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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1873)
ii '' 1 J i EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. X. a RAMSEY . . . Editor. imuunication en Kducitional Topics, Ke porta of Educational Meetings, &c.,are respect fully solicited lor the Educational Column, and Jj.vybe adlnssml to Kilucatioaal Ckinuiiitteo, Box 90, Bock UliUIs, NebnMka. H. S. KAMSEY, ClTn Editorial Committee. THE ROCK itLUFFS SCHOOL. The report of the Rock Bluffa School for the year ending June SOtn, is, to say the least, highly encouraging. Two departments were organized at the be ginning of the last school year, and a point of gradation established, which, owing to a' very large number of schol ars in the Primary Department, was Subsequently changed. Those who can pas3 a satisfactory examination in Reading in the Fourth Reader and m Division in Arithmetic are admitted to the Higher Department. The lack of an Intermediate Depart raent causes considerable embarrass ment In the classification in both de partments. From the report made to the State Superintendent we copy a few- statis tics, which we trust may not be, alto gether uninteresting to the readers of the Educational department of the Herald. The whole number enrolled during the year in the Primary Department was 54 males and 47 females. The whole number enrolled in the Higher Department was 87 males and 35 fe males, making a total of 101 scholars in the Primary Department and 72 scholars in the Higher, or a grand total of 173 enrolled during the year, in both departments. The number studying the different branches was as follows: Spelling, 1G2; reading, 149; writing, 61; arithmetic, 82; grammar, 41; geography, 44; his tory, 12; algebra, 12. The number of enumerated children in the district by the last census was, males 04; females 86; or a total of 180. The number enrolled was, 91 ; males, "and 83 females. The average daily at tendance was, males, 83.78; females, 40.01 ; or a total of 73.79 ; and the ayer "age number of days each enrolled pupil "attended school during the year was -124.2, or a little over six months out of the nine. The number of square feet of black board surface in the room of the Pri mary department is 132, and in the room of the nigher Department, 102, making a total of 234 square feet. The Principal received 8.60 per month, and one assistant 840 per month. Th.e total number of days taught by all the teachers was 360, and the total wages paid were 900. Aa an auxiliary to the school there w as a class in In strumental music composed of mem bers of the school, and under the charge of Mrs. Bernard Drost, who gave lesson.3 twice each week. In addition we would add that the Fall tenn commenced on the 8th of September, with the same teachers, and already over eighty scholars have teen enrolled.'' ' The Music department 13 still in the charge of Mr2. Drost, and the new school year begins with flat tering prospects of continued and re newed success. CHEAP TEACHING. The question is very frequently hiked here by the patrons of day schools, "Why have we not more teach ers who are proficient in the business? Our reply has been invariably: You do not pay wages that will justify teach ers of any ability in remaining with you. It is generally the case that men are elected to . the offices of directors or trustees of our schools who think they are doing the greatest amount of good, discharging their duties most fully, when they employ the man who will leach for the least money. They seem to look, not so much to the ability or attainments of the person a3 to the saving of a few dollars per month in wages; consequently our scheols are very greatly injured by inefficient teach ers. Those who have no just concep tions of the "duties and responsibilities bt the school-room, are, very frequent ly chosen as school o'Ulcers. ' In speaking of the ignorance of 6chJol directors as to what the attain ments of a teacher should be4 brings to mind the expression of school officers of ah adjoining State. They talk a Kicat deal about teachers holding good ''stificates." Ws presume that if it were necessary for them to write the word they would begin it with an "s." So long a3 we elect men of such in ferior attainments to look after the in terests of our schools; men who are