Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 18, 1873, Image 4

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I - .
. Jftmu.
i,tt.Yitv.'i,4.t inn. tn Ki!iiiv,i..utl 1Yi..i..-.t 1 t
ptxt, of Kil.u-auouul Mettn:H, arc i-estwck-fnily
wDciwU fv F.itiicjuonui loiuimi. ;ml
Wiayl'e aUilrewul 'to KtliK-alhtitid t'OiiiiiiiUfe.
Sox 24, Keck lluUs, J.'fcUrtsfea.
n. s. uamsey,
Ch'n Kihtorittl t'oiuiiiiu".
Tho bieituial chuietMif County uit
itltenueut's vf liblic Instruct iou is fotn
to hn made ia the different cmtie of
thraska. The choice f candidate:
for (hid oiltoe course, reW with the
jxjoi'h, through the aney of the cau
cus, or. convention.
'A'hile we tiu:tde to the convention
th'i ability to make wist relet ions of
candidate:, yet we deprecate this cus
tom of hriritrir.s this reMJiiidhle ohiee (he turmoils aiidhroih! of political
cnucits Now. of all the county oilices
we deem that of Couuty .Superintendent
at Iras t. amonr the !?iot responsible
'aid important.
The County f-upci ititcii'lent is, in fact
aa veil as in theory, the head-teacher of
the county, lie U s a p, I to i;am
jmU;i:ieuL oa the moral worth, ami in
tellectual .ittainiaent", of the U'g
oi.tx of teachers in. Is Li county. Thesi;
teachers, through hi.s recommendation,
ax? entreated wiLh the moral :ind intel
lectual MUeatio:i of tie hildren of the
cou ity ; an-1 in thi - wo observe that
tbe influence of ; th1 County in-te-
r ient, H not only exerted upon the
tetehers, hut alio, in.iire tly, upouey-.
f ry child in the county. Nut . is hi.-5 in
fluence confined, to teach: if and child
ren; the duties of Ids oihee require
lu'ni io Expend much of the tiaie anions
the people; the parents and guardians
of the ehxMreii. Disputes often arise
among the citizens f a district; he is
r-'d el 'l-outo:uljurt the ilirterences,
and here again lie is suporM-d to weld
ail iuilnence upon the parents, no Ies
potent than upon teachers and children.
The ClLuity .v.ipeiinleudent is not
coi.Lncd to a locality. lie is
rvqiredhy law to visit :very ci;ool ir.
the ouuty ;U iOiist once a ye;ur. Iloie
aun we find luiu ataon the parent.,
teaclrs. and (hildreii neaiiy ail the lie nntsi visit every corif-r, yes
abaosLe eiy v.r of the county, at le.ot
once e;.cii jear, hiWin. for tl:e ad
vanct"ie.'!? f cI'icatio;. and thus se
cure Ih" elevation .f the stan-lJsrd of
general irtcUhnce. His duties :ue
hot, otuly .ucit as the law iusi-oses, hut
if he 1-e ;i faithful oilicer, his duties
take a wider nu;;. lie mu.-t work
withh.tait ajid mind, epe iaily htiein
th-; west, for the auvancement of.tlw
trai cause, the care of which the law
irrposes upon hint. The Mluc;tti'n;il
pi'-j&I;rit.y of every county is measured,
to a .creat extent, hy the ability and
ftithfuir.ess t the Couutj S;it.iiu-tt-j
If the duties of this office, are dis
thaii;ed iaitlUully and eincitniiy, the
cause of ducatiou advances; if on the
tehcr lunt.JUthe County Strie.ttnv.ert
lx; iucapa'ol and ir.euil'wU-nt tlie cause
2-eti!.u.radcs. ;utd iptorance ad ances.
Wo. trifc-l that the inu-oitaia of this
o! ice will ie. t. be overlooked hy the
I'OrihcoMtc. noiniaatiiti; conventions.
