T I If II f P V i i i VA.NT.iiu. j.n:i ! k5::;istkvuv. usr. : H Li it ix Li i't'ou Siturd.iy cvciiini:, ifiod sneaker, u i,,iv.hhs i:,r;wa Hft.:th. -- " ' ' ' ' , , l""- ,!" ec..nd Ward of me oi-y i i au- . " . f;;-st of t!.e season, fresh una new. : nio...h : I inti.T ,1 i,i i , ,.;-. -H ., INTF.Il-STATli INDI'STKIAL EXlsi- j'otiery .Mi J UtUlid tO lk' vie 111 I'lalil! i'.lU'll- . i P.rvaiit in r ti"ii, to the iureliasi' and sale of boots j J 1 i.-mi.-tt 1. 1 1111,1 shoes. Cun-o'inrntly ran Imiv I The Ii,L r-ritate Industrial Exposi- ,' iiaumei,-.-r J I chewier, sell eLeer and ;;ive better ; ,;,, r ,-hil. ill h,. m from .s, r,- ! """', ,?V- ..-'. - . -. 1 " " - ' j. : ,Uln I u 11 il satisfaction. 27-tf w. 11. r.M.i.. Paul Vnnler ooit sj cak.s here on Saturday evening next, O t-.'x-r :nl in Fitjj. raid' Hull. Turn out ev 1 body. Yv"e regret to record tin- death of a liiM bcloi-.-in. to Mr. 1'.. Muriihy since our hot issue. We call attention to the new ad. of Fleming & Hire, Wei ;ii; Walt r, and tiicir new to-kof noI.i ;.; va il. !".!.!. MI!.!.IM:ilY. Miss Sweeney i.-i constantly reeeiv ine; pattern : -s t s and new millinery rood.i for tin; tall M,i-;vii, and invites :1! lier customers to call and examine tht 111. l.j.st. A double, shot poi!"!i with c!ii' l.n:i an I shot, ;ii 'ii cord aiac'i.-d to il. and on" powder I'.i-L:. Uetween I i it tsmont li and Tiioui.t.; Wile.; plae ', ret arn to Ids oilier. -Jt. 'I IHM.s V(U N:. Wall aper. Window S.ri les, Chro-Tii'-. and all kinds of u;d:olslei ini cood. at I'kank Stadtek's, '-'.Hi' (Yidn.I J'dock. ; t:;JrVth to(Hn',:j- Utth, to the pub .'ii,;.?' .1 u ! lie, from all parts of the Union, It be- '. '"' lsu; the ;realcst l.ositioii of t!ie Kf-ea Trunk Country this .Veas' ii, t!ie Kail Iiouds s K.-ui-iiHd ; V will issue i:cursioTi Tiek'-ts at reduced rates, to aeeonmior visiting this :;raud Jxpositicn to all desirous of ; I'iwry w II . ( .Ul 1 l ".i ; 1!. : -1 ; 4-H . in.Mvliu'a .l..!iii ' Irv. i.i !: t 1 . r mi: cor Mir i:irim:i: oit.stio. j. .;,!.-.'. w .1 . i i 1 ; : I.oit u.i) .Lilies W 1 lv nii-lilcr a-oiv' '"sl-rl e..ees. Y c .' .v v j -ii . . 1 ,..',--...... -i . e . ' ,v u. iwiit'v. lassisirar --i ii:e rvina an ?S',v;"-""'CVV '. ' . .''. V.-.V ; i j ! n;,' cay t!f i'lal ln:u!i; ii,d.) ln-n-l-y i -i tify.l hi t-Yjeie- V V '-v'" I tia-lor-ti:i.-! i- u ivct yt i tin; elcis i i'vYeYe 'YH -YU"-iWji.Yvdt1- j NUI.l "lii'l . si. H 1'V tllC Jt.-IM fj Of IJKi.! f-. v '. Y . YY'-".-- : 11 - 1 .tei, in iav i:.iM-. t-e -: ."-'Y . . Y'$- r I .Vn.l i.i;-- is lu-rel.y ulvcn t iciv.in it .M-M.ifki-ii il C .Misni r.l M Nt'iiaun 1 i;,.:-n:iiii!(.'r S i t ttit K J'ai'r-on .T;i3 ?! Kuii.ilt- w 1: Kmiill .1 N la.--!l .lolill K:ml:tll W m i:u!i;.".f " lColiiMtn A Smil U 1 S Sum ii IU i iu;m Sjr;i jnc A Ij Sitt-.!u ieker I Sii'itli (.' !' ;:il'l-y .1 .Ir YiiiiKlOi .S 1' in.tn n Viiiiu .ti 1 .1 i: ivi.ui .l,y:uM Vhi.e W .) Wis- .! X V.'.it'i in;in H A Vmnisoii .J M I i-iit A!i!m Wil.i.uiiM c F VVliil.-J'S V:iyiu;i:i .lolm AV;Ui"''iiiiii .Jclm is.- p 1. AV. --kb i !i .r V inn- Artl.iu-V:Ui-s C K I.J. i:. Iii!ev. P.'-isirar or lire S-ci.nJ War.l. Ht i.i ;,i i tviiKiiaiii iiiii (J S 1.' ill'-' a-'i-;(f ! Mi Kivi;t 'i iiuoi! y I McKlwai.i .M !, .lmii- Cia t:-. Centaur . 1 Ttirf is in? ja::t wt)ih t!' I i h'ai.r I i'lili.i l:t will mt !' iZ i:..v. 1. ik kiu lit!." ii wilt nut ! si li,!n(, ami im lulu -lirs-s Viiieli ) it will net -ur. 1 Ins is s'ium laminate, but it is Iruc. V hire I t i.e iai is are m t iron-, i.s t-liei ts ! an' uial i l'oiis. J i li.is i'i'!u'ei! 1 more cnics ef 1 tn-iennf :m. M'i- I l.f-JlVpcr ra!i:.ia, l.i'K-j,nv, ji;i;.iy. sjiraiiis, j j svc!!ii:-;s, ear-iu'lit, t-akeil-breasls, si-aMs, 1 i limns. saU-rlit um. iv;.. iumhi the human ! fraiiif, ainl .f strains, iiavin, trails, f.c. J iipmi iiiiiiiiais i:i out' year than have at otlitT pi ti-inu'.t ri '.aodii's Siiiv the v.ula h"M!i. It is a coc.t(r-in'itr.!it, :i nn-healinii I'aiti-rt'li.-ver. Crlprh-s th:re,v away thcir : iiU hes. tli' lanio walk, poisonous V!i--s are ren-!ir-'l harmless, ati.t t!i.- wiiiiiiilci! .ir? ho:Jol without a si-ar. It is no htniihus. T!- r-'oi;e is srllitiL: as no arti' h4 ever hefoiT sold, a:iil U sells hoo;:is' it does just what it iir.'teiuls to tlo. The.se who now sutler from rhetiiaa; ism, j:ai;t or swellia deserv e to sailer if they will not use Ceiit.-iar I.iniiiK iU. lii'.oMiiaa VMM eertifi'-ates of rei.i.irkahle cures, inoluilin frozen lliahs. i hroiii.--! iiei!inati-!n, s'at. nmiiai; tamoias. Jtc. Iiavo h. ' ii ree. ived. "Wc vi'l Sv?:wl a circular containing certilleates. tlif recijje. jin.lis to to any e;e !e..jne-,ti!i;-C in One houie of the yel low wia;'ier I'eiitaur I.iuiment is worlh 0:1? I hm.iliv.l ihdhirs for f..U!iicre;I or sweeitieil hor ses uii.l i.i'ilc.s, or f.r screw-worm iu sheei. Stock-owners this liniment is worth yourat luidii. Sj faiiii'y lion!d he without Centaur Liniment. J. II. Ko::K & Co., NV York. -U'r-ly f 1 0 '. 1 1 M0111l.1v. 1'f day of !. Is74. net ween t Hours ! a o emeu a. ni. ana . o i iock . i;i. 01 1- V if -v...' : 'v " .y X i: , V 5 i miis. to striuc 01V anv names that are not cu K '"Xx'i .' ' -' .YxVY; V;V'. I ti;i- i t the Mleetiv e l'i ancLie. or other orrar h't:'---CV I Kisirar. I- .