Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 27, 1873, Image 3
r - , a r c THE UE11A I,D. LOCAL XEWS; LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS, . Transient 25 cents a lirV. Regular ndvertiseis rents per line. ?tO aaeiu.-i,?tjtent laSrtcd lor less than 2j ecu is. Lgal advertiscmCntl will be ibaiged to the parties h Hiding t hem 111. COM MUN I CATION A. As our p:iee Is limited, all communications inut be brief and to the point, with no waste of v.crJl. SUP.MCRIB-EKS t Are requested to notify the office if the paper is ; i.-ot delivered promptly. J NEWSPAPER DECISION'S. ' j ' l. Any penum who takes a paper regitlarlv from the ot office, whether directed t IiT-t iame, or whether he Is a subscriber or not is responsible for the pay. , 1. If any person orders lils pap-r dlscontln- ! tied, he must pay al! arrearages, or the publisher t inav continue to send it until, pavmeiit is niatle, I titid eollect the whole nmyniU. whether the pa- j per l.s taken from the oflice or not. j 3. The eonrts have deebled tJiat refusing to ! take !iewpa;KTH and periodicals. from tlie post j office, or lenioving .anil leaving them uncalled for. is prima evidence of l. "stent hi, kiiacd. . NmcKToEvEitvnoiv. AMsubserlberspay- j ing for their paper to lis. and ordering it stopjied ! ;it a certain time, will find it so hlopped ; but ! we cannot be responsible for what has been ilone before our time, nor for orders snposed to be given by others to others. Our books alone mwt !tn tlie rtitili for nil fitil vuliwciititfoiis nease remember this. Call and see D. Sclmasse & Co.'s new goods. llirgains at Hank Streight's. tf. One ,1'iiuio for sale cheap, nt the IIkkalij office. Inquire 24 tf I' Very bjdy buys the Howe Machine. -; 32m3. For a cheaip suit of Clothes, go to Stadelmann's. Try him once. 32t4. I'lattsnioutli r.illiard Hall, opposite the lirooks Hov-eWin. Neville, proprietor. Three i:ooil taides, go-si har and bowling alley, lino . RememlK-r 15en. Hempel's Oyster House on Main street, ricV.t to Done J aii'a Drug store. 30tf Husking ami Buckskin Gloves, alid wool lined mittens cheap at the shot? fct ore of Peter Merges. 34 14 . Mike Mc"uire has a tame crow. Fox left liim there the other day. He J, dks Irish, drinks 'alf-aud-'alf, and can holler Mike as loud as any beggar in the land. Go to the New Coal Yard and get your winter's of Ottttmwa coal. .nly ST a ton. Best caliefK's at 10 cents a yard, at ttiloinon & Nathan's, and everything -!se in proportion, as cheap. 35w4 Go to Dovey's ?;ogs. before you sell your . As it is hog killing time, we give be Jow the difference in live and dressed hogs: V live hog weighing 300 pounds u 3.10 per 190 pounds comes to fltlO.-J"). A live JjMg weighing 300 pounds will dress 2 7 pottnds", and at 4 cents, makes 810.2S, n dili gence of 8 cents in favor f the dressed hog and the lard pajs for killing. "We have been particularly requested to beg some of ' our I'lattsmouth young not to represent themselvn as wild anim Us when they visit Oma-i h;u It makes the Omahas think we I 1- ,1111 aV 1 t - .-.. nvl.-l . tion, down here. NOTICE TU SCHOLARS. All It'.ITlH-t llforIriT .'''! 1 nr luiimr ' transferred from one'gntde to another"; j h.ust be ex imined by the City Super-j lnlendent, and present a Written per- ; m:t from him. 83 w4 A hand-organ perforuier made a pro- j fession il tour f the town this week. ! and give satUfjiction to the jttven'IeS. j Hi.s pieces weie ehieily froui Handel j we i!i ".ui tli ? hia l!e of t'.ij orgaii. See Sjhnasstj's iimtis this week. big Ail. n our col-, . Lost. Last Tuesday, iK'twce.i town an I Win somewhere Snyder's, a eaii-sKiu pocKec pook, contain. ng greenhaos amounting to between fifty and sixty dolars, and a note for fifty dollars: Finder will be. rewarded by returning it t R. D. McNerlin, or to the I'o-tm iter, Plattsinouth. 4-jw3 DENTISTRY; . The accidents by the use of chloro form as an aiiacsthetioi are in propor tion of one in thi;ty tlojiMnd, while by the use of Nitrous Oxide gas the accidents ;ire reduced to o:le ih one hundred thousand. , . . i .... Th? only place in the city of Omaha, or in this part of tlio State, where this gas is ued In dentistry, is at the office f ,. v. ' , : f Dr. Billings, No. 234, Farnham street, Omaha. 34 w3 j Fine Cut Tobacco at lUs Iwt OfTlee Klore. Book I 5tf. The Howe Sewing Machine is the Th.- Cheapest place to Luv boots and J tratisportation problem is hetter pre'S Shoes iii town ; Stadolmam t4. te Tlie best and cheapest Uoo'tS and Slices at the Shoe Store, will never Ih? undersold. 2tf. PkteH Meieuks. CAUTION ToVaUJIEKS. i)on't sell your Pork until you have seen me. p.. CDovey. 