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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1873)
t W i i 3i S f a t rj t i i i 1 THE HERALD. PLATTeMotrru, xljuraska. TUtTllSDAY, OCT. 2. 1S73. i. A. MAC&CTJPHY,. . . J'lUTtHi. COEI'ESWNDENCE tVoro U part of the "Hare nnd country rcpoct hOJy solltttcJ fof tu llfcnALn. Agricultural nttttS and short articles dclallins tanner' cxperttsnce p;irtlculsir!jr requested. W do aot read anonymous letters ami com brttBicatlons. The name slid address of the "RTiter are In all cases Indispensable as a guar totoe of pood faith; 1.11 1 ' ! !J L g A Splendid Chance. VFe will send the iIe!rai.i and bemorrst's Monthly, Tvliieli is f 3.00 for one year. 13 any per un who pay us fZlo. In addition to both Terlodlrals at the price fanned, a choice from a list of extraordinary Premiums is given" tt errt-h Subscriber to lemo rest' Monthly-. Among these are a fine pair of Chroroo Pictures (Falls of Niagara and Yosem he rallx). vortli ; or a pood Rtcreosvcpe VI th a series of views : besides numerous other "ValuaWe premiums worth from two to ten dol lars each. The 15s barn' and girls' rn.iIv.ine, and the "Set.rasR-A. r(K:Lu at greatly reduced r:les. T will send the Nfbraska Hchalp and brHeRXST' Tov?0 America, which' 1.C0 tor one year, to any person v. ho pays U9 S2.on. foefnorcst's America U always hpai-kllng -itb eiitortalninR Stories. Poems,, ruz fle 8, Game. Travels, sua oilier i.' features ts prof .isfcly ill'ifliatta. and eaLnut to amuse .Ittiuct, elevate, and assist to nmkt Cue lives if youthful Americana useful, truthful and fcappy. The Neitoaska Ukrald and the Omaha hEPCiiUCAX, to one address $.1.00 per year. Republican County Ticket. For County Clerk. DANIEL W. McKINNON. for Count t Treasurer. ENOS BEUGEIL For Sheriff; MARTI 2s B. CUTLER For Pt'Olffte Judge, IL II ELLISOX. For Surreyot, WILLIAM YOUNG. For Coro-nof, DR. T. B. REED iSvpt. Pub. Instruction, 6IMEOX BARROWS, . For Co. Comtnissioner, MARCUS LI V, IIITE. Kcver "holler' 'till your'e out of the oods, is the old adage. They hollere'd Ks soon as Woods came out. The Long (and often) horned Devon Captain, and the sprightly mixed breed Councilman, fell "short of taking a' premium at the farmer's prize animal how at Weeping Water. Rumor saycth that a prominent can didate on the side of the "What is its" h about to be hauled ovet the coals by the Grangers for misappropriation of funds entrusted to his charge. Short Horn Jimmy is. the best man he opposition have put up; He's a pure blood Democrat and the rest (with one exception) are all '-grades," and a poor grade at that. The Journal estimates that the fetatc Las been advertised $3,000 worth by the offer of lvi forty acre tracts as premiums for descriptions of Nebras ka, and that the land p-bably cost - ,000. rrotiUble job. Tb& Brooklyn Eagle think3 that the Cooke's hired a big corps of Bohemi ans, to write up.the Northern Pacific, ahd that the New York Ucrald helied the bubble along more than any other paper, though the World and tribune f;ayc it a lift. The gteaVhead-lights of the Grang ers, on the Lib-Dem. side, seem to be getting in hot Mater with their con freres, all around. Better kept out Of polities, gentlemen. A few more feuch moves and you have dug the fcrave of the Grange in this county. WARNING. there will be a terrible raid made "by all the worthless shysters in the country to involve the United States Tteasury in scrme scheme for aid to the balf rotten and scheming brokers of Wall street ad Washington. Up, men of nerve and muscle in the west, and Jet us set our - face r.gainst arly scheme f finance that means plunder. A RAILWAY JANGLE; the Pennsylvania Central Railway, Thomas A. Scott at its head, and Vr.e Baltimore and Ohio, controlled and directed by John W. Garrett, are liav mg another severe quarrel, resulting, iscne of its effects, in detaining the Northern mails in Washington, and Occasioning much inconvenience and lissatisfaction. The government is .id to be on the point of interfering !ri the- interest of i?c" Postolllce Depart ment, to put a stop to the wrangle.- Inter-Ocean, . THE F1RSTNATI0NAL BANK. Our Ottit bank here only closed one i&f, oil Saturday, and that,- owing td fiere chf'nee in paying ot a large quan tity of currency a few days before On on'c2ay they were open again and do rng business all right.- Tuesday tho deposits were 20,00(7 ,!hore than the amount paid ovit, and 41 ready out grain merchants and bu3i 3rss rneri are carrying on their business of yofe, and the smiltrrg faces of the Sa'nfc officers inform everybddy that JhiiT &rnk is open and bound to stay fii future for all legitimate busi- - s trarisactwns.