Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 23, 1873, Image 3

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Railrcaa Time Table.
j?. & m. n.
Ro. S No. 3 No. 1
I. 1.0
II. 15
li. :m
( ) :. rmlis
il 1 lll.t
I.H :
South Rend
New T u
I teuton
llui vard
Fort KeaniV
2.00 45 3.10
l.!7 7.25 SMS
2.40 X.10
2.1.) 7.30
1 ..' 7.10
1.47 B.M
'l.3l 2.15
l.(i) ;.it
12..W &.M
J lV.
12.35 5.?2(H.M
12.21 6.14 11.25
12.5 4.W. ln.,55
ll.."S2 4.11 W.tfO
11..S5 4.0 l'MW
11.17 !.)
1D.."2 S.OO
pi.35 No. 8 .22
l.)"x 2.52 IS.10
1).H 2.20
0.2.1 1 .
i).0J 12.35 I
12.15 f
r..t 11.20
(.'.':) icon
7...; m.oa
1 7.2i ) 8.50
U.43 7. .',5
C..23 7.15 o.."2i
5.44 6.M;
. 5.15 Z.'JO
JO.aO ) -
11. 25 9 12
l".)5 ..31
12.25 !.4T
UU 10.10
5. 1 J No. 7
J.G4 fl.WI
r 2.t:i
I 4.2C
5.1 J
6 40 I
-..:', I
La mttsinoutb, 3.5 pin Ar Omaha, f.lpm
- 1 15 , m " " 2.4) pm
A. - ll..V);HH Ui " 10.30 a III
- ;.4spm " " 6.10 pin
B. & If. R. IL
LeFUftt.. 8.45 am Le .Tone., 7.00 a m
Le T'latts!. 3.15 am Le Pacific June., 4.30 p m
ArFlatts., 9.10 am Ar l'aritir Juno., b.50 a m
Thrt tlmo civen above is that of Chicairo.
which Is 33 unnutes faster than that of l'latt-i-n:cuth.
TtansVetit 25 wnts a liai:. aftrertlsrs
U vu'i it line. No advertisement luse7U;d
Bar lurtj than 2C cc::M.
adrortlseienn will be ctargM to the
parties haudlug tin? in in.
Aaonrspae Is limited, all communications
mst be brief and to the poiat.wltu no waste of
Arw r?qnf cted to notify th o.Tlce If the FIer ,s
out dellTert'd prompt'-y.
ircwsrArEP. decisions.
1. Anv im ron who t:vkfH a papor rc?;il-.rly
from tlie pft u!ll't. v.tutlifr iilrctrd to his
n-imo, or wliftlii r he is a suWhIxt or not i.s
reypoHsihli? for th-- i:iy.
, 2. If anv Hruni oril-Ts his paper disroniin
Be 1. h niii"l t'i'V aii .-.i tlie publiflit r
in-v continue to 1 it ii'ilil piiyiiifiit is liiade,
ajid rolleet tli" whole a'm,r.i!t. whethirr tiie pa
pf r is taken from the ofliee .r io..
3! Tlif courts have decided that refusing to new o;,pfis aVd pcr'.fulica'.s from t'n' pet
oC- T Tev.ioMnii and le.iviiej them uuclued
for. Ls pri.iia evidence id JM KNTIAL FHAI I).
Not u r.ToEvFii v ro t) .A li suhserihers p:ir
Jng for their papr to i".andordfriiiir it topp. d
l a certain t';r.i will 2nd it so stopped; but
we cannot l respotiihl'. for what has heca
4on before our time, nor far orders supposed to
bj given by others to oilier. Our books jdone
icst b. ih tuide for a'.l o'.d subscriptions.
Please reni'tiiV'er tlds.
Gtiil and soo D. Schiin-sse i Co.'s new koo'J3.
riattsitiouth r;;iiard Hall, opposite the
Brooks Hon- e. "Win. Nevliie. proprietor. Three
good tables, good bar and howling alley. Slr.iO
An extensive stock of dry goods, car
pets, cloths iiu-l f.ill goods generally at
Clark & Plummers .
Drees rrjod. at Clark & Piumnier's.
Fall Etyk-f,, all new.
ITerapjra Ihs boy; keeps an ertir.
houa.-. he doen : oysters in every style ;
croo 1 t?ui;g4 generally. CM and sec
Hzn, a.4 y.rj por.irr.bul.ite tIi-3 town.
S'.alMrtinnn'a nev.' Bakery is thb
j!aco. Go and see Frank Stadtcr smil?
across tho counter with a clfrtn white
cprcn on. It is a as a lunc!i.
niES :lat.;rvlay, October l?Ui,
157?, Awsr-T II., your.gist.son cf P'tul
sad Dorette Itrnltch, Aged 2 years, 1
Ldonth r.r.d 50 clays.
' Tho funeral fervice took place at
their rs.-ndence on 7th etrec-t, at 2 o'clock
2. li, Sandiy, Oct If'th, IS73.
The whul llei ullie.-m ticket waa
elected in Adams county.
Bar- Un M ll.z.X S:rri-Ufs.
The best and cheapest Boots and
Shoea at tho Shoo Store, will never be
undersold. 20tf. Pcteii Mcr.ons.
One Piano for sale cheap. Inquire
ct ths Herald oHlce. lt
Great vegetable d?pot at Frank
POLici; tuuitr.
Sumo soiled dovc-s (crow?) of the
colored persuasion, go: in trouble on
Vedneday,andall parties vre re hauled
up before Justice Haines. We arc
credibly informed that Court, witness
es and congregation had a high old
time; but Judge Ilaincs threatened us
with an injunction if we told, and be
sides we have no types that will make
some of the things they said there.
