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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1873)
V: duGAt1SNal column. B. S. RAMSEY Entf dm Communication on;.l Tr.pios. Ke N Vorta of Elw:itioti:i. Mecti:!-, &r..are rcsik'ct rl!y solicited for til-' K.iuvitlonnl t'olunui. and bay be .iddrfssed to JC.l Jc.;ti:i;d Ci.MimitU'e, Box 36, Hook B!itff5, 'i-bru.aka. " . H. S. KAMSKY, Ch'n Editorial t'onimltfe-tv MEANS OF INT! LLIXT I" A L CmOWTII. If a man teaches .as lie should teach lie must of necessity improve himself. Teaching uiilerstanliiigly pursue., . pives accuracy. I know it is possible for a man to be a mere school m istcr A pedagogue, without any sol f-i improve ment. Hut I am speaking of the faith- ful, devoted teacher the man who studies, reflects, invents. Such a milri "learns rriore than his pupils. Every time he takes a class through any v branch of study, he does it more skil fully, more thoroughly than before. lie brings some fresh illustration of it, presents some new view of it, and hnce takes a lively interest in it him self, and awakens a new zeal among his pupils. Measuring himself by his new success, he feel3 a consciousntss of growth, of progress. This conscious ness i a precious reward. Brought " constantly in contact with thos who need a careful guidance, he feels im pelled to earnest effort in or"er to ob tain the mastery over himself, as the "best meatis of gaining complete influ ence over other, studying the weak points in their character, he is con stantly reminded of those in hi own, and slf-knowledge U the first tovird Belf-iniprovement. Encouraged by c:ie victory over himself, he is prepared for . another. Having learned by self discipline to control his outward acts, he next attempts the mastery of his thoughts, and he soon finds that his inoral power over others is very much increased. Page. Bit A 1 X VS KAU IN ESS. For th Herald. The point " of mental fatigue, or brain weariness is induced more readi ly in young persons than in those of mature agf, .and in that class who are not accustomed to brain work, than in those whose business has been steudy. This fact is especially commended to the notice of parents ami teachers. - Pupils, at the immature ;? of tn br twelve years, are required to confute their attention, often for a peri, d of feight LourS a day, to studies which are frequently obstruse. uninteresting, and, to them.- fUtnciiU; and this, generally, with but very brief intervals of rest. - After an ltour or less of close appli cation to study. If the pupil be required to divert the brain action ia the direc tion of brisk muscular evexcise, involv ing chiefly the functions of the spinal cord, the brain will return to its task refreshed, and in this manner it may i.ilKtr safely and profitably fivn or six hours a day. Af ter a j-eriod of close mental application, if the pupil finds himself unable to confine his attention j to the subject of his investigation, or j discovers an inability t- exercise his I ordinary powers cf mental percepti'i. he should be admonished at one -vA 'intermit his labors I'.k.jws. - A New Ilallror.J Coaipan) This week the lequired stf i3 were tuken for Hie or Tl.e Iiurlington and Missouri Itiver Railroal Company of Kansas." The Corp-rators fere. - Alvln Saimders, of Om :ih:i Sh , C. E. Perkins, of .JJurlinton. I va. J. M. Ilajniman, of CIieoru:a, I.a. ,' , ,t xr r,. i , I I " It. D. Moldpy and 11. It. XUCUer, (t t . ' I of Minneapolis, Kaiisas. John W. Berk?, 11 W. Ayeis, A. G. L Coup. John Foster and Luke F. Tar-, feoi.s, of Valine, Kansa-s. H. Bowker, of Mcl'uersori. h ii.i-. , D. M. Lewis, of IIi:t;hinsoii, Ka-nsa. A. Cutler, of Lawrence, Ka:.s:u. Ex-Gov. Saund'.rs is connected with tto 1 tanks, one in Omaha, and one in New York, and can command a larpj amount of capital. i Mr.rerkins is Vice President ct li e B. & M. II. B. R. Co.. of Iowa. With Maj. John W. Berks and the v other corporators residing in Saline and ? adjoining counties, our local readers ' are mostly well aeciuainted. So far as we know them, and we aie well acquainted with the most of them - tKe e"rporators are live, wide-awake ; business men, wlio have the ability, the disp5ition and the' energy to push for- ward any enterprise they take in hand. i. We Lelieve the jroposed Bo; to tomrnence at Beatrice, Nebraska, or at some, point on the north Kansas line iiwtr tltere, and run in a souih-south- westerly