THE HERALD. LOCAL AlJVKKTISEMEXTS. Transi.-tit. it ceiiti a line. lU-irular nlvtT tiSris, id rcnUi -r lim-. o julvvitiHtNiifUt iu srrted for less tlian :Ei coiitH. "Leral sul vfrti4inciit.i will be charged to the LOCAL NEWS. liorsivnice .Saturday, Strtight's M'k mare against Holmes sorrel pacer. llemembor Sehnasse & (.Vs. great nale of goods for the next oO Jays Ami the sound of the Corn Thresh er comes hi to our ears from the West an I t!u s:nofc of the li.irve.sL rise on the air. llemeinler your County Fair, 1, 1G and 17 of this month. K very-body must come. Frank "While the ice man, is l.ftter olf than liis brethren at Lincoln, they are out of ice and he still has an-ice lot left. Sehnasse & Co. are not going to leave Nebraska, but that stock of goods must be sold within the next thirty days. 24-2t. KLF.(Tirsrrt!NTix;. Ti-kcts for election will invaria bly be jtrhited at the following rates Ifn tickets S3. 00 .V)') " ,oo I.O " 7 ,.") And the money nmst accompany the ci der for tickets an 1 all other elec tion v. 01 k, this year. Political credit h:is played out. FEKHY ACROSS THE PLATTE. We desire particularly to call atten tion to the fact that there is a good Wagon Feng across the Platte Uiver near the II. II. Hi idge. Any of our people that desire to cross stock or teams, for Omaha during the coming State Fair can be accommodated. MowiAXi Eigi-:kton', 2 1-21 ' Ferrvmen. The old reliable "() K" IJarber shop the only first class place in town is Mill running, and I am determined to shave cheaper than ever. Head my schedule of juices: Hair Cutting. 25 cts. Shampooing, cts. .-.having 10 cts, 12 for 81. Mitsta'-he dyeing free. K. M. IU.acx, tlie ugliest dog in town, and not cross eyed either. notice. All 'persons indebted to me will call and settle inside of four weeks, as I must have money. 'SMX . A. vox IIkimih 1:0. Wall p i;'i Win low Sha les, Chro mos. and all kinds of upholstering gcod. at F i: xk Stadtj it's, XJ-'tf Central I Hock. I AIIMi:iIS ATTENTION I Julius Pepper! erg. Cigar Manufac turer, opposite the ottice, on Main M.. I 'lattsiuouth. Neb. Cicrar Clippings ot Spanish an d American To baccoes. lor smoking purposes, For Sulf. qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20tf. MOKE OF E.M, Kussiaiis a Ilaslilii' into Nebraska. On Thursday last 1,000 more Hus si ins nassed through tliis ilace for the West. On Friday 10 more and the cry is still they come. If each one takes up a quarter section the II. & M. will soon be out of lands. CASH! CASH! CASH! For cash I. Sehnasse & Co. w ill sell and must sell their entire, stock of oods now held in the old store in Plattsniouth. Come and buy while the iron is hot. 2t-2t. ANN FA I. ELECTION OF THE PLATTS- OFT II FI1IE DEPAKT31 ENT. There will be an annual election of otlicers of the J. F. I. on Saturday evening, the 12th day of September, at the Fngiue lions:', at7o'lock sharp. All members having any desire to have a voice in the electing of new oflicers are commanded to lx.' present on this occasion. I?y order. .IXO. A. MACMF1IPIIY, K. O. Fki. lows, Pres. St c. iy an unavoidable oversight we omitted to mention in a pievious issue the prtsence among us of Chaplain Wright's two daughters, Mrs. Morri son and Mrs. Jul", who have been here making their parents a visit of some weeks duration. Mrs. Fuell, w e believe, has returned to her home in Missouri, and Mrs. Morrison will soon go to New York State. We hope they will take with them pleasant remem brances of Xthraska. as we know their many friends here will have enjoyed their visit. PERSONALS. E. L. IleeJ of Weeping Water was in town Monday on his way East for goods to supply their immense fall trade. Hon. Geo. Frost said "good bye" in the Omaha Rfjitli-(fii on Sunday hist in a very neat editorial, and Hon John Taffe succeeds him. Morgan Waj bright our well known Expressman goes Fast for Mrs. W. this week, and expects to stay in old Vir ginia a week or two. Dr. II. F. Heed, Coroner of this County, goes E;ist to see his father this week. AVe are glad to see friend McMurtrie. the telegraph man, on his pins and about business once more. Lots of Ieople thought it was the Editor of this paper that old C. Morbus had got hold of, but so far we have gone scott free and can take our daily rations in comfort. So much for crowing too soon, last night old C. 31. tackled us lively and it lont make a bit of difference to him whether its McMurtrie or MacMurphy. JFe shakes 'em both up alikv Old papers for sale at this ollice; rcnti ner hundred. . - - . Hats, Caps. Hoots and Shoe3 at a ter rible sacrifice at 1). Sehnasse & Co's in Plattsmouth. Our store