f t A- ;H;E;.liE:l(Al;l). There was a roadie lantern how iii town last week. To sell or trade for wood, u jood pair of Bobsleds. " Ed. Clark, fcuod boy. Herald man, friend of ou, lent m two tiulUrs on "sub" last week, we're to pay hi in back in IIkhalis and are bound to til I our "end" of the contract. joodwln, had a alight runaway last ITo atna done. f - . - km. lUrker ahipped ft nice lot of 3 to Chicago last Tuesday. failure to receive oar paper in Dan. McKinnon is in San Jose. Cal. e necessitates a half sheet this week , IIe reports the grass from six inches to a foot high, and thinks California second gardea of Eden. He is in much better health and spirits. Sirtliit' i:.d if i -Mtiir. W sire sorry to aoM.uinjv i;..;t !;- Dr. scUiMkiit-ciil L- u.ii. itif-iv ill. See professor Wise's notice of exam ination of Teachers, in another column. Mr. AVill Conn, of Greenwood, called to aee us to-ia). Call dtiu. - ;;( t - 'o '- .... ,- j i ' ' f" ' J ; ... , . ' .1.1 !n bal of floe horseswent through j the' other day, on "their way to Irmonnt. " -. : Umemfcfr the High School enter ftTnent on Friday, March 12th. A h! time ia expected. food is -plentiful on our streets ia. -Th recent cold snap having als tb ice bridge safe. Van ted 'some good wood on sub Iptlon, at this office. i toots from $3.50 up, all sires. w. ii. Pool; CLOTH 1X6. a ehesp suit of Clothes call at 44 Stadelmann'a, 8tf. Go to Merge' Shoe store for the best d cheapest, and choose from the rgest aeaorttnent.. . - tf Onr farmers are rushing in their leat.and com now, and our grain erehaats are doing a big business. Richari Lewis, of Cedar Creek, Cass antj; had about 200 pounds of beef 1en frem his cellar a short time ago. Mike Mrguire wrestled with a fel w frera Iowa on last Saturday night, r f5 a side. ' Mike won. so he sats. .When the ooys set that trap for the yorbativl with an Assessor we did H thick he would walk intuit; but I did. V . f : '. John Jennings, Eddy Kirkp.itrick, vi a whole lot of other fellows drop 1 in to see as and we gave them all 'werreTi. Oh, Doctor, Doctor, can't yon tell What will make our city well ; We've Mked for med'eine long in vain Instead of Health you give us Payne. Judge Haines had a man arrested lor Jiiturbing hii peace of mind" and for jntempt of coirt in ' Ben. JteinpleV Is was fined $5 and costs. . tli Chicago Tost and Hill m won the hight popularity of any ewppaptr in the west by making every s first class. Per year, postage paid, J:ly A.&0; Weekly $1.C5. . The and cheapest foot gearing Merge' Shoe Store, call and sets no arge for examining." 4Ltf - -The advantage of baying Wall Pap r nd Window ILadr at Piank St.Ki r's, is that he wlls cl'.enp. trims tiie 1rsfc without charge, and hangs tin? ' 'bfcdrs if desired, guaranteeing them to h well. 47U JSWKLaYV JKWELRT ! 'm. i tiiflm "nn has lSk gold rings tl 21.7.") per pw, also a nico let of jiw jrT law i -own. . - STtf. ,iyn ut W. IT. Pvj? and get a Kp. 1 fir of floe cutoui kip boots for 34.50 warranted. 4Jtf Jobn Boone siys the weather i very eoM, but his barbr simp is all light; a god fire and plenty of papers to read. Hive t5;n a call. Come tell u dear Doctor, real, truly . and-nice, You've not studied physics in vain Can't a man die (inrpolitics) twice. And come to life now without Pain. Our town is becoming infested with petty thieves again. They steal chick ens, enal, clothes, wood and any loose thing they can lay their hands on. A doae of chicken shot would cure them. WQOD ! WOOD 1 1 WOOD ! ! ! Wanted on subscription at this office. Bring it'alorig. BiKitand Shoes cheaper than the cheapest in the whole went, at Merges' Shoe Store. 43tf FURS ! FIJISS ! FURS ! A nice stoek of ladies and gents furs at Wm. Stadelmann's, to le sold at cost. 37tf- Women's heavy kip thoes, for $3. stoga shoes, onlv if 1.50. 4Ctf W.'ll. Pool. Levi Pollard, one of the largest farm ers in the county, and one of the od dest fellows and best talkers in the country called on the 1Ii:kali last week. lie has just returned from Ver mont, and is plum foil of nw ideas aud plans. ' The County Commissioner proceed ings will be published from this week out. County Commissioner Arnold, drop ped in to see the Hekald yesterday.' We.were very glad to see him. Business is livening up in town, and our merchants are cleaning up and lay in new stocks prepatory to the opening of the spring trade. llatt butchered a magnificent heifer last evening. You ought to have seen the nice tirm, red, aud w bile meat. It lojked good enough to eat. We noticed yesterday, that Bob Don .ovan and Dr. Chapman were running ex pies wagon No in partnership. If you want any hauling done give them a call. TO THK LAD I";. J ant t-rrcived. thoe Xeat. Llht, Cbm I'erlaUIe Table. f Cutting, f-'ittiu Maotiuf. HuHtbHrrii to he mppreriated, at hllUVOflffi. The mail train from the west was delayed last Saturday for over an hour by a freight train running off the track between Ashland and Greenwood. And now comes Billy Edgerton and makes the II kkald happy, by a sub scription. We feel proud, for William is a staunch old democrat and yet thinks the IIeu.vld is a pretty good paper. We