THE HE RA LP. LOCAL XEWS. LOCA L AI A'KIITISKM K.NTS. TTMiNlcnt. uri rents a line. Kcnlar advertis-o.-s. io cvnta iurr line. No advertisement inscr tl !or let than -.45 cents. Lor:J advertisement will bo charged tw the !:.! handing; them in. COMMUNICATION. . A our r-aec Is limited, all comniiiiiiratioiis iau-st lie lirifl and to the point, with no waste 1 worilt. N K WSPA PER DECISIONS. 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly from the postonice, whether directed to his name, or w iiether he Is a subscriber or not is rmjHMisiUle lor the pay. 2. II any person orders his paper discontin ued, he inut pay :U1 arrearages, or the publish er may continue ti sen. I it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether tlio pa mt is taken lnm the ollice i r not. X The eurls have decided that rclusiu to Juke- newspapers mnl periodicals from the post oflice. or reinoviji a.nd h'aviiiK them uncalled for. is jrrima fatic evidence of i.ntkntio.nai. rKAiu. B. A- M. R. 11. TIME-TABLE. On and after the 1st of December. 1K74. the pnssmger trains out of l'lallsiiiuutli, will leave follow : Morning Train (for Lincoln) II :50 A.M. Omaha Train 1 ::! P.M. Morning mixed, (for Omaha 7 :00 A.M. Keturn Pa m. Train I.e. Omaha. Pnisc uger, (each day),.. kast : .11 :15 A.M. 6 :3J P.M. .. 2 :."V P.M. All the boys have gone to Lincoln to see the Con. Con. Xew lJarbcr Shop in town, two doors east of the Herald ofliee. "We learn that one of our young busi ness men will soon be united in mar riage to a young lady in Omaha. WHAT I SAW IX It OH E" Col. San ford tells us next Wednesday evening, at the High School Hall. Schnassc is having his residence new ly painted and repaired ami is making improvements around the place. .Julius Pcpperbcrg has a new awn ing in front of his Cigar Store. lie wanted to keep "Punch" sunburnt. from getting The Constitutional Convention as sembled on Tuesday, lion. S. M. Kirk patrick passed through here on his way to Lincoln on Mondav. JO,00 Envelopes want printing at the Herald olhVe. HATS! If ATS! HATS! A flue stock of new I fats. I-atest style at W.M. STAIiKI. MANX'S. Come to Merges Shoe Store for the largest and best assortment and for the lowest cash prices. The social hop at Parmcle's Hall last Friday evening was well attended and all present enjoyed themselves very wuil considering the warmth of the evening. - - - One of our young bloodi sent a note to a young lady requesting her compa ny to a party, and "got the mitten." He consoled himself by remarking, "well, I'll save ii't cents anyhow."' Fred. I.cnholTs barn caught fire on Saturday evening and burned to the ground. Spontaneous combustion.Fred y.tys. Pipe and lantern, the verdict of the coroner. Loss. 10,000 bricks. Marshal Murphy has put in a good new bridge in the place of the old con cern that lias spanned the ditch west of Ileisel's Mill. For which he will receive the thanks of all who use it. Owing to the publication of the open ing of the Con. Con. and a press of matter generally, we shall not be able to j ublish our letters from Burt and "Washington counties this week. They will appear before long. They have just had a severe whisky ami anti-whisky fight in Blair. I'nder the new law licenses were refused to all the dealers, and they spent Satur day last in arguing th'i cases before the Council. One case was comprom ised and the re.-d remain in abeyance. Mike Schnellbac-her has moved into his new blacksmith Shop and Is now prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line, lie has two able as sistants in Mr. Keese and Billy Hassler the champion shoeist of the State. If you want a good job of work done you cannot do better than by giving him a call. FA RME IIS A TTENTlON! Julius PepiK iberg, Cignr Manufac turer, opposite the Herald ollice, on .Main St.. Plattsmouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and American To baccocs for smoking purposes. For Hale. Best qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. A W.N I NiTs! AWN IN" US ! Business and private awnings put up by Frank Stadteu. Now is the time to protect your goods and carpets from the Sun and yet have light and air. For business awnings see Peppcrberg's and Mushizer's places. (Jive me a call, ntf Frank Stadteu. SECOND WAKD KEUISTISATION NO TICK. Notice is herebv given that I will lit at Heise'ls Mill, on Monday the 17th day of May 1875, to correct the registra tion list of voters for the Second Ward of the City of Plattsmouth. for the spe cial election to held May lsth ensuing, in said ward. All persons are warned to se if their names are on the list if they desire to v ot e. Joe "W. Johnson, 71 1 Registrar. Mushizer's invigorator cleans the scalp and invigorates the hair. He says it will also cure the headache. A handy thing to have in the family. The Sociable of the Ladies Aid So ciety, Episcopal, will meet at Dr. It. It. Livingston's, on Tuesday, tho 18th inst. