Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 24, 1873, Image 3

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ini n
Hailrold Timo Tabid5.
No. 2 No. 4 No.
2o. 5 No. 3 No. t
8.0 K.Xi
1.5 i
e.t )
1 O"!
1 1 .:i-s
In l'.il
( I I.. i
Roj;tii Bt-nJ
Cre te
Fa! nil aunt
Fort Rcirry
Keuny Jane.
2.00 7.45 3.10
1.47 7.2. 2.13
i.-n s,io
2 'f 7.
l.s 7 10
1.-.7 I..VS
l.r.i 6 :J 2.13
! O C.n 1.35
EiW 5.50 1.19
i 12.35
12.3.? 5.32 111.63
12.20 5.14 11.25
12.03 4.M 10.55
ll.."2 4.41 10..'
11.33 4.20 10.00
1117 9.30
10.5? . $.50
10..-J No. 8 8.22
10.2X 2.52 8.10
10 OH 2.2U
3.23 1 OS
0.00 12.:ifl r
1'Mtf f
8.39 il.2J
8? 11. MJ
7.Rr 10.00
7.32 M.lli
I 7.20 i 8.S3
J 7.00 j 8..IO
8.43 7.55
0.23 7.15
fl.00 6 3.5
5 44 5 5
0.13 1.20
T -.1
8. 4
... s
2.'5 2.29
s.4 No. 7 2.4f
11 8.50 3.00
10.08 3.24
11.20 4.11
11.05 4.30
12.13 t
1.00 608
a. 3t
T.0B '
7 23
B 02
La Fl&ttsruouth, e.35 p m Ar Ocnhi, 8.10 p m
' " liSnm " 2.40 pm
Xt m ll.Mam L 10 30am
" 7.43 pia " " 1.10 pm
a. t if. n. r.
LT1att 5.45 nm 1 Tarlflc inn4., T.oo a n
Yi Plan 3.13 am J I'acifii .Tunc. 4.3opri
Ar l'latU.. 9.40 a in Ar Faclfle Juno., 8.50 a m
TUe tlrrn ;:iven aixive 1 that of Clilcaco.
jhlch 1 33 xaluutes faster than that of l'iatts
tooutu. LOCAL XEWS.
Transient 25 Cf-.nfi aline. Kfgular ailvfrtisn
icnt4 fer line. Xo advcrtlsemeat lnicrtcJ
for Ui5 than 25 cents.
Legal adyrrtHeinenU wlU b haid to the
9rtlM Landing them In.
A oar tw H limited, all comii;rilrst;or.
feast b trlf and to the iozt, wltU ui wmi of
Brcscr.iBEfts ....
1m rf'qti'ted to notify the o3c li the pper Is
0t dUrd promptly.
1. AnT person -who takes a pr.ner T:n:l-.r'.v
r!jr the pot oilleo. wbeth-r di-"t?d t" lsl
vne. er wl:thr he is a subscriber or not Is
responsible for the iiay.
J. Tf an person orders his pnpr d'eontln
1S1. h imist pay ad :.rrearnLes.r.r the i.!!b'is''er
mtTf'V!'HM to'seru it UPlli Jiavment l.i T:de,
t! e !'t th whole a::ii.ur.t. whelber the pa
psr is ?akn fc im the o"hee or tet. t
S. The roans hav rte-dded ri'fui-nff to
nws3tl and m-riodleals i'rom the ihki
f71'"e, or n-movln-r -.nd ' them uti'.-olled
for, !s priw. evidence or ixtkntiai. Hi.r!.
Notic to Evinvnoio . Ml u:crilcrs pay
Imx for their rvxper to us. spd or lerin? it sfopppd
t a errt-sia lim- w;M fin! ll so slopped; but
We earnot be respansif.l f.r what has been
Bone before our time, nnr for orders snppesed to
fc. ;-h n by ot'.iers to others. O-ir books ahne te the si:i !e for r.H c'd subscriptions.
F:'',.s' remenM'iTt'iis.
fren. TIateli(Ti of Crete was drown
ed while in swimming.
Tie Sutlon Times has changed
Remember the sale of the Duke lots
cn Saturday August 2d.