think some of our young men Leonard, the Piiotoirraidiic Artist. u,m' ha the ben picture and moat life-like deal betler &S than by going in lilt: uuu.i(.iru uirviiii; ii nnr x. j.. church every night and acting as they dj. It is simply disgraceful. of Mr. .T. Xewt. Hays w e have ever Keen. It is absolutely a likeness of Mr. Hays as he looked when among us and Leonard has proved himself a true artist. NOTICE. Cr.EEXWoon. NF.B,Feb. 15,1875. Wherea, my wife did, on the 30th day of January last, leave my bod and board. I hereby notify all itersons to not harlr or trust her on my account, as I will not be responsible for the same. it J. T. Wilbukx. A man went into Wecklachs Gro cery store last Tuesday afternoon and attempted to steal a box of collars, and some other small articls. He was detected by the clerk, w ho made a grab for him, "but the thief dropped the things and running out of the store ran to his horse, which was hitci ed close at hand, he put out for the coun try before the Marshal could catch him. Ov.ir.g to the fwt of a strong press sure on ur job department and the publication of the constitutional con vention law in full we cannot publish some local nt ws and make certain com-m-.'Us on our city affairs and oir com ing City Election, that we had intended to. Next week we shall have some thing to say on these-matters. French Calf Boots! and Women's French Calf and Goat Shoes put up in the best styl-s by W. II. Pool. 43tf Mr.' A'. G. Petersen lost a pocket book wfitaini'r-g e c-mething over f TO, in the machine shop last week. He has not fc-n able to discover anv trace of it. - J. T. Will-urn, of Greenwood, has old fcis sttck of gols to Gus. Ilink ley, of A till aud, who immediately goes ,lhre to take . charge cf his store. ."uocesvCti. 4 4.. ir. McGuire brought tin an adver tisemrnt. fcr McG. & Co, fuliy and "completely written out, just as they want it to appear, well written, well pilled krd punctuated, throughout. It wi a pleacare to receive it, and not Lave to go over it, and alter.amend. re apell, and almost re-write it. Kiue tnths of our folks never try to write n "Ad," bet say, "oh you just tlx it up Mac," 'Da they ever think that an ed itor ete tired of writing all the time, . on ali kttds of business, and that he fuust jkave a protean knowledge to do i .iusti?e to many kinds of busir;t-ti. Wall Paper. Decoration?. Wimlow Shade. Holiauds. CSsromos. Paintings, Window Cornices,- Picture Hangings, Brackets, Carpet Sweepers and Stretch er, and many other jeful articles, sold at lowest possible prices, at 47tf Fkaxk Stadtfji's. Chicago Kip Boots at S4.00, and Phelps, Dodge & Palmer Boots at S."..0. Never undersold at Merges' Shoe store. Come and be convinced. 4Jtf To sell or trade, a new Florence Pewing Machine; also "a second-hand Victor. Call and examine them. We can sayto the Kearney Press that th? Hon. Guy Barton was one of tlw strongest and best representatives sent to the Legislature this w inter, and if Lincoln county and that district al ways do as well as that, they may be sure of getting all their just rights. Mr. Barton is a strong man and his views are treated with respect the State over. In spite of cold weather and the grasshopper scare in this State, the em igrants arc Wginning to come into the State in large nuni'irt-rs already. Thir ty-nine- teams have passed Plaltsmouth this week. A fur cape' last week on the street. I'lcuoe fclcu the oame to this ollice. THE NEW TOST OFFICE. Last Saturday evening late, after the Herald was sleeping the sleep of the just, the virtuous, and the innocent, in fact, a contract was signed by which the ist ollice will be removed some tim? this month to Masonic block, one door east of Week bach's store. On the whole we think the change will in ben eficial to the town. The west en lers, can hold all their trade by putting in good stocks an 1 selling right, and it is possibly a matter of justice that the east end ishould have the P. O. down there. Without taking sides for or against the removal, the Herald rests content and hopes the Captain may never make a worse move ii his busi ness affairs. .r. t 1 A UuiCO. I'Ull HALE. SfCfinil-lumit Vi-!i .-Si-tMiifi Machine fur c.n ,.j. For Icii.ia hniunc ilt:HAL: Capt. Payne, the newly appwnetd as ssessor, called around, in the course of human events, and hauling forth a bun dle of papers he proceeded to assess the Herald office boys. The following is the list of ersonal property-found : Will A buuch of keys, a steel rule, a watch without any in tin s;riu, broken peit'tnife, a itliort le;nl jieucll, a tooib pick, a oneceulstaiup and a nickel. Kl'sii A w:itch that runs when he dos. a brss rule as a copy of tit Go!de n Kuie, three braii buttoas. a one cent stamp, a milk ticket, a broken bodkin, a witcii key, a o.ay pipe, a ci gar stub :uid the remnants of a fSao co.ul. Makio.v A btarule.a visiiiu,card, a watch key, two tlnee cent piMtage siaiujs a piect of court plaster, a 25 cent shinpiaster, a tooth pick, and a photograph of you know how it is yourself. The captain closed his book and rais ing his eyes meekly to Heaven ho ut tered a silent prayer of