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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1873)
I ! i r SUiE II ICR. A LI). PLATTSMOUTir. X EUR ASK A. TIIUlDAY.Sl:i'T. 19.187:. J. A. MACMUIU'IIY,. :Eiixon. fire ix wepixg watee. A German gerdleman named Schrirz. keeping a small general store at Weep ing "Water, was completely burned out "We haye received a free (rery free) and independent translation of of the First and Fourth books' of the iEneid of Virgil. It- is art amusing and in- . COHI!FSItlMir.MF. rrom bit parts of TTit S!.-u aiitl fouiitry respect - hilly solicited for It.-; IlfcnALi. on Monday afternoon while Mr. S. was j structive account of the origin of the absent. S300 in money and all his j Homan Empire, the plots and counter Etock, building and everything Mas ' plots bf the goddess Juno, Venus, find burned to the ground. St'kaxo, the Strang, the great wind- AKri.-nltuml note short artk'le detailing iniu man 0f .Lincoln, the fellow what farmer's experience p:;rt!ru!:trlr retpicMed. !..... it,ii . . u . n . We do not read anotiino;i-f letter nhd eom inunicatkins. The n;iiie ami address of the Writer are In all Pavs ludispviisaWe ua a iruar frnteo of g-HHl faith. A Splendid Chance. puts up the" Ilalladay's patent Wind Mills for pumping water, running feed mills, &.C., took the first premium at the :State Fair, at Lincoln, and he de- : all the rest of 'em. It is sophomorical in style, and rhetorical in matter. Send and buy it; only 25cts. Address "Win sted Herald, Yfiristed Conn. OUK COUNT FAIR Has come and gone, andevcrj- one pro nounces it a success, considering the serves it, l-ecause he is. the b?st talker ; season and the weather. on Wind Mills in the whole country, and their mill . a good one, and everybady knows that who has ever tried to run a Wind Mill that is a genu ine one, not the little fellows that run by word of tnouth. . we Mill sytul the.IlKniLn and IVmorest's ! ilonthly, wli'cli U 3.15 for one year, to any jht- kon wlio pays in ?.i.y. I , In addition to 1otti Period ii-al at the price f, naniird, a cholee from a INt of extraordinary i; Iremiit:nf Is Kiven to each mibscriher to rvemo : test' Mnth!y. Anion;; t!iw; are a fine pairof tlirom.j Picture (Fall of XU'-'nra and Vfisein f Itf Fiill-O, teorth ?JC ; or a p,M,d Sterrfxwope 5 with a "erf.- of view ; Ic?ii's numf ron other valuable premiums worth from two to ten dol I law encla., . The W sf oy' tind f inirrfzlne, and t!:e jfEBR.KA Iin;..i.r at cr;-rlv reduced rates. Vo will fend tTie NH!i:ka IIfkaih aiid j t tlruATraT'a A. ir'vn 1 1 i . . u lilMi ftt ij I .for one year, to any person wlro'rmys in sju.. t,,e ft';irs ln'1 Allies of the small beer i Dmorct's Yoinu- America Is always sparkling politicians of this town may le taken as Vrithenfrtainmi storie. Tocns. Music, r.iz- U criterion, Mr. Wheeler" ntust be a ' 7le. 0.vieTrav-!.nndr.:i-rilfaantfMt:trr-s . . . . ., . . . , I 3vn,tiwf iM.istra!M.a;,.l cannot f.iil loamme j ri"'lt liVMU Is sl "'d nlove to be f iustniet. elevate. a;t.l as.:vt t-- make the liws ! made, Dan Wheeler is against it we A:i!f.-ritp.ns u.-.-ru!. truthful and j must light him. Is a convention to Ik? KIXU WHCCLCIb. Wlien the editor of this paper came to Plattsmouth, he is obliged to confess that he entertained no extraordinary exalted opinion of D. IT. Wheeler. If There were more entries than last year, and the amount of e;isli taken at the gates amounts to STS7.10 The Treasurer, Mr. W. B. Porter, feels as happy as a girl with her first lau. over the result, and all the officers think the fair has been a credit td the county. Judge Kinney, of Nebraska City and Major Pea rm an of the same place, one a good stock man and the other fome steers and heifers should be offered libera 1 pi-Hiiums, b;it that prcminnis should be offered to indiire men to grade "P. and not down oh ftnek. Frftn the exhibition of Durhnms, Dermis ami triades, we are, front our knowledge of Nebraka, well satisfied that no. county in NelrakH can show as many good, thoroughbred animals as can Cas county. C. 11. Pakmelec. J. C. (JtLMortE, J. F. KlXNET, Attest, Committee, I). Ti. WIIEELEH. Sup't Ci.a.3 fj Horses. Sxp'l E. W. Barnum. Jmlgrx S. Ii. Meisinger, J. It. Vallcry and Levi Pollard. liest Stallion Thoroughbred Peter D. Heaver 1st Prem flO.OO Host. Stallion Roadsters Ilcnrj' Dnl-is 1st Prem 5.00 on fruit, both said our display was very , Rest Stallion Henry II. Pettit 2d Prom. . . IVst Mare Dick Straight 1st Prem. I Rest Mare W. D Joiies 2d Prem. 2.r,o 5 00 2 50 creditable and equal to any county fair in the state, so far. j Our fruit display was not so large ! I Rout pair of Roadsters Thomas Thom- j tf youtiiful happy. . The