"Wiley Black killed four geese at one
shot, 123 yards distance. If any man
in the State caa beat that, send him
Itemember Brii. Hempel's Oyster
House on Main street, next to Done
lan's Drug stare. oOtf
Billy StndelniHn yet" lives Boots,
shoos, ana jewelry, as cheap as ever.
Clothing by the wholesale. Ilat.s caps,
and other traps. All for sale by the
lump, rump, or trump. Call and take
a squint.
James Brown, I'.s p, of Oceola, Io .va,
father-in law of Mr. Prale of our town,
has been visiting us for a few days.
He struck a good reason OMhe year to
view Nebraska in.
Go to White's for your fresh vege
tables. 29t4
Millinery anil Fancy Goods at panic
prices at Mrs. Crocker & Co's Bazar.
"Wanted. A good teani of Horses
in trade for a lirst class Piano: In
quire at the Herald dike:
The riallsinouth Ore in Company
is not the Nebraska Grain Company,
. but is composed of the following per
sons and firms: F.. G. Dovey,' D.
Schnasse & Co., F. It. Guthman, J. II.
Buttery, II T. Duke & Co. Mr. D'ovey
is the President and E. T. Duke Treas
jr nrer. Fred Gorder is the buyer, and
w they respectfully solicit tha trade of
Every sucewdir-s train has ro!!?2 In
the Odd FcllowBt Old irien and young
rren, qneer dicks and straight sticks,
the cry is still they come. The girls
rdl look askance at the young men, and
think they're odd, sure enough. Up
and down the street they go linked by
twos and threes.
The Ball and Recption on Thursday
will be a grand affair. Eight hundred
Invitations have been sent out, and the
b' st of nrr:ngement3 have been made
for their entertainment.
If you want a good oyster ntew go to
Ben. Hempel's; if you want a good
plate of raw oysters, bo big as your
hand, go to Ben. Hem pel's; if you
want a square meal, go to Ben. Hem
pel's; and if you must have a good
glass of wine, or a cigar to top off with,
Ben. has got them. SOtf
Frank Guthencan is laying ia a huge
stock of fall goods, and all his old cus
tomers . had better drop in there and
eee how things look."
See Gutherman's new stock of fall
goods, and buy some.
Apples at Frank "White's. 29t4
Spectacles at Frank Caruth's. 29-8t,
FTna Cat Tobaoco at tb Ifxt OStoe Hook
Pony for sale. Inquire o Herald
office. "" 2-itf
Bonnet silks Velvets for sale at the
Bazar. 23-2t.
Go to Clark & Plummer's for a large
assortment of good goods, at reasona
ble prices.
MAitur;:r At the residence of Jao.
A. MacMurph)-, Plattsmouth, on the
morning of the 21st inst., by the Bev.
Chaplain Wright, Mr. George
DeTemplk, to Miss Katie Mi kray,
both of Blair, Wellington county, Ne
braska. And a big time they had of it! Our
house has been upside down for two
months, and the amount of 'lovering'
that has been committed there the
stars above only know. Go it young
folks, you're bound to anyway, and all
the advice of a sago old gray haired
editor, has no effect. "We went and got
married once oursilf, and have been
sorry ever since that we didn't do It
years before.
As we are kind o'daddy to cne of the
parties, and gave the bride away, wo
hereby honestly and sincerely give you
our paternal benediction, and charge
3 ou, George, and you, Catharina, that
ye hereby live honestly, soberly and ;
righteously, in the fear of the editor of
this paper, all your days, and that
whenever we come t Blair you have
a clean bed ready for our royal repose,
and hot mutlins for breakfast. Chai
lain Wright did the thing up in apple
pie (not apple-jack) order, ami if that
couple are not married fast and sure
and made into one (and a half), no
couple ever wa3 before, nor ever will
be hereafter.
The only thing that puzzles U3 is
what made the bride cry so. They
have been expecting -it, they knew it
was a coming; they have both chuckled
over it ; for months they have looked
down with superior eyes on their less
forlunattj neighbors, who wcr'nt going
to be married this fall, and yet, when
thi final pinch came, madame piped
her eye and thy "briny" dropped slowly
but surely over the green silk wedding
garment. Such is life! inexplicable,
tender, unaccountable. George didn't
cry a bit, until alter all the pretty girls
kisstvl him, and then ho bawled right
out, because it was the last time ho ex
pected to get such a chance.
The Chaplain, Krave and solemn, stood ;
The Bride with downeat eye :
The Groom, his hops at highest flood,
- E'.-.rvcy.'J tha S!ii:iii: mounters, sly.
A few short words the l'arson told.
They made a Templa out of clay :
They also s.iid a man is sold.
And that's the hist ol Kate Mur-rvy.
W. II. Pool, wants td see his
numerous friends from the country in
Peter Mekois Shoe Store. Strangers
will aiiso iin l Lim polite and accomo
dating. 2')tf.
Oo Vi Jha Terry Company for your TrmmeTN
wood. V-i cords dry Cottonwood for Bale, and
dulivercd a'oor.t 12U
All kinds of patterns of the latest
and most approved styles for sale at
Mr.'. Crocker's. l'J-3t.
1,000,003 Hedge Plants at the Union
Nurseries Glenwood lovra r.w ready
for delivery. 5,000 Osage at 61.2.1 ier
thousand; 100,000 at 61.1 per thous
and. Huiicy Locust i?-l.o0 per thous
and. All lirst class. Address,
2'JwS I,. A. Williams.
iz coming and every Man, Woman and
Child, ought to be provided witli good
foot gearing, which can be obtained of
Peter Merges the only exclusive
Boot and Shoo dealer in Cass Co., who
who warrants satisfaction. 29tf.