Fealty to iarty should not foria the
Ik-vs of any candidate" claim. "We
d :tot heliee political cousiu? rations
should enter into the nvmiruitiou of
their candidate at ail. "We, f course,
f;ve no :vriictIar objtciions to ure
a-;..iat .iiiUli!it: hut the main
pulsus to lt;Ulo a candidate's claims
should, he: !s-t. D'-"s the candidate
possess the piop.r scholastic attain
U'etits" Is he a person of .o'l moral
chamctcr? Has he -nviry, ;osd force
ii.::Ur .-uihcie-nt to oir. in uie
insc of IldueaiJOit ?
Now, this oalce Is cue in wh.ich tlieie
, comparatives r sjakin., tut very
i.uniarv ain. - -io oie c;ui.
tl eref ore, ru-iire to it, will: the hope of
a lar cuniary reward, and in no in
stance, whre- the pre-eut incuiul-ent
lixs piovwl himself ejitirely worthy,
would wo adise a chalice, liven
w here little errors ln crept into the
administration of the affairs of the
oT.ce, the 'jTiuml .;'ii '.c-.v';"..'..t.
should 1j didy cousid:ret.
Wo look upju tl:e Sup-rintende nt
very much as we do upn t!xe teac'.'.er.
The louder a teach ier works in one
particular school, the V iter qualified
he becomes to teach that sciiooi, that
iS if hu Iks a ieurhir in the proper sense
of the term; so it is with the uivr
inUJiurnt: the h-a-cer he s-rvts in riiat
capacity, the Tv-iici he uudt rtands tie
wants of the pt-pie, and the hvtttr
uaiitied he hee-mies to :-r o thf at.
One, two, or four vars, in
many instances ar ne--ssary to :dart
the Ldiicatioual niHthincry of tiie
county. These years, may luve lcen
vears of Uie liardt.-t toil, and of the
inost solicitous caie, jet the iople
Tiiuy not see, just wiiafc Iris been :tc-i-oniplishoil.
Time i jit asnectstaiy to build up
Educational interests, as it is m- eoa--y
to thoac'iuireme'it 'f an ctlueatiou.
Then we would add, that whenever
'lie people have eilioitnt,- woikiti&
,unty .Suieiituendeuls, reaominite
wvX Tb-tlixt them. T.'iey will ;iccoin
pUsh more goI during the succeeding
two or four years than tiny have done
in the year just pst.
" cuors auuua; ami at ho.ih.
TTjw Ilarvft in Kmope (U ueraly lflt
Unt.V L'nr Yield of W!ic-tand Jije.
irT;u die Nvv Tr.'bu!tej
The harvest in Euroi-o are generally
afcucie.nt. I'rom a most trustworthy
authority, the Mark Lane A'-rcvs, we
h&'l'c more unfavorable remits :w to
wheat in K:H;hmd, which in many lo
calities is not exacted to equal even
the very poor yield of last year, and
thdo iu'o strong hints as to d;uiger of
sprouting in the shock from piesent
Occasional showers. In Trance storms
hae done much damage, and a den
eitney of at least ten to twelve per cent
tzuv bj relied mum. There are- ac
coanU of ina-eaoeti prices at rn.uiy h
caI stations, atui. paiis :lour has consid
erably advaneed. Old wheat hasto
"li'i" frcT- tr.f
4 ?
new ia supplying its place at higher
prices. Kyean extensive bread crop
! mi rance, J Viigium, iloiiautt una Ger
many, ia reckoned as very deficient arnl
ratesjue risuig. In Hungary the con
dition of the crop has been greatly over- j
rated, ami from the prevalence of chol- j
era an interference with the work of
harvesting is threatened. In. Germany j
only an ordinary yield is hoped for.
The Express sums up the situation
abroad by saying, that with a deficient
crop, exhausted stocks, and but gener
ally moderate prospects i a Europe, low
prices seejardamstiniposdifcle next sea
irou. ThLs well-informed journal is the
organ of the grain dealers and millers,
and its judgment, if biased in any de
gree, would naturally lean to the inter
ests of the purchasers. It may, there
fore, be very satisfactorily concluded
time as sellers we may take its prog
nostications as pretty certain to he
fui tilled. AVe read further, touching
the foreign outlook, that the Interna
tional Corn and s'ed League, recently
held in Vienna, With an attendance of j
l,3i!) persons, formed an estimate that j
the Umpire will j
exhibit h-s over of export than
usual say only to the extent of soO.oOU )
quarters in wheat and about l,!l'0,eno j
quarters in barley ; whereas, ia favor-!
able season, Hungary alone has ex
ported three tiiiis thai amount, while
the iuiiNji'tajii attiole of rye is so de
ficient that irnpu ts w ill b-e required
for consumptive wants.
