Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 20, 1873, Image 4
Educational column. J. S. tiAMSEV . A : . ; Editor. CeniiBunleatioirs on Kilurniionul Toples, Kc ports of Educational Mec tiaus, Sc., are respect fully solicited for the Kdtteatlonal Column, and maybe addressed to LdtteailoVal Committee Dos so, lcock Muffs,' Nebraska. l 8. RAMSKY,. Ch'n Kditorlal Committees THE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. The Educatiorf-ii Association of Cass ceunty was organized about a year ago, but from some cause or causes there has been no meeting since the one held at Mt. Pleasant in March last. Now that the winter terra of school in the different districts is either begun or will soon begin, would it not be well to revive this organization? There is certainly ability enoiigh among the teachers of Cass county to sustain an organization of this kind, and the ben frts accruing therefrotii would be great indeed. "We should be glad to hear from (eaehei'3 and friends of education on this subject, and trust that at an early day wc may have regular meetings of this organization. "We received a pleasant call from Mr. Mereness, of Iowa. He is teaching in the Hull district, and is one of the best teachers in Cass county. May he live to "teach the young idea how to shoot." AVm. J, fwearirtgen, of leaver coun ty, 1'crihsylvania, one of the most suc cessful teachers of the old "Keystone," commenced school at Louisville, on Monday, November 10th: Iiouisville is fortunate in securing the services of Mr. S. THE EDUCATIONAL REI'OIiTEK. VTc are in receipt of this journal for Seilem1cr and find it overflowing with fcducational news. Tho Edwational Reporter a publish ed periodically, or three times a year in January, May and September, by Messrs. I vison, Elakeman, Taylor & Co., educational publishers in Chicago and New York. The Reporter is devoted to the dissemination of educational in tell3g.nce. Amen? the many interesting and in structive educational reports from the different SttC.? found in tho Septem ber No., we ciip the following relative to our State Normal School: Nebraska, guided by tho experience o the older and inost progressive States, at the outset, in the organiza tion of her educational system, wisely hiade provision for a State Normal School. This school was established binder very favorable auspices, and has been crrried forward in the face of many difficulties. Happily, many of these hindrances have now been re moved, and the future prospects of this institution are very cheering. The new building will be completed for the fall term. The one now occupied will be' converted irftd a boarding; hall. i)uring the past year, under the effi cient . management of the Principal, Gen. Y. J. Morgan, there had been per fect lutrmony and co-operation among the members of the faculty ; the school has been graded and more thoroughly organized ; manjr needed improvements in and around the building have been made ; the mental activity of the pu pils has been wonderfully stimulated, and -the morale and manners of the school have been greatly improved. The wise and skillful administration of the Principal, during his brief con nection with the school, has satisfied all acquainted with the fact3 in tho case, that he is admirably qualified for the work to which he has been called. The city of Omaha is said to have the finest .High-School building in the country. It was erected at a cost of $230,000. The High-School building at Uneclri cost 640,000, and the new build ing of the State' University cost 6130, 000. The land endowment of tho Uni versity, if properly managed, will yield h fund of not less than 83,000,000. All departments, now or hereafter organ ized, aro to be open to women on equal terms with men. THE NEWCUMBERLiXD SCHOOL WEST VIKGIXIA. Mr. Editos: Thinking that it may hot prove altogether uninteresting to the readei3 of your columns to hear something ' concerning our eastern schools, I enclose you tho following: Until very recently the citizens of this flourishing little town, could not be induced to take sufficient interest in educational matters to allow them selves to be taxed for