V V v I L1 il E HER A T. 1) LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient 23 ceau a line. Eegular advertisers I-J cents per line. No advertisement Inserted for loss than 25 cents. Legl advertisements will be charged to the parties handing them in. COMMfXIC TIONS. As our space U limited, all communications must be brier and to ttie point, with m waste of words. w. W. w. rr 1 A 1 l.li At ... i A 1 ine? inree letters uneaten w ue- i come as famous as the cabalistic signs S. T. !80 X, once vere, and on the other side of the house. Nearly all the Ohio paper3 come to us with big W. V. "VV's on them, and our country ex changes mostly copy the nomenclature of the nevr Women's Whisky War. One paper in St. Louis calls it the Benzine raid. Another, the Whiskv- CHAMJE HANDS! ATTENTION! COAL! COAL!.' COAL!!! Frank Guthman, our well known j white & daekah Grocer, on the 25th of March, or there Keep constantly on hand Gillespie and Tort nt.i o ,, m ;j otitirn stock ! Scot t Coal. Orders left at Clark & Mummer's uvvuii 111 KA iOj'VJV V. ui-J ( of groceries, provisions, boots, shoes, J hats, caps, gloves and in fact every ! thingth:it comprises a general merchan- .dizo outfit to Valentine Weckbaek who j will thereafter continue the business j Hear Ye! Hear Ye! ut the old stand, i o save invoicing, all the present stock will be sold at ! Store will be promptly filled at reasonable ratfs." arid the coal delivered, free to any part of tho ity. ml DENTIST R Y. Hear Ye! schscijip.eiis zootic, and still another heads its col- I less than cost, for many articles. Xow umns with Alcoholities, Alcoholisms, is your time to purchase, call and see ! Whiskeyisms, Women on Whisky, The I Guthman before the 2-th. 47-tf ! Praying Whisky Women, The Women Arc requested to notlfyjie oOlee If the p&per Id i Fraying on Whisky, and a dozen other not delivered proinitly. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post office, whether directed to his name, or wiiftiD-r no n a subscriber re.vonsible for I he nav. I 2. If any person orders his paper Uiscontin- 1 ued. ho must p;iy all arrearages, or the puhbshcr I may continue to "iid St until payment is made. 1 and collect the whole amount, whether the pa- j pur Is taken from the n:Uce or not. t. The Court have decided tli-it iel"iii tke lic'.vqiapeis anl periodicals from the post oTlee, or r niov!i; hum Ic.-mn;; them uncalled f.r, is prima, evidence of ixti'ntiai. it.ai n. Not i. k to Evf.iivi'.oih .A!! subscribers pay ing for their paper to us. ordering it .stopped i head-lines are tised; but the W. W. W. j takes the lead, and is the only sensible 07U SPECIAL NOTICES. or nut is ! Sec Bloom's Ad., making room for spring j Goods sold at cost for the next thirty days, to make room for new spring good. II. Newmas, 4St3 at 9. I5I.OC.M & C'O'8. sloe,; Call and see the goods. H. Newman. at a certain time, v.iil li:i.I it so stopped; but Agricultural and Meeh-inical Associa tion will be held at the Court House in Plattsiuouth, on Saturday the 7th of ! f.iw.i i we cannot be responsible for what has been i " rforie before our time, nor for order sm.po-iej tj j ! given by other. to others. Our books atone j for t!)f must, oe mo gome i r an ont uiscnoiiou:i. i rieiun remen.l.er toss. ' -in-uw.-w .MUMum j and sucli other business as may come' i Lelr-re t n.- rv-a-x-iation. ! All 2,i l's'in-; hjlding membership . NOTICE! Having sold my stock t,f Groceries to A. W. j ' i -'"-"tv 'i7 t ! Tllitet I shall, after the first of Match j srtiCvri.'VTJv"1' '-l' a '"f-ra1 Auction lioom. Sales every j 7.II.I IAM AL ASSOtlAllON. . Saturday. Cash paid for any kind of goods; j The regular meeting of the Cass Co. a liberal in.luteiutntoa consignments. j 4712 r. S. White, Auctioneer. Come one and all and list to me, While a story I relate. About a man that lives in town. And pulls teeth for his meat. Dr. J. L. McCrea Is he. Extracts without much troul.de. His plate work too. Is exira good. And he does not charge you double What the whole thing is really worth ; And his fillings are very fine. Give him a call, you'll ne'er regret Your money or your time. Moie.vi.. Now if you want your teeth repaired. You had better fix thorn, if you can. Or patronize home Dental work. Than any quack or traveling man. 42lllos3 FOR SALE. Legal Notice. ! To Hufch P. McCune and Mary J. Smiih. Ad- rt.ecea.sed. . .. You will take notice that a petition was file in me iisTi'iet t'ourt ot me hfcuiiu juuiei.u ih- i trict. In and for C;uss county, Ncbi'iLska, by my self, on the Mb clay of March. A. 1. is: I. w here in 1 pray the partition of the following described ! real estate. to-lt : The east b;i!f of the south west ouarter and the east half of the southeast i juart-4r -f section nineteen (hi) in townshin tvveivt (!' north, ran-jc fourteen (14) east sixth j (Oth) principal meridian, in 1'a.s.s c ounty. Ne ; braska. and at the next term of the District , Court in and for Cass county, commencing on the ltth day of March. A. 1). 174. as ti.e.l by law. I will aopiv for an order that partition be made of !uicl in--nits-.s. ANSKbMO It. SMITH. lVtitionep. ByCifAPMAV & MAXwEi.r.. his Atty's. Dated l'lattsmoutli. Neh., Feb. 1ST. 4."-4w, Legal Notice. To James Fletcher, non-resident defendant. You are heichv not i lied th:i.t I did, on the r.th day f February, A. D. isr4. tile? niv pf-tiiion in i inn niNni'mmr. ( me eeoim .ni-!ici;tl ins trict, in and for Cass county, NehrasKa, against you. D. II. WlttEI.liR. J. W. STINCUOOMB. lTIiccIer &Sttnclicomb, ATTOKNEYrt AT LAW. 43-Jy riartstaoulb. Nebraska. 