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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1873)
.. . . ----- - - ' ' - - .. - 7"' , tmf ' - - t II R HERALD, ? i r, - THURSDAY. SEPT. 25, 1373. 9. A. MACMCi;PIIT,. . .Editoh. ., COnuESi'0.DENCi: j t'roin all parts t the State and country respect- j f aire snltfif ert for ho TTt-t im I Asrliititral notei and short articles detailing f proachable in character, sound m roh- OVU TICKET. "Wo hoist, to-day, the regular old fashioned Republican Ca5s County tick et, arid aak for Us support tl!e" votes of all good and true men that desire hon est indeiendence in political matters, nr.d real reform and economy in the administration of State and County affairs. Our candidates are good men, irre- iarmtr'3 est Mont ft-rtictilar'T rootic-dod We do not re:ul aucnyiiioiis letters raid com fu at dca dorrs. The rta'tn? and address of the Writer nre In all Cases' !rid:-;i;r.3r.tle as a gtiar fcntoe rf good faith. A Splendid Chance. " . "w wilt send tli IlTKAr.n and Pemorest's lltwthly, which 1? for one year, to tiny per aon who pays us . In addition to hvili Periodicals at the Triec tics.anti-inoaopoly in a just and reason aMe way, and being mostly fanners themselves, they can have no other de sire nor wish but that the farmers' in- good shcriH, and there ia no better j shouted "no," to make it legal, aiiJ D man. ,TnX5E ELLISON is at present Probate Judge, and A can didate for re-election. The Judge is a good natural; good hearted; good head- J I '.:.v. AY. McKinnon was declared elected. BALLOTING FOR TKEASUKKtt Then coininenced. The candidates mlmira thf wonderful afTentlon shown of more than hour an with liy some of the individuals as their , Richardson, at the white Lou- : this. morning, at which Secretary Delano i and Postmiister General Cress well were j :,r. zxoxrx. friends (or somebody's friends) ar rived. The hearty shake of the hand, nominated were W: I llobbs, E. R. the locking of arms could not help but j present: It has been decided to send Have Tc-epencd thefr Cigar Manufactory ! if a Davis, I.. D; Bennett. Perry Walker, ed, hind of a man, and was formerly i E. A. Kirk pat rick and Euos Berger. an intelligent haymaker, from the re gion of the "Weeping Water. Two years ago he was elected to his present office; and the people have now con cluded to try him again. Ellison was also nominated by acclamation, and as the proof of the pudding is said to be in chewing the string, it is to be pre- terests should be represented fully arid',' sumed that he will be unauimously fairly in all our public transactions. THE HIGH SCHOOL BiILBINGi Through the energetic contractor, darned. choice from a list cr extraordinary! Mr. Dexter, our High School building is fast approaching completion. Its is i t i v. Premhhns Is slven to each snhscrilH-r to Demo- feat '8 Monthly. Anor.s thce are a fine pair of Chr-uno rictures (rails of Xiatj.-ira and Yoscin Jto Falls), worth f 10 ; or a good Stereoscope with a series of views ; besides numero.w other Valuable premiums worth from two to ten dol lars each. The best boys' and flirts ma?i?!n. and -the 2Zzr-n't ka riEHALD ut trreatly reduced rate. "We will ?freJ the Xfbbaska Herald and Dehobht s Vorxo Auciiir, which is i.oo e'r one year, to atiy person who pay ns f 2.on. Peniorert' "Yoiinn Atrir'rkvi U always sparkling with entertaining Stories, rocm. MuMe. Vuz iles. Gaines. Tmvoli. n't other pleasant features is profusely lUustrated, mid rahnot fail to amuse trat.-uet, elevate, and assist to make the lives cf youthful Americans useful, truthful and bappy. The 'fbraska Hkiiald and the Omaha EKmiurs, to one address S3.CO por year. Republican County Ticket. For Cuii nt ii Clerk. D AOs1 IEL Wr McKIXNOX. for County Treasurer. EEIIGEP. Jp. For &hvrr, MAKTIX B. CUTLER. For Prolate JuJje, II. E. ELLISOX. For Surveyor, WILLIAM YOUNG. For Corcmor, I)IL F. U. liEED; Sujt. Pub. Inzlru'diCn, SIMEOX BAIinO'WS.- ftr Co. CommistfidTLcr, M AfiCCS L. WHITE. architectural proportions, (with one or two exceptions, to our eyel are pleas ing to the sight, and will be an orna ment to our city that the people rriay well be proud of. We are sorry, how ever, to say that the Master Mechanic has not shown that care in the con struction of the btrLMing that the ar chitect evidently contemplated, as at a distance of fifty or sixty rods, with an unpractical eye there can be seen a want of care in setting the Window frames, they being badly out of plunib: Atibrxii. THE OPPOSITION OUTFIT Met at Weeping Water, on Tuesday, pihd nominated the following ticket: County Clerk, "Win. McCaig; Treasurer, J. C. Cummins; Sheriff, James Simp son; Probate Judge, Jas. Woods; Sur veyor, A. L. Drown; Coroner, C. II. King; Superintendent. Elder Miller; i ioiiiiiiis.Moner, . n. 1'oi ien i not. There can I e no c j faction among Republicans. The Cen- j ; tral Committee were asked if thev de-! j sired to abandon the old party and go j into a (i range move, or a so-called peo ! pie's move, and