concerned more about the saving of inoney than they are about the train ing of the immortal minds of their thildren,- so long will the object for which the common school.? are carried on be, to a great extent, defeated. It bos generally been our experience, hat a "cheap coat is a very dear one in the end." "When these who are authorized to examine teachers and grant certificates shall become more rigid in their exam inations; when we shall elect our offi cers from the most intelligent portion Of bur people thoso who will look well to the best interests of our schools, and when our teachers are paid a fair and living compensation for their la bors, then and not till then will our schools prove successful. It is an indisputable fact that the - grade of scholarship to entitle a teach er to hold a certificate, should be much higher than it is at the present time. If applicants for schools i lie Y? est are as numerous as they are here, you Can Well afford to reject two out of fevery three, thus be rikely to get good teachers. In eur township, 'where the wages aid to experienced teachers, have nev 6r been mora than $33 per month, th9 Girectors were generous (?) Snougb, to Attempt to reduce them to $30 per ZJctith. In speaking of this to an old ?Y$tf vh? . f w"2- tr&n'vtHHrr tri? remunerative field of labor, he suggest ed that the best thing that could be done would bo to hang such a Board, and while we cannot fully acquiesce in that; we would advise yoU as your school system is probably yet in infancy that, should you have men of like prin ciples in your State, it would be wel for you to reiterate a late Statesman's words: Go farther "West. The fact that our common schools are the basis for the future weal of our country must not be overlooked and ignored. 'Foe, Fa. , "W. B. S. Whatever the views of our corres pondent may bo relative to the selec tion of school officers, we are inclined to believe, that it is not so much the incapacity or scnool boards as it is a lack of energy. Many school officers within our own knowledge, of inferior attainments are really more energetic in the cause of Education generally and locally, than many whom we have seen who were persons of superior at tainments. But in order to perform the duties pertaining to school officers, we agree that at least some business qualications are necessary, but one great qualification, superior in our judgment to every other is a constant and burning zeal in the cause of Edu cation. Without thi3 qualification, School officers, of whatever attainments, will be to a great extent incompetent to dis charge the duties pertaining to the re spective offices. "We feci justified in saying that all school boards are war ranted in choosing those teachers who possess the best certificates, yet, the mere fact of holding a "good certifi cate" is no conclusive evidence that the holder thereof is a first classs teacher. Indeed, we have ovserved that teachers holding an inferipr grade of certificate, succeed quite as often as many who hold "first grade." The teacher who depends alone upon his scholarship for hi3 success In teaching will be very often disappoint ed ; other tilings are quite as necessary as this. What will become of iii Of the Northern Pacific Railroad we mean. Jay Cook & Co., are its nominal owners. Only 8200,000 worth of stock has been taken, and they control that. Some six hundred mile3 of road have been built, and they have reported that bonds representing from twenty-five to. thirty millions have been sold. These bonds have built the road. But where is the money to build the remaining 1,200 miles to come from? And what is to pay the interest on the bonds el- ready sold ? It will require at the very least forty millions more to finish this road. There are no cities along its line to vote subsidies in 'tid of its construc tion. The 600 miles already built can not pay running expenses, and will hardly yield a dividend until the mil lennium. The road runs, most of the way; through an unbroken wilderness; and much of the territory on either side is ban-en and inhospitable to the last degree. There is danger that the set tlers, who have been lured there by the rose-colored descriptions of fertile soil and picturesque scenery and untold mineral fleposits and a climate of un surpassed salubrity, will perish from cold