Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 25, 1873, Image 1

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    SAaRUTlf 3 PD3T OFFICE ST 01U3 Ail goo-h Soli at tire lowest prfe fer caak
A large assortment of Clocks, headquarters lor Larshcs' Patent Accommodation Spectacles.
A trofl eefocted stock of Foreigh and America "Watches, Ladies Gold Watches ana drains; solid Grold ana liaioa Setts, 11
Repairing' done on short notice and all work warranted. Call and examine for yourselves; ' .
Published over- Thursday at
aivi:ktisi; hA'Iceif
One square, ( lo line or less) one Insertion . . W.OtJ
Each Mibsoijiamt inseiitou tt
Professional cards, lint eecedii. si lines. . lO.WJ
'.cn.'iiiitn mt ninnim 20.O0
,,,,lii'ii!i per annui. i
1 t'oliinm do i0.(4
thiecop.iun ill) 100.0S
Alt f.i'.vcrtishi;: Mils due (jiiiirl'Tly.
Tlalisietil MdYVrllscll'.f hill Hills'. b J.xil t'jrfc
OCiceOn Main St., Det. .4th nnd (3th.
S i-ronii Story.
J. A. MACMDRPHY, Editor."
. TERMS : $2.00 a Year.
Terms, in Advance
ne copy, one year $2.00
One envy, sit months oo
One ce1y. three months 50
Volume 9.
Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
Number 28.
n.XTl: V.U'l hS iK TltK ltFKAI.D f-r -lt VJ Tit.
.1. MivL-ht, nt the Post mi).-.... -iiul O. 1". jwbi
rui M'-l il Main aiiil Fifth Sts.
iLJ o
AT P KEESE.Attormy sit l.iw. Office, on !
c i i 1,1,1 "vet. over Chapman's Driiir Store.
i i.udiH-uiHiii Riven to coin ctmn of Claims.
. M. TH KEI V.K, .-. W. STISt 1ICOMK.
IVliefler &StIniicoiiib,
9-ly I'lattsrnouth. NebraUa.
Cliapman & Maxtvrll.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitor in
Chancery. Oillce in FitGerald's Block, I'lutts
mouth, Nebraska.
SMITH &, 1VIMSI tol.
Successors to Marquett, Smith. & StarbinL
Attorneysat Law d-Jical Estate Brokers
Spceial attention civen to Collection, anil all
matters iiffcetiiiir tnc litle to Real l.tale.
Office on 2J Uo-.-.r, over the Pot OOtcc.
"I R. MVINf:STON, IMiysieian ami Snrfteon,
Tenders hi; rofesin.i' mtyiccs to the
citi.ens of 'as count . Re-i'leiiee sitittlicast
corner of Oak and Sixth streets ; oflle.? on Vain
street, one door west ol Lyman's Lui:i!er Yard,
Flattsnioutti. Nebraska.
AY'HFEI.r.R & l'.KNV FIT -Real F.xctc
o" arid
ia!.iY in ' A''e.-iis. Notaries 1'iihlic. Fire
nd Life Insurance Acent, l'la!t!ioUth. Nei).
1HKLIS RAINK tir..ral LiMirance Airent,
Rejrescins some .d the most reliable Toia
panies in the Fnited Slat'. jatiT-wtf
JOHN FlT.;i:RAI.r. rrMrietor.
Main Street, between Fifth & Sixth.
j Ilaltsmtitli Illlsi.
i URfSKL. Tronrietor. Have- r"-ently been
...... i .
r..:. ;.. i! itl ..e.( it. f 1 1 . .r. : l! l r.Tiiiiii.e
...... ...... , ----- ' : .
rtiitel'v f..rvl.iclitl.e highest market price will
i... ... x ..... . r....'ii t.iii.i.
be puid.
Atslr;i'? IliiC.
TtF M-MCI-PMI SVSTKM The best in use
ireTiiars. aildress
ALJiL. J.i.AI KM Ai: is ( C.
Rurlini'Mi. sowa.
1 A..i.-.-
Tlr.e a-ul r.ionev ;ve-! bv or.'!eri2 f't r. I
have the lar
'lid ....-. CoReetioii id F'ai'ts
?ver o.ier-.-d for stile
f-e. Swi-l Pota-i..
rr Rl'tnis lor sale in
fie Wet. I :i!a!i.-'ji-i
i.nue. ioinato, aim 01a
Add;css 'X.J. lit Ciattsmouth. Xcb.
. Ajzcnis TViiiiteil.
TOR A Rt'K M i:di:d uy all
Tl;e lie:
the C.'W . i
by ai;eiiti
- ; i l-i.d on the Tlorse and
i Moiiev ma.lo rapidly
;:. :.s. s(..,,i ;,,p ,-1:11-
i ' . : i K ! .'i CA'IES.
1 !.!: - ..i Rtal.idehdiia. Pa.
T-T"is-T- t- -fi T PTJV
LL-iilt ill X VT ri.1 liLiiv X .
t-r-rhcto3ra-hs. Amhr-tvpe, and copic
fre.a eld pi.-tures.plr.iif or colored, eiiiier in :n,i
water or AHw-rk neatly executed stud vv.ur-
.-f.fe.l to irivt: satisf-e 1:. :i
,a..... l to givt SJ'!V ' j' j'V.x.vT;!,. An;st.
Yi-tt l'laHsmoni h, Nfl.
IIU W unuy J'""4-
WEr.riNti ATftii, Fi..
POTTER & liArifiNCjI,
iHiAis. tor.' co,
pCTTrP-uTiptjocs c.-efnl:y prt pxrM. leiL
Healer in
fVOTniNC., FVirXIStTVO onm5. HAT
CARS. R.OOI S. si !;;. Till N Ks,
&.. &e.
rtn nf the oldest nr.d most Rellab'... Houses
in Rbttrsmoui.h. M.aia street, Ftrurtl:
und Fifth.
E. L. ELSriER,
la r?ceirt of the finest and
-S". .... . - " . . .
............. ........ .... .-T.-rix-.- c rr mi
Tn f;..-t. the I truest and best assortment of
Cio.l- .v,r bro.e.-hr i. tl,;- city, which 1 am
prenared 1o make up in the Iitisi Styles. Call i
Lnifex.-umiu. (..hhIs. in-rilis. :
Mrs A. D. Whitcomb,
Biae; three doors west of Erook
cuttixo and fitti . u jiAvt:
. . . -. I
I -T rattems or ail cor.statiiiy on jiar.ti j
-'- I
Main street. I "..iUsniourli, Neb.
I am propared to ii'Vfjinniodale tho public
Horios, CanM.ii.
I.i: ;ies.
" and a No. 1 Hearse.
On short r-":
flack will r.i.' r t:
and all pans l ! f i
t re - so; i able terms. A
i: ; at Land'ntc, li tot
.. .' : n desired.
Jan. ill.