answered, almost to a i man, that they were satisfied with the Republican party and believed in its principles, and desires for improve ment and good government. Their Contention was loirg advertise ! and held in perfect harmony; no person objecting to its action cr its iiarht to act: That Convention was composed almost entirely of farmers, many ( ! them Grangers. Thev selected the ticket, in the main. Democrats cer taialy can find no joy in tLe outfit of Tuesday, and who there is left to sup port so falseT ahd useless a misnomer as this Farrhers-people's-dodgers, sore head conglorreratio'n calls itself, we fail to see. elected to serve us again. conoxKi:. Dr. Reed, of Rock Bluffs, candidate for Coroner, is an old resident of the county, too; was for many years a practitioner in the cointy but has of late years turned his attention to agri culture, lie raised the finest bees, fruit, and other things good to eat, of On the fift ballot (informal) it stood llobbs, 24, Uerger, 17, Kirkpatrick, 7, Davis, 0, Bennett, 3, Walker, C. KIItST FOUMAL BALLOT. Hobs, 27, Berger, 22, Kirkpatrick, C, Davis, 8, Walker 3, Bennett, 1. L.I.). Bennett's name was withdrawn, and the 2d ballot stood: llobbs 2T, Berger, 22, Kirkpatrick, 12, Davis, o no election. Third ballot Ilohbx, 23, Berger 24, Kirkpatrick. 13, Davis, li Fourth ballot llobbs, 30, Berger, 30. E. Berger having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared duly elected the nominee of the Republican party for County Treasurer. Nominations for Sheriff On the thrill (?) every patriut's heart with j S20,000.000 from the national treasury ; in nan-mouth onec "mrre, and now oiler to tov: to see i ne nigu anu ine.iow laus nere to Ajsihuuii. iir.wiin.-i iimiuu.'.i-'..ui,..imuirUW,-, brought together, by the common it!: terest of political association. utand Gift Conco:t i Tin; Ki.NEi ir ok tu: PUBLIC LIBRARY OP E.Y. in New York to-night to enable that, CIGARS TOBACCO, &C., officer to buy all the bonds that niay at thi lwst w!:o'i'mu!( and r ta'l p. l'-s. Can and see them l-einif pure. '.a i:r,' eun . JULIUS i t:i'i'Ki:i:i:ia:, Maua".-r. Fccry Fifth Ti'lut Draws a Gift. 12 o'clock all the delegates present, lie offered. smoking candidates cigars. Every- Treasurer Spinner is very sick with J whw l.wl.r mint iniliilr-i.. ftr it rlnn'r rr-if m:il"iH:il fovpr 2CJ 1 anything. Convention called six bal-j The day closes with confidence great- j ()SA OK l!Ki)(iK I'LAX'iS - j - . - , . , 1T MV f lliisiy;! ar , ,. uh- rui.ii.- i.; l K nti..-.. . v. - . I disappointed some one made happy, j that the crisis is entirely over, f here ; gpk ff TTrp intf7li''r?2 '' '" l'a,'Ul- Li'ariii;i!i, af L-juiavii: , i. and all is over. The other officers are j seems to be no reason why all batiks 1 EIk iL JS 4F , . , , quickly nominated, and the announce- j should not go aiongnl a quiet and ivgu- j (,.iv Ti..usi.iid Tlckeis will i-s... : nipnt forth .hat we have the, best ! lar mau'K-r. 1 TTnnoTr fiOmicf TTn.-l.-v, Plo'.-i c h.i'f oi tiicse are lutiiui-'d for tin- ' - - - i , i a v . : . . m l j : ' 1 ; ii n i i k . . i c . . i i ii 1 ii Memphis, September 22. There was a marked falling off f deatlis from vello.v fever S2j),oco roil 6o. Tl'i- r mri :i (Jr.Mid :i.'t C'onerrt autlT 7'.l y -!''.. 'I ;'.'( "I tac Lt . t'.irc for tic l n- I ticket ever placed in the field success is sure. Work has commenced on our new For ale at school house, which is to be one of the j tjie total &z;;.m.zo ,r 1,000. 1. :.:! .' l::rK-l ; l.ius leaving only :ji,Wt i- , 1 I 'SrliC-d ni.ill.S tvlu.'IV i.Hi.WK) WOie tilSj-H- 1 4 I: ilii' '1 iiiid i 'one .;. i'at: ilc!i-iH ur: liv.ii .'.i into ii'a -iii:.o:i- .r parts, j.rid liaxe mi tin- ; ' tin' Sciifi.K! wall a luii i-xplaimion c t li u ii.f i-: j ta draw liijr. At nut t oncert. a ix t: e frru; :.p r. i.,.,-r, i -i uiit . oiicert. v.. :it-. i '.;a no iiu.iii.t-7. ui ..iriii-jin wciii .!is!,I:, i-m r uitn. ss.: A ia f Lis l-ui;M. finest buildings in the place. The con- thirteen, of which nine onlv died from i AIpo; at low uriees. and of suthtW 'duality, a ! uupi-t-i-fjntc-d mu.i a any man in the county, and Is alto-I U1M Il,rm;" ":i"'H- - lJ- rrpth.M-.-m ..1 man V.tpfurl-im "IVOUH Oies ana 11. JUKdioarv ii. boys. and M. B. Cutler, was declared elected. II. E. Ellison was nominated and Probate COUNTY SmVEYOK. -,t Vnmi.T ti,n ,,r.minr.n elected by acchiinatioii for I Ilia X VUIII lICiIIVJj It t.J IHV - first County Surveyor Cass county ever had, sixteen years ago; he lives in Hock Bluffs Precinct.haa bVeri a farmer for some years; knows every line in the county; and is fully capable of fil ling the position. SITETJIVTKN'DE.VT TUBLIC SChortLS. Rev. Sinietiii Barrows, is an elderly gentleman, from Weeping Water pre- Oeo. W. Fairfield and U in. 1 oung were nominated for County Surveyor, and W. Young received the nomination. jtr.utislet to parties from your city, yellow fever and we understand it is to be com pleted in three months. It is to stand a little south and west' of the old stone school