iimiaiai!..n THE ITEJIALD Railroad Time Table. B. & M. R. It. IN NEBRASKA. Westward So. 5 No. 3 No. 1 Eastward No. 2 No. 4 No. STATIONS S.00 .35 11.10 .5j!1.25 10 lO.ltO 30 11.00 10 11.15 2f 11.2.5 41 11.3H 11 12.00 27 12.12 .53 12.2J Plattsmouth, Oreawlis Omaha Hcllevue La Platte Oreapolis Concord Jxxiisville South Bend. Ashland (ireenwood Wavcrly Newton Lincoln IJncoln Jh'iiton Highland Crete IHrche'ster Kxeter Fairuionnt Grafton Sutton Harvard Inland Hastings Juniata Kenesuw I.OWH1 Fort Kearny Keaniy Juuc. 2.no 1.47 2.40 2.10 1.55 1.47 1.31 1.0!) .12.66 12.35 12.20 12.05 11.52 11.35 7.45 7.2.5 8.10 7.M 7.10 3.10 2.45 6.53 6..TH 2.15 6.11 1.35 5.50 1.10 JUS 9,35 ( 12.a5 IOJV) ( 8l 11.23 9. 5.32 I 11.55 12 12.50 6.14 11.25 4.56 10.55 4.41 10.30 4.20 10.00 9.30 8.50 No. 8 8.22 2.52 8.10 2.20 l.OS 12.35 12.15 ( 11.20 11.00 10.00 9.10 I 8.50 8.30 7.55 7.15 6.35 5.56 5.20 12.05 9. 12.25 0 12.03 10. 31 1.05 .47 1.17 10 1.05 1.25 2.00 2.05 2.23 2.49 No. 7 2.49 3.04 8.50 3.00 10.08 3.24 11.20 4.1 11.55 M.36 12.15 f 1.00 5.0 11.17 10.52 10.35 10.2 10.OS .23 8.0G fs.39 8.23 7.57 7.32 (.7.20 ) 7.00 6.43 6.23 .( 5.41 5.13 1.25 2.37 3.17 3.47 5.19 5.5 6.27 6.40 t 7.05 ( 7.25 7.4H S,l 8.35 9.05 4..T0 6.0 S.(r 6.20 7.12 OMAHA BRANCH. Le Plattsmouth, Ar 6.35 r m l 15 p m 7.45 1 n Ar Omaha, 8.10 pm 2.4d p m I,e 10.3d a in " " 6.10 pm B. d M. It. It. Le Platts.. 5.45 am Le Pacific June, 7.00 a m Le Piatt h., 3.15 am jn Piu-itie .Tunc, 4.Mpm Ar Platts., 9.40 a in Ar l'acific June, 8.50 a in .The time piven above In tliat of Chicago, which is 33 minutes faster than that of lialta uiouth. LOCAL. XEWS. U CAL A l VEUTISKM F.N'TS. . Transient 25 cents aline. Regular advertisers 10 cents per line. No advertisement Inserted for less than 25 cents. Legal advertisements will be charged to the parties handing them in. COMMUNICATIONS. As onr space is limited, all communications must be brief and to the point, with no waste of words. SUBSCRIBERS Aro requested to notify the office If the paper Is not delivered promptly. NEWSPAPER DECISIONS. t. Any iH-rson who takes a paper reirnlarly from the jtost offlfe. whether directed to his name, or whether he is a subscriber or not is responsible for the pay. 2. If any ersoii orders his paper discontin ued, he must p iy all arrarazes. or the publisher niav continue to" send it until pavment i made, ami collect the whole amount, whether the pa per is taken from the oflice or not. 3. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and jieriodioals from the post olnee, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima evidence of i.stential fraud. Notick to KvKKYiiOUT.-All subscribers pay ing for their paicr to us. and ordering it stopped at a certain time, will find It so stopped; but we cannot be responsible for what has been done before our time, nor for orders supposed to be given by other to others. Our books alone must be the guide for-all old subscriptions. Please remember this. Bargains at Hank Strelght's. tf. Hot, hotter, hottest. Fred Ponington, caino up stairs and hollered "howdy" last Tuesday. Elder T. J. Todd, will preach at the Congregational Church next Lords day at 11 o'clock, A. m. All are invited. Dan. II. Wheelwr, Secretary of State lioard Agikultr.ral, left for Lincoln Monday to fix up and arrange for the coming State Fair next week. New Goods at the Shoe Store, cheaper than ewer. 3-tf. A. S. Dexter, correspondent of the Chicago Journal nf Commerce has been visiting our place for several days and gjes west on a long trip for his paper. We sent and asked Sam. Chapman a question, and got Iho following an swer: Ich wie niehts Yaw, we fustay icts nichs vichs, or any other man. L W. Deare late of the? Ashland Repnhli'-an, called on us Monday, Mr. Deare goes to Dawson County to start a newspaper. "Wo shall give a full description of Cutler & White's new Grain Elevator in Platlsmouth, and Connor's, cut at Ashland, next week. Call and see D. Scimasse & Co.'s new good's. Rev. Mr. Burgess, of Nebraska Col lege will hold Divine Services in St. Lu'te'd Church on Sunday next the 31st ; morning and evening at the usual hours. Barker and Co. shipped five car-load's of Hogs last week and other parties shipped three more. More hogs are shipped from th!3 point than any other. . . Thomas 1. Kennard, Esq., of Lin coln, called on the Herald Monday on his way to Iowa. Mr. K. is an old friend and we were delighted to see his countenance in our sanctum. Mike Schnellbacker, is the best hearted blacksmith in l'lattsmouth. He mentis the Herald up when it breaks down and always says glad to fix her nix come toils mossiska. "Waterman- & Son are selling all common lumber at 823,00. 