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Jim Skinner has a new story. "How to kill grasshoppers. He plants bf ans all around the patch of corn 40 rods off. The hoppers never live to reach the corn. Emigrant wagons are passing through our City every day. There has 1-een over three hundred teams passed through here since April 1st, and the cry is still they come. The members of the Ladies Aid So ciety, Episcopal, are requested to meet at the house of Mrs. J no. A. MacMur phy, on Friday at half past two p. ui. to consult on business pertaining to the Society. CLOTHING. For a eliekp suit of Clothes call on V'M. STAOKI-MAXX. largest Assortment, Best Assortment, .-Cheapest Assortment, of Boots and Shoes at Merges Shoe Store. One of the news boys on the B. & M. complains because passengers leave the papers they have been reading in the seat when they leave the cars and then the next occupant can get his reading free, that is, he neodu't buy a paper of the bov. Business that. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the quali fied electors of the Second Ward, of the City of Plattsmouth, that an election will be held in said Ward on the third Tuesday in May, 1S7-1, being the 18th day of said month, for One Councilman-. Said election being required by reason of the Councilman elect of said Ward, elected at the last City election, failing to qualify. The said election will be held at the usual places of holding elec tions in s:ii.l Ward. Tlip noils hi It" Opened at U a. m. and closed at ? oclock ! p. m. . I Attest: It. It. Livingston, j P. E. Whte. Mayor. City Clerk.- Tom Moore knew by the smoke that so gracefully curled above the green elm that a cottage was near; so one less poetical may know by the throng of la dies that daily visit Solomon & Na than's that unusually tine dress goods are stored therein, which they are dis posing of cheap for cash. While getting shaved at Tekama the other day, a red-faced gwod natured man asked us "Be you the man that preached last night?" No Sir "Ex cuse me, you're about his build and I thought you looked like a preacher." We have been taken i'u) for a good many things but not often for a preach er. Tekama has penetration. There were two fights last Sunday. One at the Brooks House between the Cook and the Porter, which came near terminatiug fatally, as one of the com batants attempted to use a rifle to set tle the trouble, but was prevented. The other was at the Platte Valley House between some of the boarders, and resulted in a few bruises. .4ttaIna - 1" -- :v- 104w4 :rLT:l7B It Ja'uSo kt:s& lire 2;s y i and everything else needed in House cleaning, refitting or ornamenting, you can get at Frank Stadter's. P. S. Orders received for all kinds of painting, graining, paper hanging, kalsomiuiug, done in a workmanlike manner bv 4-tf. McElwain & IIodapp. HIGH EST AWARD. I received Diploma for the finest boots at the State Fair, and I manufac ture them constantly. I also do re pairing good and promptly and warrant satisfaction.' a c:iallfn;1:. I am far from iK-iny; a scholar, hut I will give ten dollars worth of the most useful and beau tiful trees rvnd jdnuhs in my nursery, to aay man, woman, or child, in Plattsmouth, in the United States, r in the World, who, using the Romanic &l'ualt. in accordance vi:h Webster. ill spoil me down. while I use the phonetic alph abet, in accordance with I he americaa plionut ic dictionary. The spelling to be in Plattsmouth llih School room, as soon as my offer U aecpt ed. Each speller to choose an umpire, and the two umpires to choose a pronoiinecr. The three to settle all onestions of dispute. WM. S. WEST, l'lattsmouth. Neb. CARD. Allow me to thank Mr. L. F. John son for the use of one of his magnifi cent Johnson organs and for his own valuable services so cordially volun teered, also Mr. 1). X. Johnson, Mr. W'eldy, Mr. Ben Heinpel and daughter, Mr. Claiborne, Mrs. Vinton, and all the other ladies and gentlemen who so kind ly contributed to make the festival so successful. Bev. Fu. Boijal. The Council did a good thing last week in proposing that Marshal Mur phy also act as Straet Commissioner, undt-r the same salary; and Marshal Murphy did a better one in accepting the same. This is a move in the right direction, and as we have criticised adversely when we thought the Coun cil needed it, we now give credit be cause they deserve credit for gotnl ac tions tending oeconomize. FOU SALE. At Lou Kates. An excellent stock of (Iladioli, Ver benas. Ceraniums, Dahlias and a gener al assortment of Beddino Plants. Also a nice lot of Tomato plants both Trophy and Canada Victor. 