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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1873)
Vx Y. " l v V THE II E 31 A LI). Railroad Time Table. B. d- M. R. R. AY NEBRASKA. West want No. 5 No. 3 No. 1 STATIONS. Eastward No. 2 No. 4 No. J'.OO 6.Ti ll.ia Flattsmouth 2.00 7.15 3.10 8.23 n.M'1.a Orc.HHilW 1.47 7.2.1 2.43 run M.:;n oinafui 2.40 r.." 11. on Kfllovnc 2.10 7.:0 7.l) 1I.J1 1.H Platte 1.M 7.10 7.2.1 11.25 Orcapolis 1.47 CM R. 7.41 11. .IX Concord 1.31 ;.jh 2.1. y.:ci 8.11 13.00 Louisville l.rnj r..ll l.; !t..r.s s.:.7 12.12 South Bend ' 12.60 5.50 1.10 Kl.:fl - t 12.35 M.&0f 1 " Ashland 12.35 5.32ll-r5 11.25 9.12 12.50 Greenwood 12.20 5.14 11.25 l.U-5 9.31 1.05 Wavcrly 12.05 4.50 10..V 12.25 .47 1.17 Newton 11.52 4.41 10.0 12..rKj 10.10 1.35 Lincoln 11.35 4.20 10.00 1.25 2.0i Lincoln 11.17 t.30 2.i"5 2.251 1 teuton 10.52 fi.SO 2.4! No. 7 2.40 Highland 10.35 No. g 8.2-J ii.Vl K.50 3.00 Crele 10.2S 2.52 8.10 10.0S 3.24 Dorchester 10.0H 2.20 1t.20 4.1U Exeter 9.23 l.l5 11.51 1 4.3d Fairmount SUMS 12.35 ) 12.13 ) 12.15 ' l.oo 5.0S O Rift on R.3.1 11.20 1.25 O.lfl Sutton .2 11.00 2.37 5.5H H;u-v:ird 7.57 10.00 3.17 .27 Inland 7.32 9.10 3.17 fi.-w listings (7.208..lo 7.05 ) j 7.00 f a.wt 4.30 7.25 Juniata ' B.43 7.55 h.tri 7.4X Kencsaw fi.23 7.15 r..r 8.1 Ixmcll COO 6.35 i.20 8.::5 Fort Ke;miy 5.4 4 r,.M 7.12 9.05 Kearny June. 5.15 5.20 I HI All A BRANCH. I c llattsmouth, c.r,' p in Ar Omaha, 8.10 2.40 111 lo.:io a in 0.10 p m 1 i p in 11.5H a in 7.45 p HI Ar I b. d- m. n. n. 1i Platts, l. I'latts. Ar I'lat Us. r..4.r a m 3.15 a in a in T.e Pacific .Tunc, Ijp .Time., Ar Pacific June, 7.00 a in 4.30 p 111 8.50 a 111 The tinio piven altove N th;t of ("hlfairo, which is 33 minute. faster than tliut of l'latts tnoutti. LOCAL XEWS. C A I- A U V K UTI S i:.M ENTS. Transient 25 eentsaline. l!e;nlar advertisers lflccuU per line. No advertisement Inserted for less than 25 cents. advertlseinentH will be ehuised to the parties luuidins them in. COM M VN I CAT IOX S. As our space Is Uiuiled, all communications must be brief and to the point, with no va.ste of words. RUIISCKIBEJIS Arc requested to notify the cfilce if the paper is not delivered promptly. N KWSPAPEIl HECISTONS. 1. Any person v. ho takes a pioer regular' v from the post onee. whether direeted to l-S name, or whether he is a sulivrioer or not is responsible for the pay. 2. If any person orders his paper discontin ued, he miit pay all w. or the pu'iiisher iav eo;i!in'.v to"si'!id it un'.il payment is made, ami eollert the whole amount, whether the pa per Is taken from the oliice or not. 3. The court have dc Med that, refusing to t:ike newspjiH-rs and periodical. from the post otJIee. or icniovirt'i and leaviiiL' ther.i miealled for, is prima evidence of ixtkntiai. ki:ai'i. Notk-kto EvKnvr.ouY. All.suhseril)c:-spay-" lng for their paper to us. ?ml ordering it slopin-d at a certain time, will find ft so stopped; but v.e cannot !e re--ioiis!l!e for what has been done before our time, nor for orders .supposed to j be given by others to others. Our books alcne tnnst be the ;;uide for a'.l eld suLseriptkms. ; I'k ase remember this. Bargains at Hank S:rci;i:t's. tf. 75 loads of new wheal on our streets yesterday. One case of sun-stroke in our city on Sunday hist. Call and see !. S- iimuise & Co.'s ivw goods. ruit of v:irko.i.i kni.l.i bcjrins to ai- varioii-i kiu.l.; be; siroets. pear o:t oui . Mr. V.' P!asa:i' J. Linch, Fn.-d master at Mt. alh'd on Saturday last, and we :ij oye 1 a pl-ja vint chat. Call agtin. I,uke Mb.-kehi duing a good busi ness in tho produce line. He always pays a little more for a good article than anyone c-lse. New Goo-is ever. :-.t th-i Shoe Stor-' cheaper than 5-tf. E. B. EewK our enterpising, good- looking, and virtuous mail agent j brings us half sdozen fine Apricots! from Ogden on the l . 1 . S. A. Taylor, th Life Insurance man, was in town again Tuesday. It is as tonishing what a healthy town this is whenever lie comes around. Ucv. Mr. McKelvey preached a very iiitereting sermon on Sunday evening last, at the Methodist church, from the 4Cth to 48th verses of tho 10th chapter of Mark. Vino Cut fciore. Tobacco r.t the Tost OSiets Hook ttf. The Presbyterian Sabbath School is in a more nourishing condition than it has been for years. It is run altogeth er by old heads, and consequently, it is run successfully. Wm. Stadelmann's building down town where he used to sell cheap cloth ing, you know, is being refitted for Mr. Med u ire who moves his wholesale li quor store into new" quarters next As we are just going to press, we are unable to give any extended notice of Die Fireman's Ball, last night, further than to say, it proved an entire success; every body apparently enjoying tliein Sches. The net receipts being about $2 )0.00. A cake was voted to the most popular lady, and was won by Miss Kate Tuney, bringing the comfortable Bum of 880.90. Go to the Ferry Company for your summer's wood. Mi cords dry cotronwood for sale, alid delivered about town. 12tf TOADS, FROGS AND Yi MISKY. 