Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 04, 1873, Image 2

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TIintSDAY. DEC. 4. 1873.
. Editou.
The Jury for the S.ige case agreed
on a verdict, about 11a. in., the verdict
was Manslaughter One day's impris
onment. Stops 'will be taken for a
pardon. ' '
Senator Hitchcock is for War and
Judge Dundy isn't. It appears that
Spain agrees with Judge Dundy.
Senator Casserly, of California, has
resigned his position as Senator, on ac
count of ill he;0h, and the necessity of
attending to private business.
dedication Exercises
Mnsic find . SpeakingGay Crowds
Ifappj Child ren and Teachers.
Last Saturday; the ?8tli of Novem
ber, witnessed the dedication of the
building that now crowns one of the
hills upon which our city is built, and
which proclaims itself by the inscrip
tion over its portals, as the Platts
mouth High School. . For a year past
our eyes have been directed to the
piles of brick and mortar which we
were told would take shae under
skillful workmen's hands, and form at
last a temple, whero our children
might sit at the feet of their instruct
ors, and learn wisdom and understand
ing. At last the promise Is fulfilled,
and our people may exult over the im
mense acquisition which lias been
made to their city. For if the build
ing, which we may consider typical of
the physical education we should give
a Senator from California. Humors
have it otherwise however. Crave
charges Avere preferred against him
and investigation of the manner of his
election would undoubtedly have been
demanded during this session of Con
gress. Tweed was convicted and sentenced
to twelve years in jail and lo pay a Tine
of twelve thousand seven hundred
and fifty dollars. The St. Louis Globe
thinks it should have been twelve dol
lars line and twelve thousand years in
jail. Later advices say he really is in
very poor health, the trials and scorch
ing he has received having broken down
his physical constitution entirely, and
h Avas reported dying. A still later
dispatch states he has been appointed
Ifosnital Orderly and can attend to
light duties.
Senator Hitchcock seems to have
been very Avarinly welcomed during
rls short stay. Judge Dundy and his
Court gave him a supper in Omaha.
Col. Cropsey and other friends in Lin
coln Aveleomed him with a banquet,
and in Nebraska City they set up some
sort of doings. . We did expect him at
Flattstnouth, but the big guns carried
him off and monopolized his attention
so that little Plattsmouth was obliged
to forego the honor of banqueting a
United States Senator.
Don't care, we've got a new high
school and we banqueted ourselves
Saturday night last, and had a grand
time, and lots of wit and fun at it too.
So Ave did.
Senator Casserly of California, has
resigned o4 he ''ays because his busi
ness and his health Avill not permit i
Lira to fulfill all the arduous duties of j our children, is equalled ly the system
or instruction earned on within its
Avails, the type of the moral and men
tal, our children avi'II enjoy advan
tages hardly excelled anywhere in the
The teachers and scholars
assembled at ten o'clock,. for the' pur
pose of assigning theiri to their several
rooms, and perfecting arrangements by
which they might be ready for their
work on Monday. At one o'clock
began to assemble and soon the build
ing was thronged from basement to
belfry Avith an interested assemblage,
commenting upon the perfect finish,
the many conveniences and the gener
al beauty of the building. At two, all
collected in one of the large rooms in
the first story and the exercises Avere
opened with prayer by the -lie v. Mr.
McKelvey, Avho, in a most fitting man
ner implored the blessing of Almighty
God upon the school, without which, it
could never prosper.
A chorus by a number of young la
dies and gentlemen succeeded, entitled
Dedication Song."
Following this Mayor Livingston an
nounced a few remarks from Mr. Ross,
the principle cf the High School, and
the gentleman in question very happily
gave some practical suggestions, prom
inent among Avhich he enlarged upon
the necessity of parents visiting the
schools. His earnestness in whatever
he said afforded cheering evidence of
Avhat will be done by hiin, in the fu
ture. Song ''Happy Greeting lo All " Miss
Nellie liiack presiding at the organ.
