Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 27, 1873, Image 4
J.... mil if J EDUCATIONAL COLUMN- B. S. IlAMSEY Editor. Ojta.n iiilcation3 jt .Educational Topics, I?e port:i ot Educational Meetings, &c. are respect fully solicited for the Educational Column, raid mayb addrcsse l .r Educational Coiuniittce Box 36, Bock Blurts, Nebraska'. - . n. a. kakSey;. Ch'ii Editorial Conimlttoe. TKAIN THE INTELLECT. : One of the most fruitful sources of failure on the part of teachers is a wrong definition of the word education. This Is not without its adequate cause. To tho superficial style of teaching practiced by the mas3 of teachers, add 'the-, materialism of the text boots vich delude the country, and it is not at all ft range that the retailing idea .J of education is a storing away of knowl edge for future use. The teacher teachc fitly iri accordance with the plan of the text book, using only such questions as he may find therein, and requiring the- author's answer verba tim; and if the inquiring niirid cf pc'ipc iiipil chance to rc'timre the why for a certain operation he i3 answered by an array of jaw-breaking words to him :uj unmeaning as ancient hieroglyphics; or, U perhaps snubbed as being "too inquisitive. Xo matter how it is done, , if tho teacher can only sustain a repu tation for profound learning, and itn press the idea on Ida pupils that what he does not know is not "worth know ing. The consequence ithat the cur rent idea of education obtains, among the Sdhclafs, and they become regular book worms ; that is, such of them as do not lose all their energy and inter est in the pursuit of their studies. The derivation of the term educa t ion indicates a different sense from that which is generally given to it. The Latin verb educere, from which it comes, mea.ns to lead forth. Educa tion, therefore, in whatever con nection we use the word, signifies a de velopment, a leading out of power al h!:idy possessed. True, the every day business of life requires knowledge, and this knowledge is indispensable. But the framing and applyingof this knowl tdge nre but the means of developing the mental powers ; and the result is always more important than the means useT for the accomplishment of a given result. ' In arithmetic, therefore, teach gener al princple and let each example be regarded and iised a3 merely an illus tration and means of impressing these principles. And teach practical arith metic. That is, make sure that your pupils not only understand principles, but can app'y them readily in common business transactions. This ability can be tested by frequently laying aside the text book in recitation, and manu facturing examples based upon the principles of the lesson. In gfauimafi strive to show how natural and reasonable the subject is, even to its most minute details, and thus you will overcome existing preju dice, and excite an interest on this sub ject among your pupils. 'In short, whatever you teach, present in a clear, plain manner, throwing your soul into the work, and impressing the school with the idea that study is to the mind what food and exercise are to the b dy means of development anl strength. 1 raining is more im portant than knowledge. Pexxsylvaxicvs. TELEGRAPHIC! Xew York, Nov. 19 The jury in the Tweed case this morning found a verdict of "guilty" on all the counts. The defense took ex ception to any verdict except a general verdict on all eduntsbut the jury were discharged. The telegraphic report, of the death of Thomas Daring, Sr., head of the London house of Baring Bros. & Co., is confirmed by private dispatches to tuauKcn in una ciiy. jsx.s. xxuniy leaves no children and the bulk of his 'great property goes to his nephew, (Edward Baring, a member of the bank ing house, and brother of Lord Xorth brook. " Mr. Hodgson, formerly of iPinley, Hodgson & Co., which firm amalgamated with the Barings in 1889, 1 II "A - - T ' noAv becomes the active business head '.hi the Louse; j 'Washington, Xov. 19. j A Dover (X. IL) dispatch announces .that the Hon. John P. Hale died there Vt 9 o'clock this evening. The l'resittriit commenced writing liis annual message to-day, and has not jreceived an