4 An army of toad.s or frogs have taken possession of the country around Eowell, and a party lately from there fays "not a square foot of ground can you put your foot down on but that you would step on a toad." They are in the road and get run over and mashed by the horses feet and the wagon wheels. Where they came from no one knows, but they march hop) west in solid phalanx, neither fence, tree nor bush stopping their way; when they come to a house they first try to hop over it, and after sever al ineffectual trials they crawl round somehow, and uniting on the far side, hop on as persistently as ever. So thick are they that the Texas cattle men toss knives over their head back wards and bet the whisky on sticking a toad every time. Then they have toad races; each fellow selects his toad, they scratch two marks in the sand, from ten to twenty yards apart, and the toad that reaches the goal first wins the drinks. Xeither party can touch his toad but may "shew" and ;are him all 1h? can Old I'afeus for sale at this ofiee, in Iackaus of fifty nil 100, for 25 and 10 ccnU per Lunelle. tf Mr. I. Misskchi left something green in our oilicc the other day, for -which lie lias the Loys thanks; it was'nt a $2 hill, hut wa3 something as good as far as it went. In honor of one of the summer resi dents at Saratoga they have a drink called Soda Uahcoektail. "Wo can beat that ; our latest is Unionbabcocktail to be found at Mike McGuire's and Billy Xeville's. C alters for ?1.40 at would so barefooted? tiie Shoe Store. Who 5tf. FUNERAL NOTICE. Died, in this city at 11:20, Tuesday, August 12th, 1873, Francis Soter, daughter of F. S. & Diana "White, aged 7 months and 21 days. The funeral service wese held by the Rev. Mr. Henry, at the Episcopal Church vesterdav afternoon. $1.0J REWARD. Lost, on theevenigof the 4th of July, one Fireman.had on I'ed Shirt and big Cap, belonging to Union Fire Company Xo. 1. Not found yet, and his bereav ed comrades now offer the above reward for his safe return to the Engine House. Frank Stadter says he saw a little rat of a boy hopping up and down on the sidewalk, Monday, -with his mouth on a skewgee and sixteen kinds of different yells coming out of it at once. Reason the pavement was so hot it burned his toes. SUNDAY SCHOOL VICXIC. Pleasant Ridge Sunday School will hold a Basket Picnic in Mr. X. Holmes' drove six miles west of Flattsmouth, on Saturday, Aug. 23, 1873, at 10 o'clock A. M. A general invitation to other Sunday Schools is hereby given. Mr. Clayton is around again with his apparatus for .sharpening knives, scissors, and the like, and we have no doubt meets a warm reception this weather. He does sharpen up every thing in line style and if housekeepers want to keep their husbands in good humor by having sharp carvinjr knives we recommend their giving them to Mr. Clayton to be doctored. Sheet Music for sale at Lu F. John son's Music Store. A large quantity ordered and will be on hand in a few days. Call and examine it. 19-2t. T. Pr.YITT TALXAliE. The Rev. T. Do Witt Talmage has accepted the editorship of The Christ ian at Work, and his sennous and arti cles are to be published exclusively in that journal. Mr. Talmage will begin his duties in August. 2V. Y. Trilune. HORSE THIEF. dcorge Henderson, or Ilennerson, stoic and sold two colts of P. H. Casidy on Aug. Cth, 1S7J, from near Omaha, to CIjO-s. Brmges, at Omaha. Hender son is about y" years of age; about o feet 7 inches; weight 140 pounds; had sandy hair and moustache, thin face, sunburned, (haying been herding stock wore coat made out of blue r.oldier cloth, split some on back, brown pants, high boots, letters "d. II." on right arm, also, ring or chain around wrist with anchor, (he having been a sailor) claiming to be a native from the South, bttny: hair, right .shoulder lias been dislocated and has not good use of right arm, having to v.:;e liniment on it at times, hai scar over right eye, said to have been made thereby a bullet, wore a cap like a boy's, which made him ap pear oil'!, lie also Jiavl a drown hat with narrow rim. He was wearing the cap when h-j came to Ea Platte. Hi:xi!Y ditEBF, Sh'if of Omaha. Omaha. August S, 1872. Our farmers had better look out for tlus chap. Ha will probably want a situation as herder, and then slide out with all or a portion of the stock en trusted to his charge. NOTICE. All notes and accounts due Wm. F.t.idelmann, is requested by him to be settled before the l-'th day of August, and save further trouble, as he is golnjj Mast at that ti;ne,'a:ul goods cannot be lureli3Sed without money. Igw3 Wc have given the boys full play this week on the tax question, and hope they will now be satisfied. They make some good points, and we have allowed their communication space in order that the Mayor, Council and all others may see how a good many peo ple feel about this matter. As a-news-paper we have already expressed our opinion that the part of wisdom would have been to have dropped this matter just now, or made the time longer on the bonds, or b3' a carefully prepared statement, show to every one that these bonds would not really increase the taxation. It is hard by any sophistry to con vince people that an increase of expen diture does not increase taxation, and nothing but clear, clean figures could do it. Without endorsing all that is said in these letters the Hkiialu thinks they are deserving of attention and bring out some facts about hand ling "ity finances that need ventilating, not any more, perhaps, in the city of Flattsmouth than