Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 02, 1873, Image 3

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Eflnsteut 2A wnM alir.e. Regular ndTertlsrrs
W oat pT Hue. To advertisement Inserted
for lass tLsA 25 rent.
Lfgfkl ar7Prtlscia?nt will be cborgol to the
foartle bantllns tbem In. "
A our space Is limited, all roirtiuunicallnns
hiust be trlel and to the point, wiia do waste'of
Are reque tel to notify th office II the tfivpcr 5s
twt dc'llTered promptly.
1. Any person who tike a pnper re;rnlariy
fioiu the post office, whether directed to his
name, or w lietlier he U a suDMctiber or not U
responsible for the pay.
C. Tf any person ordrt lits paper dlscontln
fW'l. he must pay all iirreara"c:4.or the publisher
lnav r;ntitii: to send it until payment i made,
a :d coll. ot tlie wlioie amount, whether the pa
per 1 taken from the ofiice or not.
T!n courts liae decided that refusing to
tak newspaper and periodical from the post
t:lic i-r removing and leaving them uncalled
lor. Is prima evidence of intkntial, fkaid.
'OTlcRToEvERYnclbv. All subscribers pay
ing for their paper to us, and ordering It stopped
ft a certain time, will find It .o Mopped ; but
We cannot bo responsible for what has been
dore before our time, nor for orders supposed to
be given by others to others. Our books alone
tnuxt b the guide for all old subscriptions.
Tlease remember this.
Call and ewe D. Sennas & Co.'s new goods.
Bjryalns at Hank Strclght's. tf.
No rrrard suspension. Buttery keepS
a Dru Store, Prole waits on 'era.
Potato bearing bonds, at Vivians, id
ier cent above cost at Vivian's;
Cook's dog lias returecU arid now he
hu a purp for sale.
One Fiano for su!(J Cheap. Inquire
at the II era li) oQce. 21tf
100 different kinds of Heating Stoves
at E. T. Pdfce dos. 25t3
Ladies, call and eSanune the nice and cheap
Gaiters at the" Slid.-- Store, before you buy clse
w hcreS No charge for showing them.
3-tf. l'ETEtt Mmtciw.
New goods at the Philadelphia
Clark & Plummer have an endless
variety of new goods of all kinds.
Lawyer Windham had three suits
over at CJenwood, thi3 week.
Wo Myo received a new knife, look
out for sharp clips.
"Wood wanted on subscription, al the
Herald office. Also corn, and cobs,
and chickens add geese.
Dr. Wiley, th most original man In
Cass County, raised a Sweet Potatoe
ihreo feet and one inch in length.
Photographs, ambrotypes, or carte de
ivi(w, given in exchange for good
wood, at LeonaM1?.
business Ls business, and so are the Cigars at
the r. O. Hook Store.
Pony for sale. Inquire of Herald
office. 2tf
horning Glory and ft'iuikint Horde
ILwc-burning hard coml stoves, at
Puke's. 23t3
' Dick- Streight trod on a mule the
other right, and now walks with a
Dr. Winterdteen sports a bran new
c.tovo pipe on the strength of the com
ing elections.
Prof, llosn hts invented a patent
warming ventilator for the High School
Prank White keeps the best groceries
in town, atii n?er says a word about
t either.
Tho two best hard coal stoves in
America, .-y, Duke's.
Voter Merrs the Shoe man buys his '.aore
flock direct" from the Factory, and Ls oonse
fiueiitly prepared tr ?11 he bt goods cheaper
tliau tlie cheapest.
Plattsmouth WUiard Hall, opposite the
Prook l!oie, Win. Neville, proprietor. Three
good.tahles, i:ood bnr and bowling alley. 24iuti
Dr. Livingston ha.s the limps cause,
hunting for blind culverts, on the new
grad-?,- along with .Sam Chapman.
Soloman & Nathan are going lrt?
the dry goods box trade. See side
walk in front of Herald office,
D. H. Wheeler, James Wood, (Short
horn Jimmey) and all the great Pomo
ioical and and
Horticultnral-roral lights have gone
down to1 St. Joseph t- tho wonderful
exhibition there. Farmer P.iino alone
is left. He's too busy mi boli ticks to
attend to Short Horn's di any pumpkin
viuo nonsense now.
Mclodeon for sale. Infiiiir at the
Herald Office. 24tf
LU Plummer has "arriv,"' and the
stock of goods is .1 follerin' him up.
Xow's your time; call quick, or they'll
tie gone.
Frank White has one eye" closed u
Suspended Sight; IS &hnt up the same
day the bank closed, but refused to
. (i pen Monday morning, because lite
bauk merely closed for lack of soap ;
tmt Frank's eye shut up for winter re
pairs. What is the moral stitns of a party
fflici first bets that a Certain candidate
will best in An election, and then turns
rrreund and works his level best to de
feat that candidate and win his nloriey ;
nnd what does the law say about such
GT txJ D. Sctirfassa & Co.'s and look'
at their Men's Woolen Shirts, Blank
ets! bankets! Blankets! two dollars'
below last year's prices.
Cotton and woolen yarn, (new stock);
Queensware, glassware, little white
mugs, big stone pitchers, everything
in the Crockery ?A glaSs line; hats,
caps and gloves, for winter ; tubs, bask
ets and bfooms sugar, cofEee, tea,
dried fruit, general assortment, and all
as cieap is rlever v. before.
