i; v. rP !I !r II !' I) i l i ,Pmiiii tlx T?nft ninrr-4 vpnrta- i i iJ LJ lJ n IJI,, i.i. inrin. seems to be Ibe raost success ful sweet iotato culturist we have. LOC A L A I ) V E R T I S E M E N TS. Transient, 25 cent a Hue. Regular ndrcr-IU-i . lu ci-nii li:ic. No advuiciuciit ln sru d lor Iom tliau lt. wins. I'tral advertisement will bo charged to the p.'.rtas handing them in. COM.M I'NICA'I IONS. As our upace ! limited, ill communication must be Uriel and to the point, with no uuslc of tords. X E WS PA F E K 1 EC I S 10 N S. 1. Any person who tnkes a paper regularly fnmi the postuilicc, whether ilirectcd to hfi name, or whether he M a subscriber or not is lr.sMttislbR fort Ik pay. J. If any person orilers his :icr discontln i;'il. lit must pay all arrearages, or the publisher in n conliiiiii: to M ini il until payment is made, and collect tlif whole amount, whether the pa-iM-r is l lUfii it. :n the oMire or not. 3. TliecowU have dcciilcd that rcfu.iinx to t.ike newspaper" and prioilicals from the post lli -e. or removing :uil leaving them uncalled for, is prima UieU evidence cf M.niiiiai. mil i). lie has half a dozen men at work and yet can't supply the demands. NOTICE. The Sociable of the Ladies Aid Society (Episcopal) will meet at the house of Mrs. 11. It. Livingston Thurs day evening June 4th. All are invited to attend. LOCAL NEWS. BMcture I'rjiine at Sliryoek'n. 7tJ. Hi -member Azro Smith when you want a mess of nice early vegetable?. Lunches Meals day board Hen Ilemple. tf. After this date I shall play for no more dances, I want it expressly under stood. L. F. Johnson. 8-lt Letter from LouisviHe in regard to Fourth of July proceedings will ap pear next week. The second night's entertainment for the Nigh School fund was a perfect suc cess, and a very handsome sum will be turned over to help pay for the Organ, after paying all expenses. Besides we have demonstrated that we can do some things a3 well as others in Platts-mouth. Some very tine hogs passed through here for .shipment on Saturday. 1. P. (lass (which means Police Patriarch) keep .sending the boys up For your Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Redding, Fmreaus. Children's Carriages, 1'icture Frames, etc., call on T. W. SIIRYOCK. 712, Never undersold at Merges Shoe Store. Call and examine goods and "Warranted Strictly Furo DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ax. . . - Dr.G. B. Chapman't PIIWCUI1TIOX ltllVti HTORE. All the leading r ATE NT MEDICINES, of the day NEW AND FKESII. A large stock of Perfumery and Toilet Artlelei. I'aintx. Oiln, (in cluding all kind of lubricatiiiK oils,) Varnishes. Window-Class, and 1'ulty. Hooks. Stationary, ami Initial I 'a per. olI IVn, tii" largest and best as sortment in the West. I'nrp CandieM, t'hoirr Tens, Hint I'iHr Cigars. l'L'KK CO Eli ARCTIC SOIA WAT ER. Every new choice and elegant. One door W est of the Post orllce. 8-:m lUt. G. 11. ClIAPMAV. Picture Kramrs of every style at rtt HI1ICVOCK.H. FOR RENT. The Ian; and commodious ware-room, cellar and office, on second floor of building, formerly occupied hy Jacob Vallery. Jr, in Masonic liloek, Enqulre-of R, R. El vinmtox or 43-tf E. T. 1ukk. FOR (SALE. A valuable farm near Weeping Water Falls, cultivated, with water and timber, &c. For particulars, call at the office of tf iS.niTH & WlNDliAM. FOll SALC. 8') acres of land on desirable: terms. 5loo cash in hand, balance on time to suit purchasers. For particulars, cad at the otHce ol MI .SMITH St Wiximiam. TAXES TAXES!! For sale. lt acres of unimproved land near Eiht Mile Grove. Can be purchased on reasonable terms. For particulars call at the oflice of I'-'tf Smith & Windham. Remember the Penalty. The penalty and interest on all city taxes now due will certainly be added after June 1st. And all parties are re quested to come forward at once and pay their taxes thus saving expense trouble. Wjl. WlXTEnSTEIN, City Treasurer. and I I.e.,. when ll,ev,lon'tl.,hav?. I Inc-es. 1:1 -' leased to show them, - - i .....i .!,...,. not F Mr. AVcst, the florist, agriculturist and horticultures!, has our thanks for a very handsome boquet, last week. to ca'.l on T. W. Sliryock. 7tl. Dr. Chapman's Soda Water will quench your thirst. 