8AM. M. CHAl'MAN. K. T. MAXWELL. Chapman &. Muxwell. ATTtlKNl'YS AT LAW and Solieiton in Chancery. o"ic in FjUgerabCs Iiluck, llatu mouth, Nebraska. CHO. 8. SMi rn, B. WINDHAM, S3IITII & WlDllAx1I. Successors to Marquett. Smith. & Starbird, Attorneys at Law cf- Real Evtate IJrokers . ri-ATTSMorru, ... kb. Special attention given to Collections, and all mailers affecting tho litle to Ileal Estate. Of.ice on 2d floor, over the Post Office. S,' BLOOM SC. C O.! if r.iVlN'tSTON. Phvsician and Surgeon, Tetulers his professional services to tii i citizens of Cass count v. ICesidenct? southeast corner of Oak and Sixtli streets ; oftice on Main t uti.o(.t me jl.wir ivest nf 1 .vnt:iT'.s l.nniht'r Yard. 'I'l, rt . .1. : i ...... . e ...i. : i ...:. i . 21. ' . . m- iiiHi pi.iiei !'i niin-ii ani i iiLMjn , iittsuioi:tu, Jseiirasua. is to quiet the title ti th? northeast iiilai ler ;ai.i . tha west half o tho iiortheuM quiUter of sec- -w-nKEI-Iilt & BENNETT ileal Estate and iioii iwi'in y-iivu i; in lowusinp eleven ui' ' Ml, S. BLOOM & CO., HT.A I.VD3 w Til "JE-MS1 V v. C " n Jf. X ; X I north, ramie nuinocr twelve At one o'clock ! J.. purpose jf electing offlcers. ' nirtkini,' preparations for the next Pair, TO WHOM IT 31 A I" CONCERN. j All persons havias accounts with inc. call and ! ! s'tUe. All persons knowing themselves Indebt- i ed to the same, will call, and pay. and oblige, j 47t2 F. S. Whits. I ifo acres of unimproved land near Eight Mile Grove. Can be purchased on reasonable terma. For particulars call at the office of 42tf Smith & Wini.iiam. ) in township eleven (II) Y Taxtiavimr A'-'-nts. Not u ics Public. Fire east. Klxtll ' i ifv iiwi'inti,.. A..nts TlMttsmonth. Neb. iniii i principal mentiian. in c ass couniv, .xe- . . . braska, and to compel vou lo place upon record ; a certain deed to s-ii.l real e state, made, exe- lIllsl101ill 33I1IS. entail mkiI 1 ..' I f.i-.i.t li.viin itv.ui U..riiv lw:it. . .. -i. i. .... , ! Y . ; i ii . t i i, -.i f C lil.lM-.J-. I Toprici'ir. nave reiTviuiy ocen . den. ami that I. Anselmo . Smith. m;iv he de- , I. ,..i,e,l md i.laced in thoroiiL'h riinninir llKI.OOO l.usncls OI neai. waiueo mini'--lor which the liighest market price wi:l : den. ami that I. Anseln'io . Smith, mav be de- j j. ' c-rced to possess tli full :uul compleie title to i OI.n,.r 1 i said rea! estate. And that you are required to i .i!' ,..",".. j answer the s;iid petition on or before the ICth ,,l , ,...V.t I day of March, A. J. 1S74. t,e An OJiio paper sent us has th' lol- Jowmg notice: The communication from "Devil's Kid" will appear in oi.r next. The jtraying womn oujjht to jro there at once. natUmouth Billiard Hall, opposite the j Brool: House, Win. Neviilo, proprietor. Three ! rood tables, cood bar and bowling alley. 2Hu6 ! Business is busine, and so are the Cigars at the 1. O. Book Store. 6-tf. HOUSEHOLD PANACEA BEN HE 51 US OYSTER II A U S. Huttery & Lazr-nby sr-11 all tlioir livery stock at public auction, at n o'clock on Saturday next. Turn out flrtd buy a riff, c!ie."i. ticket for last ear, are members of ' ii.; . ... .i ...:u it t.n I liil.l .?:'i.l!-iv iiIU tlil, 11 '1 eaiIil, US Cll- ; titled to vote. j CIr yoiI wantagood OsyterStew. go to Ben. j A full attendance at thii meetinif is ; Hempers; if you want a good plate of raw very desirable, as the success of our Oysters, so big as your nand. go wwn. nem- next fair and the continuance of the ! pel's; if you want a square meal, go to Ben. Hcmocrs : and if you must have a good glass or :?:iety may depend on the action of j wine, or a cigar to top off with, Ben. has got this i.ii.f.fi-11 T Sinir them. 31111 Vice President. ! AND- FAMILY LINIMENT. 4wly Why Will You nflVr? I To all persons suffer ing from ltheumatisni, Neuraturia, Cramps in the limbs or stomach. Billions Colic, Fain in back, bowels or side, we would'say.TiiK HorsK- IIOLD i'AXAI'KA AND F.1lt.Y I.IM.MK.VT is of all others tne remedv ANSELMO B. SMITH. By Chapman & Maxwell, his Atty's. Dated riattsinoutli. Neb., Feb. 5. 1874. 4"iw. Attachment Notice! Jane F. Greenfield, 1 Plaintiff. vs v George H. Miclncls, ) Defendant. In Justice's Court, in Weeping Water pre cinct. Cass County. Nebraska. To Georire II. Mieha-ls. defendant. You are hereby notified that you were sued by j BEDDING BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, CAl'S, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Blankels, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Vaiises elc. jrj.i i; i in, (ii iiiv: . 1 1 1 1 . t i d nun, li the 4th dav of Februarv. A. 1. IS74. bv filing a you want for internal j petition and aiiidavit in said court. '1 lie object and external use. It has j and prayer of said compla'Pt is to recover of , n . cured the above com- j you the sum of lifty-two dollars and costs of ynr to i. .1...... i. ...;.... A , i. . . i. .. ..... i. . i .. t r hi iiiuurtaiioni.il i,ii aiio iiunni iiiejeim. iii'in iiie niii wwy ji cases. There is no mis- 1 danuarv. 1S74. on account of board and lahor take about it. . Try it. done?; and for this recovery of said amount Sold by all Druggists. II. McGuire & C'. keep a jrood stock of a II'. 11 to Authorize the issue of Arms to li.iuors. wim's, cip; ir.-, &c. -., which! the Authorities of the State of i . 4, t i .., ! .Nebraska. iiit-j pi oposv.' i'j svii i neinie iirj j Y. "Ws co:;ie and persuade 'era out f the business. LUMBER YARD. i rut ton wood lumber sale at Mickelwalt & Sharp's coal yard, by Wni. Edgerton. A good smiiilv of Cottonwood lumber will be found here at all times, for sale cheap. Kemeiuber, M , t . J t it . A - 'ITT... i . . .. n ... . rt'. " T I . . , .....i. jj' it i.nai'i'Ji oy me senate ana iiouss Micxeiwau & Miarp s ouice uu .11,1111.1110,1, in Congress As- ! of RrprtSziitativt HCtn'jlrff, Tl. f. II C- .1 .. "tX.. . . . 1 t?.... !.,. T .,t. 1...'. 