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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1873)
r i fi j i" : t. I1 n i -i Si r THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS. , . LOCAL AUVKKTISEMKNTS. ; Transient 2S cen w a line. Regular adverjisetn jo cent pr line. No advertisement Inserted for losn than 25 cents. Legal advertk 'einents will be charged tt the parties handing them lu. ' COMMUNICATIONS. . Aa ournparc Li limited, all communications imisi be brief and to the point, with no waste of words. sun.scnir.Eua , : " . re requested to notify the office If th paper fi not delirered promptly. NEWSPAI'EB DECISIONS. 1. Any person who lake a paper regularly from the iMst office, whether directed to his name, or whether lie is a subscriber or not is responsible for the pay. 2. If any person oniers his paper dlscontln (ueil, he nuist p:iv all arrefiniires. or the publisher may continue to' send it until pavment is male. And collect the whole amount, whether the pa per is taken from the nftlee or not. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and ix-rlodicnls tlie post blliee, or TfMiioviiiK aJid leaving them uncalled lor. Is prima evidence of i.tTK.NTUL riui u. NnTK eto EvEitvrsoDV. All subscribers pay .I113 for their paper to us. and ordering it stopped iitac lain time, will find it so stopped ; but we cannot be responsible for what has been done before our lime, nor fcf orders supposed to he given by others to others. Our books alone must be the guile for all oli subscriptions. Fleasc remejuberthis. Call and see 1. Schr.a.-e & Co."s hew goods. Bargains at Hank Streight'.s. tf. One Piano for sale cheap. Inquire at the I'lE'rtALD oflice. 24tf Every both- buys the Howe Machine. 82m3. Firemen's Ball, Come out. Fur a cheap suit of Clothes, goto 'Stadelmunn'sJ. Try him once. 32t4. Fresh meat all the time, call at F rank 'Morrison'.-. 1'latt.smontH l'i'.'.iard Hall, opposite the Brooks House, Win. Neville, proprietor. Three goo:l tables, piod bar and bowling alley. 2-H116 . "Hemmbtr lien. Ilempfcl's Oyster 'lloiise on Main street, next to lcme 'lan'd liriiz store. 30tf Huskin;' and Uuckskin Cloves, and wool lined mittens cheap .at the shoe store of Peter Merges. 34t4 Slinchcomb, tin; lawyer, has a new suit of Vlbthes. How on airth did he get 'em? During a panic too; there has'beeh'iio lire. Garters with monogram clasps are worn by pretty girls. They are rather ";i novelty yet, but we hope to see more of them. Xext week (?) we are going to get into the high school, you know. "To ,'inorrow we trust, to-day it's cash," used to greet us as a sign, years ago, and when a lad we often wondered when the trusting "morrow". would come. Doctor Wintersteen, City Treasurer, remarked to us last week that he sup posed he had made more school ma'ams "happy, one day not long before, than any other m in in Plattsmoutli. It was on pay-day, 3 0:1 know, and the Doctor gives them the llhino. m Hugh Orr says the trotters, Dave Fuller, and ail the other dogs got through safe and sound except that Iowa kr. "Spyder" he being an aris tocratic i!g and 'eft the train at Grand Jsland- while Dave was gone for water Ifor 11 te horses. The consequence was Mr. ny'der" had to be sent by tele graph ( ?) to Cheyenne, next morning. We have received a complimentary from t" e Lincoln Choral Union, to their Great Musical Entertainment by the celebrated Mendelssohn Quintette lub of lioston, on the evening of Sat itrd iv, Nov. 2Cd. "We cannot attend in all probability, ourselves, but we are just as much obliged, and hereby advise every one" that can, to go and hear this great musical treat. DENTISTRY. The accidents by the use of chloro forni as an anaesthetic, are in propor tion of one in thirty thousand, while by the use of Xitrous Oxide gas the accidents are reduced to one in one hundred thousand. The only place in the city of Omaha, or in this part of the State, where this gas is used in dentistry, is at the office of Dr. A. S. liillings.No. 234, Farnham street, Omaha. 34w3 Xew Dntcher shop Morrison's old stand, call and see him. . I'ine Cut Tobacco at the Post Olfi'tv Hook Store. stf. The Howe Sewing Machine is the D-st. 'J'm3. The Cheapest place to buy boots and Shoes in town ; Stadelmann's. 32t4. The best and cheapest Boots and Shoes at the Shoe Stole, will, never be undersold. 