wrry-i i i THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL ADVEUTISEMENTS. Transient, 25 cents a line. Itegular adver tUan. 10 ef uU THr line. No advertisement lu sortvd fur let than ir cents. Lesral advertisements will be charged to the iMirtlea handing them In. Go to Vivian's for winter groceries. w Nat. lirown has bought another liv ery stable in Crete. Thanksgiving services in the various churches of the city this morning. l'lease attend to the notice of the County Court on December 7th. Hurrah for the Firemen Ball on Dec. Oth. Spectacles, jewelry and holiday pres ents at the I. O. jewelry store. County Commissioners meet on first Monday in. December, the 7th. Funny Fox, the expressman, always ready. Slate always open at Capt. Uennett's Express office. Somebody stopped a pair of mules on Main street, Saturday, a.u: spoiled an item for us. The Hibernians played Monday even ing to a fair audience. The perform ance was very good. Hogs! Hogs! Hogs! All the time Jre;it droves of them sold every day in I'hittsinouth Lazenb-, Holmes bojs and others are buying. 1'leasant Itidge Orange gave a Mush and Milk festival for the benefit of grasshopper sufferers on Friday last. We commend their enterprise. Id-member Vivian, now that the holidays are coming on. Highest cash price paid for Pork bv 34-4t i:. G. Dovet. Wall paper. Window Shades, Chro mos, and all kinds of upholstering good, at Fkaxk Stadtek's, V-itt Central Block. BOOTS SHOES. Call and examine the low-down pri- es of your winter foot-gearing, before purchasing elsewhere. I won't be un dersold east of the Iiocky Mountains. Pkteii Mekgks. Frank Carruth, the jewelry man comes out in the IIekald this week. II. 1). Fox. the expressman, buys alj kinds of game, chickens, turkeys, &c. , tc, at tho highest cash prices. Fred. Stadelmann is biuing up all t lie turkevs and chickens in the coun try to prepare supper for the Masonic Ball, St. John's ove. Bemember the Firemen's Ball at Fitzgerald's Hall. Super at the Brouks House. Tickets to the Ball 1.50. Supper 50 cents each. Buttery & Lazenliy are still on hand we find, though not in the livery busi ' ness of yore. Ed. is busy settling up, fc, and Charley has hog on the brain. -So Ed. savs. We understand there was sonic little trouble the other evening at the Hiber nian entertainment about . reserved eats. Several seats having, been sold twice. NOTICE. The sociable of the Ladies Aid So ciety (Episcopal) will meet at the resi dence of Mr. Latham on Tuesday even ing December 1st. All are invited. What kind of School Furniture do the Weeping Water people intend to have, or rather what course of instruc tion will its High School give? Is a nursery education or essays on cradle management to he part of their curri culum. OIMSANS AM) ME 1,0 1 EONS. We invite attention to the card of Geo. A. Prince & Co., of Buffalo, N. Y., manufacturers of Organs and Melode ons. This is the oldest house in the country in its line, and their instru ments rank among the very best. FARMERS ATTENTION I Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, opposite the Herald ollice, on Main St., Plattsrnouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish an d American To baecoes. for smoking purposes, For Male. Best qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20tf. READ! READ!! The largest assortment. The best assortment. The cheapest assortment, of Boots & Shoes at the exclusive Shoe Store. Call and examine; no charge. Peter Merges. NOTICE TO FARMERS. A (iood Farm Engine for $300. Read This. Everybody and tho Firemen on Wed nesday Dec. 9th. Solomon & Nathan always full, al ways jolly, always on the qui vive for business. II. D. Fox, at the express office, pays cash for dressed poultry, game, &c between now and the holidays. Julius Pepperberg keeps the flavor ingest cigars and the mildest, sweetest, beautifullest tobacco of any man in town. So! nurrah for Vivian Poultry for thanksgiving Groceries for everybody and Chinaware by the acre. Call at Vivians, Main street, Plattsrnouth. Gen. Kilpatrick lectured in Omaha on Monday evening last. Subject, "Gen. Sherman's march to the Sea." Ye editor went to sec in the role of lecturer one whom he had known well as a brave soldier and commander in years agene. I buy the largest stock of Boots & Shoes, and consequently buy and sell cheaper than anv one in Cass county. Call, examine, and be convinced. Peter Merges. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One pair horses and two light, three spring hacks. Will sell cheap for cash, exchange for land or sell on G months time. Call on W. Stadelmann. Plattsrnouth, Nov. 24, 1874. ' 33-2t, The greatest convenience yet out Common Sense Ieoning Board. James Tucker, agent at Plattsrnouth, Neb. This board is not a "cuss on wheels' nor yet will it suck- cows or anything of that sort. It is just a board on legs, thats all. Come and see it. IIEADQUARF.RS OF SANTA CLAUS at Schlaters Jewelry Store, opposite the Platte Valley House. Please give nie a call before purchasing elsewhere, and look over my stock of choice Holiday goods, all of which will be sold at pan ic prices. Plattsrnouth, Neb., Nov. 26, '75. 