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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1873)
4 ii !. " it i, i II ERA L I. Railroad Time Table. B. If. R. 11. IN NEBRASKA. "Westward Eastward Ho. 5 No. 3 No.l STATION'S. No. 2 Xo. 4 No. C 8. 6..V It. 10 PhittsmoutU 2.cO 7.45 3.10 6.5s ii. ia Oreapolis OiiiMnit Itclle vue La I'laite trvupolis Coticopl Iiuisville South lk-lid 1.47 7.25 2.40 S.19 2.45 6.10 10.311 6.50 11.00 T.tO 11.15 7.25 11.25 8.4 7.41 11.3 t.33 8.11 12.00 M 8.27 12.12 11.25 9.12 12.M 12.05 9.31 I.H5 J2.25 9.47 1.17 12.5J 10.10 1.35 1.25 2.00 2.l5 2.2! 2.4 NO. 7 2.49 t 04 . 3.W lO.fw 3.21 11.20, 11.55 4.'jC 1-' . 15 r 5.o 1.25 5.19 3.37 5 51 3.17 ;.27 a. HI 7.30 1.55 7.10 1.47 6.5H 1.31 C.3H 2.15 l.n-i .n i.: Vi.M 0. 1.10 j 12.: 12.35 5.32 11.55 12.20 5.14 11.25 12.05 4.5; 10.5 11.52 4.41 11.3H 11.35 4.2)"lo.OO 11.17 9.30 1o..r,2 n.Srt lrt.3. No. 8 k.itj lo.s 2.5J b.10 .20 9.23 1.5 .UJ 12.. J 12.13 8.39 11.2H R ill ll.' 7.57 H. 7.32 9.10 7 2 h ,V f 7.l n.:vi 6.4.1 7..V. 6.23 7.i5 ;. ..V 5.41 5.5; . 5.15 5.20 Ashland (irpi-nwduil Wavcrly Newton Lincoln Lincoln I MltI Highland 'rcte Dorchester Exeter Fairmount Craft on S'liton Harvard Inland S.47 C.4 I ll.i-.lil i:s 4 rtn 7.-J5 Juniata 6.'2 7.4 Heiicviw P.t l.(if I 1.20 o.-is Fort Kearny 7.12 9.05 Ki'iiri June OMAHA branch. 1-e Pl.VUsmouth, i.35im ArOmalia, .iopw 1 15 pin 2.4 p ri Ax 11. .Via in 7.45 p III lo.rto a in 6.10 p III JJ. d- If. It. 11. Ijt THtts. 1 I'lattS. 5.4.'. a n T e .': ifie .liine. 3.15 a lii j- i'.'.'-i'ie .Tune. 7. oo a m 4.:w p m Arl'latt.. n.loam T tirn iriveii which is 3;t miuut.-s mouth. Ar . ille .Inn'.. y.M a m :i!iv is that of i,!.i-'-.'o. f.ister than that of l'iatts- LOCAL NEWS. L M A L A 1 V V. 1 IT I S K M KNTS Transi'Mit 25 cents a line. Re-'uhir s"' vei ! i -ers to cents per line. N. advmiieiiicnt Inserted tor less than 25 ceni Lessl advertisements will be ch.uged to the parties handing tht m in. COMMTNICATIONS. ASOUrpa.'c is imm-u. u.. - Must be brief and to the point, with no waste of Words. SrilSCRIUKRS Are r"iuted to notify the oilice if the pr.per is st delivered promjdly. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. 1. Anv person who t.-.kes a iai-r r'.L'ii';irly from the sist il!!i-e. sli.-!lier lirctfd to his n.une. or v. 'o-tlu-r lif is a snivel ;i.-r r not -is responsible for t he pay. 2. If anv !ersoii orders hN jh-jxt discoiitin e,. be iniUt p iy all :trrear:u;es.i.r the publisli-r m iv cont iint to s-iet il imiil p:iiv'iit is made, hud co!!.-.-t the whole amount, whether the pa per is t:".ke:i fiom tin" o'.ice er not. .1 The courts !::e .b-ciib-il that refusing to t ike r.ew.p.ip. rs and -riisti.vil.s from the post e-'l.-e ..r re:..oviiiir and 1-avin 1h-iii uiicnlled for. is prima evi.b-i f JMESTMl, l liM l. .,,'.. .' i. - '.- N ti f i o Kvkm r.oiv .All sol.sf -rihers , . lift -'- . ln for Ibeir paper to tis.and ordering it stopjied at a certain lime, will find it so slopped; but we cannot be responsible for what h:is been 4oiie l- furt' our lime, nor for orders supposed to t c;ive'i by others to others. OnrlHM-.ks alone n.ns b the gui-b' for all old subscriptions. r-!ii"ji'.h. rthis. .ins at Hark S! n ight?. tf. .To IT. Il'tttery's lrug St-ire is the place to buy your paints and oils. IJced Bros.. Weeping- Water, cannot vl all their new goods in iha store. Eight pounds of g: C o.OO at S. Blooms'. ay blanket for Geo. Fiurl-eld is home again ; brought a wagon ia 1 of "Buffaler" skulls? Hook Ea '.dcr Company meet for practice on Monday evening, -it Fire- rm-n's Hall. Waerra in & S-:i are selling fcr.c- ing lumber at 52-1.00 21 wi O- regular Weeping Water letter will appear next w eek. aTa!n. The ll.rc'? G'sG. G. Grady's Great Circus rfaiurd.iv. Thr- b.r-t bar Au T;o.i, at D-.:hr coal stoves in ii-i-i Frank Carr with f,.t on him. i'.h has r:-.-ir:ied from ton lbs. of :r;v Iloo-.ior " Fratili Sta.U-'r wa ! .-tM foreman i of the Engiti"? Cmpary. t his finger, and run:; a Vak -t y ai! iu (:' wct-k. , 7 T .T , G.i and s.-e Paul Bra:t.-cn and get a . ... uit of jewelry or a pair ot c.othes or o:iulli;i1- . IJov.s and children's big Elf phant on M ti'i dhrr, at the : t. Eetter heads. No: a-ls. and all sorts of Leiral Planks, j rif.ted and for sale at the H:-:R.LDo:".K-e. Tine Cui Tobacco at the Tost OiTlCO rtuok Sikm. Su- The Great X'ort'a west era Surveying party. f Dcrringtn & Co.. have re turned, and brought their "bar"' all back by the -k:n of their teeth. Ileiitiiig stoves, for w ood or coal, of all kinds and sizes, for sale at Ik T. T. Duke & Co.'s. 2ot3 Go to the Kerry Company f-r your summer's s"K,5. ,vi curds i:".' coitouwood f .r s-lc. and Co'uverod tc.:i. 1-tf lllce is lb inrm'.er I1"V. llllCU lip LOi .IOO W'.llh, i!!i'.t CU1 rool ; ia the state. Paid Draistch. the well known JewL-h-r hangs out at th lliepliant Store where lie s .