-.- u -a.-mt, iM 1 .! i tmm m m 'Trrj J.3JT'rjr.TrTjf.'''T " ' WMiiuMi'b ourtj uure lor Rneinnatism. LOCAL XEWS. i LOCAL A D VE ITI SEME NTS . TauwWsnt C5 oents aline. Regidar advertisers 1 flnts per line. No advertisement .Inserted lor le than 25 cents. Legal advertisements will be churned to the parties handing them In. COMMUNICATIONS. As oor space U limited, all communications ut be brief and to the point, with no waste of word. jCldino.d pajSAnap lou 1 x4d r 7f aoujo qi X;iiou oj pajswnUsj aiy waaffiHDsaas NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post office, whether directed to hi psnie, or whether he Is a subscriber or not Is rwponslble for the pay. a. If any person orders his paper discontin ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until pavment Is made, ana collect the whole amount, whether the pa yer Is taken from the office or not. X. The courts have decided that refusing to tke newspapers and periodicals from the post offlce, or removing and leaving them uncalled for. Is prima evidence of intkniial fkauo. Noticb to EvKitYBODY. AH subscribers pay lag for their paper to us. and ordering It stopped st ft certain time, will find it so stopped ; hut we cannot be responsible for what has been done before our time, nor for orders supjxwed to lr given by others to others. Our books :tlone must be the guide for all old subscriptions. Please remember this. XI- - - - -. - - - ) - - Pl&tUinouSh Billiard Hall, opposite the Brooks House. Wm. Neville, proprietor. Three food tables, good bar and bowling alley. 2uiJ SAVE HONEY. Tliesf hard times by Retting your ttlvia at low club ratu.1. AuMrcss 1 th stain p, Jame "WiTir.vM, 4im8 Glendule Cas Xb. For sale or exchange. A new li'it half prinj: wagon, gool spring se.t. to or exchange f'r a jto mI liiw Vt:; horart luiul;r wnsjuii. Appiy to i:i. t tadelns-nn, clotliicr, ilaiu St. mouth. 4"-2t .2 3 ! to 2 IF YOU WANT STRICTLY PURE Drugs and Med icines, Perfumery, Toilet Setts and Articles, Scaps, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnish, "Window Glass and Putty, Choice Wines, aud Liquors, Fine Cigars and Tobacco, Lamps, COAL OIL, Lanterns, Shoulder Braces, Trusses and Supporters, Imported Knives, Razors, and Violin Strings, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Inks, Pens, Lead Pencils, &c, &c, go to Dr. G. B. CHAPMAN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, Platts- mouth, Nebraska. 35mos3. a 3 Acute or Chronic Rheumatism permanently cured. GREAT STEAM WASHER. Thirty of Years' Experience an Old .urse. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for safety Mr. Peter T. Beaver & Son have se cured the agency of the famous. "Tilton Steam WAsnEK," and intend to sell the same in the comities of Cass, Douglas and Lancas-j thirty years with never failing ter. i and success by millions of mothers and This Washer is a new invention and j children, from the feeble infant of one washes the clothes by steam, without ! week old to the adult. It corrects any turning of cranks, patent paddle acidity of the stomach, relieves wind wheels, or any other appliance, but the ! colic, regulates the bowels, and gives thorough and ierfect passage of steam i rest, health and comfort to mother and through (he clothes, agitating and child. We believe it to be the Best and whiter than i in Pittsburgh, and Beaver & Son will fill all at the Pittsburgh retail price. They are prepared to let every try these machines to their heart's content, before purchasing. Orders can be left, and machines s-en, at the store of J. II. Butterv, in : : Piuttsntouth. ! Heaver & Son are also agents frr the I sale of Territory in the States of Kan- tiid Nebraska. . U8nios3 washing them, purer by any other process. It is manufactured Penn., orders SI 0.00. person Business Is business, and so arc the Cigars at ! he P. O. Ilok Store. 3-tf. ORGAN .MONEY. Plattsmouth. Feb. T, 1S73. Receiv-d of Miss Gertie Johnson the um of 8')3.70. to be applied on Organ for the First Intermediate grade of the High School. The amount still du;; is the um of L. F. Johnson. NOTICE. The Lndies Aid Society of St. Luke's Church will meet at Mrs. E. Buttery's. n Thmaday evening. Feb. 19th. All ;v invited. CiiCUClI SEB VICES. Ths Rt. Rev. R. H. Cb.rkBon, Bishop .f Nebrraska. will ofliviate in St. Luke's Episcopal) Church, on Sunday, Feb. 15th, both morning and evening. Ser Ictes at 11 a. M. and 7 r. M. Billy Stadelman still sells new goods every day. Come and see the new stock of clothing, boots, shoes, hats, .aps &. &.c. 4G-3 Doty, the ferryman, sawed a stump olT six feet under water, for the B. & M. R. R. Company, and held his breath along side of the stump till she came an.irt. a t he did. China Hall Vivian's grocery store. Crocker ware, groceries, provisions. Sc., Ac. 4(3t2 Wm. Mertins, near Eight Mile Grove, on rollir g high lan'l, has sown clover and tim -tiiy for four years, and last season raited a crop of the same tli. t turned off two tons to th acre, twice mowed. The importance of cultivat ing the tame grasses h- re and demon strsting the fact that they can be made native, as one may say, cannot be un-derestini-ited, and the mtn who aids the solving of this problem by so much a the increase and acclimation of one extra sps'ir of grass is a public beno f.:ctor. Our wild grasses are fast be ing trampled out and only tame grasses will stand constant mowing over or grazing. BURLINGTON AND MISSOURI R1V LK U. R. CO. IN NEBRASKA. Boston, Mass, Jan. 13th, 1874. The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Burlington & Mis-ouri River Railroad Company in Nebraska, will be held at the ofllce of the Com pany in the city of Plattsmouth. Ne braska, Thursday, the 2Gth day of Feb ruary, proximo, for the election of Di rectors, and other business which may legally come before the meeting. By order of t he Board. J. N. Denison. Secretary. 