3.1-4 1 Lazenby & Thatcher are going in on the Pork business. That's right and just what Plattsrnouth needs. These enterprising men have erected a huge corn warehouse and fixed up some other appliances for pork pack ing this winter up near Heisel's mill. Go ahead Loys and farmers now's your time. Bring in your hogs. Remember that Merges got Diploma at the State Fair for fine and good boots, and he still continues to make them to order. Give him a call. 35tf ANNUAL MASONIC FESTIVAL. The members of Plattsrnouth Lodge No. C, A. F. & A. M., will give a grand annual festival in Plattsrnouth. De cember 2th, 1874, at Fitzgerald's Hall. Fred. Stadelmann will serve up supper in his usual excellent style. The fol lowing are the various committees who have this matter in charge: Arrangement. R. R. Livingston, Frank Stadter, C.King, John Bever age. Invitation. J. W. Marshall, Wm. Handle, A. Despaine. RncErTioN. M. B. Murphy, Julius Pepperberg, AV. J. White. Floor Managers. D. II. Wheeler, F. E. White, M. B. Murphy. Admission, to Ball, S 1.50; cupper 50 cents each. .Ilia. Wayman, of Plattsrnouth, trill build you a nice 4 horse power engine, all complete, capable of doing all your farm work for $300. Call and see the same at his shop in Platts rnouth. 34-2t. COUNTY COURT. The County Commissioners of Cass county will meet on the first Monday in December (7th) to make their annu al settlement with the Supervisors and attend to other business of importance. Shryock says he did not fix that side walk to keep little Democrats from dropping through, but to prevent the whole Republican party from slipping out of sight nnder the pavement. That's pretty good for a big under taker, but slipping us all out of the way is a bigger undertaking. Eh? The Masons are making extensive preparations for their annual Ball on St. John's Eve. It will be a grand af fair as usual. Four hundred invita tions are out and all the wealth, beau ty and talent of Plattsrnouth are ex pected to be in attendance. PERSONALS. J. A. Walker, Rock Bluffs, dropped in upon us Saturday. A. Biens makes the Herald gla 1 S2 worth this week. Sam. Waybright, our good natured and genial expressman, left for his old home, in Virginia, last Sunday after noon. He goes there to spend the win ter and will return hero next year. We expect he will bring a Mrs. Sam. Waybright with him when he returns. May you have a pleasant time, Sam. C. F. Pink ham, an enterprising and successful merchant at South Bend re membered the Herald in his prosper ity, and made us feel better, 85 worth, last week. May you continue to pros per is our earnest wish. Jno. Mefford, of Greenwood, paid S3 on his subscription to the Heradd. Good boy, he. Hon. L. K. Bell, of Ashland, sends us 85, for the Herald, and says he can't do without it. Sensible. Alex. Schlegel has been grading up his yard and playing "Paddy" generally Fred. Kroehler gave the Herald a real genuine Havana cigar last week, Ed. Buttery to the contrary, notwith standing. Hugh Orr paid us a visit last week and scooted off into nowhere again. Dick Streight is -home again and re ports himself sound as a nut, but not ready to be cracked. Major Dan. Wheeler has gone to Nashville and New Orleans on Mason ic business. When he comes home we'll have some news. Our old friend Ross Vanatta is back again. We are glad to see him and sor ry the grasshoppers curtailed his busi out west. S. W. Coglizer of Weeping Water, couldn't do without the Herald so he paid his cash and has the Herald sent to him now. E. Noyes, the Louisville silent man, has returned from Chicago and the east. He happened in at the board of trade while the boys and Jack Sturgis were trying to settle last Monday, and they made it hot and lively, Noyes says. A. W. Prole, for a long time with J. II. Buttery in the Drug business, has left Plattsrnouth for pastures new and fields of greater promise. Having known Mr. Prole for some time the Herald desires to bear testimony to his pleasant ways and good citizenship. We could have better spared some oth er man than Prole. We most sincerely hope that in his new home he may be able to accomplish ail that he desires, and while wo shall greatly miss him, our loss is his gain, no doubt. THE FIREMEN'S :DALI. The Firemen evidently mean busi ness. Their ball on the 9th inst, will be a success. The supper is to bo at the Brooks House, and is warranted to be a "feed" fit for the Gods. Below we give their committees in full: - GENERAL MANAGING COM. J. A. Connor, J. Ph. Young, It. K. Livingston, F. J. Metteer, F. Krcehler, II. M. Bons. INVITATION COM. S. M. Chapman -E. E. Cunningham