7-tf A POINT OF INTERST. Dr. Chapman has now one of the finest stores in the west and keeps a i-iUshaUirictures tofiau.e will do well fH line of .strictly Pure Drugs and Medicans Paint Oils dlass iVc, to wnicli every one is invited when in want of any thing in the drug line. 7-tf Remember that each subscriber to "Our Fireside Friend," has an equal chance in drawing the 1st (2 rami Cash Prize, of 810,000, in the Third (2 rami Annual Distribution of Premiums, of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, which takes place June 2."5th, 1874. Xow is the time to supscribe, and get a chance in the distribution, besides gelt'ng a beautiful Oil Chromo, ready framed, to hang up in your par lors. Call on the Agent, J. Ph. Young for full particulars and circulars. 7-2t Come to the shoe store for the best and cheajvst manufacturing and re pairing dune, neatly and with dispatch. :,-2it P. M EltO K.S. A. Smith, Hazel Dell Cottage, Rock Rluffs for early vegetables. Beats the world. Now's your time, help yourself and lu-lp me Ice Cream and Soda Water B 'it Hemple. 7 , "White & Darragh bought 45 loads of corn one day la.-t week and 52 another. Who says korn is 'nt kiir;; kotton'b no where. A.? on of C2e i. Toft en of Omaha was successful competitor for the West Point Cadet-ship at Omaha last week. Dr. Livingston was one of the examin ing board. Fox, the express man, still survives and has stopped the 1Iei:ai.i because we s:id lie looked sheepish, after buy inga quarter of mutton at Ilatt's. Ihs si ite still hangs out at the express of fice though, v.-here you can leave all orders for town delivery. Our town looked lively enough Satur day, certainly. We have seldom seen the streets so full of wagons, stock and proplf. en.! the hum and rattle and COUNTY FAIR NOTICE. A meeting of the Directors of Cass County Fair Society will be held at Judge Ellison's ollice on Saturday jcneCUi. For the purpose of prepar ing a jiriminm list for the ensuing County Far. NEW HATS. Miss Sweeney expects some lace pat tern hats on Friday, and invites the ladies one and all to come and see them. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. The use of a farm for 4 years : the party rent Inir to do some breaking und pay taxes no other epene. Call at t he otliee of Mtl Smith it Windham. FOR SALE. H acres of unimproved land, four miles from I'lattsnioiitli ; pood locality"; can be bought reasonable. Call at the oflice of ,-zil Sjlin& Wisdham. liiLsiness is business, and so are the Cigars at the I O. Book Store. 6-tf. rr.oi'urs market. At the People's Market you can find and buy for cash anything usually kept in the market line. I pay cash and I must sell for e;ish;anl to my customers I sell and only a.sk small profits, but I expect prompt and sure pay. 1 1. E. Eelison. 8t2 C05I.1I0X COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Monday Morning, May 27Ah, 1S74. EXTUA SESSION. Present dishing, Johnson, "Way man, Pollock, Newman. The subject of taxes, was the matter in hand, and the meeting being held in tha day-time many were absent, and four of the roar rolled up toour o'liee iikeunm Uir ; Couneilmen were sent for by the Presi Mirging of a living sea in some vast j (j.nt nf the Council, and brought in -ii.poriti::j of the world's greatness. Tiic Sowing Machine wagons are on the increase and are perfectly gor g ous t!i:s spring, every separate linn endeavours to head off its neighbors and get the most astounding and de m lis'.iing e unbin ition of letters and colors to distinguish or extinguish th-'ir champion or victor outfits. (i RAMI OPENING SALE!! We tender our compliments to the ladies of Phittsmouth and vicinity, .and announce a Grand opening Sale for Friday. May 20th. of 500 piece of the choicest Urns drain, and other Ribbons at 25 eei.v per yard, which have hereto fore sold at from 30 to 75 cents per yard. We shall also hare in stock and for sale at the same time, a cJioice, new lot of jirints and notions, which we will be pleased to show you. Valleuy & Rfffxeu. FARMERS. GRANGERS AND ALL OTHER MEN. Cio to Frank Stadter and have a stencil plate cut to mark your movable property. That's business ! 