house. Since my- last letter, two new dwellings have been erected. The store building of X. Shurz has burned. It was a source of thankful ness that this building burned in the day tiuKi instead of the night, for then they might have unjustly charged it to those who have prevented him from Dr.J. W. Thomas, Dr. G. II. Black, ' dealing in whisky Dr. Reed, were nominated fot Coroner, and Dr. lted was the chosen man. The nominations for County Super- Reed Bros, have received an immense stock of fall and winter goods, and are distributing them to their customers Augusta, (la. September 22. A terrific storm prevailed in the vi cinity of Tallahassee, Ula., Friday. The damage was immense. St. Mark's was completely washed away, only two houses being left standing and twentj' families made houseless. Xewport is also reported swept away. Nkw York. Sept. 2'. The governing committee of the stock exclmnge have decided not to open the exchange to-day. The gold board lias resumed business. Prominent bankers state that large or ders are being received for stocks as cash investments. Sellers of bonds at the sub-treasury are being intercepted ajid offered lialf a cent more than is paid by the government. Greenbacks arc being lo;tned in large amounts at one-half per cent. Thus far the sub- j treasury has purehosed eight millions of bonds. receive a large vote m tae eoumy: , t,,.,t M,. vriU,s WJW ;l str,)T1,, in:in). j eoniii:g the death of mi of the earliest j A Washington dispatch says the rouN'TY coMMissia:i:. j 'jMK, Committee on Resolutions then ; settlers in this community. Mrs. Pris- j most prominent depositor in the First M. L. White, an old citizen ol Plaits- j repotted, and resolutions received, as ! eilla Jenkst wile of Wiii. C. Jenks, died Xaiijnal bank of t Mat city, next to mouth, and a man who has held nu-j follows: . ! this morniig.altera short illness. She and important public trusts, j n.-soletd, 15v the Repablie:i:i party ' wit much respected, and will be l.t- IS- : ..u ti. ...... l.l..... l.r,-.. ...... liitjnto ij .til. xiit-1 iiic ucni .a - Moines distru t. in Iowa, for a long , f t f Uot time. He has lately been picathing at county commissioner. AVeeping Water, i n't lie Crii.juvgatiomil JL I-u vT:te, Jno. Richardson and Church. His abilities and qualifica- ; Thf,. v.'?lm. w. re nominated, and M. intendent, were Prof. d'AUemaiid, U. j as fast as four clerks can tie them up. fluey, to be i i x . cmci; na.s oeeu a teac.iei ior ma.ij , y aj R arrows, and Mr. Bar- j Woods & Fleming. Potter & Ga years; wss Superintendent of the Des Ved the nomination on the nd .Tames r-libe .:-To all s.-em thriving. The transactions in real estate are very smail; almost none at an. MiHid.iv morning. Could I have Lxrtv: si:p;!y of Fruit Trees, Small Fruits and Ornamental Trees,' at I he Union Nurseries, Gl.ritviii.!. ?til!s County, Tov. i. Call anl e.x aniiiie my stock hefure it; e.:s-v here. 2i-lt. L. A. Wll.t.l.tS. I'ninet-ir. 1.500,000, divided Into l-',(x cash Ifl. will be distrlhai'- I by lot amoiig the ticK't hoid-i-N. 1 he iiuiu. oi Kif ti.'hi is to lr tlruv.ii li.iia one w.n e i.j IjIiuJ cliii'.li'cu atul the fills l:oia aiiuUuT. 3 o o B Ui O -i O (5 C i ticket. We do I tio"S for th( are- ihia.ui'ttvI' :in'1 j J. While was nominated by a majority j sent this" one tlav e.uiier, I should ause fordissatis- ! there 1S no ,'easou he s.:"!"1,1 nct ! of three votes, over Mr. Wiles, (show-j bave been spared the necessity of re- md always with credit and abilitv, is . of Cass county in conVJ riion sembied, J iiat we hav; lull and abid- our candidate for this responsible position. A Harvest Home Picnic was held by the Grangers at Pawnee City on the 12th, which was participated in by nine Oranges. ing faith in the principles of the .Nil; tioual Itenublicau liartv. believimr tliat On the wisdom and prudence of our ! tiiev st.clirc jiatiohal' prosperity and County Commissioners depend the val- i personal liberty; antt we pledge our ue of our securities, the rate of our sel . es to do all we ran to prevent cor- taxatiou. and the whole fimeial wel- ! i""1 ill-4t' al,"n: , . . i l ,?t;;te and Local pontics, fare of the couiny is. to a great extent, j juvojj. Thnt we do lun byrnost in their hands; It behooves us, then, j emphatically condemn the lave actio:; to select Xo. 1 'men for this position. j of Congr?ss in relation to increase-of We think the party have done so in the i VY to members and other Government x i olhcers, beneving. as we d. that such nomination of Mr. , lute. He is a na- j in.,re;ue is iuconsiaU-nt with that fru- tive of Wisconsin, and came from Bur- j galitv and economy that o::':ht to be lingtoa to this State tw oral deaths among hildren withi.i t!ie p;ist three weeks; but the. cold weather will click much sickness. Eleflr. STATE 11KIS. .