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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1873)
J 5 IS Twins, like misfortunes, never come fcingly. -Husband, -where shall I cet the tick- ing for our new feather bed?" "Any place where you can get the tick." , A critia says that no English woman Of cultivation wears her garter below her knee as it is ruinous to the calf. It has now become a question as to Whether a phrenologist can tell what a barrel contains by examining its head. To whist players Should a chim ney-sweep trump his partner's trick when he carlnot follow suit? One of the eate3t toasts ever given '""Woman, the last werd on our lips, because it comes from the bottom of our hearts." Bismarck's wife, who died lately. was her husband's secretary, clerk and messenger. All private dispatches Were first read by Frau Bismarck. A woman in Iowa broke the handle of a neighbor's spade in killing a snake who had attacked her infant child, and he now sues her for its Value nen you see a liare-lieaued man following a cow through the font gate, and filling the air ith garden imple ments and profanity, you may know . that his cabbage-plants have been set out. uu lrisnman, seeing a snip very heavily ladne, and scarcely above the water's edge, exclaimed: "Upon my A - a Soul! if the river was but a little higher, the ship would go to the bot tom r The regents of the Michigan Univer sity refuse to appoint professors of homeopathy, as ordered by the Legisla ture, and the Circuit Court gives them Until November 7 to show cause why a mandamus compelling their obedi ence should not be issued. SLIDIMMIATE JtOYALTT. A Missouri correspondent writes us that parties are roaming over Livings ton and adjoining counties, in Missouri, collecting royalty from farmers, who use the slide and swing gate. We pre- . sumo these farmers do not take the l'rairie Farmer, or they would know better than to pay the claimants with out a law-suit. We have exposed the absurdity of the claim so often, that We have little sympathy for the dupes. '--Prairie Farmer. TEllltlULE FIRE. One of the worst prairie fires it has ever been our painful duty to chronicle, occurred in the southern part of the State, on Tuesday last. It started near the Otoe Indian reservation, near Be atrice, and traversed twenty-five miles. Near Wilbur, it approached a school house filled with children. The school grounds were provided with the usual safeguards but the children were panic stricken and started for home. Ten were overtaken and three were burned to death on the spot ; three others were burned so badly that their lives are despaired of, and the other four maimed badly. Mrs. Morey, in attempting to save her children was also burned to death. Several houses and large quan tities of grain were destroyed. Fre mont Tribune. Why Some are Poor. Cream is allowed to mould and spoil. Silver spoons are used to scrape kettles. The scrubbing brush is left in the wa ter. White handled knives are thrown into hot water. Brooms are never hung tip and are soon spoiled. Dish cloths are hung where the mice can destroy them. Tubs are left in the sun to dry and fall apart. Clothe3 are left on the line to whip to pieces in the wind. The pf -crust Is allowed to sour, instead of making a few tarts for tea. Dried fruit is not taken care of in season and be comes wormy. Vegetables are thrown away that would do to warm for break fast The cork is left out of the sugar jar, and the (lies take possession. Bits cf meat are thrown out that would make hashed meat or hash. Coffee, tea, pepper and spices are left to stand open and loose their strength. Pork spoils for the want of salt, and beef because the brine wants scalding. YTtlkle Collins and Charles Bradlangh. A New York telegram says : At the reception of Mr. AVilkie Collins at the Lotus Club on Saturday night a remarkable scene followed the intro duction of Charles Bradlaugh, late in the evening, in the restaurant. He re ferred pointedly to the fact that class distinctions in England were so great tfliat thi3 American club had given him on'foreign soil the first opportunity of his life to meet a countryman whom he was so glad to honor, and even to eay a word in his praise. "There was no club in England," said he, "that would give mo an equal privilege." The speech was received with wild outbursts of enthusiasm. Prolonged cheers were freely given, and even af ter Bradlaugh had turned to hi3 seat at the table beside Collins the crowd con tinued cheering until he came for ward and spoke