the purpose of erecting such a school-building fts would accommodate the many child ren of the town. -But finally, through the very earnest efforts of one of our' citizens, John Campbell, Esq., the peo ple were brought to see the very great necessity for a movement of some kind. And though the enterprise met with very bitter, opposition on the part of many of our citizens, Mr. C. was riot to" be frustrated in his designs. And now, should any of your many iea ler3 have occasion to take a trip East, aild should reach the banks of the beautiful Ohio, at tins point, we have no doubt that the first thing that would attract their attention would be our large School-building. It is located In iibout the center of the town, and on one of the most prominent points. It contains four basenif rit rooms, one of of which is used as a coal room ; the others for the children to play in dur " ing the very cold weather. On tl-tf fiocr above there are also four f oonf 3, whicli aYe1 f tirirfeht'd and occu pied as school-rooms, passing in by the front entrance, you lind yourself first in the Principal's room. Here you would better tarry awhile as you are in one of our model -schools. Passing to the center cf the building you enter a little room from which you can see ,That is taking place in all depart ments: This room is, I presume, about G feet fTrare. A panel door opens into it frVtn each roomV The upper half of each d-Jdr is made of glass. This room is sometimes made use of by the Prin 4ft.,l. w, t bwon-- nfcssary for him to deliver a lecturo to some "en terprising" young boy or girL It is also it very convenient place for the teachers to meet to discuss matters respecting their different departments. The story next above extends the en tire length and width of the building. It contains a very convenient statge, and is filled wifh Congress chairs. I presume it will seat about 450 or 500 people. It is known as the Town Hall. liy ascending another flight of stairs you come to the entrance of another hall, and could you gain admittance, you would find it similar iii one sense to a path we often read of "straight and narrow." "We are not prepared fo say whether it is like the latter in many other respects or not. It is in this: "Pew they be that walk therein." This hall is occupied by the Odd Fel lows of the place. Y,"e notice now that we have said but little in regard to tho school, aiid as we have already taken up now more of your columns than Ve should have done, will necessarily be brief. Our school has already begun its third year in the new building. It numbers near ly 2od pupils during the winter months. "N'e pay our Principal 100 per month, while the wages of our assistant teach ers vary from $33 to 845 per month. I should have stated before that our building is of modern style, built of brick manufactured in this place. The The front is built of fire brick. The rooui3 and walls are all well furnished and the entire building did not cost 620,000. I have been traveling con siderably, and have, not yet seen a school-building of equal size, and of as good material that cost so little money. And now the people see that it i3 a credit to the place, and do not feel like denouncing in such bitter terms the one who was instrumental in making the schoci what it is, "a model school." W.IJ.I. New Cumbixaxd. West Va. A SPOT ON ""WHICH TO DIE. Mr. Macready was never popular with stock actors. He annoyed them ex ceellingly at rehearsals, by giving every man his particular place on the stage, so that in the picture presented he should be the centre. This actor must stand here, that actor there it was his' will. On one of the nights of hi3 last engagement in this country, when he was to play Hamlet, he was very par ticular at rehearsal, in the disposition of characters at the fall of the curtain. He had selected the most command ing place on the stage, well down to the lights, and declared that there he intended to die. It so happened, that as the fatal moment was approaching, just after Hamlet had stabbed the king, his majesty took it into his head to die on the spot selected by the Dane. The poison was burning in