- The First Nationat 5f riattsErtoirth is one of Btrcrgeff fehks ir tte cdintfy ? i teeri " irriTriT SPECIE PAYMENT. V7e begin to Lelltve in ths idrftAli ate reBtltnption of specie payment. It id idle and useless to werry along on promises to pay any longer. Let us have a substantial bottom, to begin on. This panic makes it tssible, and we skull hereafter go in for a straight out specie resumption. Greenbacks for "yvllow boys even up. That's the policy. The grertt Mass Meeting at Weeping Water was a fizzle, if we may believe the words of very disinterested spec tators. A lady visiting there from Chicago, who saw both gatherings al lows that the Republican delegate jtfeeting was more liRe a Mass Meeting by two to one. A number of citizens Of Weeping Water" sat down the mass meeting at about half the size of the Republican delegate meeting. People's morel OhOs ha, ha, ha. "Three-fourths of the farmers of Ill inois," says the Rock Island Union "have always affiliated with the Re1 publican party, and there is where their party sympathies and affections lie to so crose a degree that Jthe efforts' of a whipped, def duct, and irresponsi ble body of Democrats and Liberals to cany thelrl in antagonism must sig nally fail. They do not propose to as sist in destroying their own party, that played out Democratic jtoiiticians may kick uj their heels over its ruins." PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. It is the expressed desire of M r. Wm. B. Porter, Master of the State Grange, Patrons of Husbandry .thathe Grangers of Nebraska, take no active part in polities this fall: but support the men who favor the working classes and op position to monopolies, by acts as we.!l as word3. The above card, in large type, r.i peared in the pet organ of our worthy master, about July 27th. last. It was followed by a long letter, strongly ad vising the Grangers to keep out of and above politics. No words of ours are neoessarj- to point out the impropriety of the Master of the State Grange al lowing himself to become a candidate this fall on either side, and especially after a good, sound, honest man, to whom there is ho Valid objection, was already in the field. THE PANIC. Of course the financial panic is the topic of the week. It has placed poli tics in the background, run local news into the fence, and absorbed every other interest, eVen to the high price of potatoes. We announced the fail ure of Jay Cooke & Co., La our last week's issue. Since that time, almost every bank of prominence in the United States has closed or suspended payment, partially. Our telegraphic and news columns give the particulars of the late panic. Editorially, we draw the following conclusions: It M as caused by over speculation in rail road securities, by the bad habit of building railroads oh the monies ob tained from the sale of bonds, and only expending the half of that in the actual work of the road, and, further more, by attempting to build roads from nowhere to nowhere, in the hopes that somewhere it would strike ile, and a town or county of sufficient ca pacity to support half a railroad, would spring up and make business enough to pay the interest eu tho bcnd3. Its effects have been to temporarily close up all channels of business, stop, for a short time, the shipment of cat tle, grain and produce of all kinds, and to greatly reduce the amount of mer chaiulise purchased in the west for the fall trade. Its final results will be to benefit all towns and countries having a railroad already built, tuul at their doors (ex cept along the line of ihe Northern Pa cific) to make us more careful about our expenditures, as individuals, and teach our banks to be more careful in loaning monies. One of tho results of the late money panic will be to make coal cheaper. Railroad building for some time has been so extensive that all the great iron works have turned their attention to making railroad iron, and the amount of coal used was enormous. From this time on iron men will have to turn their attention to other branch es of work, and the effect will be to cheapen agricultural implements, and to lessen the consumption of enor mous quantities of coal. Both these results will be for the benefit of the west. Again; our National banks that come out of the fire all right will be strengthened and upheld after this, they being the safest depositories for money. As mntters have been going private bankers were enabled to pay a small amount of interest on deposits, while the National bbks were not The result was that private banks re ceived the largest deposits, nd in or der to even the thing up National banks, in some instances; loaned their money more recklessly to railroadmen and large speculating corporatiwi., on stock and bond securities, at a higher rate of interest than they could or ougM to obtain from the farmer and the merchant, doing a slow but legiti mate business. Those of the National banks who survive this ordeal will be careful how they try that game again, while the plain fact that the National banks are the safest in time cf trouble, will