is rented and the stock must and will be sold in thi?i ty days. I). Schxassk & Co. 24-2t POSTPONED. Miss Chockeks Concert, until further notice. PUBLIC SALE. TUf tjnders'cmed will sell at public verxlue to the hlhet litili-r. on Saturday Seyt. 121 h. 1X74. at the i'e.Hilfiii't of Mrs. I.u-iinf,i OUillainl. one mile w-,i of Pacific City, low:, and J miles (it l'l;Uts!iioi.t!i. tin following property. to-w it : 5; l)p;i1 of cattle, of which ardicad are good two year oM strep, the lahtiro heini; cows ; one gool ixrm how, a lot of yrarlliurs ami :alves. Tkmms : h on all sinus under 10. over that nine months time with approved Heeurity find interest at 10 ir cent. 10 cr cent discount for rusii. Sale to coiniueiu r at !i o'elork. 11 WAlIUKX L. CLOUZEK. NEW GOODS. Fleming & Kimball, of Weeping Water are constantly receiving new good and would in vite the attention of those in their icinity to the low prices ut whieii they are disposing of ttiem. They keen a good and varied assort ment of everything in their line. 23t2 FOIS THE COL NT Y FA IK. Spv('ial Premiums.' I offer to the young lady, not exceed ing 18 years of age, w ho will exhibit the best 5 pounds of butter, one set of Jewelry, valued at $10; and for the best loaf o bread made fromCass Counts w heat one silver Goblet, valued at $'"'; the judges to be the same as in classes 13 and 17. The above prem iums are on exhibition at the P. (). Jewelry Store. Fkaxk Cakkuth. The Agricultural Sc Mechanical Association will effer as a special premium for the best Wind Mill Pump put up in working order 011 the fair grounds ;?- j.00; second best $13.00. The above premiums have been of fered since the publication of the reg ular premiums for Cass county and will stand in the Hi:r.ALi until fair time. lltf A large stock of gents and ladies trunks of all descriptions for less than Chiacgo prices at I). Sciixasse & Co. 31 A II III EI). PKTN KY TAIN U At the residence of Mr. C. Tahor, in Centre Prerinet, Cass Co. Nel., ly the Itev. A. I.. Folden, Mr. OitVAX I'KTXEY and Miss Mm.i.iK Tahok. POSTPONED. On account of the inclemency of the weather the concert to have been giv en by Miss Crocker on "Wednesday eve was postponed until further notice. MSZOL UTION NOTICE. l'l.ATTSMMCTH. NKIS., Sept. d. lt74. i This eeiliTii's that I have this day sold all my interest in the (iioeerv and Confeelionery. kiH'un under tin I'iui name and style of K. A. Ii:!ey .S; Co.. to U. t Maytiard. Aiiit said tirui is dissolved hy mutual "consent. Said It. f. Mavnanl is to pay all indebtedness of said linn, ami receive all dues on hook, and other ue eounts due. the linn. .1. il. IMI.I.KV, i' It. l M.w naui. DISSOLUTION OF VO-PA11TNE It till TP. The co-nartneiship lieretfore existing he tweeii H. W. Lane and Sihis K. tlreenslate, uti der the tirui name of Lane tireenslate. is. hy 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 consent this day dissolved. Kithe'r meuiher of said firm is authorized to settle the same. K. V. LANK. MIS K. JHKKNSI.ATK. i:i 1 11 wo. 1 . Cass Co., N''l., Ailj. l.'Hh, '71. The husiness of the old firm will he carried on in the same place, hy the firm name of 1".'W3 t'LAl'I'X (iHFK NSI.ATK. SPECIAL NOTICES. TEA CIIEES EA'A 3IINA TON. Examinations fur prantin certificates will he held at the times and places named helow : At I'laltsniouth .Inly Cist. 1ST. At " Sept. 4tll. ISM. At " Oct. :M, 174. At (Ireenwood (Waters School House Ort. 15th. At Stove t'reek School House. Oct. L"0th. 1874. At Weeping Water Oct. L-.M. IS74. At Oct. .With. 1S7. At .Mount Pleasant .Nov. ath, Is74. At Plattsmouth Nov. -.tli. '.S74. All persons who propose to apply for e-rtifl-eates will please a ail t hemselves ot one of t liese oi'portunilies. No ot her opportunities will he oifered as the Supei iiuendcnt will le absent from home visiting schools. And no certificates will he renewed except on re-examination. l'lattsinotith, .Julv ':ith, I.s74. lS-t Its terrilde to notice how the .summer yuods came down at Merrcs Shoe Store. 18tf. CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cause than having worms in the stomach. P.KOWN S VEKMIFI'GK COMFITS will destrov Worms without in jury to the child, heiin: perfectly WIH'IE. and tree from all col oring of otln-r injurious injiredients usually used in worm preparations. 'cutis .t P.icowx. Proprietors, No. 'Jir Fulton Street, New York. Sold by ItriiL'ists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines at .'.5 cents a hox. 21wly FOlfsALE. m acres of uninijiroved land, four miles from Plattsmouth : jiood locality ; can ho lKuj;ht reasoiiahle. Call ut the oitice of v.'tf Smith & Windham. r.usiness is husiness, and so are the Cigars at the P. O. P.ooiv Store. 