- Catt&WffS 6??ICB T0U5 W "sntvi oVi at Ad' W&t pf led ?or cd&. A well seloctei storA of1 $orciri ani Aineriodn WatcW taiieaGoii Watches and Chains; solid QoU and Pta ted htta, a. A largo fteaortraetlt of CldckbijaiiiUrtei for Larthej Pa tad t Aorji.nuljtioii Spectacled. Kepairid- Uoiic on short noticd and all vrork vrarrartted. Call ami examine tor ydaraeivcsi THE HERALD. THE HE 11 AH) Fubltehed every Thursday at IL,A.TTS.1ItLTlf, i: It It AS U A. ADtEilTISlXU RAYt-Tl One square, (10 lines or less) one ln&ertlb..tl.M Each suLsciueut lusrtton t Professional curds, not exccJlcg six line. .10. to column per Annum 90.08 i1uina per annum .t i;i!umn do 80.( One column do ttM All advcrtislm; bills duo quarteily. Transient ndrerUsementii mit t part W Oftfc On Mfcin Si., Bet.Xth and Bth. -Sseond Story. OFFICIAL PAPER OF CASS COUNTY. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS: $2.00 a Year, J. A, MACMURPHY, Editor. ti ir I' NEBRAS v 4 TermS, in Adraiice One copy, one year $2 00 One copy, six months 1.00 'Ctne copy, thrive months 50 ATTORNEYS. OAM. M. CIIAPM.VX Attorney at I .aw nnd J Solicitor In Chancery. Plnltsmouth. Ncl). OiUce in Fitzgerald's P.lock. "f B. KEESE. Attorney at Law. Office on Main Street, over ('h;!n m's linn: Store . sjvuctsil attention given to collection oi i minis, i 1). H. WHRHLER, J. W. STINi'HCOMI lVlierlrr & stlnclicoiii!t A.TTOP.XEYS AT LAW, 44-ly Plattsmouth. Xebra.sk. xrARgrETT. SMITH X: ST.UIWRP. nevsatLsiw. Practice In all the co Vttor- nevs at uw. rractice in an imp cimt i m . . m I Ihf State. Secial attention given to collection ml matters of Irobate. ! Office, over the Post Office! n.ittsmout h. Neb. niYSICIANS. It. R. LIVINfiSTON.T'ilvsK'ian and Surgeon. Teiiiiors liis professional serviees to tlie v'.l'..ens of Cas-s poniuv. R-siileneo soittl'eaM comer of Oak and S:t1i streets : oflii-"' on Main Hfreet. one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard, i'lattbinoutli, Nrtnaska. " rW. TtAWLINS. Surtreoti nnd l'liylel tn. Late Surgeon -in-i'liief of the Ariny of t!ie rtoniar. I'laits-iiontli. N'ebr iska, it'lin; utd. V, Johnson's lnij St4ire. Main str-t t. IXSUISAXCE. "Vf HEELER & I'.ENNETT- -Real Estate :m! 1 T TinnavnL' A-'ents. Notaries l'ullie. l ire r.d Lire liis-iraiu-c Agents. l'l.utsHioutli. Nl.. TJHELT l'AIXE General lnsiiranw Aueiit. Kerreents some of I lie most n-lla'de I'om t anies in the I'nited Staler. Iau7-vtf HOTELS. iikooks house, JOHN FITZOERALP. I'ropiietor. Main Street, letween Fifth & Sixth. MISCELL VXr.OUS. llattiiuoutii Hills . UEIsr.L, Rrovri.'tor. H ive recently been rfiK-ired xmi nltio'vl ! I'lo.oiish running M1r. iMi.JtKi r.usi:i:N el VV :if -'t w;ai .Mate'.y for which the hi.e.'s; markn pi in o pafd. 1 IIIIIM- will Abtrac-fS " Til If. -'UE NUMnlC-VL SYSTEM The best in use yr descr'.iilive eir.ru'a'.N. address. ACiita, liLA'. KMAU CO.. Huriin-rton, loa. iillEENUOUSE AND 15EDDING TI.ANTS. Tim and monev saved by nr Vring of me. I hftTe the lar-rost and lest c-; Una of limits vr otlei-.-d for sal in the est. taiaio .nes In". Sweet 4'ot.vo. Ca'-ibauv. lomaio. and tli ir PI tuts for sale in their se.:soii. Address W. J. iiilSSEii, i'iatisiaoulh. ei. FINE ART Gl LSRY, p5T"Ph',.of;rnp'hs. A!nbrotyrHs frt.in oid liii'tui !I r roi.:V;1 and Oiijiies t-itiier iti i s. rater or oil a 11 ".virk i .i :j I'Sfcu.rU an- irtcdt0fciVe'V-?t:?rKt)SAn.'.Ar.i jp.ff Main 1 l.':t"ii!'-i;i w.ir- N'eb. NEW DRUG STORE- WlirtNOWllKB, IfEB. T. Ij. POTTER, itXATETi in m:rr.. medicines, paints. OILS. VAUN ISM. PERI'l'M Lit V, STAT lOSKItY. NOTIONS, CIOARS ANOTO r BACCO. 'I. Ii. GOLDING, PeaTtr In uil.Onil V", FT-ltNL-TUNO C.O,-pS HATS. CA.PS. HOOTS, SHOKS. TP.i Nl-.S, YALisi:s. carpi: r n.v;?. &.. S ".. On' of th oldest ami most lie'ilMe M-v;a.s la pi.Vtsmenth. Main street, l.e'.iveen fourth 9-ui uriii. IITKEMEMBEK TIIE PLACE. M tf. NEW STYLES. E. L. ELSrlER, MERCHANT TAILOR 1 in reeeipt of the finest and BEST ASSORTMENT AS3IMF.RKS. CLOTHS. VESTINOS. SCOTCH ti'lODS. IKIs.ll KRIESES. Sr. In fat, the largest and best assorrntent of Cloths ever brought to this ity. wlii-'h 1 am prrpared to make up in the Late.-t Styles. ad inu examine iooils. aprill. Mrs A. D. Whhcomb DKESS AND CLOAK MAKER. Room three doors r-t of I'.r Ws I Vsr. CUTTING AND FITTING Jlvle a vpeeiaity. '.uterus (.f ,il! kinds co!itant'y on hand 2w-iy. J. W. SHANNON'S FUBD'.SAL E. & LI VER V STABLE. Mala street. Platnulouih. b. I :i:u prep-irc-J to .veoai:iiod:iie tiie publie Wiih Morei Carrli.'u'rs, Ruies, Wagons. and No. 1 1L On sliort n-.tiee and reasonable terms, Hack will run to Tie Stc ii-rio.it i.iudhi. ili'JKii nd all parts of the city when ibsired. Jann.L To Farmers and HoTc:ern?n. Dr. W. P. .T-nes bees len- e to ,!! :0!entiih in the faet thai be h:. jusi rerived two very line animals from lite east, v i.-. : "THE WE BR JACK? From Fairfield. Iowa, man Stallion called and the Iron Crcy NT.r- "NORMAN," Fire years old and weighs 13f.n pounds: They are both sure foal setters. i;inl will stand tt Rock P.lulTs and el.sewliere in the County during tfce S'awin. For full particulars see bill. 21-l.tt. Blacksmith Shop. CIIAS. X. TIFFAXY, MT. TLEASANT. NEB. Begs leave to inform the farmers of i Cass County that he keeps :i god No. 1 BLACKS Ml T II S II O P one mile north of Mt. Pleasant All kinds of Ip.ni Work attemieii to". Yvagons repaired, arm Implenit-rsts i carefully mended. lowest prices, sunt I Ml 'Work Hone on short not tee. Gram received in payment. Give me a trial. Cha. N. Tiffany. Volume 9. Otticial Directory. CONGKFISSlONAL. T. W. Tipton, itrovvnvillc. -. ....I. S. Senator. I". S. Senator. I. W. Hitchcock. Omaha... L. Crouusi' Ft. Calhoun Kepreseulauve. EXECUTIVE. K. Vi. Furnas. P.roWnville. .1; .1: ISoajier, Liiwoln .1. 15. Weslon. pentriee II. A. KoMii'X. 