THB UK KALI). TERSOXAL. LOCAL NEWS. HORSE FOR S.1LE A good farm nap:, for sale, or ex change for a good fresh cow with her calf. Inquire at the JIeuald office. Never undersold at Merges Shoe Store. Call and examine goods and prices. Will W pleased to show thern, and no charge. 52tf Come to the shoe store for the Lest and cheapest manufacturing and re pairing done neatly and with dispatch. C2tf I. Mekoes. A grain dealer in I'lattsniouth made $2,500 clear money, in Chicago, during the late rise in Wheat there. Lucky fellow! - Nebraska Cfty and Plattsrnouth made plows, are fast supplanting those of Eastern manufacture, proving equal to and much cheaper than those of Eastern make. Blair Times. Mickelwait & Sharp trotted a very handsome harvester down our streets last week. It is anew patent, and will pay for inspection. riattsmouth is getting to be quite a manufacturing centre. We have a plow factory, machine shops, three ci gar and tobacco factories in full blast, two w i ;-in i r:irri.te;t; manufactories, w :.;,. iv' m' hir.f ia :Lry, two bakeries, and I;tiy ii'it !. -t l.--istiy a musical in strument establishment in the near future. The Stomach of Mrs. Burnham was returned from Lincoln last week, by I'rof. Aughe, and the analysis showed a ery imall portiou of arsenic present, but no more than might and probably Would be found in anyone else's stom ach, after a close analysis. NEWS. Mrs. Sweeney ffill move into the tore of Solomon & Nathan, with a large and fashionable stork of milli nery goodn, which will be offered at much lower rates than heretofore. This stock will be opened and ready to examine by next week, and I invite all my old customers and friends to give me a call in my new quarters, 4t3 Mus. Sweeney. - W are Sorry to learn that our old friend Judge Childs has been quite ill for some: tfett days back. lie is slow ly recovering now, however. Mr. Thos. Evans, than whom l'latt mouth ha had no better citizen, nor gentleman, leaves us this week to as sume the duties of Cashier of the Bank of Crete. Mr. A. W. McLaugh lin takes his place as Ass't Cashier of the First National Bank here. Wm. Bryant will herd cattle this summer, commencing as soon as grass grows. Turn out your stock for him. Geo. Smith, Lawyer, and No. 1 fel low, residence Plattsrnouth, returned from Toledo the other day where he has been to visit Nasby and condole with him on the effects of the crusade. The County Commissioners Court met last week and equalized everylody and everything. Good boys. Hon. T. M. Marquette, long a resi dent of Plattsrnouth. and as well known in tlie State as any public man of early days, left us for Lincoln last week. Mr. Marquette is the Attorney for the B. & M. II and his duties and engagements called him away so much that he finally was forced to make his residence in Lincoln. Iden tified with Plattsiuouth for many years and with the State and Territory al most from it3 inception, we feel as if Mr. Marquette was a part of ourselves, and it will be a long while before the town and County will replace his loss. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. E. A. Dilley and his brother-in-law have purchased the entire stock of goods heretofore kept by Straight & Dilley, and Mr. Dilley will pay all debts and collect all accounts due the old firm of Streight & Dilley. Please take notice and govern yourselves ac cordingly. 4t3 NEW INVENTION. L. F. Johnson is a happy man. He is an inventor. He is a patron of the line arts. Mr. Johnson has lately made a magnificent Organ, entirely on a new plan, and now discourses sweet music from Mr. Schlater's store eery day. Where is that four-horse team, Mr. Councilman, w ith which you were to escort jour new beauty about town? We are vury glad of Mr. Johnson's success, and hope the new Organ may turn out a (coal) mine of wealth in pocket and pleasure. A. W. McLaughlin, for some time a resident of this place, and brother-in-law to Mr. John 11. Clark, will take the place of Cashier at the First Na tional Bank, Plattsrnouth, rice T. W. Evans resigned. NOTICE I To the Book Borrower. The individual who has a copy of -Maekey's Lexicn," that does not be long to thm will