5-tf. FOl! SALE. A valuable farm near Wcepinsr Water Falls, cultiated. with water and t, &c., l'or liitrticulai s, call at the oihci- of Mf smith & Windham. GREAT AUCTION SALE!! OF HORSES, MULES, COLTS &c. On the Earni of A. Sfhleel. on Turkey Creek, near Inhelder station, oa KturIay, September 1!4Ii, IH74. .4 LA IK if: XUMUEi: OF FltHSIl MILCH t'oir.s. N-i;.7;s. ,i.v ytttwti rAT TI.K. il.Vf,' SM.VOV M I'LLS, JhtliSLS ami C(JL'l!i, Will be sild to the lie highest bidder. Three months time will he riven to purchases of .. or over. ALEX SCHLEliEL. 21-1.1 Call, examine and price goods at Merges Shoe Store before purchasing elsewhere. I will never be undersold. istf A HARE OPPORTUNITY. The use of a farm for 4 years : the party rent in to do some breaking and pay taxes no oilier expense. Call at the oflice of 7ltf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land, in Mt. Pleasant precinct. or terms, call at the office of 4'-'tf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. liV) acres of land belonging to Cass Count v Nebraska being the South West quarter o'f Section No. Five (5) Township No. Eleven (11 North of Eange No. Thirteen (la) East of sixth Principal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile Grove. Tor Terms of sale sec L. IL.lA.MK3 1 Timothy Clauk or J-Co. Comr's. -tf 31. i Whit k. READ ! READ ! ! The summer good came down awfully at Merges' Shoe Store. Call and charge for showing thein. ltf FOR SALE. An improved farm, four miles Irom Tlatts niouth, well watered. 100 acres under improve; luent. Can be bought lor part cash in hand, ; balance on long time. Impure of f Smith 5t Windham-. , WARRANTED STRICRLY pI'jRE DRUGS AND IDICINES, DR. G. 11. CHAP At ANTS PRESCIPTIONDRUG STORE. ALL THE LEAIIX; ratcnt3Ie(licines 's tlie (lay, FRESH AND NEW. A I.AIiGi; STOCK OF l'EUFUMEUY AND TOILET AKTICLKS, TAINTS, OILS, (in cluding all kinds of LUBRICATING OILS.) VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, and I'UTTJL BOOKS, STATION EKY.andlNITI A L PAPER, GOLD FEN'S, TnE LARGEST ANI) BEST ASSORTM ENT IN' THE WEST. PURE CANDIES. CHOICE TEAS, AND FINE CIGARS. PURE COLD ARCTIC -SODA WATER. EVERYTHING NEW, CHOICE AND ELEGANT. One Door West of the Tost Office. DR. . B. CHAPMAN". 9-3tn AT THE HERALD OFFICE. For Sale! One fJrey Mare seven yeara old, sound and kind good Roadster. One g'jod Pony, gentle for children. One new Sewing machine. Come on all of you. Vfliraska Htate Keziwtcr. A 4o column paper, published at lite State Capital ; full of State news ; indeiendent in everyt ninit. neu tral in nothing ; $I..j0 a yiMir. Correspnideiits and Agents wanted in every town. Wm. C t:iAVI, Lincoln. Neb. 5Uf All order for feed, flour and meal, left at Streight & Dilley's will receive pronmt atten tion." LMtfJ C. 1IKISKL. FOR SALE. A desirable residence, in riattsniouth, for sal-. &V down, balance on time to suit pur chasers. A bargain. Call at office of 5iU Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. l-jn acres of land in Otoe county, near ralmy ra : 4n acres cultivated ; water and timber con venient : joins improved farms ; very desirable ; on time to suit purchaser. Call at office of 5itf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. Two houses one for rash and one on time. For full particulars apply to E. G. Dovey. 50 tf Remember that the exclusive Shoe Store is the best and cheapest place to get your foot gearing. llf PETER MERGES. FOR RENT. One house. Apply to E. a. Dovey. 50tf Hand-Book of Politics for 74, BY HON. EDWARD McPIIERSON, Ch rUtif llnuccf Ilrjn-e4-ntntirtn V. S. This accurate and Volume gives the full rec rd on the "increase of Salary Act" and its repeal, on Transportation, Civil Rights, and Financial Questions, including the act of lsili creating "Legal Tenders" and coin interest on Bonds, and the various Expanding and contract ing acts since. 1'resi lent Grant's Messages and Memorandum. Interviews. Proclamations, and Action in Alabama. Arkansas. Louisiana and Texas. Supreme Court Decisions. Illinois and Wisconsin Railroad laws. Constitutional Amendments, made and -nding. in States, and Nation. "Back-pay" Statistics, Tables of Ap propriations, Debt, Elections. Currency Distri bution by States and Sections. &e. invaluable for campaign. Cloth, fi'2.'tK post-paid. Address GEO. KRS. DAWSON, 22t4 P. O. Box 434, Washington. 