direction, through "Washins- ton. Cloud, Ottawa, Saline, Mel'herson, and Ileno counties, to the south lin of j the State, in the direction of C.tmp I S apply and El Paso, passing throu 'u ? the towns of Concordia, Minneapolis, ; LinLsey,Salina Liii'lsburg. Mcl'herson 1 Sind Hutchinson. The entire rovite is Z over the richest farming lamL that can C: be found, even in Kansas, so level as to iVtoike the expense of building a mere y triflet as cjcipared. to the average of t roa ts. i It is easily discernible th:it the' pro f, posnd ro;i i3 one of the mot important I how projected in the great undevelop j west. It traverses the richest country. V; In natufal advantages, in tlie world in a direction &s yet unprovided with any ;' -commercial artery, and, when built, wCl open up and create for itself an t immense local business. Between the I nsrth and soutli lines of our State, it J will cross no less than five east and srest grand trunk lines of road, and will I give us very desirable connections for f1 Chicagr, St. Louis, and all points north .-j" -east and f ast. i ' . Towarca the south-west, it will open I I cp the inexhaustible salt deposits of ' i he Indian territor.v, and give usanoth- ? r route icf Colorado,- Texas and tha !j Oi Jf of Mexico. -f . It is a grand" enterprise, and has our ! lst wishes for ita speedy success. Sa- iir.a Herald.: : . Btrosxci New, Fresh, and Sparkling! A XkW" MUSIC BOOK FOR TITE USE OV COWL NT 1 0X8, SI NO t NO CLA SUES. CHURCH CHOIRS, and the HOME CIRCLE. 3. WESLEY MARTIN, ' J. M. ST1LLMAN, and T. MARTI N TOW N E Trie 13..v per dozen. Single f'opics rent, tmstpnid. Address J. i l'KYliKS, iWU llrojj.lway, iew York. F0R SCHOOLS. ?airy Voices, A NEW SIXfiIX-CLAS:S U(OX.' Compiled and arrangod BY WILLIAM DR ESSLER. Iri f-0 per dozen. Single Conies sent, post- Iciid. for tin rent. Address J. L. rETEK, &SJ iiuadway, New York. f he go kg Echo Tlie rrulaJ Singii-f5i-hod Book. BY H.S. PEKINS. Trice ?T.s ir dozen. SinV Copies sent. iMWt-!:ml. lor 7. cents. .dureM J. 1 1KI I.U. jriai vt a ay. New York. SPKIXU TRADE, 1873. F-urnas Nurseries, BUOWXVIIXE, XtB. FURNAS. SONS i- FE RRAXD. Furnas and Sons, I?rownville, Nebras ka and K. Ferrarid, Detroit, Mich igin, have consolidated their stocks and will hereafter conduct business at Urownvillc, Xeb., where they offer the largest and most select gen eral Nursery Stork ever offered in the West, consisting in part as follows: unvio Choice 3 year old Apple Tr-. l'l.llO iaVhHJ i 1.2. 3 ..nd 4 year old Pw Trees. 2. :$. and 4 vear old Cherry 'I ices. 1 nnd ' ye;ir old Peach Tier I'lnni, Apr.cot and -Vectraine? ).000 r-n.ono M,'"0 1 ret s. 4.(ioo oo Vn. 1 Honey locnst Hedue I'lants. 2ni.'M)l No. 1 K;nre lledsj i'J.llllS. S.II''O !!!. St iiee Seeiliill.'S. . jKt iN)' Evern-eiis. fn vnrieiy. Iikim) eactt lilaeklieiTies, K;i..iberries and Stni".vlHTrii-s. ro.OTiii each ioosel.ervies and Currants. '.i.(k lVrfH'tual and ClimhUij; l)e, I ).(Kt Klowelill:! Siiri;ts. l.WO.iVx Willo'V CllttiliUi. C0OM:YS KAKLY AVHITH, AND ADAM'S EXTKA EAKLY COUX. ITALIAN BKKs. Bfcrkshii and Polaitd J. 11. D.lley. of Cas Conn y. art sis Arrent of these niHTienes in this se.-;io:i. i. (). avldre-o riatts'iMintth. I'.tss Co.. Nen:-isk:i. Zzi? Corrx2oii'f' we noRr-ited. Scurf for j a t'utihjyu. 41-tf The hxt hk in th v,ur!:,tlhM U riuJi cr-r ojfi rni Attention a' ;.-f Stiul fur t-ir'-vhirs f our it-'' work, IXfERSOLi LIFE AND TIMES OF - Horace Greeley! . . tThemont p'qtnhtr binfriphi t.vfi'nt I rs.imziition ct The most urt phi: vUlid hist:hi Caii'lor, FnUtuxx, Truth, I mj-'irti'tli- ty A b'ri'i Jor thr Lab'iriii'j Jlan A book fur Strri'sm- i. Scholars awl 'Thinkers A bo-k for to.ry Ameri can family. So l.ioi-rnrili!c:d work of sneli interest tn. tlie whole people hfishi-fore ap;M-ari-d ;u American lifratnre: It is a full, complete, honest account (.-f th life of the most lal.oiions ai d itilhu-ini al of oir c'.iinti v's reiorniers. the tirst joiti n;iiist ()f i,;, j,,,., :IU, t(ie st ,., wh ,.v,.r 1iV,.,i. otriivr-' ar? ?Jso ext8dfa 1,oiU "f vor ,,,aI,y n v ! nil. uiecicj xjuwmyox 'Una ,tl l? ),-;,. is M r:.:h,., fllli. 