At the fire on Sur.flay Tnorninr a
Dan'oury man, in th-? excitement of the
I: our, hho u L e A ' v. o. " i n s t e ad of "Fire,"
sr. i Us wifo wr.nts io kuow wlore he
. IVesh Oysters at Ben. nempla'a
line Cut Tubsoco at the Iwt OStoo Book
Store. tli.
h to the rcrry Company for your lummtrt
wood. BOO cords dry cct too wood forale, an
deUrered about town. i2tf
I know that Teter Merges, the Plattsmouth
Shoe Dealer sells the best goods that are made,
at the lowest cash prices. 2f.
Fifty different varieties of Cooking
Stores, suitable for everybody, at L T.
Duke k Coa. 25t3
Beats a panic all hollow the prices sells gootls at this fall.
. Clark & Piummer'S new goods haHj
arrived. Go and see the new stock.
Vivian has suspended four hundred
bushels of potatoes in his cellar, aiid
now deQes the whole city to overdraw
on his potato reserve.
Juuge Hnlnes says "13 Haccount as
never been hoverdrawn, because hfe
asn't henougli fees to make 'alf a de
posit. The City Council are going into the
investigating business next week to
see who has the most hay-seed in their
boots. -
Billy Stadelmanu feels so proud of
his new clothes that he piles them up
all over the storG, and hangs them up
on the floor of his bed room.
Go and see Cap. Cool, at Schnasse's,
and get a bill of goods. He knows
how to sell them.
Umbrella Lost Somewhere in
Plattsmouth, by an absent minded
young lawyer. If found, return to
Smith & Windham, "tew wunct." be
fore another storm comes.
Herman Newman deposited tho big
gest stoek of clothing over known in
Plattsmouth, in the Elephant store, this
fall, and now awaits a run of cold
weather to susrend an overcoat. on
every man's back in thb county, if he
wants one.
Legal tender reserve at Vivian's
44,000,000 of potatoes (it you cut 'em
small enough) and no coupons td cut
No Susiension, no panic. The Frst
National Bakery never suspends, and
tho only pahJe ever created is when
tho "vittals" taate so good some fellow
busts hisself by over eating. That
makes a muss end" worries Frank
Tho Plattsmouth fire department
gave their Engine a trial on Saturday
last. A largo fire of boxes, old lumber,
&c, was made and the boys turned out ;
in four minutes they were on the
ground and in a shorter tlnie" the flames
were nowhere. Bully boys, bully
Engine. Frank Stadtcr did it.
We hope the Watchman will not
hold the editor of this paper responsi
ble for everybody's opinions that ap
pear in the columns of the Herald.
We cannot answer for other folks sur
mises about county officers, &c. Our
own opinions are fairly expressed in
the editorial olumnsand nowhere else.
Vegetables at a discount ; sweet po
tatoes fluctuating; Irish lemons firm;
groceries tip and down at Vivian's.
Call aud sse.
$1.00 REWARD.
Lost somewhere withiii the limits
of the city of Plattsmouth, one grey
felt saddle blanket. If the finder will
return the above to Buttery & Lazen
by!s stable, or- the Herald of?ce, he
will receive thanks and cash.
The active member of tho firm of
Clark and Plummer, Mr. Eli Plummer,
has returned from Chicago, and begs
leave to offer to the citizens of Platts
mouth, a choice and well selected line
of dry goods, winter dress goods, and
new styles of everything.
"Here's your nice fFWh oysters'" as
tho fellow at the fair said, when he
lied and sold flies, &c. But Ben. Hem
pi e dou't lie. There's your nice fresh
oysters! Go and see Hemple.
Carpels at D." S?hrijisse & Co.s.
Boots and shoes at D. Schnasse & Co.'s,
Furs and scarfs, at D". Schnasse & Co.'s.
Ladies 'shawls, at D. Schnasse & Co.'S:
Crackers rind cheese at D. Schnasse &
(This is Cap. Kiihl's put irf.)
Wanted. A good team of Horses
in trade for a first class Piano. In
quire at the Herald office.
Ed. Herald: The Cas3 Cotinty
Central Association of Granges, will
convene at Eight Mile Grove, on Tues
day, the Tth day of October lies t-.f at
2 o'clock P. 51. All nienibers are re
spectfully requested to be represented
by their Master, and two delegates, as
business of importance will come be
fore tho Association: New Grangers
can become members by making appli
cation to the Association, arid the pay
ment of one dollftr.
Dated, Sept. 15th, 1873.
C It KING, 1'Ves't.
i. S. Drafer, Secy. 25t3
Ben. Hemple's the fellow for the
fresh oysters. Call and see hirif, on
Main street, next door above. Donelan'S
Drug store.-
We hereby tender" our thank's t6 our
friend3, Ko kindly assisted us, by
their untiring efforts, during our be
rearenieht; n. A. Arsrix,
Sarah V. Austcl.
Millinery aad Fatfcj Oood
. .Woidd call tha attention" of the la
dies of Weepinsj Water and eufroiLnd
ing country to aer f iill,- cheap, and con
rlete stock cf Millinei'y and Fancy
I tioc.w-j, wrsiCii ?h?t hs jv.?t received
firm the Esat. All orders promptly
1 llUed st the lowest e'e-'a prices. Our
i lawi'to is Quick scs scat itm- prices,
' - Yr
SH3K.-In tho city of Platfanioutn,
XetiravTra, of Fplnl Fercr and Whoop
ing Cough, Wiilio Edrar, yonngest
ciild of II. A. and Sarah V. AostTb,
agod 8 years and 2 days.
fld September 15th, 1873, after a
short but severe illneaa, Maude, infant
daughter cf Elijah and Ellen Ratner,
of Weeping Water, aged 3 years.
