Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 27, 1873, Image 2
- f ! - F II IS II E It A LI). '. tii b iwh A V. NOV. 27 . !T.. J. A. MACMUIU'UV, . .i vEuiToiI - ., . COJ:ICSTOMKNCE FnoiW ait j tu w of ll.t StiUeuiul coumry n-'ipwt-fullj soiiiiu-d for the Ukuauv Aii-icuH.iral lu.ten and short Hrti:!f detailing !anuoi''i xpcrii.iice particularly rttie-ted.. do twt read anonymous Jcttet iincl.cora ni nidation. Tho name and of. the Trlter aro in all c;i;-s indispensable us a guar antee of jruoil falt!l. . .- - m . .TYar makes AVidow.1 Orphans, Crip ples and Dt-bt,.:is well as Colonels, Gcn-eral-V Contracts iind Clory. llemem ler. - . li!e Teciunstli Chi lain man hluj been a getting murrietl, it seems, lie proposes to ttike his hrtppinesa in double measure heieafter. Describing tiie AUen-IIogan fight the Jlissomi BiV.iorrrat talks about "Bill '.Minor," 6i the Omaha Republican, and says "Mat niley," not Tom Riley, was the referee. JJro.- llobbs and IJro. Cummings get along in the Treasurer's office ;!s iiap pily as if they were marrlSU there, to the groat itstdrmi'ri'.ertt of mniiy unini tiated outsiders; If all llioso who are so terribly anx ous for a fight with Cuba or Spain just now, will please step to the front, w hen war comes, and not hang back !n the sutler shops, we can soon settle the Cuba'.! businrrs, or even madam Npain herself. A great many Washington politicians v ant war because it Would dis'ract the attention of the country fiSiri tlie Fi nance and Transportation questions this winter, and give them a chance for more or looser 1-gislatioii on thee sab- Ntnvly :dl tlie State papers are giv ing the Omaha Hi -roll I a lift on the foolish remarks of its editor about (Jov. Furnas and the Masons. Served the Herald right. Its strict 'ires in thi- case were entirely uncalled for and out of place. par- mi .mm.. -j-hjj KCHNASSE! SC11N ASSE! SC1I'ASSE! L Co., Si Co., & Co. Aii: selling on tlie ir stock. If you read the Heiiald you'll find oat all about it. Take Xothsf The Lincoln'Tril and reader ar Ikv. ing i. bout in regard to' the person Who shall extend their tax list this season. The Council appointed Mr. Vedder, the old Clerk, who, it appears, is a defaulter, and Mayor Silver put a stop on that. The reporter of-the St. Louis Demo crat mtf r shamefully false state ment iii regard to Onlaha' gambling, houses, in his report of the Ailen-lto-gan tight. No such scenes as he de scrilK'S can be found in Omaha, and hLj account of the battle, and his conclu sions, I'e at variance with the facts as fdated to u3 by cur own reporter and a dozen other gctd Nebraska men whose word we most certainly shall take in preference to any St. Louis iiew;paper inan. - The lJrownville Advertiser very handsomely notices our Hat-story; and we hereby teiMf i. our thanks; and for the benefit of the Adcertuser and all (th'ers Tnteiested, we declare that our rat story was the true one1, and every gentleman that came in the house af- trrward for a week was appealed to. "hey all decidetl in favor of "Ye "Ed itor," l-xcept (len.. Cunningham, he t-an't say no,- t.i the ladies, you know, so went against us. We shall remember he CJeneral for that, vou t'eef SEIV YOKK. FOinVAR. AVheh the time comes that it is necessary to resort to arms to protect A'uerioan citizens abroad, or to en force the dignity and power of that Hag than which none other looks so bright to our eyes we will be found in tlie fore front of that battle; but we do :;ot mean and we do not think Mie writ proposes to be driven into a war with either Spain or Cuba, at the beck and option of a Ut of Xew York newspaper men, ncr yi t of its gamblers and speculators in Cuban stocks arid bonds. X w Yo k would be immense TV bi'nelittrd by a foreign