and starvation before the Winter is cut. What is to Income of this road, of which we have read so many splendid descriptions, and whose bonds were represented a3 more valuable than those of the Government until farmers and traders and widows and the trus tees of orphaned children invested their small savings in them in preference to itffer but less vaunted securities near er home ? Jay Cooke & Co. have prac tically failed, leaving two-thirds of the road unbuilt. The 600 miles already completed at an immense cost cannot possibly pay the interest on the twenty -five millions in bonds already placed eoicewhere and procably everywhere. It is a question whether this stretch of road would not bankrupt any company that should undertake to operate it for the next twenty-five years. The im mense tract of public land a region larger than Indiana and Illinois which Congress voted away for the building of this road, is practically unavailable because it i3 not wanted for settlement and prohably will not have a market value for half a century. Certainly the bondholders, who have already been bled to the fainting point and have nothing but worthless parchment to show for their investments of hard earned money, are not likely to come forward and treble their subscriptions; the money. they have already paid out is practically sunk. Merssrs. Cooke & Co. cannot finish the road, if they try, without a further sale of bonds, which noliotly will be foolish enough to buy. There would seem to be only one of two courses left either the abandonment of the whole enterprise or its assump tion by Government, But will the Government dare to assume such a burden? In the present state of pub lic feeling, with the recollection of the Central Pacific frauds and Credit Mobilier scandals fresh in the' public mind,, will Concrete- be likely to venture into such a speculative scheme? nardly. It would require unusual courage even to advocate the measure on the floor of the House. What remains, then but the abandon ment of the whole enterprise ? True, it would be a monument of our folly. It would be pointed to as a national disgrace. But we have had so many national disgraces that we . have got pretty well used to them; and if the sinking of twenty-five millions in a wild attempt to build a railroad through barennes3 and desolation from nowhere to nowhere; for the accom modation of a population that does not exist, will have the salutary effect of curing our people of -that species of folly and making all similar schemes forever impossible, we are not sure but it will be a wise permanent invest ment. Graphic: A "honeymoon car1 the Pncj fi RKthCay.- is now run on Bonner Stables. FINE LIVERY; BUTTERY & L AZENB Y Horses & Carriages to Let. Stock Boarded hy the Bay Week or 'Month. Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call and Give us a Trial. Stable on Vine Street: PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB, n8tf. AND MEDICINE S J. H BUTTESY'S On Main street nearly opposite tlie HERALD office. Wholesale and Retail Dea!er In DRUGS AND MEDICINES, FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, PATENT MEDI CINES, TOILET ARTI CLES, &C, &C. CgTrescriplIons carefully compounded at all hours, flay and nirfct. 35-ly. t:he best IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. Tot your Groceries go t F. R. Guthrrtann Corner Third and Main street, Plattsmouth. ITe keeps on hand a large siid well selected tock of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS, SUGAR, SYKUF, BOOTS, SHOES, &C, &c; &c, &c In connection with the Grocery Is Bakery and Confectionary. rTAll kinds of Country Troduce bought and sold. 'i'iike notice of the sign "EMPIRE BAKERY AND GROCERY." mayictf. - McGuire & Co., - "Wholesale and Retail Dealers la Foreign AND Domestic A large and well selected stcx k rf Bourbon, Rye & Monon gahela Whiskeys Constantly on hand. Our connection with the Arm of Rindskoff Bros., Distillers, enables us to sell at the lowest market rates. Sole Jlgeiits For the Celebrated Hungarian: Wine 3$iftezs Main Street; . riiTSMorTn. - - - nruuaska. STATE AGENT ktrv. tx . J I'tl ,.