7t3 " L. A.' Moore. CATHOLIC FESTIVAL. The entertainment gifen by the Cath olies Tuesday evening was successful both financially and otherwise, the reci tations and music were good, and the dancing was enjoyed by all. The cake was drawn by Jno. Marshall, and the Berlin wool work by Dr.Donelan. Ov er S100 was cleared. Lack of space prevents our mentioning any of the ex ercises particularly, and indeed we could not say more than that they re flect credit upon those who prepared them. LECTFIIES. Col. Sanford will deliver two lectures to the people of Plattsmouth on next Tuesday and "Wednesday evenings. The lectures chosen for the occasion rire ,:OM Times and? New," and "What I saw in Borne." All who have heard Col. Sanford will be ghul to hear him again, as his style is pleasant and hu morous and the subject1 matter of his lectures instructive and entertaining. The lectures will be given in the High School HalL mabbii:d. CPNNINiIfAM MeELROY Married by the Itev. S. W. Horn, on Tuesday, .May -illt. at the residence tt tiiebruies iroiuei -iii-u. W. U. Horn, III Lincoln. en.. .Mr. x.v. lO ."IIS. Sheriff's Sale. Mr. I'vvivi:ham. of f alls 1IV. -., M.VHV J. MCtLHOl, Ol YVUlHOIl, MO. Mr. Cunningham is Sheriff of iJIchardson Co., Neb., and a brother of (ion. t. E. and A. Cunningham, of this city, with whom he has been spending a week since his marriage. Don't fail to attend the lectures giv- ! en by Col. Satiford at the High School Hall, on next Tuesday and Wednesday. A TLEASANT EXCLUSION. About a dozen of our citizens made a very pleasant little excursion to Oma ha Barracks oti Monday last to visit Chaplain Wright and have a pleasant time. They all came back enthusias tic over the pleasure of their trip and the cordial reception tendered theft by the officers a'ii their families. P.y virtue of an order of -ale issued by the Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed I will on the 3tsi dav of Mav. A. D. at 10 o clock a. in. of s ud 'dav, at the south door of the Court House in liie city of l'lattsmouth. in said coun ty, sell at public auction tlie following real es tate to-wit : The east half te'i) of the north west iuarter (nw1) of section number twenty C-'ii) in town ship number ten U north of nil me number eleven (.11) of tlie sixth principal meridian, in Cass County, Nebraska, together with tiie privileges and appurtenances thereunto be Iomrinif . The same being levied Umn ami taken an the i property of Enos r rencli. .MarelU irrncn. ami 'eieuuaiii ; i-o .oii m AUitllialT, WILLIAM GRAMBERG'S Lumber Yard ! I'JvOFESS IOX A L CAliDS All kind of Building Material AT BOTTOM PRICES. Charles W. MoiUton, Del judgment of said court, recovered by Miller & Company, l'laiiitills. Plattsinoutii, Neb., April JS, A. D. tST'i. M. 15. CC1 1.KK. 5t.j Sheriff, C;is County. -Neb. Public Notice. 1IERDING NOTICE. All persons wishing their cattle herd ed on the lands belonging to theOreai olis Town Co., will apply to Jijvah Brew. - Smith & Dnk.v. May 3d, 1875. (tiVi) HEAD )U AIMERS For (ieo. A. Prince & Co. Oigans and Melodeons, the oldest and most dura ble Instruments made. 55, WOO XOW IV lfSK. Elegant and unsurpassed in quality of tone or finish, and at low prices. Come and see them at Eaton's Music al Emporium, riattsmouth Xeb. Also agent for Cass Co. for Singers Sewing Machines, with a full stock of needles, attachments and material for al Sewing Machines in use, and will furnish .any article or parts of Machines to order. E. II. Eaton, 7-t3 Agent. BOOTS C- SHOES. I have the largest stock and assort ment and ileal exclusively in Boots and Shoe and can and do sell foot gearing cheaper than the cheapest. l'KTKIt SPECIAL NOTICES. This is to notify the nublic that f will not hold mvself responsible for any debts contract ed bv Mrs. Dorothea Hhafcr (formerly Dorothea Kcih. She having separated from me. refus ing longer to live itii me as my lawfully wed ded wife and being abundantly able to pay all legitimate expenses necessary for her own sup port and maintaiuaiice. W. II. SHAPKK. Plattsmouth, April 111. 1875. 4H Sheriff's Sale. liy virtue of an order of sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court, of the second Judi cial District within aud for Cass County, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the loth day of May. A. D. 1KT5. at to o'clock a. in. of said day at tlie South door of the Court House, in the city of Plattsmouth. in said county. Sell at Public Auction, the following ltcal Esstate, to wit : I.ot number rive (5). in block number thirty-seven (:7), and lot number six d). in block lumber eiirht (hi. all in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska. The same beinn levied iiwm and taken as the proiierty of John W. Hiuehman and Alice It. liinclimaii. defendants : to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered bv Calvin if. Parmele. plainlitf. 'Plattsmouth, Neb.. April lath. A. D. 1875. M. P.. CI TLKU. 3t5 Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb. FOR SALE. A sccond-hani Victor Sewing Machine eheap, sale ollice. For terms inquire at for IlKKAl.l FOR RENT. Cim- The house now occupied by tlen. E. E. ninuhaiii. Enquire of 7lf John Chkibtiansex. FARMS FOR SALE. I am authorized to sell the north east quarter of section ten. township twelve, range twelve, and the north east quarter of section eleven, township eleven, ranre twelve, for two thous and C"?-.0k dollars per quarter. Tkiims Vive hundred dollars down and five hundred in one, two. and three years, at ten per cent interest, payable annually. For fur ther particulars inquire of A. W. McLAUtillLIN. 