1 5 I It i t- f i il V. THE II E It A LI). A.'MACMLtRPIir,. .tDITOK. rLATTSMOHTII. MAY 27, 1875. RAILROAD BOND EXTENSION. As Avill be seen there apicnrs in the lti RAii this week a call from the Co. Commissioners, (asked for by many, of our people") for an extension of time f the bonds voted to the Trunk & "Weeping "Water railroads. Owing to tc lateness of our going to Press, we can make no extended comments, but f-.I all in the future. We only call at tention ;to the fact that our people think Neb. City and Dr. Converse have not treated us quite right and fair.or those roads would now be built, and they v. ant an extension of the time that we may try and build them ourselves, if we want them. Look it over, farmers f Cass. And the Journal nv.m calls llo3eys sharp sayings "sarcastic stupidness". The IJlack Hills surveying expedi tion left Ft. I-aramie on the 24th inst. Ianiel O'l-eary walked 500 miles in six days nine hours and a half, in Chi cago, being two and one-half hours less than the wagered time. We are obliged to Argus for his let ter and hope he will do so some more. The signature was just right and all we need the true one for. We met a party of Blair boys in Oma ba Tuesday evneing. It is astonishing what curious ideas they have about the liquor question up at their town. We see Win. MeCaig has resigned the purchasing Agency of the htate Grange, and 1. E. lieardsley, brother of our "Joe", is appointed in his stead. Ilosey slung ink at Senator Lawyer tSpaun, and Spaun slung a Xo. y boot at Ilosey behind his back; and thereby hangs a tale to be further developed. 3IcWATEUS DEAD. The famous Mc Waters, was shot by a guard at the Penitentiary, on the morning of the 26th. for an attempt at insurrection. KIKKPATKICK ON PAPERS. Kirkpatrick evidently doesn't like to give the papers much of a chance to live. Oli, well, we're getting used to half rations. Our friend Barrows of the Omaha Pvpublican has an able article on the University business. We have not had ttme to look up all the points he makes jior are we entirely prepared to endorse so radical a move as he suggests, but we do think thore is much of truth in his article and that we need some checks in our mad career towards uni versal half education. A SEVERE ACCIDENT. Rush O. Fellows, one of the. printers in this office, slipped on the stairs com ing out of Fitzgerald's Hall, on Friday evening last, after the Ball, and sprain "od his wrist so severely that he will not be able to work for some week.-4. This is a great loss to Rush as well as to the IIeuald, as we have just got work in now, that he could do to ad vantage. LATE. The IIkuali) is late this week, owing to the accident to Jlr. Fellows, one of our printers and to the capers of a Press by so doing, though, we are en abled to get the action of the Co. Com missioners on the Bond extension. tillASSlIOl'l'EHS. Through the States of Kansas, iMis souri, Minnesota, and Nebraska, the prospective injury to crops by the grasshoppers is the all absorbing sub ject of discussion and of anxious in vestigation. That the grasshoppers are hatching ut largely in these States is beyond question. Probably in greater num bers in Kansas and Missouri than in Minnesota and Nebraska. But from a? thorough an investigation of the stfijtet as can be obtained from news paper accounts, we are convinced that the injury will be comparatively little. Iioeal cases of total destruction of crops there will be, undoubtedly, but in by far the greater portion of the country infested the damage so far has not been over five per cent, nor will it be greater, if, as has been the case heretefore, the grasshoppers migrate in from thirty-five to forty days from the date of hatching. GREENWOOD LOCALS. This flourishing town bid3 fair to be come a place of great importance; and we think osterity will read about it as a city of the "ftrst magnitude." Roland Knowles has taken a partner into the firm, it is now Roland Knowles & Son. Friends at a distance please "accept this intimation. Some time ago Mr. CJus Hinkley bought out the grocery and dry goods establishment, formerly conducted by Mr. J. T Wilburu. (Jus is a live, busi ness man, and an honor to the town. 3)r. Root comes to us from Platts niouth. We welcome him cord i all', al though Greenwood is too healthy a lo cality to require the services of a Phy sician very often ; never-the-less it is a good thing to have a good "medicine man" in case of accidents. M. D. Abbott, our facetious J. P. is anxious to have a brass-knuckle man