elsewhere, but to call attention to this foolish way of ranning in debt and issuing bonds, bonds for anything and everything. As far as the newspaier war is con cerned we hope it will end here and at all events we sincerely desire that any Ierson who hereafter takes a hand in this game will sign his (or her) name in full to all communications they may want published on the subject. Sing out your ideas as much as you please, but don't be afraid to back them up by your sig. THE SITUATION. The contractor commenced work on Chicago Avenue hist Saturday, and an injunction was served on the City and the Contractor before night. Said in junction to be argued before Judge Ciannt in Chambers on the 13th jnst. If the result of this argument is known before we go to press we shall give it to our readers- Centaur Liniment. There is no p:' which the Caitaur Liniment will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which It will not cure. This Is strong language, but It Is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects are marvellous. It lias produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, tar-ache, caked-breasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, &c, ukii the human frame, and of strains, spavin, palls, &.C., upon animals In one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world liejnin. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing pain-reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, thelame walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It Is no humbug. The recipe Is selling as no article ever before sold, and It sells because It does last what It pretends to do Those who now suffer fm rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than 100ft certificates of remarkable enres. Including frozen limbs, chronie-rheutnatlsm, gout, ranning tumours, &e. have been received. AVe wiil send a circular containing certificates, the reeiie. &c., gratis to to any o.ia requesting It. One bottle of the yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for fouudered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners this liniment Is worth your at tention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment.' J. 15. Kosk & Co., New York. 46-ly Castoiiia Is more than a substitute?' for Cas tor OH. It i3 the only safe article In existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither mineral., morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 40-ly do to Merges, the dreat Shoe Man, and get your underpinning fixed. dovernor It. "W. Furnas paid our city a visit on Friday and Saturday of last week. He rode out to see Mickel wait's Paradise on the bluff, and expressed himself pleased with our fruit pros pects. NOTICE TO UK ANGERS IN CASS CO. N EUR ASK A. You are respectfully requested that each Secretary of the Subordinate dranges in said county send by mail to me at Eight Mile drove, the name of their drange Master and Postofiice ad dress, for the purpose of correcting the list as published now in the county papers, and obligo I). S. DUAFEK, Sec'y Co. Central Association. Remember Merges, the Boot & Shoe man. There is to be a " Fat man's Conven tion," at Put-in-IJay, Ohio, and all the "fatties" from all parts of the Union are? cordially invited to attend. This put3 us in mind of two organ izations started in this town, viz: The Heavy "Weghts, and the s. IM. and Joe Buttery, Stiles, Mickel waite. Uncle Streight, Coon Heisel, den. Mathews, and Dan. "Wheeler are at the head of the "heavies;" while Gap. Paine and the Editor of the IIi:i:ald are supposed to be the representatives i of the latter club. So mote it be, Peters' Musical Monthly, Xo. 7C, is at hind, and contains the following selections of Xew music: Eost and cast away. Song and cho rus Ilavs. My Eove Sleep.? under the Daisies Persley. Will he coins home to-night? Song Banks. My Dear Old Mother. Song and Chorus Stewart. Hear the Postillion. Daet Abt. Bertie's Sohottische Kinkel. An instrumental Piece Bocht. The Reapers' Dance Kinkel. dolden Hours. Morceau de Salon Wilson. You can secure the above pieces of ! Xew Music by sending SOo. for Xo 71 ; Piters' Musical Monthly; or the List j eight numbers wiil be sent you, post : paid, for Address, J. E. Peters, I odd Broadway, Xew York. The only exclusive Hoot and Shoe Store lit Cass County. Nothing below eost, but cheaper than ever. Pkteh Mek.ies. STATE ITEMS. The rider in Robinson's circus who was shot in an affray at Council Bluffs, died at Omaha last week. His re fhains were sent by order of Robinson Bros, to his home in Xorfolk, Ya. The Commirsioners of Buffalo Co. have let the contract for building a bridge near Kearney Junction, over the Platte, to the King Bridge Co., and Mr. II. T.Clarke, Bridge contractor, has served an injunction on them, claiming that they let the contract to them at considerably higher figures than the terms in his bid. A public market is to be started in Oinahiu Tho Xemaha Valley Journal pub lishes an article on Xebraska, written by a lady, by name Mrs. Helen C. Mcdowen. Washington county is to have a Fair this fall. It is reported that a fight took place on the 5th between a large party of Sioux and a smaller one of Pawnees, one hundred and twenty miles south west of Elm Creek, between Republi can and Blackwood Creeks. Twenty five Pawnee warriors were killed and seventy-five squaws and panoses mas sacred. The great Xew York and Xew Or leans circus performed in Omaha last Saturday. A wealthy gentleman of St. Louis has made arrangements to have several barges towed up from St. Louis to Omaha for grain transportation. rrTJ C TJT A 13 VT7T 3 HOME MARKETS. Reported by Cutler & White. Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Eg'JTS Butter Chickens spring icr do. .. Potatoes New ltivris I(J 3 MK2O0 15 17'i 2 40 NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, August 12. Money 435 percent. Gold $ 1 1.1 Government tuiet. CHIC AG O MA RKETS. - CmcAfJO, August 12. Flour S 5 75 Wheat 1 21- Corn as1, Oats 27? Rye m Barley 59 Cattle r40 Hogs 4 00 Butter 2023 EjfSS 15 LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF TIIE STATE FAIR. pLATTSMOUTir, XEB ) August, 12, 1873. To the Editor of the Herald: Sin In a circular I issued on Au gust 4th, I stated in regard to Railroad Freight. "In all cases the charges to Lincoln must be prepaid. On pre sentation to the Agent at Lincoln of a certificate from the Secretary of the Fair, that the stock or articles were actually on exhibition they will be re turned free. On presentation of a certificate from the Secretary of the Fair to the Agent of the It. R. Company at the Station from which the articles or stock were originally shipped, the pre-paid charges will be refunded; Pkovided that all of the articles or stock shipped to Lin coln are returned. If any part of the original consignment is disposed of, the R. R. Agent will retain such pro portion of the pre-paid charges as may be due on the articles or animals so disposed of." I am requested to say that the MID LAND PACIFIC RAILWAY will carry freight and stock to and fkom the Fair, for exhibition, FREE of Charge. D. II. WHEELER, Sec'y State Board of Agriculture. State papers please copj-, for infor mation of the public D. II. W. SPECIAL NOTICES. Business is business, and so are the Cigars at the P. O. Book Store. 5-tf. WOOD! WOOD! The Ferry Company have Five Hundred cords of good dry cotton wood for sale. 12tf Ladies, .call and examine the nice and cheap Gaiters at lite Shoe Store, before you buy else where. No charge for showing them. 5-tf. Peter Merges. FOR RENT. The large and commodious wareroom, cellar, and office on second lloor of building formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery, jr., in Masonic Block. Enquire of It, K. Livingston or 48-tf. E. T. Duke. TIIE HOWE SEWING MACHINE J. Vr. Marthls & Co. are the agents for the Howe Sewing Machine in Plattsmouth. They hive opened a salesroom and office on Main street, between Fourth and Fifth. The Howe Machine is a Lock Stitch, double threaded machine, and ranks No. 1 simoni? the great sewing machines of the day. S-Cin J. V. Marthis, F. 1. Toid. NOTICE TO PURCHASERS OF B. "& 31. R. R. LANDS. Okkice or Land DrrAisrvKKT, ) B. & M. K. li. Co.. in N'Ki:., V LlNCOUX, N Kit., July 10, 1873. ) Having received patents Iron the V. S. Gov ernment for our lands, we are prepared to issue contracts to parties holding pre-emption eer tifieatcs for a portion of the same. Persons holding such certificates numbered between 1 and llim, issued between the 1st day of April, and the 7th day of October, 1S71, are hereby notified to exchange their pre-emption certificates for regular contracts, at this of fice, within sdxty days from this date, as provid ed in said certificate. lC-13t GEO. S. HAP.KIS, Land Com., P.. & M. It. It. Co., in Neb. VINEG All ! YIXEG AR ! At Wholesale r.nd Retail. For the iiiirri:se of introducing; my vinegar. will sell at the following law rates at retail, lied Wine Vmeirar by the sinwle gallon ;i0 cents, two or more gallons at Hi cents per gallon ; Genuine liter inegar 30 cents p;:r gallon. A n Hcr tl ('isi-i.uiit o:i the almvc rates made to the tradi1 All vinegar warranted to preserve pickles, and live irom aems ( it v orders lwr.ivtly filled and delivered. l oimtry patronage si!ie:ted. Faeiory opposite Moore's Flower Gardens. and v. est of lleisei's Mill. Pickles from the vines -10 cents per hundred up in any kind cf vinegar desired, go cents per iiunureu. H. A. AUSTIN. H-tf. riattsmouth, Nebraska, i Legal Advertisements. Notice to Builders. Proposals for building a school house in Louis Mile Precinct will be received by J. T. A. Hoov er, clerk of the Sclnol Board, until August 23d. at noon. The buildinir to be 20x24. 10 feet hiuh and frame, of jrood- material well built and to be finished by Oct. 1st, 1M73. 20-3t. Poor Farm Notice. Notice is hereby given Hint the Board of County Cominisooncrs of Cass Countv will, on Fridny. the tit'teenth day of August". 