If t THE HER, A LI). U CA 1. A I VKKTIS I! M KN i'S. Transient. o-ns .1 II isf. i:'.jnl.ir n-lvi-v-tiscT. 10 ri-uN itr lm. No'ailvrrlix-mciit in-Nfru-il for loxs than " n-ni. Irf'iial ndviM'tUftiii-nts ill he chr.ri'f.l to the ?VirM'" ll lTll4T" IIm'III in. .LOCAL N LS. iir.v.M.M;. We li;ivo sent some of our folks out IN THE POLICE COURT! r. r. (i.vss. jrix;i:. this p;:st week todiui; one day we sent out over S,"; oiid wh.il do you think we f;.t one 1 liar rush. Now we ncv- ; Mu-ic hv tiie Ia;nl-T!ie kia'.t of Taers R KG I ST RAITS LIST. Names f Le;il Voter IliistTeil Sept. TMi. H74. la t'.ie Fourth Ward U tin- City of l'Liti. LIXrAL NOTION PROFESSIONAL CAUDS or dim onJy when wi: liave to, some j parties have stopped their paper in rou- j ; sequence, (lentlemen, you an; not sui- poi tinij this paper any too well now, i ; we must have monev to run a paper ; for a l'olice Tri.ilK.ijs to the rear The best way to sit domiNot drunk hut only i xeilfJ. Ono evening last week Marshal Mur- Meinorial Resolutions from Pleasant Valley Cranire will appear next week. A new lmteher in the eity arrived yesterday. Marthis jubilant. and the editor of this paper will not ; I'liy had his attention called to the fact horrow or rim in delt w hile money is due him. Xo gentleman ever gets mad at an honest dun. Stephen IIolon, Mt. "Pleasant sent four very handsome apples to the 1J. it colleetions. Win. Stadelman fur- i (Irocery, :'.nd lias just received a largo NEW Ki: SIX ESS. Val. Werkbarh has gone into the Dry (loods line in connection with his nished some hand ome pears. Our readers will excuse the IIf.t: at.iks being late this week, we have tried to give some idea of the Fair and also the Louisiana troubles, which we stock of dress goods, calicoes, flannels, shirtings, Ac, c. also a full line of broadcloth, cassimcres, doeskin, tweed, and everything in that line. We are sorrv to learn that Miss L.au- that an "lllegant row v.as gom on over at the McIIitimagin Mansion, just back of the old IIl:kali office, and re port said a mai was killed. Summon ing Ids posse-ivme and take it t he-Marshal marched over to the front door, while Jen ITcmpel and Fred Lcnhoff surrounded the enemy in the rear. Mrs. McII. rather resented the visit of the Marshal, and politely invited him to travel to a warmer climate, than even Main Street this summer. While Pat was arguing the matter could have not done, had we gone to j ra Davis met with a verv piinful acd- I forninst the front door, llempel and dent on Thursday evening She was i "iinju w na a laiueui, weie e.M'ui- canning fruit when she upset a cup of I the rear, and found old man Mc, l;.ii!ii. -. W iliLiiii J.IH'li, I'l'-cl J'i.'n-k. Unt ies 11 limes. K A i.tlt r. I. If Cut If r. M 15 ( ii rriiiti, Frank 'henry. K Y hapin, S A Cliil.l. A L I rriiiL'tii:i. F- W. ! i-lL.Ttoi!, Win. i Ktlurrtoti. ;' J. linn. I. II Fat. mi, S F Ftiirish. Mi-ha-l FirUlrr. (r. Fiiiislirr, John ;mhiii:iii, Frank K ( :it limaii, Fml .uihmun. Win. ionlrr, Frt-U Il:;tt. A i llaiiic. J AV Hfliiptl. I'.rll Haves, t'iiinrrou Ilcrfiirr. J liii I Iciiirr. Joseph 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 lo y . Hfn II llaiirn. (.en Johnson, K Johnson, I. F Johnson. ivtrr Johnson. A ndrrw Ki-n;irly. Jaliirs, i rt'd LriihotT lress early Thursday moning. Schn:isse & Co. are not going to leave Nebraska, but that stock of jroods must be sold within the next thutvdavs. 2iL KM.niON PltlXTINCJ. Tickets fr eh-etiun will invaria bly be printed at the following rates 10D tickets S-V0 .VU) " 5,00 1,0'J) j 7,50 And the monev must accompany the order for tickets and all other elec tion work, tins year. Political credit bus played out. FEKKY ACU0SS THE PLATTE. "We desire particularly to call atten tion to the fact that there is a good 1 Yd jn 1 rrif across the Platte Piver near the U. P. Puidge. Any of our people that desire to cross stock or teams, for Omaha during the coming Stale Fair can be accommodated. MOUCAN' A PPCKKTOX, tM-'2t Ferrvmen. IJoots Store. at cost at the Shoe Pirrr.u Mi:i::i:s. ()VSTi:i!S AT AVIIOESLALE. Twice a week Hen Ilemple will re ceive Fresh Oysters l'rom (,'hieago and is prepared to till all orders from the eouutrv and c! -v.-wherc at wholesale (larber a juices. The H'.'e.-.';;-.';; thinks small Potato Poli t iei.m ; Tschuck, not worth Shacks a::d Melr: h' only a one horse patent inside country Fditor That's speaking well for his own cloth but when he cails Huberts thestrong man on the ticket he shows his unus ual good political judgement. The '', ami '''n-iu'rlc war in Neb. City and the Pollock an 1 Ib.il; lay war in HrowuviMe keep their newspapers pretty well filled. How easy a news paper man can stir up a mass if he is a mind to. Shi dead drunk, on his face, covered with blood, in a shed. Pushing into the main room, Mrs. Mc. made n dive for Old papers for sale at this ollice; 75 j the lantern, and brought up all stand i boiling beeswax on her hand, scalding it severelv. Mnrphv. Futrifk B Miilrr, Henry M !wvrc. ' ? Mi. kr! wait, W Morrow. I aviil L Martins, lli'nrv M lhonev, ( 'onit -iu-l '! il im.