' :( 4 r V t t: I S " t " ' r. f . v T t - f i'HE HERA 1,1) Railroad Time Tabla I 1?. A if . IL R. IN NEBRASKA. Weitward Eastward o. t No. 3 No. 1 STATIONS. No. 2 No. 4 No. 6 8.00 6.31 11.10 tfatttmoUth 2.00 7.4.1 3.10 Kii 6MJl.iK Ureapolll 1.47 7.2.1 2.43 6.10 1.30 Omaha 2.40 0.10 .W ll.no lWllevne 2.10 1.S0 7.10 11.15 lA Hatto 1.6.1 7.10 7.23 .)reM)ll9 1.47 6.5H 7.41 ll.:X Concord 1.31 6.3 Rll l.'.tiO lulsville l.nri fi.lt 2.15 1.35 1.10 V 3.1 V 5 8.27 1J.12 South lycnd 12.50 5.W 10.30 10.50 f J 12.3.1 8.53 12.35 Ashland i recti wood W;ivcrljr NeWtOll Lincoln. Lincoln Dentnn Iliithland Crete lhroh?.ster KXCter 1: unmount 12.35 12.JO 1 2.H1 11.. 12 11.35 11.17 10. .12 5.32 J 11.55 5.U 11.2.1 4..V, 10.51 4.41 Hi.30 A.M 10.U0 9.30 ll.il 9.12 I2.no l-.'OI 931 1.0.1 12.25 9.47 li.5J 10.10 l.?3 21 2 4i No. 7 AlH A..10 10.O 11. 'JO 1.17 1.35 2.on 2.2! 2.4J 3.00 3.21 4.1U lo..'L5 No. 8 R.22 10.-.M 2..12 8.10 lO.OS ii.L'O 9.23 1.05 9.00 12.;1 I 12.15 f 11.20 .-" 11. (X) 7.57 10.00 7.22 9.10 I 7.20 S.50 ( 7.0 1 H.:W 6.43 7.M C.23 7.15 r..oo e.:a .1.41 5.56 . 5.15 5.20 ll.M 40 12.15 f c.rafron Sui toil Hurv.ird I n!ui.l l.'JS 2.37 3.17 8.47 .11 J 5.M .27 6.40 t listings 7.05 t 7.2.1 Juniata 7.4 KeiieSitW 8.1S liOWell 8.35 Fort Kearny 9.05 lummy J uue 4.30 6r2 .0-.' 6.26 7.12 BRANCH. Le ruttsmouth, 6.3M p m Ar Omaha, l i.i pm " A ii..i:mi 1e 7.43 pin " " 8.10 pm 2.40 pm 10.30 a in 6.19 p m S. & M. J?. R. J Tlaft,. 5.4.1 am I Paclne .Tunc, 7.00 am Le l'lam., 3.1.1am I.e Tucillc June, 4.30 p ra Arl'latts., .40 a in Ar I'aoific June, 8.50 a in The time uiven ahovo N that of Chlcano. wlileh U 33 minutes faster than that of 1'latts month. ms.v. i LOCAL -NEWS. UXIAL AOVEKTISEMENTS. Transient 25 cents a line, nebular adverfliiors 14 wall jht line. No advertisement Inserted fer Ictus than 25 cents. J,&" Lr:U adverflHcmenH wili be cbarjr to the i . ptrties handing tlicm in. t' '4 COMMUNICATIONS. A our spae Is limited, all communications i oit be brief and to the point, with no waste of words. srnscninEns Are revested to notify the office If the paper Is nut delivered promptly. NEV.'SPArER DECISIONS. 1 Anv person who take a paper rctrulirly frnm this io-t office, whether directed to his l.ame. or wlwilir he is a subscriber or not Is responsible for the p:iy. ? If any TM-rson 'rdrr his paper dicmtin-wiC- he iini-it p:iv all arr-ara:rs. or the publisher ta.17 cotitijiue to' ti'l it until p ivii'ent is ; i:ilc. eolli-ct i lie; wl'oie a'lHu'tit. w!ief her tho pa per Is taken from the oHice r rot. 3 TIi ;. lis hae de ble-l that refiwlne to tik" ti('W;:, r and perlodic:ii.s from tlie post sMt';o" or leuiovin? nd leaving llu in iinal!cd for. i pi'.M.icvidciK-e f imkntial fkal'i. Notick to F.vntviionv. Asnbscriners pay ing f jr helr paper to us, and ordering it stowed t"a ccrtiiin time, will And il so stopped ; but w c.nu'ot Ie responsible for what has been done before our time, nor for orders supposed to b civ n by others to others. Our books alone Ci:.t tlie uiilo for ail oid subscriptions. y-a.-e rememVer this. Coil and see l. Sk-huasso A Co.'s new Koods. FrehVOys"' at rank White's. lliivR you soon "ary" a Liberal Altpuuilau vwi. -- TTi'p.I LN. A ill t;ik wheat e-l. Will t;ik wl i un ge f n o rcl i arnl i ? f on txcb New fcVnrs at Wotnls &, rieraing'3, Vatf-r. Our people are just Roinc for the butclier on the raise in me;it. Is it mete they should? Bjnrviri.s a. Unr.k ?tr-ikrl.fs. tf. J. Sterling Morton, one of Nebrns ka's no-t agreeable t-ilker?, was in town List week. Kemember tlie Sociable at the M. E. Chur.;h. on next Fri-lay niht. Cone one an.l all. The best anil cheapest Roots ami ShofM at the Shoe Store, will never be und-rsiM. 2Dtf. PETi-:r. Meuges. The Editor of the irnwvLn may to a bantam in size, but ho can out crow a sharr'haie this raomin. ... . 1 I ContnVi y ou nana r resn uysiers at White's. Dont faito call at your Boots and Shoes. Reed Bros, for One Piano for sale cheap, at the Herald office. Inquire 24tf One Tiiors.vND dollars reward. For a fair s-iuint at the late "people's party" in full funeral regalia. Cel. Noteware State Sup't Immigra tion has returned from Europe looking fine and hearty, so say the Omaha pa pers. Remember the Public Temperance meet-'ng at the M. E. Church on next Monday evening. All are invited to attend. Gre;V vegetable depot at Frank 23t4 "White's. A New firm in the wholesale Liquar Cigar and Tobaco bussiness have just opened, A Lazenby Co., on the corner of Main and Sixth Streets. Boone, the Barber still shaves at 13 cents a head and has never suspend ed Hi lather lox nor hi razor, music through all the h-trd times. The Bantam is a pure blood chicken just about now the doing the crowing. nice elean white at any rate" and j bantam cocks are Go t White's for your fresh vege tables. 2 JU MillineW and Fancy Goods at panic prices at Mrs. Crocker & Co's Bazar. 