V.rnsK JlFnAt.n and the Omaha ItEiTM.irAN. to one address Sn.oo por year. THE Nebraska frpit takes ruE.musi at i:ostdn: . From the Boston A.lctrtiner we con Sense the following: but the quality and .variety wer ex cellent. We publish, in full, the pre miums as. awarded, and they will speak for themselves. Several amusin" incidents occurred. held, Dan Wheeler is going to run it, j Gne fellow was arrested and marched we inuM ogiu neeier. is a canai- off the prounds. On the last day, when j date to be selected, the first question 1 the. Mi -wo ro,lo littlo Mi Citmnr,.! as 1st Prem 5,00 Pair of Roadster? W. D. Jones 2d Prem 2,50 S'allioti horsos for CJenl Uti'itv Dan iel Peuion lt Prem 5.00 Stallion Henry Dubois 2d Prem 2.50 Mare II. C. Vanhorn lt Prem 5,00 Alarc lames Hull 2d Prem 2.50 Colt 1 yr. Prem. . old -pT H.-dwell lt small be'er lisks, is- Is VIn dor for . n i , : (oH 1 Vr old J. S. Cpton tlie Kent Colloclioii from auy State or Society, State of hraika: Scond l'rcmluisi, State or Etans'H. mm or aga.nst mm it neeior is lor , peons and handsome lmrselrk exploits, him we roust kill him ; if Wheeler is j The little l:uly took a regular race acaiiist liini we will leet. bim. " a- i i n . ' . . . ; " iuouim me iiaciv, aiier me premium i APIT.ES First PremlsiRi for , "' . , , : . '" V, ' " V , ' as,inarueu ner, ana me elappir.gor i i niMfiiu i iishHis ii me eanuuiate or i. i,.ic ..,..1 ,ni, .,i.i i i delegate is for Wheeler, they ask is j i,c;ird at town. The attendance Thurs- : Wheeler for him? That's wisdom. day and I'ridav was good. Carriages' Uy one simple turn of the wrist he j iinP(i the enclosure nertr the traekm , gets 81,500 for being a Secretary of the j Frid.iv, filled with the fair women and j .state 1- air; by shooting off his mouth, j brave mwi of Cad county no matter how foolishly, he seems to j . scare all l'lattsnioutlu He can control the Governor, coerce all the State ; of Mr 2d Prem. . . Meis"ii!r 1st 3.i)0 ! 2.50 Best Sack Flour, C. Heisel, 1.00. Pest Putter, Mrs. II. Murray, $1.00. Class on Exhibition. Class 17 Pastry &c Sttp't Mrs. Isaac Wiles. Jiulft$yirs. John Mutz, Mfs. Wni. Ashman, and Mrs. Thurston. Best Jelly Cake. Miss Nettie Mutz, 50e. IJest variety of Preserves', A. Smith, 50c. Pest Plum Preserves; A. Smith, 50c. Pest Tomato Capsup, A. Smith, 50c. Pest Poaf Wheat Jiie.ul, Mrs. Har riet Murray, 50e. Pest Jelly, Mrs. W. P."IIobbs, 50c. Class IS Fruits. Snjt't II. Eikenbery. Judim Mrs. J. C. (iilniore, Mrs. J. W. Johnson; and Mi's. E. W. Parnum. Pest collection of apples named, Perry Walker, j?5.00. Second beft collection of apples, named, Isaac Wiles, !?2.oo. IJest collection of apples, not named. Perry Walker, 82.0. ltest rollnct inn rif SM'iIlin" nniili'S ' - --- - - - r 1 L Isaac "Wiles, $2.00. IJest collection (if Pe;irs, II. K. Mont- ; gomery: si.on. I Pest collection of Crapes. .1; F. I Kmd, ji.t'O. j Class 1!) Flowers. Siip't Mrs. J. F. Doud. j jTi'frx Mrs. E. Sage. Mrs. (Inpen, I and Mrs. W. C. Woodruff. PRIMARY MEETINGS. Republican Delegates. The Primary Republican caucuses for the different wards and precincts were held on Saturday last, and a list of the delegates, so far as known, is published below: PLATTSMOUTH CITY. First Ward Ceo. Plack, Ed. Put tery, Alex. Schlagel, J. W. Marshall. Second Want.!. R. Dillev, Win. Bennett, M. II. Hathaway. TJiird Ward R. C. dishing. II. E. Palmer, J. W. Beardsley. Fuurlh Ward C. P. Moore, J. A. Chapin. Win. Darrah. Pi'jttemonth Pnriwt Jacob Ad ams, John Watson, W. R. Murray. Oreapolit E. Todd, Sam'l Thomas. liok JJlufr John Holmes. W. II. Royal. Charles Holmes, Levi Churchill. Louisville J. T. A. Hoover, John In helder, A. Schlagel, John Sayles. South lierul John Crawford, T. T. Voungi IlmrnoodJi. Magee, Stephen Tay lor, J. II. MeKimion. Gncrirood W. W. Conn, L. IL James, R. Knowles, J. L. Brown. Salt Creek Nelson Sheffer, Win. Coleman, J. V. Carnes.' Wrepiny Water David Dudley. T. Clark, Sam'l Rector. D. C. Fleming. II. W. Farleigh, J. W. Cox. Sam'l Smith: Jit. Pleasant J. A. Curran, S. M, . G. GRADY'S THUES TENT SHOW Consisting of a Magnificent Museum and Menagerie, AND Great American Circus, WILL BE HELD AT Plattsmouth, A Grand September 20th, 1873 Balloon Ascension ! IJrond in ire :md C.!t i Pr in , i Brood mart; imdColt II. ll. Pettit 2 1 We publish this week a full list of the premiums awarded t our county fair, (official) also the rest of the State Fair list. j Lewellyn A. Moore, 82.00. 00 Seeond best collection cultivate! j llowers. Mrs. Noah Clemmous, 81.00. Pn-in. .2.50 i Best collection (Jieen House Plants, t:illK-n. Swi-i it!:krs. If.-nrv DiiImms 1 I lesser. 