11... ! OU1.1JL.HJ ui t ii ue, auw l.o- ..i.. , he .s ,lPrr,llV insti-Hcted to cause two i 'an shave as clean as any -an ; j thousand efLeetive t.reech-loadins rifled i AVill trim your beard, or cut your hair, ! muskets and four hundred thousand j fin no .it. vonrs:lf in bi l.;r ,!i:i:r ! cart 1 Kiu.es lo he lorwanlel to ana 1 west of Sixth Kit.) W. EliGEHTON. ! nl:iro.l or tb 1 i--i,i5ril of tho Clnx-prn : IV ......... .... ....v. ... ..... "S'.incir thinks he has a cood joke j of the Stite o' Nebraska, for d:stnbu on Sh.mnon :md Shannon thinks llf. tion uiilOil the settltl'S of the exposed has en "Stiiich." Xow if any of you fellows will pay the IIkkai.h .1 i-om-l.ioncrment fee, ?Vj9, we'll tell the i k on both. SUBSCIEE NO YV i t Ki: I "Om FI K ESI UK FUIEND," t and eet a nice CIlllOM O ! i i with the Old Keliahle Agent, ; ? JAS. T. TUCKER, J J I'LATTSMOCTIt. - N F.11RASK A. t t Spei imeu Copies Free ! 4"lf i A. Howf, Prest. P. Notman, V. P. & Sec NIAGARA FIRE Insurance Company. yl BROADWAY, N plainiilf ha sued out an order of attachment 1 against you. I Vou are therefore hcrebv notified that you arc required to nppcui and defend said action, ion tho I ith dav of March. A. D. is74. or iudg- t ment will be redered against you for the said j i amount, as aforesaid. ' 1 4714 Jank F. (Jkkkn field. Plaintiff. 1 GIinEXIIOUSE AXH PLANTS. Tim" and moncv saved bv ordering of me. I have the largest a'nd best "collection rf Plant .7 ,.. . ....... 1...... . 1 ;ver oiiereu ior saie in ine esi. .uannuni free. Sweet Potato. Cabbage, Tomato, and oth- j er Plants for sale In their seiison. Address W. J. HESSEU. P;attsmottth. Neb. f . , 1 she was so unconscious of any sp favor that she quite avoided all jealv on the part of her fellow-servants. Ar( stayed steadily on the Auchensack, became almost as much a part ol ytnarhA-jta irirtip.: the other serv 15HOOKS HOUSE, f Main Strcut, Second Door East of Court Ibu'-se. Pl ittsinouth, Nebraska BRANCH HOUSE-Broadway, Counr-il BIhITh. 1o SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS; 9 Mown Go the lriccs I ! AT JOHN FITZG EBAI.D, Iroprletor. Main Street, between Fifth & Sixth. Y. Cash Assets Jan'y 1st, 1ST4. Cash In Bank l.'.O-M I-oans on Stocks and interest due 24r.8j Loans on Bond and Mortgage and Inter est due l.ls.172 United State Bonds, market value 72X7ho State Bonds imd Stocks 2ri.ot;o New Vork and Brooklyn Bonds 31.1)00 Iteal Estate ( Lease) Premiums due Legal Notice. : In the District Court for the Second Judicial 1 District in and for Cass County, Nebraska. Kershaw ami Waugh, plaint uf, against W.J. ; '"utter and Margaret E. Cutter, defendants. i The defendiints will take notice that on Sat- Hubbard House. iiuur.AiiD, - - trop. Main Street, Wewping.WaU'r. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRA VEL EES. HfiG. HEW Celebrated YOKK $ T u K E NEV; DRUG STORE. WKKriNO WATEK, NEB. tirdav, the 7th day of March, A. D. 1S74. the plaintiffs above named w ill take the depositions of sundrv witnesses to be used as evidence on the trial of the above cause at the ollice of Cal vin and Cuniiinb'ham in t lie county of Blair, in the state of Pennsylvania, between t lie hours , - , -nnnTTiTT ' of ei-ht o'clock, a. 111.. and six oVIock. i. in., of PfiTTF.R & Ct AFP1N EY. ! 1 r.,. t Villi (I-IV '.tl.1 1 li'if t lt I -i'." itur ikf tT will $ "" 1T;;,1 j be adiurned fix.m day j I)EAI F1S IX DRUGS. MEDICINES. PAINTS. ..v.r, .,. , ,lu. mi s VM'XISII l'KliKt;MKi: . i Southwest Corner Main Street, Plattsiuouth, Nebraska. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WJIO BUY 4r! Chapman Ma.xwkll. Att'y for lTff. 1 25 SL IT GOODS, GREAT STEAM WASHER. localities in said State, for home tU f'ense against Indian raids; anl the llnrnrnfir if 'iiil f:iff ill 1 it :i b i n r Qfj hi distribution, hall take, from the par- j ,TMn ww.r, Losses Paid in years " Portland. Iiw; .. .. chicaw. 1S7-. IJoston, 187... I SherhTs ialc. A. , 1 At ... 1 .. IT .1 . t lies 10 v. 110111 uiey mav ik; tiiiuoiueo. j anJ xym X u seU the sunR. , Uie coulllics of ; t,oou aim stimeieiii M-rnuy lor uie re- 1)(1Kl:ls and Lancaster. , turn of said arms to the T nited states TUjs Was!u.r- y a ncv. invention and washes tlwl ,-, v..rv1,mt !aItor tlie nccss-.tv lor tdeir use. has ; thiJ c!otUtS by steaitt. xvithout any turning of SlIKii.WlT.M 7X.70l..r7 j "-; k7."i 1;:: :a i.57S.oo j By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the I District Court for Cass county. Nebraska. Mr. Pe'crT. Eeavcr & Son have secured the J Dwelling and Farm Property In.sitr- i and to me directed, I will, on the fourteenth lllll ,1... 171 .,1 il HI. . . I'. ll1, ill ll II I ,' l It. M. of said dav. at the soutli door of the Court ! House, in the citv of Plaitsmouth, in said STATION Eli Y. N OTK )N S, CIGAKS, TOBACCO, AND GLASS. lioOt.S atld Shoes, c7ncf, a specialty with this Co. j jag prescriptions carefully prcjiared. ltf. J. K. WATTS, DEALER rN' the rmr'.iKN's ijall On Titr fome affair, 47lil3 H. E. PALMER, Agent. Plattsiuouth, Neb. One hundred and twenty- j thr'-e supper tickets were sold, and the j i-oys had a .pilmI time generally. The pet pmreeds were not so large as they should have hi en. but small gains thankfully accepted. Y"e should have noticed it last week, and did write it up. but it was crowded out, somehow. Mind-, at rr thirty d.iys. 4 !t.1 : t at S. Bloom & Co"c. for the next II. Nil ,V. MAX. TKHSDNAL. ; am called upon to nominate some '".i-.t. r.aird. T. M. of Lincoln, was in ! properly (pialified person to appear at town last week. The Captain has been to Ohio to help organize the YV YV. VV. Our old frier.il I.inh. he of thr i craiiks, patent paddle wheels, or any other ap- ! piiancc, but the thorough and pcrlcct passage A UlA.Mt rOK ALL. j of stca:n through the clothes, agitating and The follov in.q: letter from lion. I.o- washing them, purer and whiter than by any renzo ClOUtise, Xfbraska's Kejucsenta- '''Vnu'rai-tare-l In Pittsburgh, Tenn.. and live in Congress, will be read with in-j r,e::vor & Son vii! ni all orders at the Pitts- j terest bv all vounq men who aspire to ' nMW price, fio.oa. They are prepared to j .... " . ' , ... ihtcxerv poison try t'u s-- laadiints to tneir military honors and position: . he:rrs -. .,i v .ir,,inc. ASIIINGTOX, Febrttnryy 3. : (.;.