- A", ''mi THlj) HER. A LI). LOCAL NEWS. HORSE FOR SALE- A goil .farm najr, for .sale, or ex change for a koo1 fresh cow with her calf. Inquire at the Hekali otQce. Never undersold at Merges Shoe Store. Call and examine goods and prices. A V ill he pleased to show them, nnd no charge. ."J2tf Wall of tbc riattsmouth Schoolma'amV BY OERTIE JOHNSON. George Dovey, one of the sons of our well known merchant, E. (i. Dovey, has lately turned Uank Clerk, at the First National, and a ver- good look ing clerk (Jeorjfe makes, too. Ex-Judge Haines has had a. severe attack of the Pleurisy, and been eon fined to the house for some weeks. Successors to Streiht & Dilley: E. A. Dilley Sc Co. ("roceries, candies, nuts, fruits, .ce. &.c. Alex. Schlegel was quite sick. Eook cut, Aleck, keej dem shills oil. DENTISTRV. Dr. McCluskey will ha at Dr. Liv ingston's Oilice Thm-day, of this week. - m Stadelinann. surnained William, keeps a, now stock of Clothing, hats, caps, S.c., every day in the week, itt riattsmouth, Neb. Oh, where has the Treasurer gone ; we won der ! That Jolly old fellow with iron-gray hair 1 Through the fumes of the layer we climb up to find him, AH lonely his cage Is ; all vacant his chair. We stand on the corner, and wonder, and whis per. And list for the sound of his thrice welcome tread : JSnt all, all in vain ! liN paths are forsaken ; From the search of the 'teachers," In ha.ste he has fled. Oh, men ! have ye hearts, that like this ye should starve us? Think ye we can live u(n patience solonj? Think ye that the arm that must flog all those scholars Can feed ii'moi air and be hearty and strong? Think ye day by day we can climb to the sum mit. And smile all the way with a countenance sweet. And talk to those children like fully-blown nnjrcls. SPECIAL NOTICES. Centaur Liniment. LIFE INSURANCE PAID. Plattsmouth April 4, 1874. This is to certify that upon the or ganization of the local board of Direct ors, for Cass County for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States organized at Plattsmouth March swelling, ear-ache, caked -breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, fjalls, &c, upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world bejran. It Is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, ami the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever tcfre sold, and it sells because it dcs just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they wi!l not use Centaur Liniment, more than loon certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, pout, running tumours, Jtc. When e have no money, and nothing to eat? nave i.ecn reecivcn. vte win sen.i a circular containing certiticates. tlie recipe, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapjMT Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sv.ecnicd hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. li. Kose & Co., New York. 4-ly There Is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swclliinr it will not subline, and uo lameness which 23th 1S74, composed Of the following IL Hill IIUI Clue. jois is si jour; .. . l ,ora . language, but it is true. Where "' the parts are not gone, its effects I 1. M. ManjUett, are marvellous. It has prod need j Jsa Wiles more cures ot rheumatism, neu- !.,',' . i ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, i Cnailes lAlzenUY, .1. allery .Jr., W. L. llobbs, H. Vivian, P. E. Ruffner, Alvey Drew, Stephen Wiles, M. E. White, Thomas Wiles Jr. E. E. Cunningham. Thinl ye we can smile when our larder is empty. And swallow our anger ami think it a feast. And go. trudging along, like sweet martyrs. When all of those green-backs their coming have ceas't. In Chicago the voting men are so much in the habit of "stavuing it" to parties, th.it t o-'iv-t, t!i growing evil j oiip (if tli" I'll'! - !. ..'s.