briefly again. Haling Passion Strong lit Death. An o!d farmer, up to all methods for making a good bargain, was very ill, "and friends were exacting an early de mise. His nephew and a man hired for the occasion had butchered a steer which had been fattened; and when the job was completed the nephew en tered the sick room, where a few friends were assembled, when to the astonishment of all. the old man opened his eves, and turning his head slightly, said, in a full voice, drawling out the words: "What have you been doing?" "Killing the steer," was the reply. "What did you do with the hide T "Left in- the barn ; going to sell it by-ad-by." "Let the boys draj? it around the yard - a couple of times ; it will make it weigh &eavier" . Atd the goai old man was gathered TO TKAIN A D3IYIXG IIOESE. In teaching a young horse to drive well, do not hurry to see how fast he can trot. Keep each pace clear and distinct from the other; that is, in walking, make him walk and do not allow him to trot While trotting, be equally careful that he keeps steady at his pace, and do not allow him to slack en into a walk ; the reins, while driv ing, should be kept snug, and when pushed to the top of his speed, keep him well in hand, that he may learn to bear upon the bit so that when going at a high rate of. speed he can be held at his pace; but do not allow him to pull too hard, for it is not only unpleas ant, but it makes him difficult to man age. National Live-Stock Journal. PLOWING DOWN UK ASS. Notwithstanding the utmost pains and care in plowing, the grass, espe cially if iong, will bristle up in beards and tufts here, there and everywhere, injuring alike the appearance of the field and it3 capacity for growth. Do you wish to remedy thi3 great difficul ty? If so, use the chain and ball to your plow. No matter what kind of a plow you have, try them. A piece of ordinary trace chain will do very well Fasten the end of it to yotir coulter, and to the other end attach a round iron ball of from two to three pounds we'ght leaving the chain long enough to permit the ball to reach back to about the middle of the mold-board. and there let it drag along, on the off side, of course. Canada Farmer. GOOD POINTS OF A COW. i. x omn. u. cow is in her prime at from four to six years, and the best paying time to buy just after the birth of her second or third calf. 2. Prominence and fullness of milk vms, and velvety softness of skin. The milk veins, run down on either side of the animal toward the udder, and are easily perceptible to the eye, or can be readily found by pressure of the hand if the animal is not over fat The skin should be soft and mellow. not hard, rough, and "staring." 3. Synimetary, fullness and seftness of the udder. It should be broad, well spread out, prejecting behind the legs, and also reaching forward under the belly. There should be a softness and thinness to the touch, and an absence of Ueshiness and thickngss. 4. Perfect number and condition of teats. If one teat is wanting, about a fourth less milk will be the result. A cow s udder is not, as some suppose, a barrel with four taps, but is divided into foiir difierent compartments, called "milk glands," each of which has its own tap or teat. It is not only important that the full number of teats be present and in working order, but it is desirable that they be well placed, not crowded together, but pretty far and uniformly apart ; rather long and tapering; all pointing out and down ward, equal in size and even in appear ance. 5. Docility and quietness of disposi tion. These are indicated by large, mild and clear eyes, and an air of con tentment generally. A cow that is quiet- and contented feeds at ease, chews her cud with entire satisfaction, and will secrete and yield more milk than any restless and turbulent animal having similar milking characteristics in other respects. PENNSYLVANIA BAUNS. Mr. VT. C. Croffut, editor of the Min- eapolis Tribune, one of the spiciest, wittiest, and most practical writers in the AVest, has been taking a stroll East, and thus discourses of the barns lie saw there: May I jump from the foot-lights to the farm? from Chicago to Pennsyl vania? In Chester and Lancaster counties is, I think, the most finished farming in the Union. The farms, composed of a brickdust sort of soil, are cultivated from fence to fence every rood, as the farms of Flemings and of Itrittany are cultivated from hedge to hedge. Cattle stand witli their four feet in two feet of clover. : Every field is a park. Every bam is a