'luinbus. . . Oo-Ycmor. Sec'y of State. Auditor. Tre.isurer. J. Is. Weliecr. Crete AH'y lien. J. M. Mi-Ken.ie. Lincdn. . .Sup't llib. lusiruc'n. Jl'DHIAKY, ;eo. B. Take. Om:i!iH CMef Jntii.e. I.ani-I ;au:t. Nl.r;wka ity. ' AS.soe. te Jusfs. Samuel Maxwe'l, I'l.at.s to. ( PLATrs.MOUTII, R. R. Liviiiirdon Mavor. 1 ... .. : ity ( :'-.k. ..('ily frea,surer. I riiel;w 1'aiue !'. . t.'T... Wiii. Winteistvtii J. W. liailies Min' Morgan It. N. Jiiii)-ou . olire .more. 1 M.irs.ial. i Sue. i l.:mait..-i.iK--.. i AL1E.IMA. Finsr Waiih- J. ..'r.tlJ. U.S. Wwm: n. SK " W.:. J. W v loan. I . ie!iois. I HI t:i W . I. . i.. . 'i.s!-i:it:. Tlii'S. i'o.i.jtrk. l'oc lti il V. au . i'.. ivt.tn. I.. Y. J-jiiiiorj. CASS COt'XTY. H. r. Ellison Tmliate .tii!e. Wuu'l VeKiiinou County Cn-rk. W. I.. llil!'S Treasurrr. V- W. Wise S up't l'Ul. Ins'.ruft'ii. .1. .' Val.ery. j . . f. larke. County Co-.iiUusjiU'iiers. I. v::ia.i J. mil's. .1' . i i.i.ma.s Cproner. Churches. HA1TIST n the corner of M.iin and Xinii:. Kev. T. .1. Aruoid. 1' istor. S-r iees every S U!'. al 11 at n', a. m. l'r. it. and 7 j. in. Sni'liatli S; rool jer meeiiiis every cuiicsday C'Vl'l.lil.. C'HRISTIAX Serviee in Congregation tiurcli ' at 11 a. m. and C : . sk lit. Corner of 1 eni aiid ih streeis. t nr. lial Invitation ex'.eaueu to ad ela-ees to a.;ei d. I. PI - opAI ( oruff Vine and Third streets. I . (i!i!st-r. Serviees every S'lieh'.y it II : ..0 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday setiooS at 3 p. m. 'Al liOI.l! Xortli silt.-of Puoiie Sijuare. Hev. Fallier itobal. Pii-st Mass every Sabbat ii at S-3t a. in.. Seef'i.ii Mass and Serti'.oii at SO-.io. esiiers ;iinl lei e.'.ii lion at 7 p. In. Ma-sat 6 a. in. every week day. KMRST P;:ESliYTKRIAN North side of Main street. ves of i;tii. KeV. W. I". P.aU'e ; Sei -viee every Sai-balli ai 11 ;. in. and" p. M. nabb.tili se'liooi at 'j :v a. m. I'r.yer meetiiitr every Wednesday evening; at S o'cuM'k. MET HOI 'I ST El'ISt OPAL Wt side or Cth N.ret l south of Main. Rev. t :. MeKeivli-y l'.utor. Serv iee.s every Sabb.:tli. at 10 r a. in., and 7 p. hi. Prayer meeting every Umisday evi-! i i. las-; nleetina every Monday evei.io, aait i.iui.eui.'ieiv after elose of Sabbath i.mrn iii .serviees. Saiitiatli School al 2 :;0. M. 15. ICeese, Siiperinteud-iut. CdNTAd tli'ii 21 ScjilPiiilifr hat die Teutse'.ie Ev. l.utli. liemeiods ill ihrem Se'nu'.haus vor Hii:ttaj:s uni 11 Clsr i.olteoUiensl. l elieihaupl liiulel ilersel'.-e von Jett an le-reiinaessiir al'.e 14 'I'at'e statf. Minister. Lev. 1 Hannawafd. saliii.nii senind at 1 p. m.. Prof. d'AUeniand. Siierilitelidelit. Loih jO. V. F. Recu'.ar meetings of-l'lail Lode N". 7. I. O. O. I-', every l .iUisUay evening ..I Odd reliows' lla!l. Transient llioiueis ae iir Uiaii y io iii d to visit. E. E. t LNM.Ni;llAM. X. G. M. M. Bl'TLKH. See. J o. o. F. Pi - a. lie .iilar Pl..i rTSMlfTll KNi'.lMI'JSEST ?"'o. r l t.iivoral io.i.s t-;e L'.l 11 i 4l!' Piid.. v".s oi e;;eit ih.i..i,i .it ojn i-eiio-.. ;a;l Curner e..l aini .ia:n itieiis. Trt-liSieut iaui I aiciis conii -lily iiivi.eu ti' visit. ! il. J, SillLLillT, C. P. 1 11. Xkvmam. Seriue. MASONIC PLATT-Mol TIt l.OlxiK No. C. A. i f. it A. M. :;.-.;u;ar inei tir.jjs at their IbU ; on tiie tirsi and third Monday evenings of each ; month, lr.uisient bretlueli l.ivited ui visit, i K. it. LlMNoSiON. V,. M. ; A. d'Al I. KM VN1. Seei ! V OY LOI.CE No. 22. A. I". & A. M. neu ! !:;r un i ,nir s at ia. ov M ill, first and Joird il ri.i.ixs J. -x . W ISE. V. . M. i d. .'tf. I'OMKOsl.KV. See. V Ei'.RASKA ( iIAI'l'ER No 3. R. A. .M -; ' ui.ir CouviH'atious si-enml ami fourth Vm-s-' day evenings of e.ieo niontli ;.t 7' o'eioek j. m. ! s. R. It. L!Y!M,mON, II. P. I II. Nk'.vm.vn. see. ! I O. G. T. OLIVE I'.RANCH, No.';. H. Elii ! Son. M. W. C. r.. C. VV. Kl.ig. NV. See.. T. I W. siiryoeri. Loilre 5 i. jmty. meets a: i 1.;s-k j Plumir.ei-'s II. ill every I ueVilay t,-v-.tiio--r. Tr.-v-I eliint; Temi'iars respeetfuily t'uvited. 'PCRNVEiiEINT Th Tuni-r S,.e:e-V mee; . ,t a. Tuni.Ts' il i'l in tiiit'.iman's Rioe.. on i!.e I first aiel (liii'il We.l'isil ivs ( e;u-n jnontli. ! A. on S-'iwai.eiiliei , President; I !"Oi I Kareher. Yiee l-ivid ti : II. Ne.Mn n, Tre r; j urer ; "A". I'.ieei!. Ki'.-i.-illi s,.i-ret : ry : ; P.rai.'.s. h ..ri.- ,;!,.!;. S..i-r'Tii'V : Wi !:!;.)!! I lassier. ! 'ti M ! i:i-i. V ;". ; .f.eiu l5-!:s. Si-o":.ii Turn Wi-ii . iKiv :!,! il'iilmi 1:1. W; r l u. Pfjrissima el Opiima. I This up.riva'led Medieine is warr'nted no' to eon!. -tin a -im:le tartie;e uf Mercuo'. or any in ! jurious mineral suostanee. bui is : Pf RELY YEGATAP.I.E. ! For f'Tty years it lias proved it?; reat value ' ia ail il'.se'.ssof the Liver. ISovveis and Kidney ri!iua:u!s of t up l.mmI :tml iim-mI in aU (i.iiti of the count ry voii'di fur its womb mil and i"'eniiar : power in pu!itY!ii--r trie li!ool. st iuiu;.".tim; toe i tumid liver stud bowels, and imtiertin new life ' and vi.'or to the w in.ie sysiem. Simmons" Liv i er Regulator i aemrvfedui'd to liave no eipial ' as a LIVER MEP1C1NE. I It contain four metie;(l eb-ments. never unit ed in the voiio Ii.mi' V ;ro;iii-,i.i in uny o:1er '. oreo.ti -,: p'.ii. v 17. ; g ' C-;h.:rtie. a woail-'r-i fill Tonie. ;in tm-e. . jei.Minlile Alterative at'.'! a ' certain Corrective of all inCMirii ies of 111'' ''wify. ! Such signal success has aiti-mb d its use. that il ' is now reyardeil as the ! GREAT CNFAILINC SPECIFIC. A ; for Liver Complaint ami the painful oiTirin.ii tbereor. lo-lt: Iyscisia. ' otistl;a1ioii. eprcssioii of S;iiri;si Sour Siomiwhi H.