thanks that he wa3 not a printer. He will not call again. through NEW LU3I ULU YARD. John Shannon has started a new lumber yard in the rear of his livery stable aud we hope John may do a good business. The piles of studding, weather-boards, etc, S:c. legin to loom up and soon .John thinks he'll have half of Oshkosh here for sale. Go and see him. Our Doctor and learned man. He studies the stars about rain. He physics and nurges he can, But lie can't live, himself, Pain. Mayor is a very and knows all and cures all without A LCI ION SALE I t I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, on Thnrsday, March Uth, at my farm, two miles south-west of Plattsmouth, at 1 o'clock p. m., the fol lowing property to-wit: Six bead of horses and colts, eight hogs, ten stands of bees, one wagon, one McCormick self-rake reaper, two Michigan sub soil plow, one fanning-mil!, one seed er, two bets cf haunts, aud various other articles. Term of Sale: On all sums of $10.00 and over, a credit of one year will be given, the purchaser executing a note with interest at 10 per cent, with satisfactory security. Sam fel Maxwell. TO W!IO!I IT 21 V Y CONCERN. Plattsmovth. March, 2, 1875. All parties indebted tome will please call and settle within 15 days as I ex pect to go east March 15th, and cannot buy goods without money. 4 J 12. Wm. St a d elm a xx. We rtra sorry to announce that Be v. Mr. Bartle and family are going to leave us and remove into Iowa on a farm. His loss will be greatly felt in town w here he had a great many f riemls Our loss will be Iowa's gain, aud weal so hope lie will be greatly benefitted by the change in his place of residence. I received Diploma for fine Boots, at the State Fair, and can still make the finest and best boots. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. Warranted satisfaction. Petek Merges. 43tf Bob Doom the pueaest old democrat in tiia whole county Las ju.st rctu.ned freru a trip to St. Louis, aud through Missouri. Indiana and Illinois. He re - port the winters as excessively cold. " the farm-Ms having lost nearly all of '.their put atoes and fruit rtoved in the etlUts. The wheat crop i3 poor, "Bob" thinks the di-mocracy in the regions he Las vis'.ifei are all on their ear and Iound to wiu in 7C That's a fallacy - t iSob's we know.but then we like to " humour hiai. , Nevertheless much as Doom like democrats he likes Nebras- t - ka Lrttsr 11 we are mostly llepub.) aitd thicks no State he ha teen can eompare with his own State. Mr. Doom and fatally move to his . Bock Bluff farm this summer. Fi"c hi Bob. CHANDELIER FUND. The scholars of the several grades in j High School have made the purchase or a neauumi sei or cnanueners ior their hail, at a reasonable cost of Sio"). Taii amount they intend to raise by a few well prepared entertainments. The public are cordially invited to at tend. Come and get "your moneys w7orth"and at the same time encourage the schools in their effort .The first en tertainment will be given at the High School llalh Friday eve. March 12th. ,UE!. SEHPLJE'S OYSTER HOrsE. , This eld reliable oyster iind eating "bouie now Las the run of a large coun try custom, and Ben. desires us to say that Le tvill rctit and tlx up the prern - is for summer trade and hope to sre . all his old customers and heaps of new ' tiaei. Remember, next door to Done ia's dreg store, on Main street. 44t3 COL. VASATfl IN THE POOR HOUSE. We have long lived in the world al inont. impervious to surprises of any kind, but confess that; our breath was almost taken away last Monday, oa beiug informed that after leading a long life of exemplary virtue, and al ways paying his honest debts, one of our most respectable citizens was at last likely to bring up in the Poor House, and he a Lawyer at that. However, such is life, and the Colonel takes it coolly, and says if he can raise a few 'tater and a little crap of wheat out there, he w ill be satisfied. The long and the short of all this rigmarole i, that Mr. Vanatta and his two soua have taken the poor farm, and will run that institution until further orders. The Herald wishes them As wiil be seen elsewhere McGuire Co. have bought the old Kdgerton saw min, and are going in to make heaps of cottonwood lumber this year. Mike says he can saw out anythingyou want of cottonwood. If our folks need another cottonwood councilman or two or a member of the Con. Con. just send in word and he will have them furnished. rOOR JIM TUCKER. . fr A RISERS ATTENTION! Jchc .Ferperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, opposite the Uekai.d ollice, on J good success; they deserve it. Main ist.. Piattsmoutb. Neb. Cigar i . - . . ' . Clippings of Spanish an dAnierican To- Mead the low down prices for boots " Ltccoe. f or smoking purposes. For and shoes, gloves and mitts at W. 11. Salt. Bt qualities of plug-smoking : Pool's: Men's line custom kip loots, - Volaoo always -on hand. 20tf. i only 4.50; Men's heavy kip boots. j only 4; Boys boots from Sl.oO, up; , .READ ! READ X I The largest assort merit, - 2 ... The beat assortment, - Tbfe cheapest assortment, . of Boot Shoes - at the exclusive .Shoe