29-3t. "Wanted. A good team of Horses in trade for a first class Piano. In quire at the Herald office. Reed Bros, are continually increas ing their stock and can furnish any thing a fanner wants. TAKE NOTICE. The I'lattjtmouth .Grain Company i3 not the Nebraska Grain Company, but is composed of the following per sons and firms: E. G. Dovey, D. Schnasse & Co F. R. Guthman, J. U. Buttery, E. T. Duke & Co. Mx. Dovey is the President and E. T. Duke Treas urer. Fred Gorder is the buyer, and they respectfully solicit the trade of Apples at Frank mite's. 29t4 Spectacles at Frank Caruth's. 20-8t, TVth Cat Tobaceo at toa Pout OSe Book Stf. Pony for sale. Inquire of Herald office. 24tf Bonnet silks Velvets for sale at the Bazar. 20-2t. Who swept the Doctor? County last week, There will be a pigeon match on Fri day next. Inquire of Cook for par ticulars. TEMPERANCE. There will be a public Temperance meeting at the M. E. Church on next Monday Evening. . All friends of the cause invited to attend. A Builey is the Republican Candi date for sheriff in Douglas. County. He is a Staunch, true man and if the good wishes of the Herald were votes he would be elected, by about 10,000 majority. f Onions, sweet potatoes and vege tables, always on hand, at White's. 4t Thousands of Spectacles at the P. O. Jewelry Store. Frank Carruth. 29-3t. For your good aiid cheap foot gear ing go to an exclusive Shoe Store. 29tf. Peter Meroas. Go and see the new styles of stoves at "Woods & Fleming's, "Weeping "Water Hardware store. Post Office Jewelry Store, come and see the new spectacles. llarvy's Patent Focus Trier. . If you want some nice ribbonsNcall at Solomon & Nathan's; but if you need some Ladies' furs, call on Stadel mann. He has them all the way from $1.00 to S100.00 a set. SOCIABLE. The Sociable of the M. E. Church has been postponed until Friday even ing. All are invited to attend. A geaeral good time is expected. Meat has gone up to 15 cents a pound, all owing the election of Cum mings, so Amison says. Tlie Herald is much obliged to Sheriff Johnson for lending U3 election returns and helping us to get the cor rect figures. We have an interesting description, of the new millinery and patterns at Mrs. Crocker's to give but for lack-of space Bhall bo obliged to defer it until next week. In the meantime we adv ise all the ladies to go and admire the handsome hats, and invest. Board Wanted. Two rooms with board for a gentleman and two ladies in a good central location. Address Box 731 1'. O. Oo to the Ferry Company for your Bummert wood. 600 cordo dry eoltonwood for sale, All kinds of patterns of the latest and most approved styles for sale at Mrs. Crocker's. S3-3t. 1.000,000 Hedge Plants at the Union Nurseries, Glenwood Iowa now ready for delivery. 5,000 Osage at 81.2a per thousand; 100,000 at 31.13 per thous and. Huney Locust 84.30 per thous and. All tirst class. Address, 2dw t J. A. Williams. It is understood that our eld and highly respected fri:wi Deacon Mirk elwaifc pnt up Lis Ferry boat and fix ings against Busscll's house and lot. on the late election. Of course Russell won, and a reporter from the Herald learned late last evening that Russell says "Mick" can run the boat for a few davs. and if he man ices things well ho . I Irtf titTii I.- Gt.n 1 1" jn uli'irot! pn v f ' -' v .".- rstrmmer. -Tootl3 & Fleming, Weeping Water, have, just received a large invoice of new stoves. Choice apples for winter use. pick. a't "White's in barrels Call and get your Ten dollars reward. Any per son of ordinary abilities, or extraordi nary impudence that will invent or patent some dodge by which we can beat Grant and honest Republicans will recive the above reward, apply at the Watchman office. COLD WINTER is coining and every Man, "Woman and Child, ought to be provided with good foot gearing, which can be obtained of Peter Mei:oe.s the only exclusive Boot and Shoe dealer in Cass Co., who who warrants satisfaction. 29tf. MILLINERY. rst instalment of new Millinery and Fancy goods just arived at Mrs. L. B. Crocker & Co's. 2D-3t. Grangers of Cass County. "We thank you. In the name of good order, good sense, and sound honesty we thank you for j our late action in re gard to using the order as a political machine. NEBRASKA GRAIN CO. , TO THE FARMERS OP CASS AND SAUNDERS COUNTIES. Plattsmouth, Oct. 8, 1S73. The undersigned, representing the Nebraska Grain Company, takes pleas ure in informing his friends and those who have produce to sell, that they have increased their facilities for hand ling grain by erecting Warehouses at Louisville, Ashland, Greenwood, and other points on the B. & M. Road, where competent men will be found in charge, having an interest in the busi ness, who will pay more for Wheat, Corn, Oats, and Barley than any other firm in Nebraska. Refers, by permission, to John Fitz gerald. Calvin Parmele, and John R. Clark. Office opposite Bank in Jno. D. Tutt's Store. JOS. A. CONNOR, Gferal Mansgm Business la business, aad so are the Cigars at the P. O. Book Store. 6-tf. Melodeon for sale. Inquire at the Herald Office. 24tf 2.jO barrels of apples at Frank White's grocery. Go and pick out your barrel for winter use. 29t4 N Dress Making cutting and fitting done on the shortest notice, and after the very latest styles in vogue. Mrs. L. B. Crocker & Co's. 29-3t. For your Clothing go to an exclusive Clothing Store, for Boots and Shoes, go to an exclussive Shoe Store. 