-y. I il M:eliony. John ilitclu-ll. A Morrison. W I M 1 inirl Jonii Mel laiiirl. .laiiit's II. Nathan. Is:t;ic ( I '.Mala, I litMiia O'('onaii. Tlii'inus O't'enner. Coniclins I'liltliV, .Io!m Philips. J I. liliriiinarklo, AugcMu:; lloscnhauni. A I Uoliinson. M (I Sriiaa.Hr, (iustavus Sliarp, Kwing Mih s, 1. V Shannon. John W Smith, Waliiin;ton Sliai p, Josrpll H Sprrk. Clans Siiiix k. A M Smii li, Lawrence Tlllt, lil'(ilL,T i Tint. .lolai II Thomas. Thomas A' ass. V T AVintri-strin, AVni Administrate is Salo of Real Estate. !!v in:;.' of roi or.li r of sale Iss'-c.t eai t t th' iri k oi.a-c (am) mi.lrr thr seal there of. in and f ir lin- I'i-Liirt Court. So-ond Ju l: -i.il I nsirii-r. i i i h' I 'onni y of Cass. :oi,l Si:iie of N !T.isk:i, suil dirri O'.l to t he ir.iili-rsi'.'M-il in anaciion vlirir in (!. If. llat k AUaiinisti ator. th , ,)'!, ; thr ".;nt' ot Sarah C'laiv; ilrre- VMTFKT.FH fc r.KNNKTT- 1 ( at Fstatr ami raM.aviin; A iri-nts. Vuiri- FiJiiir, hue and T.ile Itisinanre Atrmls. Flaltsiiioi.th. Ni l. asf .!. is F e.:t; irfan.l Juliii T. Craiir. ar.d others cents per hundred. Hats, Caps. Hoots and Shoes at a ter rible sacrifice at D. Schnasse & Co's in Plattsmouth. Our store is rented and the stock must and will be sold in thir tv davs. I). Schnas.se .t Fo. "We recived a box of line grapes from Azro Smith which gratified our palates immenselv. X Tiri:. All i:-rs..ns indebted to me will call and sell!" inside of four v.'eeks, as I lnust iiavti money . s?:ilt A ON Ilr.IMI'.TOi, Wall I'iper, Win loos, and all hitn'.s good, at F::.v ow Slriiles. Fh ro of nphnlstering Stadti.u's, Fentral Hlock. A I! 31 T.KS ATTENTION' ! .luliiis Prpperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, opposite tile I ! V.:l !.! of:i( e, oTl Main St.. Putts;. loath. Xeb. Fiirar i 'linpins of Sp.uiish an d A met icau To baecoes. for smoking jairposes, For ,s.;f,'. P.i st ;ualities f plug-smoking toba;-! o ahas on hae.d. "Jotf. FASH! FASH! CASH! For cash I. Sehtiase v Co. will sell Stock store in and must sell their entire roods now held in the old Plattsmo'at !:. Come and buy whib the iron is hot. 21-Ot. "We rail attention to the sale of stock at the Farm of Alex Schlegel near In helder Station on S r.. ;:t)AY xr.xT. A large and fine lot of stock will be sold, see "Ad" in another column. Sale a lo a. m. O le of tie finest displays of apples to be seen this season was at the Coun ty Treasurer's of.ice last Monday prepa torv to In iiii: sent F.a--t as specimens. They were from the Orchard of Win. llobbs F.sq. n-.ir Hock HlutTs. "We aekitowledge the receipt of "It'll. Manderson's, address at the June com mencement ofoiir Fniversity, and will irive.i further r.otic liereafter. We hail a very pleasant letter from our old friend Dick Cushing this morn ing tl.ited Iluntsville Tenn. lie hopes the boys will all pull through this fall. HEAD HEAD. Closing oat at cost at the Shoe Store for the next days Come one come all and : ive money. 1. JIkkcks. The Fabm Central" Life Insurance Co. has purchased the fine live-story stone front building, opposite the new (3 rand Hotel in Cincinnati, for its own use. This Company is reliable and prosper ous. The (Jeneral Agency Avhich in cludes this section is unoccupied, offer ing a line opportunity for active and reliable men to secure a lucrative busi ness. Those desiring such a position would do weil to address. N. W. ir.UKis, See'y, Cincinnati, O. ing on Ilempel's manly breast, while he swung the lantern round to I.en hoff. Tne Marshal then rushed in and captured the prisoner, and by some coaxing, hauling, and boosting behind, they marched her off to jail. the next jiokni.vo Mrs. McIIitimagin and a Mrs. I shall deal direct with the Factory and it shall be my carncstdesire to suit all who may favor me with a call. Further notice in a few weeks, 25-tt Vi'. 