82.00. lt Pieiii 10 00 Mare J. S Upton 1st Prem ",00 Colt under 1 vrol.l II. II. IVttet lt Pest collect son of cultivated llowei-s, : Kirkpatriek. Tiffany, Win. Linch Win. Newell. Libert' Win. C:iiinon. Ac'x-fi J. W. Jennings: Eitjht Mile Uror; .Sam'l Rie'iardson, li. Austin. C. Russell. W. Jenkins. Best Boquet, Lewellyn A. Moore, $1. Class 2oCcrra!s. Sttjft Calvin Russell. .5,00 TIIK DEVOX CATTLE Orr's, on exhibition ttr. Sam. Thomas again took the remiuTu on Devon cattle, and Mr. Jas. ' that speaks to him or his family, de- J haps the onlv "pure hi Wool had tlte finest S!nirUHorn herd j cently and eivily in Plattsmouth, it i the count v. There wen I there that is to be found this side of the Missouri The display of Fruit was very fine at f 4t. -, i -r.. . . -. it- .n tt . l.ic i-uuui; i.iu, .uw.r. ti.ei, lioir , , (lmi ., ...:tll &n. Wiles and others fairly filling the j ' feouth side of Floral Hall, with beauti ful specimens of Nebraska's good works in this line. bv Mr. i.oaiu or an irie conn- j am. Thomas, attracted a good .leal of ty conventions, and curse any man : attention. Thev::r..t he finest .-ml t.,.-. blo.xl Devons in re fourteen .head. and certainly if a man was only look ing for beauty he would choose the Devon cattle. Their pure, bright col or, neat, symmetrical build, and docile ways, make them models of artistic beauty, and they may truly be termed. neat cattle. It has been demonstrated Prem. Class 4 -Swine. SuSt. Lnwsoii bheldon. J-nl'jrx Isjiae Pollard, II. and J. Boar W. W. Wolfe 1st Prem Ijour, Thomas Thomas 2d Prem.. , Boar uivlcr 1 vr W. B. Porter 1st P.. .h,0 " 1 -C. Heisel, Ceoige Back, aiid Eikenbe v, 10.00 .3.00 j seems, s make him King. hat s the use of standing on ceremony ? We nominate D. II. Wheeler for President, in 18TG. Say, let's make it Emperor. TO the m:ai: people. Judys- S. Cole. Best half bushrl wheat, J. Weck baugh, 8.00. Best bushel Potatoes, J. Watson. 82. Best bushel Sweet Potatoes, W. J. Ilesser, 81.0O. Best six Carrots, W.J. Ilesser, 50c. Roar under 1 yr old It. Bettor 2dP. . .2,50 B-st six Parsnips, W. ,!. Ilesser, r,0c. N.w over 1 yearT. Thomas 1st Prem 10.00 j Best three Muskmeloiis, W. J. lies Sow over t year old. E. Sage 2 1 ' ! ser, 50c. Sow und.r 1 yr, W. B. Porter 1st P.. 5,00 j Best twelve stalks Rhubarb, W.J. Sow nmli-r 1 yr oi l, J. S. Cpton 2d P. 2.00 ; Hessl-r, 50e. Sow & Pig. J S Cpt n it Prem 5.00 I Best bushel yellow corn, S. Jlichard- P-:r Sweepstakes, W U Porter 10.00 son. 81.00. (IKANPKST SCHEME EVER KNOWN. Fourth Grand Gift Concert Foij tiik i:k.m:ht OK TIIK PUBLIC LIBRARY OF ItY. I2,GOO C'ASJE fcllTS $il,.lCO,GOO Fcery Fifth Tuket Draws a Gift. $250,000 roil $50. f l Vi Will take place during the day Prof. Plattner & Mile Rocliine, The Daring Aeronauts, will take their "Flight to the Clouds'!9' Doing away with the basket or car usually used t by a-ronauts. and substituting a Single Trapeze Par. and while ascending towards the sky, these L people of iron nerve will perform some of the most thrilling recklessly exciting t eats that were ever accomplished ly the most expert perform ers in.the Circus pavilion to mother earth. iia. It. lit l iAIICIIIU Contains the most wonderful curiosities ever on exhibition. THE Is another distinct exhiliition, contains one of the finest collection of "Wild Beasts on.this Continent. Six Legged Bull, The KourtU :r:tml flift fV-nc-rt nufliori-I I I. .,.-. I ........ .1... 1... r. ....... i ... : ..i til.- l'tii.iii- i.i:.i:ir .( Kintitcky. wii! lake! ne most wonderful Curiosity ever placedJ Sow W I Porter. .10.00 j: " " ,F VVlL.'.t .'Villi.. i-H.- i The great bar.-.n ei.t-rprl of the ; IniMi(,lns thinkingthev have been com- ttaily Uraphi bursted. They tried to j im,I1)is(1(1 ,iy the action of McDonagh I At ... 1 1 1 1 I ..i. . JMocS T ,C- (l rvnl t tit-il Tiii v.l.ln.'iiiTw TYV ih w;,n,MP-,0,.Hi i,n I M miiKei anu ouiier v , ...... .......w.w i low by particular request, some Re- ! Mllk"- Mr- Thoinas took the premi-; Svp't John P. Buck: mu at me Mate r air, ."?.'! lor ine oest j tta.tsriwui. Austin, i lios. Thomas Devons. and part of said premium was and Henry Wolfe. fill the huge gas bag on Saturday, the j 10th, and when ab.,iit half full she ripped from end to end almost. The ! Xew York papers are divided, whether the whole thin? was a swindle or not. and others. We think the w hole busi- for the best milk and butter cattle. ness of this people's move is "small Po- T1,is henl 'iir"l off the prize. tatoes," and would let it drop. Pl.ATTSMOrTlI, Sept. 4, lSJT; fn. Sam'l. Riciiakdsox Yoit have been selected a member of the Pcmde's i Mr. F. J. Metteer. took the first fnium. at the cjdidv fair, on the MarMi ! 