Azro Smith has ripe Tomatoes in
the market.
Bfcrj'uus st jia:!k htre.gai, s. n. j
Alex Sehgoi h-ia been td seo us. j
t : - . . j l, ... I
Ai. la a j;oou uj.
E. L. Reed, Esq paid tlie new ncn
ALD Sanctum a visit, last week.
Take vour "L'irl" and co to Bdly An- j
Ice-Crtam served up in style-.
titers for 5140 at the Shoe Store. Who
weald so barefooted? C;f.
The Snndav Schcd services at the
Methodist Church sunday evenings air? j
becoming very interesting.
MarRIfti. On the 21st inst by T.
j. Arnold at his own residence Mr.
D. IL Case to Miss Leena Stull.
John noiml, of Falls City, Was
drowned on Sunday la3t, while bathing
in the Nemaha.
A Bohemian named Frank Dussil
was thrown from his wagon tmd killed
instantly, near Crete.
That staunch friend l:f the Herald,
Noyes. of Louisville, sends us a new
sub., and a riht bower, too.
The Church and Lodge Directories
in our paper can be relied on in the
future, as they will be kept corrected:
Cul and see D. Scnuasse & Co.'s new goods.
Karcher & Co have moved one door
west of the old place. Good" Shee-inakei-s,
call and see them.
Old Patf-ks for sale at this ofitce, in
packages of fifty and 100, for 25 and
SO cents per bundle. tf
Farmers can rely on our locnl mir
ket reports, for g:;i a ami conn try pro
' dace, as they wili be corrected the
last thing before going to p'resi;
Luke Miskella gives us an ua 1." this
week. He is the right man id the
right place, one of Plattsniotth'i lead
ing grocers.
llr. Somerl.t L of tha Lincoln Lan 1 j
biScc, call? ! on the Her ald last week.
That summer lad looks as fresh a3 j
ever. I
yew Goo-Us at the Sao Store, cheaper than
A party of ten Russi itis passed
tiirju ;h h-re, via. the B. Sc M. II tilroi 1
Tuesulay, wno had been !iuu!inz 1 m l
for a colony, iu th.; Tl. 'pi'iL'.i.i Valley.
- Mr. B irrow. State Evandis't nf the
Christian church, will preuh in iV.i
Congreguional Church next Sua Jay
at 7 i o'clock p. m.
For the II raid.
About two-thirds of the population
cf this city are little boys; between the
t oader ages of two and six, or at least
a ierson passing up Main Street, would
think so. One might wager, a paper
collar that forty could be counted on
Main street any hour of the day, pday
nag in the dirt, and throwing sand in
your face as you. pass thern. Why are
they not sent to school? We Cave
5od schools, and do not think it would
harm these youngsters, to be sent
ti'er.' TBrrrrxFCT, Mose3.-
drcat Bile of valuable lota In Platta
month on Saturday August 21.
TA$c ioinalobl from the ilock Bluffs
Vegetable gardens for sale thj's
Azro Sinithl
Billy BUdelman -frants d thrice
Column Ad, next week he wants to
beat the Circus.
IU;;hi Rev. Clarkson sVlmin
itereil V.i'i riti of Connrirt ition to five
persons, at St. Luke's Church, ori
WediH'klay evening of last wetk.
Bight Rev. Bis'iop Clarkson was In
our midst on Tuesday last and deliv
ered a very instructive and valuable
sermon at St. Llike'3 Church, in the
Fine Cut ToCdsw ft th Foit Cfflco
rr. James It. Cary, of Blair, Neb:,
pave U3 a call oiie day Inst week. Mr:
C. was hero endeavoring to establish
a Temperance Lodgf, but did not meet
with much encourasrerrient. So! I
B. S. Ramsey, our Educational Edi
tor, called in on Tuesday, and talked
circus and school hoitstd a bit. He
goes "West for a short trip down on the
"We call attention to thb 'advertise- j
ment Of V. I. Aiiderson in another j
column "Tne i'lace" in a tym I -place"!
: ,
to go for ice-cream on a warmd:y, and
we seem to liave plenty of such.
Mr. Thornis of four Mile
'rives the eolts to town 'ntit
harness on and thv look gav
pprich, that riht 'ive our beys
chance to dress vour horses out.