33 w3 k vp mivrv .;.3.ul.ij.u These hard times by getting your ?apsrs at low club rates. Address Avltli stamp, ' ;, JAMm "With am, J4m3 - Glendale Cass Co. Neb. Only seven dollars per ton, delivered in any part of the .city: C3ALt COAL! I COAI.1!! Buy tlie juVtl.v ceielr'ated Ottumwa National coal, formerly known its the Gillaspv-'eoal. Office with Dr. John Black, corner Main and Sixth street. ;: II. K. BriiKCx Agent. COLD WIXTEIT. Is eomin ami every Man, Woman and Child, otlght to le provided with good foot gearing, which" tan be cKaicVa of pETEit Mekge.-? the only exclusive Boot and Shoe dealer in Cass Co., who 3X6 warrants satisfaction. 29tf,' Try Dr. Chapman's Sure Cure for Rhtfanrtiisra. IF YOU WANT- STRICTLY PURE JJrugs and Med icines, Perfumer-, Toilet Setts'and Artiole. hkmps, Unislies, Paints, Oils, Varnish, "Window Glass unit Putty, Choice "Wines, and Liquors, Fine Cigars and Tbaccoi Lamps, CX)AL' OIL; Lanterns; Shouider Unices, trusses and SnpKrters, Iniliorted Knives, Ilazors, and Violin Strings, "Writing Paper, "Envelopes. Inks, Tens, Lead" lYncils, SiC, &c, go to Dr. G. 1$. CHAPMAN'S , PRESCRIPTION" I) HUG STORE, Platts iiiouth'. Nehr"c;ka. 3mos3 . c Acute or Chronic Rheumatism permanently cured. Elastic Stockings at Dr. ChapmanVi JJuy the Howe Sewing Machine, J: W. MarthLs sell them. 32m3. In short go to Stadelmann's any tray Hid Sloe what "lit has. Z2ti. i PollV for Sille, J office 1 Inquire of IIekald 24tf. Choice, Live Geese Feathers for sale at $1.00 per 11, by Hexky Uoeck. 32w4. Remember the new butcher shop by the Co'ort House when you want meat. 33m . For your good and cheap foot gear ing go to ari exclusive Shoe Store. -20tf. Petek Mekgas. (Joed woolen over sliirts $1 03 and heavy shirts and draowers for "3 cents at Ilanki Streights. 33m4 , Go to Vivians for Flour, Groceries, Teas and Coffee. 34 w3. Go to Morrison & Ellison's next door to the Court House for your meat. 33m3. I'or gtfed and cheap bocts arid shoes, go to the shoe store of Peter Merges. 34U The H'jwe Sewing Machine took the Prize Medal at the St. Joseph Exposi tion for 1373. . " T'2ni3. I CVmo :iml see the bargains at Soh ! ,,H)n & "tiiaus. They are small, 1 mcniseivcs, out tneir bargains are big. 3-jwI Ben Hempel keeps an oyster house it is on the south side of Main street, almost opposite Dovey's biir store. i I'.n. keens first, m-sfers? m.vr mrav. oystei-s; thirdly, all kinds of oysters; aad lastly and Imally, oysters and other tilings to eat and drink or smoke. I -jsuroy oi nana- jiKHiin. o'Jli A number of our exchanges are making comments" on the Hekalis description of two of oiir lawyers here One paper says its a idiot! cr a '-libelous free translation.' attack," and still i another says w; "do" a court scene up ; in goo I sty I?. Thank you, gentlemen, j the court did itself, herself, himself. Tile Nebraska Fnnn?r comes to us ;i weekly n r.v. a very handsome nuarto. t live c;ilu:n:i ii.c.ier. As it is sitnnos t')bjb?the State p ip?r of the Gran ge ra, an I to represent tlie Farmers' j view of all questions, wo-shall read it with l're mdjttention. Markiei.". At tlie residence of J. r 7i0,v,ui0,- tt t' vii; ai.. ! J. Thomas to Miss Albina Todd. Pi.ATTSMoi'Tii, Neb., Nov. 26, '73. Now Thomas Tliomas mind your eye ; You've got a Tuddt'y) '11 set yon high. Prink slow, old boy, or rise you'll "bust ;" And take this toddy only when yon must. Fox's 1 tst exploit was to ship a dorg, !i blaek dog, a m?aa looking dog, way off on thf prairie here somewhere, and call it a fu'.l bloo le.l black Spanish or Cochin Chin i setter. AV"e are gla I to learn that the Hon. John W. Barnes is rapidly progressing in health and vigor, and we may soon expect to see him on our streets once more, hale and hearty. He has had a tight squeeze to come through". CA LED CONVOCATION. Nebraska Chapter; No. 3, cit next Tuesday evening, December 2d. "Work in the and M. Excellent Masters degrees. By order of t'ao II. P. II. Nkwmax, Sec'y. Go to the New York store for your ('!l';l!l I71!11 lliilf. li-?iJ' viit. .1.1,-,.. ti "V-" ' 1 tisement in another column. . A. Taylor Esq Life Insurance nlan is in town. Says he's on "biz" this ! time sure. IIf:iJE'S WHAT WE WANT. It is seldom that the solution of the xne i-re:r. vant of tlie raiigers i3, when you reduce it to its simplest form of expression, a market a market easy of access. What tliev complain of is really tlie distance of the market, which is equivalent to cost of trans portation. And when they ask the interference of lejjislaf ion to irive thr-nl j mat maiKet, does it never occur to j them that the- encouragement of raami- ! I:ulurcs ac Heirxtn iKhu-s amounts to (the same thing? .They whip we will : sa3', 3::o,000,0o'0 bushels of grain to the j i;b"r-'a ululJ-L uwt of it to Europe. ! r L;U, f?r To et iro. wwl and cot- ton fabrics in return very largelv. J Why, then should they wish to keep ! up that distance between themselves ami tlie manufactures of iron, wool and cotton? Suppose trovernment i able at consult-rable outlay to cheanen 41... .e . . 