First instalment f new Millinery
and Fancy goods just arived at Mrs. E.
B. Crocker & Co's. 23-Ct.
Plattsmouth, Oct. 8, 1S73.
The undersigned, representing the
! Nebraska Grain Company, takes pleas
' ure in informing his friends and those
i who have produce to sell, that they
! have increased their facilities for hand-
ling grain by erecting Warehouses at
Louisville, Ashland, Greenwood, and
other points on the B. & M. Koaci,
where competent riiea will be found in
I charge, having an interest in the busi
ness, who will pay irore for Wheat,
Corn, Oats, and Barl?y than any other
Drm in Nebraska.
Itefers, by permission, to John Fitz
gerald, Calvin Parmele, and John Ii.
Office opposite Bank in Jno. D. Tntt's
Xre. JOS. A. CONNOli,
? rr. x ft ' tr 2 H K C 3
t s I c. o - r. i x -j 5 r. -' -'--'- -
I. V..
ti S S 5 ttji fi stpufipZ. V.f.
15 't " 5 U " 3 5 't "5 2 'v t 5
J. C.
M: L.
g S 3 a t S 3 ft 2 S 3 ? !
A. L.
i I Vs -J- V' - i - i 4-
" 1 ' - -3 ' z . . t V '
M. B.
IB. K.
, I c a- .yt:i:?: w - c i
C. H.
T5 r; u ?, 'i iS T. Z S H : D S 3 T t
! James
ti 'Jt 'd ri n s 5 i i S S 3 v
I -.1 ii s ii u i: i: - n i - '
C. A.
rr sx t-, s ,: i . t, .sur.ut'Su s '
I 5 - K-ri -i f J " I U. W
For the sale of public ground, there
sale of public grounds, there were cast
sale of the lands.
This well known Company is formed
of some of our most reliable merchants,
they are perfectly responsible ami al
ways ready to buy any amount of grain
from the farmers, at the best rates that
the market will allow.
Fred. Gorder is their buyer, a man
well known in the county, and fully
co:npet?nt to transact all business of
this kind. 2'Jt2'
Business U business, and so aro the Cigars at
the I O. Book Store. 5-tf.
Bev Mr. Burgess will hold services
at St. Lukes Church oh Sunday next.
250 barrels of apples at Frank White's
grocery. Gy and pick out your barrel
for winter use. 20t4
Dress Making cutting and fitting
dono on the shortest notice, and after
the very latest styles in vogue.
Mrs. L. B. Crocker & Co's. 20-3t.
For your Clothing go to an exclusive
Clothing Store, for Boots and Shoes, go
to an exclussive Shoe Store.
29lf. Peter Merc. is.
5,000 barrels of Ale coming to Mc
Gaire & Co. Beer and Ale for sale by
the keg, barrel or hogshead. . 20t2.
Frank White has just received 200
barrels of apples which he will sell
very low down for cash. 2314
Ladies call at Mrs. Crocker & Co's
and examine their Fall stock of Hats
and Bonnets. 20-Jt.
You kuow last week we told you
that a celebrated hunting party left
town for the unknown regions of the
great - West, in order to clear out the
balance of tlie game hi Cass county for
this fall. Well, the party lit out the
day after 'lection. The, fellows who
brought in the least gams were to pay
for a high old supper, at Stadelmann's.
We are sorry to record that Cap. Ben
nett's party were supposed to pay for
that supper; but by way of explana
tion, we must state also that it was not
tlie fault of tlie doughty Captain, who
hunted like a hero, and brought in
stacks of game. It was all owing to
the difficulty of finding Schluntz' Mills,
and proporly locating the whereabouts
of Ujijf, and our Dr. Livingston.
Sam. Waugh, it appears, was also re
sponsible for part of the mischief. He
beat Cedar Creek for the Doctor, and
rode home on a llour wagon, and per
formed other sundry and various feats
of legderdemain that confused the
game, and made huntng a luxury, pro
vided finding is not considered import
ant. Be these things as they may, the
hunt was over at last, the game di
vided, and Thursday night, the jolly
hunters and all their friends sat down
to such a supper as no other country
outside of Nebraska, and within civili
zation, could get up. Duck, goose,
prairie chicken; quail, on toast, under
toast and around toast ; brandt.T'lover,
snipe, and everything that Hies under
the head of game except wood cock,
were then and there s? i up to satis
fy the wondering ami hungering appe
tites of hunters and guests. Among
the animals we had rabbit and squir
rel, an 1 th? flavor of that squirrel pot
pie lingered in our imagination for
day3. Thirty-five persons, ladies and
gentlemen, sat down to the supper, and
we only wisli a stranger who imagines
that this is some out of the way and bar
barous land, could have seen the table
antl the company. If he did not make
up his mind that Nebraska was a pret
ty good place to live in, and that pretty
fair kind of people already occupied
portions of it he would be thick bead
: & - i , . t .
T: If: "::.::: :
14, 1S73.
vote polled iu Ca.s County.
William MeCalg.
B. rorer.
William Youuff.
! a
! W
I n
! 3
?.I. Woods.
- S.
were cast oSO votes; and against the
190 beiDg a majority of CO for the
ed indeed, and only fit for game him
self. After supper the geallemen adjourn
ed to the front room, and each mighty
hunter was obliged to tell his story of
the day's doings. Doctor Livingston
was first called on. and gave a humor
ous account of the difficulty his party
had in finding Schlunlz's Mills and
keeping track of Waugh, he informed
us of new methods of camping out dis
covered by this adventurous hunter
and persistently informed us that we
must keep iu mind that Schluntz' Mills J
was the objective point of tlie hunt.