1,.,,,. iMf:h. fal ion of .Vjiicrican politics lor a period of lortv real. Here von w ill h-arn of the rfse and fall of par lies : of the tiinniph and tiefeat of policies ; of the lives and characters ol MANY EMINENT MEN. ivin-tc In i7ir? the iT-rt liiitr?iii!iien- ! U ..ri.'il iv-..ri- tfif f lit. 1 i H...W It iu 1 1 I lit- j entry sucie-vs if the tniies; Lvery iniellient aian'and woman will have It. nh-!S m-s ut , rvidy coraina in in such a tt.iy ;u In limv they I will smiii leui!i tojionr. I Meehanicati v it is tin- handsomest liik tnh- lisi-.e.l. lein protus Iy and KLI-H iANTLV I L M'SilS.MH) with al-out 40 enrviiiirs. portraits, also a steel etiravimf of Air. iree-. ley , which is t tie most l'l'-:t-.:i and natural f any et publis'.ieil ioa!ii a volume, ot iio-r rki royul octavo p.iiies. Agent Wanted, To vhosn the lest tenm are offered." Acents are Intel in with impara'.lellcd snecess. Toe cr-;;t popidarity of tlie Iiook insures to lie-:;a-nep success, "lo secure innnetpate tf-ir:i'-rv send l.-5 lor thehandsoiiifsi prnspi-ctn ic. tits er had. or -fijui fi-r samfh" cony, lihrary style, and 1'rosjnvt n. either ot whici; will lie sent preoaid. Address. UNION PriiLISHINtJ CO., SJ5 Walash Avenue, t 'hi.-ao, 170 West Fourth Street. Cincinnati. O.. or New York t.'ity, whichever may be in ari-n to your place of residence. 12- 12t. Eirrt in the Field Established 1858. Daily 310. Wkkkly ?2. The Omaha Republican STEAM BOOK AND JOli PRINT ING AND BLANK BOOK MAN UFA CTURINO after many years' experience, with superior fa cilities, and the Best Workmen to he found In the West, will fill any order, larjre or small, in the hot style at short iuiioe, uud at the low est prices. Our Blan Book Work and Rinding of every description cannot he sur passed ly :ny Rim in the Mate, and we ehal ielige comparison. County Work a Speciality and County Orters will f.11 ! our forms the lat est and most impioveil. Stationary. Seals for foiinty. Uistriet and l'robatu Courts, Justices of the IV-ace, 6iC. Legal and Commerc'l Blanks Ieders, Day Books, Kecol 'tis, -&C, in ready made stock, furnished at the lowest prr-es. nee. Orders y mail for all kind of Job Work x- ecuted with the utmost siea, and dtyjKitclred promptly ST. A. D. BALCOMBE, Manager Republican. i : KEBKASKA. Bonner Stables. FINE LIVERY BUTTERY & L A.ZENBY Horses &Carrinsres to Let. Stock Boarded by the Bay Week or 31oiitli. Good Stock, Good Vehicles Call and Give us a Trial. Stable on Vine Street. rLATTSMOUTH, ... xr.u. DRUGS AND .U E !) CI JV : A- AT J. H. BUTTERY'S On M.iiu street nearly oiosite Hie IIKUAI.D oltico. Wholesale and U tail I"aler in IRrc.S AX1 MEDIC1XES, TAIXTS, OILS. VARNISH ti.S. I'ATLNT MKDI CIXES, TOILET ARTI CLES, &e., &c. IST'rr.criplioni can-fully compounded at all hours, liny a:.d nisiht. SS-ly. THE BEST I ALWAYS the cheapest For your Oroceries g.o to F R. Guthmann CVnicr Tl.Srd and JIain street, riattsmouth. Ife keeps on hand a large, and well yc'et trd tock of FANCY CKOCKIMKS. Cf UT'Kr.S. XEAS. scgai:, sYiiUi, r.oors, shofsj, &C, &C, &1. In connection with the Grocery is B.kery and Confectionary ; -AIl kinds of Conntrv IYoduce houi;Lt Htid sold. Titke notice of the slc;n "EMl'IKE P.AKKKY AND OHOCEUY." mayh'.tf. McGuire & Co., Wholesale and KelaiS le;ilers in Foreign AND . Domestic tu mB mm aaaiji) A large and veil seleeted stock of Bourbon, Rye & Monoti gahela Whiskeys Constantly on hand. Our connection v, hh the firm of KindskorT Bros., Distillers, enables us to sell at the lowest market rates. Sofa Jlgmts Vor the Celebraled Hungarian SIS? ixie itf27S - Main Street, f LATTSJIOUTTI. - - - NEBliASKA. STATE AG EXT 5&j IMS ; U.. Halladay's Patent iud Mills, Double :md Stnj;le acting Force and Farm Pumps, Feed Mills, etc. The Ilalladi'.y Mill has stood 'the tt for six teen year, both In the United States and Ku ivpe and is the only one generally adopted by all I'rinclptU Railroads and Farmers. Tems I.ibtTat. fnd for CataloL-ne :& Tiiee Ust. A. 1. STilANG. LniOoin, Neb. Manhood; How Los' Hew Restored lust itnblished. a new e!i!i n d j on the r:id!e;i cure (without IIU:i.ilu) el SlKlfMA 1 1 tf i: I J or Seminal .'Weakness, invobiiit.-uy en'.ii::il Jsm, i vm-otkm , nieiitui j'lid i!:;. si-:i! iiica j'aei:y, IntfM-di. rents to M irri:. v. "etc. ; ;t!v.o, I i v "( M l-n ( . . 1: 1-1 1 -. i- v , itn.l induced ly si-m iiidnlir-. nee or sexual exti-;!Va;aiee. V I'ri.'-e in a sealeci ei.V:-!oi:e. ot,' --it. The eei.-i.rated au'iior. i:i liii" ndiir.-'b'e es say, ele.iriy iteiti'iii-ti.-tt imiti a jluny yenr'a n-ceKs'.;il" Jr:; -t!-e. liijii the ;: iii) iiiii;:; col se (jiieiifes of ma v be r-idii :'i'y wil bout the use of iiitTr.Ml iin-diciiie i.r"t!ie jij pljcation if the knile ; in;; out t.':t inoiie -l cure at once ti:iiiie. e4-:,.;n alii! et e-li!; l. ly means of wliielt v'rj'itVerer. tm tti.