visitors, except Secretary Fish who had a long interview. -The Fos(o.1ice Department has con clude! a partial postal card arrange ment with Germany. I Unusual activity prevails in the (Washiugton navy y did, and in some of thtf tle'parthients overtime is being "Washington, Xov. 21. Dispatches from Madrid td the secretary of state that a niob which .olhcted in front of thd Americrn lega tion was promptly dispersed by government. There is no doubt here in official circles but that the authori ties at Madrid are fully capable of preventing any outbreak. The position if Minister Sickles is very uncomfortable,- but it is not believed violence will be offered. Sickles is hourly in Communication with the state depart ment, and his dispatches indicate the 'xistenca of a very strong feeling vgiirMt the United States. There is gfeat activity at the navy lard's. .'Twenty-six hundred men are V.rii'f foyetf, arid six vessels are prepar kn;j for war. Admiral Porter's torpedo oat is being rapidly prepared for -.eiTice. Working men are engaged An tfce Florida, which has the replita ic-n' of being the fastest vessel ever iuilt, being capable of making eighteen '.nets an hour for six days, without to coal, The steam yacn built for Henry li". Smith, '.Ci erica, i well known stock- operator, nas sn purchased or Chartered by oV- Tnraeat for dispatch boat. I . Xew York. Xov. 2l-. ?T tbo-nn,-I dollars . revrard i. of- I fered for the arrest of Sharkey, the condemned and escaped murderer, Cldcago, Nov. 21. Tho billiard tournament closed this evening Gamier bet Ubassy; score, 400 to 503, in 21 innings. Largest runs tiarhicr 63, 71, 21 ; Ubassy 22, 33, 42. Daly beat J. Dion ; score, 400 to 33G, in 43 innings. Largest runs Daly 49, 41, CI ; Dion 66; 42, 21, Gamier takes the first prize, Ubassy second, C. Dion third, D.ily fourth aiM Joseph Dion fifth. London. Xov. 21. An explosion took place in the col liery at Vfan, to-day, tweenty-five miners being killed and injured. I'arllamcnt reassembles, on the 5th February. fFrum the SpiiagfleJd (Mass.) Eepubllcan. The fashion of wearing wide ruffs is revived, but we tri;3t they Will nbt at tain to the dimensions cf tile ruff of the Llizabethail ygc. The wearer of tbrj riift was then, it is said, in a state c"f ceaseless agony lest its fine inflexi bility should be broken or injured, and its be wired and starched circumference should have a fall. The Elizabethan name drew uack from all who ap proached too near, crying, "Xot so close ; thy breath will draw my ruT! And it was almost a3 ventursome to clasp her in an embrace as to clasp a circu lar saw. The chief utensil for keep ing ruffs dona up was the forking stick or steel, wmcn AUtciycus liau among his warts. By the aid of this forking- stick, heated in the fire, the quills of the rufC were ironed into the exact Symmetry which was the glory of the period. The fashion of wearing ruffs began about 157G, according to Stowe, and, under the fostering hands of scarcn ana iorKing-sticKS, tney were worn to the length of a quarter of a yard. The belles were not the only ones who were adorned with these im- mens snrcingles, for the dandies of that day also assumed the ruff in its largest proportions, as all the portrait of the ancient cavaliers attest. This vast structure was styled in England "the French ruff;" but the French in retaliation, named it the "English mon ster," Queen Elizabeth, whose throat was very wrinkled and yellow with age, wore the broadest and stiffest ruff of any one in Europe, excepting the Queen of Xavarre, and her ruffs were composed of the finest embroideries, enriched with gold and silver threads, and even precious stones were intro duced into them. She employed, as we are told, endless y?rds of cut-work and purple needle-work, lace, and lace of gold and silver, enriched with pearl3. and bugles and spangles, in the fabri cation of her three-ply ruff. But she would not permit any of her subjects to adorn themselves in a similar man ner, and ordered grave citizens to stand at the gates of London, and lay hands on toe wearers or all ruffs beyond a certain width, in order to show her" prerogative to diess more absurdly than any of her subjects. Harper's Publications. Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction." Harper's Bazar. A'ottres of Vie Press. The Ilazar Is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom find in any jour nal : and the journal itself is the orcan of the great world of fashion. IbisUm Traveler. The liazar commends it-self to every member of the household to the children bv its droll and pretty pictures-, to the young ladies by its i.Lsmori piaies in entuess variety, to tne provi dent matron by its patterns for the children's clothe, to iKUcrfctmtltax by its tasteful designs for embroidered slippers and luxurious dressinc gowns. But the reading matter of the liazar is uniformly of great excellence. Thej)aper has iwjiiiuiru wiuc iHjiiuitti ifcv lur lue uirsiue t:il- joyiuent it affords. A'. 1. llrening Post. Unquestionably the best sustained toork of .the kind in the World? Harper's Magazine. Fcticcs of the Press. The ever Increasing circulation of this excel lent monthly proves its continued adaptation to Iiopular desires and needs. Indeed, when we iuiik into now many nomes it penetrates every iiontb. we must consider it as one of the educa- ors as well as entertainers of the public mind. for its vast popularity has been won by no ap ical to srupia preiumces or uepraveu tostes.- liiKsttm Globe. The character which this Matrazine nossesses ior variety, enterprise, anistic weaitn and liter ary culture that has kept pace with, if it has not led the times, should cause Its conductors to regard it with Justifiable complacency. It also entitles tli-m to a great claim uioii the pub iic gratitude. The Magazine has done good and not evil all the days of Its life. Brooklyn Eagle. A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." "T?ie Rest, Cheapest, and most successful Fam ily Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Xoticcs of the Press. Thc'nVrfi?! is the ablest and most powerful! v ilustoated periodical published in this country. ;ts editorials are scholarly and eonvincinz. and carry much weight. lis illustrations of current events are full and fresh, and are prepared by our best designers. With a circulation of l"o, 000, the Weekly is read by at least half a million persons, and its tnfluenee as an organ of opinion ts simplr tremendous; Tile H'eehiy maintains a positive position, and expresses decided views on political and social problems. LtmLsvillc Courier-J ournaL S UBSCRIPTlONSlSli. Terms : Harper's Pazar, one year, IIarjer's Magazine, one year. Harper's Weekly, one year. 54.00 $1.00 54.00 84.00 includes prepayment of U. S. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Weekly, Magazine, and Bazar, to one address for oue year, 910 ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year 7 ; postage payable by the subscriber at the office where received. An extra copy of either the Magzine, Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratis lor every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 each, in one remit tanee; or. Six Copies for without extra copy ; postage payable by the subscriber at the oflice where received. Back numbers can be supplied at any Misc. The six volumes of IIrper Bazar, for the years 1868, '63, '70, Tt, !3, elegantly bound In green morocco cloth, will be seut by express, freight prepaid, for 7 each. A complete set of Harper's Magazine, now comorisins 47 volumes, ia neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for 2.25 per volume. Single volumes by mail, postpaid, $3. Cloth cases, tor binding, 6 cents, by mail, postpaid. The annual Volumes ot Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for 7 eacoi A complete Set. com prising Seventeen" olumes, gent on receipt of cash a5 the rata of $5.25 per volume, freight at expessa of purchaser. 1 Tie postage on Harpers jiagame U 24 cents a year, and on the Weekly and Bazar 20 cents ea'-h, per yerr, which must be paid at the sub- j seriber's post-office. Address . TJAP.FER & B0iTIEP!. 1 New York. I Banner Stables.A cordial invitation. FlttE LIVERY. BUTTERY &LAZENBY Horses & Carriages to Let. Stock Boarded fay the Day Week or Mont Ik Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call and Give us a Trial. Stable on Vine Stjeet. rLATTSMOUTII, - - i . NEB. nstf. AND AT J. H. BUTTERY'S On Main street nearly opposite the HERALD office. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DKCUS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES; &c.i &c. ("Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, day and night. 35-ly. TJUE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST For your Groceries go to F. R. Guthmann Corner Third and Main street, Plattsmouth. He keens On hand a lanre and well selected tock of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SLGAK, SYRUP, BOOTS, SHOES, &c, &c, &c, &c. In connection with the Grocery is a Bakery and Confectionary. tAll kinds of Country Produce bontrht .md sold. Take notice of the sign "EMPIRE DAKERY AND GROCERY." may tot f. McGuire & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign AND Domestic Cigars, cSc, A large and weH selected stock of Bourbon, Rye & Monon gahela Whiskeys Constantly on hand. Our connection with the firm, of RindskoS Bros., Distillers, enables us to sell at the lowest market, rates. Sole Agents For the Celebrated Hungarian 1217 ine IBffss Main Street, PLATtSMOTJTH.- - NEBRASKA. tmuGS Messrs. Thirst A Gasre extend their compli ments to tlifl public, ami invite every one to use Dr. L. Hurst's Anti-Dyspeptic and Liver Pills. For the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. experience hits proved thi to be the, surest, ;itul best Jills ir) nse, for tliea rious Mlliou lise;ises that prpv.iil so extensive ly. IIeadiihe. indigestion, loss of appetite, piddinesM dlmnoNsof sljiht, sleepiness and the whole train of disorders usually termed biilious. will be euid by these pills if taken according to directions l'riee 5 cents. PERSONAL. Dr. Hurst's Vinejrar Congh Cure has been used in private and bospttul practice for many ?-ears, and is pronouneed by all who hare tried t the best remedy ever offered to the public for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthmd; Whoop tUg Coiigh, Croup; and ali diseases of tiie mllnldnarvo!:2ariS. beliu? computed of weU-kiiowd medical herbs, it win strengthen the sjstcin, purify the blood, and fcrresti disease. WANTED! WANTED! WAXTED! A case of Rheumatism. Pain in the Back or I.umhuira. Swollen Joints. Flesh Cuts. Surains and Bruises, Sore Shoulders, Scratches and Fis tula in Horses that cannot be cured bv Hi nt's Tar Liniment. Hurst's Family Medicine for sale by Dr. G. B. Chapman. I'lattsmouth, Neb. : B. CJ. Hoover, Louisville, Neb., and by dealers generally. ;-am. The Best IS THE CHEAPEST! F. J. METTEER Has a lame anJf cood assortment of Farm Ma chinery. lhe Marsh Harvester, a Reaper tnat two men can cut and bind ten ucres perdav, with one man to drive, and the binders can "work in the shade. F. J. ZIETTEER, Slain Street, Comer 6th. Plattsmouth, - - - - NelraSha. THE OLD RELIABLE A Heavv Stock of Goods on Eand. Ho Rents and Interest on Rorrotced Capital to he made off Customers. OLDEST ESTABLISHED IN TIIE CITY. HOUSE North side of Main between Second and Third streets, takes pleasure in announcing to FARMERS AND MECHANICS That he has a lanre and well selected stock of Dry (loods. Groceries. Provisions, as were ever brought to the City of PlatLsiuouth. t$7 It will cost you "nothing to look at them whether you buy or not. l!v examining the prices at the "OLD RELIABLE " you will be able to tell other parties w here you buy the cheapest. 8-tf X Strang STATE AGENT Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The Hailaday Mill has stood Wie test for six teen years, both in the United .States and Eu rope ami is the only one generally adopted by all Principal Railroads and Farmers. Terms Liberal 1. Send for Catalogue and rrice A. L. STRANG. Lincoln, Neb. List 0. F. JOIIXSOX. DEALER IN DRUGS, EIEDJCINES, AXD WALL PAPER. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DEALER IN Books, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. Prescrlrilion i-nrefrillr perienced Druslst. Remember the rtice. fiomr FifHi nnA Welt 6 I... S A NEBRASKA HERALD JOB OFFICE; NEWLY IVcw Press, Xew Type, and New Material Call and sec ournetf All descriptions of work done in the p'rinting We a. r PollJ prepared to do Every Kind and Send in your orders for . LETTER HE ADS, ENVELOPES POSTERS, DOFGEliS, cT-c. Has on hand, one of Clothing and Gents Furnishing and Summer.. t$T" I Invite everybody in want of anything in my line to call at my storei South Side Main, Between Fifth and Sixth Streets. And convince themselves of the fact. I have stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys I also keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. 8-10 Xj. JOHITSOIT, Opposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store. Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ST. XOTJIR, DECKER BROS., G. A. MILLER k CO'S PIANOS. rib <t Jirst-class Wholesiile and Retail Dealer In Strings, Sheet Music and all Kinds of Musical Merchandise Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction Guaranteed. 8-Stf. CHOICE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE tow Ixits can now be bought in Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, aMriees ranging from $25 to $50 and on terms so easy that persons with TIIE SMALLEST INCOME MAY MEET THEM. For those who want town property either to hold for a speculation or to buihl upon, thi3 is a rare chance to get it. These lots are in a delightful location, and are dotted over with a Young1 and Beautiful Which ruld materially to their value. tS Tarlies wishing to purchase or look at these lots, will be shown them, or given any infor mation desired, bv calling 011 E. T. DUKE or L. I). BENNETT. Executors of the Estate of 8. DUKE or D. II. WlIEELER & CO., and BARNES & POLLOCK, Real Estate Agents." For cash the above prices will be discounted ten per cent. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 22d 1872.- BLOOM 8c CO., 0mPk S- BLOOM & CO., pi fr : ' & r ' ' " " i li t j BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises etc. Main Street, Second Door East of Court Ilousaj BRANCH HOrSE-Droadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Down Go 0. Celebrated Southwest Corner Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO BUY - IB EL ST - ' OSS. Dress Goods, Prints, Delaines, Gin 1 1 o m a Urown ' Bleached Cottons, Clark's new Thread, In the Grocery line" wo keep the Finest and Bes ? Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Dried Fruits, Spices, ctc;, etd In fact for Your Groceries, Hardware, Oueonsware, "Wooden ."Ware, Glassware, Yanked Notions, , irats and Caps, Boots and Shoes CO TO 25-tf- FITTED UP. lot of LEGAL PLANES. line. Style of Printing. the largest stocks of Goods for Sprin as a specialty in mv Retail Departments. to which we invite who want eo cd 0,,d I3URDET SMITH'S AM'N AND BOSTON. 0BG A NS. AT Growth of Forest Trees. 1 1 's. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. the Prices ! ! Jioots and Shoes, bheetin":, Balmorals, Carpets. Cotton Yarns fx TTiNAmE & QOCSr S T vmvv LOW RESERVOIR Arc Suited fo all Nmki AND FAMOUS FOB BEING BEST TO USE! ' CHEAPEST TO BUY! I EASIEST TO SELL II I - i)iy44 Tamons fordoing mornl Jf BETTER C00KINQ, Quicker andCbep Ihxa aay Swro ot th ooit. r AMOUS FOB CIVXN3 Satisfaction STeryvfcer 6, Ksnpriallv Adanted K w m TO Till TOTS OF m&TEOUn EXCELSIOR JIAN'G COMPANY, ST. LOUIS, MO. E.T.Duke&Co. PLATTSMOUTH. XEn. 19-ly HENRY BCECK, D KALE It IX Furniture, Lounges. Safes. Tables. Chairs, Itcdsleads, &c, Of all descriptions. Metallic Lena! Cases. WOODEN COFFIXS. OF ALL SIZES. Ready Made andsold Cheap fur Cash. With many thanks for past patronage I invite all to call and examine my large stock of Fur niture and Coffins. jaius ' Ike ad'.rtiars, below refer yvu to th.t 'ubiiifrs c f this paper as rt.jf.idt their t'-Uci iriial'ility, and veften'-rcritintf to h ni, i '.test MenlU'.i y w i.av) their Ad ctr !utf.m''..i in thix f xprr. sri 5 r!CKXPU.t((..tIie Mm .1 i4 'l.iirs i nil liilli.rr 0: th iVfst. 601 I: u; 1 1 m i-.ti b.U, St. I.oair.. JJo., will. n Cr. rn;( IVt-e t!i"ir ar-i:rst f Spir-JIfSMirrniriit. 'Ibixtrstnl C irrIar, nl Price MkI, iili a fnli liii -!'