Mr. Marquett Avas then called upon,
and although he protested against our
reporting his speech, Ave cannot refrain
from a few words on the subject. His
compliment to the ladies in regard to
their forming the majority of the au
dience Avas A ery neatly put, and Ave
have no doubt that when the ladies of
Plattsmouth do vote, Mr. Marquett
may successfully run for any office in
their power to give him. He enlarged
upon the value of a school which
should haA-e excluded from its curricu
lum anything tending to bias the mind
of the child either religiously politi
cally, or otherwise, a school essential
ly fre:
A soiig followed ''The Morning
Breaks." Mr. I'os.s informed 113 that
but a short time had been gien for
preparation,' but notwithstanding the
music Avas good.
Prof. Wise, our city, and also our
county, superintendent, then followed
in some most pertinent remarks. He
enlarged upon the zealous efforts of
the previous and present City Council,
in building the High School, and kind
ly admonished his hearers to be charit
able in their judgment of anything
that had been done Avhich they might
consider amiss, in consideration of the
great good Avhich had certainly result
ed from their labors. In getting out
of the ruts of the old system, he said,
there must inevitably be some jolting
and jarring, and the only Avay to over
come them was by the exercise of pa
tience ami forbearance on the part of
both parties.
Mr. Ceo. Smith succeeded him, and
echoed the feeling of all hearts when
he told how proud he was of so hand
some an ornament to our city, and how
Plattsmouth ought to rejoice that
whereas she had heretoiore felt the
lack of proper school privileges for her
children, noAV she had taken a step
which would place her among the forc-
The Omaha Bee heuds one of its col
umns "Impieties," and gives this as a
"specimen of its idea of impiety:
. Two negro Avomen met upon the
street the other day, when the ".ow
ing conversation took place: I ; wo
man "Is you gwine to set up a id the
corpse, to-night V" Second woman
"No, ray husband Avon't let me." First
woman "Pshaw ! I never seed such a
husban' as you is got. lie never wants
to let you see any pleasure..
"the next column is headed "lteli
gious Notes," and contains this:
"There is none of the open commun
ion foolishness" in New Jersey, and
"none of that namby-pamby ism which
is more liberal than loyal." Happy
New York, November 5D;
A special dispatch from Washington
received at a late hour last night, con
tains important information that Spain
has acceded to all our demands arising
out of the seizure of the Yirginius.
These demands were for the liberation
bf the passengers of the Yirginius still
living, release of the vessel, salute the
American flag, and provisions for fam
ilies of the captives executed. The
time for saluting the Hag has been fixed
for next Christmas. To provide for
the contingency of Spain's not being
able to enforce the promised conces
sions, the work of naval construction
is not to be interrupted. Spain, it is
asserted, also agrees to bring to trial
and punishment.the officers Avho caused
the shooting of the captives.
We regret that lack of space pre
vents our giving a fuller report of
the exercises. Much that Avas interest
ing we have been obliged to omit, very
hoAvever, Ave cannot omit some slight"
mention of. It consists of three sto
ries . beside tha basement, and is
crowned with a Mansard roof. A
room in the basement i3 occupied by
the third Avard primary school, under
the care of Miss Hill. Upon the first
floor Ave find two school rooms, Avith
commodious cloak rooms and a recita
tion room between ; the school room on
the right contains the third and fourth
primaries Miss Price teacher and
that on the left the first intermediate,
with Miss Johnson to guide them in
the path of knowledge. Passing from
here into the large, spacious hall in the
front of the building, tAA'0 staircases,
on on either side, afford access to the
second story, the arrangement of which
is the same as the first. Here Ave find
in the school room on the right the
second intermediate Mr. Martindale,
teacher and on the left the first and
second Grammar grades where pre
sides the worthy Principal, Mr. A. E.
Ross, assisted by Miss Morse.
The building from top to bottom is
most tastefully finished. The rooms
are all provided Avith the latest im
provements in school furniture, and the
Avails are lined with blackboards above
the handsome' grained paneling. We
observed with satisfaction that a plen
tiful supply of dumb bells, wands, &c,
for gymnastic tise, had been provided.
We also understand that the organ used
for the opening exercises is to be re
tained, and an effort made to pay for
it by means of an exhibition, or some
thing of tlie kind.
We shall make it a duty to visit the
school from time to time after they get
fairly to Avork and report progress;
which cannot be otherwise than rapid
wiih such conveniences at hand to sup
plement the labor of teachers and
stead of Ciiste'lar may see things In a
different light, and refuse to acknowl
edge the Yirginius as an American ves
sel. Again, Cuba may not bo willing
to give up either the Yirginius or pun
ish the officers Avho caused the shooting
of the captives. In Case of this refusal,
Ave may yet haA'e to take the matter in
our own hands and enforce right and
Very properly our OAvn government
is not reducing the amount of work in
the navy yard, and the Presidents
message will no doubt recommend an
increase of the army.