1S73. re ceive bids at the office of the Countv Clerk lor the care and eustouv of I lie County Poor and ( ounty Poor Farm for the term of one year irom uie flare ot rite acceptance or sam ina, re serving trie ngiit. to reject any ana an nuts ami that (rood approved securities will be required irom l ne lessee. By order of the Hoard of County Commission ers, this 5th dav of August, A. I. 1ST.!. D. V. McKINNON, Co. Clerk. Legal Notice. William Green, non-resident defendant, will taKe notice, tnat i aid. on tne n nay or .iu;v, A. I)., 173, liie my Petition in the ofnee of the Cleric of the District Court, In mul for Cass countv Nefraka. aifalnst said W Green Defendant, setting forth, that said Defendant has been guilty of extreme cruelty towards Pe titioner, wit hont anv reasonable cause or provo cation whatever, and has been guilty of wilfully abandoning Petitioner without just eanise. for more than two years last must, and nra vine that Petitioner be granted a Divorce from the bonds of Matrimony, by decree of the District Court, in una ior t .vi county. KenrasKa. ami that un less von appear anil answer said Petition on or before the L?ud day of September, A. D.. 1873. default wiil be taken auninst you umm the same. CHAPMAN & M AXWELL. 20 ivi Atfys for Eilen Green. Legal Notice. In District Court, Cass County, Nebraska : Jane Duirymple, Pl.dntilT, 1 . against ! Lavina Spiers and others defendants. Milton E. Tootle, Wm. G. Farlclgh, J. M. Ma son and William E. Hosea, S. Hiimberrer and Samuel Berliner, all of the State of Missouri, will take notice that Jane Dalrymple, of the State of Iowa. did, on the lrih day of July, 1873, tile her peti tion in the District Conn. Second Judicial Dis trict, within and for the county of Cass, and State of Nebraska, against you and others, to recover the sum of one thousand dollars and Interest, at 12 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, from the 23d day of December, lsTo. with the eost of this suit, less the interest paid to December 23:1, ls72, ::'! :i decree of fore closure and sale of tlie following described mortgaged premises, to-wit : commencing at the southwest comer of section thirty-three (33) in township twelve i!2 range fourteen (14) east of the sixth Principal Meridian ; running theme north thirty (30) rods; thence east eighty OOrods; thence south thirty t30 rods, and thence west eighty (so) rods to the place of beginning, containing fifteen ( 15) acres ; also, the following described land, viz : lots number two (2) and tiiree (3) in section number four (4) in township eleven ill) ni rch of range fourteen (14) east, except seven and 33-looths acres de scribed as follows, viz : seven 33-looths of an acre on the south side of a lot oj land described as follows: beginnm at the quarter section corner on the west side' of section four (4) town eleven (11) range fourteen (U east; thence north ten chains; thence southeast seventv two chains to .1 point intersecting a line through the center of section four (4); thence west to the place of beginning, containing fifteen and 33-lnnths acres, said seven 33-looths acres of land being owned at the making of s.iid mortgage by Mrs. MahalaC. Doom's heirs. The total amount of land intended to be conveyed by said mort gage being one hundred and thirty-two 07-looths acres, be the same more or less ; all of said lands being In Cass comity, and StaUs of Nebraska. The petition alleges that you have or claim an Interest in s;id lands mortgaged as aforesaid by that plaintiff's claim, is the best lien, and prays that said premises may be sold and the pro ceeds nppLcd to the payment of plaintiffs claim, &e. You are required to answer or plead to said petition on or lefore Monday, September Kth.l73, or the petition will be taken as true, and judgment and decree rendered accordingly. WlIKELKU & S riXCHOOMB. Attest; Altv'n for lTff. D. W. Mi Ki.vsox. Clerk District Court, Cass Co., Neb. July 2y, 173. Legal Notice. E- G. Dovcy, vs. Johti M. Hinchman Legal Notice. To John II. llnu limao. LEGAL NOTICE. - In the Probate Court. Cass County, Nebraska, before H. E. Ellison. Probate JudKe. To John M. Hinchman. Iefemlmit. yo re hereby notified that an order of attachment v:is Issued aitainst von by the above named 1'robdte Judge, for the sum of thirty-six and twenty three one hundredths dollars and at the suit of the Plaintiff, E. . Dovey, on the llth day of September, A. D. 1873, at 10 o'chwk . m. E. G. DOVEY. Plaintiff. By SAM. M. Chapman, HLs Attorney. 19-3t. Probate Notice. In the Probate Court : In the matter of the Probate of the last w ill and testament of Lticln da Riilimrs, deceased. I hereby tr've notice to all concerned, that a Wiil. purport!!: be the last will anil testa ment of Lueinda Hillings, deceased, late of Cass County Nebraska, has been filed in the orlice of the Probate Court, of said County, and that tt hearing will be bad at my oflU'c, in the City of lliittsniouth. in said County, on the 23d day of Ainifst. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said duy to prove and admit said. Will to Probate, at which time ami place, all persons Interested in saiil estate, are notified ana required to appear and contest the same, and show cause, if any they have, why said instrument should not Ik; allowed as the" last will and testament of Lueinda Uillings, deef iised. Witness my hand and official seal at Platts mouth Nebraska on this the With day of July A. D., 1873. H. E. ELLISON", IS w-3 Probate Judye. Sheriffs Sale. In the District Court, Second Judicial Dis- trict, in and for Cass County. Nebraska : Martha K. Farmele, riainliff, ) vs. A. C. Robine. Defendant. 