-elve vears aso. ; exercised in a Republican government, j 127 vears old. He flute was elect- ! Jy-lU That we shall insist on jr.,;,v IIiH.t .mX . , . ! strict eeonomv in the administration Xine years ago Mr. White , ., . a i. i... : eu county v oiamissiouei, auu uen ue e ....p .....i x-iioo il gov em- Two little boys aged, respectively throe and four left their homes in Lin coln, and took a free ride on the B. & M. to Crete. Nebraska is said to have a resident is a riegro named lives in Dundy Co. Mr. John Calhoun Master Distiller President Grant, was Andrew John s.u. Should the bank be unable to discharge its obligations, a contingency by no means improbable. ex-President Johnson will be almost penniless. Washington, Sept. 23. General Scholleld has ordered the ex ecution of the condemned Modocs at Fort Klamath next Friday. Berlin, Sept. 23. The wife of Prince Bismarck is dead. Memphis Sept. 23. Xine interments to-day from yellow fever, and eleven from other causes. Louisville. Sept. 23. Twenty dr-aths at Shrevesport yes- j 2 CO o CD r:. cr rr. -1 C C- 0-3 3 o I M H3 I to J-3 L1HT OF GIFTS: ONE On.lMI C ASH OUT: (INK iK.M ami OJl'f ONE Oi: M ('AHI ,l t-'l ONE ,l:M I'ASM ONE (lit l C.sll Oil 1 10 ('AMI Oil- Is 0.UKt ci.cli C:Mt (:JI'1S 5..ik e.uell.... Wl'AMI dlEIS li-j-r titeli KO CAM! -ill-IS &u. t-aeh.... l'.i CASH GIFTS each.... l.Vi CASil t.IFl S :s t.u li a.'.i cash i ; I F'i'S W hm-.u .... :-r, cash i:i.'t.s u.n -.. ii j tdFtb Mi each.... ! TOTAL. U.tun irirr?, ALL CASIL i l..l"!l.lll J.I J to . 1 . 1 . Z-i O . 17. i . 1(MI.'.-.I . l.-l.-l- . 1.-.. . 40 ' . 4' . . i . 4 , 'i . .r.5 1. 'Ih rit)iithn wi'.l 1" positive, whet I - r ii ; the li.-kcis tuc sold u- nut. aieltlic 1 rr o o CO CO rr i CD e-S- m ail j.aal in jaoimrilon to tin- licl.ns so, , ! liilS.ll.l t'.l'Kl IS Lt-lil.J dcstrilVi'd l it.- 1 and ivcoiiil Coaccrt and Iioi rei-rcscii . : the liia-.Mii;. Pi: ICE Or TICKETS: IVhMo ti"kets, if.-,(; VI:. Ives, P-." T-;lhf. ............ -. . It I. . . . -I : . .... t . i . " ..1" -r-' , x.tu . .1 ti' i n-r.l ! i ' -I .VKI 1 -I". '1 irl.fls l'r : - !M 1 .1 uk 1 11 S I...1.. . . 1. . -a 3 I tor ;..i ; 'J7 UIk.I.. 'licki ts (or o.i .-' No i ihsciuiituu ics tiiiiii s.'a-j wiUU of iic-Kt ui a. j tii!". I The uiinaraM. i.'i d success of the Third 'l Vto i ("ounrt as w.-il is Ui,; salistiiclina cfvcii .y f.e ' First :iinl t-c."t!j(i. in ikes ll oniy i cccs.'i ; ;m tttB j ;.lltlol:'i li e Foailli t' Itl.-'llc tiic i f et ry ticket. I,i,' J'.iii.tii l'.(.i.-i r. . ;.! ? , lc con l.ii-ie.l iri a.i its o.-iiiiis iikc the 'l' ana tan J.iiil.culais ii.:iy lie l; 1 I ci.i i. u. J.iis ; :!! scut" lit f licjn this fllx-i t3 I a!: v.-iii ; ;.i: !, r t!i .:. lick, ts i..v r.-ady fcr and a. 1 order" CoiTi,;:iii..I :)v the Hum; y ..o!:ii t!y iil.'cl. 1.::: ei;ii ici-tn.s tma t') tho:;. who tu to scii o0.!l.i. THOs. E. BrtAMLEiT, A'erit I'lth'iic LilTtrv, Ky. ;.ad !aiKtr'-r f.'.il t'oin.rt. IVil..:-.- l.iur.iry xJuihliiig. Loai -v: .c, hcr.fukv. 2. '.Vii Tho Best tTHE CHEAPEST IS ? : TItL JAY COOXE FAILUKE. took his seat the county was badly m ment. and shall hereafter spot every ; in the distillery, at Nebraska City, j l"lua3'' lue a;e 1S spreatang in! debt, and orders seii:;-;; on the street p-ibho futietiopary, elected by the j.eo- !-w.w c:u;lt ilV t,y lt.yc,ivin"' machiiierv j tm' suburbs, and attacking ac iimated j pie, who sball tan sMorl ot strict omcial The event of the week has been the failure of tie great bankers, Jay Cooke & CO. The trouble seems to be that they i Mayor of the city. When he accepted j I... 1 -m . 1 o nt. have earned too much Northern Pa- j tins oiiiee tne citj w as neau o ti neeis ( titf p!u,iU:-ing classes, knowing well ; Webster cilic Railroad on their shoulders, home in debt. Mr. lute brought order oUi, ; that tanning so to speak ) is the bed of all business. and so severely injured that he died ; V" and the blacks who are gener- r.... ..-.I k.;,.,i I from the efiVet fif it. , a:.y ex.-iap.. i ii. destztutmn :s bvcoir.- liittu t t ir -.diu ill, i i. in . ! ing nearly us ah as the Jesti- for .i son". Tit a verv short time or- i , ' , , . . . j hi)7i(.sty. 7 ' iVt'S'tl t t-t I . ocor, anu oiuiug nis aiiainiu.iiion u ture ;iS tiie leading interest oi this : ,w n i. tiu.rvM,0 i-,.,,- nJ new jail was built, and county unices j county, and are in favor of all laws, ; F u or r.)bbv",siith" h is been -ir- i erected. At the same lima he was ; ami an regulations oi trat e au. com-. - - ViCKsnruo, Sent. 23. ' . . ti.t ii ii, .M,..t oti..on.i.i - i : i.i-i n:i tw;i i i n,ii i 'j on t ii v iilfl I?, Ubit JI1 I'UHUll fllUMilUMlidC - ' ---- - - o fp, t - t, 1 Tl lit 1. ame. and lighten the burdens of f bonds on Clav, Hamilton. Dawson, .;to uTn mice nnd Franklin counties: jle j tatal cases ot yellow lcver "Set Iowa down for its usual 50,000 eluding sentonee of an article in the W'S the blame on the action of the the city to par at once, and shortly pub . ;.;r- 1 Des Moines H .ubU.-an. ; Grangers. j lished to tue world that all parties bar-; fn, monuti,)ilzili;; ,,rivi:iges, to indi j j. j ...m .mmr, I This is iTjust; there is no doubt but ' ing claims against the city of Platts- j i,hiaK as companies, either by the j 'vpr.'d ,f fir luiPiinwj ..r ilm ni l,.'