-ul turn. .e. &i . i Regulate 111" Liver and prevent j CHILLS ANI FEVER. Prepared otilv by .T. H. ZEILIN & CO. I Jnii;.'is:s. Macon. Ga. I Send f-r a Cirenljir.i and An-h street. ITie si. bv mail l.."i " Philadelphia Pa. For Sate by J. . HuUery, Plattsmoutli, Xeb. janl-wly MONEY SAVED I1Y n vino Y-ti- GiMnh - use an Bedding lanls At THE tlrttir (matftfttx. DON'T send Eat for Plants when yon o?mi pet just as L';d for Ws money nearer home. To mv tiumepias frieii ls :-t I :trans I uouid say tfiat I have the largest and best sfock of plants ever offered for sale in the Wet, and at reaonabl- price. IJe sure alid Serai for mv . eiV lesriitlv C'uluTogiie. j ..,,, wiI, fr,.e to aU Ti (lo ,f for lr Then rfve me your orders, and I feel coufl ten: I 1 1 iJK'lT yoa" . , - A tECTURE Vtlitfred at ML Pleasant Grange, Xo. 4, Parnns ff HuJMznlry, by th?lr Lx tit,r, S. L. Furlonn, on tht occa sion of a, Feast, held June With, 1873. Cwludrd. Another great humbug and imposi tion that is being practiced upon the farmers of this country and they by their modesty, great dcilityj and won derful humilitj-. sit very quietly and j ackno'.ied"e the superiority of a verv j few m.-nu an.I control tho price's ' of nl o- ne-irlv t il tie- nroi:l,e raised i "l -"".' l" 'I. by the Auieric-m faru; r. i!at ivdc : sumo investi-'ulion and a grt;tt deal of j correct l--il, i.i this: Tnat bee: :v f.,w y. ...... .w U,,,v .!--. :niii;tt ed. ( hll- m.in beings in m.ufs garb, I supiKse, : i w.io live m u ail siiTeu in nm env 01 New Y u-k, a il; to tr.i 1 , tr.i:u ; an I ; gamble with gold, why all the middle men who handle oar produce must be governed so sensitively by the rise and j fall of gold. For instance, yon go to town toilav with a load of produce to se.l, and the price yoli are offered is impudence and scorn, and black-ball j , . 1 1 i i j i i 1 1 which I h;id tigivi'd to set vtrv much lower than it was yesterd ay, them so black that they would be ; lt JinJ othpr ihlY i the list for the s ime article; of course you are somewhat astonished, and a little blandly inquire what is the cause of j ,J,t . iT..in..;i,.M in t..- mice of ! pro luce, in so short a time. Mr. grain- : b.iyer, before whom you stand and al- moot shudder, verv pertinently replies, ! why, my dear sir, gold fell in .New York, yesterday. Well, now, that is a stunner; and what if it did! way in the name of common sense the value of the products of our hard labor are to be so seriously affected because a verv small number of men in New York city trade and tr.nlic with gold, ! and thereby destroy the law of de- j maud and supplv, is in re than 1 cm ! clearlv understand. And, in my opin- i ion, the farmers of our land should, in some manner, deatrov this thieving, swindling : nl rascally operation, an I . give these men, wno buy oar products, to cleariy understand, tu.it we will raise them grain mid produce at fair and reasonable figures,- witliytit any re gard to the gold gamblers of New York City. But, Brother Patrons, there are bet- ter Java coming for the agriculturist! ! of this lau I, and tha city jieople begin i to see it, and now and then drop words ; of fear. Here is one taken from a re- j ..ut. .....eher f the New York Tribune. andreads as follows: "ICis said that the co-operative so- ; ciety of dinners in Iowa control one-' i third the grain warehouses and t ieva i tors in that .State. If this is thus. ; j woere are the tesultsV" j This is short, but there is a shaking and rattling of fear in every word of that sentence, and they plainl see that the "handwriting is upon the wall," and that farmers of this country are botind to have a fair remuneration for the products of their toil. Who are eligible to become members ' t of a Orange? Tnis is a question sus- cejililae of a great deal of unnecessary t.dk, and liable to cause some hard feeling on the pari of those who are iet eligible to become iir rnveis of our (ri iiige. The instructions, howvver, ffi.in the "National Orange to the leiu- s, in regard to tne oi(,..tnuaii.n o. O ranges, i; very plain, una re,ds is fol- . tiary to the interest of tiiose non-pro-I'.ws: "Wiieifver a Deputy ha d.:er- j dain r tn.-m'r.. whea.ver t!i"V should mini I thet tho iifi.ercsts of t!.- ortter I see ii to oppose u.s ; an I we would wiii be advanced by establishing new : j; iVe ruined it ourselves by not ku-ep-(irauge, ids iirst duty is to expi:::u the ing our gates properly gti irde.l. objoets of tie' order, whenever require I A passing note and I am done; and so to do; but in any event tiiose desir- 1 that is the singular manifestations of ing to organize a Orange should be in- ; the three dispositions of human nature formed of the imiortance of the work as drawn out by the organization of they proiH'Se to undertake so that the our Order: The agreeable disposition responsibility may ut be assumed without due delib"i"iti;n ; that it i is verv reluetantiv shown out bv the I would be better no Orange should be ; merchants; but a few are wise enough organize 1, if they "do not propo.se to j to keep their mouths shut; and endeav c.irry out the objects in full faith to ! or to retain their old customers with themselves and the mendiers of the order generally; that in union there is ; H o. ...! ..-: !.....- ;t .-. r.i.i , ... . . I ! ZMit-uiij. ur.i w iiiii'tii 11 u v-'i 1 1 u oi o i , inn perhaps dissolution. These points and others ofhnected therewith cannot be too carefully and strongly urged, so that none may enter the order ignorant of the high duties they take Upon themselves. This being done, to his own satisfaction at least, the Deputy will require si list of the names of those proposing to enter the Orange, and the charter fee for each; he will satisfy himself that none are on it who are not engaged in farming pursuits, liecause it is not safe to open a Orange to a:iv otiiers. as it is erijt.'i di-ally a farmers' institution, and the base mutt rest upon farmers id one." The above quotation is very plain and decisive, but just so long sis the disposition of hum in nature is of three kinds, one sigreesible, one mulish, sind the other selfish, just so long men will persist in calling white, black, and black, white; and this i3 very