(p,rs (.:m he left, an I machines, seen, at the j Mi:. ElMTOi:: Again the State of ' store of J. H. Butter;-, in PUttamonth. ! Nel-raska is without a cadet in the ! Beaver ;i S. a are als auents f .: lae sale ot Tnited States military academv at ; Territory ta tnc ...aies or ivaiw:w.i:m .x...., West Point. )y a request just re- j eeived from the Secretary of War, I j 3nins3 Ccn tail r Li 111 ment. There is no pr.in which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subdue, anil no lameness which it will not cure. This is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects .ate marvellous. 1 1 nas prouueeu j more cures of rheumatism, neu- 1 U'T,n5S ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains,) swellings, ear-ache, cakod-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c. upon animals in one year than have al SillU . . . v 1 comity, sell at pul. lie auction the property de- ! VVatClieS xJiOCKS. CL jeWeH V. scribed in said order, to-wit : The north half WaiUiOD, VJiuurvu, "'uuhltuj. Oi'--oftlie south-west quarter (sw;.,) of sec- j tion immber fourteen (U) township number 1 eleven (11) north of ramre twelve tt-'): also the I j cast half (e' j) of the southwest quarter isw'4) j I ard the northwest (piaiter uixv'.i) of the south- 1 1 west quititer isw'j) of section tilieeu (1.0 town I shiji number eleven ( ll north range eleven (11) in Cass county Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment , of said court recovered ny .1. N. Wise, agniust ( A. 1: SlKU l). M. U. t ITI.KR, Agent for the sale of the celebrated UNITED STATES.ELGIN.WALTHAM and HOWARD WATCHES, Cor.SER tth and Silver Sts., ASHLAND, NEB. Sheriff. Cass Count v. Nebraska. l'lattsmoutli. Neb.. February 11. 1S7L 4tU.T ' Vh-aaaut Mt. Pleasant cor.v.try, hr.s just returned f r )m a winter down in "I nojariy," and he says no more hoosier dom in his. He would rather eat corn fodder in Xt-brah:i than dwell in fat u.;;r. and mud di.w;i th-rc. premises. CStf Tho K ft '.i;:nd ro;;f r.mm 0:1 tiic same floor with the IlKi: vt.u oiiue. is lor rent, .'.ppi; ai the HiatALU office, for t rms 07if M. L. YYniTE. bMN ?i. r..:::'iN to i'VT-.:v 'luarv ; :.t the hoi.se i f the thr. in We?; hi."? Wat -r. Cass Co.. . L. Fiibb-T. Pas! or o: t!-." M. It. C. MAUliTED mix t. F brid'.-'.i n !. KAUittr.D William B. Kk to ai.i-t fino.tinitr. relTtun-y V.th, T- .l. at the house f f David !.:.!! y. Cass eo Tiiiy .":. rnsi. a. A. I.. F.iMjrr.N.P.v-tori :'. the M. E. C. M.VUIilED-On Thnrs lay. Faburaiy Dth. i-7. : t t..e reshVncv of tti-? bride's father, by iv V.-:: II. T. Davis, of Lincoln. Dr. W. D. Gtr.r.oNs. to Mis'; .tvi.t It. .Ienk. a'.l of Weep- ; t he State, ilia Water. Ca.vs.Cass Co.. N"ebr;:st:a. i TO RENT OR SELL. The house of Dr. Bawlins. in the southwest M.-.i- t ,,( 1 .,(-,'!., tl, oti, ' nirt. fif town, near tlie residence or ill. 1-11 of M;ty next, t) fill tlie existing va- ' Piv..-r. r.ir terms, apply on th c;ir.ej-. i Although unsuccessful in its first i ROOZI TO RENT. x . 1 still beheve t!iat the system of , e-iinnciitive examination is not onlv ! the lairer-t, hut is best calculated to rill ; the place with a competent appoint- i men!. I therefore fix tho Tth dav of I May, at 2 o'clock p. m., when all young i TIIRTY YEARS' EA'PERIENCE men. resid-nts of th State, who aspire j y ()LJ) yuRSE. to the appointment, mav meet at the : hio-'i so'imil Lnihlii.fl- i:i Oinal,-. and: Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the pre- ....... . . ... , t-,.,.,i l,i..i,.l,ii : submit to the hoard of examiners, 1 .npuon u o.ie -i ...e y.,, I teuiUm. .. !, ,,-ni K li,.o,n Tlw. anl .xr.scs 111 i:ie 1 line. i .-.1.1. ...... ...1- ... young man recomm-uded by the board will be nominated. uiiiDin'trv 1 'id mi -i 1 1 t I i 1 manned is appenoefi. 1 nose nesinng , n.uet.s wind cMe, regulates the bowels, and it will be furnished with circular con- ivPS rt,sl health and comfort to mother ami tabling full infonuation by addressing 1 c;iii.i. We believe it to be the Best and Surest thr Secretary of War or myself. j p...,!ledy in the World, in all cases of Dysentety As this letter is of general concent. ' an.l Diarrhea in children, whether it arises ! Legal Notice. I George W Jefters, of Athens count v. in the ; state of Ohio, will take notice that Mary Ann I .lellers. of Cass county, in the state of Nebraska, on the -d day of February, 1S74. did tile her pe- I titioll ill the otlice of the clerk of the ilwlriet other pretended remedies since the world ; court in and for Cass county, charging that began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing j the said George W. .TetTer.s'has : 1st. will- vih. reliever CH.n.Vs throw -iw-.v tlieir ' f,llI' abandoned the said Mary Ann .Tellers for pain-relievir. cniip.es tnrow away uuar , llJ)l..l. th;ill tW(( vealN J;lst ,,ast . L,(, , that said crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren- ! George. W. JotTers had sullh-ient abilitv to pro - dered harmiess, and the wounded are healed 1 v'- suitable maintaiuanee for petitioner and oei vunoi en ; 111.11 i..ii ioiii veitrs lasL nasi saiu ji.c imp, is (;er,re v. Jeflei-s iias mosslv. wanlonlv nnd selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells cruelly lelused and neglected so to do. and set because it does just what it pretends to do. 1 ip that the said Oeorge W. .fellers ij Th.vse who now suffer from rhcumatbin. pain or ln ' '"hleh".' swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use 1 Mary Ann asks may be decreed toherasali- Ccntaur Liniment, more than itwo certinc-.tes '' 'i inainiainance ; mat sue may be 1I1- of remarkable cures. Including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours. &c have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sv.cenicd hor- voreed and have the custody of tile children. &e. Said George V. .lefi'ers is further notiiied that be is required to answer said petition on or be fore the third Monday after the A'.th day of Feb ruary, 1S74. WiiFKi.j:itjt Sum iieoMP., Atfvs for Plain: iff. Dated, Plattsiuouth, Neb., Feb. 5, 1S74. 