2 1 w3. The article on "Nebraska and her Resources" is finished this week. AVe advise all Herald readers to peruse it, whether it takes a prize or not, it will bo found full of useful inform ation. Ilesser's Hardens. . A Reporter of the Herald, in com pany with a couple of Flattsmouth's fairest daughters, visited Mr. Ilesser's famous Gardens. These Gardens are a sample of what can be raised in Ne braska. He has CGxl4 feet of hot house room all in use, and is prepar ing to build more. He has three tier of shelves in the building, filled with the choicest varieties of flowers, hav ing expended 600.00 this Spring for new varieties. Besides flowers, he has vegetables and fruit in great abund ance,having set out l00 apple trees this season, and intends, in a few years, to be able to ship fruit East. One might preach to the Eastern people through the papers for years, that this is a great fruit-growing State, and they would say: "Those fellows have some corner lots they wish to dispose of. and take tiiis method to puff them up." But we will prove to them, at no distant day, firfafc this H ntf " SaTidv. DRPTf - . Old PirEns for sale at this onice; in packages of fifty and 100, for 23 and 50 cents per bundle. tf Go and See the fruit sent in for the State fair exhibition, at Dan 7heelers- offlce. Mr. Samuel Thomas will ship four teen head of pure blood cattle to the State Fair, next week, for exhibition. They are fine animals, and no doubt will draw a prize of some magnitude. The farmers are just rushing the wheat into this market. Cars cannot be obtained fast enough to ship it. It is estimated that 810,000 worth of wheat went out of Plattsmouth in two days, last week. Fine Cut Tobacco at the Post Office Book Btf. Store. It is gravely and currently f eported that during the fire last evening, a gen tleman, either from force of habit, or some other cause, gathered a bundle of hoop skirts in his arms to put the fire out with. How is that for abScnt- mindedness ? WHEAT. Fifty-one car loads of wheat came in from Ashland and along the railroad, on Friday night. Every warehouse is fuli, and sacks piled twelve feet high, all around the premises. If that is not business, what is? CARPET WEAVING. Mrs. Clayton hereby gives notice that she is prepared to weave all kinds of rag carpets and furnish the chain for the same at fair living prices. Call and see her, opposite Austin's Vinegar Factory, in the West end of town. 22-2t. Waterman & Son are selling fenc 21w3. ing lumber at $23,00 For Sale ! One Iron Gray Mare, 14Jg hands high, four years old, with foal, gentle, and in fair order. Will be sold cheap for cash or bankable paper. For further particulars, enquire at the Herald Office. . It CROWDED OUTi A very witty article on the Fanners' Convention (?) in Plattsmouth last week, two articles on our wheat eleva tors and some other matters were abso- utely crowded out this week. Re member we hade our State Fair to ad vertise, our County Fair, and the tax ist is still running. Next week we shall have more room. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. Whereas, some rascals took my sad dle and bridle from off my mare on the 23th, and threw them over the river bank, and turned the mare loose. I will give the above reward to any man that will Inform me who did it, and "ring sufficient proof to convict those lrghflyers. J. W. Haines.. The only exclusive Root and Shoe Store In Cass County. Nothing below cost, but cheaper than ever. Fkteb Mkboe.s. All parties' having Stock to ship to the Fair and desirous of sending the same before Monday, can apply to Mr. James Wood, General Passenger Agent at l'lattsmouth, Mho will give them the same rates and reductions as dur ing fair week; but all passenger tickets at reduced rates are only good from the 1st to the 8th. We had quite an alarm of Fire on Tuesday evening. The chandelier in Solomon & Nathan's store broke down, and the oil flying out for a few moment' it looked as if we should have qtiite a decent conflagration. A large crowd gathered at once, and we are happy and proud to state that the Babcock and all the boys were on hand instanter. Before they were needed, however, a few blankets had smothered the incipient blaze. "DOG 6N IT." For several nights an innumerable host of dogoned worthless useless and infernal curs have gathered in thi3 end of town and howled and yelled like four-footed demons. Sleep has been impossible and night has been turned into pandemonium. Cannot the city authorities abate this nuisance? The flies and mosquitoes are bad enough, to say nothing of the Ireat and then to be kept awake for the few moments one might sleep is intolerable. We are informed that there aro something less than a hundred dogs here that have no owners, dogs that have been left by emigrants, and lost. Now, gentleman pass an ordinance .asking every white decent man with a white man's dog to tie it up for three days and nights and then let the City Mar shal slaughter all the rest. Remenber dog days are coming. GOOD TE3TPLARS LODGE. J. A. . Fairbanks, of Lincoln, G. W. C. T. of the Good Templar organiza tion of this State wft3 in town last Wednesday and installed the following officers of Olive Branch Lodjze No 2. 