-t.njri-.. enniiiiiiic jih to order t'loth-li:- !irc:-t frr.m tlicir Hons, nlilcii v.iit Ik- ma .'p In lae Utt k'vi?. Mi';;iciI Iijt r-)r-i-n. ' . i Willi t!:t pririii-ffo of ex viiunlbg an.! n-Uiralnj tt tliur expend, no 1 K:it;sr..ctiry. eofff-iiW's.m:rf'iTj'nt ernl fr:-f 1191 3 ui Urur -rs teiioiiril. Fit euamntcril. Bfjynr.d YnuTVsM'ifdklnanpt-rislty. Send U S 0 Iilu t ruled Myit-Hfiii.i Frier. rf titKOX'S PATKST rO.KI!I 4- A TZ s.-r:II. Al.l'll AKKT, Jvirn-lH, liufrs, irunl.H. Xr , &. All lzu, Irotu V 11. ill IrtUT w:ir!s. Wrile lor ut'i Iptive prj"f list, it remit 0:11 y f if or Hie lWfn.'-t. III .IJ IT J I3 I. Ill H inoiilh. I '.'rffftSAtistilltni anttiwl, or lunMfV rftu."ml. Ac!itj Tv-eiie'l. Ait-un-gx II. . iJariiartl &, Cu., 311 Uiivu slrucl. 1st. I.iti, yiK BERKSHIRE KOG Tho iicxt Hoc In rxlsfeure.Si'MiJ fur rirru'nr r.T-! lJri-f I.Kt. K. M'tf ' lxci.Ho. M The Chprrct -i;d Handacmest A (rricuJ lural unl fuii.y Joui-qhI in this country is Ilia Eight t3r.(r. Forty Coiuir.'ia. ouiy 60 Ctii. a ycar.Bia mcT.hi 25 Ct. Oiufc or td fcr I. Aililrrs Kt V.W k 5.1 IT II KM. I'nlin.hrr. 414N. 1'lrdSliwt fir Lm'n, Mo. ' Patent Imnrorcd Sprinir Wmnp. for stamp iii? I.liien and l'jt0 i-IIkt arlii-K'ii. A allver-plitii xlanip of Tim- ftn'sii nnd perfect eon kli u ilou. wllh bolllt; ol best ImlWl- f- Ink 1...l ui.l lk l'ji'l. ami jfrn e AIlmhctrt,,22!rSi ! S-i- threeeiittrc 'nt:io'U iiiarrii noi, luii n-i U M slruetiitns, s-!it pripaHl fur onlvji t 'i'l $160 The bi-s C tiling lor the tirl.-l-ji vj. ever invented .AtrrnlS wanted. J I - LIJj,- I." Li f. liainaidiCo.,3iUlivulrec-t, St. -.Tri ncIos'l in a reat box. if !.o i?. Ml. A L-tnl.iul pair 01 trench ( lironioh. n W l:sn J;.omeh moutitej, anld Trr- B" .rrc fur ?8. S;t prepaid en re- Ji rr:pt or?l, vr ikc fcr either. Jlgrats wanted everj l: ro, who ran Bi&ke pro:i'. i..ntrsi a wohiis 10 the Trade. Hup and Clirimoi,ttbliuli:;jCitS.J street, St. Ljuis, 3!o. &IFT ElTERpniSE The only Reliable Gijt Distribution in the Country I TWENTIETH (JRAND AXNUAK Distribution ! To be ilrawn Thursday, January 1st, 1874 200,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! j ONE GRAND CASH TKIZF OF $20,000 I dKCEOACIiS! ONE GKAND CASH PRIZE OF $10,000 I V (.KIXMI ICKM One Cash Prize .$5,000 in Gretnbcsjis I One Prize, $3,000, in Greenbacks! Six Prizes, $1,000 each, in Greenbacks! Ten Prizes, $500 each, in GrcenbacJis! 2-'0 Gobi and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (in all) worth from $x to sjoo each. Coin Silver Vet Chaini, Solid and Double I'lated SilYerware. Jewell' y. &c. Xwnhcr of (lift, 2.",noo. A"o. of Tickets AGENTS VANTEO to sell tickets, towhoiu Liberal Premiums wiU le paid. Sin gle Tickets S3 Six, S 1 0 Twelce, $20 Twenfy-Fice, $40. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a de scription of tiie rnarmer of drawing, and other information ia rc-itrence to the Distribution, will be fc:it to any one ordering tlieiu. All let ters lim-H bvwidressed to L D. SiXK, W-l'vu-J V. Cfrvif,-:Y': r-y Y GRANDEST SCHEME EVER KNOWN. Fourth Grand Gift Concert fok tiie BrstriT or thk PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY. looo c 4sia t.iri s $1,500,000 Fvery Fifth Tirktt Dralcs a Gift. $2ro,oo7Toii $50. The Fourth ('.rand Gift Concert authorized by special art of the Legislature for the benefit ot the Public Llliraiy of Kentucky, wlil tahe pla e In Public Librai ytllall, at Louisville, Ken tucky, on Wednesday; December 3d, 1873. Only Sixty Thousand Tickets will be soM mil ouc-half ot these are intended for the Kuro pean Atarki t, thus leaviuK only 30.(io for thri I nited States where IikmhiO were dispovoi or for the 1 liird Concert. The tickets are dif Itted into ten coupons or p;irts,aiil have on the back the Scheme with a full explanation of th'j fuodo ol drawing. At this I'oncert, which will be the grandest musical display ever witnessed in this ctmntrvt the unprecedented sum of 81,5 00,000, divided into 12,fioo cash gifts will lie distributed by lot among the ticket holders. '1 lie numbers of the tickets to be drawn from one wheel by blind children and the gills from another. LIST OF GIFTS: ONE GUAM) CASH ( i I FT OXKtiliAMX'ASlI GIFT (INK GUAM) CASH GIFT (INK GKAND CASH GIFT ON K Git A Nil (ASH GIFT . tlKI.OOO . MflM . i",00J . 17,'n0 . lNI.OOO . I'lO.OOll . .V1.000 4(1, (HKI . to.noo . l.'i.lXHI . .'Vl.OOO . .'I'.VjOO . 