We observe that though the afore
said mill may have been the objective
point that day, there i3 great objection
to the point inasmuch as it furnished
no game on the day game was wanted,
but did help make mo3t of the game of
the evening.
Mr. Waugh and his friends insisted
that they would have brought in more
gamp, let could not find Livingston,
and if they could only have put in the
time shooting that they spent hunting
Livingston, their wagon would have
been full, which caused Mr. John
Clark to propose a conundrum, as fol
lows: "Why is Sam. Waugh unlike tlie
great African explorer, Stanley? Be
cause Stanley found Livingston and
Waugh couldn't.
Herman Newman wa3 then called on
to relate his experience and tell why
he had no game nor yet went hunting.
Herman arose; modesty oversppead his
whole person, and, in trembling ac
cents, he informed the anxious friends
of his delinquencies, in this wise:
"You sec all day Tuesday I was
counting wotes, and as I was a coantin
: those wotes and a huntin' for names,
I along came Hobbs, and he says, says
he, Newman, let me have your gun to
' go shooting to-morrow; and I says, if
1 ever get done counting thbse Wotes I
' want to go myself; and says Ilobbs,
! you let rue have your gnu and I'll give
you half the game and all the credit,
, and says I done, Hohbs, and I went on
: count in them wotes. About eleven
j o'clock we got done count in them
i wotes, and then I went to bed,
and then I thought, well, it's all right,
, my gun will shoot more game than any
of 'em. and Uobb3 is a good boy, and
I'm all' right, and all right, any way.
The next morning, after I got done
counting them wotes, about ft o'clock, 1
I passed the Treasurer's ofiir-e, ami
there sat Hobbs as big as life. Says I,
thought you was a huntin'; says
Hobbs eould'nt go; says I, where's my
gun ? says he, up to Amison's, where
you left it; says I, you be dash dash
and be hanged ; you've cheated me out
of my hunt and my game, and I'll never
count wotes no more. That's the rea
son I didn't go hunting.
The chairman, Sara. Chapman, de
clared Mr. Newman fully excused, and
ordered Hobbs and the gun to be fined
three brace of duck and one round doz
en of nuail, at the next hunt, as a for
feit. After more fun and heaps of good
! stories, we all went home in the morn
! ing, and that game supper remains one
j of the things that were.
P. S. S. George Smith shot a YOung
American Eag!e(?) but it came too
late to be dressed for the supper.
i is often caused by getting cold and
wet feet. It is therefore every budys
duty to provide themselves with the
best quality of boots and shoes which
: can be bought. for the lowest caih
prices at the Shoe Store. Manufactur
ing and Repairing done neatly, and
with dispatch.
. 20tf " Peter Mergis.
Onions, sweet potatoes and vego
: ablas, always on baud, at W bite'tf.' 4t
Thousands of Spectacles atthe j-P. O,
Jewelry Store, FranKCarruth. 294t,
. . i- -
Some Boston grain, Merchants and
other dealers foriuel a Grange, got the
work and a charter and sent things fly-in;?-
The Crand Master of the State
of Massachusetts lit down on them and
revoked the charter, on the ground
that they were not .interested in agri
culture. The Grange rebelled and now
they have it hot and heavy.
Fred; Stadelmann, our baker, has at
last vacated the old building in "scary
raw," and moved all of his traps up to
the line, new building, on the corner of
Sixth and Main streets, where the First
National Bakery looms up in bright
gilt letters to warn all travelers ami
citizens that here's where you get your
fine oyster suppers, good square lunch
es or nobby little dinners. Frank
Stadtcr is the locum tenms, and sweeps
around with the air of a Prince or a
Ben Htinpel keeps an oyster house
it is on the south side of Main street,
almost opposite Dovey s big store.
Ben. keeps first, oysters; next, more
oysters ; thirdly, all kinds of oysters ;
aad lastly and finally, oysters and other
tilings to eat and drink or smoke.
Call and see the "Oyster Boy" of Platts
mouth. ' sotf
As I am about to leave Plattsmouth
I take this opportunity of thanking
my old friends and customers for the
past favors they have shown me and
most cordially recommend my German
friends, and customers generally, to call
on Frank Carruth, at the Post Oilice
Jewelry Store, where .they .will find a
large assortment of all kinds of goods
and a thorough workman.
2Sw4 Paul Braitsch.
For your good and cheap foot gear
ing go to an exclusive Shoe Store.
20tf. Peter Meroas.
A Washington paper says General
Grant only instructed the First Nation
al Bank to collect his salary account,
and, instead of his having a special de
posit to his credit, his personal account
was actually overdrawn $71, and this
has since been paid to the Receiver,
and the account closed. It adds that
he did have a little tin box in the
bank of Jay Cooke & Co., containing
his valuable private papers, and, among
other things, the llawlihs bonds, which
he holds in trust, but not a dollar in
money on his own account.
Boaf.d Wanted. Two rooms with
board for a gentleman and two ladies
in a good central locatioH. Address
Box 731 P. O.
Clark &' Plummer's huge goods ware
house is filled plum full of new goods
for the fall season.J-
The second Fall Hunt of the Platts
mouth Sporting Club will take place
on Tuesday next. Two parties under
the same leaders as before, viz: Sam
Chapman, Esq. and Cap. Bennett, will
depart from the pleasant hills and
sheltered valleys of the City and
spread themselves across tho mighty
prairie? towards Schluntz, Mills at ftn
early hour before daylight on the
morning aforsald and before evening,
either Livingston will be found Waugh
drowned (in applause) or till the game
left in Cass County be bagged.