-i ti'tl a by-law that "any ynuii- vj-ui U:uui intending meeting withoui a 1 1 1 y shall be lined five dollars. If he has made an effort by asking tio less than three young la dies the fine will be red wed to one dollar. So line to be remitted unless br the request of four ladv members of the club." That discounts Plattsmouth a little. A man from Hen ton Harbor, Mich., moved to Nebraska, taking his dog with him. A few weeks ago the dog disappeared, and shortly afterward was at his old home m Michigan. Gib Fi'S Good dog. Co to the new firm.E. A.Dilley & Co., for groceries. According to a Kansas decision, a husband and wife can enter a show on a ticket reading "admit one." Most righteous Judge! How would that work on a railroad pass ? Sclinasse has it; he keeps the stock; he crusaded Chicago not long ago. ar.d preyed upon the wholesale merchants there, and now offers the results of his powerful efforts to the people of this town and Ticinity. It takes "Thatch" to drive cattle. Whenever you hear an extra row in the ptrect you can look up towards the other end of the street and see a little fellow at the end of a huge whip and a lot of cattle in an inextricable fuss and a wagon bed half tipped up. Ptadeimann, now and evermore, the Clothier of Plattsmouth., still hang. ut opposite the iirooks House. The Cut on Third street, south f Main, hr.a born convulsed by a young earthquake, or els tickled itself over the. election so much it has split its jids and now bills fair to tumble down on F,ii:io one's heal, lletter It. ok aftt-r if, Mr. Street ("cmi.iir-sioucr. NEWS. Mrs. Sweer.ey will m e into the utore of Solomon &. Nath.ri. with a large and fashionable slock of milli nery goodis which will reoffend at much lower rates than heretofore. This stock will he opened and ready to rxatnino by r.ext week, and I invite all lay old customers p.nd friends to five me a call in my new quarters, 4U2 Mus. Swrr.NEY. Sam. Marker drove o.T. on Friday, the last of an immense herd that Clark, Fitzgerald & IJ.u krr have been winter ing in Cass County. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. E. A. Dilley and his brother-in-law have purchased the entire stock of goods heretofore kept by Streight & Dilley, and Mr. Dilley will pay all debts and collect all accounts due the old firm of freight & Dilley. Please take notice and govern yourselves ac cordingly, to W. Eikenbary says the geese are so thick there that they have to "herd" them off the grain fields, like sheep and rattle. Oh, where are the green-backs? no more do we see them I'aid over each month, to buy butter and bread ; No more do they cosily lie in our pockets. No more by the light of their smiles we are fed. Oh, where are the green-backs? no more at the nightfall We loek all the doors to keep prowlers away ; No more do we sleep with a purse 'ueatb the pillow. No more dread lest burglars should make us their prey. Oh. men ! have ye hearts? then give us some greenbacks ! We toil, by your orders, through day after lay ; Our hearts are quite willing, our hands ever ready ; Pet. n;i;.d ye, we work tint for Jionor but PAY. Just wait ti'l "Inflation" f;ets the President's "Nig." And the green backs fly out here so fast and so big. The school-ma'ms will roll in an ocean of wealth. And no more will the Treasurer avoid them by stealth. "Cheap money," dear sehoolma'ms, they say is the thing. That gladness and beauty, and fatness will bring. Just let us "inflate," your strength will return, The scholars be Hogged, by the green-back you'll spurn. L'l. HKliAl i. MUSIC AND GERMAN. Miss Ileitis, a young lady lately from Cleveland.has opened a school for Mus ic ami German, this week. Inquire at the IIi:i:ald office. 2t2 Castohia Is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither mineral", morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4;-ly for sale. 1G0 acres of unimproved land, four miles from I'lattsuioutli : good locality ; can be bought reasonable. Call at the oltice of ,tf Smith & Wiximiam. f6rrent7 Tiie large and commodious ware-room, cellar and ofllee, on second floor of building, formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery, Jr. in Masonic lilock. Enquire of 1. It. Livi vitoj or 43-tf E. T. Dl'KE. FOR SALE. Mi acres of unimproved land near Kight Mile Orove. Can lie purchased on reasonable terms. For particulars call a I the uttiee of . 4i'tf Smith iv Wixuham. A-claim was submitted to them for adjustment which was paid in full as per decision rendered by said board in ten pays from date of said adjust ment. .Signed, M. L. Whitk, Pres. J. Vallery Jr. V. Pres. J. W. 15ai:xi;s, Secty. 