AXD WILL LAST A LIFETIME, And sold at Trices 50 per cent, less than many other makers, for Interior Organ. tyExnminc price list and Organs leforo lmying. and compare for yourselves. I'rloe list. Illustrated Catalogue, and Circulars free on an- I'ncaiiou 10 ine .-. ennisna .Musical More opposite the I'.rooks Cas County. Nebraska. 4tf E. II. KATOX. Atenev.- 1 louse, I'lattsmouth. GEO. SHAFER'S AND R LACKS 31 IT II SHOP, foi: UORHE-S1IOEINO, 31 ending and Repairing I ALL KIXDS OF FARM 1MPLEMEXT9 Mended and Fixed. 95 New Wagons for Sale, c jr e .-t t r o a c .v s js. New Wagons ni.-wle to order. H:ites reasonnMo and work guaranteed. On Washington Ave., -toy l ne;ir 7th St., TLATTSMOVTH. NEIL NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I Having made up my mind to several years mgo ! I THE SUN. WEEKLY AXD DAILY FOR 1375. The approach of the Presidential eleeMon gives unusual Importance to the events and de velopments of 1875. We shall edeavor to de scribe tnem luiiy, raituiuiiy, and teariessly. The Weekly 6im has now attained a circula tion of over seventy thousand eopies. Its read ers are found in every fctate and Territory, and its finality is well known to the public. We snail not only endeavor to keep it fully up to tne old standard, out to improve and add to its variety ana power. ine weekly m win continue to be a thor ough newspaper. All rtie news or the dav -will be found in it. condensed when unimportant, at full length when of moment, and always, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting and instruc tive manner. It is our aim to make the WeeklvSun the best laimiy newspaper in trie world. it will be full of entertaining and appropriate readimrof everv son, vui w in print noiiuni; 10 Does a general business in Ilorse-Shoeinc. Mending, and Kepairing Wagons & farm Machinery, Dressing Mill Ticks, and all Steel and Iron Work, on SHORT NOTICE I KEMEMBER THE SIGN, D. L. Morrow's 43ly Blacksmith Shop. STRE1G1IT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES ' BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly en hand. will open a new Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, ai ine uia iii A 1 1 jiAK,on Mam street, just east, of John Shannon's well known Stable, Flattsmouth, Neb. Hornet, Itusgles A. C'arriasem, to let at all times, at icasonable rates. HORSES BOARDED BY THE DAY, WEEK, Uli MOXTH. Tarticular attention paid to driving and train ing Horses. Having all the appliances I shall make a particular feature of mv business the driving and handling of TROTTING STOCK. t?715cine well known all over the conntv. no further chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite nil my friends to call and see me, and they win receive a nearly welcome, nespcctiuuy, 55?" These organs are all put up in elegant Black Walnut Cases, and Each Instrument Warranted ' For Ten Years! and guaranteed to give perfect wttfc-factien. 31115 Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store KC'TS, CANDIES, TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES, TOBACCOES, FLOUR. Remember the r!aee. oppo ite E. CI. on Lower Main Street. Dovey's 21-ly STREIGHT cfr MILLER. onend the most scrupulous and delicate taste. It will always contain ine mosi interesting stones ana roman ces of the day, carefully selected and legibly pnniea. The Agricultural Department is a prominent feature in the weekly Sun. and its articles will always be found fresh and useful to the farmer. Ihe number of men independent in politics is increasing, ann me weekly Mm is tiieir paper - especially, it oeioncs to no nartv. ana onevs no dictation, contending for principle, and for the election of the best men. It exposes the cor ruption that disgraces the country and threat ens the overthrow of republican, institious. It has no fear of knaves, and seeks no favors from tne r supporters. TUie markets of every kind and the fashion