THE HE It A LI). T J. a- iiAdiTmrar eiitob. FIWLTTHlfOUTH MARCH. 4. 1875. "Mia i We aro very much plained with Gen. Trcy opening aicfa io T-ber'w Uftnre. We Ulifre b eaa and will roT hit theory and ihow Baecber to ibm world not as tb villain, but am tL artjr of tbe Tk Etervrie aad "it Up" f Cblcajo li proverbial. Kg ne?wpa pers it not an exception, and tlt Post .aatf it the beet of them all. Price I-eryear, postage pid: Daily fC.80; Weekly, 1. Neither lira. Moulton nor any of the witneaaet yet examined awear that fieecber committed adultery with Mr. Tiltoe. All the talk it about a "crime," tome crime, an "offenee," tone offense. "Why don't we have ene plain ttate aeeat of what the crime and offense w. Ben. hat done it at last. Our friend Den. Barrows, we mean, he ban made a speech on the Got. Butler resolution, he waa on the right tide, he let himself out, and behold all the papers tay it was the tpeech of the session. We are f lad, we are proud of Benjamin and in She language of the inimitable "Strick" all we newspaper men will new have "Glory." The Speaker of the House of Hep retentatiTet made a mistake the other day when be ruled that there was no Saw to compel members te vole. When a Demecratic majority comet to tet in that IIo use and a innocent and contid iof (?) Republican minority try that little game you'll toon tee a law to compel them to Tote. Are our Repab lican friends at Washington in their Cottgef Oar members of the Legislature hare all returned home and we should have given a synopsis of their work this week had not other more pressing busi ness prevented us. Suffice it to say they cave all done well and we are proud of our delegation. At tome future time we shall endeavor to review their work more in detail and give them credit for the real work they have accomplished for the benefit of the county and State. JS1TE O.N COMPULSOBI EDUCA TION. The aebatlng societies of Eight Mile GroTt and Pleasant Ridge held a chal lenge debate en the above question lot Saturday a week, Sliowalter, lead er from the Grove, and Me renees, from Pleasant Kidge. Eight Mile was in favor of the compula, and Pleasant Kidge didn't want any in theirs. Af fctr a long and able debate the question was decided in the negative, or in fa vor of no compulsory education, on the side of Pleasant liidge. The Watchnzn has uncovered the Cat in his meal-tub, that is, showed that the clique who run in that diree tion, had intended to open the spring lection fight at once for no other con struction can be put upon his remarks of last week we bad thought to make remarks on our present Mayor's course and alio give our views in regard to lbs sort of man our next Mayor should lie. Owinr to press of other business. aud perhapj a partial change of views in this matter, we shall omit any com ment on city aJTairs this week. Only wise men change their opinions, fools remain always of the same views we may have been mistaken in the first vase mentioned above and may change our notion as to the best man to till our Uayors chair before next week. For the present we are in statu quo, on tty officers. C9MT1 rUTlONAL CONVENTION. Ou next Tuesday' the Central Com Mittee is called together to take action in regard to nominating three members from this county to the Constitutional Convention about to sit. We should like to have the Democratic Committee cueet us at the same time, and agree, if thought best by both tides, on a tick et. The committee will alto dtter iniue whether we shall hold t conven tion, when, where, &.c. It is of the highest imyortance to the county that we send the ablest, best and soaaicst men we have to this cosveutioa. They will help to make the fuud&tnent.J law of the land for the aext twenty years perhaps. They will have to meet the ablest men from all pans of the Stat, and especially -will we have to stand up for a fair and rpor lion able representation from this eounty according to its wealth, po sition and probable rank in the future. Politics to a great extent should be voided aad the very clearest headed wten we have should be sent there. The Herald has repeatedly express ed the view that we Deed a short, con sist, plain document, covering just as much ground as is necessary to provide a framework for laws and statutes to fce attached afterwards. Constitution Making is not law making; and this docuiuent will have to be carefully worded or it will be voted down again. Twenty thousand dollars every year or two is too expensive a luxury to spend for a Costitaticn that it likely to be re jected Iet us see to it then, citisecit, tail we get pre, able, and sound men, if Oast Las any more left of that tort, to jepresent us this time. The subject of taxatien ought and will probably be thoroughly over haul ed, also of bonded indebtedness and Capitol moving which should be fixed by constitutional limits and never changed without a vote of the people. We hope to tee a full attendance of both committees at the IIebald office, n Tuesday, March Sth, and in your primaries, (if we call a county conven tion) send your best and most dispas siojiate man. ATTEiN'TIO.N ASSESSORS. ADDITIONAL NOTICES TO ASSES KOBS AND