-. . ''i'- 'Yi.Y vs I y-.". .'y--: V':ri.L i.'v '':'' .0.::.,3 I N::wsof I.cjral Voter la ,':i-lf ! 1 Sej.t. Tth f '.r.--'r-'.-r:'y!''V-y- ' t..:i,in lii.'lliiKlWanl of tl- c;tv of liatls- Keens one of (he u. Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. Machine Shop. John Vf(nnnan .iiirccssor to AVaymaa Curli. l r.ATTSMOCTII, NEK., Repairers of Sluani Knjtines, Ilcilcrs. Saw and OrM Mills. i.is r ; 1 1 i Steatn Fittings. Wrought Iron l'ii. Force sual I.ilt Ftuaj-s. Meniti (oiaes, Safely Yulve Governors, unl all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. ! Farming Machinery i 'I I O FESb l O X A L CAUDS 'ii!"i;u;i: i r.:Nv:rr-ii Ft:ti smd Ta-iavi':'4 A'lenus. Nt:.in.-.s l'tiilic. Fire aiul Life Insurance AtlU, Flat (moUth, Neh.. II. V.. I.IVIxr;sTONYPhylcl;.n n'lJ Sni-Keon, Tenders his molo-noual sertecs to the ' ci!:ens of Cass- coatuv. Her idence southast I corner of 0:1k and Sixlli ft reels ; olhee on Main nod froTi m:ik ; di-Urcrcd i'..'!!y at every IxMty.s home In Fiat tniOuth, If they want it, l.y J. F. licaimioistcr. Send in your onhns ami I will try anil give you OSfAHA AIM. street, one d .or uest of I.yman's l.umlier Yard, 1'iallMiiouiii, Xcliraska. 8AM. M. CHAVMAX. K. T. MAXtfiXU J atul scr e Ton r-ylarly. fll.VPSIA' A JIAXtVI'.I.U ATTo;:N!-:YS AT I.AAV : ml Sola il. us In Ch.iaeery. oilice in File nud'-S Ii'.ocU, l'lalts I!i ili!!i, NelT-ask;'.. r.-iy. A. L. SriiAocK, T. II. V. ii.son. " SPUUilKiUVII.SOX, Attorneys at I:iw. FI.ATTS MOFT1I, - - NEH II ASK A. 'oaVr-f,Vn.s Vromvlbj Anttnt h J t. 13-1 y i;ep;iii-o;l (j short notice. 8-tf. work. Down she jovs in the mud. i'Ai:;:::;;s att::mi(;n ! i ! turcr, opposite; the 1 1 ; : ; : : i oliiei'. on i f-s yY-y Y-: Y-Jiai'YYi-YY; j Main St.. Piattsuiouth, N'eh. Ci-'ar j 1;'. i ;:Ari riijipin-soj- Sn uiiYi aadAia iiean To- I Y--S t2-T3 bae. oes. for sn, !;in-- purpoM-s. l'-r tkt ''v,!SWh iM j,. .-i ijuaiiiies .1 piii--s:i!omii-j: rij-tT-'-''-.;f Ir. 1,1, -en il'VO .,.1 li o,l '!ltf NX l"rrf- -JT!-1 1 'vw ic" ::.;:so:.als. K. ?'i'i'('S, I.ouisv ilk', is one of our b"st cu-toincrs and must 1 kV,-'TI 1? r .. 0. .: y::iX : Ca.I : I hJUf, f'SX'i t -"e-v.-f y p. -v-'v le.s? i.t.w.e ..! l.mst 1... 01 M-.tll-.. 1. --.r fe' 1 . .m''-" rT?-. ri-C.i-J S 4.,rf"V- v ? 't;i $ y;-&z? vstZiS lot- ii'Ms man. He is alw.-.-es about. I ,ejniXi.i.iY - Jil was readv. a! wavs has n -..-nev an!' f Y Y-vYv J l?':'- Y-L-'irv.'.::Yv-;.ii we oulv wisli la- con! 1 do a mllli i.i a j L'.t ' -'Yv.Y.; ,"ev". v ::; JV.y-i'' e.;r. and advei ti.-e aef .nim-.rlv. ULu-. j;!--.;.- 1 ;':! S?.!.!e!i;F!!i:i lias ju.-t n tuna d froei th" I!as'. and a 1.;;" stock of roo Is vi'! ;;oo:i b,- following him. b an! m t; Yliididman for fall cl .th- ( p :.s tiie rampa'gn n-xt Saluuway e:iJi;r. r.ri, v . n i r. r. v o : : t. K :::i!i!ir;in. sp:'.;!.i:i at I"; L.eraldV It iii.Oet. :;d. Vi'm. Y" 1 1 . 1 i i i. i i i i , onr wi- -;ii er. iia.s "one t .lends, and . kii . . . i i 'd v Ti e; )'i:o, on a v iYt to hi b.- ab.a nt ab.-.tit thn-c weeks. Mr. 1. !J. Mal i by. our ( la.-'a-nt 'it Collector, v. it! at'o nd lo the du! ies of his odli c is e.one. A pie isaut trip. U bile I J. etc 1,. t;i v '!' onr I'.nt'iy f i desire to cxp-rt ss .: la !; and s. r i. e .oors r for t'a ir to- lo:,- -s of our child. M i.i tb' M fold for a . an ;:u ; a; j i . i i V: which they have done will be tie pi aver of their friends After the new bridges v. re built, i'hev c.irrv an artillery train. ( IIMIS IN THE MIT OF A MMIi P)I.!Cr.?IAN. t.' '"'- . . -.' . v. - ei . , .-.r 1JjA iY- ;'--;!;NA'?.v-VA,Jj.'A.SI sv 'y;,.: ;yV1' :?.Y-s i .,Cf -r? ird 7 :y' '1 ,1 ;y lj-,7-YY;' V.'V k...Y..;.;Yv Yff; ! iliilMSS r.Tor-aii M V.' ! PiiilcvsJ (' Miieiiell i ho.i i p.'-own S !l Miller l:isi l rear.N-.-v J M Metteci F .1 P .ns .lolej Mm hv SI P. i;..!is II M Moekenhani't Cl::is Paelir I.ew'n Mclioaauli KM P.i.one .1 V Marti. is J W Fir. hiichl V.'m C Mow C F Peek ner Jonathan Ma;hail t'liarb's j Il.irlncit Amos J'iiainiicr E.i I l.a,iniau S SI Paiirjr James Cn--lii!i!i K I'rolc A W Calhoun:" II 15 1'oKoci; Thomas C.ai;!aa!i (1 Ii d Geo 11 lo-l.y a o Y i'a'mcr il F 1 ies.;'ine W .1 Pender. on Peter I.e-ciacM All.eit PliiniiiCr El a !i iiii.i l!" itohcit Proi" er i.eo K Jt. e .v Al a Po. ! ,V II IIII!M1 V.' Vr' Pe.ikey Willi. Illl hiii-oa tl I. Poiiiic: .1 U l.z.iu S! i'-ii.,: 1 !; i'e. r; s J P 1- ox 11 1 l.'am a j'ei. r I eliows Hush l.'aiic i Vaienline Frost ': i-ia H-: ens II W t.at P P I ielll Pled (ivjer ( F Fed heck A 1 .1 i;:iu John St alcliuann Fr-.t .' ; i.siao'i Wi.i A Si:i !i-!iii:i!iii in. i,;i';.'iv.l ' Siadl.r I i.hik Ho'.n.es C M Sieei-'iit .lasau Mail A Str. u'ct It J Hayes J (1 S!f.-i.,iit O M i la eiiiloa Jessie Sciiia.er .).- j , 1 1 1 i od rei i James Scnlaler John I la ves ( 'a me ron Seiniellhacher J SI Hauler W illiatii Starhinl S 11 I!o.iaiii l rank Sehaier le( llolViiiaii ' J Se ln.lt leo .V Her..!:! Herman smith it W MnMrcl-rc ( i W Sc. ill II S I! i'.m.iii J S inloii C II !!.u : i-on ("ico A' caver .! J I r aa; "V SV. st Wia S. ' .lames 1. I Y el:s Wi,l I. ! J' iiiisoaa T 1 V. ino!i.i::i li Ii j J .a;. on .1 V W caver A J ; Kel-.lii'iiy K V V. e-t PC j Kioehler lYoil Wat'.ciiL" r John I Kiii,r iii ii V AVoo.lai'U Uavi.l ! 