2!tf. Petki: Me hues. FESTIVAL AT WEEPINH iVATEli, ON NOVEMBER '2THt The Ladies' Mite Society cf Weep ing "Water M. I". Church, U11 hold a Fair and Festival oii Thursday even ing, November ?7th,. al the M. E. Church in Weeping Water Fidb. All are cordially invited to tit tend; and the editor hereby tenders his thanks in advance for the cake promised him by the ladies through Mr. Feldeii's card. SAVE MONET These hard times by getting your papers at low club rates. Address with stamp, James WiTh vm, 34m3 Olcndale Cas'a Co. Xeb. COAL! C0ALI1 COALlft Buy the justly celebrated Ottilmwa Xational coal, formerly known jis the lillaspy coll. Oilice with Dr! John Black, corner Main and Sixth street; II. A. Bukket Agetlt COLli "WINTER Is coining and every Man, Woman and Child', biigllt 16 be provided with good i JtKUOKs my exclusive H.k'.i and Shoe de'al'F !" Cass Co who Buy the Howe Sewing Machine, J. W. Martins sell them. 32m3. In short go to Stadelmann's tiny way and see what he has. 32t4. Tony for sale. Inquire of llEi.ALD office. 34tf. Vivian has everything to eat Go and 6e him. , 34 w3. Choice, Live Geese Feathers for sale at $1.00 per lb, by HtNuy Boeck. 32w4. , . Remember the new butcher shop by the Court House when you want meat. 83m3. For j-our good and cheap foot gear ing go to on exclusive Shoe Store. 29tf. Peteu Mergas. Good woolen over shirts SI 00 and heavy shirts and draowers for 75 cents at Hank, Streights. - 33m4 Remember the Firemans Ball next Wednesday BIG HUNTING. Cook and Harvy ' Sage went out on Wednesday and shot 15 geese, 5 quail, and 5 prairie chickens, and we got the quail Hurrah for our boys. There will be Union Thanksgiving Services held at the' Baptist Church in Plattsmouth at 11 o'clock a. in. Xov. 27, llevs. McKelvey and Bartle will offi ciate. All are invited. Merchants and business men are requested to close their place of business during the hour of Service. r. By arrangement of City Pastors. As an instance of the wonderful power of newspaper.1?; the Herald ac cidentally and casually remarked last week, that Cliailes Black had no friends (?) arid now was a good time to punch hini, &c. To our astonish ment he appears 011 the street this week with a mosaic background to his handsome upper countenance and we feel terrifled at our prophetic and won derful power of foretelling things. TERSONAL. Mr: Jas. Snell cahie in ahci tendered the Herald a A", this week. He informs us that he had six head of cattle burned in a prairie fire on the sixth inst. the five being started by sparks from a passing train on the B. &M. Mr. Mohr, of the firm of Kurtz Mohr & Co. Omaha made us a short call on Monday last, on his way in from a trip out west, lie represents one of the most enterprising business firms of Omaha. Go to Vivian's for Flour, Groceries, Teas and Coffee. 34 w3. Go to Morrison & Ellison's next door to the Court House for your meat. 33m:j. For good and cheap boots and shoes, go to the shoe store of Peter Merges. 34U The Howe Sewing Machine took the Prize Medal at the St. Joseph Exposi tion for 1373. . 32m3. Bu Ilempel keeps an oystef hous It i.-5 oh the south Ride of Main street, almost opposite Dovey's b'g store. Ben. keeps first, oysters; next, more oysters; thirdly', i kinds of oysters; aad lastly and finally", ojsters and other things to eat and drink or smoke. Call and fee the "Oyster Boy" of Platts mouth. - SOtf ABOUT TOWN; CONTINUED. Iast week we moseyed down the street And now we'll mosey up a heat. First on the south 1). Schnasse, & Co. A first late firm we'd have you know. D. S. himself, a good old jolly cove. And next in rank comes Fred Lenhoff Besides there's Cap Kuhl, some call it Cool, Whate'r his name, he's no man's fool, Tl'tir house is full, the stock well bou't And if you doa't go there, then you ought. Xext door above is Wheeler's Ranche, In t wo'or three firms he's root or branch We'll take Dun first, he's better known At Agricultural fairs, he plays a 'lone' He's seldom euchered on his "hand," And also deals in Law and Land. Cap1. liennet's next in point of grade. A better man is seldom made. In Wheeler's firm, he's second mate On law, he's nix, but does the real estate If all the world were sound as Cap, We'd have more he;rt, and less of sap. Xext St inch; tall, rtraight, and tough of hide. He's fought and bled and ought to died; He Major-ed through without quite dieing, He does the law, and heavy lying. A first rate chap, with lots of brass, If lie's in court look out for "'.