CEXSUS-TAKEltS. Ejaepsi of Ameaded Ceasas Law. Entire law as published in Revised Statutes must Ih; carried out. If asses sons, or commissioners or county clerks fail in this duty they are liable to pen alty of 500, and it is made the special duty of district Attorney to mke dil lignt enquiries in each county to as certain if law has been complied with. Where failures exist be is compelled to prosecute the neglectful parties. Compensation is t mills per capita to assessor, X mill to county clerks, and mill to Secretary of State. We call the attention of all our County officers to the above la w as it is important they should carry out the Census Act. COUNCIL- PROCEEDINGS. At a called meeting of the Council, on Saturday evening last, for the pur pose of appointing a City Assessor, in the plac of Mr. Clements, deceased, the Mayor appointed Phelps Paine. It being the duty of the Council to eon firm such appointment, on motion of Mr. Carruth the yeas and nays were demanded, and the vote stood aj fol lows: Yeas Messrs. Dick, Nichols, Way man, and Johnson. N"as Messrs. Carruth, Pollock, Streight. and MacMurphy. The vote being a tie the Mayor vot ed "aye" and Capt. Paine is the City Assessor for this year. The Mayor then called attention to the importance of the Trunk Road and a committee was appointed to visit Nebraska City to facilitate the build ing. Also, to the fact that the man agement of our schools would pass from the hands of ouk City Council to a board of Directors elected by the people at our next city election, agree ably to a bill passed by the late Legis lature; and lastly, that the same Leg islature had legalized the assessment aud collection of certain taxes in cities of the second class, and that all good citizens would be governed according ly. Adjourned. NEWSPAPERS. COl.VTl AFFAIRS. j AN ACT. 1 April. A. D. 1875, and shall, upon for- I To provide for calling a convention to .warding to the St :tr Aulitor a copy revise ailer or aujruti - the luiuiitu- ptiiiiitv.i, enu- tion of the State ot Nebraska. ! tied lo receive p.ij for t:. s.uue at the Section 1. Me it etun-Uni by the Lsj- same rates allowed Ciiitr:tct)r.s fur pub- Ulaturt tiftlit mtuUof Ntbrusk That I lie printing of the laws of the State, $20 rial: CITY PATliON'AGF i Duty ol the Citizen. $20 a convention to revise, alter or amend the constitution of the Mate of Neb raska, is hereby called to meet at the capital, on the second Tuesday in the mouth of May, A. 1). 1675. baid coa- The Herald feels bad. here we have I ventiou shall consist of sixty-nine been all winter Irvine m.r l-at tn ir-t i members, and the members thereof ap- 9 e w ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE. The Herald will publish as soon as we can get them the local laws passed by the legislature, that our people here are interested in, and the titles at least of all the laws passed this winter. ' We cannot thi3 week, and only give the ti tles of few in which our people are particularly interested, viz.: Au act to aid the coustsuction of a railroad on the west bank of the Mis souri river from Omaha to the south line of the state. An act for the protection of stock growers. An act to provide for calling a con veution to revise, alter and amend the constitution of the State of Nebraska. The majority report was accepted. limiting assessment on railroad beds, JLc, at $10,000 per mile. The illuminating oil bill has become a law, to take effect May 1st, 1875. By virtue of this it is made a crime, pun ishable by tine and imprisonment, for any person to sell oil containing ietro- leum, for illuminating purposes, of a less standard than 110". This docs away with gasoline, Danforth's oil.nnd all such dangerous 6tuff. An act in regard to our city schools, which will soon be published in pam phlet form; and an act amending our City Charter. Just hew the herd law was changed we cannot find out. but Major Wteeltr has promised to get us certified copies of all then laws, and next week, or as soon as we can they will all be published. new for our folks, and tome time and money in obtaining original and reliable news from Lin coln, and publishing the same, and also we know that the IIekald has given you as able original editorials on pub lic affairs as ary pa riu tle Mate; aud heie juat as we were congratulat ing ourselves on Ih.fct fact in come a lot of grumblers and find fault because we have neglected 'as they say) ctmtity matters and have int published our county prticeedings, &c. also that we take up too much time with city mat ters and city affairs. In publishing a paper during the course of the year a great number aud variety of subjects must be treated of, from all parts of the country, such as General newt, great excitements, coun ty news. State news, city news, etc. Each in their turn must have prece dence and to each we endeav or in their place to turn our attention. For instance, when Congress is in ses sion as a matter of course we would naturally give more attention to pub lic and national matters, and when our State Legislature is in session county and city news are laid in abeyance, and State matters have the preference. In great