natural, indeed it is human nature to perfec tion, for lu in to advocate that which he conceives to lie for his pecu.iiary inteTcst. " For instance, the grain-buyer will tell yon that his interest is with the farmers, because he buys grain of them, sind he; will mike supplication to become si member of our order, he city m fli mies sin 1 laborers will say their interest is with the farmers, be cause they are opposed to Hie profits those middle men make between the pr.iducer and - consumer. Well, now, this is all very nice flattery, and suits them and their interests very well, if thev can succeed in making you be- Have iti Iefc us look at the facts in Plattsmoutfc, Nebraska, the case and see if the intoreit of one ; i nut exactly the reverse of the other, j The farmer is a producer; it is for his 1 tetest to buy his farming tools, and all th.it he purchases of mechanics and j manufacturers as cheaply as he can. j V,iw look- at tlie other side. The ; ! grain-buyer, the merchant, and the trie- j chanie swe consumers of but not pro- j ducers of farm products. It is for Uieir interest to buy everything of the ' farmor -is elieap :W.t!.ey cm get it. It . . . ' ' . . . i -to for t:-o:r interest to get jusk a., : nu;h for their hibor as they posstbU' c;:n T atn at a loss to know why men will shut their eys and argu-j that the interests of the two classes ari alike. These mechanics and city people, have tlieir Eij'!it-hour Leagues and L.r!or Unions, for the sol- purpose ot enh me- i , , . .....1 . - - . were the Farmers to make an applica- j tion to become members of their or- ; unitizations they would laugh them to heart ilv ashamed of themselves. And it is so with all the organizations that aw organized to sap farmer. But with all nd leech the this existing contrast between t!ie interest of the piiHhieer and that of the consumer, we should never raise our hand against aunussion oi h:i notiesi, lanuinis mechanic, who resides among us, ai- though Ins interests ni iy not be allied ; with ours, he is a useful member of so- j ciety; for mechanics generally are in telligent and active men, and frequent ly add life and vim to the inside woik- iugs of such organizations, besides he will enjoy the privilege of procuring the necessaries of life at reduced rates of coat the sam.'i as we; and we shall carry the consolation of heart and mind, that we have not been so selfish sw not to admit a worthy an.I honest laborer, who resides among us. and is our neighbor; yet, we must always bear ia mind that there will be in trigues and plans laid of every descrip tion to retard 'and destroy the force of our organization, and men who are not practical fanners, but expect to I a. ii . i:..: .:.. .....i i. ...... ""--ir uy i" "-P bargains, will constantly be wanting to join our order. To all such we should say no, sir; not because it is Tom Brown, or Harry Mcllenry, but because their interests are exactly contrary to ours; for just in proportion as-such are a ltiiitte.l laeinbers, just i:i tli.it propor tion you weaken the strength and force of your org i:iiz ttion. An illustration is generally accept able, so here is one: Supposing that jod had a mijority of nut more than two or three, of that class of m.M, in your Orange, and you were desirous of obtaining a stated price for some arti- cje 0f produce, and these men happen to be large consumers of that article, iUMi oU should come to a vote upon the qusiion of a stated price; can vou not se.Jtli.it it would be for the inter est of thoie mvnbers to vote ag liust you, in orler thit they m iv procure your p;- la .' as eli" iply as possible an 1 tin": ceri ii.dy tli, Wer.-. til "' i:i the majority, and o tr Ovder would be powerless to aceoitWitsa a:vth.n '"ori- j to accept the new order of things good and respectable usage, sind do sell ! . . . . .... . ill iruin.i'i ei ii.i uf v, ii.iiy mr ut&tr; been doing. For instance, one firm was asked the question, what will you do when-th farmers all irut to lie Gran- . r ,... I I I .lW I v. .!-..... t.L II- If., t ...l 1....'. gers? Why, we are going to sell them . .' . ., any now, at one price or suioiuer, was the quick reply. From the Ceiitrsd City Coah comes sin account of si ride taken by two children, which we should call incredi- lle. although told by them in good faith. On Clear Creek si reservoir had been constructed, which contained si skiff. Oti Sunday, two boys, aged ten and I twelve years, got into it, when the fsisfc- enings gave way and the boat drifted into the creek, which lias a grade of 490 feet per mile, with many falls froiii fifteen to twenty feet in height. Down this creek they went at si terrible rate, avoiding the boulders and stones sind going over the falls right side up, as by a miracle. Six miles below they were see:i by meii on a tr lin, who stopped the train and tried to rescue them, in vain. At Beaver creek station the employes made another attempt by trying to throw 1 slip noose over the boat, but the beat nh'pp? I throdgh and pursued its headlong csircer over" Beav er Creek Falls, and into the Platte river one hundred miles below Denver. Here it run into si drift, which stopped it finally. The distance traveled was 140 miles, and the tinfj twj hours. That goes leyond everything in the way of fsist travel, not excepting Prof. Wise's bal loon; The bovs were found alive and i restored to their parents the next interest to :rM!uce all that he can, and ? J ! ileal in four days. It was a n prieve. to soo hi, for as much as he ' "'I V 1 1' T..? I would make the most of it. and then. , . , i - i t r .i . 4 T ,. , r i :o inert ;i ot two (i"ii,tii. cry can : also to have his labor p-rformed ( 8,lk Ilmv did I come to buy it? , an h a.