-lis goud nice line Jewelry cheaper than ever. Old Papfps for sale at this oilier, in packages of fifty ami 10 fr '2 and 50 cents per bundle. tf Mr. Samuel Tiiomas, paid us a visit On Friday, and we gave him the com- j Pliment of being the best Devonshire (man) iu the Stale the Jk & M. lb Th loats One of dropped her apron in tlie river lost Iro-.i in tlie river lost week, and two cars tumbled out of hfr lap into the river. Ti n nL-a -iti,1 ' ilis.. :.f tl.f l iTla-i pbant Store on Main street. Eddy Humphrey, 3011 of Mrs. Geo. Humphrey, formerly of this place, was badly hurt by a train of cars running f ever hisfoot, on the Iowa side of the "river. Ho is a telegraph operator there, and was tryirJg to get on tho train to deliver a message, when his foot slippM frrm off the step, and he was thrown uwUi the train. Dr. Liv ingston was tent for. and the boy now lies at C-en. Car. "si 'Vghara'tj. Amputa tion of a pui tln tko foot will proba- T il K Call and tee D. tscfciiasse. &.Co.' now sods. Pony for sale. Inquire of Herald Office. 24tf 100 different kinds of Heating Stoves at E. T. Duke & Co.'s. 2it3 Short, shorter, shortest, all our old goods. Lon?, big, full, al! the new goods at S. 13 loom & CVs Jj. Rml, Esq., has returned from the east with one of the largest stocks of pool.s ever brought to Weeping "Water Falls. Flattsfncuth Billiard Ha.ll, opposite the Crooks House. Win. Neville, proprietor. Three good tables, good bar and bowling alley. 2 imC WHO KNOW SI I know that Peter Merges, the riattsinouth Shoe Dealer sm-11 the best goods that are made, at the lowest cash prices. Hit. Wanted. A tfixxl te:un of Horses in trude for u first cht-ss Piano. In ld ire at the Herald oHlce We call attention to the new Ad. of Potter & flaffney, Drti?p;ist.s, Weepinij AVater. This enterprising young Grm set out in the ri-;lit way to huild up a good business, (live them a call. . - Hon. T. M. Manpielte. who has bnen quite sick, is once more on his pins, and riijht glad are we to see hiai up again. Co to the SareCuss and see an Ele phant what beats Newman's. Charley U'aek the polite and oblig ing clerk at S. IJIooms' desires to sec all his friends, who need a fall suit, Ht t,y :iepbant Sitore this week and will only 1h? tiKi happy to show their j goods whether persons buy or not. Hon. D. II. Wheeler has gone to the ! Stat- Pair f Michigan to exhibit the .... .,, .,; llf f1lrt4fit r.f Vo- braska. We shall be pretty well rep resented abroad this year, if some peo ple do claim that our State Fair was a failure. A load of corn or hay wanted at this, office on subscription. One Piano for sale cheap, at the IIkrald office. Inquire 21tf Go and see Newman for your nice warm under wear this winter. Morning Glory and Radiant Home 15;ise-burning hard coal stoves, at Duke's. t3 New goods at Reed Eros, store. Weeping Water, selling at from 10 to 2J per cent, cheaper than last year. I. 0 0. T. At the last regular meeting of Olive ranch Eodge N. 2. I. O. G. T., on W dnesday evening, it was decided to change the night of meeting to Tues day niuht. . Good Templars will take notice. Ho f )T another Circus G. G. Grady's Great Three Tent Show will exhibit in Plattsrnouth on Saturday Sept. 20th. See add. in another column. Born To the house of Johnson O. F. '.that is all fain one day last week. a son ami heir. This time there is no mistak;. and we congratulate Mr. and ! Mr3. J. witli ;.ll our heart and mind. Mciodcon for sale. IIki:ald OiT.ce. Inquire at the 2-Uf II j for Newman not short now a bit just got, home! "What a stock! Eh-tfT, the tailor, looks so happy .as never was, in his new quarters, which are I arg -r and handsomer, by far, than the little old roam. Go in and win, Elster. You can't suit ever) body, no more than the Herald; but you may i k-p from being non-suitM if you give 'em f.ts enough. EenifrnoVr the Post OlhVe .Tewflrv More, Frank t. ;tirut!t, i bn-ks, A atch.-s ' , , : aT:il Jewelrv n -paired. Business is ,.xamim. fur Tour. selves. 24w2. We call attention to the Advertise ment f Cary, Photographer. lie goes to Atchison thi.-s week, where he has another place of business. Mr. l?ush Fellows will attend to the .rooms here f ;lT1,l no moie gentlemanly or better J young felly w ca a be found in all Piatts ; mouth. ! P.-l. r M tv s the Shoe r.U'ii buys his I.-iiye i v.m-1 ilir.