4Jli Sheriffs Sale. Hy vrti of an order of sale Issued out nf f IMs'trict Court, tor Cass county, Nebraska, ai'd to me directed, 1 will, on the thirtieth cmthi day of Mav. A. 1) 17-1. at teu UU) o'clock a. m. of said dav, at the sourh door of the Coiut Houe. in the city of I'lattsnioiitli in said coun ty, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wlt : lo;s seven (7 eight $ and nine ('j) in block number five ("; ; also at eleven (Hi o'clock a. m., on same day of the month and year, and at the same place, lot number nine o) In block number twenty-nine (T.i) ail in the city of I'lattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, togeth er witli all the privileges and appurtenances thereon or thereunto belonging, to natisiy a iudgment of said court recovered by .lohn Tal Ion, plaintilf, a-dnnt Elbert T. Duke and Lloyd D. ISrnnett. executors and legal representatives of the estate of. shepherd Duke, deceased, and Lavina Luke. M. It. utlkii, Sheriff Cass Co. Xebra-ska. Mattsinouth City, April 27th, 1S71. Estray Notice. Taken up, two estrays at Factorvville, Cass County, Nebraska, on the April r.'ml 1S74. Ik.h kiptios : One two-vear old bav mare colt, with white face. Having attached to its two four leirs. two pieces of leather ith riiejs, also one one-year old bay horse colt. The same can be had by proving property and paying ex penses. Appiv to JNO. Ml'RFIV, J. I. FactoryviHe Cass County. T-5t Neb. Legal Notice. Would be pleased to have everybody call and examine my stock of Roots, Shoes, and (2aiters, before purchasing elsewhere, for I sell cheaper than ever. Xo charge for showing them. 52tf Peter Merges. FOR SALE. A desirable residence, in 1'lat tsnioiith, for sale. 5SJ00 down, balance on time to suit pur chasers. A bargain. Call at oflice of 6Uf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. l'JO acres of land in Otoe county, near Taluty ra : -to acres cultivated ; water and timber con venient ; joins improved farms ; very desirable ; on time to suit purchaser. Call at ollice of oill Smith & Windham. HOUSEHOLD PANACEA dumping him down again, the honora ble Court iinallv received his sworn under the sheltering wing of the tall City Marshal. When a quorum were present, and Mr. Cashing i:i the ! ! c.iair, uie business oi equalizing tna ! i i ; City taxes was entered upon anil a i j lively deal ensued. Tlrj Marshal was j ; kept busy; F. J. Clements was sent for, j ; (the Assessor! and the Marshal brought i C.J. Cummins; thenC. H.Parmelewas 1 ,. .,.(.., 1 .- t , . 1 lfl..l- lll'ioll t-llL- !K.l j dim it, I1M1 1 n 1 iiiuv. it niinj vwv . ., . , f ,1 r 1 equalizing Parmele wav up and tlien Our fuI set ibers must not feel of-i 1 . : , f.Mi.'cl at Dur.s now and then. We i:hk! !:ivr iii i:h'v to run this machine, i ;, vi wc a.lvo,nte ail vour n-al interests j st-ltel5lt llcd ifc slare- The 1:e-. of charge Just now our job ' taxes then came up, and were !- i: v..:-v di.'d isnd : 1 ..or o! uM- re- , ' 1''-"J ""J"'""- comparatively cut off. and j nu"r "fternoou" those sweating, pant- tw li.ni-IioMI Oil til jt rtj 1 o 11.1 .s 1 1 I t 1 1 L- f friends to rorae ""s ""Ju;" ' " aMjmi- .. 1 TT... ...... i:., ..-..! ..,,.1 forw.tr.I aii-l 5ettlo their subscriptions I ) ....u a- re re-aujusieu anu eiiiaiizei, ana un equalized, but no way that we could fix it but that convinced us more .and more surely, that the hard side of the plank is up in those Council room chairs, and so we leave the board to their fate. Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure, 'i bis is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone, its eftects arc marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- kT'vpcz ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c., 'ipon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c, upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does just what it pretends to do. Those who now s-.ifTer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than HWH) ceitificates of reiuarka'de cures, including frozen limbs, chrouie-i heuinatlsTii, gout, running tumours. &c. have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c. gratis to to any one rco'iesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Linimer.t is worth one j hundred dollars for foundered orsweenied hor- j ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at- ' tention. No family should be without Centaur i Liniment. .T. 1. IIosk & Co., New York. 4o-ly 1 AND- FAMILY LINIMENT. 