We forget to state that Sam Chap
man or Frank Stadteror some of those
jokers told us that after 'we left the
oth'T night "Little Mae" came down
there and ate three ducks two geese
and four do;:eu quails bvsids all tho
toast they bad left. Oh dear!
Tlie Lacon (111.) Horn Journal; iu
speaking of ihxi plan cf the- Senate
Committee on Privileges and Elections
recently promulgated, says: "As the
object of a change in the law is to
bring a direct vote of the people for
President, we cannot see the need of
so much tomfoolery to accomplish it,
and then the above plan is not so much
of an improvement on the old one.
Why not let the people of each State
vote direct for the men of their choice,
make their returns to the State, aTii
from thence send the popular vote to
One hundred couple from Lincoln
are expected to the Odd Fellows ball
on Thursday evening.
The great pigeon match of the season
came oil on Friday last in Porter's
field jubt out f town.
The score stood:
Vivian 10 10 13.
Marthis 0 0 11 02.
Chapman 0 10 0 12.
Cook 0 111 1 i.
Cook also won In the double match.
L; F. Johnson, the great Organ and
Piano man of Plattsmouth has just
received the finest Burnett Organ ever
shipped this far west. It was made
for the family of Mr. Hugh Orr. It
is a very handsome piece of furniture
and at the same time ono of the
sweetest and finest tuned Instruments
of Music.
Such beautiful days as we have been
having puts one in mind of tlie old
fashioned falls in Nebraska, For two
or three years back we have had rough
weather, early in the fall, and a very
warm spell in mid winter, so far this
fall cold weather has given us a long
inning; but at last the cold blustering
winds cvf December are heard mutter
ing in the distance and blustry, bully
ing threatening old winter is shaking
his ice-clad fist under our October
lilllnery and Fancy Gcods.
Would call the attention of the la
dies of Weeping Water and surround
ing country to her f nil, cheap, and com
plete stock of Millinery and Fancy
Goods, which she has just received"
from the East. All oiders promptly
filled at the lowest cash prices. Our
laottrj is quick sales and low prices.
- ST
Bicls for Forage. ,
Of riCK Ch. or. Mli. Pkpt. FlaTtis, l
CJMAMA, NEU., October 13. ia"a. (
.'Vr-Jetl prepo.s;il9,.in duplicate, with satisfac
tory inaraliN'e sijroed by two r"sp;-n.siMe par
ties, ! :t bidders, that they will 'x-eome hoiitis
men en award of contracts will be refHved at
this office until eleven o'clock n. mi. on Thurs
day, Noyember Kith. 173, for the delivery at
Omaha Iepot, In i'.:autitics ss re'iuirud, daring
November and Ieceiiber. 1S73, ol .
1,000,000 pounds of Oats;
2,0C0,O0O pounds of Corn.
Bids to be endorsed en envelope, "Bids for
l'.lauk bids famished and full conditions made
known on application at thisotllee.
The right to reject anv or all bils is reserved.
C'ht'-f Cjr. Mr., Pept. Elatte.
20 wt 1571. Brig. G oucral 1". S. A.
J. W. Martlds Si Co. are the agents for the
Howe Sewing Machine ia I'lattsuioiith. They
have openeil a salesroom ai'd -fRce ou Mala
nireet, between Fourth and i-'if l;i. .:
The Howe Machine is a Lock Slitrli, double
tl'reailed machine, and ranks No. i the
great sewing machines of the day.
8-CllI J. W. MAKTItlS,
F. r. Toii.
ClilJdrcn ofiou look lalc ail
from no other causo than baring
worms in the stomach.
will destrov AVorms without injury to
the child, being perfectly WHITE, and
free from" all coloring or other injur
ious ingredients usually used in worm
CUBITS & IJllOW'N, Proprietors,
No. Cir, Fulton Street. New York.
Sold Ly Druggists, and Chemists and
dealers in Medioines at Twenty-Five
Cents a Dot Lwly.
The large 'and commodious waft'nuvh. cellar,
and ofliee on second floor of bullvling formerly
occupied by Jacob Vallery, jr., in Masonic
Block. Enquire of IU R. M visostox or
48-tf. E.T. Dike.
Thirly Years' Experience of
an Old Xurse.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is
the prescription of one of the best
Female Physicians and Nurses in the
United States, and has been used for
thirty years with never failing safety
ami success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble infant' of one
week old to the adult. It corrects
acidity of the stomach, , relieves wind
colic, regulates the bowels, ami gives
rest, health and comfort to mother and
child. We believe it to be the Best
and Surest Remedy in the World, in
all casvs of Dysentery and Diarrhiva
in Children, whether it arises from
Teething or from any other cause.
Full dire ctions tor using, will accomp
any each bottle. None Genuine unless
the face-smile of CURTIS & PER
KINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold
by all Medicine Dealers. 24vl y.
WeV. knowing the great want of F1CTFRES,
have .so Increased their facilities for the same,
that they are now fully prepared to give satis
faction, at the lowest possible figures.
X. Ii. Wood, Corn, Coal, or CASH,
taken in exchange. . 24f.
The Ferry Company have Vive Hundred
cords of gtxid dry cot ton w ood for sale. l'tl
Tlie Household Paiiacea,
Saaaly Liainieiit
is the best remedy in the world for the
following complaints, viz.: Cramps in
the Limbs and Stomach. Pain in the
Stomach, Boweis, or Side, Rheumatism
in all its forms, Bilious Colic, Neu
ralgia, Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, Fresh
Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal
Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills
and Fever. For 1 nternal and External
Its operation is not only to relieve
the patient, but entirely removes the
cause of the complaint. It penetrates
and pervades the whole system, restor
ing healthy action to all its parts, and
quickening the blood. The Household
Panacea is purely .Vegetable and all
Healing. Prewired by
No. 21.1 Fulton Street, New York.