1. O. G. T.: II. II. Bedwell W. C: T. John Chapin R. II. S. Mrs. D. Miller L. II. S. Miss Stinchcomb W. V. T. T. W. Shryock W. Treasurer: D. D. Martindale W. Sec'y. Lon. Chalfant W. Ass't. Sec'y. D. L. Morrow W. F. Sec'y. Rev. Cbas. McElvey W. Chaplain. J. O. Phillippi W. Marshal. Miss C. Mitchell AV. D. Marshal. Philip Young Wi O. G. James Grace W: I. G. After the installation and other regular business, Mr. F. addressed the Lodge for alout an hour on Temper ante subjects. He stated that he had instituted 22 new Lodges this year, and that the order -had received a thousand new members. Mr. Fairbanks left on Thursday morning for his work in another part of tho Stato, and expressed himself well plcsed with the condition of the order here, and hoped that whtii he next came around l.V would see a much larger body of people engaged fn the noble work,' . Centaur Liniment There Is no paJn vhicti the Centanr Liniment will not relieve, no swelling It wi!l not subdue. and no lameness which it will not cure. This hi strong language, but it is true. W here the parts are not gone, its effects sire marvellous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, iork-jaw, palsy, sprains; swellings, ear-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &e.. upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &C,, upon animals in one year than have allothet pretended remedies sinee the world began. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame wilk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It Is no humbug. The recipe is selling as uo article ever before sold, and it sells because it docs just what it pretends to do, Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserre to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than 1000 certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c. have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment Is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. J. B. Rosr & Co., New York. 40-ly Castokia Is more than a substitute for Cas tor OiL It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 46-lJr Some fellow up by Parmele's lumber yard was doing considerable growling the other night, because he had to wait so long for somebody or something. Thinking the man wanted lumber and seeing Mr. Parmele coming down the street, we very innoteutly remarked 'there comes 2Ir.P.if you want lumber." Don't want any lumber, want to buy a school-marm want to buy two school marms," was the queer reply. Go to the Ferry Company for your summer's wood. 600 cords dry cottonwood for sale, and delivered about town. I2tf REMEMBER THE STA1E FAIR. Next week our Seventh Annual State Fair commences at Lincoln. Every arrangement has been made for the convenience of exhibitors and vis itors. It looks as if we should have tho best Fair Nebraska has j-et held, and it behooves our farmers and me chanics to make as good a display of our productions and inventions as they can. Many strangers will be present from other States, D. JI. Wheeler, the enterprising Secretary having adver tised it most thoroughly. Kellogg Concert. The Concert given by the Kellogg Troupe,"at Fitzgerald's Hall, on Satur day evening last, was what might be termed a rare musical treat. The sing ing was artistic, and Mr. Vaughn, as a violinist, would be hard to excel. Miss Lillio Simpson, the charming pianist, i3 too well known to need any com ment from our hand. In conclusion, this Troupe performs all it promises, and to our uneducated ears, discounts Madam Anna Bishop'?, two to one. Gaiters for $1.40 at would go barefooted? the Shoe Store. Who 5tf. LIVELY. On the street Saturday about 3 p. m. Frank White bawling "going, going, going, going gone," two boys ring ing bells to keep up the music and two more shouting Fannie Kellogg as they bore a banner with this strange device "Concert to Night." sixten drunken men fighting, Joe Conner hollering tl a haymaker on a load of grain and 93 other men aro jabbering about tlie suction, tho grain market, the Granges, the people's party, or the hot weather in 40 different languages and all "tew once." PLEASANT III DOE SUNDAY SCHOOL. This Sunday School held a picnic on Saturday last in Nick Holmes' Grove. Speeches were made by the Rev. Messrs: Bartle and Arnold. The brass band of Four- Mile Creek discoursed some good music, and a bountiful lunch helped to make things pass pleas antly and sociably. After dinner, Mr. Mutz and Mr. Gilmore addressed the children a few moments. Over 150 people were there and all enjoyed them selves honestly and heartily. Reports of the Sunday School were then read and everybody went home delighted and pleased with the picnic. Waterman & Son are' selling all kinds of Framing lumber at $25,00. 