4tf At First National Dank, l'lattsmouth. Neb. SICK NURSE. Mrs. Charlotte Finny desires to live notice that she will act. as Sick Nurse, whenever call ed on. Kesideiice in Stiles' addition, near Al tafler's Mill, PlaUsmoutli, Neb. 3nio ai i st FL(rr::it. The most miserable beings in the world arc those sulTerinn from Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint. More than seventv-nve per cent of the people in the I'niii-d Stales are atllicted with these two diseases and their effect ; such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual cosiive n ess. impure blood, heartburn, waterbrash, iruawiii! and burning pains at the pit of the stomach, yellow skin, coated tonirne ami disa greeable taste in the mouth. yHiiini; up of the food after eating, low spirits, (ic. ioto the Druji Store of Dr. ;. P.. Chaiunan, Plattsmouth, Neb., and et a cent bottle, or a sample bot tle for W cwiits. Try it. 45yl (TT THIS OCT! It May Save Your IIfe. Tli-.ii is no person living but what Suffers mnu' or less with Lung Disease. Coui;!;,. Colds, or Consumption, yet some would rj Jier die Hum pav T." cents tor a bottle of mee cine that would cure them. Dr. A. nosclieV Cvriuan Svrup has lately been introduced in' this coun try from ierma"ny. and its wondrous cure as tonishes every one that tries it. If you doubt what we say in print, cut this out and take it to vour druist. Dr. ti. IS. Chapman, l'lattsmouth. Neb., and ret a sample bottle for lu cents and trv it, or a regular size for 75 cents. 4"y 1 ;.;.(; l: kkn , Woodbury, N. J. Executors Sale of Real Estate lty virtue of an order of sale from Judge of District Court tand under the seal of the same) in and for the District Court, Second Judical District, in the County of Cass and State of Ne braska, and directed to the undersigned, in an action wherein Lloyd D. IJeiuiett. surviving ex ecutor of the last w:ill and testament of Shep herd Duke, deceased, is Plaint ill, and Iivina a ike and others are Defendants, 1 will at 10 bock a. m.. on the 12th ly or June. 1475. In front of the Court House in the City of Platts mouth and State of Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder tlie lands and tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : cash in hand. Said lands be long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are described as follows, to-wit : The following lots in the City of Plattsmouth, in said Cass County, lots eleven (11) in block five (a), also the following lots lying and being in Dukes Addition to the city of Plattsuioutii, "aforesaid, that is to say lots one tl) two (J) threo CO four 14) live r six ii"( nine (y ten (in) eleven (11) twelve it-) thirteen U3) fourteen U4 lilteen (l.") sixteen tbi) seventeen U7) eighteen (IS) aud nineteen (!U), in block four (4), lots six (;) seven (7) eight is) nine tui ten ilo) eleven (11) twelve (12) thirteen (l.O fourteen (14) fifteen (15) six teen (t; seventeen (17) and eighteen (IS), in block (5) lots four (4) live (5) six (6) seven (7) eight (6) nine () ten (Ki) eleven (11) and twelve (U) in block six (6), lots one (1) two (-2 three (3) four (4) five (5) six (i) seven (7) eight (S) and nine ( in block seven (7).. lots one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) in block nine 19J. lots four 14 live (5) six fi) seven (7) eight tS nine ,j) ten (loi eleven (11) 4 and twelve (IJ), in block eleven (11), all of block twelve (1-M being lots one (1) to twenty-two m elusive, all of block thirteen (13) being one (t) to twonlv-t wo (2) inclusive, lots one (l and two CJ) in block lourteeli (14), lols one (1) two (-') three (3) four (t) live (" ami six oi, in block fif teen (15). lots four (4) five " and six (6). in block eighteen (IS), lots one (1) to (3) seven (7) eight (Si nine (:) ten (l eleven ill) and twelve (I2),iu block nineteen (19. all id block twenty (20) ex cept lot twelve (tJ) being loss one (!) to twenty two (22) inclusive except lot twelve (12), lots one (1) three t3) four (4) ami ten (loj in block twenty one (21) lots one (I I two ( three (3) four (4) live (0) six lii) seven (7) eight s) eleven (11) and twelve (12). in block twenty-three t2J). lots one (1) two (2) three (3) fnur (4) six (ti) seven (7) eight IS nine pl ten llt)J eleven Lll and twelve 112), in block twenty-seven 27. all of block twenty eight I2SI except lot sevfntecli 1171 being lots one 11 to.twent v l2ol inclusive, except lot seven teen LIT J. lots one 1 1 1 two 2J" three a five 5 ami twelve 12) in block twciity-nino 12:, Iota one 1J two 2 three four 41 live .) six j seven 7 and eight sj in block thirty ;!"! lots three I3J four (4 five l-" six pi seven 7 and eight Sj. in block thirty-one 131), lots one tj two (2 three 3J four 4 live 5 seven 7 nine y ten l(i eleven ( 11 and twelve 1J, in block ten to, lots one (1 two I2i tour 4) five l.r sev en 7J eight r nine n ten lo eleven Lit aud twelve 1 12 in block twenty-two 122. Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. m. until smidnw the said day, if necessary, and it will be adjourned from dy to day until ail are sold ; l'lattsmouth. Mav lull. 1S7". Ull) D D. llKNNKTT, Surviving Executor of the last w dl and testa ment ol StiepherdDuke, deceased. D. ii. Wll ESI. Kit. 7U Attorney for Executor. TllK PlttPK OF TMK fSnEAT Wkst.' The Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine is extremely simple in its construction, elaborately finished in its design ami ornamenting, combiirhrg great capacity jmd adaptation to every variety of fam ily sewing and manufacturing. It embraces all tlie important and essential elements embodied in sewing machines patented within the last twenty-live years, together with the late impor tant. iiiiM-ovemenis and patents of eminent me chanical experts and inventors in the employ of the Wilson Company. The West has reason to be proud of the Wilson Machine. Machines w ill be delivered at any Kail road Station in this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through the Company's P.rauch llouse at No. Glo 4th Street, St. Louis, Mo. They send an elegant catalogue and chronio circular, free on application. This Company want a few more good agents. It is asserted as a fact that every canvasser who has turned his attention to the introduc tion ot the New Family Sew ing Machine in his locality, or who has been fortunate to secure an agency, has outstripped the best efforts in mak ing money of the old ami tiled agents of the high-priced machines, which latter they now replace. Tlie demand is enormous, aud sales so rapid and money made so readily with so little effort that farmers, tradesmen, speculators, jtc. are flocking into the business as fast as they can secure territory and get their goods on the ground to supply anxious customers. It cer tainly is the machine of the times and does the same work, us other machines at jso.lM) and !(). no. and w really believe it would sell just as readily at double and then not cost half the us ual price of so good an article,-for it is astonish ing to see the vast amount of lalMir it performs at so low a cost. The inventors are dally inun dated with testimonials of the worth of their new machines which so suddenly and suceess fullv bounded into popular favor. It has at tained an enviable reputation in many thou sands of homes and factories, for its solid strength, power, rapidity, simplicity, certainty, and ease of operation, with 'extreme beauty, fineness and reliability of its sew ing ; while tlie wonderful low price (Twenty Dollars for a large and complete sewing machine with a strong ta ble and trcndlei. places all idea of competition entirely out. of the question. It stands alone in its merits and price. We advise you to invest in one at one for your wife, daughter, mother, sister or lady friend and make a home happv, or put them in your factory, or what is better if you are lucky enough, secure an agency, if there is none in your town, make money "yourself. The many new attachments for doing extra fine, skilful and dillieuit work, are a surprise in their simplicity -f construction and far below even "grange prices." and w ill be delivered safe at your door, no matter how remote vou mav reside, if vou -write for them. Address J. Tuo.mjio.x, IIakna a Co.. nor Uroadway, N. Y. 47yi Public Sale of School Lands; Notice is hereby given. tht pursuant to an Act of the Legislature, of the .Mate of Nebraska, entitled "An .-Vet to provide for the registry of School Lands lor the control and disposition t hereof, and for the safe keeping of tlie funds derived from the sale and lease of said lands,'' which said Act was approved June 21th, A. D. istij. ami idso in accordance with a subsequent amendment to said Act. approved February lMh. A. D. lSw, I will, on Monday, the 2sth day of June next, at the hour ol in o'clock A. M., at t he front door of tlie Court House, in Platts mouth citv. Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, all the following described School Lauds in said count v to-wit : Part of Section. -S'l ail nw' of ne1! sw'4 of lie' se4 of lie1 W'j nl. of se'4 all swl4 of lie1 s't of nw? se' nw'i of ne? s"-i of lie' n:, of se'4 se1, of se1 n'i sw '4 e' of se'i s'i of nw '.i lie1 i of sw 1 i nw'.j of swH sei of se!4 nwV SW4 all w!i of n w 14 n'i of se' sw'-i of se!i liw of sw'i neV4 of se1 n'i n', ot sw'i si'4 of sw 'i se seU of sw U wl4 of ne'.i, lot 4. timber, 10 acres lot :. timber, 2t) S: lo-loo acres. lot 4. timber, 3u & 40-UK) acres, m'U of sel4 S. j US .Ki Hi lli Hi lli lli :u :m :m M m in Hi li in it; hi ." 3ii Jli yi ; 16 1 16 Hi 16 Hi Hi 10 16 lli Hi M 36 :n; 36 M K Pr. A. !l i) !) if 0 1) 1) I l HI HI 10 10 HI 10 10 in in 10 HI 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 It 12 12 12 S 7 (HI T no K Mi x :i 8 50 ! 00 H (KI S 00 10 (HI 10 IKI 10 (K) 7 50 7 M 7 00 7 (HI 7 50 7 60 7 00 10 IK) 7 00 9 IK) 7 50 7 IK) 7 50 7 IK) 7 on 7 of) 7 00 7 50 8 25 7 IK) 7 (K) 7 Of) 7 (KI lo no 10 IK) 15 (KI 25 (Ml 25 (KI 25 (K) LEGAL NOTICES. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Hie est:U" of Craudl Shaw, to file tlie same in the Probate Judge's office, Plattsinoutii. Cass county. Nebraska, on or before the 12th day of November. A. D. 1s75. II. E. ELLISON. 7t5 Probate Judge. Probate Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons hating claims against tile estate of Julius Shrider. de ceased, to file the same in the oliiee of the Pro bate Judge. Plattsinoutii, Cass coitntv. Ne,bras-k-1. on or before the 24th dav of October. A. ). 1S75. II. E. ELLISON. April '24th 75. Probate Judge. 