24Vly Mhv Will Yon Suffer? To all persons suffer ing from Klieumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps in the limbs or stomach. Billions Colic, Pain in back, bowels or side, we WOUld Sa V, Til K 1IOI SK HOI.II I'AXACKA A N It Family Linimknt is of all others the remedy you want for internal and external use. It has cured the above com plaints in thousands of cases. There is no mis take about it. Try it. Sold by all Druggists. It is hereby ordered that the March term, 1874, of the District Court for Cass County.be and the same is hereby adjourned to the third Mon day of July next, at which time Jurors, Suitors, Witnesses and all other interested persons will he in at-tendanee: I5y order of GEO. I?. LAKE, Attest : . Judge. D. W. Mckixwx. March 3d, is" I. Clerk Dist. Court. 4'J-3m New York Underwriter's A gcucy . Acsrejjate Aetft. 83,335,439.53. Statement of the condition of the (iermania Fire Insurance Company, of the Citv of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1S73. CAI'ITAL. Cash Capital and Surplus $1,250,101.9? ASSETS. United States Securities 4W.437..V) 4oans on Bond and Mortgage 4si.-joo.00 Cash in Bank and hands of Agents )."..'.isl.l4 Ueal Estate 4d.:jo5. I,oans on Stocks, payable on demand... 54.soo.oo 44..S07.34 PROFESSIONAL CARDS AVHEELER& IlENNETT Heal Et:ito nnd Tax pa ing Agents. Notaries Fublie, Fir and L'fe Insurance Agents. 1'lattsmouth, Neb. 1 U. LIVINUSTON.I'liysician and Suiveon. At- TerMers his professional services to'the citizens of ('a county. Residence southeast Corner of Oak arid tU streets : otTlce on Main Mreet. one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard, 1'iatlsmouth, Nebraska' SAM. M. CHAI-MAN. Jt. T. MAXWELL Cliapmaif & Mdxivrll. ! ATTORNEYS AT LAW an Solicitors In j Chancery, oflice in Fitzgerald s l!Kck, 1'latU j mouth. Nebraska. GEO. S. SMITH. It. V. WINDHAM, sin in & ivimi in. Successors to Marquett, Smith. & Starblrd, A ttorneys at Law d- Reed Estate Brokers I'LATTSMOVTIl, ... NEB. Special attention given to Collections, and all matters affecting ttie Title to Keal Estate. Olhce on 2d floor, over the Vot Office. j Dr. Scliildknecht, Eclectic A Homoeopathic Phy8icin. tSS-OFFICE AND RESIDENCE.. J Corner of Gth and Vine Streets, I'lattsmouth, Ncbni.sk a. THOMAS .W.. i'liiierals attended ii Short Notice. cyl CALUS ATTENDED AT ALL HOUKS. ALSO DEALER IN A FURNITURE, CHAlRS, BEDDING, &c Main Street, next door to Brooks House, I'lattsmouth. NVU. SPRING AN 13 SU3IMEU GOODS Justice of the Peace. Office on Main Street Vlattsmouth.Neh., near lv opposite the Hkk ai d ollice. Ilusincss hours from 8 A. M.. to 8. I. M. All County business usually transacted be fore a Justice of the Peace, will be attended to by the Subscriber. General Collector of Debts. 8-iy J. VT. HAINES. VIirnka State Itesister.-A 40 column paper, published at the State Capital ; full of Stat? news ; independent in everything, neu tral in nothinsi ; l.'o a year. Correspondents and Agents wanted in every town. Wm. C. Ci.ovd, Lincoln, Neb. ltf Other Securities. . . LIABILITIES. Losses in process of adjustment. 1, 200,101.13 . .. .57,24S..r.3 FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. For full particulars apply to E. G. Dovey. 50 tf .1 CHALLENGE. I challenge the whole northwest in low down prices. Read the figures and judge : Women's Sersxe Gaiters, $1. 18 Serge Gaiters, :2.25. No Shoddy. lien's Brogans, i1.25. " Roots, 3. Good whole stock. Every thing else in proportion. Call and examine before purchasing else where. Will be pleased to show them. Main street, 3 doors east of I'ost Oflice. Ttf. Peter Mekuks. TIIIRT Y YEA RS EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the pre scription of one of the best I-einale Physicians and Nurses in the I'nited States, ami has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success bv 'millions of mothers and child ren, from the feeble infant, of one week oid to the adult. It corrects acidity of tile stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and ! gives rest, health and comfort to mother and ! child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Statement of the condition of the HANO VER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of the City of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1873 : CAPITAL. Cash Capital and Surplus, $1,CS5,337.C ASSETS. United States Securities 517.731.25 Ixian on Bond and Mortgage 2-ri.2iio.iio Cash in Bank and hands "of Agents' l67,-'fi3.:i0 Loans on stock, payable on demand,. . l3,.oo.on 1; , State and N. Y. City and County Bond.