Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 25, 1873, Image 3

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Railroad TIma Table.
-B. J. j?. 7. ;y NEBRASKA.
Westward Pa-tw-rd
'o.5 Xo. 3 No.l STATIONS. No. fi ?o. 4 No. 6
u..k n.ju i laitsniouta -Ot r. a tn
1.4" T.-i.i 2.i3
2.40 .p)
2.10 7.30
1.55 7.10
.i C.-i ll.'.'j Orenootlv
10 M.t-tO Mill Ilia
.M U.OO P.cp.-vue
7.10 11.1 Il Pintle
- . (.r.'.-ipolib
t.4,J.-l Concord
.&' Louisville
v r-s h South Lend
12.35 AsWanil
11 J.'. 3.12 12..--0 Greenwood
I2.v i.ii." Waverly
J 2.25 !M7 1.17 New ton
li.W iO.KJ 1.13 Liueoln
1.2. 2.ou Lincoln
0''r ' - f.:..! 1 teuton
2 4:) o. 7 2.1:i I li-.'Jibwd
.C1 K.v .v - 'r-t
in.m ti.ct liicli.'s:t.r
11.20 4 i.; Fxcur
1 1..V. i -t Fuirmount
12.15 '
i.m :..r. Craft on
1. tiS 5.10 Sutton
2. f r. v Ibtrvard
3.17 C.'iT lultmd
47 C40I Il;isliu
7..T,'( . .
:m 7.2:. JuhiatA
6."2 7. 14 KflieSaW
5.ft2 H. t.s 1iwcll
'.:" s.:vj Fort Uearny
C.ifl and Bee I), Scnna-tno & Co. new good.
1 I
Pony for saIo. Inquire of HilP.ald
office. 24tf
100 ilifft rent kinds of Ileatiug Stovos
at E. T. Duke & Co.'s. 23t3
"Win. sells clothing ct
wholesale prices.
t ttohn Slunnon keeps Livery, an1
Ilerinan 5. Xewman sells clothing
Ehoup lioth fjooil foilovrs.
Centaur Liniiiicnt.
I 7.2" I ..V
5 7.00 ) k..;i
:.4.'t 7.5.1
fi.2:i 7.15 r..a'
5. 14 Y5.J
.12 :MO Kearny June. 5.15 O.20
1.47 n.r,i c.:w 2.15.
l-"! till i..c
12.5.J ftjw 1.10
i 12.:
12.23 6.32 M 1.55
12.20 5.14 11.25
12.05 4..V. 10.5",
11.52 4.41
l."5 4.20 10.i0
v. c i at Wecpirij? Water, Saturday. In f;u?t.
M.2- 2.52 8.10
M.cs 2.20
!.2t I.e.
'j.o.; 12.: )
12.1.'. J
7.57 10.OJ
.r.2 &.10
It. is currently rojiorted that Klvatd
A. Kirkjuitrick was married ron the
evcniTi?- of the ith. It in ay le that
was what in;i"le hiih look s h.ippy oiit
wp "iid hear that IM. says thev can't
voteMiim out of a wife even if the y
do now and then out of aji office.
Come and see 113 Edward and tell U3
how you feel an a benedict.
l.e riatNmoutli, C.."-5 p ni Ar Omaha,
1 15 p III "
Ar ll.Mam 1
" 7.45 p III "
mopm J
y.-i'i p in
io.;m a 10
6.10 p in
B. & If. R. R.
lyT';tr 5 l5at:i T. r.if'flo .Tunc, ?.on 3 m
'!:iT!s., :t.!5:im l.o V:,rii .Ttmr., 4 :f p III
Ar riaftV, 0.40 am Ar I'aciik Jimi-., ".5 a in thrift "ivcts atwivn i that of Crifeaw.
-Trik-?i i? JJ iniuute.4 i:iUT tliau tliat of Watts-
Transient 25 ofnts a lin llzul.-ir ailvrrtNor
10 tmIs per lino. No advertisement inserted
for Ihau 25 cents.
Deacon l'onim (W. Mickelwaite)
left town early Tuesday morning for
the Fanners' Convention at Weeping
Water. The Deacon had his old hat
on.Jhe same old grey coat, two coal
smuts on his nigh cheek, and his off
trowser leg in his bunt ; the bottom of
the other was covered with fresh soil
from his turnip patch. An old um
brella was grasped lovingly in hi. left
d'txter, and the twining tendrils of
some last year's grap vines hung
around his right meat slingcr. .
r.usinrss is business, and so are tbe Clears at
tlie 1. O. I5Mik Strrc; 6-r.
Osie Piano for sale cheap. Inquire
at the IIkkalij office. 2itf
Enterprise, and describ? the lioxoa
ts De Einaa's poultry establishment
at Eclair, in France. Amonrr the
Thwe is no na!a which the Centaur I.fBlment 1 nnv..1 fp-it 1.1-r.a ,,f
wjl t.c t reiicve, 110 c!Ii:i!r it will not su'odue, . , t. - , , , .
anfl no Isuuomws wWrli It will not cure. Thi-. is j ,rD'-I'.uyiifMsi.c.c
strons 1:mi?u:c, but it ist:o. Where the t-arts I ronlaut, or traveling hen-house, and of
are ,:,Jt Kone, its eJTccts are riiarveiions. it l.a.s j the epimtle, a mechanical cor.ri vunce
jrodued Diore cures ol r!ionjn:.ii-rn, lif-nralia, 1 - , 1 .. . - . , . .. .
Ioek-jaw. pahy. ar-ans. v..:iin-. ear-sr-. I for lbfi a.tcmag of fowln, use I at the
cakd-hreasf:, s.-alii. bums, sa't-r'u '.iin, &c. l'ans Oardns of Acclimation. Illus-
':iu:. tlie Iiut:: fran, nd of ?tnti"s. f-pavio,
K-tii.-r, &e., upon anl-oals in one t'mTi liave
other pi-Ctenrted remedies since the v.-:.!
l'Cf;an. It is a counter-irritant, jwi aM-healing
pain -reliever. f'r'ypirs throw away their
Crutches, the lame walk, poistcinu.s'uitfs are ren
dered liann;4, atid the wounded pre healed
without a scar. It -Is 110 hutiibiiK- Tlie reeipp is
selling as no article ever before so'd, and it sells
Ix-eaose it hes jut wliat It pretends to do.