2-2in. LEGAL XOT1CES. Sheriffs Sale. liy virtue of an order of sale issued out of the I district Court, for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will, on the tifid day of .May, A. I. 174. at in o'clock A.m. of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auc tion, the proTty described in said order, to wit : Commencing one thousand seventv-llve and two-lhirds (lu"S) feet north, and one thousand three hundred and twentv-six (Kuo feet east of the southwest corner of stVtioit sev en (7) town twelve U- uorth of range fourteen (141 east of sixth principal meridian, more par ticularly dcscnlied as being the northeast cor ner of Townsend's Addition to the city of 1'lattsmouth ; thence west, parallel with the south line of said section, two hundred )) feet ; thence north four hundred ami thirty (4rso) feet ; thence e:ist. parallel with the south lino of tins tract, two hundred (JOO)feet ; thence south parallel with the west line of this tract, four hundred ami thirty i4o) feet to the place oi iiegnining. containing two C2 acres ; siiualcti BRASS & STRING RAND. PROF. FRANK ALBEE announces to the public, that he has organized a ' FINE BAND ! both BRASS and STKINO at Louisville, Cass County, And is now preared to ploy for PAHTIES all over the County, at very REASONABLE TLRHS. A caller will go with 'the 15and. 8AM. SI. cnirUAT. K. T. MAXWELL. Chapuiau & jaaxwell. ATTOUNEYS AT LAW and Solicitor In Chancery. OtTic lu FiUeriUd' Ulock, I'UlU mouth, Nebraska. OKO. 8. SMITH, IU It. WISlnAS, SMITH &, WIMHI OI. Successors to Marijuett, Smith. & Slarhlrd, Attorneys at Law& Real Estate Broker THOMAS W. .S.ftY0CKi I'l-ATTllMOl'TH, " KK. 4-ly A.&Art, K. ALBEK, LouHville, Neb. BLACK PRINOiC ! Will stand the ensuing season on Mondays, at llie rt;iliie oi l,eo. liiiin. In Klmwooil I re ciihi. 'litesdays, al Weeping Water l'ails. Wednesdays, at the Stable of Keubeu Clishe, tl.ree miles east ot the Falls. Thursdays, At the ohl Livingston Kauelie, in Louisville pre cinct. Fridays and !Saturdvs. at the Stable of the l'roprietor at iSoul h 'Bcnrf .station. ;eo. i. mattison. I'edlxree. This horse Is a trite descendant of the I'.laek Hawk Morgan stock on the side of the rire ; and tlis i,tni was a French 1'ana nian Mare. He is t; years old. measures iver 1J hiinds. weighs I.'.mVi lbs. and is a jet black ill color. ACr.!io".vIeded by good judges, to be as gooe a horse a.s stands in the State. TiTitii.-sSto Insure. 4-2m INcw York Un dei w ri tor's A goncy . Asreitate' Amet, ,3:i5,43t.5.t. Statement of the condition of the Germania Fire Insurance. Company, of the City of New York, on the 3lst day of 1 December, 1S73. CAl'ITAL. Cash Capital and Surplus 3l,',tt,iOL93 ASSETS. Cnited States Securities 4A.in7.."iO IxHiis on llond :iiid Mortgage lsl.-Mio.eo Ciish in Hank and hands of Agents J.vj.ii .i.i i Spe-lal attention given to Collect ions, and all matters artecting tne 'litle to Real Lstate. tfllce on 2d floor, over the Tost Ofllee. R. K. LIVINGSTON". Physician and Surgeon, Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Css count v. Residence southeast corner of Oak and S:t1i streets : ofllee on Main street, one door west of Lymau's Lumber Yard, riattsmouth. Nebraska. Ihisiness is business, and so are the Cigars at the V. O. Dook Store. 6-tf. All order for fed. flour and meal, left at Streight & Ii!lev's will receive prom-t ntten-. tion. L'dtfJ ' IllilsKL. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land, in Mt. I'leasaat precinct. For terms, call at the ollice of 4Jtf Smith & Vini:iam. LUMBER YARD. Cottonwood btt'iber sale at Miekelwait & Sharp's coal yard, by Win. Kdgerpei. A good j supply oi t otionwooa tuuiecr win ie loun.i nere al an limes. ior sate eneap. i;enieinier, Mickelwait & Sharp's oilier on Main street. West of Sixth. iitf.J W. EuokhtoX. in C;iss Comitv elir:isk:e to sufisfv :i ii:iiL'inent ! iteal Estate 4.".:Oi" u."i of said Ctitirt, recovered by Anselmo 15. Smith ' lans on Stx;ks, payable on demand.. .54.rHNi.no .if-'aoiM otir.in i:ipie. .,ary i.ipu?, .losepu l'csley. C. V. Lyman. Thomas Ilailovtcll, Con rad Ileisel & Co., and .lohn ;ross. M. il. Ci'Ti.KK, Sheriff. Cass Co. Nebraska. Mattsmouth.CassCo., Neb., April 15th, Is; 4. 