-), 4i Other Securities 7 .ir.j.so Oso.Vi f 1,0S5,337.G0 LIABILITIES. Losses in process of adjustment C3.804.97 II. l' I'ALMICK. A sent. OFFICE Front Room over Post Ollice. I'latts mouth, Nebraska. 61-131 New Firm in Weeping Water. Fleming & Kimball, (Successors of J. CLISBE & CO.) WEEPING WATEK, NEP. This new firm have just laid in a large and varied stock of goods, ENTIRELY NEW, and will now offer them for sale at the old Stand in Weeping Water. They respectfully solicit the patronfge of the people, and pi opose to sen good goods IMattsmoutli Mills. CHEISEL, Proprietor. Have recently been repaired and placed hi thorough running order. luo.iMo Bushels of Wheat wauled Imme diately for which the highest market juice will be paid. as cheap us any one in the KCt. Mar- Try Us Once, and See. Kemedv hi the World, in all cases of Dvseiiteiv and Diarrhea in children, whether ii arises from Teething o. any other cause. Full direc tions for iisinii will accompany each bottle. Notte Genuine mdess the fne aiiiiiU of CLRTIS & PEKK1NS is on the outside Wrapper. Sold by all Medicina Dealers. ur.vly Castokia is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce- natural sl-.'cp. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4i-ly fine house. FOR RENT. Apply to E. G. Dovey. 50tf Farm for Sale. FAY YOl It CITV TAXES J v."oi 1; i ; v. mkuvs ar; .vt1 vr.il thiiik our Vieturi- Vratne r.r 7:2. Tlios. V.'. Shr,vrU. A. W. Wliiti', our wt'll known youii prof-or lias "chan.t'd his spots" li:t not lits uMijjiii mrtuners, nor the quantity f his ooi's. IIi now liol.ls forth in the liri'-k Store fannorly ocftipieil hy I)( l:!i:;iciit City Taxes I The taxfs for 173 became dolln-jiient on the 1st day of May. and by the new law 1 am obliged to e!il'oii-e the eolieetions of said taxes at once, unless they are paid promptly. There are iilso some ..oo due on ilu; year ls"T2, which niiist be paid at ore or thev w ill be put in the hands of an olllcer Tr collection. Please come forward and save me trouble and yourselves erpcIlM'. W.M. WlNTKIlSTKEN, 7-.f City Treasurer. Ono Florence Sewing Machine for sale at this office. Lewellyn A. Moore. lh Ttiit s. an l still f Hither back 1 7 j n,0KIST AM) HOLQIT.T 3IAKEK. l'raak AVhite, Lis Father. At this I'laeo you will always timl Mr. VT. realy ami willing to atten l to your wants. Particular attention will be jjiven to cut flowers, from small bunches to t lie most elaborately arrangeil baskets The Union last night suggesteil that .-itnl han:l bouquets. I'resi.knt Dillon take hold of the Trunk j An ejt ra assortment of (Iitcji house. Lino ami build it at once. An excel- j P.edding plants, and summer Flowering lent s estion. It will be the. most I ''.1,hs',.suc!l :w Wliidioli, Tnbe roses, digiiuu.is, ami lautu a inc. A small load of hay taken in sub scription at this ollice. One of the BEST FARMS in Cass county. I offer for sale my old and well known farm, of 1GO Acres, at Glendale. About too acres of it are under cultivation, and about 40 acres of young, thrifty timber, consisting of oak, hickory, silver maple, walnut, cottonwood, &e., &c. Also a young orchard of fruit, trees, evergreens, &c. The farm is partly inclosed by a Honey locust hedge, is well watered for all uses. There is also six acres of island timber four and a half miles distant. There are two railroad stations at 4 and 4'j miles distant. The Clendale Postoftico and a school house on the farm. Price, Sl.noo ; one fourth down ; for the balance, any time re quired w ill be given by paying interest in ad vance. Apply to the subscriber, A. L. Ciiili, or To D. II. Wheeler A Co. or 4U Smith & Wixiu am. fyi MOUSES!! HOUSES!! DR. W. D. JONES, will stand two of the finest HORSES Ever brought to this State, during the season of 1874. it NORMAN," A few bushels of corn or oats will be t;.ken on subscription, at this office. Stf SPECIAL NOTICES. valuable investment the Union Pacific can m ak e . Rep ft hi ia n. Its astonishing how much sense that littb' Union has, can't Ibe It. 11. Co. see it through their spectacles? THE LITTLE IiPET MAKEK. Oar table has been deoratad l itely xvith several very pretty boquets brought to us by the little daughter of Mr. S. West. We return her a great many thanks, and assure her they have 'afforded us much pleasure. Kustic vases, hanging baskets, and wire baskets of all sizes made to order on reasonable terms. Oreenhouse and Residence in Duke's Addition just west of John Uarnes'. Orders can be left at "Frank Stadter's in I'lattsmouth, Cor. Gth and Main lst3. I'lattsmouth, Cass Co., Nebraska. 