-iUel what his -ondi;io! ri;:v he! i,. iy ttuv l:iiae!f -!.e:;i.:;-Iriv!-1 siiid rad;-: !iy. i t7 1'h's iax-ttin- sho:i'd be in the hand of i v-, very youth and inan in ;'!; !alit! a i-lr'in :te:ti-e. 'n .Hiv a;Mress. on the rec- ii.t ( l ix eei u two t.: a'e sTamps. Alo lr. I'u! vvr'H "Marriage fliddc, cent. price 5 Address the Iil-lis'icrs. C1IAS. .1. C. KM XI". & CO. 1.7 liowerv. New York. 49-1 y Ton: Oilitv l'-t, 45.:. LOW EESERVOIR Are Suited fa all Climate JLKD FAiTCUS FOH BEING BSCT-T0UC2! CHEAPEST TO BUT!! - EASIEST TO SELL 1 1 1 ' Sf4i-'' famous for doiLj; uT tad QlBETTEa COOKING. 5tV orx it 'p.Vv QakbcrrndOifiiper 'A Ttwujr EunatritKcou, T AMOCS ton GIVK.-O r-ss. Especially Adapted TO TU J AJ I , 1 1 ' nm cr ever? egusieo. SOIiD J3Y" EXCKLlOli .u.v.N o lOMI'AXV, ST. LOl IS. MO. AMI E.T.Duke&Co rLATTSMor ru. xi:b. 13-iy HENRY BCECK, BICALEIi IN I'urnltiire. Lounges. 'I Kb! Chairs, Safes &c... Bedheads. &C, &.C. Of all 'cscr:ptioti5. Ytelailic buria! Cases. WOODEN COFFINS. i OKAI.LSIZKS. j i Jludy Ma-it nnd sohl Cheap fur Cash, j i Willi runny th.'.nks for past patro;m-e I invite ! :.'! to rail svl examine iny larjje stock f Fur- j nil :ire and Coffins. j.o;2 0. h JOHNSON. DF.ALEIi IX D3U6S !WSDIt:INKF, AND WALL PAPER. ' i?T-"-1iCLrr. hi "i i" ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. AJ-SO PEALKIl IX . Books, Stal-ionery, Mnazines And Latest Publications. Prescriptions carefully compcnded by an ex perienced Drugs1'. liememlw the pluce. Corner Fifth j&id Mtn SSS" -7 IT 1 r . 4 IV! Jfc -s Gfe-jk NEBRASKA HERALD JOB OFFICE, NEWLY FITTED UK New 1'resrH New Type, and Xcw Call and see our new lot of LEGAL ELAXK3. All descriptions of v.ork done tn the priuting line. "We a fully prepared to do Every Kind and Style of Printing. Send in your orders for LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, POSTERS, DODGERS, dv. mtttm staw lias on hand, one of Clotliin? and Gents Furnishing Ooods for Spring: and Summer. ZT? i invite everybody in want of anything in my line to call at my store. Souib Side Main, 3elween Fifth and Sixlh Streets. And convince Ibense1ve .of the fact. Iltnvasiv stwda'ty in my Itet'ii! Te;i.-rtTiient stock of 1- ii:e ( lothnij; for ieit and lioys to which, we'invite those who want oodn. ; y j hei-p on hand a lare and well selected stock of ITats, Caps, Toots nnd Shoes, s-trt Opposite tlio Pl.ittC Main Street, . S MO 7fcT T LOUIS. .ck.e aric., A o" i I . n o ; - (Otju jfirst-clss I VIio'-s;d. Mini !. ia:l 1 .'.;.! in Strinc i i iM.'I'AI. " N!TK"M RVTS T.I' ., Sheet 1 :md 'v. j l i T S AT LOW - $ iv & . i.o.s c;i;s le ' i-ht in lu!:e Ad;!':'. ion to ihe City '.in! on tt-nn.-; to eay persons wiiii TEL: SMALLEST INCOME 21 AY MEET THEM. :oso w lij w.-Uit toV. ti -rn;.( rt it, this is r.i-.c c!i.itM-e t: ljc;itiii, iunl ; Young' anil 15e:intiful Growtli of Forest Trees. A::ic!i add materially to their value?. . IV. riles wishiiiLT to pi;rch ;se or look t tl:c-u' h. i-. v :!'. be shown them, ri'iven any infor (i'--;;c;!. nv ealiiu n!i l J'. 1 1 K li or t.. . i;lN:! IT. Iai-i-iiIits olilie Kstaio ot S. i:'n I-; or i. 11. lIKlii.l.i: . ;( I .. nnd BAKN Ksi I'ol.l.Ol K, Ileal l.stalc Atfclits. I'"!- -;.s:i the a;n' prices will be discounted ten per cent. riatisiaout h. Nebraska, Vtobor -JJ'l 1-S72. o om & C I. HOYS it I)(:H!1J)REYS fLOTHING .!7-., CAPS, HOOTS. AND SHOES, Piuhbzr Goods, Trunks, Valises etc. Oiankels, M tin S-reet, Second Poor Rssf of Court Hous., l:n"Cir inrsr - r.r":id A i !)' Down (o J. T Ce let? u SiutJirobt Corner "Main Street, Plattsinoutli, Xebraska. AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO BUY Dress (Jood.5 Prints. Delaines, Ginhaiiis, JJmwn Dleachetl Cottons, Clark's new Thread, In tlie Grocery line wo keep the Finest and Bi:st Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Driett Vrnit?.- . In fact for Yotir Queens ware, - oviden Glassware, Ilats and Caps, GO Material. the largest stocks vt Valloy IIouo, in bchlatcrs Jewelry Store. Plattsrnouth, Nebraska. cr SM:fH'S AM'N A N I B O S T O N x 0 . S S . Miaucs ;:nb (Drowns. Music ar.d ail kh.ds of Miis!e:il alerchandise - -S iii-;f !(' ion laarantced. 8-Slf. LOTS roiJ SALE "5 3 of riattsiaouth. at prices raii(;hifc ft? 1. ilh'T to Iiohl f r .1 spcrtihiliot! or to luild u t it. T:i!';s(- lots arc in ;i delightful iif dotted owr with ;i n o.. JyOUTH NEB s-U . T tt i- :-StA. riat!smouth. Ne - .v:iy. Count-:! I'duffs, Iowa. GOODS the P 'rices 1 1 rated V "f J-r.. -a l'otd ;iiiii c-lioes, .S'.t'etii:?. iiiiliiiora.