-3 ' I.lVXv JEBsr Halladay's Patent Wind Mills. Double and Single acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The llalladav Mill has stood Ithe test for six teen yeurs, both in the Luited States and Eu rope and is the only one generally adopted by all Principal Railroads and Farmers, Terms Liberal. Send for Catalogue and Price List. A. L. STRAJNG, Lincoln, Neb. Manhood How Lost, How Restored. .lust published, a new edition ol Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Es- ay on the radical cure (without medicine') of spkhmatokimiit or Seminal Weakness, involuntary Nominal Losses, lMi-OTKxcv, niFntnl wul phvsical inca pacity. Impediments to Marriage, "otc. ; also, (Joxsl'mitiox, Et'i lei'sy, and Kits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. Trice in a sealed envelope, only o cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates from a tiiirtv ear's successful practice, that the j'.hmainii conse quences of aelf-abuso. mnr be radically cured without the use of internal medicine or the ap plication of the knife j point iiu; out the mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply privately and radical v. 7TIiis lecture should be in the hands of ev very youth and man in tne land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelorpe, to anv address, on the receipt ot six cents, or fiu post- Also Dr. Culver's "Jiarria're Guide." mice f.n cents. Address the Publishers, CIIAS. J. KLINE, & CO. 12Howerv, New York. -ly Post Ouiec liox, 45sC. LOW RESERVOIR mm Are Suited to all Climate AND FA1IOU3 FOB BEING ZZZ? TO US! CHEAPEST TO BUT!!. EASIEST TO SELL ! ! I Xamona for doing mora nl GETTER COOKINQ, V.js Quicker ad Cheaper f Than any Store of the eoat. FAMOUS 70S GIVXNQ especially Aaaptca TO TUB SOLD JETS? EXCELSIOR MAX'G COMPANY, . ST. LOUIS, MO. AND E.T.Duke&Co rLATTSMOCTII, NEB. HENRY BCEOK, BEALEIi IN Furniture, Lounges, Sales. Tables, Cha!rs, Bedsteads, &c., &.c, &c, &e: Ol all ttescriiitioiis. Metallic burial Cases. -W00DEX COFFINS. OF ALL SrZES. Ready Made and sold Cheap for C'tisJi. With many thanks for pat patronage I Invite call and examine my large stock of Fur niture and Collins. jan2$ 0. F. JOIIXSOX. DEALEi: IN DItU&S, r?T.EDJGIflES, WT.L PAPER. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DEL2R 1ST Books, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. Prescriptions cnrefirfly compouncleil by an ex peiieitcea druggist. . Eememlier the place, Coitjct Filth an! Maic mm mm Fin X NEBRASKA. HERALD JOB OFFICE NEWLY FITTED UP. New Tress, New Type, and New Material. Call-arid see our new lot of LEGAL BLANKS. At descriptions of work done in the printing line. We a. e fully prepared to do Every Kind and Style of Printing. Pend In your orders for LETTER IIEADS, ENVELOPES, POSTERS, DODGERS, d-c. lias on hand, one of the largest stocks of Ciotliing and Gents Furnishing Goods for Spring and Summer. tJT" I Invite everybody in want of anything in my line to call at my store. South Side Main, Between Fifth and Sixth Streets. And convince themselves of the fact. I have as a specialty in my lit-tai". Department stock of Fine Clothing for Men and Hoys to which we invite those who want goods. I alsd keep on hand a large and well selected stock of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. 8-10 Opposite the Platte Valley House; iii Sclilater's Jevrelry Store. Ilain Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ST. LOUIS, ?7f . BXJIIOKT DECKER BROS., S&&k SMITH'S AM'N Q. A. MILLER & CO'S JJ, W W AND BOSTON. PIANOS. L" iL-' ORGANS. vh r Jfirst-tfoss $hm Taub- rgan3. Wholesale and Itetail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music and all kinds of Musical Merchandise Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction Quarnieed. S-gtf. CHOICE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE TT"? Lots can now he nought In Duke's Addition to the City of I'luUsmouth, at prices ranging I 'om $20 to ?30 5ind on terms so caay that persons with THE SMALLEST INCOME MA Y MEET THEM. For those who want town property either to held for a speculation or to ImiM upon, tlii in ;i rare chance to got it. Those lots are in a delightful location, and are dotted over with a Young. and Beautiful Growth of Forest Trees. "Which add materially to their value. Parties wishinz to purchase or look at these lots, wii'l he shown them, or Riven anv infor r.iution Oesireil, hv calling n K. T. DUKKnrl.D. HKNNKTT. Kxecufors of the Estate ol S. W'KE or I). II. WjlEKI.Ktt & CO., KAKNES & rol.LOCK, lUal Estate Agents. l'r