oblige by returning it to I). II. WlIEELEli. Ct3 Mettecr is out with a new Harvester, (the Marsh) the most compact and per fect we have seen yet. It gathers and holds the sheaves until enough for a shock is formed, when by a little turn of the -heel" over slm tips and dumps them just where wanted, thus saving the labor of man. Owing to the publication of the re mainder of our tax-list, and the ab sence of the Editor, our local columns are not as full this week as we meant they should be. Next week we shall notice all the spring improvements in the place. Last week we had occasion to re mark on the number of geese near Mr. W. Eikenbary's farm. Since tliat time we learn from Mr. E. himself that they have so increased as to darken the at mosphere late in the afternoon, and his folks have to light a candle at four four o'clock every day to see to do the "i light-work" up. Great country, Ne braska! funy man, Eikenbary! Queer geese, those candle light fellows! THE BEST, THE CHEAP EXT. THE LARGEST STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. AT THE SHOE STORE. Betteei n the P. O. and Brooks House. 5t PETER MERGES. Mr. West lays an egg on our table which measures in circumference lon gitudinally, 7?3 inches; latitudinally, 5 13-16 inches, and weighs ii ounce. Plattsrnouth lit raid. If that fellow will keep on laying eggs of the above dimensions, and can be induced to set, he will raise a brood that will be the admiration of the whole feathered tribe. Blair Times. He won't set. Ain't that kind of hen. The happiest man in town is Joe. Connor. He was just swamped in greenbacks last week. ESSES IIKI On the morning of the 2Uh inst.. M. S. Polk, son of Joint F. and Martina l'olk, at Glendale. Cass Comity, 'eb. IIRC Monday. April 2Ttli, 174 at 10 A. M.. Lilian, tin- infant daughter of Alva and Em ilia J rew, aged 5 weeks and 2 days. And an we often sicak of her. We'll softly hreathe her name ; Since she wlm di'd so early. Died hut to live aain. The loss is only ours, we know. And while with unuisli riven : We linger lu re awiln below. Our Lilian safe in Heaven. M Merges, the shoe man. has almost finished his new store, just above the Brooks House, and two doors east of the Postofiiee. A new front, hand-j some inside fixings, and a general neat ness throughout, stamp Mr. Merges as j a man of taste and thoroughJbusineas i tact. Call and see the new Boot and j Slice warehouse. FA R MF.IE'S ATT ENT I ON. Fure, genuine leaf smoking tobacco, the trimmings of cigars can be had at J. Pepperberjr's, opposite the Hekali ofuce, very cheap. Also plug, and oth er sorts of smoking and chewing to bacco, and cigars. Call and see. Lewellyn A. Moore, FLORIST AND BOUQUET MAKER. Particular attention wiil be given to cut flowers, from small bunches to the most elaborately arranged baskets and hand bouquets. An extra assortment of Green house. Bedding plants, and summer Flowering bidbs. such as Gladioli, Tube roses, Tignidias, and Madeira vine. Itustic vases, hanging baskets, and wire baskets of all sizes made to order on reasonable terms. Also a few nice Trophy tomato plants. Plattsrnouth, Cass Co., Nebraska. 5t4 SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE. A val liable farm nenr Weepinsr Water Falls, cultivated, with w;iter atld timber, e., Tor particulars, call at the office of Mf SMITH & WlJiDHAM. FOR SALE. We would like the Republican Cen tral Committee of this town, or some party authorized to transact business for them, to visit this ottice and settle the printing bills of the hist city elec tion. We ure not disposed to be arbi trary about this matter, gentlemen, but this style of ordering election printing before the election, and then never coming near the printer after wards, is wrong and unjust. If the Republican party is no use to you any longer, and you have no principles at stake iu the matter, we can quit just jus soon as the rest of the party, and we object to bearing more than our due share of the burden of a party or ganization any longer. The Plattsrnouth Herald will here after attack the Omaha Herald at short range not thirty miles away. Fre mont Trillin. They can't stand long range with out