Go to the Ferry Company for your summer's
wood. Bjo cords ui-y Cottonwood for sale, and
delivered a!out town. 13if
John Shannon, our enterprising
Lively man has a new buggy Phaeton,
hist the chance for an easy cool and
comfortable evening fide:
-girl" out.
"Take your
C. W. Edgerton, agent for Excelsior
School Furniture, and one of the boys,
called on tiie Herald. Charley ex
pj'cis and hopes to seat our new school
house, on the hilL and if he does, it
will be seated A Xo. 1.
rer:so!i3 having an ear for Cue rhu.sic
will enjoy a rich treat by coming
and sitting on our back steps, a3
we have a very fine instrument in the
back .yard, shaped like a wlldg-iose,
with its leg broken.
The Lincoluites are going for Mr. j
Mellett the supervising Archlttct of !
the U. S., because ho does not corn. i
and locate their Pust ufflee building. I
The insinuate that ho is little lcssth.
a mullet jfead.
The boys of. tlie HeeAld office, re- ;
turn thanks to the little daughter of j
Mr. Graves, for a very nice boiiiett. J
We think it the most tastily arranged I
bo-put we have seen this season, end j
it tends to ni.ike things look mjie
cheerful in our dreary oilice.
House and lot forsale cheap. Terms
reasonable. Inquire of
lit'i WiieeLek & Bennett.
We see by the Fremont Tribune, a
great deal of damage has been done to
crops in that section of country by
hail, bet they were insure!, so the let's
diil not fall very heavelv on the
m , . .,....:
fanners. e hive neard of no damage ,
- i i i, - , !
Lorn hail m this counlrv, as yet. I
Asiiland, July 10.
Peak Sin: I would inform Mr. G.
Bergerthat he can fliid lils Morg" on
!. o....t....o- f -li- 11 irt IT ri
. , I
itrecinct, two miles south of Mullen j
Rmdi j
. c i4 1 j
Demorrst's Montiilv. for August, to !
hand. Its contents full and unexcep-)
tionable as uual. The Publisher is i
mt ii inHii.e on in i nvjuit .
tlur.g ato:u)diu-x. f which we are to I
have the particulars in tiie next issuf.
September. As this is th-' reliable ; . -mi
urn pitblic.Uion we shall hvk 'vit'i
interest for particular.',. ". .T'-uuln
Deirioiest, Publisher, 5Ji ii:-a-lwrty,
New York.-
Our junior typo, n Tu?s! vy last.
said he drank t ,vo ghisses of so-la water.
took two pills, set agallevof solid mat- ;
,,- ne.t..u r, w.iri,,-,., l.iv i
home, in the afternoon, and knocked j
off at five o'clock. What bry who has
been at the business only te'u nijnths
cari beat this? Trot liim out.
One day last week we counted fifty-
lvo wagons on Main street, loaded
with grain, while there were at least ;
that many at the depot unloading.
This looks like business. We believe
there is as much grain shipped from j
this nnrket as froni any place of it3 ;
size in Nebraska.
At the di ke sale,
house and lot on Pearl street, ;
known as the Cooper house will be sold,
also a business lot and two buildings j
on 3ian street: i5oth these l.uildings
are in good localities; and eight acres
or one umi-cr -;5 runes rront town. ; I
pors c'htu In the
out has censed to !
The IIoue ke
vicinity cf Frem
exist, so Sav s the Frein r.t Tri!mn.
the membefs roihplaiiiin- that hus !
bands and fathers ha 1 rio tint- ta .
attend to worn -n's affairs or no teams !
to spare them, for such trips.
Hon. J. II. Brown stnrted for
Boulder City, Col. on Wedues.iuv lost !
io oe gonn a couple ot months. Busi
ness and the benefit of his health are
he combined object of his trip. We
uhdt'rstahd he :dso intends to interest
himself sonte what i;i the furthering
of the Grange movement.