43t5 Hodskin. Lincoln, Elk horn man, .5t a cat; advertised in Journal and found her next day in a well, dead. Good for advertising bad on the Journal, however. Vivian, the grocer, on hand all the time, with new fresh, and choice goods in his line. Call and s?e. 4010 The TO RENT OR SELL. house of Dr. Rawlins. in the south-west part of town, near the resi dence of Mr. Eli Plummer. For terms, apply on the premises. 3tf. See what you gt for 4.00 by sub scribing for the combination, "Our Fin'skli: Friewr for one year, and your choice of either Sunbeam" or Cu'e" ready framed, and "The Young Polks Rural" for one year, and the two landscape chromos "Morning on the Mississippi." and 'Sunset on t he Sierras." mounted and varnished, ready for framing, all sent to one address for 4.00. In this combination subscribers will realize more valuable reading ndapted to their families, than wm erer before offerd at the same price. For circulars of information and full particulars, call on the Agent, J. Ph. Young. DONATION FOR THE SUITES TJ THE FIREMEN'S BALL. A committee, appointed by the fire boys, will wait on our merchants and citizens during the ensuing week, to solicit donations of money, groceries, or provisions, for their supper, at the ball on the evening of the 17th of Feb ruary. The company is in debt, and desire to make something from their ball. Our citizensshould remember this and their readiness to turnout prompt ly at the first signal of danger, ought to bring them a full supply of the nec essaries for their supper. ROOM TO RENT. The left hand front room on the same floor with the Heralu office, is ! for rent. Apply at the Herald office, for terms. M. L. White. 37tf GRAND FIREMANS' BALL! Firemen in Full Uniform BEST OF 3IUSIC ENGAGED. The Hook and Ladder and Engine Companies of this city will give a G HANI) It ALL ANI BANQUET n Tuesday. Febuary 17th, 174. at Fitz gerald's II nil. The Firemen will ai pe;tr in full uniform. The best of Music has been engaged for the occas ion. A good time is expected. Admission, to Ball and Supper per i couple, aO,00. LUMBER YARD. ! Ot;onvood Ininbor s:ile t Mickclwait & Sharp's coal yard, by Wni. Kdgertoii. A good supply of Cottonwood lumber will be found j hero at all tiiitt s, for sale cheap. Keincmbor, ! 51u-kelw:tit & Sharp's office on M;iin street, we.-t of Sixth. 4otf. W. Edgektox. Taxation of Railroad Lands. Go and see Vivian's new stock of Groceries. 4U2 A CARD. Tho undersigned desires to thank the kind frien lsof ths First Intermediate, for their patronage of the Concert on lui Wednesday eve; an I als to state tht, on account of the prom;tn?.4- of the pay mints, L. F. Johnm. from whom the org.in w is purchase 1. Ins deducted sixteen dollars from the stated price of the Organ, cj:vviq:t?nt ly, there are only twenty-tw dollars yet dii2. Gertie Johnson, Teacher, First Intermediate. IN 3IEYI0RIAM. Dea:on Elijah Calkin peacefully fell asleep in Jesu after a painful illnes of about two months, January 21st. 1374. aged 73 years ami 1 month. Ha was born in New York, where he re sided until 1837, when he rem ved with his family to Nebraska where he lived until his death. He ha lbeeua csusistent m;mbor of the Baptist church during a period of 41 years, in New York, serving as a faithful Dea con. C5 years; was a member of the Baptist church, at Plattsmouth at the time of his death. Brother Calkin was emphatically a jgood mm, full of faith and the holy spirit. He had obtained :i good degree and great boldness in the faith, the memory of the just is truly blest. Ho left n ridow and several children to xnum their loss. 'Mr. Crounse has introduced the fol lowing bill: Be it enacted by the Senate and ffou.se of flepresmtatites of the United States of Anvtrh a in (Jonyre.su assembled : That no provisions contained in either the act entitled "An act to aid in the construction of a railroad ami tele graph from the Missouri River to the Paciiic Ocean, and to secure to the Government the use of the same for i postal and military purposes," ap proved July 1st, 1800, or the act amendatory thereto, approved July 2d, 1804, shall be so constructed as to ex j emptfrom taxation by State authority, lands which either of the companies insa dacts mentioned, or its successors, J sha l have earned by the construction . of its road, or parts thereof: Prodded, j That such roads or parrs thereof shall have been first accepted by the United J States in the manner prescribed; and i taxes assessed either before, or such as ! may be ass'd, after the passage of this act, ujon lands earned by said compa I nics or their successors, or either of j them, shall le valid as against any I claim or title of the United States iu or to such lands. Sec. 2. That if anv comnanv enti- j