1 me ui .iiiiioii;iuon ; wnv woukl not that outlay be quite as judiciously expended in encouraging those manu factures here, at home, where" the material is abundant, and the exchange Mould be direct from producers to con sumers, as in cheanenintr but not : 1 : .1. . . : ... v.v.w. ui liiuiis;liiiis or iniip of transportation V" 1 111 1 . . ' (j. ' . Wlien piir peojIe fealize this fact , tlllil lirnp;th- ott iin.,i,, . . inu tatnestlj ?et, their heads to work to co-ODcrate in onrn.r?n,; ,.v, : - fax-tures and buslrfesk here at home and !. not m Chicago 6t Boston Wlierc else, both farmers and frranwpr j will ;.-. tho rt;r.f 1 i-uL 1 - 5 re t3 6 3 Lcok out for Chapman's. Holiday goods at Dr. China "Wine fit Vivian's, sortniciit irt town'. Uest as 34 13 For your Cidthing go Id an exclusive Clothing Store, ftr Boots aiid Shoos; go to an exciussive Shoe Storel . . 20tf. - I'EIEU MkiigIs. Call on J. "W. Mart his and get your wife a first class Sewing Machine". 32m3. "W. II. Pool, wants to see his numerous friends from the country in Petek Merc. is Shoe Store. Strangers will allso lind him indite and accomo dating. 29tf. NEW BUTCH Eli SHOP. Meat!. 3ieat!I 3Ieat.1! Frank Morrhn lias re-opened the Butcher Shop next door to the Court House formerly known as Morrison & Shannon's. The linn is Morrison & Ellison ami Frank hereby cordially invites all his old friends to call and see -him again and get some of those juicy staks, suiloins, and roasts. 33m3. TAKE NOTICE. j. . Aiartnis takes lat cattle or hogs in full, or part payments on Sew ing Machine1?. 33m3 . The best custom work, at the tfloe store. Making and repairing done neatly and with dispatch. - "Warrant satisfaction. Petek Merges. - 34t4 Vivian has and see him. everything to eat Go 34 w 3.' REED BROS. BULLETIN. . Mr. L. F. Reed desires us', fiom Chicago, to announce that Reed Bros, have new goods of all kinds coming all the time, specially a fine assortment of CHRISTMAS TOYS AND PRESENTS, Mr. lieed has been able to buy all goods at the most reasonable prices (owing to tlie panic and shortnes of money East) and will stay in Chicago yet for two weeks iu order to take advantage of the market and buy at lower rates. Meanwhile he will ship g5eds honie dailj-l , Farmers an I Grangers should riot fail to call and see Reed Bro's. stock of goods at once, at Weeping "Water Falls of course vou know. 34in2 Probate. Notice. Notice is hereby given that application has been made lo ine for tiie adoption, by Waller N. Trumbull, of Ella Nora Carpenter a minor eliilfj. tlmiliterof Henry Carpenter, andihat a hcirm ut until iifjtf ir will In li-nl liofrif. tin -it mv nil ice in I'lattsmouth. ("ass Count v. Ne'oras- ! ka, on tlie 2-Jd day of December A. D. 1S7.1, at 2 o'oiocK p. tu. where till parties interested may attend and lie heard. II. E. ELLISON. Probate Judjre. riattsnioulb, Nov. vuth, lsz.i. :$."Av;r WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND DAILY. THE WEEKLY SVN is too widely known to re;p.ire any extruded recommendation : hut tiif rcaMins vliie'i have jdri ady friven it fit' y t!iousant .sal,cnncr.s, and v.uca wdl, we liupe, l-'ive it many thousands more, arc brielly as f l!o".vs : , lt is a first-rate newspaper. All the news of the day will he found in it condensed when un inijMM Unt. at full leiitli when of liiomeut, and always presented in a clear, intelligible, and in tcrevini; iiumner. It is a tirst-raie family paper, full of enter taining and instructive reading of every kind, but cojitaii'ini? nolliin that can offend tneinost uencate and scrupulous taste. It is a first-rate story paper. Thebt st tales and romances of current literature are carefully selected and legibly printed in its p.'gcs. It W a first-rate agricultural paper. Tlie most fresh and instructive article on agricultural topics regularly upKr in this department. . I is an independent political paper, lielong ini: to i" party. and wearing no collar: lt lights for priucijilu and the election of the best men to otlice. It especially devotes its energies to the exposure of tlie great corruptions that now weaken and disgrace our country, and threaten to undermine republican institutions altogether lt has no fear of kn:ives. and asks no favors from tlieif supHirters. ------ it reports tiie I;isnions for the ladies and the markets for the men. especially the cattle mar kets, to which it; pays particular attention. I'iUvtnv. it is trie meanest naner munis led. One a year will secure it for any subscri ber. ItisiKH iiecessarv to pet up a eiub in or der to have the weekly SUN at this rate. Anv one wiio sends single dollar will set t!'e paper for a year. We have no traveling anenta. The II rcfcfj .Sun. Eight pages, flftv-six col umus. Only .jl a year. No discounts from this rate. The Si-mi- !r. M.f Sun. Same sle as the Daily Sun. s-.'a ypar. A discount -of 20 jer cent, to clubs of 10 or over. The Dftiln Sun. A large four-page newspaper of twenty -eight columns. Daily circulation i'ver iz'i.irw. Aiiine news lora cents, subscrip tion price a cents a month, or i a year. To year. clubs of 19 or over, a discount of 20 ier cent Address, ' lilt: HUX,"S Y. city." Mothers. Mother; Mothers. Don t ran top Svrup for Ci rocure Mrs. Winslow's Soottrhg hiiilren Icetliit.g Ibis valuable preparation h;is been nf?'l with NEVEIt FAILING bLLCESS IP TIIOLS ANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves th child frti pain, but Invigorates the stomach ami bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tonC ami eiienrTito the whole .