L. D. Bennett, J. Ph. Young, F. J. Met teer, John Wynd, L. F. Ba.hr, R. B Claiborne. COM. OF ARRANGEMENTS. A. W. White, Lon. Cunningham, W. B. Shryock, Lieu. Moore, Richard Old ham, Jacob Ii. Vallery. RECEPTION COM. R. R. Livingston, J. A. MacMurphy J. W. Shannon, S. F. Thomas, J. W. Johnson. Wm. L. Wells, O. M. Streight, Frank Stadter. FLOOR MANAGERS. John Fitzgerald. Wm. Neville, L. F. Ba?hr. J. W. Marshall, J. W. Johnson, M. Morrissey. See Frank Carruth's eyes B00Ts"& "SHOES. I have now on hand for prices to correspond with the low prices of wheat and hard times generally, a well selected stock of Ladies' and Misses' nice lined shoes. Beautiful Holiday slippers for Ladies and Gen tlemen, Wool lined boots & shoes for men. Arctic's of all sizes for young and old. Call and examine goods and prices. Peter Merges. S5tf Scribner's Monthly fur December. "Notes on Kentucky and Tennessee," in the December number of Scribner's, from the final regular installment in the Great South Series, by Mr. King. A description of the M.unmoth Cave forms a large part of this article, and there are several fresh illustrations of this wonderful place. Tip other arti cles illustrated either by means of pic tun's or diagrams, are '"The Transit of Venus." "The Probabilities of Rivers," "The Silver Age," and "Rambles in Ma deira." In fiction we have, the contin uation of Jules Verne's "Mysterious Is land" with illustrations; and of Saxe Holmes curious story, "My Tourma line ;" also "Jeanette," by Miss Wool son, and "In a Trumpet," a Thanksgiv ing story by Miss Hopkins, author of "One of Miss Widgery's evenings." Mr. Stedman gives us another of his es says on "The Victorian Poets," this time grappling with that tough sub ject, Robert Browning himself. There are poems by Celia Thaxter and others. In "Topics of the Time" Dr. Holland writes about "The Great South Series of Papers," "Christianity and Color,' "Investments for Income," "Nature and Literature." The Doctor says that Ed ward King travelled in all twenty-live thousand miles in gathering the mate rials for hi3 papers. In the department of Etchings there is an amusing ac count of "The Devil in Literature." Dr. Holland's new novel, "The story of 'Sevenoaks,'" wiil begin in the Janu ary number of Scribner's. R USI NESS NOT A FFECT E 1). The recent depression in business has not affected the passenger traffic of the St. Louis. Kansas City & Northern Short Line, as they continue to run six fast express trains, two more than any other line between the Missouri aud Mississippi Rivers. This road enjoys great immunity from accidents, by reason of immense ex pendit tires, in the last two years, of over two million dol lars, besides earnings in wonderful im provements, in relaying their line with new steel and iron rails, 4n broad, new ties, in new rolling stock supplied with all modern appliances for comfort and safety, and as another safeguard, em ploy night and day watchmen to in spect the road before and after the passage of each train, to see that every thing is in order. Conspicuous among new improvements is the substitution for ordinary cars, of new reclining chair coaches, elegantly carpeted and fitted with dressing rooms for ladies, gentlemen and families, without any extra charge. The St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern and the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad, form the only line running through Pullman Palace Sleeper between Omaha and St. Louh. The shortest line between the West and the Mast is over the St. Louis, Kansas City fc Northern Short Line, either through St. Louis, the great metropolis of over 450,000 inhabitants, or through Chica go, via the Chicago & Alton Short Line, over the Louisiana Bridge now open for passage of through trains. Ticket Agents of connecting roads sel ling through tickets to the East, North or South, will furnish tickets by this excellent line. For map, circulars, time cards and . information relative to rates, &c, apply to or address Ly man McCarty, Kansas City, Mo., or P B. Groat, St. Louis, Mo. 44tf Frank Carruth, POST OFFICE JEWELRY STORE! Spectacles, Glasses, etc. Carruth ii fSS UOFF1CE Je w e 1 r rUTOl' I e w e 1 r y AT STORE. CALL I2sT. ci o us - 'M n'Wi sr 2 VVV o Cl F. OARRUTU, P. o. Jrw irv Sf or". MARRIED. BanKETT LEWIS Married at the residence of the bride's father, on Camp Creek, Cass Co., j Neb., by the ReT. Mr. Connor. Mr. Jos. Bar- Rrrr to V! Vikvte I.fwik ) May you live happy and prosper is our 'earn est and heartfelt wish. Executors: jJaie of Real Estate ! ritoFESSloNAL CAKDS Centaur Liniment. There U no pain which the Centaur Uniinent will not re lieve, no suellin? it will not subdue, ami no lameness which it w ill not cure. 1 his is strong language, but It is true. Where the parts are not Rone, its effects are marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- KDtTf3 ralKia. lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, bums, salt-rheum. &c, uion the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls. &c, upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripu'es throw 'wrsy their crutches, the l.i. in- j!,i.m r.on.