Store, f CI1 r,i.d-xani i ne ; no charge. Mens wool lined find Alaska lKot at j first cost; buck gloves." buck mitts and i all kinds of gloves and mitts from r0 Our town has had excitement after excitement this week. Among the rst was the mournful escapade, of p or Jim. He went crazy over reiigio'H ui Uteio, fancying himself, as is uual in su h cases, a second Jesus Ciinst, and did and said m Any foolish, aud unwise things that were anything but Christ like. A warrant of insanity was made out and SheriiT Cutler and Dick Streight took charge of him. lie was kept in the Court Ilousa Thursday night aud attempted to jump thiough the window, hand-cuffed as ht was. The s.ish was broken, and he almost accomplished his purpose, though cut ting his wrists severely. Friday morn ing the proper ollicers removed hirn to Lincoln, accompanied by his father, and placed him in the Asylum. We are very glad to hear from Mr. Tuck er that he seemed more rational, and the probabilities are that it is mere temporary cerebral derangement, aud he may be out in a few days. An over dose of religion is as bad as an over doe of whiskey, and very sim ilar in its results. Temperance, Tem perance, in its widest and truest scribe, is what we all need in these matters. HIGH SCHOOL ENIERTAINMENT. A Cantata and Theatrical entertain ment will be given at the High School Building, Friday eve. March 12th, at 7 H o'clock, consisting of "The School Festival" a cantata given under the di rection of the Principal, by 35 young girls. There will also be rendered Cinderella" ; "Matrimonial Sweets' ; and "The Happy Family," a farce. The proceeds of the evening are to be ! cent.?, up ; Women's best Philadelphia j applied on Chandelier fund. Admis- i oil goat, only S2.75; nil kinds of Wo- ' mens, Misses and Children's sewed and pegged shoes at panic prices for the , next CO days, for cash. 4tf W. kL POOL. siou S5 cents, children 13 cents. All are" invited to attend. Tickets for sale at Carruth's Jewelry Store and at- Dr. Ckapm;uV Drugstore.-. PERSONAL. Fred. Dorrington has gone to Wash ington. We understand Andy John son sent for him to make up and shake hands. By private telegram to Fred we learn that Andy intends to emi grate to Nebraska and open up a wholesale tailoring and clothing estab lishment in Piattsinouth in opposition to Billy Stadelmann ; the ulterior mo tive is to run for the Presidency from this State in ISi. Nebraska never having had a Pieid'nt Andy is going to give her one. Don't tell Fred we betrayed his secrets th as, or he may lick us, you know. Hon. John Barnes ha:5 gone to Wash ington. It is rumored in private and unheard of select circles that John wiil be appointed Surveyor General of Alaska, a line healthy situation on our northern frontier. Chaucey Wiltz is going along to do the surveying, and Coon Heisel and Charley Lazenby have got a good fat seal contract to try their hand in. Charley thinks it will beat the pork business all to pieces. They don't mean to take "Thatch" along this lime, they say he is too thin and will freeze up in those northern lati tudes. McGuire & Co. have burnished three car loads of ice-proof brandy, and the expedition will be out of the way by July next. Lyman James, Fij. one of our Coun ty Commissioners formerly, called on the Hekald and announced his remov al Nr a lime to Knoxville, Iowa. We are sorry to loose Mr. James, he has been one of the most energetic and able young men of the county, and we re gret his determination to move. Still when business calls men must follow. PUST OFFICE ON TilE DRAIN. Charley B bine has got a hug sign preparing "Post o.'lice Barber Siiop. 50 cents a shave to west nders," Dovey is going to pat up Por office outsitting &r," Elbert Duke ami Cap Bennett. Dan Wheeler & Co. are painting out the old signs and puttingin "Post ollice Hard ware, Insurance, Express S:e." Ben II em pel has got a Post ollice Oyster House and Mike McGuire sells noth ing but P. O. Cocktails and U. S. punches. In short we've got a ne P. O. down town or will have shortlv. PLATTSMOUTH SAW HILL. NEW TRANSFER LANDING. McfiUIRE CURTIS Having purchased the alve named Mill are prepared to furnish Cotton wxh! Lumber at "Hard Tunes" prices. They will keep constantly on hand and for sale in their yard at the Mill: SCANTLING, SIlEETfNQ, JOISTS, FEXCIXO, And all kinds of Lumber necessary for farm tw. Orders for sawing lumber from owners' logs, will be promptly filled at low rates. All orders left at thir store 2 dK?rs east of new Post Ollice will receive immediate atten tion. ALSO McGITIRE & CO., 2d door e;ist of the new Post Office, in addition to their large and varied as sortment of First Class Liquors, Wints. &nd Ales, have just received a large stock of : CASTILLOX PIXET BIJAXDY, ANGELICA, COLUMBIA, " CA L1FOUXIA. DKY & SPARKLIXO ItmVE, WIXES. and McGuinnis Dublin Alo and Por ter. Tobaccos of fine aroma, and the best Brand of Cigars in market, all of which will !a ferdd low. Wholesale and Re t.il 4tf Dissolution of Co-Paitnersliip. Tin? Co-p;rtiiei-lii.' hrMfon? Ti)iiiiin. u Jer iiit Klyif .mil u.um- ul 1. M'uiwvw gt Co., is Itu.t tiuy uioived ly nuuu.tl coiist-iu. Tli ii'e and aivouiiW bt-ltm lo 1. Ni-linasse. to vvliuai payim-fit Mini lie ui.ule iiuiiit-liuitrJy, at liU ou.ee ui H. T. Dmo Cu.'m Sior. i. sclISASSE, I'. Lfci.NilOEF. rUtUiuuutti, Nb.. Feb. 24, .. Am Rkoad ah Civilization. The aent of the Wilson St iit l..em.i' t oinpMiij will in a 1-W llJi, S ill lri.ll rt .ll I- liMlCIWU !! Cliiil iu Soul.i Aiufr;it.? line !. will uiii a i-ruiirli II uw uikI Ota.Uli i.ir- at loii..n. l WiiKOii S.iillllf SAiii .'