- I th .t t'. f inners' iiKo-oirmnr o a i , !. ,: rnont h iniirlit come forward and cet i State or Xatiomd government. i Hawk Countv (Iowa) Ispi r.ties liave ! been called, has caused a titrht;.ess in i their money, cash in hand. Prxolent, d?clinCd; They stv the juirty hasn't j the money market, and also scared State. That we claim for the by law, to regulate all was taken to I.ihctil:;. TELLuilMMS BOILED DOWN. Tile Jlouey Panic. Yellow Fever. anv cohesivcuess. We would thank the candidates on tur ticket to send their names in full to this office before the issue of next week, that we may print tickets properly. awav investment in railroad securities, i served with but to lav the whole Lhmft on their short, no better financier, nor bnsine 3 TIi. w! vo. I'll Al.ivor in lM.l .ntd ! 'v. - . . . . - i corporations created uv. or uoing oast cre-ut ana aouuv. i: nrss UTider tlie laws oi the Mate. AV-yvn.., That the property of rd! i..,..i.i :.. i..,n ! t.-,-.i. r-oi l. f,.io,.l In M tb :!i eorTior.-uior.s Uoinr l-tisin-ss joi it ht !M"um:"' u'Jl" ""J . I,, ; ..;. ,. ; in this State, should be subject b. i.-iw ' i The grain market has tumble.! badly, M. L. lute, our ne.M Commi:onei, ; ajil U; tQ euntril,5lte to thp ,vauts i j but cur agricultural friends may take i from the First District. of the county and State, th- same, as i heart of trntce. it cannot last long. I The whole ticket is composed cr j individual or private property; and f '( . - ... - ... l - .il -14.l.Jl . New York, September 21. urea 3Iachiiie Shop. St. Louis & Southeastern Railway. :CONaOT.IDATZr.j "NASHVILLE SHORTEST LIl'F" . y.z.i M.-ec:t Ihj-tc to nt-UiJlr, Nashville, C- n'r -,'ia, Chattanooga, .. Atlanta; :.. i ...' 'jtnr,, Macon, CharhstnwTi, Sicamiah, Knox till c, lirhtol, LynrJilnrji Jii'.-hmoTid, '.-..'.,. Norfolk, And cV. Points i'.vi-v ill tf. i 't , ''r;7, I Mu , Vi: Mon I - r i r o:ih ;.i: Soiiticn:. r.o .) i.::..S'.o-.s v.Tii this is t;.c p- ;. F. J. 3IETTEE11 Has a lar.::e aad sood assortment of r arm M.i- Cil IIU'I V. Th'.' !.I.i'-s!i Hfirvf-tr r. a Keajif-r that twr ran c.-i'i cm .iTi i ;,cr. s ji.-rdav, wuh 0:1c !'i:m t-i Ui'ivj, ..iiJ il.e ia.!crj cua Voi.-c i ti.e 5ha-C. t crowd in Wall and i ;rd tiolicemeu are bust" . I'o 'r.-i s .f Si';:im I'nliics, l!ui!or, P;iw aiM ' -i '1st ."JMIS. There fs a ';'-arcitv of crops all over j good men, and naught but the foolish- I especially do we claim the right of the ; Bank of the Comiuoi and especially In European countries, est kind of prejudice can prevent any j t j ! & lk' that Will s-bbn cause cereals to take an i one from voting for such men. j the s;tatt.. lrodheads. . They are having a sweet old fight in Js.Tindirs. count v. Twri lf'Tiublicnn lia- ti i, t 1.; , ! uDwan! jump, and the sooner we get S. M. Kit:k Patrick, I'trif, tin t jaiuioi m w itt-iutit..tu, ; - j 'Mti. irtit and yet they do maul each others char- i accustomed to go on about our own TIIE COUNTY CONVENTION. J osrew lc K i nxon acter for vcracitr and those kind of j husmess out west here, and pay no at- Committee. things roughlr; I tfntion- ii it f-w spec.rlators m Wall ; The Republican t invention Tj,e 1JilHli,iiiri Central Committee ! street, the better. This garribiir.g in I met at Weeping Water September 20th, a; ..i..i i C7. ' '( and are: ' Plattsmouth, 1st ward, John A. Mac ! rLATTSMO tTTil, Nr... x acre is a Broad street- k-. ping fice tr.trariccs ainl exits of the StOCK eXCiiangC. i V;dv.! ..ovemors. aftiti-.n Mft.N.f F. J. METTEEn, "D-Mor.r, TT,,--i,. Main Stror-t. Corner G'h. i"i'i " i iiiiii,-". ii ion. til i i jrr, j r:n- f.TM i'lrifu; iiu;t s. .S.kiViv i IT Tl-n O.C'V l.Tvr. r-r.r.h g ' l';, !ir:i .::- '';- ;U ; (:,. f:-c ia . f ":!s t" N . oil- v. I. ...nit i Ii... IT l i ill: flN'I.Y !, si: i;:i.Lr iilie !.. ine.'.t f.ciw (! t':.-. . I i,i. s. n i.- iiu; ovr.v i.i ni; i y " ts e;.;i :,.;V" Ii' ol F to ..m i iilei ; l.'-i'il si f '. t:. y -;: U: n ; (;:,. . rr i ' ..::ii :: i ;) .':. T.c-;-i t The latest suspensions are the State j Miwealth. Saxe & lknap. and B. O. Jay Cooke's clerics are preparing a statement to be laid before the mem bers of the linn on arrival of the steam ship Russia, on board of which sire two Cf the parties. Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery A prize tight between Allen and Mr- stocks and gold should" came to an end. at one o'clock, p. m., and was Repaired on Mhort notice. 8-tf. 1 I Coole took place at Chateau Island, j and it will, but the farmers imHt make called to order by John A.MaeMurphy, i fourteen miles above St. Louis, on the I up their minds to bear a" share of the j Chairman of the County Central Com- -S;h. inst. Allen won the tight in nine j burden of curing the love of over specu- ! liiittee. Dr. Geo. II. Black, was elected rounds, cutting McCoole up in a terri-; lation. Xo great reform was ever ac- j Chairman of the Convention, and J i tie manner. j compiished without, loss to some ene, j W. Jennings Secretary. ! A Committee on Credf ntials was r.i- : chair, consisting of ; and we may expect, as a ieopb-, to suf- An immeiise majority of the Repub- , fpr somol(;s befol,. our lin;uu.ial mat. pointed by th lican candidates for the Iowa Legiskl tnro f i i-r. -On! t!tf. Tv"lol.