ufactory established here, he thinks that if this could be effected the people could settle their little diiliculties be tween themselves without his inter vention. The little hoppers are rather numer ous around here, but as yet they have done but little damage. In conclusion, Mac we extend you an invitation to come out here with all vour paraphernalia of oflice; establish the good old IIekald here, and thus nl.t.'iin a world wide reputation, which we fear can never be accomplished by staying at the mouth of the Platte. Bring g.e "Devil" with you as Green wood is too moral a town to be able to furnish such a commodity. m A nous. Greeuv. oodj May P), 1373. THE CON. CON Keeps at work ; they report rt good deal, but act slowly. Woman suffrage both ered them Tuesday. The Journal re port of the speeches is rough on gram mar once in a while. Where's our "Lit tle Mac", he ought to be after those ehaps. TAXFA We have not yet seen a report in full on the subject of our taxation and the limitations of bonded indebtedness. They are worrying over the problem (taxation) in the Missouri Convention, and a Kansas man takes the trouble to write to the president of the Con Con there, telling him of the mistakes and omissions Kansas made in this line, and warning Missouri to avoid her blunders. There must be a change in the man ner of our assessments, and a limit to counties' and towns' facilities for get ting in debt. OH AHA CON VOCATION. On Wednesday evening the lirst ses sion of tho above Convocation, under the direction of the new Dean, the Rev. J. I). Faster, Ph. I), of Trinity Cathe dral, Omaha, was held in .St. Luke's Church in this city. Tho other mem bers of the Convocation, who were present, were the Revs. Jas. Paterson and J. Pinkney Hammond, of Omaha, and the Rector of the Parish. Evening prayer was said by the Rev. Mr. Paterson ami the Dean, and the Convocation sermon was preached by the Rev. J, P. Hammond, of S. Barna bas Church, Omaha, from the text, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." On Thursday morning at 10 o'clock morning prayer was said by the Rector and the Rev. Mr. Hammond, addresses delivered by the Rev. Mr. Paterson and the Dean, and the Holy Communion administered, the Dean being the Cele brant. After the session was ended, a business meeting was hel 1, at which the Rev. Mr. Hammond was elected Secretary and Treasurer, and a commit tee appointed, consisting of the Dean and Secretary, to draft rules and regu lations for the government of the Con vocation, and report at the next-meeting, to be held at Trinity Cathedral the last week in J une. At the evening service, after prayers said by the Rector and the Rev. Mr. Hammond, the Dean preached from S. Mark, iv. 26-2'J, "So is the kingdom of heaven, as if a man should cast seed into the ground, and sleep and rise night and day ; and the seed bringeth forth fruit of itself: lirst the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear." The object of these Convocations is to strengthen the hands of thti local clergy, by arousing greater interest in the work of the Churcl , and to promote unity of operations and kindle mission ary zeal, by bringing together the scat tered workers. The social reunions of the clergy on these occasions are an in cidental advantage not lightly esteem'd. THE BLAST AT POLYGAMY. Grand Jury Charge of Jiitle Roseni:ia at Beaver, Utah. Polygamy or bigamy will require "your attention. This is a crime that is very prevalent in this district and throughout the Territory. Its pollut ing effects are seen on every side and in every community. The children of said marriages are now growing up as wild animals, without training, instruc tion or parental care. It is, of course, utterly impossible, except in isolated cases, for one father to look after the training of children separated and in various families, and there is general ly little or no effort made to look after them. The consequences are seen all over the'ferritory that polygamy in ev ery phase of its character, is degrading and beastly. It drags men down to the level of the beast. Women are placed in the same social position. She is looked upon as a drudge and a slave, it only to perform the hardest work, and gratify the slavish passions of those to whom she believes herself married. She never hears the endearing name of wife, but always hears the cheerless ti tle of "my woman." She knows noth ing of loye. Xo section of the United States are tilled with people so negli gent as are the families in Utah. Vice