-iss." Bill Wells, Joe Johnson, and Joe Brown And some more chaps about the town, Oft drop in here to play at Chess And Bennett says they make a mess. The next on hand as up we go Is hardware E. T. Duke & Co., Xo fi:ier store in all the State, And stock to match at a cheap rate. Still further on is Battery's roost Where he and Prole each take a 'boost At tending store or talking g;is. But when there's biz' they never 'pass' They keep a stock not easy beat And oft to soda they've stood treat. " If you go down to uncle Jason Streights He keeps a grocery, and also harness " makes YouTI find a place they sell so cheap You're bound to buy, or else to weep Because you have'nt cash galore To buy out all the grocery store. Above the store with bridles, harness, bits A chap called Cook, a-stradle sits Av wooden horse, and jerks a thread Through a small hole to earn his bread! Dave Miller t;K as fine a lad As ever pimclieJ a tug. or stuffed a pad, We hoped this week to finish up our , .. . rhyme, .- - But the Prize Fight knocked us out of time. BALL! BALL!! BALL!! ! Wednesday Nov. 26th; China Ware at Vivian's. Best as sortment in town. 34t3 For your Clothing go to an exclusive Clothing Store, for Boots and Shoes, go to an exclussiye Shoe Store. - " 9t. Teter Mergis. Call on J. W. Marthis and- get your wife a first class Sewing Machine." 32m3. V; II. Pool, wants to see his numerous friends from the country in Peter Mergis Shoe Store. Strangers will allso find him polit" and accomo dating, .i ... 29tf. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. 2Ieat! 5Ieat!! Meat!!! . t Frank Morrison has re-opened tlie Butcher Shop next door to the Court House formerly known as Morrison & Shannon's. The firm is Morrison & Ellison and Frank hereby cordially invites all his old friends to call and see him again and get some of those juicy staks, surloins,' and roasts. 33m3. ' Roll of honor. We publish below the role of honor of our. High SchooL We "hope the" young people will endeavor to make it indeed a roll of honor to themselves, their teachers and their parents. All are interested in their success. The standard of excellence is 100, and the standard neccessary to retain a posi tion in grade is 70. "second grammar. Sadie E. Vanatta.. Carrie Porter i WiiB. Conn Ella M. Billings 99.13 98.55 98.05 97.80 93. 97. 97. 97. 98.5 95.4 94.62 94.7 95.5 93.9 93.4 93.2 FIRST GRAMMAR. Olive Horning Edith B. Lazenby Lottie Leesley Carrie L. Bennett SECOND INTERMEDIATE. Allice Pollock Florence Russell Allie Gass. LilUe Tucker FIRST INTERMEDIATE. Willie Erhart Hannah Miller. Hattie Crawford ' Mary Muiphy FIRST WARD. Charles Parmele. Henry Ilerold. Alma Waterman Clarence Robine . 95.25 . 95.50 . 90. . 90. : SECOND WARD. George IteiseL Amelia lleisel Timmy McKevet Alison Knee THIRD WARD. Frank J. Morgan Jessie M. Smith Walter E. Pailing XettioM. Smith FOL'RTII WARD. Frank O'Xeil Celia Goos. . ." Eddie Morrison Willie Edgerton FIREMAN'S BALL. 98. 97.75 97. 9G. 99.64 98.69 98.19 07.50 93.33 90. 88. 83.33 The Union Fire Company of Ibis place will hold a ball and supper at Fitzgerald's, Hall on Wednesday Nov. 26. The proceeds to pay for the new Hook and Ladder Uniforms. The boys have done their duty and we hope every one will turn out. TAKE NOTICE. J. W: Marthis takes fat cattle or hogs in full, or part payments' on Sew ing Machines. 33m3 The best custom work, at the shoe store. Making and repairing dor-e neatly and with dispatch. . Warrant satisfaction. Peter Merges. 34t4 While not approving of prize fight ing, we thiuk our reporter has made the best report of the business we have seen yet. William Stadelmann, the great cloth ier, has just returned from the Repub lican valley, and reports everything lovely out there, but the folks, and thev'r-e lovelier. We call attention to the Xew Ad. of II. J. Streight in our Local columns this week. They say tliat TV;an punched big Italian's 'ead, While llallan lilted 'Ogan where he keeps his bread ; The clUe of Omaha were on the ground, And shouted "glory ! " every round. Judge Haines and the City Council had a tussle Saturday Xight. The Judge just informed them what they could do to Haines h'and then he left h'em. Minor, of the Omaha Republican says we came up there to see the fight. Its false, Minor was so crazy over the prospect that he did'nt know who went and who did'nt. Our special Reporter swears he got out side of fifteen, "straight," in twenty minutes and walked on his hands all the way from the cars to tlii ring. We go to see a fight? Shaw! REED BROS. BUI LETIN. Mr. L.. F. Reed desires us, from Chicago, to nriiidunce that Reed Bros, have