Blacksmith Shop.
ciias. xTtiffaxy,
Regs leave to inform tlie farmers of
Cass County he keeps a good Xo. 1
ne mile; north of.Mt. peasant.
A11 kimis of Ir;.. v,irk atten.letl to. i
Wagori.s repaired, i'aim Implements
carefully mended. Lowest iirices, and
all work done on short notice.
Grain received in payment. Give
me a trial. (Via?. No Tiffany.
Oflicial Diivctorv.
T. r. Tlj.ton. Rrownvillc t. S. Senator.
I. XV. Ihtcheock. Omaha I". S. Senator.
L. Crounse. Ft. Calhoun Representative.
R. M. T'iirn:i. Iirov.ii-. il:r Uovcrrmr.
J. .J. ;ivH r, l.iiieoin Sec'y of S!m1.
J. I.. Wi-st'in, liiiitn'f T.Ainiitr.
II. A. Ko-iii-, olniiilms Treasurer.
.1. ir. r. Cnii! tfy;'n.
J. M. McKcuie, Lincoln. ..Siip't liit. Insiruc'n.
flco. V.. Iikc, finialt.'i Clilof .Tnslicc.
Ianiej i;antt. Nel.rr-.ika i-iiy. i ... ...i.,.,. t..,.,
R. R. I.ivinirston Mayr.
l'lielns 1'aiiii' 'ilV Oerk.
! XVm. Vinter-tei!i fity Tr;a.iirer.
.!. . Maine ...Police .iu.ijre.
Mile Mui-'an
I). S. Johnson Street Commissioner.
First Wakh. .t. Fivsrerald, If. S. Newman. Vai:ii.-.I. avinan. C. Nichols.
Tn i it i V yi;i. R. C. riishiii", Tlios. l'o!lo-k.
roiitlll Waicd. R. YiYian, F. JoIiiimhi.
H. F. Ellison rrobate Judae.
lan'l -MeKinnon County t 'elk.
'. I.. Itobiis - Treasurer.
F. W. ise Suji't J'ub. lnslrnet'ii.
I .....K V.,li.rv ,
T Choke " V...: Count;
! Lyman .lames. )
' J- lll,lllUv-
. 1 AITIST n the Cono r of Main and Ninth.
Rev. T. .1. Arnold. l"ast.r. Sen ires every
Sabbath, at 1 1 a. m. and T j. in. S.ibbath School
at!'j:i. in. l'rayer liteelin every Wednesday
. t'iiia.
( 'HRISTIAN Service in Cop'n -at Ion Chi;rri
at II a. in. and ; : :! v. m. enn-r .f Locesi
an-1 will streets. Cordial i.iVitjlion extended In
ad to aiteud.
I,' IT SCO PAL-Comer Vine and Tni'd streets.
Minister. Sen b es every Sim. iaj at
11 :a. i.i. and s j. in. Samlav seioK.I at H p. i...
"'ATHOI.IC- North side of I'ub'.icS.'iliTe. Ii.-v.
y ' Father I' First Mass i-verv Said.atnat
- i . . ... ....
.....v. . ....... ... ... ....
i i ...... i
- . - i-. . ' ...... . -- ...
in.;: at 7 p. in. Mass at
j a. m. every w.-eK u::y
L'lltsr RRI'.SRYTl'Kl AN North side of Main
1 si! cel. wvsi of r.tli. Rev. W. T. I'.arile ; S-r- i
Vices everv Sai.l.ath ai 11 a. i.i.'atid; p.m.
i Saobalb S. I10..I at ; a. 111. Rraycr iio eTiiitr
TE1H.I)IST F.MC(rAl.-Vest side t l rtii
street si.u'.aof .Main.
.ev. '. . "Ii-KeH lev
'tor. Services everv S::i
lb. :.t to :n a. m..
i !,n'! ' Vrt w-v'.m-x everv T,u:rsd..y
eveni'f.'. i lass iim-.':iii4 every Monday eventu.
j and iaiiiieiliateiy ain-r bee il sabbath morii-
j ini; s i- i.-es. S.ib!.a:!i Scinnd at 'I :, M. 1J.
! R'-CS;", SiiHS:aiel..!::nt.
,VT ...... o,., ,.,,,... .....,
1 D
J-.v. I. nib. ( m Se!n:.n:'.;.s vr-
, l.i:t:a::s mil 11 t't;r (.nUeodirnst. l'et.e:-ii tii!.:
! tind.t ti. r-.ei''- von j.. :.'t an io:ei-naes-.i!.' aiie 11
1 'fa 'C staff. Mi.iisteV, Rev. L. 1 laiinawa'.d.
Sat.iiath .ind ai 1 j. 111., Frd. d A'lemand.
Siipcrioteiai. ;:t.
; T ". F. -Rem:!ar meetings ..f RI.iJic l'de
j " No. 7. I. .!. F. every I hursdav e eriin at
I ( d.l , Mall. Tt-..iiiciit lu-rs are cor-
dially in v tied to visit.
1; 1:. cfn NixM ham, n. c,.
j Ai l v. S.111 :i;i 1. St-cr-tary.
j i it o. r.-Ri YnsMOi i:i F. .mimi vtVo.
j. l;.-;.'ii' ir the L'd : 11 1 4ih
! Friday's of e-.eli tt:oi:th at ld F.'!l.e.s' llali
j ar.'id r.nd Main streets. Tiuisiciit I'atri-
! -..s cor-tiallv invited ie T
' Nku.,v K,.rii... "
'' - v. r .
1 'A-Ni( - Fi v t Tsvoiri if L'im;f. . r.. A.
A K. -V A. M.-Rcrnlai me. tl.iirs at their Hall
: n the firs; ami tliir.l Monday i v.-i;iiiirs of cu-ii
month. Truiisa-nr brethren !t'it-.l to visit.
A. '"'At 1.KM YM. See.
: T.rov lii.;k N... A. F. A-A. M.
I - 1 lar iia-t-iinrs lit Maeey ll-ill. lirst an
and third
j i:i.;s j.
I d. M. .FA". Sec.
v. is i-:, w. m.
i XK.','.I:SK- rVA,"ri;'.: N,on-l-V'.f'-'V-" i
j dr.y eMiiia-,. .r each iih.i;!i ';, oVI.'k ... m. j
i:. li. UI IMiSiU.V, Ji. I
It. N'r.vx M v. Tec.
T O. ;. T.-OUYE RRANCH. No. ?. TL TL xx c r . ii it t .! a-.'., w
i : T. W. Sdrv.-c-. T od- ! :;tv. meets at i
!er.k xa.!;,!VrT..,J;.iJ.' l"7- ,.',t::u:Vl, i:v V '
rpCRNVRRFIN.-Tbe T.imcrSoeie.vme. tsat-
1 Turners ii.isi in cubm-iiCs r.'..-k. on the
Kur il-. i. - ITes'ilelit ; II. Newman. Tr.