-.-.t. s are ren dered harmless, an t ih .-ot::ii!ci are healed without scar. It Is r.. :i-t:a:.!. Yiie recipe is selling ;is no ;t:-i U-:- i '-v ::. m.- mm!. ;::id it sells because it cl.'s )ut j: pretends to do. Those who ij.-w sufier i "i i ! ' 'n.-.'iui. pain or swelling ileservn to sLifier f :!.:-. viil not use Centaur Liniment, more than ivi' ceUlflcates of remarkable cuiv-t. iuclutiing frozen limbs. chronie-rlieumatiMii. goi'i, running tumours, &e. have been received. Ve will send a circular containing e. rt:!icaU s. the recipe. &.C, gratis to to any one requesting it. "no ioti!e of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-ow ners this liniiii. nl is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. 13. Kosk & Co.. New York. 40-ly Castoria Is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article iu existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 40-ly SPECIAL NOTICES. $20 REWARD. Strayed from the premlserof Wm. Mesiurray. three miles south of Greenwood. C:ts county. Xeb.. on Wednesday, November ISth, ; on b:iy mare and one bay mare mule villi halter on ; also one li on rt-y colt. Any ers.!i rctiTii int; the above named property wi 1 reo-ive a re ward of ?C0. 3M I RA A. Ti n u H a m . FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. For full particulars apply to Ii O. Iovey. 50 tf Ilusiness is business, and so are the Cigars at the 1. O. Book Store. 5-tf- Vetiratska Ktate fiesister-A 40 column 1 paper, published at tne State Capital ; In!: of Stat news; independent in everything, neu tral ill nothing ; Sl.tti a year. Correspondents and Agents wanted in every town. Vm. c. Ci.oyi. Lincoln, Neb. <f FOR RENT. The lar"c and commodious ware-room, cellar and office, on second floor of building, formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery. Jr. in Masonic Hlock. Emiuire of K. K. Livinoston or 43-tf K. T. IK' K.K. FOR SALE. 1GO acres of land belonging to Cass County Nebraska being the South Vest quarter of Section No. Five (5) Township No. Eleven (11) North of Hange No. Thirteen (13) East of Sixth Principal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile drove. For Terms of sale see L. IL.Iamks 1 Timothy Ci.aiik or J-Co. Comrs. 3tf M. E. White. l Kverv Farmer and Stock th'iser, and every body that keeps a Horse, a Cow, Poultry. Sheep or Swine -whether he lives in City, lowu or Countrv, wants the 11'tI STOCK JOIUSAL. Monthly. 1.50 per year. In its Mh Volume. ISeatit'u'iilly illustrated. The best instructor up on eve: v e ass of Live Stock. Nat ion.il giving equal attention to the Slock Interest ot every State, treats, nv ?!:!. :v. 'uiih-n, u..mi Farm, the Iiaij;. :inr-.;s i..; I'oiiliry. Ilccs. !": i i!..' tl:c!i with aii iiiuT'-s.iii :-.-t-'.: mg it the ne nal of its c!. Hi cen'.s. A. f.i.o. N. V jt evt r - the s . p. Swine. : s. together .:! ,i cut, niak i:.ir .lour .. :.,! copy . .. I .,i:uf .. want-i-ist FIREMEN'S KEMLMjiKI' the FIRBivliiN'S BALL, ox WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9th. GOOD MUSIC AND SUPPER. The latter at the Brook;: House LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an execution, i.ssued by F. M. Stratton. Clerk o: the district court, within and for Saunders County Nebraska, anil to me dim-ted. I will on the 1st day of December. A. D. 1X7-1, at II o'ciock. A. M. of said day on the prem ises of Leonard Cheverant. in Salt Creek lrecinct in said county, sell at public auction, the follow ing goods and Chattels to-wit :One lot of wheat in the stack consisting of four stacks of w heat. The same being levied upon and taken as the properly of Iouard Cheverant and Thomas Chevreant Defendants ; to satisf yja judgment of said Court, recovered bv Wm. Morris VlaintifT. Flattsiiiouth, Nebraska, November 18th. A. D. 1874. M. Ti. CCTI.ER. at-2t Sheriff, Cass County, Neb. Estray Notice. Taken up by me at my residence in South Weeping W ater. Cass county. Nebraska, on c tober 27th, 1874, two sows, described as follows : One white Sow ; and one sandy sow, with pig. "the owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take away S5ti D. BA1LY. Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber, ore mile west of ul.s. C'ass Co.. co.. on the first of No- By virtue of an i rder of sale from Judge of District Court (ami jmier the seal of the same) in and for the Kist.ict Court. Second Judicial j District, in the County of Cass and State of Ne- braska, and directed to the5 undersigned, in an action wherein Elovd 1). Bennett, surviving c- cutor of the last will and testament of nr)- herd Duke, deceased, is FlamtifT, and iavma ; Duke and others are Defendants, 1 will at 10 o'clock a. m.. on 'he lth Dayot July. 174 in front of the Court House In the City of Tlatts mouth and State of Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder the lands and tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : cash in hand. Said lands be long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are descrllied as lollows. to-wit : A subdivision of lot eleven Mil in section twenty-nine j town twelve f -3 and range fourteen 1141, containing eight s) acres, said tract of land Iving ami being in Cass County and state of Nebraska : also the following lots iu the city of i'lattsmouih. in said Cass County, lots four 14, five trl. and eleven 111 in in block five (5). lot tour 4 in block forty-four 1441 ; also the following lots lying and being in Duke's Addition to the City of l'lattsmouth. aforesaid, that is to sav lot four (4 in block three (::). lots one (t) twbci) three (;t) four (4) live (") six (;) nine u) ten () eleven (II) twelve (12) thirtecenUo) fourteen (.14) fifteen (15) sixteen (lc.) seventeen (17) eighteen (Is) and nineteen (l:). in block four 4). bits six (i) seven i eight t) nine (; ten (1) eleven (ll twelve (12) thir teen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (li) seventeen (17) eighteen (IS) and twenty (jm in block five (5. lots four (4) five .s six ( seven (7) eight tsi nine (9) tentIO) eleven 111) aud twelve (1-') in block six (), lots one (1) two ('.') three (:t foir (1) five (5) six (rt) in block sceii (7). lots three (3) and four (4) in block nine (9). lots two (') three (: four(f) five (5) six (G) seven (7) eight (6) nine (ID ten (Hi) eleven (11) and twelve IJ) iu block (leven (11), all of block twelve (12) being lots one (1) to twenty-two inclusive. all of block thirteen (13) being ots one (1) to twenty-! wo (22) inclusive, lots one (I land two (-') In block four teen lit, lots one 1 j two 2 three (3) four (1) five (5) and six in block fiftivui (13), lots threj (;l) four 141 and live l"J in block eighteen (18). lots one I two 2 three 13 seven 7J eight s nine ! and welve In block niueteen li. all of block twenty (20) except lot twelve being lots one 11) to twenty-two (22) inclusive except lot twelve 12.lotsone 1 three 3 four I4j ten loj fifteen 15 In block twentv one 121. lots one two ( three 3J four 4 live 5 six 16) seven (7) eight ) nine (.i) teen in eleven 111 and twelve 12 in blink twenty hree 123). lots one It two 2) tlireet four 4 six 16 seven 7 eight 8 nine ( ten 10 eleven (11 and twelve l2j ii block tw enty-seven 27, all of block twentv-cight (2S) except lot seven teen iK'in lots one 11 ) to twenty (2t)l inclusive, except lot seveteen (17); lots six seven (7) eight x nine ') ten in eleven (11) and twelve (12) iu block twentv-nine 2i)j. lots one II two 2) three 3 four 41 five 5j six ! se ;- i and eiht s in block thirty !"!. lots three i.M four 14"! live "') six it; seven 7j :ndciplit Lsl in block thirty-one .J1. lots one (H rv.o rii three (3) four (4) five (.",) seven (7) nine i us fen(iii) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block ten (id. U.ts one (l) two 2) four (4) live (5) seven (7) eight x uine 9) ten ( Hi) clevtu ill) twelve (12) in block twenty-two (22). Lots three (3 and four (4) in block eight (8). Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. m.. until sundown of the said day, if necessary, and it will be adjourned from day to day until all are sold : Fh'.ttsmouth, June 22, 1874. LUOYD D. BKJfNKTT, Surviving Executor of the last w ill and testa ment of Shepherd Duke, deceased. Whf.klkk & Stinchcojib. i.-(-4t Attorneys for Executor. The above sule is Iwrebv adjourm'ed until November 21st, 1874, t 10 o'clock a. lit. i'iattsiuoutti Aug. 8th ls7t. LIAJYD D. BENNETT. Surviving Executor of estate of Shepherd Duke w lIKI I.Ei: & r.KXNETT Ileal Estate nnd Tf:,vi!i;r A ien;s. Notaries Public. Fire and Lile. lus.uau.-e Agents, l'lattsmeutli. Neb. t K. 1 J VI N:s TON, I'tiysH t.m aud Surge,. n. I - leiiit -is h:i professional services to the citizens of Cass county. K"sidcuce southeast corner of Oak and Sixth stits-is ; ollice on Main street, one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard, I'lattsmouih, Nebraska. SAM. M. CHArMAX. K. T. MAXW KUU C1IAP.MAX A SAXWKLIi, TTOKNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors la Chancery. Office in Fitzgerald's Block, llatts- Chancery. Office ii mouth, Nebraska. A. L. Sl'RAGLE. T. B. AVfLSOX. Attorneys at Law. rL.vrrsMocTii, - - Nebraska. CoUsxtUtns Pnimnfly Aat tended ti. 13-ly GKO. 8. SMITH, K. WlKDnAM. H3IITI2 A WIXUIIAM, Successors to Marquctt, Smith, & Starblrd, Attorneys at Law tt- Real Estate Brokers PLATTSMOrTlf, ... NF.B. Siiecial attention given to Collections, and all matters affecting the litle to Keal Estate. Office on 2d floor, over the Tost Office. Dr. ScliilAknccht, Eclectic A Homoeopathic Physician. tST-OFFICE AND KES1DENCEAJ Comer of Gth and Vine Streets. Flattsmouth. Cyl Nebraska. CALLS ATTESPKD AT ALL IIOt'KS. Org GEO. A. PRINCE, & CO. ans & Fflelodeons The Oldest. Largest, nnd Most Perfect Manufac tory Iu the Unltod States. J eS j -J j J Now In use. No other Musical Instrument ever obtained the same Popularity. f?Send for Trice Lists. Address BUFFALO, X. Y. 31-t4 A Comvlrtr Pictorial lliMtory r the TIme. "Xlie let. rhpap et. aiii most Kiieee-fol Fam ily Iiper iu the luiou." Harper's Weekly. 