-van-in. ii iu aiso uisiauiiy rciuve (Jitiriyo ix the ItowELs and Wind Colic. "We believe it the be.t and surest reined v in the world, in all cases of Hvsenterv and l"iar rhca in children, whether arising fiom teething or any other cause. Dejiend upon it. mothers, it will give rest yourselves and Relief and IIf.alth to Y'oru Infants, Be sure and call for "MhS. Winslow's Sootiiixg Sykcp." Hiving the fac-simile of "CUUT1S & l'E K1N.S" on the outside wrapped. Sold bydraggists throujuout the world. 19 To Advertisers. All persons who contem plate making contracts with ncwsjuiwrs for the lisertioii of Advertisement should send to Qefl. f$ Howell & go- for a Circular, or inclose 27 cents for. their one nnnt. ueui;ir nuiicreii pag" i iiii:;nim; containing lasts ol 3.000 NewspajxTs and istiniates. showing tho cst of advertising, also manv useful hints to ad vertisers, and some accuiuit M the- exitericnces of inen who are known as successful advertisers. This linn are the proprietors of tli American Ntsii:mcr Advertising Acenci .' iiiiix'rcii n:i". imii-mIiI. 1 ,-,.-r i. t; ..... 3.0o Xewspaix'rs and istiniates. showing tho cost of advertising, also inanv useful hints to ad- vertisers, and some accuiuit'ff the- experiences J'f inen who are kmiwn as succesful advertisers. This linn are the proprietors of the American espaper Aavemsing Ageucj. and are lwssessed of unequalled Ja iIitios for curing the insertion of advertisements in Newspaper! and Periodicals at lowest rates. u1 are assessed of unequalled lacilitios for e .unne tbe insertion of atveniseiiients in all ewspaicri ana I'eriodlca s at lowest rat HBB1U3KA GRAIN CO. to the farmeus. of cass and Launders cofntiks. Pla i T.SMorl a. Oct. 4, 187.: The undersigned;, reiiresertlng tlie Nebraska Grain Compan', takes pleas ure in informing his friends' and thoe who have produce to sell, that they have increased their; facilities for hand ling grain by erecf iri'g Warehouses al Louisville, Ashland, Greenwood, and other 'points, on the 1J. & M. Road, where competent men will be found in charge, having an interest iii the busi ness, who will p:lj .more for "Wheat, Corn, Oats, and IJailcy than a?iy ether firm in Nebraska. - Refers, by permission, to John Fitz gerald, Calvin Parmele, and John 11. Clark. , Office opposite Bank in Jno. D'. Tutt's Store. JOS. A. CONNOR. 28m3. General Manager. special Notices. Business is business, and so are the Cigars at the r. O. Book Store. 5-tf. If you want a cheap set of ladies furs, go to Stadelmann's. 2t4. . Remember the Depot for the Howe Sewing Machine is in Hatt's office on (US Eolith" side of Main St. 32m3. FETCIPE3I IN. Eggs, Butter", Vegetables, chickens, game, fish, waut.ed. at. .this office in exchange for IIekalL) Subscriptions. TO RENT OR SELL. The house of Dr. Rawlins,. . in the south-west part of town, near the resi dence of Mr. Eli Plum m er. For terms, apply on the premises. " 33tf. DEATH is often caused by getting cold and wet feet. It is therefore every bodys duty to provide themselves with the iiet quality of boots and shoes which can be bought for the lowest cash prices at the Shoe Store. Manufactur ing and Repairing done neatly, and with dispatch. 21)tf Peter M erg is. BEN. HEMPEL'S OYSTER HAL'S. .If ypii want a gooit oyster stew go to Ben. Hempel's; if you want a good plate of raw oj'sters, so big as your hand, go to Ben. Hempel's; if you want a square meal, go to Ben. Hem pel's; and if you must have a. good glass of wine, or a cigar to top off with, Ben. has got them. 30tf Tlie Household Panacea and ' Famly I.iniuieiit is tiie best remedy in the world for the following complaints, viz.: Cramps in the Limbs and Stomach, Pain in the ?Loiuacii, ioeis, or oHie, iiiieumaiisin i in all its forms. Bilious Colic, Neu- ! ralgiatCholera, Dysentery, Colds, Fresh j "Wounds, Dnrns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills ! and Fever. ! oi' Internal :iniT Eitern;il I use. . ' It5 'operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause of tle .complaint. It penetrates! ami pervades tlie. vrhoJeYStem, restor- ' ing health v action to till its parts," and quickening the blood. The Household Panacea is purely egetable and all Healing. Prepared by CURTIS & "BROWN. No. 213 Fulton Street, New York. For sale by all druggists. 24wly. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing described Township Maps df Surveys will be transmitted for tiling to the local U. S. Land OfBce at Grand Island, Xebraskar.ori tlie 1st day of January, 174: . . . s Township, Range. Towuship, Kange. No. 22 No. 17 17 IS No. No. IS r. 20 2.1 23 21 All North of tli .3 DaseLme find West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Nebraska. E. E. Cunningham, Surveyor General, Nebraska and Iowa. 34 w3, . . Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing described Township Maps of Surveys will be transmitted for Filing to the local V. S. Land Oillce at Dakotn City, Nebraska, on the 1st (lay df jaii tiarv. 1.8t 1 :. Township, No, 24 . 23. . . 30 31 32 21 2"J :o 31 .12 Kange. No. 17 J7 17 17 17 18 IS is IS 13 Township, liane. No. la 1!) l 10 iii 20 . 20 20 20 20 No. 2 2! 30 ol 32 21 . . 2:i SO ai Ilase Line AH North of the and West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Nebraska. E. E. Cunningham, -Surveyor General, Nebraska "and Iowa. 34W9. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing described Township Maps of Surveys will be transmitted for filing to the local U, S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebraska, on the 1st day of January, 1S74. Townsh ip, No. 18 19 20 17 IS 19 20 2t 17 IS 19 20 21 2"' 17 IS 19 2") VI 2-2 17 14 Vi 2 171 1 19 20 n IS 19 20 17 IS 19 Iiange. No. 21 21 21 22 22 22 zt 2; 2. Si 23 24 2i 24 24 21 24 2- fr 2 " tt 2li 2i5 A. 27 27 27- 2r H 2R Township, No. U IS 19 20 u IS 1H 9 IS 19 IS 19 2D 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 17 18 .19 20 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 Range. No. g 29 29 49 60 M 51 f2 r3 M S3 &4 51 J54 6-- 6.5 55 55 5i M 50 56 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 68 20 2S AlfN"orthct the Base line and West of tlie Sixth Principal Meridian In the State of Nebraska. E. 12. CrXNlNGHAM,' Surveyor General, Nebraska and Iowa. 31v3 1- fvr 1 a;nl o;":i:-i cDr.".;:i' d.v V. OU .-.... fi : :.. .-tii!i-,- l' bv , Vain.iv. j; ". 'ii . M .uWil OCCllpi-i i-iipi i UK'. BloiK . Kiniuire of It. 1:. I.iviNosrox or E. T. lli. KK. 4-tf. PHOTOGRAPHS ! ! CARY & IIVLllER , Weil knowing the great want of PirtU.KES, have so Jnemised their facilitieft for tin, ame, that tliey al-e now fully prepared to cheil!is fuction, at the lowest jKissible figures. . .. . CORNER OF MAIN & 5th STS". R. O. FELLOWS, Operator, if. R. Vc6(?A Corn, Coa7,orCASII, taken in exchange. 24f. Children oltcii look Pale and SIcU fronii no .other -Caufle than having worms in the atoirjicu? BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS ! will destroy "Wo'nns without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injur ious ingredients usually lised in worm preparations, CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 2b" Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists and dealers in .Medicines at Twenty-Five Cents a Box. ?4wly. ' - GAS! GAS!! GAS!!i Nitrous Oxide or Luuliing Gas. For the painless extraction of teeth this is the afest auaesthitic'in use. Dr. A. S. Billing's of Omaha is the only one in that city who has it. 33m3 234 Farnham Street. ' TIalrly Years Experience or an II u i mc. ! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is i the prescription of one of tho best t emale l'hysicians and N urses in the United States, and has been used for thirtx years With never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of One week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of lie stomach, relieves wind colic. regulates the bowels, and gives rest, heal tli and comfort to mother and child. "Ho believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the. World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in Children, wlictlici' It arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accomp any each bottle. None Genuine unless the face-smile of CURTIS & PER KINS is on the outside 'wrapper. Sold I y all Medicine Dealers. 24 w 1 y. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Itegular examinations will be held in my of fice in Plattsinouth on the Friday before the first Saturday of oaeli mouth, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. V. W. WISE, Sup't Public Instruction, 3ivC Cass County, Neb. For Sale. VIG-n ac-es pf '.belonging lo C;Vw County Nchraska l.'itni the Soiith West enaiUT. of Sect icn No. Five (.".) TowiKHIp N""". Eleven ( 11 ) Nrth of liange. No. Thirteen (13) East Of ftxth I'rincipal Meridian, Situated near Eight Mile (rove. I'or Terms of sale see 1-. II. Jamkh ) Timotiit t'l.AKK or -Co. Conir's. M. L. White. ) 33tf Centaur Liniment. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re lieve, no swelling it will not subiUutand no lameness which it will not ure. .