5t7 Notice. ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF OUK PUBLIC SCHOOLS. At -a meeting of the Mayor and Council, sitting us a school board, the We have been shown lately several j following notices were sent to the re very handsome dresses which Mrs. j spective parties interested, designating AVhitcomb, late of Plattstneuth, has ! the day on which their respective been making for ladies here. Mrs. classes will be examined. Whitcomb informs us that she finds J r:ure work to do in Omaha than she can accomplish, almost, and from the number of girls busily employed in her work rooms we should judge su-jh to be j the fact. The ta.-te displayed in some of the dresses place dressmaking al- j most among the fine arts. Ladies de- j s irons of having a handsome dress madd cannot do better than to visit her. z. I i. i ! Is M'.ss Marcia Jjn-o!n. sn.l Mrs. T. .J. Arnold, "r.l Miss Caddie Foxier, -tth " liertha Lincoln, High Sen "I. ::d lYim'iv, Mi-s Lulu Foster, Jth " " F. K. 111:1. 1st Int'me'te " Gertie Johnson. 2:vl " Mr. D. l. Martin lale, 1-st Gram'.ir Mi L. V. Morse, -iu " 1'rof. tit.irbird. June. 15t. 10th. Kill. lth. 22nd. 2 :rd. C4th. 2th. 2:tt h. Setli. Cnitki Statfb La ni okkicic, 1 14.NCOL.V, NKIIIlASKA. V M.VY 20th, 1S74. ) Notice is hereby given that by a letter rec- iv ed from the Commissioner, lieiier.il Land office, Washington. D. C. under date of Mai"h U1st, 1S74, in which he orders a hearing to be had in the case involving t he right to the South-cat 'i. section 2-1. township to. North of range 11 Fust. Cass t outiv Nebraska, the sa.ue being 5re-empted and proved u upon by Alexander ohnson. and a protest being instituted against the entry bv .least; W. ook. He it therefore mider-doiufthat we have set aside June 2.1, 1ST4. at 1 o'ch-ek I. M.. a day iu which we will take the testimony iu the c'.;se. SILAS GARBF.R. (lEO. 1'. Titker, Register. 914 lieeiver. Go to Cen. Ileniple's Cream, this Summer. for Soda Water and Ice Ttf. CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cause than having worms in the SiollU'cll. RROWX'S VERMIFCGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being pci feci ly W1IITIC. and free from all col -oring oi oilier injurious ingredients usually used ill worm preparations. Ci ktis & I'.kown. Proprietors, No. 2i. Fulton Street. New York. Sold bv Drugpists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines :u :ii cents a box. . 24wly LIFE INSUPtANCE PAID. Plattsmouth April 4, 1ST4. This is to certify that upon the or ganization of the local board of Direct ors, for Cass County for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States organized at Plattsmouth March 25th 1574, composed of the following members: T. M. Marquett, Isac Wiles, Charles Lazenby, J. Vallerv Jr., W. L. Ilobbs, 11. Vivian, P. E. Kuffner, Alvey Drew, Stephen Wilts, M. Ij. White, Thomas Wiles Jr., E. E. Cunningham. A claim was submitted to them for adjustment which was paid in full as per decision rendered by said board in tex days from date of said adjusv ment. Signed, M. L. White, Pres. J, Vallery Jr. V. Fres. J. W. Barnes, Secty. 2-'2m. LEGAL NOTICES. an iron grey Stallion. 6 years old. sired by a full blooded Norman Horse, and raised by Thos. Fatten, of Mercer Co., 111. "TALARAX," sired by Liberty and running back to MF.DOO, the Kentucky Horse. Is a dappled bay, lG'J hands high, and is given no hy norsemeh to be the lines! Horse ever brought'to Cass County. TERMS : To Insure, 10. At I'lattsnioiitli, Thursdays, Fiidavs, and Sat urdays of each week, and at Rock llliiffs. Mon days, Tuesdajs, and Wednesdays, during the season. l-3iii FARMERS EXCHANGE. B. G. HOtOVER, louisville, Nebraska. All order for feed, flour and meal, left at Streisht & Diiley's will receive prom t atten tion, loltil C. Heisku Soda AVater, Ice Cre-nn, Lunehes and Meals at all hours at Den. Hemple's. Ttf. Auction Sale of Condemned Oovernment Property. There will also lie a public exhibi tion at the Hall, in the High School building, on JrLY 3rd, 1874, I at which, such scholars as may b des- The greatest irrepressible conflict that this town enjys,T.e.t to the W. W. W. and the saloon mon, is the spatting