Sleep sweetly on and bo thy rcet
Calm at the mountain's snow-white or
And left those height In sunlight's gleam,
r.r brighter in the ir silvery sheen;
Than erst before the bla-t.
Sleep on thy virtues round thee throw
A halo, fairer than the glow
Of sapphire staw at even, ;
" Aiid angels throng around the shrine
bf fated love, now made ditine
Vy seraph's blis In llcavea.
Grand Lodge Independent Order of
Odd Fellows of Nebraska, convenes in
Plattsmouth on the 21st of October.
It is Contemplated tlpon the part o
the members of the Order, here to give
the visiting members of the Grand
Lodge a Iieeeption Ball and Supper at
Fitzgerald's Hall, on the 23d of this
month, which will probably be the last
day of the session. Further notice
will be given in due time.
Again the monster has showed itself with its
hideous inciii In Spain.- Again the red handed
Vandal has full play, but thanks be to Cod, on
ly for a short time. And yet In spite of this sad
news we are happy to record the fact that
Peter Merges, the only ezelusive dealer iu boots
and shoes In Cass County, defies the whole
north wet Iri low down prices. 2-Uf.
Samuel Waugh has returned to this
place we were almost on the point of
saying his native home-any way, after
much roaming, Mr. Wviritends to adopt
this a3 his native place; and Platts
mouth will gladly welcome him. '
Mr. Waugh brought his brother, Mr.
James Wadgh, along to lodk at Ne
braska. They are boUfc from Virginia,
and if not F. F. V.'s, are certainly F.
F. F.'s fine funny fellows.
Ben. Hemple has painted, and var
nished, and whitewashed, and scoured,
and veneered, and wainscoted, and
panneled, and ew weatherboarded,
and countered, and tabled, and seated,
and papered and floored, and ceiled,
and overhauled his new' place on Main
street, where Geo. Fickler was, so you
wouldn't know it and next week he
expects to open out in full.
V. V. Leonard wants some wood in
exchange for pictures. Call and see
them. 27t3
Examinations for granting Teachers'
Certificates will be held at the follow
ing named times and places:
Stove Creek School nouse, October
21st and 22d, 1373.
Weeping Water, October 23d and
24 th, 1873.
Tho Water's ' School nouse, near
Greenwood, October 27th and 28th.
Plattsmouth, October 30th and 31st.
Prompt attendance at 10 o'clock is
desired. U. W. WISE,
Sup't Pub. Instruction, Cass Co.
Plattsmouth, Sept. 17tlu 1873.
Heating stoves, for wood or coal, of
all kinds and sizes, for sale at E. T.
T. Duke & Co.'s. 25t3
Last Sunday evening Miss Mabel
Newcombe spoke tho following piece
at the M. E. Shnday School Concert,
with great effect. The 'article itself
contains many good points, and was
written by a gentleman of their church
for the occasion.
Miss Mabel received great praise and
encouragement for the handsbirie man
ner m which she rendered a tribute to
our new school facilities and town
progress generally :
Davie Crocket's motto was "be sure
you're right, then go ahead." I hope
to prove, before I close, that Platts
mouth is at least partly on the right
track. And right here 111 introduce a
little piece of history: Twenty-three
years ago, in a certain part of Iowa, a
new county was organized, and just
three years afterwards, another one
along-side of it. There was a place se
lected in each case for a county seat.
After those towns had a few year's
growth, the older one of the two built
a 640,000 Court House, and tho other a
temporary- one, and a 610,000 School
house. Five years ago an eminent
lawyer in tho former place was asked
why they did not keep pace with the
other town. Said he: "no put our
money iri a Court house, and they in a
School house, and to-day we have one
church and they have five."
-And I claim wo are all right. Our
School house cost niore than our Court
house, which we consider a credit to
the powers that be. I have no doubt
that every man and woman with any
enterprise, and every child that is old
enough lb think, have been and are
now looking forward to the opening of
our school as an event that will f orm an
e'r'oeh Iri the history cf our town. But
if we, the pupils, should form wrong
conceptions, or irhagine' that the natu
ral hill that the niosf of us have to
climb to gef td school, 13 the hill of sci
ence, or that because the bird of the
highest flight sails easier because of
the greater amount of atmosphere be
lov him1; that the' Sarife p'roblerrf cari
be' soived iiioro easily iri a four-story
building than a one-story, or if we
should go up to the cupola and look
oiit on the world, and wrap ourselves
up iri a Fliafisaic mantle and thank
God th3t we are riot as drbef frie'n, or
Other' men's cliiidre'5, the tbj?ct of
the Council may be thwarted, the tax
payer ribftT get ths rc'oriey back, and
the Faculty have occasion to say unto
us as the Savior of mankind said to the
citizens of Jerusalem, how oft would I
have gathered you as a hen gathereth
' !.cr brood ttrtdrr ber winr. but ye'
Bat there h a sre in wbic'n -ive
and that is common cf lire or a laudable
ambition to try and do better than we
ever hare, because we hare a better op
portunity, if we go uffthere and obey
the rules of tbo school and respect the
men that made them. Lo kind to our
teachers and courteous to each other;
make study tho rule and play the ex
ception. If we do all this the efforts
Of the Council will be crowned with
success, and the tax-payers rejoice that
they have cast their bread upoa the
waters where lilcy m.-y find it after
many days. And if a stranger calls at
Plattsmouth, and should visit our
school, he will not open his portfolio
and write that we have
A large house ani a lofty steeple.
A lazy Sohdol, and pretending people.
We not only exult in our own school,
but include the entire weet.