new goods' of nil kinds coming all the time, specially' a firie" assortment of CHRISTMAS TOYS AND PRESENTS, Mr. Reed has been able to buy all goods at the most reasonable prices (owing to the panic and short nes of money East) and will-stay in Chicago yet for two weeks in order to take advantage of the market and buy at lower rates. Meanwhile he will ship goods hom:e dailv. Farmers :tnd Grangers should not fail'to call and see Reed Bro's. stock of goods at once, at Weeping Water Falls of course you know. !lih2 NEBRASKA GRAIN CO. TO THE FARMERS OF CASS AND SAUNDERS COUNTIES. . Plattsmouth, Oct, 3, 1873. .The undersigned, representing the Xebraska Grain Company, takes, plcas informing his friends and those who have produce to sell, that they Have increased their facilities for hand ling grain by erecting Warehouses at Louisville, Ashland, Greenwood, and other pcriilts on the B. & M. Road, where competent men will be found in charge, having ari Interest in the busi ness, who will pay more for Wheat, Corn, Oats, and Barley than any other firm in Xebraska. Refers, by permission, to John Fitz gerald, Calvin Parmele, and John R. Clark. Office opposite Bank in Jno. D. Tutt's Store. JOS. A. COXXOR, 38m3. General Managw. SPECIAL NOTICES. lJusi ties U business, and so arc the Cijjars at the r. O. Book Store. 5-tf. .1 . , If you want a cheap set of ladies fui-s, go tt? Stadelmann's. 32t4. t r . Remember the Depot for the Howe Sewing Machine. is in Hatt's oflice on the South side of Main St. 32m3. FETCIPKH IN. Eggs, Butter, vegetables, chickens, game, fish, wanted at tliis oilice in exchange for Herald Subscriptions. TO RENT OR SELL. , The house of Dr. Rawlins, hi. the south-west part of town, near the resi dence of Mr. Eli Plummer. For terras, apply on the premises. S3tf. DEATH is often caused by getting cold and wet feet. It is therefore every bodys duty to provide themselves with the best quality of boots and shoes which can be bought for the lowest cash prices at the Shoe Store. Manufactor ing and Repairing done neatly, and with dispatch. 29tf Peter Mergis. BEN. IIEMPEL'S OYSTER IIAUS. If you want it good oyster stew go to Ben. Ilempel's; if you want a good plate of raw oysters, so big as your hand, go to Ben. Hempel's; if you want a square meal, go to Ben. Ilem pel's; and if you must have a good glass of wine, or a cigar to top off with, Ben. has got them. SOtf Tile Household l'miacea, and Family Liniment is the best remedy in the world for tlie following complaints, viz.: Cramps in the Limbs ami Stomach, Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism in all its forms,. Bilious Colic, Xeu ralgia, Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, Fresh Wounds, Burns, "Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever. For Internal and External use. Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penetrates and pervades the whole system, restor ing healthy action to all its parts, and quickening the blood. The Household Panacea is purely Vegetable and all Healing. Prepared by CURTIS & BROWX. Xo. 215 Fulton Street, Xew York. For sale by all druggists. 24wly. Notice. Xotice is hereby given that the fol lowing described Township .Maps of Survt'-.2 will be transirjitted for Gling to the local U. S. Land Oaice at Grand Island, Xebraska, on the 1st day of January, 1874: fennhip. Range. Township, Range. Xo. No. No. No. 22 2.J 17 2.1 13 17 23 l: 13 iil 20 All Xorth of the Base Line and West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in Xebraska. , E. E. Cunningham, Surveyor General, Xebraska aiid Iowa. 34 w3, Notice. Xotice is hereby given that the fol lowing described Township Maps of Surveys will be transmitted for filing to the local TJ. S. Land Oflice at Dakota City, Xebraska, on the 1st day of Jan uarv. 1874: Township, No, 24 2:1 ,v 31 'Si tM 30 31 32 Kange. No. 17 17 17 17 17 14 IS is . is i . Township, No. 24 i) 31 :vi M 31 liange. No. I?) 13 . 19 20 20 20 20 0 All Xorth of the Uase Line and "West of tlie Sixth Principal Meridian in Nebraska. E..E. Cunningham, Surveyor General, Xebraska and Iowa. 34v31 Notice. Xotice is hereby given that the fol lowing described Township Maps of Surveys will be transmitted for filing to the local U, S. Land Oflice at Xorth Platte, Xebraska, on the 1st day of January, 1874. Township, Riinge. Township, Range. No. No. No. No. 1 21 17 20 19 21 IS 2!) 20 21 19 20 17 22 20 2) IS 22 18 4J 19 22 IS HO 20 22 IS 61 21 22 19 31 17 23 IS r.2 IS 23 19 " .Vi 19 23 IS r.3 21 83 19 63 2t 23 " 20 63 22 23 IS 64 17 24 19 54 1 24 20 64 19 24 17 3'. 