' Y- or'"'' I;'V.',i,: s''T'R:'-.,: .,!:-"!
Rraidseb. corr-spoiidid Ser-r.-f-ry : 'liam First Tnni War. : Rons. Second
Turn Wart : Oswald (.mhmtin. v. rd. -n.
.. . . r
.... ....... i i ' .......
Purissima et Optima.
! lhis nnrivalled MeHjepie is warm men i.of to
.... . e ,
. - "' "'J
jllllolis slliisanec, fnt IS I
v. ..l-t vi'i-tTiitiv
Kr.IA Y l-.( .A I A It I.E. I
For forty y-sirs it has proved its j-reat value v
in all diseases of the Liver. Rowels and Kbiiicys :
Thousands of tiie -immI an. I tret in ;!! l-arts of '
the conntiy vom h ir its on.ierfni ami iei i:ii tr
power in piintvintr the bloo.-l. s: e.inlatit. the , liver and bowels. ;.5 iiepani!:- nee. life j
aiid x ir..r t. t lie yy hole v so-m. sitni.ion.s l.iv- j
ei Rei,iila:or.sackii..,ie.ii-,i toi.ave no emai :
Tt contains four medie.-i el. tnents. never unit
ed in the same happy p;-.;.. tiot, i any o r ;
lt-. H.IIPMI. ,U , il t -line 1 ; It M i c. a Y OIHler-
.... i- ... : ...... , ... .... . ,
I ini on..-, mii im-e.v ..ju looaoie .y neraii ve aim a !
I erTlaiit Cotreeiivo of all iieniirities of the bodv. !
S,'..l airl.. a.,.......: 1,.. t t . . . .1 ...1 1 . .- ...... ir !
Warded tt,
' for Liver Complaint and the painful oiTs.irinii
j thereei Jo-wit: I lysjiejisia, ( "oust ipai ion.
ilienres-ion i f Spirits, Sour Sioinacii, Heart
item. v
lleuiaie the Liver and pt event
CHILLS ASi) FLYER. only t v J. II. ZF.IUN & CO.
I 'rmrtrists. Macon, fix
Send f.r a Ctr.-ubir i and .V Areh street.
i Price si. bv mail l.Si l'liiladeiphia Fa.
j J.H. Bullery,
i Jant-wly Flattsmonlh. Xtb.
Buying Your Greenliouso aud
Bedding: Plants
Pi ciiic f w(t rd e n .
)''N"r send Last for Hants vvhen yon can jret
-' just as ..'eod for less m..i:..-j nearer home.
To my tuimeroii-t friends and patran.s I would
say that 1 hoc the largest and best sunk of
phniis ever offered for sale in ihe "West, and
at -easoi .."nle
Dc sure ai.u send for ii. '
V' IHescriptlve Catalogue.
which will be -.erst free, to all who rnlr for it.
Then give me your orders, and X fot! nw.B lett I
I CJill sat; Iv roil.
I can m
w. j. utEs.sta.
Lodge. I
110! 1'Or. TiiU WEST! !
For the Herald.
Jind of the rolling i iY-'r.
Land (if the Rrairie dew ;
I. and of shower and sunshine.
The happy land and true.
Land of peaci and plenty,
Land of corn and Yvine ;
Lund of the farm and orchard,
L.ind of the luscious vine.
Land of lands for a cation.
Stalwart, brave, and true ;
The fairy laad of cicatioh.
H;-r wealth lies waitiii ,' you.
IIo, for the west !"is the watchword.
Ho, for the west. Ho. Ho ;
Ten thousand myriad voices,
fiive answer hack. IIo, Ho !
the oi!ami:ks Yankee ijoodle.
Across the fields Y! n:i--hty yields
HaYe fed the hungry nations.
Are c in;i cries and sliari rej-lies,
Atid ttiieatenhi.; exclaiiialiur.s.
Ciioki s Yankee Doodle soon will free
Tke farmers from their d.ner ;
No dandy lie. a all cii.ii sec,
ilut Yankee Hoodie ('.ranger.
: We'll catch at last, and bind them List,
' These .soulless corporation ;
j Nor let tlieni break the 1 onds yvc make,
i T-. si:ll tlieir ln; !;i:at!ons.
Ciioitts Yjtr.fcce poodle meet the foe
That kecj.s tlse State in danger ;
lie . strikes tiieiilow that l.ysliin low.
As Yankee loo.lie (Iraiier.
The farmers feel l he iron heel
The middle men are wearing.
And will not stand, in tl is fair land.
The 'uirden we are hcarliijj.
(.'Holies Yankee Poodle ta'.Les-a l:;:iul.
V. l.en frm ilcni stands in danger ;
lie draws his tn'.ind and savs .he land
i As Ihmj lii? lirauer.
i 'e no-.v piccLiim, in laiior's name. s
j To nil ti:ce eras; '.:;.; s:rn;zei,
Thai in ot.r n;i!: v,e'!l take what's ri;;ht
j And due to Ration ' JlLUels.
i Ciloro Yankee l'oO'.e firiisiv stands
A foe to every ilan::er ;
For he commands oar Ration bands
As Yankee Hoodie ( ranker.
-Ja UKvr 7V, ( Wis ('.-.-rr.
1 - -
Ni:;ij: vXA na IT.
In the Nalioin! Evhihi ti jaThe Crttu
Tu titi on oar Yoa ".'j; Stale IIul.
Yet We Took the Vrl
The tiraud Success.
From Our Ov. ti C.rrc-ion.!,ent.
lio.sTON, September 0, 137J.
EriTou of Tin: (Jj.iaha Rri uhlican:
The twentv-litt.i anniversary of the
American Fotn dogicil Society, which
opens to-morrow, promises to bo a
grand event in the history of this or
ganization, composed as it is, of those
strong mm of the Fluted States who
have given the best energies of their
lives to the work of advancing the in
terests of fruit pTowing. The 2h v. Mr.
Unmet, of Ontario, and Mr. Tichcnor,
of Alabama, both cxjs'ct'seil to me to
day the same idea "that horticultur-j
ists were l?ou;id togeiher the wotl.l
over;" and certainly tla' N'tbr.i ;.a tit le- ;
Ration h ive foutbl that friendly feeling
Th Nebraska quartette arrived here
at H:W tiiis forenoon, atid after a bur-
l ieu creasiusi ai iaeii iicauquai iei s, j
(the Fremont . went at once to busi
ness. Tlie fruit car hail arrived, and
its contents were found all right in the ;
hall. Position h id been assigned j-i i
the most conspicuous part of the hall.
I4t the wad ft. the lilAHl talde 111 tiie ;
of the cominilte'e r-!
is one
marked, "You show so mucli iituk in
vour state in coming so far toat we
ni";ill to do our best lor Vim.
loxva was busy on our right, and
-vo ,sas on uie i.-r. YYi.ue u.e
wall on one side Lhvanger A; iiarrv I
! owning o 7 vatieti- s pears.