Hamlet's veins ; he was in the agonies of death ; still he found time to say (sotto voce) to his step-father "Back, back I'm going to die there." The blood of out raged royalty was up, and the stabbed monarch replied "I'm king, and I'll die where I please pick out a place for yourself," and Hamlet was compel led to let his soul out farther up the stage. After The Hattlei From the Chicago Inter-Occan. To the Editor, Sir: As the battle in Chicagoh as been fought under the lead ership of tho Grand Pacific ticket, it may be well enough to consider calm ly the causes that led to what every good citizen regards .as a calamity. I think the real cause was in the re f usal of the Republican Central Com mittee to call a convention in the regu lar way. As a party we were invul nerable. Our record was good. Prom inent among the the men who gave the organization strength, was the German element. In an unguarded hour (or in some trade or barter), the committee suffered themselves to be led into some back room caucus of "leading citizens" Much was said about the safety and security of the city f und3 ; the protec tion of the good name of the eity ; and a few self constituted guardians of the public safety, assumed. to be a safer guide (to their own advancement) than a regular delegate convention chosen by the people who would do the voting. The Aveakne3s was seized upon by de signing cunning men, and the result was recorded in your yesterday's issue. Had the people been consulted, a regular ticket put in the field by a con vention chosen - without auy regard to the Committee of Seventy, the Pacific combination, or the Little Printer" Roy's" Committee, of any other man, we would not have had td witness the humiliating spectacle which wd noW do. I do not believe that the body of the Germans, who stood up in the fiercest of the Sght for the Union, would have shrank from the support of a regular Republican ticket, fairly nominated. Political jugglery killed the so-called Citizens' ticket. The result only-goes to prove that side issues, however good are alwavs dangerous. The course of the Pacific Hotel Com mittee was enough td crush out any good cause ; tho conduct of the com mittee cf Seventy, was farcical. As such it was a success. . . - To-day, if the Republican party, as such; will follow its legitimate busi ness, allowing the bummers on the one side and the extremists on the other; to light their own battles; in other words, simply deal. in political econo my, the future will not . witness any such departure from sound government as the election just closed would seem to forebode. Republic ax. The result of "Independent" news paper interference, and the failure of the Republican Central Committteb to call a Convention, has given Chicago over to what their own papers call a ".Bummers rule". The Staats Ztitiing, a strong people's paper, now acknowl edges that if an out and out Republic an ticket had been nominated it could liare been elected. As a stout old lady got out of a crowded coach the other day, she ex- claimed, "well, that4? a relief, anyhow f To which the driver replied, eyeing her ample proportions r,Sa the 'osses think, mum." A young widow wishes to know how it is that, although her husband said, when tfcey were married, "with all my worldly goods I thee endow," she is noV entitled to only one-third of his property.- Bonner Stables. fine Livery BUTTERY & L AZENB Y Horses & Carriages to Let Stock Boarded by the Day Week or Month. Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call, and Give us a Trial. Stable ou Vine Street. rLATTSMOUTH, - -nstf. NEB. AND. iilcdi cine s AT J. H. BUTTERY'S Oa 'Main street nearly opposite the HERALD office. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DUCTUS AND MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, VAKNISHES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, &C, &c. ' j3?-Trescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, tlay and nijjht. 