v THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL ACVEBTlSEME.vrs. Transient 25 con Is a line. Regular advertisers wtta per line. N'd advertisement Inserted lot less than 25 cent. Ies.l advertisements will bo cSargM to the parties handins them in. COMMUNICATION. As our space Is limited, ail eonmuirileatlons Must be brief pnd to the iotat, vlt ho waste of w ord . Rrnsciiir.Ens Arc requested to notify the office if tlic xapcr Is not delivered promptly. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post office, whether directed to l;f riame, or whether he Is a subscriber ,or not In responsible for the pay. 1. If any person orders his paper discontin ued, he must pay nil a mvi rnes. or the publisher rnav continue to send it until payment Is made, and collect the whole amount, whether the pa per is taken from the oiiice or not. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspajwrs and periodical from the post nfiice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, lft prima evidence of ixtknti al fkaii. Notice To Kvf.hv boiv. All subscribers pay ing for their paper to us, and ordering it stopped t a certain time, will find it so stopped; but WD cannot be responsible for what has been done before our time, unr for orders supposed to b given by others to others. Our books alone roust be the guide for all old subscriptions. Please remember this. Paul Braltsch, the Patent Duster man. has got back again. You will find him at Hilly Siadclmanu's every day in the week. 4Jt2 SPECIAL MEETING OF TlIE FIKE DE PARTMENT. Last Wednesday night being the regular meeting of the Fire Depart ment for this city, and a quorum not being present, a meeting i3 called for special business on Saturday evening, March 7th, at 7 o'clock, sharp. All hands wanted out, By order of the President. OX POISONING DOGS. Some two-legged cr male or female, took the trouble to poison our little black dog, last week. Xdw, the dog wasn't worth much, but we despise the principle of venting spite on & man by poisoning his dog, if it was spite work; and if it is done for sheer cru elty the poisoner deserves a dose him nelf. Moreover, we paid a tax for that dog, and he is property, and we call the attention of our City Marshal to the fact of tins prom'scous poisoning busi ness. If dtgs re to be abated in Plattsmoutli, let us know it by proper authority. If they need be muzzled for sanitary safety, let us know the less curs ought to be cleaned out, it should be done by proper .authority, and after due notice. To hold that no man can or ought to keep an innocent and loving pet because some people hate dogs, is absurd and cruel, and if dogs hav no value and are not pro- CHANGE HANDS! ATTENTION! Frank Guthman, onr well knowii Grocer, on the 25th of March; or there about, will dispose of his entire stbek of groceries, provisions, boots, shoes, hats, caps, gloves and in fact every thing that comprises a general nle'rchan dize outfit to Valentine Weckback who will thereafter continue the business at the old stand. To save invoicing, all the present stock will be sold at less than cost, for many articles. Xow is your time to purchase, call and see Guthman before the 25th. 47-tf SPECIAL NOTICES. Goods at cost at S. Bloom & Co's. for the next ! thirty days. n. ..j.a.i. 48t3 JEWELRY, When I left town last f;d! I allowed my trade to be turned over to other Jewelers ; but jis I have now returned, in person, I respectfully Invite all toy old friends and customer re turn to me and and give me their cus?in be fore visiting elsewhere. 43tG PaulBkaitsciT. COME UP! PA Y UP I SETTLE VP! I want to go east on the 10th, and I am great- ! ly In need of funds. I buy for cash, and ought to sen ior ra.Mi, i win m;suiv .m im..-. owe me to come forward aud settle their ac counts before the loth of this month. Please remember. Wm. Stadklmaxx. Remember the Mush and Milk Fes tival at the High School, on Friday j tecte.1 by law, they should not be taxed. They often ilo have a large pe cuniary value. The editor of this pa- evening. All for an organ. Half sheet, this week, Hed Cloud C.nf. Mather's gone to see the Fatli- r of his country. Go and get a 10 cent "Shampoo," at F.oone's the barber's. Xew thing, big thing, and good thing. Seven bright and promising (for what?) young men of this place were hauled up before the terrible judge and fined on Monday last, for saying too many "aniens" at the Church Sun !ny night. Don't drink any more pi ous whisky, boys, it costs more than tangle-leg. LENTEN FESTIVL. Tho teachers and scholars of the Grammar grade, at the High School, will give a Lenten Festival Mush and Milk on Friday evening, for the lifnefit of their Organ fund. All hands for mush and milk. Little M;tc, says ho has sold