0,tril1 County Committee, and are re- j Mr. nd. as usual. I ILirvester. This well known machine ' 'l r!1 'ty ?.ne& h-nl of sholt F. M. MacDoxaoii, Scy. ns for exhibi tion to our countv fair. These am- i,.n- ucsii ineu : ciore, our we give another description of the ani mals there, for the beneht of those who j have seen no other. Light Milk Cuovk, Sept. 0, 1373. Minnette, is a 5 year old -cow, pure I Jin, P. M. M.vrDovAfin I must i M'd. and took tin; premium at l lie the Reed Plo w, in inufactured at Xe- j confess thai I was greatly surprised on I State fair and everywhere else she has braska City. Trial's right, let us give ' reef i i.g your notice that I was select- j i'een. bur own men and manufacturers a fair j ed a member of the People's County! Imwrial (Poster; a fine bull, took chance, and all the encuuragemint wo j Convention. Your Convention must in" premium at the State fair. Can. i li.iv eoneliiilwl tti il.. .,f flwj ri. ! Alltlri.l I .ji.1v. V.t.i-n l.i,.,.t "V lc I - ..... . - .... .... WMiJ- I , - v v ... . V ' 11 1 .11 . ... ...... A gre; fetill continues to be a great favorite ! "r"",1 " w -- coau oay ot ue r air. P r ; . " ! liicinc:i . . . . . . .0 t t .-. wm.i4..J ti ' i great many of them. J. J. Pussell took the lirst pr'ehiilim ! en corn planters, (Yandevcei's). and on t deal of fault is being found With the Slate Fair, this year especially i by thi ti'ewspai-r cf dilTcrent ' county papers. P.. r!i:ips if the conn- ! ties these editors represent had r- fonr.etl their duties as well a Cas ty could be very easily blinded by the name of People's party. I do not sym pathize with this movement, but on the contrary I regard it as altogether uacatied for. I regard the falsely s ealled People's party only another Best Corn Planter. J. J. Russel. Pip. j B. st Reaper and Jfower, (Manny). II. j We shall write :t full descriot inn of Suerwm. I)iil.itn. ! ... , . - -- - i i these cattle at some future d.iy. j Best Patent Churn, (Rycrson'a), L. j i J. Carpenter Diploma. j .tAMES m. woods' shout hohns: j Best Harvester. (Marsh , V. J; Met- ! Mr. Wood, as usual, bru light tl:e DijWoma. ! Best Clothes- Dryer, Mrs. Thomas.1 Diploma. j J!.si I 'mtc I? . .;t- !. M. Jtum u.m. ! Dinloitri. ' 5.-t Well Augur. Mr. Pickett, Dij. Best Two-horse Corn Planter, C. II. I!);g, Dijilom.i. B.-st Horse Hay Pork.S. Ricliardson, Ti;Io:na. Best Breaking Blow, J. J. Resell. Diploma. Class 7 it S Xot on exhibition, (lass ! Yariety. Sup't James Hall. braska queen, and Western Lady, are all nearly perfect animals. In fact it does not s em possible to better them. Western Lady was the premium calf at tie State fair, (iolden Chief, a young gentleman. Short Horn, and Best bushel onions, T. J. Todd, $1.00. Best half bu. Ry John Mutz, l.t.0. Best pk. Timothy Seel..I. Mutz, .-51.00 Best bu. white con:, J. Mutz, i?i.oO. Best peck Tomatoes, J. Mutz, 50c. Best five Stiuashes, C. Ch-mons. $1.00 Best ' Pumpkins, C. Clenmns. $1.00. Best six Beets. Azro Smith, -"Oc. Best six head cabbage, A. Smith. 50c P: st six head Celerv, A. Smith. 50. Best Watermelons, A. Smith, 50c. Best y Cauli.Iowers, A. Smitli. 50c. B"st jeek Beans, A. Smith. 50c. ( lass 21 Lady .P;uestri.mship. S'ijt't Hens v Du 15. ls. Jttdysyiv. W. L. Hobbs. Mrs. W. D. .To'ies. Mrs. J. C. Cummins. J,. . Vallcry, an I II. Kilv'-it'i t i v. Lady IiMics'li'i;-.:i ci-i- l i year? Best. Miss Xelly Sa-; $I0.oo. Second best, Mrs. :'. K. iaru-b'. $n. Lady 1'ipjeriau ir.i''."- 1 !. Best, Miss Myrtle ii!niour, $s.o0. Second best. Miss I'pton. S1.O0. TFLL'(iRA.MS ROlbKI) DOWN. j !;i.- ii: fui, lie Lilaury.llall, ;u l.ouivii;e, Ki n . UU'i. . .11 j Wednesday, Dti-tmbir 3d, 1S73. ; n!y r liy Tlioiis.-mtl Tickets will he s..!c! ;c:l ; ni:-ii:i:t in i:,i-s,. j;ri- inu-:tl-il l'.n- Hie;-;i!i M;trk-t. thus li-ininjr only ;ai.iHHi f.n- i in- t lilK'll SiJI.l'S ttiH IV Klll.tNHt WITH lit : tor me Thii.l ( iiiK-crt. Tin- tickets r- tiiviil-.-il ; iiito ten iiujti'.s ir ,.ar:. ami have m l lie l;v-k I Lie Sell i i: ii- iUi a litli e.iiliiii;il;oii nt tin; imii ; ;t it raw in'. At this C niieert. wliit-h will bf the rniii lest , iuiisi-a; u:tti.iy ever i;ncsscil in liiis coiuilrv, ; li.e iiiijueo. in-..ti-.I .sain i j - 8 1 9 0 0 , 0 0 , ; (!!i-lcil iiitu u.u-ki c:l-ii trills, will 1- ititrtlntcil i I-" aiming me ueivi'i HDi.icis. I lie i .1.- iicKess !) limn fri.iii :ie Tri.cel by I Ul.uu l.IIUUI II iUlll llif jiUS 1HUI illlOlllCr, on exhibition. Four Baby Lions, Born during the "Winter, and are the chil dren's special pets. V j The most beautiful specimens (six in number) of theso ferociuiio mcnarcLi o. tne J ungle on exhibition. LIST OF GIFTS. one ckami ( ASii :n r il.t. .KA.M I AS'H .ifj O.NK ;i..Ai I . .s 1 liil'i i N ii tuiAMi t A.