excitements, suck as great fires, floods, Beecher trials, or temper ance tidal waves, we must report and comment on these as they come along. Again, when we are on the eve of a city election, as we of Plattsmouth are you must exiect and it is no more than right that at that time we should give more attention and space to city affairs than at other timet. The county will receive her due share in due time, and when her matters are of the most im portance, and we think anv sensible thinking man will see the duties of newspapers as above in their true light. LETTER OF THANKS. At a meeting of Lovely Creek Asso ciation, held at the house of (). Grass man, February 22d, 1875, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, Resolved, that our neighbors and friends in Cass county. Neb., have our warmest thanks for their liierality in contributing to eur relief, and sending supplies at this, our time of great des titution, and they will ever be held by us in grateful remembrance for the the same. R'tolved, that our agent, J. C. Staf ford, has the sincercst gratitude of our hearts for his untiring perseverance in soliciting and sending aid and supplies, and we hope when he comes and makes one among us that we may be able, in ime part, at least, to compensate him for his service in our behalf. Jitsolred, that the president be re quested to copy these resolutions and attach the names of the members of this association and send the same to the Nebraska Herald, at Plattsmouth, for publication. II. J. ZAPP, President. Isaac C Cochran, Samuel II. Williams, W. W. Wood worth. Wilson S. Lilly, Thomas Shoemaker. James D. Murray, A. II. Murray. Henderson Murray. Samuel J. Yapp, Jaus II. Yapp, Sain. II. Buster. Geo W. Adamson. Thomas Muxlow. 11. M. Clapper. REPUBLICAN CENT HAL TEE. COJl 2 IT- The Republican Central Commiittee of Cass County are requested to meet at the Hejulli oClce, in Plattsmouth, on TUESDAY, MARCH 9TFI, at S o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of calling a convention, or otherwise placiug in nomination three candidates for the Constitutional con vention. Said candidates will be voted on at an election to be held on the first Tuesday in April. A full attendance of the committee is desired. The members are: Plattsmouth city, 1st Ward W. L. Hobbs;2nd Ward Geo. S. Smith; 3d ward M. B.Murphv; 4th ward M. B Cutler. precincts: EI m wood S. B. Hall. Liberty E. W. Barnutn, Plattsmouth Henry Eik enberry. Weeping Water 1L W. Hayes, Centre S. L. Graham, Rock Bluffs E. KirkpatricK, Avoca Orlan do Tefft. Mt. Pleasant James Hall, Louisville J. W. Waterman. Stove Creek A. J. KenastonSouth Bend T. loung,- Greenwood K. Knowles, Now please turn the sheet over and tee what you are doing for yonr news papers. There is two 6ides to this question. We have given you a good paper on the whole far superior to the ordinary run of county papers. What do we receive in return? cincvLATiox. In a town numbering COO inhabit ants and the country surrounding that came there for mail, we had a list of 200 and over. In Plattsmouth, with the country about coming here for mail and it is better settled here than where we speak of, our list is only 200 to 215. In a county numbering 6000 people by census, we had a larger list than we have in Cass county numbering nearly 11,000 persons. The county printing of one of these new counties out west is worth twice what the printing is from our county. When we bought the piper the city printing was esti mated at $500 pc year, at least. It has never approxhn tted that sum and this year will be less than $-00 divid ed between two papers. ADVK.1TISIN"(J. In this town we speak of, the four principal merchants in the town never thought or dreamed of taking less than one entire column, standing Ad.. $100, no grumbling about the price; then their locals and job work amounted to $100 more, and every carpenter, black smith. Doctor, Lawyer and business man had a short Ad. at least in the pa per. How is it here? While at Lin coln this winter an editor of a paper in a town not numbering over 500 inhab itants, told us his locals alone ran $40 a week, other advertising in proportion. We made some inquiries, and must state as the truth, that towns along the B. & M. & U. P. It. It'ds. (even out in grasshopper regions) not nearly as larg as this, gave to their papers more than double the income you are doing here. We are ashamed to write down the fig ures in each place.and shall not. Now these are not nice things to till the pa per w ith aud we have avoided it a long while, for policy's sake ; but when men grumble at the IIkkald to much, we must grumble back and show you our side of the question. We ought to double the subscription we have in the county and one fourth more in the town, and every man should try and aid its circulation, and then take a pride in it and send us news and items. which we could then afford to "set-up;" we can't now. The merchants and mechanics in town should each and all have an Ad in, and pay for it in Cash, now and then. Look at the paper and see if this is the case, Where's your Hotels your Doctors, your Mechanics, and your smaller business men, while