! ami OU Lie Ot h'T Can tOfTitU displaying :
'her Riaminoth pears, tipples, i Mches, ,
,- (),, i rr.vs !' l. - tbe
m,s' UM CI Os-lds-ie ..i, tl. 1
j head of the i-otii, C'lapn, t tie great p".ir j
j man of M.:s:;aehuselts.'slit.wcu eighty- !
Uiv varieths oiser.Uin;- pears, the ecu- '
It - ... ..... .1... v.- ...1 ;ir. o ..
i ter f Collection being an immense .
I i.uneh bowl rounded tin with that !
! si.lendid fruit. Claim's Favorile." F
The Xebraskians have worked steasli- i
Iy, and at 10 o'clock to-night iiad 170
plates of fruit in position, which has i
attracted the attention of every om-.l
and brought out many high compli- '
: ments for our young Slate. Quite a
. number oi packages are to be rp-jed
, vet, a: el lots of work before opening
i . ....
hour to-morrow, at K A. M. i
I'tah's fruit Hiir.e in this evening, I
. . ,. ,. ... ....
nvii- iL U ii. I....... Muni nit oil i
,.. "-.v.. .-...-....v ....
ti.: t i I li 1 1 :'. I n- t v i n .1 1 . l i
.. . . . . . . ... .
lOOifl lOT UlSplOV 13 iilieadV 1 1 if. i
-i.i - i i. i i T
v. -might have Otu-Upieti nearly uotible
the si ace i f it could be had. Old and !
'.' , . .,,.,,,. .,.. '
p"' ' olRieilt horticulturists Sa", X C til t
u.,j.:g a gooil work of advertising cur
... . ;, . .,....,,o , ,r . i
t'e a. el lb a.Y ..tll.l.-s. ,
More than ever we wish to sav t i
CVerv farmer, and the man who oalv i
- . ,,. ....., . "1
ownsasit.g'e lot. by all means plant
fruit trees. One lew of tiie oyer- j
j,,,, J,.nfd Ol cil.irds of Western XeV
. , , , .-, i . . . .
x .ii-L vi'.i'ili cji- 'ii i I v i nt vm 'ii it
-,, - .a.-.. ..
.'( rnihl irtiii..
For the Herald.
The Laborers among the confusion
rubbish, myriad imperfections and er
rors, are rearing their structure in Main it has made its appearance in va
spite of all oppositionour eyes be- . rious portions of the city, and is no
holding the rising walls of the. edifice, i longer confined to "I inch."
There was a time when the debris and j The Roard of Health to-night has
scaffolding were in a state of confusion j returns from only two under
and disorder, presenting an awkward ! takers, who re;ort 12 interments, nine
an l ugly appearance, inspiring a strontf ! of the deaths being from yellow fever.
faith, a hopeful and vivid imagination.
Stern and exhaustive labor to the tinal
consummation of the work.
The history of the Fnited States for
eighleen or twenty years in its highest
rank, and import an-" reveals a historic
movement oi a moi ... antl a political ; i:ig citizens are doing all in their pow
nature. We rejoice in our country, in j t-r to check tlie gise:ise. The inter
its iower and freedom, when xve con- j ments yesterday were twenty-two
template that a system desp die and iany of the deaths last night. The
tyrannous in its rut mr, was overshad- ; Howard Association are greatly in
owing hall or our domain .uiu demand- '
ing its further extension and protec-
tion under the law and flag of our
country. An aroused public con
science demanded the prohibition of
any further extension of this
lis tyranny I
i.v- th.
t t 71
no, In tat i
into .territory that was IT
i election of Abraham Lincoln In the j
party orir:iniz:ition of tho IcpuMican
p trty we Ih IioM one thing, ami in the
ovor ruling s-nthn-iit of tiie people is
quite another. In the former, as in all
like political organizations, we see
weakness ami corruption, sunt in the
latter we witness something of an om
nipotence The sentiment is the soul
inspiring mora! movement of the ay-p,
no more to he restrained in its flight
than one of tho planets. A:iJ when
the KepnMiean p trty neglects or re
fuses to reflect "party purity, a Irnlnis
trative. ami legislative integrity, gene
ral and imiartial legislation, the re
peal of oppressive laws, and restrain
ing tyrannous monopolies; the promo
tion of public improvements and of
popular education," then its mission is
doiu Rat so long as it maintains and
, . , ,.
represents a true and ?(auin Repubh-
... ... . . .
can sentiment, it will astound its cue-
mies Yvitii its might an I power. The
blindness, weakness, errors and blun-
ders of some men lead thcrn astray,
and work detrimental to great and
j paramount interests of our common
! countrv.
Mu.t we list'-n to tlte din of Credit
r. ddlR.f .....1 5-ii-irv Rpiih 'iiil fill in
rally to turn the Ship of State to her
Hoput.iican course.
The fanners movement is a retlec- j an,i twenty eggs a vear."
tion of the Republican sentiment of j . .... .,
tb1 age. j The pipeti,,,, Gf Gov. Xoves, Reputi-
To say that the Mission of the Re- i(.;in in Ohio, is claihied :ts being as
nubiic i'i Dartv is aceomnlislKHi in the i t..i i.,. .4nr ..i:...-!t- ti.c. ci.-.-.-t
triumph of Union forces, in the consii-
tutional ai:i.Md.u?nts, and in the freed
111; ! ' - "fin, i. no '- via.-
U.Y iKtllTfl ?!.! TiX 3: il'X MU
. . y-.i a
guardianship of L.ts, great Ruerests
W,"IUt U- , t , . M - ,
;e are nut to aoandon tho oversigut
01 iib-si- c.-cui uiteie.sus; ran to Keep , tKlt Jie t,:is f.Xp..,.s.iy i,;ohLi.iied tin
jiace with the reforms and demands j use w-f t,;s n;Ulle.
... . i . j j
in liio limes, we onieve mere are
enough men in the Republican party
who will rallv to tlie standard and un-
furl the banner of reform in harmony
with the Repnbli-.m sentiment of the
age. E. II.
Tlie PaniC StriCSeil reOple 01, - .
tl Aiw 0 i 'this actum in unmistakeable term-'.
Memphis Fleeing.
KVEsiY T'.i is ty v, .:s an kvf.r V
R AT LS.Vl.N'(i C;i '.V:i:!.
Thirl y 1 F-.rty 3,u!hs a Ray at Shreve
Fever Ileporb'! , he Racing in
New Orleans.
llisr.:.!: !!!
he Si. I-oliis r.lnbe.
Minimis Sept. l i.