-ct fn.ui the Eacjurv. i'is.1 is cone- luentiy prepared t sell the he.; cheaper tl;a.t the cheapest. L'ltf. Miw 21USIC. A lot of new sbeet music just re ceived at I.. F. Johnson's music store; Call anl examine it. 2f-2t llemeiiiber the great Grady Circus, i on Saturday; s'.m men, and horses and i wild beasts. Dadoon ascension, free all. Grand museum! Mammoth Menagerie! Mr. Whitehurst, the agent, has informed us that the Grady Circus will certainly be here on Saturday. They have contracted with John Shan non for their horses, and we call atten tion to the fact. tl;at thev travel old i fashioned v.ay, ..u foot, overland, with their teams, and thus lido the towns they pass through. js well as exhi'oit I taught nine years, and was prmci the largest menagerie in the west. I'al of the formal School, at Fond-du- j iac, Wisconsin, luevious to his accpt- ir.. i .. i 4 . i .. . . i o c tue rica.suie oi an lnirouuc- 1 . . ' : 1 II ill Ilk 'IV I .O. . I I IT.IttK.I.r.t n. v.i. ii. ia -ciirasKa. tne oilier t - u'- ie frJls tie na, ots-a Mipj.oseU oy some to be a mythical i.-rsnag, be- j faue his whereabouts are so various j cau-e his whereabouts me j and his belongings hang up in so many different quarters. We beg leave to assure our reader j that Mr. Manchester is no myth, but a real plearant. jolly little fellow, and a live man. If vou don't believe this talk business; to him ten minutes or so, and you will find out. James Wood, lis. p. als.j of thd Ik & M, gave us the above introduce," and it may be here remarked that although the name may suggest ideas of the sturdy oak, the curly maple, or the fleecy cottonwood. OW friend James is none of these kind of Woods, but parodosical as it may scto, this Wood is perfect brick about R. R. biz, any way. Centaur Liniment TIitp is rirt pn which the Centaur Linlmont will not relieve, no swelling it will not f-uhduf. and no lameness which it will pot eu;-e. This is strong language, hut it is true: W here the parts are not gone, its effects are Marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock-Jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear-ache. I caked -breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheuni, &, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, 4.c, uion animals in one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world legan. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-rcliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the hum walk, poisonous bites are ren dered nannies., a'td the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The reciie is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does Just what it pretends to do. Those who uo.v suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suTer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more th:in looo certilU-atcs of remarkalile cures, including frozen liinhs. ehroiiic-rlieumatism, gout, nmniug tumours. &c. liae l'en received. We will send a circular containing certificates, tlie reci.oe, &c. gratis to to any one requesting it. One liottle of the yel low wniprer Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollar for foundered or sweet. icd hor ses arid mules, or for serew-worin in sheep. SH'k-ownr this liniment is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. .1. 15. Kr. & Co., Now York. 4My i more th m a subst'tute f..r Cas- liy ih(Ax. faster, and two delegates, as tor Oil. It is the onlv s?fe article in existence , ... . . . wh.ieh is certain to assimilate the f.,od, regulu!- ! husiness of importance will come be the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural i; fore the Association. New (Irawrcrs sleep. It contains neither miiier-ils. morphb.e or alcohol, and is pleasant to t..i:e. Children , . , ,, j-,.. need not c-y and mothers may rest. 4i-ly Winter hat and caps at the old stand, . IihKini & Co. Eifty different varieties of Cooking Stoves, suitable for everybody, at E. T. Duke & Co.'s. 2St3 Co and see Reed Eros, new stock of j guols, just fresh from the markets of the east, and selling low down. C0.U3Il'.LS. Aaln the monster has slio-.ved itself with its hideous m.-hi in ;ai:i. A-ahi the n-d handed Vandal has fuil play, but th.'.uKs be to (inn, -ly for a sh.ui lime. And ji i:i spile of mis Mail news we etc happy to record tin fact that Peter Merges, the i-nly exclusive dealer in hoots and fhoe.s in C;is County, the whole north west in low down prices. "4tf. What right h;is any political business in the Secnarys ojlico on the 2nd day of the fair, or any other day? See McDonaugh's Card. Win. Nevillo will have a quarter Col. Ad in next week. Try Ben. Hem pie's new, Old Rhine Wine. Ben. gave us a cup not long ago. The Otoe County Fair comes off this week. A big time and large dis play expected. Go in boys. The Marsh Harvester exhibited by Mr. Metier at our county fair was the same maeliine tliat took the Premium at the siate fair and it is proper to state thai it was sold before it left our fairground at the regmar price. o niucfi for a good macLiue and a good m:Ul l S!!WiU ... Overcoats at S. Blooms & Co's sign of the pig llclephant. ITMrm.