increase their deposits, and thus allow thern to loan the money at home on good real estate mortgage or bona fide business paper,- although at a some what lower rate ot interest, perhaps, ?vml thus the country will be benefitted instead of large speculators. Lastly It may help Jts all to rfttorn to more economical ways and a safer and slower way of getting rich. It may satisfy the farmer that wiping out towrvs fml rniddT.3 men will not in crease tho price of his grain; and trades rrien and mechanics that rifefely high prrces and high: wages do not coati tntS prjtfpsrfty.' It may rrfdtfee Cotx- -V"-,--,-rrgirTr vwam better purposes and vrill certainly edu cate all our people in financial matters. When the great iron furnaces are closed and many coal miners are out of work, when other trades feel the effects, and many poor go hungry and naked( per chance it may convince a few that strikes do not inefCase the sum total of human happirieiH and that it is better for capital and labor to work together harmoniously, and on sucli terms as each can statid, than to cut off noses to spite faees, on either hand. Mean while, the West, our West, is full of grain. The farmer has plenty of hogs and cattle on UaHd, and can never starve nor want for a home; and while the market is temporarily stopped, and he has no sale for either, he will have leisure to reflect fully on the real ad vantages and disadvantages of rail roads, and frame fair regulations for his owrt benefit, without trying to crip pie legitimate means of transportation. As the whole world wants the farm ers1 cattle, hogs and grain, 113 may rtst in peace, assured that but a short time will elapse bfefore those fearful fellows, the middle men, and the speculators will have found a way to get .it theiri again, and the little folks ,-nd the women can once mofii ehjdy store tea, store sugaf, and store clothes. This panic, like a good thunder storm, has only cleared the financial atmosphere. If we go to" work on ccflnmon sense methods, w:e shall soon see a season of plenty again. "AFTER FARMER PAINE. A letter in regard to some financial transactions of Captain Faiiif-'s has been handed the IIekAld, iUitl the fai-ts therein, endorsed by a mlmVer of lendinrr citizens. Ca:. Paine makes an explanation of the uVitter, that at least puts a different face On the affair; while it tWbd riot satisfactorily account for all the charges contained in tho let- tef, it places it in the light ofa private" hiiFinpss transaction. The bUsi'nr-ss integrity of individuals, i3 too delicate a subject for a newspaper to toileh ex cept in clear cases of swindling. Thcte" is another matter however In regard to this man, that the Herald feels free to comment on. It i3 currently re ported and vouched for by good men, tlvat the said Paine is constantly making charges against the business management and financial integrity of one of oiir best known and oldest citi zens, and a candidate for County Com missioner. Not only that, but he is striving and trying to stir up bad blood between the city and county, by assert ing that M. L. White is pledged to build a Court House beFe if elected, and that he can some way help the town in railroad matters, to thedisad vantage of the country. In the first place, the charge is idle and silly, for whatever may be said of M. L. White, ne one accuses 1dm of being a fool (that is more thart can be said of Paine) and no man above the capacity of a Painful idiot would pledge him self to any such a course, on the eve of a nomination. We most unhesitating ly declare all charges of the kind against M. L. White to be false, and the men that made them Tcnow them to be false. No pledges of any kind were asked or received of M. L. White, by any Citi zen of this town, and he was nominated solely on his financial record, hereto fore. Under the" management of the Paine style of men, our city .is fast be coming bankrupt, and we earnestly de sire to keep the county from falling into the same pool. For these reasons and none other did the Republicans, by and with Ihe good wishes of many Democrats, nominate Mr. White. Wise men have been trying for some time to allny and conquer this feud be tween town and county ,and in the pres ent juncture one would think that no good citizen would foment any more difficulty in this line. We are" rinding out, day by day that we are both .nec essary to each other, that the country stands or falls together. You cannot ruin the cities and leave the country unscathed, nor wnmg the country and leave .the cities unlmrmed. Their ad versity or prosperity are in common.