-sil i;iH liiUMl t .M ( . i I-' i HI ( .SiI iS c.ieii... ::i l Asm ,ji'i. r..ij c.ieii... 'i -vsit i, it iS l.i sii ( .iSii . . j i- . s ,hsi e:u b-il t Aii iit' IS ,(! e.i. I. Sii l,:Kes :-iki i-.: jrtii f.a,l'lS i-ijn ( .VSil i.U' 'Is li-i r.ii' 1 1.K t '.vU .it .Ot;.c -a . .Sivi.oi-io . tlHVH.I) l.i.ikti j . -te.'IHI j . 4-I.MHI j i.'.iwjll ' . ,'l.l.!lll ' V:,l'i il : TCi'.i!.. 1-j.mKi ;;M"i"S. A!. til:t. ... li.'T III T'L.e .i.-': 1 : !.i in.- .le... i i. , I.,-i-.-i-i a. ; o , . i ,i -i. ii. , iClll. 1 ... lies, I- Jilul !. twiiceii'. till''. Mi. L ( . yi ii iiit ! i ..V.II.I ! its .. t i. PKiGE OF TICKETS; Judyts I )ein i t ( le, son. and II. Ilowlahd. Best Assortnient if CCoj't-ra . t '.ul. Richard-! I i A . ' i Stofx "ity, Iowa. Sept. 12 (.eneral L. s. Me(.'t..ik, Secretary of Wlieb- ti-rkei. ; Ibiiv.-s. -.-5; -iV:it!i. r ' cacti n.tij.i.:,. ; FIcvcti S 'liceis fir' ; - i 1 lela ;. li-sl.iiiai ; l in 1 !cket -&&$i3f j?v. jc ?v mJ&'iii b hot need to so lliu-'i i'Mviin. ' ' A -W . . .. It 11 A . . . ... Otoe and Xt mahacoo.uies, they would !n,imo ,,,r '--y v, name i waeen, n-s mate, complete the ; you nopeii t- gain the sujunu t of the ; 11,111 miow n ra re. ; I'atrons of Hu:bandry. I have been a j Wood sold $0,000 worth of piire We notic; that de Omaha Iltr ild is ' citizen of this county for over thirteen j blood short-horns from 1 is own farm, j opposing the n-w Criminal Cinle of our ! years, and have always operated with j "t !:is late .-vale; j State, be ;i!i? min-vr offenses have to '. the partv that saved our government I We have nei c:r tuet Mr. Wood iriti- : I be trid, a? that paper claims, by the i from the hands of traitor's: I would j "lately, until this c-o-mty fair, and we ! ; District Court. Perh ips if the editor hevfadmonish all good Republicans to j desire to say here th.u our impressions ' e:.r.t. ' :n , ' . J . . 1 . I. Ti 1 , .... . , ... . ! .... 1 . tun, paper wiit ieau section ;in, j hi-ii ami pc w no u is mat is agi- ; - M 1 '" ucqu amntnee are very lavora-: page 705, in revised Statute of 1873, I tating tins question. j hie; indeed, and we know nmv that Mr. : he will find less fault. If we under- : Sami'ei. RT itAT;isrtx. i Wood merits all tlie good things t!;at : stand this, magistrates have juristic-; - -- his friends' say of him eontiuiiallv. lion in all offend wnere the fine does ! ne of t!u' fcatur,'s of t,u- 1;lte c0,,!,- ; Cr only regret is that Cass countv has i 4 r. ..... t i t- i- not exceed. $100, , r imprisonment does ; 1,1,4 W,LS ,l W-" '? r miih-- j not a dozen more Jim Wood not exceed three nr Mtfis. Smith, $1. Class 10 Variety. A-.7 Mrs. R. Sage. ' Jttd jetUrn. L. W. Barnum. Mrs. W. L. llob'os, and Mrs. C. II. King. Best pair Woolen Blankets. Mrs. II. .Ti. Calkins. $1. Best Shirt. Mrs. A. M. Hester; SL B-st Log Cabin (2ailt. Mrs. W. X. IIo keiiIerry, $1. B-.-st Si-rap (uilt, Mrs. W. L. Hold. $1. t 20 yards Carpet, Mrs. L. Hall. i.r r...iin : iM,- ami- lu-.'iets for si'i.timi. liiscnait on ks tii:iii j.v,i nnii nf TicKcts at a tac.e. I I ll. t..i..,-.IT..11...l i-.... . .. ..r .1... .-.: i akota, was shot through the breast ! ." ''i as wcii the sutisfai ti,.;i j.-iveii iy tia i ui .1:11 .-.i ci.iii.. i:i.ikc ir ily Iieccs;ir to .iiiiiiiaace tin- I'ui.rtli in insure i!ie jiiui.iat a'i of cv. ty lii-.i--:. I n- l-'.iin tii :in Cuun-rt ttiM be i iia.i'.eteil in ;ii! its Cetails like tlie 1'b.iiii. am! luil ii.!i-i:-;!,.is nu.v l e lc:.nieil f4-(,i,i ciieii v.liii i: vail ce sent tree Hum '.Ins ol:a c to all y.'ii:i :i.jii.v for lla in. I'ii-ki-is rcaiiy for sale aiitl ii:i cr iers :.e-eiiiiji;n,!i-il I'V tue .lunacy ii-ii!it ly liiie.J. l.ii 'l";.l :en:cs j:ivt !i to tlnw v im In scii ajrain. THOS. E. 13RAMLF.1T, At-eul rai.'.ic I.i!.-;,ry. Kv ;.ti-; Mana-r-r r.ift ( 'one, i t. l'iili.ic J.ii.f.ay" i:i!il'!iivr. J-o;Kvi!ie, Jvcilt tiej.y. i-'.wl. ADMISSION, to both shows, 50c. Children under 10 yrars. 25c. Poor3 open at 1 and 7 o'clock ; Performance commences at 2 and 8 o'clock p. m ItEPlB N CO IN IV CONVENTION. I Pursuant to call the Republican C!t- I f tral Committee met at tiie Court House ' Hall in Piatts'n.'outh, August 14th, and j decided to call a County Convention at Weeping Water Palls on Saturday. Sept. 2)tii, 173, I at the hour of 1 o'el.K-k p. m., for the of putting in nomination the following cotMity officers: i County Clerk, t County Treasurer; SbcritT, Probate Judg?; County Surveyorj Cunty Coroner. J Co. Snp't Public Instruction. i comb. He gave that, we understand, r at kind of forfeit, instead of walking 1!0 miles in two days with "Little Mac," of the Watchman. "Stineir.says the farmer is a little monarch, and the only cue we have in this country. At his bidding the cattle are fed. the horse works, and the ox is butchered. He gave some very good advice to farmers' sons about leaving home, and also on ?epportihg their local papers. He says: I "fiive your county newspapers such a 1 r support that your editors can run live j papers, such as strangers will read; and j from them form favorable opinions of i your county. It is a true wiving, show j me your newspapers and I'll tell you what kind of a town and county you j have." I I lis ideas oil patents were good, and THE C ;L.NTY FAIR. Held at MaltMiiiuilli Sept. 10, 11 ii 12. B Best Worsted Q iiit. Mrs. T. J. Todd, : $1. j Pest Worsted Pag, Mrs. T. J. Todd. ! 