3U Lesal Notice. It is hereby oidcred that the March term, 1R74, of the Idstrh-t Court for Cass County.be and the same is hereby adjourned to the third Mon day of July next, itt which time Jurors, Suitors. Witnesses and all other interested persons will be in at-tendance. Hy order of (i F.O. B. LAKE, Attest : Judge. I). V. MCKlXNOX, March ;id, 1871. ClerK Dist. Court. 4i-3in Legal Notice. n'tff. I.efore II. E. Ellison, i rooaie .) uiiiie oi ) Cass County, Nebraska. Pd. Kusenbanni has relit ted. refurn ished and newly papered "Prenchy's" old ilace until it liHiks alumst a3 gothl as ncr, and is quite unlike the old rook e rv. ('aj. Palmer, the uhiquitous and ever ready insttnince man leaves us this week for an extended trip westward, through Colorada, Xew Mexico, and part of California. lie is hunting a new variety of Il-jtnuns that will lay twice a day and three eggs on Sun day likewise his health, and some in surance business, and expects to find a gold mine or two, and so on. FOR SALE. Two houses one for cash and one on time. For full particulars apply to E.G. Dovey. 50 tf FOR SALE. An improved farm, four miles from riatts mouth, well watered, b'- acres under Improve ment. Can be bought for p irt c.idi in hand, balance on 1o:ij time. Li'piire of iL'tf Smith Windham. coal: coal:: coal:.': WHITE & DAItUAII Keep constantly on hand Gillespie and Fort Scott Coal. Orders left at Clark & I'lumnier's j Store will be promptly titled at reasonable rates, j and the coal delivered free to any part of the Henry Atnison, vs. William Peek, Deft. The above non-resident defendant is hereby i.otiiied tltat an order of attachment was issued by the aforesaid judge on the ish day of Feb ruary. H74, for the sum of forty-five dollars, and it is sought by the Plainiitf in this action to take a sultieient amount of your pro(crty in this Slate to satisfy Plaintiffs claim, by virtue of the order of attachment aforesaid. Von ate bereby reipiircd to appear Hinl defend said action on the th day of May. A. D.. 1S71. at 2 o'clock p. in., or Judgment wili be taken against you for the amount claimed. IIKNHY AMISON', WllKEl.KH & STIXi'llCOMIl, 2-Cw Att'ys. Le:al Notice. C. S. Land Okfii-k, i Lincoln Nkk. ) To Alexander Hess : You are hereby notified that, pursuant to instructions of the "Commis sioner of the General Land Oilice tons, contain ed in bis letter";"' dated February 13th A. 1., l ;Tl. .'. hearing is heiviv ornered to be held at tiii- '.'lire on the rth day of May A. D. 1S7L at U o'cloci. in the afternoon; the object of the healing l"';:;g to permit Gen. E. ISakt-r. to show his ln'ivt ti'lr in t!:e matter of his homestead entry. No. IV.') covering the v'i sw'i sec. 12 to v. iisiiin .i nort li ran je !, Fast Ncl., at wbicli time.aud place you can appear and make such showing as von cee proper. Dated at Lincoln, Neb., March 25th. 174. SILAS GAKUKK, Gi.o. T. Tr. K Ft:. Itegistcr. Iteeeiver. it y. 11 If .1 HARE OPPORTUNITY. Miss lit ins is now ready to give les sons in Music, and (lerin.ui. Rooms northeast corner Vine and Sixth sts. "War in Arkansas, so there is at Hilly Stadelniann's, to see whether he or Wynds shall sell goods the cheapest. The indictment against ex-(lovernor James, for embezzling public monies, was quashed in the District Court at Lincoln, on Tuesday. Served it right. Jauanese Carriages, for the 13.') children of Cass Co., under 1 year old, at T. W. SUKYOCK'S. The use of a farm for 4 years ; the party rent ing to do some breaking and pay taxes no other expense. Call at the olbee of" Mtf Smith & Wixihiam. Kemember Schnasse's new stock of gouili-. Xov is vour time to buv them. FOR SALE. A desirable residence, in I'lattsmouih. for sale. .".; ki down, balance on time to suit pur chasers. A bargain. CaM at office of 5!tf SMITH & VlNiHAM. FOR SALE. 1 jo acres of land in Otoe county, near Palmy ra ; to acres cultivated : water and timber con venient : joins improved farms ; very desirable ; on time to suit purchaser. Call at oPice of 5!tf Smith & Windham. Legal Notice. Uher Securities. . LIAP.ILITIES. Losses in process of adjustment... .4i.Sl7.4 l,iri,10l.l3 57,L48.53 Statfmf.nt of the condition of the I1ANO VEK F1UE 1XSUKANCE COMI'ANY. of the Citv of New ork, on the 31st day of December, 1S73 : CAPITAL. C;ish Capital and Surplus, $1,085,337.6 ASSETS. Cnited Stales Securities 517.731.25 Iian on Pond and Mortgage .nt.