1 ll Joan a iii". ii or-- the battle mother They d the house. ( ' W. Ib:.:;:-i.::Y. ! i r- S YV: :..--v :. ' -. ?sYY;Y; ,1 n,'U::l-': i'tlL -FY. ti . i.i ..... "-'O ... P.eY;.c...;, --ij i.;...-.;-;. ti; ::''--.1;:';X-:'V,o "l: 2 rows KYM;iir;:r; every liui" we eUltYei:.r;T t!ie;-e we b id Mirpriso.i ;,i:d pb-ased &T -'-1 j rrs-iit--v;'? 'f Jflrrl Avith the .-ha.,. as I' d' t he j 1:!! laet,, n(?v th , a:- pnUot;: u!; j frf 3 F. Cass. F.isin.i'of ;h.c Third War.!, of ;'. city of Piat tsiiie...;; h, do hercii y cert it v. that l.'lc folt 'f 'r.'.lZ is a eorreel lit of I he ele.'s ill ::;! w.iiM. a s siiou a l.y I lie ilea! lay of .autli ia d veleis. in eiy ol'i. f. An.; t ice is hereiiy ;ivi a to aI ji. rsons i:i-tcr:-i."e to al'ilv to lue ; t lie- ofi.ee .d Mleke! . ai: .'. S'a.i i. on Sioni'a.". . 1 he .'nil 'a;' of t'.t PTl. iietween the lioias , f o'clock a. m. ami "i oVlaeu . in. of said day. to make addn ions, i e c in cl an v omissions, 10 st i ike oil any names i.'e.i . nliih-.l tn the i;L''-tie Franchise, i.l ellii r cr.-ir iu -aid list. F. F. J ASS. lh'iasTrar. uiXiisrirAirs list. X llaeS of I.cjral Vol. is Keirisn-red Si ;ii. Till, 1 :t. in the Fonrlli SV;:rd of ihc City of Fiatt i.ionii! : I'!uin"i full of new Vn.l .and winter p-o.is. n. c. s.; to .!;; lit tle town and -r t'i ; ;o'.;-;:,e rocks un the lovelv r. .1 uii ! v. :!.:; MC5.T Ml 'T-.'-ricii, at the Hubhard ao i.i'li I :ie 'J..; Il insi. 1 y !.. I.e.!. ii. Mr. (i. ii. Vi::.mi i.- II.O.T. :u:vi i at WMbi'iNu watmij pa I. i.s. Just opene-l with a new and laro Stodi Oi " 'Oils. n.!'.::iNo .v. it ; i: have jr;:;t opetied as hae mi assortment of cnerai eo : ls as w.-rc ever brone;hr to Vee!.:?:Lr Wat- r, :i.-i!in : oi dry troods, hats. c:iti, bouts ted nlso.-s. Heady in id" clothing, Hard .vaic. (ueenswart iS;e. Cloves, Mitts, l.tdhs Purs, a:;.l Yan kee Notions of all soils. Mr. rieM::i.-r h.n j-ist been Ivi t and their ixoiuls are bciuM ri-c"iv'd new and fresh every day. Th -y must and will Tie -.l.l !.': for CA-ti". Now is your tin." to buy farmers, mechanics n:id cv-cry body. l.V Ynion V;.Jra! I.if. I iranMnce Co. Ak.-r-oii. O V P.aiiance, iiliain i;,.ek. Fr. d ;...icK. ( liaiic.s K Pates, p A Ciith r. I. II Caller. M i! C:e. ret h. 1": an'c :i.-a. -. . K W I "a .j.io. S A ".lii-i. a I. I I ii i in".oa. F. SV. i . I'. i.. Win. ',: i-ertoll. it'll La. on. il il Pat. m. S F I -lie.- i '.(. M ic'iacl ! !- iIer. ico. 1-ia:sli.-r. John i : a 1- a e at . I 'ra nk II itc.-nai.i::. Fn-d !! I Illume , Yv !:. ' a .. .I. r. Fred I . 1 . " . i iii ii . I ' . ii ill' il I "8, y m. I,' f-.T 1 .1 o. - .. . t . J . ,i- . it. ill. .V 1' '" ;' very line buiblin waen com;... ted. , ??J v.'-l. j3 j n.,.,,i. lei, M. i's. Pliniio Pae- have i:,s: HpgQ WMA W':;' o.ie.ied a new stock of , b and th- H Jiv.ir old sttmd-bvs. Ibid Pros., have a h a jr. fiW2-H?&J'-A i Hac-.-n. i'a-o i: ... .... ...a I ".!'.: -.'j; ..S-.' f'.. ':' v'.7- V-,H"'--; .-; .In'iasoa. ( i-' ..a . aotoeia- i ioao;:,!, I'l,t.e. H " .. "'e I !o dusi aft t Mrs. Mel I. ope.nd the door Observe the c;it. FY. . rnoL. Pxcbtsivc dealer in P. oats and Shoos. Look for the s:u .south side Main St. Piattsmoiiih. Nb. 27-tf. t:ij: ii: PAbTntYTibDi ri: visited our City on Monday and Tues day ovu.iv-; last and drew crowded house t t'a-'i ni,;ht. Their performances were r;-; ' . the bell rir.in-Jt la-iieji ready flue and some of the trh ks of vcntiilo 'iiiisu. i on.h rf ah Sfarahv. Pal ri' k 15 r.'lienrv M M-ieie. C S ; li'-kelwail. W Marrow. I'avid I. ' a-; i:is. I i-'i.i y V; C''ll"ll'!;'.:S M. il;. , V Ii M:.!ie".e . .F.l.a tllli-ii, If. A Mein-oa. W F S! -'I Cliel Joc.-l Mcl i.nilel. J..iaei II. Xal naii. Isaac O'Mara. Thomas )" 'minor, Thomas '( 'on;;. i'-. . : eeiius p;,,a . John Phei-is. j n lai.-i.diac.,!.., Ai:-A!stt;s Itos.Mili '.cm. A 1 itoi ins, ;., l Seluias-.-., (o;-.ia us s'iar;. F'.viM Siil -i. 1. C Shannon. John SY Smilii. Washinyton Siiarp. Jos. jili (1 Speck. lacs Smock. A M Sini; h. I.av. rcr.ee 'I'm i . t lenrc ; ; Joiiu.i-n, I. I" I i. tt. John II . I. liaison. Peter I oiias. i nomas Johason. Andrew Yass, W T iei;!n d . James, SViaicrit i in , SVm l'l'cl kriiilnii I It. ...'!.- certify lhat on S-at. Tth. 1.ST4. I It a: is'.crt d I'-e- ahovc nami's of l.e.vl Voter-- in the !', irtii Ward, of ihc city of i'i;il!Ninl!i, in i ass t o.. Net... for the fieia r sl Jlle.-iion on l!ct. i:;.h. lsVk Correction. t!av. Oct. r.iii. is?!, at 1 II. SViaclcr vS. Cos. A. F.CHI I.I), Ke-ist rar. Si'lidA L XOTICKS. I hive this rl.iy sold mv iiPcri'-'t in 1lie F. o i!e's Markei lo .'lames O'Neil. Ail peixons in- lelaeil io i . v , will -all at tile M uk'-j and settle 1 I HOUSEHOLD PANACEA a n ; FAMILY LINIMENT. ilwly iv t'.. l.Va .'.ay of Oelolw-r.A. I. ii I. n- must '.nv nam. v. H. K. Fi.l.i st N. ej-.r, iilst tsil. Htj-L-w t V.'hv Will Voa ! T-. -i! pe.-- c.:s r i hcjr f .-'.! i Iti'.enm.il i-m. i N, e; .i!; ia. 'ramps in C-e ii,; or stomach. ' llileeil! Ceilc. l'.iiil ill ! l.-i -k. 'vowel-: or ride, V. e i v . iS.! say. i a ; Hot si , lo .1 i 1 M :. V A ! j FM.V 1.1MMC.NT is l of ail ol'v.ers ihc remedv i ;-...! wan: Cr ia;.