1 By virtue of an order of sale issued to me 'n the above entitled cause, out of said Court, I will offer forsale. at 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday the 1st day of September, A. D 1873, nt public auction, t the front door of the Court House in Flattsmouth, Nebraska, the following deseriled real estate to-wit : com mencing fifty-two feet and a half ."2'i) west of the southeast comer of block thirty-one (til) in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass County. Ne braska, on the north side of Main street, thence running north across lots six .; and seven (7) in said block thirty-one (3D to the north line of said lot six ;), thence west along the north line of saiil lot. six if) ten (10) feet and six (6) inches 1 thence south to Main street, thence e:ist to the place of beginning, together wit li the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging. As des ignated on the recorded plat of 1 'lattsmouth cfty. The alove described real estate will be sold on said dav to sntisfv the decree of the Court in favor of the Plaintilf against the De fendant and as the property and real estate of A. Robine. lefend;int. Given under my hand this second day of July, A. D. 1S7J. J. W. JOHNSON, Sheiiif Cass Co., Neb. Sam. M. Chapman. Plaintiff's Attorney. 18-5w. Executors Sale of Real Estate By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the Clerk's office t and under the seal of the same) in and for the District Court Second Judicial District in the County of Cas and suite of Ne braska, and directed to the undersigned. In an action wherein Llovd D. Bennett and Elbert T. Dnke. Executors fit t lie last will and testament of Shepherd Duke, deceased, are Plaintiffs, and Iivina Duke and others are Defendants, we will at 10 o'clock a. in. on the 23d day of August, 1873, in front of the Court House in the City of r:,itts mouth and State of Nebraska, offer for sale at public aution to the highest bidder the lands and tenements herein after described, on terms following, to-wit : one-fourth cash in hand, and the residue in three equal annual payments, with interest at ten per cent and secured by mortgage on the premises. Said lands belong to the estate of Shepherd Duke deceased, and are pescribed as follows, to-wit : the southwest fiuaiter('4) of the southwest quarter (".)of sec tion eleven (11 town twelve H2) and range thir teen (13) containing forty ( lo acres more or less, also the northwest ipiarter of the north west quarter (U) of section fourteen (14) town twelve (12) and range thirteen (13), containing forty acres, more or less; also eight acres, be ing .subdivision lot eleven (11) in section twenty nine t-9) town twelve (1!) and range fourteen ( 14, ail three of said tri'.ets of Ind lyimr and be ing in Cass County and Slate of Nebraska ; also the following lots in the city of Plattsmouth in said Cass County, lots four, rive, six, nine and eleven (4. 5, C. !), anil 11), in block live (5), lot nine (.o block twenty-nine (2.) ; lot four (4.) in block forty-four (14) ; also the following lots ly ing and being in Duke's Addiiien to the City of" Plattsmouth aforesaid, that is to say, lots one, two, three, - four, live, nine ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen (l, 2. 3. 4, 5, !, 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, IS, 17 and is) in block four(4) : lots six. seven, eight, r.ine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eiuhreen, twenty, twenty-one nnd twenty-two (. 7, K, !l. 10, 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 1(, 17, IS, 20, 21, and 22) in block five, (5) ; luts four, five, six. seven, eight, nine, ten and twelve (4. 5. t. 7. 8. 0, 10 and !2'i in block six ((") ; lots one, two, three, four, live, six, seven and eight (1. 2, a, 4. 5, 0, 7 and to in block seven (7) ; lots tiiree and four (3 and 4) in b'oc'v niire (.); bits two, tiiree, four, five, seven, eight, nine, ten. eleven and twelve (2,3,4,5, 7, s, !, 10. 11 line 12) in block eleven (11) ; all of block twelve (12) being lots one to twenty-two (1 to 22) inclusive; all of block thirteen (13) except lot nineteen Ui being lots one to twenty-two (1 to 22). inclusive. xcept said lot nineteen (1!D ; lots one and two (1 ami 2) in block fourteen (1 1) ; all of block fifteen (15) being lots one to twelve (1 to 12). inclusive : lots six, four and fiveffi, 4, and 5) la block eighteen (IS); lots one, two. three. seven, eight, nin, eleven and twelve (1, 2. 3. 7,0. 11 and 12) in block nine teen (ID); all of block twenty (20). except lots eight ami twelve s and 12), being lots one to twenty-two (1 to 22). inclusive, except lots eight and twelve ( and 12 ; lots one, tie, bix, seven, eight, ten, fifteen,' and (I, 5, e, 7, 8, 10, 15, in block twenty-one 21); lots one. two, three, four, live, .six, sevenand eight (1. 2, 3, 4. 5, (j, 7 and 8) in block twen- tv-three (23); lots three, seven, eight, nine and ton (3, 7, 8, 9 and lo) In blocktwenty six (2j) : lots one." two, three, four, six, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve (1, 2, 3, 4, C, s. !i, 10, 11 anil 12) 111 lilocK twenty-seven (27) ; all of block twenty-eight (2S), except lots five and seventeen (5 and 17), being lots one to twenty (l to 20). inclusive, excent lots fire and seventeen (ft and 17) ; lots eleven and twelve (11 and 12) in block- twenty-nine (2;) ; lots one, two, five, six. seven and eight 11. 