cow-palace. Every pig-gen is a porcine parauise. Pennsylvania is pre-emin ently the State of barns. Think of a three-story stone barn, with a swell front and dormer windows in the roof, and a luxurious portico where the Sy baritic calves chew the cud of sweet contentment on summer evenintrs! And then behold the little cabin in the rear where the agricultural Dutchmaa lives with his "frow," and where the children lie on the floor and envy the happy calves in the lattice portico. Every barn is three times as large as the house, which serves a sort of ap pendage, and, as it were, plays second fiddle to it. The barn is headquarters, and the house a sort of sentry-box where the man resides who takes care of it. The barn is slated, painted, cor niced, cisternal, lightning-roded, and the pig-sty is glazed, the chicken coops are painted, and the worm-fences are whitewashed as far as you can see. I have no doubt the original dwellers here whitewashed the ground for acres around -the domicil twice or thrice a year, till they learned its fatality. I do not know about the effect on cattle of so much pettivg. I shotild think it would tend to make animals aristocratic, yet I do not know of any place where cattle are more stuck up than they are in the "West. There, you know, we have no barns to speak of. There are townships enough in Minne sota where everything wih horns has the same chance to fight for the warm side of a haystack in January, and, it must be admitted, the weaker animals are considerably hump-backed and sub dued in their feelings by April. More over, here the farmers use fertilizers, but in Minnesota we have an idea that the earth is an orange to be sucked, a goose to be plucked, a eponge to be squeezed, a reservoir to be everlasting ly drawn from, without in the least di minishing its flow. All through the central West they are learning what Minnesota has yet to learn, that '.Na ture's wheat restorer,' to which the poet bo touchingly alludes,- is not Mirny eieexv out manore." Bonner Stables. FINE LIVERY.' BUTTERY & L AZENB Y Ilorses & Carriages to Let. Stock Boarded by the Day Week or Month. Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call and Give us a Trial. Stable on Vine Street. rLATTSMOUTH, " ' - nstf. SEB. AND 7 J. H. BUTTERY'S Ou Main street nearly opposite the II Eli A LD office. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In DRCG9 ANT) MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, &c, &C "Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours, -flay and (ugbt. 35-ly. T.HE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST For your Groceries go F.-R. Guthmann Corner Third and Main street, riattsinouth. He keeps oa hand a large and well selected tock of. FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SUGAR, SYRUP, BOOTS, SHOES, &C, &c. Sic, &c. In connection with the Grocery Is a Bakery and Confectionary. rFAll kinds of Country Troduce hought and Sold. Take noliee of the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY AND GROCERY." mayictf. McGuire & Co., Wholesale anc Foreign Wholesale and Retail Dealers In AND Domestic laJlfisies, at A large and well selected stock of Bourbon, Rye & Monon gahela Whiskeys Constantly on hand. Our connection with the firm of Itindskoff Bros., Distillers, enables us to sell at the lowest market rates. - Sole 1 gent 8 For the Celebrated Hungarian in E5iSSei?s Main Street. FLATTS1IOUTK. - - KBSUSEi. MUGS STATE AG EXT Jit lift Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The Halhidav Mill has stood Irhn test for sir teen years, both in the United States and Eu- rotn and is the only one generally adopted by all rrincipal Railroads and Farmers. Terms Liberal. Send for Catalogue and IMce L. STRANG. Lincoin, Neb. List. A. TXZB WHITEWATERWAGON FOR FARM, PLANTATION AND FREIGHT. ALSO SPRING AND DEMOCRAT WAGONS. Where we have no Agents we will sell dirsct to parties desiring them. Price and description furnished on ap plication. The Whitewater costs a trifle more than ordi nary wagons, but Is the cheapest in the long run. SEMPLE, BIRGE&CO. 13 SOUTH MAIN ST., ST. LOUIS. Parties writing us, will please mention in what pa per they read our advertise ment, as we wish to givo credit where it is due. LOW RESERVOIR OAEQ Are Suited (o all Climate AND FAMOUS FOB BXBtO 2S3TT0USX! CHEAPEST TO BUT! ! - ZASHSTTQSELLII! Tuaoua for doisg mora mai BETTER COOKING, BOt3 XT Qnleker an4 Chape Thaa any Bttmotthu awl. FAMOUS FOB GITXN3 MM Especially Adapte4 to m i EXCELSIOR MAX'G COMPANY ST. LOUIS, MO. AXD E. T. Duke & Co r-LATTSMOCTH. XEB. 13-ly HENRY BCECK, DEALER IX- Furniture, Lounges. Safes, iauies, Chairs, Bedsteads, &c., &c., &c, Of all Rescript ions. Metallic burial Cases. WOODEN COFFIXS. OF ALL SIZES. Ready Made andjsold Cheap for Cash. With many thanks for pant patronage I invite call snd examine my large stock of Fur niture and Cofilns. jan2 0. F. J0IIXS0N. DEALER Elf DEUGS, MEDICINES, WALL PAPER. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DEAT-EE IX Hooks, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compounded by aa ex perienced Druggist. . RTjemVY the ji v. Corner Fifib ami UMb SUV -ISfe--. nEBRASKA HERALD JOB OFFICE, NEWLY New Press, New Type, and New Material. Call and see our new AH descriptions of work done in the printing Wo a e fully prepared to do Every Kind and Style of Printing. Send In your orders for LETTER HEAPS, ENVELOPES, POSTERS, DODGERS, d-c Has on hand, one ot the largest stocks ot Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods for Spring and Summer. y I Invite everybody in want of anything in my line to call at my gtor South Side Main, Between Fifth and Sixth Streets. And convince themselves of the f;ict. I have an a seeia!ty in my Ketail Pcnartments. stock of fine Clothing for Men and Boys to which we invite those who want fc'ood goods. IS?" I also keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. 8-10 if. JOHirsonsr, Opposite the Platte Valley House, in Schlater's Jewelry Store. Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ST LOUIS, DECKER BROS., G. A. MILLER & CO S P 1 0 s. vb 0r J'irst-tlass Wholesale andiii Dealer in Strings, Sheet Mi-sical I.vsTRi-MKXw Tuned and CHOICE TOWN tow ?n tW I-ots can now be nought in Duke's Addition to the City of Tlattsmouth, at price ranging from $JZ to $S0 and on terms to easy that persons with THE SMALLEST INCOME MAT MEET THE If. For those who want town property either to hold for a speculation or to build upon, this Is a rare chance to set it. These lots are in a delightful location, and are dotted over with a Young and Beautiful Which add materially to their value. rS7 Parties wishing to purchase or look at these lots, will be shown them, or given any Infor mation desired, tv culling on E. T. DVKK or I.. I. IJEXNKTT. Executors of Jie Estate of d. DL'KE or D. H. WilEELEK & CO., and BARNES & J'OLLOCK, Ileal Estate .A genu. For csh the above prices will be tiiseoni:tt.d ten per cent. I'lansmouin, .NeorasKa, uctooer 22d i r.. 3, BLOOM 8l aJjW" stow' cCfefJs BLOOM T n BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING WATS,a CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises etc. Main Street, Second Door East Of Court House, BBANCn HOUSE Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. SPRING AND .SUMMER GOODS, Down Go AT Celebrated YORK I MEW Southwest Comer Mnin Street, riattsmouth, Nebraska. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO RUT Dress Goods, Prints, Delaines, Ginghams, Drown Sheeting, Bleached Cottons, Balmorals, Carets, Clark's new Thread, . Cotton Yams In the Grocery line we keep the Fixest and Best Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Dried 1 ruits. In fact for You Queensware, Wooden Glassware, Hats and Caps, eo.xo FITTED UP. lot of LEGAL BLANKS. line. BUHDET SMITH'S AM'N AND BOSTON, oaoAHs. 5& Jiauos ;aub Organs. Music and all kinds of Musical Merchandise Repaired Satisfaction Guaranteed. 8-8tf. LOTS FOR SALE AT Growth of Forest Trees. Lb MS. DliLERS 1 XZr. m 73 GENTS' ""loniauGQCDS fcc. - riattsmouth, Nebraska. the Prices ! 008 O P E a o Y H O P E & J O Y H O P E & J O Y Boots and Shoes, Molasses, Spices, etc., etc. Groceries, Hardware, Ware, Yankee Notions, Boot and Shoe ON' MARRIAGE. HArPT IW-llef for Yours Men." from thft ef feets of Errors and Abuses in early life. Man hood restored. Impedimenta to marr'aRO re moved. iew method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free in sealed nvelopes. Af"drcN.s. HOWAith ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. an Insti tution having Hliijili reputafion for Uonorabk conduct and professional skill. 20 ru AO AIIVKRTI8KRS.