war. It wo'frld fhrow millions of morlcy into her borders for governmcnf expendi hires. It would feed her hungry, em ploy hr idle," n-ltcvo her merchants, and to' Lor, ni;st glorious set her p.mblers p'litn up on their pins again where they Could speculate in govern ment bonds and Cuban c'hauceS. VCe f the "fTC'St mu-rt lr? t.txed for all thi?, and w ill, no do;:bt, t'c c"a!ed cn for some of tliose haify farmers ana in an. if a? hirers" who have lost their cour:if;-e. you know to help do the righting, ami per consequence we pro po;je to have a say about wli nand how the figlrt rhall be made. We have Jons oitT last fighting to enrich specu lators ahd owners "of sutler Shiis, with . vut jnstfcaiiSeV Iiow Anna DiuMnu lwked' and acteil when she rode itaVfcthe-inn; is told as follows: Tlie' Cannon City Tint' telTs tl b" whole story of Anna Dickinson's ascent of the Kocky mountains after this fashion! "A plain, chwely-fitting cots ige.short s1iirt,"exlenling jit below the knee, tiowsers ,,wide at bottoiM, a fow inches longer, blue stockiugs, with, white ar ow worked from ankle up, low quart ered shoes,' .1 gentleman's Oxford ie, Anna- made a government pack fnule lefl that life had no further Vi-r, for she rode to in the ame"ttvle as. her escort Mercy! und lid she' To bc'certarniV, madam, and none mi vu-i ..-v v " . . .... i- Iler principal esquire seei. !fer in tcelleni humor, :;mt Mid iat c ! iK-tfb Ewuntani.'ii raile uis-tani. f re'w:is beliavinjr very weniuucru, , I ord love u?, ?lie has tlie reputation of ttS twri We scold ; and : a voice ! in.eof.our party on" the lajc cJJ 'I'FIA ! SPAIN ! Alt! i Ihesearc U'o.most prominent i: i lines in neaily all our exchanges. We hear a great deal of talk and see, a great ! 'letil of writing on the fact that bur 1 government has nol already destroyed j Cuba, whipped Spain ami : wiped out Europe generally. Several, very dis-' tinguished( V) foreigners are. writ" n to tlie New York Graphic, and declaring that we are a nation of cowards, inca pable of f col ing disgrace, unknown to public honor, and so on, and the Grapli ic partly endorses such talk, while many editors throughout the country are dishing just such hasfi up to their readers. -Ferhaps these fighting cor respondents and editors will be found at the front when War docs come, per haps not. Front or rear, however, pray allow us, a small, little newspaper out west, to put our oar in. First, this government has but lately enl&rged from a Avar so gigantic iii point of nuinlers engaged, ground fought over, and results to the hurriari race obtain ed that the squabbles of these Euro pean genllci"ien seem but child's play. This war was at home, on ourown soil, drawing the life blood from our inter nal commerce, and laying waste our ag ricultural resources and means of sus taining an army. We were divided among ourselves. In a foreign war, with a united people, uhpi'ecedenlly large crops, nlid no possible chance of our own land being the theatre of war, to clean out either Spain or Cuba, would be simply a breakfast spell. Only cowards bully and bluster and talk about honor and bravery, and all that. A really great government like ours, can afford to wait patiently and calmly, until all the facts are sifted.and if then we find a war necessary, our anxious, our earnest "friends who are freezing for a fig -t, will have a good op portunity, and lieed not worry them selves about the result. When it Is over,' there'll be Ho more Cuban iii Mcul ties. If any of these foreign gentlemen think we have lost diir sense of honor, or are a nation of cowards, just let them go hoihe and coax their own gov ernments to put a finger in this Cuban pie without any business, and we rath er think they would find out about the degenerating process. .. . But here comes the biggest ass in the drove, and we are sorry to say some of our own people are found in that "cor ral." They are afraid that Cfen: Grant i"ont f!jh!