is very prevalent, and general degreda tion everywhere marks the footsteps of the loathsoma crime. It is a ciim-j that each of you know is practiced. Every community has persons living in polygamy, and the leaders, nearly all guilty of this crime, persistently urge their deluded followers into commit ting the same degrading offense. Yet these very men will tell the world that they are law abiding citizens. Such falsehoods are but too common, and men do not even hesitate sometimes to perjure themselves in regard to this offense. There are some men in polyg amy whom I should not like to see punished. I refer to a few instances in which an honest and perfect separa ration has taken place between the par ties; and I believe all good people would rather that none should be pun ished if they will but cut loose from the system. Some talk about polyga my as a part of their religion. So far as the more intelligent are concerned this is the sillk-.st nonsense. They do not think it to be so. They used to say that blood atonement was a part of their religion, but elevating imluences and better civilization showed this to be sanctioning cold blooded murder. EDITORI A L COR R ESl'ON I. EN CE. A Trip up Country. N'L'MUEK TWO. I guess our readers will have to go back a week or two and read up, we had to, any way. I left you at Deca tur, after a stage ride of twenty odd miles. Decatur is on the banks of the Missouri river, the same as Platts mouth, eighty miles north of here, with good hard banks up and down The Unita Catolica of Rome com ments in bitter terms on the installa tion of the Prince of Wales as the head of the order of Masons in Great Brit ain, and declares th.it the act identifies Anglican Protestanism with Masonry. It is related that the postmaster of Montieello, Georgia, recently perform ed the feat of reading a letter without hearing its contents. An old Avoman who had never been to school got a let ter one day and asked the posmaster to read it for her. She did not want him to hear it, so she took a wad of cotton i out of her pocket and stuffed his ears the river for several miles. It w;us one with it. Sne then had him read the of the earliest towns talked about, I letter in a low voice, and wus perfect- north of the Platte. It had an extend ed reputation in 'oG and '7 and has "busted" up more men and spoiled more pretty and gigantic air castle than any other town on the Missouri. CENTENNIAL. struck Decatur just after the ly satisfied that the hear a word of it. reader could not Wlient (.'orn o.as .... live Hurley noes El: ix See.l. Cattle Money, iold.. ! I'.arley... Tattle ... i Hi's We concord centennial; that is, just as the papers from "Hosting" and around began to come west and be sent here by admiring friends east who had ad miring friends out west who touk an interest in Concord. The house we put up at was a young Concord in it self. A big picture of Concord hung on the walls, the boss was born at Con cord, and some of the children ought to have been, they went to school there. The whole family had Concord on the brain. They are my wife's folks, you know, and I "dassent" sav much about 'em in the payer; but I know all about j oats." .".'.' Concord, now, you bet, and Col. Bar rett. In fact, the Col. is a relation of mine; he was a great grandfather of my father-in-law, and 1 feel proud of him. I learned how he looked, he was rather short and straight, and a little hook-nosed, and had three freckles on the off side and two on the nigh, and when at the great battle of Con cord bridge, in Massachusetts, he rose on his tip-toes and shouted, "up guards and at 'em; this is a glorious country, and we must keep it for our posterity to build school houses in." when I think of this I feel proud. And Miss Millicent, "that married a Swayne," don't 1 know her like a book, for wasn't she my wife's father's aunt, and didn't they play together when they were children, on that selfsame old bridge. Well, Father read me 10 col umns from the Boston Doce, and Moth er read me 11) columns from the Con cord Spattem, and Aunt Libbie 10 col umns from the Lexington Hurrah, so that what I don't know about Concord now, isn't worth knowing, and I shall always remember the Colonel (Barrett I mean) for his pluck and grit, and think that maybe if it hadn't been for him (and for Miss Millicent get ting a Svain(e, ) we never should have had this great broad prairie to settle on, there would have been no Union Pacific, no "great B. & M. in 50h.," no Credit Mobilier, no iron band to