Furhlers are complaining of their
rrooslinj iic-hf- i.t tMa i. r,,.,!.,,, i
new. If we lememher chrrcctly, this j
iLis bec-n the song from the time the J
seed w;is sown. We have had a ruen;
did sciison for cropS, and if .we are !
blessed with a few d.iys of gouI wf atli- I
i i i..
er for harvesting, we may fe.Tpect a !
more Dountirui harvest than has been
realized for ttre past four years; I
toWM'U', Jig ."W1
This is a new but iirwanctified ver
sion fo the old couplet, which say?, "I
never had a dear gazelle, etc.":. -"Twas
ever thiw ; from childhood's lio-ir
. -ive s.a ray for) Icil 1o.-c t ke fllj-'.i:,
I never held a larboard bower, -Bat
some one tODi It with the rib.t.
For towns must grow, and trade Increase,
By nerve and enterprise.
And they wiio'd live ulust have the pluck
To risli and advertise.
TUnre ate nieri iii bur tov.n
Woo do not advertise :
Good customer go past their doors:
His cheery casu likewise.
And whva they post their luoi:s at i.lsht
They're the saddest men In town,
Alui i-vcr and aium they i;. a.'i :
"The place Is goiny down 1"
A short time ao. i;i Grceawood great city.
At; event there toon piace. 'twas nt oa of pity.
But uti th'tt's aiiusiny fn Mie ld,(htrst lojn-e,
Although not ut to all, still it is so to me.
A loving yutiil couple t:t'i it Into their hoad
As they hulh loved c:i:h other 'twould be woll
to wed
But the bride's father thought It best to oppose,
And her brothers were tile bridegroom's invete
rate foes.
Twas in bright June, a fine lovely day,
She loft her iiorne, but not hi bridal array ;
To the house o a friend they botn quickly hied'.
There he was made bridegroom and she liis
- fond bride.
! Th fl-v nriiwiinf i:l lint L-nnttn In ft fw
TUttSV xnill klK.w h not x,.It awfllI.y biut. :
The father n- faiu.-J. and the broiheis they
At tlie prvsuin.:::vi, as thev c Ailed If , of their
new. 'j.yti'-r-ia-i i-.v.
! But a'.l t j iio pury.r,e, th-
' wera iaa.1? oeo,
, lt.e Tt'iiur a s'iti :
lad l-iutid a h'i'.ai:
!!.: i.i.w th; live. ca:;U ;ih-.-r to i've. !
.vii-u t.- !;..;:: it cni-.i, ia.T they
j :-oihii ci:i ni
Now parent bewan io whom you oppe,
lie mn the ka.wa cause, oi Vui;r owa thildrca s .
Or perhaps, as la this casu, you'll he sorry, too
A?.d i!ii.;lea5iV:?t fcclliiis you il lead to Create.
Should soaio honest mau for your daughter as
pire, I would sav s:-orn hiai not. nor bid him retire i
Bat biess them, aud tell them to become ntau i
and wife.
And theu you'll bid fair to bo happy for l'fe.
July 13th, 1873. E. J.
Some Of I he linest residence lots in
thin town will be sold at auction on i
Saturday August 2d. i
A meeting of the Arraphoe town j
Co. will be lieid Saturday evening .
Jiilv 2-J at th store of Win. Stadelman, '
Business of importance ti attend to.
L. D. Bennett, Ast, See.
Hon John Barnes has returned front
j his California trip, looking decided ly
; as if riding on a rail over the Mounta-
ins agreed with him. He reports his j
trip a delightful one and advises every
bo-!y to follow his example. As if
they wo'iSd'nt if they could.
The . daugliter of an emigrant -was
reriously injured at Crete, last Satur
day. Siie atteupted to jump from the
wagon while in motion, catching her
dress in the wheel, threw her down.and
the wheel poised over her, breaking
her left limb just below the hip. and
crushing her right knee.
The only exclusive Boot and Shoe Store in
Cass County. N'oihh g below cost, but cheaper
than ever. IHrBH Mkkuk.s.