-m I.on.r .wm;ln has iust ......... - - , returned Irom New oi and tlul not bring the old gentleman as per agree- ; ment but he did bring one of the larg- j est stocks of clothes, boots, shoes, hats j caps under clothing and sich ever j brought west of the Mo. at Platts rnouth. STAUIiKl) ! ! ! A bloody affray took place in the sa loon of "Win. Yarrow last night about eight o'clock. One I'atsey Sullivan stabbeil Tom Connor under the fifth rib, indicting a dangerous wound. Dr. I.ivinglon attended Connor, who is lying very low at present writing. Sullivan has run away. Isaac Pollard, of Weeping Water, thi man with the big barn, and four teen miles of store' fence, on one of the I'm est farms in Cass county, called on the Heuald hist week, and found us out. s-.rrv, eail again. (lo to the Elephant for your fall suits, h 8. nawman has returned with half Xew York at his back. Pol) Doom has been down to town. He had more hay seed in his hair than any man we know of, and two yards of an old pumpkin vine was hanging out of his bind coat tail pocket. Ilur- rail for iol, he's going to move down to Plattsiaoutli next week. Gen. King, in conimand at Omaha i Ikuraeks, has been visiting our town i as a guest of Chaplain Wright. On Tuesday he was taken out to Duke's addition, by Captain 33ennett, and pur chased SLrtetn lots. These lots are sold on such reasona ble terms that no person need be with out a home, and as an investment, they even attract the attention of strangers. nice SUit of clothes If vou have a and want a line bran new style of Silk Hat to. match go to Xew man at the Elephant Store. THE IIIoII SCHOOL. Oar licit I'rimipal Of the High School is I'rofessor Ilos, i a graduate of Aberdeen University. 1 Scotland, and a thorough scholar. He ancc f tlie offer made him here. Mr. I. . ... Koss takes hold like a worker, and we ' ..i-.. -- ....wo. ..i .o-..! i.;, .... ti v. iiij iuu.ii j'i u i. nil ill.'. r i pc.uanee, and the ideas he expresses ! OIl cdueatiotial matters j 'i -c-il.v Miss Marse, Assistant teacher, is ti'iiii lev i-la inl illii- Iiis lif-in m l teacher for some lime, uudotand- her j woriit !UI,i will carry out the plans : j methods of instruction decided u' mil on with energy, and a skill and Knowledge only gai'ied by practical observation in conducting schools. Miss Johuson, another assistant, .and Mr. Martindnle, are both well known to oar people already, and need no in troduction at this time. Thd sTliool opened on Monday, in Spiers Hall, for the present. The new building will Ihj finished by Oct. lr.t, it is hoped, when all can avail them selves of this better ar:d Uglier in stnicttuaic tpeJa: chikkrett.' Silk Hats at S. Elooui's. A meeting: of the Cas3 County Ag- rieultural and Mechanical Association was held at the office of the Tre;isurer, i. ... i .......4. .n.L . o-.., ai Hie rairgrounus, -flepr. l-m, J. M. Woods, President, in the Chair. Movi-a and carried, that the expenses incurred, and the premiums awarded, during the year A. IX 1874, be first paid. Moved that a committee of three, consisting of Jacob Vallery, Elias .Sage, and Perry Walker, audit the accounts of the Society. Carried. Said committee met at the Court House, Sept. 13th, 1873. and audited all the bills presented, with the exception of the account of Jacob Adams. J. F. Doi'D, Sec'y. ;kan;k notice. Ed. Herald: The Cass County Central Association of (Iranges, will convene at Eight Mile Grove, on Tues - day, the 7th day of October next., at 2 o'clock P. M All members are re - spectfully requested to be represented i , C;;n i,ei.,me members by making appli- i .. . .. , . , . , : cation to the Association, and the pay- ' ment of one dollar. Dated. Sept. loth, 1873. C. II. KING, Pres't. D. S. Draper, Sec'y. 2"t3 T r AC II Elt XA 31 INA1I OX. Examinations for granting Teachers ! Certificates will be held at the follow- ing named times and places: Stove Crek School House, October 21st and 22d, 1873. Weeping Water, October and 2!th, 1873. The Water's School House, near Greenwood, October 27th and 28th. Plattsrnouth, October 30th and 31st. Prompt attendance at 10 o'clock is desired. I. W. WISE, Sup't Pub. Instruction, Cass Co. Plattsrnouth, Sept. 17th, 1873. 25w4 SPECIAL NOTICfc CANDIDATES A N NO 1 N C EM ENT Mr. Editor: Please announce my name as a candidate for Cuxtv Tbkascrki:, at the election this fall subject to the uicision of the Repub lican Party Convention. 