1 . C. HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT. 21wty I AVliy Will You I Nu tier? I To all persons suffer ing from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps in the limbs or stomach. Billions Colic. Pain in bacK. bowels or side, we would say. thk 1 lot's K IIOI.O Panacka and Family Liniment is of all others the remedy you want for internal and external use. Dims cured the alove com plaints in thousands of eases. There is no mis take about it. Try it. Sold by all Druggists. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the pre scription of one of the best l-einale Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and lias been used for thirty years nith never failing safety and success bv millions of mothers ami child ren, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedv in tlie World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhea in children, whether it arises from Teething 01 any other cause. Full direc tions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the far simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 24wly Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which tlie Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone. its effects . are marvellous. It lias produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- iX'V35 ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c., uion the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &e., upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, tlie lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. Tlie recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does Just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than inon certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c. have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c., gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stoc.k-owirs this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. B. Rosk & Co., New York. 4C-ly Castori v is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certaiu to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 45-ly LEGAL NOTICES. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of one certain Chattel Mortgage, dated loth day of January. i"4 and recorded in book F. of Chat tel Mortgages, on pages 5. 6, and 7, of the Cass county, Nebraska Records, and given and exe cuted bv William A. and Mary E. Devolt to Reefer it Lindley. et. al.. for which there is due at this date, eight hundred and ninety-six dollars. Also one Chattel Mortage recorded in book F. page 41 and 42 of Chattel Morgages, of the Cass county, Nebraska reeords, given and executed by illiam A. DeVolt to Keefer & Kindly, for which there is due at this date, one hundred and eight dollars. Also one other Chattel Mortgage recorded in book F. of Chat tel Mortgages, on page eight (s, given hy Wil liam A. luid Mary A. De olt. to Keefer & Lind ley. upon which there is due at this date one hundred nr.d six dollars. The undersigned will sell at public auction on the sfnd day of October. it74. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at J. A. Keuaston office, in Cass county. Nebraska, the following described per sonal property and chattels to-wit : One seeder of the Esterly manufacture, one roan and red cow three years old ; one brown mare nine years old ; one sorrel horse eight years old ; one lum ber wagon (Newton : one Vibrator thresher ; one reaper and mower ; one set of harness : one breaking plow, and one stirring plow, the pro ceeds of said sale will be applied toward the pavnient of said Mortgages together with ten ler cent, and attorneys tees, and cocU and ex penses of said sale. Dated at Plattsniouth. Xeb.. Sept. lMh. l74. KEEFER & LINDLEY, By L. C. Bi kr, Mortsaset-. Their Attorneys. zi-it Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of ami order of sale issued out of the District Court, in and and !r Cass county, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 17th dav of October, A. D. 1874. at ten o'clock a. tn. of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city tif Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auction the following real estate, to wit : The south half Ct) of the south-east quar ter (se !il of section number twenty (2(i town ship number ten (10) north of range nuintwr thirteen U3 east of Principal Meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska, together with ali the the privileges and appurtenances thereon or thereunto belonging : to satisfy a judgment of said court, recovered bv Albert Bacon, agaiust David Bouinert. M. B. CUTLER, Sheriff. Cass Co.. Neb. Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 7th. '74. 