.l.iCiilitf ai in n't .uul MsUiii in le lit-i'i .tiui..i umli'i t.w aiiin 'I III il VeiU;iie.il i.y lln sit-p U- lltu -liii .i-.iiiir I'uiiipuiiv win cmiiplfi tin t-tr-cuitol tiif tfiobf!. 'i'liey liaily tiav inceii-ci.-h in Cniii, Japan. lliiliu Ittiiif-, EiifiiiiuU. France, ami tier parl 01 South Aimrici. fu pifiue in its ui-iiiiiy ivt all oili-r swwinK M.K-luiii-s. tiiv Wil.ioii iwh tai viil-iiiii iUt lit-14 year aiter year carrymj? me blt-nsiiiui arlirap capabtf uiul iM-rfect s wing luaciiiue to liie rr- lllOK'ft huUIIlH 1 -l Vll!7alliU. llachiiifn will lie ulivt-i-il at any railroad malum ia thin eiiunty, in-e of uiisirt..uon cnai'Ks. it oidtTi'J iliiouli tin C onijin' LiancU House al tiO 4tU ui'-l. St. Limit, Mo. 'i'liey M-nd an rl -taut cutalt ijue and chrtmo circular, tree, on upplicKti'ni. This Coiupany wauls a lew wore good agents. Cl'T Till! OUT! It May Wave Ywur Mfe. There is no htsoh living lut what suffer more or less witn Lu'ijt Disea.se, Coughs. Colils, or lnsniiiplioii, jet some would rather lie than pay 5 eenU for a holt le of iuedi-iiie that wotlhi i-iire tlieui. Dr. A. Uoschee's (iriiiau Syrup has lately been introduced in this coiiu try lrom lieriiiauy, ami its woutiious cure as tonishes every one that tries it. II you doubt what we say in print, out this out ana take it to Your druggist. Dr. i. B. Chapman, i'lallsiuouth. S' eh., and yet a sample hoUle lor 10 cents aud try it, or a regular si.e for 7a i-ents. 4.'yl ti. O. Uuf.k', Woodbury, X. J. A I tii IX-UVliO H'l'.lt. The most iniserahle heins in the world are those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Coin plaint. More than seventy-five per cent of the people in the Coiled Slates are afllK ted with these two diseases and their effect : such as sour sto.iiucli. sick headache, habitual cosiive ness, impure blood, heart ht.rn, walerbrash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of the stoiuacii, yellow skin, coaled tongue and disa greeable taste in the iiiouih. coming up of the looil utter eating, low spirits. &e. (into tliC Di ujr Store of Dr."t. B. Chapman, 1'lattsnioiith, Neb., ami get a 7.1 cent btjllle, or a sample bot tle for lo cents. Try it. 46yl It is asserted as a fact that every canvasser who has turned his attention to tlie introduc tion m the New t-'a:uiiy Sewing Machine in his locality, or who has been fortunate to secure an ageiiex, i:ts oulsi ripped the liesi efforts in mak ing uioiiev of the )td a..d tiied aienls of the high-prieed inachines, which latter they now replace. '1 lie demand is enormous, and sales so rapid and inonev nn.'li so readily with so little effort that farmers, tradesmen. speculators, e., are Hocking into the busine-s as fast as they can secure teriitory mid j:et their goods on the ground to supply anxious customers. It cer tain!)' is the loacnine of the times and docs the same work, as ot her machines ;li on and . o!. and wrf really believe it would ell jnsl as readily at iloiiiile'and then not cost half the us ual price of so gopd an article, for it is asionish iiig io see the vast amount of labor it perfiums at so low a cost. The hiveiiiiim are dally inun d.tied with lesiiniouials of the worth of their liev.' inacliines w hi'-'n so s'.iii.lenly and success fully bounded into popular favor. It ti. -is at tained an enviable reputation in many thou sands of homes and lactones, for !ls sold strei.gth. power, rapidity, simplicity, certainty, and ease of oerai ion. w it h extreme beauty, fineness and reliability of its sewing ; while the woudenu! low price ( Twenty Dollars for a large and complete sewing tit.ichiitc with a strong ta ble and treadle), places all idea of couipi-tilion entirely out of the pcs;ion. It stands ;ihne in lis merits and pi ice. We advise you to invest in one at once tor yur wife, daughter, mother, si.teroi- huiy fiiciid :md tnaite a home happy, or (Hit them in your factory, or what is hetier u" uu ari; IncHy enough, secure an agency, if there is none in y'oiir town. innUe money yourself. The M.my "new a:iac!ime!its for iloing extra line. si- iUu! n 1 diiiicult work, me a surprise in iheir simplicity t f eoasti net ion and far below ev-.i "l ani' prices." and will lie delivered sate .