A 'well selected stock of foreign and American Watches, Ladies Gold Watchos and Chimin solid (ioid and Plated Setts, ink, iuugi Repairing done on short notice and all work warranted. Call and examine for yourselves. ' THE HEIULD, Ml I1 II E HERALD - Fubllsdied every Thursday at - . t "lUt'I'S JI OI'TII, X K D 1 1 AS K A. aivi;iitinim: iuti: One Rcptare, (10 lliu1 or Lmi iii:;ertlru . f l.lrt LiWll MllS (IU lit tllM-llioil ft 1'nifev.ioiud curd, not exc -cding six lines', lo.fwl '.eoluinu jer annum : 'f.tx& j.e!nnm per annum 4't !f! iifitluinn ! r Mi.iwi )ic c.li'iith i!o ltKi.o All advertising IiIUh due ojiarteiiy. J JlisK'it adTcrttHeiueiit nnist ho p;dd furtlj Office On Main St.., Eot. ;tl and Sth. Second Story. OFFICIAL PAVER COUNT V, 01? CASS J. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." rPiTD two onn .-. Vnmv CAHKUrfi'S P031' OFPiOE JBWl&Ll&Y SXOitE AH goods SoM at the lowest prices ibr cash. A Iftrcre assortment of Ctooksjieadquarters for Lai-shes' Patent Accommodation Spectacles. srFi f H A "FT" n " Terms, In Advance Otic ropy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months 1.00 One copy, three inontlis. .. ; 50 ATTORNEYS. If. WHRKI.KK, J. W. 6TIXOHCOMB. lVIierlor SUtKhcomb, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 49-ly n.itt-inoulli. Nebraska. DAM. M. cn.VI-MAX. It. T. M.WWKI.U Chapman & 3IaxivcII. ATTOUXEYS AT LAW ml Solicitors in Chancery, nittee in Fitzgerald's JJlock, Flatlat nioiith, Nebraska. UKO. . SMITH, It. I'- WIKHHAM, .SMITH & WIVDIIAM. ftneccssors to Marqtiett, Smith, & Starblrd, 1 1 tontrys at Law C- Ilea I Esta te Brokers PLATTSMOl'TII, ... KEB. Special nttentlon Riven to Collection, and all mat ten affecting the Title to Iteal Kstate. Ofllce on 21 floor, over the Post Office. PHYSICIANS IS. LI V1XOSTOX. l'h vsK'ian and Surueonj Teinlers his urofes-iioiial sendees to the citizens of Cass eountv. Kesidenee southeast conierof :iU anil Sixth streets ; olTiee on Main street, one ibmr west of Lyman's Lumber Yard, l'lattsinoutti, Nebraska. INSURANCE. -VT1'K.KLKK & I'.KSN KTT Ileal Kxt.He fnd TaToavin r Aircnts. Notaries Fnblie, Fire and Life Inuniiicc Agents. - . ,,i .1. V . . 1. IMF.L1'S l'AINK Cem-t'al Insnrnnci Acnt, lU-iin-siMit" soiue ot the most reliable A om t: l : wtl panies in the I'nited Stat JauT IIOTEI. I5KOOKS HOUSE, JOHX FITZEKALI, Fropricior. Main Stn-tt, l;twfpa Fiftli & Sixth. ' . MISCELLANEOUS. lMatisjiioulli CIIEISKT Proririctor. Have recently been repaired and plarc'l hi thorough running or1er. Iixi.imio P.uhels t,t Wli-at wanted liniiie iliatelT fur which the highest market price will be pafil. AItrac-IS ofi" Title. T HE NTMEK1CAL SYSTEM llie best In vf e Fur descriptive eireular-. address. ACiiES, LLACKM All & CO., p.uiiinvion, Iowa. fillEENIIO'JSH AND PLANTS. ni:i)I3ING Time and monev saved by oil"im of mi'. I jiae the largest a'nd bi-st collection of Plants ver offered bir "sale in the West. Catalogues free. Sweet Potato. Cabbaue.Tuiilato, ami oth-t-r Plants fur sale in their season. AUdrest W. .. II ESS Eli. I!atLmouth. Neb. Agrt'iilH Wnnled. FOU A LOOK NEEDEO P.Y ALL The best books published nil the Horse and the Cow. Liberal terms. Money made rapidly bv agents m liiuv these tiooks. Send for eilfll l.irs. PdKTEI: & COATES, Publishers. Philadelphia, Pa. FirfEAX GALLERY. V-riiot''jraplls. Ambrojypes and copies from old nieiiires. j-laiu or colored, etttier In ink water or oil. AH work neatly executed and war raaled to Kive satlsf u l inn. V. V. LEON ATlO. Artist. to-tf Main Sr., Plattsmouth, Neb. NEW DRUG STORE. WKrriN'O vvATi'.!:, x::n. POTTER & GAFFNEY, ! w:i.ers ix nnrc.s. medicixes. paints, tllLS. YAKNIS1I. 1 I KI TMEIiY, STATION El! Y. NOTIONS, CiOAKS, TOKAt'CO, AN 1) t; LASS. t fPro.Tl;tions c;uvfu!!y prepared. VTtf. L. GOLDING, Dealer In OLOTHINO, rntXISHINT, GOODS. HATS, CAI"S. P.:TS. SHOES. Tltl'XKS, VALISES. CA K PET HAGS, &e., &e.. &e., &e. One or the obtest and most IleliaWe Houses In Platttmoutli. Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. SfiREMEMUEE THE PLACE. nK-tf. NEW STYLES. E. L. ELSTER, MERCHANT TAILOR. 1h In receipt of the finest and JIEST ASSORTMENT UASSIMEKES. CLOTHS. VESTINC.S. SCOTCH GOODS, 1P.ISH FLIES ES, &c. In fact, the largest and best assortment of Cloths ever brought to this city, which 1 am prepared to make up in the Latest Styles. Call and examine Goods. a prills. Mrs- A. D. Whitcomb, PRESS AN!) CLOAK MAKER. Rom three doors west of Erooks House. CUTTING AND FITTING MADE A SPECIALTY. liT Patterns of all kinds constantly on hand 2-iy. J. W. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE, fc LIVERY STABLE. Main street, Plattsmontli, Neb. I am prepared t aoe.miiimdate the public with Horses, Cai'r::tzes. Entries, Wagons. and a Xo. t Hearse. On short n-iMc aad reasonable terms. A Hack will rim t-i the St amboat Lauding, DeiMit and all pari.s of the city when desired. jnltf. Gootl resU int'.k delivered daily at every body's home In ITattsmouth. if they want it, by J. F. Beaumeistcr. Send ia rou 3-onr orders uv.A I will try and jive Volume 9.; Official Directory. COXCSKF.SSIOXAL. T. W. Tijiton. Ilrowiivlllc: V. S. Senator. 