35-ly. T;HE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. For your Groceries go to F. R. Guthmann Y Corner Third and Main street, riattsniouth. He keeps on hand a large and well selected took of. FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS, SUGAR, SYRUr, BOOTS, SHOES, &C, &C., &Ci &c. In connection with the Grocery is a Bakery and Confectionary. tAll kinds of Country rroduee bought and sold. Take notice of the sin "EM Tilt!! BAKERY AND GROCERY." mayiotf. McGuire & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign AND Domestic A large and well selected stock of Boiirbon, Rye & Monon gahela Whiskeys Constantly on hand. Our connection' with the firm ot Riudskoff Bros., Distillers, enables us to sell at the lowest market rates. Sole Jlgents For the Celebrated Hungarian T?" Main Street, VLATTSMOUTU," - - - fcl3ASlvA. I1! A CORDIAL INVITATION. Messrs. Hurst & Gate: extehd their compli ments, to the public, and invite erery one to use Dr. L. Hurst's Anti-Dyspeptic and Liver Pills. For the cure of Pvspepsi.i and Liver Complaint. Lotij; experience" lias proved them to be the safest, .surest, ahd best 1'iils in use, for the va rious billious diseases that prevail so extensive ly. . Headache, indigestion, loss of appetite, Kitldiness, dimness ot sight, sleepiness and the whole train of disorders usually termed billions, will be cured bv these, pills if takeu uecordins to directions Price 25 cents. PERSONAL. Dr. Hurst's Vinegar Couch Cure has been used in private ami hospital practice for many years, and Is pronounce! by all who have tried it the best remedy ever offered to the public for the cure of Couglis, Colds, Bronchitis, Aslhmdi Whooping Cough, Croup, and all diseases of the pulmonary organs, being composed of well-known medical herbs, it will strengthen the system, purify the blood, and arrest disease. , "WANTED! "WANTED! WANTED! A case of Rheumatism, Tain in the Back or Ltimta;a, Swollen Joints. Flesh Cuts, Sprains and Bruises. Sore Shoulders, Scratches and Fis tula in Horses that cannot be cured by Hurst's Tar Liniment: . Hurst's Family Medicines for sale bv Dr. G. B. Chapman, riattsniouth. Neb. ; 15. . Hoover, Louisville, 'eb., and by dealers generally. 9-'.isiin. The Best IS THE CHEAPEST! F. J. METTEER lias a large and good assortment of Farm Ma chinerv. Tim Marf,h Harvester, a Reaper that two men can cut and bind ten acres per day, with one man to drive, and the binders can work in the shade. F. Jt 3IETTEER, Main Street, Corner cth. Hattsmouth, . - - .- - N&raSfra. THE OLD RELIABLE A Heavy Stock of Goods on Hand. No RenU and Interest on Rorro?ccd Capitul to he made off Customers. OLDEST ESTABLISHED HOUSE IN THE CITY. Xorth side of Main between Sfcond and Third streets, takes pleasure in annouuciiii; to FAR3IERS AND MECHANICS That he has a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, iis were ever brought to the City of Plattsmouth. It will cost you nothing to look at them whether you liuv or not. By examining the juices at the "oLD KKHABLK " you a; ill le alle to tell other parties where you buy the cheapest. 8-tf A3 -fl-"5- Halladay's Patent VindMills7 Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The Halladay Mill has stood Jibe test for six teen years, both in the. I'nited States and Eu rope and is the only one generally adopted by all Principal Railroads and Farmers. TdFms Liberal. Send for Catalogue and Price List. A. L. STKAXG, Lincoln, Neb, o. f. joiixsox; DEALER 1ST DHUGS, MEDICINES, AND WALL PAPER. ALL PAPER TRI2IMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DEALER IX Kaoks, Stationery, Magazines, Aim! Latest Publications'; Prescriptive carefully compounded au ex perienced tJiugskt. ltomem'er the p!ace. Comer Fifth ?nd Maini STATE AGENT - m-Z : NEBRASKA HERALD JOB OFFICE, NEWLY FITTED UPi Noiv Press, Xeiv Type, and Xcw Material, Call and see our new lot of LEGAL BLAXKSi ..... All descriptions of Work done In the printing line. "We a. f f ully prepared to do Every Kind and Style of Printing.. Send in your orders for LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, POSTERS, DODGERS, dc Has on hand, one of the largest stocks of Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods for Spring and Summer CS7 I invite everybody iii want of anything in my line to call at my store. South Side Main, Between Fifth and Sixth Streets. And convince themselves of the fact. T have as a specialty In my Retail Departments. stoek of Fine Clothing for Men and Boys to which we Invite those Who want good fcccd t7 I also keepo'n hand a large and well selected stock o Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, r-io i Hi. IF1 . JOHUSOIT, IW Opposite the riattd Valley House, in Schlatter's Jewelry Store. Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ST. LOTJIS, DECKSFl BROS., SMITH'S AM'N G. A. MILLER & CO'S T AND BOSTON. PIANOS. vL- ORGANS. lix Jfirst-dtass pianos iaub Organs. Wholesale and Ketail Healer in Strings, Sheet Music and all kind3 of Musical Merchandise McsifJAL Ixstkumexts Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction G uaranteed. S-8tf. CHOICE TOWN.IiOTS FOR SALE AT rf? Lots can now be bought in Duke's Addition to the City of riattsniouth, at prices ranging from S25 to $M aud on terms so easy that persons with THE SMALLEST INCOME 3IAY MEET THE 31, For those who want town property either to hold fot a speculation or to build upon, this is a rare chance to pet it. These lots are iu a delightful location, and are dotted over with a Youhs: and Beautiful Growth of Forest Trees. Which add materially to their value. ri- r.nrtlen wts'iin'r to rmrehase or look at these malion desired, by eiiiliim miK.T. 1)1 KK or L. Hl'KE or 1). H. WilEEbEk & CO., and liAKNES For cash the aliove prices win he if.seouiiieu len riattsniouth, Nebraska, October 2d 1872. LOO mM RNISHI.VG GOODS BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises etc. Main Street, Second Door East of Court House, BRANCH IIOCSE Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. SPRING AND Down Go Celebrated rouse Southwest Coiner 3lain Street, riattsniouth, Nebraska. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO BU? TFb tTH. tTh tTs "STl Dress Goods, Prints, Boots and Shoes, Delaines, Ginghams, Drown Sheeting, Bleached" C'ottons, Balmorals, Carpets, Clark's new Thread, Cotton 1 a ma In the Grocery line wc keep the Fixest and Best Tea, Coffee, Sugar,, Dried traits. Spices, etc., etc. In fact for Your Groceries, Hardware, QiiWrrswarc, Wooden WareV . pt.,M,i-5vfl "STfinlfM o'rtf'lis. Hats and Caps, OO.TO I3UR13ET lots, will be shown them, or piven any infor- I). 1! !;.' N H IT. Kxeeutors of & l'OLLOCiv, Real Estate Age ttieif.state oi s. uts. per cem. W Si Q O., - - - - - riattsniouth, Nebraska. J SUMMER GOODS, the Prices i ! T Boots and aces j a? WttWm LOW RESERVOIR 1 Mfcr& 4 I I 1 Are Stated to. all Climate AXD FAMOUS FOIi BEESO SEST TO TJSS! . CBEASZSTTOBUTIL EASIEST TO SELL I H M: BETTER COOKING, DoEta it Quicker and Cnenivev Than any Store of the ml. FAMOUS FOB GIVINO W? EsPceialIy Adapted TO rum rais or imi wsmd. BOLD EXCELSIOll MAN'O COMPANY, ST. I.OUIS, MO. AND E.T.Duke&Co. rLATTSMOUTH, NE15. li)-ly HENRY BCECK, DKALEU IN.. . Furniture, Lounges. Sies. 'iahlcs, Clitiirs, lledsf cads, &c, S.c., &..: Of all dcst'i ifjlions. Melallio iLrial Cases. WOODEX COFFINS. OF ALL SIZL'.S. Ready 3Iade ttndjold Cheap for Ca.di. With many thanks for past patroiiajce I Invite call and examine my largo' slock of Fur niture and Coflins. . jau28 I - Tf adru tliT3 bcivd) rrfzr yon to tlu Pubfixfis" of iuis p'ir-T- oi regnnti their per fret rclUibiutir, and uv;er u-riiny to th'tn, flt-nc mention yi-ti tavo their Aavr-tixp-Mrnt in this 'pa'per- tl J! rch.iu t 4, tuiti.t..itt'i. 1. T.ti!orsniiJ'lelliir Ti'iJ!a,,ion. srttH iroi incur arm ram mil's .l rr.l-jli ps:iri in ui, kiiiisi irivii Cin-nisr. an.J rrire LSI", willi a ftjll line "'' i ol'huoinit. t ;;a j:iri you to order ( lot ! iii Inn direct f-m llirir Moukc, wlilrh will mm' 'n Jf - Shijiju-d hr - t'i frisi. C. O. !.. with tnn pririh e or x ILjJi is fx '!!: ir and rcluraitiy at tluir txpenr e, IT nit Kalir.r tory. Ci4RV J '''J-sorRKlf-nfasiirrmriit dent frfe Ofllil I tr!cri4 t.;:irit-d. lit guaranteed. OfiXf C !il Yiiith'.''!-.tli:its rnirlarf j. ISenJ J 1 J f'jr lll'istiuti .1 Sljiri Mi J 1'rirvn. rr.i:::;::"s ! atvnt t- JL TIIIV Ti;'II. AI.1'21 l!r I'. ,y J J'ir.-ja tor liiai ainpr show Curds, Itoxes, :"rVi'01? J!arrr-I. Iws, Trunks, Ac. Jtc. f -v tr--iTJi Ail !.