-1 ll." imrtf. ' . - "v i ne,jt basl5 City remarks: "If the interests' of the ; . ! ters are settled on a secure and perma- j Messrs. R. CMshing. I'lattsmouth ; Jno. L. Brown, oi Greenwood; C. Flem- farmeiS are nit well considered in the i n-xt Legislature it will be their own fault." OUR CANBiOATLS. Henry DuBois. one of the frrrt men who has tried and been Successful in raising blooded horses in Nebraska, final the lii-RALU a Us!t n Friday. His famous stallions, Henry Clay and j ming. Weeping V"ater. The committee reported the follow- j ing delegates entitled to seats in the D. W. McKinnon, nominee for Coun- ; Convention: Flmwood. J. IL McKin ty I'lerk, is a young man of good hab- ' un. s. Fisher, S. Fales; I'lattsmouth its and pleasing exterior; He seems to be very popular, as he was nominated by acclamation, on the first trial, and not a man shouted "Xo." Dan came f Hambletonian, ea h took a premium ' . , r, . . ' j ji.onj-. lv i settled near Crutnwo.'vl, where he and his brother were engaged in farming ! elected Co. Clerk, two years ago. for which thev were entered at the fcvumtv fair. Precinct. W Murray, J Adams, .1 Wat- f son; Eight Mile Grove. S RicharduiT, B Austin, C II Russell , W Jenkins; ! Plattsmouth, First Ward, Ed. Battery, ' . here from Ohio, just afier the war, anil ; Alex. Schlage, J W Marshall Geo. ! Black; Second Ward, M If Hathaway, I i ' J II DM.ey. W 1 DenTrC'tt by proxy jt j Third Ward J M Beanlsley, II B Faint- ! .. II. -1 . s . .... . -m -m Farmer Insurance Fame; Fanner ; eieeieu again an;i ne m.iKes as ere.u; er, i; i: ti.'diing; Totirth ard, ; U Commissioner Vallery, Farmer Miisi- ; success of the second term as he has ' Moore, W Darrah, J A Chajin; Salt clan Johnson, and Farmer B-dltor 2.1m- j t,f Gte f.rst. we make no doubt but that j Creek, J K Carnes, W Coin. an. N S:-!,:1f-IVjhagh till went down to the Weeping j opposition will cry C.-esarism, and fer: Louisille, T J A Hoover, C Wate? on Tuesday to meet their bretii- j accuse him cf wanting to become a , Schlagel, ii Sayies, S Twiss; Oreapolis, reii and nominate y.l men. agricul- i crowned head: Ctesar or no Casar, , E n Todd. S L Thomas; Mt Pleasant, D.m d irsn t crosri the rutueon, and get ; c TifTiny, W R Newell, S M Kuk- married, and that's all we have -agin" ! pat rick J A Curran, W J Linch; Avo- lural str.nd-bys for County olbcers. - Hurrah for the hoys oi C;s.. They've all roiio down l W'srpezi Massf, Its cut a:sd sliufiic, knaves we p iss Look cat your ih-al don't tarn :ji u -e. j Dan McKinnon, our next Comity Clerk Ca, J W Jennings, J Linn, W W Fold- Murphy; 'd ward, G. W. Fairiield ; j :sd ward, Thos. Pollock; 4th ward. J. I W. Johnson. ! Bight Mile Grove, Samuel Richard- j i son. F.lmwood, Jos. McKinnon. Liberty, Henry Taylor. "I'lattsmouth Precinct, N.Jean.'?. Oreapolis. Sam'l Thomas. Ro k Bluffs, F. Berger. Avoca, J. W. Jennings. Mt. Pleastmt. W. II. Newell. Louisville, Chris. Inhelder. AVeeping "Water, AV. W. Farley. Stove Creek, II. Stanford. South BenJ, Ely Robb. Greenwood, L. W. .7 tunes. j Tipton, Win. Wright. j Salt Creek, J. W. Conn. j John As MacMurphy was elected Chairman of th?i Committee, and the Convention adjourned; j G. Ii. BLACK, Ch'n. j J; W. Jknwixos, See'y. j AND The suspension of Fisk & ILilch is j said to make probable the embarrass- ! &t.inr, "A? 5-- r r ment of the Hobokea bank for savings. ! HOS. Jty HRYOCK . - Boston, September -0. j The financial ahoni in new York is I CABINET MAKER the principal suoject of discussion, but j so far docs not interfere with business. The following was received from London to-day by the Secretary of the Tre;tsury: "Syndicate account is in per- feet order; there is a univers-tMy kind j feeling toward Jay Cooke, MeCulloch j & Co., Who continue business as usual. "Signed, A. G. Cattkll. Memphis, September 20. Thirteen deaths from vcllow fever NetrtrJktt. or?. Mono QUICK TIME! (JOOl) CARE! CUJSE CONN. New Bootand Shoe Firm. Karckcr & KlinJiel, Boot & Shoe Make re, Maer i tn-ct, oaa.). :.e I'latte Valley IIwiw. i LATTsMoUTH, - jkicb. UNDERTAKER. FINE CAT.U SEWED no'OTS r.r..o to crdrr in iroo'l style. A'l kinds ,f lnca'.s hoot.; and ..hvcS made an'! rcjiancd. Prices low and work Harranteii to i vo --;iis-L-tioii. ;. K.i; jii;;:, i-'-t. I-'.;iu:i,. ctio: Nf -.v and elcir.T.'t d;iv T.-ichis i r,i:',j;-r A t!,C N'.'eO ; V.r.:- ii!el lf:l . en, !,:.' :ie-: e!;i , f',r:.i are ;... iu l r,i;e Tliroi: ;Ii 'i i.-; . r; on s-.o. ,,it. 1 i , cil ut t he j.riuci;..ii i kkei (;;; ci s ia th- and Nor: a. Ask 1',.- il-kets via lac ". So i, thru:. tern i; way." F. F. WINS! OV. Cf;,' Meri.irtr. St. L(.t. w. c. i vnv roitT. 