tome of the best merchants we have are con tent with a $15 or $20 Ad. We have been spending money ever since we came here fixing up and ad ding to the Herald, and other prop erty, now please give us a chance to get some of it bark or at leat don't cut us down to the very lowest living lim it ot existence and then scold because you think we ought to give more news for not mug. The B. aad M. It. u ia Nebraska. The Burlington and Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska has been in opera tion now about five years, ami during that time has made up and run over ten thousand trains, including the trains run over its branches. This road has carried thousands and tent of thousands of passenzers. but owine to the watchfulness of the employes, no passenger was ever injured on this road in the least. The length of road operated is about two hundred and thirty-five miles, and in these days of frightful railroad accidents, when hun dreds of passengers are killed annually in almost every imaginable wav. this I may wen ie consiuereu a glonous rec 1 S A - A. A 11 -mn - -- - TiDton Geo. V. TlnorfTftt m-iit ivmI- Satins of he round world, much E. Doom, Eight Mile GrovieS. Barker. ?f the T " i lro?J in the S . an be smd on both :des. j. A. MacMurphy was elected float del- 1 Mates M l ! h Am present so ood Voitv Kentuckiansrode two Cays to eg;,d Chairman of the Comity Con- i S, I t, w l0,,' li to- tv-rth frt? cents.-. j. commnte, Uj: rwirLiiturtl itUi! lH'lf.l tiinii Hit mfVfrm have Bpent ! ai counties, aa follows: Richaidsoii county, four members. Aiiteuqe. liooue iti Greeley coun ties, one meuitar. Buit county, oue member. Buffalo, ahermau, and Valley coun ties one member. Butler county, one metiilter. Cavs county, three lueiniiers. Cedar, Mautoa, and Wayue counties, Olito luetllber. Clieyeiiue, Keith and Lincoln coun ties, aud territory north of Dawson county aud west of Valley county, oue member. Clay county, one member. Colfax couuty, one member. Cuming county, one member. Dakota county, ot member. Dixon county, one member. Dodge county, two members. Douglas county, fceven member. Fillmore county, one mmber. Gage cuuty, two members. Hall couuty one uieml-er. Hamillou couuty, ene member. Saunders couuty, three members. fceward couuty, two members. York couuty, oue member. Washington county, two members. Thayer and Nuckolls counties oue member. Webster, Adatas aud Kearney, coun ties, two members. Pranklin, Pnelps, and Gosper coun ties, oue member. Harlan and Furnas counties, one member. Knox, Pierce, and Holt counties oue member. JeiTwon county, one member. Joiiusou couuty, oue member. Lancaster county, four uieiubert. Madison couuty, one member. Howard aud Merrick couuties, one member. Nemaha county, two member. Otoe couuty, four members. Pawnee couuty. one member. Platte county, one member. Polk county, one member. Saline county, two members. Sarpy county, one member. Red Willow, Hitchcock, Dundy, Chase, Frontier, Dawson, and unorgan ized territory lying between Frontier aud Chate counties, one member. Pawnee and Johnson counties one member. Richardson and Nemaha counties, one member. Sec. 2. The members of said con vention shall be choteu by the electors of tiie State qualified to vote at any general election, at an election to be h Id on the first Tuesday in the month of April, 1875. .Such election Khali be conducted iu conformity to laws then in force respecting elections, and noti ces of the election of members to said convention shall be given by the offi cers wiiose duty it is to give notices of election for members of the legisla ture. Skc. 3. The votes cast at such elec tion shall be canvassed and returns made in the name manner an shall then be provided by law for canvass and re turn of votes in elections for members of the legislature, and certificate of election shall be given to the persons entitled thereto, in the s.tme maimer as inemljers of the legislature are entitled to receive the suae; aud in case of con tested election to the convention, the contesting candidates shall pursue the same course and b governed by the same rules, as provided by the law then iu force concerning contested elections for members of the legislature. Sec. 4. The memters chosen to said convention shall meet in the hall of the house of representatives, on the day be fore mentioned, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m , and before entering upon tliir duties, shall each take an oath, or affir mation, to suport the constitution of the United States, and faithfully dis charge their dtitv as inMahers of said convention. The said convention shall be the jude of the election a?id quali fications of its own members and said member shall be entitled to the sain privileges to which members of the leg islature are entitled. Sec. 5. The members of said co:v vention shall elect one of their mem bers president, l nev s.'iau also elect a secretary, an assistant secretary, and such other officers and employes as the business of the convention may require. I he memliers of said convention and the otfiVers and employes thereof, shall ne entitled to receive tne same com pensation and