-' The man thai would help to widen the breach between this place and the rest of the county, at this time is a traitor to his country's best interests, and an unscrupulous trickster at heart. If Paine is doing this it is a work of double ingratitude on his part, that ought to earn him infamy forever; for to the citizens of this town he owes all he is, and the little thre is of him has been harbored, fed and and kept alive Iry the misguided and mistaken kind ness and vote3 of the citizens of the town of Plattsmouth. THE HOME GRANGE," is Month ly of twenty-! 'our pages of reading mat ter; of the most substantial, instruct ive and entertaining character. Its first department, Miscellany t is selected mostly from leading English periodi cals. Its second department, The Top ics of the Times, contains the views of the leading' writers arid speakers of this country, on tho questions which attract and demand so large -a share of attention at the present time. Its third departmenVl'Ae Family, is more especially tie voted to Oman's Work,' social condition and the home life of the household. We learfied Cur les3on in vrttr, now we need something in finance. We have grolrn so rapidly and increased so wonderiully that we are all at sea in regard to a sound feancial policy and backing system (aside from our mere currency plan) arrd when this psuic is over, tre opine that all our people will know sctoething legitimate,- sound and trtie, about great financial scliemes and tlie true policy cf government in reg:n:d to "reservei" and the duties of its Treasury. Certainly, so many of the' best mirds iri the rfatirrri have nef er before been turnoil towards financial matters; rrfid from every pen comes some suggestion or some rtff treneff tor ther modes and other eotfntrrcs.- . Out of all this miist deduce a few sonnd gug- FLEE! FIKEI1 FIRE til Great OaSifTstkii at WeeTlftT Water I Tfce Estire Shun Block Iletrojd j the Fire Fiend So Rapid wan the Spread of the Fire that the Occupants bare ly Ecapl wilh tneir JJtcs. For the Herald. Some idea of the rapidity of spreading of the llaroes cart be the Had when it is stated that the Fire Brigade, supported by some ten or fifteen tirous and men, women and children, who were in the city biiyirig goods of the celebrated firm of Reed Brothers, who, having jUSt opened a large stock of first class Dry Goods, were, with their corps of gentlemanly clerks, straining every "nerve to wait Upon their cus tomers. The entire multitude grabbed buckets, pails, wash dishes, and other vessels too numerous to mention, and rtevr to the numerous wells and cisterns throughout the city, which were lucki ly supplied with good and efficient pumps, lately put iri by Woods, Flem ing & Co., which they sell cheap. But all they could do was to keep the fire from .speading through the city. Cinders, sparks and brands of fire were hurled through the air by a grtle of wind that was blowing then: Borne brands were carried as far up as Sycar more avenue, and fell in the tear of tlr2 First Congregational Church, but by the efforts of the Faster" and his de voted family the fire did not spread over more than fifty or sixty acres of the public Parks. Treat's Park suf fered most, but by 4 o'clock the fire was considered Under subjection, and the crowd returned, loil-worn, to their business-. All is again quiet. Our financial standing is not disturbed by the great crisis, our banks not having susiended payment, although there has been a heavy run upon them, they still shell out thd roeks to the great satisfaction Of the deiMisitors. They are safe--they sire grounded upoa a solid foundation. The anti-mongrel Convention con vened and put in nomination a ring-streaketi-and-speckletl-ticket More anon. Your Special Correspondent, , Quick Time. SENSELEsT.iA?J? From the New York Daily Bulletin. Wednes day morning. September 21, 1873. It is high time the public recovered their reason. The panic has infinitely exceeded any real occasion in the situation of affairs. With the exceptibn of an undue ex pansion in the faliioad interest on which the panic ha3 already done its wSrst the crisis has found everything sound. Of the important banking failures that have occurred, not one firm or institution has proved insolvent. The Union Trust company, allowing for the defalcation, will be abundantly able to liquidate its deposits. The National Trust company shows a good surplus of 1,100,000. Fisk & Hatch have a magnificent surplus over their liabilities, and carl resume immediately on the recovery of confidence. Jay Cooke & Co., though seriously embarrassed by advrintvs to the North ern Pacific, have large wealth, and with time, can pay ever thing in full, even if their Northern Pacific assets have to be thrown overboard. Henry Clews & Co., showed remark able strength in not-suspending until they had paid $1,250,000 of deposits; and their remaining assets will far more than provide for their unpaid liabilities. Their suspension must be only temporary. Tho bank of the commonwealth will be able to pay every dollar to its de positors, and return to its stockholders most of their-investment. Two other banks upon