Those who now suffer f.-tm rheumatism. pa!n or
fweliin deserve to silver if tliey will in. I use
Centaur Liniment, inure than 1000 certificates
of reinarka1'!' cures, ificludin frozen liml.s,
chroiiie-rheumatisio, goiit.ruiiiiintiimioiirs.&c.
have.N-en received. Wei will send a circular
containing certiiieaUs. the re,ije, &c, cratis t
to any one reuesiing jt. One bottle of the yel
low rapper Centaur I.iiiinient is worth one
hu'Kired dollars for foundered orsweenied hor
ses and mnie.-'. or for screw-worm in sheep.
Stock-owners this i:iiiient is worth yourat
tef.lion.. No family should be without I Vt'taur
IJtiluietit. ,T. r.. IIvhr & Co.. New a'ork. 4"r-ly
Legs! advertisements will be charged to the
arti- handing them in.
As m:rww is limited, all communications
muu be brief and to the point, with tio waste of
Morning Glory and Hadiant Home
hard coal stoves, at
C.STOttiA is more than a substitute for Cas
tor Oil. It Is the only safe article in exist Ace
which is certain to assimilate the food, rejrulate
the bowels, cure wind colic and pr.'duce natural
sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine
or alcohol, ami is pleasant to take. Children
need i.ot cry and mothers may ret. 4-ly
tratior.s arc given of these novellie?,
and of the most remarkable breeds f
Colonel Aiidenrieil continues hi-
paj)s on General Sherman iri Europe
and the East. The Illustrations rep
resent notable points on the IJlack Jea,
in the Eastern Caucasus, and in Kmsia;
and several fine jiortraits are given.
In connection with ti'e lively interest
now taken, in Agricultural Colleges,
Miss Helen W. Eudlow's graphic and
entertaining paper on the Hampton
Xorm:tl and Agricultural Institute for
Freedmen is peculiarly timely and
and suggestive. This institution is
located on the very shores where was
landed the iirst ship-load of slaves ever
brought to America. Tlie article con
tains a d"zen beautiful engravings.
In a very interesting paper, aprnjuts
of the recent publication of Col. Pike's
book on Mauritius, Mr. S. S. C'onant,
under the title of "The Home of Paul
Virginia." describes the natural scenery
of the island; And some customs of its
inhabitants, concluding with the ro-
'.rut r"
Eeported by CrxLuii & White
lye ,
I :vs :
Jutt. :
iiicr:eiis Spring per hz. .
l'ola'oe.s New
Go to StaSeliianri'a far your vrixitex
Money.. .
I liol-!.. .
i io 1 n;::-
);.ir! v...
ne.v ioitK tAi:iti:Ts.
Nk.w Uir.r; Seplomher 23.
7 per cent 1
C I ll'i
'id t.'iiii-t.
vd fresth millc delivered at erery
toJy'i huiue iu 1'iatUuuoii'J., U tliey wr , : it, by
The TTJonsohoUl Ian!iicaJ
TaiKly ff.fnf mciit
vlirlo 1 's lne oest ''-"'y in the W('i, for the
s j following c.Mitplalnts vlr.: Cramps in
! ; the Iambs and StiMiiaeh. Iiin in tli"
Stomach. Ho -.Vol.".. or Side. lll.Hinnatism
in all itH ,' . nis, Eilious Colic, Xeti-
ralgia, ( llwloni, Dysentery, Cold.-., Fresh j you
Vt oni.ds, I'urns, re Throat, spinal 1
Complaints, Sprains and Hruiscs, Chills j
and r ever. For .Internal and Fxti :i..d
ClllCA;o makki-.ts. Its operation is not only to relieve
(hk aco. si'iiti'tniiM f L tlie iatient.. but entiridv remove th"
--, ! .;!iH" of tii cftnp'ahd. it nen-t rates i i,nl Srv "r"
1 07K
37 V
.... as
. 121127
".K "' 5.1 5
4.W' 1.40
... 22i"
Agi'.ln the monster has showed Itself with Us
hideous meiii in Spain. A;nin the red handed ! mautic story suggested by the title of
Vandtil has full play, but thanks Ik- to Cod, on- ., ,;-. ,r.f.r Viv(, Vpi:'; tlno pno-r.iv-
.. rail ... 1 T ----- " " '
itiw j . 1 i ii.M mm
Ar rail.ste1 t'l notify the If the paper Is
rt dc'.ivored promptly.
NEwsrArrr. ijf.cisions.
1. Anv persnn who t:ikes n y-.per reilnrly
frani ttii? pot effSce. whether '.'.irected to
n-iuie. or he; imt is a subscriber or not is
re;;c.:iille for the pay.
2. If anv peson orders his pner dicon'in
n I. be 11111-t p iv :irr-nr: "..- the publiViirr
JUAV coi.i i'lvo fi s.'nd it OOlil pavi,:eiit is ni ide,
a:oi e.d'cet wh'oie wn.-ti'.er the pa
lr is taken froi'i t,:e o'liee or n t.
3. Tin courts li vv.' d.cilc.I tii:il refie-ii to
ak newipi.pers and periodicals from the in.t
p T:e-. or r:ii-:v:mr and b-;ivi:ii: th-ni itiicrdled
fur. ! 'Tinia evidence f I.vtkmiai. l ltAl l).
N'OTfFTO F.VFH hi)D . A!! subscribers pay
Si 15 f r tlicir p iper to us. and ordering it stopped
t a certain time, will find it so stopped; but
we cntinoi be responsible for lias been
rii befre our ti;;ie. nor for order; sui'i.oscd to
be siven bv otliers t. others. O-ir books alone 1
tnust be the p.iide for all old subscriptions." ! tuan
f-Cise rciocpi'ier this.
Fred. Stailelmann, the baker, and
Frank Stadier, his firm ally, each look
a head taller and two times two as
broad. " The new Eakery and Itestau
rant is finished. The rooms are all
complete, and now for a good trade
and pleasant countenances to all cus
tomers. Go and see the First National
Iiakery inspect the cosy quarters, and
you'll never go auyv.h re"s else for a
square meal.
ly for a short time
news we are happy to record tlie fact thra
Peter Merges, tbe only exclusive dealer in boots
and shoes iu Cass Coi;::ty, dtlUsthe wht.le
tiortli wvst lit low do 11 j'riees. iltf.
:o banks yi:t srsrrNJE.
J. AV. Mart his & Co. are the agents for. the
Howe Sewing Machine in I'lafl-imouth. Ihey
have opened a salesroom and oiliee 0:1 Main
street, between Fourth and Fifth.
The Howe Machine is a Luc!; Stitch, double
threaded machine, and ranks No. 1 among the
great sewing machines of the day.