24-w.t Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court, in and for Cass County, Nebras ka, and to me directed. I will on the ilh'th day of Sept.. A. D. 1K74, at one o'clock 1'. M. of said day, at the South Ooor of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at Public Auction the following described Real Estate to-wit : The East Half (E i) of the South-east Quar ter (S. E. i) of Section Eight t) Township Eleven (11) North of KaiiKe Ten (10) East of Six tG) P. M. in Cass county, Nebraska. The same having been levied upon as property of Jacoli lilshony, to satisfy an execution in my hands, in favor of Vallery & Rufluer. Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 24, 174. M. B. CUTLER. 22-t5 Sheriff Cass County. Neb. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the I)isliii-t Court, in and for Cass County. Nebras ka, and to me directed. I will on the 20tli day of September, A. D. 1874, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at tlie south door of of tint Court House, in the city of Plattsmouth. in sain Co.. sell at public auction the following described Real Estate, to-wit. : The west half w'il of lot No. eleven 11 in block No. thirty l-'w) and lot No. twelve 112 in blx-k No. forty-four 441 in the City of Platts Uioutli. Cass County, Nebraska, to satisfy a Judgment obtained by Arthur Calkins against Wiilet Pottenger and Perry P. Gass. M. B. CUTLER, SheritT Cass County Nebraska. Plattsmouth, Aug. 26th. Mi. 22-5W ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on TnesUay, the 13tli day of October next, an election will be held in Cass County for One Member of Congress ; One Member of Congress, Contingent ; ne Governor ; One State Treasurer ; One Secretary of State ; One Attorney General ; tine Superintendent of Public Instruction ; One Stale Prison Inspector ; One District Attorney 2d judicial district ; One State Senator ; Two members of ths House of Representa tives ; One member of the House of Representatives for the counties of Douglas, Sarpy, Cass, Washington and Dodge : One County Commissioner lor 3d or Western District ; One Assessor for each precinct ; Three Judges of Election for each precinct ; Two Clerks of Election for each precinct ; One Supervisor for each Koad District ; .1 ustiee of the Peace ; Constable. Which election will be opened at eight o'clock in the morning and close at six o'clock in the afternoon of tlie same day. It is ordered bv tlie County Commissioners that the following proposition )C submitted to the electors of this county at this October elec tion : "Shall the County Commissioners of Cass Co. issue Bonds in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, to aid in the developemenl of Coal in said Cass county." The ballot should read : "For Iionds and Special Tax." or "Against Bonds and Special Tax." And also to vote for or against a Constitu tional Convention. The ballots at such election shall read as follows : those in favor of a Con vention, "For a Convention," those against a Convention, "Against a Convention." POLLING PLACES. Tipton precinct. Greenwood precinct. Salt Creek precinct. South Bend precinct. Elinwood precinct. Stove Creek precinct. anil Plattsmouth City precinct, at tlie usual places of holding elec tions. Weeping Water precinct. School House in town of V . W. Centre precinct. Grand Prairie schl house. Ijouisviile prt cinct, schl house in town of Iou isville. Eight Mile Grove precinct, Shnfcrs school house. Mt. Pleasant precinct, Gilmores schl house. Avoca precinct. Stone schl house in District No 77. I jberty precinct. Connor's schl house. Rock BluiTs precinct. Bergers schl house. Plattsmouth precinct, Taylor's schl house. By order of the County Commissioners, this the 1st day of September Is74. 1). W. MrKINNON',. By C. V. Moork. County Cleift. Deputy. Notice, Relative to change of Place in holding elec tions in Cass County. The eastern' portion of Cass County having been lately re-distiicted thereby changing the lines and altering the limits of some precincts, it is hereby ordered by the County Commis sioners that all persons interested in'the matter, living in tlie precincts so altered and changed bv such late re-districting, do present their pc ti'tiousto the Board of County Commissioners on or before the NtH dy of September next : designating such places within each pre cinct as they may desire to have made voting places in the future, in order that the petitions mav be acted upon and tlie places designated and understood before the coming Fall elections. Bv order of Board County Commissioners. 