-.fNi.no Cash in Bank and hands of Airents' l)"7.';t.:m Loans on Stock, payable on demand... 1ii."..iiki.iio State and N. Y. City ami County Pont! t, ii.mi.'M Other Securities, 7,i;s ..'. $l,osr,:Kj7.iw LIA15II.ITIES. Iosses in prncew of adjustment C..Si;1.07 II. I IVVI.3IKK. A tent. OFFICE Front l'.ooiu over Post Oilb-e. Vlatts liiottth, Nebraska. 51-13t IL A. Howk, Prest. I. Notmav, V. I. a Sec NIAGARA FIRE Insurance Company. 2ol lUiOADWAY.N. Y. Ca.s7i Assttx JaiCy st, 1874. Cash in Hank 1V21 Loans on Stocks and interest due 24."i.NJ7 Loans on Pond and Mortgage and Inter est duo lrw,172 Cnited Stale Ponds, market value 72:l.7.so State Ponds ami Stocks. i'r..(m New York and Itmoklyn ISoiul.s 31, nun Heal Estate ( 1.4'ase) 14..VKJ I'remiums due I'i7,!ml Liases Paid in 2a years " " 1'oitlaiid, l.s... " " " Chicago, ls71.... " " " P.oslon, 187' Drnlliitg ttn l F-rrm Property I)isnr a;if; a yjwfulty with this Co. 81.301,211 . . 5i,or;s.c7.ii 7K.7id..r)7 a.Ti,K75.;t ai4.j7s,oo FARMERS, (i RANG EES AND ALL OTHER JfEX. Go to Frank Stadtcr and have a stencil jilate cut to mark your movable property, 'lnat's business '. 4:tf See Solomon iS: Nathan's big "A(t," now running in this paper. THIRTY YEARS' EA'PERIENCE OF A X OL D X URSE. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup is the pre script ion of one of the best 1'eniale Physician1 Come to the shoe store for the best ..F X t.i.i I t Ik 1-1 Hid Nurses in the Cnited Slates, and has been 2- it used for thirty ears with never falling safety J , . . I .iiiu Mimsi o iiiiiuoiis oi iiii'i iiei s ctie l einm and hcapest niantlfactnring and re- ren. from the feeble infant of t.ne week old t pairing lune neatly and with tlispatch. I the adult. It corrects tu idity of the stomach. -... r j "fi-ri-- i rclievi-s wind colic, reiruiates the bowels, anil ''-ll l' Jll-l'td-s gives red. he.-'il'i jind comfort to mother and Horace liailey. non-resident. Defendant, w ill take notice tliat 1 did on the 2-l day of April. 1S74. file my petition in the ollice of the Clerk of the District Court, in and for Cass Couiuv, Nebraska, against said Horace P.ailey defend ant, set ling forth that said defendant has been guilty of willfully abaiulonirg Petitioner v. i' h out j ii t cause fa- nioie than two years last fast ami praying that Petitioner be cr.inicd a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony, by dc ree of tlie pi.-lrict Court, in ami for Cass "Cor.nty, Nebraska, and that im'ess vim answer said Pe tition, on or le fore the 8t"h dav of dune. I.s7f. default will be taken against von upon the i .r.i.A'ai.iii't- i S.ll'H'. l A 1 1.1. I . By ClI.U'MAN & Maxwki.i.. 4w4 her Attorneys. Probate Notice. In the matter of the Probate of thelast will and testament of Win. Maslin, deceased, in the li oliate Court. To all whom it may concern : Take notice that D. W". McKimionYilcd in my office an in strument in writing pnrpoi ting to be the last will and testament of Win. Maslin. and made application to have the same admitt-it rn Pro bate : and that said cause is set for hearing on th - Hth day of May. A. D.. 1S74. at 2 o'clock p. hi., of said day. at which time all persons in terested are notified and requested to appear ami snow vause n n.iy im-j ii.ii r wn s:uu 111 j strument should not be alloNved as life last will an l testament of Win. Maslin. deceased. W itness my hand and official seal. this thenth II. F. ELLISON, Probate Judge. 47m3 H. E. PALMER, Agent. Flatf saiman. Neb. 1,000,000 Sweet Potato Sprouts, ?V3 !S7i tf-i St. A -' SheritTs Sale. By virtue ot an order of sale issued bv the Probate .ludue. in and for Cass comitv. Nebras- eiiild. We believe il to he' the Best and Surest ! k:1- i""1 '''iieete.l. iti an actioii wherein 1 Yellow and Bed Nansemonds. Brazilian White, new, and Bermudah l'"d. AH the same price, 4a cents per li ; 3.50 per looo ; S:i0.tP0 per in.mm. fio.inxi Earlv Jersey Wakefield, and Fottler's Improved Brunswick Cabbage Plants, twice transplanted. 1" cents per dozen, Sl.no per loo, re.-nlv for delivery ly the lath of April. Also Cauliflower "Plants, grown in the same manner. cents per dozen. Sl."o per ion. St.tum Tomalo Plants ; Canada Vic! or. the Earliest Tomato yet grown by ten days, 50 cents per dozen. Also Trophy and General Grant. Also. Celery, Egg. Pepper, ami any amount of Winter Cabbage Plants in season. All orders tilled with dispatch nml delivered it Exprsss Oilice fj'ee charge on receipt of lli:i At Pock PiulTs. t'as county. N.d.. i r ; ... ;.. , ,.' ' ; ' ' i.