are regularly repotted in its columns. ine price oi ine weekly nun is one ooiiar a year for a sheet of eicht paces, and flfiv-six columns. - As this barely pays the expenses of paper and Printline, we are not able to make any discount or allow any premium to friends who may make special efforts to extend its circula tion. Under the new law, which requires pay ment oi postage in advance, one dollar a year, with twenty cents the cost of prepaid iostage added, is the rate of subscription. It is not nec essary to get up a club in order to have the WeeKly Suti at tins rate. Anvone w ho sends one dollar and twenty cents will get the paper post-pani, ior a year. nave no iraveuim airenus. The weekly Sun. Eight pages, fifty-six col- ums. Only si.zo a year, postage prepaid, iso discounts from this rate. The Daily Nun. A large iour-page newspaper OI twentjr-e-lgui columns. unuy circulation over iflUjuo. All the news for 2 cents. Sub scription, postage pre-paid Barents a month, or fi.60 a vear. lO ClUOS OI lO or over, i msrouni of 20 per cent. AddreM "TUt, sua," 35 55. ?w OU. V liy . Ben Hempel. nE S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING E0USK ON LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream, Soda Water, & Lemonade to Cool you. Good square Meals, nice Lunches, Ac., &c. to warm you. Ales, Wines and good Liquors to be used rea sonably. for your benefit if you desire. 40-il B. HEMPEL, Prop. E.T.Duke&Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers tn HARDWARE AND CTJTLBET. STOVES.TINWARE, Iron, Nails, Hoes, RAKES, SHOVELS, KNIVES AND FORKS, AJTES, &c, dbc ALL, OF Tinware Manufactured. MAIN ST BET. Snd & 9d RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR 1875, and being still of the same 'mlnd. I take thl method oi infoniimg the public that I am selling out my ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS I AT COST. ana snau continue doing so through this year ui uuwi iite is disposed of. During that time I Intend to Sell Goods for Cash, Lower than any other house can do and sustaJn tnemseives. My stock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, L'w, PI n T i xi. no a.- t,4t'o, xiioo vuaaa Axi jcjvery lujsimv. boots & shoes. WALL PAPER, 1IATT, THE BUTCHER, OI.DKST AMI) RKST E9TABLISIIKI) Meat Market in flic City. Not changing constantly, but the old Rellahl-j tpot where you can get your Steaks. Roaxts. tianie, Eisli and Kowl in Season. TWO DOORS WEST OF THE HERALD OFFICE. South Side of Main St., plattsmouth, ... ni:i. 401 e:b;footej.d. 120 Leiingtoa Atcmb, Cor. K 28th St., NEW Y0R An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OP CHE0NIC DISEASE, AND RECEIVES Xftters from all parts oi the Civilised World. xrty welcome. Respectfully, f s TT T7 t 1 V T TT W.D.JONES. 1 rUH 1 UJNJi la the most perfect that has ever been iircxluc.ed on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are giv ing, and the universal praise they are receiving are justly merited. They are IT N CRI8IXAL WAT OF (MMim a Helical Practics HE IS THEATINO numerous Patients in Europe, the West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every State of the Union. ADVICE FREE GIVEN DY MAIL OF CHARGE. Ivory Fronts Tor Key. Ebon 3- (Sharp s ISraset Pins, Slortlres Clothed, so tUat there tm no Frletiom or Squeak inc. & C cC-cr tIC. CARPETS, 40V1 1W mi MttKI JSWttCt I am now prepared to furnish the bent una dulterated milk TWICE EVERYDAY, To all parties notifying me 40-y I rCTER JITIM3I A Co. DR. (;rec.'S FAMILY MEDICINES ARE the result of an experience of thirty years in the practice of a successful physician. Bitter Tonic Auextract of riKt and herbs so judiciously and medicinally combined, that every part of the diseased body receives the help required. It is not claimed as a panacea for all tne ills of life, but for dyspepsia, billions aud liver complaints. lever aim ague, cholera, debility, and all