29tf. Peter Mergis. Two hunting parties went out for a grand fall hunt on Wednesday. One party under Sam. Chapman, and the other under Cap Bennett. They are to have a grand game sup per to.night. If you want to buy some Ladies' shoes, call on Peter Merges; but if you want anything in Men's wear, boots, shoes "&c, call at "Win. Stadelmann's. He sells cheaper than Merges or any other man. 5,000 barrels of Ale coming to Mc Goire & Co. Beer and Ale for sale by the keg, barrel or hogshead. 21)t2. PUBLIC TEMPERANCE MEETING. The members of the order of Good Templars will give a public Temper ance meeting at the M. E. Church on next Monday evening. There will be singing, speches, essays &c, delivered during the evening and a general good time is expected. All are. invited to come. Admission free. , MARRIED. In Plattsmouth, Neb., October 14th, 1873, afc the residence of Mr. Morgan "Waybright, bthe liev. Chas. McElvey, Dr. W. H. Sciiildknecht to Mrs. Jen nie M. Fox, widow of the late Hon. J. C. Fox. . Yes and a great big white cake ap peared on the Herald table and we. are afraid that its superabundont ex cellencies have so filled our imagina tion and puzzled our digestion that it is good bye to any No. 1 editorials to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Doctor, we wish, you joy, happiness and long' life, and always count on the Herald a3 one of your friends. At present writing the Bepublican ticket is elected entire except Cum mins, Treasurer, and he is only 13 ahead, Crow out Shanghai. "Want of space alone prevents ns from Hering Dan McJvinion a card of t.rinpatuy. He has carried every precinct and yet he goes along with hi3 leiiddown. Is it modesty? Oris he ljnely? j Frank' White has just received 200 barrels of apples which he will sell very low down for cash. ' 29t4 j FALL OPENING. Ladies call at Mrs. Crocker & Co's and examine their Fall stock of Hats aad Bonnets. ' 20-3t. i W. II. Pool, wants to see his numerous friends from the country in P.7IER Mergis Shoe Store. Strangers w.ll allso find him polite and accomo dating. 29tf. OMAHA, Oct. C, 1373. lSear Sir: The Committee appoint ed by the Sixth Convention of V.3 N( raska State Sunday School Associa tion to superintend the printing of the prcvlings of said Convention, after beir subject to unavoidable delays, arefjw prepared to distribute the san;;TS nrtmrmTctTTabmirToi) pages, and will be of great value to all Sunday School workers. Tho Executive Committee have fixed the price of the pamphlets at five cents each. Send orders to Col. R. II. Wilbur, Omaha. "W. B. SMITH, ) SAM'L BURNS, Committee. It. H. WILBUR, ) WOOD WANTED. V..V. Leonard wants some wood in exchange for pictures. Call and see them. 27t3 $1.00 REWARD. Lo3t somewhere within the limits of the city of Plattsmouth, one grey felt saddie blanket. If the finder will return the above to Buttery & Lazen by's stable, or tho Herald office, he will receive thanks and cash. riattsmouth Billiard Hall, opposite the Brooks nouse. Win. Neville, proprietor. Three good tables, good bar and bowling alley. 24m6 A CARD. As I am about to leave Plattsmouth I take this opportunity of thanking my old friends and customers for the past favors .they have shown me and most cordially recommend my German friends, and customers generally, to call on Frank Carruth, at the Post Oilice Jewelry Store, where they will find a large assortment of all kinds of goods and a thorough workman. 23w4 Paul BKAiTScn. DEATH 13 oftrn caused by getting cold and wet ft-et. It is therefore every bodys duty to provide themselves with the best quality of boots and shoes which can be bought for the lowest cash prices at the Shoe Store. Man u factor ing and Repairing done neatly, and with dispatch. 29tf Peter Merges. TEACHER'S EXAMINATION. Examinations for granting Teachers Certificates will be held at the follow ing named times and places: Stove Creek School House, October 21st aud 22d, 1873. "Weeping Water, October 23d and 24th, 1673. The Water's School House, near Greenwood, October 27th ainl2Sth. Plattsmouth, October 30th and 31st, Prompt attendance at 10 o'clock is desired. U. W. WISE, Sup't Pub. Instruction, Cass Co. riattsOTOutb, Sept. 17th, 187C $w4 The Plattsmouth Grain Company are ready. Bring on your wheat, oats, corn barley, &c. I. O. 0. E. The B. & M. K, II. will give six-fifths rates to tho Odd Fellow's Grand Lodge and Encampment, held at Plattsmouth on the 21st of October. Tickets good from the 20th to th 23th. Midland Pacific gives half rates, and other roads all make some reduction. FROM 8 HILE GROVE. Editor Herald: We had a very quiet election here; poled but a light vote, and everything passed off as still as a Sunday. Uncle Jake Vallery only cameover and stopped about fifteen minutes, and wo gave a majority for "White. There is yet hopes of Eight Mile in the future. Hurrah for elec tion. Yours, W. PLATTSMOUTH GRAIN CO. This well known Company is formed of some of our most reliable merchants, they are perfectly responsible and al ways ready to buy any amount of grain f rom'the farmers, at the best rates that the market will allow.' Fred. Gorder is their buyer, a man well known in the county, and fully competent to transact