-ii ,;iiV- i "'' fourth day of May, A. D. tsrt. jit tiie Aprt Mth lsTf. Francis K!!a. only child of J.C. . '"tl ,!e' w ill '.- - .'-u', bo t - I fr""f '" House, in the citv of ami Kacliel statlord. ::grd 5 inonthsjindi days. .,,.e (;efiii'ic""ii'iless'i'i,' ".u- !. o'f CCilTiS i Plattsieouth. Cass Co.. Nebraska, offer for sale, 1 In- cause of this alilictiuii was affection of j pfirKINS is on t:c Hit-ide vt :iie- Sold l auction. tl. ft llowing personal j.iop- thelui.g;. ' by iCl Med'e'nw De-Uers ' ''vty i etly, to-wit : One Mine kiln, known as the I.anib -'-. it iM.,t ..n ti... ! ' '" '- i " I Lime kiln, situated in Cass county. Nebraska. For Sale. I. Tucker, one of the oldest and bet know n of our carpenters, puts an advertisement in the IIekald, this veek. That's the way to do business. Mr. Tucker is so well known to our citizens that we i.eed say no word of recommendation here; lie has lived in riattsmouth since bS-'iT, and will make you anything you want in his line, from a hen coop to a j-MO.uu'J house. II1'I At Mt. Pleasant, on the moriiins of April lath. .Irt.u 1C. yeiineest chi.d of John and Sarah M unlock. Aged one year, live months and thirteen davs. , . , , , , . ... . .. ii i ' b.n acres of laud be.ouinig t ( .iss ( ountv Another little mound has been ni;ulc III our ; ,.,pLsk:, being the s. c..t i W.-i onarter of graveyard. Another little heart is hushed for- j Section No. Five ( 'Devir-hip No. L'levni(ll evtr. One mote little soul has winged its way j N,!,t!( of Bange No. "1 li;n. . u ,ia East of .sixth , , . I'ruieipal -Meridian, Siti.aud near Light Mile to that bnght realm above, waere our Father I t;nve waits to clasp J I is loveil ones to His Iiosoin. For Terms of sale see There is a vacant place in another family circle, for little Julia is gon. Too brig's t, too pure for this earth. God took her to himself. Fond parents, cease to weep, your darling has only : gone home. "The Yf-Ui ibrt failed at the stricken hearth, is the joy to the upper fold.'' W. NOTICE TO TIIE PEOPLE OF i'LATTSJIOl'TH AND VICINITY. 33tf L. 1L.IA.MKS ) Timothy Ci.Ar.Kor -Co. Comr's. M. L. Whitk. i more part:eu:aiy descnoed as follows: situ nted on lot 4 in" section 7. township 12 nort h of range If east of sixth principal meridian, with appurtenances and priviliges thereunto belonging. I be same was taken and is being sold as the property of J. L. Lamb. M. B. Cl'TI.kh. Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb. I'lattsmouth, April 11, 1874. 4t2 Another car load of line Kentucky Bourbon Whiskies at MeGuire & Co.'s, riattsmouth. Neb. The old and well known riattsmouth butcher, Ceo. Tickler, is cutting meat at Ellison's new stand, next door to the Court House. Call and see George, and get a juicy. So. 1 steak. NOTICE! To the Book Borrower. The individual who has a copy of "Mackey's Lexicon," that dies not be long to them v. ill oblige by returning it to ! II. WlIEELEU. MeGuire & Co., lower Main street, south side; cigars, wines and Tobaccos. FARXEKTS ATTENTION. Pure, genuine leaf smokinjr tobnceo, the trimmings of cigars can lie had at J. Pepperberg's, opposite the IIekald office, very cheap. Also plu, and oth er sorts of smoking and chewing to haero, and cigars. Call and see, Stfl The article in last week's Heualp, headed, "To the Farmers of Cass Coun ty," and signed by Messrs. Heed Bros., of Weeping Water, is a nuisance to the people, and 1 think that they had better take a dose of congestive pills, anl if that does not do them any good they had better keep still and go to herding, which is the only business they know anything about. My advice to the people of Cass County, is to do their trading in Plattsmouth, where they can always find plenty of choice goods, at eastern prices, which you can not find in weeping Witter. By a Plattsmouth Mnr.cnANT. April 20th, 1874. l.'emedv in the World, in all cases of Vvsenteiy I Vallery & Kuffncr are plaintiffs and .1. L. Lamb J c,h'ordcrs. ind ivarrbca ia ci-ihlr. n. wnether it arises ! " " I( , , . w .. i' 1 . A ..