1. W. Ilitchenck, Omaha U. S. SenaKir. I C'rouusc. Ft. Calhoun Kepreseutative. EXECL'TIVB. IT. V. Furnas. I'rownville .1. J. (Josimt. Lincoln , T. 15. Weston. JSi-atriee JI. A. Ko-niit, Colimibus fiovenior. .See y of State. Auditor. Treasurer. .1. It. Webster. Crete.. Att'y lien, J. M. McKeuzie, Lin win : . .Srrp't rtib; Instrue'u. jrmciAUY, flcrt. n. I-ke, Omaha Chief Jastiee. Daniel tiaiitt. Nebraska City, I Awoel-ite Ju.C Samuel Maxwell, l'latts'th, f A-S8H1-l,t JU-1 s' rLATTSMOUTH. II. li. Livingston . Mayor. I'helps Paine City Clerk. Win. Winterstem City Treasurer. J. YV. Haines Police Judge. Miles Morgan Marshal. !) X. Johnson Street Commissioner. ALDKKMAX. FtKsT Wahh.-J. Fitzgerald, JL S. Xewman. SKroxn Wakd.-J. Wavnian, C. Nichols. Tiilitit V.i. It. C.CiiNliiiiZ. Thos. Pollock. F'ouutii Wakd. 1L Viviiui, L. F. Jolinnoiu CASS COUXTY. II. F. Ellison i i. Probate .Ttidjre. Oan'l MeKbuion County Clerk. AY. 1 iloblis Treasurer. C. Y. A'i-i Sup't l'ub. In.struct'n. Jacob YaKcry, i T. Clarke. V County Commissioners. Lyman James, ) J. W. Thomas Coroner. "IAPTIT on the conierof Main and Ninth, liev. T. J. Arnold, Pastor. Services every Kahbath. at II a. m. ami 7 v. :n. Sabbath School at ii'i a. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. "iIIKISTIAX Service In Conirrepation Church v-' at II a. in. and : :;o p. in, Conieref L'eust and sth streets. Cordbd invitation extended to ail classes to attend. Tri'ISCOPAL Corner Vine and Third street I j ; Minister. Services every Sunday at II ;;u m. and p. m. SundaY school at 3 p. la. CATHOLIO North side of Public Square. Ucy. Father I5ibal. First Mass every Sabbat Ii c t 8-30 a. in.. Second Mass and sermon at l-3), Vesfers and lieiicilicinm at 7 p. m. Mass at 8 a. m. every week day. T.MKST PKESIJYTEEI AX North side of Main -1- street, west of cth, liev. W. T. Hartle ; Ser vices every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and7 p.m. Sabbath ScIkmi! r.t !-.'W a. in. Prayer laeeting-l every cdnoday evening at 8 o dock. -r ETHOIMST EPISCOPAL West side of r.th L street south of Main. Lev. C. McKelviey Pastor. Services every Sabbath, at to :3o a. m., and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Class nieetlng every Monday evening, and immediately after close of Sabbath moru la;! services. Sabbath School at 2:30, M. li. Kcese, Suiieriuteiidant. COXTAO den 21 September hat die Deutsche Ev. Lutl). Ocmeinds in ihreni Scli'l'haus vor iii:!ta,.'s inn 11 I'hr Cotteodien't. LV-berhaupt luuiei iiersetne von jetzr an reiieimarjsi alio I Ta.se staft. Minister. HeV lannawabl Sabbath school at 1 p. ni Superintendent. 1'roL d'AHeinand, Lodges. T O. O. F. Re-rular meellriifs of I'latto I.ode x No. 7. I. O. O. F. ever.- Thursday evening at odd Fellows' Hall. Transient lJrolnerstre cor dially invited to visit. E E. CT'XXIXGIIAM. X. G. 12Alkx. Srm.Ei;?.:,, Secretary. I. O. O. F. PI.ATTSMOA-TU E.VCAMTMK?,-TXo. 3. Iierular Convocations the 2d and 4th Friday's of each month at Odd Fellows Hall corner :jd aad Main streets. Transient Patri archs coidiailv invited to v Uit. 11. J, STKEIGHT, C. P. Jl. NKW.MAM. seni'i AfASOXIC Fi.A-.-rsv.ni.-Tir LnnoK Xn. 6. A. - i . tc A. M. I'ejrular meetings at tin i r Hali on th br-.f and third Monday evenings of each month. Transient brethren invited to visit. K. li. LIVINGSTON, W. M. A. (i'Au.kmani), Sec. AfACOY LOI.GE No. 22. A. F. & A. M. Eciru--,A lar meetiiers at Macoy Hall, first and third Fridavs J. X. WISE, W. M. J. l. P.kai:islky. Sec. "VEBUASKA CHAPTER No 3. K. A. M. TJcr ular ConvK-ations second and fourth Tues day evenings of each month at 7 o'clock p. in. 1. li. LIVINGSTON, 11. T. II. X'Evvman. Sec. T O. C. T. OLIVE r.IIAXCir. No. 2 J. Ph. Vol W. I' T H O M:irtind:ilo V ! See. : T. W. Shrvock. Ionize Deputy, meets at Clark : 1'lummer's Hall every Tuesday eve ning. Tnvelling Templars respi-cttully invited. rpi'TiX VEKETX. The Ttirhcr Society meets at miners' nan in Guthmaus J.lock. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. A. von Sehwaiicnbcr;, President; George Karcher. Vice President: II. Newimtn, Treas urer : W. Itreed. Eecording Secretary: l'aul Hraidsch. Correspond id g Secretary ; "William Hassler. First Turn Wart : John Hons. Second Turn Wart ; Oswald Guthman, Warden. Purissima et Optima. t iiKt?liiir This unrivalled Medicine Is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any in jurious mineral substance, but is - . 1'IIIELY VEGATAKLE. For forty years it has proved its prrat yalue in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys Thousands of the 1:0ml and great in all parts of the country vouch for Its wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the blood, stimulating the ioriid liver and Ixiwels. and imparting new life and visor to the whole system. Simu ons' Liv er Kegulator is acknowledged to have 110 equal LIVEi: MEDICINE, It contains four medical elements, never milt ed In the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz ; ag.mtle Cathartic, a. wonder ful Tonic, an un-cx eptionable Alterative and a certain Corrective of. all impurities of the liodv. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is new regarded as the GKEAT UXFAILIXG SPECIFIC, ror-Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof. trt-wit ; Dvsiepsia. Constipation, Depression of spirits Sour stomach, Heart P.iir.i, &e. S.c. Kegulate the Liver and prevent . CHILLS AXI) FEVER. Trepared only by J. 11. ZEILIX & CO. Druggists. Macon, f!a. Send for a Circular I and 3i Arch street. Price 1, by mail J.i5 " Philadelphia Pa. For Sale by J. ft. Buttery, jar.-w!y Hattsniouth, Neb. MONEY SAVED BY Buying Ycur Greenhouse and Bedding Plants . AT THE hen ic C a rdc n s. TAONT send V.:it for Plants when you can get ju.st as good for is money nearer home. To n-y numerous friends and pat ran I would say that I have the laryest and beM stock of pbuits ever oi'.ei?.i for sale in the West, and at reasonable pricec. He .sure and send lor iny Xew Dci.ci-ipUve Cataicguc. which will be sent free to aH v-ho apply for it. pn g'v rr yo-tr Te;--, : jd I fee! coTitbleitt I '. IMf . .. Churches. XX THE PKINTER'S ESTATE. . Ve find in an exchange the follow ing remarks, which all printers and publishers will agree in calling sensi ble, and commend them to the atteri tidn of the reader. They will apply to all localities in which newspapers cir culate: The printer's dollars where are they ? A dollar here and d dijllar there scattered over the country, miles and miles apart; how shall they be gathered together? The paper maker, the Journeyman compositor, the build ing owner, the grocer, the tailor, and all assistants to him in carrying on his business, haVe their demands hardly ever small as a single dollar. IJut the mites here and there must be diligently and patiently hoarded, or the where withal to discharge the liabilities will never become sufficiently bulky. "We imagine the printer will have to get up an address to his widely scattered dol lars something like the following: "Dollars, halves, quarters, dimes and all manner of fractions into which j-ou are divided, collect j'ourselves and come home. You are wanted. Combina tions of all sorts of men that help to make the printer and proprietor gather in such force and demand with such good reasons your appearance at this counter, that nothing short of you will please thein. Collect yourselves, for valuable as 3ou are you will never pay the cost of collecting. Come here in single file, that the printer may form you in battalions, and send you forth again to battle for him and vindicate his feeble credit" Header, are you sure you havn't a couple of printer's dollars sticking about your clothes? If you have, crdcr them home iniiuedi-1 ately. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. It is a remarkable fact that the ma terial most abundant in nature iron, is the strongest of all known substan ces. Made into best steel, a rod one fourth of an inch in diameter will sus tain 9,000 pounds before breaking; soft steel 7,030 pounds; iron wire 6,000; bar Iron 5,000: inferior bar iron 2,000; cast iron 1,000 to 3,000; copper wire 3,000; silver 2,000; gold 2,500; tin 300: cast zinc 100; sheet zinc 1,000; cast lead, 55 ; milled lend 200. Of wood, box and locust the same size, bear l,y(JU pounds; toughest ash, 1,000; elm 800; beech, cedar, white oak, pitch pine, 500 ; chestnut and ma ple, G50J poplar, 500. Wood which will bear a heavy weight for a minute or two, will break with two-thirds the force acting a ' long time. A rod of iron is " about ten times as strong as a hemp cord. A rope an inch in diame ter will bear a ton, but in practice it is not safe to subject it to a strain of more than about one-half a ton. Half tm-inch in diameter the strength will be one-quarter as much ; a quarter of an inch, one-sixteenth as much, and so cn. Scientific American. A CRUSHING BLOtf. "Last evening," relates the New Or leans Uerald, "while the chief engin eer of a lungtester was expatiating upon the benefits to be derived from the free use of his instruments, a ca daverous individual stepped out of the crowd and remarked to hi in, 'Mister, do you think it would help mo any to blow into that can?" "Yes, sir, cer tainly; it would expand your chest, give elasticity to the lungs, and length en your lifet Why, you'd soon be able to blow 500 pounds, and win the 8T prize.' 'Why, does a fellow get 5 when he blows that many pounds? 'Yes, sir; wouldn't you like to make a trial?' with a knowing, wink to the crowtl. 'I tlon't care if I do,' said Greens, walking around and planking down a dime of the greasy shin-plaster sort. Then, taking the mouthpiece in his hand, made ready. He opened his mouth until the hole in face looked like a dry dock for ocean steamers, and began to take in wind The inflation was like that of the Daily GrapJtic bal loon, but not so disastrous. That fel low's chest began to grow and Alistcnd until he resembled a pouter-pigeon more than a man, at which point he put the mouthpiece to his lips, and blew with such force that his eyes came out and stood around on his" cheek-bones to see what was the mat ter. But that can-top went up like a flash, and the needle of that indicator spun around like a button on a country school-house door, until it stood still at 500 pounds! The crowd cheered, and the keeper of the can paid over the $5 in stamps, with a mutter of aston ishment. But Greens pocketed them coolly, and, turning to the spectators, said, "Look here, gents, that ain't noth to tlo at all far a man who has been bugler in a deaf and tlurhb asylum for years, like me!" A jury once returned into court in order that one of their number might be instructed upon the following point of law: "If I believe the evidence is one way, and the other eleven believe different, does that justify any other juryman in knocking me down with a chair." An old toper was compelled by his wof thy spouse to "join the cold water army," which he did, promising never to touch a drop of anything else ex cel t is sicker??;?. He h?."