-. Tli is is strong language, but it is true. here, tl'.e parts are not gone-, its effects are marvellous. It luus produced more cures of rheumatism, neu- tC'lV'tcr ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, gprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasls, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &e., upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &e., upon animals in one year than have :il other pretended remedies since the "World began. .It !s a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crtitehcs, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It Is no humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur .Liniment, more than 1000 certificates ! of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs. chronie-rlieunn.t 'smi gout, running tumours, &e. have been received. "We will Send a ciicular containing the recipe, &e:, giatis to to any one requesting It. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm In sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. B. Hope & Co., New York. 4G-ly C.vsTOKiA is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which Is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may r'ctL 4c-ly P. 0. BOOK STORE, Keeps a full line of Toys, Books, Bibles, and a great va riety of Chistmas Goods. . Albums, Pocket-Books, Chi na Goods, Initial Paper and Eh 1 1 p3 i Envelopes, Knives, Chromos, Eh CO Perfumery, &c. 1-3 r A good assortment of Holi ng day Presents. H-t A good 1 ine of dent's Fur . .nishing goods cheap. 65 "HANK'S" OLD PLACE. 34w6 Great Sensation. TllP P-PPoViOf , A full and reliable histo if, CCbUCI" iy of this greatest scandal 1 1 1 iTlTl-0 one Knows, with coniprebeu Slve biographical sketches of ail par VV fifirl hull ti,'! interested; aiiounding vuuilUll With incidents, anecdotes and iSnanrml interviews never lefoxe publish h 4. rtl fu" "t'tory of thi. w'tiodhnll I loma." The sketch of Beet-her 1 ronouneed the nest ever written. Witat prou'inent nin and women haw to w? of Tjiv a o this scandal. All about it -C 0T AgeillS written by a well knowo author. Not. offen sive to the most fastdioi!s ; alnt 4oo pages. I'l""'1- THKC.ISEATKSTSCIJJXG liK KVhU Ol FEKlil) CANVAiSSKlUS. Exclusive territory. It is rapidly filling up. You must secure lt now. ISig commission. Hound pros pectus, anva.Hsitix Iwuik ami complete iutfit sent on receipt of Seventy-Five Cents. Circu '.TV.t.?rTU!V.eU":' fref- Address the liEVKKLY V -i A"oa.Hii Ave. and 22d St. Chicago, UHno's. . , iv4. mm FOR Til 2 HERALD. V S0B8 I Get tk-3 Besl ana :i - Hi,'-; TKK Vlll'l Mi:i? M.;r tiit VIENNA l.XI SITION", fj 1 i V i'ii rij;hi. the blliest ' E f onipMis for ina- --.t , J teal Mitwriortrr. tn '; i'laxs XV Inrlmliint -U '1 it'- Musieal Instnmi'nls "J'i V " ' jf froin a!l eonntriesi. P'il'WZ . the bitthestt been awarded Mason & Hamlin Organs, Cabinet by the eonenrrenee of tlie Siieeial .lury. Inlet-ts-Uional .lurv. and two Sno-Jnrie.s. liK-ludinrf trre most Eminent Aitist-s and Expert" fronnlit-f-iMit countries. In eom:ari.son wltli these, otl'er Ameriean Organs were not found worthy of any. even an inferior Medal, l'riei's from 75 to J-r sale or rent by K. H. LA TC'NV riatUmoiUh, Cass Co., Nell., W. T. EATON. Crete. Saline Co. Neb. am3 M A.ND BAILHOAB CR CHALKS PLOvJ. s; ro:i u;:ciiAii:T, Ai-D-::.? XT.H 1:IjCEIX- J y v:o:iN;ji:.iCEii, fczxlh, iinilrii a CO. th'.twAi i m y it: m r. i s 13 T' lrct, s r. r.oz'ia, aio. ja-r joa lecJ ti.i REDUCED IN PRICE! .i THli NEW lJII'KOVED FLORENCE; The lightest iiinniu?, most siinjile. duntlde and most easily operated Shuttle Machine iu the market. Does m-uiv more stvles of work, and has a greater variety of, and better attach ments, tlian uny competitor. The only 3achiue that will usiv in op posite directions. Either Side or Rack Feed, an Desired. It in The Family Seiciny Machine of the day. Send meats. f-r Circulars of Machines and Attacli- Agents wanted evervwher r -. . .11 r.TO X hros. leu. .Agent. ?l Torth rifxli-KteVt, .-'t: Louis Great Inducements Ope'red 'for Cash. 331119 Prospectus, 1874 7th Year. THE Af.DRYE, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, tint versalfy admitted to be the Hand somest Periodical in th e World. A Representative aad Cham pion of American Taste. Not for Sale iii Book. orNews ?tores. Tlie Aldiue, wh'Ic Issued with all the regular ity, has none of the temporary or timely inter est characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and grace ful literature : and a collection of pictures, the rarest specimen of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number af fords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of the Aldine will be most ap preciated after it has been bound up at tiie close of the year. While other publications may claim superior cheapness, as compared with ri vals of a similar cbiss. tlie Aldine is a unique and original conception alone and unupproiieh ed absolutely without competition iji price or character. The possessor of a. complete volume cannot duplicate ihejpianUtv 'f line r?aperand engravings in .any other shape or number of volumes for ten times Its cict ; and then, there are the chromos besides '. Art Department, 1873. The illustrations of the Aldine have won a world-wide reputation, and iu the art centres of Europe it is an adu itt:d fact that its wood cuts are examples of the highest perfection ev erattained. Tlie common prejudice in favor of "sleel plan s." is rapidly yielding to a more ed ucated and disci'imiimiing taste .which recog : nies tlie advantages of superior artistic quality with greater facility of production. The wood cuts of tho Aldine possess all the delicacy and elaborate finish of the most costly steel plate, while they afford a better renderin-jr of the ar tist's original. To fully realize the wonderful work which the Aldine is doing for the .caue-oC art. r. id tun in America, it is ontv Jiedsssar.y- io; counter the cost to tlie people of aliy other. d-eer re pro scntaions of the productions of great paint ers. In addition to designs hy the members of tho National Academy, and other noted American artists, the Aldine will reproduce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success and greatest gen eral interest. Thus the subscriber to the Al dine will, at a trilling cost, enjoy in his own home the pleasure and refining influences of true art. 1 he qiUTierly tinted plates for 1874 will be. by Tnos. Moran and .1. 1). Woodward. Tlie Christinas issue for 1S74 will contain spe cial designs appropriate to tlie season, by our best artists, and will surpass in attractions any of its predecessors. Premiums for. 1874.. Kverv subscriber to the Aldine for the venr ls74will receive a pair of chromos. The origi nal pictures were painted in oil for the publish ers of the Aldine, by Thos. Moran. whose great Colorado picture was purchased by Congress for ten thousand dollars. The subjects were chos en to represent "The East" and "The West " One is a view in the White Mountains, New Hampshire ; the other gives The Cliffs of Green liiver, V yoming Territory. The difference in tne nature of tlie scenes then selves is a pleas ing contract, and affords a good display f tlie artist's scope, and coloring. The. cliroinos are each worked from thirtv distinct rlH'es. and are in Mze(12xlG and apicarante exact lac-similes of the originals. The presentatu u of a worthy example of America's e-rcntesf i.rt. ;, n-.iv.t. er to the subscribers of the Aldine was a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and its successful re-, i nnzaiion is oy tiie following testimo nial, over the signature of Mr. Moran himself. -f . Newark, X.J., Sept. 20, 1873. Messrs JamEs Sctton" & Co. GeiitUmrn:! am delighted with the ptoofs in color of your chromos. They are wonderful ly successful representations by mechanical process of the original paintings. Very respectfully, (Signed.) Thos. Mora?. These chromos are in everV sense Anrcrh:nn. They are by an orbital Ameriean' process, with material of American manufacture, from de signs of American scenery bv an American painter, and presented to subscribers to the Ant Miecesi-ful Ameriean Art Journal. If no better because of all this. theVwtil Jfrtaiu! jossfS.s an interest no foreign production can inspire, and neither are thev anv the worse if by reason of peculiar facilities of production tliey rust the publishers only a trifle, while equal in every ict.j.-.--i inner cnromis mar are sold singly for double the subscription price of the Alc'ine. i eims oi lasic win prize tnese- pictures for themselves not for the price they did or did not cost, and will appreciate the enterprise that renders their distribution possible. If any subscriber should Indicate' a preference for a figure suhlcct, the publisher will send "Thoughts of Home," a, new and beautiful chromo, 14xlo inches, rer'resentiiig a little Ital ian exile .whose speaking eyes betray the long ings of his heart. , - . - . , . '. v Tcrhis: 11 $3 pep annum, in advance, with Oil Chromos free. ;, ' . , I For SO cents extra, the chromo will be sent, mounted, varnished, and prepaid by mail, The Aldine will, hereafter, be obtainable oclv" ny -subscription. There will be no redueedo'c club nUe ; cash for suliscriptions must be s-n1; ta tlie publishers direct, or handed to the btftil C3uvassu without responsibility to the publish ers, except in cas-s where the certilicjkt"" is plr en, bearing the fac-siinilo signature of James Suttoi". & Co. Canvassers vrf riled. Any jwrsoh wishiiigo act- permanently ns a loCM canvasser can receive fui? and prompt in formation by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO.. I'uhlishers. , M MaiSen Lztc, .New Vc:lt . v r . j or . .. .Iii t ilU. Ij '.'Ou t.l.i'U X oX . thiu 1i kept at the Stdie of Sris; Clisbeo & Co. Ienlcrs in J- f tt" General MercHaUdise We are iiTecelpt of Fresh loc.l.i cCiy t e l: from the, v hichtire boi'ght for C:.sti, and willtc old iu any amount. Grang-ciSjO.cp yom eye on your frietnl; "We will not be undersold by any one. i . JAS. CLIZUK Si CO. Weeping; Water July 1st, 1S73. ll-tt. Blacksmith Shop. ciias. xTtiffaxy, MT. PLEASANT, NEB. Begs leave ty inforni tlie farmers of Cass County that he kevops a Rood No. 1 BLACKSMITH , SHOP jne mile north of Mt. Pleasant. All kinds ofj Iron Work attended to. Wagons repaired, Farm .Implements carefully mended. l'o'rrt prices, and all work done on short notice. Grain received in payment, (live me a trial. Ciias. N. Tiki ax y. Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOON. Main street, opposite T.iooks House. Hair Catting', Shaving and Shamp oozing; Esliecial ttttention given to CL'TTINO CHILDltEN'S HA1U. Call and see UOONE, gents and get a l oon in a CLEAN SHAy'f. n4l-ly. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF rLATTSMOUTII, XEIJUASKA, SVCCKKMOU TO Tootle, Hanna & Clark JoilS FlTrofkAI.Pi.i vrcid"!t. Jv:t' It. Clark. Cashier. . C. U.'VAItMT.fcK, Vice I'lesidciit. T. "W. EvanN. .' Ass't Cashier. This Hank Is now open for h'usincs at lllefr new room, corner Main and -.Kth sllects, and are prepared to transact a general Baiikiiis Iiusincss. Stocks, Bonds. Cold, Government and ixical Securities Bought and Sold, Peposits Keceired and interest allowed ,. 0'. time Certiflcates. Drafts drawn, available tn anf part of the United States and in all the principal towns and Cities of Europe. FOR TIIE CELEBRATED Inman Line . - AN1 ALL K IV LINE OF STEAMEItS Tersons wishing to bring out their Iilends from Europe can purchase tickets from us through to riatlsmouth E. T. DUKE & CO. At tbe foot of Man Sttc-Ml "tt holcsale aiid KctaI3 Dealers In Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES, TIN WAKE, IKON, NAIL3, ! , ,t llOEf?, ItAKES. SHOVELS, AXES. Knives a xr5 rOKK3:'&c: Sic. All kinds ot Tinware Manufactured; 43tf St. Louis. & Southeastern Railway. CONSOLIDATED. UNASII VILLE SHORTEST LINE" And Direct Koutc to 2-o.nliriUe, .t Cliattanooya, Relletille, Cent r alia Cairo,, SJiaiaifiebrxn, Emnstille, Meinpnis, Yickshury, Montrornery, Mobile, 7Vrf?f Orleans, Galveston, Atlanta, Macon, Charlestohnn', Savannah: KnoxrilU, Bristol, Lynchburg. Richmond, Norfolk, And all Points South and Southeast. fiOOD REASONS WHY this is the preferred Koute. IT IS THE ONLY LINE running ruilman Palace Drawing Itoom Sleeping t ars through from Kt. Louis to Nashville witboutjbaygc. IT IS THE ONLY LTNff un'dtr oiie mtr.age nient between thesi?- Cifi.t.' - ' , IT IS THE ONLY IXNKliy vlhkh passen gers can savefrmif-co'to "-o miles travel, and from six to twenty-four Jhours lime. IT IS T9. Cil K.T1:.V. from St. Louis to Nashville than tt3 circuitous route via. Louis ville. , . . . . r . : OUR MOTTO : QUICK TIME! GOOD CARE! . CLOSE CONNECTIONS! .J'."'1 Vjrant,,,,!r eaches equipped with the estinghouse Air Urake and the Miller COiinlerand I'Jurfnmi S41" mil In .ill tr.lnu Through Ti li i on sale and itaggage checir ed at all thej.nncipal Ticket Offices iZ the West est JMii ;iti i ii. j , Ask; for tickets via the "Southeastern war." ilail - E. F. WINSLOW.'l Jlauajjer, St. Louis W. B. DAVENPORT. : G3 l Ticket ijett, LznLi. conua!) nr.:si?L. lT(. ;U.. t 1'I.OUR, cul;N Mi.Al.. ri;i:i, Alwal til liHiid, und for ;! lit lnivmt Cmif " )u ici-s. lir-Tl.C Coin. ; r id for Wheat nn .1 rmltcular nltentloinflveti KkCustoiii rr if- ATwATKinr 7ix"ki, on iru ''i-'-Y: MuU:etail Ix-alerslu P i u e k 'j n m tf 'c r LATH, S II NULL'S, 6-4t. t IVobraska Grocery umler IIeuai.u olllce, Liike Miskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS n sjx-clalitv. 1 Try them afid be .satisfied.' nIS-ly.' CO TU Til K Post Office Book Storo' II. J. STKICICH T, Proprietor. For Voor rwks, St ationery, llcturos, Music, i Toys, Confcotloncry ' v. Violin Siring.";, Newspaper, Novels, Song Hooks, tc, 810. 1'OST OFFICE LUILOIXO, ' riattsmoiith, - - . Ncbnwka, 8-tf. Ken. Hem pel's Oystdr. House; Lower Main .Street, rLATTSMOUTH. NMH, Ucn Hcntjl'3 keejis 1'resh Oysten all the season. Hen. llempel furnishes meals a all hums. Ben. Hcmpel has the best Wines. Cigars, ami LI tit ion In the town. Co to Hen. HeVp'e's w hen you want any of the above bl s.sings of life. nctyi , Meal TT3 t2f J Wtui i Tlie special attention of all iersons.having Land or Town Lots lor Sale,' in Cass Coutl'y, is called to the Liet that v SMITH & -WINDHAM will give prompt attention to tlie disposition ! all property placed in their hands for that pur pose. If jou have Unimproved Lands for sale they w 111 Tor yon, if you want t? purchase they will give you a bargain. If you have an - Improved Farm you desire to dispose of they will flnd 'ytu'w customer. If you wish to buy one they .can supply you. If you La' c Property to Rent they will rent lt for you. And vm Pay Taxes for Non-Residents - ; ... . . and furnish ny Mid.a!I I ilrmation as to Value, Locality, and Priced of Real Estate. Those who wish to Buy, Sell, or Rent; ., ... ordisjiose of their rropi ity io any vay ii; well to give them a mil. SiHTH & 'IN JHlAM . . ... . . . PLAITSMOUTH, - - ' - n n