-ra;j i t -JI I l.D RE OFTEN LOOK PALE ': ' !; !.' ::):,::' "' axd sick i c ' -'l-s' "' 'n,.-V. '''L ,-'" 'ni's! S From tvi oilier cause than having w orms in the siaciacn. 7?717) HEAD I ! The summer oo-ls came i!oj;i awfully at SIcives' Shoe Store. Call and .'.amine, uncharge for slf.Ti:)'- them. l--tt Its terrible t-i notice how the siaiimcr j:ooN came dow n at Mi r-es Shoe Stare. 1st f. tak- ah. aa il. Liv il. id ! y all I in z:-,'.- U Nata-is:-i. in lao-.a a : A I 1 y A I ai : I ": W in i ii! a -k W p.hc-k John P;. o k Fr. .'. P.l.ie.i 1 v ik y lie. ek .! c llciv, . 1! ! !1 liult-rv III ilahl.-il r;.. i I 11 ikil-inea :t I'.o-.iii.e 1 Ic-o.iel. I la l e ;'' I o itro-.i n ( ; Charlaa. .1 J. ii Clan. -h I. -I h.'.s purchase ! the line i vc-siory stoin ficnt bniidiinr, oi' idtc the n-w Crand Hotel in Cincinnati, lor its own use. Th.is Company is reliable cud prosper ous. The C.en- ral Ae-.-iiey which in cludes this section is unoccupied, offer ing a line opport unity for active and nihil le men to a lucrative busi ness. T1k.sc desitin such a position j would do well to address. j X. W. llAKKIS Se.-'y, j i.'VIw. Chu innati, (. I . ; lli'l.'lt I.' ! t oaaor .les A Hurrah far Van speaks jm1iIk's i ciark J-.hn 1: and thinps next Saturday evenin-. i J l;'1,' "'1 r: i" I-: ,..n J: i Don. !:.a V. h ! 1 ick .! allies iir.r.i) ii!:ts. v,t.i.pix; w.xr.i:. i KisaV y'.Zl 'fids c-nterprisin-hrm have just re- nV-i'da'joiin ceived froi.i ( hie.:c; j and elsewhere a j a !!;-;o.ia-L,ui l ; 1 li! 1; .1 li l.ii.T stock of floods for fall and winter j io! i;.i- r.-vi trti.Ie. Their freight bills called for j I'r.'n.:,'; Wi i 40 Tons wci-ht of &-y.U. so the people ; Sll.f.h-'wm r. can for tn some idea of the stock. Thev i ,:i xv '" I.'O aiustott !t Ii sell at the lowest c;uii pnecs, tv.ul are , i.e. aani y v . . , , . , , . . . I l.einke Wm .bniij a laro pacsace tra-le which is ; A Uis j.; K increasing daily. In th article of teas alone lv indueincr the fanner to Luv I J:u'.-h..;i J v. : ?!, oatc M:ko tinbro.-ccn p.ickairej of five and ten i M ian ivi. r IHvtilSTilAIPS LIST. i.f le.-:-l xol.ls O-i-C-red SfJ '. Till. , I ;; t AVai-.l of Uv city ol idatLs- Pverv lb publican wanted at the front. Malli-an Mike M c Sliirj.hv J A M. i r.-a .1 I. M '. ;,--s Pet. r :--:..t i.ews p v M. kinix ii 5 W -Mm-vs I. 11 : .-lo ;c clias :!.. . tv M.'VWeil P. licit Mci'onauh Fat Xailmn isa.ic t-wion lart; .:'vcil;iii l N.-vii.'.- V. i.i 'Ccm-ir Michael Pcjicrl.er ; Jaie-s Parii;el- U Paine pi.eh s Pettee .!::, les Kn-s. 1! .1 J l.'o.'ierts Joscj-c, SI Paka. r p j.- ;:. mi.:: if c S.c rv,..o.i Ik-l oit Sclil.'irel Ale in.'.er Sexton 1 ii-ioiliy Skince-r A K S-.'omon laks Seliuli...:!' Henry Tucker Win Tucker V.vS Tucker .las i' '1 imiciir N I. '!':;:.. .! ,-:iv5 1 AN kite 1" !1 A' he.-I. r !) II V.'avbrkht Slorjan Waite A W WiM- F V. V. hire M 1. Wavlu iL-ht Saai Yoa'ii- J P Yarrow Wm P.UOWN S YF.iiMIFFC.i: COMFITS will.lestrav Wornn v. iihmit "uiji.vy to Ihechlhl, l.ei:i4 perfectly Willi II. a'ld lr.'e Irom all co oriiii; of oilier in im ions ingredients usually used iu worm j-i-'parn! ions. Cl It l is ,v lliioivs, ITcje.letoTS. Xo. '1" Fulton Street. Xev York. Sc'd l.y Dni-nists a:el t hcmists and dealers iu M. dichies ai i'i c-als a box. lilw iv roit SALE. acres of unimproved land, four miles from Pla!!sii,oe!h : 'o. d locality : can he bought r. a-e,-,,ai;ic. Cat! at the othce of ,-if SAtrin & 'Winhham. Velirp.sUa Htte itetri-'ter. A An column .aper. pulvlis!-,.-d at Hie Siale Capital ; fc.il of Slat" news ; imiepi ud.-nt in everythinjr. neu tral ni nothing : M.."' a ye ir. Conesjiondeuts and Agents wanted ia every town. M. C. Cl. Vl. I.ineuln, Xcb. altf CAsroiti A ! more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, retrulate the bowels, cure wind colic ami produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or ah-ohol, ami is picas nit ta take. Children need not cry and mol hers may rest. 4ii 1 y LEGAL NOTICES. Probate Judge. Xoiiee is hereby jriven to all persons having accounts against t he estate of John W. I.ivimr.s- t in. .1. cea.sed. to liletiie same in the ollice of I i'roliate JuiIkc, Plattsinoutli. 'ass county. Xe- j braska, on or before the 1st d iv of ApiHI. A. I. , . lIl'l-lll-HiX- ' ,..!. II. I.. I. 1. 1.1 .-.W .X , Sejit. 23, is?!. 271 1 Prubutc J udi;e. People's 31arket ! ! At tlie People's SI ukct yoa can fir.J and BUY FOR CASH! atiythine usually keiit in the In A R K E T LIKE. I ).ay CASH, and I must sell f.r CASH, and to my Customers I Sell, and only :.sk SMALL PROFITS, UKO. H. SMITH, K. 1'.. WIN nil AM. S'HTII S. W1IIIAI, Sm-eessors to Slar.iuett, Smith, & Starhinl, Attorneys at Laiv d- Rtul Estate Jirtjktrs 1-I.ATTsMoCTH, - - - N KB, Special mtcntioa jrlven to Collcetiotis. ami all mallei's a fleet in;.: the Title to Heal Fstale. Ofliee on 2d lloor, oer the Post Ollice. Dr. Schildkneelit, Eclectic & Homteopatiiie Pliy&ician. iVr-OFFICK AM) i:msidmxce,3 3 Comer of cth and Vine Streets, Flattsmoulh, Ncbiiisku. CAI.t.S ATTKN !Kt AT AM. HOCKS. r.yi SherilFs Sale. liy'vlrtu?" of ihr.