tied to said lands or par ts thereof. suaw tan to pay me costs oi surveying and selecting the same, or the land of- i fieer's fees, the purchaser of anv of sai l lands at tax-sale may pay such costs and fees due ujKm he land bv him purchased to the proper officer, and thereupon letters-patent shall be issued to such company, conveying said lands to it, but subject to the letral i rights and title of such tax sale pur ! chaser. i Vivian s-Iis cheap, waitrf ou folks piiticntly and ktvos a good stock. I "When Nebraska was first settled, i every man that came to the State was I dubbed with Capt Major, Colonel, or t AWH..1 Til J - 1 . j viriicj.u. tiiese imes are stale now : 1 a. , a ' . . I aim iim, oi uaxe. At present every j third man you meet has Professor j hitched on in front of his name. Ex- vhanjs. j Professors are played ont in out V.-VT-;, the World, in and Diarrhoea it arises from and Surest Remedy in all cases of Dysentery in Children, whether Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accomp any each bottle. None Genuine unless the face-smile of CURTIS & PER KINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 24wly. Once more A new stock. Vivian tries his hand. Come ou ve buvers. 46t2 Married. At the Catholic Church, in Plattsmouth, on the morning of the 9th inst., by the Rev. Father Bobal. Mr. Thomas L. Murphy to Miss Ma ry Carton. The haypy couple left the 1:15 train for the east, to take a six weeks' honey moon. Tom, mind your eye. you're on a slippery grade, The contract's signed, but not yet paid ; The term are cas'.j, despite your brn.l.i To fill the bill, will take your '.sjinn N." This contract's long, with many a fll! and dump You can't conipletf it at on jump. It's double track with room v4-.i1 sit!. So keep the grade both true and wide. FARMERS, GRANGERS AND OTitER MEN. Go to Frank Stadter and have a stencil plate cut to mark your move able property. That's business! 4:Jtf. Good woolen over shirts 81 00 and heavy shirts and draowers for 75 cents at Hank, Streights. 3:Jm4 SPECIAL XOTICES. " s r 1? s c 1 1! e no w ; i foh ; ; "OUR F1KKSIDR FRIRXIV t X with the Old Reliable Agent, t J JAS. I. TUCKER, i X I'LATTMMOCTII. - N EMI ASK A. J t Specimen Copies I-'rcc ! 45 tf ; Tbc Ilousclaold Fauaccn, and I'amly Liniment is the best remedy in the world for the following complaints, viz.: Cramps in the Limbs anil Stomach. Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism in all its. forms. Bilious Colic, Neu ralgia, Cholera, Dysentery, Colds. Fresh Wounds, Burns, "Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises. Chills and Fever. For Internal and External use. Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penetrates and pervades the whole system, restor ing healthy action to all its parts, and quickening the blood. The Household Panacea is purely Vegetable and all Healing. Prepared bv CURTIS & BROWN. No. 215 Fulton Street. New York. For sale by all druggists. 21wly. FOR SALE. 120 acres of land in Mt. Pleasant precinct. "For terms call at the office of 42tf. Smith & Windham. G'liiltficii ollcn look l'alc and Sick from no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child. Wing perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injur ious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street. New York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five Cents a Box. 2 1 w 1 y. i Ol ICE. Notice is hereby siven that the fol lowing described Township Maps Surveys will be transmitted for filing to the Local U. S. Land Office at Grand Island Nebraska on the 1st day of March, 1874. Township, Range, No. No. 21 17 21 18 21 19 Township, Range, No. No. 22 19 22 20 23 20 All North of Base Line and West of the 6th Principal Meridian in Nebraska. E. E. CUNNINGHAM, Surveyor General 44-3t District of Nebraska and Iowa. Legal Notice. 3 j To Hugh B. McCuuc and Mary J. Smith. Ad 61 1 mfnUtrntrix of the estate ol SamuelJ. Smith, aecoaned. You will take notice that a petition was filed In the Dtstrict Court of ihc Second idicial DU trict, iu and for Cass county, Nebnua. by toy elf. on the 5th day of Marc h. A. I. 1874. where in I pray the partition of the following described real estate, to-wit : The ea.it half of the south west quarter and the east half of the southeast quarter of section nineteen (19) iu township twelve (VZ) north, range fourteen (14) east sixth (Uh principal meridian, iu Cass county. Ne braska, and at the next, term of the district Court iu and for Cass county, commencinij on the 10th day of March. A. IX 1H74, as fixed by law, I will apply for an order that partition be made of said premises. ANSKLMO n. SMITH, Tetltionep. Ry Chapman & Maxwki.i his Atty's. lated 1'lattsmouth. Neb., Feb. 5, M74. 45-4W, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing descriWd Township Maps of Surveys will be transmitted for filing to the Local U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 1st day of March. 