As Mr. Randall w;is p issiug up the
street on Monday last, carrying a very
heavy plank lie was struck on the bax-k
of the neck with a buck shot thrown
; from a rubber sling, which cunle very j
hear felling him to the gr.iun.l. This ;
j is not the ti fit person wiio has been
hurt by these slings in the ha
. , ? ., ,
little I ovs, who should be pr
. ,- ... . . .
with m re surtabla pi tvthings
the hands of
imVi(l('J ;
playthings when j
in the streets, or els a be kept at honie. 1
Wiley Black announces to tlie IIeu- j
alp readers in its volumes this week J
that he keeps all sorts of good things
to eat, Ice Cream Lemonade, candies
, . , . 4 .. : . ...
and sieh. No doubt some! of them
knew it before; Hit s;me did'nt, ami
the Her A li hereby advises them to
test Wiievs veracity, ami ice cream
d .ini. thom he Ives wJiat he
e i
A you
To."-?, l.i v,
man came to tow.'
see ihi circtts, an-'
e: ii
to s
l.-and -a;ron s
hours, he thought
i programme by putting hhtLself outside i
! a large amount of "Uenziu-," and went j
para-ling dovin the street, when his bet- j
a . !...ip I. .. i . i .. e n . . , ...1.4- i
lli 'Ti' WV ' ' K 1
hiu! by the collar, and in funnel !nnl I
he was wanted at home, and he finally i
came to the conclusion that hi3 wife immediately correct.
Oar merchants here will send to
Council Bluffs and Chicago for goods
that can le purchased cheaper at home.
We have several manufactories here,
and among therii two first-class cigar
rd inn factories. Mr. Fred. Kroehler;
Iroprietdr of one of them, says he cari
sell his goods as cheap as thev can be j
, , , .. ., ' .
rurch:Lscu anvwoere. thus savin?
K ' 1
freight to the purchaser. Try oiir j
home boys, once, and see how you will
Tlie brick work on the second stcry
df the new schod building, was coin-' J
,,11 ort Saturday last, and Mr Dexter, !
the contractor, informs us he will have ! a
finished all the brick work on the
whoIe bui,llJnS in thre2 weeks more. j
WilPn tl,is hitllding is completed Plats- j
! mouth can lwa:
one of the finest build- j
in th utc
The contractor has
several putmc imnuings in tne
lluri3 the l tst -ve ir- un l Utters
himself that ha can put up as good
! worlT. as" auv one iu that line.
jlECTiyt AT
July 21?t, 18T3.
Citizens idet pusu.trit to ailjournmeut
.... ...
Dr. Jno. Black in the chair
Ciunmittee reported tha
:-.... . . . t..4-r 1 .1;-: r I.
mittees of the Citv Council to whom
vas referrel the resehitions p.issed on . . , ,
, T , , , . . V .... convey the tallow to Boston after be
theOtn, of July had not acted. Put:- , it . .
J . . in? mc Unl nut on io uri p n.,-it
',..1.1,, :.i.i...:o i . t
bUUKUL 1'tUU.IUIf l,l(t VI VJUl(i IK'
f .. . ,
On motion Messrs. E. G. D.vey
Dr. Geo. II. Black and P. K Wise
wpr aooiote,! a mmi'tn
advice as to the course to be pursued
bt the citizens. On motion the meet-
ihg was adjddrned until, Monday
evening, July 2th 1873. '
D." Hi Witeebeb; Sec.' pro teinV
Centaur Liniment.
There is no pain trhSch th Oen'av.r T.'ntrnont
... . .
will not rc!i-ve. no swerias it wi!l n't ptil.due,
and no lameness which It will not cure. This is
strong language, but it Is mre. Where trfr parts
are not gone. Us ejects are marvellous. . It hps
produced more cures of iheiimatisih, neuralgia,
lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, ear:anhe,
caked -breasts, scalds, bums, salt-rheum, &c,
upon the human fr;im. and of strains, spavin,
galls. &c. uion animals in one year than have
all other pretended remedies since the world
bepan. It is a counter-irritant, an all-heallnj?
p.iln-reliever. CriTlrs throw away their
crutches, the lame w;.lk, po!onous1i!tes arc rn
dcrd hanntess. anl the wounded are healed
without n scar. It Is no The recipe Is
selllrijr rvs nq article ever before sold, and it sells
because it rio just what It pretends to do.