? never leen Plattsmouth, Nebraska, THE REFORMED GAMBLER From the San Francisco Chronicle. Once upon a time there came to Po- kerville a genius of the stripe com monly known as the reformed gambler, jNow, as the l'okervilians had no other amusement than playing poker or seven-up, when it became generally known that an individual was coming that way whose avowed purpose was the demolition of those popular insti tutions, and consequently the de3truc tion of the town, througli the annihila tion of the very "industry" upon which its existence depended, there arose a great excitement, and preparations were made to give him a warm recep tion. A meeting was held, at which the people attended in mass, and tho prospect for the new light of reform was anything but encouraging. Notwithstanding all this-dr, per haps, because thereof the hall which had been engaged for the lecture was crowded with an expectant throng, who had gone there for the express purpose of mobbing the exponent of unsavory truths. Among the assembled wisdom was the head deacn of Poker ville, who never played cards except for "fun (with a nominal stake, just to make it interesting, you know"), and who had such a rooted antipathy for card-play ing in general that he never had a com punction against skinning any one of 'em' when it did so; happen that he was induced to take a hand. The speaker stepped upon the ros trum, punctual to the moment, dressed in an ordinary suit of the pepper-and salt mixture, with short, stubby hair and a very red nose. In proceeding to his lecture he threw Alown upon the table a pack of ordina ry playing cards, and deliberately rolled up his sleeves and spit on his hands, at which Alemonstration curios ity so far got the better of indignation that tho murmuring and scraping of feet subsidetl, and the lecturer knew, by the general craning of necks and the firmness with which each listener clenched in his teeth hi3 individual "chaw" of tobacco, that he got 'em where he wanted "em." The proceedings were opened by a pra'r" by the Aleacon, and to hear the "araens!" and "O, Lords!" which gur gled from the stomachs of the listeners. one would have supposed a prayer- meeting was in progress ; but thts is the way they always did in Poker ville. The lecturer Avent right into the bowels of his subject. He traced the oaigin of cards back to the father of sin, and said the first victim of the pasteboard was Esau, who gambled on his patrimony at tho game of euchre, and who was so Alead-broke in conse quence that he was glad to accept of a free-lunch at the hands of tho victor. He was down on cards of all kinds, as a general principle, ami he had ascer tained that tho new-fangled "postal cards" were only deviseAl as an instru ment of offensive warfare in the hands of Aluns, he was down on them, too. But first he wished to explain to his audience the means by which so many were skinneAl of their little piles, and was willing to bet, that there wasn't any man in the room that he couldn't beat, no matter what the odds might be against him. There was a general crowding for ward toward the rostrum, and pretty soon tho table was heaped with the money of better?. Trick after trick was then explained, but somehow, al though everybody "saw it," no money was seen to return to the pockets of those who ventured it. On seeing their cash disappear at the end of each experiment,, they would scratch their heads, .is if in some perplexity, and then go over to hold a conference with the deacon. The hour for his departure having at last arrived, the great reformer took up his hat, stuffed his "lecture" into his pocket, and was about to leave, when the deacon rose to his feet and request ed the indulgence of the lecturer, a3 he had "a few words to offer." "Although most of the folks here .present," he said, "appear to consider they've got their money's worth, I ain't quite satisfied, myself, and, though I am dead set against gamblin', I wouldn't mind enterin' into a trial of skill with my friend here, and if I'm beat it may be concluded that the knights of the pasteboard are done in Pokerville. The great reformer being ready to ticcommoAlate, the two sat down at op posite ends of the table, the crowd gathered around, and for some mo ments nothing was to be heard but the thumping of the deacon's fist and the scratching sound of his fingers as he raked in the cash. Tho great reformer began to look sickly, and when he got up again to leave it was observed that his features did not wear that pleasant smile which had overspread them at the earlier stage of the evening. "2?ow. deacon," said one of the orig inal sufferers, "there's about twenty of us in for it, and I guess you may as well divide up." "In that case," said the deacon, "the force of this great moral lesson would be utterly lost.. 