( ?) Well new just keep cool and let your hair grow, on that matter. If, in thirtv davs or less. from this; writing, you should see a recruiting of fice open in Plattsmouth and hear the call for volunteers, please don't let us TTml you down in Bock Bluffs woods, hiding, or leaving for some Territory to escape the draft. Xor yet, if you are a n editor, 'le;ise don't set up and howl Uiicdiistitutional, C'a?saris'm Tyranny. Just shoulder your muskets like good little boys, step down to the fi'ont, aiid give those bloody Spaniards one chance at your (seat of) honor any way. Our complications with Spain are nu merous and difficult. They need to be handled with prudence and wisdom. Official communications.documents and evidence take time to prepare and trans mit. As iel, neither government is fully informed of all their rights and equities o'ii all the points in dispute, while foolish, unthinking, reckless and ambitious men iii both governments, are trying to drive on a war for person al and selfish eiMs; "A si' Ilepublican movement is on foot in Spain with Enielio Castelar at its head a true man, a friend of Amer ica hitherto. "Were he to accede at once to the popular clamor of the United States, and offer apologies for Spain, or declare that we could take Cuba, and settle our own difficulties there, be would at once be hurled from port er at home and treated as a traitor to his country by the hot-headed Carl ists of Spain. The extreme radicals.ou the other hand, tl.'c4 red Republicans, hope Castelar will ignore Cuba, allow us to free the slaves there and thus set the old Spanish element crazy with rage and pain, so that they may declare for a J'rce government in Spa.n itself, and appeal to the United States for protection; and a still larger class of persons in Spain would force a war with us from a better and more patri otic motive, viz: That by making a grand war .against a foreign eneni3they would unite their own people and thus conquer a peace, arid some permanent form of government in Spain itself, by and by. Now please think of all these things when you are talking war so glibly and cursing he slow moving aduiinisira tijii. - , - Would you see. our 11: uj insulted? vV.H rnr war friend in holy horror. Not muchwe turned out once, when we thought that was the case, and did our level test, and whenever war is dS dared for a just an I good cause, you wilAtmd the IIekald in the war path, as ready to do and dare, as the best of you. At present, we only desire to call attention to the fact that we are neither Frenchmen nur yet Spaniards. There is no necessity for us to jump F?;mtieaiiy up and down and tear our shirts over every insult like some little pi'tty du.h American Ilpuhlis, and tell all the world how we'll skin our en eaiies alive if they ever do so again. We have a strong, pound government immense wealth, great store of rations, men lying idle,and we have a C'CJmman d:;u at our head, who knows . how to fight.and has never yet shown the white leather in time of trouble and danger, lie is pat'ent, cool, terrible and indexi ble. Hold your horses then, till the race is made; tho heat will be long enough, and the tint? fast enough for all of us, probably, . . Anoldkuly thinks tho GoverrTxnet lionds must be a family of strong re ligious instincts, becaus she hearff of so I'Vir.v of them" beirisr.conVerted.' PUBLIC OPENING OF HIGH SCHOOL. !. ; 'J I,-; public i.3 invited tf attend the ; openii.g :i the.lligii School Building. I Urn Saturday.. next., the SDth hint., at 5f o'clock j yc. I The