22-3t E. D. Bennett. We hereby desire to announce the name of Edwin Davis as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the j nomination of the Republican County ; Convention. He resides in Platts- i ;,ioutli I'recinct, and we believe to , a j,,MHi ln;t;i or the ptwition. i 24w2. Manv Friends, ! r.iltX A- VI?IT 1 JIFttT. I j I'SIOTOCSt AIlli:US, i t ii i.K "vi I . l' I 1 ill r I i Are doing all kinds f work in thtur i . . . .... . , . line in a neat, :uaii;t: simc. uhc m a lica :!itit;o stvle, them a call. 21wt 11. O. FELLOWS, Operator. l!ainess is business, and so are the C'ijrars at the P. O. Hook Store. 5-tf. T HE HOWE SEWING MACHINE ,f. W. Marthis Cn. are the silent s for the IInwp Si-iiin Machine in I'latlsiiiuulh. They j have opened :. sah-siooin :.mi onice on .dam ! .street, between Knurl h and I'ifth. j The Ho.e Machine i a Lock Stitch, d.iuhle ' tlin-adcii machine, and ranks No. 1 auioiii; the i irreat sewiiur machines of the day. -ill:l T. Y. Maktiiis, F. I. Toiju. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS OF B. &. J. R. R. LANDS. OrrifK or Dkcai-tmcxt, ) P.. & M. K. P. Co.. in Nui., v Lincoln, kis., .Inly P. is;;;. S Having received patents from thik P. S. Cov einiueiit for our lands, we arc prepared to issue contracts to parties holding pre-emption cer tificates for a portion of the same. Persons holding su-ii certificates numhercd htdween 1 and llo", issued letveei; the 1st day of April, and the Tl! day of October. IsTI. are hereby notified to exchange their pre--:np-tion certilic-ites for regular contract si at this of fice, wuhiu sixty days from this date, as provid ed in said certificate. 10-131 tiro. S. HAilKlS. Isid Com.. P.. ; !. It. K. Co.. in Neh. wood: wo'jd: The Kerry Company have Five cords of nmnl '.rv cot ton wood for sale. Hundred 1-af Ladies, c.-.ll and examine the nice ami cheap iiaiiersat the Shoe Sior-'. before yie.i buy cise w here. No charge for sho in hem. Pf.TKlC MKKiiKS. FOR RENT. Thi; larire and commodious wureroom. cellar. I and o.t'u-e on second, floor of buihliii?; formerly e-'cupieil by dacoh Vallery. jr.. in Masonic BIoca. Hinp'.irc of II. 11. I.I vinuston or 4-s-tf. F. T. Dl KK. 1 liildreJi ofh'H loo!i. Pale and SlvK from no other cause than having wuiins iii the stomach. IPKOWX'S VKIIMIFPOK COMFITS ! u-m l.wtv.v V.o-n. with. tut inim-v to ............. J J the child, being perfectly VTHTI1, and paiiv John M. Carter, nou-r 'sideut defend frt e from all coloring or other injur- t wj"r ''."r"''.'', ,h:!1 !' 'V S'i ,;i?.;,,:;'' "'i'1 ... 7, , . J I tin t be 1st da of rs,.,,f,.Ml.r a. II. Is.:.. Ille my ions lngreilients usually ushI in worm pcmimi m tin .f the t h rkof the D:s- preparations. C'UIITIS & I1K0WX, Proprietors Xo. 2b" Fulton Street, Xew York. Sold by Druggists and Chemists and lealers in Medicines at Twenty-Five Cents a liox. 21wlv. Registrar's Notics. Xotiee is hereby given to the voters ,.( il,.. .... :,. ,. f I!..,,. in'--tin i uu in i.sT in. oi i j.iiis)- lnontii, connty of V ass state ol .Nelinvs ka. that the itndersignetl llegistrar of said Ward will sit for the purpose of Megistering the voters therein, at the oiliee of Wheeler & Stinchcomb cn the 23d and 2:id lays of September 187a, from ! o'clock a. in., to ."i o'clock p. m., xcept one hour at noon each day. And lciiee is further given that I will tut at tne same placi on Mond-iv. j S sahl i siVJtTi iot. niT" A. I.. CHILI), llegistrar 4th Ward. w; VIXEUAK! VINEGAR!! At Wholesale and Retail. For the po. pose of introducing mv vinegar. I v ill sell nt ti.e follow ii 1 v law rates at retail, livil W iue Vinegar t- the single gallon ; ceni.s. two or more gallons at 20 cents per gallon ; lieiiuiiie cider Vincimr &t cents per (.'.'.lb.;.. A liberal discount cu tlie above rates made to the trade. AH vinegar warranted to preserve pickles, and free frem :u-ids. City orders pnunptlv filled and delivered. Country putrouafe soliciicd. Factory opposite .Moore's Flower iardens, and r i of lIei'PH "Mill. . 1'ifMfS from the vines cents er Iiutidrcd ; put up in any kind of vinegar desired, tiu cents per b andied. -, II. A. AUSTIN, - l-t-tt Flattuxiutu, Nebvki T7 jr-",r4-x-i:-i "TJ Li W s Notiee is hereby given to the voters of the First Want in the city of Platts mouth, Countv of Cass State of Ne- j braskii, that the imdersijtrnetl I'iegistrar I or tne sai.i warn win sic ior me pur- ! iiosh of Keyist'rinr the voters of said r ' 0.,, , ...v., ..v. ..v - days of September, 1873, from 9 o'clock a. in., to o o clock p. m., except one liour at noon of each day And notice is further given, that I will sit at the same place on Monday, October Cth, for the purpose of correct ing the said Registration Eist. (1. II. 1JEACK, 24w3. Registrar 1st ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of the Second Ward, in the -ity of Plattsmotith. county of Cass, State of Nebraska, that the undersigned Regis trar of said Ward will set for the