8-:ri J. W. Maiithii,
F. P. Toiin.
J. F. Bea:im(;istLr.
?cnl In yoor orders and I will try Mid ir
tr- ty.
and pervjuics the whole svstcm. r'stor-
ing he:iIthy action to all it parts, and ATTS?IOUTII 3? I h LH. I
quickening the blood. The Household j
Panacea is purely Vegetable and all
Healing. Prepared bv
Xo. 215 Fulton Street, Xew .York. .
For sale by all druggists. 24wlv.
F&noDry Gcccs, Nohcuri; .
Ladies Furnish ina Gooi
P'.oric In the City.
nod !t Asr4
Whlcli we no p":ci-eiT r'i'nper fh.Wj
t'lev lc-I-urebas'!:! elM-'v ht'i t (.ive i.S RlitL
Legal Advertisements.
VI ATT: M OUT1 i . y v. V.
CON UAL) IPt;r.Si:i,, ... I-roprleto
Alw.'ij-s on ha'id. and for sale at lowest Cvsti
JU'icer. O
tr'-Tiie Ilivliest pric;-" paid for V'h-f.t r.Hi
,11 .,is.
fTS.ore .r, ' In Kt'pf.;, be: wec:i 4ih Hu:l rdli
tn c.. ri'iiu.uoiuii Nc;!..i. puf.
ings emlK'Ilish this article.
Mrs. M. P.
& M. R. R. LANDS.
Ofkk-k of Iaxn Oei-a ktxiknt, )
M. & M. It. it. Co.. in- Xkii., v
, Lincoln, xki:., July 10, Iktx
JlA' ing received patents from the I. S. Cov-
ernment for our lauds, we are prepared to issue i
j contracts to parties liolding pr'i?-cmptioii cer-
HandT contl ilmtcs "In A ! tificates for a portion of the same.
, , ,i i i i Persons holding sin h certificates numbered
lobaeeo r aetorv, and lier description , , : . , .
; between 1 and 1100, issued between the 1st day
of the manufacture of tobacro is i 0r April, and. the 7th day of Ociober. lsn,
charactcristlcdly illustrated by W. I- ! ire hereby notified to bxchahgo their pre-omp-S''eP'ird
I ti,,n e,'r,iJ,Ci,,'s for regular contriiet.s, at this of -
" ' J nce.wi-iun sixty days from thisulate, aslovid-
An interesting article, finl of anec-1 oJ in said ccrtincat.
dotes of "Detective Pinkerton," is ! i8-i:it ci:o. s. IIAP.RI.
coutriloited by General Eandolph R j Id Cmi.. It. & M. H. R. o,.. in Nt.
Marcv. "The Judicial Eccord of the! WOOD! WOfDf
Estray Notice.
Taken nil by the tindfrsi:.ncd at his resilience
Tl I";.'ht Xf ile : tviv m I'l ...i.,.! Iir,i ...!, ..ii
! the t'i tit day of sej.jeiuber, A. I . 1-;.t. oiie hoi-se j T:n ticular JUtetitioll g.Veil to Custom work. i iie iioi-e is oi a oav coiiir. sap- , . , .
posed to be 11 jcars old. whil Mripe ih Hie (, i.iiau ui leu eye. i lie popy is a mare
about seven years old, of a sorrei color, white
iripe iu tbe face, tigim biiinded on left
.shoulder. THOMAS YOUNG.
Lane & Oreenslate, )
vs. v
M. Cr imlell. S
. Attachment before F. A' Sni'th; Juslloe of
thelvaee. .
TO.M. Cramlall, defendent iu the above enti
tled cause :
You are hereby notified that an order of at
tachment, was issued in the abovecmitled cause
oa the 15th day of September ls7:t. by Francis
A. Smith, a Justice of the peace lorC:s( onn
ty, for the sum of Four Iol!ars and Fiflv-live
cents. 1,55, and returnable on the 2"tti day of
E, T. DUKE & CO.
At the foot of Main Street.
Wholesale and Uetail Dealers in
Hardware ami Cutlery,
The Ferry Company have Five Hundred
cords of good dry couonwood for sale. 12tf
Uti. IU I .ti. Jl tii..
riattsmtmth Sejt. 24 187:3.
Vi'e will be ready to buy grain of all
kind by the '7th irst. and will pay the
highest market price.
Plattjnoulh Grain Co.
E. F. Dckc E. C. Dovr.y
i'reas. Pi est.
;rfaliiin yn Uleci Bros., TbPy Show
TacMsidvrs Fallv Initial to
the Occasian. j late Chief-Justice" is itldy treatel in a
j comprehensive and very valuble paper
Iist Sinr,'-!r ".-, .uNv l,.n-hi bi bv John S. le!iso:i. Eutilio Castchir's
- i
remembered bv the enteriu i-'in firm of i
i... i ? :.. ,t . i PMTit niiifd jin.d :ni(i!ipr ii:stal!i;ie:it is
i..uo iii Lrr .ooiuioy - ---- - ' 5-tf. l'KTKH Mr.IHitS.
t here vei f si-ns of a 1, .- rim unori ' ffiven oi i n; "licconeciions oi ;.:i i
this establishment. The people evi- Stager. ' FOR RENT.
denllv thought that he-cause Jav Cooke ! Charles Headed novel, "A Simple- The larj;e ahd commodious wareroom. cellar,
-".;,. i i i 4i -v- , :uid i;hce mi jfi'!)!iit lloorof buiidhf formerly
& Co. h;:.l busted they by a grand i ton,' is conelib.ed in this ( , ,y , i0(,( V;iUiry f M;wm
uviss niovf nit-lit cotild vhiiT out I Iced i 'f !',c' publishers announce that this is ; nioek. Einpiircof K. n. Livi mm'us or
48-tf. K. T. I ) t" K K.
Ootoix-r, irj.
25 w 3
FOKKS.&c. &c.
Probate Notice.
In Hie mutter of the Probate of the last Will
and Testament or Klie ( oieuKtn. deceased : '
To whom it mny eoneern, tune uotk-e tiiat I. I
XV. Mi'KiiiiKiii tiled iu my o!:iee an Instrument
l in ". 1 1 iit i.i we iitt- ui ai,. leiiimt.tii or
J-aii; I n
Mctiiefs. , Mother:
.. . . .. . .
Don't f.iil to procure Vis. Window's ?oothlr
rup for I'biidi'!! 'iV'dlili.i:. i
This ulin.O'e preparal en ha oeefi ved wlTK
)F . I.S. r
It not onl relit i s the child lum pain, bui
liivit-'oi ntes I lie hliini.e li : i 1 1 boncts. corrects
acid i i y, ei. I xi es tone and cm i ey to the hoi
system. Jl v. ill also instantly relieve
Ci:ii-i.n: i.v tiik I'.nwi i.s am Wind fnr.trj
We believe It tbe best : 'id -vrcst remedy I
the v.orid. in ;ll i-ives of I i-eii .cry and ll;tr
ihea in cluldi :, win I'uei tiiYnng from tet-t'.iiii
or iiny other a.isc. v , 4
I icpeii I upon it. motlieri. It v. ill rl va rrt. tt
yourselves and
I'c suri: and call for
"Mi:s. Vt insi.oVs sooth I MO Svnt P."