'The Lcrd giveth and the L.ord taketh away.' Let us pray." Since then it is dangerous for a greefihorn to pass through Pokerville.. Th'iabgivin i ec: an;; Thursday, November 20, RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. "As I was riding along the the road sometime ago," said the eccentric ol Peter Cartwright, in one of las last sermons, "a man overtook me who looked as though he might be a preach er. He calletl mo by nahie, and after some talk asked irie if Iwas ready to hear the truth. I told him that Cart wright was my name, my debts were paid, my will made, and I was ready for anything. 'Very well,' said he, you old ignoramus, or hypocrite, yu ought to know too much, or be too honest to remain a Methodist. I usotl to be one myself yes, a Methodist preacher until I found out the error of my way, 'Hoi hor said I, 'and what are you now?'" Cartwright mentioned the name of the denomination to whiel his interlocutor had gone, but which need not repeat, aikt then proceeded: "ToV, brethren, I knew well enough that the devil had only one of three wavs to get a min out of the Metho dist Church into that denomination and that there must be rascality in money matters, a woman scrape, or linuor at the bottom of this fellow's change. So, judging from his looks, I pulled a bow at venture and said: 'What was that fuss you had about a woman ?' 'Cartwright, you old rascal !' he shouted in a rage, 'how did j"Ou ever hear about that?' And, putting whip to his horse, he was soon out of sight. I never saw or heard of the man be fore: but that's the way I treed that coon no, drove that skunk to his hole A C03IEDI AN'S ELOPEMENT. "It Las been many years since we first s .w Owen," says a writer in the Washington Chronicle. "Then he was the handsomest man on the stage, with a superb and graceful figure, fine fea tures, and a glorious crowning of gold en-bro vn hair, which his eccentricity caused him to cover, whenever on the stacre. with a fiery red wig. At that day actors and actresses, however high they might stand in their own profes sion, rarely attained to any high social nosition. During an engagement at the Baltimore Museum he fell in love with and courted the beautiful Miss Warfield, the acknowledged belle and leader in the aristocratic world of that citv famed for its beautiful women and delicious terrapin! Owen's ben efit was announced, and the Museum was crowded to its utmCst capacity, for the handsome young actor was an immense lavonte with the. theatre goers. A long delay followed the last n tes of the 'overture ;' the band again- began to play a half and then an hour, when the manager appeared and stated to the crowd that their money AVould be refunded at the Aloor, Mr. Owens be ing unable to appear. The scene which followed cannot be Alescribed. The next morning the fashionable world was shaken as by an earthquake, for the announcement went forth that the beautiful Miss Warfield had e'oped with Owens, and her cousin, Miss , fellow actor of the comedian. How the knowing ones talked! But years came and went; Owens and his lovely wife remained, as they still do, a most Alevoteil couple ; fair children came to bless the union, anil to-ilay who says aught but that it has been a happy marriage i THE HORSE " Charles Dickens's opinion f thd horse is found in his writings, as fol lows: "I object to the personal ap pearance of the horse. I protest against the conventional idea of beauty as attached to that animal. I think his nose too long, his forehead too low, and his legs (except in the case of the cart horse) ritliculously thin for his body. Again, considering how big an animal he is, I object to the contempti ble delicacy of his constitution. Is he not the sickliest creature in creation? Does a child catch cold as easily as a horse ? Does not a horse, for all his appearance of superior strength, strain his fetlock as easily as I sprain my ankle? Furthermore, to take him from" another point of view, what a helpless wretch he is! "No fine lady re quires more constant waiting on than a horse. Other animals can make their own toilet ; lie must have a grcom. 