We bow have colleges and schools,
That number hundreds more ;
And flourish' under better" hilt's,
Than ever known bfefore.
For our own, we ask that it may be
a place
Where youthful minds with vigor spring.
And blossom as the rose ;
Produces fruit of each good thing, ,
That in such a gardtii grows.
While the spires of literary institu
tions are looming up in some of tho
towns of our State, the common school
is keeping paco with the immigration
WesUVard. And while the homestead
er is taking legal steps to secure tho
soil for a future home, the Church Ex
tension Societies, within the pales of
the different Evangelical Churches, are
sending forth their ministers to take
possession of the country not in the
name, of some " European potentate or
Eastern Land Company, but in the
name of the Sovereign of the Universe.
While the Bible, thttt bleSstid book, it
hung up as a lamp, by the Great I Am,
to guidfc our feet through this vai& of
tears to a land of promise.
When I think of our nation, our
State, our schools, ourselves, my prayer
is that we may all be great.
fireat, not like Caesar, stained with blobil,
But only great as we are god.
AinlsHii ilerify
Audeirfon Jos.
Allen Henry
R!ielc G. II.
Black C. C.
Black Fred
Ba'ck iieRrjr
Brown II. I.
Boon J. C.
Baldwinn James
Bedwell II. 11.
Buttery Kdward
Bennett Wm. F.
Baker AV. II.
Balance Rob.
Btftline Theodore
Brown II. C. C.
Cunningham Win.
Cooney John
Champion F. M. .
Clark Johii 11.
Iono:hiic Michael
Pic k James
Donefty Rb&Prt
Eraua Tbos. W.
Kllis Solomon
Fitzgerald John
Feigh Thos.
llerold Wm.
Hansom George v
Herold C. G.
Houowold L.
Holbrook F. W. D.
Jones G. J.
Johnson L. C.
Kuhl Henry
kilkenhy Patrick
Kuael Philip
Llvingstan R. R.
J a mpke Wm.
Leali John
Liuniug Fred.
Litton Edward
Marshal J. "W.
Mann Peter
MacMurphy John A.
McCrea J. L.
Martindale D. D.
Mathews V. V.
Myers L. E.
Xewman II.
Nelson M. M.
Nathan I.
Odonoghue Mike
Pohinger Willet
Teeore Joseph
Peterson Peter
Fane Phelps
Russel J. J.
RVjr!fy Wm.
Roberts James M.
Ross Wm.
Shryock Thos. W.
Smith G. W.
Smith fcardaihtS
Shroover Chas. B.
Stlnchcomb J. W.
Tucker Wm.
Thatcher X. L.
Turwfn iikc
Vihl Orvila
White I- E.
White A. C.
Wheeler I. II.
White A. W.
Whit F. S.
White M. L.
Armstrong Wm.
Alexander John
Alton Cyrus
Black John
Black G. Wiley
Blaek J. N.
Brown Henry
Block Bernard
Betts Christian .
Benson John
Barnes John G.
Butts O.
'Bradley Edward
Brown Charles
Baker Win.
Branrturn A. B.
Connor Jos. A.
Chi istlanson iMtu
Caldwell W. II.
Cyrus I. Hill
Douelan Wm. E. -Darrah
Win. R.
Earwicker David
Fuller David
Flauirty wifr'naCi
Gaston W.
Hobbs W. L.
llartsp'l 3:
Hays Cameron
Herold Herman
Hansom II.
Johnson S.
Karcher Geo. G.
Kro'ehlcT Fred.
Kennedy E. W.
Leonard V. V.
Iwis E. B.
Lazenby Ambrose
Lazenby Chas.
HcGulre Mike
Mulligan Mike
Masely Henry
McDonald Robt.
Merges l'cter
Morrison J. G.
Neville Win.
Neffe C. C.
O'Neill. II.
Tederson Rasmus
Pannele. C. H.
rrongor Geo.
Ryan John
Itoxtey John It,
Reynolds B. S.
Roberts James.
Shryock W. B.
Sherwood Robert
Scanlan Chas.
iri?3 Timothy
Tucker Moses
Turwin Gagreen
Tfajrlf B. A.
White W. J.
West R. C.
Way-bright Morgan
Whito B. W.
Wise U. W.
Williaa?S If.
The following is a list of the Regis
tered Voters of Ward No. 2, City of
Plattsmouth, Cass Co., Nebraska.
Anstln IL A.
Babbington D E
Bryant W. T.
Barnes A. G.
Buttery J. H.
Bauineister J F
Ballard Saunders
Cunningham E E
Champion T M
Chalfant L H
Dovey R G
DiUeyJ R
Duke E T
Engle Nick
Erhart John
Fairfield Geo W
Gingery W II
Heisel Conrad
Hathaway M H
Kroehler George
Kuee John
Martindale D D
McMaken A C
Mul'cn D W
McKivit Timothy
Nichols C
Owen Thos
Randle W E
Randle" Wnr
Robine C
Robisnn Arthor
Smith Geo S
SirteHstriker P
Smith Herman
Todd F P
Vallery Jacob Jr
Vanatta S P
White W J
Wise J Jf
Waterman H A
Woodson James1
Wright Alpha
WiUiansf Seal
I Certify the
Aldorpher Jacob
Babbington Jesso
Bock JoUS
Barnes J. W.
Weimett L. D.
Bates F. A.
Bennett W. F.