The Yellow Fever panic lias been as
high as ever to-d.:y. The early morn-
; trains went full of ileeing citizens,
and ;-.t n.)gn the rush was greater than
1 ne Louisville tram tooic out :
six coaches full and two cars of bag-
i sra1'!'. li'avmg o:u'
hundi'ttl or move
that thev dida't have cars for.
the Charleston tlie s'-cne at the d'p -,t
at noon was of no little confusion.
Seven coaches filled went out. There
are ijuife a number leaving hy l-oat at-
; - - "- i
leave are either gone or getting ready;
to uml U k,.Ve during the next',
t .
' . .
1 he lever IS Cll Clilatllig ltsell about :
t heed v. one or two cases oein . report-
in Hie southern portion on Sh(-lby :
.,IM, V,(V. xvl.i'o in tie
so. and, in tact, nearly an who can
', , ,
IiUltlle,n IM'rt,ua wcrt sfVt'raI talal
Memphis, Sept. 15.
.. . ... . , . , ,. f ..,. i,..t,,-
t,,lal ,,UI,', ('1 ,f ! I tu-tldj
was tlartf is of whom nine (tied of
yellow fever. To-night it is quite wo!,
.x .. s,uo 0f the leading i-livsicians
,, - .. .. w ;M .,it
fiiit'.k the scourge w i.l oisappear alto-
gelher in a few days.
l'l-ivoio ?..!viei' ffi.m Xpw (lileatis '
. a.-......' ... ... . - . ...... .....
. . , . ,
,... t- c t r ...... t t l, t r iy
-fS -a.... a a.
0Y il
. , j v...r;,.T ,i,m i,,,, rri-o-t ..vto-i
to lie raging tilCie IO a gie..t CXteni. I
" . .. . . !
AdviCeS tlotil .-shievepot't report thirty
- '.ev ,i.,t!w ,.,ir ...i ii..,i ..-oli -t
Oi ..!..'. C .li lis (l.lllj , a.ld ..llll.l
.i,"t;l.'ti'U :-ow of not over i.ouo. Tlie ;
Ka'.i aidhov s.-ivs tlRt the disease also
, , . ,
rages m the ouniry na- a uis.;ir.;.c ol
....:'.... ........ I s.-'......,... r. .. I
twenty miles around Shreveport, ami ;
js sweejeing away negroes by bun- !
Memphis, Sept. 15.
Ihe wildest rumors prevailed li-uay
in regard to the yellow fever. 'Trains
are leaving on various roads crowded
with passengers leaving. It is difficult
to obtain reliable data m regard to the
spread of the disease. It is quite cer-
SuRKvi:roRT, L.S.. Sept. 15.
The yellow fever is still raging. -
NVe.ither unfavorable. Sixty ier cent, i
of those attacked die. J
Great suffering in all classes of soci-
etv for want of nurses. The surviv
need of assistance.
Lightning recently struck a tele
graph pole iind ran along the wire into
the office at tVatSville, Indiana, when
the operator, seated at the instrument. I
i v .-...,- .-'..,--.. c t - urv ,
Xcrv"'UI f 1 ' i
so c r. inat-t' - 1
soil r. ft.r
Current Comment.
Tho Ohio Staie Journal poiiits out a
: f:ict worth ail the speeches of the can
In all the time that the Republican
partvhashad the control of tlie .state
poverument of Ohio, collecting and
disbursing millions on millions of laon-
cy, the State has lost not one cent by
the unfaithfulness or incapacity of its
A jeusnn for the numerous stories
.iloin. YVilkps ltootli l!.:it li.ive of late
, . , ., . , . ,
found their wav into the "independent
... ' ... t i 4i
opposition papers is lurnished bv the
1'ittsburg (Pa.) Commwial :
Tlie assassin of VrestdeiiL Lincoln is
, i . . i-c , t i -,1
brought to life again probably with
the ultimate view of placing h:m be-
i , . t, , . , . i-
I for Use country as the Uourbon candi-
; 4 t .. .
: date i.jr the Presidency.
"James Jenkins," said a school master
. to his pupil, "What is au average V"
"An average, sir," answered t'.;e sc.hol
nr promptly, "is a thing that hens lay
eggs on." "Why do you say that, you
j Riiiy boy?" replied the pedagogue.
Reeause, sir," said the youth, "1 heard
a gentleman say the other day as a hen
j wnuid lav. on an average, a hundred
! for ,".ontv..l of t'.ie Le-:slat tire and !
I tlltt T7?iit--I States Senatoi ship .'.epeitd-
. ... -! x m
cul iiieieoTi 'Ai.i ': .ui:e .i.iMn.fn
thll, th;U ror staio (.iv,....,-,. Secretary
i f''5"!, K l.tvv.tW d M.y that
! h.. is ;l eandMate for Scj,.t..r. and say
ihere is no unieroRcp 4;t ,im:on
as to tlie character of that h gi dation,
by wiiiclt Coagressini-n not only in-
fMV-M'.i';l t lioir f utiii" ' 101
. , , .- 1 1 c 1 . .
;.. A T,
11. in, aiie in .ri I joi 1 .n ,v o.M .tt.
iiw saints rate, uoin me ieiiiocraiic
ir ,
. . , ,
There is but on? seuttm.'nt regarding
., ., , . , ; .
it the people. A repeal of tiie
T .. ', .
law is dem.iiid 'u. ow, mv inenas,
.. . .. r . , ...J,. .
it is sometim-s fair to h'!d th it partv
., , , . .... , - , ,- "
responsible for b'gisl itiou winch lias a
inijority in the Iglsl.itiv: bod;.-. Svm?-
times this is unfair, as I will endeavor
to show. Suppose there were two hun-
, tired members of Congress, one hun
I dred and one Republicans and niuety-
nine Democrats, and two Republicans
) v.. toil vvifli 111, f. : !: :.f v-.i i 11 --j 1 l.-.i 11 ;ri-i ta
' i . .. .. 1 ..... C . . 1:11 ..11
j io mi passive oi a mil, wo-.liu
the Republican party then be responsi
i , , v v ', ".
lia.i in tiie cose s
posed a majority of the members. Let
now consider for a moment the
. . i - . , , ,
I became a law.
! law:
In i!u) S 'Jiate it was as fol'ows:
'. Rep..'). lean S.'.ialor.s for lh-s U:'!
: It.-p i'.Iieali el!
: io-o T'lieali seii;.::rs at; oesi lite tun..
j jj,.Ui;c:aii.- senators for en- ..-ill
oeinoc'-aoe. si'imhun :i--:..:-i te.e iin,
R;....:il.,...:ll. ,M.t-.,.,iM-' Sen -i-ir- for the bill
- ' "V '
y ,.. v;,.,,..,., f , li.e s.e.j
, , St. ,
b "', . .