which there was a persistent run for two days, have stopped the drain by paying tVerj' legitimate dem.nd. These suspended firms, holding de posits to the amount of fully 622,000, 000, have been compelled to close their doors entirely from a senseless run, and in face of tbe- fret "tiki! they were abundantly able to pay every dollar of indebtedness. There has not been one bankiiig or comercial failure caused by insol vency. The panic then tho severest known for sixteen years instead of develop ing rottenness, has proved the excep tionally strong condition of the bank ing interest. The crisis has tested lite merchants by depriving theiri of baiik facilities for six days,- and yet all stand firm the mischievous rumors of yesterday notwithstanding. Was panic ever more groundless or reckless? It has not a shadow 6f justification in the facts of the fmncial and com mercial situation. Ei. liEKALif : There i3 a Sore-toed, bob-tailed little rooster", called "Insur ance rdi-rU in Flattsiriouth city, who is taking caTe of the county interests of Cass dounty, warning farmer? that there Is a stupendous fraud oil foot to build d gigantic Court House in Platts nloutli, in case 31. If. White, the Repub lican nominee fer County Commission er, is elected. In Order that the farmers of Cass county may know this sweet little pu rifier Of Cas3 county politics, (for the citizens already know him),-just have them (the farmers) call on E. G". Dove'y, Geo. Black, IL L. White-or any of our Insurance agents and ascertain the true standing and status" of small Paine", then (Ley will be better pre-p;;r.- l to judge of his fitness and capa bility to slander and lie Upon and about old established citizen's of Cass county, and especially of Plattsmouth tity and her interests. I shall,- if occa sion calls for it, Mr. Editor, write up the Chicago history ot this little liberal bactling, sb that cur aftti-rnonopoly frrrer retry knVvr jtist what kind of stuff their Plattsiftoutli leaders ars trad ot: Centaur Liniment. Thtffe Is no pala WUieh the Corttailr Liniment 1MU iiot relieve, no swelling it 'Ul not subCue, fthU no lameness which it will hot cure' This is 5t rong language, but It is true-. Where the parts Sire not gmie, its effects are iP.arvcllous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia-, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-at-hoi taked-breaStS, scaldS, Burns, salt-rheum-, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin; galls. &.C., uKn ahimals In ope year than have all other pretended remedies since the World began. It IS a cduntOT-lrritant, aa all-hVAlllig pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their cm i nil ps- the lame walks poisonous bites are ren- j dercd harmless, and the woun'ded are healed without a se:ir. It is no numuug. lue reciic i selling as no article ever before sold, and it sell. becaaseit does Just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer front rheumatism, pain or swelling Hrserv to Puffer U they will not nse Centaur Lrnimdiit. more than inoo certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs. eiirbul5-rheumatiRiri, gout, running tumours, &c. have been' received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c.i gratis to to any one requesting Jt. One bottle of ihe yel low wrapper Certtaitr Liniment is worili imp hundred dollars for foundered or sweeuied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment in worth your at tention. No fanlily should be without Centaur Liniment. J. B. Ko.sic & Co., New Ycrk. 40-ly Castokia Is more than a substitute, for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind olic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pio?:;ait to take. Children need not cry aild mothers may rest. to-ly TBLEGRAPHI01 London, September 29. Two hundred arid tVenty-five thous and prjdnds in bullion Were shipped from Plymouth for New York, Satur day, .yul a steamship" w'hich sailed from Southampton the same day for New York took oUt sixteen thousand. Fingageirionts" have been made for the shipment of fifty thousand by the .steamship from Southampton td-iUOr-rott. It is said live hundred tlioUsand are booked for shipment this week. Tho amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of Englaild On balance to-day is 038,000 pounds; . Chicago, September 20. Business seem" almost to have re sumed its regular channel. The Cook County, the Union National and Bank of Commerce resumed payments to-day, without any run. The Union reports the receipt of one deposit of fiftj'-four thousand dollars, while the Cook has been the recipient of like confidence on the part of the public. The Third will not open to-day, its collections being made by the Commercial National. Shreveport, La., September 29. - Within the l.