all business of this kind. 2Dt2. Two Centuries Hence. Scene Li brary in the house of an elderly gent, somewhere in Australia. Old gentle- inan telegraphs to the kitchen, and waiter assends in a balloon. Old Gent. John, fly over to Calcut ta, and tell Mr. Johnson that I -shall be happy to have him sup with me. Never mind your s coat, now, go! John leaves and at the end of five minutes returns. John. Mr. Johnson says he will come; he has got to go to St. Peters burg for a moment, and then ho will be here. Old Gent. Very well, John. Now start the machine for setting the table, and telegraph to my wife's room, and tell her that Johnson is coming; then brush up my balloon, for I have an engagement in London at twelve o'clock. John Hies, and the old gentlemen runs over to tho "West Indies to buy a fresh orange. LIST OF LETTERS Bemaining in the Plattsmouth Post Office October 1st 1S73; Budy Joseph Urown J. Brook CUaa. Buxton I. Bresnor BeuJ. Eimers Mike Foster Miss Nellie Gibbs Andrew Mail W. B. Hudson J. IL Jones "Wm. ' Kelly Hickman Kamp II. F. Laughlin W. Mockinply Kittie 8. Mapes Josepu Nash Kicliard Presson J. C. Qoitilou Ellen Rose B. Sayles Franfc Sidisbury leo. Thompson J. W. Yolk Nicholas "Witherow Sam! Willard Sarah Williams O. W. Gordon W. Holmes Joseph Henderson IL C. Knotts Prof. . Kruggcr Thomas Loomis J. M. MeCracken Geo. McDonald Martha . . Reynolds N. M. Salisbury F. A. Smith Geo. Thompson F. G. Viers J. P. Wannock David Wing Geo. T. Wilmot II. S. "When calling for any of the above letters please say. ivClTseuT-"' " ... J. "W. Marshall, P. M. Centaur Liiiiment. There Is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will r.ot re lieve, no swelling it will not mibjne. and no Janii'UCsa which .itTrtirnsrrtrcT' Tiu k-Hr&u anpnnre, hut !t Is true. v'here the pans are not cone. Its etfeets are niarvelNais. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, nea- KP'ISCr ralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache, caked -breats, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &.O., upon the human frame, and or strains, . spavin, palls, &e.. upon animals in one yer.r than have all other pretended remedies since the w orld began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing rain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lam walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a sear. It is no humbug. The recipe is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does jurd what It pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swellini; deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than looo certificates of remarkable cures. Including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout.runningtiimours. fe. have been received. "We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &.C., frratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centj'ir Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered orsweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners-this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. 13. Kose & Co., New York. 40-ly Castoria is mnr than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe r.rticle in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and Is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 46-ly SPECIAL NOTICES. Bids for Forage. Offk-k Ch. Qn. Mr.. If.it. I'lattk, ) , OMAHA, Nfjs., October 13, 1S7J. f Scaled proposals. In duplicate, with satisfac tory guarantee sitmed by two responsible par ties, not bidders, that they will become bonds men on award of contracts, w ill ne received at tliis ofice until eleven o'clock a. m. on Thurs day, November l.itli. lsva, for the delivery at Omaha Depot, in quantities as required, during 'oveinterand December, 17.t,of 1,000,000 pounds of Oats; 2,000,000 pounds of Corn. Bids to be endorsed on envelopes, "I'.ids for Forage." lUiuik bids ftirn'shed and full conditions made known on application at this oftlee. The right to reject auv vr all bids is reserved. AI.KX..I. i'EUUY, Chief Or. Mr., Dept. Phitte. 20w l Ilvt. Hri-r. i;oueral U. S. A. THR HOWE SEWING MACHINE J. W. Marthis & Co. are the agents for the Howe Sewing Machine in riattsmouth. They have opened a salesnom and olUce on Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. The Howe Machine is a Lock Stitch, double threaded machine, and ranks No. I anion,; the great sewing machines of the day. 8-Cin J. W. Marthis, F. I. Todd. MRS. ADDIE SAYLES. Milllaory anil Fancj Uoods. Would call the attention of the la dies of Weeping Water and surround ing country to her full, cheap, and com plete stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, which she has just received from tho East. All orders promptly filled at the lowest cash prices. Our motto is quick sales and low Children often look Ial c and Sick from no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VEItMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy "Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injur ious ingredients usually used in worm preparations, CURTIS Sc BROWN, Proprietors, No. 213 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists and dealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five Gents a Box- 2-iwly. Thirty Veitrs' Experience of an Old Xui-nc. Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrup is the prescription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety ami success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhtva in Children, whether it. arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions fo"r using will accomp any each bottle. None Genuine unless the face-siuile of CURTIS & PER KINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold bv all Medicine Dealers. 24wly. VIXEGAH ! VINEGAR ! ! -At Wholesale and Retail. For the purpose of introducing my vinegar. I will sell at the following law ratt'S nt retail". Red Wine Viiiejrar by tlie single gallon aoeenrs. two or more irailons atL'5 eeiits per gallon ; Genuine Cider Yinefrar ait eeiits pi : iralk'ti. A liberal dineount on the above rates made to the trade. All vinegar warranted to preserve piekle, and free from aeids. Ciry onit .-s promptly filled and delive red. Country natron-e'e solicited. Factory opposite Moore's Flower Gardens, and west of HeNrl'st Mill. 1'iekles from the vines -10 eents per hundred ; put up In any kind of vinegar desired, 60 cents per hundred. H. A. AUSTIN, lt-tf. nottsroouih, Nsbnuka. WOOD WOOD! The Ferry Company have Five Hundred cords of iod ny eottonwopd for .sale. l-2tf CAIIY & IIULllERT, COUXEPv MAIX AND FIFTH ST3 Are doing all kinds of work in their liro in a neat, artistic style. Give them a call 21w4 Operator. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS OF B. & M. R. R. LANDS. Offtct: or Lax n Dktaktmknt, 1 V.. & M. li. It. Co.. iv Nkh., J LivroLN, NKit.. July 10, 1S73. J RAvln; received patents from the V. S. Gov ernment for our lands, we are prepared to issue contracts to parties lioidin pre-emption cer. itlcates for a portion of the same. Persons ln:diu:; such cerlilicaie-i numbered between 1 and lluo, issued between th-1t day of Aprils jiud tho itii--uy --f iioUdwvri, nre hoi'vbv notified to exchaue their pre-emption certificates for retnlar contracts, ar this of fice, within sixty days from this date, as provid ed i'i :iid cert.ilicate. IC-lt - G EO. S. II AK RIS. Land Cmru. B. & il. JR. iL Co.. in Neb. The EJouspJioJtl Panacea, and ' Famly IInlment is the best remedy in the world for tho following complaints, viz.: Cramps in the Limbs and Stomach. Pain . in the Stomach, liowels, or Side, llheumatism in all, its forms, Bilious Colic, Xeu ralsi:tf Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, Fresh "Wounds, Bums, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever. For Internal and External use. Its operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely -removes thc cause of the complaint. It pejorates and pervades the whole system, restor ing healthy actloji4e-aiTits parts, and quickennhTTblood. The Household l'ilfl'Ae'etf-i's purely Vegetable and all rliealing. Prepared by cum is & Bictm.N. Xo. 215 Fulton Street, Xew York. For sale by all druggists. 24wly. Legal Advertisements. JksgaLNntica Iri'tlie District Court, Second Judicial District In and for Cass County, Nebraska. John Eitir-rahl, I'laintiiT,"! vs. Ado'iiihus S. Thompson and Emetine Thompson, De'eud anis. Adolpbii" S. Thompson and Fmeline Thompson, non-resident Defendants, will taUe notice that I dl ou the 4th dav of October. 1S7.;, file my pe tition in ti e District Court in aud for. Cass County, Nebraska, against yourselves, the ob ject ana prayer of said petition being Cue fore closure or a certain mortnae on lot number two ti in biock number twenty-one (1) in Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Cas County, Nebraska, jciven by Adolphus :s. Tlioi:ipsin ami EnieliiiB Tliompson o John EitZKeiald to seciue the payment of th mi of $JiO with interest from tlieSthdav of c (. aiber l.sTl and that said lot may be soiu to sa:i:.iy the amou-it so due and that you are required to an swer said ietitlosi on or before tiie 2lth day of November, 17.5, or judgment will be tanen against you upon the said petition. JOHN E1TZGEKALD, Bv Chapmak & Ma.wvf.li,, "ir.iwi Ilis Attorneys. Leal Notice. Tn th' District Court. Second Judicial Lis tricl, in and for Cass County. Nebraska. Chapman & Maxwell, Plaiutilfs, 1 vs. Washiiif-'inn M. Dickens, Deft. ) Washington JI. Dickens, non-resident De fendant, will take notice that napmaii & Max well, p'aintilTs. did on the l.tth day of October, 1S73, lile in tiie Disiiict Court in and for Cass Countv, NePraska, llieir pet fi ion mrainst tiie said Washington M. DicKtus, Defendant, in which the pi.iimiiTs fl.