-is. iroia H teller i:p-XClff-a-l !.!. "Write fr ii m-riiH: 5-yia :-rif7 prlcf list, or remit only f.sior nit; X'c-CS ij.V Loittihir t:cl litcr. i-!c Sent iS-fi US i-repald. V. illpny fr iiM-ir tu a iiMKlt. I'crn ct K.-!ilKractlmit:a:ir-nntcfil, or mowv reiurnei!. At'Wi wanlod. Ad ii.K.s H. . "Jaiiiiird CV., ail Olive street, fct. i.fMtjs. .vr. nrr-ipuw linoc t?i i;.t n.:? in UIlfilanife iUtiOirx:st-p.sndr(r rifiilaritH'l t'rico I't't. .. Ili'KXMI.SI. I uiiN.Mh. . Hie Chcs-pof-t. and KundBoma&t A.-rri'ian'jral Sj5' aad Family Journal in this country is tk9 -J , IS V1I11..47U 1-A1,.tii.u, Eicbt iiti. Forty Colttmm. only- 60 C'.s. s yar.aix montrli 2i5 Ct. Clubs of ten for $4. Addrat UWVi H .X HA1TIIKWS. HhlWr, 414K. Third Btrwt Bt Loyia. 7JQ. r-v flillti rafeut lmriroven npnn? fS 11 s:im. for tu:p"'i:ft T.ineii nnd rJ otln r artlch a. A sflver-ptutecl Etamp or t'.!ie lii'.isn niKi perieci rou Btructloii. with bottlu of best Iinlcil- Ink. Ink l'al. ana three entire Aintcmets. tnelowd in a licit nox, wna lull in-t-iructioiis, scut prepaid lor ily CI. 4H j he best tiling lor t!;! prlc i-vi-r tiiven:-d Aift-nls w: i JSarnnrd A Co., 3U Olive Etrct: cut, St. I.o-iIh. .Vr. A beautirel i?.ir orrrtnch Cliromos, HJf Irnndnomely moontrd, noli! eTery- g v, .ere t :ir MTt prfnaiu on re- a reipt of .ft, or f0e for lifhor. ArtU I var.ted verjwljere, wiwcen mske profits. Limrsl uecouisw i the Trade. 51 : i d Ch remo i'uWUUiBg Ci. 217 Mac feUeet, SI. Louis, JAo, . mn ElTiUPIIISE The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the Country! $75,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! To he di:,tt ihuted in l&Ith REGULAU MONTHLY Gift Enterprise ! To he drawn Monday, November 24th 1873 ONEGKAXIJ CASH 1'IilZK OF 5,000 in Gold ! OXE Oi'.AXI) CASH l'RIZlIOF 85,000 in. Silver ! Two Prizes, 61,000 each, in Greenback! SLv Prizes, 8500 each, in Greenbacks! Ten Prizes, -3 105 each, in Greenbacks! 1 ooo anl Silver Lever Hr.niin? Watches i.iu all; worth from ?v to each. Coin Silver Vest l"!m'ns,' Solid and Dotihle I'lated Siivtrvvare, Jewelry, &e. Xitmhrr cf f.'i, -Y. ' T if kit AG!""'IS AVANTEO to s ll ticket, to whom ZA-i r.A Premiums wili le paid. Single TU'ketsZl, SLr,en. Ttcelce, 610 Ttrmly-Fire, 6-0. Cireulftrss ainiii fall list ot prizes, a de seript'ot? of the m.-iimer of (lrawin:. and other inforn'.'Uioil in lelvreuee to the iiMi ilmi ion, will he sent to any i.a ot'leiir.; them. All let ters must It :idUresse5 to L. 1. SiX K. i-r-yf r.ox CrneT,rf, OI)' A S.'iv rt !i I'l 3 rcrnifr': e-V.-1 IT? c.::anukst sciiuml li i:i: known. Fourth Grand Gift Concert roil HIE I.1.M.MI t.F . hi: PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY 12,000 CASH ;il"J'S i,oo,ooo 1'ccr'j Fifth TV-kit Draws a Gift. $250,000 FOU 850. TIip 1'ourtli J'.nmil (lift Ciiin-i'it niillioricil l'y six'i'lul ;n t of tin L-isl:!tiiic for tin- iM-ni'tlt ol ifu! J'lil'll" l.ilriiry4 iT KcntiK ky, will l.iKo j liii-: in Tuldic l.ibi.ti4Mall, a! LoiimvIHc, Kt-li-tucky, on Widndag, Ih cemht r 3d, i 873. Onlv Sixty Tlioiisanil Tickets will !c nuA 01lf-ll:iU' l tllr lire il!lrnl"il fur I It,' Klild- jD'an Market, llms IcmvIhk v:ly :m,'m for tlif I'liitfil StalVs v lii-irt tim.tum k-h disposed if for the Tliinl ('oncer: Tlie ticket are livitle.l into ten coupons or .irls,:nnl have on the hack the Scheme wilft 11 lull ex ulan ition of the lnodtj of drawiii. At I hi I oncort, wlilcli Hill lie flip grainiest musical ilisiHay eve- wnne.sse t in tlil.t country, the unprcceiieiiteil sum of 8 1,500,00 0 clivhleil Into 1 J.r(0 rasli ciUs. v. Ill le ilisli ihutcil liV lot anion:; the licl-:t t hol-leis. The nuitiheiH of the tickets to he il;aMi snnii one v.heclhy blind children mul the jjl;t.s from unothcr. LIST OF GIFTS; C.ltANf) CASH fill'T ;i:am) cash ;ii t ;i:am cash ;ikt .'.;.'. nod . I'HI.IUIU . rr,MH . 2".i'Hi . tl.'HI . HKi.lNtl . 1V,HK . rxl.lMMt . SJI.IHMI . HH.IWII . 4."i,IHM . All.lMHI , . .f-',.riKI .. &.'I,IXK om; IN K ONK ONK 1') :mi so ItM I.'XI '.V( CKANl) CASH (i 1! A N I CASH cash :ir I'S ; CASH t.l l i s CASH ilKTS. (HTT ;ikt lo.imu each . . . . ,r,ooo each each NK) eac h 4ih each :vk each '.fl eai-h ion each oO eacli CASH CIK1S CASH (ill'IS cash ;ii"is CASH CIKTS cash ;ii"is CASH (UKTS TOTAL. 