5t3 Probate Notice. In the matter of the Estate or Walter A. Wil liams, deceased. To Whom it mail Concern: Take nol ice that Mrs. C. E. Williams, has fil ed an application in the Probate Court, to be appointed Administratrix of the estate of Wal ter A. Williams deceased, and said cause is set for hearing on tlie 22nd day of Mav. A. 1). lt.75, at lo o'clock a. in. of said day at which time all persons interested may appear and show cause if any they have why the .raver of said eti tioner may not be granted. itness mv hand and seal this the 2Uu day of April. A. D. is75. 11. E. ELLISON. . 6t3 Probate fudge. Terms of sale : For prairie lands, one-tenth of the price cash in band ; for timbered lands, onu-half cash in liaud with a promissory note for the remainder, to mature ten years after date bearing snterest at tn per cent, per an num, payable annually in advance, or cash down. at"the notion of the purchaser. Said sale will bu continued from dav to day until all of the above described lands shall have been offered. Witness mv hand and official seal this 12th day of Mav, A. D. 1S75. D. W. MrKINNON. Clerk Cass County, Nebraska. i i by CP. Mookk. -j L. S. j- Deputy Clerk. 711 REED liKOS. MENT. ADVERTISE. A Card to the Public. "Ye are now able to oiler to the pub lic of this county a most excellent as sortment of spring and summer goods. Our stock embraces almost everything wanted by it farming community ex cept tinware and hardware, in many lines of goods we are able to offer pri ces very much lndow those of last spring. In our shoe department we can oiler many excellent bargains, es pecially iu ladies and children's shoes, while in men's wear we cannot possi bly lie undersold. "We also offer spe cial inducements on hats, caps, cloth ing andf gents furnishing goods. All classes of dry goods are low iflid styles very attractive, queens ware and glass ware we sell at prices from 10 to 20 per cent below those of last year, in grocer ies our prices are almost unanimously as low or lower than last year. Some things cost us more but are sold at the same prices. To those wishing to buy in unbroken packages we offer the best inducements defying all competition. To our many patrons who have during the hard times of the past six months favored 113 with a trade far beyond our highest anticipations, we return our most hearty thanks. To those who have never called on us and do notknow what advantages we are able to offer, we have only to say call and we will do you good. 5ti"l Heed Jiuon. Main st.,ojiosite Platte Valley House. rLATTsMOI'T H. NEB. E.G DOVEV, Pre't. ?.T. Treit. 3 1 A T X S 31 O U T GRAIN COMPANY. This Co. will buy grain at the HIGHEST MARKET RATES, AT AL.L' TIMES. SC AMU AX1 OKFTCF. T K. Ci. 1 ') V KM S STOK K, LOWKK MAIS STKMlj PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. FRED. GORDER, - - - - Buyer. yl flood fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY -AT- ErEJlTDOnVS HOME l.X PE.lTTS3TOUTtP IK THEY WANT IT, IT J. F. lSCAL'SSKlSTEK. 8KND IX YOLK OKIiFlU AM) I UIVK yoi: Wll. I. TRY AfTD' 4oyl aud serve you regularly. NEW Blacksmith Shop, ON Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. I)es a general business iu Horse-Shoeing, Mending, and Kepairing Wagons & farm Machinery. Iiressing Mill Picks, aud all Steel and Iron Work, on SHORT NOTICE ! ! ! KEJIK.MHEK THE SHIN', D. L. Morrow's tfly Itlacksmith Shop. STliElGllT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SAUDLKS P. K I DLL'S, COLLAKS. and ail kinds of harness stock, constantly ou band. Fruit Confectionery, AND Grocery Store i UTS, CAND1KS, TEAS, SUUAP.S, COFFEKS, T0BACC0RS, FLOUR. Ileineinber the ilaci on Lower Main Si reef. Dovey'u 21-1 opio ite E. CJ. STR EIGHT f- MILLER. "The Way tit Wraith, it fit ih :he ft. is plain rid tin- u-ajj to Maria t." Fkanki.ix. AHKXTM WAXTKH to canvass in Cass and adjoining co.m;ies, for tho new bootc ''Success in Business." or TVr O TXT "V" This country has inoiicv -L,J- x' -- for everybody. Money iii AM Trade, iii the' Mines, TJH XXJ on tlie Farm. In the Oardeti, " v in S!wk, to iu Poultry. This book shows II It V how I-ntsiiicss Men, Farni- JtiUJi tt'rrs, Workinu'iiien. Young Men and Women, may all yst, sucr. loan nnd xve it. Just the book needed, and will sell fast. Address for circulars & terms. J. '. .TIcCITIt lV A ' (Suceessors to Ziegler & MeCur dy.) isn . Fourth !Sf.. Cinelnnati. O. ; Fifth Avenue & Adams St.. Chijago, 111. ; tiu Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. , H T'.ie l'eorde's Standard Kdition of the Holy P.ible. published by us, is the finest. cheap est and best. Agents make from S.'jO to S0 per mouth selling it with ol her books 'without ex traexpense. ita Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. O.N LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. MeaU at nil hours. Ice Cream. Soda. Water. & Lemonade to Cool you. Good square Meals, nice Lunches, &e., &e. to warm you. Ales, Wines and cood Lhpiors to be used rea sonably, for your benefit if yon desire. 