-din juerrr'.ent for Ihe sum of -s'JSO for attorneys services, rendered for said Defendant's use liy Maxwell & Chapman which account was on the 1st day id October 173 duly sold and assigned to Chapman & Maxwell, plaintiffs, and that they have caused thefoliiw-lii- Jcscii!el lands to tie attached as ftie prop erty of said Defendant. to-vit : tiie soul li half of tiie southwest t-u.nter of section number e!L.lit iu township 11 timber twelve north of range number ' welve, e;wst of tlie sixth jiriuei- al iw ka, yo meriuian. situatetl in L-ass t imiiiv, .enras- u are m reov notitieii that unless vou an- pejjraii'l answur sai-l petition on or before the 2ltli day of .November, A. D. 173, judgment will be rendered ai;ai:ist you for the said sum of fiVi, tofietLw with mier'st thereon from April lot ll 172, PUd co-Is of suit. lijwi Ckai'max & Maxwell, riaintEIs. Estray Notice. Taken no by tho undersigned at his residence in t-'tyh ':!: firove Precinct. C;is Co., Ned., on tiie llth day of September. A. D. Is73, o'ie hoise ai.d one pony. The horse is of a hay color, sup posed to lie II years old. white stripe ill the lace, blind iu left eye. The pony is a marc about seven years old, of a sorrel "color, white stripe ia the face, ligure -Xi branded on left shoulder. THOMAi YOCNU. Legal Notice. In District Comt. Seeoud Judicial District, in and for Cass County, Nebraska. John Firzgerald, Plaintiff, V vs. Frederick Alley. M. C. Al ley, E. C. Brewster, and M. li. ltecse. Defendants. Mrs. E. C. Brewster. non-reVubnt Defendant, will Ct'te notice that I did on the 4th day 01 Oc tober. 1S7;5. file inv petition in tile District Court in aiwd for Cass County. Xehraska.aaiiist Fred erick Alley. M. V. Alley, E. C. Brewster, and AI. B. lU-ese. Delenilaiils, the object and prayer of said petition tieintne 1 relosure ot a certain mortgage 0:1 bus ... live (.M and six (0 in block No. i.iacty-four I'M) in Plattsmouth City, Cass County, Nebniska. Kivea by Frederick Alley and M. C. llev t. John Fiizuerabl tti secure the payment of the sum of with interest from the p.;ih dav of Febrr.ary 1s71 at twelve Ier cent, per annum and that said los may be solJ to sa;is:y the s.utt aiiu.iml so due :a.d that yon are re.piired Vt answer said jetiti';i on or ix'fore lle 17th dav 01 November ls"J, (setting forth any end ail Interest, claim and demand you may have upon said mnrtfaed piviul.se, by virtue of a certain mortMu'e deed dated thu loth dav of March ls7. and executed by Frederick Alley and M. C. Alley to yourself and which said mortgage deed appears unsatisfied of record! or stand forever paired of any and all etpiity of redemption in and to sjiid inert raged prenuse. JoilN FlTZoEttALD, ' By CHAFMAX& Maxwell, , KIb AWwrae. Legal Notice. In TV.fM.-t Co'.irt. Keeond Judicial District, In and for Cass County, Nebraska. Henrv Eikenbery, on hi own hehaff and on hehalf of till the heir of Samuel Klkeu her, deceased , l'lain tills, v. Samuel Maxwell. Exeeutorof tlie estate of Maniuel Kiken hery. deceased, and Timothy Gaskill, Defendants. Timothy Gaskill. non-resident Defendant, will take notice that I did on the 2d day of Oc tober A. I). 173. Hie In the oliiee of the Clerk of the District Court in ami for Cass Comity, Ne braska, a jM-titioti iisuinst hamuel Maxwell, Ex eeutorof the estate of Samuel F.ikent'ery, de ceased, and Timothy Gaskill. tlie object and praver of said petition Is to obtain a decree of the" court eorrt ctiiii; a certain deed made by Timothy Gaskill to Samuel Kikenlery on the i!d dav of June ls.7. which said deed was made to convey the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter Ci of section thirty tsa) in town twelve (12 ran:e fourteen (1 1) east in t.'.-iss County, Nebraska, but bv mistake described said real estate a. neimi in section twenty CI") instead of section thirty t'lfo. and also requir ing Samuel Maxwell Kxentor of said Estate to make answer setiintr forth any deiense he may have to plaint iTs said petition and that unless vou answer said petition on or before the 17th lay of November, A. D. 173. default will be t:keii atrainst vou in accordance with the pray er of said petition. HENKY E1KE.N I5EKY, Jiv Ch Ai'MAN a; 1axw El.l.. Iisw4 His Attorneys. Legal Notice. Arthur Calkins, plaintiff. vs. Willet Pottinsrerand Fer ry 1. Gass. Defendants. Wiilett Fottintrer, non-resident Defendant, will take notice that 1 did. on the '-Ktli day of Septemler, A. D. 173, tlie my petition in tlie District Court, in and for CVvs County, Nebras ka, against W lHett Pet I inner and Perry P. Gass, Defendants. The object and prayer of said pc tinii iM-intrto oMain a judgment against said Wiilett Pol tinker and Perry P. Gass for the sum of "M1 7!'-b,i. with interest from tlie l.'-th day of April, A. !. li71 at ten percent, peraiiuum.and that said Plaint ill lias caused the following de scribed Heal Estate as the property of V illett I'o' tender, non-resident defendant to be ato-h-ed iu said c;:.use to wit : the west half of lot No. eieven in blocu No thirty, and lot No twelve in block No foriy-feur. in Pla tsmouih city, Ca-ss county, and Stale or Nebrask. and that you are required to answer said petition on or before the Kith day of November 1.H73, or 'judgment wiil be taken against you upon the wmie. AlcTIILK CALKINS., Bv ChapmaN & Maxwki.i.. "i7wl Ills Attorneys. Lesal Notice. To th unknown heirs and uext of kin of Jo se'di I Earlv, deceased : You v.lli'feike notice that I did on the 23th day of September A. D. 173. file my liill in tho District Coiirl, Second Judicial District, in and fur i 'ass County. Nebraska, airainst ou. The object and prayer of w bicli is to obtain a decree of the Court decreeing the legal ami equitable title to the undivided half () of lois o:s: two. three, four, five anil six (1, 2. a, 4. ft and fi in b'ax-k number eighty-nine '.. in liatts lnoui.lt city, and fit e undivided hall 'i of bits one, two. three, four, live anil six (1, 2,3, I. ".and t; in block number five cf) in White's Addition to P'attsmouth City, and lots one, two. live and six (1,2. 