Thi-se who now suffer froia rheumatism. tain or
i swellinir deerve to sulTer if. they will not use
Centaur Liniment, more thaii looi eertlScates
of remarkable curns. Including fiozen limbs.
chrouIe-rhenmat'sMi. out.ruiitiiac; tumours. &r.
have been reerlved. We will send a circular
contahiing certifl-:ites. tlie recljie, &c. cTatis to
to aiiy one requesting It. One Ixittle of the yel
low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one
hundred dollars for foundered or swecnid hor
ses and mules, or for screw-worm In sheep.
Stock-owners this liniment Is worth your at
tention. should he without Centaur
Liniment. J. B. Kosk & Co.. Xew York. 4G-ly
Castor 'A is more than, a substitute for Cas
tor oil. It is the only safe article in existence
which is certain to as'lmilate tlie food. roRuI-ile
the bawtils, cure wind colic and produce natural
sleep. It contains neither minerals, iiorphine
or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children
need not cry and mothers may rest. 40-iy
Julv 23d 1373.
This is to give tinudy warn in? to all
; ii.ii ents living in tlie Citv of Plat 1 3-
m'.Mjtii, who havf boys running tlie
: streets of tl.i's t'if v, crti r iuir with them
j Rubber S!ing-shots; ami tiding t is
! same as heretofore, to tlie liljurj' ot
.,r,,a .i 11i1i;, n,-,m-.rtu t',-,f fl.o
! parents of such boys will be held
responsible for such crimes or offences
as may be committed by them.
Signed, J. Y. Haines
Police Judge.
S by request of injiU'ed citizens.
By mutual consent, the firm of Drs.
Seheldkneehi ud Butler have this
day d halved partnership; Dr. Butler
KLes to Weeping Water Falls to locate
Dr. Buttler, of the late firm of
Sehildknecht and Buttler, desires to
return thanks to the neople of Platts- rind vicinity for their kind
patronage during his short stay among
them, and hereby expresses his own
regret at leaving, the same being un
dertaken solelv on business trrounds.
Rev. A. R. Graves, late rector of St
Lukes Parish, left on Monday last for
his new field of lulior in Minnesota.
The members of his parish greatly
regietted that duty seemed to call him
elsewhere, for in him they hail a most
eliieient pastor and earnest worker for
the good of the church; whiCu since
he assumed the rectoirhip has been
relieved of a heavy- load of debt
amounting in all to some eight hundred
dollars, owipii i:i. a great measure to
hid persevering efforts.
The good wishes of a host of friends
will go with Hi in to his new home.
In settling up the Estate of late Itr. !
; Duke, it became necessary to sell the '
i lots and oronertv known as Duke's ad--!
tition to the city of Plattsmouth.
These iots are situated west of the I
town in the v.dVy anl on the bills.
,ini' nf tliem liavo 11 5iirin' of va-
(pr ntl.orj "r.i .v.roU I, I
valuable forest or shade trees: and ort
lnaiiy t;f them the finest views of tho
Missouri river, and the city itself tridy
reSicea toey cannot be equall-
cu in me cuy , una tuey are selling uog
cheap; this is a fact. -A poor man can
j buy him a home at this sale, for less
than the value of a good dog. Come to
I the sale, gentlemen ou the Second day
! nf :i!(l hi the mean tirno von
" J
li.vl Letter examine the lots for your-
selves. Wheeler & Bennett, Real Es
tate Auents, or Ellert DiikC, Adiiiin
ijtrator, will be happy to show them to
purchasers nt any time. This is a rare
chance arid should be improved. Mr.
Duke.iu his lifetime was offered S -0,000
cash, for th!5 tract and refused it. It
is selling for less than one half that
For Months and weeks a mysterious
and peculiar excitement has been going
hh around John Shannon's Livery Sta
bles. New, unique, antique and won
derful vehicles were being daily hauled
j in and being hauled out; covers put
j on and seats put in, and paint daubed
j on and rubbed off by the curious watch-
crs. Jhny supposd that John was
; going into the show business; but when
I fit'ter ii wliilxi "XT-it tii-.kwii m t.i
, . . ' ,, ,
buzzing about, folks began to talk loud-
er and wonder harder. It was finallv
decided that the Government was about
to invado Mexico and retaliate on San
tan tee ami Big Foot, ami hud charter
ed an outfit in Plattsmouth. After
that, somebody started the report that
the B. & M. R. R. were about to build
new air line to the Atlantic ocan
via the Gulf of Mexico, and Brown was
rigging up a surveying .