of Joe Connor and Thatcher, commonly known as "Connor" and "Tatch." From ! igI1ated bv their respective teachers early morn till dewy eve. they keep it j will exhibit such proficiency sis thev up, first one's ahead and then t'other. have made during the year. Xow and then they rope an outsider in J Ve have no doubt but that this ex and make him a victim but as most of I hibition will be very interesting, and Cass County is getting too sharp for , parents and citizens should make it a them they soon fall back on each other, j 1K)mt to see for themselves, what pro ?i.d the amount of chin music they hlLS been mado jn our schoolSf waste in a day at a dime a word would j and whether tlie course cf education pay off the national dc-bt in six months j there obtained, is producing pro?r re- j suits. i DF.rOT QrAHTKRM ASTKB'S OFFICF. Omaha, Nkbkaska, May 4th. 1K74. On Wednesday, the M day of June, ISTt. there will le sudd at piibiic Auction, nt the tjiiarter Miister's Depot, at the iutersertlon of l:ith and Webster Streets. Omaha, Nebraska, condemned Covernment prorwrty. as follows, yiz : 7 horses ; 2 mules ; IS army wacoiu : 1 ambu lance : 55 saddles ; -J14 saddle blankets ; H4 sin gle sets harness; no stoves. ns old iron, hv weislit i ; lint feet rubber hose : S iiTfigraln s;icks. and various miscellaneous articles ; sucti as tiMds, etc. : also 5 wall tents, witii tlies : as shov els ; 5 spades ; 30 axes ; 5 Sibley stoves ; 2 iron bunks, etc '1 he sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. Terms CASH. Ky order ot lirigiidier-General Ord. J. n. LELCHEK. 4 Assistant Quarternixter V. S. A. or more. THE REST, THE CHEAPEST, THE LARGEST STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AT THE SHOE STORE, Between the P. O. and Brook. Home. 5 PETER MERGES. Notice to Bridge Contractors. Not ice is hereby given, that sealed proposals wiil be received at the County Clerk's ollice in Plattsmouth, Cass County Nebraska, until the 2nd day of June. 1h74. for building bridges in said county : One to be built across Salt reck, a.1 Shekel's eros-iiinr, span eighty feet, with two approaches of twenty feet each. Rids received for either Iron or Howe Truss. Also, five smaller bridges, of wood, ranging from thiriy-six feet to sixty feet each, including approaches. or further particulars, see plans and specifi cations at Clerk's oflice. Approved security required of contractors, in double the amount of contiact pi ice, and all bids received, subject to be rejected by the Hoard of County Commissioners at their pleas ure. 15y order of the Roard of Countv Commis sioner's, this tith day of May. A. D. 174. D. W. Jk-Ki.N.o-, 4 Clerk. Estray Notice. Came into my enclosure Mav 5th, a brindle heiferS years oid, white spot on shoulder, bel ly white, hind legs white, from gambrel down : no other marks perceptible. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay chaiges. and take the same awav. Ch s. S. S.V1ITIT. 7-ot I'lattsiaouth, Keb. Notice to Purchasers of B. & M. R. R. Lands. Li'coi.N", NfbkaskA, May 25ih, 1U74. )' Notice is hereby given, that we are prepared to take up the Ire-etnption Certfiieates under which, xorties obtained lands from us prior to July 1st 1832. and replace the same with regular conmiets as required by said eertiileate. Parties holding such certificates aro notified to present the same for exeharge at the R. & M. Land office at Lincoln. Xeb.. within sixty days from the dste thereof, or, the certificates mav be sent by lnn when contracts will be returned tu the sain iBShfcer. Addrw, AKT1H7R GORHAM, . Ijind C-mr. -:'a N -r. Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Articles such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES Dry Goods, JSools, Shoes, ifec. In fact, everything usually kept in a Variety Store, which will be sold on small profits foi CASH. Allkindsof Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the Highest Jfarket Prices yiren in Casli tor Grain. 1'j Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, cfee., at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Xails, Hinges, Locks. Hardware, of all kinds. Those wishing to build will please call and see my stock. E. XOYES, LOUISVILLE, XEB. Meat Market! tiKEEXIIOUSE AND JJEDMXO PLANTS. Time and money saved by ordering of me. I have the largest and best collection of Plants ver offered for sale in the West. Catalogue free. Sweet Potato. Cabbage, Tomato, and oth er Plants for sale in their season. Address W. J. HliS.Slitt. Plattsmouth. Neb. Hubbard House, IIUBDAKD, - - Frop. Main Street, WepingtWater. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRA VELERS. 4 1 mC. BARNUM'S HOTEL; Cor Broadway and Twentieth Street, NEW YORK. OX P.OTII AMEltlCAN & EUROPEAN TLANS. Complete with all modern improvements ; rooms Ki7; and single ; private parlors, baths, elevators, ite. Location unsurpassed, being in the very centre of fashion and brilliant New York life. "In proximity to Churches and places of Amusement, and Lord & Taylor's, Arnold & Constable's and .1. & C. Johnston's Dry Ooods palaces. The hotel is under the management of A. S. Itanium, formerly of Har mon's Hotel, Baltimore: I.N. (Jreen, of Day ton, Ohio, and recently of New York, and Free man Harnum.of Itanium's Hotel, St. Louis. 2l-tf. NEW 'DRUG STORE. WEEPIXG WATEK, NEB. T. L. POTTER, DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS. VARNISH. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, N HI ON S, CIGARS. TORACCO, AND GLASS. Prescriptions carefully prepared. 16tf. mrls Bros., DEALERS IX Agricultural Implements, Down Go the Prices I ! AT Celebrated NEW YORK BTbftt Southwest Corner Main Street, l'iattsniouth, Xtbroskai. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO BUY m 35 IS. IT G J E S. Dress Goods, Prints, Hoots and Shoes, Delaines, Ginghams, Brown Sheeting, Bleached Cottons, Balmorals, Carpets, Clark's new Thread, CottoaT urur In the Grocery line wo keep the Finest and I5ei Tea, Coffee, Sugar, M6Jas4es, Dried Fruits. Spires, cle., Cle. In fact for Your Groceries, Hardware Queensware, YVooutn Ware, Glassware, l anuee. Notions, Hats and Caps, Boots and Sbw GO TO 25-tf. D. SCJUNAME A CO.'S. Farmers iLSLfieziiion ! Look to your Interests by buying Agricultural Implements1 Hardware. Tinware. Pumps lion. Nails, Stoves. etc. Repairing done to Order and Satisfaction Guaranteed. VYE DEFY COMPETITION. 50-ly J. lXUELDEIl & SOX, Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest possible rates. Also Dealers in Grain, for wliicli the highest cash prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at rea sonable rales. InlirTder Hint ion. (Cedar Creek.) 51tf. Cass County, Neb. XJSW STYLES. F. L. ELS1ER, Merchant Tailor Is in receipt of the finest and BEST ASSORTMENT WSSIMRRUS. CI-OTri.S. YF.STTXC.S. SCOTCH GOODS, IRISH FRIES ICS, &.c. In fact, tlie l;nrct and best assortment of Cloths' ever brought to thin city, which I am prepared to make i:p in the Latent Stybts. t.'ai! ana examine OooOs. apiillK. II ATT, THE BUTCHER, -o- Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. -o- Hatt Always to be FctXD There. -o- Not changing constantly, bnttlie OM Reliable Spot, where you can pet yojr Steaks, Roasts, Game, Fish and Foul in season. south side of main street, One Door West of Herald Office, .' - m. - - - -v t - . - ,? f j - " -- if " ' OF MICKELWAIT & SHARP, Agents for the justly Celebrated. Law, Adams & French Harvester. Carriages THREE Hinders when necessary. u.es no Kelt. Canvass u Pullys in elevatinz the Grain. Also ag-nts for t!;b Omaha Xew Manny Reaper and Mower, Eagle CnltiVator, Thomas Corn Har-' row, Studebaker Wagon, Grand Detonr or Dixon Sterling and Breaking Plows, Ilnper, Ilolings worth and Pacific Hay Bakes, Sec, r&-OFFICE South side Main street, west of Cth, Plattsmouth, XCV. 8 -3m fok sale ar F. J, METTEER, , Two doors south of Main street 6n west side of Sixth. Call andse4 and get a Machine. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FRED. OOIIDEIS, Buyer. This Company will boy grain at the high es market rates at all times. Scales and office at E. CI. Dovey. Store, lower. Main Street. Plattsmouth, Neb. ayl ! U. V. 31 AT HEWS, On 4th Street, and dealer in Hardware and Implements. Nails. Iron and llop'e Rakes. McCorniick and Buckeye Reapers and Mowers, Sweep Stake Threshers, Corn Planters, CULTIVATORS, Garden City and Morrison Tldws, tVagoil Wood Stock, GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. i .SU' tfillj lit:-'- ' ;i.;:-.itf!V fWmfO rW' I :r v ; v:: 114:;!' - ?AVy.-.'fe ? ' , ; r : :, i f . VP f ir'--';i-' -v" 1 ;:" " vS-cv-k; ssJt':-! ;pi'V3t;;.,j A.K.'i:MiZp;j 1 ' .., , :, ..: ;.j,i i' mm,- f i--,. "-5V; ;::.::;::.!:! ri WT i, T'' - ' : i:M.i:f