No,-' iet -:; :, -, .;,.:s j: in-s; t'.e i ill
i t it i
, , lU"1"" fi J''i!"'--:u:l-Ivt's
Repin-ii. t a it-pivs-.-ntaiivt for me i
: it-r:;i R -i ..-.-i t uives u
leitio.-;-,iiie RepiesctiU-aivc.s lo; tiie bi'i
!h-iii!Mr.itic Rej.rst. i ves aaias; il.e -i t
OuToin ia nibcr ., 1 . and it.. t..r li.e til!...
Sout.lier-1 Ret.oii.-,:i;s for tlie bill
Southern 1 'eiiiocrats f tho biii
The united vote of both Houses was
; Rep.iMicaii .Me,u'eis a::d .-siaiors far t.i
I h'tU "
! Repubii.-io. Mmu-w a:.d Sc'i.if.-is- a..-.nst
.; it
i " R
j h uic Memt.. rs -ti.u se.:.;ioi for the
""I 61
! i Jv-moeiao .,ie;jiee:s ana sen aor.s : gainst
IH 1. I
s. . ...........
Oat--! ; eiiat irs and .leai.
... -,.. . s, . i m .- i.
StM.h. . n sen..!.-!s .n,.t '-"
it -p; U. ,V:ir..l H-
It ol.... .!U.. 1 ti.
r l!;e bill. 6.5
rs foi the bill. v
a large pro-
portion of rh- aihrnviiive vte came
ll'o-o to-' So't'.h, and '.!:'., lil" JH'lVOnt-
.. , ,
age o: 'i,-. . : - very mm o iai i,-
l lr-!l ft. . , . o' I . . . - . . 1 .1 w, i .-.a, I IF 11.,
:r th;t:i that of
cans, ur the
Ohio den g.u ion ton
of six Dem
ocrats in the were in favor of
the bill, while on'.v three out of thir-
; leen 1iuiiic;irs voiei ror u, .ana one ,
j of theo vigorously opposed it till the
! last moment, and only voted for it then j
j to save the anpropriation bill, to which '
'. , , . ,. , , '
: it was attached, and lor wmch he was j
responsible. Not a single Democratic '
member of tl:o House from Ohio has
.-.ia,-n-...l 1.:.- l..w.!- T-.. .
O'lvla,! O.V,;iV .VV lliLUalit.- 1 1 ri3Ul J. I
.while a very considerable number of
the Republican members have already
done so.
democratic testimony.
Judge Van Turnip, as you all know,
an able and conspicuous Democratic
member of (V.ngress from Ohio, in a
letter to his constituents, explaining
his action on the salary bill, says:
"I had voted steadily and uniformly
against the measure without hesitation
or shadow of turning, althmnjh a ina-
jt.rity of my party voted the othei way.
"And yet, as applied to the salary
question alone, I do not speak of it as
party capital. As a party question ft
remains at rest; a majority of the
Democrats, if the Southern members
Can bo classed as strict Democrats,
voted for it. Without their, aid, cou-
pled with the Northern Democrats
, ... -. ,, .
hmve bNu ctrvie4l.4,---2J'tito'?ri.
1 have- beu cmied." IfrpultH-vm
The National Frescoes.
Of the thousands of persons who
j yearly visit tlie Capitol, at Washington,
i "jut t'otn5)'"ativi'ly few stop to exam-
j vlillclli l'"5 - ' l"
. . " , . . . .
shadow one needs to remain a cunsiu-
erable time to accastotn the eves to the
twilight eltect. At first it is but a
confused mass of half-illuminated col
or, gradually drawing upon the sense
like a rainbow web. - Look closely in
kaleidoscopic changes, figures begin to
J form into portrait, landscape, bc;ist,
, . , . 1 . , , ' . ,
bird, flower, insect, and emblematical
i ...
designs. Movement and voice given,
and t!ie Congressional Hall itself wul
'. be outdone, in diversity of speech and
i . , , J . , . ,
. .
' known m America is here laithfuuv
: , . , . , ,
i and artistnallv depicted. Individual
. .
! evening, the birds bathing at the foun-
tain, tha i)uls heavy with dew, and
myriads of tiniest insects studding
leaf arid bough. There are but lew
who know by whom our national pal
ace was decornled. They pass by, note
the endless variety of design, the mi-
irate finish of the smallest worm upon
. t;e wit!l ,i,VlsUl IX fa.
miliar lainlsc.tpe, a well known por
trait, stand amazed before the tender
grace of goddess and cherubs, never
i once asking who were the artists, or if
iskiiig, fail to elicit any satisfactory
1 r 'Plirv 'ii-o tb.-. u-r.rL' ..f tvv.
fJerm.ins. Seven long years
! uf ,..;.,; " i....
1 r
' - -
. ;., : .,,!,. -,i:0 n.oie .e.,.,.!..
1 ill- ill U.'Oii ino.-L utiii.i iioiiuv.1
! fl1 hu.r.sion,, ,llltU tho declining
; ltl,iUh uf o::0 t!i(. f:liliilff vesight
, ....... f,
vi vtt. oi;m H.1U0 vu 111 10 110111
their Pibors. Otu lies in bis prema
ture grave, the other, stone blind,
weaves baskets for a living in the city
of Hamburg.
Sain Houston.
Tlie r.. mmce of Senator Houston's
life is hardly known to the present
l Rt'Rer.ition, yet it contained enough to
i . . .....
I rurisn mat-'nai lor a
hal f score
; ,
! novels
Escaping from his mot
j when at the ag- of seventeen, ho fell
I .... .......
ma nv 1:1 love wiiu tue inatan tn.uuen
, , , , , , ,.
i Tootooloo (si'inrl ash t. an 1 followed her
. . .
to her hoi:p adopted t!i habits ol the
. , - . ' , ,
; ( s. mat ri"l le-'i', and iir lliiee
... , , , . . .
vears V. o!-;;:teka nuute'i :i?nl iisttt -u.
; -
, ilil'l io.i.Ii, as a o,i.i uiiiiiM otavt-
i and acknowledged chief.
His uoi'X
grow n (1 o v-
! peeled return to his family,
ing his altsence. though stiii wanting
six months of his legal majority, to
j that heroh; stdtui'i! which then, dressed
I in hunting shirt and moccasins :,. I
I i''l
ict and head gear." and eve:" oftcr-
rd, ho'.vcvcr clotlied, nia.le hi'a a
! man of mark. His abando'imeut,
teen years later in his li
Governor of Tennessee, w h
! tf.S t ;
i !:"s .