Curtis F W
Cunningham A
Caldwell W II
Drain John
Duke John
Eidman P
frank Geo
Holshuh jrhri
Horrigan M II
Kirkham lUnry
Kriuklow C F
McElwaln M
Mariuette T M
Moore Curtis
McMaken n C
'bcrnaidc-r Stcretef
Randle H C
Handle J N
Reich John
SU'afer W H
Seybolt Geo A
Thouvenel D
Vanatta J R
tvpite F B
Way man John
Waterman John
"Wise F L
Weckack J V
White Arthur
above to bo a correct
list of all the Legal Totew; Registered
iu Ward No. '3. City of Plattsmouth,
Ca3 Co., Neonlska, Sept, 25d 1373.
S. P BritEY: jtejristar'ssf.
Notide. h given to all peridris inter
ested to appear before me at my office
(held in tho office of F. J. Metter) on
Monday October Cth, l8"3, between
tho "hours of 9 and- 5 o'clock of said
day to make any addition thereto or to
strike off any not legally quali
fied as voters iu said 3d Ward.
P. P. Gass, Registrar.
Artic'.d, T. i.
Billings S. S.
Beardsley J. M.
Braltsch Taul
Baker V. I
Bates T. D.
Charlton John L. G.
Cushing R. C.
Claiborne R. B.
Despaine Wm. J.
DeAJcmond Adophe
Drew Alva
Ellison II. E,
Fox n. D.
Gass P. P.
Gustasson Aug. Win.
Hayes J. G.
Hasslcr Wm.
Hoffmann C. J.
Heri)li Herman
I.sham Orlando
Johnson D. N.
King C. W.
Kennedy E. W.
Ixng Sain.
Morgan M-. W.
Mitchell James
Miller David
Mockeuhaupt Chris.
McDouah F. M.
Metteer J. F. .
Ncwtomb Elezar
Plummer Eli
Prwle A W.
rolsal Geo. H.
Plummer Ezra
Raman TeleF
Rudabeck A.
Spnrlock B.
Streight U J.
Schlater Joseph
Schlater John
Slaiblrd S. B.
Spiers A ujtust
Stadelmann Fred.
Tutt John D.
Taylor James
Vluton Charles
Waugh &3!riuel
Wells Win. L.
Adams, T.
Brown J. i L
Pillinirs J. C.
lions Ju'i'l
Rons H. M.
Baker Vni. 1L
Chapman Sam. M.
Cook A. Is.
Chapman M. B.
Pe.'.paine Albert
Donnelly Robert
GygerG. F.
Gingery John
Hodget James
Htlaiip F.
' Hampton Jesc
Hart man J. S.
j?bnHkH L.
Karcher Geo G.
Mitchell Thomas
Moorhouse F. F.
Murphy M. B.
Maxwell R. T.
McKinnou D. W.
MacDonagh J. P.
Neviilc Win.
Tailing James
Pollock Thomas
Palmer II. E.
Prongor Geo. E.
RHw'lns J. W.
Rauen Valentine
Streight Jason
Streight O. M.
Seybolt Geo. L.
Scnnellbacker J. M.
Skinner A. F.
Stadelmann Win.
Stadter Frank
Tutt Andrew
Vial Charles
West Wr. ?.
Windham R. B.
I, P. P. Gass, Registrar of the 3d
Ward of the City of Plattsmouth, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is a
correct list of the Registered voters
in said Ward, as shown by theEeg'stry
of qualified voters in my office.
P. P. Gass, Registrar.
. Names of voters registered on the
22d and 23d" of September, 1873, in the
Fourth Ward of the city of Platts
mouth for the County Election on the
14th of October, 1873.
And notice is hereby given to all
persons interested in said Registration
that I will, sit at the office of i. H:
Wheeler & Co., in said Ward on the
Cth of October. 1873 to correct said
Akerson O. P.
Blunt Wm.
Bush Louis
Buck Frederick
Cook A. N.'
Child A. L.
Cutler I- n.
Carrulh Fiauk
Darrah Win R.
Dateman J. I.
Edgerton Wm.
Eaton E. H.
V)rler Xave
Forsha Charles
Fitch M.B.
Goos Petfr
Guthrnan F. B.
Graves Drury
Hartman J. S.
Hess John
Haines J. W.
Hays Cameron
lloge S. E.
IIuss Henry
Johnson Andrew
Johnsou I-. F.
Johnson Peter
Johnson J. F.
Karcher George
Lenhoff Fred.
P. B. Murphy
Mahnney Cornelius
MeGcrr Edward
Merks Geo. W.
Mickelwaite Wheatly
Maroney Martin
O'Neil Daniel
O'Connor Thomas
Philips J. L.
Feterson R.
Reinhackel Augustus
Shannon J. W.
Smith Washin?5S
Stiles L. V.
Seautlan Charles
Speck Claus
Vivian Richard
Winterstein Wm.
A. L. Child,
Benson Sigmond
Ballance Wm.
Clement F. J.
Cutter M. B.
Chapla J. A:
Dorrington F. M.
Edgerton George
Eaton S. F.
Fickler Geo.
Forsha J. M.
Finisher John
Goos Frederick
Guthrnan Fred.
H'.pel Ben.
Hatt A. G.
IlerTner John
Heider Joseph
hsUisom George
Johnson J. W.
Johnson O. F.
Johnson Thomas F.
M!Ill? Henry' A
Mahoney P. IL
Moore C. P.
Martin Henry
Miskella Luke
Mitchell A.
O'Marra Thomas
O'Connor Cornelius
Peterson Teter
Schnasse Gustavu9
Stradelmann Fred.
Savsge E. M.
Vass V. T.