about one-fourth of his 40 acres for grave lots. Everybody wants to be buried in this s:uii-timiiious ground. per kept and owned for years, a pair male and female of IJlack-and-tan dogs, good ratters, that he refused 50 for, and also a Shepherd dog for which the same sum was offered and refused, and yet both aud all these dogs were either stolen or poisoned, in course of time, by some two legged hounds. "We again call upon the Marshal to investi gate this dog poisoning business, and repart the wilful murderers. THE MEMBERS OF SCHOOL THE HIGH Entertainment Club, will give a Mush and Milk Festival at the High School building, Friday evening, March 6th. Admission free Su; per 25 cents. The proceeds are to go towards the pur chase of the new organ. , Singer Sewing Machines for sale at F. J. Met teer's ofllce, on Sixth street, one door soupi of Main. Needles aud extras constantly on land. Call and examine the machines. F. J. Metteer. FOR SALE. One of the BEST FARMS in Cass county. I offer for sale my old and well known farm, of loo acres, at Glendale. About loo acres of.t are under cultivation, and about 40 acres Cf j dung, thrifty timber, consisting of oak, hickory, silver inanle, walnut, cottonwood, &e.. Sc. Also a young orchard of fruit trees, evergreens, &c The farm is partly inclosed by a Honey locust hedge, is well watered for all uses. There is also six acres of island timber four and & half miles distant. There are two railroad stations at 4 and 4'i miles distant. The Glendale Postofllce and a school house m the farm. Triee, $4,ooo ; one fourth down ; for the balance, any time re quired will be given by paying interest In ad vance. Apply to the subscriber, A. L. Child, or To D. It. Wheklkr Co. or 48tf smith & Windham. EA'AMINATION OF TEACHERS. The regular monthly examinations are heldon Friday before the first Saturday of each month, at the Superintendent's Ofllce. in Plattsinouth. Special examinations will be held at the pla and time named below : Right Mile Grove. Mondav, March 23d, 174. . tnv f reck School-house. Wed. Mar. 2S. 1874. Wcepin : Water. Frldav. March. 27lh. 1874. ! Sew Brick School-house, South T.end. Mon- ilrtv. March 30th 1S74. TMnttid'imth. Frhlav. Aoril. 3d. 1S74. Teachers will provide themselves with pens, Letter from Greenwood from "W. S E.. be published next week. Arrived horn V.'l'ifl iv of ! r m t,r l-t tr t and foolscap or legal cap paper, nere eanesuay at o p. m., loo late to Fvuninations will commence at io o'clock, ' set up this issue. A. M. I 4J-4t TIIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE j OF AN OLD NURSE. Mrs. Wliudow's Soothing Syrup is the pre scription of one of the bestteinale Ihysh-lans and Nurses in the United States, and has been uaed for thirty vears with never failing safety and success by "inillions of mothers and child ren, from the feeble Infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates tho owe!s. kiui gives rest, health tmA comfort to mother and child. We believe it to le the Bert and Surest Uemedy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery aud Diarrhea In children, whether it arises from Teething o. any other cause. Full direc tions for usinx will accompany each bottl. None Genuine unless the fnc nimile if CLHTIS & FKKKINS Is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 2iwly FARMERS, GRANGERS AND ALL OTHER MEN. Go to Frank Stadter and have a stencil plate cut to mark your movable property. 'Jhts business ! 3tf CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From no other cause than having worms In the stomach. BKOWN-S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and tree lr.nu all col oring of other injurious ingredient usually used in worm preparations, Cuhtis & Bhown, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.fJ Sold by Druggists and Chemists and dealers In Medicines at 25 cents a box. 24wiy Ben Hempel keeps an Oyster house It is on the south side of Main Street, almost opposite Dovey's big store. Ben. keeps first, oysters; next more oysters ; thirdly, all kinds of oysters ; and lastly and finally, oysters and other things to eat and drink or smoke. Call and see the "Oyster Boy" of Plattsmoutli. 