-c several executions'" Fsuoit oai ct tn.' Pioliat-Ccnrt. within and lor Cass Couatv Nebraska, and to me directed wlierein .1. S. T.i'.:. shin y is Plaint il! am! Amireiv Kearn I lelclidan' , also piooai Pro. & Co. Plaimilf and Andrew heart! I'el'ciiJant an t also Wm. Fetch Plaiiitiii ami Andrew Kearn is Jiefemlant. 1 wilt on the lL'ili .lav of October A. I . ls;i at 12 o'clock a. ia. of s ad .lav at the resilience of An drew Koai n in Cass County Nelv. sell at public a i lei ion t he follow in personal proper! y , To wi! ; l'l e hundred bushels of v. heat, one hundred and lilt v bushels ol oats, also one Slower and lli-ajn-r Said properly was levieu upon as me ijio icily ol said Andrew ixearn Sin :'i!T Cass Coantv Xehra proaei ly i lattsmouHl, septs :jc( S!. P. CFTI.EK. 1ST 1. . lii-aW SIieriiTs Sa'.e. F.v virtue of an excution isr.e.l out of the Dis trict Court iu and lor Saunders County. Nebras ka, ami to hie directed, I will on tin; eth day of t K-loher. A. D. P-71. at . o'clock, p.m. of said !iy nil tile laud of I.eoi,a:,l v'kevarant , in Salt Creek Precinct, Cass Coaatv. Neb., sell at public auc tion. the follow iii; personal properly to-wit: roar .stacks ol heat : t!e s.iid wheat was lev ied mum as the ron ry of l.conar.l Chevarant lo sadsfv a jud.meiil "f said Conn, recovered l.v V.Y li. Siai'iis. St. li. CL Tl.Kii.sli.-ria. C a.-i.s Co.. Neb. laattsmout'a, X. '.., Scj t. 1Mb, '74. ;tt Sheriffs Sale. P.y virtue of an execution Ksu.'.l out of the District Court within and tor Saunders County, Nebraska, and I i i.ie directed, wiiereinC.il. I'iirmeic is l'iairi. i'i. and 1 'aniel l.'amey is De fendant. 1 will on the 5ili day of October, A. D. 1-74 at la o'clock a. in. oi said day. at lite resi dence of I.. W. I-i n lid. in iieeiiwood Precinct, Cass Co., Neiv.. 'ell ;it Puiilic Auction, the fol lowing : personal pivpcrty lo-w it : Olie-liall in terest in a l oin Planter, he", ic.i upon as the Fropci tv ol Daniel Kamey. Ai:-o, at lac same lime al.d pk.'-c, by virtue of iin execi.iioi: issued i.y James i ". cil. a J ustiec ol iiie Peace, wilhin and for Cass I ., X.'iMits ka. ; ad to no- tli reeled, w Herein Yah cry & iiiil ln -t arc Plaintills and 1.. W. Friend is I iciend ant, I w ill sell al puniie auction the f'diowiiiir pel siiual jiropcity lo-wit : One-hall interest iu a Corn l'lant.-K also one-ball iuieresr ia a Maisli liaiAesi.-r ; the same was le led upon as li e properly of 1.. V. Friend. Al-o at same time and place, by virtue of an cvciil.oi' ivued by .lames O'Neil. Justice of I he Peace, within and lor Cass Co., Xcb., and lo me diicc'ed, w herein aliery 'i tmifner are Pk.inli.ls, iiad llciiii-y Friend are Dcleiaiaa'.s, 1 w ill sell ;il puiilic l.ia lion, lb'- wheal in the granary at the resilient I i.. W. Friend, sup- po.s.ai io i.e about one hundred ami lilty-seven icisiit is itlie same w.is leied upon as ike proj erfy of I.. W. J'rieii.i. to satisfy lais execuuoii, aiso bv virtue of two executions issued out of Ihc 1 'iY rat Court, v. ii lun ami for Cass Co., Neb. aa.l lo me tliiecli d. wherein Ailr. d II. ise, is p;:e.:ii in. ami Pamev. l-'i iend ,t Kamey are de-i'-H, hints, i v. ill sell" at Public auction at the i. -si. a u. v of 1.. W. Friend, in Cre nwocl Pre cinct. I s Co., Neb., at i he hour of 1 i o'cIock a. m. on liie ath day of October. A. D. lsiT, the foMowine ieiii;af proiicrty to-wit : One im a Planter, one lot of wheat supposed lo he la- hundred and titty .seven U-"7 oiishels one hall ii.tt -rest in a .Maisli Harvester, l ac above named t orn Planter w heal ami half ia leresi in a Slarsli Harvester, are the same prop erty na.ncd ia tiie tirsi levies of this nolice and t!;is li vy was made subseiiuent to tiiem ; also the follow-inn property as a first levy To wil: I wo stacks of wheat and one half interest in a sia'k cutter 1 iie s.ime w as le ietl upon as the property of I.. V,'. Fiieial to satisfy lliii execu tion. Piattsuiouth, Xeh. Sej.t. 2::.l 1S71. SI. Ji. Cc-n.rn, Sherilf Cass Co. So!". Sheriff Sale. P.y virtue of an order of Sale issued out of the I list net Conn in and for Cass Count y X braska rnd to me direct it 1 will on the pit h day of )c ober A. 1. is 7 4 at tsil (!" o'clock A. M. "of said day at the south door of the Court House in the city of PI il tsiaotii h iu said Count y sell at Pub lic auction t lie follow im; Heal llstale To wit: Lot N umber t w.-lve (1J) iu hhrek number live (5i in the City of Piattsuiouth. Cass County. Xcb niska. touelher w ii ii all i he privileges and ap purtenances thereon oj- thereunto beloii;:i!m ; l'o s.-,:isy a judgment of said court recovered by Ico. iioeek a aint Wm. Alialfer. Clattsmout Xcbutska Sept. :.M !i s71. SI. P.. Ce l i t:!:. Slie.-jff. 21-w" Cass County Xebraska, Sheriffs Sale. P.y irtue of and order of sale issued out of the District Court, iii and and lor Cass county. Xe braska. and to me directed. I wiil on the 17lh dav o! i ictoh'-r, A. D. is; l. jit ten o'clock a. m. of said -lay. at t lie Miuth tioor of t he Court House in tin' i-ity of Plat l .mouth, in si. id County , sell a', public ah'-i i..n i he follow ing real estate, lo w it : The sou I h half ( 1 j) of the sout h-east ijuar-iiM-1 s e ' ! i oi seel ion Humbert went y Cji) ' tow n sliin number ten din north of ranrre number thirteen il.o cast of t;i ti Principal Sieridian. in Ca.ss couaty. Ni hra.ska. to1;eth.