For sale by all druggists. 2lvly.
Legal Advertisements.
Iu the District Court. Second Judicial District
hi and for Cass County, Nebraska.
John Fitzgerald, I'luintiH, "l
Adohdius S. Thompson and
Emetine Thompson, Defend
ants. AdolpHt S. Thompson and Emellne Thompson,
non-resident Defendants, will take notice that
I did on the 4th day of October, ls73, tile my pe
tition in the District Court in and for Cass
County, Nebraska, against yourselves, t-iie ob
ject and prayer of said pet it Ton being the fore
closure ot a certain iiiorlirsgo on lot number two
(aiin bhiek number twenty-one (L'D in Duke's
Addition to the City o" I'lattsuioul h. Cass
County. Nebraska, ;iven by Adolphus S.
Thompson and Ei.ieline Thompson to John
Fitzgerald to secuje the payment of the sum of
Sigfl with interest from the oth day of December
1S71 and that said lot may be sohfto satisfy the
amount so due and that you are required to au
swer s;;id p 'C.t 'on on or before the 2lthdayof
November. 1.S7.J. or jud-iiieiir will bo tuKeu
ugairu t von upon the A petition.
John mzGEr.AU,
Uy I liAJ'MAJC & Maxwkli..
'.'a vv4 His At! ortio vs.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court. Second Judicial Dis
trict, in mi J tor Cass County, Nebraska.
Chapman & Maxwell, l'laintids, l
vs. V
Washington M. Dickensj Deft. 1
Washington M. Dickons, non-resident De-fend-iiit.
will tak" notice Chapman: Max
vvei;, jilaiiitiiTs, iid on the i;tth day ( October,
17.$. l.Ie in t a- 1 isiii.-t Court in and for Cnss
County, NebniaKa, their petition iiira'.nst the
said Washington M. Dickens. Defendant, in
wlyeh the plaintiffs claim juaginent for I lie sunt
of for att"rnejs si rvices rendered for said
l)efen.' ir;r- use by Maxwell & Chapman which
aceoun:. wrvi on the 1st day of October 173 duly
sold ami assigned to Chapman ft Maxwell,
plaintiffs, and that they have caused the follow
ing described lands to lie attached as the prop
erty of saiil Defendant, to-wit : the south half
of the southwest quarter of section liuiuber
ei'.'ht in township number twelve north of
t uuge number twelve. oat of the sixth princi
pal meridian, situated In Cass County, Nebrasi
ka, you are hereby notified that unless you ;ip-
jicar and answur said petition on or before the
Ss4l!i rtay of November, A. D. 173, judgment
w ill be rendered jurainst you for the said sum of
S-J50, together with interest thereon from April
loth 1ST2, and costs of suit.
i:uw4 Chapman- & Maxwell., Flaintt'ffs.
Les:al Notice.
In District Court. Second Judicial District, in
and for Ciiss County, Nebraska.
John Fitzgerald, I'laiutilT,
Frederick Alley. M. C. Al
ley. E. C. F.rewsfer, and M.
1. Reese, Defendants.
Mi's. E. C. P.i'owster, r.on-rf'sident Defendant,
will take iti .lie- that 1 did on fie 4th day of Oc
tober, ls7:j, hie my petition ia the District Court
in ami 'or css 'Vniiitv. N'braska.against Fred
erick Alley. M. c. Alb-y. E. C. iin-wsii r. and M.
11. Ueee. Defendants, the object and praver of
said petition biiejihe forclosure of a certain
mortgage ou lots No. live i.'.i and .six t in block
No. innetv-four :H) in 1 lAttsii'.outh Cbv, Ca.v
County, Ni, given It Frederick Alley
and M. C. Alley to John FitTgera'd to secure
tiie payment of the sum of 4ih) w ith li.ierest
Iroiu the huh day of February 171 at twelve
per cent, per annum and that said lots may be
.sold to satisfy the s;.id amoi.nt so due and that
you are reipdred t'latisvver said petition onr
before the 171 h day f November 17':, isetiing
forth anv and ail interest, claim ami demand
yoillnay have upon said I'U-rtgaged premises,
by virtue of a certnin K.ortgagtj deed dated
the K'tii ilav of March lS7e, and executed bv
Frederick Alley and M. C. Alley fo vours- li" and
which said mortgage need aoj";,rs unsalisiiod
of record) or stand forever ha rri d if any and all
equity of redemption in h:mI to said mortgaged
Uy cuArKAy arMAxvvKi.L,
Tn Dlitrtc. Court, Sr-i-rn' JndloUU Dlea lb
nd for Cass County, Nebraska.