21w3. ANTI-MONOPOLY MOYE. Nearly all the precincts of Cass county were represented by delegates or proxies at Weeping Watef Falls, on Saturday, August 23. Dr. J. F. Kenaston, of Stove Creek, was elected chairman, and F. M. MacDonagh, Secretary. A County Central Committee was chosen, who are requested to meet at the Secretary's office, on the County Fair ground, at 1 p. m., the second day of the Fair. It was decided to call a county dele gate convention to meet at Weeping Water Falls, Saturday, September 27th, at 11a,m. The basis of delegation was decided to be one delegate for every fifty, or fraction thereof f roin cach of the pre precincts of the county on the total vote. Each precinct is instructed to hold its preliminary meeting in good time to select delegates, who shall fairly represent the popular voice. Resolved; That the proceedings be furnished the county papers for publi cation. J. A. KENASTON, Ch'h. F. M. MacDonagh, Sec'y. We publish the above report, as we have all others sent us, as matters of news'. This report 1.1 from the Secre tary's own minutef , as you will see. The Herald had a reporter of its own at that meeting, and there were 9 people in the house , all told, six of which took part in the proceedings, and 3 were spectators. If six people cm represent all the precinct3 in Cass county; there must have been an in fertfnl Tot of proxies. EXTRA TRAIN TO THE PAIR. The B. &. M. R. RJ Company pro pose to put an extra train on their toad during Fair weekj that all may be accommodated and enabled to reach tho Pair irrounds and return the same day. A train will leave Omaha at 6 o'clock in the morn Log and reach Lincoln at 9.40 A. si lt will return the same day, leaving the Fair-ffround at 6.30 and arriving at Omaha at 10 in the evening. Thi3 train will reach all the stations as fol lows: " Going West. Stations. . Going East. 6.30 a. m. Plattsmouth,1 9.30 p. m. 7.00 " Oreapolis; 9.15 " 7.15 " Concord,' 8.57 u 7.30 - Inhelder, 8.42 " 7.45 - Louisville; 8.30 " 8.00 " South Bend, 8.15 u 8.24 "' Ashland, 7.51 M 8.43 " Greenwood, 7.33 " 9.00 44 Waverly, 7.15 " 9.15 " Newton, 7.00 " 9.30 u Fair Grounds 6.40 " 9.40 "ar Lincoln, 6.30 "le Excursion Tickets from all Stations at one half regular rates ; good to re turn till September 8th. A COUNTY FAIR, Oft NOT A COUNTY FAIR J THAT IS THE QUESTION. "Will the time and money spent in getting up a County Fair return to the people of the county an equivalent in money 6r material prosperity, to say nothing Of the pleasure? How much of the improvement in animals, grain, fruit, vegetables and machinery is due to the influence of county and State Fairs? Of course it is impossible to tell very accurately ; but we. think at a rough guess that twenty per cent, is due to their influ ence. It is there that the best the county produces is on exhibition, and every man can see how mucn it is superior to what he possesses. Suppose that in ten years from now there are in this county one hundred thousand hogs. That number of Berk shire hogs woidd be worth half a mil lion dollars more than the sttriie num ber of the native breeds, such as were in the county ten years ago. In this estimate I count their extra value as breeders, their quietness, and the less grain it will take to fatten them. Twenty per cent, on a half million dol lars is one hundred thousand. The same thing holds true in every other department of Agriculture; Again, look at the advantages of such a place as the Fair grounds for buying, selling, and exchanging prop erty. The in and in system of breeding animals, brings a heavy loss upon many of us who do not feel .able to pay 620 for a Berkshiie, each year or two, or SI 30 for a Durham. Now we can take them to the Fair and exchange for others just as pure and good. Every man ought to take to the Fair a sam ple of all the grain and vegetables he raises ; then we can tell who has the purest and best. There are but fetv if any fields of corn in the county but what are mixed to some extent, and for that reason, sells for a less price in market. There should be a united effort in this matter The annual Fair is the place to buy, sell and exchange. You can see more men and do more business in two days at that place than in a month riding over the country to see the same men and find them not at home. Therefore, commence now a memorandum of all the men you wish to see, and tl!e' ques tions you wish to ask, and have it ready at tho Fair on the 10th, 11th and 12th of September, for everybody and everything will be there. There will be Durham cattle, worth their weight in copper if not in gold, and hogs from Old England. Let Cass county show the world what it can do. J. F. Doud. THE MARKETS. IIOMEMAKKETS. Reported by Cvtlkk & White. Wheat Corn Oats Kye ..: llarley : Kn.cs Butter Chickens Spring per doz. . rotatoes New $ ft.V4.oo 1!020 1".18 avrino 10 20 2 50 40 NEW YOHK MARKETS. New York, August 28. Money : . i 6 per-cent. Gold.i... 1 l-Vi Government ; Quiet. CniCAGO MARKETS. CillCAtto, August 28. Flour. . . Wheat. Corn Oats Kye Barley. . Cattle .. Hogs . . . Butter.. Eggs.-.. $ 5 75 1 22 3S 2H : 5 fi9 4&i 4 60 2C,25 1S&13 SPECIAL - NOTICES. Business is business, and so are the Cigars at the P. O. Book Store. 