-All pen All persons who contem plate making contracts with newspapers for tha nsertion of Advertisements should send to eo. ft Howeli & 06- for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their on hundred pafie Pamphlet, containing Lists of 3,oi0 Newspapers ami estimates. Knowing the cost of adertisin, alsom;uiy useful hints to ad vertisers, and some accnunrof the experiences of men who are known as successful advertisers. This tlrr.j are the proprietors of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41farkfcow &Y and are possessed of unequalled facilities for se curing the insertion of advertisements in all Newspapers and Periodicals at lowest rates. Look to Your Children. The Great Soothing Kemedy. MRS. Cures colic and prininK In Whitcomb'c the ImiwcIs, ami l:ii:ilit;ttcs 8yrup. ' the process of teething. MRS. Subdues convulsions and Whitcomb'c overcomes all diseases inci Syrup. ,deit to infants and children. MRS. t Cures lUarrlurc. Jvsente fhitcomb'f rv and summer -m pluint hi Syrup, i children of all ages. j Prico 24 Cents. Price 2a Contl. Prica 2 Cent. It is the great Infant ,s and Children's ing Kcmedy, in all disorders brought Soot li on by ir-niui or a.iv oiiiit cause, l'repjjred by the Grafton Medicine Co, St. 1.0UIM, .11 O. Sold by dmgglsts and dealers In Medicines everywhere. lec2-wiy Mothers. Mothers. Mothers. Ton't fail to jrocure Mrs. Win&lowH BoothBrjf tr jsyrup ior i niiiiren I eeiuiiig. riiis valuabb preparation h;us been, usert with NKVEK EAII.IN (i SICCI'-S IK 'IliOlS- AXDS OF CASKS. It not onlv relieves th 'liild from titifn. bnl Inviiiorates tiie stoiuac!) and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone ami enerirv to the Whole system. It will also instantly relieve (iBiriKc, ix tiik Kott kls a:ni Wind Colta. AVe believe it the best and surest rempdv 1 thp world, in at cases of Uv:seuterv and Diar rhea in children.' whether arising fioiu teething or any oiner cause. Depend upon it. mothers, it will tire rest t yourselves and Keliek and Health to Yoitr I.NFANTa Be sure aud call for Mrs. Winslow's SooTniNO Sntrp." Having the fae-simile of "CUKTI3 & P1H JvINs on the outside narper. Sold bydruggists throughout the world. ! Book for tiio Million. MARRIAGE A private counsellor to the GUIDE. I Married or those al'out.lo mar ry on me pnvsioioiricai mvsle. rles and revelations of the sexual Jsvslem. the latest discoveries in iroduelng ti , i preventing oi.spniiir. now io preserve me complexion. ft:c. This is an interesting work of two hundred and twenty-four pages, with numerous engrav ings, and contains valuable infoi mation foi those wiio are married, or contemplating mar riage. Still, it is a book that ought to be kept under lock and key, and not laid careless! aooiit. tr.e House. Sent to a.-iy one (free of postage) for 50 cents. Address Dr. JUitts' Dispensary, No. 12, N. Stb street, St. Louis, Mo. Notice to tli Afflicted and Unfortunate Before applying to the notorious quacks who miteiuseui piiui le p.'ipei or misi ii any l!:li'K remedies, peruse DI. I lsutts' work, no mallei what your disease is condition. or how deplorable youi Dr. Butts can be consulted, personally or by man, on ine uisea-es mentioned in ins works, Olllce, No. 12 N. Eight slreet. between the Mar- krt aad caeLiut. rtt. bmi, ;k. dvs4-iy TiT3. hi ine '."5 LtL'iv re fer you tr tht tis pper i rsjards thnir f'u'ii-fhr of irv. ami ichtn ti;rittia to :h'n, pliase ricftioit yet taio i'ttir Aivtr- 75 i ?-41n 5i-, St. iMutH. Mo., will, on ruii'3 o. ri.-jsc&surrrnrnr. lliB'iiraOHI ( irruier, tin! IVirr I ;kI. .;t h m fell line ffwiwpJw, fii!'.!.?!? jf.u to oriier (!;): Inu u-rftrt- rntin tlo 'r l!i!i.r, iii;c!i will e ni:p l.i tl,c -t h'T M-'i.iitd !: pi yrf. V. V. l., iT;th iho r.r;.iip .f fx- r-ininc n.l rrlv-ning a( lUir i x mw, if rui si:sr.;.'..-j. fc? a x w a;ra njwh nod friers. rF.i:nox"s patkst rnMiiiu. l !! V TIX'lli ti.Vil l MKT. f' r marklii? !i;i ( ania, Hujr. H.HrrrlH. 1'i-ui:Ls. Ac , Ac. All izee. fr- iu K ti'tii leili-r u; 'rnrtli. Wrltp fr 'tihT-lr)tiT pi k-i' Mat. or n r: '. oidj tZ for Hie popular (l:x-!i it iter) nlze. Sent pn pTiid Will p.-y for Itik lf hi a mil. i-eniTf 8ai laiat'iioti (ruar- untoeil, or inoTier r'lnmt-d. 0n- II. ('. liiiriird i Co, bouti. Mo 3:4 01l7 tlreet. bt. BERKSHIRE HSG O Thr. bi.t II.- re Ol rxfii'f'-nrr.St nil t-tt irru.i:ra'l I'ri.-e !,it. K TiTK V!:.S. I oci. V..t. lllils Jl K-,r Pjt-nt Irn:r-,,--4 Krlo ni. i:.r saini,iiir I. men and loop ollwr Ai-tleU-a. A - ver-plate.I B!:ini; of fo:i- ?ini:i and jwifivt coti- f I'll' 1 loll.!l In it Til. of 111- I lllill.lU , .111., I,,. I ,,.. Bll't i.i . 1 1 i.,i i .... i tti: re i ui t .l:-ii:ilK:is.. P3i:insi-i 111 a i - at ri. v iri run i,9t m-.ii iiri-.ini ior lil'll j $1 CO. 'J In: llilr.jt f..r r-i i t-,i tvi r lnvc liti-l Air-:os rj'i:e t. 'i..L V. J' Co..3JUiiTC Slrctt.t. - ),n'ik. Mo. vmnlill trjuiirrr, vhortn make J 1: ere:';. Lr!it-ral dlfu-nnaiii tk th& Xrsdr. ai and fircae PaidUht-ryj l ire .Vr.