11. Pool.. Mr. and Mrs. lh n. Drost of Three 3roves, celebrated thfir Wooden Wed ding on last Friday and such a set of wooden traps as lumbered up. the old farm house at Dr. Wiley's you never saw. Sixteen wooden half bushels, 40 Peek's, 1!) Pitchfork handles, half a car load of Potato Smashers, 5 brand new wooden cradles, gives some idea of this we lding of wood. The old Doctor tried to keep tally of the things for awhile but they rushed in on him so he just dumped 'cm in the big eg corn crib and let 'em brindle, mean while the folks in the house, that is "llattie and Hen" just went in to make everybody happy and merry and the i throng looked so cozy and snug that we j understand W more "splieings" are on j the tapis in Cass County jat for the fun of havinga Wooden Wedding every live vrars. room Now DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Fleming S: Kimball Weeping Water are this day dissolved by Mutual consent. The firm will hereafter be known as Fleming 'bice. All business connected with the old linn will be sttled by the new lirm, I f.KMINO AMI UACE. All accounts due Fleming & Kimball must be settled immcdiatly at the Store of Fleming & Hare Weeping Water. D. C. Fi.fminu. Weeping Water, Sept. !th. It Farmer Mat, shipped four hogs that vveiur'aed 2,c,00 Ihs. the other dav. Call at the shoe bargain. Closing ne vt thirtv davs. -tore now for your ut at cost for the Petf.i: Mi:ia;i s. The Episcopal sociable w ill meet at tie- house of the Hector, llev. Mr. Hur ges on one week from to-night. It is are requested to give a full attendance. Peter Merges the great Plattsmouth shoe man is selling out his large stock of Hoots and shoes at cost, for the next :!0 days, as he must make for the fall and winter stock. is the time to buy. TilAKHIED. WII.rV-H STINCS At th" rrsi.lrn'-e of the liii-.lr's Mother lv llev. .Mr. Cannon. Mr. JamksW. U ii.i'v to Miss MaimIIa Hast I ;s. ;.!! of (';:;,, Co. Nei. Ami ihf laiioi. i-aa congratulate them most heartily for ili.la't Ihry ivincialier him in seine or tie- most his.a.ius wnlilin cake we have seen for a Ion i ;imr : rich fruit rake, daintily frosted jelly cake a:el I'xrrl'.cnt soi.-r cake Hanked on tery s'nle by i!e-; :ons ra;.;"s formed a pyra mid s,-":doi'i surpassed. May these things be typical of tar piod things that shall surround th!ii lhr..:ia.;ut their nays and may their shadow never !r h-ss. Fo;m:::-M vn:s-o:i the i.-th. iav f Sept. is-4 ! . u. i:. i;:iisen y.n. I'ktkh Fo.o. r.u aul.iisa l.oi isA Mkvkks all vi Co. Neli. Oh Myu-rss that all. P.LAISDELL ('0.WtEI'Y COMPANY. This talented Company will give a performance in our town on next Mon day evening. This company is coin posed of It fast class actors including the celebrated John Dillon, who stands at the head of American cornelians. Those who want to enjoy a feast of fun will do well to go. from Omaha, w ere up before his honor Judge, (lass, charged with being drunk and disorderly. The Omaha "Larf'J'i f) was soon disposed of, her onlyolfence being so drunk she had lost all her money and didn't know who took it. Then Mrs. McII. came on the stand and the boys rolled in for fun. Of course the Marshal and his informers swore to the charge and the "terrible" Judge says: "Now Mrs. McIIitimagin you can tell the Court how this thing was." Mrs. McII. "You see, your honor, I came home yesterday and went to lick my oldest girl because she gave me some lip v. hen the old man interfered. I said she was my girl and I would lick her if I wanted to. The old man interfered again and I got excited," i long pause)Jtye 'Y11(?': "Short ly after that the old man set down. Jnrfjc "Did he set down on purpose Mrs. Mcir." "Well he did 'nt get up right away, and was kind o'stupid after awhile; fact is. Judge, when I get excited, I have verv little control of me hands and none at all of me tongue. Put I wasn't drunk at all, only excited, and then that Marshal come and brought two dutch man along and lugged me off without a rag of clothes on me." Judge, excited -What, naked Mam V" "Only me night dress and I begged to have me dress on and they would'nt let me!" Marshal and Witnesses "We coax ed her to dress herself and she would not," "It's a lie!" "Tut tut" from the Judge, "that won't do, Mrs. McII. Do you know, this man, the Marshal, here"." "No, an' I don't w ant to make his ac quaintance, cither." (Ireat laughter, and the terrible gives her $10 and costs with a place to board until it's paid. Mrs. McII "I don't care a Judge, I had ham and eggs for break fast, any way, and I'll board it out." I I HE ! I IP II! ! KIKE ! ! I At the last meeting of the Fire De partment, it was ordered that there be a special meet ing called on Saturday even ing. Sept. I'Jth, at 7 o'clock shakf, for the purpose of i : l i: ( t i xc. ( ) f f i c i: n s and also to make arrangements to at tend the (Irand Parade of the Omaha Fire Department, accompanied by va rious other Fire Companies of the State, on the Cud day of the State Fair, Sept. yoth, 1ST t. Notice is hereby giv en for all to be promptly on hand. Hy order. T Af o AtriM'lIV tlio lil'st f f tlio cr'iviin oi.l ( 1w tn.ii-i'iuir I- . ... .... .. ... i,,, . ,, i,,, .'.'