-, Carpets, Cottor Yarns M - jlasses, Unices, el ., rii . Groceries, Hardware, Ware, Yankee "Notions. UootS ?-nd Shoe TO r v S.T-1860-X. ft ?! -C- '31- m BrrrfiR& IS PURELY A VEGETABLE PKETABATIOW. composed elrcplycf woU-knon R rOT8, HERBS nl FRUIT3,coniWnedwith oth properties, which in tlie-ir nature nrn athartio., Nutritions. 1 inrctic, Alten-.tiTe and Anti-li. lions. Th -wholo ia prrscrri-d in a auffl elent quantity cf spirit Cora tha hlOiH C AVK tj keep tieia ia an 7 clanaUi, which nakra the LAITATIOI ITTEBS on of the most dMirsble Tonlti and C. thartics in U world. They ara iatecdad gtrlctly aa Temperance Bitters only to nnr& ea a mculclse, cud iway ao- cording to t;ire:tior:r They c.-'j tio F;t.--.nchor cf ths feeble and debilitate 1. 'I":c7 t.. t f ca a ciecsed iivcr. and Btiiaultta to liuc'a a C.zj oo t'. tahatithy aa!ion ia at onco Lro uLl :. j,T. i. Aa a rcmi Uy t inch Womc 11 urc cseciili? cubject it ia auper aeding every cturr c'rculsct. Aa a Spring and Susuntr Tonic tl:ey hara no eq-oat They are a mild and cca'- PfT-dvo aa well aa Tonic. They purify t!;o feed. They a'e plnndid Arpet-'zer. The7:r.ukethoweskatrong. They purity and invl-jorato. Ti ry cure Dy pepsla. Court' rlf on aud neadsehe. They act a m epecific in sJl r7ec-a cf d:'s ordcra which undermine the bodily ttrcntb and break wx tbeuiimHl rpirits. Depot, 53 Park Place. lSw Tor? Louk to Yur UiiDdren. The Great Siiotliin Ilemetly. MRS. Cures colic iilid irripinji in! Price Whitoomb's tin: bowels, and facililalesj 2i Syrup. the process of Icel hit'e. Cen' MHS. - Subdues eon ulsions suidi Pric Wl itt-omb' ovei comes all oWcascs fnci- Z-t Svrup. dent to inf;:iits and children. : C. nts KRS i t ur. s IMarriui'e. Ivsi nte-i Prirt 'hicomb's rv and slimmer comp!;iiul in, 2 Srup. cliiidn-u of nil ajres. Ct. !i It is the jrreat Infant's and Children's Sooth ni Kemedy. in :ul di--.oidcis brought on by tceth'.Pir or ; ny other c;:use. l'ie),.-ied l-y' tho Uratton Medicine Co., St. I.ouis. Mo. Sohl by dn::JSts and dealers in Medicines every where. decj-w ly ..' f S IT ACVEHTfSEKEHTS., The a-ivtrlisiTX btlov: rrf;r vou tn tht l ut'fixhers of t .it paper r regards thuir jifff.rt reli'ikuiiv, and vficit- xoritxnrj to chnn, pltasr- rit;Ui,in you uv their Adver li.fnirnt in ris ;v:rr. TICKXiK iiirtwn'd Mi'rehant -.iirs crdCiolhiiT " the V. it. .01 Ac . Illi St.. St. l.ou. .Ho., wiil. on 'ior, renrt fiv' lluir arciirsto rl'Sf S-lf-M!-r.-.oriinrnt. Illnst rtil ( ircular. ami I'riri with a full line !i Kmii, n,tl:inu- )"a to order Cloth. in-S d:r-rl tiii lr House, n'lirli will hi- nia:!r iu ti. l-s s'j-Ie. Mii;p-d by t . presi.. i'. O. !.. vtitli tlis f rit iieirn or ci nnnnisn; liiol r-t uruing ai tL If ck( utv. II Uiti. s;tltllcllif-j. QHJPTQf '"""csofiielf-nieaurcmerit nrlit f re Clllll I Oior.irrs t....i-it.-.t. it suarantced. Of0 l,nl Youths fiothlni? a unfcialljr. Send W j lor lilustr:. J .s: anil l'r lor lilustr!. J Nf js and I'riri s. rj'Aii!!(ixs ptri 'ir t tPir.iw. 1 -i ion s 1 11. Al.i'ii hi:t. lur tii:irk!:ix fcbovr I 'anls. lio-. !$t3-7$.$!j All Finn. lr.,iii li.cii jelter up. -"Wr -i; W;inlS. VliO! lor J. srriptiTO -"- Mf f.' ' lx!li!jli" ( -Il lil leri "(Tze. Sent v?fi ttr . ...I.I W I I 1 r.,rilm,.l In f-mJ 1. ion: fi. r'i 11 i l .eisl'a-.lbii nar- uMi'i'i!. uminnv ri-!nr:i I. jcenis uiiel drt-.s ft. -. lia:iiar(t &, Co., 3i4 OllTo Si. Mi. BERKSHIRE HCGS, I if-ru'aritR'l Prii-e l.'st. 1 . I ! TI10 I!-ft Ii'os in cx.Kfni re. Send for ;(;:;. 1 onis.xo. piijao't Inffii'l? Jour.ii.l ia tins cou.Mlry U 1U E-5tp?cs. Fo;-:r Cjluras:. o-i.y CO Cr. a yrar.ftix ontl"i -5 Cm. C.iib cf to tjr 44. Aiidrca. HUM Mil S X I I TIM- s. I'uMIJirr.. . l 14. The. 9'ri-rt H t oil.. f, Wnn.iir 'f.lltipMljr l.luen .-ni l V. -' e:li r :irl s A i!-r-.I;iip.t H.i-Mii i il 1 1" tln 'i mill Tri-i-i ciri- e i ;i. hn. v lit not ilj l.-si In-i,-lW ' h:. I - .k . Ii V:i-1 f:Blt'"Mi lliaee.ll l.-t.X. 1" lull l l-l lrm'l!cii!. ..-,il ) )r !, t.i ,v l'!,i-l-ri '::!.- i.-r tt.e prl .-,- -J ever nen:-. :ti wa-r"i. II. l.. C. l;ur::ni'il i t o., .li i . ai vc Eli te t. 51. r I.eils. lo. il VN si ir Al. or dc trie cSfhrr. A if n is i w:tnt"d rorrf li- r?. wro ran resfec. Put;.' h roil !s. t'.lirat il'vrouals to the Trnde.