A WolurolCAL'TION.
On Saturday night last passed off
A'ery pleasantly. His Honor, Mayor
Livingston, presided Avith great eclat
unci dignity. The supper was just
magnificent and the appetite of the
Quests as Sterling Morton says su
pfemc Wit and humor flew about the
hoard. Dick Cashing laid himself out
to be funny, and succeeded admirably.
Ceo. Smith came out strong,. Sam.
Chapman enthusiastically in spite of J most ranks of the cities of the State in
a very sickly appetite for supper and
Professors Wise and ltoss spoke muchly
-m 1 . -aim .
We had hoped and. intended to get
the President's message in time for
tr is Aveek's issue, but, oAving to sick
ness in the office and editorial depart
ment both, it is impossible.
The message states that all our de
mands upon Spain in redress for the
Yirginius outrage haA'e been complied
with as far as the promise of that Gov
ernment can act. MeanAvhile the Pres
ident has authorized the Secretary of
the Navy to put and to keep our Navy
on a Avar footing, until the conditions
are all fulfilled.
The President recommends that Na
tional banks be prohibited from paying
interest on deposits, and the establish
ment of "Clearing HousesV His rea
sons are too long for us to toucli on in
this issue.
Sumner very busy in the Senate.
Speaker Blaine Re-Elected- The Utah
member of the House rejected.
and Avell. Cushing proposed the first
conundrum wii'cb was: In what re
p:i is the Plattsmouth High School
more fortunate than the whole United
that respect. Wo think poor George
has fully expiated his "gra3' hairs" of
fence, so Ave will omit all mention of
that subject.
Mr. Sam. Chapman, although suffer
ing from a severe cold, gave us a few
States'? Decause the United States had j words of happy greeting and ccngratu
only one Lincoln, and it has two. "V .
Among the good things asked Avas :
Why is the Plattsmouth High . School
like a U. S. Senator cf the present day?
13eillsfe it has its Price.
What is the difference between the
City Council and the Plattsmouth
High School building? I because one
has a Citshiii(g) in it and the other
Cap. Paine did this and Cushing re
torted by tusking "why this banquet
Avas unlike niost other banquets? To
which Paine at once replied: "That
nearly all other banquets furnished
Champagne but this banquet had a real
1 -Paine, Yoted good.
Why is Doss Tweed like the First
grammar department of. the High
School? "Answered, by stating that
the Boss is supposed to be filled with
re-morse, Avhile our Grammar depart
ment is filled by the Mouse.
George Smith came in for a good
share of badinage because he alluded
to the gray haired teachers of PJtttts
juouth in his afteTnoon address.
Ifayor Livingston "rrand tip with a
lation, assuring us of his sympathy in
common Avith the rest, in this move
ment. He Avas followed by Mayor Livings
ton, who, although he had modestly
put every one else forward, was not
suffered to remain silent to the.end.
The Mayor took a bold and commenda
ble stand upon the subject of the Bible
in public schools. We do not say com
mendable only because it coincides
with our views, but because we like to
see a man stand up bravely in defense
of Avhat he considers right regardless of
consequences to himself. His remarks
upon the fourfold education of man,
the physcal, moral, mental and spiritu
al, although probably not new to many
of his hearers, are deserving of greater
attention than has heretofore been ac
corded that subject.
ilib inspiring strain of the Battle
Ityriih of the Republic then greeted us,
and aa ith a few most excellent remarks
from ilev. Mr. McKelvey, of which, for
lack of space, Ave must omit further
mention, the exercises Avere closed.
Arrangements had been made for the
handsome little speech in response to presence of several prominent gentle
"the lacih4?-," and we all went home J men from abroad, among whom Ave
full of 'pride; that, we have such a nice j may mention Gen. Morgan, cf the State
High School and such nice folks to cele- j Normal Schoo! but they, unfortunate
r?ate ami enjoy its blessings." j ly were not able to trttertl.-
The cloud of war with Spain, seems
for the present, to have blown over.