-i - -i, Ak i-... . . i ii. j. r i.i.L'i .i , Sec. Pres. The IIekald seldom visits a police court. There is something ine.x press ably mournful to us in witnessing the effects of crime, ignorance, and pover ty on the fallen and degraded of the human race. Many persons actually gloat over such exhibitions though, and while it is desirable that all trials for any kind of crime should be open to all in this free country, the class of faces that gather in that court room w henever there is a likelihood of any thing"r;inutty"eoiniiig, are not an orna ment to our town, to say the least of it, and we would respectfully suggest that it is net necessary to subserve the ends of justice that small boys should be al lowed to hear the slang and dirt exhib ited on such occasions. Further, as a matter of taste, and to please our ear w ould you be kind enough, Mr. Mar shal and Mr. Judge, and Messrs. Wit nesses to avoid calling persons, before j on on such a charge, ".Lady." A woman is a woman and a man a man for all business and legal purposes. . - i:eulsthaifs list. Names of I .opal Voter Kopfstorod Sept. 7th 1T4. in the Third Ward i;f the city of 1'kUts ii. oi. ill : I hereby certify that en Sept. 7th. 1874. I lteti istere.l the above nanus of I.ral Voters in tiie Fourth Ward, of the eity of J'iattsiaouth. in Cass Co., Neli., for the general Election on (let. l:sth. 1S74. Correciioa (lav. Oct. Mh. ls74. at 1" 11. W heeler & Co s. A. I- CHILI. UeL'istrar. SPECIAL NOTICES. F.verv Farmer and Stock Kaiser, and every boilv that keeps a Horse, a Cow, I'oultrv, Sheep or Swine whether h lives in City, Town or Country, wants the bbvi: stock. jolk.&t. Monthly. .l.fi0 per year. In its r.th Volume. Ueautif'ullv illustrated. The best instructor up on every class of lave Stock. National civiug e.jual attention to the Stock Interest of every State. Treats, by practical writers, upon the Farm, the Pairv.' Horses. Cattle. Sheep, Swine. Poultry, llees, Fish and their diseases, together with ail interesting Fireside Department, mak ing it the most eoniplate and iriterestinvt Jour nal of its class in the country. Specimen ropy 1( cents. Address, Live Stock .loin nal Co.. Iluf falo, N. Y. (iood pay.to Agents. Agents want at every iKist-oiliee. ii-lift 1 :ne defendants, i in ctiUon to sell hums to j pay debts) ; I will at I i o'clock, a. in. on Salinil.i.v.lbi' I7lii ibv OvUber. 1H74. ! and keep said sale open one hour at least, in I front ef Ihe Court House in the ciry of l' arts-, l icon : h, ;ei I Si-te ol Nebraska, oiler for sale at I public, auction to t lie highest bidder, the lands 1 and tenements heroinl. alter described on tiie terms following to-wlt : One fourth cash in hand and the residue in three e.tial annual payments, rwitli interest at ten per cent, per annum, and secured by Morttfae on the prem ises, sai.l lands lieloiei l.illie chlf of Sarah ( raii:. deceased and sue denibed ;is follows to w:t 'i'he West one fourth i 'i of the North West iu:ii-!er',. of the North Fast ipiai ter ( U ). and the K;tst three fourths of t he Nort h Fast quarter ' 't). of the North WastquartertU. also the South West qnarlci t '4 l. of the North F.lst quarter and the Soul h Fast en.n ht 0 1 of the North West (piaiirr ( 'j ). all in Section No. Six (!'). ill Townsnip No. Twelve i li'i. North ef U.iiiur No. Thirteen (i:t, K ;t of the n!i Princi pal Mriidiaui 1 y i i vc and bein ia Cass County, and Stale of Ncbiaska. (iFOUCi: II. ULACK. Administrator - limU no; of Sarah Crui de ceased. I. II. W'HKH.FH. Att'y. for Administrator. 2-V.V4 Sheriff Sale. l'y virtue of an order of Sale issued out of the District Court in and for Cass County Ni hre.ska stud to me direct 'd 1 wiil on the l'.ith day of (' ober A. I. 1S74 at ten (111) o'clock A. M. of s:id day at the south door of the Court House in Hie eit'yof Pl.itlsinoulh in said County sell at Pub lic auction t he following Ileal I'.stale 'in wit : Lot Number twelve l-' in block number five i.r) in the City of Plattsiuoutli. Cass County, Neb ra.sk ;i. together with all the privileges and fip juiitenanres thereon or thereunto belonyin : To sati! v a judgment of said court recovered by lieu, hoeck against Win. Altaher. l'latisinout Nebraska Sept. 1,'itli 174. Al. P.. Ccti.EU. SheritT. 2I-w." Cass County Nebraska, ! K. 1,1 IN'tiSIDN, Physician and Suie.in. Ik. -i .. : ., - .......... .1 1.. II... . ii-it;s HIS ' . i - 'u.ti i. , r. ..... oitiens nf Cass ciuut . Uesidruce koii beast roriirr of ( 'ak rtud Sixth streets : oHicr on Mahi i slri'o!, oii (i.i.ifHP''to( I. man's Lumber Yard, PlaUsiuoiali, Nebraska,. 