12.ono (JIFTS, ALL CASH, iiuioiuuiuij to $l,,'V)0,O(K) The distribution will In jiositlvo whctlierall the tickets are sold or not. mid the I.'.ikmi tin all naid in liraiioition lo th" tickets sohl-all I unsold tickets hclnjr destroyed as at the First ;nn RTvim voii' t-rt; ma icpici-Mlcil ill the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS: "Whole tickets, Halves, ..T, ; Tenth., or each co!tion, r, ; lCleeu liole Tickets for S.r(M ; 'jJ'i 'l'ickets for S1.HM : li:t Whole Tleki t.4 for S5,K)) ; 'in Whole Tiekets for j- lo.nui. No discount on less than ?C00 woi Lit of '1 ti l.ets nt a time. The unpariiilel'.ed sueees, of the Third Ciift Concert as well as the saliMadion j;iven by I ho First, "and Second, makes it only necessary to announce the Fourth to insure the nromj't sale of everv ticket. The Fourth (iift ( onccri will be cim.ui ted In all Its detail like the Third, and fuil particulars may be learned from circu lars which will be sent free from this olhce to nil who apply for tliem. Tickets now ready lor sale iind all orders ne eompanied by the money promptly lillcil. Lib eral terms given to those, who buy to Ncii n&iin. THOS. E. 13 R A M LETT, Agent Tublie Library, Kv., and Manairer (lift Conceit. I'uhlic Library' l'.uiIUin, Louisville, Kentucky. aiwj.i AisnK' ft No Peranu ran lakr Oiee ItKlrra oc- eorduiK lo directions, mid rcfuilti long unwell, provide! their bones urn iiotdcmro.veil by mine, ral poison or oilier means, mul vital organ wasted hevoml the point or repair. Dynpepsl.a rtr I uil lfsl Ion, llrndaclie. Tain In Hie Shoulders, Coujrlis, Tixhtncss of I In: Chest, Dizziness, Sour I'ructaiioiis of the Sto mach, Had Taste in the Mouth, bilious Attacks. J'ulpitaiioit of the Heart., Inflammation of tho LuiiKs, I'aiti In the region, of the Kilneys, und A hnndrcjl otlii-r painful symptoms, nrn Mia o,T uprliijrs of Dyspepsia, (me bottle will prove a better Ktiaratitec of its nwrlt;i than a IciiKtliy advertisciiK'nt. ForKcmiilfCo'il.iliii In vminn or old, narricil or mnele, nt the da'vu of w omiiiihood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Hitters dlsphiy so .-leaded an influence thut Improvement Is fcooii perceptible. For 1 n fin m mn lory nnl f'liroiiln liliriininlinm mid Uout. Lllloim, llcinillclit iiTiil luti rimitent Kcvers, Diseases or the lllooil. Liver. Kiilneysand liladder, lliese lilt torsi lmo tio equal. Such 1 nsea; ure ca-ised by ltlated JJlood. TlirynrenRriille Purallvf nn wfll n a Tonic, possessing the merit of actlnif as a powerful iijetil In relieving ronj'cst Ion or In llainmatlott oftln Liver and Visceral Ort;:ius, and In I'.ilious Diseases. For !?Uli DUeiiara.rriip! inns, Tetter. Palt r.heutn, Uloicltis, Spots, I 'i in pies, I'ustah-s, Jioils, t'artiunclcs. lUiuf-wornis, Seahl-llead. Sore Kvcs. F.rshipclas. itch. Scurfs. Dtscolora tions of the skin. Humors and Diseases or llcj Skin of whatever nanrs or nature, are liter ally dus up nnd turned out or Hie 3 teui in a Rhoit time by the use of these Hitters. ;ratcf'.il Tlioimainl) proclaim INK..iil Eittk.ks the most wonderful lnvigoruiit that tver sustained the stul.tiur ys-tem. It. If. .1IcSM.AH t CO. Pmiri?'IVts and Cen. Ak'ts., San l-runcisco. Cat., A cor. of Va-s!im''!on and Churltoti Sih.,'X. . SOLD BY ALL LKLUtilSTS & I'KALldlS. Manhood: - IIUIV hU9 v ll III'"" .lust published, a new edition oi Dr. Culverwelt't Celebrated E av on the radical cure (without medicine) of Sl-KltMATOItKIIKA V ....1. ftj.uu ilil'ttMTlt:i-V N,.flbHl or Si'inhml Losses, i M !( tunc v. mental and physical inca pacity. Impediments to .Manure, etc. ; also Con si mpti'ix, Krii.Ki-sv, and Kim, induced bv seif indtilenee or sexual ex! liivaatice. f -r-I'rice iu a sealed envelope, only rents. The celebrated author, hi this admirable es say, elearlv demonstrates from a thirty years .s'.i'cce.ssfer practice, that the alarminu conse (lUeuces of self-abuse, may be radically inert without the dangerous ue of Internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out the mode ot cure at once simple. certain, and effc-tital. by means of which every suP.crer. no matter what his condition mnv he. may cure himself cheaply prhalelv an.l raaicaliy. I.'