-ii y-nir i'ooi-. no mitu-r bow icsaole von mav reside, if yoa write for them. Ail.liess .. TilKM'iN. H inn a & I . :7 Broad . a , N. V. 47 vl li:gal notices. Attachment Notice ii. i:. Kni-i.!!, i-i vs. J. U. tiilley. I.Vf lo J. K. Dioev. the eniill.'i! cause, jeu :ne!ier outer of ai lacliiiii-iii w j i- milled cause, oi, the I) m;s. iv .foini W. II I'eace. of Cass county. Ni'iir,i;,i. lor the sum of eiglileen iIimIhi- a:oi" u:ti-t -iie ci uis ( i'5 . I'll. I cause i s,-i tor t..ir:n on the ud l.,y of A' ril, A. 1. irT'i al i'1 i.'eioi-X a. in. iil.a U. K f.l.I.lHON. Before John VT. r iiaines,.iuMice n ) ! ne I'eace. id.nit in the above by :ioiified that mi sue'! in tin above l U of l''e:.niary. A. nines. Justice ot the PiObaie Notice. ::!i"oi the last w iil and 'U-'i.ii t, deceased. ill t'10 lii.i'ler -'1 l.h testament oi Ii Tit -lf H'i-mi it nu.u i' i: rii : Take notice inal .l.ieoii Vallery, Sen., filed in my oil'.i c an inst'-unieiit in w riti'ng. purporting lo' be the last will a;.d testaineiit of ileoi.'e Ueiehart. and lnade .iip!ie.il ion to have toe same a.l init ioil to probate, t'tnl that said cause is set for l.eani'g on the iih uu i Atarcli, A. D. 17.". at P o'clock a. lu. t of said day at which tone all persons interested aie notified itinl required m appear and contest the tame and show cause, it any they have, why sid instrument should mil be ahowed as the last w ill aim testament ot tieorge Keichart, deceas ed. Witness my hand and official seal this the 15th day of February, A. D. is;."). Jt. K. ELLISON, 4713 X'rohale .luiige. Sherifl's Sale. Bv virtue of an execution issued by D. V. Mekiuiion. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska. :nd tit me di rected. I will on tile Mil day of March A. D. Is?."., at It o'clock a. in. ot said day at the south loorolthe Court House in l he city of l'laus moutii in said county, sell at public auction the fol. owing real estaie to-wit : Tue so i h half is1,) of the north ar.f quarter tne;4 of sec lion tiiii ,eeii ( US) town ten i ioi north of ra.u-o iiiouber eleven i! I east of c.th princi pal mei i lian, in Cass coualy, Nebraska. I'he same ii'iu: levied upon and taken a the property of Willis .1. liorioii ami Win. C. .U-tiks, deieudaiils, lo satisly a juogmeiit of said court, recovered by Win. M. Vyetn. plaintiff. I'h'llsiuouth, Nebla-ka, Feb. 3d. A. D. 1S75. M. B. i l l i.i;i:. tof Shc;iif. Cass Co.. Xeb. Legal Iiotice. Augustus Sioll, 1'1'ff. 1 Before J. W. vs. -.'.lines .Jiis'.ice A. W. tllis. Dc't. ) of Hie l'ea( . Said A. W. Kilis. 'lon-resi.b-ur De.cn. Iniil. will hereby take notice thai up mi the a.inlav:i oi said AU-iislus Sloll. l'la.n.i.T. Iif-lon .1. Vi". Haines, a .Instice of the Peace, in Plattsmout h, in and for C.i.is county. State of Nebraska, a summons accompanied by an order ot attach ment, was issued on the tsiii day of January, A. D. 1H7.". against said deie-.iihin;, a done -ew -ing machine attached as the property of sa'.d deteudai t. to recover the sum oi three dollars and twenty-live tents i3.'io and all costs of Miit. " Al io SIl'S STOLL. Dated, riaitsinoiith. Feb. ititli. 1875. 47 3 . t.tTK itaJJi :CLi1?, -,!iJi:y , .. l"! j At Wt-ipin,; Wan t, T burs Jay Mrcn '. it.t At Wall l' School II HIM!, llt'M Ull t'ilvOwi, ioiiday iiaico .yiO, Is ,6. At rutlsiuouth, Friday April 2J. 1875. Teachers will pieae avail themselves of one of these opportunities, ur uo othe.-cau t giv en, oxecpt at tUe monthly examinations the firU Friday of euca moiilii, a; l'i..Usuioui.li. U. W. W .SE, 4913. Supt. 1'ubiic Ins luction. . i- - 1:1 f t s A a l it o 17 r-- .r , i. e WW' I si ATF. ; nd yf Aten.3. W.- oe, r ne iid -ne lliStiiuiu e Aema. r. t. :i. s 1' i'iaitsinoulh, ebrus..i A. L. SPKAUUE. T. K. WILSON. HPUAUlC A. 1VII.SOX, ATTOttXEVS T1.AW. Collections rrompt Iv aiuniied to. iMice ia Fiizgeruld's block, T'L.tlsiuiiiilii. Neb. s"L it. ii. i.i;ixjiT4'x, rilVSTCI N 'c s r"':i--'N'. tendei-s Is pro fes.su n ai seiviis-s lo ti e ritiHis of Cass county. l;eside:,er .otti heist eorn-i s:th tid Oak sfs. : IMi.ee on .M.dii street. I wo (tool's west of Sixth, I'lattsiuoiilii. Necraska. OKO. S. (SMITH. R. WIVJ.UAM. NTIST1I & WHIIHAM. ATTOliXEYS AT LAW and He il F-st:ite Bro kers, social attentt.m given to Collections itml all matters affecting the title to real estate. iMiee on 2d lhr, over Pul OUice, FUtt-smouth, Nebraska. o L JIST1CK OF THE I'fiACIi Office on Main street, Plattsmotitti. Meb.. two doors east of Mkkilh oHiee. Business hours from n a. m. to p. in. All county business usu sillv trarsaeted before a Justice of the Peace w ill be attended to. Also iccneral collector of debts. L4oyl J W. IIaike. a. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Homoeopathic Physician. OTOScf nnJ Resirtene corner Sixth and Vine Streets. FlattiiuouUi, HcU. Cll tteuded ut all hours. oyi. G. A. von Heimburg, Veterinary Surgeon. OJjfice south side Main Street, httioeen Third and Fourth SU. PLATTSMOUTH. - - - - HKB. MERCHANT TAILOR, Is in receipt of the finest and best si .v.? o ft tmx.yt or ( AssImrreN, ClatUsi. Vestlus-. Hrtck (,'iioiU, Irish KrleweH. At. t4T-In fact, the largest and best Astrtment of I'lol lis ever brought to this cit)r. which i am prejiared lo make up iu the Latest Stylet. Call and examine Goods. 40yl PBOPftiKTOR or PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St., under rirst Xat. Bank.) rLvrTSMoi'Tii, - - - .i:n. MY BAR IS RCPP1.IED WITH THK BEST WINES, LIQUORS, mm & DOWN COME TEE DPIOSia I OF TUB LARGEST AND VEST STOCK 1ST CAMS CO. Chicago kip boots onlv $4.00. Thelps, Dodge Talmer booU onlf $A.ff. Vfos. ttest kip shoes from 31.75 to Wos. best French Clf ahotm tasA; only $3. Children's arctic overshoes 7 to 10's only 75 c. "Wos. A Mitse lined ho, cheap. 