2, 5, c, 7 and 8 1 In block thirty I30J ; lots live, six. seven and eight 5. (, 7 and 8 in block thirty-fine 311 : lots one. two. three, four, five, sev en, nine, ten, eleven and twelve (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, !). 10. 11 and 121 in block ten 1 101 : lots one. two. four. live, seven, eialtt. nine. ten. eleven and twelve (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 'J, 10. 11 and 12 in block twentv-two (221. I,ots' 3 & 4 in block 8 ; and lot 16 In bhvck 21 Said sale will continue from 10 o clock a.m., until sundown of said day, if necessary, and it will be adjourned from day to flay until all are sold ; tins being an adjourned sale. Flattsmouth. June 19th 1873. Jiixivo D. Bennett, Elijeijt T. Di ke, Executors of the last will and testament of the of Shepherd Duke, deceased. WHKKLEB & STINf'HCOMI!, l2-3t. Attorneys for Executors. Farmers Lumber Yard. Having made arrangements in Chi cago, and elsewhere, with extensive dealers, I sun prepared to furnish on short notice all kinds of Lumber Doors Sash Shingles, tfec., at a reasonable rate. I also keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of STails, Iling-es, Locks, Hardware, of all kinds. Those wishing to build will please call and see my stock. E. NOTES, LOUISVILLE, NEB. Dealer in Cigars. Tobacco, Toys, Notions, and a general assortment of Confectionery. Ice Cream and Lemonade in their season. 17-ly Nebraska Grocery. under IIekald office. Luke Miskella, Proprietor FINE TEAS a speciality. Try thciii and be .satisfied. XI 18-1 v; I The Howe Sewing Machine AGENCY, rLATrsSlOUTII, - C'anvassiuir Agents v r - - NEBRASKA, an'ted throughout th1! Stnto. Address F. ltODt, General Aomt. "TC""Machines on exhlhition at all times nt my Otlico on Main Street. 8-ni WOODS & FLEMING, DEALKK IX Hardware. Tin-ware. liunp.. Agricultural Implements, Iron, Mails, &e., &e. New Tin-Shop, just Opened! All orders tor making or repairing prompt ly executed. (iOODS Sol1 Cheap Fon Cash ! ! 10-tf. Weeping Water, Nebraska. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. plattsmoUtit, neb. CONKAI HEIsr.L, I'ropiieto FLOCK, COiiX MEAL, FEED, Always on hand, and lor sale at lowest Cash prices. The Iligliest prices paid for Wheat and Com. Particular attention given to Custom work. E, T. DUKE & CO. At the foot of Main Street. Wlwlcsalc and Retail Dealers In Hardware and Cutlery, STOVES, TINWARE, IRON, NAIL", HOES, RAKES. SHOVELS, AXES, KNIVES AND FORKS. &c. &e. All kinds of Tinware Manufactured. Of Excelsior Barber Shop J. C. BOONJE. Main street, opposite Brooks House. Hair Cutting, Shaving and Shampooning. Especial attention given to CUTTING CHILDREN'S HAIR. Call and see RO0NE, gents and get a boon in a CLEAN SHAVE. nll-ly. CITY MEAT MAIIKET. GEO. FICKLER, Pre prletor, The best of Fresh Meats always on Jiaiul in their season. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FAT CATTLE. 13 Highest Casli Price paid for green hides MAIN SHEET, PLATTSMOUTH, 8-etf NEB. FARMER'S EXCHANGE. B. G. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - - NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand all Staple Articles UC1I us COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES, Dry Goods, Koots, Shoes, &c. In fact, everything usually kept in a Variety Store, which will be sold on small profits for CASH. All kinds of Iroduce taken in exchange for goods, and the Highest Market Prices given in Cash for Grain. 19 Machine Shop. fYayman Curtis, PLATTSMOUTn, NEB., Repairers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Gas and Steam Fittings, Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Pumps, Steam Guages, Safety iiive Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Farming Machinery Repaired on short notice. 8-tf. frlOS. 0HRYOCK. CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, And dealer in a kinds of Furniture nnd Chairs. Mais Street. Next door to Broflks House. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. rV Repairing and Varnishing neatly dono Funerals atteuded on short aotk-t;, b- mttKt mtiKi I am now prepared to furnish, tho best una diUteratcd milk TWICE EVERY DAY To all partita notifying me . , PETER GOO. Me Islaii ' HORSE & MOLE SHOES. Th only fhrmd mho in tb. maiket. drawn out by bammeriDK m by band, and oual la bardoM. to band mada bora, eoatinc Black. mmit h alwtnt IK a a ... a aa Hone Sboa iron in tbe bar, uard In tbo Kaat in preference to all otbei brand., and now iud by moat of tbe prominent .hoera in ft. Loula ana Chicago. Particular attention called to the ' ow Shoe tor Trotting Hon. . tt e are also Agent, for tbe National OTnlale4 f 1 I .l N'nila. Sample, aent to iMtrtle. applr hut. whs will pleaM mention the paper in wbien bey read this adrerttaement. Semple, Birge & Co., GENERJL AGENTS, ?3 SOUTH MAiV ST.. ST. LOU'S. 'THE W- J- Anderson's ICE CREAM PARLOR Main Street, bet. 4th and 5th, FLATTSMO L'TI I, .... NEB Where can be found a general assortment of Fine Confectionery. Meals nt all Hours. ICE CREAM In their senson, SODA WATER, FRUiTS, &c. Charges Moderate. 17-ly. II. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pine Lumber, LATH, SHINGLES, Sash, Doors, Rlinds, &c. 6-4t. Look to Your Children. The Great Soothing Itemerty. MRS, ( Cures colic and Whitcomb's the howeln, jind griping in faeilitates Prion 2 Syrup, ithe process of teething. MRS. I Subdues convulsions and Whitcomb't overcomes nil diseases Inci Syrup. :dent to infants and childrc-n. MRS. I Cures Diarrhnee, Dvsclite fhilcomb"; rv nnd summer comphiint In Syrup, jrhildrcn of all ages. Cents. Price 24 Cents Price 21 CenU. It is the great Infant's and Children Sooth ing Remedy, in all disorders brought on by teeming or any oiner cause. lVepared by the Grafton Medicine Co., St. Lows. Mo. Sold by druggists and dealers in Medicines cverywnere. tiec2-wiy GO TO TIIE Post Office Book Store. II. J. STREIGHT, Proprietor. For Your Books, Stationery, ncturcs, Music, Toys, Confectionery, Violin Strings, Newspapers, Novels, Song Book, &c, &c. rOST OFFICE BUILDING, riattsniouth, ... Nebraska. 8-tf. NO YOU DONT I ! Get any Goods cheaper, or a better article than is kept at the Store of Jas, Clisbee & Co. Dealers In General Merchandise. We are in receipt of Fresh Goods every week from the East, whichare bought for Cash, and will be sold in any amount. Grangersjkeep your eye on your friend; We will not be undersold by any one. jas. clizbe & CO. Weeping Water July 1st, 1873. 14-4C U. V. MATHEWS, Fourth street, north of Platto Valley House. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealer In Hardware and Cutlery, Stoves, Tinware, Iron, Nails Glass, Locks, Garden City Plorrs, Hay Rakes, Farming Tools, Farming Mat;hinery, Mccormick's Reaper and Mower y Buck Eye Reaped and Mower, d-o, d-c tfr. d-o d-c. SEED For the Garden, For Uie SM3U Orchard, For th-. Field. 11 II It PHILADELPHIA STORE. SOLOMON & NATfii li Fand7 Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies Furnishing Goods: LargeHt. Oheanent,' ineirt. id Brt Aiforfe 8tock in tl CUT. Which we are prepared IofcH rhenper thai they r:in he plirhii:;rd flMuW here tiiio us a cal' rihJ exittnine our goods. fur-Store on M:iln ittreK, b-lween Uh nnd Blh (streets, l'l;tUiiuiul)l Nebrxnl a. lGtl. . Mothers. MotherS Mothers. Don't faiMo rtricttre Mm. Wlnslow'a Sooth"? Syrup for t 'hildrt'li Teething. . This valuable i-ff-piilafion lm been used wit If NEVER KAlLlfi SI i t ESS IN THOCS A N I tt OF CASES. It not only relieves the child. from pain, but Invigorates the Stomach mid bowels, corrects Kciditv, ami gives loin nnd energy to the whole system. It will also Instantly, relieve cniPiNo ix tiif. Bowf.ij akd Wind Colic; We believe it the best and unrest remedy In the world. In nil cases of Dysentery and Diar rhea in children, whether arising from teetulnf or anv otlier chum". Depend ii-kmi it, mothers; ft will girtJ fecit td yourselves and Rkmkp ani Health to Yolu IxrANTii Be Min' itiid Mi for 'Miw, Wixslow'm Soothixcj Syrup." Having the lao-slmlle of "CURTIS ft FKIU Kl NS on the outside wmpnor. Sold bydriiWtH throughout the World. 1 SPKING TRADE, 1873. Furnas Nurseries BKOWNVILLK, NED i FU UNAS, SONS & FE BRAND': Furnas and ftns, Brownville, Xehra ka, and 11 Fevrand, Detroit, Mich igan, have consolidated their stocks and will hereafter conduct 1usiiirS3 at lirownvillfei Neb-j where they offer the largest and most select gen eral Nunnery Stock ever offerod in the West, consisting in part as follows: 20.0O0 Choice 3 year old Apple Tree. 100,000 " 3 " " " 600.000 60,000 40.000 50.000 20,000 j m 1,2, 3 and 4 year old rpsr' Trees. 2. 3, and 4 year old Cherry Trees. . .., 1 and 2 year old Peach Trr em Plum, Apricot und.Ncclruli.'f j rees. 4.000.000 Xo. 1 lloucy locust HedRo Plant! 2,000.000 No. 1 Osaire Hedgn Plants. 6,000,000 Forest Tree Seedlings. IrtHMvm Evergreens, In valiety. , , 100,000 eHch Blackben ies, ItapbfTne."a a Strawberries, no.ono e:udi (iooselK-rries nnd Currants, Perpetual ami Climbing Roses. lO.fioo Flowering Shrubs. 10.000,000 Willow Cdttings. COOLEY'S EARLY WHITE, ANDiADAV'J EXTRA EARLY CORN. ITALIAN. BEES, Berkshire and Poland Hogs. J. R. Dilley. of Cass Countv, will act a Apent of these nurseries in this seetion. I'. O. addrefts Phtttsmouth, Cass Co., Nebiiwk:i. 15?" Correspondence solicited. Serulfor a Catalogue. 41-tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, 8LCCKHAOU TO Tootle, Hanna & Clar& JOHN FlTZOERALn, President. C. If. FARMrMB, Vien President T. W. EvAa, Ass't OuAhler. Johx R. Clakk, Ciisiiier. Thl nn.llt l nnw Swmn ftr linutnaa, tVtAttf new room, corner Main and KlxtU streets, nnd are prepared to transact a general Ranking Business. Stocks, Bonds, uoid, uoTernment and Local . . Securlttef . . , Bought and Sold'tlenos t Received and Interest allowed On Um CertlflcaUa. Drafts drawn, available In Anv nurt nf trfti United States and in all the urinciufd tuwui and Cities of Europe. FOR TIIE CELEBRATEli IJYMAN LiJVEl AND ALL EN LINE OF STEAMERS Persons nislilnir tri firlno- nut IVibIf rrlon1a4 front Europe can purchase tickets from xii through to llattsmouth THE OLD RELIABLE! A Heavy Stock of Goods oil iiand. No Rents .and Interest .oh Borrowed Capital Pi be made off Customers. OLDEST ESTABLISHED UOUSli IN THE CITY. North side of Main between Second an d Thlr'tf streets, takes pleasure in announcing to FARMERS AND MECtlANtCS That lie has a larce nd well rfoctcd Rtock'tif Dry Goods, tiroeerie, Provisions, as were ever brought to tbe City ot Plattsmoutlt. Va? :'BlrtHW III j r? it will fost you nothing to .look at Uicr" whether you buy or not. Hy exiifninn'g ,tlid prices at the "OLI RELIABLE" o 't? t aile lo tell when other parties ttf to Kwiml"" too; , ?tf 4 ' .