5-tf. WOOD! WOOD! The Ferry Company have Five Iluudred cords of good dry cottonwood for sale. 12tf Ladies, call and examine the nice and cheap Gaiters at the Shoe Store, before you buy else where. So charge for showing them. ,5-If. Fkteii Mebom. FOR RENT. The large and commodious wareroom, cellar, and office on second floor of building formerly occupied by Jacob Vallcry. jr., in Masonic Block. Enquire of It. K, Livingston or 43-tf. E. T: Duke. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE J. W. Marthis & Co. are the agents for the Howe Sewing Machine in riattsniouth. They hive opened a salesroom and office on Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. The Howe Machine Is a Lock Stitch, double threaded machine, and ranks Xo. 1 among the great sewing machines of the day. 8-6rn J. W. Marthis, F. P. Toijd. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS OF B. & JI. R. R. LANDS. Offick of Lakd Dkpartmknt, 1 B. & M. K. It. Co.. i Sy.v.., V LlKCOLX, N EB., duly 10, 1873. ) Ilaviig received patents from the V. S. Gov ernment for bur lands, we are prepared to Issue contracts to parties holding pre-emption cer tificates for a portion of the same. Tersonrf holding such certificates numbered between l end HW, Issued between tho 1st day of April, and the 7th , day of October, 1871, are hereby noifled to ?schange their pre-emp tion certincates for regular contracts, at this of fice, within stjety da-s from this date, as prori-l-ed In said certificate. , , -16-13t - . GEO. S. HARRIS, Land'Com-fB. M. Rr R'.'Co.;tn Neb." Legal Advertisements; Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber on the 29th day ot July, A'. If. la73, oue dark brown mare colt, sup posed to be one year old last spring, in Weeping v ater rrecinci. tass to., jieu. 22W3 ws. n. kear. Sheriffs Sale. John W. Shannon, Order of Sale. S.J.,Iur.t, Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Sherrt of the County of Oass, State of Nebras ka, will, by virtue of an Order of Sale, issued by H. E. Ellison, Probate Judge of said County, in the above entitled cause.aud to him directed, at 10 o'clock a. in., on the Sixth day of September, a. i ., JS(3, Hi ine mauie oi iuuii nr. miamiou, in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, offer lor sale, at pub lic Auction, the following goods and chatties to wit : Two Hundred and twenty bushels of Oats, find on the same uay, at 2 o ciock p. in., attne Farm of J. W. Conn, in Kock Ulutts rreeinet about six or seven miles from iluttsmouth, offer for sale at public Auction, the following prop erty, to-wit : The undivided one-third of abent Buy acres of corn in the field, and the undivided one- third of about four acres of Potatoes, in the ground, and one cook-stove with fixtures, all heretofore taken on attachment, as the prop r(v of the s&id Defendant. Given under my hand, this the 2th day Of August, 1873. J. vv . .iun.au., :--'t Sheriff Cass County, Neb. Legal Notice. William Green, non-resident defendant, will take notice, that I did, on the fth clay of July, A. 1)., 173, file my Fetitiou in the onlce of the Clerk of the District Court, in and for Cass county Nebraska, against s:dd William Green Defendant, setting forth, that said Iefendanl has been euiltv of extreme cruelty towards Pe titioner, without anyreasonableeau or provo cation whatever, and has beeniruiltyof wilfully abandoning Petitioner without just cause, for niniv ttiMii two venrs last iist. mid nravimr that Petitioner be Granted a Divorce from the bonds of Matrimony, by decree of the District Court, in and for 0:iss County, Nebraska, and that un less you appeaf and answer said Petition on or before tne iKrtu iay oi sepiemoer, a. u., iy;j. default will te tsixen against you upon the same. CHAPMAN & MAXWELL. 20 4v Att'ys for Ellen Green. Notice1. Whkreas. My wife Julia, has left my bed and board, without any cause or reason, all per sons are notified not to trust heron Uiv account. its I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. STEPHEN BENTON. TlPTOX, August 12, 1873. 21-4 Poor Farm Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Cass County, Nebras ka, will meet at the County Clerks office, the ictn day of September, ia73, for the punose of renting the Poor Farm. Ninety acres of said farm is under cultivation. One third of the crops will be reouired for rent, or the County Commissioners will rent the same for cash. Five acres of land will be allowed the persou renting the farm for garden &c, free of rent. The renters will le required to keep (lie rau pers of Cass County for a price per week as may be asrreed ujion. By order of the Board of County Commission ers, this 15th dav of August, A. D. 1873. 2l-4t 1. W. Mi KlNNON. Co. Clerk. Notice to Builders. Proposals for building a school house in Louis ville Precinct will be received by.!. T. A. Hoov er, clerk of the School Board, until August 23d, at noon. The building to be 20x24. lo feet high, and frame, of good material well built and to be finished by Oct. 1st, 1873. 