Henry Elkenbeiy, on hi9 own
behalf and on behalf of aU
the heirs of Samuel Eikeu
bery, deceased, riair.tiits,
Samuel Maxwell, Executor of
thee) '.to of :uuicl Eikeri
liery, i1eceaeil. and Timothy
f!uLll! I kf.futt.l'tlil
Timothy cinskill. lion -resi. lent Defedint,
will take notie that I did on th 2d tiny of Oe
tUT A. 1. 1S7.J, file in the ofllci! or tlie I'kerk of
tin District Court in and fort ns c'omiiy, Ne
hrnskHj a 'tilifMi Hainit Samuel Maxweil, 1.x
cc.itoi of the estate of Samuel Eikciihory, de
ceased, and; ThfcoMiy ;a-klll, tb object and
praer of srid j" lltioti Is to obtain a d'-cr-e of
l he" court eon feting a ccrtaio deed inade by
Timothy CJaskiil t S;iuniel Fikeubery on the
22d day of June ls.v7; which s.;id ileed was made
it convey the northwest -ijiiio ti-r (' of the
southwest ipiarter (t4i if secMon thirty (,n in
town twelve (12) ratine fiMirfen (1 ti east i" Ca-s
County, Nebraska, but by mi-'.ak..' b-i i il '
sail rt'al esliite as being in s"elion twenty ej'j
insteuil of sivtion thirty t:', id also H V'ir
imr Samuel Maxwell Excnlof of saiil l'taleto
make iiti-wi-r setiiuir forth any defense 'n- may
have t plaint iTs said iM-ntion and lt;;.t unless
vim answer said petition on or before the 17th
Itay of November, A. I. 173, default w'!l bo
taken jjvrainst you i:i vorilaiiee wnli the prr.y
rrn! said petition. 1IKNKY EIKEM'EUV,
CIIAI SAX Cs M.vxw ri.i.,
t'Sw l IJ:s attorneys.
Legal Notice.'
Arthur CuiMris, l'lamtia,1
vs. !
Willet I'ottitigernnd Fer
ry I'. Gass, li-.-feudants. J
Willett l'oiliiiirer, non
will take notice that I did
Si ntember. A.' D. ls7J. IUe
resident Defendant,
ou the 'J'lli day of
my pet t; ion in the
D'strict Court, in and forCiiss f ountv. Netira.s-
h::. hainst iihdt- I'ottinjrer and Ivny V. Gass,
Defciiii iet i. The object mid prayer of said po
tion being to obtain a Judgiaetit rt'.'aiivst k;iid
Willett I'ottinger and Ferry l'. t;asj t-r ih't stun
of r!'l 7t-1"0. with ii'.lcrcrt from the 15th day i f
April. A. P. 171 at ten percent, per annum, and
that taid Flaintiff has caused the following de
scribed Real Estate as the propi-rty id W illett
Fottenger, iion-resiilent ticfeiidatit to be attch
ed in said cause to wit : the west half of lot No.
eleven in block No thirty, and lot No twelve in
block No forty-four, in Flaiismouth city.
Cass countv, and State of Nebrask. and
that you are" required to answer said petition on
or before the lath d.iv of November 17J, r
judgment will be taken against you upon the
Siune. A linil it CALKINS.
Bv ciiapmaN & Maxwki t..;
27w4 His At'orhey.
Legal Notice.
To the unknown heirs' aud next of kin of Jo
seph J I'.ariy. deceused :
You wlli take notice that I did on lha 25th
dav of September A: D. 1S7S. 111.? my IJill In tbo
District Court. Second Judicial District, in and
lr Cass County. Nebraska, against you.
The object and prayer of w hich is to obtain a
decide "f the Court decreeing the legal and
equitable titio tf) the undivided half (Si) of lots
one, two. Hire", four, five and six (t, 2. 3, 1. : and
til in block iiunihT eighty-nine 0!0, in l'latts
piouth citv, and th c undivided half t.'i) ol lots
one, two, three, four. Jive and six (l. -j.a, 4.!saud
C) in block number five i.D in White's Addition
to i'lattsuioiith city, and lots one, two. live and
six: t. 2, A ami ) in block number two () iu
Flattsmouth City, to be in petitioner Ella V. Da
vis, and ordering the Snerilf of Cass County, as
a Special Master, to execute a deed conveying
said real estate to petitioner and that unless you
appear and answer fsaid Rill of petitioner
on or betore the loth il;.-of November, A. D.
173, the same will be taken its confessed aud
judgnient rendered according y
77wt Her Attorneys.
Leal .Notice.
In District Court. 2nd Judicial District, In
and for Cass county, Nebraka.
Tfii's Hitchcock, plaintiff, vs. II
Thomas W. Vxleniine. John S.
William I lain, defendants.
William Haiti on-resident, th-.'
W. Curtis,
lid ball and
bdant. will
take notice that 1 did ou the Jlst day of Octo-
ber, ls7.. Me fnv petition in the District Court
Second Judicial District tu and for Cass county,
Nebraska, against H. W . Curtis, Thomas W.
Valentiue. Joint S. Tidball. and Win. Kalu.
The object aixl prayer of said petitioner being
tub foreclosure of a certain tiio:t ij(. on the
northwest quarter of seel 'on immht r bfteen, in
township number twelve iti'i range i.iituU-r
nine !)) in Cass countv. Nebraska, given by -II.
W. Curtis to Titus L. Hitchcock 4o secure the
payment of the snuiiof .i,7u,w!th nterest from
March sth. Wo. at twelve percent. p"r aipium,
and pravingthat said land ti'aV b sold to satin
fv said amount now due a claimed iu saui pe
tition, and that you are required to answer
said petition on o'r before the 1st day id Decem
ber, W:s, setting fortli any anil ail interest
claim, and demand you may have utyn said
mortgage premises by virtue of a certain deed
dated the L'a day of January, 172. executed by
IU W.Curtis to Thomas W. Yulcntlne. John L.
Tidball.and Win. II tin. or stand forever hatred
of, any ami all equity of redemption hi and to
the said described premises.
Cn vrMAN MAXWELL. Attorneys ror I'lainlill.
YISEGAIl! -VI X EG All ! !
At Wholesale and Ketail.
For the purpose of Introducing my vinegar. I
will sell at the following law rab-s at retail, lied
W ine Vine-far by the single galtoo :vt cents, two
ir more ga'lons rjt ZT cents per g.illon ; Ocuoiiie
Cider Vinegar .'Jt cents per ga'Ion. A libor;J
discount on the above rates made to the trade.
vinegar warranted to preserve pickles, aud
free from acids.