1 LLUSTK ATED. yolicti of the Press. The H'fclrty Is the ablest and most powerful illustrated periodical published in this country. Its editorials are scholarly and convincing, aud carrv much weight. Its illustrations of current events are full and fresh, and are prepared by our best designers with a circulation of 1.T0.O.M). the Weekly is read by at least half a milium persons, and its influence as anfirganof opinion is siiaplv tremendous. The Weelh maintains a positive position, and expresses decided views on iolitic:d and social problems. Lttuisville Courier-Journal. Its articles are models of high-toned discus sion, and its pictorial illustrations are often cor roborative arguments of no small force. A. I". Era miner ami Chnmiele. Its papers upon existent questions and Its In imitable cartoons help to mould the sentiments of the country. PUMmrgh Commercial. TERMS: Postage FttKK to all SuBsrRiBEas i' tiik United Statks. Tlarner' Weekly, one year S4.no 51.00 includes prepayment of U. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Iftirjter's Magazine. Weekly, or Iiaair will be supplied gratis for every club of five subscribers al -ti.M each, in one remit tance ; or. six copies for $20.00, without, extra copv : jMistage free. Rack numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of iarper's II eehlu. in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for S7.nn each. A complete Set. comprising Eighteen Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $.".25 per vol.. freight at ex pense of purchaser. Newspapers sire not to copy this advertise ment without the express orders of Harper Ac Urothcrs. Address HA EPEK & RKOTHEUS, N. Y. Rock Bl veiuber, 1871. one marKs or brands white yenning heifer, no A. M. IloLMKs. Estray Notice. Taken up by the undersigned ::i Vii-t residence In t'lattsnioulii I'leciiid. ;.- cvuii;y .Nebraska, on September 2'th. !7l. ouv red steer, with w hite siots and w liiie t..;l. supitoscd to be two years old . A N tit r. w 1 1 t-ssxou PEK. September ath. 174. a3ti SlierilTs Sale. Ry virtue of an order of sal. issued out of the District Court, in and for Cass Omnty. Nebras ka, and to me directed, 1 will ou the 7th dav of December. A. D. 174. at i't o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south dooroi the Conrr.llouse. inthe city of l'lattsmouth, iu said coui.ty, sell at I'ub- punuo-a ; i o satisiy a juugmeni recovereu oy David Mcllvoy and Nailu'.u Simpson, against lesse II. Clements. t lattsniouth.Cass County. Nebraska. Novem ber 3d, 1374. II. B. CUTLER, Sheriff. '74-5. Marvelous Prize ! 745-. $1 8 ia value for $3. $33 in ralue fur $4.50. Our Extraordinary Offer Tor 1N74-75! Furnishes Just what you want most. The best Magazine au.t the best landscape parlor pic taies in vmerica, uuite eiial to oif paintings w orth 500 each. Pictures that combine the yiarveXtnix in licauty. Extraordinary in Size, UieU in Setitimtut, Elegance in Style, and Superb in ArtMtc Merit; and Demo cst's lllusfd 3IonlliIy, THE MODEL MAGAZINE. Greatly enlaiged and containing the essen tials of all others. Profusely illustrated, and a splendid volume, when bound, for the parlor table. The circulation ot this monthly isiarger than anv other magazine of the kind iu the World. "It is prih tea on line paper and got up in the most artistic manner, presenting an ar ray of brilliant stories, interesting coiTeswnd ence, valuable essays, household matters, mu sic, musical, dramatic and literary criticisms, spicy items, beautiful illustrations, full sized patterns, etc., etc., and the only Reliable Fash Ions from original costumes, published in Amer ica. ;reat as are the present attractions of Demur est 's Monthly, new and valuable featares al" constantly being added, no lime or expense be ing pared to keep it ahead of ail competition, and to present sucn an array ot vautaiue. ica tures and artistic attractions as to entitle it lo the generous econiuins tiiat have been so uni versally bestowed upon il. Yearly subscription, 3, with a premium worth live times the amount paid. The choice of THE CAPTIVE CHILD, or "THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET," Or, hiAhfur $1.30 extra. Size 17 by 26 inches. The choice of these large and truly splendid chrnmos, which were origin ally sold for 315 each, are now offered in all their original beauty and excellence as a prem ium to each yearly subscriber to Demorist's Monthly. Subscription price, three dollars per year. Our