Ward Michael
J. W. Marthis & Co. are tho agents fo the
Howe Sewing Machine in Plattsmouth. They
have opened a salesroom and ofiice on Main
street, between Fourth and Fifth.
The Howe Machine is a Lock Stitch, double
threaded machine, and ranks No. 1 among the
great sewing machines of the day.
8-5m J. W. Marthis,
F. T. Todi.
The Ferry Company have Five Hundred
cords of good dry cot tonwood for sale. 12tf
Tlilrts' YearsJ Experience Wr
an iiiS IVHrse.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup is
the prescription of one of the bet
Female Physicians and Nurses in the
United States, and litis been used for
thirty years with never failing safety
and success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble infant of one
week old to the adult. It corrects
acidity of the stomach, relieves wind
colic, regulates the bowels, and gives
rest, health and comfort to mother and
child. We believe it to be the Best
and Surest Remedy in the World, in
all cases of Dysentery and Diarrhn 1
in Children, whether it arises from
Teething or froni any other cause.
Full directions for using will aecompr
any eacb liottle: None C- en nine unless
the facesmile of .CURTIS -& PER
KINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold
by all Medicine Dealers. 24wiy:
At Wholesale and Retail.
For the purpose of introducing my vinegar. I
wjd sell at the following fat.rat.s at.retail. Red
Wine Vinegar by tb Sfngle g;dl"n 30 cents, two
or more jrafions at 25 eent er g:tl!on ; Genuine
Cider Vlnei atr 39 cents' per gallon.. A liberal
divount on ihc above. rars mad tolhe trade.
All vinegar warranted to preserre pickles, and
free L-om a -ids.
City orders promptly filled and delivered.
Country pf tronagesoifeittji. .
Factory opposite Mort's Flower Gardens,
arn wesi i ileiti s Miu
I.:es fro;,
: iw: vj;i.-i ;T reni-s bnn;!r1 ; t
Lxaa'ji viiics'-r -ewiea, MJoeni?
, .IJ. A. AJ-9JIS.
per hun.lii.
B. 4 M. It. K Co., Ijr Nfh., f-
LiA OLS, StR., July 10, lh7A )
Saving recelTed patents from the L". 8. Oov
ernment for our lands, we are prepared to issue
coiitr'! to parties holding prci-emptlon c-.r-tlfleat-?3
'or a jwriion of th same.
I'etsons holding such certificates numbered
between 1 and II " Issued between the ! day
of April, and the Vu day of O.ncl' r, K.I,
ere hereby notified to cchaiigs their pre-emp-t.on
certificates for regular contracts, at ibis of -lice,
within sixty days from this datb, as provid
ed In said certificate.
13-131 GEO. S. HAItniS,
Iwid Cora.. B. & M. R. !t. Co.. in 1).
The large and romuiodious wareroom. cellar;
and office 011 second floor of building formerly
occupied by Jacob ValVry, jr., in Ma 'Uic
Block. Empiire of R. R. Livingston or
4i-tf. E. T. Dukk.
Are doing all kinds of work in their
line in a neat, artistic style. Give
them a call. 11. O. FELLOWS,
24w4 Operator.
Clilltlrcn often look. Iale and
from no other cause than having
worms in the stomach.
will destroy Worms without injury to
the chihl, being perfectly WHITE, and
free from all coloring or oilier injur
ious ingredients usually used in worm
CU11TIS & BROWN, Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by Druggists and Chemists and
dealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five
Cents a Box. 24wly.
U ll? Household Panacea,
Fnnily Liniment
is the best remedy in the world for the
following complaints, viz.: Cramps in
the Limbs and Stomach, Pain in the
Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism
in all its forms. Bilious Colic", Neu
ralgia, Cholera," Dysentery. Colds; Fresh
Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal
Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills
and Fever. For Internal and External
Its operation is not only to relieve
the patient, but entirely removes the
cause of the complaint. It penetrates
and pervades the whole system, restor
ing healthy action to all its parts, and
quickening the blood. The Household
Panacea is purely Vegetable and all
Healing. Prewired by
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
For sale by all druggists. 24wly.
Legal Advertisements. .
Legal Notice.
Arthur Calkins, Plaintiff,")
Wille P"ttinerand Ter
ry f. Gass, Defendants.
Willett Fottiuier, non-resident Defendant,
wid take notice that 1 did, on the 2!itii day of
Sepft niber, A. D. 17.1, file my petition in the
Piitrict Court, hi and for Cass County. Nebras
ka, against Willett l'ottiner and Perry I'. Gass,
lH:fcndauts. Tlio object and prayer of said jh;
tion heiiitfto ohlain a Juufiiuent against said
Willett Potiinjrr and Perry 1. 0:iss ior the sum
of 9M Tu-loo. with interest from the 15th day of
April. A. D. lsri at ten per cent, perannum.and
that you are reiiiirell to answer said petition on
or before the loth day of November 173, or
judgment will be taken against you upon the
27w4 His Attorneys.
Legal Notice.
To the unknown heirs and next of kiu of Jo
seph I Earlv, deceased :
You wili take notice that I did On the 25th
day of September A. D. 1873, file my Bill in the
District Court, Second Judicial District, iu and
for Cass Count v, Nebraska, usainst you.