blubbering, gee the whine over the State Fair Printing. REMOVAL. Dr. Schildknecht having purchased the residence formerly occupied by Peter Bates, Esq., corner Sixth and Vine streets, has newly refitted and fixed it up for his dwelling and office, and will be pleased to attend all calls is bis ppof"ption day or .gbfc Ito acres of land on desirable term. $100 rash in hand, hulam-c on limn to suit purchaser. For particulars, call at the ottice of sir smi th & Windham. FOR SALE. 1fi acrs of unimproved land near Eight Mile ('rove. Tan be pitrch;it-d on reasonable terms. For particulars call ut the office of fill SMITHS WlMlHAM. liusiness is buMiics. and so arc the Cigars at the P. U. ISook. Store. 5-tf. All order for feed, flour and meal, left at Streight & Dilley "h will receive pmiuvt atten tion. l"''Hfl C llKISEL. Centaur Liniment. There Is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This is strong lartftuajre, but it is true. Where the pans are not cone. Its effects are marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- Kpflrpsi ralfcia. lock-jaw, palsy, grains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, bums, salt-rheum. &c, upon the human frame; and of strains, spavin, galls. &c. j upon animals in one ycr.r thau have al other pretended remedies since the world bcjrti-. It Is a counter-irritant, an all-healing painreliever. Cripples throw away their c-ntches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a sear. It Is no humbug Tlie recipe is selling as no attiH vr before sold, and it sells because it does Just wHt it pretends to do. Those who now suffer froin rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than looo certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, clirnnicarheumallsui. gout, nnii'tptf tumours, &e. have been received. AVe will send a circular containing certificates, the reciie, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One lMttle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenie 1 hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock -owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. 11. & Co., New York. 4-y Castokta Is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is tlie.oiily safe article In existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry ami mothers may rest. 40-ly Auction Sale of Condemned Governmeut Property. Dktot Quartermaster's Offick. i OMAHA, NEuKASKA, May 4tll, 1374. f On Wednesday, the 3d day of June, 1874, there will tie sold at public Auction, at the Quarter Master's I epot. at the intersection of lath and Webster Streets, Omaha, Nebraska, condemned Government property, as follows, vu : 7 horses ; 2 mules ; is armv wagons : 1 ambu lance : SA saddles ; '21 1 saddle blankets ; s4 tin p!c sets harness; ill) stoves, (as old iron, by weight! ; am feet rubber hose ; 5.i7H grain sacks, and various miscellaneous articles ; such as tools, etc. ; also 5 wall tents, with liics : 'Josliov els : 5 sprites; Waxes; 5 Sibley stocs; 'i iron bunks, etc, l he sale to commence at 1-1 o'clock A. M. Term fc CASH. fcy oriler of r.rigadier-CiCncnil Ord. J. It. liELCIIEK, 5W Assistant Quartermaster IT. S. A. FOR SALE. ISO acres of unimproved land, four miles from I'lattsniouth : uod locality : can be bought reasonable. Call at the oliiee of ,iii Smith & Windham. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue ef an order of sale issued out of the Iistrict Court, for Cass Countv, Nebraska, and to ine dirwd, I will, on the aid day f May. A. I. 1k74. at to o'clock a.m. of sabt day, at th) south door fcf Jllie Court House, iu the city of Ilaltsmoutli. it. taid county, sell at public auc tion, the property described in said firder, to wit : Commencing one thousand sTentv-five and two-thirds ictss feet north, ana one thousand three bundled and twenty-six SM) feci east of tlie south west comer of section sev en 7) town twelve iVil north of raiiiie fourteen ! M) east of sixth principal iiierhli.