e;i;:h the above prices will he iliscouuted ten per cent. I'lattsniouiu, Nebraska, October :U 187:2. - a B L OOM & ' . CO., m BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING II ATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubbef Goods, Trunks, Valises, etc. Main Street, Second Door East of Court House, - - - - Blattsmoutn, N BRANCH HOUSE Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Dozen Go AT Celebrated HEW YPBIC SouthTret Corner Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO JJUY bvto3 Gootls, Prints. Boots and Shoes, Delaines, Ginghams, Brown Sheeting, Bleached Cotton1?, Balmorals, Carpets, Clark's new Thread, Cotton Y-i'rns Iii the Grocery line we keep the Finest unci Best Tea, Coffee, 1 . . Sugar, Molasses, , ; - . tr!ed Fruits, . : . Spices, etc., etc. In fact for Tour - Groceries, Hardware, Quowmvare, "Wooden Ware, Glassware, . Yankee Notions, Hats and Caps, Booh fund Shoes CO.TO 25 tf;- the Prices ! ! las been lxfor9 tLo American public OVER THIRTY years. It Las never yet failed to give perfect satisfaction, anil ha justly been styled tho panacea-fr all ex ternal Wounds, Cuts, Burns, Bn-cllin.rrs, Sprains, Brui6cs, &c, &c, for Hun and Beast. No family bhould Lo a single day Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It promote the GROWTH, PRESEIlVEa Che COLOUt nnd lucreanof the VIhp and 1IKAUT Y of the HAIR i i ' Ovra TnraTT Teabs aoo I.tos's Kathaiiioi' Ton Ttnt Haiti w firt r-larp.l in 1ht inarkot by XVifeaaor K. Thmuiw Lycn. n rraduitof l'nncetoa College. Ttie nv.x is ctfrived from th Ureelc. KATHBO,"m?"ifinK to rU-.-f-, 7rii,r7uni. or restore. T'ib favor it hks rewijwi, una tho popu Hrity it has obtained. Is uiinroceclBniPd and lDirrevf Jble. It increasna tb Orowth antl Ut.avty of tha HjuS- It is a delightful drasinif. It eradicate Kandruff. It preont8 tho Hair from turning Rray. It keeps the he-i oocl. and ja t he hair a rich , f r.. rlosay appearance. It is the bamb in Quantity mad Ouai.ity as it trna over a Quabtkbo! 'a , Cf.k tubt Ago, and is sold by ail Irureiita and t ona trr StorM t tniy ntty Ctuu per Uottle. Woman's Glory is Her Eair. Look to Your Children. The Great SootIiii:g Ilemeilr. MrtS. ! CurPHci!!e ai;l pr'pin 'n Price Whitcomb'c the bowi'ls, and faeilitates 2-" Syrup. tile process if teething. Cenis MRS. j, Suhdncs eonvnisions ari'l Price Wbitoomb's ' overeniC ali discuses inci- 2-1 Syrap. jdeiit to inf;:)it and children. Cf-nts. MRS. I Cures lhirrh(i e. Iys.-nte- Price 'hitcomb's'' r' anil suniiin r coi.ipi.tliit In Syrup, jcliddicn if ai: ages. Cents. It Js the great Infant's aw! Chihlren's 8iMth- teething ir any liicr c:ius. lll'p.iiCU L'J UJU lill.ltUI .llt'UlClIie .!., ?M. Louis. Mo. Sild by ftrugijlsts and dealers In everywhere. tleci'-wly V A "v ' i ,' T 5 f - f 5? fj T r xTke criverii-3 'r? Mew refer you to tht I'ublizhcrs of this paper rcj-irrf.i their perfect rclin'r.lic;!, and ch:ii sriliny to thcr.i,, ple.nsc r.itnU'.-n you itw thiir Advcr tie.mznt in thn naner. . ..lil5 ! rciinnt Vft'? :!.fi 'JV.ih.i-s r-iiI (.inlaicri Si-iiJ-ii'l. T West. (Vtl & -.' ' ' 'iSWi a. i'.U t,U, M. I.;ii.k,,, will, on 3 Application, si-.;'? tVfc their nrcnrate r!rs or Ne!r..iliarjifii.cnr. I'l-intrcti'd CirJaiir, aij l're-" I.!-,', :t'i a lull line r.I'ti43:pn"t. en.ibiiiik' you to ordrr Cloth Lit; diri'.et from tlsi-ir hc':si., uhlch I1I lie mail: in tao in: siy. Miij,;'il br x prr(.. !. O. I-, r.i'.n t!:t prr,-i'.( cf u Biiinfti'T rrliiruin u tlnir rs;cnii, if ntt saiisi'ac! orj. "jT(Jf Ikule'attrtieir.inrssarrmrnt icfntfre I uivriu-rt: olxiteJ. t it coursutved. Q sml Yoiiths'C itldnsf a sitpchilf y. Send O for Liustraid .:yl-ttai i'ricts. r?Ai5:o:-s jmtkst (fi;i A. Ji tj sn vi ii, Ar.i'iiAicr.T. V t3fur tlio i& y popular (Pyli letter) ttut ; . ' a-- preptiia w :u pny iDr'iseii lit it E-rf-i moiitii. Perfect na!ls.,'actlon Kiiar- antoi1 .r monrv retTirm '1. frenls wkitIcJ. Ai itreurt II. C Halliard t Co., iii Ollvo fctiet, M. I.ellis. Ho BERKSHIRE HCG i3t exist rtirr.Srml Tir Circular nil Pri ') .. TlfKMiK-'-t. l.nnW.Mo. . The Chpar'et aJ IlaEiS-'CEt .4rr!ouloraI efiJSTt.v.i Isxuy Joc.'.M 1 ia l!:!fl ccuntrjr ) lte . ijii v j..m i.- v a . . 1. 1 . Xieht pngra. i'or'y- Ciua)n7, ozly to Via. s r t,-!E.T . .11. T ' ..I" - , j Addrvm tftntl V5i i ? I iKHV-.. iil.llalir, V" 4i4V.Ty.-iiT.