mileage as provided by law for the payment of officers and members of the Legislature. The amount due each iersou shall be certi fied by the president, and countersign ed by the secretary of the convention. to ths Auditor of State, who shall is sue warrants upon the treasurer, and the same shall be paid as other war rants are paid. Sec. 6. The Secretary of State shall attend such convention, at the opening thereof, and it shall be hit duty, and the duty of all other public officers, to furnish said convention with all such statements, books, pajiers, and public documents in their posession. or per taming to ineir omce, as tne conven tion may order or require. The S cre- tary of State shall furnish the conven tion with such stationery as they may require. The printing ordered by such convention shall be executed by the contractors for public printing in the same manner as printing ordered by legislature. The journal of said con vention, and the debates of its mem bers, shall be printed and distributed as journals of the Senate and House of RepresentaMves are now distributed. Sec. 7. The amendments, altera tons, or revision of the constitution agreed to. shall be signed by the mem lers of said convention, and, together with the journal and debates, lie filed in the office of secretary of state. The amendments, alterations, or revision of the constitution shall lie published in such manner, and in such quantity, as shall le ordered by the convention. Sec. 8. The amendments, altera tions, or revision of the constitution shall W submitted to the people, for their adoption, or rejection, at an elec tion to be called by said convention, and everv jerson entitled to vote by the laws in force at the time such elec tion is held, may vote tliereon, and said amendments, alterations, or revision of the constitution shall not take ef fect unless adopted by a majority of the electors voting at such election. The convention shall prescribe the form or mmner of voting" at such election, and the votes cast at such election shall lie canvassed, and returns thereof made in such manner as the convention shall prescribe. The convention shall also prescribe the way and manner in which the said amendments, alterations, or re vision of the constitution shall take ef fect, if adopted by the people. Sec. 8. The Secretary of State shall designate some paper in each county of the State wherein a newspaper is pub lished, and eacli and all papers publish witicn amount naii ue paid by war rants of the Auditor drawn on the gen eral fund of the Treasury. Sec. 10. The sum of $15,000. or to much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the general fund not otherwise ap propriated, to carry into effect the pro visions of this act. Sec. 11. This act shall take effect and be in force, from and after its pas sage. Approved Feb. 20, A. D. 1875. JOHNNY TO "uIsTFa. From the Drnmnpiekfr Johnny Prccosh appears to be a dull boy, and folks are Dot apt to be guar ded in their actions and remarks be fore him. But titere is an active brain in Johnny's frowsy head, and a q jick wit behind his sleepy manner, that are liable to breed broils and contention unless pome people are more circum sject in his presence. Hi father has been to a distant city on a visit, but iiake Home Happy. Ai m tii r 149 r Day! xXrvlo UechaalsHS. lagciiUa laTeotUa. bolte Ferfeetlca. AM BLBOAWT. DURABLE fULJL-SIZID S1TvVI1n"G- WITH nUUIaad TilCtDLL OTWSJTY 7JOLI.AIIS. UnprsI!eUed la price. With mnj Important upriior nJ!? liuproveiueiaia. iu tUe, ami tlw tue a.ue wiirii iu lac te way ud cueiixM, taicunte ever uiUe. WiiUeu Kuui'uue for live ypi witu every uiacliuie. Xt superior t Xv) e.a;eiiiuin ! Sd rival in quality 1:1 1 price. A siiullat au4 practica.! aei ulibc .::.;.iiiauu4 o a wruiMleiiwl eiiiiuio.tliuu ut ail lae u4 Jaiiuea ul a aear ill,; ui.tciuu. iiui tally ackaiI4ril w Ix perlVciiT 4u-(tril iMtrctiauu-ai abi-veLBul uf practical iiuf:lci:y. i iitxouliK leau-d. L'e4 la lUuun.uid. ul bUMtea. Tue favorite of Hi laily ciix-ia. it dwa uH take au buur to Kt reitdy io uo a minutr vun, tiul U always ready iu a uioiiM-ui Ui do a days vrur. It will w lt eot iuay timrs over la one season. di:itf ibe wuik ot ti family, or it will iriuiuru jmriu.o. a. irun iiuiu nuitiM who lim; aisu Ui flu M-lii( lur kill IUV Johnny brought him home two or three weeks sooner than the time originally fixed for his return. Thus ran the let ter: Deke Dad Nothing of konsider bul importance has transcurred bitice I last rit to yu. The same old juH like it wus is abowt all that happens here enny more. Ma is not very loansome and she sed i needint write to you to hurry back. She sed it wus her cri tion duty to let yu enjoy yurslf, an she wus alwus glad to have yu go awa. This is what she told that preacher man, an he sed he didint blame her. He conies here tnoar offeu than he did. He an ma is reedin a story in a Out Iewis paper which kums every niht an he brings it over an tha read it. It ain't got no killing iu it, an I kant get lied nur tail uv it. Its num thin abowt Tilron an Moulton an Beecher, some fellows wich wus jfful good fren au told lies on each other. Las nite ma axed