builoing will be open for inspr-c- ' j tion, and speakers will be provided for i the occasion. Of all the foolish, ungenerous and contradictory nonsense that the oppo sition press have hurled ujon the President and Ma advisers, the latest tirade against the government about Cuban matters, fs the sfilliesti We eel the fullest confidence in 1'iesident Grant, that he win ileither make a rash fool of himself rier jet allow our i flag to be insulted with impunity; yet these same fellows that have been howling Caisaiisui, despotism, arbitra- rf nlilitary interference are now raging mad liecaiise the President does not crder out the whole, military forces of hear oflicially from Spain or anywhere else. One day Grant" is thirsting for military power, the next he is too "cau tious" to govern this country. As an evidence of the utter unrelia bility of tlie telegraph reports often times, we take the following from the columns of the New York Grapliic, of a L.te date ! "The Allen aad Ilogan tight has beon brought to a close by the Government troops of Iowa. Two companies of militia arrived at Council Bluffs this morning from-Des Moines, and cap tiired the excursion train, which isnow iii th"? ii;irids of the United States Mar shal. There are loU 1 cries of put-ui-job, by the sports who have paid $3 each for their excursion tickets.' 'We bet a Council Bluffer sent that telegram. SO.'IE OF THE Til AS 'I NEW YORK PA PERS INDULGE IX. The letter on the "Decay of Nation al Honor" which appears in another column presents a serious indictment against (he American people if the facts therein stated are true. Of course there are1 usually two sidefj to everything, and we are not supposed to know tlie motive which the Admin- i istration may have had for its conduct towards Spain in reference to Cuban difficulties. Still, it is undeniable that the people at large accept the outrages of Spanish volunteers upon American citizens with a coolness which is whol ly unlike the proud sensitiveness of the Americans of the last generation. Can it be possible that the exclusion of Southerners from influence in our na tional councils and tho advent pow er of tlia irfartHfa'cturelo and farmers of tlie North is really the secret of our national reluctance to resent insult ? New York Graphic. Perhaps, Mr. Graphic, you would like to wake the northern "mudsills" up again. We rather think if a war comes with Spain some of these gentlemen who do so much howling about "light," from easy chairs iii New York edito rial room3, will be found there still; while hard-liaiided "manufacturers and farmers" of the North will have the fighting to do. It has ever been thus, when real war came. STATE ITE3IS. A large grey wolf passed close by our office a few days ago, but none of the thousand worthless dogs in town, took any notice of him Look out for !J xet-S' your poultry- Loup City 1 AVe ncdected last week to mention that Mr. L. Barker a brother-in-law of John Dunbar, had arrived from Wau pun, Wisconsin, with a herd of 500 sheep. lie drove them safely through the above State, with this exception r that When camped on the Cast side of the Missouri, seme rascal stole two of his best bucks, one of which w.03 a Cotswold which Mr. Barker valued at S500. lie spent two days looking for j them rjid then gave up the search; his herd is now on Mr. Dunbar's farm just j west of town. Eastern men are beginning to realize ! that the Blue. Valley is exactly adapted to sheep-raising, and in time, more sheep will be kept here, Ave predict, than in any other section of the State. Beatrice Express. What county can beat liiirt in rais ing hogs? Mr. Jesse Spielman.of Arizona,laely sold a Chester white hog, two years old, j that weighed 743 pounds. Trot out jour big hogs, and if we are beaten, we have another big one that aint "quite fat yet. Bin t Co. Pilot. THE MARKETS. IIOMi: MAKKETk Reiorted by Cvt.leii Jv: Wifrfr: Wheat Coin Oats v Rye liariey. .. . . i . . 