Spain, or rather Cast elar, has acceded
to all the requests of our government!
If the present arrangements are' faith
fully carried out, there can be no
cause for war, but as part of our satis
faction consists in their saluting the
flag cf the United States, provided the
Yirgimis is proven to be an American
vessel, such proof to be satisfactory to
the Spanish Authorities, this leaves a
chance in the future for the Avhole mat
ter to be opened up again. This salute
is to be given on ' Christmas day. Be
tween now and tlien, Spain may iiave
a different government." A King-' hi-
I've very often heard ft said,
(And now, I find 'ti true Sir.)
That there are eyes which can't discern
Twixt red, or black, or blue. Sir ;
Twas only yesterday, I met
A man of brilliant mind, Hit,
Who spoke with eloquence sublime.
Put yet, was 'color blind," Sir.
Twas terrible, the shock I felt.
When I observed this fact. Sir ;
And must confess that after that.
Your words an interest lacked, Sir.
How could I listen patiently
To wit or wisdom's play, Sir,
AVlicn thinking that, peigiaps my hair
Had suddenly grown graj , Sir?
Twas strange, that when ttco sunny heads
Were just before your eyes, Sir,
You shouid misdeem those heads as gray
As faithful Fatl'er AVise's, Sir !
If thus your eyes mad pranks do play,
As through the wrtd you go, Sir,
You'll next declare the fiery Sun
A rolling ball of snow, Sir !
AA'hen next you go to make a sjieech, think what you're about. Sir ;
For well you know that "shining lights,"
Like hot to be put out. Sir.
And if you wish to speak of locks.
That crown a neighbor's head. Sir,
Please jog your neighbor's arm and ask.
"Is't black, or gray, or red, Sir?"
I'lattsmoiith, Neb., Nov. 3eth, 1873.
Reported by Cvtlek fe White:
Wheat 80' XT,
Coin Shelld : 2.1
Corn jo
Oats 2(vT.i;5
live tfiwfiiu
Barley atisi)
Reported by Clark & Pia'mmkr.
Eggs ' .To
Butter ;:...:..
Lard lo
Chickens Spring per doz : . 3"0
Potatoes loo
Reported by W.u. Stadlejiax.
Ladles Furs 3.5uTc3fiO
Boots & Shoos 2.2WiO
Hats & Caps 5o7,00
CiiicaoO, IHc. 2.
Flour ." : &W23,rn
AVI i eat 1.0S
Corn 4:,t
Oats aim
Kve GSVi
Hogs 3.701.1.1
Cattle 4,a.v;?.4,sx
Meat Market !
- "N ashington. December 1.
The senate was calied to order at
noon by Yice President "Wilson.
The credentials of Robert Crozier, ap
pointed from Kansas, were read and
he was sworn in.
It was ordered that the Senate meet
at noon, until otherwise ordered.
Mr. Sargent had a telegram read
from his colleague, Casserly, announc
ing his resignation.
Mr. Sumner introduced his civil
rights bill, and a bill to establish equal
rights in the District of Columbia
schools; also a joint resolution propos
ing to amend the constitution of the
United States hy providing for the
election of president by direct vote
and abolishing the office of Yice-Presi-dent,
making the president's term six
years, and him ineligible . for re-election.
Mr. Sumner introduced' bills to auth
orize the issue of compound in
terest notes as a substitute for legal
tenders ; to punish kidnapping, the bill
having special reference to the practice
of Italians forcing children to this
country; and a bill for adjustment of
French spoliation claims.
Among a nuiidxT of bills introduced
Avere the following: IJy Mr. "Wright
of Iowa, a bill changing the time of
holding circuit and district courts in ,
IoAva; a bill to repeal the act of March
1873, increasing salaries of parties
therein named ; the bill is to repeal the
increase of salaries and fix the salaries
as they Ave re before the increase at
once on its passage, except as to the
president, vvho is allowed an increase
during the present tend, but the bill
Avill not revive the franking privilege';
by Mr. Logan of Illinois, a bill to
repeal an .act establishing a uniform
system of bankruptcy; and to establish
a branch mint at Chicago; by Mr.
"Windom, a joint resolution providing
for a constitutional amendment so
United States senators Avould be elect
ed by the people, and several lulls in
structing the finance committee to re
port for relief of the federal situation.