1i i 1.floi Atat. fit. Lu'. The Lincoln iioutc. our v. r.nriMJ water letteii. to-dav, with few new caves. i St. Louis, September 20. j Laussig, Genip A Co., of this city, i j c losed doors this afternoon, after the j j announcement of failure of tiieir New . York h ease, Laussig, Fisher & Co. i Iondou. September 20. The London lizics commenting on ; the financial p::nie in New York, says: i In view of the extraonU-ary pros- '. perity of the United States, and high j price of government bonds, the present j must cannot but be remarked as simply BARNUM'S HOTEL, Cor JJr-Mi'l''uy awl Ticcnti'Mi Street, NEW YORK. ox ntrni amkrican & rxm pi:an plaxs. Ths A. & N. Railroad. VIA. LINCOLN, NEB., TO St; Jesuit. Temrr9c!, Tcpeha, LtarcntO".'?':, Parsv.zc City, Eazcrcnr". Fulls City, Whit CkxuJ. Doniphan, Kaiisa.i Cits, St. Louis, And dealer in a kinds of KuiMiiturc and CJiiiirs. ..i :v Sriti:i:r. Xcxt door to brooks Ilousr. I'LATTSMOUTH. .... ei;. ; neii.-'ir'ntr and Vaniishfns neatly dome I'uiicrii'.s nUeiiile.l on siiort notice. M-tf Cr:n;.!-te with ino.leiu i:n;.ro rooiiis n Siiili: .sin-.'!' ; J.liv.ttc ea .ns, elevators, ,c. it ion taisrpa- la-insr ia I he .-iy ceatre of fashion and 1 .illiaMt New o i-. ii.'e. Ill i.r.iniii y to Cli'ireJu-s :.ii1 J plac-s of Ainu-icim-tit. and Lord V Taylor's, j Arnold 'oust aide's and J. tS; C. .loim-iiin's j Irr li'iinls palaces. The l..t. I is miiier tiie ; ii.a'ia-' ii.ent -1 .. S. Uiii-anin, 1 .nnerly of niini's il.iiel, iialtiiiiore : I. . oreen.'nr h;iv ( Ion. Oiiio. iiiid l-eenlly nf New y,,ik. and i'n '. i ntaa n.irnaiii.of i'-ann'iin's Jiott I, St. Louis I zi-tf. Iiiciils ; pariojs, Ciry.'ir,tat Nashville, t Jason Streight, Dealer in Farmers Lumber Yard. CouCcct iotiory. Louisc;u, , Mrmnhis, Chattanooga, Atlanta, MAU. New Orleans, Aiiu Oi: IV-lMi i:i the Soith;ci.;t, South awl Swithcail. Fruit, Cigars,! Wkf.pixo Watkk, Sept. 12, 'T:. Ed. IIki:ai.d: It is a decidedly cool way you have of punching up a cor-" sure. I en: AVeenin AVater. H L Farlev. T rVIK Tit.-Itrn Cl..r), II l l.'t..i,.li,-. 'P I, ,.!"!... C lln, I rnjiii,liint l.t- l,r,vi,iill,r i !Hur fr,.... IK'l tl'oUbleS j ..... -t... i LM1IV, I' I 1 L JH'tI.s.,.TAlt-IxtcJ't'i.viifc, I'.v...,,. t. Jklli. .ii'im - The big AVise Balloon enterprise has ! Is an elderly gentleman, livfs at Rock tor, I Smith,.! Cox; Tipton, W AVright, him next week, when he had not ' ati l now tie' proprietors oi : i.oUiis, ana aiieieis 10 iaat ancient ana Prouty, K Post; (ircenwootl, J i thoug'it ot writing one; but I suppose gone up. 11.- Graphic art out with a c;;d telling 13 done and ifft un- hoiiorab'e occupation of farming. lie has been a resident of the county for , Liberty, C Moore, X Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive i .' ...1 i ..... l . r J .1 I ef ..P ,1,,,,,;.,1 ,-ct-tn I t it ,t l-',' llt-.liflS, I .1111 Oieo.l'i-I o . Ullll.SU oil 14 f rwm -m liii t'ii.-i t i linancinl system 10 g't ri't , .. .. ,. . . , - v oi I-1 n ir rl1 I.v . c. . . , T short notice all kinds of olllOning 10UilCC S of its dishonest eh ment. - i . o The Daily Tthyraph says: "Such lo- ftj !lher S )oFS S;iSIl is susjiensions in JNew York seem to be, are merely the rank outgrowth ot an evut.'e:.i!it, pros- and accessories to and Shingles, &c, Fancy Groceries, t:u: tlatts mouth ruon.E I'y 'a'il.v - it;e rxjircss tr.iin at I.i.icohi 03 t'.i ATCHISON NEBRASKA RAILROAD. at n reasonable rate. I also keen con- Biown. LJ.tiues. AV Conn, it Knowles; i your word must be kept, and I must I l" I''e"-03 i stantP. on hand a fail assortment of i u tiicn noes not ior ;i lnonu-ni nan. i i :n 1 11 o-o. done. It ?eem.s he takes a -nip," swears ! 1 years, is well known to every one as : Taylor, AA" Catmon ; Rock Bluffs, Levi ! Tiiisisthegreat day, in which men j Torfnlo, September 2U: j "- l Il-ir'wiro ' i;ht0 ...wl io-n and Is era-ikv all 1 a staunch, upright man, of sound no- ' 'churc'dlL C M Holmes. J Holmes. ! ard made and unmade, you know, so I i II. J. Morse & Co., bankers and bro I JvOCK:-.. u w MJiCH"., llVHI H'4 vuwii ! i - I -r ' J tion- and irreprachabie character, lie I'LATTSMOUTH. NT? Book for tho Million Upon t.v; Jr arrival at Atchison, the Great I!:sirro;itl Center of ? - over occ.'Mionally. Anyway, this Wise iu.ut has failed to go y in a balloon. tH- the Dai i'y Craphi: feels something like a defeated candidate after election, tore; must write ihst of the Convention : but j kers in this city, have suspended, ov as you were yourself present, no doubt j ing to the failure of Jay C'oke: i M II Roval. came from Iowa here, and was I reas-i stove Creek and South Bend not be urer of his county there for a number ' jng represented by regalar representa- you n ill throw it away and put in He is one of the truest and j tives; it was moved and carried to fill .something better. At six o'clock Frj- HARRI AGE CLIILE. Mr. Illi I'lummer, of the firm of Clsrk Si Piuiumer, is now in New York P.rd Bostcu, selecting an 1 purchasing S stock of good for their fall trade. those delegations from gentlemen pres ent from thosd precincts, and all other best Itepublicans in the county, and will poll a