span the continent, no Omaha, no Con. Con. in Xebraska, no chance to build S-j0,000 school houses in SSj.OOa towns all over the west, and more than likely I wouldn't have had a chance to get the wife I've got, nor enjoy my Father and Mother-in-law at all, as 1 do. SPEAKING OF SCHOOL iiorsKs Reminds me that .1 was talking of Decatur, audi must tell you they have built a very handsome Brick School House. It was designed by Mr. Chas. Driscoli, and Mr. A. B. Fuller was the contractor. It is exceedingly tasty, well built and is placed on a beautiful point or bluff just back, of the business portion of town, from whence it can be seen for many mih-s. It only cost a little over So.uoi") and it could not have been built by anv one else for less than 7,009. Mr.. FULLER being a large property holder in the town and also a large contractor, offer ed to do the work at this low rate in order to come within the amount of bonds voted by the district; he also" took the bonds for pay, and if that was not helping the town we don't know what is. And yet sinna of the folks are not happy, and wanted Fuller tf put on more, work and more expense than the contract really called for. That isn't right, boys. Xever ride a free horse to death, and to ask this is about as cool as some of our folks, who think Mr. Fitzgerald ought to build the Trunk road through Cass county and then give it to Doctor Con verse or some other Company, just be cause he is rich and offers to do a good deal towards building it. DECATUIi Has grown a great deal sinco I last visited it; now this is a fact, and all the grumblers there ought to take it into consideration. The whole coun try round about has grown, they have eight or ten stores, business houses of some sort, and they all make a living. There are new buildings going up all the time and additions here and there, all over, in spite of hard times and no railroads. You mustn't grumble so much and do more, be more accommo dating, quit your petty rivalry and jealousies at home and abroad, go down to Tekama and shake hands, enter heartily and warmly into their inter ests and the interests of the county. You can't kill one another, you can't hurt one town or cripple its resources without hurting the ether. Don't stand on your pride, it makes very poor sole leather. We propose to give the same advice to Tekama when we get there. All of you should drown all personal feuds or town fights ami put your heads togeth er to force the O. & X. W. R. R. into the County. I have a personal interest in the well-doing of Decatur, and I know that some of the Company have also. and if I lived there to-day, I should certainly use every effort to bring that road into Burt County. If I could get it to Silver Creek, or to Decatur, so much the better; but if I couM not. I'd have it to Tekama any wav. Xow THS MARKETS. HOME M.VKKETS. Reported by White. & Dahrah. ...g.v? ..5 VI 7- '.GS tin 1. IK) "',. 10 0.00-1' O.'JZ !.::.- .ry?iz.w LATEST NEW YOKK MARKETS. Skw Y'ouk. May 2C. 3 ner eent l 10 LATEST CHICAGO MAKKETS. Chicago, M;iy Flour 4.0-i Wheat Corn 2fi. 5.0!) . .. tfJ'.i fts 1..J-' S.tVKffi.T") Obstacles to Marriage- Happy Iliflief for Younsj Mon fr.m the efiects vi Errors aiul Abuses in rally life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage, re moved. New Method of treatment. New and I remarkable remedies. Books and Cireulars sf'it i free, in sealed envelopes. Address lloWAK!) ; AS IATION.4::t N, Nin'li St., Philadelphia. J l'a. I uslit nl ion having; a hinli reputation for ; honorable conduct and professional skill. Dvt WILLIAM GRAMBERG'S Lumber Yard ! AH kiads of Building Blalerial AT BOTTOM PRICES. Main st., opposite l'iatte Valley House. rLATTsMOl'TH. - - - - NEK. E. G. DOVEY, E. T. DUKE. Pres t. Treas. 4TTSMO U T GRAIN COMPANY. This Co. will buy .'raiii at the HIGHEST MARKET RATES, AT ALL. TIMES. SCAI.KS AM liU'li'K T K. C DoVKY'S STOIiR, llWKK MAIN STIiKET, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. FRED. GORDER, - - - - Jtuye-r. 4oyt 7 7 vT tlood lre-.Ii iiiilk DELIVERED DAILY !; AT K YEIi YliOD Y'S UOMV IX PLA TTSMO 11X11 I K TIIKY V.'AXT IT,1!V j. 2 issae: SKS!) IX YOU1I OliKKlIS I v k AX!) I voi: WILL TRY AZi 4)Vl and serve you regularly. i). XEW lacksmithShop, Seventh St , ox & Chicago Ave. Does a ireneral business jn I(nre-S!i()einu, Meiidinir. and IU pairirtr Wairons .S; farm Machinery. I 'le.-isin Mill Ticlis, and ali steel and Iron Work, on SHORT NOTICE ! i;eme.mi:ei: the sk;n, D. Ii. Morrow's 4:rly l;lao!;smith Shop ! ! STil EIGHT k 3ULLEK, Harness Ivlanufacturers, SADDLES and all kinds of 11 K IDLES, C Of. LA 13. harness stork, constantly hand. Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store NETS, CANDIES, TEAS, SL'dAES, COFFEES, TOI'.ACCOES, Fi.ori:. Ile.'ueiiiber the plaee, oppo ite E. on Lower Main Street. &c. Doyey's 21-l.V STJ EIGHT d- MILLER. io''. ilrsire it, " FlSAX KLIX. It is now almost, if not entirely (leutl. So will this twin crime, polygamy, soon look to the eves of the now masses. The day is fast approaching when tliis hideous monster will be put out of sight as a thing too loathsome for public view. Two brothers named GalT have estab lished a mammoth hennery in Colorado ten miles from Denver. It covers about four acres, which is laid out like a village,with streets and avenues.alung which are built long row of houses of various designs. liegular families of liens are assigned to these houses, and it is found that they quickly domesti cate themselves without " troubling their neighbors. The population of the village is about 2.000, divided closely into soc ial cliques of Urahmas, Cochins rjhanghaes, and Dorkings, and the chief products are eggs and spring chickens. Sundays included, the industrious ma trons of the village turn out daily from forty to fifty dozen eggs, which are sold i:i Denver for from thirty to fifty cents per dozen. The brothers Oa!T express but a. single regret, and that is that they did not found their colony fifteen years ago, when eggs brought 6 a doz en and a spring chicken was worth a penny-weight of gold dint. K. Press. mind, you'll see the need of it one of these days. YOi; ARE FOOLING CHANCES away there and making it possible for interior roads to be put in behind you in the future, that will cut- you off to all eternity, just as they are doing here with the Trunk road, and just as deluded 1 N ebraska City is doing for pure person al spite apparently. TAKE A WAUNING ! Once more set railroad building going, restore confidence, show that a new era has commenced; in short, only get the machine going again and faith in our works and deeds established, and the road will run just as far as you want it to, and help all your other plans out. You have been dreaming of a railroad in Decatur for years, you have a great natural advantage, a natural point for business, don't difcam any more, aid every mile of road, that wants to come your way, to come a mile further, nev er mind if it stops short of jour town this year. Start this line going; events will develop themselves. The IJlack Hills, a road in Iowa; a dozen chances hit a man when he is at work, doing something, that pass him by when idle. Just so with your County. Don't stand on minutkv. be tip and working! Your time is coming, sure as the sun, and two or three years can't kill you now, after in years of waiting. Secure all the present advantages you can, and trust to the future for the rest. Moonlight mechanics for bunrkus,. "if the lastest "The ll-fii to U'eitUli, it jiJain is the eviy to Market. AKF,T ,VAXTEI) to canvass in Cass and adjoining co.ui ties, for Iho new book ''Success in Business," or TVT f 7T TP S,T This country has moiiev -tJ X for everybody. Money ih ani Trade, in the Mill, in M lues, PHW ,"' he Farm, in the Harden, .1-4. W V j,, Wheat.it! Com, in Stock, to in I'oultry. This hook shows "If XT I.1 IT how I usines Men, Farm tj -3- ers, Woi kinirmeii, Voiiii Men and Women, niav all ''. .irr, bian and ue it. .lust tiie hook needed.' and v.iil sell fast. Ati(lie-.s for cireulars & terms. .S. i.'. 'EcCI'K OV ' iSitceeSMirs to Zienler ,Sc jicCur dy.) IS) W. Fourth St.. Cincinnati. O. ; Fifth Avenue & Adams St.. Chij.i-o, 111.; (-20 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. N. IV The People's Standard Edition of the Holy J".ilie. I'uliUslied 1 us. is the finest, cheap est and he-it. Airents make from s'.'.o to so per month selling it villi other books, without ex tr.i expense. jm Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. OX LOWEU MAIN STIiKET, PLA TTSMO UTH, - - - - XEB. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream, Soda Water, .S; Lemonade to Cool yon. Oood square Meals, r.ice Lunches, &c, &c. to warm you. Ales. Wines and i;ood Liquors to he used rea sonably, for your bent lit if you desire. " U. HEMPEL, Prop. Miurral Hrmedic HiifrsMltl. AH except those who refuse to he convinced ly the n-st positive proof, admit the infinite superiority of Hosteller's Stomach Litters to the miiK'nil remedies which it has to ;i very great extent superseded, and which. It is to be hoped, for the sake of the human stomach, uiay event ually be abandoned altogether. The Hitters ar a must potent corrective of disorders of the liv- er.slomacli and kidneys. Habitual c-nMipa-tion, dyspepsia, bowel complaints, ami the. nu merous and chanceful symtoms which indicate internal weakness or disease, are in every in stance not only relieved, but cured by a persis tent and systematic use of this sovereign reme dy. Interniitent and billions remittent fevers may be surelv prevented by the daily use of this powerful but pleasant and mild" tonic. J'hysical vijjor is the best armor in which to m coiinter disease. Secure it by recourse to the Litters. WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF yr II j Li kl ki 1 ejw2 IN TOWN Juyl i 2 ' -! 4 J. r ' "? -i- T EJ2 ? CD r: 5 2 rr o o . O S CO - c CD CO ir. S 7i ' w IT- i t-1 o Csl 2. Z 3i 2 DICK STREIGHT'S Feed and. halo Stables. Corner Cth ami l'earl Sts. UOKSKS I'.OAI-.DEl) liY TIIR HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT A, II0UUS. rarticular attention paid to Driving and Training t:iottj-. stock. Will also have for service during the .season the ei.ki'.i:atk: itonsi-.s : SOiHiA?; & TALAIiAX, Known as the W.II.JOSKS HORSES. fs7"For particulars, see hills or posters. Sly jSTIEW" .A-ZD. Ilciliiced Kates for Lumber Clear the Tr$ck our prliig Trade. & SON Will sell l'rame Lumber, of all kinds at SSI perm, fr'om-iiis, Gii to ivss. yinir:oii ISoiirds. .SSO to.?.'J. Host HliiHjt'.cs, Wi.23. Xo. i shims!, ssc.y.'?. Other grade of I.um"jer equally i"Iipai l)oci,s,S;t.sli& SJIinds ait Jr'aetory j:rioes See other ad. on outside. NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE S T .A. IB Ij IH ! AN OLD STAND, EUT A NEW MAN. The partnership of o. M. Htreiht and W. I). Jones, be'ni; this day dissolved l)r I). JONES, will ojien a new I.iverv, re-d, and Sale Stable, at the ld III ATT l'lAKN.on Main Street, just east of John shannon's well known Stable, I'lattsmoiith, eb. Hoi-He, Italics; & i'arrJapre-S to let at till times, at lensonable rates. HORSES VOAllDF.D IfY THE DAY, U'EEIC, on .vo.vrr. Particular attention paid to driving and train ing I iorses. Havir.a; all I lie appliances I shall make a particular feature, of mv business the driv ing and handling of Tl'OTTlXG STOCK. ; v'leing well known all over the county, no fm tlier chin music is necessary. I cordially in vite all my friends to call and "see me. ami they will receive a hearty welcome. Kespect fully, OlnG W. D. JOf.'ES. E.T.Duke&Co., Wholesale and Uetail Dealers in HARDWARE tliTmiKt l am now piepared to furnish "the boat una dulterated milk. TWICE EVKKY DAY, To all patties notifying me w-yi ii:TEi; ji Ias "a st to. A XI) CUTLEB ZT. STOES,TIKWARE, Ikon, Xails, lloiis, RAKES!, SHOVELS, KNIVES AND FORKS, AA'ES, if v., -c A I.I. KIXDS OF Tinware Manufactured. MAIN ST., BET. 2nd & 3d MI FAMILY 3IEDICIXES AKE the result of an experience- of thirty year? in the practice of a successful physician. Hitter Tonic An extract of roof and herbs so judiciously and medicinally combined, that every part of the diseased body receives the help rojuired. It is not claimed as a piuaeea for all the his of life, but for dyspepsia, billions mid liver complaints, lever aiid ug,ie, elioit ra, debility, and ail diseases of the stomach, liver, and digestive organs, it is nn effectual remedy. As a preventative against fever and ague and malarious diseases it is unsurpassed. It strengthens and builds up the debilitated sys tem, and gives renewed vigor to all parts of the bodv. K-iiiz"; Cure Acts as diuretic evacuant in cases of drupsv, gout, gravel, and diseases of the bladder aiuf kidneys, purifies the blood, cures scrofula and eruptive diseno-s. rheumatic ami neuralgic pams, and all diseases of the uri nary orgiais. i;xje"toi-a.nt A prompt remedy for coughs astlnua. cioup. and all diseases of the throat, lungs and chest, and the lirst stages of con sumption and typhoid fever. Fever ami Asnr EMI Is Are prepared ex-prc.-vs'.v to aid tae toni- in curing acute and chionic. cases, thev ai t without depletion. Crimean liniment opens the pores cf the llesli. ami penetrates to the bone or seat of pain, giving reli.'f to manor beast as speediiy as anv outward application can. by all Dreggeds and Dealers. E. T. UAl:TKl I F & Vi).. 