I I'l.liiK.S II. I t IHTil lUl'Lltll 1
. 1 . 1 ....... 4 ..... '
j cesses as a lawyer atid triumphs as a
I politician, of Ids young and accomplish-
j ed bride the day after marriage; i;is
resignation oi o.nce. anu win-nngup
i of business and settlement of affairs,
j with the utmost deliberation, against
i . , . . .
the most earnest entreaties oi menus
6 j and jeers of foes; his securing by deed
5 ! all his not inconsiderable property to
o6 ! his mother; his return as an Indian
io ! cnief, 10 the wilderness, reclaiming his
3 ; wife, and dwelling there years longer
: witli his tribe; and his sudden dpart
as u;e, at last for Texas, for the purpose
of hi eoniing a herdnian on the prairies
ail show clearly enough tlie large
k? eiemro.t of sovageism there was in his
j3 h.tracter. And yet he was superbly
!j'Tci by nature; was a great soi
m dier. lawyer and statesman; possessed
an executive ability unsurpassed
whether as Governor or Senator: was
the most popular of men; and in pol
ished society was its ornament and
delight. .1 ppJ'dviis Jon rnal.
I The average American is capable
; ot the most heroic tlisregaru ol th"
! T,r.?.rIot i'..c i i . . t?.a2..7i f. . uf .l:ttt'-rel'
""' . T
surditv when the danger is removed.
This fact received a striking illustra
tion o i the Mississippi IJiver the other
day. The sicamer I lock Islatnl had
left St. Paul with an immense number
of returning t'Oivists on board, all the
state rooms being occupied and cots
spread on the lloor of the cabin at night.
Heaching LeClaire after dark on Fri-
; il tv eveni:i.r it yv-is 1ee?ii... lirndpnt to
iav there until morning, so as to go
down the'liock Island r.spius during
daylight, an I the was accordingly
V'";1 X' t,,e sls,,1'- 5!l.fTK
aturd.!V morning the pilot-hous" was
,i;Seover"d to be on lire; an alarm was
quickly given in the cabin, the sleepers
awoke, jumped from thel! be: t:is. and
f .iiriil i i.i-Mim 'if m1 i.e. ! I i-i I .. ( ft iti r i i-
fii:.n, rusli! Ivm stuirs and ovt-r tiio
gang plank to the shore. None stopped
for other clothing than that in which
thry were sleeping not even thinking
of throwing a bed-spread around them;
and reaching safety on the levee, men,
women and and children huddled and
shivered together in the odd morning
air. The oiTicers and crew of tiie boa?,
went promprly to work, put the steam
pumps in motion, attac-e-d host- to tin.
hvdronts. and in lb'teen minutes h id
the tl-.mes under control, and in ten
minutes more entirely p.ieie-!e-1. T.!in !
the gallant Captain Lanvoru r, que.ste I j
his masculine passengers io turn their ,
backs to the boat while the . ladies
went o'l Tweir.l- ariil the rr.i'it lomeii
obliged in excelleiit humor, nor turn" ! j
one-' to glance at the numerous pretty j
ankhs until all h id disappeared. Then
they too sought state-rooms,
clothes and warmth.
Win. Saunders, the father of the
Order of the Patrons of Husbandry,
1 ' f the principal m t-rers or
the tit: ion a!.. Gneiss asso-iatmu. dt-d
i W.oshingWn, on tLe-th uit., cf bii-.
i iuhh frvor-
lio'j frvo;:-'
The L(i'i.v for Spteinbcr is (juite .1
remarkabie nuni'ner, in view of its
choice of subj-'cts. The great questions
of Marriage, Eating and Drinking, J)u-
I cling. Religion, and Language are all
hit uiv-u, uiki 41 o t. l i-Viirii' illUi C VII
I that, vaned as they are m then' nature,
: ....
i we niigtu a: most- tniiiK. tua same pen
had writtt n them all.
Mr. Albert Rhodes, who seems to
have identified himself with the G al
ary as a writer of character sketches,
comes before us this month in a new
character, and discusses for the first
time an abstract tpiestion "The Coming
Marriage." He could not have chosen
a happier theme. There is not, per
haps, in the whole range of magazine
subjects one v.!:':1. vi'i:M claim more
u if versa! ivUer.tior.; tor marriage lias
a surpassing interest for every honest
human being, from budding nine to
hoary ninety. The writer considers
his subject in all its bearings as a pro
moter of virtue and social life and
economy and health; he glances at the
difTteuities and dangers of the under
taking, the questions of wealth and
breeding, and social equality, the mar
riage customs of different nations, and
gives some statistics which we com
mend to the notice of. all bachelors and
This comes from Ohio:
Fnder tbis sod
And nn.ler these trees
Lieiii the bod
y of Solomon ?&.
He's not in this hole.
I'.ut only ids pod ;
lie sin lied out his soul
And went ii to his Co l.
Row A-lverlisir. yy sn:-
A sagacious Frenchman has in
scribed the necessity of persistent ad
vertising by telling how the advertiser
feels the effect of it. We have not the
item at hand, and but dimly remem-
ber its features, so we h:iv to draw
largely upon our imagination in relat
ing the story.
Tho lirst time a man looks at an ad
vertisement he does not Pec it.
'the second time he dees not notice
The third time, he is dimly conscious
of c.
The fourth time he faintly remem
bers having seen something of the kind
Tiie fifth time, he half reads it.
The sixth time he turns up his nose
at it.
The seventh time, he reads it all
through and says "Pshaw."
The eighth time, ha ejaculates,
"Here's that confounded tiling again."
Ti:e ninth time, he wonders if "there
is anything in it.
The tenth time, ho thinks it might
possihly suit some one else's case.
The eleventh time, he thinks he
wiil ask his neighbor if he has tried it
i or knows anything aifbat it.
j The. twdfth time, he wonders how
the advertiser can make it pay
The thirteenth time, he rather thinks
it musi be a good thing.
The fourteenth time, he happens to
.liil.l: it !J lH.f li:-lt !. Ii!is3 UTltilf.:! f t iV
V.l.1'11. Il ta Jllvk 1 t.V "sy IT iYV
a long time.
The fifteenth time, he resolves to try
it as soon as ha can afford it.
The sixteenth lim--, he to: an-'. ties the
address- o u;;- r.i'.iy :a;.Lcs . meuio
randuia of it.
Tiie seventeenth time, he feels tan
talized to think he is hardly able to af
ford it.
The, eighteenth time, e is plainly
reminded how much he needs that par
ticular excellent article.
The nineteenth time, he counts his
money to see how much he would have
left if he bought it, and
The twentieth time, he makes up his
mind that he needs it, and forthwith
goes and buys.
Curious (aji.-.