Meanwhile lirown i
smoked in and
smoked otit and Job
minute ami smi!i tli lievt l..if. tPI1i-
:i 0:osi toug'te. Iti th- deal hvir of
mid:,ight this iirim"nse cavalcade start-
ed out from airiongst lis, ;m'd in the
dead of night she returned.
Now wh it do yod suppose was the
matter? The Railroad olheials and
.,.,, , , . ..." '1 , '
tirand Buffalo hunt. W e suivwised ex-
j tra cars were ordered, to bring th'e meat
tit, iuuiv ii. nil.- iii.iinicu i,v u.ii iy nic
. miles :in.l now- ,n' l...:i. ..
"v.v v... mi. umir. nui ioj
, , .
tne cavaicaue returnel along with the
j ST"3" - FT t " Ut;
Jt,m ?tleZ an.Hio man know-
l??!1. . 1 h? m Buffalo he v gone
nor what has become of the hunt-
Lateh. It i3 understood that after
the Buffalo train got otit to Salt Creek
they heard that the Modocs were on
the war path again, and that settled it.
Most of them had long hair.' "
Tha school-house known as the
Hoover school hoiise, one mile and a
1 lialf south of Louisville station, Cass
'County, Nebraska, will ! offered for
; sale at pu!ic out-cry, cn Saturday, the
2Gth day of July, instant. Sale at 10
o'clock, a. n... IT. W. Wise,
Supt. Pub. Inat'n, Cass Co Neb:
Friday July 13.
Henri Rochefort will hi sent to New
Catalonia on 31st inHt.
It is reported that the Shah Will re
turn at once to Teheran, on account of
an insurrection within his dominions-
the coronation of Oscar and Sophia
as King and Queen of Norway took
place at Diontheim, the ancient capital
of the Norwegian kings. There was
a brilliant procession to the cathedral,
in which Prince Arthilr represented
the Queen of England and Prince
Waldenidr the King of Denmark: The
r ceremony of coronation was performed
by the Bishop of Drontheim.
An Industrial Congress niet at
Cleveland to day.
Mount Vernon,. Ind. is said td be
nearly depopulated by cholera.
Monday, July 21.
Saul Wiiberforce, D. D.; Bishop, of
Winchester, England, fell from Ids
horse yesterday and was killed.
A fire in Henry, 111., destroyed prop
erty to the amount of 8150,000.
A gtdd mine has geen discovered in
the Argentine Republic, the richest in
tlie known world. It has been sold for
100,003,000 dollars.
Chas. It. Davis, chief editorial writer
of the St. Louis Globe, died very sud
denly this evening.
It is generally believed .that Mr.
Mills defaulting president of the
Brooklyn Trust Co., committed suicide.
Survivors of the lost steamer At
lantic have berun suit against the
owners to recover' thj vabie of their
baggi'ge, lost, and damage fc'r injuries
sustained. w
It is rumored that Roseoe. the sup
posed accomplice in the murder of
Goodrich, has been attested. -
Wheat . . 1
08. !
! I
i Cbrn
Oats ... : . : . .
Rve :...:. .
Barlev : ...
Chickens Spring
. 10
YORA', July 23.
o'"S4 j' r. ct
lioia :..;; r i-oa
Governments Quiet and strong
CHICAGO July 23.
Corn . .
Barlev .
1 Wl4
4 50Ci"),00
Hogs .
jjiitter. :::.:"....
Cheese. . : :
Fggs. . ......... .
r.nsiui-ts business. :liiJ so are the Ciimrs at
lllC 1. O. Book Store. 3-tf.
Tr'fc Ferry Company have Five Hundred
cords cf good dry cottonwood forsale. l'lf
Ladies, call and examine tlie nice and cheap
Gaiters at the Shoe Store, before you buy else-
here. No charge for showing them.
5-tf. I'ktkii Merges.