45-4 vv j use I br thirty years with never failing safety i and sact-es by miltions of mothers and child- ren, from the feeble infant of one week old to adult. It corrects acidity ot tlie stomacn. I Yvi.,h it might be given a place in .- from Teething 01 any other cause. Full diree- ! your paper, as well as other papers of ; tions for usim: will accompany each bottle. C'astoria is more thanji substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article In existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 40-1 y L. Croun.se. Sucee: t.t. to th- py couple- -from the Kr.a- i i None Genuine unless the fac simile of C CUTIS &PEUKINSison the outside wrapper. Sold by nil Medicine Dealers. iitwly Wc call attention to the notice -ofri Mr. S.-.ge in regard to our next Fair ; and other matters. Please turn out, ; members of the Association, and give ns a full house. Tli.it'.s the way sue- cos is brought about. Il At Eight Mtle Grove. Cass County. Netiraska. February l":h, 1-71. Mrs. Mai:v If. Eri.L .;o. aged 31 years. How vail! 5 atl bene:u'.!i the skies. Hot- transient ever; earthly bii;s ; How sb ii'ler ail the fondest lies. That bind us to a v.-oild lik' this. Grange JIatters, Are. '"Sandy," a notorious monte man, formerly of Omaha, by name proper, fici. Mellville. will le hung the "-20th nf next month, at Ienver, for shooting a IVstmasttr at Kit Carson, Colorado. Us is s.iii to be the s n of a respected physician in Painesvillc, Ohio. Charbiy Black v . mis to r- 'c a", his fronds at S. V.lcx-m K C"'s w-ubiu TJI Ht l'.iiig olT m inter stock at co-t. Tn bee Groves, Cr.ss Co., Xeb., rebruary 20, 1374. -T"-S "V -V . r mi fcD. .NKHI5ASK.V ilKKALI): lllink- ; business! ing tliat perhaps you would give space j to a few lines from Three Groves, in j your valuable pap a-, I make the ven- ! ture to soratch down a few items. ; The othcers of Three Groves Grange ; ate all elected and installed for the ; currrent year, t-v-wit: F. Z. lanville, Master; W. W. Wolfe. Overseer; John j Frew. Lecturer; Wm. Eikenbary, j ; FARMERS. GRANGERS AND ALL ! OTHER MEN. j Go to Frank Stadter and have a stencil plate i cut to mark your movable property. That's 4:;tf FOR SALE. ICO acres of land, in Mt. Pleasant precinct. For terms, call at the oftice of 4Jtf SMITH & WlXKHAM. Legal Notice. ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. ; . VMrM ,... ((f second .Tmlieinl o:s- ! Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at- trict of Nebraska within and for Cass county. No family should be without Centaur 1 Nebraska. . in. Dorrougli p tl. ys. James Liniment. J. L. Lose & t o., New York. 4o-ly . j.imes -Dorrougli ami Mary Doirou-h. in the 1 county of l'idaski, and state cf Indiann. will take notice that William Dorrougli, of the county of Cass, and state of Nebraska, did on ! the :;d day of February, IS74. file bis petition in j tlie district court of "Cass county. Nebraska, : against .lames Dorrougli and Mary Dorrougli, I setting forth that in a certain deed, made by I one I'enjainin Dorrougli to James Dorrougli. a I mistake o'-ciirred in the description of the land ! in this, that it was intended to convey tiie j northwest quarter of section s. township lo, I north of range 14. east of the oth principal mer ; idian.in Cass county. Nebraska, when the deed was written, by mistake it conveyed the south west quarter of said section ; that in a certain deed, made by said .lames Dorrougli to William Dorrougli. plaintiff, a mistake in the description occurred in this, that il was intended in said last deed to convey the north half of said northwest quarter of section s. township 10. north of range 14. when it was made loconvey th- 11011 ii half of the said wi(iwest quarter of said section, town and range, and that said James Dorrougli is the only heir of l'enjamin Dorrougli. who is dead. a"ml praying that sabl mistakes may be corrected mid said title perfected, and the said. lames and Mary Dorrougli are hereby not iiied that they arc required to appear and answer said petition on or lief ore the ;;d Monday after the LV.th dav of February. A. D. ls7t. WTl.LIAM DOKKOUGll. bv Wheeler ct SriN. in-ixi u. biaat'vs. Dated," Plattsiuouth. Neb., Feb. 0. Is74. 44w" f-5Repairing of nil kinds Short Notice. done on 37-yl. 3lrs. A. II. O EE, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls. Switches PuITs. and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by MRS. KNEE. Orders left at MBS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door cant of Clark & riummers. 