pur fKse of Registering tlie voters of aid Ward, atC. Ileisel's Mill on the 32d and 23d days of Sept emlKT, 1873, from 9 o'clock a. m., to 5 o'clock p. in., except one hour at noon of each dav j Auii notice is further given will sit at the same place on M that I Monday i October Hh, for the purpose of corrct- mg said Registration List. . J. R. IMEEEY, lw3. Registrar 2d Ward. Registrar's Notice. Notice is hereby given to the voters of th 3d Ward of the city of Platts mouth, county of Cass, State of Ne braska, that the undersigned Registrar of said Ward will sit for the purpose of Registering the voters of said Ward at the office of Mii kehvait .. sharpe, on the 22d and 23d days of September 1873, ' from U o'clock a. uu to o'clock i. m., , e.cet one hour at noon of each day And notice is further given that I i will sit at the same phtee on Monday, t f lt j d .in Cf It fir 1 hii mi rl wt. ill" Pnrrw-t- ; , iji..r5tr:iti,'m 1. 1'. liASS. Registrar 3d Ward. 21T3. I Tlilrfy Years' i:peilence of an M1 Atii-sc. Mm. Witislow's Sooth in'? Svrun is i tj1(1 prescription of one of the best i Female Physicians and Nurses in the I'nitcd States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diatrlnea in Children, whet Iter it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accomp any each bottle. None Genuine unless the face-smile of CURTIS &, PER KINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold J by all Medicine Dealers. 24wly. The Household I'aiiucea, and E'aiuly Citilmont i is the best remedy in the world for the following complain!, viz.: Cramps in C .m,j tonvicb. Pain in th j j Stomach. Rowels, or Si-ie, Kl;eiun itisiu j j in all its forms, Rilions Colie, Ncu- . ralgia. Cholera, Dysentery. Colds, Fresh j i Wounds. Rurns, Sore, Spinal ! Coinplaints, Sjrains and Rruises, Ciiilis ami Fever. V or internal and External us t i'tli.vf . : . . l .1 . t "H . 'r"';r nlv ! the patient, i.ut emm-iy removes tne ; .tist .f tl uiii.biint. It iwiict rates . . . ing lieailli" aeina o us pans, anu tiuickening tin" blood. The Household l'auacea is purely Vegetable and all Healing. 1'reparcd bv " cntTis & UllOWX. Xo. 215 Fulton Street. Xew York. For sale by all druggists. 21wly. Legal Advertisements. Estray Notice. Taken up hv (he uii.lcisined at his residence in Kiirht MileOrove Precinct, Cass 'n.. Neh.. on the lllli dav of September. A. 1 . 1 -7.J. one horse t and one poiiv. 'I lie home is of a bav color. Slip- pose.i to i.e ii yearn old. wiiite s; ripe in tne lace, 1'iitnl in h i! eye. The pony is a mare about seven yearn obi. of a sorrel color, white stri;-e in I he "face, figure branded o?i left stioiil h r. THOMAS Vol"Ni. Attaciiraent; Lane & C.reeiislate, f Vs. w M. Cranilall. i Allacliment before K. A. Smith, Justice of tlie Peace. j To M. Cranda',1. defendent in the above enti- i tied catee : I You aiv hereby itorith'd that an order f taehmeiit wasissneit in t le above entitled cause on the leih da I September lsT.'!. by Francis j A. Sm i I h, a .1 ust ice of the Peace lor t'as Conn- j ty, tor the sum ot l our Uollais ami 1 U.y-tive cents. ( s L.V.i, and rel uniable on the -j:.t!i dav of Ootoher, 1S7X LANK & OiaiKNsl.ATII." :.v.a PhiintilTs. Probate Notice. In the matter of tbe Probate of the last Will ami 1 est.-iiiient id Flic Coleman, deceased : To whom ii may concern, take notice that D. W. M ivinnon tiled in my o.lice an instrument Imrportim; to be the last Will and Testament of Hie Coieinan. and mndf application that the same be 1 :i 1 1 1 I to Probate, and that said e use is set for hcirimr on the l:;ili t:.y of Octo ber. A. 1. lT.l. at 'J o'clock p. in. of saoi day, at wliicli time al! pemons are nmilied ami requir ed to appear and show e iuseif they have any why such instrument should imt be allowed as the" last Will and Testament of Kiie Coleman, ip.ceased. W ii uess in y hand and ofl'cial seal this the 17th dav of September. A. D. Is?.;. 2".w3 H. F. KLLISOX, Probate. fudge. Lecral Notice. In District Co-irt. 2nd .Tudteial District, in ami for Cass countv. Nebraska. II. '. P.iuelort . v Willis .1. Ilorton. Paulina A. Iloiiiiii, Marlin tlmver. Ilibbard S. Spencer. Weil t. ah a. m. .loseidi M.