30tf For Sale. luo acres of land belonging to Cass County Nebraska hem the South West quarter of Section No. Five (3) Township No. Eleven (11) North of Kange No. Thirteen (13) East of Sixth. ITincipal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile Grove. For Terms of sale see I.. H. .Iamks ) Timothy Ci.AUKor J-Co. Corar's. M. L. White. ) J 33tf Probate Notice. In the matter of the rrolmte of the last vril! and t( staiueut of F, Wehrbcin, deceased t In I'robate Court. To all whom it ma concern : Take notice, that Fred. Gierdef lias filed In my oltice an in strument of writing, purporting to he the last will and testament of F. Wehrhetn. and made application to have the same admitted to Pro bate ; and said cau.se U v't for hearing, at my omee. in I'lattsm.ruth. on the 2i) day of March, A. I. 1874. at Id o'clock, aTm. of said day. at which time all persons interested are notified aud required to apieHr and contest the same, mid show cause if any they have, w hy said instrument should not he allowed, as tho hist will uud U-stameht of F. Wehrleln de ceased. Witness mv hand and official seal, at riatts niouth, on this, the 24th dav of Febuary, A. D. 1874. II. E. Klusos, L.S I'robate Judge. 4SW3 Attachment Notice. Jane F. Greenfield, ) riaintiff. vs George H. Michaels. ) Defendant: In Justice's Court, in Weephig Water pre cinct, Cass Count v, Nebraska. To George H. M"ieh;els, defendant. You are hereby notilled that you were ettcd by the plaintiff, in the above entitled action, on the 4th day of Fehrnary, A. D. in?!. filing a petition aud affidavit in said court. The object aud prayer of said complaint is to recover of you the sum of fifty-two dollars and costs of suit and Interest thereon, from the 20th day of January, 1871, on account of board and lab?r done ; and for the recovery of said amount plaintiff has sued out an order of attachment against you. You are therefore hereby notified that you are required to appear and defeud said action, on the Hill day ot March. A. 1. iS74. or judg ment will be federed against you for the said amount, as aforesaid. 47W Jane F. Greenfield, riaintiff. Sheriffs Sale. FOR SALE. lot) acres of land, four miles west from W eep ing Water Falls. Joins an improved farm, has good running water, can be bought on time nothing to pav down interest payable annu allv. For particulars call at the otliee of 42tf smith & Windham. FOR SALE. An improved farm, four miles from Platts mouth, well watered, 160 acres under Improve ment. Can be bought for part cash in hand, balance on long time. Inquire of 4Hf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. 160 acres of unimproved land, four miles from riattsmouth ; good locality ; can be bought reasonable. Call at the office of ,2tf Smith & W i.vdham. r. w. wise. Stipt. Fub. Instruction. Judge Ellison, the champion butcher i man is now running the lower meat market alone. The Judge diapenacs law in the Court house, and liver at the butcher shop,' and if you can't live by the law you can by the liver, sure. LADIES!! I t ; ( Don't forget the dry goods auction ! ' sale at F. S. White's commencing on I Thursday and continued day and even- ' ing every day until the stock is sold. They have just received a new ;il--ock engine at Nebraska City, and the boys arc mightily rejoiced. y the way, as soo-i as the roads get good our Fire-Laddies ought to practice a little. Ilcinember the Fire meeting on Sat urday evening, March 7th. Full meet ing required. Resolutions of Rod pear next week. Creek will ap- ATTENTION. All i ersons owing Clark & Flummer, by note or account now due, will please call and settle at once, as we must have money. ID-t. Father Todd and Father Thomas held a sidewalk meeting in front of the 1. O. on yesterday all about the W. W. W. Go in and may the best man win. LUMBER YARD. OFFICIAL RETURNS For 1ST. 1T1 & 1P72 show that the Continental Life Ins. Co., OFNEWYOUK Insured More Li rat than any other Company in the World. Also a lower percentage of losses. And for 1RT2 4 per cent lower rat'o of expenses than the averaire f M leading Companies d the United States. Offlcirtt ftlnlemenf of Totat A'timbrr cf .'et 3'jlicew itveri durintr fS72 lv Companies rrpmented in A'rbrnrX-a. Continental Life Ins. Co. of New York...2Wi Muriitl ....bV2 New York s' " ' rorx i csn.u it..-. .iuoun - T-iii.n Mntim Life Ins. Co. of Maine 4."no t'nlon Central Life Ins. Co. of Ohio Teutoni l Ife Ins. Co. of Chicago Ccrmania Life Ins. Co. of New York... Mutual Life In. Co. nl nicairo.. HOUSEHOLD PANACEA AND FAMILY LINIMENT." 24wly Why AVI1I Yon Hnffrr? To all persons suffer ing from llheumatism. Neuralgia, Cramps iu the limbs or stomach. Billions Colic, i'ain in back, bowels or side, we would sav.THK HotSK- IliUI) i'AXACE AND Family Linimknt is of all others the remedy yon want for internal and external use. It has cured the above com plaints in thousands of cases. There is no mis take about it. Try it. Sold by all Druggists. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! WHITE & DATtRAII Keep constantly on hand Gillespie and Fort S.