-e'.. in. Levis, iXi. Ms HoBssiiolil Imn H O P E o o D S H iron aim spriKiniT, ami will u:tpreii therniire hnusrbnlil, inctiiilinu lovers airl maidviM, r.un anilaiiii witok. par-nm and rt.ilnrvu. Iipuit Bfta the inip.irtaui.-e of Bunuriug a union .f nearu ana piirprfii ui ine, iiclore th:ro fhall be a union of Ii-iii1-i. Jl t-rlifvei tliat. v. h)lr It u wonian's priviifjre to purii'r snU enmrort and ailnm. It should he man's pli-anur.' to provide for. clirrLsh, and protect. It would have rhil. dren treated as fcclinjr. thinkiiiir and rrowiii creature nrrfectl.vci'caicd.lnit not fiillgrown. Vet in ailvralintT thee doctrliinx. the t;iua sme dea not employ doctrinal aermon iona and dreary dunuiriitiont -rhich do not interi-l aud therefore do not profit the render. On Ihe conlrary. It would raihcr pr.-Th a lhi.ui.-li it preached not an inleruntlns !ory,ior InMuuf e, tM-iiiginn.le toc-rve the purpone of a lonit di roura by Kiviinr the rea.ler noiueihiiiK real, in terestiiiK and (.rentable lo think alut. The worst a-rel an the liext lean. re of the Muu-.izipe is ita price. The Idea of k" mn a & J O Y U H O P s E H O E J D o Y aeenia atnurd to most people. Vi t it employ A G oineoi ine nest contributor in the country inrludins Oaii. IUmiltok, itn leaiiinu e lii'or, ylio reeeires a nalarr of three thousand dol lar, equivalent to about ten dollar per da v. Kach number contain nearlr ei'ht iiundred dollars' worth of mailer, which c.aita themuli. H O P E A Z ac-ribcr alout eiKht cents. Hope and Joy two beautifuUr tinted cravon portrait worth Four Ijollar will be mulled free toevery ?ut)Bcrilx-r lo the MaKazine at SI 10 Specimen free. Agent wanted. AddreM b. 8. WOOl A CO., ewburali. . V. & I J N E O Y Hope Hi Joy-Hone aM Joy H T'nlted Voice of tha Pren Wood w maKazine iaone rf the monument of huitie emerprise which mark the bkb. JK,,xhH iim J'tirmtl. Phila , Pa A it title promiaea, It u demoted to the instruction and entertainment of the family order to place- :t wlUw in the mean of readers lit moderate circum-tn-e,u 1 fumlbed at a low rate in proportion to the Intvrent of itn conient. tr. V. Trihtaie. . . It i eswntially a home magazine, and is just the thins that one would mom desire to place In the bauds of his wife and little ones, or that a man of buninewi would himwlf take o o D 8 H O u s E H O L D fVI A C A Z I Ti or mat a man ot Duiune wouiit up f ir the einnloTment of lemur W ilnnncton, S. C. Were w chair editorial, a "private ritu re hour. o we out of our 'Dtivate eitixen ' cut eiff rnm our ezchanKe iin ana all '.bat, one of the flrt maRazine to which we ahould snb-ril would be Wood's Household. Rijixtrr, Hart ford, ft. It is an intellectual and moral eiiucator, highly prized by all who become ac quainted with It. ChHinn Adrortut. ... If p. pular writer are, therefore, stood writers, and if birh prices prore tee n.erit of literary wares, then Mr. wood's l.agnrine It a good one. Th litdrpemimt. New York. ....It arti cles breathe a tpirit of economv, mora'itr and nrBwhich ii hiKhlyecfrwJhiiiir Id this are of fanlikirjablsj folly and extravaeance. iaumrl, Kdina. Jlo. .It ia nmloubteaiv r.M ... ih. fretiest, UTfliewjourr ; i.v9 hare examined. Aarard. Ppriniffleid, lenn The articles are short, piquant, and of oeh nnnneviioned eieellence, that tbi uerkdk-al oui;ht to he both fHmilia. aud welcome in Tery many liouse holds. Wood's is a marvel of cheap new and C ijuuuiy lomuuea. aw ior l una. gl-a H?"eJ???lf5 h 2t.mdCllhiere $ fes?.aSal.?JUSU5f f ih lust, col c A lin'nt pvrc. 5"orty Coiam'.i. only 60 C't. y'.n lTjoniii 2." C:. r.nbs tr tn for , .51 iUrta l;.n jja i Jll v, ,. i-u'.M.k.. 4i4r.Ti!t:rl!liT'-t Ht iouil JL B f I A hrast i.'i:l jH.r of I'r nth rhromo-., a.---jj hxr.iljicnt iy Ftoi.rt-d, K1! erf kj r!irrs 'r Hi ttt p-naid oa rr- t S C(-!:t efl, arotlr forl'lir. Aiitnta 0 7 QUXNDESfX SCHEME ETEE UfOTZS. Fourth Grand Gift Concert TOR THK BENEFIT OF 1HK rUULlU. LI13KARY OP KY. 12,000 cash c; ins si, 500,000 Fvery Fifth Ticket Drains a Gift. S250,00(77oK $50. Tho Fourth Cram! ;ift Ctnr;-rt autliorl7ri by miu'oIhI net of the IiciHlnturo fr tlio bt-neftt t the l'tililu- l.ll.rnryof Kmtiic-ky. wljl lake pin.-.' in 1-ul.lic lJbiui)liIall, ul luisvill.!. Ken tucky, on Wednesday, December 3d, 1873. Only Hixty T1i..iih:ii.1 Tlrket u 111 bp sold nJ oiip-lutlf of tlu-st! are ilil.ndi-il for flip Furo lif.iii Market, tliiiM IruviiiK only ao.rxifi for tlm I It it I'd S;il'S whcie jrm.iKK) , -(t dNiMiSfd of for the Third Conceit, Tlio tlcki-ti are? divld-, into ten coiinoim or iiiirtM mi, I i.u. .... . i... i. or'ljrtwin- WUU U tM t'x'j'lHl,at'i" of tlie'iiutdo At this Concert, which will be thp irrandosl itiiHieiil di.s,. y ever witnessed iu tliin wuntry. tUti unprt-eeaintpil mini of $1,500,000, mvioeu into i2,nno c.