2o"tf D. W. McKinnon, Clerk. Registrars Notice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of tiie 2d Ward in the city of Plattsniouth, county of Cass, and State of Nebraska, that the undersigned. Registrar of said Ward, will sit for the purpose of registering the voters therein, at lletsei's Mill on Monday September 7th, 1874, from 9 o'clock a, in. to 5 o'clock p. in. except one hour at noon. And notice is further given that I will sit at the same place on Monday Octolier 5th. for the purjiose ot correcting sain negistration list, 22-3t V I "'r ll'l -B l.i llll IOII llli J. It. D1LLEY, Registrar 2d Ward. Executors Sale of Real Estate By virtue of an order of sale from Judge of District Court (and under the seal of the same) in and for the District Court, Second Judicial District, in the County of Cass and State of Ne braska, and directed to the undersigned, in an action wherein Lloyd D. Bepnett, surviving ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Snap herd Duke, deceased, is Plaintiff, and Lavina Duke and others aro Defendants, I will at 10 o'clock a. m..on the lMth Bay ot July. 17 in front of tlie Court House in the City of Platts mouth and State of Nebraska, offer tor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder the lands and tenements hereinafter described, on terms following, to-wit : cash in hand. Said lands be long to the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and are described as follows, to-wit : A subdivision of lot eleven ill in section twenty-nine 29 town twelve 12 and range fourteen 14, containing eight ) acres, said tract of land lying and being in Cass County and state of Nebraska: also the following lobs in the city of Plattsniouth. in said Cass County, lots four 4J. five .), and eleven 11 J m in block five "!. lot four 4 in block fortv-four 1441 ; also the following lots lying and iK'ing in luke's Addition to the City ot Plattsmouth. aforesaid, tint is to say lot four (4 in block three, ('. lots one (I) two (2) three (3) four (4) five (") six ((H nine (: ten (10) eleven (in twelve (12 thirteeeii(13 fourteen (1 ti lifieen(l jl sixteen fir.) seventeen (17) eighteen (ls and nineteen ( l;i), in block lour, lots six (,ti seven (7) eight (Si nine (!) ten (Vt) eleven OlJ twelve 12i thir teen (13) fourteen (ll tii'teen (15) sixteen (lt! seventeen (17) eighteen (Is) and twenty (20) in block five ."), lots four (4) live (") six ) seven (7) eight (s nine (a) ten i Hi) eleven (11) and twelve (12; in block six (i, lots one (1) two (2) three (: four (4) five (5) six (t; in block seven (7). lots three (3) and four (4i in block nine (iV). lots two (2) three (3) four ( I) live (5) six (ti) seven (7) eight () nine 0) ten (to.) eleven til) and twelve 12) in block (ieven (11), all of block twelve (12) being lots one (1) to twentv-two (22) inclusive, all of block thirteen (13) being lots onetDto twcnty-twoi22) inclusive, lots one (ltand two (2) in block four teen 14, lots one 1 two 2l three (3) four (4) five (a) and six 5. in block til teen (1j. lots threa (3) four 4 and five 5 J in bhx-k eighteen (IS), lots one 1 two 2 three 3 seven 7 eight s nine tf j and welve 12 in bhwk nineteen 19, all of block twenty (2o) except lot twelve 12 being lots one 1 to twenty-two (22) inclusive except lot twelve 12.lots one t three 3 four 4J ten MJ fifteen 15 in blin k twentv one 21 J. lots one two 2J three 3 four 4 five pi six i! seven (7) eignt 11 nine (!) teen 110J eleven iiii anil twelve I.12J nree izaj. six 1111 all of block twentv-ciidit (28) excent lot seven teen being lots one lj to twentv (2ti inclusive, except lot seveteen it" : lots six e seven (7) eight 18 nine (9) ten in eleven (11) and twelve (I2.i in block twenty-nine 29, lots one 1 two 2j tnree 3J four 14J five oj six 16 seven 7 and eight 81 in block thirty 301, lots three '3 four 4 five . six 6 seven 7J and eight in mock tnirty-one 31. lots one n) two (2) three (3 four t4 five (. seven (7) nine(9) ten (10) eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block ten (10). lots one (1) t wo 2i four (4) five (5) seven (7) eight (8) nine (9) ten (in) elevtn (11) twelve (12) in block twenty-two (22). Ixts three (3) and four (41 in block eight (8). Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. m.. until sundown of the said day, if necessary, and it-will be adjourned from day to day until ail are sold : Plattsmouth, June 22. 171. Luvo 1). Bknnftt. Surviving Executor of the last will and testa ment x l Shepherd Duke, deceased. WHET.I.RB & STINCIICOMD, l3-4t Attorneys for Executor. The above, sale is hereby adiournded until September f2 . 