1 You will tell that this is because we want to make his coat artificially glos sy. Glossy ! Come home with me, and see my cat my clever cat, who can groom herself ! Look at your own dog ! See how the intelligent creature cur rycombs himself with his own honest teeth. Then, again, what a fool the horse is what a poor, nervous fool! ne will start at a white stone or a piece of paper in the road a3 if it were a lion. His one idea, when he hears a noise he is not accustomed to, is to run way from it, What do you say to these two common instances of the sense and courage of the absurdly over praised " animal ? I might multiply them to two hundred if I chose to ex ercise my mind and waste my breath, which I can never aIo. I prefer com ing at once to my last charge against the horse, which, is the most serious of all, because it affects h!s moral charac ter. I accuse hiul boldly, in his capaci ty of servant to ruan; of slyness and treachery.' I brand him publicly, no matter how mild he may look about the eyes cr how sleek he may be in the coat, as' a systematic betrayer, when ever he can get the chance, of the coa-.I.ir-o reposed ia h'tn." 1873. A JOURNALIST'S ADVENTURES. The Checkered, Siriped, and Spotted Career of Donald Pailuianoir, of Louisville. From the Indianapolis Sunday Herald. Mr. Donald Padtnanoff, of the Louis tille Courier-Journal, is about to pub lish his autobiography. Autobiogra phies, as a general thing, are not entic ing; but, knowing something of the author's Btrange and e.entful career, we risk nothing in commending his work to the public. Mr. Padmanoff is a Pole by birth, but not being the long est Pole he has heretofore failed in his efforts to knock the persimmon. Be ing an ardent patriot, at the age of six teen years he went to iSt. Petersburg for the purpose of conspiring against the Czar, where he fell in love with a beautiful Russian Princess; and was by her betrayed to the authorities. He was tried and condemned to be made a frozen statue of. In the tlepth of a Russian winter, young Padtnanoff was chained to a post on the banks of the Xeva, and deluged with innumerable buckets of water. Ice to the depth of three inches had already formed over him, when he was reprieved and re suscitated. In speaking of it after waril, Pad. admitted that it was an ice thing to be made a statue of. As sodn as he was sufficiently recovered he was knouted, sent to Siberia, and put to work in a diamond mine. Here by his intelligence and good behavior, he in gratiated himself with the superin tendent, kept his books, and stood with htm on the perquisites. After five years of servitude, young Padmanoff effected his escape, having in his pos session a diamond of the purest water as big as a pigeon egg, and valued at 1,200,000 rubles. The mountain passes were strictly guarded, but so effectual was his disguise that he eluded the vigilance of his pursuers. He swal lowed his diamond once every twenty- four hours, to guard against robbery. In the Ural mountains, in a fight with robbers, lie had one eye knocked out with a chunk of quartz, and instead of swallowing his diamond as usual, he secreted it in the cavity of the missing eye. After eight months of weary wandering, Aiming which he suffered the most extraordinary privations, he made his wav across the Prussian frontier, and from thence td London, where he taught the Polish and learned the English language, afterward taking a position on the London Times. At the breaking out of the Crimean Avar, lie enlisted as a light dragoon, and was one of the COO who rode into "the mouth of hell" at Balaklava. He was badly wounded in one of the assaults on the Malakoff, and was nursed by Florence Nightingale, who took quite a shine to the 'oung adventurer. Af ter the war he deserted, and niade his way to Louisville, where besought and readily obtained employment on ths Courier-Journal. Here he dropped the off" from his name, and simply be came Padman. Singularly enough, he still owns that tliamond, which he keeps buried in his back-yard, and reso- utely refuses to sell at any price. Few of our readers who see the tall, pale- faced, slender man threading his way through the streets of Louisville, start ing nervously every time a Alog barks, would suspect that the niadest writer of "Small Talk" has wealth enough to purchase a kingdom if I13 would only convert it. Among Mr. Paduian's peculiarities is a not altogether unreasonable fear of dogs. He has been bitten seven times by rabid dogs, and was only saved by excision of the bitten part, and actual cauterization. He is brave as a lion with other beasts, and has been known to tackle the tiger in his lair. Last summer, while going from the office to his home, on Chestnut street, he was attacked by an ecelot that had escaped from Robinson's menagerie. Without a moment's hesitation Mr. Padman thrust his arm down the creature's throat, grasped the root of tiiC tail and turned it inside out. A MARVEL OUTDONE. Mr. Finlayson, Town Clerk of Stirl ing, Seotlanil, in the latter part of the seventeenth century, was noted for the marvelous in conversation. He was on a visit to the Earl of Menteith and Airth, in his castle of Talla, in the Loch of Menteith, and was about tak ing his leave, when he was asked by the Earl whether he had seen the sail- ing cherry tree. "No," said Finlayson ; "what sort of a'thing is it?" "It is," replied the Earl, "a tree that has grown out at a 'goose's mouth froiii a stone the bird had swallowed, and which she bears about with her in her voyages round the loch. It is now in full fruit, of the most exqusiite flavor. Now, Finlayson," he added, "can you, with all your powers of memory and .fancy, match my story of the cherry tree?" "Perhaps I can," said Finlayson, clearing his throat, and adding: "When Oliver Cromwell was at Airth, one of his cannon sent a ball to Stir ling, and lodged it In the mouth of a trumpet which one of the troops in the castle was in the act of sounding." "Was the trumpeter killed?" sa'd the Earl. "Xo, my lord," replied Finlayson; "he blew the. ball bacx and killed the artiUcrvroai who had fired it." Number 34- A LOST NOTE. From Old and Xew London.. An extraordinary affair happened about the year. 1740. One of the Di rectors, a very rich m.on, had occasion for 30,000 of the Bank of England, which he was to pay as the jrri.