-.' Vegetables in season ; also J.ono.ono Osage Hedge 1'Iants No. 1. AZRO SMITH, Rook Bluffs, Cass Co., Neb. CAltPEXTEU W0KK! W. Ii. TUCKER, BUILDS HOUSES, does all kinds of Country Carpenter Work, and is ready for a job at all times. Careful Work and prompt attendance to Calls. ZWShop on 6th Street, north of Fitzgerald's block. 4-ly i CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cause than hainir worms in the j stomach. BKOWVS VERM I FCC E COMFITS will destroy Worms without injurv to the child, lM-ing jxMfeetly WHITE, and free from all s,l oring of other injurious ingredients nsaallv usett in worm preparations, I'i h l is & Hkowv. Proprietors, No. Fulton street. New YorH. Sold by Uruggists and Chemist and dealers in Medicines at 20 cents a box. U4wly FOR SALE. The residence of F. W. I. HeIbroo"i buildin; nearly new ten rooms three lots of la:.. I. Jit " F. W. 1. II. Call and examine goods at the Shoe Store, cheaper than ever. Women's nice lasting Gait ers for -1.1'5. Men's Shoes for $1.25. L'-U Ff.tei: Metges. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD household panIcea -AND- FAMILY LINIMENT. Jlwiy W hy IV ill Voa XufTer? I To al! persons suiTer- ing from Lheuniat ism. .Neuralgia, cramps in the limbs or stomach. Billions Colic, Fain in back, bowels or side, we would SaV.TIIK IIOI SK 1HM l'ANACKA AND Family Linimknt is of all others tlie remedv you want for internal and external use. It has cured the above com plaints in thousands of cases. There is no mis take alxiut it. Try it. Sold by all 1'ruggists. One ho'.Lse. FOR RENT. Apply to E. G. lovey. 50tf Farm for Sale. One of the BEST FA II MS in Cass county. I offer for sale my old and well known farm, of 1GO Aeres, at Glendale. About Km acres of it are under cultivation, and about 40 acres of young, thrifty timlrer, consisting of oak, hickory, silver maple, walnut, Cottonwood, &c., &e. Also a young orchard of fruit trees, evergreens, &c. The farm is partly inclosed by a Honey Locust hedge, Is we',1 watered for all uses. There is also six ;u.r4 of island timber four and a half miles distant. There are two railroad stations at 4 and 44 miles 4stanL Tlie Glendale Postofhee and a school house on the farm, nice, $4,000 ; oni fourth down; for the balance, any time re quired will be given by paying interest la ad-vai-e. Apply to tte subscriber, A. L. rHUj, or To t. U. VEmEB Co. or WILLIA3I HEK0L1) Keeps one of (he Largest Grocery Stocks IN TOWN. GO TO ous. hero'liks FOR CLOTHING. Xew Store ! New Stock ! JIu. William G. "Woodkuff having takrn the Store formerlv occupied by Mr. Eaton, will keep a fail and com plete stin k of FAMILY GROCERIES. All kinds of country produce taken in EXCHANGE FOR GOODS I propose to sell low, and keep a STOCK OF NUMBER ONE GOODS, and hereby Invite mv friends t call and exam ine the new outfit. Grangers especially- invited to call and get priees.before ordering gobd..away from home. I projtose to' SELL TO GRANGERS, At Chicago Bates. " XTM. C. WOODBUTF. IT. Y.JIxvststt, Cleric -3m STATE AGENT 1 " - ' Ik v :..v:--:V '-'(' Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. Tlie HalbtdnY Mill ha stood Un text for six teen vears, both in the rnited States and Ku rope and is the only one generally advutcU by ail Principal Railroads and Farmers I. Send for Catalogue and Prie Tcrma I3?eral 4 List. V1IKKLKK & 1? K N N F.TT Keal Kstatv nnd ' Taxpaying Agents. Notaries l'ublte. Fir and Life Insuranee Agents, l'lattstnoulh. Neb. IMattMiuoutli .MIllH. C1 1IEISKU l'roprietor. Have recoatly been repaired and placed in thorough riiimitig order, ioo.ihio Hushels of Wheat wanted imme diately for which the highest market price will be paid. Funerals atteuded on Short Noticed ALSO DCALnn IX tlUEEXlIOU.SK AND UKDDIXO TL A NTS. Time and nionev saved by onlering of me. I have the largest and best co'b-etioa of Plants vcr ottered for sale in the West. Catalogues free. Swc'-l l'olato. Cabbage, Tomato, and oth er l'lants for sale in their season. Address W. J. 1IF.SSF.K. l'latt-snlouth. Neb. liKOOKS HOUSE, JOHN riTZGKKALH. lToprietor. Main Stm-t. letwetn Fifth & Sixth. Hubbard House, IIUUBAIID, - - Trop. Main Stroet, Venplng.WaUsr. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRA VELEPJS. 