him did he beleeve Beecher was gilty, an he sed he did. but mussent let on. cor it would hurt re lijon. Then she axed did he blame him an he Red it wun woman to err. What he meant i dont uo. Then m i said she didint blame tli-worn an either if tha wus both criti' !. .She sed every body ot to have a Irmy, an that yu wussent her tinitv. Then he said to me if i wussetit sleepy, an I sed no, an he offered me live cents to be a go.d boy an say niv pravers an g to led. I said, huh. I aiut no five cent hair pin. so he laftVd an give me ten cent an I went. Miss Spyser sed this morning wus ennybidy sick to our howse last ni'lit cos aliiiht was hui uiu late, an I ma sed she was a'-Uiri up a ritin to her deer good hu-hvi. This is awl fur the presuut. Yure fecksiouate sun. Johnny. THE NAME OF UOU. It is a strange fact that the name of God should le spelled in four letters in almost every known langu.tge. It is in Latin. Detis; in Greek, Zeus; Hebrew, Adon; Syria, Adad; Arabian. Alia; Persian. Syrs; Tartarian. Igan; Egyp tian' Aiimn, or Zeut; Kast India. EKi or Zeul ; Japanese, Zain ; Turkish, Ad di; Scandinavian. Odin; Wallachian, Sene; Margian. Eese; Swedish, Oodd ; Irish, Dich; German, Gott; Trench, Dieu; Spanish, Dies; and Peruvian, Llan. A Chicago man has invented a bar tender ' bell-punch. When it comes to point lace, all women can see the point. THS MARKETS. HOME MAU'iETS. Reported by Wjiitk. A D trail Wl)-at .... Corn iictt.. Kye M:trly IIm FUx Seed. CalUe ajhtbt.'i 7.VV.X) . .5.00 "...-( I .!. .2.aai3.oo LATEST NEW Y(UK MARKETS. Nkmt Yobk. Mirh 3. .l.riey 3 por rent tioni l 13. Is w pian aud ejy Iu run, aud auioollt to ruu, IUp cjiiir-u aud -rtiU can use ii. Koairoug solid uui:t, il will la-ii a tfeuralion ii prsp iiy card I n: Ui uo supeituotut cn4 or cams to k( oiu of ordrr. eieot evjuaily Cua wiiti ! coUoa. liueu, suit or twin. KaiId!v a str i o.- !I klndi ot o id t, i riN Shinl c.t-u iti it u;i la hav iesi rad -cou icuiir wuuo'tl slopping ilie Miacliitt Kuui, l:i!fr, uii e easy aud uuiel lliau any inner u. :!iiue a.r Ave liioes ike price. lf lit Plroiit; -liaijlil nrd. ll.trvelously Hue ia firy m nw.i. tUe turn, flruj aud .sii'cU. U.tkea Hie only aaut tUal caa u i lie iipiMd .pu t wulu.ut urirt nig me fab ric, l'uf Kiiculli, bfauiy. eveiMir'st Mid dura tile (ju .Uii ol wliicU liave loa Urru at-erded. Will saw auytUia it U oosiote tor a ueedie to Ho llimuli. Will do every description ot sewing rrer dune (n any o. Ur iucliine. ooin.itier wuat lit prwe aud Willi lfs troub.e. Will Item. r 1, li."k, er.tiu, qHill, In aid. ctM-d, oiud. xatfirr, rullle, kairr, fold, ai-wliou. roil. eioi older, run up tireadllui, ae.. A-c, will asui:'uin, rapidity aud nea: ii. 11 1 ivceifeil teskiniou ial4 ot il .Mi-rit-i ro.o oli i-lioti of the t'liuu tiy. mark of disviuum.iwd oouaidrral'.!i sel dom voluiitniily aciirivU io au i&veuuon of siiiiilar domcslic unefulnesa. Our Hiany new attachiaentn. pteafed August IS. 70 ; hfUAemuer-. 171 ; July 7. is;, alade to fli all wiacliinev. ate the all ilniiteril of re euion in meeliaaical a-cuncy for reuderinjr it e.isv for even luone iu iir?.-r aaw a uiaruiue before, ti do tUe fliiesi kiud of fancy uemtle w jr, oiherwito diiW ull aud le.iium. wi;ii ilia uiiuosl e.ise al rapidity, iiuule iu coutiruc tiou. .Xeed an tacliili. Money reiuuded af ter thorough Uial, if uot satisfactory iu every particular. Ch once of m iohin : M vhlne with p!aiu taole. iron aad treadle, complete with all Ih iiei"-sarv fixtures for i.mnedtate us. Si. M urn I !i. wilh cover, look ai key, Uaif rasa wtyla. .'V M,KUiie. wilh cover, drop four side drawer, lock, key. ,c., tlirt-e quuner cabinet at Tie. $ MacUlurs w It h eneiosed table, aide drawer. p:ui'e 1 foldiuic doorit, lock aud key, full caliu t style, ITi Tabiea are of Trlout styles, materialn. mmint lax. ricuiieM of 'lesion, iic, according to iri--e. Maeliiue carefu?lv ae'ected, aecurelr parked, and lnp;ied an Irelni to any part wl iue world. Sale delivery lnturi-.l on receipt of prire witliout further li:ir:e. Ittscrip!ive book witb iliu :r;led ea;ravlM of lUe ililTerem :viv t-f lua ciiiinn and atlarhioenta, laife profli. tt-Jiuon-tt-a. a;tiuile f e ii.;, iil,-rU ii.du eneuts to a ivaivt-ij. Wlioleaale prieea. .e., fotW ivitled five of charge Ufwiu upplit'Hliou. Kxclujive hgriii'y for laiye writory KranU-d Cia;ui to re s,. cclUle. eiiMjrpriiiu biisibesn Luru, clei-y-laeu, teai-hers, 4.c. who ill introduce the ex traordinary Rierili of our Kooda lo ibe people of their locality aud ufi! the iiu-reaed U inand. J. lUOMPSON. HAAS A. t'O., Mi iiroadway, Mew York. CLARK & PLUMMER. fash paid for good Tallow. A new invoice of Coffee; also yellow (, and New ( extra ' Orleans Susrar. Flour Wheat Corn ():il Ue I'.iiriey :itile 11 o LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. March 3. 4,-l4..? 7'-i f.4 Kl'i as1 l.TVCJ", .5ftTOU Caanfn of rrvttuufNs. Tlie !iial;iIir wlncli above all others cause nervousness, are dysj'jisia, hillsousne. and constipatiou. The jreat ayiup.ilLrtic nerve vshicli -ouin'i-ts the cin!ric region with the bruia.isalwayt injuriously affected if the .itoni ucli uinl lii vvcis .'if !isr'ered ; a ieniiaiieiit drranr ii. i-i : t of (i:i;ct urns of tlios ory:ms reacts by i.ui.ii.iiliy upon the entire nervous sjstrm. Mosif! jt-rN Moinacli 1' rcstnr nt tone ami it'r.ul.iiii v to the ei iesiive appar atus, ami "Vi-rr.'iiuii coiisii;iaiioii, ix riiiuiii-n ti v remeity llse uei viu- iii.oi:tM wiiich oriiuate in .ini:.ri;iui y w -.ikiis or uisturoaiiccs. 