-jiiuiactuniia Cein- panv. .lohti M. Carter, c. W. Lyman. The People of the St;lte of Nebhtska : Maitiii tirovcr. Iliohard i Spencer. W'i .S: Cahu. tne samt .losci.h Manutaetunn Com- Iriet Court, iii and for Cass County. Nebraska, mtuiiist sain non-iesi.ient Ueleinlaiits. ami v il Us.l. lloilen. Paulina A. Hortoii and C. W. Ly man. iesid"it del'etifhmis the object and pntyer of wuich pethwni was to obtain a judg ment aKuiiia i!1is .1. lfin toii and I'anlina . Merlon fertile sum of .sT.Vi ;Vi-1ioi lis, and a de cree of loris-losure iii:i a certain mort"airo deed Kieii by suid Willis J. H"itii and Pau lina A. Morion in plaiiiiitf, upon tiie N 'i of N F i of seci ion number pi, in town P, raujie 11 K sixth principal uieiidian, and the S F l of section niimbei- twelve, in town lo ratine 11 H, sinialcd in Cass countv. Nebraska, to secme ..... ... .......... ..r m.. . .. .... :.. to." '.l S.ll.l MIHI III CX. .K I.H-, H II II iii- i nrcsr iroi'i tne the irj st day of March, is.", at the rate f ten M-r cent, per annum, and ai-o asking for a further judgment ajr.iinst said Wil- lis J. and Paulina A. Morton, for the sum of s:i:i.i;T-:istlis. taes and eiiar-'es iithui s.-iil real estate, which said Willis J. and Pituiina A. lloi'toii had permitted lo become a lien and le j'ul charjrt; Uon s:iid real estate, impairiiif; and injurhur this plaintirl's security upon the same, and asKimr that plaintiff he idlmvcd a lien upon said premises for s;ji. taxes and charires. mid praying further that . -i. h of you uon-resi.ient defendants be couiiel!ed to answer, ami show what it ;.!iy intco. : or li.-n vou have or claim upon said 11101 ta-iirert prcmis"i-s. by virtud of certain judgments obi.iineil bv each ut r you. in Cass county. Nebraska, against said A'illis J. and Paulina A. llorom. and th;it plaint id's said claims and demands may be decreed to have priority over tiie claim ot each of said non-ivsi-ueni dcfeiid-'.ius. Vou are n-uujred to r.nswer .?afd p'-tiiiou on or before the ST! n day ol (cioher. A. I). l?a. or default will be taken nsainst each of vou upon said ietition. II. C. Rick low. iy Ciiavmax Maxwfi.u 1 hisAttorucys. " HEW DRUG STORE" WBKI'INO WATER, NKR. POTTER & GAFFNEY, UKALF.P.S IX DPA'CH. J.fFOlCIt. P tlXTS, OlUS, VAIIMSH. PKUl-CMEliY, STATION KKY. N0T1ONS. ClUAlhS, TOUACCO, AND GLASS. CSpPrevtlplwii carolulljr prepared. i(tL liim- i AGEjNGY, rLATTSMOUTn. - - - - NEBRASKA. Canvassiiv' Agents wanted tliror.-hout the ! St;, ile. Address F. r. TOPD, General Ag-znt. -Machines o:, exhioiiii at a!! times nt rr.y , (J,jj;(. J J j mix Street. -Ciu WOODS & FLEMING, IlKAI.Ktl IX Hardware. Tin-ware, Pumps, Agricultural implements, Iroti, Nails, &c, STOvKS. OF ALL tvINDS. FOR SALE. Now Tin-Shop, just Opened! All enters for making or repairing prompt ly executed. Goods Sold Cheap For Cash!! lo-tf. "Weeping Water, NchrasI. Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE. Main street. opjosite Rrooks House. rlair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooning. Especial vttention piveii to CVTI INd CHILDREN'S HAIR. Call and see P. N E, geids and g t a boon In a CLEAN SHAVE. nti-ty. CITY 31 EAT MARKET. OEO. FICKLER. Trc jirictor. The htsi nf Fnsh Meats always on Juiwl in their stcuson. UIGUEHT PRICE PAID FOR FAT CATTLE. f T" Highest Cash Price paid for green hides. MAIN SHEET, FLATTSMOCTH, NEIL FA 1131 ER'S EXHAX(iE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Ailicles sucii as COFFEE, SLTAR, TOU A CCO, 3f0 LASSES. Dry nds. 1 5 m i s. Shoes. vVc. ! In f.--: . cm Tythiinr usii:i!ly kept i:i a Varlely More, wli.e i will he si.l l'i.n small prortts fo'i i 'ASI1. All kinds I Pn,due taken iiiexchati . f..r .a.nv it;.;Lt ir,j-ivr 7c;.-.;vm Cnh . . ... 3Iacliiiie Shop. Way man ('tirtix, nVTTSMOETH, NEB., llepsirers of Steam Kngines, Boilers, Saw and unst -Mills. I tias and 'tea!ii Fittings. Wrought Iron Hpe, ' l-orce ami l.ltt Pumps steam i.uawes. Sat el y ! Oovvniort. and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery Kepai red on short notice. 8-tf. HOS. 0HRYOCK. CABINET MAKER and' U X I) E It T A K E R5 And dealer in a kinds of Furniture and Cliairs. M.xix Stkfkt, Next dixir to Prooks House, ! PLATTSMOl'TH. .... ST.R. . . ... ... .. . Ileivunns and arnishhi- neatly done- I Mill I iii.s 1l trtMHU H 7)11 'I ( IIOIII r, Farrnefs Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sish Shingles, ifee., at a reasonable rate. I also keep con- j Slant IV Oil liaihl a lull assortment Ot . aus. illumes, Jocks. Hardware, of all kinds. Those wishing to build will pi ease call and see my stock. e: xoyls, louisvilli1, xed. Wiley Slaols, Dealer in Cigars. Tobacco, Toys, Notions, and a general assortment of Confectionery; Ice fream and Lemonade i he TO? .tYT ? noott fre!i milk delivered dany nt every toUy'a Louie is I'laiiJuioutli, 11 they waut it, Ly J. F. !SeaumeistGM Send in your orders and I will try and gle yyu iuid scr-e you regularly. 19-iy. rLATTS3I0UTH 311LL. PLATTSMt:UTH. m:r. CONRAD HEISEL, ... Iroprlcto 1LOCR. COUN MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, and for sale at lowest Casii prices. C'-rTlie Highest prices paid for Wheat and Com. I'artieular atteni!o:i -iren to Custom work. E, T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of M;iin Street. "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES. TINWARE. I ICON, NAILS; HOMS, RAKES. SHOVELS, AXES, KNIVES AND FORIvS.