Haviiitr the t.ic-s.u'-i of CL KUS U MuJ
Kl N" on trie out -wi upper. ( j
Sold bV Irugisis thiou .'.'lout the world. l
ileioan. M:d liunle amiiic:tt ion that ilie
.s.iaie be adautreit to It-obate, and tluit s:id
cause is sel lor on l he lyfli l:.v .f I l..i..
" " " j L'cr, A. I). Is7"i. at 2 o t f.icE p. in. .f said dav, at
Ladies, call and examine the bice rsnd cheaji I which time :dl lici-soiis ;u e imtj:led Mid rcuLir-
Itepilbllcan Movement in Europe" is I O.dlers at the Shoe Store, before you buy cine- I '. to appear and show ra'.isc l" they have any
"' i H IVUtli'il win. .1.1 1... ...1
a i wiiere. No charge Kr showing them.. I .,." i.. ii i i' i n-....; t .., ."...
uec.'.'isei!. . ,
itness toy hand ami official soul this the 17lh
day of September. A. I . 17X
jr,w3 li. F. I'.LI.ISuN, I'robate.Iude.
All hinds f
Tinware Manufactured.
Barj iii:s at Hank Stri ight's.
Peter Merges, the great Root & Shoe
Piattsmouth, lesires us to
State tluit the- printed list of Premiums
m reg.trd to Ins poods, is incorrect.
Eros: JJy eight o'clock e cry clerk was to In- immvdiately followed by a thril
urged to his utmt Capacity, und al- j seritil .story, -The Living Link,
tlfou-h the run continue.! until alter j by the author of "The Dydarc Club,"
13 o'clock p. rn., their clearings being ; illustrated by W. L. Shepard; and
larger by lifty percent, than any day ' t-t in an early Number V. ill be coin
in their history, thev still h id an i:a- i uicnctil -My Mother and t," A Love- stock of boots and shoes of the
litest sties and best manufacture
Lecral Notice.
Story for Girls, by the author of "John
Halifax, Gentleman."
" Three inlerosting novelettes tire con-
A Loss
New stor k, at Stadelman's.
The two bet-t hard coal stoves in j
AmeriCii, at Duke s. -'old
Men's boys' and children's clothing,
at reduced caih figures, at the Elephant
v. Uh v.-hiea to si;; i'ly their customers.
No one complained. How couhl. thev? I tributed for this Number
Tin Ton hand sewed bKds for isl.oO. ! to the Profession," by Mrs. Frank
e ! -,,.i li..'p ct.,,1- . r i i. .....l ' rCartliv: "vl:o was lliht''" bv I). Ib
. , , - uii'i .in i iiv u ri.ji.v'ik.". 'v.v.Jk.e.i.v'.. y - - - - -
it'.iik ill7: e.t uiiuiii ra'ctv-4
fitdure as well as on best assortment.
particularly on
! Seidell bottom boots, and we would ;
here remark that there are several ei
J iii . . i - T v x r l j
in proportion. Who could rei use to j casiieion ; ami -n.a lauueus,
l.i, .:r.v .. ...:..r 1 . ii,.....i . : liii:-rlt liitle invenile sLreteii. bv 1-11 1 1 -i
his d.n-Me stitched i ,,,l 'l 1 "1""1 " " ' . I V t J EUOWVS VKMIFUG COMnx
t .,-i.. i... i.. ; f c.,,. ! I riv. with sni evi'.-l !"! ii lost ioti 1:v ! ii' o -''..iii i in. .i).vi. l l
j.i. 1 1 i . u. i 4.i"v i.iiuu m: i ' ' 1 1 . iit ici . - -. . -- - ...... . ,
la District Court. 2nd Judicial District
and fort ass county, Nebraski.
11. C. Hi M'lu'.v, c." Wiliis J. liorton, Piiulina A.
Ilorton. Martin trover. i!iM:ird it Sp-nccr.
V.fil iv Caiai. sr. Joseph Maiiutaclurhiij Com
pany. John M. i 'arte:. !'. W. Lyman,
t he i'eop.e ,f the State of .' n.r.issia :
ji 'ilin J rover. tLbnard & S;ci:er. Weil &
Cai.n. tl;.' Sit: nt Joseph M:mii:.-m-i i; i in oia-
Pn,vni if i ty i-v'li "ictit wr - I pan and Joh:! Carter, p.. ;: r. si.b-ut dcVad- ,
(.(!.. N h,K MAIN AM) II- III ST., 1 ants, will take not.-e, iai i, . c. p; ...h.w. eid
. , . , . , , , . A, . I on tin 1st day of -:neiiiiur. A. I . is. a. riio mv j
Are Uoiiig .".11 KlUdS Of Work in their i peiieon in ihe o:,:ec ,1 llieri.rKo! the Iis- I
i:,, .4 T1(,of .,,-tict;,. c'vln r. ' triel Conn in and tor Cass County, .Ntbraska,
line in A neat, .UtlStlC Stle. Gle ; against s;.id a-a-reMd. ur defendants, and Wil-. !
tl'e'ti a eiiil f) 1TI I OV's j Sis J. iltu-iou. !,tiiiiKt a. Ilot-toti-and '. V". I.v- j
ii.t.a aniu. n.o. ii.i,bOu,, b.a.i. rcsi.i.-nt. .i.-icM.i .; te..,.. i
2-1 wl Operator ! lr:ivcrof which ?! :i i.ti w is to obtain a iu!g-
1 i li.'-ui a-cinst Nv'iliis .1. Iferton and PiMiii'ua A.