451113 Dress Goods, Prints, Delaines, Ginghams, Drown .Sheeting, lileached Cottons. Jialmorals, Carpets. Clark's new Thread, CottonVann' In tlie Grocery line we keep the Fixest snd I5tst' Tea. Coffee. Sugar, Molasses." Dried Fruits. Spices, etc.,' etc. In fact for Your Groce'iie", Hardw tV Queenswarc, Wooden Ware, Glassware, Yankee Notions. Hats and Caps, Hoots and .Shoe1 GO TO 23-lf. D. SrjrfNAJiSE d- COSS. CHILDREN OFTEN LOOK PALE AND SICK From r.o other cause than having worms in the stomach. BKOY.'N'S YEit.MtFUGE COMFITS Steward: G. sj. Upton, Asst. Steward ; '. will destroy V.'orms without injury to the child. Tl., o T'.,.i- ro o, 1 i n- being perfectly WHITE, and free from all col- Joan 1. Luck, Chaplain; Ik-nj. Albm, ; t .nimima lasniUeut usually rrea5Uivr; Henry Wolfe, Secretary; Ilsed in worm preparations. Kobert Clark, Gate keeper; Mrs. Jen-! Ci-rtis & Bt-.owx, Proprietors, nie Wol fe, Ceres : Mrs. M. E. F.ikcnbarv. No- 21 3 ,.'uU"" strct,t' Ncw Y,,r' T . -r-.. " Wold bv Druggists and Chemists and dealers Iomouia; Mrs. L. A. 1-rew. Flora ;, ln icine at 25 cmts a box. Mwiy an.l Mrs. M. M. Buck. Ladv Assistant i Steward. i NOTICE! At the last ref'Uiar meetiti" f bp f.il- 1 nving bought the stock of Groceries from F. LEGAL NOTICES. Probate Notice. In the matter of the Probate of the last will and testament of F. Wejirbein, deceased : In Probate Court. To all xvbom it may concern : Take notice, that Fred. Gicrdcr b;is filed in my otlice an in- i strumeut of writing, purporting 10 be the last t...:n . .i i. ,,' ni ,11111 lesiaiiieui 01 i . vv eui oeni. aim inane application U have the same admitted to Pro bate; and said cause Is set foi hearing, at my o:iU-e. in l'luttsmouth. on tho I'uih -dav o"f March. A. D. ls7t, at 10 o'clock, a. m, of'said day. at which time all persons interested are notiiied and required to appear and contest the same, and show cause if any they have, why s. l 1 i:;t rumeiit should not be a'.iowetl. as the. last will and testament of F. AVehrbein de ceased. Witness my hand and official seal, at Platts moutli. 011 this, the iMth dav . f Fehttary. A. 1). Is7t. If. E. Kllison. US Probafi Judge. 4SW3 1st 1 The Sociable of the Ladies Aid So ciety of St. Luke's (F.pisoopal) Church, will meet at the house of Mrs. F. La 1 ham, on Tuesday Lve Match 3d. All are invited. lowing resolutions were adopted: RvS'lC'-d, That we, the members of Three Groves Grange, as far as in our power lies, will not purchase plows and other farm nnr-kinery of those who refuse to deal with Farmer' Clubs and Granges. o:dy through their ag.-nts. And f tirther. Rt-s-tlr'l, That a copy of these reso- S. White. I woi:M call the attention to the pub lic, that I intend to sell Groceries low down for Cash and Cash only. All those inCebted to F. S. White, can settle the same with me. 47t2 A. W. White. THE WHISKY WAR. All over Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois the women's whisky war has spread. ' In Ohio the excitement is intense, The ladies, to the nuiuU r of Joo, vis- Ben Hempel keeps an Oyster house it is on the soutli side of Main Street, almost opposite Dovcy's big store. Ben. ke"ps first, oysters; next more oysters ; thirdly, all kinds of oysters ; and lastly and finally, oysters and other things Probate Notice. In the matter of the" Probate of the last will and testament of Aaron T. Butts deit-ased : In the Probate Court. To whom it may concern : Take notice : that Benjamin Betts tiled in my oihee an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Aaron 1. Itntts. and made application I to have the same admitted to Probate, and inai sai.i cause is set ior Hearing on t tie i a 11 day of March A. D. 174, at I o'clock p.m. of said day. at which time all persons interested are notified and required to appear and show cause if they have any why said instrument should not be allowed as tlie last will and tes tament of Aaron T. Butts, deceased. Witness my hand and obeial sea!, this lSlh day of Fcbiuiirv A. D. isrt. Jl. E. Ellison, Pi obnte Judge. L. S. 47-3t. Sheriffs Sale. By virtu of an execution issued out of the Dis:riet Court-, for Cass county. Nebraska, and lo me directed, 1 will, on the fourteenth ( 14th ) day of March. A. J. lsri. at in o'clo.-k A. M. of Legal Notice. OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY Belief forY'oung Men, from the ef fects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Hooks and Circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address. liOWAKll ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia. Pa. an Insti tution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. 20 ian L7 GOLDING, Dealer in CLOTHING, FCKNISHING GOODS. HATS, CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES. TKCNKS, VALISES. CAliPET BAGS, &c, &.c, &c, &c. One of the oldest and most Reliable Houses in Plattsiuouth. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. Mg KEMEMBEi: THE PLACE. ns-tf. '5 2. i - s. 9. CD r 3 2 2 e p - 3 - CO B. Q3 sr CD 'a. C v. a luiioiis be sent to tlie Prairie Fanner i to eat and drink or smoke. Call and seethe : :ri! day. tit the mm; h door tif'the Court-House an I our county p-ip:-rs for publication. ! "Oyster luiy' of Plattsiuouth. ?oif After some delibf rttions it was i Rrslr?ff, Tlcit the members of Three 1 Groves Grange Pledge themselves to j give yiOO.O'J in eo-ip -nstiori with other For Sale. lrjaereof land belonging to Cass Count v Nebraska Ix-iiiir the South West ouarter o"f . . . . a . . r. - .. Si'i'tmn Xi h iv, I . , l 1 nw'llsllio .-o. l-.ievell till ited saloons in Xenia and other places, : '-rangts, to e.st.i..iisn a laeoty lor tlie North of Kantre No. Thirteen m East f sixth .... . ,..,,.,i ,i. ,lT-rt1 r;,v.! manufacture of farm machinery, to be Principal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile and fairly sang and ptaved tne propi o- ; (.ontiriH(!, ,)V Uu (!ran of C;ss Co Grove! ' t-rs out of the business. Here are thej A co,)T of tltis tiu to 1p sent to j r l. h. hjy cs ) n'edTcs f hf- take and reauire: : the HEItALD and Watehman. fcr nnlv ! ft.Moriiy t'ur.Kor Co. Comr's. ' . !l;....i;,. 