5 amir,) in block number two J) in Plattsmouth City.to be'in xtitioner Ella V. Da vis, and ordering tlie Slierill of Cass County, ;c a Special Master, to execute a deed convoying said real estate to uUtioui-r and that unless yon apnear and answer said Dill of petitioner on'or before the Huh dav of November, A. D. 1H73, tlie same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordingly. J a ELLA V. DA VI 8. I'v Chapman & M xwkm,. 7wi Her Attorneys. Legal Notice. In District Court. 2nd Judicial District, In and for Cass county. N .-br:is":i. H. C. Piu-elow. r illis.T. Horton, Paulina A. Ilorlon, Martin Grover. Hibbard & spencer, Weil tk Calm. Si. Joseph Manufacturing Com pany. John M. Carter. C. "A . Lymau. The People of the stale of Nebraska : Manm Grover, Hibb.irdr Sp'-ncer, Weil & Calin, the Saint ,i.sepli Manutact urin Com pany and John M. Carier, nou-resfdent tlefeml ants. will tnke notice, tint I. II. C. P.ijrelow. did on tlie 1st dav of September, A. l. 1h;, lile my twmton in tlte oft'ice of the duiuof -nctf rrnTTtn and for Cass Couniy, Nebraska, against said non-resideut Oefuiuliiius, ana Wil lis J. Horton, Paulina A. Horton and C. W. Ly man, resident defendants the object and prayer of which petition was to obtain a Judg ment against Willis J. Horton and Paulina A. Horton fer the sum of s670.no, and a de cree of foreclosure upon a certain uiortirasre deed Ki ven by said W iiiis J. Hoi ton anil Pau l.naA. Horton to plaintiff, upon the N 'i of N K of ss-tion number li. in town 111, nme 11 JC sixth principal meridian, and the SElof seetioii number f.elve, in town in ntne 11 E, situated iu Cass couniy, Nebraska, to secure the pavtnent of said sum of 5570.00, with in terest from the the 21st day of March, Ihto. at the rate of ten per eeitl. r annum, and also askinj: for a further Judgment against said W il lis J. "and Paulina A. Horton. for the sum of f !)3.i7-l'Kit.hs. taxes and charges uion said real estate, which said Willis J. and Paulina A. Horton had jertnitted to become a lien and le irai charge upon said real estate, iiiipaiiimr and injuring tliis punntilt's seimrity upoii tlie same, and asUiiif; tliat phiiutitf be allowed a lien upon said ' premises for said taxes and charges. Riot pravinjr further that each of you non-resident defcmbip" be compelled to answer, and show y.vtal I Ty interest or lien vou have or claim. tiKpn.fTu'ti inmt(agerr ''ptveiiriSes, ' by virtue of cenain jiulsments obtained by each of you, in Cass county, Nebraska, against said Willis J. and Paulina A. Horton, and that plaintiff's said cluims and demands may be decreed to have priority over tlie claim of each of said non-resident defendants. You are required to answer said ietttion on or before the 27ih day of October. A. D. 1K73, or default w ill be taken against each of you upon said petition. H. C. BIGKIX3W. bv Chapman & Maxw ell, A CORDIAL INVITATION. Messrs. Hurst & Gace extend their compli ments to the public, aud invite every one to use DiuL. Hurst's Anti-DygpeptitM " and Liver Fills. For tlie cure of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Long experience li:w proved them to be the safest, sorest, aiid best Pills in use, for the va rious t'iioi-s diseases that prevail so extensive ly, ll. aua.-ac, iiidiuestion, loss of apiH-tite, pi'ldiuess. dimness ot sieht, sleepiness and th whole train of disorders usually termed billions, will be cured bv these pills if 'taken according to directions lriee 25 cents. PERSONAL. Dr. rinrst's Vinegar Cii:k1i Cure has been used iu private and" hospTtal practice for many years, and is pronounced 'by all who have tried it the best remedy ever oEered to the public for t he cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and all ili-ases of the pulmonary organs, bein composed of well-known medical herbs, it will strengthen the system, purify the blood, and arrest disease. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! A ease, of Rheumatism. P::lu iu the Hack or Lumiiaira. Swollen Joints. Flesh Cuts, Sprains and Bruises, Sore Shoulders. Scratches and Fis tula in Horses that cannot be cured by Hi.rd's Tar Liniment. Hurst's FamiTy Medicines for sale by Dr. C. It. Chapman. Plattsmouth, Neb. ; 15. (. Hoover, Louisville, Neb., and by dealers generally. -2$mt3. 1FTEOTEBFMSE The only Udiable Gift Distribution in the Country! 75,000.00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! To be distributed in Eb. IS. SIMES-'S 154th KEG IT LA II MONTHLY Gift Enterprise! To be drawn Monday, November 24th 1873 ONE Gil AND CASH PKIZE OF 85,000 in Gold ! ONE GKAND CASIT PRIZE OF 85,000 in Silver ! Two Prizes,$l,000 each, in Greenbacks! Six Prizes, S-jOO ea h, in Greenbacks! Ten Prizes, 6100 eavh, in Greenbacks! 