40-st B. HEMPEL, Pro). SIAGER SE1VIAG FOR SALE I5Y 3F lF. Metteep, with nil the EXTRAS, ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, &C. Also, Plows. Cultivators, AVagons. and FAJlE IMPLEMENTS for sale. Cor. Main atxl 4oyi fiihSts. PL ATTSM0 UTTT. NEB. OMAHA ADS. Grand Central Hotel. Largest and fliifsl lintel between Chicago and San t ranciseo. (ic. Thrall, proprietor, Omaha. LOUISVILLE ADS. IK. J. 31. AVATEISMAX, Physio Medical Practitioner. IMbrUle, Cat Co., Ifeb. J3?Always at the office on Saturdays. 4nyi 7oTFGLbWR7 Sell the P.EST GOODS at the lowest prices, at LOUISVILLE, CASS CO, NEB. fiE.NEHAL UKALCRS U GO5Jii, GUOCKIIIES ! J.'i'.H.Ol K.V1I. 31. CIIAl'JIAX. ATTORNEY AT LAW aid Solicitor hi Chan cery. o.s.ce in l itgeiald s Ll.v k, Plalisinoiuh, Neliriuska. 7 w a. uB'l:r. REAL ESTATE and Tax Paying Agents DRY HATS, CAl'S. MADE HOOTS A CEOTHIXO. SHOES. A'oriON'6, CROCKERY WARE, AND FABMcRS' SUPPLIES GENERALLY. Call swd give them a trial. tS-AlsoMeal In GUA1N & COAL. 40yl CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. 1NHELDER & SON, l'KAI.KUrt IX BOOTS. SHOES, AXH GHOLERIES. Of Tery kind, at Hie lowest jiossible rates. Alo DEALERS IN GRAIN. For which th highest CASK prices are paid. Hides aud produce of all kinds bought at Reasonable rate. lXTIKLytK fcTATIOX-t Cedar Creek.) 0 Jl CASS CO., XEBHASKA. taries 1'ublie, Fire ami Life Insurance l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. No- Ageuts. A. I srit.uii'K. sritA(L i: a. A TTOKNEYS AT LAW. ly attended to. Oiiioc in Plattsmouth. Neb. T. n. WtLSO.X. WH.SOV, Collect loin froHipt- Fitgcrald'd liltH-k, tryi. IL IL MVIXtiSTOV rilYSICIAN Jt SURGEON, tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of Cass county. Kesideiice southeast corner Sixth and Oak sis. ; Ollice ou Main street, two doors west of Sixth, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. :ko. s. smith. SMITH A 11. It. WIMHIAM. WIMMIVJI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real IMate loo kers. Special attention given to Collvci ions and all matters affecting the title to real estate. Ollice on -d floor, over Post Ollice, l'lattsmouth, Nebraska. 40 l. JI MTSCK OF TllK PKACK. Office on Main street. Plattsmouth. Neb., two doors east of MfkaM ollice. Ilusiness hours from s a. m. to p. i-l. All county business usu ally transacted before a dustice of, the Peace will be attended to. Also general collet-tor of debts. fuyl .1. W. Haikls. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Homa'opatliife riiysician. tflice and Residence corner Sixth and Vine Streets. Plattsmouth, Neb. Calls attended at all hours. !. 25". S3, SSSstor, MERCHANT TAILOR, Is in receipt of the finest and Ti E S T H S 8 O 11 K .' T O JT CasHiuiercs. Cloths. Vesting;!, hicotrb iionds, Irl.tW Krie.-c. A r. 5"?Tn fact, the lamest and best assortment of Cloths ever brought to this city, which 1 am prepared lo make up in the Latest Styles.' Call and examine Goods. 4 l SEWING MACHINES! New mproved Lock Slilch GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE, For sale by CHARLES VI ALL. With aJl the Extras and Attachments, such as Needles, Oil. T tickets. Binders, etc. Those who contemplate buying a machine, will do well to give the G rover & Baker a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. and the cheapest machine in the market. All orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Address, CJIAltLKS VI ALL, 2nf Plattsmouth. Neb. morniKTOit or PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under First Nat. Bank.) PL.ATTS3IOLTEI, - - - A Ell. MV BAR IS SIT1 LIED WITH TIT K BEST WINES, LIQUORS, ELtg- BEER, ETC. ETC , 4(yt Mrs. A. H. Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids, Curls. Switches, Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by EL Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S ii 1 i, a x e n y t our:. On Main St.. 1 door east of Clark & riummrr's. MJLSHIMI S O HP , JOHN WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and lift pumps, steam Guages. Safety valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings re paired on short notice. FA KM JIA ' II I X E IE V . repaired on short notice. 40y CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. Tucker, has removed to the building opposite Math ews Hardware Store. (On 4th Si reel. Bet. M;iin and Vine,) When; in addition to other work, he will give special attention to REPAIRING FURNITURE, MAKING 1'ICTUIIK Fit AMES, iC. AUo Agent for the COMMON SENSE IRON ING TABLES. of which we have a number on hand ; call ami seo them. Careful Work and Pronpt Attend awe to Calls. 40-1 y IV M. L. TLX' K Elt, FOR 00 TO Gus. Herold's. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. J"nf VulilihcJ, in a Seated Envrt'iffe, fstict ti rtg A Lccttireoti the NltuiV. Treat ment, and Radical cip-e of Seminal Weakness, or SpeniYatorrlni'a, in duced by Self-Abuse, lnvoluntarv Emissious, IniMtency, Nervous Debility, anu Impediments to marriage generally : Consump tion. Epilepsev, and Fit : Mental "and Physical Infanacilv. tie.