diseases of the stomach, liver. and digestive ortrans. it Is an effectual remedy. As a preventative against fever and ague and malaricns diseases it is unsurpassed. It strengthens and builds up rhe debilitated sys tem, and given renewed vigor to all parts of the bod v. Ji'Insr" Cre Acts as a diuretic evacuant in cases of dropsy, stout, travel, and diseases of the hlauuer aua Kidneys, purines ine niooa, enres scrofula and eruptive diseases, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, and all diseases of the uri nary organs. Kxpeetorant A ntompt remedy for coughs asthma, eioup, and all fVsesses of the throat, lungs and chest, and the first stages of con sumption and typhoid fever. lrertndAic I'iiin Are prepared ex- : pressiy to aid tne ionic in murine acute ana chronic cases, they act without depletion. Crimean I,in Intent Opens vhe pores of the flesh, and penetrates to the bonor seat of pain, giving relief to manor beast a speedily as any outward application ran Bold by all I"- ro.. Soy l Burlington. io Action as Quick and Pop icct as the Best Piano. The Tuning and Voicing is all done by myself, and the superiority of Tone and its quick response to tha touch is acknowledged by every judge that has yet tried them, whether pre udLced in favor of other organs or no. If they see and hear them they invari ably give the verdict ia their favor. The whole stock will be sold at BottomPrices until it Is ALL SOLD OUT. 1r MY TRICE LIST is a lov as for any First Class Instrument and those who wish to procure a good and reliable orgnn either for I'arlor r Church will advance thbir own inter est bv trying my Orerans. Address, I.. F. JOHNSON riattsmoirth, Neb. My object is not K but to GET out of BUSINESS. Giv me a call and see for yourself. v. a nnvEV. WHOLESALE and lletail Dealer In Strinsrs. Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Taned aid KepaireiL Satisfaction guaran-j teexL 501 No mercarla! mediclnM or deletrlona flruff tKwT. Una during the past twenty years trrated uooeas fully nearly or quiU 40,000 cane. All fU con nected with each cam ara carefully whether they be communicated by IrtW or la person, or obaerred by tha Doctor or bl. aaKKHAM physicians. Th. latter ara all scientific medical men. An invalids at a dfatanoa are reanlred to answer an extended list of pUln question, which win tm f ornUhed by mail free, or at tha office. A com plete system of registering prcrenta mistake or confusion. Case books never consulted, except by the physicians of the establishment. For fme consultation send for list of quest jobs. A sixty-page paoiphlot of evlrfleneec ef ui.'ai sent free also. Addrt Dr. IS. D. FOOTE, nor 788, w Vorf-r, ACE NTS WANTED. Dn. Foots; ia the anther of "ItrDicuL Com. sros Skkse," a iwxik that narhvl a -n tii:m. of over 250.000 copies; also, of TXaik n-TM-C Talk," more recent, publixhed, hieh a si hi to the extent of 70, (XX) eoplws; aim, of "SntNf IW Btoby," which is now bcini? ptiUinliud in erie.- CONTESTS TABIDS of all, excepting the fiTt mentioned wnrk (wh!h is oat of print), will be sent free on application to either Dr. Tootb; ar the Karri? Elli Puiliti llj C: spiny, whose office ia 12J East 2Sth Ssrert. Agents both men and- women wanted to sr.t the foregoing works, to wawm a liberal profit wiil be allowed. The beginnings of small fnrtntii-a hare been made In sellinff Dr. Foote'b porni'ir works. "PLsnc Home Tstx " Is rri-'s-'r adapted to adults, and Rrirjr! 19 P rc f r " jnrt the tiling for the young. Send fur epRfer-a tables and see for yonrwlTes. The former a multitude of questions mhich Imriea and ernt men feel a delicacy about asking of their pbyio:ar.n. There is nothing In literature at aj like ritbT af the foregoing works. "Bcinnca m Swn can only be hail of agenta or of Uw Publisher . "PLAIN HOM!i TALK" Is published la h"th English au J (i.rmsa Laneuucra, Onte more, Lg;OX3Ltt9 AV au tod, A-ODCES A3 ASeM