The object and prayer of which is to obtain a
decree of the Court decreeing the le?;al and
equitable title to the undivided half (H; of lots
one, two, three, four, live and six ( 1, 2, a, 4, 5 and
6) in block numlwr eighty-nine (, in Platts
mouth city, and t!i e undivided half (V4) of lots
one, two. three, four, live nud sis (1; 2,3, 4. 5 and
6) in block number five (. in White's Addition
to Plattsmouth City, and lots one, two, live and
six (1, 2, 5 and a) in block niiuilM-r two (2.1 in
Plattsiiiouth t' lu fln petitioner Klla V. Da
vis, and ordering the Sheriil of Cass County, as
a Special Master, to execute a deed conveying
said real estate to petitioner and that unless you
apiear and , answer fsaid Hill of petitioner
on or before the loth day of November. A. D.
1K73. the same will be taken as confessed and
Judgment rendered accordingly; r f
l.LLA V . DA IS.
By Chapman- & Maxwki.l,
1T7w4 Iter Attorneys.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned at his residence
in Eight Mile Grove Precinct. Cass Co., Neb., on
the lith day of September, A. D. 1873, one horse
and one pouy. The horse is of a bay color, sup
posed to be 11 years old, white stripe ih the
face, blind in b-tt eve. The pony ts a Mare,
about seven years old, of a sorrel color, white
stripe in the face, figure Xi . branded on left
shoulder. THOMAS YOUNG.
Lane ft Grcenslatc, )
vs. v
M. Crandall. . ,1
Attachment before F. A. SmUH, Justice cf
tne Peace. ,.
To M. Crandall, defendent in the above enti
tled cause : ,. .,-,..
Y'ou are hereby notifted that rth order of at
tachment was issued in the alove entitled cause
on the 15th day of September 173, by Francis
A. Sm'th, a Justice of the Peace for Cass Coun
ty, for the sum of Four Dollars and titty-five
cents, (4.55. and returnable on the 2."th day of
Ootf iher, 18T3. LAN E & G KE EN S I .AT E,
25w3 PlaintUM.
Probate Notice.
Tn tb; matter of the Pnibatc; of the.last. Wilt
and Testament of Elie Ci.icman, rfeeased :
To whom it may concent, t:;ke notice that D.
AV. McKinnon iiicd in my otlice an instrnment
punxirtiiiK to be the last Will and Testament of
Elie Coleman, and made application that the
same be 'admitted to, Probate, and that said
cause Is set for hearing on the 1,'Uh day of .Octo
ber, A. I. IKK?, at g o'clock p. 111. of said day, at
which time all km sons are notified and requir
ed to appear and show cause if they have any
why such instrument should not be allowed as
the In d Will and Testament of Elie Coleman,
Witness my band and official seal this the 17th
day of September,.. 1). 17:t.
25W3 II. E. ELLISON". Probate Judge.
t?gal Notiee.'
In District Court, 2nd Judicial District, in
and for Cass county, Nebraska.
11. C. lsiirelow, rn" Willis J. Morton, Paulina A.
Iforton, .Martia tlrover. Hibbard & Spencer,
Weil & Calm. St. Joseph Manufacturing Com
pany, John M. Carter. C. W. Lyman.
The People of the State of Nebraska :
Martin Grover. Hibbard & Spencer. Weil &
Calm, the Saint Joseph Manufacturing Com
pany and Johu M. Carter, pnn -resident defend
ants" will t:ike notice, that I, II. V. I$i:relw, did
on the 1st day of September, A. D. l7.'t. tile my
petition in the ollice of the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court, in and for Cass Countv. Nebraska,
against said non-resident defendants, and Willi-:
.1. Morton, Paulina A. Horiou and C. W. Ly
i:.a.:, resident defendants the object and
prayer of which petit'on was to obta:n a judg
nieiit against Willis J. Ilorton and Paulina A.
Morton for the sum of jC70.oi, and a de
cree of foreclosure upon a certain mortgage
deed given by "aid Willi J. HTton arid Pau
lina A. Morton to plaintiff, npnu the N i of X
E hi of section number 13, iu town 10. range H
E six.tti principal meridian, and .the SKViut
section number twelve, iu town Jo range 11 E;
situated in Cuss county, Nebraska, to secure
tire pavnient of said sum'of 6-loo," witl in
terest "iroirt the the 21st day of March, 170, at
the rate (1 ten ier cent, jwr annum, and also
asking for a furt lier jaJginent against said Wil
lis J. and Paulina A. Ilorton, for the sum of
S'.tt.67-looths, taxes and charges up'orrsofd real
estate, which said Willis J. and Paulina At
Morton had permitted to become a lien and le
gal charge upon said real estate, impa'ring and
injuring this plaintiffs security upon.the same,
ai'd asking that plaintiff be allowed a lfen ujMn
said ireinis' far said taxes alfd charges, and
praying further that ertta of you non-resideut
defendants be compiled U answer, and show
what if any interest or iir-n you have or claim
upon said jnorrraged premises, by virtue Of
certain judgments obtained by each of you. In
Cibjs eonntv, Nebraska, against said MUis J.
and Paulina A. Morton, and that plaintiff's said
ciaitns and demands ma J be deereed to have
Sriority over t"-- claim of each of said nC'n-resl-ent
You are requ'red to answer said petition on
or.before thn i7th dayol ttober. A.-D. 373. or
m fault will be tak;n agatt each ti you uion
s.-i.i vo.i'.'-.iv.r:
rr. exgeiow.
by Cri Si 11 AX.Lt,,
frotb fnri't fleJlYW! Sally art trrvj
body'i hums In Platuaoutrn U tiicy wuit ft, try
J. F. Bealimeister.
Pen'iia ytur orders ana I will try and tM
and fvi yori reyulariy.
CONP.AD llklSEL, - i'roprleto
Always on hand, ttnd for sale at lowest Oasu
ttfThs'M'griest prices paW for WlielU nf i
I'artlcular attention given to Custom work.