- ?J.!p a-J f f i i-o at : i'u l. ; i s r. i ft- f Pin Sti-eo, St- lAtuiu. S'.o. . St 1 an r r :nR'. ftr-i-chi-. I" Monrhlv. o o irSM UTl ml spriclitiv, mi l in crest :i- -n .r" hnu--aoiil, tacitulitr' loi-(-r4 amt riiail.ii. hu t.snl. and wive-. p;iran;aiu f-liiUlr-n. li fitttf- 13 ' D S H lienrti. nl p:irt " in hie, l thtre xliall a I a union ct liundt. Il t lieve that, w hile it in witiiiaii's pr:vilm o purify and ritiir-rt and g al-ni, Iti-houM Iw mmi'a t l vurr to provxle J fVir. cln?rih. and err.ter;. Il iulil hava rhil. O dri-ii treated a f lin. tiit hiim anl tmuiiK iTv creature iierti"!'!!; i.Tcua-il.biit ui t'lilfirriTH:. T Vet in advricaliiiir )'':.- ' 1 -:r i,-. tiif- a line dH' not eiei'IiV" de-r-a.! r i n 'is I., tj : ami dreary i1,h-iu.!:!.im !m-Ii , nut i::i r' 1 O : and tiieremre a nx protit tlie reader. in r. n i cinilriir.-, tt wiiuld rmlier preai-h ax tlioiinU It JZ ! fireat. lied not an nif-riimf nory,ior instunre, P reiiiz made to wei ve tlie pitrirfiw ot a Ioiik di- U S E H O onir by eiTins Hie reader saiiie;hing real, In- Ct ' lerestmK aiul prodlaljle ! think alK,ur. J Tlie worst a wel! aa tie- tt feailire of the f Mmrszine is its price. The Idea r.t Eeinac a V realiy ftrxt-rbisa Magazine at one dillar a enr. V L D aeeiiu alMurd to ni4t pepie. Ver It euipN-ya !inie of' the bent romriliniori In Ihe ronirry" H A iii4-luil n (iiL II mi.T'is, lit hadinn: eliii,r, f who weives a salary it three liiuHsmid di- Inr-t. e4iiivalei:t lo atwiut ten dol'an per day. f l.urh ntiinlM-r rrn:aiii4 iii-Mrlv eight hnnilri'tl r C A Z I d.. lir wnr'h f inaeer, liK h Cusu Ihe ,uli-friK-r ahout eiglil rents. fit Hope and Joy two lieatitifultr tnis craven ( pfirirMita worrn rotir tHtimr win re tii.-rti d M tree toevefy utcriter to ih Magazine at si U f E er'mena free. Ajien'a wutned- AvlUxeaa . C . H. VV'JOU t fO., Newbuntli, N. If. T , Hops and Joy-Hone bhh Joy H t ailed Voice of Ik Hreaa. W-rl vv O P E & J O Y H O P E & J O Y H O P E & J O nmazine w one ol the tnoiiunieiiiv hiiMtiea etutrprise which mark tlie e Mrthndi u-mtr J-mtnnl. I'liila . fa Aa ill til le promwea. It in devoted to ihe insirurtion and entenainnvnt ol 'lie family circle. an J. in order to place it wl;n hi the tueani of n adera in imtderate cireuiii ia tunii-hed at a retnarkahly low ra'e in proportion to the interest ot its conienu. .V. . Tribtm. ..It iaewetuiaily a tionie ntatraziiie, and N Inat the tlilftar that one would niont ilsire to plHcc in the hand of hia wile and lit lie om a, or that a man of husttiesa woui'l himw-lf take ttn U,r the euiployineiit of a leiaure Iniur. lM W!lnittiic-t4nT S'. 'C Were we out of our r hair editorial, aa a "pnvaie riiiw-ii.' cut rif fnnii our exchange liM and all that, one of the tirst mac azine") lo whirh e hoiiid auljx nl wonld he Wood Household. A'7?er, 1 1 art. ('rd, I'L It ia an intellectual and moral e.lin atar. highly prized hy all who become mr- rjtluinted With it 4Jh.uti'tt. Adittratr. ... If P4pular wriiera ar. llierefore. Pood writers, and it luifh rrt'ei prove the merit of luerarr o o D 8 H O U s E H O L D ware, then Ur. wood uidicarne U a txii VJt t-i4a ht-eathe a rpiril of econnv, ruoraiity and irtie which r hik'hly tlrjihiiiif in tltut atre of ta-hiouahle lolly and extravagance . Sm ar Kdlna. lo It li undouhn-liv one of the Irooeat, lirelirat iourna.a we he exantiiMsl. HtrmiL, SpriiiKfleld, Ttnn The anielea areahort, piquant, and of aucil nnouestioned excellence, thai lhia periodical cunhl to be both familut. and weH.-oir.e in very many liouse h. .IiU Wood's r a marv el of cheapnexa and A C A Z I ri Y E ' J V;.' -.'I f-T .r.. m J t.m 4 rrJ.V'l ill 4 i , T :a "6: .'1 I.. I ! tlx:. AWr-s.ii U'J ; A-.i g i j g I A !.c:!u!'.'.ul r fi l'i-t-iis-!i 4 lir.Kiliis. Sir E'ii ho:stim ! i iiU'uafi. mhl om. E a ! W's 5M$bM limiMl quauijr eoir.oinea. Jirw lova 7iau. on Ma'S&iaqS. HATPY Relief for Younjr Men. from tho ef-fe-t of Errors and Abuse In e:irly life. M;in hood restored. 1 miiediments to liiarrlane re moved. New met hod of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books tiud Circulars sent free In scaled e!iveloiws. Add less. IIOVAKl ASSOCIATION". No. South Ninth Street. t'hilade!diia, l'a. 1111 Insti tution having 11 hitr h reputation fur hmtoiahlL' coinliict and irofcsioiiaJ skill. To risK.s. All persons who potitem jdate contracts with iiewsonirs for tha usertioit ol Adveriiseiuents (should send to $owell & Qo- for a Circular, or Inclose L'5 cents for their on hundred pa'e l;in Iiilrt. Containing Lists of '.ikio Newsjripers and estimates, shotting tint cost of ml en Wiui:, alsi miiny useful hints load wnisers. and some account of the experii-iu'ei .f men who are know n as successful adver: isers. This 11 mi are I lie proprietors of the American Newspaper Advertising Agency. 