-liv ROBERT .f. CCLVEIJ WELL, M. 1).. author of the "Green Rook." &e. The world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own exper ience that the awful conseincnces mav be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical "iMT.ition-. bou gies, instruments, rings, or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain ami effectual hy which every .sufferer, no matter what his condition mav be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. irThi Lectin will pnjure a lxm Ui Uunifi ainliaiul tli'ntxawl. Sent under seal, in plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cenU or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, 'JIAf?i. J. V. KUKK A CO.. lO-trtly 'f 127 Bowery, N. Y. : P. O. box. 5Sfi. WEEPING WATER ADS. Fleming & Race, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. ' And Farrarrs'Supidies Generally. Our Goods are all New, and we sell them CHEAP. ' TOY US ONCE,' AND SEE ! (40yl) WEEVZNQ WATER, NEB. (30 TO yjJSRY & I J t. X A M J&-d AH. iwi 000!) NEWS VOU THE 1'UJILIC!! Xow is Uio time to buy your Notwithstanding the depression of the ri.untry. will still continue to soil goods at their old utand in FITZ(H:JlAt,IX 1JLOCK, cheaptr than ever, and defy coinjielition m ineet ax J goods. Thej constantly keeji on hand a laigo as soi'trnent of DR t GtfODS, ! OT lONS RF. 1 1) Y 21. 1 D li CLOTHING. GROCERIES, BOOTS ft SHOE HATS AND CAP , QUE ENS WARE", WOOD it- Wli.LriW WARU, BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR', TOBACCO, cf., dc. They will sell all goods as low a any housr in town, oven If advertis. at cost. They do nut deem it necessary to give a prire list, hut Would ask V( to call and examine the irootU. hear the nrteea. and satisfy yourselves l?of purchasing elsewhere. Our motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," FOR GASH. VALLERY & RUFFNER'S 1 IF1 O jt& 1875. They also would call attention of the farming community to the fact, th tliev sell the Improved and world renowned .1. I. Caso ei Co.'s THRESH ING MACHINE. The Nichols t Hiei-hcrds "VUIRATOR" Tlin till ing Machine, the "OKI Jlelialilc .MeCornncK "Ad vance" Hi; AC ER tt- MOWER: aso tho MrCORMlCK II A R V ESTER, tlie bst'in tlie .n'arket. Don't give your orders un til vou see samples. l'rices lower than any other dealer. THE LITTLE CHAMPION REAPER AND MOWER, which gives perfect satisfaction. THE KIRBY REAPER f- MOWER. THE WEIR CULTIVATORS AND PLOWS. DERE l- CO.' GANG AND STIRRING PLOWS, 1$t in V- KEYSTONE ( BROWN CORN PLANTERS. FISH 11 RUT II IMS' WAGONS, The on whoi broad cast seeders. Drills. - . STALK CUTTERS; HARROWS, CORN SEEL LEES, d-e., dn. Which they will sell at.bed-rock prices to suit the timea. '-P"Tor the above named Machinery, they always keep on hand a fi line of extras, which is a great item to farmers. VALLERY & 11UFFXEK. f Great Sacrifice of Boots and Shoes . 1 ' VO'V4 ft PETEH MEMOES. Down come tlie Prices of tlie Largest ixnfii Uest stot of Uoots and Shoes iu tlfe Stale. READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES: Nisc Serge Gaiters, only $1. flenuine 18-th read Serge Gaiters, only 61 Women's Serge Slippers, only 7."c Men's Hrogans, only $1.25. Kvery tiling else in proportion. I have a nice assortment of White Slippers and Misses' and Childs' Pc. Colored Shoes, Button and Lace. I also received DIPLOMA for line ho made Moots at the State Fair. Jtepairing always done with ueatnt -us a dispatch. Call and examine. I will always be pleased to show goods u prices. PETER MERGES. E.T.Duke & Co., Vhilos;ile mid ltrtail Healer In iARDWARE AMI . O TJ T L'E 1 STOVESJINWARE, Iuo.v, Nails, Hoks, RAKES, SHOVELS, KNIVES AND FORKS, AA'ES, Ac, Ac. AI.I. KIXlM OK Tinware Manufactured. 1 MAIX ST., RET. 2nd & 3d ii lifer & IIATT, THE 1JUTCHEK, OLITJiT Sl KKST KSTAl:l.l.-nKI 3Ieat .3lark'i In the Cify. Kotchiijictiis c-'staiitlv. lint tli old RcliaMu Sxt wfic- .von an ul vonr St oaks, Came, Fish and Fowl in Season. TWO DOORS WEST OF THE HERALD OFFICE. South Side of Main St.,. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEB. MUSIC! MUSIC!! MUSIC iik wimp:, ami HAvr moxkv, by tisinn ilc in-st and Cheapest Organ Mac At ttlf'Onran Ajrent-y of E. H. ' EA TOX, VUl TTSMOUTH, A UOllM) IU!N0W'XKI Mason & Haml r.4iu.i:T, IifHar-'d y o ic IIioiismikI f-clchr itod Mux' . . i . . .. i . ..i .....i , i t .... i. I II I I .1 I It'll i' Mil 1 IKMIIII il r, I 1 1 , It lllllll(.f FiiM -Mc' :it World 't Fair. Paris, in ' also l lie t a Iii-;li-hf .Mcd;ils, iind tll iloma o( Honor al VIENNA WORLD'S EXHIBITION fall and sec tlir PIAX0 HAUr-OlUiA Jiixt i 1 1 v 1 1 1 c I ami (-ilt'lilctl. rivallini: tlit tor iiiirity and U:in;i.i.i:y of toio : al"1 Ko-aiit Uir."i Kt.-ivrvrt fas. the mo l-eantifnl or-.':'in made. ami inanj othr lvlv etceediiitf nny tllinn loi,'tfire inaiMif:ntiire. liV the MAMlV. H- H AM I.I N I'ANV. TllK liU'iiKnT. MOST KKMA aud I-tr'-sl Oir, in M.iniifarpiry In tlie lrAMtAXTEI VEIltVAT IX EY I'AHT. AXI WILL ..LAST A LIFETIME An..'.')lil at Pl iees Ml er eenl. less t ..di l oilier liiakers, for lnti iinr Orynn. t.VKiamiii! iirict li.xt and Ortrans l! I'nyjUK. and eoniiare for-jtonrselves. I'm Illustrated t'jilalnuim, and Circulars fie pl'.L-atioil to the Nclnaska Mn.sit-;il Agtil S-rp oiiiiosite tin House, Pl.'.lt'iii fount y, Nehrafkii. - . 411 I . II. t.VT i i t . f -. Mlf n n