E, T. DUKE & CO.
At the foot of Main Street.
"Wholesale and Retail Dealers lit
Hardware and Cutlery,
FORKS. c: &c.
All klndJ of
Tinware Manufactured.
W holesale end lletafl Deafcrs la
' P i n e Ij u m ber.
$asli, Doors, Blinds, &c.
iVebraska Grocery.
umler IIekald office.
LUKe Miskella, Proprietor
a specialify.
Try them and be satisfied.
Post Office Book Store.
II. J. STREIGHT, Proprietor.
For Tomr
Books, Stationery;
rigttifcs, Xiualc,
Toys, Confectionery,
Violin 8trings,
Newipaprt, Nereis,
Song Books, c,
riattsmouth, ... Nebraska.
NO YOU DONl1 ! !
Get any Goods cheaper, or a better article
than is kept at the Store of
Jas. Olisbee & Co.
Dealers la
General Merchandise.
We are In receiptor Fresh Goods every week
from the East, whichare bought for Cash, and
will be sold In any amount.
GrangcrSjkccp your eye on
your friend;
"We wili iiot be undersold by
any one.
Jas. clizle & co.
Weeping Water July 1st, 1S73. 14-4t.
Fourth street, north of Platte Valley nouse.
Dealer in
Hardware Slid Cutlery,
Stoves, Tinware,
Iron, Xails
Glass, Locks,
Garden City rioics, ... .
Hay IiaktSi . ,
Farming T'd'ols,
Farming Ifctrfiinerp;
HcCormtcli s Reaper and Mower,
Buck Eye Reaper and Mtfwcr,
-c,' c.,; iic
Forth Gardtn, -
For the Orchard;.
ijrrri.- Hi"'
tHht I TTX Ql
Frcj4Dry Goods, fiatict
Ladies Furnishing fidofe
''he pent,
Mid 9wt Ammtii
tocV. -m i'.;o C'.'.y.
Vh':-'i v rr.-"n.-i! to sell chr.iprr thf3
t ui'y : 11 'c i-;n-i!as"l cleUer ive bl ft caJ
aud : 1.0 ov..- ods.
STloreon Mr.'in strTfV brl e a4ta i&
Hireets, riatttinoiitli Nebraska. ICtL .
Mothers, Mothers
Dnn'tfall 'topiocnreMrs. Witislowl fioothli
yi np fur Cluldn-n Teething.
'I'liii vallil'! prciiar.-illvn h:i bcct UeB wlTO
never paiijmi mc'cess in 1uoch
axiw of Cases. .
It nt only relieve! tho kihild frotn pain, bill
inviuitratcH Hie "itomacli and IwaH. currerti
acjilliy, and iVH iin und encrity t tbw "aUdI
ivstciii. It will alMi iiiHtaptly relieve
We believe It tli best Htid sttreRt remedy la .
the world, in all ritNi'M of DvuMitery and liar
rbca in cbildri'ii. whether arl.slng Ijoui toetblnf
or ijiiy 01 hi'r caiiM. .
DcH-nd iimiii it, mothers. It will fir rent t
yourselveMiuiil , , .
Be urc and call for
"Mks. Winslow's Room lira Smrr."
HavUur the fac-slmilo of "CUUTIS & TZS
Kl.NS" on the imlMili! wrapper. . f
Sold bydru?;it.4 Uirouhoul the wrld. ! .
mtitit mttt
I nni now prepared to furnl.h th? fcijkfc ai-
dultcritL-J tihim
To till parties notifying me . -1 w .
- The genuine puts'
Theso BnperiorllftchlneB. wit&J
but any rivals for capacity or
quality of work are offered t3
tuyerg this year "with sTral
valuable improvements. De
fscriptive Pamphlet will fa fur
r4iseed on application, and stoclt?
will be hoid in St. JLiOuia for
more convenient delivery. Par
ties in Missouri, Kansas. Bbuthi
ern Illinois, Texaa andthoTet
ritoriea will correepend with
Semple, Birgo 8z Cb.j
tbi adTcrtUamcBU
Fi&St National bankj
Or pi-ATTs.MouTii. NEBiuiaA;
Tootle, Hanna & Clarfci
JonN Fitzrfrfi.r.n,
C. IT. PAftKtH, 1.
Vle l'residen
T. V. I'.VANH, .
Ajs'1 CatihlM;
TliU Hank U now op-n for hminesi at thcfS
new room, corner Main and sixth street, alur.
arc prepared t'j transact a ueucral
Stocks, Bondif.
Oold, Govtmmept
and Lod 1 a
t. -i Bought luid
Received and
Interest allowed
On time
DrafU drawn, available In any part. of th
T.'niteii St;its and iu all the piinclpal towit
and Cities of Europe.
LvjiaN li jvti
Terons wishlntf to brln oat their frlro
from Europe can pnrchasu tickets from mJ
through to J'lattsmouth
A Heav Stock of Goodi o&
Jf.i RmU dri'l ititcrcsl oh B'orfmoeS
C 'pital to be made 'fff1 Customer.
Xortltsldcof M.dnbriran
streets, takes pleasure in winouTiSiiiJ to
That in ban a larw .nttf icitt rZfcXi'.
Dry Good?, (iroceile?. PiOvUlonn, as wor
brought to tbe Ctry of n.tfinouU.
rr- it win cost r6n .ff-Mhfnct t6 UeT at lhr
whether you hm or nc. y exaroirUng ft
prices at fbe "CLD. P.I'EIAirLK '. yti.
v "Vra vv..v w tr '