... , ' .. . . . . t ti oi ton tor the sum of -7."i .n-loo: lis, and a de-
t lJl-;lril tntflt lOOSs. I:iJc Zti eree of f(.n'iosur- iit.o:, a ceuain iai t-.'ture ;
t J j deed ;iven bv sai l "i;!i.-i J. lloiii.u an ! Pan-
i :' Ib-i.oii it. pl.ei.ti!'. i:joii the N of N :
from no other cause than havi:. g ; K - :i"Vl !!"-''!".'; "iov;. 10. r.nWe d
.... . r. -: ;iiti. -,:.(. .:ir.i!::::!, and the s t: 4 of
Worms in the stom-p-n. i ;-ci!o:, i-.m.-.n-1 t.veie, hi town M n. u i., i
situated Itl is eoieitv, to seciire ,
. 1 ..... , i i . . : e s. , -. i . (
i ill.: '..t nil lit i'l i ii;ii ill - .).tf li J. li:i:ii-
Wlmiesuid and K-tall Dealers la
Ij u m b c r ,
Pi ii c
mtun mtKi
I am now prepared to funilr.':4 the tcit un
dalleittled miik
To all panics notifying mo 4;
rovs in tl.e jriittcd list, although we
followed "copy"' setting it up.
rr. . , , ,. - . . p m T't.-niMt will deslrov M orms wit tout in iirv to lrUs IK -lst 1:,v ,,r L:rc.i. is ... at ;
Their stock ot notions, winter ' . L.einl.ait. , , ., , ,-,, ..fWI ,., ...,.,;,. ' , s;ierate or ten pr eem. per Mint ami also
, , , i 1-s,.;-,,.'rv,,fivvnllluri,,,,.,,fri I the, bem peifectly Hll-L. and j asKiii-forafurihci jnd.-.e..t s; id wa-
aud dress g.i..Is attracted par- , ol t..e nmoer i. o.iti i- from ail eolorintr or other injur- i ' Pf.niiuf. A. ilo.ion. for the sum of
I tieuhir attention. Eeautifnl black al- i i'Uted b
ptieti at 4-i cts j?er ytird.
1 f r-1 If I .,! VII U flr .v . : i;,. ... u.. ....... : i :.
.....v-. ... i,.u iij- i! 1 Uai'U 111 Dl 111 ..t-lte .l'i-ll
Nelly M. Hutchinson. Julian Haw-j preparations.
Melotb-on for sale.
IIlT.Al.L Circe.
Fiftv different varieties of Cookisc i jeans a cts per vard. and till classes of i iliorne. (. J-. Vt oolson, and
the j stoves, suitable for everybody, at E. T. J easMmcres scenr-d to jrive universal i Annie Chambers Kctchum.
2-ltf i Duke A: Co.'s.
Ho for Eiilv!
liili.v, the Clothing
Oar city fa; mors who did not receive
nominations Tuesday have combed the
hayseed out of ti'.eir hair nol washed ; Ilotte. Plattsinouth. Nebraska.
their Intiids siiice.
!oere!:ant ! Opposite the I'rouks
at tin; lowest ct.::h
t). II. Wheeler has returned from! i kwtr ti at r. ter M.-r-s. tlm Piattsmouth "s -"JlooO a year to support our ftuoi
Michigan ar: 1 n oot ts'f sound as ! s'"v Detih-rseiN tin- b--t goodsthat anyatnle, i li,-?. we sell "" goods
a dollar and Ip't.t ty ;;s any e-t'aer Miehi
gander engrafted on Nebraska soil.
P.tlly Sttelelmann is dressed so
since he returned from the tast with
thai bi-4 stock of good that evt-ry vvc j
is t' lopted to go in and buy the same
i shawls
t'lMx at! 1 eiiaries i;; real I
i Si.i.i "..'i.tis J. and Paulina A. i
j Ilorton h-id permitted to bceoi.-c a lien an.T le-
lTT,r", p 1S1 ."1"- V- Tt i ! ii' . !-.ii . ii mi s.itt i '-..ui-, t,ii;'.i.iii,- iitlil
I C U 1 i. ttw JUO Vv A, 1 roprielors, j injnr'ejt this pUdmitt's s.ei:ri.y iipnii the s:.nie.
Vo Vii't.i-i stv.."t- X".v- ',,ri- i andiisKiuu: thai plainrid be 'allowed a iicn n:ui
. 1 'i-lv.r. .Nft j.ottv. s;li,: ..remises for said taxes ..ud ckanres. ..:.d
De'iartmcr's ' ''' I'rutrgtsts tuwl t !:emists and i prttyi i-r nuther that each tit you i.on-i-si.ient
"" ' .',vj !?i M.,.!t.i.,.u ..f rr . t." ; - , det'eiidaiit be cointiclied lo answer, aatl show
"How etui vim scil these drv cammIs so niaiutain their usual standtird of ex- ; ......V.. ' ,v1 .. ! lf ''; in.-ivst .,r ; hen ..u i-ave ,,r catni
c i , v tlltr fc J.l.s. .w I 1 . l:!n?!t SHIil liiorl -'-ere. I ?;c: I.v' iiifit,. .it
!-i "lUniuii tir" l.lj . atid it IS estieeta IV P.oticeahle ! certain iud.rmenis oblaiiM-d bv e.ic'i ot vi.n in :
lpetUdtC OI ad Paulina A. Ih.rloii. ami that i.laii.ti'T's sai.l
itheonlv monthlv summary of events - a Old Xhi-no. t "'l "V,!".' V".,!.,.V'Sf..,"r,y. 'V'i'V'f V
that is anvwiiero published is l ejittr i Ii"s- Winslow's Soothing Syrup is j d-.-ur defendants. ' ' '
i l..v r n. . i . I lou are leniiired to answer said i.el'.l ion on
continually improved in its sco'.e il" "'V .1,u,r" . " 1 l"V ,n7L
...lfl i ' hvui.n.lJ llu Vt. tl..i . , i. --.i.t! ... "
-ii'iii i' .-i i.-.ns mi-. t s ui-irn nt im: ui'iHMu v. in ue tuAeii aaiusi eacu oi you uiwu
satisiaei ion
Mr. Ib
asked, j The live Editorial
cheat t
reply, "we do not owe one V:it on them, i that the Editor's Historical Eecord-
because we pay no rent, b"caus we do
not have high taxes. It does not cast
Want;.p. A good team of Horses
in trade for a first class Piano. In
quire at the IIi:i:ai.i oiliee.
in its scope
and thoroughness of treatment. Thi
lenar ment has betm continued
from the first Number of the Maga
zine, and taking the entire series
kind of clothes.
iii::::Jax new ma:; locals.
Charley Black says you can buy suits
so cheap as never was. at the Hele-piiant.
Me kelwait skarpe are- rolling in
fl.i .v.l f..r ii.- mt f.r !
. 1 1 . . . i . . .... ....... . ....... . -. . - . . . . - . a . .... . i
i.l w.,,fb. r soon. Hard rotd. Fort i 'i:t Ln'"' ve gone up: j prices which defy competition
. L , , r , , . but s.. lilooin x. i ii. still sell clothing
Scott coal, ami Iowa eoal are for stile at , , ,
,, . ,r . . . i. - j i ; cheap, cheaper, cheapest,
iheir oihce on Mttin street, west oi Cth.
j we do not neeil a large proiit lo tiitike
it pay. And hist, but not least, we get
th" pay for v.-hat we sell." Of course j js invaluable for reference.
the gentleman saw the point.
lieed Bros, keep the Florence Sew
ing Machine for stile.