20 24 IS M 21 4 19 55 22 24 211 55 17 25 17 6tl IS 25 - IS 5t; 19 2 19 56 20 25 20 - 5; 17 2l 17 57 IS 2S IS" 57 19 . 20 19 5T 2J 26 20 67 17 27 17 63 H 27 ls 5S W 27 19 6i 50 27 20 . 'PS 17 28 IS 2S 19 2 . 20 2. .... All Xorth of the Base line and Wet of the Sixth Principal Meridian in the State of Xebraska. ,-; E. E. Cunningham, Surveyor General, Xebraska and Iowa. 31w3 FOR R15NT. - The lariit and commodious waiftwm, cellar, and oilice pn .snmil floor ul building formerly iwcimied lv Jacob Vallerv, Jr.. i i Jliisonie Rlook. Enquire 01 It. K. LiviNcsi jx or 4-U. E. T. l'l'KK. PHOTOGRAPHS ! ! CARY & UULBERT, Well knowing the great want of riCTCRES, have so increased their facilities for the same, t!.'it they are now fully prepared to give satis faction, at the lowest possible figures. CORXER OF MAIX & 5th STS. R. O. FELLOWS, Operator. N. B Wood, Corn, Coal, or CASH, taken in excJiaf.gc. , 2itf. Children often look. lale and Sicli from no other.. raiso than haying worms in ll'e stomach. . BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being; perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injur ious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, CURTIS & BROWX, Proprietors, Xo. 215 Fulton Street, Xew York. Sold by : Druggists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five Cents a Box. 24wly. GAS! GAS!! GAS! I! Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas. For the painless extraction of teeth this is the afest anaesthiticin use. Dr. A. S. Billing's of Omaha is the one in that city who has it. 33m3 234 Farnham Street. Till rfs" Years' .Experience of :m Old Xurse. Mrs. AVinslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Xurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety arul success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. ... "N'e believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhoea in Children, whether it arises from Teething or- from any other cause. Full directions for using will accomp any each bottle. Xone denuine unless the face-smile of CURTIS & PER KINS is on the oiit'ide wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 24wly. TEA CIIJHlii' EA'A 31 xYJ TWN. Regular examination will be held in fciy of fice in riattsmouth on the Friday before the first Saturday of each month, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. I. W. WISE, Sup't rublic Instruction, . 34wG ' C:uss County, Neb. For Sale. KiO acres of land belonging to t'ass County Nebraska bcin the South West quarter of Section No. Five (."" Township No. Eleven (11) North of Kantre No. Thirteen (13) East of Sixth Principal Meridian, Situated Eight Mile Grove. For Terms of s:ile see ). H. Jamt.s ) Timothy Ci.AUKcr -Co. Couir's. M. E. White. ) 30tf r , , . Centaur Liniment. There Is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will not re-!K-ve, no swelling it will not subdue, r.r.d no lameness which it will lit.t cure. This Is strong lantruajro; b'it it is true:- Where tlie parts :ire not pone, lis elects aie marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neii- . IEn'T'V?32 ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c, upon the hitman frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &c, upon animals in one year than have al other pretended remedies since the world befjnn. It is a counter-irritant, au all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It Is no humbug. The recipe Is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it dc-s j'lft wha it pretends to do. Thos? frain.rheumati.siii, pain or swelling deserve to sutler if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than inoo certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c. hare been received. We will seod a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment Is worth, one hundred dollars for foundered or sWeemed hor ses and mules, or for scrcw-wofm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at trition. "o family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. B. IIosk & Co., New York. 4G-ly Castoria is more than a substitute -for Cas- Or Oil. It Is the only safo article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic' and produce natural sleep. ' It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4G-ly P, 0. BOOK STORE, Keeps' a full line of Toys, Looks, Bibles, and a great va riety of Goods. Aibums, Pocket-Books, Chi na Goods, Initial Paper and Envelopes, Knives, Chromos, Perfumery, Sec. A good assortment of Holi day Presents. . A good line of Gent's Fur nishing goods cheap. w E-i CQ W "HANK'S" OLD PLACE. 