1 ney are tue uesi ncii;s- ta : rjn w umiI. uyerad icitiinr iue exciting cau ol nervous weak- nevs. liicy in s iu..i.'i.i y overcoiiie the iis ibiulv i.t:i tiiis is uot ali. 11 y checking the in liaiii'n wiiK'ii nervousn.-ss, thry build up anew itir svslciti weakeucd aud depleted by urrtous uiscase. at eh o ice Japan 70 cts. r, LIXCOL2T ADS. Siirinjr style (f trials just received. Salt Lake Peaches Fre Trjap:rtaf i :i to Actual Grass-fcopiM-r Sulterers., by Uie ti. and 1. it. U. Notire : hereby Kiveu t' a'.l persons ltving coiiiiiitiiis to the li:io of ihe Btiriiii-ton St Mis souri Uiver li:ii; in Nebiaska, that this com pany hits completed arraingniicuts by which. under ttrtain cn-itlvi, all rain for aced will be shipped over this road, aud the Chicago, Burlington A (jtiiiuy Kailroad, wiUunU any eUarye tit the uhipper or receiver. The Chicago, Uurliulon a Quincy Railroad Icueirales a large jhi tiou of llUuoia aud Iowa ; sud the people ot Nebraska whose friend do not live near the line of that road, can have their shipments made ao as to strike Uial road at the nearest possible point The responsibility of guarding against lmposi Uou lias been placed upon the laud department ; hence all sdiipiueulA must ! fjiisiyned io THE l-AJU lO.VMISMO.NtR B. A M. K. BV.. i vnii; tue name of the person for whom the shipment is intended, and the destination. Such consignments will b forwarded to desti nation, and delivered as soon as examined by the land department, or the station agent act ing iu behalf of t'.ie department. For instance A khipiuent from (ialva. 111., to John Jones, at Fainuant. Nebraska, can be delivered di rectly to the C. Ii. & Q. K. It. at that point, bill ed as follows : 'TO TUB LAXDCOMMIS.SIOXKRB. A M. K. K. I JIKbKASKA., "Fur John Jone. Fairmimt, Xettranka." A shipment from UloomiiiKton, III., should be billed in the same way. and delivered to the In di.iuapoiis, lilooniiuglon & Western Kail road, whi' h railroad will probably ch.-irae for the transMirliition to IVoria ; but from 1'eoria to Fairmont it will be carried without charge, an-i delivered in the muunr above stated. 'rante siciet'es in Nebraska obtaining snn- plics of seed from t.m litre societies in the East. can take advantage of this free shipment. i.r.iin in less tli.ui car-load lots must besackil. The tirivileices above stand ooen until Aunt l.'ith, 1875. Jror any further particulars, mldres A. E Toi7ii.i!i, Land Commissioner It. & M. II. R.. Ijiicoin. Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., Feb-uary 13, is;.. 4;-6t A splendid quality of Syrup in 5 gallon kegs. Pure goods, cheap. Sugar A large invoice of Brown and Bleached muslins, bought he fore the advance. New Currants 10 cts. per Ih. at Choice Michigan tipples, cheap. Pure .Maple syrup. All other gooHs cheaper than else where, for CASH. TlCUfcJk OK UOlHk, LINOOLIT, - MCU&AJXA. Thla ia the Largeat Hotel to tha City ; U alta vted only one block Iron the aimlm Ilouae. ; has tieeu uewly furuisbed at.d renovated Uirougb oul, and will t kept a a Firat CUaa UoUl Im vary respect. JrfALLASTlM BROS. BftU.QO. IH, Oil AH A ADd. iKAU V k:TU.U IIOT4, Irireat and flueat Uotal betweea Cblcago sad 8au t raucLscw. 'iirall, xrt4ru4o, Omaha VYOMIU IIOTEt, Vnlon rseifle Ticket and Sleeplt g Car Office direeliy vrpoita. Ilouae uewlv fuiulsbed aud renovated ihroutfuou. W. l'aauaui. propri etor, uiualia, StU. WEEPING WATER ADS. u i n u.t it u iioi m; Vain "treet, M'eeplnr Water, Neb. Cood ae coiuiModatloua 'ii'aviei. 11. Uaiibard, prwpiietor. 40yl. NEW DRUG STORE. T. I.. PoTTClt, Dealer in Vrwja, Medicine, PainU, Oil, Varnish, J'trfumrry, Stationery, Notion. Cijur. TuLucno uud Via. Weeping Water. Kea. rraaerlatloiu care-fully ouiooiMida4. aVyl. WOODS BROS MALCPJS IH Agricullural Implements, HAIiDWA RE. TIN WA RE, PUMPS, IKON. NAILS, ETC ETC. Repairing done to onler aud aatiaf aetloa guar anteed. j'fWE or.rY cowrrTiTiox.ri Weeing Water. Neb. oyi. Fleming & Race, DEALER I DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS. HOOTS, SHOES, AND NOTIONS. Ami Faraarra'SaapUts tierl!j. Our Goods arc all New, and we sell them CI1EAP. TRY US ONCE, AND SEE I (40jl) WEE PINO WATER. NEB. LOUISVILLE ADS. II U. J. II. WATKUMAN, Physio Medical Practitioner. iAHiirviUt, Com Ob., ITett. JVAlways at lUe o"ee on Saturdaya. cy I FOX & GLOVER, Sell tlie liET GOODS at tha loweat price,, tt LOUISVILLE. CASS CO., NEE. OIMIIULUIlLtll ia DRY GOODS, CiUOCHIllES ! HATS, . Itr.ADT CAPS. id ADZ BOOTS A CLOTTTlXa. SHOES. MOTIONS, CROCKERY WARE, AMD FARM IRS' UFL!C1 CCNRALLY. Call ai d give tlieia a trial. Cr-A!o'dea! Ui (iCAlN & COAL. eyl Lumber Yard ! IIiviDK niflie arran' eaie! In Cliirat-a. eiewLeie, wiib et. umvc dealer. 