41ark$?ow :uil ure poss-'ssed of imeinml'ed facilities f r rurlnsr the insertion of :n vert isemeuts In all Newspapers and I'd iodicals al lowest rati s. I ' 'A n MTm H aa n , ka U b H U b tt WTl I Only 50 Cents per Dottle. . It pronfbtea the CROWTII, PRESKIIVEH tbe l OI.Oi:, nnd Ikci hum tlie Ti avnd UKAL'T V cr llie IXAIU. Om THIf-TT TEATt AT T.TOX'i Katbaiwoj yon THR HaiK vraa lift p:a-e I m tho markat bjr Profnaaor P Thoiniui I yon a cr iduiteof l'rinceton Colle-pe. T!i n ima ia derive I Iroin the Oreaa K.ATHBO,"aiirnilying to "', (tiri,i'i'', or or. Tio tavor it haa received, and the popu larity it has uuprocetlented and increj lbl. It lncre.uea the Obowth and lljiAUTi ol Ihe Hair. Il it a delntbttnl dreaain. It eradicatnej Dandruff. It pr?venta the If air from turnina dray. Jt keepa ihe hea 1 C4xil, and Kvea t ha hair a rn h.aof f. aloear appear.i are. It is Ihe bamb in Wt a.vtii and yvALtTY aa it waa owr a Wi'naTtliui a f .r.--IUBT Ano, and is old all Iruriea aad lloon. rj Sborea at ou.jr 2"iliy C'tnia ler tloitle. 1 TWomn's Glory is Her Hair, M LYON'S IATHAIRON afTi W ft m s, t T v.-s. " Vlnrgiir Illtlera are not s vi.o riinre Drink. iniKlf id I'our Hum, hlsk-y. I'r.jof hpiiltn utid Itefiric l.!tujr, iloi turi-d. aptitsl. Hill mviflclti'il to pli-as'j the taste, c.lf4 Ttirili-st.' " Apvti7. rs," ' It'-storf m.-' thru Imi tlir? !iiicr on to a mid rum. t.nt are a true M ili im tin le rr-ii:i 'Ji iiaiivc roots iitnl licrlm of v'uliforntfi. In r from ail Ah-oliolu: Stiiiinlaiifi. Thry Kn- l ho Urial Hlooil fiirilUT mi l a l.iro-KIMiiif l'nii 'i;l". r lVrU-'-t IU iinvuii'r u;i-l uriiriitor (il thusj-a. t'-hi. ' .urunif oil all o;siipjii.4 iiih;:it and r MM-'iiji tne li"id lo n lif.iMliy romlli phi, cii-l.i-lii:ij i', reTi slmr f t!-! iuv;(rru:i.:t! ioi& miriil iilut ttiM. 'i hey nr.' i in.y of t: lil inisirt tioli. .r':st t in 11m ii li' ii'iti. rcrtnia i't th-:r r s'ii!s. i:; :in I n-;i.J.I! in i ;! f'-rtm if i'i-'hv, I'rixMi rim InUc I In e liilteia ;i c u'l.ti'T ta uirt-oiioiis. ;.ii.i n -1:1:1111 I'li.-iui i.',l, provi.h il innr lnii'i i.r 1.1,1 d. t r- .-! l-y i.ilii' i jI pi'is' ti ir other iH;:iih. :ml tin.- vititl or.iiiis n;isii-' l vornl tl.r poinl oft p.ur. I) aeisla r I ixl Itrrol Ion. Il"ail.1'li, Tain in Mil- Si:oti.-rs, r.iit'li. '1 inhiiii "(the C'ln-st. IM..inCHs, Kru'-f iitimia of ii't-Ntoin-ni-h.liail 'I n:-itc 111 the ,M'i:i: Ii. Ki!n"is .tii kn.rii pitalion of ! In' llrart. 1 11 :l:imimi: phi t tin- l.iinK'. I -11111 in :;i- rcirn Usui Ihf!iint :i Iiiiii.Ih ! other u!:ilnl svinpiiittm. tire ih' ol? pnnira of Ii'. sfx-p'ui. In t In sc- coiiiptiiiitlH it lias po -iia;i iitid ciiii- lailllo will prove 11 Ik-Mi r i.i.r uu.c uf iim met ita than a l-niri ti v ii'lvinsoinciit. I'ur Krttinlr t'oiiilMltile. Ill ouim or oi 1, l:i;irrh"l nrmii;ii', Ht tli; l:i ii of woiiiatiti'MMl, or tin- tnru of li!i tlicw.-'loiiii: l.iMi-rs liispiaj wt il'VPt'-d ail tliut u lliarl.e, l.-nprove-MPnt m H".'ti M-ri- ir lido. Kir 1 11 lln hi inalor - ami f Itrnttl6 lilir tiuiHl lain nii'l (,ul, Imp p-ia "rjinli pesiioii. r.iiioiis, l:-ii!itti-iil mill liil'-riiiitirnt HVvi rs. ls-.i.sHsof Hut lilixal. I.ivi r.Kii::i-v aii'l lilad'lT. I hesi; Ililtcrx havi- Us-ti h.oh' huh -,"ul. Sd'.di'iiwaaPTiiiisi ii i.v iti.ii.-.iia.MMi.H in fi is jr'.-rii-rii;iy iiiodiict d by li-i:ii;i'.i-in' ni vl tin? l'lirostivc orti.s. I'ltej- lire atitnllc Purgative Me well Bt h I :iic, )Misi-ssiti a. 1-0 no.' x i ii,i..r merit of iv - 1 11 jr a.s u povirrful in ii-ip-v hik cm:, ifsiioti or lii!1-ai!:iiiii?ioii of tl. l iver uud l-i-. i!t-:,ni utid lit Ifilinna iwnaf. r'ur Skill liiarusea, Krilf.! ioiim, 1 1 '.U r. Sii.l-KJi'-ui!!. mI'Ii lu x fHts, I'li.-iples, I'us: ii,. I'miy, Curi'iiii-ies.KliiK-wonns. S"-nl'l -lit -ml. '.i-e l-:ei Kr. -sipt-lus, Itch, SciirN, litto; if ;l: Si.lii. Humor uud PlMca-st s of II. t .skin, i t" n lmiifvor nainc or nature, lire literally iiik ip nnd carrird out of tin; Msiem i t u kIioiI Iiiik- by the use of tliesp Milters. Otr; Itulllo ill firli use Xvi:i rotiv line tlie most liitT'-diilouii id llieir cur aiiif t-.'Ti-'-ts. ( leniise tlie Vltlntnl ItKfxl Vl; nMrf you 1 : 1 1 itnptirii ii4 btiii nix . 