31. j Best Fancy Quilt, Mrs. J. F. Buck, ! $1. j last night, at Yankton, by I. P. Win ; termule, and died this morning at 7 l o'clock. Central McCook attempted J to eater the court ro,;;n, where a rail- way meeting was being la Id. H was ; met at the door by Wintermute, who, j after some high words, drew a pistol : and sliot MeConk, the ball entering : iii-tti ine Sooiilaer and severing an ar- . . J tery. The latter thn seiz-d Winter- CV BCQtancI SIlO j Firm j mute, w iio lired two more shots with- ; j out effect. In the struirgle both fell to ' ! the Hour t.n.l were separated by frieods. I KaiTliCr tV KlllllK'l, j MeCook was carried to his room at ! ! the sf. Charles Hotel, bleeding profuse- : BOOt & SIlOC Makers, ! 1 .. .. . . . i I -a coiiMunaiioii (ii pnysicians pro j nounced the wound fatal, and still pre ! serving his consciousness, he gradually , .sank until the hour mentioned. But The Best IS THS CHEAPEST! The Lincoln Ilonte. 1 Main s:.-( t, oj.-nuifc I'latte Valley House, I.ATTS MOUTH. - - - Nf-n litth least Co. Commissioner. lft Distrle .The basis of representation and' tlte 1 ihl'h W'rally sensible and sound, .r.r nnd Ta-,.v" rt '...I.liu-,-i,n:,rv 1 xl ' I'1 ,m llw quesuon. ......... ..... , I Mentions was fixed f-.r the lth of S,m 'r.. 1.. 01 .,.1 , c ance with the i f.cnnK-i , rt 1 1 mt . j. lit- 11, u'l Jirm i 3th Wards in tbf citv of I'laitsin.mtli io meet-at fie usual tlace 1 .f lir.lilin I t " ' : - .-. . I rr 1 ., . . . r 1 ajL iu iiiatvc. 1 ne experience 01 Pngland to-lay, and the changes de- at the hour of 7i : nVl.vfc t!,v "- -viiMraiian cotonies are T ... . - . - - , ... ... , .... . ... 'i'! f-A J .T 1 iiecisiiig uu loniicr ineories on in is 1 suojeci. ; said the His ar- are utterly at vari fact. In short, the ibout the tariff iu these less blunders a 'man j-ie-Ucn?. fir at iKiitie place to be desig- by t.-ie Comiiiitteentcn of the p.atwl waii 1 Mian be enu kthtc3. Light Mile Crove to meet at i . .. . . : u. . . .. .. . . The assassination of (Jen. L. win i.ipnc Mile ttioe serioc.-i house at . . . , .... V, , . . , ., . .. tft. , . , , I ie( 00k, at 1 ankton, by one YA int !)C.!iK-Vr anil -ilirJ.' l;n rTit?tf..I f. A .l.a. - U tti '1 ...... :'"te,a banker tb; le, was a Li x -till v u"!, .L lai'lIiliLl Ull'fU rr ' iw-- a 1 a. a. r "I Premium A' . (j.A-s 1 Cattle. S'tpt U. H. heeler. J.itlje ('. n. Parmele. J. C. thnour, and J. F. Kinny. J Hull short horn, 2 yrs. over. Thomas" j tt Fifcli, preiiiitim 5,00 I L.11U, sweej (.stakes, d. 1st pr. 10,00 Devons 3 yrs. Orr Sc T!i..mas 2d P'ein " 2 y's under ()rr& Thomas 1st p 1 yrold. Orr Tleams 2 1 p- " calf. " 1st pr. Cow 3 yrs old 1st pitui. Orr fc Th'anas Cow 3 yrs old 2 1 pn ni. Orrifc Thomas ; Cow 2 yrs. 1st prem Orr , T'lomas 2d p'reui. Heift-r ciilf, 2d pietii. " Cow 3vi tr hativeft S: grades 11 Sag: , lt prem. Cow 2 yrs E S.i;re 2 prt-m Heifer 1 yr old ovi r E Surrc lt prm. 1.00 Your commit tep were ngreeablv urp-is ed lit the excellence of the thoronlilircd M'tk on exhibition and ent'-rd ror oinpe-fitioit. is known of the origin of the . FINK CAU-' SKWEJi ROOTS iicu to order III coilll SI ie i B"st assortment Bots and Slioes, i diiaeulty. It is generally supposed t .All ;kimis of w.-u's Loots una shoes nnnle un.i P"tcr Merges. ?l. ! ;t b,,g standing feud in regard to j '"i. am! work wurr.mteil to .i;ti, I Best pair Woolen Socks; Enader.ia ; r;i" "ay bonds voted by Yankton Coun- f;lJ.t,l',:i' :. ic !i Ki:. ! Cilmoie. ?1. j ty. Wintermute is now in custodv. !-"-" ' JslUlLh. Best Fatting. Mary Thayer, St. Class 11 Painting. fitnp'tV. W. Wise. Judyts Mrs. J. P. Dou i, Mrs. J. II. Considerable extiitent'-nt exists, and . . .A. J.OUI.- iiite-tLs 01 stuuiUiry vengeance are made. THE BALLOON' III RSTS. Brown and Mrs. R. P. Kennedv. 2."0 j Best Oi!iament;d Sign Painting; F. r.0" ! Hodapp, 81. b- ' Bt st Oil Painting. Sarah E. Wood Lri I ru.T, 61. Class 12 Needle Work. 5.00 Jfast RiJh-'ibms Knd r a Mncli-Paffe-I ''Enterprise." 