1 a La prepared U furnlaii on aliort a tur, all kiud of mm DOORS. SASH, BLINDS, at a reasonable rata. I alo kaep constantly on haLd a full aaaort uieut of H-MKaV, (r iLL AV.VZ.. Thoe wialniig to build will please call aud tea my Slock. K. OVi:k. 40yl Loiiinvilla. Neb. CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, DEAI.EK5I IK BOOTS. SHOES, AH GROCERIES, Of every kind, at tlie lowest ioiM rate. Also OCaLERS I GRAI-v. For whlrh the Mtrhest CASH price are paid, liidea and jiroduce of all kinds Irouht at lawiu:il!e r:Ues. lXIir.LUf.U-KTATIt (Cedar Creek.) 40yl CASS CO., X ERR ASK A. CEDAR CREEK GOOD ARE IN Rl.!G ORDCn, And keep on hs.n1 the best asanrtmefit of COt alEAL. FLOCK. &.C Epecial attention ia given to custom work. h:it!-f.irt ton guaranted In en-liaiieing Fl.OUil FOR W11KAT- C. Sciiluntz, Proprietor. Also keepa a Flour Dmt at CLARK FLUaf - 1E1;n'.i in r z. m r r at o r r jt . f All otrm wlthia te eitv ItmtU. pr"? ly Oiled hreaf:er. frt.-n Den.H. vsy 1 Ncn r. ; In order to secure the s:w-pilv slilo- nient and ilclivi-rv of cousiL'iitni-ins u iiii-ii v-..- l in foreign laiiguaffPS, to print this j'VA" n-r" U-Vr, act for the information of the peonle, ' iJ-A" 1- ""'ji-' ' ixfreint-'f. t.o inu-ii SinJ SHi-h neW-ilwiM thnTl tv t''-r- ?'tikeii to ice tiin : lie cm si - ne inrtiou lt'orc tl)? itrs-t .1;iv of . H.. :s -ccr, u trist : '.; gt-i. MttKtlVtttKt I am now pi chared to fumUh the bat un.t Uultcmtcd milk TWICE EVEKV DAY, To ail patties nolifi:i?- me rKTWOIl'MMAra. Tbe Favoritq Hens Remedy. la eminently a FawTy Medlefne ; end by being kept rea1y for tmmediate remrt will aiva many an hour of anfferin, aad nany a dollar tn Wuii and doctor ' bl ia. After otct Forty Yeara tria? it la atlll reeav Ibk tha most uiKjualtPed tetatr-tinntala to Ha vir tues from peraona of the hitthet etiaracter and respon.ibilty. bwluect piijaiclaua coiawead it aa Uta moat iTFECTrAL flPKCIFIC For all tiiseanea cf tfce Liver. 8tonaca aco Spleea. The aymtoms of Liver Complaint are a Mtter or bi t-t in the month ; rain In the Mack, aides or Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Kur atoriiach ; Loss of Arp'tite; Poweia al ternately costive and lax ; Headache ; losa of roenjory. with a painful aetisation of having failed to do aoinething wh!eli ousht to have be-n done ; Pebilitv. low srtirlts. a thick yellow appearance of tha aK in and eyes, a dry cough often mistaken for consumption. Sometimes many of these svmtoms attend the disease, at others verr few ; "but the liver, the largest organ n the lwdy. ia generally tha aeat of the diseaae. and if uot regulated in tlma. great suffering, wretcbednesa and death will ensue. For Dyspepsia, constipation, jaundice, bu llous attacks. ni-k headiwhe, colic. Of predion of hpiritfc. Sour stomach, heart buru. ic., Ac. The Chtit, lure't m l t.est ftmrity H.iini in rue n oiu: Manufactured ou'y by J. II. ZKII.IX A CO., Macou, ;a.. :ind rUilnc'clphia. rrjeoi.fn. (5l Kv nil I)nifel. II CARPENTER WORE ! Tucker & So aar ravnorad to tha b8fi!ef r?e. i awa Hardware Htoca, (Ou Ua ao-ai, iet. aad Vina.) Mihar La addition ao outm ; tuay will give electa! atlaaUoa ta REPAIRING FURNITDI MAKIXQ PIOTtrXM T HAM Li. AC AIM Agent for tha COafafO!s nr.fal L LNU TAULKS.-U tUciflUMt win tier oa band wkU j exid awa wtiaaa, I Careful Work mnd Prom&i JLZ anoc to Call. I WK. L.TUCr a-ly JAM. T. GEO. SHAFER'O j WACO! aad BLACKAHITKl tZZ ZEHIoasE-Saoniiza Mending and Eepairl: ALL 4TIMTM OT WAR IUTIX'.Z. Manilea aa4 VUaaV ( 95 Mew Vagonsfor Si e W M M JP r Ott CM 4 Vtw Waaou snsda to araaer- Ealaa .' aud wotk guarsnlaad 40 yl aear Tih ; Oa Waahlugtoa At.. I FLATTSAfX mils:. Go baaa aUik DELIVERED DAH7. AT j MrZMTBODr HOMMlirrLATTZZlC IP tHT Will IT, BV acaa im rvaoini i tUA W. siva too XJK.EI TwrTXi' 7yl and aerva yasi regal arly. I MM mim FOB ALB BT srlta all tU EXTRAS, ATTACHUEIT. Am. ei,. r..ii.. - - - - -a m lUfLAMMMlttuaouim. 1 Cor. Tiaa. aad 4yl (. ata. ( rLATimXOOTT tti E.T.Dukc&Cc """r'-it'i at ritin rn laaafa HARDWAR AITi C TT T Xj 333 R, IT ST0VES.TINVAR Irov. Naiu, XIokv. RAiTES, 8H0VEIJS, KNIYK2 FORKS, AIRS, a5v Ca au. kim Da r Tinwaro Manufactorc MAIW T ATT. U4iM STIIE1UIIT & liILL I Harness Manufaolurcxj AJjULAi mJUOUaa, CC2&AI aad aU klwaa ( araaa aar.aA, aaailjni kaad. Fruit Confectioner?, I AND Grocery Sxour MOT, CAJVblJaft, TRAaV BBaTaaPSrMl' TOBACCO KS, tXOCB, lteiaamtar tha p!aea. tap Ita K. ft. Cawt on Lower af iln Hi reel. I 21-ly BTREIOHT A MILLBL W. G Woodruf PLATTSMOUTH, AUAIaasaC i COUNTRY PRODUCJG, Takaa ta aackaaga tot flniBji i Mill low atid kat a. i G-OOUD STOC, and hereby lovtta all ny frlands mm -wanting ood GroeeCe. heap, la aail and examine luy Blok, I Will Sud ty calling arvd eoaa carta g aiy fat: taai they u Uo as weu at Uaasa M Ihay can ia 0ji CHICAQO. ? TREIGHT Jfo&lX' LIYEBY, ! Feed and tale Stable Ooroertth aAd raarlBaa. j OWM OaBDB 9t VatB dat, wKn, on xadan S ROI1IBS B O U O M T . SOLD OR TRADED Tor a Talt Coaaailaafesi ' TEAMS AT ALL UOWZ Partiwi!r ayasattaaj aswsf aa Driving and Trainini TROTTUQ TstCZJ. 4PJX a-a II ATT, THE BUTCDEH OLCm AJTD trot asTTAUS meat Market ta tha City, j yotchar.gircorstsntly, but the aid RallsV Spot a here ynrn can pet yoTir Pt.k, Kc-aK. f Ca.i.;e, Vailx and i'owl la Peeon t TWO DOORS WEST Of THE HERALD OFFICt PC a TTsyrov.Tir. - - -. nej i i.