-ott Coal. Orders left at Clark & riumrner's Store will be promptly filled at reasonable rates, and the coal delivered free to any part of the lry. m 4Uf DENTISTRY. liy Virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court lor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the fourteenth (14th day of March. A. D. 174. at lo o'clock a. M. of said dav, at the south door of the Court House, in the citv of l'lattsmoiuh. In said county, sell at public auction the property de scribed in said order, to-wit : The mirth half (n4)of the south-west quartrr (swH) of sec tion number fourteen (14) township number eleven ll) nortn of range twelvetri) : also tne east half (eft) of the southwest quarter (sw1-) and the northwest quarter (iiw'i) of the south west quarter (sw) of section fifteen (i.") town ship mualMT eleven (11) north range eleven (11) in Cass county Nebraska, to satisfy 'a judgment ot said court recovered by .1. N. wie, against A. H. Sharp. M. It. OVTLkii, Sheriff. Cass County, Nebraska. riattsmouth. Neb., February 11, 1874. 461.1 H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, Sash. Doors, Blinds, &c 0. n. wheel. Kit, j. wjmscM.;o. Wlievlor &Stfncliotnb, ATTORNEYS AT LAV?. . . Iti'lf Pl.t't":rafth. Nebraska. MAM. M. CHAPMAN. R. T MAXWELL. Chapman' & 5fax.ivell. ATTORNEYS AT,- LAW and Solicitors in Chancery. Offlce In FiUgerald'a Ulock, l'latts uiouth, Nebraska. UBO. . SMITH, K. B. WIXUHAM. S521TII & WIXDIUM. Successors to Marquett. Smith, & Starblrd, Attorneys at Laic d-R.l Estate Brokers PI.ATTSMOLTH, - NKB. Special attention giv" to Collections, and all matters atieeting the Title to Real Estate. Office on 2d flor, over the Tost Offlce. S. BLOOM a CO.; T K LI VI N'dSTON.Fhvstcfan and Surgeon. Tenders his professional services to the ottizens of Cass count v. Residence southeast oorner ot Oak and Sixth streets ; otbee on Main street, ono door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska WHEELER & BENNETT Real Estat and Taxpaying Agents. Notaries Fublic. Fire and IJfe Insurance Agents, nattsmouth, Neb. PlitttNnioutti CHETSEL. rroprietor. Have recently been repaired and placed hi thorough running order, loo.noo Bushels of Wheat wanted imme-di-telr for which tlie highest market price will be paid. GKEENIIOUSE AND BEDDING TLiANTS. Time and monev saved by ordering of me. I have the largest and .best collection or 1 lants jver offered for sale in the West. Catalogues free.- Sweet Potato. Cabhag. Tomato, aud oth er Plants for sale in their season. Address W. J. IlKSSEK. Plattamouth. eb. T.SOLCTE DIVORCES OBTAINED FROM CO CRTS of different States for desertion &c. No publicity required, no charge until divorce uranted. Addre-ss. M. HOI SE, Attorney. 03in l'J Broadway, N. Y. liROOKS HOUSE, JOHN FITZGERALD. Froprietor. fain Street, between Fifth & Sixth. On Main Street corner 5th ri.ATTSMOUTH - NEB. Hvar Ye! Hear Yd Hear Ye! UK HV !t"i7.T 2.M7 H-.,i,-o.-k' I.ife Ins. Co. Boston 179 Cottonwood lurtlKT sale at Miekelwait & j Missouri Valley Life Ins. Co. of Kansas it Sharpeo:il yard, by Wm. Kdgerton. A good You tnnv labour and toil for years yet fail to supply of Cottonwoo.1 himher will le found save anything for olu age. here at all times, for sale cheap. Remember, Micke'.wait & S:iarji's office on Main street. A penth'inan of this city says he i.4 ; west of sixth. 4fitf. w. Euoehton. But through the vim can accumulate thousands bv paying a small pittance, mat is I Imon of "Life Insurance in favor of the ladies move in TVm- ! wise and insure in some sound company, recommend the Continkntu whose rt We cord ! v-.- i...i. ! -onf nined success, such as no other ('tl-irT.iv mii'L iv.if tfi ci m11 litsi frnn.t i it ! v it. Kur.'M.e tT . , .... . , i: , J ,v i. .... ..... ...... .... .(Wlliai! - Il.t.ldl imanuv . - j.riaiKT, i,rr.uv. if men i.att' muu ; s. Rlooin .t Co's within L0 davs. Selliiui olf America. for vears to drink the sahmns out and t winter stock at cost 4-3t. 4H3 fiiiled, and now if the women c:tn pray them out, so much the better and no- j Mer for the better sex. TEUSONAL. Wrm. Stadolmanii. the Clothing man. will re ceive a new lot of boots and shoes of those celebrated bia uls. custom made in a few days. and invites all his customers to call and ex- C'oal seems to be cro-ipini ever about these times," except in the x- i.il dealer's yards, and there it has Leen mighty scarce for a week or so back. A friend nar our shoulder tells us that good coal has been found not far from I'lattsmouth, and that an Ohio company propose to take hold of and work the vein, and that another firm from the same place will open a roll i.i'j mill here if suitable encourage ment is given. Here's a chance, busi- We are just catching up on our news, j ,,, the same before purchasing elsewhere out all ! l'S0akj etc., this week. Last week ! At SUdelmann's clothing warehouse. we were so Lenina ana crowoeu lor i raid Brait-sch has come to town again. Bully room that many persons and tilings : f.r Paul ! He hangs out at Billy Stadehnann's. were overlooked.' j an, everybody wants to go and see him "tew ouct." .Solomon, of the firm of boiouion cc ; Nathan, oes east this week, for Spring stock. Look out for a caravan of new gooils. Jehu C. Knabe, a rale old German gentleman from Mt. Pleasant, called i und took a Herald, Tuesday. j Peter Coon's "Sub." received all O. K. i Amos Teft, of Avoca, was a wel Ree Bloom's Ad., making room for spring stock. Call and see the goods. 