-hPimlv n rmssiblp. it is for his in- V ell, ILought it; and that is about . evening. Thursday, July 31, 1873. THAT BLACK SILK DRESS. Oite of the best pieces of economy - . i . t ..... ..i.i.. 4.. - ... T hr , M Yuui to tro to mv trunk and take out of it the very last dollar, and give it the man who b!Vi. nours auer- Frightened is no name for the per- tubation of mv mind, as the cart drove off. and I stood holding my handsome A silk dress in my hand-not a dollur m mv purse. j c ,uipreheiided the situation, and was terror struck. So I r:;u up stairs: locked the door to keep out the meddlesome old Miss I . l: 1 .1.., 1 ..M ......... I rl'r'-TS Willi ilVeU II! 1 1 11.1 IKlll-IUOUl lir.-WI. ; ' ... . ! to n.e a,;d ilullg niyselt on the bed As lor the silk, I luted it but hav- ing, nevertheless, a profound respect i ,.im u. i P-'o i caieuuiv on me o. - j I Villi, IliU 1 U1 VlTJlb WW Hit ........ ...1 I . oot t.i tlia -mi of 1I1V spirit. As'to the week's board, there was no ,e weeKs noaru t.iere vv;ls ho ere, tor although Jack s sala- ; trouble the ry was sin il , he was regtwar in pa ing ; l.i uaiMi e absolute- j made out things which wer lv necessarv, at least 1 thought them to be so: New boots. Handkerchiefs, New slippers. Cults, A new bonnet, Collars, New gloves, Neckties, New morning dress. Hose, A new black mohair. Jack had looked over the list with was tl)0r,.f he C(,nci.1(i(,ti with me that 1 was economical, and had given me the money to buy them, for, as I bad said to myself repeatedly, T can not afford to have any one handsome thing, so I will have an abundant sup ply of plainer things." But now my money was all gone. So all I could do was to cry softly, lest Miss Triggs, who 1 knew was lis tening, should hear me, and, in conse quence, my tears dried up so much the sooner. Bv this time it was late in the after noon, and dinner coining on,' and fear ing lest my ileal" husband would dis cover that something had gone wrong, and. perhaps, finding out the truth, would scold unmercifully (for we had been married more than a year), I washed my face, prepared to right up the room and dress. There lay the hated cause of all my distress. But as much a I hated, it I thought to myself that I would take just one look before hiding it away. So, undoing the brown cover, I did look, and looking, was tempted to feel the texture, ahd having done that, to unroll it a little way ami gather it up in m.iki'-believe folds, :is the clerks do. Certainly, il was a very nice silk, and farther more, it would wear well. The p iltte clerk h id assured mo of that fact, and I had always understood that the clerks of that establishment did not dare to mislead confiding custom ers. Aitd tltr re was no doubt, whatever, that the two silks I had when I was in irried, were now becoming shabby, and that it was time to have a new one; So with something like an affection for my injudicious purchase. I hid it away, concluded to put a good face on matters as the only means of avoiding discovery, and set mvself in earnest to j the task of preparing in the" best possi I ble m inner to receive iny darling Jack, i by whom I was so apprehensive of be j ing S"oided. should he discover the , truth. i In eiip-jcquenee, on the entrance of 1 that iVoithy three-quarters of an hour ' later, I was .seated apparently all mild ; composure i i the little blue rocking i chair, with its m tie, t lie rid loeking- chair elose beside me. in oroer i- erase ;tu traces oi mv tears, I had dressed myself with partic ular c ue, so I doubt not looked well, at least in his eye. "I fixed this chair close beside me all ready for you, my dear," I said affec tionately. "Did you. my darling? That I might admire the fresh roses on your cheeks. Your eyes are bright, nnd you look so pretty. I am more in love with you than ever," was the answer. "How easily men are fooied," thought I, but I said: "My darling Jack." - i . .ii . . - e . And he said "Mv darling little wife, Idc love vou ," sind he kissed me. " "All verv fine!" I thought, but it cn I " 1 would 1m sis much as mv life was worth to tell him sibout the siik dress. The fact is," he continued. "I came I jn cross' J ':U ,knmv 1 son,iI,,,Ts ;u,i' ;but vou looked so sweet, that vou smoothed me right down. Things have gone nicely with you tivday, I sun sure, so suppose we go to tiie theatre to night, it will be onlv a couple of dol lars." "A coupl of dollars," thought T, 'T will trv sind get hold of that for my self." " So I said: "Suppose you give me the two dol lars, ;md I will read si story to you this evening instead." "Head a stoiy instead! "Why this is the first time 1 ever knew you to de cline an invitation to the thesitre. I can guess the reason : you hsive not or dered yrur new bonnet, and you will not go until you do. I see through you, you little minx. So order your bonnet this week, and we will go the next;" "Order mv bonnet," thought I in affright. "Ah, if he did but know I had spent the money!" But I ssiid:. "Yes," and my dear Jsick in the be lief that he had divined my inmost thoughts was ssitistied. "Here," said he fumbling in his pock et, "here, you Jew, take your two dol lars smd resid me the story after din ner." For, just then, the bell rang. Down we went, and the evening p isse I olt successfully: But while Jack slept tranquilly, I was awstke, my brain devising a hun dred different schemes. Here were' two dollors, but how w;W that to buy sill. the lists of articles I absolutely needed? My mind recoiled from the effort of attempting to grsisp the whole subject, so in very wesikness I was driven -to tsike one thing at a time; and this one thing now, was the bonnet. J ack had i . i ; , .-.1.... ..r said, "Onler your houwt this week," j and on Sunday he would expect me to 1 wear it. Four days jet, ere Sunday ': came. A smart woman can do a great 1 ll'K. "Mrs. "Nichols makes her own bon- n.ets- .Vvl?!l .l wa? 