Eeod Bros, have a farm for sale; 103
1 ?n"M--.a ft tutlr.G Crii:.i .liyr V'.t a,
Eeeil Bros, can s;ip"piy you with Har-
ness. woolen wttre, groceries, .Ter., at
Ed. li: The Cas County
Central Association of Granges, will
convene at Fight Mile Grove, on Tues
? i United States, and has been used for
thirty 'years with never failing safety
and stb-eess by millions of mothers ant!
children, froui the iei.ble inftmt of one
week old to- the adult. It corrects
aeiditvofthe stomach, relieves wind
coiie, regultwcs the bowels, and gives
rest. health and comfort to mother and
child. . We believe it to be the Best
j and Sum t Bemedv in the World, in
:.ll cases of Dvsenterv and Diarrlue.i
Lay in your winter supply
Paul Brait.vh sells Jewelry in the
;s moveii i - ' ""
ip In.icK. our v i.e, i...s moveit - - ; Pec. a Bros, have :m assortment tf
. ,. pi.. iii-Ptiiii.t'tpii j .'vwelrv lie :1 seil vou clothing siiust as i .... . ... . .. ,
up ton opposite iiieiii.rt.Lioh.ce,t - . millinery goods which give satisfae
wlire he can be found smiling and j aeap. tton.
cheerful. Here's vour nice fat o sters. j . .. ' :
, .. .. Newman can sell everv man m the 1
two for a cent apiece, candied, cigars. ... ' .... BOOK NOTICES.
lo liot fail to call at Heed Bros, arid ! by their Master, and two delegates, its
price their goods before buying jour ! business of importance will come be
wir.ter supply. They will save you j fore the Association. New ('rangers
! miiiiv dollars. . i can become niembers bv making appli
cation to the Association, p.nd the pay
ment of one dollar.
day, the 7th day. of October next., at ; in Children, whether it arises from
2 o'clock p.m. All members are re- j T' 1 ! J,';l' "ther cause,
spectfuilv reouestcd to be represents l'U iVl?'l"' LllshiZ v:iU -'"M-
the of CURTIS vcc PFB
KI N"S is on the outside wrapper. Sold
by all Medicine Dealers. 2-1 wl v.
said petition.
11. C. P.IOKLOW.
by Chapman & Jl.'.xwrn,
- ft f- bi-tAttoriicvs.
nuts and fruits.
; cuimty one overcoat, and still have i
s-:me left.
Heating stoves, for wo-xl or coal, of
all kinds and sizes, for sale at E. T.
T. D.ike Co.'s. 23t3
It is a dirV'eult task for the pen to
describe the iirtistie beauties of the
You can bay a good No. 1 pair of October Aldine, a number which
Dated, Sept. 10th, 1872.
C. II. KING, Prcs t.
D. S. Dratek, Sec'y. 20 1 3
Examinations for granting Teachers'
Ctb-sifnrtv jiants. out sincJtings, at ! Hashes with rare gems of ;irt, even as t Certificates will be held at the follow
Newman's E'epliant store.
the October foliage assumes Oriental
O-" to . 1". -rry Comi'.iiny for your summer's
-od. i cordi dry cotton voo.; f .r sab-, tai l
delivered :ibo-:t Mv.:i. lilt
Charley Blatk says you can get ,
shaved, and your hair cut, and yet buy j
i splendors. There are four full-page
pictures in this issue. Mr. John S.
Davis has a lovely picture called
ing named times and places;
Stove Creek School House, October
1st and 22d, 173.
Weeping Water, October 231 and
line a ii iv-'u ai ttie i i:.:r i..o ; .smt, n ti"tn-.i i. .n. n iti.ui, m . v. . ., . , ., , ,-. . . !-
... ... , . . f -N utting, a group ol children benetuli ; 4t''. 1S..J.
fctots. ".f. i matter whtit vour name is. : . . . , , T . -..i,. c: i i it
.-. - i chestnut trers; Mr; Alexander Lawn Ew Waters Sehind House,
I 1 ;T V. i.e.' XW!ll-m V:i-4 il'lf l O !Z . .-..(. - - 1 ' 1 j i i t i
t .it o ....... ..... ; Tfj , rf..l u Vu hiv ivf.'iiiw W.' .. rvi .1 ifi-.ii wl vinic .f I- I ' t ! Ill ct II Y (K)U. 1 f I'l i II T ' i . II II Til I
,,1 11111 V'l. Jjll -vfc 1.11
liCr3;--On Sumlay evening, Sep- j gives a
tember'21st. Ndkaii Eva. damihter of ' lev. in the world-famed AdL-ondack i
going so fa.H that he will Lave to go j TiK.0ire an,, Laura yan(;e, aged two ' region of New York; Mr. Hoi man J
n-.iw he
ort aain. His gotnis are
Piattsmouth, October Doth and 3 1st.
Prompt attendance at 10 o'clock-is
! years, eleven months and tight days. 1 Hunt, tlie famous English artist, is I desired.
I tide
'TM.-. r 1 .- S 1, nt ..... .
L-.'-n-o-.ri tl-. ci..t bin " man mam- A '"- ie.nei.ii sei vices v r neiii on i iepresemeu iv i ne ot oi. .Agnes ,
. . . ..... ........ ....
M.tii.l ,v ni-.-, .it... ! .,..1 At,... It t. ....- 1... .. i.
-Te:lS .'ivii'i.i. v 'i i.iits. I .nut .His. VJIl-.UllirA ll.tst it V ilill ilCLCl
Xivxh o'.ufil: beats ti
istic sketch of an old house in New
York Citv. the Tlarson Mansion.
iftcrnoeii; and j Bt.siii0;. n,;se pictures, Mr. Kni.f
huiise. on the corner of ixt!i and Vine. ; , m 10,1 ' etitirs-tti
... ... , , , 1 -i;i,i ..r fc it. ,,.-..,.. o,n t.i. .,.i-
Hemst raided lier ami then noanieu ; - ' jmuuVtin Ellen gives a mid-summer
her. ar.d now he s new topping her, ami ; 1 ' 1 'l "K- j view ou s;llnion i;riI(,:. in Cuzuu Mr. !
ieI. On the evening of tlie 23 1 ' J- McEntee, of the National Academy,
- - i. . . t
Sup't l'ub. Instruction. Ctiss V.o.