1874: Township, Range, Township, Range, No. No. No. No. 21 21 24 22 22 21 23 23 23 21 24 23 24 21 23 24 22 22 24 24 23 22. All North of the Base line and "West of Cth Principal Meridian in Nebraska. E. E. CUNNINGHAM, Surveyor General 44-3t District of Nebraska and Iowa. WOOD FOR SALE. One hundred Cords of dry wood for sale by 39w8 "W. H. SlIAFEK. FOR RENT. The large and commodious wareroom, cellar, and ofllce on second Hoor of building formerly occupied by Jacob Vallerv, jr.. in Masonic lilock. Enquire of K. l. IaviNOSToJf or 4a-tf. E. T. 1)UKX. Legal Notice. To James Fletcher, non-resident defendant. You are hereby notified that I did. on the Oth day of February, A. It. 1S74, lile 111 v petition in the District Court of the Second Judicial Dis trict, iu and lor Cass county, Nebr.iska, against you. The object and prayer of which said petition Is to quiet the title to the northeast quarter and tha west half of the northeast quarter of sec tion twenty-two (JJ) in township eleven (II) north. rane number twelve (12) east, sixth (;th) principal meridian, in C'a.ss county, Ne braska, and to coniM'l you to place upon record a certain deed to said real estate, made, exe cuted and delivered to you by one Hervey Dou den. and that I, AiincIiiio H. Smith, may be de creed to possess the full and complete title to said real estate. And that you are required to answer the said petition ou or before the lGth day of March, A. D. 1S74. ANSKLMO H. SMITH. Hy Chapman & Ma'xwhu, his Atty's. Dated Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 5, 1874. 4"lw. Legal Notice. BEN HEMPVS OYSTER IIAUS. If you want a good oyster stew go to Ben. Hempei's; if you want a good plate of raw oysters, so big as your hand, go to Ben. Hempei's; if you want a square meal, go to Ben. Hem pel's; and if you must have a good ghiss of wine, or a cigar to top off with, Ben. has got them. 30tf For Sale. lei acres of land belonging to Cass County Nebraska being the South West quarter of Section No. Five (5) Township No. Eleven (11) Norlh of Kanne No. Thirteen (13) East of Sixth l'liiicipal Meridian, Situated nc.tr Eight Mile Grove. For Term of sale see I.. II. Jamkb 1 Timotiit Ci. auk or '-Co. Conir's. M. L. Whitk. 1 Wtf FOR SALE. 100 acres of unimproved land near Eight Mile Grove. Can be purchased on reasonable terms. For particulars call at the oflice of 42tf. Smith & "Windham. FOR SALE. 1G0 acres of land 4 miles west from Weeping Water Falls. Joins an im proved farm, has good running water, can be bought on time nothing to pay down interest payable annually. For particulars call at the office of 42tf. Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. An improved farm four miles from Plattsmouth, well watered, 100 acres under improvement. Can be bought for part cash iu hand, balance on long time. Inquire of 42tf Smith & Windham. FOR SALE. Io0 acres of unimproved land, four miles from Plattsmouth; good locality, can be bought reasonable. Call at the office of 42tf Smith & Windham. One new Florence sewing Machine for sale at this oflice. also one Finkle & Lvon second hand Machine. 33tf LEGAL XOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. Hv virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court, for ('ass county. Nebraska, and to mo directd, I will, on the fourteenth (t4th day of March. A. D. 174. at lo o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south door of the Court House iu the eitr of I'iRttsmotith. in said. county, sell at public auction the following real estate, to wit : Lot six (C) block seventeen 17), lot eiht (8) block forty (40). lot three (3 block sixty-two (iil'. l it fourteen 1 14) Mock sixty-four (4). lot three CO block fifty-two (52). lot seven (7) block one hundred and sixty-four (l4. lot seven (7) block one hundred and sixty-live (I6.r). lot twelre (12) block Cfty-xix (5tS), lot live (5) block twenty-two (22). and lot twelve (12) in biock one hundred and seventy-one (17t) situated iu the city of 1'lattsmoutn. Cast county, Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Mary A. Garrison against Willett Potteniter. M. . CUTLF.il. Sheriff. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. 11. 1874. 4G15 Sheriff Sale. Ben Hempel keeps an oyster house it is on the south side of Main street, almost opposite Dovcy's big store. Ben. keeps first, o'ysters; next, more oysters; thirdly, all kinds of oysters; aad lastly and finally, oysters and other things to eat and drink or smoke. Call and see the "Oyster Boy" of Platts mouth. 30tf P.y virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Dis'rlct Court for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will, on the fourteenth (Hlhday of March. A.I). 1374, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the, south door of the Court House, in the citv of Plattsuiouth, in said county, sell at public auction the property de scribed in said order, to-wit : The north half in',) of the south-west quarter (swli) of sec tion number fourteen (14 township number eleven (ill north of range twelve (12): also the e.i-st litilf (e't of the southwest quarter (sw'd .u d the nuthwest quarter (nw4) of the south west qirarter isiv1,) of section fifteen (15) town ship iiun.be , eleven (M norlh ranc eleven (11) i;i Cass ci. unty Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment o( ssi-.i coiiri jeeovered ly J. N. Wise, against A. i;. Sharp. M. B. Cctlkk, Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska. ' Piattsmouth, Neb., February 11. i74. 