1,000 Gold and Silver Iver Htintiua Watches (iu ;dlj worth from to 30o each. Coin Silver Ve.t Chains. Solid and Double Plated Silverware, Jewelry, &c. JVumf-er tf GfU, NVVm. . JVo. of Tiehtl 73,000. AGENTS WANTED to sell tickets, to whom Liberal Premiums will le paid. Single Tie7iebi$l. Six,$o. Twelve, $10 Twenty-Five, $20. Circulars containing a full list of prizes, a de scripticn of the m-iuitcrof drawinir. and other i.nf'.riu..Ii(iii i-.i rfeivne to the Dislnbution. will oe sent to any one ordering them. AM let ters trust baddreeed to L. D. SrNE. . urn 8 Otonw, Otrw: GooO riswn mil OrCmmi dnj a rrery body's hotu ta llattntioutb, U tha raid tt. by J. F. Beaumeister. Send in your ordan and I irfll try nd glre you and serve you reirnlarly. PLATTSMOUTH 21ILLS. rLATTSMOUTH. SUB, CONKAD IIE1SEL, Troprieto FLOCK, COKN MEAL. FEED. Always on hand, and for salo at lowest Caab prices. t y The Highest price paid for Wheat aad Com. Particular attention given to Custom work. E. T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Main Street Wholesale and Kctall Dealers 1 Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES, TINWAKE, 1UOX, KAILS, HOE3, RAKES. SHOVELfi, AXES, KNIVES AND FOLKS. &o. &. All klndt f Tinware Manufactured. 4.-ttf II. A. WATEH3IAN & SON Wholesale and Retail I tellers In Pine Ij u in b e r , LATH, SHINGLES, Sasli, Hours, Dlinds, &c. 6-4t. Nebraska Grocery. under Herald office. . Luke Miskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Try them and be satisfied. nl8-ly. CO TO TUB Post Office Book Store. - wspapertmi EL J. STKEIGET, I"roprie ' Tor Tor Books, Stationery, Picture, MuaIo, Toys, Confoctlonery, Violin Strings, Nwpaperi, Hotel, SvfijTilooks, ., &c. POST OFFICE LEILDINQ. Plattsmouth. 8-tf. Nebraska. NO YOU DONT ! ! Get any Goods cheaper, or a better article than is kept at the Stor of Jas, Olisbse & Co. Dea-'.re 1" General Merchandise. We are in receipt of Fresh Goods every week from the East, whichare bought for Cash, and w ill be sold iu any amount. Grangcrs,keep youi eye on your friend; We will not be undersold by any one. JAS. CLIZBE & CO. Weeping Water July 1st, 1S73. t4-4t. U. V. MATHEWS, i Fourth gtreet, north of Platto Valley House. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, Tinware, Iron, ZSTails Glass, Locks, Garden City Plows, Hay Rakes, Farming Tools, Farming Machinery, JlcCormick'n Reaper and Mower, Buck Eye Reaper and Mower, dtc Scc ttrc, d-c, tt SEED For the Garden, For th Orchard, paiLADLPHIA.filftllK.. SOLOMON a NATHLTT Fanc7j)ry Goods, ltoticr, Ladies Furnishing Good Ch Mt. Stock Id tue City. Which w ar prepMrl tmTl r'TirT tlMfcs tliey fin lie purcluisutl e4cftLero. vie UM I aud examine our goodi. l'!TSiitr on Main vl reef betw-n "Jl Bftd9ft streets, I'lalismoiilli .Nebnisk. 1CLL mi tier mttKt I am now prepared to furnish the bott una dulterated milk TWICE ITS FnYDAT To oil parties notifying ma rElEIlGOCS. THE GENUINE Pins' THRESHERS ARB HORSE POWERS. Theso superior Machines, with out any rivals for capacity or Quality of work, are oneredto buyers this year with several valuable improvements. De orriptive Pamphlets will be fur n;soed on application, and stock wiil be held in St. Louis tor moro convenient delivery. Par ties i n Missouri, Kansas, South ern I Uinois, Texas and tho Ter ritorios will correspond with Scmplo, Birge & Co., 13SGUTHMAINS7REET.ST. LOUIS riaaaa nentlea la wUl pmcr Ua adrertlMtoiant. THE HOOSIER DRILL. 'I CONTAINS ALL THE LATENT ANO 5TJPATENTS. AND HAS MW POINT OP EXCELLENCE 0FFERE0 BV NO OTHES CniI-L. JT CHANGES FROM BilJLE TO DOUBLE BANK IN8TANTLV A ' ' ! WHILE IN MOTION. IT HAS A FX ::: Ft Ell GRASS 8FED SOWER. A Nfvy t TI f iE ARE PREPARED TO SHiP I M f CT 1 HARVTE,OAEi?.AL,T," WHl- V- Parties orderlnj;, will pleua sarin Wtt ptyf ;nv.,. they ed thUadertieenient. SE3tI'IiF, SITtOE & CO -t - uu tinw ioii nr ir.i i i VA II m m ir W ABB bl i.tJlAl.Tl liS, 13 utfc Jlmln Street, St, Unit, JOm FIRST NATIONAL BAN! or FLATrsiiouTn, NBur.ir ..:.., COCEHHOB TO Tootle, Hanna & Clarh JcmrVfrzozuAi.nr CTTTTTtrMm.i. b e I'lt siuc! T. "W. Kvah, A.-s't Caablor. I'leMdent. Jon.v Ti. Cla itK. ConlitlT. TliU Hank li no'.v open for Vii!:im fit tfiufr new room, comer Main and Mxlb ttrruU, uud are prepared to truusacl a uucrui Uaiiliing Business, Slocks, Eond, Gold, OoTarcment and IxoaI SeinrtBes Uouglit AUlX Sold Deposits Becelved und Interest nlJovrsd On tlm CcKiTiortt Tr-.ff dr:m, nr.-iilaMe In any pnrt of tl Vmi'-.I Si:iies :ind iu ;U1 lliO piiuclpid t?v'j ;.! t ilie.sof Europe. FOR TTTT, CELEBRATEIJ USUI AN LiJSE AND A S'iLKIV LINE OF STEAMERS I'i! -'.- i-liln'j: to lirijif; out their ftleBOd from 1 can purcbaso ticket from u throuli to l'lattsmouth THE OLD RELIABLE A Heavy Stock of Goods ca Hand. No Rents and Interest on BorroumX Capital to be made off L'wttomert. OLDEST ESTABLISHED UQUS3 IN THE CITY. North lde of Main between Second and Ttlf streets, takes pleasure in uiiueuutiiij; to FARMERS AND MECHANICS That he has a larpe and well selected utock ot Dry Gools, Oroeeries, IToviiioni, as were brought to the City of ruttsiuouth. rtr- I: will cost you nothing to lecfc t tem whether you tuv or tiot. Ly eraii.uin; the price at the "(flJJ KF.LI Ai.Lli jo-; w a tn aii aeenM we wtir r.:r Tr? r ch n n