-r with all the lite piiviie-L-es and appurtenances t hereon or I hereunto l eltv-i'-'iiii; ; lo satisfy a judgment of sai.! court, recovered bv Albei t l'.acoii. mraiust Daid lioumert. Sl.li. CFIT.KIt. ShcriiT. Cass Co., Neb. Plattsmouth. Neh.. Sept. Till. 74. '-'l-wi Legal Notice. 1 irtff. Sarah .1. SVi iiiht s. r Jamci Wright, J D ft. .T-iinis Wriuiit v.il! take notice that I did on the 21 a day of September. A. D. 1 74. tile my pe tition in the ohice of the Clerk of tin District . - , .i e ... x-..v I Olilt, 111 .11.11 H 1 .LSS 1 Hililt,. .11 HI .1-SIV.I , ' i.... I l.. !,.. ...i .... .......... iiu;illl-. Mirt ii,i:ur. . I ; :- 1 1 - . ei-ii lint :n, 111111 forth that the said Defendant has been cuiUyol wiill'uliy al.iiialonin. Petitioner, w it It -tvat just can e for 11 ore than two years hist past, and p;a;. im; that pel itiotier be i;ran!e.l ;i divorce from tiie bonds if Matrimonv i.v d-crce of the j District Court, in ami for Cas.s County, Xebr ls i ka, and that unless you appear and answer said petitioner on or before t be L'ud day oi Xo Vember. 1S74. default Will be taken airr.'ilist voa I upon the same. CilAl'SlAX & SIAXW FIX." Lo-4w Alt y lor Petitioner. 2 'Oil SALE. A deslral !-.' reshtenee. in Flatt-onouth. for sale, s l.-o .hex:), balance on liwie la suit pur rliiiM'is. A b:.: ;:;ia. Call af of:;, c of Mtf ' smith i V.'in :u AM. FOR SALE. Tivo lioiiH's one fer cali an-1 eae time. For full particulars apply ta Ik ('. l'.ivi-y. j-;tf llemcmbcr Unit the e;.clusive Shoe Store is the hc.xt and cheapest place to jret your foot gearinir. Isii PFTKU MFK'iFS. FOR 11 EXT. One house. Apply ta K. C.. Ihwey. r.et f Til HIT I" YEA Zi'.S' J-JA'I 'EE I EXt'E OF AX OLD XEKSE. Mrs. SViusiow's Snothins Scrcp is jhc pre seription of one of the ! Female Ph siciruis and Nurses n the I iinel St:: -s. .-;r. J ), Y fcii io'Pds thev -'M eM (-rlv .".') li'-r I J-( "':' '""'''' Fii'lnir of the First Ward i uo.l for thirtv years waii je-v. r fading safet v po.i.. is, in. ...I St.l -a.. .liv ;) Kl , ,,f . t-l!v,.v j ; ,,.(,, , ,lo li.-o-hv c li ifx . and suit, .i tv millions of m; li.ox r.uA el.lhl- 4'.-nt under the old prices ana have ' tl!" :' envc; .t of voters m ! r.-n. fr. e.i ti e feeble infiust of one Aveck oM to .. , , . . . . 1 :,i" w. .rd. a . -lev a l.y th.. Ki-istry cf-uaiilied ' th- mluit. Ir eorrects acidity of the stomach, more than double their trade. Next i w.t. r-.. .n 1.1 ...ace. j relieves wind colic, retaliates tiie bowels. ami n i.'- .1 V f ,m v.l- -i'iiI f 1. vw.o-.l 1 . Al"' 1 1,i:- '' :s !,"ieby p-,en to all persons in- mves rest, la-altii and coiufort to mother an. 1 VACt.x.l lei o.mi.s ...t'l III. spM ldl t -ie-'ei t ,.iv u. n. at r.iv okice.t.ii Sb.ii.l iv cliihi. We believe it to be the 15est and Surest inducements thev oiler to farnifrs and JV",'''' V;;,v"! w': :: ,-vn tiie h-..;rs of . Ik-medy iii the Work Uiii all cases of Dysentery i o eia-. a. ni. .iii.i ., o . io. !; p. ni. of sai ! .1 tv, lo : and Diaiit.ea in cliiljrcii, wheli.cr ttailses others will be published ill the IIl-:n.l.D ,;':ik- sohiaioas i. e.-n.-ct any o-.i.is-ieiis. to 1 from ie.-tluu o. any other cause. Full iiree ,., . , - I ""' imates that ;.re not on.iti tatlte ; tkms for v.u win nrconipanv -:i"h 1-oitl.-. J'.nd they invite all to call and examine ; b'.".-;iv.' i- r.iac:...se or other ei r.r ..' s.-tjij ii:. N, iif ' leiiuine unless the for sihtite oft CUTIS Administrators Sale of Real Ils isite. Tty virtv? r f :ui oruer of sale issued out of the Chi ks ollice land under the Seal there ofi in and for the District Court, Secon 1 Judicial District, hi the County of Cass. n.l State f Nebraska, and directed to the unilersiirieal in an action where in (leo. II. til k k Administrator, I lie li:iis ?io.i. of tin estate of Sarah Ciat dece ased, is Fiauem ami Jrtun l. t raiir. atut others tire tleleiid..i:N. ( in a petition t s li laiuls to p-iv ilebis) ; 1 w ill at I 1 o'clock, a. in. ou att-r.I:i.v. tlw It!ilR.v October. arid kce said sale open one hour at least, in froia if ihe Couri II, iiis' in Cue City of Platts mouth, and Stale of Xcl rxska. oiler for sale at public auction to the liiJicst bidder, the lands and tenements herein j .'after described on the terms billowing to-wit : O:io fourth cash in liati l and the residue in three cpta! annual payments, f-wit h interest r.t ten per cent, per atiiuim. end secured l,y Murtsi on the prem ises, said lauds belong to the "estate of Sarah Crai-r. deceased and are dei ii: " it : s follows to wit li'l'hc Wesume fourth i 'lof th North West ; ijUarteri'ii. of the North Hast .niart'T ('c, and j LKti A- o's ' the Fast three f vur-hs of Hie North Fast ' " ' t-lf hut I expect prompt anil sure pay. if. r.XTsnx. Justice of the Peace. tiftlee on Main Street Flat tsinoutli. Neh., near ly opposite the HF.liAU) ollice. Fusil. ess hours from s A. SI., to s. P. SI. All County business iHitally transacted he fore a Justice of the Peace, will be attended to .bv the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. S-lv J. AT. II AI X KS. XEW .STYLES. F. L. ELSTER, Merchant Tailor Is In receipt of Un finest and II EST A S.SORT.trEXT TASSISIKKHS. CI.OTHS. VIISTIN'CS, SCOTCH tiooDS, lKIsII IP ills i.s, &c. In fact, the largest and best assortment of Cloths ever hroutiht to l his city, which 1 am prepared to make up in the latest Si vies. Call and examine Hoods. aprills. Wyoiuimr Hold, OMAHA, - - NiJlJUAbKA. A. AV. TKN'X'ANT, I'topitvtor. Fitiou Faclfif Ticket ami Sh-.piii( Car Oftlco rtireclly opposite. Nous,, newly furnished ami renovated throughout. , j Grand Central Hotel - OMAHA, X IIP,. Ln'jt tiih'l Flit-xt H'tUl hi tween Chi' cKjo ar.'l S Ti) Fruiristfj. OEO. THRALL, Vroprutor. LOUISVILLE ADS. Ilt, J. II. AiVATI'.ItTI AX FIIYSIO-.MI'DIFAI. I'll Af'TnTONKK, ) I.ouis ille, C;iss Co., Neh. Always at the ollice on Sat in days. c. ImmouIIi 7.1 ills. Have reeenllv been ' ;:,-4.