1 received Diploma for fin home tuadw boots and hov t the SUt Fair, und am competent to do tha btat aud ntitast kind of work. BpaLrtra done neatly and with dispatch. , tdina PETKR MERGES. D. L. MOItltOW'S NEW Blacksmith Shop, O.N Seventh St, & Chicago Ave. Does & eenerl business In IIore-Shvelnx, Aleioliny;. and Impairing Waif on A f jtriu liacliinery, Iresim; lul f'iclw, mid 1 Steel nd Is ju Work, ou SHORT NOTICE 1 1 I . LEMCMflt'U THE SIGN, D. Ii. MorrowV. 43!y Blacksmith Shop. HSF, ETC., ETC, 4iyl Mrs. A. H Knee, WORKER IN HAIR. Rraiils. Curls. Swilclies. riics. and all kinds of ILiir Work promptly and neatly niuue by Oldeis left at MUS. KKNXEOV'3 71 I I. I, 1 i: Ii STO HE. ln Main St., 1 door e:ist of Chirk A. riuniiner's. E. C. DOVEV, Krv't. E.T. DUKE. Tre. L. AT T S 33 O U T GRAIN COMPANY. This Co. will buy grain at the HIGHEST MARKET RATES, AT ALL. TIMES. .SCALES ASP OKFIiT AT K. G. lOVKV"ti STORK, LOWER MAIN KTKKET, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. FUKD. GORDER, - - - - Jiuytr. 40i 'v n rrr. a tv T7 TTvT s s: o jp , JO Hi WAYMAN, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEJi. Kepnirer of Steam Fnsines. Boiler. Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron I'ipe, Force andl ft pumps, steam liua res. Sa'elv valve Governors, ami all kiudsof i:'r:w Knine FittingH re p iired on short notice. F A It tl 1 A V II I x s: It V. repaired on short noiiee. 4'.'vl FOIl AS GO TO Gus. Herold's. WILLIAM HEROLD Largest Stocks OT GROCERIES IN TOWN. soyt McELWAIN & HODAPP, ISoutc, Slsri". Carriage, and OriiamrutHl Graining PAPER HANGING, A Specialty. (Shp on 6th St. bet. Muni & Peart.) SA TIS FACTION U UA UANTEEI). 31tf ? -5 m r, c . , 2 -ST is - . . ' n I I 2 S3 .- t ' S9 Z. n a 3 -a ST011E AND ilILL XT Rock Bluffs. J. 4- H. SHERsL W bT puratMuW tarn HOCK BLUFFS STEAM FLOORING; SAW MILL, 2 CO 5 r: s 3 Z: ' ' 3 -5 X - ? i. E - 5 . - If I r Sis CJ cT lis 5 & IT Ben Hempel, UK'S T11K MAX, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOW Ell MAIN STKKKT, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - XEB. Meals at a.l lours. Ice Cit;ipi, S-jd.t Tntrr. & Le:iionad to l ool you. Good I'qTiarc Meals, nice Lnrtehcs, &., &.c. to warm you. Ales. Wines :tnd iimJ LPpiors to ! us'd rei s iri.-il1! v, tor your ti-neLt if u desire. 40-yl B. HEMPEL, Prop. And wtU brT,M rtM Ui mm tk Connection With Our Stow. CUSTOM WORK wlUttU4XBtdtotMattefMtttrr. nm llyd if BEST mumi could Oud, whose reputation M well known. BbA U t fs yoked llit tlie fu'iucia and nil vikn Ut Good Wheat ! ! Tlie L!xliit m xi is; pi-le pld fur ffcw Best Wheat and Corn. OUR STORE Chock Full of Goods TH13 FALL, tad we tneaa to fell tlM At Low Rates Having len eaal!d t puretiM Imy stock Uncommonly Low, ILty will be sold t all. EQUALLY LfiW. XOAV IS YOUR TIMK TO BTJ1T. J.&H.Shera, Manhood: How Lost, How n6tord ! prrti- Just finbllslieil. a new edition of I'jiijM Pr. CulvprweH's ( Vleliratort Kss-ijr " iir .... nr. 1 if. I re I h.-j t ? )i t .tict'ii- rr- -ir '.' - ............ .... :. . cineini rperni:norriKr:i or winiii- ul Weakness. I nvoTiint.-ry "seminal losses. Inipo teney. .M-nla! and I'nysieal Iiie;ji;eiiy, Iiii-ct -i, iiriiis to M r'-i t r". ir. : also t 'on'sumpti'in, l-'.iiilepsv -mo! fits. i:id!ieorl by seif-iiidulpreiice or-,!i!i:"I xlrjv.ir .i)ef. &: . i: if', i'i -t-".i'e'l eiive!.'e. only six rents. I i: ,!!' t"d :iii:'m r, in lliisadiiiinit'le l- V. e' r',v .1" !'str lies, frolll i t iurt v yenrs Willi rira . ' -f ' ; t i.' 'i ..j.. !. i! i."t. t!i-it the ji!:ir::iin-r conse- Legal Notice. OltDFR. Ntien Is heret. tiven that ufxin JiearltiK the petition of .lames L. limit, adinistrator of the estate of L!i ;a'lii, deceased, filed in tlie Distrirt t'ottri of ('iseotm!y, Neiirasku. tlie fol lowing croer ws made. :uil entered ujMin tlie records of said 1 cnri. v.z : In tlie ri;a;;r of th? n;p. iration of James L. IL:V. idiMi-ilstrntor of tue est:ire of i.:i H.'e!in, ilceeas ed, to .dl l.:'al Lrl.tlL', to pay del. is of sid 1 s:iir. Tlds mat fer ea ra" on t" be he.-r(1 on the peti tion of naid J.ioi.'s L. Hunt. al'idi:istnitor of of said es.ale. tirayin for a license to sell tlie nortli-east jti;r! r of the north-east quarter nifi. of seeiinri thirty two .TJ. anM the norlli-wt ii,tiier (nwl4i f the noriti-wi-st fjaarter i ;i ; se-iio.i liii ty-t Itree (:;., !1 I" t.wns! do ele'1!? ( 1 1 1. lou t li of rane eleT- n (11) east, for tl:-- ;-ur;iov of ; y t-ijr the iietts of said estate, and ii iiore itiir'to the Court lrom siii.l petition that it is nessary to sell snid Ileal Kstale for t lie jin.-jot' ir pain; the debts of said Kstate ; ii is therefore oi.icred that tlie.nestof kiPi! said d.'i-'-.'wi d.a'id :ll per sons iniere-ied in s.iid -sr;ii .- ppeur tii'fore the liistriet Couri. a' tio-1 nui! iiimi-p. in ; lie eity of l'iattsinontii. in the eotini y of 'ass. nr.d tlie Ktiiie if Nehias!..". OU the j'JMl I'nT of M UTh.A. I). lsTT.at one o i-iofii ;. 