50 5 00 2 00 er- ! pchool house at 4 o'clock pi ni and en titled to 3 ib legates. Lil'rtv, at Tav i jOr's" scPo'ol house at 4. o'clock i m Entitled fo 3" !Hegates: All otlter 1 inct3 to meet at the usual place of j jiohLiig elections at the bout of 4 J u'clock.iJ. m and entitled to reie-e-! jentation as follows:'." Plaitsmnu'lh ?recinct, 3 ilcdwjrates ; Oreaiolis, 2; .lock Bluffs, -f;" Avoca 3; iit. Pleas Int, 5; Louisville, 4; V.'eepirf.g" Water, ; Stove Creek, 3; Ehnwood. 3; gfcVuth Send, 2; Salt Creek, 3 ; Green weed, 4 ; j Upton, 3. , . . . JNO. A. MACMURPIIY, , , Chairman Rep. Central Coul ' ii. A. Kjekpatkick. Sec'vv 11.. ... a . - ( newrre very l-iaen M eased witii tlie ghtful . verv evtiMtiiu.n i.f ili.rn.fl,t.r. Ook i ttiw-lr rlfi.l r. i... r t : -...-.. -r.i ..v:i'M 11. mi tn .i;iu;t s . as bo vas coming out of the meeting. 1 vMML. t'.- Pn'-i-lent ..ft!.,. uv. Supt Mrs. St. Leger Beck. Jndips Mrs. Addie Bestor, Mrs: 2.50 j Hattie Drost and Mrs. II. Likenberry. 2 5 i j Lamp Mat, Mrs, Hattie Carri I 25 ; son. SI. Best Card Case, Mr?. Hattie Garri son. SI. 1 Best Sofa Tidy, Uvr.. Hattie Garri son, SI. Best Comb Case, Mrs: Hattie Garri son, SI. Best Chair Tidy, Mrs. W. L. Hobbs, Si. Best Worsted Work, Mrs. A. J. Ca ble, SI. Pest Hair Wreath, Mrs. A. J. Cable, SI. Best Nee'die Work, Mrs. S. L. Stinch- Daring ti Ir?es.' of I nil at ion the Master Cailapses, atrl the Stv'ieii.e is Ab:ia.l )n3.1. e erowa visited uie capt- tj- O ' t ' s in Brooklyn this after- j USOH btreight, I ss the departure of the J .... ' i and ! a'"1 U a'-,i;itn ln,rt:ll,.v mounded bim; j i,ave," m the u,-.t, Hm ' - ;i.ut being a large, jiowerrul man, ,or(. ,.tt.,u.ri rtjI;r!l w.f.n ind seldom in tli,- j ",,!'1'' -5L MeConk grapoled him and a fearful Ftmggle. took place on the floor, MeCook regularly threshing the floor and Ix-nches with Wintermute's Inxly, and Wintermute all the while tiring his pistol whenever he could get a chance. At one time MeCook' came near throwing him bodily out of th-.j window tlown two storie. When the men were finally sejiarattd Winter mute was covered with blood and gore from MeCook's lodv; MeCook diif I the a liner herd of ca'tle. Messrs Orr A Thr.ns, hud a verv fine le rd of Devon cuttle on exhibition, wevf-ral ft whirb were awarded 1st premiums. Your committee think they could do im less than comm.-nd tlie very fire built,, cow, Iit-ifi rs :md cilves of 1 li herd: Your committee w-re also pbsiseil witli th very fine grade bi'ills filtered fir com petition by Me?rj J;ts. Hall and Perry NTA'ker. Your cniriiittf'e would furflu r rciotn- New York, Sci)t. 12 I An immense crowd visited the Capi i toline grounds j noon, to witness the de j big ballon for Europe. The process of inflation commenced at an early hour ! this morning, and continued steadily ! until ti n minutes past 4, when the bal- ; loon suddenly swayed to the north, j j ripped half way around with a great t tearing sound, and fell fl it upon the I ground. The immense volume, of gas j which had been pumped into it, near- ! ly 400.000 fe t, escaped at the same j moment, nearly suffocating tl.os who j stood on the insid .-. Inspector Falk, 1 Mr. (biodsi il, ami Police Conuaissbmer i Briggs had but an instant before shift- ' BARJNUM'S H0TSL, ! Cor llftadirmj aul Tnntkt.'i Street. j Ay;ir yoiik. OX iJOTII AMKUK'A X & KVltf H'KAN PLAN'S. j fomi-lete with a'l uti;irov-:iiei;t ; ; rMins 1 n ttiitt: sui-l Maude ; iinVate farlors. . l-.lllis. i-.i-v.itoi-s. c. I.oiviiio:i uns.ii;i:is.-il I iwin tn I.'h- mtv -.-i!tr- ot t'.-ishioii ;m, i..i:!iait j Xi' oi-k litv. in iiii.xiinity to ('liurefii-s ;hkI I j.i.: i-s of Aeii;sf in. nt; sunt & Taylor's j Al-liolil v:-;ihli.-s ;;il J. .S; f. .lohn'-toirs Iiiy Coods iMt.u-es,' Tin- lioti I is- iind.-r tlie ' :ii;ii'.:'i--iii-iit i't a. S. r.:inmiM. foriueriv of l;;ir ; 11. lei'-, iiof.'f. I;i!t;iri..ri-: I. N. firi-i n.' of H.iv I ion. !:f.i. ;,il n-i i nliv of X.- York. ;!ltl Vn-i r te.:in Ktnncii.ot H.irniim's llojt-l. Si. Louis, i v: i -t r. x- ." ' "-".- - F. J. 31ETTLTK I!;is .1 larre ami koo-1 assort meiit of Firei Mu- f'lliiil-l v. Tl'c NSfirsh Harvester, a 1'eajie r f liat two mori cau eut .-.nil lii.-nl t ii hit -s prrth-.v, itli o-, man to drive, ainl tlie iuJcn can "work in thf F. J. METTEER, Main Street. Conu r fitii. Plnitnnouth. - - - - A"rv.. St. Louis & Southeastern Railway. roNSf)i.nATi:i. "X ASH VILLI! SIKH it EST LIXF." Au-l !in-(-t Koute to lieaier in Siiiiu'vinir Hollerith, I Cen t nd ia, I Cairo, -m . . I Eraiiseillc, ' r 11 1 1 , G 1 ix a r s , ju ph j l t' .s!,ll fj. Tobaccos JloHtuoiH'.ry, j Mob and Fancy Groceries. l'LATTsMorTji. xi:n. A- . - .,.) I .1 V'l- I .'(!., ! Guft'tstou, Book for the Million Best iwf Tidvs. Af.