-tn, more ar- ticularly described as being the northeast ir i rnr of Townsends Addition to. the city of l'latismouth : thence west, parallel witit tne south line of said section, two hundred tio feet ; thence north four hundred and thirty l4.toi feet : thence east, parallel with the soul H line of this tract, two hundred (JOOifeet ; thence south parallel with the west Hue of this tract, four hundred and thirty (4.To feet tothei-Iace of beginning, containing two (2 acres : situated in Cass County Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Anselmo It. Smith against Conrad Uipple. Mary ICipple. Joseph l!ley, C. W. Lyman. Thomas llailoweli, Con rad Hcisel & Co., ami John Cross. M. ii. Ccti.kk. Sheriff. Cass Co. Nebraska. riattsmouth, Cass Co., Neb., April IMi. 1874. 3t5 Legal Notice. It Is hereby ordered that the March term, 1874, of the District Court for Cass and the same Is hereby adjourned to the third Mon day of July next, al which time Jurors, Suitors. Witnesses and all other interested ersons will be in at-tendance. Ily order of CEO. 15. LAKE, Attest : Judge. I). W. Mckisnov. March 3d, !874. Clerk t)ist. Court. 4a-3;it h. a- Waterman & sox Wholesaled ttxd Kctail DealSrt In Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES', Sash Doors Blinds, &c On Main Street coner SUi hLATTSMOCTII - NEB. MONEY SAVED BY Buying Your Greenhouse and Bedding Plants AT TXlfc Picnic Gardens. AM. M. CIIArXA. R. T. UltWllO. CliaimtHft A maxwell. ATTORNEY! AT t.kyi and Solicitors tn Chancery. Office ia Kit25teraJ2 s Block, IlaUs niouth, Nebraska. A UA R E OPPORTUNIT Y. The us" of a farm for 4 vear : the party rent ing to do some breaking and pay taxes no other expense. Call at the oliiee of Oltf SMITH & WJXDHAM. FOR SALE. A desirable residence, in riattsmouth. for sale. $: down, balance on time to suit pur chasers. A bargain. Call at oftice of Sitf svmitii & Windham. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land in'otoe county, near Taltny ra : -W acres cultivated : water and timlter con eniciit ; joins improved farms ; very' desirable ; on time to suit purchaser. Call at ofiice of Mif Smith ft Wiudham. FARMERS. GRANGERS AND ALL OTHER 21 EN. Co to Frank Stadter and Lave a si"neil plate cut to mark your movable property. That's business! -1.41 f THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Wiiislow's Soothing Syrup is the pre scription of one of the best r emale Physicians and Nurses iu tlie I'uited States, and has been used for thirty ears with never failing safety and success bv millions of mothers and child ren, from tin feebb- infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of thn stomach, ndieves wind colic, regulate the bowels, and gives rest, h'-alth and comfort to mother anil child. We believe it to le the ltest anil Surest Kemedv in the World, in all cases of Dysen'Trjr and lU'arrhea in children, whether it ar'-es from Teething o. any other cause. Full direc tions for using w ill accouiaiiy each Ixittle. None Ceniiiiu unless the fur ttiinile of CL'KTIW : l'EKKINS fs on the outside wrapper. Sold by aH Medicine IeaTers. 24wly CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cause thnn having worms in the stomach. KUOWN S VKKMIFirCE COMFITS w ill destroy Worms without injury to the child, bcina perfectly V II ITE, and free from all col oring of othe'r injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, ( I KTIS& Bkown. Proprietors. . No. 215 Fulton Street. New York. Sold by Dmpists and Chemists and dealers lu Medicines M 'ii cents a box. 24wiy FOR RENT. One house. Apply to E. C. lovey. sotf Farm for Sale. One of the UEST FARMS in Cass county. I offer for sale my old and well known farm, of ICO Acres, at Clendale, About ino acres of it are under cultivation, and about 40 acres of young, thrifty timter, consisting of oak, hickory, silver maple, walnut, cottonwood, &c., &c. Also a young orchard of fruit trees, evergreens. &c. Tlie farm is partly inclosed by a Honey Jicu?t hedge, is well watered for all uses. There is also six acres of ishtad timber four and a half miles distant. There ar two ruilroad stations at 4 and 4Vi miles distant. The Clendabj Postolllce and a school house on the farm. Price, ; one fourth down ; for the balance, any time re quired will be given by paying interest in ad vance. Ap;ly to the subscriber, A. L. Child, or To P. n. WnRKLKK .4- Co, or 4itf SXffU & WUTDHAK. FOR SALE. The residence of F. W. D. llolbrook building nearly new ten rooms three lots of land. 2tf F. W. I). II. Call and examine goods at the Shoe Store, cheaper than ever. Women's nice lasting Cart ers for 81.15. Men's Shoes for ?1.25. 