4015 George W Jeflers, of Athens countv, in the state of Ohio, will take notice that Afary Ann Jeff era. of Cass county, in the state of Nebraska, on the 2d day of February, 174, did file her pe tition iu the ollice of the clerk of the district court in and for Cass county, charging that the said George W. Jetfen 1ms : istl will fully abandoned the said Mary Ann Jeffers for more than two years last past ; 2d, that said George W. Jeffers had sufficient ability to pro vide suitable maintainance for petitioner and her children: that for four years last past said George W. Jeffers has grossly, wantonly and .ruelly retused and neglected so to do, and set ting up that the said George W. Jeffers is seized Of certain real estate and the owner of certain personal propeity, all of which said Mary Ann asks may be decreed to her as ali mony and maiutuinance ; that she may be di vorced and have the custody of the children. &c. Said George W. Jeffers is further notified that tie is required to answer said petition on or be fore the third Mondav after the2Kth dav of Feb ruary, 1874. WHKKI.EK&SriNCm'oMi;. Atfys for Plain: iff. Dated, Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. .1, 1874. 45-4w Legal Notice. In the District Court of the Second Judicial Dis trict of Nebraska within and for Cass county, Nebraska. Wm. Dorrough. pl'ff, vs. James Dorrough and Mary Dorrough, d'fls. James Dorrough and Mary Doi-rough. In the county of Pulaski, and state of Indiana, will take notice that 'William Dorrough. of the county of Cass, and stnte of Nebraska, did on the r.d day of February. lt74, file his petition iu the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against James Dorrough and Mary Dorrough, setting forth that in aeertain deed, made by one Benjamin Dorrough to James Dorrough. a mistake occurred in the description of the land in this, that it was intended to convey the northwest quarter of section 8, township 10, north of range 14, east of the th principal mer idian, in Cass county. Nebraska, when the deed was written, by mistake it conveyed the south west quarter of said section : that in a certain deed, made by said James Doi i ough to William Dorrough, plaintiff, a mistake in the description occurred in this, that it was intended in said last deed to convey the north half of said northwest quarter of section , township lo. north of range 1 1, when it was made to convey til- north half of the said souMwest quarter of said section, town and range, and that said James Dorrough is the only heir of Benjamin Dorrough. who Is dead, and praying that sai.l mistakes may be corrected and said title perfected, and the said James and Mary Dorrough are hereby not ified that they are required to appear and answer said petition on or before the ;id Monday after the 20th day of February. A. D. Isi4. WILLIAM DOKKOrGH. by Whf.elf.k & Htinciicomb. Ilia at'ys. Dated, Plattsuiouth, Neb., Feb. 3. 1874. 45-4w Le:al Notice. Sheriffs Sale. COAL! COAL If COAL!. AVhitk & Darrah keep constantly on hand Gillipsie and Ft. Scot Coal. Orders left at Clark and Plumer's Store will be promptly filled at reasonable rates and the coal delivered free to any part of the city. 14tf. LEGAL NOTICE. All persons are cautioned against buying or trading for a certain note of hand given by H. "NT. Vallery to J. C. AVoolcott and dated January 27th, 1874 as the same is worthless. 15-3t. II. Vi". Vallery. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed. 1 will on the 14th dav of March. A. D. 1874, at 10 o'clock a. in. of said day, at the ! south door of the court house, in the" city of j Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auc- J tion the property described in said order, to-wit . : Commencing t.075j feet north, and 1.32G feet I east, of the southwest corner of section seven. ! (.). township twelve, (12), range fourteen, (14 , east of the sixth principal meridian ; more par ticu arly described as Oeing the northeast cor ner of 'lownsend's addition lo the city of Platts mouth. thence west, parallel with the south line of said section, two iiuadred feet, thence north four hundred and thirty- feet, thence east, parallel with the south line of this tract, two hundred feet, theme south, parallel with the west line of this tract, four hundred and thirty feet, to the place of leginiiing. containing tyvo (2) acres, in Cass county. Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Aiiselmo B. Smith, plaintiff, against Conrad Hiopie, Mary Kipple. Joseph Leady. C. W. Lvman & Co., l'hoiuas Hallowell. Conrad Heisell & Co. aud John Gross, defendants. This property was ap praised at one thousand dollars. M. It. Cutler. Sheriff. WltnF.LEK .V Stinv h. omb. Att'vs for Pfff. riattsiiiout ti, Ca-s Co., Neb., Feb. lo, 1875. 