41r6. NEV; DRUG STORE- . WKEI'IXUWATEl:, XFU. T. L. POTTER, OEAI.KIJ IN mU'CS. MF.IMCINF.S. PAINTS, OILS. VAKNISII. I'Klll'i'MKUV, STATION Kill . MIII).Nh, CIGAHS. TOi'.ACCU, A NO GLASS. SfFrescriptions carefully prepared. lotf. FURNITURE, CHAIRS, BEDDING, &c. Main Street, next door to Broolis House, Flatlsinouth, Neb. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS) Down Go the Prices I ! AT 8 mm HEW BBS & 00S Celebrated J. R. WATTS, DKAI.KB 1JI Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry. Agent for the sale of the celebrated UNITED STATES, ELGIN, WAL T HAM AND HOWARD WALT HAM. Cokmer 4th and Silvub Sts., ASHLAND, NEB. r$r-Repirirg of allj kinds dona on Sliorl Notiee. 37-yl. J. lMIELDKU & SON, Dealers in Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and GROCERIES or all kinds, at the lowest possible rates, Also Dealers in Grain, lor which tlie highest cash prices are paid. Hides and produce of all kinds bought at rea sonable rates. Inlielder'H Mlation. (Cedar Creek.) Mtf. Cass County, Neb. 3Irs. A. II. hEE, WORKER I HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Tuffs, r.nd all kinds Of Ilair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders leU at MUS. KF.NNLDY'3 Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Flumniers. 4.Viii.1 L. GOLDING, Southwest Corner Main Street, riattJinouth, Xobraaka. AND SO TIIE PEOPLE THINK WHO BUY BEY tS-OOBS, Dress Goods, Prints, Boota and Shoes, Delaines, Ginghams. JJrown Sheet I ne. I31e;iched Cottons, Balmorals, Crpct. Clark's new Thread, CottoaYwflrt k In the Grocery line wo keep tho Fl.vest and BcsT Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Dried I'm its. Spicea, etc., etc. In fact for Vour Groccrle, llardww Queens ware, Wooden Ware, Glassware, Yankee- Notions. Hats and Caps, Boot and 6he; GO TO 25-tf. D. ttrjriNAWE t CO.'S. fou salt: isy F. J, METTEER", Two floorn south of Main street on west side of Sixth. and get a MaehiiiH. CtUl aadse j m&mmm mm k mmt if lpa?ifepi&l -r - Dealer in mZ- I V ! ' f CLOTIIINt;, Fl'KN ISHINCr COUPS. HATS. MMH iSSiJJ t lH '-l V V VALIKS.CAHl'KTF.ACS, SJJg7?5lS &Ujh i -X. ) , '1! (oeof the oldest and most IbllaMe Houses CE&bfe' . t; .; ;.!. in I'lattsuioutli. Main street, between Fourth' iJ 6 7,--' ?Z ; " : ' ' !;'''" and Fifth. ' "- 1 ';,;'?':;: I : 2 c S. H I am now prepared to furnish the Lwt una dulterated milk TWICE EVEr.Y DAY To all parties notifying me rETEK OOOS. LP ?3ir trft L. F. J01IXS0X, tSOpposite tlie Platte Vallv House, In Sclila ter's Jeweler Store, Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. AGENT FOR ST. LOUTS, DECKER BROS., Q. A. MIL LER & VO a., J1VRDET, SMITirS JLMEIUCX, AXD BUSTO-V And other Frst-cla.s Pianos and Organs. Wholesale and Retail Ieacr in Strirurs. Sheet Music, and all kin Js of Musical MercbandUe. Cr-MTSICAL INSTtTMENTS TnneJ and FAiniEirs j:ciiange. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA. Oi Ceneral lWVt Farn Keeps constantly on hand all Stable Article such its COFFEE, (SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, ifec. In fact, everything usually V-t In a Varfetv Store, which will be sold on small jre.tl(s fo'i 'ASII. Allkilidsof I'roduce taken ll e.cU3Uje for j:oods, and the Highest Market Prices givon in Cash for Grain. 1& Farmers Lumber Yard. Having raade arraujrernents in Chi cago, and el.sewliere, with t-xtensive dealers I Jirn prepared to fur:ii.-h on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, tfce., at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Xails, Hinges, loeks. Hardware, of all kinds. Those wishing to build i will please eall and see my stoek. FINE AET GALLERY t Cf?I1iotoirntihs. Ambrotvr.c ami rer.!' from fibl '-i ur-s. ibtin or i'olon d. cillicr in ink :itcr or oil. All work neatly executed and wart rained to give ia'iM-u-non. 10 ilea lo irive wiim:i' I!"m. V. V. I.LoN Af:!). Artlt. f 0-tf Main St., I'lnlUmouth, Nell Stover's Wind En:incVf Th best and cii..;ix-st AVind Mill, la USttrfc Iniri;iin:: water for sto-k. For sale by T. THOMAS & SONS. 51tl3 I'latt.siiionili, Casi Co., Neb. NEW STYLES. F. L, ELSTER, Merchant Tailoi Is in rooelj't of the Cuent and BEST ASSORTMENT JASSIMERES. CLOTHS. VESTINOS. 3COTC1 t.JO.l)S, lulsii FKlLrtLS, &e. , In fact, the lajvef. ard b-st awm-tment C Clottis evr W"u!.t to m: ciiy, wt.ioa i