&c. &c. A!l kinds of T J n wa rc 31a n ufact urcd . 4.M f ii. aTwateujian &ms Wliolesale and Retail Dealers in Pine I u m b c r , LATH, SHINGLES, SaslL Doors, lilimis. &c. 5-U. iVuhraska Grocery. under Ilr.itALD oflice. Luke Miskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a special it-. Try them and lie satisfied. nlS-1v. JO TO THE Post Office Book Stare. 11. j. STF.EICHT, Proprietor, tor Your Cbuks, Stationery, Pictures, Mus'c, Toys, CotlffCtionery, Violin Strint'S, Newspapers, Novels, Sous HookS, &c, &c. POST OFFICE BUILDING, Plattsniouth, ... Nebraska. 8-tf. NO. YOU DONT 1 ! Cet any Goous cheaper, or a better article thun is kept at the Store of Jas, Clisbee & C6i Dealers ia General Merchandise. We are In receipt of Fresh Gooils every week from the E.'isl, vhicli:ire houht fur Cash, an! will tc suM in any amount. Grancrs,kccp yout eye on your friend j Wo will not be undersold by anv one. 4W JAS. CLIZP.E & CO. Weeping Water July 1st, 1873. U. V. MATHEWS, Fourth street, north of riatte Valley Home. rLATTSMOUTlI, XEEP.ASKA. Dealer ia Hardware and Cutlery, Stove?, Tinware, . Iron, Xails GIitss, Loclvs, Ganhn C(bj Ploms, Huy Unites, Farming Tools, Fa n n ing Much inert, JD-Cor mirk's Run per ami Moiccr, Buck Eye lien per and Mower, lc, d-c, ff.," cC-e.. c- SKE0 For the Garden, For tlit Orchard, Fvr th Field. PjULADHLPHIA STORE- KJAJJCKS rs Fancy Dry Goods, Notioni Ladies Furnishing Gods Li;st ChdApest, Stock in the City. Which ve are in'fpared 1 5 rrl', chrnpiT th.trf the v can he puivlumi'd elsohcre (jle U ft cuii aud" exaiiiliio our oodb. r?7-s.:ore on M;lntrrt. Vlwfenilh and ttf. slreets. Piatt'iuouth NchrasUa. 1'HL Mothers. Mothers: Mothors. , . i Don't f.iil to procure Mrs. WluMj-.v's SootliBif Svrup for rliihlP-n Teethhitt- , , ' Tlii's ViiliKiMc ori-i uriil ion hns heen iiseil wltt NEVP.U 1'AII.INO SICCHSS IN THOUS ANDS or r.:-d:s. . i! i,..t onlv ndieves Ihe child from prill'., hut inviu'onttes" the stoiir.ich an. I lmive!'-, coirecu a. iili-v. and 'ives tone iiiid energy lo th" whoU sysli it vv ill also inst.-uitly fellevs liiltl lNO IN THK ISOWKI.S ASH V l.VP ('OI.UVi V !" !i ve I' t.c-t ;i'nl surest ri'incilv ic the "orh(". hi ail cases Wr i.'y-ntcry aiul lji;ir- i h-a i:i chihlren. lirthcr ariMu li-" 1 "".;f or nil v o! her cause. ' lt . upon U. laothers, it will t;ie rest yoiirsrl . '. s ..mi . Ill 1. 1 kf ami IIAiru to Yuen I.vfant. P.e sure and call for . 'Vius. Winsi.ow's Sootiiim svnrr." Ihivi't- Die fac-sii:iile of -'.TlVUS fi ril KINS" mi th-- me-ide uraipir. Sold ly.l i uiri -.'.s lliKinyl.,)!!! Hie world. IC ' I, i pi i -. ttct ntm I am now in-:ir-d to furnish the best una -dullciated miliv TW( E EVEKY DAY T3 ail parties notifyiiu inc .' PET ME r;)oK 7. r?'' K: it THE GENUINE HTTS' THRESHERS AND HORSE POWERS These superior Machines, "with out any rivals for capacity or quality of work, are offered to buyera this year with several Valuable improvements. . De Bcriptive Pamphlets will be fur nisoed on application, and etoclc will be held in St. Louis for more convenient delivery. .Par ties in Missouri, Kansas. South ern Illinois, Texas and the Ter ritories will correspond with Semple, Birge & Co. 13S0UTH MAIN STREET, ST. LbUli Flaaae mention In wkat payer y Otim advertisement FIRST NATIONAL BANK,' OF rLATfStfoUTII, XEDUASKA, 8UCCESSOU TO Tootle, Hanna & Clark. JOIIS FiTZGF.KAl.n. C. II. PARMF.f K, Piesident. Vice I'rcslileai. Jonx 11. Clauk. T. . Kvanh, C;ihler. Ast't Ca-shie Thi Piuk Ii now open for busine nt thrl; new r.iom. cunier .Mtiin nml Sivtli tmeets. all I arc prepared ii transact a Kcucrai. Hankiiiii: Husincss.' Stocks, Pond. Gold, Government and Local. SerurlUat P.oulit and S"M, Deposits Keceived and Interest blhnveil On tlnifl Certificate Drafts drawn, tivnilable In an p:irt of. tlv Ftiiteil States and in all the )iiiiiciai town and Lilies ot Lur.iiK'. 1. ma mzTm roil THE CELEIJHATED ijyMan LlAJE AND ALL R IV LINE OF STEAMERS Teroons wishing to bring out their frier.C from F.urope can purchtLSe tickets from uf through to PlatKmouth THE Lt RELIABLE A Heavy. Stock of Goods or Band. No Rents find. Interest on Borrov . Capital to be made off Customers OLDEST ESTABLISHED U0US) IN TltE CITY. Noilh cjih i'f M iln liotween Secon.l ar. J 1 i sti eots, takes plexsule in ainio iucing to FARMER?? AND MEClIANIVZ That U has a larne and well sectcu .st.V . Di-y il, .;rocerie, Pioviioris. us Aeie e brought t J the City ot PlatUic.oulh. tiflittfv It will cost you nothlnj to look at thf a!-n.-ther vou.huv or not. Hy exKiuininj; th prices al'the "OLi1 ItLLIAULE'' ou ahle. to ull whau Uir ituu trf lo ?JL fVTJ, rr a r