50v-1 liurliujuiu, Iowa CLARK & PLUMMER. More new goods next week, without any special invitation. Come A new invoice of Spring and Summer SHAWLS. Genuine Plantation Ceylon Coffee. Try it. An assortment of Invisible Dress Goods. Plaid The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Ladies Hosiery in the City. Common at $1.23 per dozen. A large and well selected stock of Yankee Notions. Purchased for cash, and for sale cheap. The largest stock of Parasols, will be here next week, that has ever been brought to this market. Come and see them. The largest stock and finest assort ment of Ladies Xeckties, and the Cheapest. Come and see them. More Hamburg Edging. Cash paid for good Tallow. A new invoice of Coffee, Yellow C, Extra C, and New Orleans Sugar. A choice Japan T, at 70 cents. Salt Lake Peaches. A splendid quality of Syrup in Five Gallon Kegs. Pure Sugar goods, cheap. A large invoice of Brown and Pleached Muslins, bought before the advance. Xew Currants at 10c per pound. Choice Michigan Apples, cheap. Pure Maple Syrup. All other goods cheaper than elsewhere, FOR CASH. STOKE AND JlILL AT Rock Blu ffs. j. 4 n. $H ft it ji. We have purchased the BOOK BLUFFS STEAM FLOURING, AM) SAW MILL, , And will hereafter run the aine In Connection With Our Stora CUSTOM WORK will bo guaranteed to be satisfactory. We em ployed the BEST wc could find, whose reputation is well known, and It hi pro posed that the farmers ami ali others have 04 tT vt yfiM -p J Tarij SmM if they bring Good Wheat ! ! The highest market price paid for tiie Best Wheat and Corn. OUR STORE is Chock Full of Goods THIS FALL, and wo mean to sell them At L0 Rales Ilavins stock been enabled to purchrwo a Lurfro Uncommonly Low, They will be sold to jUl, EQUALLY IXV. XOW IS YOUK TIME TO IBTTir. J.&H.Shera. 21 tf ROC EL ISLuFrS. XESI. THE JOHNSON ORGAN, 1 LI! M Manufactured by n.. it. croszTSOisr, AT rLATTSMOUTII, iNErk. Drew the First Premium At the Eighth Annual Fair of Cass County, Xeb., over all competitors. The following Organs were in Competition: 3 Mason & Hamlin, 1 Estel, and 1 Standard. These organs are all put up in elegant Elack Walnut Cases, and Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! to give perfect stitirf- and factien. guaranteed THE TONE Is the most perfect that has eyer been produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction thej- are giv ing, and the universal praise they are receiving are justly merited They are First Class in Every Respect Ivory I'roiils for KeyM. Ebony !iliarp, lira Iin, Mortice. Clothed, mo that there i no Frlctioa or Mqueakins. HEAD G-ZRJS-A-T .A-TD. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! Having made up mv mind to several years ago RETIRE FROM BUSINESS about the end of THE YEAR 1875, and hcim; still of th same mind, I take thl method of informim; the public that I am selling out my ENURE STOCK OF GOODS ! and shall cont AT COST. une doimr.so through this year or until the 1.31 is disposed of. Action as Quick and Per fect as the IJest Piano. ZiF" The Tuning and Voicing is all done by myself, ami the superiority of Tone and its quick response to the touch is acknowledged by every judge that has yet tried them, whether prej udiced in favor of other organs or not. If thev see and hoar them tbev invari ably givo the verdict in their favor. MY LIbT is as low as for any First Class Instrument and those who wish to procure a good and reliable organ either for Parlor or Church will advance their own inter est bv trying my Organs. Address, I.. F. JOUXbOX ' Plattsmouth, tb. WHOLESALE and Ketail Dealer in .Strings, Sheet M asie, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. MUSICAL IXSTIIUMEXTS Tuned and Pa-paired. Satisfaction guaran teed.. 50l'L. During that time I intrnd to Sell Goods for Cash, Lower than any other house can do ami sustain tiiemselves. My stoek consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS& CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, WALT, PAPER, CARPETS, ZC, dC, dC. Tho whole stock will be sold jit ottomPnees until it Is ALL SOLD OUT. My objec t Is not to but to GET out of BUSINESS. :iv me a call and see for yourself. E. 0. DOVEY. POLLOCK! KEAKUSLLV 'Him i iistati: A::.vr, AM) NOTARIES PUBLIC ! ! ll.i im: formet". a i.;ii ti"-.hip for t li? purpose of doinn a (ieiieral lieal Kstalo inisiuess, wo are prepared to attend to tiie same in all its branches. Our list of Land i J.AKGIianil C'JIOICJC and some nt VERY LOW PRICES. We have an Abstract of Ileal Kstate Titles, for t'ass County, which we have carefully com pared willi the Original l.'econls, and will jdve Special Mention lo the Kx animation of titles, to furnishing ferlilied Abstracts, and Con vevaneimr. and Notary Work, Otlice in Fitzgerald I'.lock, over I'rst Nation al Hank. 47jt Pollock & Bcardsley. Is.