-:tC'!-;', .vliflj- -' . v .-A . C. " '- I r,' , A -.- T r&y'-,- is- 7-A- -Y . - K C- cY, i -'-.- e '.".vi'-.i-- :.:' ;'s-;'''i..-u'-t i.W'.'.-fc h5;y&Xl ;-.. vvv is:"i.-b' y 'i V :--' ...:.., L":sa -d-- - -i-'-'-.-r.7 lU v'--lr f-i'c' ? sis. . . i- --. :'.'..' 7- Funerals attended on Hioit Notice. a i.st DMAU'.r: ix Furniture, Cluiirs, lcl- Slain street, next iloor to lirooks House, FLATTSSIOFTH, - XFI5 O. F. JOHNSON. DEAI.EK IN Drugs, Medicines, AX I ) Wall Paper. .A 'J O -vcO y-5I. All Paper Trimmed Freo of Charge. ALSO DFAI.EIi IN Ue.olcs. Siationary, 3Iaa z I lies, And Latest Pubiicalions. Prescriptions car.-fui!y eonipottntled by an ex perienced I iniygist. Kemcmbcrihe place. -or. at'a .t Slain streets, Platismouth. - Xc!). Meat Market! II ATT, THE IiUTCIlEH, -o- Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. 1 1 mis nr.. roiiuietor. reivair.-d ana i. lived in thoroiu.h r'luiiini; order, l.in.tii a Pais';. -Is of Wheat wamed immt--diately for which the highest mtu'Kcl price w ill he )aiil. G. A. von Heimburg, Veterinary Siircon. OJlce .south .tide JLiin Strut, Ltticvcn 'Third and Fourth Sts. PLATTSSlOFTIf. ... - XFH. PLATTS310UTII 31 ILL 8 PLATTSMOUTH. eb. CON FAD 1IEISKL, - lToprieto FLO U R, CO UN SI FA L. FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Cash prices. tThe Highest j-i icas paid for Wheat and Corn. Par ticularattontion triven to Custom work. Siiiirer Sewing Machines. FOIt SALE 15Y F. J. METTEER, With all the E A' T Ii A S , ATT A C II JI E X T 3 , XEEDLES, d-c. Also. Plows. Cultivators, Wagons and farm ImpleiHi iits for sale. 3Irs. A. IK M:E, WORKER IN HAIR. P.raids, Cii.-ls, Switches Puffs, ami all l.nals of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KXEE. Orders left nt MI1S. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Slain St. 1 .toor east of Clark & Plummers. 4.-.m:5 GO TO (JUS. IlEK0L)S FOR CLOTHING. -o- IIatt Alatays to p.i: Found Thkric -o- Not ehanrinpr constantly. buttlieOId FeliaV'le SiMt, w here you c;m tiet 'yo'ir Steaks, lloasts, Game, Fish and Foul in scitshn. south side of main stffft. Oxe Book West of Herald Office, 33-1 V, I'LATTfSlOrTII, Nub. f; -J; rY:- 7 r.-jY" ; - r.i .'.'' Y' i-j V. L. E. J0IIN80X, lir-Ofciposite thf l'Iatt Vally Huse, in Sehla tcr's Jeweler Mttr:, Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. AGENT FOR ! iuarter Ck of the North A ust quarter t 1 1 also i the South Wi-.t i;.uti r ( , 1. of the North Fast i tMiarter il.kaiitl ine South East quarter (ki'of i me. Norm N esi ou.irterc the goo 1; thev filter for sale. 11. P.i.ACK. : fc l'KPKINS is on the outside wrapper. St.-l l Jtesjistri.r. j by all Sle'lieine Dealers. iiwiy all ia Section Xo. Six lie. ia To'.vttsLia Xo. Twelve (12 N'rth of l.aiiu'e Xo. rhirteeutl a. Fast of the ;i Ii Frim-i-t al Meiidi.im Ivia an.i bciu iu Ca-ss Ceaaty, I and State of Xeb:as-ka. (iEORGE H. ULAf'lv. j Administrator Dc fiu.iin win of Sarah Craig de I eeioed. D. It. A, hf.fi.fr. I Alt', for Administrator. 2w4 n tx: jtssl. rJ at j fcs m ni'IUiJZT, SMITHS AMi:niCA, AXD COJ'IOS' a r dqq- r3LT And other Fr-d-class I'lanos and Ornns. AVho'csale and Retail Dealer in strings. ,-heet Music, aiul ail kinds of Musical Merchandise. T-t-SIUSICAL IXSTFSIEXTS Tuned and Eo paired -Satisfaction Guaranteed jan 1 yl PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. BOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FHEI. (iOIH)EI', Buyer. This Company Aill buy grain at the highes niaikct rates at all times. Scales and office at E. O. Dovey, Store, lower. Slain Street. Plaltsmoiilh. Neb. L".dv L. GOLDING, Detilcr in CLOTHIXC, I-UKNISfllXC. OOODS, HATS, CAPS, potrrs. shoes. 'Hit XiCS, VALISES. CARPET 15AI.S, &r., i &e., Ac. One of the oldest and most Reliable Houses in Plaitsmoutii. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. j:-3REMFMrER TnE PLACE. ns-if. Wiliiam Stadelmann has on hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. t Invite everybody in want of anthrnjjln rny line to call nt my store. fcOUTII SIDE MAIN, Between 5th & 6th St's. And eonviticc thernsf Ives of the fact. I have a a specialty inmv Retail f .iar! ments. a stock f Fin Clothing for Men and Hoys, to which we Invite those who want good-3. TI olso keep on hand a large Pud well se lected Stock of Hats, Cap,-I5oiil, Shoes, &e. jan 1 yl CAHPENTER WO UK ! W. L. TUCKER, BUILDS HOUSES, does all kinds of Country Carpenter Work, and is ready for a job ai all limes. Careful Work and prompt attendance to Calls. Z'-TShr,p on Cth Strt;tr north of j Fitzjerald's Llocli. E, T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Slain Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Hardware ami Cutlery. STOVES, TIN WAKE. IRON, NAILS, IIOFS, RAKES. SHOVELS. AXES, KXIVEs AND FORKS, ic. &e. AH kind- of TV Tin w are 31 a n u fa c t i i r cd . 