The R.iltiiiiore American, speaking
of a collection of guns m a store in
tliat city, i-.ays: "Two of these are
unique affairs, brought home by one
of our worthy citizens, Mr. T. JI. Ol
iver, who hits spent twelve years trav
eling in all parts of Lurope, Asia and
Africa. They are of great length, and!
of the most antique coi.stru.tHm.
of them has a barrel live feel, long.
made of tiie finest steel, mioiisty
carved and inlaid with gold and pktti
no. The inlaying is elaborately and
beautifully done. Tiie stock of this
gun is of ebony, inlaid with silver,
pearl and ivory. Tlie dint-lock, of an-
tique p ittcrn, with springs and works
1 4 ..... .
all outside the plate, is finely inlaid j
.i -i t... v . ..-.a .....i .1...-.V- ,
mountings are oi saver or goi i. io
tliw t..ela- is io'livfi! a hut t-'d.ite of ix tirv !
very handsomely inlaid. The bore f
the srun is five-eisrlits of an inch. On
its side is an degaiitly written Arabic
inscription, that nobody lias yet been
abbt to decipher. The gun v. as made
m M roc-o, where there are twenty-
;ive gunm tkers, who, with the crudest
imiilenietits. turn out cons that have
f, '
great reputation in all .Northern Am
a. Such a gun as this one brought
home by Mr. Oliver, aa a curiosity,
Cl)Um Uut be had in this country for
less than $1,000. The other of the two
guns that he brought liuiiie was made
in Algiers, has a similar immensely
long barrtH, a flint lock inlaid with
p.atm.t. .in ivory and steel butt plate, a
; stock in! with sdver ..r.d eo:.U.-
This gun is n,a lit-cas the otUsr, bat
ii vnr rurionft'
. .... a .
vmui i-.-oma. ant- u.i
are bound t(.gether by six solid ei.iW-jv(
at. ly wrought silv er bauds, and all the
tsi 'erv ounonrt
A very adhesive cement, and one
particular useful for fastening th3
brass mountings on glass lamp.;, m it
is unaffected by petroleum,
prepared by boilingthree parts of ro::in
with one part of caustic soda and live
paits of water, thus making a kind of
soap, which is mixed with one half it.4
v. eight of plaster of paris.
Id Wash Calico. Reef's Rail,
strained and kept in a bottle to put in
the water for washing calico, will pre
vent fading, if no soap is used. The
water in which bran has been boiled,
when allowed to settle, is good also.
VeTtfe fold Oir fcCTs.d autority that c.i .!
co will not fade if put to sTTan. HClc .:.
minutes before washing in a pailf'o
of water in which has been dissolve."
a teaspoonf ul of sugar of lead.
The delightful task of house- clean
ing has coiae round again, and we bid
it Welcome. To those of us who havi.
been "through the mill" repeatedly ir
has no terrors,, but we remember t!:-:
time; when it was more to be dreaded
than tho toothache; and cut of con; -passion
to young housekeepers we
throw out a few hints. The placet;
begin house cleaning is in closets, draw
ers, and trunks. During the wint'::.
unless one's whole house is wanned,
these become disorded.
All carpet rags and materials for
quilts and comforts should be gathered
together, and an inventory be made ol
ail dry-oods in the house, so that tl.
housi-kcepir will know exactly
Shi1 h:i-' on hand. All old shoes shou!.'
be removed to an out-house to be plat;,
ed oat around trees and vines. This i
hettoi- thnii throwing them away o
j burning them up. Then the curtains
j should be taken down, washed, ironed.
and laid away until the windows aie
ready for them. The cleaning and
scrubbing should begin at the top o,
tlie house and go down; at the front o'.
the house and go back. One nfo'iii :..
a time should be torn to pieces andrt
to right. In this way tho unultu nU :
confusion often attending house clea:
ing can be very much diminished a-'.-tin-re
will be one room where the tir-.: 1
housekeeper can sit down in peace.
If whitewash is to be applied, let '
be done after the carpets are taken u,
and le fore the paint is cleaned. .
pa-ntittg is to be done, it should si: '
ceed the whitewashing, ind paperi:.,;
walls come after that. It i:; better I',
extend tin "agony" over two orthre;
weeks and take it easy- than to get i'.
! ;u;i over in one and neaily kill o
self, especially where hired help is 1... '
j em:loved.
In cleaning paint, whiting is bet.,' :
than soap, as it does not eat the hs: . i
a winduw-brush is iuJispeiisabi'" i;;
cleaning eash and baae-board3, an.i i:
one is near a pottery and can piocict
quartz llour it will help in gettl...'
t stains out. When the kitchen, wo..
j house, cellar, and out-houses hove ;.;'
been gone through and put to
the bedding may be washed. To
with a washer and wringer, thin .::
very easy task; all xve bargain t.r s
flannel-soap, abundance of soft w.i,:
and a clear, breezy day. Flamiel-soa:
contains no resin, and leaves wool :.
goods as soft and fleecy as when th-
were new; resin hardens the fibres -:
wool. If the water is hard ten com:
worth of borax will soften it.
There are certain conveniences
materially lessen the drudgery of
house-cleaning. A step-ladder mn'.:e3
less demand on the muscles than ch;.;r.7
and tables used as substitutes. A carpet-stretcher
aids Yery much in it
ting down carpets. This i3 merely '
steel comb (about twice as .long uod
wide as the common dress-comb) set
in a long handle. A wall-brush, which
is a common brush with one end roLott
and the other stt in a long handle, v. il'
make, the tiresome stretching up ot
one's arms in cleansing ceilings uuie ;
( s: ary. Of course we will have n
and scrubber, and not get down on
humls and knees to cleanse floors.
Strict attention should be paid '.
;mJ d tWs fat,
t.tfri.,lVii,i.ll. ine et.lhj llhle hour, -f
tdumher, plenty of nutritious food,
ample time to eat it. Economy in aoy
of tint three will be "saving at the to:;
ami losing at the bung." Merriiu-- r.
and cheerfulness are wonderful auxr
ioiies in helping one to come out o:
Lr . ... .. '.
j I wain on Ptitttng-up stoves, is recom
io ia. tie without a scar. ii.ov.
ineiid -d; .also the woiko of poor ilea:
) ,it,'iini.- Ward, whom WO gri"VC f'".
t. V,iVuvA Alminax will b.
, jril,!t4. (li,n,.,.,t rt.vl(1,lti,,,u of the fain:-
Iv-vt h'eel during thh cri.sis.
; 'linules Will Never Cease.'
Daring n meeting of the Concord
Raptist Association at Oventon, Ky
iast we,.k, a cirtaia preacher deiivtied
j ;l senril,:i that deeply t juclicd a good
i Denocrat in the audience aud an
j Qwcn (-tm!itv it known i?
: nf n,:tt t.v...t n i, toi.i th.
j Ol tll. I'UlYuV Wlt-VtH M V . f-y --'-
preacher bait been a Yankee General.,
he seemed wondcr-rirticl:. At the close
of tiie serrnon he approached the
preacher, and taking him' by the har.J
said: "They tell me you were a Yan
kee General in the Federal anryr'
"Yes.-" was the reply, "ar.d I tried to do
my ilaty." "A Yankee! aud converted.
"Yes." "Arid a preacher of the tr
, - es. Ann a pre, e,.. ru ,., it . .
1 "1 c s. M. ell. ve.I, t-ailhe. ion..-.-,
; will ncvoi cee."-Af-. (Ua.) !e