'M M. L. White. ) iiiznx OLFE, Secretarv. llelieving that the sale and use of ; intoxicating liquors to be an evil of ; the greatest magnitude, and having faith in God. and having undertaken ! deliberately and with prayer, the meth- j od of appeal to and prayer with the i liquor dealers, that they will cease to engage in the sa'.c of intoxicating '. ljqutu-s, we hereby pledge ourselves to j persevere until not p single person is i engaged in the tratiie in our comma FOR RENT. . The large and commodious ware-rootn, cellar and office, on second floor of building, formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery. .Jr. in Masonic Block. Emiuh't; of It, It. LlvixiiSTox or 4,!-tf E. T. JH-KE. 331 f in the ei,v of PlHttsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction the following reHl estate, to wn : Lot MX im block seventeen (17), lot eight (Si block forty H'n. hit three i3) block sixty-two (li).lol fourteen U4i block sixlv-four o"4). lot three (:o block lifty-two (.i,i. lot seven i;i block one hundred an.l sixty-four O041. lot seven (7) bbx-k one hundred "and sixtv-five (lir,. p.t twelve (12) block riftv-xix (..(;. lot five (") block twn;y-two f-j-ji. and lot twelve (12) in biock one hundred ami seventy-one (171) situated in the city of J'lattsimuitn. Cass county, Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Mary A. Garrison against. Wiliett Pottenger. M. B. CcTLKit. SiieriiT. PlRttsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. 11, 1S74. 4Ct5 To William . I. Cutter, Margaret E. Cutter and Wm. H. Enieriek. non-resident defendants. Vim will take notice that I. Calvin II. I'ar mele. have, on the Tit h day of February. A. D. 17-1. filed my pei il ion ill the District Coiirt of tlie Second Judicial District, in and for Cass county, Nebraska. against you and each of voii.the object ii ml prayer of winch is to set aside two certain deeds ot conveyance one from William. I. Cut ter to William il. Enieriek. and one from Wil liam H. Enieriek to Margaret E. Cutter. ire tending to convey the Pillowing described real estate, to-uit : Commencing 'at a point one thousand eight hundred and iwciity-sevcii and six-tenths (i,s'7-io feet, north ot the south east corner of the west halt of the southwest piarter of section number seven (7) in town ship number twelve (12) north, range number fourteen (II) cast six na principal' meridian, which point, by actual survey, is one thousand three himdsed and twenty-six ('.eJf.i feet e:vst of the southwest corner of said section, thence west four hundred and three i4n:: feet, thence north two hundied and sixteen and two-tenths i (21ti2-lo) teet, thence east four hundred and j three (10O feet, thence south two hundred and '.sixteen and two-tenths (211". 2-llo feet, to tlie place of beginning, containing two (.-) acres more or less, all in Cuss countv." Nebraska, and prayingtlie Court to declare said deeds to be fraudulent and void, as against Ibis plaintiff and Hie creditors of said William J. Cutter, and praying the Court that the above described real estate may tuiMppi'aiscd. advertised and sold, according to law, to satisfy a judgment recov ered by this plaintiff, against Whn. J. Cutter, at '.be December term of ihe District Court, in and lor Cuss county. Nebraska, for lhe amount of three hundred and sixty-seven dollars ami eighty-eight mils i-sT sf principal, interest and costs. Ami you, and each of you. are herlby notified to appear ami answer said petition on or before the loth day of March. A. D. ls?4. CALVIN 11. PAKMELE. Family Frien Florence o to o 'f. 01 o O Pi CO t-3 o CO I co CO CD ri O n t5! HENRY BCEOK, DEALER IN Furnitiae, Loungiic, - Safes. Tables. Clmirs, Bcds'e.! .ic, &e., 4e., &r (ft all dc3orij:tioiis. Metallic Lcria! Cases. 's WOODEX COFFINS OF ALL SIZES. litni l ill) IN I'iiiCE $20 to $30 Nov. 1, 1873. NO YOU DONT ! ! Get nny Goods cheaper, or a better-article than is kept at the Store of Jas, Clisbee & Co. Dealers In General Merchandise. j We are in receipt of Frsh Goods every week from the East, whichare bought for Cash, and will be sold in any amount. GrangcrSjlvcep yom eye on your friend; We will not be undersold by any one. JAS. c LIZ be & CO. Weeping Water July 1st, 1871 I1-4L Ready Made and aold Cheap f,r Cuth With many thanks for past patronage I invit I till to call and examine my large ttock of Fur niture and Cofhns. jan2 inn mm LOW RESERVOIR Are Suited fo all Climafesj and FAirocs ron eeino 70 UZZl CHEAPEST TO BUY!! -EASIEST TO SELL!!! FOR SALE. Sheriffs Sale. j i it v. DE A Lints r LEDGE. . Kepres-ritatiun. j FOR SALE. Tho Om;lh;i Rfubli-ar.,cf the popti- j An improved farm, four miles from Platts j lation f the State, says: "We think j mouth, well watered. Bio acres under improve ; we will have oOO.OOO. two years hence, anient. Can be bought for part cash in hand, I mid nrnleililv StUIWHHI rr- ..i.n;,... ,'n i balance on lon' time. Tennire of ....v. f.-.ww...... v ,t itiiiat'ii in i - --o .. 1 S.MITiI & WlXDHAM. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of tint district court for Cass countv, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on tiie'l4th dav of March, A. D. 174. at 10 o'clock a. ill. of said"dav. sit I tip south door of the court house, in the" city of the undersigned hereby promise j iss:. when iierording to ride a new ajn 4-lf c:rHijvgree that we will not hereafter j portionrnent would go into effeet. No T-y ourselves, or our agents, sell or give away, or permit to he sold, or given away, in our houses, on our premises, or f-h.;ewLf:re in this community, or its vicinity, intoxicating U-;ug:-s of any i-. rf s op p'-Tona; nor .'-.. ".