-vhIi riii, vvl be distrlhtllf-d i. ii. i niuoiiK me lliM-l noiiieii. oi I II e 1 ' keis to lie ilr:itin f ...... .. i .1 blind cri.lUrcn and the, gifus from another. LIST OF OIFTS: o.m-: c; Kan i) cash r.iyr onk ;iLv.M cash ;ift ONE O K AND CASH lilKT . .frio.nnfi . . fjO.UMJ i'l.lXKJ . ii.r.00 . 1(NI,0(IO . l.'iO.OOO fMl.lNIO 4o,ii0 4o,(il . 45,11110 . AH.DOO . ;rj,.K ONK 11 HAN I) CASH i:iit ONK (iKAMl CASH til 1 t;.!'.'" lit CASH tllKTS em h M I M C SO C 1IK t ASH (MKTS ASH (JIKTS ASM (MKTS Ai! ; I KTS ft,(Nl t'itCll... l.noo eite'i... otxi Piieh. .. 4l e.ich. .. &m cacli... lixl eaeti . .. 1'HI e;t!h... W entii... l.Vi ( ASH (MKTS jr.) CASH (MKTS ;!J.'i CASH (MKTS 11,(100 CASH (MKTS TOTAL. 12.0..0 fSIKTS. ALL CASH. uni iuMi:)- to $1.500.(H)0 Till' li I I illlitloll Will 111. txi-ltluu I ,1 th" tli i.t H :ne sold or mil il iu i?. ilil l'liid ):i piijortioii to Hie tickets Hold-till IIIISl.liI tuKi Is lie nir iliwl r,iv..,l -iu..i ,i... i-i . i . ......... i., ,.b nir i iin, and Second Concei ts and not r. iirenciilud ia the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS: Whole tickets. : Halves. !; Tenth, or each coupon. : K.leven W hole Tickets for K'tiMi : -A'1, Tickets for .Mmki n:i Ii.,i i i. l,.i for c,oKi ; ;-7 Whole Tickets for No liseountou less than worth of Tickets at time. J llC tiniiiinilll'ilei! Niiccensof tlm Tlilr.l tlltf roncert as well ;is lli? Halisfactioii ilv.-n liv tl tiistt.uiii Secoml. makes il only m-eessaiy to itiuioimce the Fourth to insure the proii.pi halo ot every ticket. The Fourth Gift. Conot rl w ill be conducted in nil its details like the Third, and full particular may he learned from circu lars which will he sent fiep from this ollk'O to all who apply for them. Tickets now ready tor sale nml all orders tie eoiupaiiicd hy th.? money promptly tilled. Lib eral terms given to those who buy to seli again. THCH. E. DRAM LETT, A?Piit Public Library, Ky., and Manager Olft Concert, l'ublic Library Building, ixiulsville, Keutueky. tlwli Vlncjtnr Hitters nrp unl a vi e IHncy Drink, made ol Poor Hum, Whiskey, proof bpirits nud Refuse Lhiuors, factored, splrrj. and nneeteued to 1 be taxic. ctUI4 loiiicB." "Appetizers," " la-storcra." Ae., t!mt lend the tipp'cr en to drmikt-iiiicaa an ruin, hut arc a tixe Uetllrino. made fnirn iLa unlive room nnd hcrtis of ( uiirnnii.t. free from nil Alcoholic Ktlimihiiitw. 'Pu f tire the (irral Itlood riiriflor uii-J a l.lfc-iritlng rrlnctple. a Terfict Kcuovator aud ItiviuruK-r of Hie hs tem. carrying o:r all poiMviou matter acd r.-stormg tiie lilood to a heuitliy cotnliiinti, eo riclurig it. rerrislilng and invlfroruimg boia mind Mild body. They are cwj of adiiuiilaira lion, prompt in their i.i won, certain In tlit.r rcxtill.?. fife and reli.ilil'. in nil form of dine. o IVnon ran lakr tlime lilttsraac eordiug to directions, and rcii.aiu loiitniii well, providi.d their lionca arc not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, ami Oievliai oiymui waated Iwyond the point of repair. Iylrla or Inillnuilinii, liouciars, rain In t lie Shoulders, Couvlis, 'I lulittie. of ih tlicHt. Il.7.iiH-KH, .Sonr Kriictuiioiis of tlieStotn. acli.Knd Taste tn the Mouth.1,1 ,ous AitackK.i'ai Fitation of the lliui t. InfliimtnHiion or Hie l.ungs, Hin in the rrgioiiHOf Hie kliiriu.- s.aud a hundred ether painful symptom", are Hie ofTHpriuK at IiynpcpHla. In iliesc coir ; :innts II luu) no equal, nnd one bottle will pr.c a bci:er Ktiuraniee of lut tncriis than a lengthy advertisement. Fnr Keinale Comiilainl. Ill jouiig Orel, rnarried or&incrie, at' the dawn of wotunDliorxt. or the turn of life, these Tonic Hitters display deckled aa luHuence that a marked luiproTa ciciit ia aonu perci-iitiiile. For Inflammatory and Clirsnls Itheuinat Ism and (lout, Iiyspepsla or Indl- f est lull, liiiious, Kcmiiti.'tit and liiurmltteot eers. l;wanesof tl!c bloiHl.l.iTer.Klilneys and liladder, these bitters have Is i n most KiicceNful. Hutli Diaeaaea are caused by iiialetiiilood.wlil. U in t'eneniliy produced by dcrarigenieul of tha JJi-r--stive Urxuiia. 