-Mfe four days several of the most prominent and useful citizens of Shreveport have fallen victims to the epidemic. The population has been fearfully thinned out by sickness and death. Senator Logan and George S. Bangs; the latter of the railway postal service, have made a contract for the purchase of the Inter-Ocean. Denver, Col., September 29. The Right Rev. George M; Randall, Episcopal Bishop of Colorado", New Mexico, and Wyoming died at his residence in this city at 1 1 o'clock this morning, of typhoid pneumonia. His loss will be deeply aiid generally re gretted. Denver, Col., September 28. Two-thirds of the flourishing mining town of Fairplay, Col., was destroyed by fire on Friday night, the 2Cth. Berlin, September, 29.- Louisa Muhlbach, the celebrated German novelist, is dead.- New York, Se?tember 30. Wall and Broad ami Ncv streets, in front of several entrances to the Stock Exchange, were tfowded this morning, as the hour of opening approached. When the doors were thrown open near ten o'clock, dealers and specula tors rushed in, filling the floor of the Exchange and visitor's gallery. Mem hers closed round the president's desk, cheering vociferously and waving hats. Promptly at 10 the president rapped to order, and at once all became silent. He then spake to them" as follows: "We have met again after suspension for the purpose of re'siiming business. Your action in the iffterim has met universal approval and has been satis factory to ycurseltes. Loud cheeriKg followed the address, and business was begun. Good feeling appears if exist. Chicago, September 30. The Tribune this morning contains a card from G. A. Ives, cashier of the Union National Bank, armotmcing that tke institution ha3hy" an affirma tive vote of its shareholders owning more than two thirds of its stock, been placed in liquidation under the provis ions of eecticm 43 of the national cur rency ait.- Although the whole community was this morning rendered extremely ner vous by the failure of the Union National Bank, the outlook is now cheering. There has been no insane raid on the institution which have re sumed, and business now progresses quietly, the Third National is pre paring to reopen. The Cook County has pnkl all demands. Washington, Septemer 30.- There is improved feeling in financial circles. Boards and banking houses outside the combination re doiftg increased business, while those in the combination are certifj-ing, declining to cash the smallest checks. THE MARKETS. HOME MAKKETS. Reported by Cutlei: & White. Wheat Corn...-..'.' Oats....-...- Kye Barley Etars. " l'.utter. : t.'hiekens Spring per doz.. I'otatoes New .$ 70f.75 . lOfiUS 1(T so 2 40 JfEW YOUK SKEKBTf. New York, Jeiteinber'2A M0ncV 7 per cent. ffi:::::::;:... ............ li tivemnieut y met. CHICAGO MARKETS: Chicago, September ?3; FTonr . : Wb?at.. Corn..: Oats lye Barley. : Cattle-. Hoes... Butter. -: . . ......8 6 75 54 2 f 251 23 5.00"i",25 .t. ...-.. FYrEV FARMER Iii3 OWN MILIEU CHALLENGE FEED MILLS AX3 Combined SHLLLEti AND GRINDER TTta Grin" any llnd oi F-c3. -wbetber bt or dir. Willi ee nd Pwi. oo ax, Osac'' Corn and Cob Mills". For Description and Prices durt SEMPUB, BIRGE & CO., Moufactcrer Agricultural Implement fcud Spe cialties In UarUworc, 13 Booth 21aia St., ST. LOUIS. CJTlcaoe meuttou in what sper u reaUtU M Scrapers, WlseroairowS ASP RAILROAD OR GRADING PLOWS BEFORE PURCHASING; ADDRESS FOR DESCRIP TION AND PRICES, SEMPLE, BIRGE & CO, ASB HARDWARE 6PBC1ALTIES 13 South ITSain StYttt, t. ions, no. C7" rirxkJO irjMon ltt nla paper you xemd taia. Dederfck's Celebrated PKESSES: Shops t Albany, Et. .Louis bad Montreal.' tmm vrw txtttrcxt. press balej nr wrraov ckamputo ok rroppiKO. PAMPHLETS SENT ON DEMAND AT ST Louis office. SEMPliE, BIRGE & CQ 13 Sonth Slain St., St. X.vlfc KASUFACTCBEES OF AORICULTCBAE IUP&8 HEKTS ASD HABDWAEB SPECIALTIES. Parties answering this, picas stale la whali paper t hey read 1 1. TROY BELLS CHUEOn BELLS, PURE- EELL IriETAL SCHOOL BELLS, I THE BEST MADE, FAGT0SY BELLS,! WARRANTED DSSCSIPTITZ PJtfPSLZTS FCRiflSHTD. SEHPLE, ISIRGK & CO., AGENTS, 13 SOUTH MAlJf &T.. ST. LOUIS. WOODS & FLEMIXG, iEALElt I!f dwaft1! if; Tin-ware, Tumps, Agricultural Imple'niefets,! , Iron, Nails, fee. &c. STOvE. OF ALL KINDS, f OK SALE. Xcw Tin-Shop, jusrt Opened! All orders lor mn!:in;r tn repairing prompt ly executed. Coons Sold CiieAf For Ca.ii ! ! 