4t-".t To William J. Cutter. Margaret E. Cutter and Win. H. Emerick, non-resident defendants. You will take notice that I. Calvin II, Par mele. have, on the 5th day of February, A. D. 1874. filed my petition iu the District Court of the Second Judicial District, in and for Cass comity, Nebraska.against you and each of you.the object and prayer of which is to set aside two certain deeds of conveyance one from William J. Cut ter to William H. ICmerick, and one from Wil liam II. Kinerick to Margaret K. Cutter, pre tending to convey the following described real estate." to-wit : Commencing at a point one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven and six-tenths (1.S27 -l0) feet, north of the south east corner of the west half of the southwest quarter of section number seven (7) in town ship number twelve (12) north, range number fourteen (14) east six (; principal meridian, which point, by actual survey, is one thousand three hundred and twenty-six (t,.T.V) feot east of the southwest coi ner of said section, thence west four hundred and three (40;l) feet, thence north two hundred and sixteen aud two-tenths (21t2-in feet, thence east four hundred and three (K3) feet, thence south two hundred and sixteen and two-tenths (2l2-10) feet, to the place of beginniirj. containing two (2) acres more or less, all in Cass county, Nebraska, and praying the Court to declare said deeds to be fraudulent and void, as against this plaintiff and the creditors of said William J. Cutter, and praying the Court that the above described real estate may be appraised, advertised and sold, acconling to law, to satisfy a judgment recov ered by this plaintiff :gaiust Wm. J. Cutter, at he December term of the District Court, in and for Cass county, Nebraska, for the amount of three hundred and sixty-seven dollars and eighty-eight cents (307 8), principal, interest and costs. And you, and each of yon, areherlby notified to appear and answer said petition on or before the 10th day of March, A. D. 1874. CALVIN II. TARMELE. Bv Chapman & Maxwf.ll, his Atty's. Dated Plattsmouth, Neb.. 5, Ui. 45 4w. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtiif of an execution issued by the Clerk of the'District Court in and for Cass" County, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will, ou the 2-'ld day of February. A. D.. 1S74. at 12 o'clock A. m., of said day. at the front door of the Post otllce, in the town of Weeping Water Falls, in Cass county, Nebraska, sell at Public Auction, the following described goods and Chattels to wit : One sorrel mare ; one bay horse ; one mowing machine. levied uiioti and taken as the property of li. N. Ingeisoll, to satisfy a judg ment against K. N. Ingersoll, and in favor of E. II. Eaton. M. B. Cutlf.k. Sheriff. Plattsmouth, Jan. 28, A. D. 1873. 44 w5 Probate Notice. In the. matter of the lrobate of the last will and testament of Jacob Adams, deceased : In Probate Court. To all whom it may concern : Take notice, that Chapman & Maxwell has tiled in my office an instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Jacob Adams, and made application to have the same admitted to Probate ; and that said cause is set foi hearing, at in v oilice, in Plattsmouth. on the 20th day of February. A. D. 1874, at 10 o'clock. A. M. of said lay. at which time all persons interested are notified and required to apiear ami contest the same, and show cause if any they have, why said instrument should not be allowed, as the last will and testament of Jabob Adams de ceased. Witness my hand and official seal, at riatts lnouth, on this, the 2.7th day i f January. A. D. 1871. - II. K. KI.I.ISON, LL.S 1'robat-: Judge. 44 W4 Sheriffs Sale. P.y virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court .or Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed. I whl on the 23d dav of Febru ary. A. D.. 1874. at 10 o'clock . si., of said day at the south door of the Court House, in the City of P attsmoiith.in said County, sell at Pub lic Auction, the property oescribed in saidotder To-wit : Ids number seven (7) in block num ber nineteen (I'J) in Plattsmouth city Cass Coun ty Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Jaue It. Porter, against Henry Kuhl, Charlotte Kuhl aud Henry I'rundt. M. P.. Cuti.kk. Sheriff. Plattsmouth, January 17th. 1874. 4Jw5. DENTISTRY. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Como one and all and list to me. While a story I relate About a man that lives in town, And pulls teetli for his meat. Dr. J. 1a. McCrea is he. Extracts without much trouble. His plate work too, is extra good, And he does not charge you double What the whole thing is really worth, And his filling are very fine. Give him a call, you'll ne'er regret Your money or your time. MORAL. Now if yon want your teeth repaired, You had better lix them, if you can, Or patronize home Dental work. Than any quack or traveling rnaiv. ine jinwrnai-vrop Urporti-r (.JactcBOu,...., . mihlishes estimates nf the -nercentAtre of ! ' . I !n e last crops of barley and rye in the bands t the producers on January 15, in the States t Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio and Wisconsin, he percentage of barley on hand at the date imed in the five States, which produced in $73 some 9,500,000 bushels, is placed at 30 10 percent. The rate of consumption, by hich is meant ooth shipments and home snsumption, is the highest in Kansas and se lowest in Wisconsin, being respectively 5 and 60 per cent. The percentage of rye on nd averages 20 0-10 per cent., or a trifle less -a 1 . 1 4:1 onrv . : Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court for Cass Countv Nebraska, and to ine directed, I will, on the 23d. dav of Febru ary. A. !.. 1S74. at 10 o'clock A. M.. of said dav. pi. at the south door of the Court House, in the '-'."city of Plattsmouth. in said County. sell at Pub glMic Auction, the jjroportv described in said onler gel To-wit ; Lot ten (10) in block twenty cjo) in the :city of Plattsmouth. Cass County Nebraska, to Satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by gotK. ti. Dovey, against Phillip Curran. sur M. B. CUTLF.K, Sheriff. Plattsmouth, January 17th, 1874. 