- T - v . t a v-., ...... . .7 ' u'--;.;;-.-.?,-'-:' ' m ? ii lii 4 s.".r '---- 1 ' ' ' MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC!! JIK WISF, AMI SAV K Mo.NKV, by usin the best and Cheapest Organ Made I At the Ori;an Agency of E. IT. EATOX, I'EATTSUitl'TJl, XEJt. UlHII.I) KKNOWNKD Mason & Hamlin caiii.i:t i:f;As, Declared by one thousand eeh bi-ated Musician "I nri vailed and I iieom parable." iiiniim t ho J'irst Mi-dalat W orld's l-'air. l'ai is. in HIT, also the two hiirhest Medals, and di ploma of Honor at VIENNA WORLD S EXHIBITION '73 fall and see tin PIANO IIAIUM)UGAN, Just invented and patented, rivalling the 1'iano for purity and brilliancy of tone; also tho Klegaiit Oijian Kiauero cae, the most beautiful organ made, and many other styles exceeding any thing heretofore mnnufactiired bv the M ASON & H AM I. IV COM PANY, TllK KICMKST. MUST IIKI.I A I. Mi. ami I.aig st Organ Manufactory in the orhl. e:ve:siv oemjax WAIUlAXTEIt I'EinElT IX EVEUY I'AllT, A XL) WILL LAST A LIFETIME, Ami sold at Prices .10 per cent, less than many other makers, for Inft rii'r (nymm. I f-Kxamine price list nnd Organs befom buying, and compare for yourselves. Price list. Illustrated Catalogue, and Circulars free on ap plication to the Nebraska Musical Aircnry. Store opposite t lie I'.rooks House, Piatt smoii th. Cass Count v, Nebraska. 4tf i:. II. I1ATOX. t lTT'i -Li. GEO. SHAFER'S AND 15 LACKS 31 IT II SHOP, i;oi: HORSESHOEING, ALL KIXJ.'S or FMiU 1 M I'LICME -V TtJ Mended and I"i.-.ed. 85 Tlcvv Wagons for Sals, c u k ?i y y o J2 c . t .9 jr. New Wagons made t'i order. ; :tcs roasoiiablo ami Wei l; guar nilecd. On Washington Ave.. PLATTSMOI TH, 4nyl near Tlh St., f N Kit. Q 1 1 ATT, THE IJUTCIIEK, OI.IIKST AND l-.I.ST KST Vt:t.l.-nr.I Ment .TSarlift In t!ic City. Not changing constantly, but the old Ileliablo Spot where you can siet your Steaks, KoasH. Came, l-'ish ami l'owlin Season. TWO DOORS WEST CF Tlic KEflALD OFFICE. South Side of Main St., PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NED. 120 Lexington Atehub, Cor. K 23th St., NEW YORK; An Independent Physician, TIIEATS ALL FORMS OP CKE0NXC DISEASE, AND EECEITE3 Letters from all jmrts of the Civilized World ET m CBIGIRAL WAY OF il HE 13 TREATING Unmerous Patients in Europe, tha West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every Stato of the Union. ADVICE GiVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Ho mercurial medicines or dcleterioni drutfi neT. Hn during the past twenty years treatci sticoena f ully nearly or quito 40,(j(J0 cases. All faotd om nectd with each caso are carefully n-oordc t. whether they be communicated by letwr or In person, or observed by the Doctor or his anaociats physicians. The latter are all acieutific lijodiccl men. AH invalids at a distance are ns-ja re l to ntimrcr an extendet lint of pli.ia questions, which will be furnished by maU fn., or at tbo UTtco. A cota- yUrto syRtem of registering prevent mistnka nr confuhian. Cane booka never cotixulksl, execjit bjr the physicians of the establishment. For froa confutation wnJ for list of qucMions. A wxty pnge pamphlet of evideooia of mvrenm sent free aluo. Addrati Dr. E. Ti. TTOOXTJ:. II ox 788, IVew VorFt. AGENTS WANTED. Dr. yoori Is the author of "MrmoAL Com jjon Pj.npe." a book that reach-I a nrrniatlnn of over SMI. 000 Cf.pien ; a!i, "f "J'lAIX llm Talk," niore reeei;t!y pnblibeil. which has mill to t!ie extent of 70,0.0 eiiei ; also, of "Scikncb IN SiOtr," wlilch Is now being published in aeriea. CONTESTS TAW.f.8 of e!l, exceiiting the firxt-mentioncd wrrk (wbtwh Is out of print), will be sent free on appliratt'in to eitiicr Ur. Tootk, or tho l.'urr7 ZU1 Tatlici i:j C:J7, wha offl.-e is VSJ ta.-t 2Mh Sweet. Agents both men and women wanted to nj the foregoing works, to whom a liUiul profit wII be allowe.1. Ihe buginniug of saiall fortune have been maito in soiling Ir. FooiE'a populur works. rLAl.f Home Talb " is particularly a i.iplM to a hilts, and "Ecituf-K ih Ktori la y.t tha tiling for the young. Send for oontems tal'c!i and hoc for yourm-lvex. The foirner answeia a multitude of questions which laih". and grutl !i;en feel a delicacy about asking of their pbjiclan. There is notiiing in literature at all like either vl the foifpoiug works. "SciliKCC r Btort-' Cin on'y le hal of agents or of tho IN.bluhers, TI.AIX 1 i TALK " is JillWWied In b-tl ti.. Kui'li-h -ii 1 (ieiman Languages. Once more. A3 AQ"'"