I'lattsmouth, Sept. 17th, 1S73.
rvlien it's all done he'll have as nice a I
home as anvbodv's folks.
inst.. HiiNnv Toelke. j llHS a onhiant ami ilreamy October
- Tiie ilec-ase.1 was a rousin of Mr. D. ' " h ctilled "Falling Leaves, as good
The largest stock of boots and shoes
in Piattsmouth, at Win. Stadehnaun's.
Men's good boots for S3.00. Itemem
ber th!s.
IELIN(l'ENT TAXES. i" ine :eerasei :i rousin of Mr. D. j ' 1 l goon ii.iis, caps, trunks anu valises, at
' -.1".., ,.r..vt. ,ttt 1 . !!l-lTit-r.i?rifT w 1 . 1 . j 1 ne t .ft .1 . a 4Vk iL-.n.T.l. '.. .t i.i- ji.
Notice is herebv given to all Del in- ' ow. wt-u kho 11 nicrcuaitr or j " -...... ...... ........ v .v. . ,.1U 1- . .i.v.ieiin.uiii s ; me i; sioeK 111 mis
ouent Tax-Pa vt-rs to come forw
itird and thls l,,;,Cf'' ;in'1 lieert out of health j I,J! il of this famous artist; a bird ! mtaket. Call and see theni.
. ttle their Taxes immediate! v, and stive
co.-i; as I will be compelled to send :i j
Ta-C lluetc-T tt) collect the Taxes in !
; for some tinie.
! picture of s duck and sparrows, called
"Opulence and Indigence," is after
Miss Mary Jones was rrrvrried to J. GustaMis Lus; an original American
Eight pound blankets at 84.00. Go
I ami see Stadelinann before cold Vventh-
order to a final settlement.
W. L. Ilor.ns; Treasurer.
II. Wilbur, in Oniaha, on the lCth landscape scene represents the flight j r ht''ns-
jinst. and left for New York City. j of wild gee?e over a reedy lake; there j An immense stock of clothing at
1 There's another of our beau ideal girls ' is a magnificent portrait of the beauti- ! Stadelmann's. Youths' and children's
Hats, caps and clothes at t add- ; gone ari l got married. Well, Miss j ful and accomplished Angelica Kauf- I clothes at reduced prices, at Stadel-
, . 1 at.. .. .,,.:i.- . . : . 1 . ... 1 ..... . .1 t -. s r . . f ' .
Thalia. j .u.ui, in.-.; 1 11 iv tiisn i mi long 11 it? . lii.ijiu ; iuii ijenjtinii'i v auiier, one oi ; manns.
; I and happiness p.nd mav vour later davs i the most popular painters tit Dussel-
. Geiuur.e Piymouth Beck gauntlets , ,.. , .... ..'.,! - . , , "
1 11 . . ' ...-tv.i. .k iitiiti .tit., luiniri .kiiti : ii'i i, ii. t .1 t. iii in liii.: tua iii.TU niiciioi;
f or stile at' the Elephant store
cn-1 see JL S. Newman.
j tetter than the first bv rnanr measures j called "Boor Pussy!" The
of happiness.
Plat!5.iiou:!i P.i'iiiurd Id'.l. or.piite the
rti-ooiis Llouse, Win. NeiJe. proprietor. Three
guod tiblei, good bar aa-1 buwliii alley.
Julius PepiK-rburg. -W and well
Peter Meres the Sh? man buys bis lar'fe
siocks li'nect from the Paetory. and is conse
quently prepared to sell the hesd goods cheaper
tLan the elien:cst. 2ltf.
CAerco.its by the million, at Stadel
mann's the old reliable clothing store.
illustrations are a little gem, "The
Summer Shower," and a view of "The
Ilintor-See, iri Upper Bavaria." No j mY.nn's
rrt Journal in the new world has ever
attempted to give in one number so
many rare and beautiful pictures.
The October Number of Harper's
Jewelry at cost.; 18 carat gold rings
at sl.23 per iennyweight, at Stadel-
Wm. Stadelmarm, the great clothier,
known resident of Pl.vttsniouth has re- . returned from the East last week, and
tv.ri-.f .I. and will o:en a branch house already the triinks ami 1myps crowd .lAL:r.c Is rrowiled with frtsh nn.i
cf the celebrated firm of L. Brom & j tee sidewalk, and pedestrians can hard- entertaining matter, and contains over
Co., Cigar Manufacturers, Chicago, in ; iy ptiss the door for the rush of clerks ; sixty finely-executed engravings.
!.i this place, opposite (he UtiiAXD j unpacking huge chests of goods. Stad- ! Tiie Nunioer opens with an illustrat
ofice, on Main sLeet. This iiira have j cluiami says he don't believe in doing ' cd paper, ty Marie Howland, csp?ciady
every faallitr for conducting a large thirgs h?lf way, and so he Licght out i interesthirj to th'o?e ladies ia our rural
"brilnrss, tliey expect to
Al A"lioIestile and Kctail.
r-r the purpose of introdno-nir mv vlupjrar. I
wjl! sell at the fnltowina law rrsies at" r'tail. Ited
N me Vincsrar by the siuuie pai.'on M cenis. two
or more gallons at -JT cents per i'.ill-in ; Uetiiiiiie
Cider Vinegar 30 eents per i;;.llon. A libeiitl
ois;ount on the above rates made to tlie trisde.
All vjnjar warrtuaed to preserve pickles, and
fre from acids.
C ity orders promptH- filled and delivered.
Country patrouHne. solicited.
i";.ctor- oo'iosiif. ..)ore's Thiwcr Ca.dens,
iiei -acsi oi iicisei s .11 ai.
big traae
open up a . two wholesale clothing hca s la New ! districts who may wish to turn their - Pickles from the vims 'v rents per hundred ;
1 western i York, and has had them shipped out j attention to the scientific cultivation I per huildrw klud 01 iue&:l" Uesi,el &- -'ets
Yisn for tbe Yntet n rvZ,-. ' M Vum t if -erny T i:Wl H. A. AUSTIN
sww vv-Mr V. MJf mm tflM,SA . k 44MJ U
Registrar's Notice.
Notice fs herebv given to the voters
of the 3d Ward. of the city of Piatts
mouth., county of Cass. State of Ne
braska; that the undersigned Kegistrar
of said Ward will sit for the purpose of
llegisterihg the voters of said Ward at
tlie olTye of F: J. Mettear on the
22d and 23d days of September 1873,
from 'J o'clock a. ni.; to 0 o'clock p. m.,
except one hour at nocii of each day.