4t3 II. Newman. new men. IWt let her slip through I cotne visitor iu our sanctum not long vour nugeis. LIST OF LETTERS Allen H C Carpenter II 2 KricksoD A R ?niaiii!ug in the riattsiuouth ItwSlce M.m:h 1st. 18T4: Alien D Berry N Crosoa J W Davis Mrs Kwell F M Eaveland Susan Fester W B I-'orbs Sarah CiJsnore Co A II Gates W J Hill B Hubbard John Jackson J J Jones Minerva Krogou Carrie Loft Jaci,b Morse C W Mi'.ntr T J Martin C V New 11 W 11 Patterson W II Robertson Jas lUordan J J SehliflVrt August Sheffield M B tearl M O Skinner Rev Thos Sperry John Vincent Leonard 3 Watts F R 3 Wood II C Worlin Wm White Win Watson W When calling for any of the above named let ters p!ea-e say "'advertised." J. W. MA its ha LI., F. M. since. Lantry, of the Blair Times, "F.ough and Ready Vic." paid Plattsmoutli and our citv officials a visit not long since. FOR RENT. The large and commodious ware-room, cellar and ofllce, on second floor of builuing. formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery, Jr. in Masonic Block. Enquire of R, R. Livingston or VJ tf ' E.T. Dt KK. FOR SALE. 160 acres of unimproved land near F.ight Mile Grove. Can be purchased on reasonable terms. For particulars call at the ofliee of 4-jtf Smith & Windham. Come one and all and list to me, While a story" I relate. About a man that lives In town. And pulls teeth for his meat. Dr. J. L. McCrea he. Extracts without much trouble. His plate work too, is extra good. And he does not charge you double What the whole thing ts really worth ; And his fillings are very' fhie. Give him a call, you'll ne'er regret Your money or your time. MORAL. Now if yon want your teeth repaired. You had better fix them, if you can. Or patronize home Dental work, Than any quack or traveling man. 42mos3 LEGAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. Goods sold at cost for the next thirty days, to "Will Stinchcomb, typo, Omaha Re- ! make room for new spring goods. Hill John Jackson A McCoy Einm. Morse N pnhlimn, is in town, or was when we turned np the corner to come home. Mr. and Mrs. Mobly, Granger editor and editress of the Grand Island Inde- l pendent, were in town week before Last. Yv"e had the pleasure of seeing Mr. M., but the madame did not hap-p.-r. :to our B.uictum, as wc hoped. Mr. & Mrs. Cowey left us for a stay i east, on Monday last. May their.lines le cast in pleasant places. j lion. John House called on the IIek ! ald last week, looking fine aud hearty for an old liner Democrat. i Ilobson, he of the apple raising : fame, dwelling in Mt. Pleasant, put in an appearance at Plattsmoutli last week, and tickled "ye editor" under the ribt. J. E. Ieatty, the first man on the Union list, and one of the Herald's An Insurance agent, who shall be olllt friends, called since our last is- nameless, went into Lilly Stauel- , sue an(l took .m jnter.0rean ant EK man's the other day and shortly after his arrival Billy d rew a pair of baby shoes from his coat poeket('rj A Union Temperance prayer meet ing will be held in the Methodist Church on Friday evening next. A well attended meeting was held there on Monday evening last. The excite ment i3 growing all over the country. Two rival Life Insurance agents in town for several days back. Hot times we tell vou, look out for your lives. 4t3 H. Newman. at S. Bix)OM & Co's. Flattsmouth Billiard Hall, opposite the Brooks House, Wm. Neville, proprietor. Three good tables, good bar and bowling alley. 24m6 Business is business, and so are the Cigars at the F. O. Book Store. 5-tf- DEN HEM L'S OYSTER HAUS. -If you want a good OsyterStew, go to Ben. Hempel's ; if you want a good plate of raw Oysters, so big as your hand, go to Ben. Hem pel's ; if you want a square meal, go to Ben. He i pel's : and if you must have a good glass of wine, or a cigar to top off w ith, Ben. has got them. )tf GREAT STEAM WASHER. ALD. Last week was a week of accidents and Lectors were in great demand. Mr. James Bennett, at Mr. Adams, 'near j!eos2nt ride was thrown from : of f'inirress with whom they have per Important to the Local Press. Bills having been introduced in both Houses of Congress for the repeal of the act which prohibited the free car wage of newspapers within county limits, and of exchanges, every pub lisher who favors