34 w 6 Great Sensation. The Beecher A full and reliable histo ry of this greatest scandal t'oft who.fcnows. with eompn-hen-XlXLiuilsivf biOtritii.liic:'! sketches of all rar- 7nrlhnll tu" interested; abounding vJV.U.1IU.1J. with incidents, anecdotes and Sncmrlol interviews never before publish JUaiiUclLt.a ; f,,u historv of the oodhnil "Utopia." The sretch of Beecher pronounced the best ever written. What prominent men tmd women have to hay of rV,r A rrpntQ ?c:u dal. All. ah nit it Ol igtJIlLb written by a wel! known author. Not offen sive to tile most fastidious : about 4o pases. Illustrated. THE GUKA'I KSTSKLLING HOOK KYKli OFFERED CAN VASSEKS. Exclusive territory. . It is rapidly filling up. You must secure u now. His commission. Bound pros pectus, ranvassiuu book and complete outfit sent on receipt of Seventy-Five Cents. Circu lars, terms, etc., free. Address the 1SEYEKLY COM PAN Y, Wabash Ave. and 22d St. Chicago Illinois. Jv4 FOK THE HERALD; Get the Best h,nd Cheapest? TILE FIRST MED iL of the VIENNA EXPOSITION', Reins 1h li'iil'Cft recompensf for u:H' ferial superiority, in 'I:is X (iiM-liidmn Musical Iiis!ruin'iit.s fron all countries). v h;s ieeu aw.'iruea tho Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, liy the concnrrcnce of the Special Jury. Intr niitional .lurv. and two Sub-Juries, including the Emment Artists anil Experts fromdii fcreut countries. In comparison with these,' other American Oiviins wer not found worth) of any even ml Inferior Medal. Trices from $73 to s;!0.i. Tor hale or rent ly E. II. EATON, riattsmouth. Cmss Co. Neb.. V. T. EATON. Crete. Saline Co. Ne!. Kin.'i WT A rVTXC" H "e will sive enerpetiomen VV Ait 1 LU' and women . Business that will Pay from $4 to. ?3 per day. can be pursued in your own nei!;l,lf.hoo(!. and is stru t ly honorable. Particulars f it-e. or samples that will enable you to no to work at tiiice. will be sent ou receipt of tw three edit setups. Addp-ss ' ' (I. LATHAM & rc. 3216 2!) 2 Washington St., lioston, Mass. REDUCED IN PRICE! THE NEW IMPKOYED FLORENCE. The lightest I tinn!'.i.!r; inost simple, durable and most easily operated Shuttle Machine in tlie market. Does muiiy more styles of work, and has a greater variety of. and better attach ments, than any competitor. The only Machine that icill seie in op- 2osite directions. Either Side or Rack Feed, as Desired. It h The Family Vetoing Machine of the day. Send for Circulars of Machines and Attach ments. Agents wanted everywhere. T- ijV'LTON BitOS. (ten. Agents. 214 Ncnh Fifth Street, St. Louis. Great Inducement Offered for Cash. atni9 Prospectus, 1 74-'-'7th Year, TUB ALD1jTE, An Illustrated Monthly Journal, uni versally admitted to be the Hand somest Periodical in the World. A Representative aad Cham pion of American Taste. Not for Salo in Boole or News Stores. The Aldine, while Issued with all the regular ity, has none of tlie temporary or timely inter est characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, lifrht, and grace ful literature : and a collection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number af fords a fresh pleiLsure to its friends, tlie real value and beauty of the Aldinew ill tie most ap preciated after it has been bound up at Uie close of the year.. While other publication may claim superior cheapness, as compared with ri vals of a similar class, the Ahiine is a Jiniuue aiid-orig'nal concept ion alone and l'.mtpr roach ed absolutely without, competition in price or character. The possessor of si complete volume cannot duplicate the ouantil v of line paper and engravings in any. other' Shape or number ol volumes for ten times its cost , and then, there are the chromos besides ! Art Department, 1873. The Illustrations of the Aldine have won a world-wide reputation, and 1u the art centres Of Europe it is art admitted lact that its wood cuts are examples ot the highest perfection ev cr attained. The common prejudice in favor of "steel plates." is rapidly yielding to a more ed ucated and discriminating taste which rei.