2-4t Pktek MrroBS. FOR SALE. 120 acres of laud, in ML Pleasant precinct. For terms, call at the ofiice of M smith & Wisdham. LUMBER YARD. Cottonwood hifiber sale at Mickelwait & Sharp's coal yard, by Win. Edgerton. A good supply of Coitoinvood bnu'oer will be found here at all times, for sab cheap. Remember, Mickelwait & Sharp's orUce on Main street, W CSt of Sixth. btOtf.1 V. EDtiEKTON. FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. For full particulars apply to K. O. Dovey. 60 ti FOR SALE. An Improved farm, four miles from Platts rnouth. well watered, 100 acres under Improve ment. Can be bought for part cash in hand, balance on long time. Inquire of fitt Smith A Wixdham. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! WniTE & It Alt RAH Keep constantly on hand Gillespie and Fart Scott Coal. Orders leti at Clark & riummer's Store will be promptly filled at reasonable rate, and the coal delivered free to any part of the LIFE INSURANCE fl.VID. riattsmouth April 4, 1874. This is to certify that upon the or ganization of the local boanl of Direct ors, for Cass County for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States orjrrmizeil at riattsmouth March 25th 1874, composed of the following members: T. JL Marquett, P. E. liuffner, Isac "Wiles, Alvey Drew, Charles Eazenby, Stephen Wiles, .1. Vallery Jr., M. L. White. W. 1j. Ilobbs, Thomas Wiles Jr., IL Vivian, E. E. Cunningham. A cliiim was submitted to them for adjustment which was paid in full al per decision rendered by said board in ten pays from date of said adjust ment. Signed. M. L. White, Pres. J. Vallery Jr. V. Pres. J. "VV. Eaunes, Secty. 2m. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court, lor Cass countv, Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the thirtieth i:oth day of May, A. O. 1874. at ten 1 10) o'clock a. m. of said. day. at the south door of the Court House, in the city of I'lattsniouth in said coun ty, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wlt : lots seven (7) eight o aud nine (9 in block numlier five s ; also at eleven (il o'efock A. m., on same day of the month ami year, aud at the same place, lot number nine ( in tiloek number twenty-nine i23) pj! in the city of I'lattsniouth. Cass county, Nebraska, togeth er with all the. privileges and appurtenances therPon or thereunto belonging, to satisfv a iiu'gment of said court recovered by JohnTal lon. plaintiff, against Elbert T. Duke and Lloyd l. Bennett, executors and legal representatives of the estate of Shepherd Duke, deceased, and Lavina Duke. M. B. Ct-tlick. Sheriff Cass Co. Jefrraka. rN-t:f"u'3j os?v Arm rn. !w Legal Notice. ilenry Aniisou; ITtff. ) Before II. E. Ellison, vs: f Probate Judge of William Feck, i)ef't. ) Cass County, Nebraska. The above non-resident defendant is hereby notified that an order of attachment was issu-d by the aforesaid judge on tle lsth day of Feb ruary. IS74, for the siuu of oity-five dollars, and it is sought by tlie Plaiutn in this action to take a sufficient amount of your- proMrty in this State to satisfy Plaintiffs claim, by virtue of the order of attachment sftresnM: Y on are hereby required to appear and defend said action on the -Jath day of May. A. P.. 174, at 2 o'clock p. in., or judgment will be taken atrainst you for the amount claimed. H K Ml V A M 1 SOX, . HKEl.KH & STIN'CHCOMB, J)ON"T send East for Plants when you can get just a rood for less money nearer home. To my numerous friends and pat ran s I would say that I l.ave the largest and best stock of giants ever olfered for sale in the West, and ai reasonable prices, lie sure aud send for my Sew Descriptive Catalogue. which w ill be sent free to all who apply forlU Then give me your orders, and 1 feel confident I I can satisfy you. Address, T. J. HESTER, fstni pnutsuiouilKiseb. OHO. . SMITH, K. (1. WtNKIIUl, SMITH & TTIXDII AM. Successors to Marquett. Smith, i Starblrd, Attorneys at Late Rval