-Tfiis Lecture should he hi the hands of ev verv vo:;lh mrt man in th")and. Scn't nnder seal, in a plain enveloe, jiosl.-pabl to any add -ess. ou the receipt of hix edits, or two po' tatre stamps. Also Dr. Culver's "Marriage CtiUle," price OT cents. Address the PnldM'ers, CHAS. .I.e. K LINK, & CO. 127 liowerv. New York. 40-ly I'ost IH'ice Hx. 4."s. I-t n rh'in:i'. fM-r!a-. Ii, VotitWjr. It t I tj fii4-trl.'tnlv, mul wli i:'-:c..i !,. rnttrd J ln.u ,-lu,:a. i;ic:uil;ii! Iiem mi l m :eti iii-, huo- i O P r? ix J o Y H O P E a j o Y H O P E & J O Y Q D iS H O U ti:-.!ia iir.'i wivcf. juirf n'Bii'o i..i., p,-.M tin: iiMimrluii' e ei nr:int n utniii of l.c.tris anU ;.ii-.-- ii iu-. u i . t'" r- " tr- a union ot hun-N. 1: Irt-oete' ilmt. V. Inlc it U w.ui.nii i.rivi!,-kr to uriiy mul coiiilort ntxl !l(,rn, it .twmi't Iv tn-.m tih-a-ire to provi.l.!, leri-l, :l fricct. li u..l! Ime eliil dreii trcali'J o f' 1 1'"". Iliink ii.ii iiiel r'rowimf creature i rfi i tiv :icat. il.ljui i.-ut lull KrH 11. Vet in adv.iciititw tl- lctr.i: .-. the ituga i,. A.. iif.i ini.i.l.iv diK'trimil eriiK,ii loiitf ft and drear (laniii -ld! '' ,n"1 li and ttiereinre 1.) no! Jirel.t Hie r-ader. n I lie conirarv, it would raiiier v IIi'iiikIi it a . .l.t . tt t ,f-r tfrtii .or ti v.ior IMMUlieo. H L.iin' nii l to stm tlif I iirln I I B loiia dm- C'.ur- ! eivii.if ll;e r-u'i r soiiw.miiif rtu iu- I. D WF. ti -roMiiiK I !f,f!'ii!.ie I ' noiiK. i n. 1 nt- ij-it as will as tl.i IwM i uiure MIliC VaiMZiiw i- it I'ife. 'I lie- ide:i el K' ttntK rei iiy Jlrnl-cl.iiw Siuk'a!tnt nt vitt- d'.llr a, !! alwird to UMift T;pi pie. )rl it employ ............ o, I ..ut r,f,Tr.l,it.i.t4 III hp COUIllrv A G A Z I N iiK luihiijr Hasl H '.MiLtiN, ii li mliiiK ediior, wio reei-iven t.ilnrv ol llir, i ilii,u.-niid dul Ian, equivalent in fllniil lull dol urn I r d.i. Kit' !i nini'.l"-!' cuiitann i;cjrl.v e lit liiimln d d ilium' wnrih f,r matter, liM-li cuiU tli cuu cr '.t-r nt'iut ciKlit eiii. Hoi and Joy two tx-ntit.furv tinted rraj r,n ix.rir.iit wnrtli Kinir v iii leniled Irrv Hi every ubocnier to Hie Ni-Uiijne at i I '. Hir-fiiiieiw tr.e. iiit wan'e.!. AdJrcix r. et. WWII Jt :o., Niwbitrsl!, X. V. il o enu rnrii-f wliich mark Xltr. ae. HrthnhM lliiutr o p E & J O V H O P E & J O Y H O J,,unl, I'hilo.. 1'a A it (Hie roiiilw. It l d;.voti d to Hi in--triiftln and ci.ti-rutiiinirnt et t tie lainilyciri nrd r ! ptacc it wi't in the ineoin nf rt-mlei-H In motwrate rirruin I liinillied at a reinarsHlily low ra' In i roiirtioU to tlie intercut (if in, coi.leiitx. -V. y.Trihune. . .It I entia it v a tu ni itiuira'ine, an 1 m jiiKt tlie thing that (.lie woii.d tr.twt desire lo j.liw-c in tlte hand of Iks wlti- end little nttra, or tiint a of liiinvs would tiiinwlf lake nil tar the eniployinctit of a Iclruit hour. 1'4 Vviiniiie.'ion, S.'C Were e out of our clour editorial, as a "jirlMtte citizen," cut ftr frt,m our exHianne llt ami all 'I nt. o l the first niaeaziiie t wliieli h nld ulj ril would he Wood lliHiWdiold. Avyirf'r, Hart ford. 'L It la an Intellectual and moraJ eilie aior. Iiiliiv (.rwd ,y ml who Is-coiiie tu- lUia.nlcd Wiltl "It t7.ei.rein A-Uantlr. ... It io:iilnr writt rs arc. tluTclorc. t-'ool writers, und if lou'li price r.rove the ment of littrary wore, then Mr. Wood" tii Is a uil )1M. Th' lmlrfftmt. New V ork. ... It arw cii' lri-iUlie a xnirtt of rcoijoin. morality and infie w'ncli fci hivhiy ieir.M!iiin.' in tin ace of lTilnoiiMl-ie foil atitl extravairti'ire. Urntnvl, K'lom. ilo. ....It i undoblitediv one til the lri-ht. Iirelieirt ionrn.-il wj ljae xoiiiti-rt. o D 8 H o ti s E H o L D ri A c A Z I ti E P E y, WmriL hiirinclieid. Teuu The arttrlea Y" are short, pi-iuatit, and of (.ucti uixiitioiMst 9 eM-eileiiee, ttiat thi.- i-riodi;cl -ti lit lo l htli O Inn, ilia, and wekoine in very many houxc v, liolil. Wkk1' is a msrvcl tl i -Jicapnexi and j tlri'i-cla.i qadlny coilihmed. A'tsi l ik lima. iBGu'S HonseMfl MaOTiifr Mm HIS Mfl J07-H0I38 ill J07 Hl'ntted Voice C t lie I'i-e. Wend'a i-. ...... ..' Ilia ,l irtlf't I 1 1 l.flvit.lVM v i. - V i - t i i J "