'Vs- -,rl,,,w: i i thought. Anil again I gave way to a train" of sorrowful retlections, itiiugleii with anathemas of the black silk. "Couldn't vou be like Mrs. Nichols? i whispered an inspirat ion. "Oh, never, never, I wish I could, and in despair, I would have begun to cry again, but for fear of waking my slumbering spouse, so tired with think ing. I fell asleep. Jack had gone off to his business, when I awoke the next morning, dis turbed bv llretchen. the (leriean o;irI, who, as I h id not come down to break- 1 ... .. ir.y IrtBL, HUM I'li'Ullt lill I'l' II Hill. v f -s in lrin so j . ,;ink ul which I h.ed ,...r, .J.. ..... r.. , 'i ... ., i.,.,tl.r of t!linf,s t!WIf without stop ping to e.it mv breakfast, I put on a i dressing gown, and set to work to look aU th), ltfl1iwt materials I nmvt.rs. Jlul !ast season- materials 1 had;! s bon- , ml .hjch w;w stoW(1)l aw I looked them all over many were i none the worse for wear, but how s,oUid I ever put them together? How T wisjR.d j wm, Mrs. Nichols, but I was not. After much thought, I determined to go out and see the styles, and in a vague and despondent mood emerged on Broadwav. where, indeed, there was no lack of bonnets to be seen: high, ! low, broad, narrow, anything and every thing; so maybe, 1 might Jiit on some thing. "Where shall I begin?" I asked mv self. "With the frame: that is the found ation the proper beginning," was my answer to myself. After much attentive 'observation, I concluded that last year's bonnet-frame would answer. Then rose the question of materials. How about last year's velvet? Would it not answer again ? And the lace, brushed and put on dif ferently. "Well, I would try." , S 1 went home and devoted the af ternoon to trying, and concluded that velvet and lace were !oth good, and might be used once more; The next day I walked out again: returned home more courageous, and concluded, that by skillful management j gradually obtained from my better the thing might be done. The only ar-j half, by various devices, chiefest of tide which it would be absolutely nee- I which was by making myself so pleas essary to buy, being a flower, which ant, that lie. agreed to almost anything must be chosen with great discrimina- 1 said, and several two-dollar bills, 1 tion; but could I ever do it? ) obtained, by reading him stories in the If Mrs. Nichols were only in town, I'd ! evening, instead of going to the theatre, go to her, tell her the whole story, and And then when the dress was coin beg her to make a bonnet for mo." But i pletelv finished. I told him sill, knowing she was not in town, and meanwhile, something must be done, fo'r but two days more of the week remained, and on Sunday I must appear in si new Imui net, or run the risk of a discovery. On Friday morning, bright and early, I sat down with everything in th" wav of bonnet material around lie- that I could muster, and began my task. And si dread'"ul one it was. Noth ing went right, und I began once more to despair. But. toward afternoon, matters went better. I had the frame all nicely cov- ered. The, ribbon began to. take the! proiier twist. Through the darkness ; which surrounded iiv. I saw some trace of davlight, and bv the next morning, so far had I progressed that I ventured out to purchase the flower. For, had I not two dollars? And I bought it; put it on, and my new bonnet was finished. All this time, knowing I stoxlon slippery ground. I had beep very p:ir ti"'d ir to phrase my better half, and so vrell had I succeeded, that by Saturday night he was in the best humor possi ble, and disposed to take a favorable view of everything; CIIAITEIt II. Sunday morning was clear, and, therefore, as I had anticipated. Jack was inclined to go to Church. So he said to rne: "Your new bonnet, mv love, let me see it ?" Wait until I have put on my dress, and have everything fixed." I ?aid. "You would never like it, if I tvere to try it on now. with this old purple for vou sharit walk ith me unless you look smart stlso." wrapper on P.nt tiv ?in?ir.vff l.ieelv. This I said, because feeling my cau-e to be somewhat weak, I thought to ! make amends by assuming an extreme- lv confident air. ..sick- was imposed j upon. He eoncliidinl iny lnmnet must be beautiful, sind so set himself dili- i gently to tiie task ot rendering imnseit fit to wsilk by the side of so elegant a oersonao-e r l. '-'"'- .. .-..! t last, when all was ready. I took the bonnet from my trunk and put it on. "Lovely", cried Jacfcj "better even thsm your iast winter's though ;t well is'n't it si good deal like your last ; winter's? That was lilac, smd this is lilac too." "Like iny last winter's bonnet ! Why, I sun astonished ; thsit issilout sis much as you men know!" "Well, well," said my discomfited lord, "I observed it w;is lilac, sis the other wsis, but it liecomes you, and thsit is the main thing. It must have cost at lesist fifteen dollars, and thsit makes quite a hole in the sixty I g;ive you for little necessaries' for the Fall. You ought, indeed, to have had six hundred, but you know, my love, you ssicrificed a great deal in marrying a poor man. You ought to have :i hsmd some silk to wear with that lxmnct, but it will le si long, longtime before I will be able to give you si silk. "There are other tilings more import ant thsm silks," I answered, with the wisdom of an owl. "OIu yes. my desir. Some women would insist on my giving them si silk whether I could alford it or no, but you are not one of thsit kind ; you hare more sense." "But I'll tell you wh.it," he contin ued; sifter si pause, "you seem to spend your nloney so judiciously thsit I will give you ten more. I will give it to you at once, for fesir I Should spend it." And he banded it over 011 the sot. All this while I had been putting oil my gloves, which were a little too small, but which inside my hands look all the smaller. Jack wan hunting up his prayer book, and and both of these tasks being accomplished, we started off. 3 Number 13. On Monday morning, encouraged by the success of the day previous 1 dived into the bottom of my trunk, and took out the silk. Certainly- it was an ex cellent thing to have; and then I liMjketl at the ten dollar bill. oul fuougu iu gn n inu- uhuiuiuk. ( students were entcicd on the rjiatricu And then I thought profoundly. j hiUon list, and this term, the lists not 1 took out the list of necessary aiti- vet u.il(g ci;,s,it ny Jt, ttlrea.ly in cles I had made, and looked it over. : s,..