large vote. 7IAUTIX I'. tri'TLElTi Candidate for ShcriiT. is an Jd resi- i proxies, er allowing the; delegates p res- dent of th" county, well known to ' ent to cast the vote of the precinct. j V V I i4iIJi-l ihiivl l 4 -3 lii'Ul ill ll -vsifcfci.v vu V i?v 4 Ufci'Mi., von,'ii.iv Kirkpatrick, J. AV". Kinnon, was then Xew York. September 22. The feeling is dcci-bnlly bet: Mr. Plummc-r is an excellent judge of l;as Hvp(l Jlt 1Iock hluiU il!J? ,.f Holl. s. M. the kind of goeos needed m has mar- fuj. a ln,m,ipr of ve;rs ., 1110Ved to j Marshall and Jos. M ket, and hav5i.g c ery lacility poss.bie , i:i ho sUinmej. uf 12, ! r.n.H.mtch t-i i i. , l. ;.,t-.if iar inaivijjij ioj.i.i., ; where he ha e-i'iiects to give the same chance to bis been engaged in buying i On lay eve. we noticed the first install- i ter, and there is considerable inquiry meat of delegates and candidates; and i ia a quiet way for stocks, persons be- delegations were afterwad filled by ; for tho first time we learned that there j ing willing to pay greenbacks for the was to be a big time at the County dividend of paying shares. Convention. Fourteen nren aspiring j The following notice is posted in the to one cdiiee! Alas! thought we, for i United State.; sub-treasury : "Purchases the thirteen! only one man out of I of United States bonds to-day will in-j fourteen -to be made." j elude all the dulerent series of 3-OOs. j By 10 o'clock A. m., Saturday, we had Payments will be made in currency at motion,-it was carried, that th j no doubt that our informant of the j the rate of 1 10-7 , and accrued interest A riv.'ic coMii-t lhr to flu Mam ! or !!:-.. ;.l o;i!'i,. m r- ofall kinds. Tliose. wishing to build j ricsnnd iweiatimis o' t ! 'sexn'o V '. ai. Vh . vvil 'doi'si. im'I :iiiil sim lnv -lo-k. : latest itNcoM-rles in Ti o.lneii, arid t. revet. ii. . . " ' , Iktil'i.iir linlt' Iiki (MNiT.lii, ti .v. J). XOVBS, . j This U ::u iiiicrcs:ia.-; v '" : of i. i; . '-.- J Yfii fvvetit v-I'.nr pa-i s. witn ni n-i:- sirii.v. C;wi "htaia. without I-F.f. VY Oil INONyUNTLNX F, grain ever miicc. He enlisted in the ; candidates to be bal let tee. far be taken ! number of candidates had not xag- i ;u . .in." Already lift' thousand dol-I Customers on his return. Look out for Sccontl xebr:ls;c:i cravalrr. Curing the ! in the order of the" -calk gerated the number in the least, tor . ii i i i ... ii . ' "- !" Alarg? judiciously iougnt ami wen t-j w;ir aacl serVei aS Ccmmissary Ser-i Nominations for County Clf.T.k bo-1 the number of anxious countenances Sorted stock of goods, at Clark and j g. He afterwards was eommis- ing confined to one candidate, vi7-D. i told plainly that some thirty candi Pluiuinor's. this fall. sioned as 1st Lieutenant in the Iowa AV. McKinnon, it was moved and j dates were on the ground, of fifteen "Serrnth." and did irood rerrice there, i earned that he be ueciarea itie nomi- : wno nau nueen menus, aeepiy mier- l elected itr B; tXitlcr trili taak' ft j aoe by owJaruoioaf One" MVrw I eH-d in tiieir wolfaja; I cwtldnot Xrxt i IOUISATLLL, Dealer in Cigars. Tobacco, Toys, iVolions, and a general assortio..itc of Confectionery. Me verv 'e, ;,i-ir C;,r ac.-'Mi.ii.od. and v !ii re... it SI . I., n:-. e i rf y n.'M it!o, iii : n, a it: ;n .1 1 li,-.,o r ;:r, l Sluit. r r m I -;!;.'.! fa. I'a'-i!,-.1 i.'it-i ..-a. 'i rail; and la. tiL-:. ami eonfias valitao.e in.n:c ti..;i e.i i'i c--:i, -in ciuei.uiei. 1 pasM-i! t iiosc v. ho are i:. .ti l l. :!, or cna: :..': i in r mar- coiatioiiatioi.s ;.;c 01 .i:e iet. rt-.i-:'. Stl.1,11 Is u lno! (,!!;!,! to k i-l j nni'.er (01-k and key, and not laid caicl -.:j . aho'lt the hoase. ! tSellt ,lllMTiii."u"ll'."l f "si f'ir.Vl ,'1 il!. I Address I r. !tls' i !s.eiisalv. Xo. 12. N.'.l) ! . . . .. street .St. 1a,u ?!.' ii.'.ve i a s.aarci rr. mjh.e ih j traveler cen an ed- No Expense Nor Pains 1 foffil.le. Notice 'o the Afllv tetl and I'nfortunate I".efo;e a' ;um lo the !"lt.i;oiis ;i:a.-;;s who (- ii - is. or 11 i ri any 0,11; c; OVER CHECKS. fliiTt-. rrt. no la.iin 1 is r hov uc iloralIe j a: i iMiverli-e in :n!.l : icMieiiii-s, (ien:.e win'' your discasv coiKiifi'.a. . . j 1 r. I'.uf is cn'i i" consiih" (I. TeroiiaI!y or 1 i 1 "Kiil. 0:1 the ('ses men! io'ie.l in liis" worI,s. . ATCHISOIi O.t-ee. . 12 s . K!'Ct street, l.i't'.vi.fa Uie .'i-r-ket and CU. Ta'i, t. .ui Iull, Mo. ie-2-ly Wi'! 1." ;i ven l y I he to lhoe la l:cr to s;..;i !f at any of niai.y ilace cl ln le.vM tin I lie NEBRASKA R. 12: SubscHlje for tbe Xebraska LtiiuALrr lars worth have been lmrchased. Snudl amounts from individuals will not be ! CrCUIll bought, th;it not being the intention of the government in authorizing the purchase, f be lnvidnrt hnd arctla? irttenle' and Lenioiiade to tb4r vased- tOll Witliont incurring stay a.lilitioiial ciprr.s. '1 litis atforditix Trave'eis d (util Ue lor visaing the 1'aradiie ef ix'.l Oarih as, "Th Qreil Nemaha Valley." THE JJJSiiALDi V TOraJ raaSeiiKer Atent. 1 2,000 i! All !JTS 1,100,003 '.vi Y. i I I t "..I ... j i 1 X i r n