1 r 1 1 1.-1 1 tlit HMti in I'lintiles, Kn!(itlons. tir Nrn: 1 i-uiikc it win 11 you IiihI l. oistriict.-. unl fIiiisIi hi the vr-.n ; ell-ails'! it wlien It foul ; Jour foelli p; wnltcll ou wliou. K(- tin: l.iol pure, mil tin- (n atih of the sjstem "i'l foilon-. (iraltfnl '1 liiintI I ro l.iln V r'itu Bittk'H the mof-i voinlPi-.'rtl If, I-ormil tout ever Htiftaimtil tin! (-inl.iM; aystn:,i, I'in. Ta !r, mjikI ot lie Wnnna, l-.tklii't In the ivMe iii of eo many I t.oiinaiiiiiN, arc eitri tn iliy l:Htru.vt'tl and r'-nio-. 1 -!. Siih a 'lisiin-p-ji.-ln-U p!i.wiol(;'iHt : Tl. r" i urari-elv n lin-l-vplual 011 the lace of tlii't iirili wI.ohc Ix.-ly u ex empt fni!l the j.rt'Kf nt of v. firms. It is not up on 1 h- lienllhy i-loim-iiin of tho l.oilr t.' orii.a exist but iiKjti tin- lis4-as"l humors an-! s.tmf l'-fiosiLs that brc-.-il Hies.: living tnri.tcr of ll.-easf. No cysteiii of inrdi'-iiio. Ii-t vcraiCnra. no Hiitlu lii::iiitii-H. will free tli'j Msieni Xio:a worms list tl:rs' Hitlers. MrrliHitlt-nl Dhraarn-Prrorin 4nsrnc(Ml In rami and an li as I'lnn.tx-r. Tp netttrr. fioi.l l4'alerti. Mi I lliln rs. a .ney ud vance Id Ii.'. Hre mileet tn pur.ily.sis of the Hon els. 'iov'iurd ak';i!.'ist llm. taken iIomj of AI.KI.U'S VlMJKK lilTTK twi.-e; fl Week. Itllloit. Krniitli'iit, ami Intermit lent I'e'cra, nl.icli ur'.' K prevalent in the Vitllevsot our ; real riersthroti.'liiiit ll,e t filled Mjien, fspecialiy lhie of llic Mis-nwopni. Ohio, Wissotiri, Illinois. Tennesfiw!, Cniiil- r; ind, Ar kansivs. Ileil. Colom.lo, Uraz'w. Kn liraii'lr, I'i'arl. Alabaiini. Moliih', .wav;;.-iiiaii. Roniioke, Jahkh. nnd many Ut. wi'li their vast tribu taries, throiiirhotit our tnUrr- couniry duniie; the. .Siitimier arid AJiuiiiiti. nnd remarkably no ilurmtr w-niiimil niiusuul heat ami lrv in-sx. arw Invanahlv aeeoiopaiiie.l l,y rxteliaivc leriins-e. menis of the (doniiu li and iiver, and other at?, nominal vlw.-ra. In their tr-'atmeiu. a purga Uve. exerliny a powerful liiiluetice upon th m various orwaim. ia ewvu-ntially Ueo-sMarv. Thero Is no rjilhartn: for tin i-uipose; n-(iiui ?i Iik. J. Wai.kkks Vink;ak Iti-rrckM. aa they wi;l kf-eedny rouiovc tn-.- l irk coJorrd vis-i. matter with iiii-lt I lie? Ii.wels are PM4I4 !. at lite i.tin !iiiieatiiiiii.;iii:i tip- lu-eteilnim of the iiver. unJ jreiH-rallv ri-sioutnj lli 1,' aKny Iu!i:U,iis of iti Jii."-s! 1 vi' ontaiiK. SM-rofiila, or KilijN K. ll. V. I,. .-we'. fnjrs. I U:er.. ;rlMia.s. Jsweii -.l rn' l. ;onrr, x rofuiiMis iTiitHiiimaipins. lie..!. iit Inilaficiia liotis, M'-reinial Arla.i-ilolis, Oi. fori a. Krup luma of Ihe skm. Sjre Ke. ffr.. etc. Iu the- as in all oilier constitutional Uisa-u-s, W'alkkh'4 Vi vkuak Hittbkh liav? nhown their irr -at ourv tlv! rxiwera In the moat otivrmate and lu'.ract. c.'is-. Ir. Walker' f allfuinlai Vlnr-ar Itinera aet on ail I lose r-aet In a am. liar manner. Ily pum inic the l:l.i., t ti- n n ov the tauwj. urn! by resouii, away the eir-rt of the inflammation l.he luix-n-tiUr lepiiii ih a.Ti.-eteii p.niM recede Jiijith. and a pt rimtiHui fur" Is eller'cil. Tlie propri llr.f.f W'aI IFK VfVKjit niTTKKs ere A(H-r:i-iil, litaphoreiic. Carmin ative?, Nu'riiio-is l.uxii:i.-. Inure-.i,:. live, (.'ouiiier-lrrilant, Jitplonh- A-terainx. und Ann Hi ums. Tlie Aprrirnt and mild Laxative proper ties o." ji;. Wai.KEK'd isk,ak Kittkr.- are the liest sai'e-jrnard in rax-, of er-ip:ion.a ati-l rnaiitrtiar.t re: vera tiieir halsamic, and aootliiuK prop-niea protci t Hut hurnci s of tno faiieen. 'i'n-lr s-daiive propcrtie amv pain trt the iif rroat ystem. atornacli. ami bowels, cither Inm iurlaiiiruaiion. wind, coitc. cram r'4, 'etc;. Frtlf- lite ImmI- afrMlnat iliaraae by ruill.viiiz all 1T tlllpiit Willi VlMi.iAk UnTCK.s. So epi iermc can take hoi J of a n.4tiiu thus fore-armed. Jirrriona Take or the Hi'ler on rolnir to bed al from it ,a!f 10 on- an I one-tintr witic:-clas:i.;j. Kat jrvxl ncurislui-r ihm. am ft u bex-l-a'eak. inmtoii i hop, rcntsoli.' i.iivit beef and vi-ireia!)!. ami take otit-d-xir exercixe They are tompotv;'! ol purely vta;i hi We liicro. dieli!.s, and cout'iiii nn fpirtt- .... u. h. McDonald a. ro., Dni7?iat and ticn. Acru.. tan rrari-,co r;a. k cor. of WWUngton bjH rhiu-itnn lilei. V T vi bv ai l, ayau-ctarw k 4nimnm. t 1' i 1 I f s 1 II i t a- - t ' i i w ' - 4 ? w 1 k , J. 0fAHAf f 1-: n IT. 1