-ii,Mi. The ussiirnuient of somu i.ro- hks, suppers, gunes . nanuivercmeis . . cults collars, necKiies.stoeKings, a new , morning uit-ss, a new lii'ju.iii, a u- bonnet. I began a review from the Nit loin of the list. The fifteen! lollars allotted 1 1 ; the purchase of a new bonnet had leen saved. A new mohair. Suppose I re- ! made last vear's, as 1 had done the bon net. Inflamed with the idea, I seized it, turned it up anil down. I would, in deed, I .would. This year I would wear it wrong side out, and, carefully smoothed, no one would know the difference. Then came up the wrapper question. T had tho.uglit it would be niee to have a new wrapter, but on examina tion, found that tiie one I already had would look well for at least a season longer. So here were the three principal arti- cles disposed of: bonnet, dress and wrapper. Finally, ami to make a long story short, I thought on consideration that each minor article might be dispelled with by a longer and more careful wear of what 1 already had, and en couraged by my first success, 1 said: "1 will try." And I did. No one knows, no one ever can know, the amount of toil and patient labor which I underwent. How gradually 1 accomplished all. To re ulake that mohair, and in the making, save a dressmaker's bill. It cost me two headache and one crying spell, which was nearly over heard by Miss Triggs, who listened at my door half her time. But then it was doiu, and Jack was as completely lakcn.in as he was on the bonnet question. That was my reward. . . Mind: I did not say it was new. He, like a silly man, said: "Oh, what a nice new mohair!" And I said: "Do vou like it? Then I am satis fied." Finally, I made the silk. After su perhuman struggles it was done. The little extras, such as the money for lining, buttons, and the like, 1 for si surety that he Would not scold; and he did not. Delighted, lie said : "You are the smartest, prettiest wo man I ever saw." "Smart enough to cheat you," I an swered. "But tell me the truth. Wouldn't you have scolded, if I had told you at the time?" "Of course. I should," but he added, thought fully." vou didn't spend any i more: voli ohlv si!ent in a different way; you saved on little things." "precisely. I didn't sisk you for any more, did 1 ?" "No." "If 1 had. vou would have been cross, i wouldn't you? "Yes After this. I had a new silk every Spring and Fall. Miss Triggs was shocked, aiitl said. "I would ruin my husband, tmd that we quarrelled dreadfully." But. then, I did not care for Miss Triggs. The Death of Hiram Powers, at Florence, Italy, on Fridsiyiiiorning.de prives America of sin artist, whose reputation is older smd wider probably than that of almost any other. His origin and life were peculiarly Ameri can, smd his biography will ever as sess si charm of sulventure and novelty, of which our later sirtists are hot likely to be slide to boast. The story of his life has been often told in our columns, and peeC not how be repeated in detail. Born sit Woodstock, Vt.. July 2!. lio, in si house which, we believe, is still ( Standi HIT. he WSIS OIlC OI SI 1.11 ge .111(1 struggling family, whom emigration soon took to the est. Before he lelt W oodstock, However, t ie iiiiure - .in m - . . . . used to see in ii reams me iiiiun- : Greek slave, listng from a stom in ' the ulidst of the river. A this remiii - ; iscence of his boyhM.d was first p. U- ; lished in correspondence 111 1 he li'pit'j- , iican, sino was ur.,, j ", "'Y" w;is uenieu iu some: un. m- nati kinsman mtlie papei3ot insit cnv, we tsike this occasion to re-athrm it. " 1 ..1 . il...- 1.:.. ....iSi. IVe y e noma not u... '-....'-"';'"; M. nuiua.y m. " " " " ' ' l honi'i I'.iU'MM 1 U Ii IS1 I M k. L 11 trathered his living from miscellaneous M.iiuca Hsu s sources ciik iv , t - ning a semi-scientilic museum and war- ......l- .1...... ,Oil Cl.-.llv bo l..'ir:lll to n ui iv aiujn uiiui "ii'"'.' ' - moilel in wax, or iti a kind of compo sition Which served for wax". He reached the age "''"""'-''- iu;.Ucov ered that sctllmuic ... LoutrwortlK the Cincinnati million. rt). patronised him: going to ainngton, he had many orders for busts, and his career was then definitely and prosper ously opened. In la7 be visited Italy, in IMS he produced his Eve, which ! Thorwsildsen pratsi-d, anil in l3i his ; Greek slave. These remain his gresit est works. lie was an artist of tti'eveli execution. His Webster sit Boston has : been much laughed at, and the taih.'r- ingot it is certaniiy si nine i i.unt- s oi me crsiii many i;i- ntrivances which Ids madle t"55ril.Vi J ' r r , li t bor-s;iving contrivs Y sitikee ingenuity his mind, lie home for HO vears, but one of the no- hles't characteristics of his life has leen his fidelity to American pi inci Tiles lind his loysUV to his country. These qusilities have given him a iow b given i.iui a jhiw- urAr S8 K er quite nptux irom ui almost simbassstdoriiil ance to his countrymen.-rwtiu "Rephbta)x: . . c. r-. ..J. ?. 1... :., .... .1,1.1.1 .fill I. in flu. Ii.ltf.r fcitiii .3 .o,k ,i. i son so intoxicated is under age, tho the hand ot 1 h.e twentt-live shilings. , original statement, with much other . 1 th.ister of relitriorf interesting ' ? found in si state of drunkenness is im hood. At Cincinnati voting Loweis ........ , : .. less and cotnioi iaoie, ai uhiuku "i i . - . . . , ; t - ..l.t'iii'ed it a ii 1..., .-.1 ...wi ii, histiKisii water was otiaii.cu ai a -1 . 1 I 4 1.. .ti .,1. . !. ' I ' ill" 4 .Ml.li , winter veaiiiei, mu no- !".-. .. .... 4-,,4. f... it.,, c.rf ifn In an ,.e,....i t... ..... tri.K- Kii.rwstive of : of lilt feet fiom tl.o surface, in an Powers has done nlucliloi ins imow ,..,,.,., lu-.o.iieiv intoler- Extji Cnriw of Tint Krnntn for mlm Tf & J. Mrciuht. at tbe Tost Mib-e, Mid O. F. Juk son, coriHT uf Main tuid Fifth Sis. WIVES' COLUMN; Acconltng to the Swi.is Times, fe male emancipation h;us made suprisin progress in Switzerland. At tho Uni- i.ruli' if yurii-li firrn Alft !:nlv ft,ssiu;ii cllilLr8 tu women is consider ... . m,estiOI1 t,f time, A little girl in NeV Oilcans has won; after a patient laUir of three months. a prize of a silk dress, by successfully accomplishing the feat of multiplying nine by nine, and cightv-ouc bycighty- one, and so on, using earn succeeding product as its own multiplier, until the operation was ierformed nine times. 1 lie prize has been oOeied for several years, but never before earned. It id said the work comprises J(5 J numerical compounds and UO.OOO figures, and thfl whole covers lour or livu square yarda of paper. How Siik Cans Corn. Mrs. A. Z.' Lindsay, of Montrose. I'a.. sends to an eastern paper the following recipe, which will, be serviceable when the melancholy days have come: "Boil it fifteen minutes on the ear) then dry tho grains in pans in the warm sunshine,' next salt it just so much as will season it for the table, fill the tin cans leaving halt an inch of space, l'ut a gill of water in each can, and leave an upcr-. ture about the size of a pin in the cover for escape of the g;is. Then place tho tins in a kettle, havingiu enough water to reach within an inch of the cans,' thon lwil moderately tHree quarters of an hour ; then solder up the vent. The corn will keep perfectly sweet and good as long as it is required to keep." A Flower always In IJloanl; A writer in the Floral Cabinet says! If you' will have the kindness to tell your little friends th.it the rose-colored perpetu d oxalis is always in bloom.you will oblige si lover of (lowers. It re quires all the sun she tan give it. It blooms stll winter id a siinny window,' and all summer if plunged in cinders' and coal ashes under the pot. My sib utilon, malakoff, mesiiotainia and the Thompsonii are silvvays in bloom. When I reset them, I wash the pot in warm water; water the earth in hot wsiter, let it stand si short tirh'fi lief ore I set the plant. When cool enough, lift your plant carefully: see there are no' worms around the roots. After pot ting it, set the pot, in a pail of warni water for two hoiirft. Jf covering slijis with grass does not cause tlietil to tsike,' let your subscriber give them bottom" heat. Bore holes in the bottom of the, box, smd put pieces of llower-jiots over, the holes; prepare the earth, set your slips,- and if yu h;lve no green-hotisd or hot-bed, set the n on warm bricks' keeping the slips moist, smd changing the bricks as they cool. Keep theghisa over them, smd nine out of ten will strike. j2 The following dialogue occurred it the FaulKiurgSt. Honoi e.Paris.betweerf a pittriarchstl gentleman and his grand daughter: "What piakes your bc.d o white,' grandpa?" inquires the maiden. "I'm very old, my dear; I was in tha ark," says grandpa, humorously, but with a "reckless disregard for truth,' which does not prepossess us in the old man's favorite. " Oli." says the: child, frganilng her relative with a flesh intercut, " are your Noah?" " No, I sun not Noah." . "Are vou Shem, then?" 'No, I sun not Shem." "Are vou Ham." ,, "No, I am not even Ham." " Then you must be Japhet," says mademoiselle, sit the end of her history icsd tether, and growing rsither impsiJ tient at the dilliculty that surrounded her aged relative's identiiicaticfri. "No. I siui not Jsiphet. "Then, grandpa you're a besist!" Drutikeniiess in Svredeo. In Sweden tho first tittle thflt st fliar?, appears intoxicated in si public, place be is condemned to si fine of sibout twelve shillings. t The second time a fine of twenty-five shilling". The third smd fourth time the pun ishment is much more rigorous; not only does the offender pay si large sum in the shsipe of si line, but he loses Ids' 4 ... .... .!.!..... .....1 .... II... W , . n ,1 ,r I IL' IL .1 .111 I ll'l Lill - fLIIII till Lilt! .IlllllclV - - . t.om,K.,led $ : . . .,, , .. . . ... , r,,fjn.,, , Tiltlfitl: l nlt)Illl, stand in in).- piiiory in iioni ui 1119 iai- fifth time the punishrnennt is' ntiis imiirisoMueilt, with hard , 'l . The sixth time a vear's imprisonment at hard l;tlor. A nv t ki.tr: kit it liivinrr in. ! !.. .i smother to drink to excess . .. . f : I ...,I.,A . I. IMI,.. . .... tl.j. .or. lined twelve shillings; or, if the per- " j . I In no case is drunkenness admitted f ninfmission of a .... Ji3 .. . . ia ... Vlll.ie, , .1.-, b l ' '1 " J law coifrts). I;astlvi si man who dies when drunk is not permitted to be buried in conso- crated ground. ; if ot Country A volume or Holllng Water Struck in a Well. From the. Nevada Silver Statfl.) , John Hover, formerly a resident of Union ville," arrived in' town this week from White Plains, where;' for some time past, he h;is beeiY engaged in dig-' ging wells for a eoiuiiany who contem plate the manufacture of borax from the desert. Four wells loVe been sunk in two c'f which cold,' depth m a. . . i' ; '.'"-' ,. . . . , r ,. j , SJ" JS- h ideW JiAS;4 w ftt attaint... when a; stream of wsiter boil ng hot wa5 resich-' ed This iminilnitely rose several loci in the Well, .and continues to boil inces-. ssii-tly; This well, probably the only, i.no in which boiling wau-r was ever , - --- situatwl ;l fe,v miies froirf S 1 nation on the CentfaJ adsworth. i i . . , .ii.iiii'