7iKU 4l Reported by Clark & Tlummer. KTps. Wittier Lard Chickens Spring per doz. . . l'otatocs 30 lo 2'KI 100 Keported by Wm. Stadleman. luidies Furs l'.:idH & S'liies H.:ts ii Cap.; a.rKfi.-. o ; 2,iV:7.rO ! .- 6-7,(0 N EWr Y OR K MA RKKTS. New Yokk, Nov. 12. Money... &5 7 per cent (Jold s i 74 Government..' .'.'. Weak & lower CHICAGO MAKKEB. Chicago, Nov. 12. Flour Wheat Corn Oats lie 15 irley II l'S C.iUle XU5, V i ... . l,('i j ... :i'i i ... -M-i ; CX'UiT, 1.3.1 4.-JiV'M.87 GEfvlrLE, DIRGE & CO., .m AGENTS FOR EUAOFORC'S FOnVA3LE . Ff-ENCH E'JRS MILLS, COLTS, S:.'.UTT?.S..j:J Ti'miLETS farulahcJ, aud tstir.iatea mailc. 13 Soth 2Ia!a Ctrccr," St. Iou". r.-!i.- writ raj. p'e.aa i!iaij in hat pope they rc-" t"-!. aZrcz'.czacnt: The Lincoln .Junto. Tho A. & N. Railroad. VIA LINCOLN, NE3., TO ' Sti JcsepJu TecumseJi, Topel;a, Lcutemccrflh, P ai?nes City, Lawrence, Fall City, White Cfcild. Doniphan, j Kansas City, St. Louis, ; Cincinnati Indiantijxjli) Coaimlms, , .. L , . LouisvlHe, Chattanooga,. Atlanta, Jfobile. :New Orleans And all the Toiuts in the Soitthiveist, &outh diid Southeast. inii rLATTSMouni r-EorLE I5y taking tho express train at Lincoln on the ATCIIISOX A NEBRASKA ' RAILROAD. Upon thvlr arrival at Atchison ( thb Great Ilailrbau Center of the West, fan oMuin, without DELAY On INCONVENIENCE, the very host Kle Car accommodations, auit will reach St. Louis early next inoniii), le jiiK a nmch Cheiqior it!l Shorter route than that via. r:i ilk-.1 uiict imik Track and Koncl bed are in excellent condition. Tlie raCner ac commodation are of tiic best; No Expense Nor Pains! Have Im'Imi fi-arcM to nuike the traveler com I lortaWc. LAYOVER CHECKS. Will he given by tho Conductor to those wish in;; to stop oil at any of tlie many place of in terest on the ATcnrsoN to Nebraska r. r. Without inclining any additional expense. Thus ;iffordiii;r Travelers unsurpassed ..facilities for visiting the l'aradi.-.e of all tlarden.-s;; ,:Tlie Great Nemaha Valley." W. F. "WHITE, Gneml 1'as.sejivx Aja-nt. AteJwSon. Kansas. Meat Market! 1 1 ATT $ THE BUTCI1EH. j Oldest, anil hst, pstahlishpfl j Meat Market in the plca . . , o 1 Hatt Always to be Forxi) Tiikkk. -Or Not cli:in;iiii3 constantly, luit t -if Cil Hi-UaMe Sot, wht'ru vim ran ttt't your Steals, lioaSis I GaiiK', Fish anil Foul in srasnn. J o noi;t.ii pjiu: of main street, 0:;e Duo it West of IIkuald Ofkick, 83-1 y. I'LATTSMofTii, Nets; THE GENUINt UTTS1 -THRESHERS MO K-OiE POWERS. out any livcif fv .capacity cr duality 6f y-oik, ar3 ciiorsci tD covers ia.s yen? v:t:i e&vrrel mcro convenient delivery. Psr tioG in MiccTiri. ircrsr-s, Uovtth crn Illiiio'a, Toxrta ttd tho Ter ritoriio -will ccrrecpoid vitla Semplo, Birgo Cj v'0., 13 SOUTH UfAM STREET. ST. L0U13 . Fle-e mrrt'ca hj T7bat priyor yea r-3d Ulia uiivsriiseatT.:. Burdick's National HAY & FEED GUTTER, Will Cat more, In m given tlm, with leM power, than u; Cutter In tho market. A bar of iron may b run into this machine when in fall motion, anil we will warrant nothing worse to occur than a mall dent In the knife. Eecoromended by the Street Hallway eompnlea of fit. Louia and LonUvT.le. For descripiiou and prices addreSa . - - V VU., O - - dwaauMW OyV . elatiea in Hardware, 13 Sonth Slain &U, St. Ionim. LirPieaae mentiun In what paper yon readthiib Moie Island HORSE & MULE SHOES. The only forged shoo fca the maike.t, lira wn out by - baniraeriug a b- baud,, aud eiiual in hArdueM to banu mado ehur. rovtiiw. Black .miths ahont itiA Mm as Horse Shoe Iron In ths bar, used in the KttM is preference lo all othn brand, and now nwd h I. oat of the pinmiaent cttoera in ft. I.ouia au t liicaco. , Particular attention called to tho "Wnow" Pboa tor Trotting Horses. We arca!!io Afienta fof the National FTnlnheil lorKe Nailn. fiamplea sent to parties apply' tnx- wbo will please mention the paper in ruco bey read this adrerUaemeut. Semple, Birg & Co.,- GENERJL AGENTS, 8 SOUTH MA, V ST.; ST. LOU'S- O -. -?::.,--rv;-'i.