En tat e Broker PLATTSMOCTII. - MB. Sp'ecial attention given to Collections, aui all ma'ters affecting tlie Title to Real Estate. OlfiYe on 2d floor, over the Post OuVe. RR. LlVIXtSSTON. Physician and Surgeon. Tenders his professional services to the Citueus of Ca-ss count v. Residence southeast comer of Oak add Sixth streets : ottice on Main street, one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard, Flattsmouth, Nebraska. HEELER & BENNETT Real Estate and T:inviiiiF Aifenis. Notaries Public. Fir and life Insurance AgertS; Plattsrnouth, Neb. 2-ew Att'ys. Legal Notice. Horace Bailey, non-resident. Defendant, will take notice that I did on the 22d day of April. 1H74. file my etilion hi the oriice of the Clerk of the District Court, in mid for Cass Countv, Nebraska, against sai-l Horace Bailey defend ant, setting forth that stid defendant has been guilty of willfully abaiKloning Petitioner with out just cause for mor- than two years last past and praying that Petitioner be granted a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony, by decree of the District Court, in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and that unless vou answer said Pe tition, on or before the 8th day of June. Is74. default will be taken against you upon the same. MARY BAILEY. By Chapman a Maxwell. 4w4 her Attorneys. Probate Notice. In the matter of the Probate of the last will and testament of Win. Mastin. deceased, iu the li obate Court. To all whom it may concern : Take notice that P. W. McKinnon filed in my office au in strument in writing purporting to be tlie last will and testament of Win. Mastin. and made application to have the same admitt-d to lro bate ; and that said cause is set for hearing on the 14th ilav of May, A. P.. 1S7. at 2 o'clock p. ra.. of said day. at which time all persons in terested are notified and reiiucsicd to appear aud show cause If any they have why said in strument should not be allowed as the last will and testament of Win. Mantin, deccivsod. Witness my hand and ollicial seat, this the 20th day of April, A. P. 174. II. E. ELLISON. 4-3t rrobale Judge. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sal! Issued by the Probate Judge, iu and for Cass county, Nebras ka, and to me directed, in an action wherein Yabery & RuITner are plaintiffs and J. I.. I.vnli is defendant. I will, at 10 o'clock A. si., on the fourth day of May. A. P. 174. at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Flattsmouth. Cass Co.. Nebraska, offer for sale, at public auction, the f. (lowing personal prop erty, to-vrit : One lime kiln, known as the Lamb Limekiln, situated in 'ass county, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows : situ ated on lot 4 in section 7. township 12 north of range 14 east of sixth principal meridian, with appurtenances and priviliges thereunto belonging. The same was taken and is being sold as the property of J. I.. Lamb. M. B. Cltlkk. Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb. riattsmouth. April 11. 1874. 4t2 General Brick Work. Eriek, Rock Work and Plastering' attended to fr FARMERS and CITIZENS, PETERSEN & HANSEN. We propose to give our whole attention to this kind of work both in COUNTY and CITY this sun nier, and respectfully solicit the Patronage of the People, In our line Ii. PETERSEN, - - G.IIAXSEX, Inquire at the Platte Valley House. 5m 3 Wines, Liquors and Cigars. As Lazenby & Co. Corner Main and Sixth Sts. FLATTSMOUTH, NEB. flood ptlfe Wines, Ll'iuHrS arid cigars whole sale and retail. Pure li'itlbrs for aimers use. All goods sold for cash aud at low dow n prices. Give us a call. l3yi. II0KSES!! HOUSES!! I1L W. P. JONF-S will staud two of the finest HORSES Ever brought to this Stale, during the season of 1874. "NORMAN," an iron grey Stallion. C years old. sired by a full blooded Norman Hors. and raised by Thos. Patten, of Mercer Co., 111. "TALARAN," sired by Liberty and running back to MrCPOC, the Kentucky "Horse, is a dappled bay. hands high, and is given up by horsemen to be the lines; llorse ever brought'to Caa County. TERMS : To Insure. $10. At Flattsmouth. Thursdays. Fridavs. and Sat urdays of eacli week, ami at Uock lluffs. Mon