At home the-wheat crop has been
safely gathered. O.its, except in later
districts, have also 'mi secured, and I
althouglt the present weather is uu- j
favorable for harvesting those still j
uncut, yet oals is a crop that will with- j
&laud a good deal of rain without in-j
jury, and probably there will le little j
loss on this account. As to the yield,
;ui accounts agree that it is quite equal !
to an average, and many estimate it ;ls j
aboe : an aerage crop in quantity, .
wiiile the quality is excellent. At the j
same time there is an umavoraoie
piortptct for corn, and it is probable
that a 1 irge pntioa of the crop will 1.$
unsound. roittmately our farmers
b.ave now an epjroitnnitj' to aail
thtmselves of the situation. Euaoixs
demand. our breadstuff, and we have
sufficient to supi-ly them; ;u-d we can
in a measure iix the price. The sur
plus of last ye;a"s torn crop will he
needed to supply the dexleiencv of tlie
piesei.t crop, .Uid there will not he this
season, the dead weight .a low-priced
corn to drag dow n the general market.
At the same time the prospects of the
money market ai e assuring. The
country lui-5 made a gain of at least
SoU.fKXJawl in the ad verse balance of;
imports oer t'xpoMs as compared with j
la.-t Year. The Wist marketed the !
wool crop favorably, and has a g'-ntif 1
ease in tinanciai matters. The cotton
crop has improved in coii-Iition since
July. In the larg proIucing states
Mississippi, Alabama, 5eorgia and
.'kiuth tlarolina the plant is rep;rteil
;is will foiiiiMl aitd weil fruited, and
although picking will le from two to
three weeks late, yet the estimate, so
far .is any can be. feuuedat this early
date, jincs to ;t full average crop, if I
not :uvff. The fruit crop may be set
down as a failure, loaches ate com
ing in plentifully, but of excessively
pr quality. Apples in the Mast will j
le very short, bat after last jear's j
profusion this is inevitable. The re-j
cent rains, which have be-n general I
throughout the country, h.xve much
improved the pastures, and there j
will aow i no scarcity of fall feed, j
This will insure a fair supply of dairy j
products and the it try into winter
quartets of stock in fsiir condition, j
On the whole the outlook is che-ri'tti, !
not only for its we-t of the .Vtlantic, i
but for those in K arc pi who stand in !
need of our surplus. New York Z'rib- j
The .Trubie of :m IiiexorAble Crelttar.
lYtuu the IIouD iaiCrlte.j
Siikiii of the iUtJiehmeut oC rail
road trutit hy ik I'Uty sheri tt'3 just :us
the h.our arrives- j'or their lU odxture,
from the UeeoS 'of -viiich ouirage-there
liave ieen at least tvo exliihitous late
ly), Mr. Siierinu u-.h:iit A. A. Folium
reealH au iirstaiu'e 'vi.iein the .aine
of the oilicers ejtectualiy llockeL
It oeeitrreii during tlie adiuinistraliou
of his predeeessor in the suieri!iteiid
euey of the llosioii ;uiu i'ruvkhnee
IJaiiroiid. Jui a the luo.rning shore
iine train "vas a'uout io leave, oue of
the creditorn f tha lroiuiK and
.-Honinton railroad jiatel au attach
ment uiou a uiv he ".--lining to that eom
a3iy aud h-e.-tttd in tiie middle of the
train. Mr. Naou, then uite-rintend-e?u,
miiiesttii that it bo vacated, but
the ereditor vii iiiexorable. The dan
ger of a delay n ere ex?lauieU, a wjis
also the fact thai a hundred innocent
e.)jlo were, being made to suiter for
tiie vn-ng doing of a eoriKratiou, but
ail explanations sere in vain, and the
creditor continued stuhbovniy to ins-Ait
oa wliat he deemed the. maintenance of
his le.i;ai rijlits. l'inaily, aiter the
train !iad been delayed ritteen minutes,
Mr. Noi-on hit nj)!! a bright idea.