10-tf. Weeping Water, Xohraska. Excelsior Barber Shop. . J. O. BOONE. Main street, opposite Brooks House; flair Cutting, Shaving and Shampocning, Especial attention siren to CUTTING CHILDREN'S HAIR. Call and A-6 BOONE, peuts and get a Loon lu a CLEAN SHAVE. nil-ly. YH0S. $HRY0CK. CABlKET MAKEH AND UNDERTAKER. And dealer W a knd7of Furniture arid Chairs. M.i ix St "!ft, Nxf door to l!ro"ks House; PLATTSMOUTH, ... - NEB. t2 Repairing and Varnishing natly dne Funerals attended ou short notice. -tf Farmers Lumber YarcL Having made arrangements in Chi ph'to. siTid elsewltere. with extensive dealers, 1 lim prepared to furiilsli oii' short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash ShingleSj at a reasonable rate". I al5o keep con stantly Cfft hand a full assortment of Xails, Hinges, Locks, Hardware, of ll Jtintls. Those wbhirg to build will pk-:ise call and see rfy stock. LOUISVILLE; NEB. FARMER'S EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER Louisville: -- - Nebraska. Keeis constantly on hand ill Staple Articles Such as COFFEE; SUGAR; TOBACCO, MOLASSES, Dry Goods, Roots, Shoes, &c. In fact; everv thing 'usually. IteFt la a Variety Store, which will be sold ca sinad pnihts ft-c CASH. All kinds of Prodife taken iu exchapg for goodi, and the , , . . Highest Market Prix 'jix in Ojah a5iUriirjgS 1 e u- I crxSIwiv-? I""!'71'1! OLD FIB 3d REVIVED. L. BROM & CO. llaro re-orjei thctr Cigar Manufactory in Plattsmouth once more, and now offer to our citizens, and the trade, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c, at the lowest wholesale arid retail prices. Call and see them before purchasing else where. JULIUS FErrEKKERO. 2f.yl Manager. For salb this fall at i,2S i-Bft Honey Locust Hedge Plants For sale at $4.50 per 1,000. Also, at low prices, and of supericf Quality, a large supply of Fruit Trees, Small Fruits and Ornamental Trees, at th Union Nurseries, Glonwood.Mills County. Iowa. Call and ex amine my stocK nciore purcna-.iig eie in-rn. ao-lxt. K A. "WILLIAMS. Proprietor. 3- S "51 v: 1-51 - td o (A -8' Is ez o o i CD Pi 3 CO rt- EL c o zr S? o & c " o o O W cj. W 3 h a rT - n. s w i t fi3 2 21 to ' 3 O CD CD c-- m ta ! fit 5" C3 The Best IS THE CHEAPEST ! P.. J. 3ITTll Has a large and good assortment of Farm M a chinerv. The Marsh Harvester, if llearef that two men can cut and hind ten acres per day, with one man to driTOf ahd tho tlftders C;ia work In ths sliide. F. J. irE fTEEil, Main Street, Comer 6th. Ftettemuth, - - - - NZrr3frl. New Boot and Shoe Firm. Karchcr & Klingbol, Boot & Slioo Makers, Main Street, opposite Platto Valley House, PLATTSMOUTH. - - - NEB. FINE CALF SEWED P.OOTS made to order in good style. AH kinds of men's boots and shoes made and repaired. Prices low and work warranted to give satis faction, it., 12-Ct. . KLINGUEL. BARNUM'S HOTEL, Cor Broadti'ay and Twentieth Street, NEW YORK. ON BOTH AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLANS. Complete with all modem improvements rooms cn miite and single ; irivatf parlorn, baths, elevators, &.c. Jocalion inisiirpaswd, leiii(r in the very centre of fashion anil Itiilliant New York life. In proximity to Churched and places i .museiniiii, uuu tru K- tayior s, Arnold & Constable's and .T. '. .lolinston's Dry Goods palaces-.- 'J lie hotel is iitnler the management of A. S. Ilaniiun. ionnerly of Itar num's Hotel. Baltimore;.!. N. ;reen, of Day ton, Ohio,- and recently of New York, and Free man Barnu'rr.of Barnunt's Hotel, St. Louis, i'l-tf. Book for the Million. MARRIAGE! I A private counsellor to thfe GUIDE: I Married or those aboutjto rfiMr ! Iry on the physioTfp.Val myste ries and fetelatioiis of the sexiuiiysleni. the latest liscoveries in pi-wlucing ami preventing oiispnnfj, now to preserve tne complexion, m-. This is an iiiterestiuir work of two hundred and twentv-four pages, with numerous enKrav iiirs. and" PWatitj valuable information ffft those whfi are mrrmed. t contcmplaTim; mar ri;iw: Siill, it is a book that oujrht to Tie kept under lock and key, and not laid careless! about the house. Sent to an v one (free of postage) for 50 cenfs Address !.-Butts' Dispensary, No. 12, N. 8th street, St. Louis, Mo. Notice to the Afiliete! anl "( Before applvher to the notorious quacks who advertise in public paers, or usiuir any j:iaek r'-meriies, peruse li Buttt' v.oik. no nuittei what your disease is or how K-;'Iorable y.'ui condition. Dr. Butts can be eitisrftfed, persoit.illy or I. J nuiil''M tiff Ofsras-4 mer.ti'fo d in Ids works. Oihce, No. V' N. Lurlit st'eet, between the Mar ket :Hld Cheinut. St. Iioul. Mi. Uec2-ly 3Iacluiie Shop Itlayman Ctirtis, rLATT.6ufri, NEB., KcparrcrS cT Steam EnKlnes, Boilers, Saw and Crist MiJ's. Oas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron I ipe. Force and Lift luinps Steam ;uages, Saety Valve OoTcnrors, fuid all kinilsxf Brass Engine Fitting-3 Fornislrtdf or? short notle.' FarzniEg Machinery GRANDEST SCHEME F.VXTi KKOWM. Fourth Grand Gilt Concert FOB THE BESEFIT Or TriE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY. 1-2,000 CASH WllTTS $i,roi,ooo Ftertt Fifth Ticket Draws a Gift, 82oO-,000 FOlt 650. The Fourth '"'"uid C.ift Concert authorized hy special ml (.1 (he Lenislnt lire for the benefit ot the Public .'n.'iry.' f Kentucky, will take place in ltiMic i.iluarytilall, at Louisville, Ken tucky. n Wednesday, Deitmb'jr Hd, 1873. 