City orders promptly filled and delivered.
Country patronage sojiciied. i
Factory opposite Moi re's Flower Gardens,
and west of lleisel's Mill. .
Ftckles from the vines 40 cents per hundred
put no in any
per hundred.
kind of vinegar divired, m ceits
PlattsuwKiiti, KviJKuika.
Messrs. Hurst .t Cage extend their compli
ments to the public, and invite every one to use
Dr. L. Hurst's Anti-Dyspeptic
and Liver Pills.
For the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
Jing experience ha,s proved them to l u Hit
safest, surest, ah.d best Fills iu use, for the va
riots'biili"us dj3'viscs ihat prevail so extensive
ly. Headache, indigestion, loss f upjietite,
giddiness, dimness of sight, sleepiness1 an I th
whole train of disorders usually termed bullous,
will tie cured bv these pills if taken according
to directions Price 23 cents.
Dr. Hurst's Vinegar Cough Cure has been
used iu private and hospital practice for many
years, and is pronounced by all who have tried
it the best remedy ever offered to tho public for
the cure of
Coujhs, Colds, Bronrliitis, Asthma,
WhoopWj Csvyh, Croup,
at'l all diseases of .the pulmonary organs, being
composed of well-known medical herbs, it will
strengthen the system, purify the blood, aud
arrest disease.
A case of Ilheumalistn, Fain iu tlie Hack or
I.unitiagH, Swollen Joints. Flesh Cus, Sprains
ami Bruises. Sore Shoulders, Scratches ami Fis
tula in Horses that cannot be cured by iii rl's
Tar Liniment.
Hurst's Family Medicines for sale bv Dr. c;.
15. Chapman. I'lattsuioiith. Neb. ; It. l. lioovcr,
Louisville, Neb., and by dealers generally.
The only Reliable O'J't Distribution
in the Country!
- - To be distributed in
Ea. 32. SSSn-SSsB
Gift Enterprise!
To be drawn
Monday, November 24th 1873
85,000 in Gold !
85,000 in Silver !
Two Prizes, l.OitO intHJu Grt:iiwksl
Sue Priys, ca h, in OrtenhucLs!
Tin I'rtetx, .3100 ca:h, in Ortenbcu-kx!
l.noo Gold -Hid Silver I;ver Hunting Watches
' 'ii all ) worth from S2a to .:sotj each.
CoUrt Silver Vet "ihis. Solid ami D;'rb!c
Fhited Silverwaie, Jewelry, &c.
ytinlcr ' Gift, I o.ikhj. ,Yi. f T icfct-Vt 75 ."oo.
ACJKNTS WANTED to sell tickets, to whom
Liberal ITeiniums will be pa! 1. ...
Single Tickets 81. ,sVr, 85. Ttvelbc', $10
Tircnty-Fite, C:20.
Circulars cotitaining a full U-t of priz. s, a de
scription of the manner of drawing, and other
informal ion in reference to the Distribution.'
will be sent to any one ordering them. Ah iet
texs mu. bVfKldroMKI to L. D. Si N hi ,
- -
C froth iTV'ltt trrrr:ttl Jk&if M emf
body's tioiue la, tf Uwy want it, l?
J. P. Bcaiimeister
8'hd fn your orders and i wnltry Kid glri
- i ;
and r-o you regularly.
j i.-
PL.VTTSM0VTI1. rittf
Aw?yi oo hand, and for s.Uo at lowubt CtC
ttTTho Highest prtcoa pM I ''-'r
Corn. -
rartletilar attention trlvon lo Custom work.
E, T. DUKE & CO.
At the foot of Mala Street.
Wholcvile and Retail Dealer U
Hardware and Cutler,'
.. . . , , i IIOES, RAKES.
saovrLa. axes.
FOIUC. &. .
Ail kind
" . i
Tinware Manufactured.'
43tf ,
' '
Whclesalo aad Rtall Dealers La
P i n c L ti in b c r l
Sasli, Iroors, Blinds, &c!
Nebraska Groc'ory:'
under Herald olllce.
LUke r.liskelJa, Pfcpriolor
h speciality.
Try thorn nnd bo eati.fiotl.
his-ly. .
Post Office Book Start.
H. J. 8TREIGHT, lVoprlofu,
For Tour
Rooks, tjtatloncry,
Flctuxot, I'ufJo,
" ' . . r
Toy, Cvnfi)ttoner7,
Violin Strlngu,
Nnepni)eri, Notels,
Song Rooki, Lt, 4,c
Plattsmouth, ... Nebraska.
i Get any Goods cheaper, or a better aitlcla
tnan la kept at the Store ol
atas, Olisbee & Oo.
Donlcrs ia
General Merchandise.'
We aro In receipt of Frcfch Goods every wocla
from the East, whichare Iwjught for Cash, and
will bv bold Iii buy amoauL
Griinger.Sjkeep youi eye od.
ybiir friend;
--' ; ;t f
'Vic will il tit tie undersold by
any one.
jas. cLizr.E Tco.
Weeping Water July 1st, 1873. 14-4L ,
; . :... r
Fourth strict, Soith of ltatt Valley Hoiute.
Dealar la
Hard ware and Cutlery,1
Stoves, Tinware,
.tronN'ails t
Glass, Locks,'
Garden City Plows,
Hay Rakes,. , ,
Farming Tools,
Farming 3fah furry, ,.,
. . Jlct'itr mirk's Ri'iiprr and Mower,
Rit'jk Eve Reaper and Mower, . i.
.-., dc, tl-c, dc ji
For the Garden, , .
For the Orchard u '