-t fit. 1 cun. rTo, f Jill's Vrei-t I i sl.ims. 6;::i r.ia'ei) I.Iih-:i c:nl !".) .iilii r nr!c3. A filvei-Dlatcd vab-r Fiamji f'f fl.-t? il ilsh uxfi jwrteel con-F- -jt Firllction. Willi hot!..' of lies'. I I'.dult- . ,".? bio Ink fMl. :ul VjsL-JfeF Cir-Jvjt.itlrtAi.'.liiiitis.fijr 1 nclovd in a ntut Iter, v.i;ii luil l'i-l crm tliK',, f -y.t .-re-:--!d :'er .!.-! few i SI.CI. Tis.' In tt !.; ih. cf.-r f rv ti :-1 Ace:i. s w.inie-l. Jl.vv ' C. IUri:rMl.lA.,3iiU!lVcti-a:t,Lt. "--la I,r.e! V.-. tvi jit cf r 50s tfr.r riMicr. A'r-cr.ti j itau!?a tc; ywiirre. i.ofii tae lirjf V1" s-i li")in to 13 Fiat! fct cct, bt. uoms, Woofs HoaseleM Mm w o o D la on f.r'i-nl, flrfIaw, Vnnl'ilv. If h freh nn 1 scrwhilv. arel inrcrc. i ih" i-mlre bou.huii?, iilc.iiil'i-' ii-vc n ami tn.tUluri. hun bnd and wive", parrritniul cliil'ln n. li nii(f-rp- tlia inTortiicc of ftufurin a cnlutt f liearts and l)U.-pos'S In life, belnre Ite r" luil be a union of hnndi. 21 believe. tlifit. wbiie it Is woman's privtieirn to purify ami ceiniort amt adorn. ithouIl be inr.n'a pleasure tn provide for. ciieri-h, and t.r(cct. It would l:ae lnl driMi Irealed an iK l ut'. thinkins nnd prov ing creatureperfectly craati-d.but not lull grown. Yet in adv'jccti:ix tiie! d(;truies, ibo JIa?,i zine doca not eiiipioy doctrirmt rnion;i loi'K and dreary diwiu-itioni wliifli do not inic-re-1 and therefore do not profit tbe reader. Om lb! contrary, it would ntlier preacli as thon'li it preached not an inicresliiig sory,ior instance, Lchifrmade to serve the purpose of a lonz di-cour- by civinx tlie reader wnnetliina reul, lu tercrttini! and profitable to think nl-O'it. i lie worst 83 well as the bt.-'t feu lure of tlie Ma'zinn is its price. The Idea M' (retting a reaiiy tir.t-cLi jlajlziue r.t one dollar a yeur, fterms a:Jurd to mo:t people. Vet it enol'ya nie of tiie lxy-t couird-otors la tfie eoun.ry ilu-l ml ins iil. llin.70, iia lridil;e eiiit. r, wlio receive t salary of thrte tbotisaiKl dol btrs. eiulvaieiitio afiout ten uoliars ri-r (lav. S H O u s E H J O y H o p K a j o Y H 9 E a j o Y D m A Z. I ft Kufh niixnlir contain r.enrly c;;!it i.nndred doliun' worth of iniiiicr, nbicli c: tbusuU-fccriU-r bout elylit ctnL-. Hope and Joy 'wo b.ni1irnl?y tinreil erivon ponrits worth Kotir Inll:ir will lie n.i'ile l free to every Kiibscriber to the .Vsaaiine al f I 60 Speein'piit free. Aitenu wan'ed. Addrci . 8. WOUi A CO., Newburjrli, N. V. Hone aM JB7iliB 813 Joy I'nlled Voice of the WotmI'i v O P E & O Y H O P R & J O Y O P f" & J o Y mairazino ia one of tho monuments 'f bui;n-a enterpri -which mark tlie &e. Mho'lint ltmn Juarnal, J'biia., l'a At UH title rrorr::, it in devoted to the instmetion and entcrtaeimcnt of il.o futility c'rcle.aud, in trder to place it nidi, in tho m. a;vs of readers in modi rule rirenm Marccs.U is furni."brd al a remarkaMv lew rate in r roportion to the interest ol i: content. A'. l'.Ttiwne. ..It ier-ntialiy a heme mitzaziiie, and i mat the tliitnr that one would met dewre to place in the tint. Ihoi bis wife and li'.lle r.nt 5, or that a man of buine5a would Iiiin-e!f up f r the employment of a It Uure hour. t- Wilmington, Jt. C. .."..Were we oet of our chnir editorial, a a "private citjzen,'' cutoff from our er change Ut and a!I that, one of the first inaaazlnt-s to' which ve shoul 1 hiiirril e would be Wood s Hoi!sl!ii!d. i.'iVcr. H;:rt- f.r !, ft. It is au inteiicctUKl and Hiort'.l tiluratnr, biulily priij bv ad who become or-' qnaitited with It. .rititm A-Xtoantt If popular writers are. therefore. Rood wriiers hh.I It' hlirh nrircw nrnvn merit of bfernrv o o D s H O u s 11 H O L D ware tnen Mr. Wood magnxine la a good fi one. Tkr indrjierkdnu, iiew York. . . .It arl- m A rr' erea'.ne a spirit or tcoiKJnv, momurv urn vlrtEwIiicli.i highly evfrftiiiiig m this aire of t.ihonnble Xully ana extravagance. JfmtinrI, l,.!im. Ma it in undoubtidly one of tho lreHhest, liveliest iotirnals we have examined. ltyrml, fiprinpticld, Tenn Tlie artkle are short. iiouant. and of aueh nnouenttoned C A Z excellence, that tbis periodical cufht to tie bothv I IUIIIIIMI. Ulfl "ClimHO Il ITilJ iilMlT IIWtmt h.iliU.- Wood's U a marvel of cbedphew end first-cUu mjiiiiy combined. i JTea Tark Timet. N E jIathairopi n7 , Bsa at k f v r SHIR f.Ji ,.. nr Di.-ira:r.