the relief proposed should print and circulate ietitions among the patrons of the local press, and forward them, when signed, to such members of Congress whom they may know. If the editors of the local press display reasonable diligence they can have 10,000 petitions signed by 100,000 names on the tables of mem bers by the end of the holiday recess. Every party interested ought also to write private letters to those members Mr. Peter T. Beaver & Son have secured the agency of the famous "Tilton Steam Washer," and intend to sell the same in the counties of Cass, Douglas and Lancaster. This Washer is a new invention and washes the clothes by steam, without any turning of cranks, patent paddle wheels, or any other ap pliance, bnt the thorough and perfect passage of steam through the clothes, agitating and washing them, purer and whiter than by any other process. It is manufactured iu Pittsburgh, Tenn.. and Beavor&Son will fill all orders at the Pitts burgh triad price, $10.00. They arc prepared to let every person try these machines to the'r heart's content, lefin purchasing. Orders can be left, and machines, seen, at the' store of J. H. Buttery, iu nattsmouth. Beaver & Sen are also agents for the sale of Territory in the States of Kansaa and Nebraska. 3Smos3 ca-IJy. 2:jlcy rjj.-z ;;ct :x,t ? - - - :.f cf t..-:?.o ?vuti; .S i TlJZi --r.i'VliLlC . -:i eiro 'tj x:i:v t-h. ill do l:o raost ?'..!," TO RENT OR SELL. The house of Dr. Rawlins, in the southwest part of town, near the residence of Mr. EI Hummer. For terms, apply on the premises. 33tf ROOM TO RENT. The left hand front room on the same Hoof with the Herai.o office, is for rent. App'y the Hkrai.d office, for t- rras - i V.. L.WmTr It is hereby ordered that the March term, 1874. of the Fistriet Court for Cass County.be and the same is hereby adjourned to the third Mon day of July next, at wlfch tiiw Jurors, Suitors, Witnesses and all other interested persons will be in &t-tcndance. By order of GEO. B. LAKE, Attest: Judge. 1. W. Mckikkov, March 3d. 187. Clerk Dist. Court. 49-3in Constable Sale. Bv virtue of an execution issued bv the Tro bate Court in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will, on the IGth luy of March A. I). I874.at lo o'clock a. m. of said dav.on the farm of S. S. Ilnlverstott. in Avoca Precfnct, in Cass County Nebraska, sell at Public Auc tion, the following described goods and chattels, to-wit : The undivided half of about lo acres of corn, one two-yej.r old colt, one set of har ness, oni! spring seat.one gun, one hog, one set of side-lManls, seventy-seven (771 bushels of wheat, five snaps, one bridle-bit and one butcher-knife ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by S. S. Hoiverstott. against Johu Lindamond. ISAAC MOOKK. 40tl Constable. Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects . are marvellous. 1 1 has produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- tnJlrpoE ralia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, eaked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &e., mon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c., upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. ' Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe Is selling as no article ever before sold, and It sells because It does Just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer IT they will not use Centur liniment, more than lono certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c. have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. B. Bose & Co., New York. 49-ly Castoria is more flian a .substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine r alcohol, and Is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may ret. 46-ly . TO llr,. .V -1 f Probate Notice. In the matter of the Trobate of the last will and testament of Aaron T. Butts deceased : In the Probate Court. To whom it may concern ; Take notice : that Benjamin lietts filed in my office an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Aaron T. Butts, and made application to have the same admitted to Pnjbate, and that said cause is set for hearing on the l.Kh day of March A. D. 174. at 1 o'clock P. m. of sai'd day. at which time all persons interested are notified and required to aprear and show cause if they have any why said instrument should not be allowed hs the. last will und tes tament of Aaron T. Butts, deceased. Witness mv hand and oflU-kd seal, this ISth day of February A. 1. 1S74. 