8AM. M. ( I1ACM.VN. K- T. MAXW KLI- j IIAI'MAX MAXWn.L i ATTOKNFVS AT LAW rind Solicitors In I Chancery. (.,.l'-e in Fitzgerald's P.lock, Plalts i mouth, Nebraska. I vy vf uv, Its terrible to notice how the suniuier poods came dow n at Merges Shoe Store. lS.f. CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other taii.se than having Melius in the stomach. lUiOWN'S VFUMIFFCi: COMFITS w ill destroy Worms without injury to tiie child, beiiw perfvetiy WJIITK, and free from all col oring of other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. ( riiTis & P.iuiWN. Proprietors, No. "15 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines at 2j cents a box. ''4wlj' FOR SALE. 1 acres of unimproved land, four miles from riattsmouth ; eood locality ; can bo bought reasonable. Call at the ollice of ,'tf SMITH & VriX:H.M. "Veln-nlia State ItesiMf er. A 41 column paper, published at tiie State Capital ; full of SI ale news ; independent in everything, neu tral in nolhing ; .1."m a year. Correspondents and Agents wauled in every town. W M. C. Cl.ovo, Lincoln, Neb. ullf All order for feed, flour and meal, left at StreightJt Dilley's will receive pronn t atten tion.' I'.ltfJ C. Heisk.i.. FOIl SALE. A desirable residence, in Plattsmouth. for sale. ?:a.iO down, balance on time to suil pur chasers. A bargaiu. Cad at ollice of oitf smith & Windham. FOll SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. For full particulars apply to F. (1. Dovey. Co If lVmrtiilirr th it Hie exclusive Sho? Store is the best and cheaiest place to et your foot eaiillLr. IStf I'l.lFIi .MLIUW.S. FOR RENT. One house. Apply to F. fl. Dovey. .Vtf Hand-Book of Politics for '74, I? Y HON". E1)WAKI MfTIIERSOX. Clerk if llmisc of irrxeutativr U. S. This accurate and impartial Volume frives the full record on the "increase of Salary Acf and in repeal, on Transportation. Ci il l:iuhts, and Financial (Questions, iucliuiine the act of lsii2 creal inn "LeL'al 1 eiuU is ' and coin interest on I'.onds, and the various Fviiandinirand eentract iie: ai'ts since. President (Irant's Messages and Memorandum. Interviews. Proelamat ions, and Action in Alabama, Arkansas, liuisiana mid Ti'xas. Supreme Court Decisions. Illinois and Wisconsin Kailroad Laws. ( oust itutional Aniendnients. made and pending, in States, and Nation. "Iick-p:iv' statistics. laoies 01 Ap propriations. Drl.i. Flection?. Currency Distri bution hy States and Sec i i..ns, ,V:C. Invaluable for campaign. Cloth. post-paid. Ainress i.r-w. r us. i.."-. itl PO tliiv 411 V:is 1 ll''tnil. I). . HOUSEHOLD PANACEA -AXI- FAMILY LINIMENT. 24wiy I Why Will Vou I MitftVr? I To all persons suffer- Iiiitr from Kheuniatisni. Ncuraliria. Crai.ips in the limbs or .stomach, Ihliioiis ( iilh'. Pain m hack, bowels orsiile. we would s-iy.THK. IIocsk 1IOLO PANAl'KA a.nii FA7.1ICV I.1XIMKST is of all others the remedy you want for internal "and external use. It has cured the above com plaints in thousands of eases. There is no mis take about it. Try it. Sold by all Druggists. UUliLNT. At the f;iir yesterday afternoon as a yuunpr man named Sain Hall was riding :i b'rsc in a race, a lot of cows went to ) cross the track and bis horse ran into one throwing the rider and heredowii ! the horse falling n the boy and injur- J ing him badly but not dangerously. j I N0TICK- U II EAT AUCTION SALE!!! or HOUSES, MULES, COLTS &c. On the Farm of A. Schickel, on Turkey Creek, near Iniiehh r station, on !Sat unlay. Kepi ember lOtli, IS74. .1 l.Af:r,t: XUMTiEIl OF FRESH MJI.CI1 COirs. STEFIIS. AM VOfr V(r C.il- TLE. f.XE sl'AX OF MULES, HOUSES and COLTS, Will be sold to the, he highest bidder. Morgan M W Mitchell Thos Miller David Met leer F .1 Murphy M 15 Mockeiihaupt Chris MeDonairh F M .Mart his .1 W" Morse C F Marshal! Charles 1 '1 1111 1 1 ii e r i;ji Palirir .lames Proie A W Pollock Thomas Poisal Ceo 11 Palmer II E Peinlerson Peter Plnininer F.zra Pron-'er Ceo E Pool W II Peakev William Poland .1 U lh.bt i is .1 V llaueli Peter Kaui'ii Valentine L'obi rts It W Kieth Fred Fudabeck A Stadelinanu Fred Stadeimanu Win. Stadter Frank streiirht .las an Strci.-bt H .1 Streiiiht ( M Sehlater Joseph Sehlater John St'hnellbacher J M Starbird S 15 Si-hafer (ieo Svi..iit (ieo A Suiiih i: w Scull 11 s Vinton C H Weaver J .1 West W iuS. Wells W in L Windham 11 D Weaver A J W est li C Walleuger John Wood;uil David THIRTV YEARS' EA'PERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothincr Syrup is the pre crii'tion of one of I he best Female Plivsirmns and Nurses in the Fniled Slates, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success bv "millions of mothers ami child ren, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves w ind colic. rcLrulati's the bowels, and jrives rest, health and" comfort to mot her and child. We believe it to be the Itcst and Surrst liemedy in the World, in all cases of Dyseliteiy ami Diarihea in children, whether it arises from Teething oi any other cause. Fail direc tions for usiiir w ili" ni'conipauy each bottle. None (ienuire; unless the ltc xiinile of CL'UTIS & I'KIIKI.NS is mi the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicinu Dealers. i4vly P.iHin's S Ihllinn.s.f C l'rowti S H Hear Islry J M lions John pons II M P.aidir Lewis lloone J C p.irebticld Win C, p.eckner Jiinathan Hurt uctt Ames Chapman S M Cushing K C Claibourne U 15 Chapman ( U Crosby (ieo W I esla"ine V J Depaine Albert lionuelly Kobert Drew A i vh Dinistan W W Kiiison h i: l:an Michael Fox 11 D Fellows Hush O Frost origin Cass P P ISyirer O F (iiiil'ia .John Cusiasson Win A Oinaery J C Holmes C M Hatl A Hayes J fl Haieillou Jessie I llorlircrt James Hayes Cameron Hassler ill .on liodapp Frank Hofiinan C J Hcrold Herman Hol.ln-de (I W I (art man J S Harrison (ieo lim- W James I. D Johlisoiui T F Johnson .1 F Kennedy K W i Kro-liler t ml : Ki'izer Oeo W" 1 Leach John 1. 