-iv niseed on i,p-n3icaLion, ktoc-. will ba heiX in S Lovda for ! I i t-A ;-".l rj ?1 Times are Hard ! Money 13iit v,e arc prepared to offer our large and well selected stock at Panic Prices! lileached and Unbleached Muslin, 1 yard wide, 10c to 15p4 Best Standard Prints 10c. Ladies' Furs from 2.50 to .5.00. All other Dry Goods reduced iii proportion. Ladies Shawls and (Jloaks at "Wholesale prices; A LUrge Assortment of Merinos, Alpaccas and DcLaincs, Flannels, Lindseys, Jeans and CUssiiiierfs, aft I in Lowest EASTERX PKICES. Btfofts, Ss;s? Hats, asadL CUps at Cost Prime Colfee -1 pounds for 1.00 "White Colfee Sugar 8 pounds for 1.00. !?as, Syrups, and all other articles ill the Grocery line equally cheap. A Large Stock of Crockery, Lamps and Glassware. Farmers and Citizens of Cass Count' call find examine our stock of Goods, there is no nc.-tl to send your mon- ! e East. Above prices are I j OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. IIAVI'V Itc'icf fcr Vi.iui j ?.!cn. from tho cf j pn'i trrvr and Anises hi v-utiy nre. niovi'il. v niPtttoil of treatment. New ami isri1 reinarkiivIeTi'isieJics.. I5iMKS and Circulars si-'iit ffec in. st;tlcl wiH'!(i!.cs. AduiesH. HOWAliO . ASSOCIATION, No. 2 SinitH Ninth Street, Ilii);iil plii.-i. l'a. an Insti tutiuii having a hifrli reimtiion lor hunoralik fondiiet anil infcsiional LD inn mtK I am now prepared to furnish the best un;i 'lulterated miiU TWICE EVEUY PAY To all jiarties notifying me PETEK GOOS. WANTED We will jiive energetic men anil wnnien - Business that will Pay from 54 to per i!;iy, can lie ji'irsneit in your own nei'.'liiiniTuioiJ, Jiiiil !s..s-.iii il;r Imnorili'.e. I'artii:ni:trs free, cr w'auiiiv liat will cnalile yon iii iz to wrrU-at onee, will lie sent on nveiit of two three eent stanip.. ' Address J. LATHAM & CC. a2l.i 2:0 AVasliinjiton St., Hoston, Mass. FAIiMElfS EXCHANGE. B. a. HOOVER, i LOUISVILLE, NEBRASK. Keeps constantly on hand aH Stnnle Articles sueli as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, JIOLASSES Dry Goods, JBools, Shoes, &c. In fact, eventliins usually Uept in n-nrieiy Store, which" will lie sold on mii;i!I iirofils foi t'ASIL All kinds ol Produce taken in exchange for roods, and tiie Highest Market Prices given in Cash fr Gram. i j lit f HOS. ffl gHRYOCK. CABINET MAKER ANI UNDERTAKER, & .JCcVr AliU dealer in a kinds of Furniture and Chairs; Main Strkf.t, Te:;t door tb Crooks House. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - KEB. i r-w- nepairinc r,n Vanil-hin neatly dne' i, ruutra's art'.-nfcl .'u iiiot. dcui. S-tl I zzr-'t 3 ji j T1 TTT O mill Panic Prices! W .MM 1L-JI strictly cash. ' PHILADELPHIA SlGRE. SOLOMON & NATHAK DEALERS IN Fancj.Dry Goods, Notioiis, Ladies Furnishing Goods Cheapest, finest, and Assorted Stock in the City. Which we are prepared to fell cheaper than they e.