The president submitted the resigna
tion of Chaplain XeAvman: . -
j o
Oldest and best established
Meat Market in the place.
IIatt Alavays to be Fouxi) There.
Not eliangintr constantly. hutthoOId Iteliahle
Spot, where yon can j;etyour Steaks, Boasts,
tJame, Fish and Foul in season.
south side of main street,
One Door West k Herald Office,
35-1 y. Plattsmouth, Xeii.
The special attention o all persons.havmg
Lands or Town Lots forale,
in Cass County, is; called to the fact that
will give prompt attention to the disposition of
all property placed in their hands lor that pur
pose. If you have
Unimproved Lands
for sale they will sell'lt for you, if you want to
purchase they will give you a bargain.
If you have ati
Improved Farm .
you desire to dispose of they will find.Jyoua
customer. If you wish to .buy ene thy . can
supply yoa.
If you have
Property to Rent
they will rent it for you. And will
Pay Taxes for Non-Residents
andfurnish any and.all information as to
Value, Locality, and Prices
of Real Estate.
Those who wish to
Buy, Sell, or Rent,
or disjwse of their property fn any way will do
well to give them a call.
Mew 1 nam S toff
Agsifi-iiQgtt Mm fffanifi(Bo
Times are Hard!
But we arc prepared to oiler our largo and well selected stock at
Panic Prices!
Panic Prices!
oney Scarce!
Panic Prices! Panic Prices!
lileaciicd aiid Unbleached Muslin, 1 yard wide, 10c to 15c.
Best Standard Prints iOc;
Ladies' Furs from 2.50 to .5.00.
All other Dry Goods reduced in proportion.
Ladies Shawls and Cloaks at "Wholesale prices.
A Large Assortment of Merinos, Alpaccits find DeLaincs, Flannel-;, Lindscys, Jeans and Cassimers, at the
ED, SSIices, Mats, and. Gaps at 3s$
Prime Coffee -i pounds for $1.00
. "White Colfee Sugar S pounds for $1.00.
Teas, Syrups, and all other articles in the Grocery line equally chf :ip.
A Large Stock of CrockUry, Lamps and Glassware.
F armors and Citizens of Cass County call and examine our stock of Goods, there is no need to cnd your mon-
ev ii.ast. A bave prices arc strictly cash. fi 15 U WJ a Ci E" IT
h n viht n v st rv l -a v w. tap' ts
E &
I1AFPY Uelief for Yoiiiijr Men. from the ef
fects of Krrois and Abuses in early life. Man
hood restored. Impediments to "mariiaee re
moved. New method of treatment. New and
remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent
free in sealed enveloies.
S011H1 Ninth Street. I'hihNirmhia, la. au Insti
tution haviii!' ahisli reniit:it:')n for houorublt
conduct and professional skill.
MttKi MttK
I nm now prepared to furnish the best una
dulterated milk
To all parties notifying me
KT APJTrn We will piveenercetie men
WA1ULU- and women
Business that will Pay
from 4 to M per . day. can he pursued in vo'itr
own neighborhood, and is strictly honorable.
Particulars free, or samples that will enable vou
to 0 to work at once, will lie sent on receipt of
two three cent stamps. Address
.1. LATHAM & CC.
SZir, 202 Washington St.. l'.oston. Mass.
Get the Best and Cheapest.
AL of the VIENNA
Hcinsr the highest
recompense for ma
terial Kirpcrioi it y. in
Class XV (including
Musical Instrum'uis
ifrom all countries).
.1 warded
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
A. Lazenby & Co.
Corner Main and Sixth Sts.
Mason & Hamlin Cabinet
by the concurrence of the Special Jury, Inter- I
national Jury, and two Siih-.lurics. including '
the most Eminent Artists and Experts fromdif- j
fercnt countries. In comparison with these, t
t Her American Organs were not totind worthy
of any, even an inferior Medal. Prices from
75 to -isoo. For sale or rent by
E. II. EATON. Plattsmouth, Cass Co., Neb., j
V. T. EATON. Crete, Saline Co. Neb. 32m.J '
Good pure Wines, Lhpiors and Cigars whole
sale and retail. Pure lhpiors for amiers use.
All goods sold for cas'ii and at low down prices.
Give us a call. 19yl.