20-3t. Sheriff's Sale. In the District Court, fecond Judicial Dis trict, in ai'.d for Cass Coui:ty, Nebraska : Martha K. rannele, Plaintiff, ) vs. V A. C. Kobine. Defendant. ) - By virtue of an order of sale issued- to hie in the above entitled cause, out of said Court, I wiil offer for sale, at 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday the 1st day of Septem ber. A. D 1873, at public auction, at the front door of the Court House in l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, the following described real estate to-wit : com mencing fifty-two feet and a half (524) west of tiie south east corner of block tliirty-om (31) in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass County,-Nebraska, on the north side of Main street, thence running north across lots six () and seveii (7) in said block thirty-one (.in to the north line of said lot six (U), thence wesit along the north line of said lot six (6) ten (10) feet and six (C) inches thence south to.Main street, thence east to the place of beginning, togetherwith the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging. As des ignated on the recorded plat of l'lattsmouth cfty. The above described real estate will be sold on said day to satisfy the decree ot the Court in favor of the Plaintiff against the De fendant and as the property and real estate of A. C. Kobine, Defendant. Given under my hand this second day of July, A. D. 1873. . J. W. JOHNSON. Sheriff Cass Co., NeT. Sam. M. Chapmav, Plaintiff's Attorney. 18-3w. Executors Sale Of Real Estate Bv virtue Of an order of sale issued out of the Clerk's office (and under the seal of the same) L:'i and for the District Court Second Judicial District in the County of Cass and State of Ne braska, and directed to the undersigned, in an action wherein Lloyd D. Bennett and Elbert T. Duke, Executors oi the last will and testament of Shepherd Duke, deceased, are Plaintiffs, and Iivina Duke and others are Defendants, w? will at 10 o'clock a. in. on the Gth day of Sej)t7)iber, 1873, in front of the Court House In the City of Platts mouth and State of Nebraska, offer for sale at public aut ion to the highest bidder the lands and tenements herein after described, on terms following, to-wit : one-fourth rash in baud, and the residue in three equal annual payments, with interest at ten per cent and secured by mortgage on the premises. Said lands belong to the estate of Shepherd Duke deceased, and are pescribed as follows, to-wit : the southwest ouarter of the southwest quarter (Vt) of sec tion eleven (11 town twelve (12) and range thir teen (13) containing forty ii')) acres more or less, also the northwest quarter i1) of the north west quarter iH) of section fourteen (.1-1 town twelve U2) and rangiS thirteen (13, containing forty acres, more or less ; also eight acres, be ing subdivision lot eleven (11) in section twenty nine 2Ji town twelve (12) and range fourteen (14, all three of s.id tracts of land lying and be ing in Cass County and State of Nebraska ; also the following lots in the city of Plattsmouth in said Cass County, lots four, five, six. nine and eleven (4, 5. tf, 9. and 1 1). in block five (5), lot nine () block twenty-nine (29) : lot four (4) in block forty-four (44) ; also the followinn lots ly ing and being in Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth aforesaid, that is to say, lots one, two, three, four, five, nine ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen (1, 2, 3, 4, 5. , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 andls) in block four (4) : lots six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, twenty, twenty-one and twenty-two (6, 7, K, a, 10. 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, 18, 20, 21, and 22) in block five, (5) ; lots four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and twelve (4, 6. 6, 7, 8, fl, 10 and 12) in block six (c) ; lots one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight (1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6. 7 and 8) m blK.'k seven (7) ; lots three and foifr (3 and 4) in block nine () ; lots two, three, four, five, seven, eight, nine, ten. tleven and twelve (2, 3, 4, 5. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ane 12) in block eleven (11) ; all of block twelve (12) being lots one toi twenty-two (t to 22) inclusive ; all of block thirteen (13) except lot nineteen (19) being lots one. to twenty-two (1 to 22), inclusive, except said lot nineteen (19) ; lots one and two (1 and 2) in block fourteen (14) ; all of block fifteen (15) being lots one to twelve (1 to 12), inclusive : lots six, four and five (C, 4, and 5) in Mock eighteen (18) ; lots one, two, three, seven, eigiit, nine, eleven and twelve (1, 2 3, 7.9,11 and 12) in block nine teen (19); all of block twenty (20), except lots eight and twelve (m and 12). being lots one to twenty-two (l.to 22), inclusive, except lots eight and tweive (8 and 12) ; lots one, five, six, seven, eight, teu, fifteen, and (1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, in block twenty-one 21) ; lots one, two, three, foir, five, six, sevenand eight (1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 0i 7 and 8) in block twenty-three (23) ; lots three, seven, eight, nine and ten (3, 7t 8, 9 and 10) in biocktwenty six (2tt : lots one, two, three, four, six, eight, nine, ten, eleven and t welve (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,9, lo. Hand 12 in blocK twenty.