11. K. KllioON, Piobate Judge. L. S.l 47-3t. ' Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an execution Issued out of the District Court, for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will, on the fourteenth (14tlO day of March, A. D. 1874, at P o'clock a. m. of said dav. at the south door of the Court House In the citv of Plattsinouth, in said county, sell at public auction the following real estate, to wit : Lot six ti; block seventeen 07), lot eiirht (to block forty (40). lot three block sixty-two 162). lot fourteen (14 block sixty-four CA). lot three 3 block fifty-two (5.'). lot seven (7) bbx-k one hundred and sixty-four (IOl), lot seven (7 block one hundred and siitv-flve (lfi."). lot twelve block liftv-.fix (.'). lot five n block twtsnty-two (), and lot twelve (l-j) in Mock one hundred and seventy-one (171) situated in the city of Plattsmoutli. Cass county, Nebraska, to satisfy a jud-rment of said court recovered by Mary A. Garrison against Willett Pot tender. M. B. Cutlkr. Sheriff. Plattsinouth, Nebraska, Feb. 11, 18 M. 4C,t5 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court for Cass county, Nebraska, anil to me directed. 1 will on lhe'l4th day of March, A. D. 1S74, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, nt the omh door of the court house, in the" city of I'lattsmouth, in said county, sell at public; auc tion the proicrty described in said enter, to wit . Commencing l.t751 feet north, and l.X.'O feet east, of the southwest corner of section seven, (7). township twelve, (12), range fourteen, (14), east of the sixth princiii.d meridian ; more par ticularly described sis buinir the northeast cor ner of lownsend's addition to th-eitv of natts mouth. thence west, parallel with 'the south line of said section, two luuidred feet, thence north four hundred and thirty feet, thence east, parallel with tho south line rf this tract, two hundred feet, theme south, paraH"! with the west line of this tract, four hundred and thirty fent. to the place of bejpniflng. contarrrtnsc two c acres, in Ca county, Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Anv-lrno 5. Nnnth, plaintitf. igair t Cw.rid Hippie. Mary i : :. t. t Vv. 1 v:...--- i .'r'. H. A. Howe, rrest. P. N otman, V. F. & Sec NIAGARA FIRE Insurance Company. 201 BKOADWAY.N. Y. Cash Assets Jan'y 1st, 1874. Cash in Bank 1R.021 Loans on Stocks and interest due 245,837 Loans on Bond and Mortgage and Inter est duo 1.13,172 United State Bonds, market value 72:i,7SO State Bonds and stocks 25,(p0 New York and Brooklyn Bonds 31,000 Keal Estate (Lease) 14..VX) Premiums due lor.toi Hubbard House. HUBBARD, - - I'kof. Maih Stfoet, Wewping.Water. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRAVELERS. NEW DRUG STORE. WKEPIKG WATKR, NEB. POTTER & GAFFNEY, DEALERS IN DKCOS, MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS. VAKNIsiT, PEUFUMEKV; STATION EKY, NOTIONS, AND GLASS. IgrTrescripUons carefully prepare!. i&tt J. R. WATTS, DEALER IX Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry. Agent for the sale of tho celebrated UNITED STATES.ELG1N.WALTHAM and HOWARD WATCHES, CoaxER 4th and Silver Sts., ASHLAND, NEB. -Repairing of all kind don on. Short Motice. 37-yl. Mrs. A. II. KJsEE, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and all kinds Of Hair Work promptly and neatly made hy MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door e:tst of Clark & riummers. 45iu3 ' -5 LL I IUBJU V S. BLOOM A, CO nr. , m JCLOTniNO. ji : .usf TH' ' ' . e. As. BOls AKD CHILDREN'S CLOTHINgI HATS, CAPS, BOUTS, AND SHOES. Blankets, Rubber Gootfs; Trunks, Valises eld; Main Street, Second Door East of Court House, platUmouth, l rat BRANCH IIOCSE Broadway. Council Bluff. Iowa. SPRING AND SUMMER GODOS Down Go the 1 rices ! ! A 1 SDHMSSE & 00.'$ Celebrated HEW YORK STonE Coulhwest Corner Main Street, Plattsinouth, Nebraska: And s'rf til 8 people think who buy 33 Hi IT GOOBS,1 Dress Goods, Prints, . . . Poots mvi .Snrn, Delaines, Criiighams, ... .. . Urown .Slieotinp;, TJleachexi Cottons, JJalmorals, Ciirpctft. 7 , Clark's new Trrc:tc; CottouYarr. p In the Grocery line wc keep tlie Fixf?t and 3e9t Tea, Coffee, SUgar, Molasseci, ; - Drietl Fruits, .Spices, etc., etc. In fact for Vour . , (Jroeeries, Hardw arV Queenaware, Wooden Ware, Glassware, Yankee Votinns;. , Hats and Caps, Ujot and clioea GO TO 2.-tf. d. smNAssiz d co:s. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY Relief for Young Men. from th ef fects of Errors and Ahuses in early lite. Man hood restored. Impediments to nuuTlaRe re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkahle remedies. Books and Circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address. HOWARI) ASSOCIATION, No. 2. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. an Insti tution having ahij;h reputation for honorahlt conduct and professional skill. 20 Cm L. GOLD ING, r-r- S3 s CD o o B -s CO CD Dealer in . . $4,038,007.19 78.70l.ft7 2S5.75.a 314.578,00 Losses Paid In 2a vears Portland. ISfW... " " " Chicago, 1871... . " Boston, 1S7J Dwelling and Farm Property Insur ance, a specialty toith this Co. H. E. PALMER, Agent. 