-Very well, sir,' he s.dd, " There is
your car. Take it out of our dtiU '
hat do you mean, sir
"Just -.vhat I uy, exactly. You have
attached a car bciouy.i:i to the fjtoninii
ton and lriidence iCailroad deiot.
Scvar;'.te it from our cars ai id remove
it at once."
"Ail riht, sir: I ill h so. Just
start uj your engine, and we'll take
tin; car out of our way in a jiffy."
Not by a couioanded siht! The
car is in your charge, not mine, and
none of the prooerty of this eoinpuny
shall be used to help you. And L want
toted you. too, that every moment you
ullow the car to remain here only iu-cieii.-es
my bill lor damages,"
"But hov siiail I move it?
That is your bvudmss, and not mine.
One thing "ia ceilaiu. You will move
it souu."
"Youre insolent, sir! You place mo
in a position from which 1 can't extii
cate myself. I vacate tlie attachment
at once. Take tlie car if you want it."
I don't want the car, sir; but
take it out of my depot, and if you
dare to serve the attachment then, go
The necessary orders were given,
and train d:h"d off it hh:h rate of
jeil, so swiltly that that creditor was
unable to catch it in time to carry out
hi purjto&e. The proceedings of Mr.
"N r,jro r-fM "rqrft't ut:;s.-'
Bonner Stables,
Hordes '& Carriages to Let.
Stock Bourded by thoDay j
Wwk or ?loiit!i.
Good Stock,
Good Vehicles i
Gall and Qivt3 us a Trial.
PLATTSMUL 11!, ...
S El',.
On ."lain .-ir-ci nearly ex.-::? tise HKitAlJ
'holesalJ e.tiil I.eta'.i I'ealoi' ia
Pi:i;s ami mkiiv!m:s, taims, m.
vai:msjh:s. patkt mkiu-cim-,
roiu r Airn-
;rPret!lrri"ns trtreiadj cijp)tiiued htiul
For Vuiir Gre:ei ies ,; t
F. R. G u th man n !
Cf'iiie r Thini :;i.d Main .-ireet, I'iaLtsutouth.
He keeis iii liaud :i iaj eC'' ;ind.vei! .--vietled
FANCY all' C K il I KS.' ) I" K 1 '.h'.S. IKAS,
54. G All, Si i'A 1 i'.OUl S. SllOii-S.
io;., m,c, it., cc.
In iDiiuvi ii in hii'u ii-.e (JTKt'tj i:v
Bakery and Coaiectionary. !
;-Ail kinls Country I'rvid'aee ;;eiii!a :uid
lake n i iiie .-tu
"I1M1M 'lAiiKtlY AN1 GKOC !inY." i
may ! i'i f.
McGuire & Co.,:
XYhel-.'fi'.e and Itail Dcdei' iu
A iarjee i.'.vl '.Veil selected ieek vi
Boorbon, Hye ec Morion-.
CfiUatMiilr oil ui e.Uiieelk'U 'UUtite :
::iii -it ;auii.K;t iir.--, liii;ifi, ena-uies it
lo Mil ul .lie Uive-1 ruulket l-tles.
Sole Jlgents
For the Celebrated
Main Strett,
1'U.vTl N'leU'J Jl.
Halladay s Patent Wind Mills.
IhuLK" aia Single acting
Force and Farm Pumps,
Feed Mills, etc.
The llali;4av Mii! lue tMa ti-t for six- j
t"fU eats, both l:i tlie I'liiievi Utics ani I n- i
i rif MUil is tiie eidjr u iviictady auoeicu i y i
Railroads and Farmers.
Teoiis I.i'jvi'iil. Sv-ui f'r ':ul'iiii' aini
1, S'fKA0. I iiin ai, Ncli.
Manhsotlj How Lws', Ho. Rotord.