days, Tuesdajs, and Wednesdays, during the season. l-3m PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. E. G. DOVEY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. FBEB. GOBDEIl, Buyer. This Company will buy grain at the Lights market rr.tes at all times. Scales mid office at K. CI. lvvey. Store, lower. Main Street, I'lattsniouth, Neb. 29T Wiiiiam Stadelmann has on hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods for Spring and Summer. t bTI Invite everybody in want of nnythin?in my line to call at my store. SOUTH SIDE MAIX, Between 5th & 6lh Si's. And convince themselves of the fact. I have asaspectalty in my lietail Departments, a stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Hoys, to which we invite those who want goodo. M?I olso keen on hand a large and well se lected Stock of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. jan 1 yl IlltASS & STRING HANI). CARPENTER WORK! W. Ii. TUdfcER, BUILDS HOUSES, PROF. FRANK ALBEE announces to the public, that he has organized a FINE BAND ! both BRASS and STRING at Louisville, Cass County, And is now prepared to p'ay for PARTIES all over the County, at very REASONABLE TERMS. A caller' will go with the Band'.- 4-ty JLOdres, F. ALBEE, Louisville. 'cb. BLACK PRINCiC ! will stand the ensuing season on Mondays, at the Stable of Ceo. Latham, in Klmwood Pre cinct. 'J uesdays, at Weeping Water Falls. Wednesdays, at tlie Stable of Reuben Clisbe, three miles east of the Falls. Thursdays, At the old Livingston Uanche. in Ixiiisvil!e pre cinct. Fridays and Saturdavs. at the Stablo of the Proprietor at South liend Station. CF.O. 1). MATTISOJf. Pdlzree. This horse is a true descendant of the Black Hawk Morgan stock on the side of the Sire ; and his dam was a French Cana dian Mare. He is fi years old. measures over 16 hands, weighs l.aon lbs, and is a Jet black in color. Acknowledged by good judges, to be as good a horse as stands iu the State. Terms.-S8 to Insure. 4-2m 1,000,000 Sweet Potato Sprouts, FOR SiLEaES, Yellow and Red Nansemonds. Brazilian White, new, and Berniudah Red. All the same price. 40 cents per 100 ; $3.50 per 1XW ; $30.uo per lo.noo. M.imn Early .Tersey Wakefield, and Fottler's Improved Brunswick Calibajre Plants, twice transplanted, 15 cents per dozen, $ per loo ready for delivery" hy the 18th of April. Also Cauliflower Plants, grown in the same manner, -ir cents per dozen. $i.W ier loo. rumo Tomato Plants; Canada Victor, the Earliest Tomato yet grown by ten days, 50 cents j-f dozen. AS Trophy and General Grant. ISo Celery. Eire. Pepper, ami any amount of WfriteT Cabbace Plants in season. All orders filled with dispatch and delivered at Exprsss Office free of eliarge on receipt of cash orders. Vegetables In season ; als 1,000,000 Osage Hedge Plants No. 1. AZRO SMITH, Sort Bb$ fVf V-L does all kinds of Country Carpenter Work, and is ready for a job at all times. Careful Work and prompt attendance to Calls. :WShop on 6th Street, north o Fitzye raid's block. 4-ij Meat Market! II ATT, THE BUTCHER, o Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. o Hatt Always to be Forxi There. o Not changing constantly, but tjie Old Reliable Sjot. where you can get your Steaks, Boasts, Game, Fish and Foul iu season. sol'th si ie of main" street. One Poop. West of Herald Office, 35-1 y. Plattsmoutfi, Neb. WOQCiS 3B27QS., DEALERS IX A irricnitural Implements, llarlwar. Tinware. Pumps. lion. Nails. stoves. etc. Repairing done to Order and Satisfaction Guaranteed. WE DEFY COMPETITION. Ilattftmoutli Mills. CHEISKU Proprietor. llrrV recently been repaired and placed in t hrhr,.uli running order. Khmhhi Bushels of Wheat wanted imme diately for which the highest uivkot price will be paid. CHEEXIIOUSK AND EDIIX( PL.AXTA Time saved by ordering of rr: f lut e t he I.-'i iet mill l.ext collection of Plants J ver offered for sale In tbe West. Catalogues i free. Sw eet Potato. Cabbage. Tomato, and oth er Plants for sale in heir season. Address W. J. ULSLlL Plattsrnouth. Neb. BROOKS HOUSE, JOHN FITZGERALD. lTopHetrr. Main Street. letween Fifth & .SitH: . THOMAS W"$4ftV00t& gefffli? -reps??.!; : -1 'Mtessz T fWsty t.S3tf.. .VTST-. Ir-'lfair- Funerals atteiidetl on Siiort Notice. also baiiih in FURNITURE, CHAIRS, BEDDING, &d;- Main Street, next door to Crooks House, Flattsmouth, Neb. SPRING AND SU3IMEU GOODS; Down Go the Prices 1 1 Hubbard House, IIUIJBATID, - Trot. Main Strset, WespinglWaUr. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRAVELERS. 41- NEW DRUG STORE- WJiriK'! WATRR, NKB. T L. POTTER, IM' !RriS. MKIHTM"S. PAINTS, OILS. VAUNISM. l'F.BI'l MKUV, hTATIONEKY. NiHN, ci'i a s;s. tobacco, A.N I) (il.AS. l37Prescriptioi!s carefully prepared. led. J. R. WATTS, DStLKlt I!f Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry. Agent for the sale of the colebrated UNITED STATES, ELGIN, li'f -T1IAM AND HOWARD WALT II AM. Coftjiusih and Sii.tkr Sr., ASHLAND, NSB. CTRepairing oT sill, kind don on Short Notice'. 57-yl. J. 1N11ELDEII & SON, Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES Of all kinds, at the lowest possible rates, Also Dealers in Grain, for which the highest cash prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at rea sonable rates. Inhelder'H Ktatlon. (Cedar Creek.) 51tf. Cass County, Neb. Mrs. A. II. SEE, WORKER I HAIR. Braids. Curls. Switches Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door cast of Clark & Plummers. 4r,m3 lTgolding, 0 Dealer in CLOTfflVC., FCRNISHINO GOODS. HATS. CAPS. BOUTS; SHOES. Till' N KS, VALISES; CARPET BAliS, iev-.i ic, ke. One of the oldest and mo"t Reliable Houses In Plattsrnouth. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. REMEMBER THE PLACE. n-tf. 3 tr$ H i 5 . CD S o T. O I B t CO I 5s 5 " - O 9 T3 CD CO ' - 5 a el-to i n ti o a o r " SS p a -S 5 s IS SB nxun mtKt I am now prepared to furnish the bet una dulterated milk TTC3v EVERY DAY To all partlea notifying me PETKR COOS. i t m 1 1 - t 1 j- L. F. JOHNSON, tyOyposite the Tlatte Vally House, In Schla ter's Jeweler Stre, Main St., Plattsrnouth, Neb. AGENT FOR ST. LOVI3. DECKER BROS., O. A. Aflt LEK A CO' 1., IiVTtDET, SHITirS AMERICaJT, ASD BUSTOA" AAif other Frst-class Pianos and Organs. wholesale and Retail Iealer In Strings. Sheet UiaJc, and all kinds of Musical Merofcaudise. AT Celebrated HEW YD&tC 8TMg Suutliwefit Corner Iain Sjtrcot, riatUmouth, Xbrk. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO BtJt BUT 25 S. Dress Goods, Prints, Doota and ho, Delaince, Giughairis, lirown Siieotini?,. Bleached Cottons, lialmorali, Carpej Clark's new Thread, CdttoaTara In the Grocery line wo keep tho Finest nnd Bot Tea, Cofle. Sugar, Afolassofl, Dried Frniw. Snlct. etc.. etc In fact for Your Grbcefir, tTrCtTU' Queer.aware, AVoxlea Ware. Glassware, Yankee ifoUon Ilats and Cnpn, Xiootfl aiid ELei4 uo TO 2Vtf. D. SflTfKA&Si; a com. FOR SALE BY F. J. METTEER, Two doors south of Main street on went sMo of .Sixth. Call ondJ and get a Machine. FAKMEirS EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Articles such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, &c. In fact. eTerything usually keit In a Variety Store, which wiil le sold 011 small proOts fi CASH. All kinds of I"roducc taken iu exchange for gods, and the Hi.'hest Market Prices given in Cash tor Grain. 19 Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I ma prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of m Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, dec., ttt a reasonabte rate. I also keep" fcon Stantly On hand a full assortment of Xails, Hinges, Locks, Hardware, of an kinds. Those wishing to baiM will please call and see my stock. wjinis v 1 iiUzv E. NOYES, FINE ART GALLERY, fffpf;olot.'ap1is, Amurotypes an! cor,1e)j fiNmi Rid pictures, plain or colored, either In liil j ater or oil. All worn neatly eiecmei ana war I ranted to give satisfaction. ! V. V. I.FiNAIlI, Artist. -10-tf Main St., PlattsiiKMith, Nsl' 9 r Stover's Wind Engine, Cerfil j FAT I - rsv j e !t and cheapest Wind Mill in'tstfTr' ( NEW STYLES. F. I. ELSTER, Merchant Tailoi Is In reeelpf of tbe Cnest and J BEST ASSORTMENT 1UISU FKltStS. i. V . In fact, the largest an'd newt asoi-nnTi 1 Cloths ever brought to this city, hlah I a 1 For m PnuipLnjf lay Th piimpfiiK water for aiocfc I or sale by Mtl3 I. THOMAS St HON I Plattsinoulh, Cass Co., N? . I 1 k n