47m3 nattsmouth, Neb. Nebraska Grocery. under Herald office. Luke Kiskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Try them and be satisfied. nl8-ly. Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kind3 of Lumber Doors Sasb Shingles, &c., at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of iNails, Hinges, Locks, Hardware, of I1 kinds. Those wishing to build w2Il please call and see my stock. E. XOTES, LOUISVILLE. yEB. To Stock breeders. The Undersigned nas Lately Received a Thoroughbred SHORT-HORN BULT, CLOTIIINO, Fl'BNISIIINO GOODS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. HHOKS. THI NKS, VALISE. CAKPET BAGS, &c., &c.. &c, c. One of the oldest and most Ttellable Houses in I'lattsmouth. Maiu street, between Fourth and Fifth. ty-REMF.MBER THE PLACE, ns-tf. EV IP- iF. Florcnce Family Frien. ES fi: life a aS-j 5--fvry -i lli J. 3 c: .- -;J .! v . liEUL'CEI) IN PiUCE $20 to $30 Nov. 1, 1873. THE NEW FLORENCE, As lately Improved, i beyond question The Lightest Running Munhine ever put on the market. Abft made of single No. 80 Cotton Thread will run it as It eomes from the factory- And as now Reduced in Price is by far the Cheapest. The following are some of the many points in whirn the Florenee excels all other ShutUe Midlines : In rtoinji more stvles of work. Winding and ehaning the Bofihin without removing the goods. Sewing in or)oslte directions. Accuracy of Tension. Durability and strength of parts. Quietness in nmninfr. tOioiee of Side or Bafk Feed. Simplicity of Shuttle. Ease ot Uueudiiur. Likilit ness in rnh- ninir. Me' chanieal prTir cipals employed. Jasticitv ot Stitch. In iefu3:n'e n kind of Roods, liise of setting nee dle. Lack of wear on the thread. Fineues and neatness of Stitch. I saving ti thread. Rapidity and ease in windrnn bobbins. Absence of coirs, canvs, and rpnngs. Ease and rapidity of regulating sMch. in quality of lienjnier ancf at tachments. Iii variety and styles. In lack of needle euttiSig cloth. In fastening enifs of seams, and stay ing any part of seam, &.c. We challenge all enmpelftors to' dieprote any cf the above statements. After a thorough-' ?est Of aver twelve years rot a single Florence ha ever been wrrtrout in family use. DOUTOr BROTHERS, Genl Agents for Missouri, Kansas. ar.i eb. ST. LOCIS, MO. o : 9 1 3 S o t C en j. o 1 30 o 4 n - H I o to CO O o - ts CD CO w s I CO e-t- sr S3 3! fc3 HENRY BCE0K, DKALER IN Furnitura, I.oung-. Safes, Tables, Chairs, , .-Jiediettdit; &e.. Sic, S.O., t Of all descriptions Metallio Lt:rial Cases. WOODEN COFFINS; OF ALL SIZES. Ready Made andwAd Cheap for Caati With many thanks for pa""! patfonagf I Invit all to call and examine my large stock of Fur niture and Coffins. Jan2 NO YOU D0NT I ! Get any Goods cheaper, or a bctter.article than is kept at the Store of Jas, Clisbee & Co. Dealers In General Merchandise. Wc are in receipt of Fresh Goods every week from the East, whlchare bough; for Cash, aud will be sold iu any amount. Grangers,kecp yom eye oil your friend j t We will not be undersold by any one. Jar. clizbe & co. VTeeijg Water July 1st, 173. l4-4t. Meat Market! ids mm LOW RESERVOIR i ! Tertf.-s t". 4 ' :" i.i.i -"rera.-ais. n h Soiled to all Climaiei II ATT, THE BUTCHER, o Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. o Iatt Always to be Found TriEP.E. -o- Not changing constantly, but Uie Old IM'jtMu Sjiot, where vou can get "your Steaks, Kosls, Game, Fish and Foul in season. , , - AND FAMOUS FOa EEINO BEST TO USE I CHEAPEST TO EU7I! EASIEST TO SELL Ilf famous f r tloirj n-roead CETTCo COOKING,' OAK J- AXD Hiso' T' TUB tots cf ma mum SOLD J3T EXCELSIOR AIAN'G COMPAXV; ST. LOUlt. MO. ANIJ E.T.Duke&Co, rr ATTSMOCTiT, N'F.B. ib-l'j il3IEIlXCIIANGE; B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA- ?IOf. for: hV " !-:;-fr.v:,Vi-" SOUTH 8IDE OF MAIN STKiET. One Dook Wf-st of IIekAt OFFicr, 35-ly. Plat TSMorrii, Neb. J BARNUM'S HGTEL, i Cor Eroadvxiy arid Twentieth Street, NEW YORK. ON BOTIT AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PIVNS. Complete with au nuxlern lniprorements ; rooms en naitt, an(T sintrle ; private parlors, baths. elev;ttrs. lNntion unsurpassed, bemfr in the very ci-tlre of fashion and luillfapt New lork Ue. J;i rro.Tim!tv to Churches aini rl:ies f Amusre ,i nr. and torri xr Tn-u. Arnold & Corjsf ard ,j. & C. Johnstori s' Intact, even-thlnp usu?!y kfr.t in' a Variety ry Goo.ls r-;- Th hnt.-n is undr the Ptore which will be sold on s:nii pioflfs , Keeps constantly on hand all Stap' Articles' such as COFFEE, SUGAR, . TOBACCO, MOLASSES Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes,' ifefcV r -.a