1T4, at 10 o clock a. m. Plattsrocuia Aug. 8th 1871. , v LLOYD D. BENNETT, Survmng Executor of cstatof Shepherd Duke in block twenty- e 23, lots one 11 two 2 three 3 four 4 6 seven 7j eicht 81 nine 9 ten 10 eleven and twelve 12 in block twenty-seven 27, Registrar's Notice. Notice Is heiebv given to the voters of the 1st Ward in the city of llattsinouth. county of Cass, and suite of Nebraska, that the undersigned Registrar of said Ward, will sit for the purpose of registering the voters therein, at my oflice on Monday September 7th, 1-S74, from 9 o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock p. in. except one hour at noon. And fin thur notice is given that I will sit at the same place on Monday, October .".111. for the purpose of correcting said Registration list. 22w3 Gko. H. Black. Registrar 1st Ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of tlie 3d Ward in the city of Plaitsmouth. county of Cass, and State of Nebraska, that the undersigned. Registrar of said Ward, will sit for the purpose of registering the voters therein, at the oflice Jof Miehelwait & Sharp, on Monday September 7th ls74. from 9 o'clock a. in. to 5 o'clock p. in., ex ec pi one hour at noon. And notice in further given that I w ill sit at the same place on Mornviy, October 5th, for the purpose of correcting sa id Registration list. 22W I. V. GASS. Registrar 3d Ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice Is hereby given to the voters of the 4th Ward in the city of Plattsmouth, county of Cass, and state of Nebraska, that the undersigned Registrar of said Ward Will sit for tlie purpose of Registering the voters therein, at the ollice of Wheeler & Bennett, on Monday September 7th. 1874. from 9 o'clock a. in. to 5 o'clock p. in. except one hour at noon. And notice is further given that I will sit at the same place on Monday, Octoler Mh, for the purpose of correcting said Registration list. 22U A. L. CHILD, Registrar 4th Ward. OM2IA1IA ADDS. Wyoming Hotel, OMAHA, - - NEBRASKA. A. W. TEN N ANT, Proprietor. Union Pacific Ticket and Sleeping Car Oflice directly opMsite. House newly furnished and renovated throughout. Grand Central Hotel OMAHA, NEB. Largest and Finest Hotel between Chi cago and San Francisco. GEO. THRALL, Proprietor. SALE o LOTS, -IX BLOOMINGTON, Franklin Co., - - Neb. There will be a public sale of lots in the town (f Bloomington, Neb., on the 15th day of Hept 174. consisting of business and resident lots. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. in. Terms : One-half Cash; balance In six months. There will also be a sale of Bloomington town lots at Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 25th. 24-lt By order of Trustees. WILLIAM HEU0L1) Keeps one of Ihe Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. ROCK BLUFF ADS. ROCK BLUFFS Dry Goods & Grocery J. $ . SHERJl, KOCK BLUFFS, CASS CO., NEBRASKA, Keeps Everything! HATS, CArs, BOOTS, SHOES. SHAWLS CALICOES, WOOLEN GOODS. STRUPS, COAL OIL. GROCERIES, DRIED FRUITS. Also 60.000 pounds of Bacon. Ham and Shoul ders, for SALE CJlEAr : and all that a farmer NEEDS, OR WANTS, from a COUNTRY STORE. 17-Cm Call ami See Them. O. F. JOHNSON. DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, AND Wall Paper. li'nii rjaafaa All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Books, Stationery, Maga zines, . And Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an ex perienced Druggist. Remember the place, cor. 5th & Main streets, Plattsmouth. - Neb. MttK I UtlK ! I am now prepared to furnish, the best una dulterated milk TWICE EVERY DAY, To all parties notifying me 17-1 y PETER" JtTJlJS SC Co,' PROFESSIONAL CARDS "WHEELER & BENNETT Real Estate and Tatpayini; AnMits. Notarlns Public, Fire and Life Insurance Agents, I'lattsinoulli. Neb. T R. LlVINlTON.riiysieUii and Surtteon. Tenders his professional service to the citizens of Cass eountv. Risideiie southeast corner of Oak and Sixtli strwts : oftlce on Main street, one door wwt of Lyman's Luinler Yard. Plattsniouth, Nebraska. SAM. M. CHAPMAX. K. T. MAXWKLU t llAI'MAX A. M.WWI.M ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitor In Chancery. Oftire in Fitzgerald's Block, llatts inouth. Nebraska. A. I Spkagce, T. B. Wiio SPKA;l K WILSOX, Attorney t Law. PLATTSMOCTH. - - NEBRASKA. Cttlleftimu Promptly Aatlcnded U. 13-ly UKU. 8. SMITH, K. H. WINDHAM, NN1TII A WIMH1AM. Successors to Marquett, Smith, & Starblrd, Attorneys at La tod- Real Estate Brokers 1-LATTSUOlTH, - - - Jl'XB. Special attention Elwn to Collections, and all matters affecting tlie litle to Real Estate. Office on 2d floor, over the Post Ofuce. Dr. Schildknecht, Eclectic A Homoeopathic Physician. tiy-OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. J Corner of 6tu and Vine Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. CALLS ATTKXDED AT Al.l. HOURS. eyi Justice of the Peace. Office on Main Street Plattsmouth, Neb., near ly opposite the H iibai.d office. Business hours from g A. M.. to 8. P. M. All County business usually transacted be fore a Justice of the Peace, will be attended to bv the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. 