4:jw5. Sheriffs Sale. Execution. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass County and State of Nebr.iska : Mary Ann Jeffers against Goo. W. Jeffers. Petition for divorce. The defendant in the above action will take notice that the plaintiff above named will take depositions on the 27th dav of Febrmirv. A. l. I 1S7. at the potoh1re in Olio. Jefferson county, j and territory of Colorado, (said postollleo being cuiicu jenerson.) Oetweeu the hours of ! o clock a. m. and 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, and the taking tf said deposition! wiil be continued from day to day tf necessary until they are all taken. Wheeleh & Si inciicomb. . Atfys for Plaintiff. Psf?. v:-T20i!l!, Vr! , F!i. ? !? 4-3w via it i. my in i eigJanies Lcffel & Co., ) ( vs John A. Latta. an'S. ti. Latta. and ex; Wm. 11. Uoval. i. Notice is hereby given, that I will offer for saie, at I uinio Auction, at the resilience ol r. i. l-iilta, in Itock Bniffs Precinct. Cass county, Nebraskjt, on Tuesday, the loth of February. A. I). 174. at one o'clock r. m. on s:iid day. the fol lowing goods and chattels, to-wit : one crib of com, supposed t contain oiie thousand bush els; one threshing machine; separator and steam wer ; one yoke of oxen ; one horse, levied upon as the property of S. (i. Lat t:i, o.:e of the defendant, by vii :uo of an execu tion in favor of tho said .fames Lcffel & Co., plaintiff, issued by the Clerk of the District Court in and for Cass 'iun:y. Nebraska, and to me directed, as Shohd" oi s-si.i e,nnt v. , M. ii. CUTL.b,..heriE. By Sam. Chapjian Att'y. for PlalhtilT. riatrsmouth, Cass Co.. Nei. Jin. "., 174. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale. Issued out of the District Court; for Chm Ctninty Ncbraskmaud to me directed, I will, on the 2id day of Febru ary, A. V.. 1S74. at 10 o'clock a. m.. of fcald day. utthe south door of tho Court Houit, in the city of Plattsmouth, In said County, cll nt Pub lic Auction, the property deecrliied la s.tid or der, to-wit : Tho east hall (e H) of lot 9lx (C) in block thirty-five (35) In Plattsmouth city, Cass County Nebraska : also at same time ana place lots two (2) three (3) four (4) five (5) six (6) and seven (7) in block one U) in Stiles' addition to Plattsmouth city, in Cass County Nebraska, to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Tootle Faiieigh & Co.. against Francis S. White, Diana White, A. Spiers, L. J. Spiers and others. M. B. CUTLER. . Sheriff. Sam. M. Chapman, Att'y. for PTtff. Plattsmouth, January 17th, 1874. 43w3 D. H. WHEELEK. J. W. BTINCHCOMB. Wheeler & Stlncliconib, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 48-ly Plattsmouth. Nebraska. SAM. M. CHAraK. R. T. MAXVTKLL. Chapman &. Maxwell. ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery. Office In Fitzgerald's Block, Platts mouth, Nebraska. OHO. H. SMITH, R. t:. WIKDHAM, 31 IT 1 1 &, lVIMJIIAM. Successors to Marquett, Smith, & Starblrd, A Homey s at Laic & Real Estate Brokers PLATTSMOUTH, - NKB. Special attention given to Collections, and all matters affecting the litle to Real Estate. Office on 2d floor, over the Post Office. S, BLOOM & GO. K. It. LIVINGSTON. Physician and Surgeon. Tenders his professional services to the eitizens of Cass countv. Residence southeast corner of Oak and Sixth streets ; ollice on Main street, one door west of Lyman's Lumber ard. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. WHEELER & BENNETT Real EstaU and " Taxoaytne Agents. Notaries Public. Fire and ; Life Insurance Agents. Plattsmouth, Neb. Plattsmoutb 31 ills. Ci HEISEL. Proprietor. Have recently ben repaired and placed in thorough running order. IUO.009 Bushels of Wheat wanted imme diately for which the highest market price will be paid. GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING PLANTS. Time and money saved by ordering of me. I have the larsest ami best collection of I lants ver offered lor sale in the West. Catalogues free. Sweet Potato. Cabbage, Tomato, and oth er Plants for sale in their season. Address W. J. I1ESSEK. Plattsmouth. Neb. ABSOLUTE DIVOHCES OBTAINED FROM COURTS of different States for desertion Sit. No publicity required, xu charge until divorce granted. Address, M. HOUSE. Attorney. Hu6 t4 Broadway, N. Y. BROOKS HOUSE, JOHN FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Main Street, between Fifth & Sixth. Hubbard House. IIUUBAliD, - - rnop. Main Street, Weuping Water. GOOD ACCOMODATIONS FOR TRAVELERS. ilmd. NEW DRUG STORE- WKEPINO WATER, KB. POTTER & GAFFNEY, DEALERS IN DRUGS. MEDICINES. TAINTS. OILS. VARNISH. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, NOTIONS, CU1AUS, TOBACCO, AND GLASS. iiProaciiptions carefully prepared. lfitf. J. K. WATTS, DEALER IX Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry. Agent for the sale of the celebrated UNITED STATES.EL.GIN.WAL.THAM and HOWARD WATCHES, ConiKa4th and Silver Sts., ASHLAND, NEB. jpr"Rpiring of all kinds done on Short Notice. 37-yl. Mrs. A. II. KIN EE, WORKER IN HAIR. Braids. Curls, Switches Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work promptly and neatly made by 3IRS. KNEE. Orders left at MRS. KENNEDY'S Millinery Store. On Main St. 1 door east of Clark & Plummcrs. 