'Only Sit Thousand Tickets will be ohl and one-half ol" 1 ! are intended for th Euro pean Mark- i , i'.iis leavimr only :ki. mm for tho I'nitetl SI. i. s Allele lon.iiuo were diNiio.ed of for she Thir l i . ,i it. i In- tickets are divided Into ten coupo.i-: or pirts, and have ou the back the Scheme 'A it 11 a full explaoatiou of the mode, of drawing. At this i-or.ccrtj which will be the craiuldst musical disjiia i vit witnesned lii Ihiscouutryj the unprecedented sum of 61,500,000, divided into 12.000 cash y.W ts. will be distributed by lot auionu the liekel hoiders. The numbers of the lit kels to be drawn liom one wheel by Mind children and the eifts lioni another. LIST OF GIFTS: ONE fSRANH CASH C.IFT ?2r).0o(1 ONK iK.N'l CASH OfVr (n,ihh) ONE ; KAMI CASH IHI' I" 6o.imh ONE ;lf.N1 CASH !IKT S'.0" ONE Ci'.ANU CASH C.11T I7K) 10 CASH OlFTS liiKNi each Ino.ooO ri CASH tilK'IS r-.iKNi eacli 1.'4,inmi M CASH OIKTS 1,ihh each Wi,nI so CASH (ilFTS wui caeh 4o,uhi 100 CASH til FTS 4KM'Meh 40.00O J5o t'ASH lilFTS :mi eiicll Vi.ihiO ll.'xl CASH 411 FTS 2'fo t'iicll M.ihhI AS CASH l i 1 FTS 1(H,1 nHcli Il.otio CASH til FTS .VJ fcacli fo.oort TOTAL, 12.000 OIFTS. Ati CASH. auiouuiiu to 11.500,00(7 The distribution will he jHisltlve whether all the tickets are sold or not. and the 12,(kki rifts all p;.id in proportion to the tickets Mold all unsold tickets lieln.v; destroyed us at the First a. ul Second CoinV.rts aud hot represented hi the draw ins. PRICE OF TICKETS: Who!" tickets. IT.IO ; Halves, fS& ; Tenths, of each C'iuj-on, ?.r ; Eleven Whole Tickf'1 for .-Kwij 2,-"j Tickets for t. (NO ; US Whole Tickets for .,(00 ; 7 Whole Tickets for JIO,lioo. No discount on less than ?.'00 worth of Tickets at ft time. The nnpar;tllelled success of the Third Cift Concert as well as the satisfaction jriven by thd Firsthand Stcond. makes it only necessary tJ announce the Fourth to insure (he prompt said of every ticket. The Fourth (iift Conceit w ill he conducted in all its details like the Third; and full par'iculars may he learned from circu lars which will be sent free from this oflice td all who apply for them. Tickets now ready for sale and nil orders ac companied by til? money promptly filled. Lib eral terms given to those who buy to sell ayLil fi TIlO. E. BR A M LETT, Acent Public Llhnirj-, Kv.. and MaiutKcr Cdtt Concert, 1'ublic Library' liuililirii:, Louisville; KentuNiy. Ziwts St. Louis & Southeastern Railway. CONSOLlDAfTD.J "NASIiriLLE SHORTEST LIKFS Aud BdtcviHc, Centralis, Cairo, Shaii'mdown, Ernnscille, Memphis, V irksbnrg, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Qalvestont Direct Koute to Nashville, , Chattanooga, Ailaiita-, Macon, Chariest omt Savannah Knoxrillt Eristol, LjW'.h biirgt Uiehtnondi Norfolk, And all Point South and Southeast. .c.ooi) ItC ASONS V'flY this Is the preferred lioule. IT IS THE r, . r.Y LINE niiu.tiijt Pullmni P'a!ac lra: 'oui S''eci,i;nr 'au tlrrfuyli from St. l.oui- ; ' N :shvilie without chalice. IT IS THE oVI.Y MVE under (!) manage ment between liiese Cities. IT IS THE ONLY IdNE by which pasyen. f;ers can save from ff(o miles travel; au"l from six to twenty-four lio.'is time. IT IS f.'.-i5 CHEAPEU from Jf. fxuiis tH Nashville than the circuitous tuuto via. LouU ville. CUE MOTTO: QUICK TIME! UCOI) CARE! CL OSE CONNECTIONS 1 New find elegant day co,-ches epiiped w ith tlie WeMiiihou Air Brake and the Miller coupler ;nd Platform are run in nil trains. Tlirout'li Tickets on sale ami Bawitrc check ed at all (lie principal Ticket Olliccs iu the West and North: Ask for tickets via the "Southeastern Hall? way." E. F. V.'INSLOW, Ccti'I Malinger, Sit. Loal. W. E. DAVENPOIIT. i i U-ket At. St. IvAuls. The Lincoln Iloutc. Tho A. & tl Railroad. VIA. LINCOLN, NEB., TO St. Jos'-ph, TecMf;seh. TopeJid, Lcavt-nt&rih. Pawnee City, Fulls City, Whits Cloud. Doniphan, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, India napoli 3, ColumliU. Nashville, iltrfiphis, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Mobil New Orleans, And all he Points in tho Southwest, South and fiovtheasL THE PEATTS MOUTH PEOPLE By taking the express train at Lincoln 00 th ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD: Upon their arrival at Atchison; tl:! Great Railroad Center of the West, Can obtain, wlthotrt DELAY OK INCONVENIENCE, the verv best Sp " and W'H re;M h St. Iv ins a uiiK-ii Chea that via. l'aeilie J it Ti- Car accommodations, s c;iriy;iei ii'orutng, bc '2oi shorter route tliari .on. Track aud Bond bed 'en. Tho iMtseuKer ac ire in excellent ei cominodatious are c t ;ie best. No" Expense Nor Pains Have been spared to make the traveler com fortable. LAY OVER CHECK: Will be pien by the roiidncjtojo Jhoc wish iiiK to stooff at any of the inaiiy plaa-es of In terest on ihe ATCHISON & NEBRASKA R. It. Withvtt iprun-lnj any additional expene. Thus alfifiiiiiK Tiaveleii unsuria-ised facilitic'4 for visiting the Paradise of nil Oardelis, "The Greai Nemaha Valley' TV" V VTTTTT- - . 1 .... .. . .