-"" : the advantages of superior artistic quality with greater facility of production. The wood cuts of the Aldine possess all the delicacy 'and elaborate finish of the most costly steel plate, while they afford a better rendering of the ar tist's original. - To fuhy realize the wonderful work which the Aldine is doing for the cause of art culture in America, it is only necessary to consider the cost to the coiile of cny other decent repre sentations of the productions of great paint ers. in addition to designs by the members of the National Academy, and other noted American artists, the Ahiine will reproduce examples of the best foreign, masters; selected ,wilh-aview to the highest a' tistic success gen eral interest. Thus tlie subscriber to the Al d!no w ill, jit a trilling cost, enjoy in his own home -the pleasure and refining" influences of true art. - The quarterly tinted plates f r 1874 will be by Tlios. Moran and J. I). Woodward. The christm-ns w.swe for 1871 will contain spe cial designs appropriate to', the season, by our best artists, and will surpass ti attractions any of its predecessors. Premiums for 1874. " Even' subscriber to the Aldine for the year ls7twill receive a pair of chromos. The origi nal pictures were painted in oil for the publish ers of the Aldine, by Tims. Moran. whose great Colorado picture was purchased by Congress for ten thousand dollars. The subjects were chos en to represent The East" and "The West." One is a view in the White Mouiitsiiis, New Hampshire ; Ihe other gives Tlie ClilTsof Oreen Kiver, Wyoming Territory. The difference, in tlie nature of tlie scenes then selves Is a pleas ing contrast, and affords a good display of the artist's sco;; and coloii.ig. Tlie cliromos are each worked from thirty distinct plates, and are in size (12x10) nnd appearance exact fac-similei of tlie originals. of a worthy example of America's greatest landscape p; int er to the subscribers- of the Aldine was a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and iis successful re alization is attested Jy the following te.stlnc nial, over tlie signatt t j of Mr. Moran himself. Nkwark. N. J., Sept. 20, 187;. Messrs .IamTls SCI in & Co. (ii-ttlltmen: I am delighted, with the proofs in color of your chromos. They :re wonderful ly successful representations " by mechanic;.! process of the on rinal painfimrs. . Very respectfully. (Signed,) Thos. Mohav. These chromos are in every sense American. They are by an original American process, v. i'.ii material ofVmerican maniifacl are. from de signs .of iTnici'icaii scenery bv an American paint", i . and presented to .sfil.seVibers to the fi-st scct ?s:ul American Art Journal, if no better because of all this, they will certainly possess 1 an interest -no foreign production can inspire, and with, r are. their any the worse If bv reason of peculiar f.w ilities of production tli'ey cost the pol'lishers only a trifle, w hile equal nievn-y rrvpect to other chromos that are sold singly fri tfouhle the subscription price of the Aldin. . PYViis of taste will prize these pictures for themselves not for the price they did or did luit cost, and will appreciate lb.- enterprise that lenders their distribution possible. - If any subscriber shouid indicate a preference fr a figure sublet, the publishers will send Thoughts of Home," a new and beautiful rhromo. 14x20 ihches. representing a little Ital ian exile w hose speaking eves betray the long ings of his heart. Terms: S3 per annum, in advance, -with Oil ' Chromos free. ! For SO cents extra, the chromos will be sent, mounted, varnished, and prepaid by mail. ; The Aldine will, hereafter, be octainnMe only by subscription. There will be no reduced o club rate : cash for subscriptions must '.c sent to the publishers direct, or li:ui?ed to trw local canvasser, without responsibility to the publish ers, except in cases where tH" certificate is giv en, bearing the fac-sii;le Mgnature.of James Sutton &. Co. , - - J- m C'iiiivassti-s wanted,... : Any person wishing to act permanertly as ;; hx-al canvasser cjm receive full and prompt in Torniatiou by applying to JAMES SCTTON-& C-O.. Publishers, ' 2?lt OS Maiden !.anc. New York. i NO YOU DONT ! I ;;. . Get any Good chesper, or a Ivttcr nrfl'1,5 ! t"ri l't kept at the Store of Xasl Clisboo & Co: Iinlcr la General. Merchandise We are in receiptor Fresh floods every week from the Kast, whlchare bought for Cash, nnd j y'-'H be s'ld In any amount. :: ' ' ; , G range rs,kccp youi eye oii your n-iend; "We -will tict be lindcrsold by any one. ' JAS..CMZI1K &. CO. Weeping Water July it, t -'T.X lt-4t. Blacksmith Shop.. CHAS. . TIFFAXY, MT. PLEASANT, "5TEI3. riegf3 leave to inform the fanners of Cuss County that he keeps a goo-lNo. 1 BLACKSMITH SHOP .ne mile nortli of Jit. Pleasant. All kinds pf Iron Work attended to. Waprons repairetj, Farm Iinplementd carefully lneiidod. Lowest prices, and all work done on short notice. Grain received in iiaynietit. (live me a trial. CnA.s. X, Tiktakt. roi j Excelsior Barber Shop. J. 0. BOONiC. Main Street, opimsite Ihouks House. ' flair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooning. Especial t'ttention given to CLTTTNO CIIIIJjltEN'S HAIR. Catl and see BOONE, gents and get, a boon In a CLEAN SHAVE. n4i-ly. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF rLATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA, Bt'CCKSSOlt TO Tootle, Hayna & Clark. John Fitzokrat.d, President. John R. C'i.aijk. Cashier. C. H. PAKMKt.r., Vice l'r sideiit. T. W. Evans, Ass't CttshhT. . This B:ink is now open fi'r business t their new room, comer M;iin ;lnd Sixth streets, and lire prepared to transact u general Dankiiij? Dusiness. Stocks, Bonds. Cloid, Government and Local Securities Bought and Sold,. Deposits Received and. ,' Interest al'owed .. Or. t'ni Ccrtiflcatei. Drafts dniwti. available in any jmrt of the I'nited States and in all the principnl towns and Cities of Europe. FOR THE CELE1J RATED Inman Line AND ALLEN LINE OF STEAMERS . Terseus. v.lshiD! to biinj o'lt- their friends from Europe cah jioreliss' t'ckeU from vs thioi'gti to I'latt?mouth WHITEWATER WAGON FOR FARM, PLANTATICH AND FREIGHT. ALSO SPRING AND DEMOCRAT WAGONS. Where we have no Agents we will sell direct to parties desiring them. Price and description furnished on ap plication. The Whitewater costs a triflemore than ordi nary wagons, but is the cheapest in the long run. SEMPLE, B1RGE&CO. 73 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ST. LOUIS. , Parties writing us, will please mention in what pa per they read our advertise ment, as we wish to give credit where it is due. Burdick'S National HAY & FEED GUTTER, W1U Cut more, lo grrn tlm, with let power, than moj Cotter la Um market. A bar of iron may 1m rati into this maohlna when In fall motion, and wo will wan ant nothing 'i ' worao to occur than mall dent la the knife. ! Beoommended bj the It root Railway ocmpardr Of St. Ionia and Loniarino. For description and price address SEJrIPXiE, BEROE & CO., Xanofaetarera Ayrlcultaral IroplemcnU and Bp- etaHies In Hardware, 13 Sth Tlaia tt.r BU muU. C7Flaao mention In what paper 70a read this. SEMPLE, BIRGE&CO.. AGEMTS FOR BRAOFOHDS rOfiTAELC F.IEN'Cil BURR MlLL ECk-TS, SVUTTEP.3, &c. f"d!IPt:LETS fnrul.:pd, and estirnat r-in-lo. 13 t'.out! Ilaiu :;rrcct, St. Ivula. "Trt.I" v.-ri -ti, p3K ir,c:it:o:i:'uatptjex tlipy r-;d t'.i" r- '.vc? t:.nt ::t. . - j PLATTS3I0UTII IM,A '! it yot'TH, srr. CONKAi; Hi 'l'L, - - 'Tojirh' n.ouit, cor.v "ii;.. ri:i:i, 1 AI;.vrirs on hum), and fur s,.: lit i iwewl C:u . ):- ,. . j fr-TVn IIIsheM pi'.ccs pnlil for VIm.',i: Cj.-h. rai ttcuiar an nl' n Ucn to Cnstotn work, f r nmrn I r t At the f(H t of Main Hrt'-t. Wholesale and Iletoill Dealers In j . . ' ' 'i lfanhvarc and Cutlery i stovi:o, tinwaih:. UtON. NAILS. S iioi.s. n.Ki SIIOVF.I.f, AXI S, i KMVF.SAM) t FOKKS. Cc. &.C All kinds of Tiinvnrc Manufactured. 4ntf it: a: w.Iti:i131an & son! WholO;-had IftUiil Icalersln P i n c Fj u m her. lath, smxauix, Sasli, Doors; Illinds, c. C-4t. Nebraska Grocery. under ilEUAi.u oflice, Luke Miskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Try them and be satisfied. co to Tur: Post Offlce Book Store. U. J. STKEUSHT, l'roprlctor. Tor Ifonr . . . Books, Stutlorery, I'lctu-iJ, Mulo, Toys, Coiifoo'loj)(i7, Violin Strings, Newxpaperj, Novels, Song Books, Xv., fta lOST OVl'ICE BUILDING, Plaltshib'itli'. '- - Nebraska. 8-tft The special iit.cnt'on of all pentoTinJiuvinn hinds or Town Lots for Sale, iu Cass Count)', Is'calleil to the fact that SMITH & WINDHAM will k'vc prompt attention to the disposition till property placed in their h:indi for that pur pose'. If yon have UnimDroved Lands for sale they will MelLit for you, if yotl want tc purchase they will y.i: you a lar;air. If yon have in Improved Farm you desire to '.itposc of they will llml you a' customer. If you vlh to luy ne they supply you. j If you have I I Property to Rent they will rriii It lor Al" w,:' ! Pay T4,xc3 for IJ'dn-Residents a::dfurni.s!iany anJ.all information u.i to i Value, Locality, and Pric: of Real Estate. Tliose who w ith t- 5.. Bay, Self or R.e:it, . or dispose of -their proivrty in Ve'y way will well to give tlieru a ca'l. S3UTW k WIMHIA31 ..- VKV j l'LATTSMOl'TII. -