(f mow l nrud, UQXet, f ' fi-t " 'irr;-l. TrnnkB, c. A i. Ail atzes. f '-om ii.t-h ielli-r iip lrtf '-viJ ward?. Wrllu for descriptive t- K r-T)i-i'-c list. rrcnU oiil' K f . I.' .i;;tif n'roi'l'nnii 4'bronxm, Jj f il ivlirrc fi.r :I. Kent nn-imid on re without tliia TJnimrnt. - Tlc rnrmey rc. funded unlc33 the Liniment i n3 rcprc Fenteil. To futo end c t ibo rcni:in MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Sold by nil Drupists and Country gtoro, at 5c, COc. and tl.CO per l'-ottle. Notloa style, fiiae of IxjUIc, t:o. ON MARRIAGE. IIAVI'Y Uelief tor Yi.tinis Men. from tin ff fei t.s of lirrrs ii'"l Almses in f;irly life. Man llO'Xl lesf ured. Iinlie.liltie.ils to 'liiari'i;lK re moved. New lilel lioil of treat 'lient. New Itllil reiii:ii'k;ihle rfniediiM. Hooks innl I. Irculnri Mi-nt free i'.l seuleil enveiopcx. Ai!ilie-w. HoWAIIK ASSOCIATION. So. 2, South Ninth Street. I'liilailel idiia. nn Insti tution having it Iii'u leimtalicni lor huiwiahlt cotnltift jiii'.l iiroft'-isionul skill. 2(1 mn To Am All nervous who contpm jilale making roittiaels with newHi'iiperH for tlm ii.sertioii of A1 VL'ilUeiiieiit nliould teinl to 8eo., Howell & 0o- for :i Oirenlar, or inelose 2.1 cents for their one liiiiulreil ji:ttr l'ainililet, eontuihin I.lstt f ;!,(nio Ne.v;''eTS :uiI e-.tiiiia1i" showing tliH cosr ( f inlvetrixiu, also many useful hint iohiI v l "' : itiul M 'Hie aeeoiuil of the e iei ienees of re u who aic known :ts siieressful ailvertisern. Thi- !,-!,! are die pruorictoM of the American .ev. -r i-i r Ailvc nising Agency. :;::il rre ine-sessol of iiiiprinallPi! faejlhri"! for se ';v, x I lie i:.s.rtion of ad ven.iseinents in all New -;:r:.-rs ami i'ei ioilieals ut lowest latcs. PREK? Vinepar IJIttere are not a vlic V:nrf. Drink. male ot Toor Hum, Whiskey, l'rxif Spirits and Itetusc Llqnors, ilnctorcd, Brdcci, and fiwectened to picaso tlia taMin, cu!icj Tonics." " AlHietlzcrs," " Keslorcra," A.C., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness unJ ruin, but are n true Mtlleinf. made from tLu nailve roots and herbs of Caliainda, free fron nil Alcoholic siinmlaniH. 'iTey ure the (,'rraS Ulood I-m iiier and a J.ire-(iii;i rrinciplc, t. l'trfcct llL-novator end Inunrjt r of the fcvs tern, carrinir oir all o:.-onon mr.tir ami ivsioniij? tl.e blood to a lieulthy condition, cn rtciiinx it, refrwiiitijr mid invii-nii'tiir oo:!l liiiuil and body. Hiey aro easy ol inliiiinb-aa-tion, jiroiii t in tin Ir uction, tei '.aln In their rc -ullM. sale and reliable in uii forum of dlceafc. ,i I'rrion inn l.ik? tlacne ftittcraac. cordintr lo directions, and remain lor.frun wcl, jiiovided Ilioir hones file not cii'Slroyod by uiincrul poison or other mom', and th3ViiJ or-raus wailed beyond the ioi:it olren-jir. Iv j Kpepsln nr I itl lfi al Ion, (leiidaehtv Tain in the .snonldf r.", CoufliH, 'i'ljlitnewi of Uio Chest. Dizzinotn, Str Kructaiion.i of llicStom iic!i,Had'IuK!e in tlie Mouth, Ihhon i AtfaokH.I'a; pita: ion of the lleait. Intlamma'iiin of the Luiikl Tain in the regions CM he Kldnuyit.und a hu lulled other painful fymitoius, are tiie oilspniifa of Ivspe).-ia. I ft the- complnmt It lias no equal, mid one hot Me will prove a littler (ftiHrautoo of iu imiiu than a lenjrthv adveniseuii uf. For Female Comiluliite, in voulur or old, married orsinxle, ill the dawn of wotr.unl'oix!, or the turn of lire, these 'i onic Lii r uiKidiiy id decided aa iniluenve t!iat imuked iu.orove liicnt is soon iHTceptiblc. For Inflammatory final Cliroitle It lieuuint ! and Until, I ' VN. nsni or Inul peition, liilions, l'.einiitetit and It rndltent Kuvf-M. I lise.iFosof the ISiooil. Liver. Kidney a anil If! adder, these Hitter tia-e Iwi u nnmt nucctHM'ul Such iJii' byX'ltiat'viijioo.i.wlili Li iff Knerally produced by (Icrsingcuieut of the 1UM"-Uve Orsuuiv. 'J'liej- aro n rnlle Pnrnllre vell n n 'I Onir, pnaseKsmr; a No I mi peculiar men; of ni.iin as a poucrful iiRetit In l.tliovluK C'oc ;e.;tion or lai'iaiiimaiirm oftho Liver ami U teral Orirtuiii P.n 1 Ij li.liou-i 1mo;i!vm. I'ir ? Klu Uiirswi, LrdptloiM. Tetter, Ra'.t r.heuni, llloteheit, hpot.-t, l lieiiert.l u,fl ulea.Hoi:?, Carbuncleti.Kinp-woni'.s, SiMld-Ili ad. Sore Lycil KrvHipchw, Ilcli, ScnrU, idsco'ior.itiotm of the; Skin, Humors nnd IHscaics f the Skin, of r.iiatever nanio or nature, uro liu rally dti;r tip nnd curried out of the system In n tiliort time by the li.