'it., and show cause, if any there l". wliv fiu-Ii liectis;- s'im;1u not be iTHTited, snI th it li'-lif-C t-e ;i.' lished in Nk AkaisKA ll!-:,i.l l' r not le.c Vn ui six sueees sive weeks beiorn mJu l.earing. lone In o;?' ii Co-.ii". iu tnvr City of Omahrt. Jlooglas Countv. Neu.-fc'iin. n tliis.i li day of rehniar.-, A. I. ii LO. B. Lu K K, Wheelek & rii'HAuur.. Judge. ttorn- for aldose mav he radically eurea ''-;us eie of infernal medi ''C .it ion nf the knife; imintintr our : ii t- i.. ia i-nre at oneo simple, ei-nain a;nl er.tvMal. I nt.-ans if whieli every sutTerer.no el-Mi--' w ii i '.i- eof.dittoa iiii-y le. v.r.y cure i:ii;iM ti le- ivlv. privnely, and rii'lirntl'.'. , lhis le-t '..re s':;o;.hi l.e i t the li.inds of eT er yo'i'.h d i v- ry yonns ni.m in the land. SMit iiiiil-r s-.il, iii pl.tin envelopj. to eiiy ad dress. p..st -paid, on receipt of six tents or two jxst stamps. Address the Publishers. IIAt. J. '. K I.IJV F, CO, l0-4.y y 127 Bowery, '. Y. ; P. O. box. 4W. 1t ,"3. si- r y i THE JOHNSON ORGAN, MannfucJured by Xi. JOHNSON", Drew tin- Firs: Premium at th Kijjnth Annual Fair of Cass eotrntv. Neb., eer all eompelltors. 1 lie following i M ilan eorr.panies w ere represent ed : M-vsoiiA, Hamlin. 3 orgaca ; Kstev, 1 ; and standard. I. These Organs are all ptit np In elepsnt Black Walnut Cuses. Kverv instiument warmnted for tlie term of 1 F.N YEAHS, aud guaranteed lofeive perfect s.itisla-tion. THE TONE is the moit perfect tbnt has eTer been prodneed on anv reed Instrument. The satisf etion thev are pivinp an I the universal pr .ise they are receiving are justly merited. They are rirnt t las ia Kvery respect. MY PRICE LIST is as low-as for any first-class instrument: and those who wUh t prrw-ure a 'ood. and reliarj.e j oi-rfan. either tor parlor or ennrcii. wniuu hu Yanee their owa ialksiest by trying mv organs. Addrets, i-JoUN:U?i.v roLLOciii ui;aki)sl::y REAL ESTATE AC, EATS, AND NOTARIES PUBLIC ! ! Ifaviiij; formed a partnership for the purpose of doin a Uea -ral li-.'.il K-.t.ite l'.iisiuer,s. wo are prepared to attend lo the same in all ' il.s branches Onrlist o'f Lands is j 1. A Ui.lv and CHOICE and some ! VERY LOW PRICES. We have an Abt vact o' Ileal Esiate Titles, for Cass Coi.at v. which v. e have earefiilly eom lared ilh the Oil'.inal IN-eorils. arid wiil five Steeia! Atentiun to ih Ex-;.nn.-itio;i ot titles, to fai iiishinv; Ceriif.ed Ahstraef j. :oi i Cou TeTiineii;:. and i.tai v VoK. E. B. FOOTE, M.D.- 120 Leitetoa Aiemie, Cor. K ZSthSt, NEW YORK,. An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHB0NIC DISEASE, AND RECBITE3 Abetters from all parts oi the Civilized World. Offlee in Fitzgerald's lllorl;, over I'vb' Nation Pollock & Beardsley. IT R't 8RI6IXAL WAY CP CoflinctiiiE a Medical Practice HE 13 TKEATIWO ITumcroni Patients in Europe, the ' West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every StaU of the Union. 4Tyt STATE A CENT FOIi v ; " -'t'sV Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single acting Force tin (I ru mi lunii5, Teed 3I1HN, etc. The ITa'.ladfty Mill has stood the tet for six teen yean, tfit h in the United f-'ates and t u- rope aud is tue only cne generally adopted Ly nil l'riucipal Eailroadsajid Farmers. Trms literal. ,Pe-nri.for Catalnuio and 7ici ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL, FREE OF CHARGE. JTo mercurial nedMnn or d'tterto Irnifi during- tho iast twenfy yrars u'". nnrr. faily nearly or quita i,-00 oos-s. A'l f.inta Dieted with each ea are enrefnllr r. n1'. whether they bo commiini'-arel by 1--f wr er in pii-vm, or obwrved by tha Dnrtor nrh! asr.' pliy-it.am. Tha lattac ri all mrlrnt'Si 78e-e3 men. All inva11!i at a distanoe are renntrei ii an cxtende.l li"t of pl.dn querionN .irh -i3 h f.imihe.-l by mail free, or at t"ie nffoa A ew.. I.icte rjr'jea. ot mrirtering rrerenM m!relr it co.-ifunion. Cc ixx.ks neTer ermr!l1, r-.i-.T. W the pliju.e'.an of tha wnKifcin'iii. r" fr eanoaitation n1 for 1: t ns?it!!a. A aity pt ge pamiihlet of a-iilrBrj ef "Biee" rent f l ee aio. AA&rtm Dr. E. I?. FOOTK, Box 788t Tie-rw Tr'.. AGENTS WANTED. Dr.. Too-re Is tha a".ih"r "Mrtieat. lios Prn3." a Nok -at mvhy a " i're ' ef OTr 2." .i,01?) ei'ie" ; also. .f "TLif.- Tf "M TiH-K,' mnrf roenr'y p'.-NiSe. hieh Va -.'- to the extent f 70,0t'0 enpie ; a:v. ef ' -Tler IS ronT,"hlcli i nw .nz 5. V. COFTI5T TABI.Ta of a3, ercernrg th frt mei.t mstA Trt 't-e!! U crii nf j rir.t), w-id be aer.t U' en r"p!:er."f to iih'r Dr. Tooie. fix tha Vt-Tl" Z'.?. VzY.'.iS li; C5SJ137, ho! effl.ls 119 J;h P-rr-w. etat ii.th tr-n and wtm'-i-r- -.l r'v tha f .rog .iLJ irork to wkv3 a :r cieJ ;r'ft-CJ be allowet. Tha bealrDicB ef rra"! f-tfiire tave tea made io KH'.eg Tr- TiOTr r-' ir worlr. Fla:v nouz Taik " i ait!.i uir jat the tii'jiK fr the young. P t.1 fT er r.rerca taV.s ai;il Ke for yei:r'.e-. T..e fc r "r r.i---- nic'tiiul" nt HTfone !asiie p-T.'t- menfoel a delicacy aboot al:lr.y of '.he"! ) -h-'-:a: v TUure U ao.lrg In I.urarej'c ut a'i l.k t ; ' if tha foirc. IriQ or';. "Scnrrt rr fia:- ' can an y be ha l cf c a I iL i u !-.-? -n.::' uci: ; i,vi.!s ia j-ub.:sLi l i Ei'ihi.irt i.vk.ui Liiiiii- Cooat. t- . Lgoxxta Wautcc2 AT ZtS IM l-'C"X -V 5