4.".m.1 OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPrY Relief for Young Men. from the ef fects of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Impediments to marriage re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free in sealed envelopes. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. an Insti tution having a hii:h reputation for honorabl conduct and professional skill. 206111 NEW STYLES. F. L. ELS1ER, Merchant Tailor Is in receipt of the finest and BEST ASSORTMENT USSIMERES. CLOTHS. VESTINGS. SCOTCH GOODS, IRISH FRIESES, &c. Tn fact, the largest and best assortment of Cloths ever brought to this city, which 1 am prepared to make up in the Latest Styles. Call and examine Goods. aprilis. FINE ART GALLERY. Syr-Photocraphs. Ainbrotypes and copies from old pictures, plain or colored, either in ink water or oil. All work neatly executed and war ranted to give satisfaction. Y. Y.LEONARD. Artist. 10-tf Main St., Plattsuiouth, Neb. Nebraska Grocery. under Herald oflice. Luke JVIiskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Try them and be satisfied. nt8-ly. L. GOLDING, Dealer In CLOTHING, FURNISIIINO fiOOI. HATS, CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES. Till NKS, YALISES. CARPET BAGS, &c., &e , &c, &C. One of the oldest and mot Reliable Houses' in Plattsmouth. Main street, between Fourth aud Fifth. rS-UEMEMBER THE PLACE. n?-tf. To Stock Urcetler. The Undersigned nas lately Received a Thoroughbred SHORT-HORN BULL. A HF RN,SH,G GOODS, W ) BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHjfNGf HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises' etc; Main St rct. Second Door East of Court House, - - ... flat turnout h, Notraska.' BRANCH HOUSE-BroKdway, Council Bluffs. Iowa. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Down wo the JPriccs 11 Celebrated HEW YQfcK STmIU Southwest Corner Slain Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ' AND SO' THE PEOPLE THINE WHO BUY 25 3ES. IT r IS ED S Dress Goods,' Prints, Boots and Sliovs, Delaines, Ginli'ainpi J.iown Sheeting, Bleached Cottons, Balmorals, Carpots, Clark's new Thread, Cotto!iYani In the Grocery line we keep the Flxkst mid JJes Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Dried Fruits. Spices, etc., etc. In fact for Your Groceries,' Harlw nio' Queensware, Wooden Ware, Glassware, Yankee Notions, Hats ami Caps, Boots and Sh oea GO TO 23-tf. D. smNASSE t- CO.V. s. - - Q. to to o o B o o ST cr GO CD 3 30 9 3 2 at SB 7 o 0 cr ? o 1 3 I P. CD o 3 3 o s 2 CO o s t td O o o co to HENRY BGECK, o CD I K X tr CO trf i s 5T w H O o S3 53 DEALEK IN Furniture, Lmin;;e, Safes, 1 nblerf, Chairs, Uedtetid,' Ac, Ac, Ae., tc. Of nil descriptions. Metallic Ltrtar Cases. AV00DEX COFFINS. OF A I.I, KIZK8. Ready Made awl sold Chmpfor L'tislt With many thanks fur past patronise I in1t all to call and cxiimine my large stock of Fur-' niture and Coffins. Jan2s NO YOU DONT ! ! Get any Goods cheaper, or a better .article than is kept at the Store of Jas, Clisbee & Co. Dealers In General Merchandise. V'c are in receipt of Fresh Goods every week from the E:tst, whichare bought for Cash, and will be sold in any amount. Grangcrskeep yom eye on vour friend; We will not be undersold by any one. jas. clizre & co! WcejHng "Water July lst,1873. 14-4t. Meat Market! LOW RESERVOIR --.rr'-'-"". : 1,k Suited (0 all Cfeaie ASD FAUGUS FOH REXSO BEST 70 U321 CHEAPEST 70 DUTI! EASIEST 70 SELL I i BETTER COOKING li'V' In'feer rnd Chrnptr "ltin mcf Tt-teoftL cut. famous roit ctvima Mfe.. SatisfactiaEvcrTTricre, ?ri turn 1 1 ATT, THE BUTCIIEK,; Oldest and best established Meat Market in the place. - o HatT Always To bu FouKd Thekk. o Not changing constantly, bi;l tjie Old Reliable Spot, where you can get "vour Steaks, ltoasts,' Game, Fish ami Foul in scnsim. south side of main street. One Dooi: West of Herald Officf, 33-lj'. Plattsmouth, Xeb. ! BARNUM'S HOTEL, Cor Broadway and Twentieth Street, NEW YORK. ON BOTn AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLANS. Complete w ith all modem improvements ; rooms en uUe and single ; private parlors, baths, elevators, &e. l,e.irifii unsurpassed. ;rmS in Mir vci j eejiireni ihsiiioii :ino nri;:iani nm cr ma mam KXCELSIOK MAX'G COML'AXV,- E.t.Dukc&Co. TLATTSMOUTH, NEB. l-ly Will staud at his premises, north of Weeping Water Falls. Terms to suit the times. 4373 S. L. GRAHAM. New York life. In proximity to Churches aud places of Ainiisoim-nt, and Ixinl & Taylor's, Arnold & Constable's and J. & C. Johnston's . 1 T-1 . 1.,..., I - . . . ' j uuinin jiinjrT. i lie iiui.t:i i! uuuer in nisnogeinent of A. S. Ilarnum, formerly of Rar num's Hotel. BaJtimr-ro : I. N. Green, of Day ton, Ohio, and recently of New Y'orij, aad Frue mn n.anmm.of Ibrnimi fl nntei, St. Louis. FARMER'S EXCHANGE, B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE; NEBRASKA: Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Articled S'.idr as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOltAtCO, MOIAHSEP, Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, ifec In f.-.ct, evrnthfrVg iMPiaTIy kept iu a Variety Store, which will be sold on sinaii profits fo CASH. All kinds cf Produce takeu in cxcbumja Iw i.''.KXl3, and the Highest Market Prxw yivan trs Ctzs'i t