-e of aif estate he had jus bought. To . facili tate the matter, he carried the sum with him to the bank, and obtained for it a bank note. On his return homo he was suddenly calletl out upon par ticular business; lie threw the note carelessly on tho chimney, but when he came back a few minutes afterwards to look it up it was not to be found. No one had entered the room ; he could not, therefore, suspect any person. At last, after much ineffectual search ho was persuaded that it hadjfallen from the chimney into tho fire. The Direc tor went to acquaint his colleagues With the. misfortune that had hap pened to him; and as he was known to be a perfectly honorable man he was readily believed. It. was only about twenty-four hours from the tinie tliat he had deposited the -money; they thought, therefore, that it would be hard to refuse his request for a second bill. He received it upon giving an ol ligation to restore the first bill, if it should ever bo found, or to pay the nioiiey himself, if it should be present ed by any strangers. About thirty years after, (the Director having been found dead, and his heirs in possession pf Ids fortune), an unknown person presented the lost bill at the bank, and demanded paymn. It was in vain that they mentioned to this person the transaction by which that bill Was an iiuIIcmI; he would not listen to it Ife maintained that it came to hini from abroad, and insisted upon immediate payment. The note was. payable to bearer, and the J30jOOO were paid him. The heirs of the Director would hot listen to any Atemands of restitution, and the bank was obliged to sustain tho loss. It was discovered afterward that an architect having purchased the Director's house, and taking it down, in order to build an other' upon the same spot, had found the note in a crevice of the chimney, anil made his discovery an engine for robbing the bank. TVTO LEGAL GIANTS AFRAID OF A CONTEST IN COURT. A correspondent of the Portfolio sends the following: Old Squire Ger xish, of NewbUryport, is a genial soul who has a host of legal reminiscences. An intimate friend of Webster, Edward Everett and Ilufus Choate, and a law partner of Caleb dishing, he had a rare opportunity of collecting anecdotes and details that are very interesting now. While connected with Gushing, a time came when those two Titans, Cushing and Choate, were on opposite sides in an important suit. On tho dav when the case was called the court-room was crowded. A battle between such men was a novelty, even in that epoch of brains. To the amazement of Judge, jury and spectators, both 'Cushing and Choate were somewhat anxious for a "continuance" in other Avoids, for a postponement of trial. As a usual thing, both gentlemen were always anxious to force a case to trial, being in a state of "chronic preparation," as Webster once said in speaking of Choate. In going out of Court, says Mr. Gerrisli. I met Choate and said, "How is it that' you were ready for a continuance to-day? It is a little odd cf you." Choate replied, "Oh, I am a little pressed Avith business and can afford to let this case stand oA'er." Said I, "Choate, that is sheer non sense. I'll tell vou Avhat the matter is. You are afraid of Cushing." "So I am," was the reply, "and I'm not ashamed to own it, either." "Well, Avell," said I, "this is pretty good. The idea of Rufus Choate fright ened. What cn earth do you feaf in Cushing?' "Mr. Gerrish, I wilt tell you. I am afraid of his overwhelming knowledge of the 7a w. In tlie afternoon Cushing came into the office. I went for him at once. "Caleb, what' was the matter to-day ; why didn't you insist on trying that case?"- "O !" he replied, "the weather is warm and Ave have much to attend to, and I didn't Care to hurry matters' "Now, Cushing, be honest; were you not a little afraid of Choate?" "Well, Gerrish, to be candid about it, 1 AVas. Are you satisfied now ?" I then inquired Avhat he feared Choate for. "Do you think" said I, "that he knows any poie lav' than you do?" , ,. "No, sir, I. tlon't". was the answer; "but Fir- afraid of the rascal's infernal influence with a jury, right or Avrong." And there it Avas. The two men had been so often associated that each knew, the other's strong points and felt timid. To keep warm on a cold day, the women double the Cape and the men double the Horn. A Justice of the Peace at Kansas C'ty puts it: u2sovr hi the gaul darned jade wince." Many a man, avIio thought bS had made a bargain buying silks, found that he had got worsted. A Kangaroo is a curious c-hap; when it's Avide awake it's leaping. Fyti: v C'orjp if nir llrmi.i fornaln ty f.: .1. Ktreixhl, nt I lie !' eilee. and O. F. John win, corner of Minn ;iin( f-'!ftli St.s. WIVES' COLLtMN. "TOS YOUR OWN SA RE" EARNEST t ITINtJ THE DUTY OF ALL. Miss Anna E. Dickinson op'jju.''i tiio Galaxy course of .lecturer aiid ii':i:liiigl at the Church of tho Disciples, New York, lately, with a new lecturi, ii titled "For Your Own S;tke." Sho said: "A thing very few peoplo know is how to live not to c.tit inertly, bu, to be alive. Character ii destiny. . J"U?w people recognize this fact in their chil dren in their homes. It is go nor; ignored. Square children Fit u't into, round holes, and round childreit into square holes, and if they do not lit, they are chipped olT or driven. inf Parents ignore tho individuality of their children. liacli has his peculiari ties, Avhich are given for Avifo pur poses. One daughter may have a vi'fW which if cultivated would take her in to tho opera. Another has talent which should le.nl her to tho stage. A sort hrfs tic ft lin'g is Ahih slioi'fif. make him a mechanic, yet each is dis couraged from pursuing the bent of his natural genius, because such a course Avould shock the propriety, or would bo contrary to'what is believed to be opinion. God is glorified by the. use of tho talent he gives, til little, good is done in the world becitn-e few knoAV what needs to bo done. There is so little tru3 living, because so few people know what they aro living for. We say that wo love tho world, but Ave do not even lne. p'tiii to learn about the world. Eaisiing is not living. Many people t h ink Unit the object of life is to take care of th;. body, but thej don't even get acquaint ed Avith it; they burden, overload, and torment it. Even the miser holds it. as his dearest treasure ; yet many aro there At ho I avv not said: "What shalll do with myself?" The vpry thing they love best. There is no time to bo thrown imay, t litre is so much to see,' so much td Irjarn; iii the school hours. It is not that Ave should dd smite great thing, but that each should live his own life. It is not tho anniont of life;, but of determination put into it. Sonio say there is too much talk about work ; they want to have a good time lb"? very few people" ire la earnest even in having a good tlnio. They s;iy they. Avould like to do certain thfng bt'.t for, what people Avould say. They make slaves of themselves for strangers, and forego the pleasure and profit of doing as thc-y pleane, in order to ph:;t) other people who don't care a straw for them. One constantly sees this yield-', ing to the Avhiins of others .nnio:,g women. They should live for the sake, of living." Miss Dickinson drew a vivid picture of the lifo of a fashion able lady devoted to dress, novel read ing and flirting, and finally marries because she is expected to marry. Men are treated Avith no greater leni ency. There arc fe'., p)hi r:Hd; who live even in their money-getting. Tliev toil like slaves to th'.dr gr.ives and drop into them, never having lived an hour. . The world cares little for tile individ uals, living or dead; it matters not who Avrote such a book or did .such a deed, provided the book pr tlx deed bis, well done.' ifut to the individual tho difference is that between heaven and hell. Miss Dickinson closed V'ith a bnlliant picture of a sunrise rm tho Rocky Mountains, Avhich she had seen from a lofty peak. "The sun," she! said, "would have risen r'n r't'df. a scene" though i had not bocfl there.. The question is not of the sun's rising or on Avhat it rises, but whe ther you or I shall be there to see it. And re member, friends, that to him Avho. climbs the mountain tops the glory of the Lord is revealed." A Perfect Water-Proof. A writer in an English paper says:. By the way, speaking of Avatcr-proofs, I think I can give travelers a valuable hint or two, For many years I have Avorn India-rubber water-proof but will buy no more, for I have learned' that good Scottish tweed can be made entirely imperA'ious to rain, and, more over, I have learned how to make it bo; and for the benefit of the readers will give the recipe f . lit a bucket of soft water put half-a-pound of sugar of lead, and half & pound of powdered allum; stir this, at inte.rA'al' until it becomes clear, 0erf pour it off into another bucket. ;(r'j' put. the garment therein, and te' h be in for twenty-four hourr, 'and "then hang it up to dry V-it bout wringing it. Two of my party a lady and a gentleman have worn garments thus treated in the Avildest storms of Avind and rain, Avithout getting Avet. The rain hws upon the cloth in globules: in .hort, they are really water-proof. ThO gentleman, a fortnight ngo, -alk-ed nine miles in a storm of raiu aud Avind, such as you rarely see in the. South; and Avhen he slipped -off his overcoat, his ttuder-clctlies were p.s dry as Avhen be p'.'t them oil litis is, I. think a secret wortli knowing; for Cloth, if it can be ir:;le to keep out Wet, i3, in every way, better than what Ave know as water-proofs. Who was the first buy mentioned iu the Bible ? "Chap. 1." . Every, tcrd of wood given to tLo poor i? re-corded abve. Last words of Captain Jack -'T'l l -hanged if go v m 'that pbttfor" ."