1". I. (eiss, irepistrarof the Thin! Ward, of the city of Plaltsmou'.h, d hereby certlty, that I the fi'ieiroing is a correct list of the voters in said ward, as shown by the Ketjistry of nuali- Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no landless which it will not cure. Ibis is strong lansrnae, but it is true. Where tiie parts are not pine, its effects are marvellous. It has produced more cures of rlieuiuat ism. neu- IcyOs-fSY raljiia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, bums, salt-rheuui, &e., upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls. Sec. upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world bejran. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a sear. It Is no humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does just what it pretends to do. Those who now differ from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they w ill not use Centaur Liniinept. more than looo certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chroiiie-rheuniatisin. gout, running tumours, &e. have been received. W e will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment Ls worth your at tention. No family should le without Centaur Liniment. J. 15. Kosk & Co., New York. 4-ly Castoiu a is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only Kaf? article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind eolie and produce natiu'al bleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4-ly Business is business, and so are the Cigars at the P. O. Book Store. 5-tf. Iook out lor a new boot and Shoe Three mouths time will be given to purchases 1 110,1 voters, in my office, store next week, on South side Main ALF.X SC11LF.GEL. ,1' st. witii . (I. Wood ruff. ew foods4 j and new iri?es. (Jive me a call audi s-itisfy yourself S.V-lrf READ ! READ ! ! ii- -jj- "jjy-,,,! i foioiii-i K""iis came uDwn aniuuy ai il. j Mergt' Shoe Store. Call iin.lexamine,noch;.rge r r fchowins then. tt 111- i-kel- w. lit .t snail., ou Monday, the f.tn day of Oct. 1S74. between the hours of y o'clock a. in. and & o'ciiM-k p. 111. of said day. to make iMlditions, to correct an v omissions, to suiku oft any names tiiat are not entitled U the Elective Franchise, or other error im said list. Y. P. 1 ASS. Registrar. Call, examine and price giwds at Merges Shoe Store before purchasing elsewhere. I w ill never be undersold. lbtf FOR SALIJ. 80 acres of land on desirable terms, Sloo cash 11 hand, balance on time to suit purchaser. For particulars, rail at the office t Mt SilllH & WlVDHAM. Chattel Mortgage Sale. . Notice is hereby given that by virtue of one (rtaiii Chattel Mortgage, dared pith day of January, ISTI and recorded in book F. of Chat tel Mori iragos, on pages .". 6, and 7. of the Cass county. Nebraska Ueeords. an 1 given and exe cutcd'by William A. and Marv F. Devolt to Kecfer & I.lndlev. et. al.. for which th.'ie is due at this date, eiuht luindred and ninety-six dollars. Also one Chattel Mortage reeoid'ed ia book !'. page 41 and 12 of Chattel Morgages, of the Cass couiitv, Nebraska records. gien"and executed by William A. DeVoit lo Kei-fj-r & family, for w iiich ; here is due at this date, one hundred and eight dollars. Also one oilier Chattel Mortgage recorded in book F. of Chat tel Mortgages", on pane eiirht t. iriven bv AVil liam A. and Mary A. De Volt, to Kecteri Lind ley, upon w iucli there is lue at this date one hiiiiditd and six dollars. The undersigned will sell at pub!:.' auction on the inl day of October, ls.'l. a: ten o'clock in the forenoon, at . I. A. Kena.ston oiV.cr. in Ca.ss enmity, Nebraska, the following described per sonal property and chattels to wit : One seeder of the Fsterly manufacture, one roan and red cow three years old ; one brown mare nine veal's old ; one sorrel horse eight years old : one lum ber wairon (Newton) : one Vibrator thresher; one reaper and mower : one set of harness : one breaking plow, and one stirring plow. I he pro ceeds of said sale will be applied toward the payment of said Mortgages together with ten pei cent, and attorneys lees, and costs and ex penses of s lid sale. Dated at Plattsmouth. Neb., Sept. 10th. ls:t. KLKFFK & LINDLKY. By L. C. Bt r.n, Mortgagees. Their Attorneys. 