- ... . . -' V... -, f uv ' li acres of land, four miles west from Weep ing Water Falls. Joins an improved farm, has good running water, can be bought on time nothing to pay down interest payable annu ally, tot particulars call at the oil ice ot i ri.,.Kmnth in siia n.,.ntv .aii',, nV,M ,. : ' 4-tf Smith & Windham, i tion the property desertbed"in said order, to-wit . . j Commencing i,o75S feet north, and l.Mii; feet i east, oi ine souinw cst comer ol section seven, (7). township twelve, (1), range lourteeu, ( 14), r.m nit' siAiii I'liucioai meriuiaii ; more par ticularly described as being Ihe northeast cor ner of Jownsend's addition to the city of I'latts mouth, thence west, parallel with the south line of said section, two hundred feet, thence north four hundred and thirty feet, thence e:ist. parallel with the south hue of ibis tract, two hundred feet, theme soutli. parallel with the s new .Slate is situated like Xehraska. in ! FOR SALE. j west line of this tract, four hundred and thirty j'-ei, in me j.taec oi ueginniiig, containing two By Chapman & Max wklL, his Atty's. Dated Plattsiuouth, Neb., 5, !74. 45 4w. Slieriffs Sale. By virtue. of an execution issued bv the Clerk of the District Court ln and for Cass" Countv, Ne hraskn. and to me directed, I will, on the irjcl day of FeOiuaiy, A. D.. ls74. at 12 o'clock A. M., of said day. at the front door of the Post office, in tne town of Weeping Water Falls, in Cass county. Nebraska, sell at Public Auction, the following "lescrilM'il goods and Chattels to wit : One sorrel marc ; one boy horse ; one mowing la.-iehhi", levied upon and taken as tlie property of Jt. X. Inpcisol!. to satisfy a jtulir ment against K. N. tugei-soll, and in favor of E. H. Eaton. M. B. Cl.-TI.EK. , Sheriff. riattsxouth, Jan. 2.. A. D. I87X 44w5 To Slock ISrecders. The Undersigned ncs LaUly Received a Thoroughbred ICO acres of uminprcved land, four mile, from : '-'acres, in Cass county, Nebraska, to satisfy a I PTTrv p rj TTOT? TVT "DTTT T "0 ry Aliseimii i v-r .n ' "Mil minn ceb.su.,vas unfortunate for usfand I Ittsmouth ; good loc:J:ty; caa be bought j fcStKuntife Call at the office of Smith & Wxsdham. i eau'jrltt us at low tide. Kansas im- tl.rpn i reasonable. i renreentative. Mfr.nesnta t.hf. fc.imo i 'tf 1 l"Uhri; Caliornia. Illinoisaiid Bev- j One Florence" ere. M:hirP for ,.Uc at ' "r!.. ct what thc c12SUiS j this office: oa FiaklccV I.jon second " " :r..ri'.r. sxtf Kiopie. Marj' i t.ipine. eosenii Lea v. l.vmnn x- i LTiiom.is Ilidlowell. Cor.r-.rl Unis.ll X- I '.. u.,ii I ; jo.int.n.ss, ueienu:uits. THE XKW FLORENCE, j As lately improved, is beyond question ! The Lightest Running Machine ever jmt on the market. . j A belt made of single No. ) Cotton Thread will j run it as it comes from thc factt ry. i And as now Reduced in Price is by far j the Cheapest. The fottowing are some of the inanv points in which the Florence excels all other Shuttle Machines : In doing more styles of work. Winding and changing the Bobbin without removing the goods. Sewing in opposite directions. Accuracy of Tension. Durability and strength of parts. (Quietness in running. Choice of Side or Back Feed. Simplicity of hh tittle. Ease of threading. Light ness in run ning. Me chanical prin cipals employed. Elasticity of stitch. In rcfiuliinr no kind of goods. Ea--,e of setting nee die. Iick of wear on the thread. Finenes and neatm-ss of Stitch. In saving of thread. Bapidity and casein winding bobbins. Absence of cogs. cams, and springs. Base and rapidity of regulating stitch. In quality of bemm'er and at tachments. In variety and styles. In lack of needle cutting cloth. In fastening ends of seams, and stay ing any part of seam, &c. We challenge all competitors to disprove any of the nbove statements. After a thorough test of over twelve years not a single Florence ha ever been worn out in family use. DOLTON BROTHERS. Gcn"l Agents for Missouri, Kansas, and Neb. ST. LOUIS, M.O. Meat Market! xMl't roos t r doing r-r ca t nABETTER COOKING. Jii'0 laijkerrndt"5cpe " T kaa oy rij-cft cut, FAaiofs roa civins OAK Lr Asjnx.ma Jo.int.ross, defend:uits. This property was ap-I Will stand at his premises, nrta of WecieTc ' praised at cne thousand clot bus. I Water Falls ' t V. i I Tim Sheriff WntrxcKA Slivctt. OM13. A't'vs ior FTtf. Tlattr.moutli, Cass Co., NcX. Feb. io, 13.. Irj ;-t ; Terms to nit thc times. 45 w3 .S.L.GRAHAM. 1 1 ATT, TIIE BUTCHER, o Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. o IIatt Always to be Found Tjiebe. o Not changing constantly, but C'c Old Be'iable Spot, where you can get your Steaks, Koasts, Came, I-isliiind Foul in season. south side of main stbect. One Door West of Hebald Office, 35-ly. Plattsjiocth, Neu. barnumYhotel, Cor Broadibay and Twentieth Street, NEW YORK. ON BOTH AMERICA .r- EUItorEAN FL.VNS. Complete with all modern improvements h25',J-'irv:rt, 'C' eiMcn unsnri.issed ! few8vn.A,HrWry.certre of and brilliant I ew oik life, in iiniem.n- ,o i M, k- .....i . r . . . ...,, n ,,ii, i Especially Adapted to th a wants or mn mmt excelsior maxy; companw ST. LOUI5. MO. E.T.Duke&Co. TLATTSMO UTH, NE. 19-ly' rAIUIER'8 EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUlSYtLLE, - - - NEBRASKA: Keeps coasUntly on hand all Staple Articles" such as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, ; MOLASSES Active Agsnt-s Wanted Ereryicltcre. FLOP.rj'CE FE'n.vo MACHINE CO., 3m4 r:-.r?n", Mt.-r. I Dry Goods, Hools. Shoe &r'- tii-5 ca 'Sih ,We ."' -T- " C..rilip4ton'.s ln f.net. evcrntliing usuillv kept trt a Variety i .V. . 'rJl,V, 3': TTue hot"1 3 'r the Stor-r. wh''-h witi l.e sold on small proiits foi. S m. w?i , I "n '.V S- ""J"'1- fnncriy of p.ir- , CASH. ATI khids of rroducti taken in excbatigo ri ' j re x- -N- Cren, of iviv- ; for Kocds, and the . ton. Ohio, and recently of New York, and Frc-i it- j, s- i r v . naji Barmin.f i-crr.-n'? n-t jn I ' ! Highest Market Fncei given ; CafiH -'- i:- , ' fr Grain. . 1$