offer cannot be equaled, or eren approactied br its marccVnta lileralitf. The Chromo Is sent securely packed on a rol ler, postage io cents extra : or mounted on can vass and stretcher, as an oil painting, fifty cents extra; iwhich includes transportation): or mounted ou canvass, in an elegant 2'4 inch gilt frame, with Arabesque corners, three yards of crimson cord, and packed for S3, making the whole complete (including frame. Chromo, Mounting, and subscription to the Magazine), only (i ; or to include both Chromos trained, etc., all complete, for ?10. Now ready ! and sent anywhere in the United States on the receipt of the amount of subscrip tion and postage on Chromos. Subscriptions may commence with anv number. Also the Celebrated Chromos, uniform in size with the ' Old Oaken Bucket ' and "Captive Child." "Home, Sweet Home," after Jerome Thompson, as a premium for 1876. "After the Storm." by F. M. H. Deliaus. for 1877. Either or all ot these superb Ch.omos sent inuuedlatel on receipt of subscriptions for the years as indicated. Agents Wanted Everywhere. U whom extraor dinary intlaccmeiUs will lie. ofered. SEND FOR CIKCULA.Il. In remitting, email amounts can be sent In IT. Currency, but a post-oftlce order is uiidoubt dly the most secure and convenient : or money may be sent In a registered letter, or by a draft made payable to our order. A-mre- s. W. JENNINGS DEMUREST. 17 East I4iu street. N. Y. FOR RENT OneJunw. Apply to E, O. uovt-r. &.;;rf Justice of ill Peace. Office on Main Street Plattsrnouth, Neb., near lv opposite the Hkkai.u otlice. Business hours from 8 A. M., to 8. P. M. AH County business usually transacted be fore a Just lee of the Peace, will be attended to bv the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. 8-iy J. T. HAINES. IMallstiiotitli Mills. t HEISEL. Proprietor. Have recently been v. reiiiiired and ulaced iu thorough running order, loo.noo Bushels of Wheat wanted Imme diately for which the highest market price will be pafd. G. A. von Heimburg, Veterinary Surgeon. Goiwl f?eh milk . delivered, -daily :u every body's home lu Flattsmoiuu, 11 they vrant U. by J. F. HeauiiMjister. Scud in yottr orders and I will try and give you and serve you regularly. 19-ly. NEW STYLES. F. L. ELS'iER, Mercha ntTailor Is in receipt of the finest and REST ASSORTMENT tASSIMEKKS. CLOTHS. VESTING. SCOTCH GOODS, IRISH Fill ESES, &c. In fact, tj Tan-eM and best assortment of Cloth' ever brvught to this city, which 1 am prepared to mr.ke up iu the I-itesl Styles. Call and examine Goods. aprilis. E. T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Main Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hard ware and Cutlery, STOVES. TINWARE, IRON, NAILS, HOES. RAKES. SHOVELS. AXES, KNIVES AND FORKS. Sac. &c. All kinds of Tinware Manufactured. 43tf DON'T BUY Until von have CAREFULLY EXAMINED OUR NZW Office south ulU Main Street, between Third and Fntrth SU i'LATTSMOUT- ... - XK, rL.VTTSMOU.TII, Nrifc. CONRAD HEISEL. - - Pie; rletor FLOUU.CORX MEAL, FEED, Alwnjs on hand, and for sale at lowest Cash prices. l-The Highest prior paid for Wheat and Com. I'iii ticibir attention riven to Custom work. Singer Sewing Machines, FOR SALE BY F. J. METTEER, With a'.l the EXTRAS, ATTACHMENTS, NEEDLES, dc. Also, rtows. Cultivators, Wagons and farm Implements for sale. Mrs. A. II. r.EE, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly aud neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Plummcrs. 431113 GO TO GUS. IIEKOLirS FOR CLOTHING. PLATTcMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, I res't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. Fit ED. GORDElt, Buyer. This Company will buy grain at the l.i'l.cs market rates at all times. Scales and office at E. G. Dovey, Store, lower. Main Street. l'lattsmouth. Neb. 2SJ1V L. GOLDiNG, Dealer In CLOTHING, FURNISHING CiWis, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. ::. NKS, VALISES. CARTE.' ii v.S, Sc., &e &c, &c. One of the oldest and most Reliable Houses in l'lattsmouth. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. "REMEMBER THE TLACE. ns-tf. William Stadelmann lias on hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. J.tI Invite everybody in want of anythingin my Rue to call at my store. SOUTH SIDE MAIN, Between 5th & 6th Si's. And convince themselves of the fact. I have as a specialty in my Retail Departments, a stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys, to which we Invite those who want goods. FfI olso keep on hand a large and well se lected Stock of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &.C. Jan 1 yl L. F. JOHNSON, tarOpposiie the Platte Vally House, in Schla ter's Jeweler Store, Main St., Plattsrnouth, Neb. AGENT FOP ST. LOUTS. DECKER TiROS., O. A. MIL LER A CO's., BURDETT, SMITirS AMERICAS', AXD HUSTON And other Frst -class Pianos anil Organs. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Strings. Sheet Music, aud all kinds of Musical Merchandise. CrV MUSITAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned and Iterwircd Satisfaction Guaranteed, an 1 yl VtfADS SftpE MAnn LOW RESERVOIR AN.V.iL.7. . As we have 12 good reasons why they ri your work. QUICK AND EASY, CHEAP AND CLEAN. BECAUSE They are ciiciijcsi io nuy. They are idieapest to use. They bake evenly ond quickly. Their operati. u i perfect. They h:-e always a good draft. They are inane of the lut material. They roast perfect I v. They require but little fuel. They are very low priced. They are easily managed. They are suited lo uli localities. Every Stow guaranteed to give Satliifac tiou SOLD BY EXCELSIOR MAX'O COMPANY ST. LOUIS, MO., AND i:. j".DUK&Co. rLATTSMOlTTH. NEB. S-8m ttj c-t-CD CO 3 S S3 rri p3 cn 3 CO M- 2. O 3 t I o & CD r& s - CT. O sr t. S o p s i ZD 5 Z cs S3 t- t If. " ft r Hrf m o 3 a. CO X " 'L r" Z. 3 . ' : o ' CD rr 00 eg 5a PHILADLrillA 8T0HE. Solomon & Nathcn, DEALERS IN FANCY I" GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Largest. Cheapest. Finest, and best Assorted Stock in the City. We are prepareu to sell cheaper than they can be purchased elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL and examine our goods. Tiy-Stoi-c on Main street, between 4th ami Cth streets, l'lattsmouth Neb. letf. New Store ! New Stock ! Mr. William G. Woodruff having taken the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Eaton, ill keep a full aud com plete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I propose to sell low, and keep a STOCK OF NUMBER ONE GOODS, and hereby Invite my friends to call and exam ine the new outfit, ftrangers especially invited to call and get prices.before ordering goodsaway from home. I projose to SELL TO GRANGERS, At Chicago Rates. WM. G. WOODRUFF. Wm. F. Bennett, Clerk. l-yt II. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pine Lumber, LATH. SHINGLES, Sash Doors Blinds, &c- On Main Street coner 6 th PLATTSM0UTII ... 'EP. OMAHA AJD3. vtrz : Wyonifnc Hotel, OMAHA. - - ". NEDHASKA. A. W. TENNA E. Kroptietor. Union Pacific Ticket and Kleepm Or QBl directly opiwwite. House ncv.ly 1 urn lulled Mid renovated throughout. Grand Central Hotel OMAHA, NEB. Ixiryest ami Fi,ust Hotel (mtween Chi wjn u nd S 4 n Fra ncisvn. GEO. THRALL, Proprietor. ' LOUISVILLE ADS. IR, J. M. W ATI: It MA' PHYSIOMEDrCAL mACTTTIONER, Louisville, CnM Co., Ni b. Always at the ofllce on Sstnnl.nrs. FOX & GLOVER, Sells the BEST GOODS at the Lowest Prices LOUISVILLE, CASS CO..NER General Dealers in DryGoods,Groceries HATS, CATS, BOOTS & SHOES, Ready 3Iadc Clothing, NOTION'S, CROCKER r WARE, AN D Farmers Supplies Generally. C.vll and give them a trial. Also deal In. . GRAIN & COAL. 20-6m Farmers Lumber Yard. Having marie arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, ifcc, at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Nails, IIinjcs, Locks, Hardware,.. of till kinds. Those wishing to build will please call and see my tck. E. NOYES, LOUISVILLE, NEH. CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. lMIELDER & SON, Dealers In Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest iiowllile rates. Also Dealers in Grain, for wliich tlie liij;licst cush prices arc paid. Hides ami produce of all kinds bought at rea sonable rates. luheldcr'n Htatlon, CVlnr Creek.) 5ttf. Cass County, Neb. CEDAR CREEIC MILLS, Good Running Order and keep ou hand the best assortment oft Flour, Corn Meal, &c- Especial attention Is frlvcn to custom work. -Sutisfuction Kuarantccd, In exchanging Flout for Wheat. C. SCHLUNTZ, Prop. Also keeps a Flour Depot, at CLAKK ti VLVU--MEU'S, lu PLATTSMOUTH, Where will he found Flour, Grain. Corn Ural, and Feed. at WHOLESALE tu UETAIL and si REDUCED PRICES. rfAII orders within the city limits, prompk Iv filled lierafter. from this Depot. 4-iy 8TUE1UUT & 31ILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES, TtU IDLES, COLLARS. " and all kinds of harness 'stock, constantly on hand. Fruit, Confectionery, AND GROCERY STORE I XUTS, CAS DIES, TEAS, SUGARS, COFFEES. TOUACCOES, FLOUR, A. Kememher the place, opposite E. (',. Dovcjr's, on Lower Main Street. 2MJ STREIGHT & MILLER Ben HempelV HE'S THE MAX, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. - ON LOWEIt MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEB. Meals at all hours. Ice Cream Soda Water, A Lemjuad, to Cool Yob. Go'.d square Meals, nice Lunches, &., M.,Ur arm you. i Ales, Wines, and good Liquors to b usl reasonably, for your henefit if you deslr. . HEMPEL, Prop. u3L STATE AGENT Halladay s Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The jTalladay Mill has stood th test for six teen years. loth In the Cnited States and Eu rope ami K tbe only one generally adopted ly all Principal Railroads and Farmers. - Terms liberal. Send for Catalogue and rrie I,M. A. L. STIJAXO, Luicoln, eb.