-s. II. I). Fov. t ! Best variety Cr.H-het, Jlrs. K. K. Lir- ! e'1 their l,,,iti,,I,s t;'1' eastward. an M AF1FH AGF G :J I U h.. hext morning, and Winternutle is in j uteitf that in fatttrc the cauoty as,cintion jnil under a strong gu.-trd for fear of j 0$,.r UH premiums on gmdc bulls. IfHcbisgi ' I corateSttefii thinttbAt &nd6 cows; nu ll', Best Collar and Cuffs, jirs. E. W Barnum, SI; Classes t J and U Xot on exhibition. Class lo Pantry. Snp't Mrs. John Bichardson. Jitdyts Mrs. Pubr, James Hall and J. F. Buck. . Best five pounds Honey, Chas. Clem mis, '".nc Best Hard Soap, Azro Smith', 50c. ll'isf 1l..,..n.n...l . tl 4 .f- -i. A: ia K..r, a. mitu, , ia abandoucfl for the present. OOC. M , I J 1 Ucfft ifeft &yf ; Arzb fe&thV SOe: I Poi4oe9 wartwd oil ft'abfft tfcrw ofetce.' A private foi!iis- !!or to tlif '-f.-irrit il or tliosi- a!.ont ro mar ry on tin- i !iysio!o':ii-aI ii-.vsti--n-s and riVi-lalio:is of tl.r m.-mi;.! S stein, tlie l;;tt-st ;iisi-oviTirs iii jirodii'-iii ami juvvi'iil ing fifi'spriiiu, iiow to jrei. rw tin (iii.ii'.iii;. Tiii- is .-in irili-ivsifa; work of tvo fMieilreil am! nvriitj -lour pam-s. with l:::iierrius itj.i-.-iv-ins. ami' t-ontaiiis valual.le luforiit.-.tiou foi tli.ise In. an- lnarrii-if. or eiititi-tiiiiliitiiur uiar- ri ic. still, it is a Look llial oiitrlit to !.- Kt-pt ' IIII.1..I' lurt MM. I l;.v .iti.l t...l '....I ...I.. I mementoes, but tlie stlong force of j alioiit the liouso. , . ,, , . , , j Sfnt to iiny fit ifit-e tf iiostairel for .v feits. ponce on the ground charged and I i;fts- uisyitsarr. .u. x.mIi drove them baek. Mr. Miner, who had I ",u"- I thus escapei I 1 emir mined in the ifet- ting and canvas. The crowil made a general rush over the ropes with inten tion of tearing up the Canvas into small pieces and carrying them off as contracted to 1:11 th'" balloon, said that it would be all follp to attempt another 1 inflation, as the bag was not made of j the proper material. So the entei prise SIo. Xashrilic, Chattanooya, At la at a, J!acn, Clmri '-storn, S'ra uia'h; K ii't.vrilh,, Jirisl-,1, Lyia lihnry. Pi-hiaiiid, Norfolk, And :i!I Points Jtoutli awl ftoutlirost. ?'mii i:i:asoxs wiry thin u the rnfi-m-d llollti-. IT IS Tllfv ONLV I.IXK nwinfi-K Pullman Palai-i" Ir:iviii l.'ooin S,..ii :z i'mis Oiniiiii f.!.l!i St. l-ouis io Xasliviilf Vf ii iiont i li uu-o. IT J? TIIK OVI.V MXIC one wau,-,-,--liK-nt t'let ii tlu-M- iiis-s. IT IS TIIK HM.V MM: hy w'iipIi pnss. n gcrs ran save ?iotn V1 to ivl i-ii!i s tiav-l, ;.;n iioiu six to twenty-four Lours time. it is 2.t. ifi:.i'i:!: oom st. r.oii,'t Xasliii!e than the t-ireuitotis roete via. Lii:s OC R MOTTO : quick time: f GOOD CARE! CLOSE CONNECTIONS ' The A. & N. Railroad VIA. LINCOLN, NEB., TO St. Joseph, Tv'.-n msch, Toprka, Lcavc7wxri!i Pa v: nee City, Laicrenrc. Falls City, White Clofuf I Doniphan, La?is-as City, St. Louis, Cincinnati. I ndianipnlis, C,lumlui, Loui . Xaslivillf, Jftmphix, , Chattanooga. Atlanta, Zf New Orleans And all the Points !a tfie SoiCtlttrttt, South and Southeast. Tin: pf.AiTs.MOLTii p::opi.e I'.y tuUn;; tlio xj-res.i train at Lincoln 011 ATC11ISOX d- XE11RASKA EA I LEO A D. t'pon tiieir tiiiiv.J at AtcfiSon, liic (arcat nailroail Ontc the West, Can o'. tain, ivitl.out dklay fi: iNcoNVKXir.xri:, t!i v-ry lie I Sfci piti f'ar iiei-omnio.! . ;n;il will r-:i-li St. I.uis early next morn : 1:1 :i iiim h f :iml shorter rmn, tint vi;i. P:n-i:ie .liiin-tioii. Tr:i-k ami !' ,-ire in exei li. nt eon. til ion. The paisi-n eoiiiiiioilatioiis are of t tie bef t. " No expense Nor P. ir.-ivf lii-.'ii .sj):t;t.l to mako the traveii f-.rt:.Llo. LAV OVER CHECKS. Wif! !c clien ! v the rnnilnetor to tfiose in- to stop oil' :i any of tlio ineny plae.-s teiest on ifio ATCHISON if- NEBRASKA I Xot ice to the Afnictifl aiidl'nfortunate i thi . Wi stini.inis, , . . . , 1 eoiieler anl Platfu fiefore iirijuynii-' to.tlie nctonoiis nu.-M-ks lii 1 Tliro;erli Tiekets Witli'.nt ieeitrrfna nnv ndilltional exr Tims utTonliii Tr;i veleps 11 I f , ' for visit jri-j tin- Par,ui;.si; of all Ganlt-ns ' NfW liti'I elega'tt lay eoa'-lirs e.tippeil witli i.ou-.e .ir j.raKC ami tlie Slu'er Tin are run in all trains tfil ill! U'lllj u.-.l t... ... ..1 f Milveit.. i,.-.,l. ;.. ..r ...v romek 1 . . ' i. i. . .1: ' ..i. ' . -'. . ( of "K- . ......I: V . ' " . ' , ' . " -' u' -,v pnneii-.u I ri-Kei uCiPl-n ill tlie We ';;.nw ll!Wilse ,s ,,r ,!,m ,,,T,,raWo you j w "r tlk vW uti.eatenr iii- j xiio Great NeiHaha VtiP I i- I -1 . . .- ,. ........... 1 .....nn.r",- - r l, . - I fiiMii. on tin (Itsnmes tin nt ioio-il In Ms Uoi..s. ! . fie'Vi..' , -Sl I. ' . feijee, Noi? x. Ki riif ; ;-.Ht.ietweeu llc.Mar- I 4- nlv 1 m--, M. L0UI3, wfi xmvt ittt ik Ldl2 . . W. t. '.TITE. oiinifiU rasseuv'.-r a"-? 1