2l-3t A. L. Si KAocE. T. B. Wilson. NI'KA-I i: A WILS(., Attorneys nt Ijv. FLATTSMOCTU, - - ' NF.BUASXA. C'llUriinm Pnnnv'l'i Aot'emh-i Ok la-ly liKO. S. SMITH, U. 11. WINKHAM, M.IXITII A M IXDIIAM. Successors to Marrpiett, Smith, it Stnrliird, Attorneys at Law & Real Estate-Brokers l'l.ATTSMOCl 11, ... SEB. Special attention given to Collections, and all matters affecting the liile to Keal F-state. Office on 2d tloer, over the Post Othce. Dr. SciiildkiKTlit, Eclectic A Homoeopathia Cliysician. jv-office and iu:sidi:nci:,3 Corner of filh and Vine Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. A T T It E STORE. EXCLUSIVE SHOE .... 1 ' I must cV'se out 1113" poods in order to make room for my Lugo J'all ai'tf Win ter stock, and will sell at cost for the. next ryl CALLS ATTKNUKt AT ALL HOC It." Justice of the Peace; Office on Main Street Plaltsinonlh. Net., near ly opHisitc the IIkkai.i othee. Business hours froi.ihA. M..IOS P. M. All County business usually transacted be fore a Justice of the Peace, will be attended to bv the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. 8-ly J. VT . 11 A I NFS. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of and order of sale issued out of the I list; ict ( 'oui t, in and and for ( ass county, Ne braska, and to lne directed, I will on tlio 17th dav of October, A. D. 1S71. at ten o'clock a. ni.of said dav, at the south door ef the Court House in the city of Plattsiuout h. in paid County, sell at public auction the following real estate, to wil : The south half (' 1) of the south-east quar ter (s e 'i) of section number twenty (ue) town ship number ten (1() north of range number thirteen ( l:i) east of i:th Principal Meridian, in Cass county. Nebraska, together with all the the privileges and appurtenances thereon or thereunto belonging ; to satisfy a judgment, of said court, recovered bv Albei t Bacon, against David P.oumert. M. B. CI I LFK, Sheriff. ( 'ass Co.. Neb. Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 7th. '71. "l-w5 Sheriff's Sale. By virtu? of an order of sale issued out of the Di.sirict Court, in and for Cass County, Nebras ka, and to me directed. 1 will on the 'JUlh day of September, A. D. 171, at KI o'clock A. M. of said day. at the south door of of the Court House, iii the city of Plattsmouth. in sain Co.. sell at public auction the following described ileal Fsiate, to-wit. : The west half w'. of lot No. eleven fill in block No. thirty 1:10 1 ami lot No. twelve in block No. forty-four I It I in UieCity of Platts mouth. Cass County. Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment obtained bv Arthur Calkins against Willet Poltenger and Pen y I'. (hiss. M. B. CFTLFIi, Sheriff Cass County Nebraska, riatlsmouth, Aug. -joth, 1.-S7I. ir'-5w ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on Tues.iaj, tiie lath day of October next. an election w ill be held in Cass County for One Member of Congress ; One Member of Congress, Contingent ; One (lovernor ; One State Treasurer ; One Secretary of State ; One Attorney C.eneral ; One Superintendent of Public Instruction ; One Slate Prison Inspector; one District Attorney 2d judicial district ; ( Hie Stale Senator ; Tw o members of the House of Kepresenta tives ; One member of the House of Keprcsentatives for the counties of Douglas. Sarpy, Cass, Washington and Dodge ; One County' Commissioner for 3d or Western District ; One Assessor for each precinct ; Three .Ii;d'rs of Flection for each precinct ; Two Clerks of Flection for each precinct ; One Supervisor for each Uoad District ; Justice of the Peace ; Constable. Which election will he opened at eight o'clock in the morning and close at six o'clock in the ultciuooii of the same day. It is ordered by the County Commissioners that the following proportion bo submitted to tiie electors of this county at this October elec tion : -Shall the County Commissioners of Cass Co. issue Bonds in Hie sum of Twenly Thousand Dollars, to ahl in the devclopeinetii of Coal in said Cass county.'" The ballot should read : "For lamds and Special Tax." or "Against I'.onds and Special Tax." And also" to vote for or against a Constitu tional Convention, 't he ballots at such election shall read as follows: those in favor of a Con vention, "For a Convention," those against a Convention. "Against a Convention.'' POLLING PLACFS. Tipton precinct. Greenwood precinct. Salt Creek precinct. South Bend precinct. Fliuwood precinct, Slove Creek precinct, and Plat tsnioui ii City precinct, al tUe usual places of holding elec tions. Weeping Water precinct, School House in town ,.f W . W. Centre precinct. Gram! Prairie schl house. l..uisvU!e pr ciuct, schl house in town of Lou isville. Fight Mile Grove preciner, Shafers school house. Mt. Pleasant precinct, Gilmores schl house. Avoca precinct. Stone schl house in District No 77. Liberty precinct. Connor's schl house. Lock Bliius precinct, Bergers schl house, l'latt.sinouth precinct, Taylor's sc'ul house. By order of the County Commissioners, this the 1st day of September 171. 