8-ly J. YT. HAINES. lMattsirtoutli 91111s. CHEISEL, Proprietor. Have recently been repaired and placed in thorough running order. Ino.OOO Bushels of Wheat wanted imme diately for which the highest market pnee will be pai'd. G. A. von Heimburg, Veterinary Surgeon. 0Jfi.ce south side Main Street, between Third and Fourth Sts. PLATTSMOUTH. - NEB. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS PLATTSMOUTH, VtM. CONRAD HEISEL, Proprieto FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Cash prices. ITThe Highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. Particular attention civen to Custom work. Singer Sewing Machines, FOR SALE BY F. J. METTEER, With all the EXTRAS, ATT AC II 31 E NTS, NEEDLES, dc Also, riows. Cultivators, Wagons and farm Implements for sale. Mrs. a. ii. ;;m:e, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and alt kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Plummers. 4oin3 GO TO GUS. KEllOLD'S FOR CLOTHING. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't E. T. DUKE, Treas. FRED. G0RDER, Buyer. Tills Company will buy grain at the higbes market rates at all times. Seales and office at E. CI. Dovey, Store, lower. Main Street. Plattsmouth. Neb. 291 y L. GOLDING, Dealer in CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, &c., &c, &c, &c. Oue of the oldest and most Reliable Houses in Plattsmouth. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. C37-REMEMBER THE PLACE. n8-tf. William Stadelmann has on Jiand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. tWI Invite everybody in want of an-thingin my line to call at my store. SOUTH SIDE MAIN, Between 5th & 6th St's. And convince themselves of the faet. I have asaspectalty in my Retail Departments, a stock of Fine clothing for Men and Boys, to which we invite those who want goodd. tVl olso keep on hand a larjre and well se lected Stock of Hats, Cups,-BooU, Shoes, &c. Jan 1 yl CARPENTER WORK! W. L. TUCKER, BUILDS HOUSES, does all kinds of Country Carpenter Work, and is ready for a job at all times. Careful Work and prompt attendance to Calls. 4 td&8hop on 6th Street, north of Fitzgerald's block: t-iy OF A BIG STOCK GOODS; Selling Out! Selling Out ! ! The old and well known firm arc selling out tlieir cn-, tiro stock of goods, at greatly reduced prices, preparatory to entering' upon Another Line of Business. The following list gives some idea of the great re ductions they propose to make: Old price, Preseuti Cussinieres, $1.30 $1.0(j 1.00 75 Muslins, 14 11 12J 10 Flannels, 60 45 50 40 40 30 Shawls at 25 per cent. less than cost. Cottonades, . 45 32 35 25 25 17i Si it i i ti i 6 G.00 4.oa 4.50 Boots, custom made calf 8.00 0.00 kin 5.50 Boots, custom made, heavy Kip from $'2,50 to ?1,00. Ladies Shoes from $1,00 to ?L,,.r0. Other shoes in same proportion. HWh ribbons from 2i cents up; worth twice the money. 10 lbs of dried apples for 1,00. 10 lbs of Carolina Rice, for 1,00. Fancy choice gunpowder Tea worth $2 per pound at 1; next best worth $1,25, at 80 cents. Choice Co flee, Syrups, Starch, Soda, and other gro ceries in comparison. Plates, cups, saucers, and other delf-ware at pottery prices. CASH! CASH! CASH These goods must be sold for CASH within the next TIHIIEIRX'r DATS; As the Store building has been rented, and the goods' must be out of the way by that time. Now is the time for farmers to buy their winter supplies cheap. All winter and fall goods will be" sold from 25 to 30 per cent, below cost; Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and ladies' Shawls, will be cleaned out at any prices. There is still a large and varied stock to select from; and first come first served. Once more we call attention to the" rare chance offered to farmers and cit izens, to select and purchase a good supply of the needful articles while this sale is going on. No such chance may occur again in years. Come one, come all; examine, price; and try our goods. Remember only 30 days. Once, twice, three times, cheap1 for CASH, at & SCHNASSE & CO'S Lower Main Street, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb: THOMAS W, SH&YO0K 'J .'J3e'?S'i2E 3 i -y t v-scv. v: Fune-rals attended on Short Xoticc; i r ALSO PEA LEU IX FURNITURE, CHAIRS, BEDDING, &c Hixm Street, next' door to Biooks House, lat'tsmoutlJ, 'e"b.