-seven (27); all of block twenty-eight (2s), except lots five and seventeen (5 and 17), being lots one to twenty (1 to 20), mclusrvc, except lots five and seventeen (5 and 17) ; lots eleven and twelve (11 and 12) in block twenty-nine (')) ; lots one, two, five, six. seven and eight U, 2, 5, c, 7 and 81 in block thirty 30 : lots five, six, seven and eight 5, 6, 7 awd 8 in block thirty-one 31 ; lots one, two. three, four, five, sev en, nine, ten, eleven and twelve 11, 2, 3, 4, 6. 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in block ten lioj ; lots one, two, four, five, seven, eight; nine, ten, eleven and twelve 1,2.4.5,7,8,9,10, 11 and 12 In block twenty-two 122 1. Iots 3 & 4 in block 8 ; and lot 16 In block 21. Said sale will continue from 10 o'clock a. m., uiitil sundown of said day, if necessary, and it will be adjourned from day to day until all are sold ; this being an adjourned sIe. Plattsmouth, June l!th 1873- Lloyo D. Kks.nktt, Elbert T. Dckr. - - Executors of the hist will and testament of the of Shepherd Duke, deceased. WlIKKLlOi & STINCHCOMB. , i2-3t. Attorneys for Executors. I YINEG Alt ! YINEGAlt ! ! At Wholesale and Retail. ' For the' purpose of introducing my vinegar. I will geii at the following law rates at retail. Ked Wine Vinegar by the single gallon 30 cents, two or more aailons at 25 cents per gallon; Genuine Cider Vinegar 30 cents per gallon. A liberal discount on the above rates made to the trari All vinegar .warranted to preserve pickles; aud free froiif acids. Cityordr4 promptly filled and delivered. Country patronage solicited. Factory opposite Moore's Flower Gardens, and west of Heisel's Mill. i Pickles from the vines 40 fents per hundred ; put up in any kind of vinegar desired, 60 cents per hundred. TT.A. AUSTIN, " 14-tf.' nattsmouth, NebraTife' Tlie Howe Sewing Machine AGENCY, PLATTSMOUTH. - - - - NEBRASKA. Canvassing Agents wai.ted throughout the State. Address F. P. TODD, CkneroX Agent. l-Machlnes on exhibition at all times at my Oihee on Main street. -om "WOODS & FLEMING, . DKALEB IK Hardware, Tin-ware. lumps. -" Agricultural Implements, iron. Nails, &e.t &c jSTew Tin-Shop, just Opened! All orders for making or repairing prompt ly executed. Goods Sold Cheap Foit Cash ! ! 10-tf. Weeping Water, Nebrask. Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE. Main street, opposite Brooks House. ' flail' Cutting, Shaving Snaiapooning. and Especial attention given to, CUTTING CHILDREN'S II AIR.' Call and see BOONE, gents and get a boon in a CLEAN SHAVE. n4l-ly. CITY MEAT MARKET. GEO. FICKLER. Proprietor, j The lest of Fresh Meats always on hand in their season. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FAT CATTLE. t& nighest Cash Trice paid for green hides. MAIN SREET; PLATTSMOUTH, - , - NEB. 8-811 FARMER'S EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, NEBRASKA. t Keens constantly on hand all Stanle Articles sucn as COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES, Dry Goods, Roots, Shoes, &c. In fact, everythincr nsuallv kent in a Varietv Store, which will be sold on small profits for CASH. All kinds of Produce taken In exchange lor goods, ana the Highest Market Prices oicen in Cash for (J rain. 19 Machine Shop. TVayman Curtis, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills: Gas and Steam Flttines. Wroueht Iron Pine. Force and Lift Pumps, Steam Ouages, Safety aive governors; anu ail Kiuas oi Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery Repaired on short notice. 8-tf. f HOS. tftf $HRY0CK. CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, And.dcalcr In a kinds of Furniture and Chaii-S; Mai5 Street, Next door to Brooks nouse. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. C"r Repairing and Varnishing neatly done' Funerals attended on short notice. &4tf Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I am prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds cf Lumber Doors Sasb Shingles, tfec, at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Nails, Hinges, Liooks Ilardwarc, of all kinds. Thore wishing to build will please call and see my stock. E. XOYES, LOUISVILLE, XEB. Dealer in Cigars. Tobacco, Toys, Notions, and a general assortment of Confectionery. Ice Cream and Lemonade ffrtb'err ieisorf.' rMy Good freih milk, delivered dally every body' homo In FUltsniotfUi, If tbey wa&t It, by j. F. Beaumcister. Send in ycur orders and I will try ftnd give you and serve you regularly. iVly. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. PLATTS MOUTH. SEB. CONKAD HEISEL, Froprleto FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, Always on prices. hand, and for s;.o xt lowest Cash t?rThe Highest prices paid for V heat aii Corn. Particular attention-given to Custom work. E. T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Main Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Hardware and Cutlery? STOVES, TINWARE, IRON, NAILS, . HOES, RAKES. SHOVELS, AXES, KNIVES AND FORKS. &e. &C. All kinds of Tinware Manufactured. 431 f II. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholcsalo and Retail Dealers in JPi n c X u mb er LATH, SHINGLES, 4 Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. 5-4t. Nebraska Grocery. under Herald office. Luke Miskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Try them and be satisfied. nl8-ly. GO TO TDK Post Office Book Store. . II. J. STREIGnT, Proprietor. For Your Books, Stationery, Picttirei, MWc, Toys, Confectionery, Violin Strings, Newspapers, Novels, Song Books, &c, &c. POST OFFICE BUILDINO, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 8-tf. NO YOU DONT ! ! Get any Goods cheaper, or a better article than Is kept at the Store of Jas, Clisbee & Co. Dealers In General Merchandise. Wc are In receipt of Fresh Goods every Week from the East, whichare bought for Cash, and will be sold in any amount. Grangers,keep your eye on iyour friend; Wc will not be undersold by any one. JAS. CLIZBE & CO. Weep4ng Water July 1st, t873. ll-4t. u- y- MATHEWS, Fourth street, north of Platte Valley nouse. rLATTSMO CTII , NEBRASKA. Dealer In Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, Tinware, . Irohj Nails Glass, Locks, Garden City Ploibs, Hay Rakes, Far mi no Tools. Faming Machinery, JicCormick s Reaper and Mower. BucJi Eye Reaper and Motcer, etc.; etc, tf-c, d-c, dc SEED For tfe Garden, For Vie Orchard, For th Field. PHILADELPHIA STOEE. SdLOMON ii NATHAT? DKALKL3 Vi Fftfccy Dry Goods, Noticm?, Ladies Furnishinrj Goods' Largest. Cheapest, Onert. ' an-t Bctft Amoi Stock In the City. Which vie are prepared to sell cheaper UntA they can be piirvlntivd elsewhere Give Ul a vail uud examine our goodd. ftystorcoii fTainstrcM, between 4th and Stb streets, Plattsn:ut Nebraska. liHL Mothers, Mothers: Mothers. . Ton't fall to procure' MnerWIiMrt0'l U Hyriit for Children Tee.hliiK Tliii valuable prcpa: aratii'ii hsw been used vritlt NKVF.R FAILING hi CCKSH IN lllOLt- ANDS OF CASKS. , , i It not only relieves thn child from pain. bu liiviirorutes the stomach and howels. correct acidity, and plves tone and energy to the wnoln sy.slem. It v ill also instantly relieve ClllPlN'O IX TnK ItOWEL ANI WlXO COLIO. We believe it the best ami stu-eM remedy itf h uni-lrt In nil i-H-es of Dvsciiterv and Ilar rhe'a In children, whether ailsiiijf front teethln or aiiy other cause. . " l)eM-itri 'r!i It, mothers, it will giro test lo yourselves and RELIKF AXP IlKALTII TO 1 OUR IX F 1T Be sure and call for "Ml. WlNSl.OW'S POOTIIIXO STRCF. IT.ivlhi: the fac-Mlmile of "CURTIS & PK KINS ' on ttie outside wr;ipler. . Sold bydruKK'-'ts nirou;Uoui mo na. i. I am now prepared to furnish the best una dulterated milk TWICR EVERY DAY To all parties notlfyJnji me . ' r,v THE GENUINE I ITTG' THRESHERS AND HOUSE POWEBS; These superior Machines, with-' out any Tiyala fcr, capacity or faflity of -work, ere offered to buyerB thin year 7ith several valuable improvemento. De scriptive Pamphlets -will be fur niseed on application, and stock, will be herd in St. Louis for more convenient delivery. Par ties in Missouri, Kansas, South ern Illinois, Texas and the Ter ritories "will correspond with Semplo, Birge & Co., 73 SOUTH MAIN St RE ET. ST. LOUIS rteaae mention In what papov yOlli itsad thla advertinemeiit. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PLATTSMOUTn, NK3RASKA, Bt'C'CKFSOB TO Tootle, Hanna & Clark' JOHX FlTZOKRAT.n. President. Jc'ux E. Clauk. Cashier. C. II. PAPvrr.R, Vice President.' T. W. Kvash. Ass't Cash let. This Rank is now open for business at the1r new room, corner Main and Hlxth streets, and are prepared to transact a general Banking Business.' Stocks, Bonds, tJold, Government and Locat ' Heurmj Bought and 8old,i.Deposlt3 Received S"nd . Interest allowed On time Certificate. f Drafts drawn, available In anv part of tl United Htatr-A and in all the principal towM and Cities of Europe. FOR THE CELEBRATED IJVMAN lijse AND ALLEN LiiE' OP STEAMERS Fcrsons wishing to bring out their friend from Europe can purchase tickets from u4 through to Plattsinoutn THE OLIT RELIABLE A Heavy Stoik of Goods oif Hand. No Rents atyl Interest on Borrowed! Capital to be made off Customers. OLDEST ESTABLISHED HO V 8 If IN TIIE CITY. 6o DOtmY North side of M.tin b-T Ween Sv-ond and Th!r t streets, takes pleasure in announcing to FARMERS AND MECHANICS TIkii Ii Vina ln.r: rfff dl. strvrtr r. I)ry lioods, tiroo-rics, Provisions, as were cim brought to the City of Phntsmouth. VfT" It will cost you notbIr-3 to look ot the.- tvJiPther you buv or not. Bv examfaiax jtbs prices at tha '"5Ll RKLIAK! E" yp- wil b? able to tell vlen other partiea try to swi . yc.. f-'.- fit fcl.KI.'Wi. SiX6v