'f"l Jitxt piioiisuf d, a !iew edilKin l
t'u l;r:':t
r S-iii,nai AV eiiwlie.s, iuw:iiiii;iv j
l..-.:-. I i CoTI- . iii-.ii:ii Hi-, I -UMl iiic;i- ,
I' Iii.jh u.jiiciiis Marru.t..-."eie. : niv.
ro.NoC.Mj -.s. KraMl, .:l.d I'l r-. i'ld'.U t U I
!iy si i; ni.lii;. live i .-wMiai -.U".'. ii.uic-'. j
; l'riv iii t .-c.d.'d itciii', ni.iy i t ills. j
The eci.'i.rated )ui her. in . I' is iiimiralie - ,
suy. i-i;i'y ii,'iit-uU',"K f.'"iu i iiiiny v;ir"s j
mii iico 1'i .i-;;it.-. Pi;V 1' I tiir;wiy cuitrd !
u ii in.;;! Ox- i.v i J i::i-i!',ul'H-'i.c..u- r !ti;
em-e nl 'Ht-e, nu.i auu -iiec; uu.. ;
xiiioa -vvry sumsvi-. . 'iiulivr wltat
1 -1 ci.i.. 'A I i . '. V 1 i.. j ' iJ c i. u.-c.i ' iiii'iy
l i v;t ;u,i eittMtiV.
1 !! J. i ta.- .-uul-t be :i tiie 1 u.j!. t?v
1 ma ! aii; in. ii i i i :. I lint.
iuii.i ia .i !i.i.i i ir--iO!c, 1 any
:uiirt'.. ' u i L- -.'t k inns i w v. jh.i.-
i:.' .-ii.Hi
Al-t lr. Oliver' "Man'mci? ;uid," voce Tt
' -;KI 1Nr. , f
lT 1 v el y . Nc . Vi'i
Jrft OmIM fo oil PttwoU
iUu ouuuu iu un uu.nmu
J.OVo5 Ituieiter ii4UMapi
TbWk WJ (tit. CUM
v Especially Adapted
TO Til
wan or 37SBT msm
IOX.!:htuii MAX'ti COMPANY
sr. LOl'IS. MO.
a:, i
E. T. Duke & Co
V LATTS ; iO L"l"U. N fdi.
esnby sgscs.
1 ri iiitvie.
(. '(, r. -ilea'.-.
v.e., vV., ii'.,
1 f :e! dfsi 1 ij'ii'iiis.
Melallic burial Cases.
w()OiEN COJ;t'LS..
- or AJJ. siES.
Ili-udi Made 'iudoll (j.'ui;Jor t':uh.
ith riMiiy !;iiik.- or aM i.ttioii,.a'e I iioite
ail t-.' i dl ai'.d eui!irie my Iaiie suciv .f i'nr
iiiti it' .uid Cfi.itL-,. j aJi
illv,(lv !
e. -" . - ...
( ! 7.',''f i
I v w - - - " '
.j.--o ii;A;.r.n in
Cooks, Stationery.
And Latest Publications.
i leeriiiioa-i eiiruly ctuMundeU by an ex-
liiiienlvr tiie iH.-v. C''ittr tiiin .liid Mann
?r-?. iwwMHft, Nes '
New Irt's, New Type, and New
Ce.'tx iuisi ste vtu" ia. w lol eX LI'tjAL JjLAI'ilvij.
Ail Uesciii'iUius of wwrk.duue i: the priming line.
W'e a fuily j'teikarnUtii uo
Every Kind and Style of Printing.
Scud la your orders for
mtttm $ymtiMAm
il.i ; ,u luiwd, eti . l tile Ltifecst t-x:Us ef
Clothing ami Gents Furnisluiii; liotnK for Spring
and Summer.
I ri 1; cv vrtfedv in v.;mt !
South Side Main. Between Fifth and Sixth Streets.
Alul ciuivince tlten.-lv- tin-f:e t.. tl'iuv ;is;i syecla'.i y :i My Itrt.ii. I t :...rt iu. at :i 5-c
t.,il. ef l"in. C)'iiilU fr 'Itf.l ;iud 1U lo i.tcu -A..- i!rde tuwj..' vviio Ui,ut j.'-u-.
j . t ; , , t;vl . t,u ;i;.:;d a !;u ;c ;.iul well clecU'd l.,k -f 1 l;is. C:'i;s. lkmls ; si.i.'v.s. -
. -
Xj . . CT O 231 S p. I5T ,
OojHj.-site the Thitte Valley House, in Kchhitei'V Jewelry .Store.
Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
ST." LOUIS, .r-;
OECKft ones., gi
i"i. A. MIIJjV.II it C0'5-",Vk n .X.T
: V5tt,le;ji.s :u.l lU-lad 1 r in ii!n, she, i
! "l..( ai !iiii mv..4.- Ti-iieu Hid
U? W 4mVVe
.- ! : c.ii :u. In- in iulie'.' A)d;tiii
f '"iii tu iiid I'll. lri in y euy i aai. 'i;i'.iiii v
For tli-1-.e xv ho want town -.roj-erty eitlief t Jiold for a - cui.itie;i or io budd
uooii, lliU is a tare i-ii.ince to et it. These lots ate in a del.'iitl ul
iojaliou, :md art' doited over xvitii a
Young ami Beaiiiiinl Growth of Forest Trees.
Which as Id maieiially to their value.
i l';rt i'- x'.ilitu l o uj li.i.e ' 'ii :i l i'.fw i"i x ; ' i u theiu. r :nt-.i :;"
::i, .;;'. i d.'.in .i. !. .''J'.: .. I :. T. iiK' i !..!. 5-.:'.N.i.' 'f. K. :sie -i
n'eKj: i . u. '. Iii.:-.i iui v. ; . .-. j..i;M-..- r m.j k k, !..; i ..!... e
i 'i 4'..;i : Me . i ; . , .. i ' i i t- i . ic ii.;ar ti I v .i i i ' . . .
l'hlviJilMillt. e i; I'tLNix,! OVI v.'..'l.i" -'.1 i
HAT.-i. UAl's, UOUTX. ANJ SHuEs.
Biankels, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises e'c.
Mai.i :iiv;, X'Cuii.l dj'.'i' li.i.1 i'f L'i'Ui't. ----- ! ':.! ;. (.
i'.ilANCH IIl'Ml llt.advay, C'ii.:r..-il .'i-:. Ii v.a.
spring and
Down Go
Sjiitiiwest '. r Main JS.reet, l'laitsjiuuth, Nehradcu
"V tj-w w -vi
I)ie.s GdoUs lr.hits
DeittiiieFs Oiniianis,
!hov n slu-eiin,
Bie.ieheii Cottons. Ua'.nu rais. V-u
Clark's new Tin tad, ; u u V a;
In the Grocery lino wo keep the b'iNKsr aiul 1.5 .
I T' a. ColTr-e.
Dried Frui
In 'act for Your
Hais and Cai's,
isiii rial. i;i my iiuo io c;dl l my f.tie.
A N D li.O T O .
0 a O A 2? S .
V 11
Mui' :uid idl kiud. 'i ,-liili4l MeieLaa.:-.
.1 Sa; ;..u. ! ;,,i.ii....ift i. -U.
Io ho City ru;t'.ini".i. at ;:.oes ra: j,inj
i; ti
m -
the lrtces I !
Ueohs Muv?-4
Mol: - x.',
StC-; CiC. i A".
(. i , u ; Uv. 1 1 u d v
lhv m.. .
szr :
i -
. cvui'fl In.r'-y ' f v.tH-l.iiOii ROOTS,
HERBS tad FRO ITS, opined cUix
AyviUmt, "uix.tioiiri, I'lUiiui', Ai:.-riiv ud
Avt--iCvw. Tb wi-c'.o ii .toer-.J i'i a ui-
CAK i.vt;j tlil ij ii- cljiit:i, 'rI.ii
Iu(6 Uiu
cuioftua most dasinJala Tonlti aiU t-
i mimornnr.n riTors
j j umjivi -t'"J" JsJu
culy to t a-i t a Eidlc'j, i."...j iio-
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M a Kpociiio ia uU F;.cJi'ju 3it.- 1st
Uii.iela.iit.; lti txiCil iirui.0'Ji brcli'uA'
Dst, 53 Pa-k Place. 2T.- Ycri"
L-joIt to Your Chi th en.
'I li-. il'ea-, Kelmo'.
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