-e of these Itilterri. One Imttie in fucIi cawri wid convince the i.iosl Jucredulous of their cur blivc eifect.. Cleanse Itm Vitlnlol IIIooi whfnovr you Hud lis impurities bursting throned tlm i-kin in rimplc-H, Lruptiotis, or Korii ; cleanRc ;'. when you lind It obstructed find ni'ijrcLsIi In llic vein'- ; cleanse it whon it Is f-ittl ; your feeiinin will tell you when. Keep the bluud pure, hu ! the hei.lUi of 1 lie xynleui wi'l follow. (rntef:il 'IllonHid VlM.On Ei r: mis the mwt womleiful iu.iorunl tb. ever h'.isl ahied the ninkinsr yntetn. I'ln, TaK, ami ot lirr Wii me, Inrkfn,' In the system of eo many thousan Is, are en"c lu tlly dnlroyed and removed. Says a tllstiu pnished plivrtioloitihl : 1 here nt ftrurt i'ly en inill vidualon tlie face of (Iteeartli wlioe bixly l ex empt from the prcsciieo of worms. Ii is not on the healthy elements of the body that worma exiHt, but upon I he (Jim-;eeil humora and Klimy I'.' posit.l that breed these lirlnjj iiioiiMtera of di:-pae. No syateiu of medicine, no verinlfuea, no nnihelriiiniilc-', will free tlia fystcm frota w crnifi like these Hitters. IIerliniicnl IIaree. rcronn enKtl(reI in I'aiutx and J.iincralH, mch as "'lumber, Type seiienj, Gold -beaters, rt ti 1 Jliners, ar. i.(iev ad VHnce in iifo. are Riibjcct to parlyxU of the Honeis. 'J o piiiard acHini tld-i. Like a dose ol Vi'ai.ser's Visr.iiAK in tkhs twie o week. X;i!loits, lie mil (cut, nml Intermit' lent Fevers, whirh are to prevalent In th) vallevsof our pn at rivers th rot; trhoi it the United Slates, especially those of the Misn.sfppl. Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, Tenncsen, Cuiii'ieiiand, Ar kansas, lied, Colorai.'o, Lrazis. liio (jramle l'earl, Ala')un:a, ifo!;c, Savami-th, lloauoke James, and ninny others, with their vat tribu taries tiiiouphout our entire. country durl'i ? the summer and Autumn, au 1 r-maikably ? duriiiK heasoriM of unusual heat ainl dr) lie, b -invariably acconipaniid by extensive deralii"; ments of the stomach and liver, and other a -doiiiintd vi-cera. la their treatment, a ; jrt tive, ext-riinx a powerful Influence upa the.rt various cratsa, is essentially Dece-ar.v. 'i liOi is no cathartic !t the piirfxo etm tl to It. J. W'ALKKll'a VlNCiAK Li ITKKS, lis they W ' j 1 Bpeedily remove tiie dark-colored iscid matt . witii which the bowel loaded, at tl:e aan iiiue Ktimiiiallb? tho sc reUoi.a of lite liver, at t (foueruliy restoring tho !:e;i!i):y fuuctiotiS of Ui . Oifes;ie crgium. Scrofuln, or KIiik'h Kvil, White Pweh Lis?', l lccis, Krys.ipcl.oi, Swid'ed iieek. f:oitrt , Sirofuloas lnaammaii:iis, Indoici.t iLiHamin lions. Merc tin.. I Ailcetions, Old Sores, Krnp. tions cf the .Skin, Sore Kycs. et-,, etc. Ii the : as in ail otu. r cone I iiutioual Diseases, WALK KKS VisEiiAM in rrEia haA e nhown tueir (treat onr? live powers iu the most obKtinaU: and intraci ab'e ea-- s. lir. Wttlker'e Olifornla Vinegar , IJitter act on tiitse esc-a In a iiuih.i' manner. Ly .nri'yiti the LIihI tliey fino'. tlie ct;s', cm:1 by resolving avvay ;he eCocts of. . the imi.irnmatiou (the tubercular deposits) the afic-cu-d parts reccie fce-alth, and a permanent cure tA etiectcd. Ttie properties ofl)B. WAI.Krit'S VIMTCa:. IIhteks flic Apericht. I)i,iphoretic, CarmiB a'lve, Nutritious. Laxative, Im.reile, Sela tr.e. Counte-r-lrritant, .juJoruic, Alterative, and Anti-itiiioua. The Aperient ami mihl laxative proper ties of in:. Wai.keii'u Vt.NEeiArt Hitters aro the best safe-frnard iu ca u of eruptions and inaiiznant fevers, their baieamic, healintr, ani'. soothing propei : j-s protect the uuoiors of tlb; ' i:.aoi-. 'i heir SeOauve properties allay pain hi - the nervous system, Ftomacii, and towels, culier Ltirn inflamFauwou, wiinl. colic, cftmpa, etc. Fortify l!ie Iio-ly nainat disease by punlyms all its- fmj'U with Vikkuah Hittbi- o ipi'ieiim; uu Uikti. Jioia or a avuia ii;uo farp-niiiieil. I)irecin. Take of the Hitters on troli.' to boti at miriit from a jmf to one ami otie-ha ' Wiiic-piiiHiJfa.l.' Eatpooil liouri;!ii-,; food, nuc'' an iK-ef-eioak. nmiion chop, vpiU.soii, roast bee' and vet'-taidea. and tuke ont-3oor exerciw'-' They aff cotnpov-d of ptirtlj vegetable lmtrel clieulf, and eomsin no Pnr. It. II. MclX.VYM & CO., Proirsrwii ami Gen. Akw., tun I-'rtuiriKco. CaT . cor. ot va.-'?!iiigt.i!i and rnarltnti tit.. N.V. w r J . r rr w . ----- j -ww x 1 i f V j J ! 1 I