1). W. MrKIXNOX. By.C. P. Mookk. County Clerk. Deputy. WILLIAM HEK0LD Keeps one of the Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. Machine Shop. John ITlttyman, Sureess'.r to Wayman & Curtis. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings. Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Pumps, Steam linages. Safety Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery etaVrd on short notice. -tf. IMatJsrnoulIi 31111s. CHFISF.L. lioniietor. Have recently heen repaired and placed in thorough running order, kki.imxi P.nshels of Wheal wanted imme diately for which the highest market price will be laid. G. A. von Heimburg, Veterinary Surgeon. OfTu-e snntfuside Main Strett, b tucii 'Third and Fourth Stu. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. PLATTSMOUTH 3L1LLS PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. CON HAD IIE1SFL, Proprieto FLOUR, CO UN MEAL. FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Cash prices. !TThe Highest prices paid for Wheat and Com. Particular attention given to Custom work. Singer Sewing 31arhincs, FOR SALE BY F. J. METTEER, With alt the E A' T R A S, ATT A C II M E N T S , NEEDLES, tfr. Also. Flows. Cultivators, Wagons and farm Implements for sale. Mrs. a. ii. r. m:i:, WORKER 1H HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and all kinds of llair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MUS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark fc Fliunmcrs. 4-111:5 GO TO GUS. HEItOLirS FOR CLOTHING. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FPiLD. G ORDER, Ruyer. This Company will buy grain at the highes market rates at all times. Scales and office at E. G. Dovey, Store, lower. Main Street. Platlsmouth. Neb. gl"lv L. GOLDING, Dealer in CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, TBI NKS, VALISES. CAB PET BAGS, &c, &c, 6.1:, &c. One of the oldest mill most Reliable Houses in Platlsmouth. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. rjSREM EMBER TIIE PLACE. - nS-tf. William Stadelmann has on hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. tT?I Invite everybody in want of an;thingin my line to call at my store. SOUTH SIDE MAIN, Between 5th & 6th St's. And convince themselves of the fact. I have as a spectalty in my Retail Departments, a stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys, to which we Invite those who want goodo. t-T"l olso kep on hand a lame and well se lected Stock of Hats, Caps.'Booti, Shy 4c. Jan 1 yl CARPENTER WORK! W. L. TUCKER, BUILDS HOUSES, does all kinds of Country Carpenter Work, and is ready for a job at all times. Careful Work and prompt attendance to Calls. ZfShop on Oth Street, north of Fit?'jera7rrs hlonk. 4-ly 3 O ZD A "3T Come One Come AH fore youiBargairis. Peter Merges. TWO DOORS EAST OF P. O. OF A BIG STOCK GOODS, Selling Out ! Selling Out ! ! Tiie old and well known firm arc selling out tlicir en tire stock of good, at greatly reduced prices, preparatory to entering upon Another Line of Business. The following list gives some ideaof Jhc great re ductions they propose to make: C as si in ores ii Muslins, Flannels, Old price, 91.30 1.00 14 12'. 00 ro 40 Present,,' 1.00' 75 il 10 45 40 30 Shawls at 25 per cent. less than cost. Cottonadcs, ii 45 35 25 32i 25 17i Boots, custom made calf 8.00 G 00 G.OO 4.00 kip 5.50 4.50 Roots, custom made, heavv Kip from $"2,r0 to $4,00. Ladics Shoes from 1,00 "to $li,o0. Other shoes in name proportion. Silj, ribbons from 2 cents up; worth twice the money. 10 lbs of dried apples for $1.(M. 10 lbs of Carolina Rice, for $J,00. Fancy choice gunpowder Tea worth per pound at t$l; next best worth $1,25, at 80 cents. Choice Colfee, Syrups, Starch, Soda, and other gro ceries in comparison. Plates, cups, saucers, and other delf-warc at pottery prices. CASH! CASH! CASH j These goods must be sold for CASH within the next THIBTY IDlA-"Z"S,- As the Store building has been rented, and t hv goods must be out of the way by that time. Now is the time for farmers to buy their winter supplies cheap. All winter and fall goods will be sold from 25 to 30 per cent, below cost. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and ladies' Shawls, will be cleaned out at any prices. There is still a large and varied stock to select from; and first come first served. Once more we call attention to the rare chance offered to farmers and cit izens, to select and purchase a good supply ef the needful articles while this sale is going on. ISo such chance may occur again in years. Come one, come all; examine, prices and try our goods. Remember only 30 days. Once, twice, three times, cheap for CASH at Lower" Main Street, $$E & C0'$4 Plattsmouth, Nnh