'I iiry are n ;ettIe rur-(l ve as wall as a I onic, ptjseHfiug eUo t nj peruluir merit of acting as a potverftil aaent lu relieving cu grs.inn or Inflanimalloii of tho Liver and Via. ccral Organs and In liilious Uiacases. For Diae-asea, Krupl ions, Telter. Sa'.t- Illieiiru. HlotclK, bpou. riiiiples.l'iisiiilcs.lWnla, Ce'Uiin.;les,Riiir-worms. Sc ild Head. Sore Kyea 1 sij.elaA, Iicli, Scurfs. I H.olnralloiis of tb SKln, llumocH and Jiieaca of the Skin, or whatever iiaiue or nature, are liU;ral!y dig op and carried out of the etstem in a short time by the use of tlne Hitters. One I utile Hi such caw will convince the most Incredulous of their cur ative ctrecta. Cleanse (lie Vltlslril Itlood whetverar you Und It impurities l.tirRittig throtitrh tli akin in rimples. Krupti:ins. or sores ; cleanse it wlieu jou tlud It otstru:ted and aliiggis'i iu tUa ' veins ; eieaiirir- It when It Is foul ; your frelbign will tell you when. Keep J r blood pure, aud the health of the hvslein whl fniiow. Grateful Thousand proclaim Vrvr'liB Firi KUfl tiie most wonder, id luvigorant ever HiiK'uined the Hlnklnt; systotn. 11 n. Tape, and other Worms, lurklna; In tiie system of so many tlif'Ucauds, are effec tually destroyed nnd remote.!. Says i ilmlia. ptn-ilied physluWimst : There Is scarcely an Indi vidual ou the face of ihcearth wliose body lex. cmpt from the presence of worms. H Is not up on the healthy elements off Im body that wornm exist, but upon the diseaacd I tnii'irs and si. my deposila that breed tlies5 living mounters of disease. No system of inedlciiie, no fermir-iifea, no anthciiniiiitics, will free the system flow wonus like these Bltl.-rs. flrrliatiiea I Diseases. Persotni ennged In Paints and Mineral, such as i'lumlier, I j pe setters, Goid-beatera, and aimers, ae .ney ad vance iu life, are sulijei t to paralysis of the) liowels. 'i ( guard against tins, tuke a dose fcl Wai.kkk'8 Viseosh Uittkks mice aifk. liilious, Uerollliiit, and Inlt u 1 1 -tent Fevers, which are no prevalent In the) vaiievsofoorirreat rivers tlirouirliotil the Lnlted States, cspcoajly those of the MLs,isippi, Ohio. Missouri, n.'inols, lenm-ssec, (.'umlsrrlurid. Ar kansaM, IU-1, Colorado, brazos, Kio Crande, I'tari. Aiaiiama, Moinie, avsll:lan, H-mnoke, James, and manr others, with their vast tribu taries, throughout our etitire country during the Summer aud Autumn, and remarkably so daring s-asous of unusual lieu', and dryness, art invariably accompanied by extensive derange-m.-riis of the sionmch and liver, and other ab dominal viscera, lu their treatment, a purga tive, exerting a powerful Influence upon these various orysns. Is essentially necessary. There Is no cathartic for the purpose- equal to Da. J. WtLtKK'S VlNK'MR ' I'.lTTfcKM, as they wl Bieedily remove the dark-coiored vi.s-id matter wuh which the Isiwels are loaded, at the aame timcstliuUiHtin the sc retlom of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy 'unctions of the digestive organs. fet-rofula, or King's Evil, While Swell inps. (.'leers, KrHip-i:, Swt lle.l nrck, fioiire, St-iofulons Intlamruailous. I.idolf-nt Imlaiiuua lions. Mercunal Airet tuns. Old Sores, r.rup tions of tiie Skin, Sore, etc. In these asm ail otne-r const it utiotial ii. ax-s, VVai kkks Vineuak liirreits have shown their trreul cura tive powers la the most oiniirj;c and lutract ahie cases. Ir. Walker's (aliroitia ATnegae Bitters net on all these; eases In a sunliar manner, by purifvinir tUe PIiksJ tiiev remove the cause, and by resolviutr avrav tlie'ciiec! of the InilammHtion (the luis-rt u!ar deoiisiuo the affeettsl parw receive health, and a permanent cure is eirected. The properties of Da. Waf.j KR'9 VlKroin B:ttei:s are AKTient, Idaphoretic. Caniun. atlve, N'utnilous. laxative. )iaretie. .Hc.ia tive, Cminter-lrrltaat, badoriQc, Alieralive, and Auti-bhious. The Aperient anJ mll! Laxative proper ties of Uk. Walker's Vim:uak Bitters am tiie best fafe-puard In cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balHKrnic, headng, aud B'MjtU'tig properties protect tae humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous sjntem, stotnach, and bowels, eiihef from inflammation, wind, eoilc. exurnn,, etc. l-ortlfy (he iKxijr aaainst disease b Jtiriiying aM l!a fluids wnh Viskoar iliTTERs. epidemic Can tale hold of a svaLsm thin 1UI T-rtl IIII-IJ. l)lrrtlon Take or the miter, on going to bed at nurl.t fron, a half to one and one-half wine -plassfidl. tat goc-i nourishing foo-l. such as beef-Micas, muiu -, chop, venison, roaatbeef. e.f1 veueta'des. and uke oat-door exercise! 'ine? are eompom-a of purely vegetable liiirre-d:f-;its, and contain no opinr. U. U. McIM).ALJU A. CO.. l'r;i?gista and un. Abxh.. Sua K-rn, WW QVS3 v mm anu VIWlUV 9 m Tr""-- 5 V - i i 4 ,1 t i V 5 V;