4.11 f ft o CP CD S3 m Y - :z t i 'Z 2 r. CD 1 3 o Ci- O 1-0 o o in cr CO CD d3 d o t -2 i 5 5 2 I - 7 2 7 ft M 7 rrj h PllIIiADliPIHA STOitU. Solomon & Nathan, I':ai.i.ks in FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Largest, Cheapest, Finest, ami best Assorted Slock in the City. We are prepared to sell cheaper than they fa 11 be purchased elsewhere. GIVE US A CALL and examine our goods. 3St(ire on Slain street, between Itll and r.t h streets, Platismouth Xcb. Itilf. Xew Store ! New Stock ! Mr. "William G.Woodkuff having taken the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Eaton, v. iii keep a lull and com plete slock of FAMILY GROCERIES. All kind of country produce taken In EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I propose to sell low, and keep a STOCK OF XUJIIJEIi OXE GOODS, and hereby invite my friends to call and exam ine the new out lit. Grangers especially invited to call and get prices.bcfore ordei inn Koods.away from home. I propose to SELL TO GRANGERS, At Chicago Rates. AVSL i. WOODRUFF. Wm. F. P.kvnf.tt, Clerk. 1 -yl II. A. WATEIUIAN&SOX "Wliolesale and Retail Dealers in Pine Lumber, LA TH, SIIIXULES, Sash Doors. Blinds, On Slain Street eoner 5th PLATTSMOUTH ... NLT.. DON'T BUY CAREFULLY EXAMINED OUR XEV wm i Tr-sr i ----- m a i m LOW RESERVOIR s.:-;-f,Yrt x iji-fe tt iib 'y - t- v - . . t.-. - ' -'. - -s- s5 i". A.! -Y-V - V"V 'ix-".-.. FOX & GLOVER, Sells tli- P. EST OOODS at the lowest Prices at Lorisvri.LK c.ss ro,XBii. General Dealers in DryGoods,Groceries HATS, CATS, liOOTS .v: SHOES. Heady 3lade Clotli ing, NOTIONS. CRO.'KFRY AY A RE, - AND - Fanners Supi?lies Generally. Call and give them a trhtl. Also deal in. GRAIN & COAL. JO-filll Farmers Lumber Yard. IIavin.tr m.Tfli aiTaiigt'inenU in Chi-' fag-o, ami clsoAvherc, with pxtensivo ilciilors, I am preparctl to furnisli on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sasli Shingles, ifcc, ;it a reasonable rate. I also keep con-' staidly on hand a full assortment of Xails, Hinges, Locks, Html ware, of all kinds. Those wishini; to build will please call and sec my stock. E. NO YES, LOUISVILLE. NEE. FAU3LEUS EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEUUASKA, Keeps constantly on hand nil Staple Articles' such as COFFEE, SUUAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES Dry Goods, 15oots, Shoos, tfce. In fact, everything usually kept In it Variety. S'ore. which will lie sold on small protlls for CASH. All kimlsof Produce taken in exchaugo for laio.ls, and tiie Iliifhist Jfarfcct J'rines gicen in Cuah for drain. 19 CEDAR CREEK ADS. J. IX II ELD EH & SOX, Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest possible rates. Also Dealers in Grain, for which the highest cash prices lire paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought (it rea sonable rates. Inlicltlcr'M Htittioti, Cellar Creek,) 51tf. Cass County, N'eh. CEDAR CREEK MILLS Good KmmiiiK Order and keep on hand the best assortment of Flour, Corn Meal, &c. Especial attention Is glen to eusfcnni work. " Satisfaction guaranteed, in ectunirfi Flour for Wheat. C. SCIILUXTZ, Prop. Also keeps a Flour Depot, at CLARK & PLUM SI 1. IPS, In PLATTSMOUTH AYherf will be found Flour, drain. Corn Meal, and Feed, at WHOLESALE . RETAIL und at REDUCED I'll ICES. r-"A!l orders within the city limits, prompt ly lille.l he rafter, from this Depot. 4-y ROCK BLUFF ADS. ROCK BLUFFS Dry Goods & Grocery J. II. F.OCK P. LUFFS, CASS CO., NEBRASKA, Keeps Everything! 1TATS. CA PS, hoots. SHOES, CA LICOES, wooi.ns ooods. sv nurs. COAL OIL, sua ir,s (MOCEIlIESr DUIED FItUlTS. :- '?'Jy TV f?. tV-':s' As wc have 12 goo.i reasons why they will do ycsn work. QUICK AXD EASY, CHEAP AXD CLE AX. BECAUSE They are cheapest to buy. They are cheapest to use. They bake evenly find fpiiekly. Their operation is perfect. They have always a cood draft. They are made of the best material. They roast perfectly. They require but little fuel, They are ery low priced. They are easily managed. They are suited lo ali localities. Every Stove guaranteed to give S.ttl.fae tiott 5-OLD 15 V EXCELSIOIJ 3IAXd COMPANY ST. LOUIS. MO., AND E. T. DUKE k Co. I PL-VTIS:i6uTU. NEC 5-1 Alsfi Co.fiOO ioun ls of Pa'wiH. Ham and Shoul der.s, for S ALE CHEAP : and all that ii farmer NEEDS, OR WANTS, from a COUNTRY STORE. Call and Hrts Them. 17-0tn Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN, . , KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE.' ON LOWER MAIN STREET. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - XEB. Steals at all hofirt. Ice C ream Suda Wafr,C Lemonud'", tf Ct'l You. . Giriil square Meals, n.ee LuBecs, S.C.. &e., tt w a.i ui you. j Ales. AVines, and en! I.liunn to he useit reasonably, for your benclH if you desire. B. II EM PEL, Prop.