And notice is further given. that I
will sit at the satiie jd.tce on Monday,
October (Ith for the purpose of correct
ing paid liogidtration List.
1'. P. G ASS.
2-1 w 3. Eegistrar 3d Ward.
Registrar's ilotice.
Notic is hereby, given to tlie voters
of the Second Ward, in the city of
I'lattsmouth, cduuty of Cass, State of
Nebraska, that the undersigned Begis
trar of said Ward will set for the ptti'
jwise of Begistering the voters of said
Wanl.'at C. Heisel's Mill on the 22d
and 23d l:iys of September, 1873, from
1) o'clock a. in., to 0 o'clock p. m., except
one hoor at noon rf eaTh day.
And iotice is further given thatT
will sit at the same jihiee on Monday
October Oth, for the purposj of correct
ing said Kegistration List.
J. li. DILLEY,
2Iw3. Eegistrar 2d Ward.
Registrar's Notice.
Notice it? l"iebv given to the voters
of the First Ward', in the city of Piatts
mouth. County of t.'ass State of Ne
braska, that the undersigned Eegistrar
of the aai.l ward will sit for the pur
pose of Begistering the voters of said
Ward, at bis ofiice on the 2 2d and 23d
days of Septem'lier, 187;t. from ! o'clock
a. m., to' 0 o'clock p. m., except one hour
at noon of each dar.
And notice is further giveti, that I l
will sit at tbe same place nn Monday,
October th. for the purpose of correct
ing tne said Eegistratioii List;
21w3. Eegistrar ist ward.
Registrar's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to the voters
of the 4th Ward ih the city of Piatts
mouth, county of Cass state of Nebras
ka, that the undersigned Eegistrar of
said Ward will sit for the purpose of
Begistering the Voters therein, at the
office of Wheeler & Stin'chcomb on the
32.1 and 23d days of September 1873,
from D o'clock a. nt., to 5 o'clock p. in.,
except one hour at noon each day.
And notice is further given' that I
wiil sit, at the same place on Monddy,
October Gth, for the purpose of correct
ing suit! Eeiistr.itiou List.
A. L. CHILD, r. ,
fUprtrar itii WiruV
f.c, &e.
Xcw Tin-Shop, just Opened!
All orders for making or repairing proaij t
ly -M'cutcd.
Goods Sold Cheap Foil CA-sii!!
10-tf. r. ecpiiu Water, Nebraska.
rVebraskii Grocery.
under Hep.ald ofilce.
Luke Miskella, Proprietor
U speciality.
Try theni alul lie satisfied.
Post Omco Book Store
II. J. STUCK: L'T, Proprietor,
for Your
Hooks, Stationery,
Pictures; Music,
Toys, Confectionery,
Violin String',
5iwjpapei Novels,
Sons Looks, ic,
Piattsmouth. - Nebraska.
. - f
TliosO BTiccricrMacliinea. vnth-
out any rivaLa for capacity or
! quality of vrork, aro olforedto
, buvers this year XTiih eovcral
! valuable improvements. De-
: Bcriptivo Pamphlets -will be fur-
I niseed on errpllcation, and etock
t "will ho held in Sr. . Louis for
: more convenient deliyery. Par-
i ties in Missouri, Kansie a, Gouth-
em Illincit,, Texiva and the Tt?r-
I ritoriea viil correspond -with
j Sempie, Eirgo & Co.
Fleoae mrnt.oa In wat paper jmn
1 Uil nil vertUenieul.
Tootle, Hanna & CJark.
Excolsidr Barb?r ShOD.
Main street, opposite Crooks House.
Hair Cutting, Shaving and
Especi'd vtJontion given to
Call and see P.OONE, gents :md get a boon iua
I'rc prietor.
Tlie best nf Fresh Meats always on
7iand in their tiason.
Cet any Goods; cheaper, or a better article
Cian is kept at the Store of
Jas, Clisbeo & Co.
Dealers la
General Merchandise.
Ve are in receipt of Fresh Goods every week
from tlie East, wliicliaie bought fur Cadi, and
will be sold iu any amount.
Grangcr.s.kcep youi eye on
your friend;
We will not be undersold by
any one.
Weeping Water July 1st, WX l l-it.
U. Y. MATilEiVg,
Fourth street, north of riatte Valley House.
Ic"alef I'd
Hardware and Cutlery.
Jon.v Tirzof i:,w :i,
John V.. Clm:k.
C. II. PnMr.r.i,
jec I'lPsl.'.Clt
T. XV. I-.VAN4,
Ass't Ca..Iiif-'
This Unit I-i no.v open bit.!ne nt th"'.i
new room, corner .Mtun ami Sixth stiecU, e;i
nvi j.repared to traii-avt a tcii'ti.d
Bail kins Business.
Stocks, Eor,d,
Ooid, Government
EoUI.t kCd
Sold, i)cpo:;.i
lleeelved anil
Intereut allowed
On time
rni'r dr;vli. a;a.i.i"oie in anv part if t!,
I npeil M.-iien-and In all the priucijitil luwi;
and Cities of Europe.
Highest Ca-sb Price paid for jorf hiJes. j StOVC?,' TinWai'C,
I Iron. Nails .
-S1.11. Blittl,
ron Tin: CELrrtATEi
rersons wishing to brin-; cut their frier 1
from linrop;- can purchase tickeu from ;
tIirom;h to PItittsmouth
A Heavy Stcck of Goodr y
Keeps Ciastai.liy .n baud all Stapb; Articles
such as
Dry Goods,
15bots, Shoes, tfce.
In fact, everyslKitsr usually kept in a Variety
Store, whili wiil be s.jJd"on small rrofits i-r
GIa-3', liOek.s
Oar din City I 'lores;
Hay Ralfn,
Furi --:rij Tools,
Far min: Machinery;
MiCorinick's lier.jn r and Mower,
Bdck Eye Rixtper uwl Mjrr,
tire, etc., cf-e, do.;
CASH. Allkinilsof Ti-odutte talwtn in exchange
lorptuus, ana the
, Highest Marlict Prices given in Cash
F?r ilic Garden,
For th4 Orchard,
iW tha Field,
No Rents and Interest on I
Capital to be mud', off Ci'i.'
iNillE CITY. '
North siiie of Main between Scot
streets, I; Kes pleasure iu aaiiouui.ii
That be has a 1 ir artd well .
Irv .ood.-, .xocj i ie-. Provi(. i
biouUt to tiia City of Plutui . ..
rS' II trill wt you totr.l-- .: '
iu." yoa bov or not. i . :
prices at the "C;LI HELIA "- c : , .'
Um totoU wbeo oiluu lint, i w .'