10 CASH GIFTS l(i,it) H each... M CASH (JIF'IS each... 60 CASH GIFTS W) CASH GIFTS too CASH GIFTS 1W) CASH GIFTS aw cash gifts 3i CASH GIFTS 11.000 CASH GIFTS each. . k each.. 4oo each.. ; e;w h.. '.'!) each . . Km) each. . Ml each.. TOTAL, 12.000 GIFTS, ALL CASH, amounting to $1-10.000 The distribution will be positive whether nil the tickets are sold or not. and the I2,im gifts all paid in pr portion to the tickets sold ail unsold tickets being destroyed as at the First and Second Conceits and not represented in the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS: Whole tickets, gr.0 ; Halves g'.'.i ; Tenths, or each coujion, Eleven hole Ticket for $500 ; IB'; Tickets for ,fKH ; 1 1.1 Whole I lekets fors,oiNi; 221 Whole Tickets for No discount on le: s than .joo worth of Tickets at a time. The iinpnrallclled Kueeess of"tlie Third Gift Concert os weil as the satisfaction given by the First and Second, makes it onlv necessary to announce the Fourth to Insure tiie prompt salo of every ticket,. The Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted in all Its details like the Third, and fuil pailieuhns may be learned from circu lars which wili be sent free from this ofiiee tl all who apply for them. Tickets now rcadv for ftale and an orders ac companied b tiie money promptly filled: Lib eral terms given to those vsho buy" to seli again. THOS. E. DRAM LETT, Agent Public Library, Ivy., and Manager Girt Concert. Public Library lluilding, Jouisvlllc, Kentucky. 2iwl5 JVo Peraoii cnn Jake f licse Hitters ac cording to directions, nnd remain long unwell, provided tin ir bones arc not destroyed iij mine ral poiou or otlier means, mid vital organs wasted beyond the. iinl of repair. I)ylept-la or Iiidlnrt Ion, lleadrielie. Pain ia the MionMer. t'niitfliH, Tl(?lillien ol lire Chest, DizziucMS, S;xir Eruetatioiis of tli! JSto m:irh. Cad i 11.-10 i:i the !onlli, bilious Ailai kx. rnlpitHlioii of the Heart, liiMaiemation ofllio Limits, Pain in the regions of the kidney, und a hundred other painful f.viiiploius, are the oir springs of I lyHpepHla. hie bottle will prove a better irnariintce of Its iiieills I lull a li uglhy advertix'inetit. F.r KriiinleCoinplaiutx, in roiinir or old, married or KiiijiW', al ilie lu u ol m'oiiiuiiIioihI, or the turn of lile, theie Tonh; Kaien 1liHpl.1v m .1eciieri nil iuflii'.iiio that luiprov cmeiit 11 t-oou jiercepiihle. h'or In fla minatory nnd ( liroi'lr. Itlieniiiniiam and Clout, bilious. Kennitent tuid Inleriiulleiit levers, Di.Heimes of the I'.IihmI, Ijver. Khlne.v and liludiler, these ltlner have tn eipial. Sucli 1 (Lseases aro caused ly Vitiated L'lood. Tliey nre n cenlle Piii gnllve its well ns n. Toitie, M.-ies-iiri!r the merit of noting Rt a powerful atretic In relieving t'omreslum or In flammation of lhe Uvcr aud Visx'r.ii Orgmis, and in Itllions Iiseawes. l'or kl licH, Krnptlons, Tetter. Knit niiolim. Iliolehes, Spots, i'iinplrs, l'illille. Rolls, f'urbiinelcs. Kins-worms. Scald llruM, Sere l.'.ves. KrvsiM-l;is, Jtch, S'iirfs. Ittwolnrn tions of the Skin. Humors and I (mease of thn Skin of whatever name or nature, tire liter ally !u up Bil l curried out of Hi -tciu in a short tunc by the use of these Hitters. OrnCefitl TlioiiHniKla procluliil Vinkhai; Kittkrs tin; moc wonderful IiiMyoruut Uiut ever siistainel tii; sinkiiiur Kvstein. II. If. .leltAi.l A. CO. Druggists uud Gen. Agis., Sun I'ruiicisco. Cal eor. of Wie-hiiigln'o :nd ("harllon SIk, N.. SOLD II V AM. ' MlCUCIST.-l i JiKAI.KKS. Manhood; How Lot', How Restored .lust published, a new edition ol Or. Culverweli't Celebrated Etta-oil the radical cure (without medicine) of Si-khmatohhiik or Sei'.siuul Weakness, f)ivoluiil;iry S. inlnal Iyosst-M, Imi-oikn:v. m'i:t ;il and lisi. ;il inca pacity, I iiijx'dinieii to Marriage, etc.; also, CoNs'i MPiniN, Kni.Klfiv, and I-'itm, induced by self iiKliiir-nce or sexual extravagance. ;-l'lice in a sealed envelope, only i cent ". The celebrated aut hor. in tliix admirable, es say. clcHi'ly demonstrates from a thirty year's successful practice, that the alarming eons liienceH of self-iibuse, nciy be radically cured wit!. nut the o'anerons use of internal medicine or tin? upp'.ication of the knife ; IMtinting out the mode ot cure at once simple. certain, and effectual, by nieann of which every ttnilercr. no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply privately and radically. rTfii Lecture should be In the hands of ev very youth and man in the laud. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, pot-pald to any'addie-H, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culver's "Marriage Guide," price M cents. Address the Publisher. ( HAS. .1. t . KLINE. & CO. 17 I'.owerv. Sew lork. . 49-ly Post Oflice Jox. 4... wm t: r-l-r:a. Dollar Mmi h'r. It tt itrihov, anj wtli iriterM tljreii 're H O 'r. o Y H O P E & J o Y H O P C & .1 O Y l,., ji- in, i,i. incluiliiiir ' T aiMi nmnK . nu O D S H O U s E H O L D tVl A C A Z I t)nl." mill wivrs Jiarfiil. ik1 rhiMn-n. li i(t- r-ct li:e iiiiporlam-e el e ur ntf a uiiloti of ieurt olid ,urioc- In hfV. In-lor Ihi're h.ll Ik- a uii.uu ! iiniiiU. Ji l-li K that. hiM: It 1 w.,inn.i n ,rivile! lo purliv and cunifen nnd d-,rti. It idiuulil U- iiiiiii'. i,k--urr lo provide lor, rhri-h. and pr-'ieel. I uifiild li.'ivr c I. if drcn lr a:t-1 a luoliii. iliiiiklntr and Krotn crcanirc pTr-illv ( rca! d.liui not lulltn n. Yet at itJvwaniie ihef li irnif. Ilie Ma iii dm1 e-rt tiiii lnv ducirliiHl rrniuii l"i'H and dr-m T dwjtiUii'toiii w ln li I i ot ln-eit and'!ir do imi pruttl Hip render. in Ilie n.iiirnrv, II would ra li-r jirpai li a tlionuh It frp:i-liH.i iiol an luterxiliiix utory.lor inxtai.'-e, M;liiaiiid-to -rvp Hip puriwe of a Unitf di coun iy Kiviiiv the rt uilcr k,iiic:1im:; real, m tiTPOn and j,ri)fiinl,lp lo ihiiia aiioul. T.ik ituMi a., well ui Ilie U-it li niurr of lhe Mnt' f.i lis iti'-p. TIip W'a ol prliiiif a rculiv tirst.uiM uvaz:iic at one dollar a yi-ar, apcm a'viirfl to niwt people. Yet It employ mini" ol the Ix -t coin rilmiors in Ilie cmiicr; IticindiiiB Hah. Haoltom, II l-atiiiK !.tor, who rceeivea a filorv ol three llioiiiunid doi lnrn. equivalent !o aixut fen dollarn ;er 6y. Kuril inniilr coniaiiia rearl i(tht l.uixli4 dollar' worth of matter, hlch cul lhe MH bcrilx r alxmi eiuht rent. Hope and Joy eo lieantf fully timed era von porrr.titK worth Four lollrr witl ni.'ed frtf toevery nlcrih'r (o lhe Magazine at (I W pe'tnenH tree. Airent" wanted. Addrem i. 8. WOOL ;0., Nentiuvli, V. E Ids aM Joy-Hp asfl Joy H t'oHed "Vlee I'rtaa 1 n..r , t.a Itf OLA I.T III. t OOl 1 11 1 1 IO ,1 1 Of llllxllMM. W9 O P E & J O Y H O P E & J O Y H O P E ft J O cnii rprie wliich mark the am. StnlxxliM Hnrnn J..TTutl. Phda , I'a. A lit title n.m, It in devoted lo lhe fittructhiii and eiilvrtaliifTii-fit nl the lama vi ire !. alio. in order to plate II whti In the ini-aiiH of r-der In moderale tlnnm iuntK in fur nidied at a remarkably low rata lit proportion to the Ijiternt of lit ronienta S. Y.T.itttc ..It laeiweiitially a home, magazine, and w junt the thine 1 1, at one would iimmi de'ire to plar-c in Die handnof hi wife and little onea, or ihat a uian ot 6iMiifi would hiinaeif lake up lor lhe eniplovincul of a leisure hour i'w W ilniimrton, N. O. Were we out ot :r cliiiireiiiiorial, aa "i.rlvate ciown,"' cut off rnmi ourexchanice lfat and all that, one of the ltrit itiatiaziiiea lo whieli we aliould uler.ti O O D 8 H G U 8 C H O L D would Lis Wood a Household. Afyer, Mrv lord, t-t It is an inlellectuaj and moral educator. Iihjlily prtzrd ly all ho Ucoiikj ar Oimillled with IL CMrivtim AHvnmtr. ... If I niiuliir wriiem are. therefore, (rood w-rHer, unit if hih prtre prove Hie im-rit of llirr-try narei. then Mr. Wood' innniie ts a t'"l on-. Thr ImUvnAft, NfW lurk. arU- r.i rle breathe a pint of economy, morality ainl t irtite hicb i hlt-'hlr reinhiiit hi this are of fn-hioiialile lollv ami cxlr-TaL'iiiife.-lioimrf, i:,li i in. Mo. .. It is undouliedly one of the lre-4iit. liveltent journal, we have examined. Kmn), Mprimrfifldi Tenn The artnlea an; nhorl. piouaut. and or aneh nnnuektienexl excellence, Ihai Ihia erllk:al cutthi lo tie ilh tmiiilia. and welisjino In very innny hoLi ho!'!. Wood' 1 a marvel or '!iMpiie. ,rd hr'il-eU' ii'M'Mj fconibiiwd 3fr i rrk 2rnt$. A c A Z I n ' h ( i 1 1 J - r V t t: S V i " : JI