New Bootarid Shoe Firm.
Grain Company.
' Karclicr & Klingbelj
Boot. & Shoe Makers,
Main Street, opposite Platte Valley Hoii.s;
PLATTSMOLTII, - - ' '- N Eli:
FINE CALF SEWED ROO f'3 made to oruer
in good style.
All kinds of men's hoots ami .siloes made and
Prices low ahd woi1 warranted to give satis
faction. O. K ARCHER,
!2-t. F. KLIN OREL.
E. G. DOVEY, Pres't.
j Farmers Lumber Yard.
j Having made arrangements in Chi-
j eapro, and elsewhere, with extensive
V. T "nTTTTR TrociQ 1 balers, Iain prepared to furnish on
j. X. XJUrLj, II oao. ;Short notice all kinds of
Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Articles
such as
Dry Goods,
15ools, Shoes, &c.
In faffs everything usually kept In a Variety
Store, which will be sold on small profits fo'i
CASH. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange
for goods, and the
Highest Market Prices given in Cash
for Grain. 10
And dealer iu a kinds of
Furniture and Chairs,
Main STRfcirr. Nfcst d'obr tb Crooks
rLATTSMOUTli, i - - - xeb.
. tis" Repairing anil Varn:sng neatly done"
F'ifteftiis attended on' sfcort i-'o'.'.i-i. t-U .
F11ED. G 01U) Ell, Buyer.
This Company' will buy gram at th'J highest
market rates at all times.
Scales and office at E. O. Dovey's Store, lower
Main street. FlBttsmouth, Neb. 2;'yl
Get any Goods cheaper, or a better article
than is kept at the Store of
Jas, Clisbee & Co
Dealers la
General Merchandise.
We arc in receipt of Fresh Goods every week
from the East, whichare bought f-r Cash, and
will be sold in any amount.
G rangersjkeep yom eye on
your friend
YVe will not be Undersold by
any one.
' JAS. CLlZUE & C(1.
Weeping Water July 1st, 1873. 144t.
Lumber Doors Sash
Shingles, die,
j Jt a rea.-.onalde rate, i also keen con
stancy on hand a full sussortnient of
Xails, I Inures,
.Locks, iiai'ttwan?,
of all kinds. Those .wishing to build
will please cull and see my stock.
L. BK0JI & CO.
Have re-opened their
Cigar Manufactory
in Plattsmouth once more, and now offer tf
our citizens, and the trade,
at the lowest wholesale and retail prices.
Cult and see them before purchasing e!e
where. JULII S PEPPKItliltUG,
fi-v, Malinger.
"WOODS & flemixg""
Agricultural "
&.C., &c.
Xew Tin-Shop, just Opened
All orders for making or repairing prompt
ly executed.
Goods .Sold Cheap Fok Cash!!
10-tf- Weeping Water, Nebraska.
For nale this fall Ht
2.25 per lOOO
Honey Locust Hedge Plants
For sale at
$4.50 per 1,000.
Also, at low prices, and of superior quality, a
large supply of
Fruit Trees, Small Fruits and
Drnamental Trees,
at Hit
Union Nurseries,
Olonwood, Mills Countv, Iowa. Call and ex
amine my stock before purchasing elsewhere:
L. A. WILLIAMS. Proprietor.
Well knowing the great want of PICTlKES,
have so increased their futilities for the same,
that they are now fully prepared to give satis
fatioh, at the lowest possible figures.
If. B. Wood, Corn, Cent, or CASH,
taken i:i ex Jiang. 24rj.
All taxes become delinquent
on the 1st day of De
cember 1873.
I?y er-peeial Act of Eesislatnre,
All Interest and Penalty taken off
j ly the said Act, if paid on or hefore
I the alicve named day. The .Sheriff oF
Deputy is empowered to collect at once
ii ma pain. v.ome iorwaru ami save
your Interests; Penalty and Costs.
15y Authority of City Treasurer,
Dr. Wm. Wintekstink.
CoiSltAD I1EISEL, - - - jYoprieto
Always on linnd, and for nale at ibwest Cash
tiT-The Highest prices paid for wheat ahd
rin.iou?ar strention given fo Custom work.
" CO
? s
- o
5' cn
9 71 O
r s to
i ?
a. -
rr. W
' ' !
a .