-.n lie purciiiwed elsewhere Give us a call :ud examine our jjoods. I rS'-Klore on M-in street, between 4th and 5th t strtfUs, riait.sinoiith Nebraska. ltf. PLATTSMOUTH Grain Company. B. G. D0VBY, Pres't. E. T. DUKE, Treas. TRVI firTMlFl? Tcil-V'nv - i7iiiiij M-rxmj m This Company VIII l'iiy p'-airt at the highest market rates at all timci. Scales and office at E. G. Povey's Store, lower Main street. Pluttsmouth, Ntl. 2fyl CALL AT Dick Str eight's Livery, Peetl & Sale StableS, ct a musonable rate, j ais kwppon J 1 ; Plant ly on hand a full a-worlinent of Coruer Ptii s.iu! Tearl sti. NEB. ; ! PLATTSMOUTH, Horses Boarded by the Day, Week or Month. I HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD, OR TRA DED, FOR A FAIR C03I iilSSLON. LIVERY AT ALLTnlEK. Fsrticular Attention Paid lo j Driving and - Training-:: : Tmt.ti n ar St I h z' f Tv. S. r rv7 THE 'w f ' 7 I . I -Urn Mr$MMLQo , HNASS j Wines,' Liquors and Cigars. A. Lazenby & Co. Corner Main and Sixth Sts. rLATT.SMOl'TH, NED; Oood jiure Wines. f.iiirt:1 :'.ni ('j.'ars w jioic sale arid retail. Pure liquoi's for afniVis use. All troiuls sold for cash and at low down' j.n lees. Give ns a call. 1V1. New Dooiand Shoe Firm. Karclier & Klifigljcl, Boot & Shoo Makers, Main Street, opposite Rlatte Valley House, rLvrrsMocni, NEtf: I'TNE CALF SEWrD HOOTS made to order in good style. AH kinds of men's !,oot.' aiifl mIiocs made anl repaired. l'rices low and work warranfe'i to Live sati.s faciion. tl. h A KCH l"IJ, 12-. K KLlNGliK' i BARNUM'8 HOTEL, Cor Broad fray and Twentieth Street; j NEW YORK. ON LOTH AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLANS. Complete ' with all. modern improvements ' rooms in xuile. and simrle : trlv:t linrlnrx- liatlis. elevators. &c. ix-.itiin unsurpassed, i lieinjr in. the r-ry centre of fashion anil l.iiiiiant r apw lorslilc. In pro.Mimty to ( liiirclu-s and lncf:f. of Amusement, and Uird & Taylor's. Arnold & Constable's and .1. .i C. .loluistoii's i i try i;i:s jialai'es. 'i'lie hotel is under (lie iiuiutii linn i hi jy. ii.ii iiiini, mi ;iii-i i hi i ar ! n i . - j . . . . ,ll-.t1.lir..1..M, LJ 1 f I.. . , - limn iimt'i, i.iii mi i t ; i. . iri'i'ii, or way ton. f!iio. nd recently of NVw York, and, Free man Mariiuin.of Uarnum'.s Hotel. St. I-ouis. 21-tf. Farmers Lumber Yard. j Ilaviliar Irf'ide niTiincrempnts ill CJii- I cajro, ind dsevliere, with . extosisive dealers, I am .jiiTjiaivd to furnish on short litttifti all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash j Shingles; &e., . Iocks. IlanKvare, of all kinds. Those wishing to Iniild vi!l please call and pee my stock; K. NO YES, ' LOUISVILLE, NEII. -Machine Shop. lTayman Curtis, PLATTSMOUTH, NED.. Itf-pairors of h'ttasa Enfnp, Hoilr, Saw and 'irist Mill. . i. ami StfainvJ-'jltiu!-'.-. ,A' 'Jih t Iron Jtjx', I-"ir- Htl Lift Pti'itp!'. t- a-.j. .'!ai.-s, Saft ty Valve tiovfriior, and all kil'N of Brass Engind8 Fitting-5 Fuillislii-d .ft -sii'il t U'ltli ''. "r Farming liTacliiiiery " V....' rt.i- 4 ft U f carcel -5 1 ! Panic Prices! ffdpa V n O.M FIRM KEVIVEJ' ii. mum k co. Have re-njieiieii ttn-ir Cigar Iuttnufactory in I'l.i'.t.sinoiil :i care mon our ci!ie:iK, and the trade,' Hid now oflt-r ti CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c, at the lowest wholesale and retail prices. Call and see them In-fore, jun li:ir;i?i else where. JULIUS PEITERHERG, 2fiyl Manager. " Voods cj fli:m j xg, IiK.VI.KH I.V Hardware. Tin-ware, Pumps. Agricultural .. , Iini'lini"".i? lion, Na!!, &c., fee. . WTOvES. ()Y ALL KINDS, EOR SALE. , Xew Tin-Slioj), just Opened Ail orders for making or repairing promt ly executed. fJoons Solp Cheap Foi: Cash!! lo-f. Weeping Water, Nehtaska. 6s aTjTk i i EDGE"" 1 LAN IS I'orsalc this fall at C3ai Honey Locust Iledgo Plants' For sale at $4.50 per 1,000. Al.-io, at low juices, and of .suncnor finality, a large supply of Friiit Trees, Small Fruits and Ornamental Trees, at the Union Nurseries, .-m a fi't- r'i.nnv T.u-i '-ill on.I V. ! aiii'iie my sUic!: Iicfore piircliasius elsi-wlji-rc. L. A. WILLIAMS. I'roprietor. I A- u E '& CO 5 3 . I 3 I r g CO P ?- CD 7T L2 o 5 i B c w o 3" c q 3. s ri t" 5 CO 7L O ' c r ts5 so s r to K ! Is Z K' " 5- H y-3 ft' .'1iN t v I '4. . t s -