Machine Belting for Threshers, ilealcrs, and
all kinds of irt.u hiticry, at Streiht & Miller's,
on Main street, cheap for cash. Call and pur
chase. " ittf
i The lartre and commodious wareroom, cellar,
! and office on second floor of building formerly
' oeesinied 1- Jacob Taller, jr., in Masonic
Block. Emiulreci K I. LivishSton or
4-tf. E. i. Duke.
j. VV. Marthis & Co. are the attents for the
Howe Sewimr Machine iu Flatlsinouth. They
have opened a sidesrooni and office on Main
street, between Fourth and Fifth.
The Ilovre Machine is a Iok Stitch, double
threaded machine, ami ranks No. 1 anions the
great sewing tiiachiiics of the, day.
8-Cin J. W. Marthis,
F. 1. Toon.
& 31. R. R. LANDS.
OrrteF of Land Department, )
B. & M. H. It. Co.. is Nek., V
LlNi-OI.N, XK1I.. .July !0. 17H. )
Having received pateiits from She V. S. Gov
ernment for our In mis, we are prepared to issue
contracts to parties holding pre-emption cer
tificates for a portion of the Same.
IVrson holding such certificates numbered
between 1 ami imo, issued between the 1st day
of April, and the 7th day of October, 1871,
are hereby notified to exchange their pre-emption
eei tillcatcs ?;r regular contracts, at this of -liee.'within
sixty days from this date, as provid
ed in said certificate.
ic-i3t geo: s. hauius.
Land Com.", Bl & M. li B. Co., in Neb.
vineg An ! Vinegar ! i
At Wholesale and Retail.
For the purpose of hit vinegar. I
will sell at the following law rates at retail. Bed
Win Vinegar bv the single gailon 3 cents, two
or more irallons at 'Si eents . r g-dlon ; Genuine
Ciby Vim-gar 30 cents per gallon. A liienil
discount on the nlvove nt-s.iuade to tr:iie:
All vinegar warranted to preserve l iCiles, and
free from :uids.
City orders jromptlv filled and delivered.
Country patronage solieiied. ,. , .
Faetorv opposite Miwire's Flower Carditis,
and wet of lleisel's Mill. ... -.
Tickles from the vines cenfs jx-r hnndiTjd ;
put tip in anv kind of vinegar desired, to tehts
per hundred. .
H. A. Xr.TUC.
f-J-tf. riattsmouth. Nei raskA.
Legal Advertisements.
Strayed. -
From tile subscriber, on Wednesday, the lRth
!ist.. a dark hrown pmy mare. alout" ten yers
tf pgt. white ftoe. eyes "run water, ami has ben
stilTem-d in the legs. Any person giving infr
maiion to thfe. Heualo office of her where
abhut.s wid be rewarded to the amount of troub
le uul expense. li:nf Geokok Hansen.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen;
At the Ficnlc at Weeping Water Falls on the
Fourth of Julv one very small she donor finite :
Color, on its bjick, JOack. and on ifs legs and
belly a liht yellow. . Any person bringing the
same to G. L. Berger, LouisvUle, will be suita
bly rewarded. 16-34.
. Sheriffs Sale.
In the Distriet ctvirt, 8coid .bifV:jil D:s
triet, i.i and for Cass I oumy. Nebraska :
Manila K. I;inneh l'hiinti.T, 1
vs. V
O. C. Kobiue, UtlOudanf. j .
By virtue of an order of sale Issued to mc
in the above entitled cans';, out of said Court, I
will o!Tt r forsale. at ? o'clock p. n. on the
3ti flay of August, A. D., t873, .
at public auction, at the- front door oi
the Court House in riattsmouth. Nebraska, the
following described real estate to-wtl : eieii
mencin'finy-two feet and a half (52'4) west f
the southeast corner of block thlr:y-oiie (31;
in the city of 11,ttsiiio-.ith. Uass County, Ne
braska, oil tiie north side of .M;iiil street, tlieuee
ruimiiiir north :nws lot.s six u:ad seven (7; in
s;dd iliK;k thirty-ue T.'l;lot:ie north line of
said lot six (;). tiien. t; vvesr aloii the norrii line
of sai'l ini, six e! ten (lO).i'i-ei :md six (li) iiielu's
thvhce ?outh to Main street, thence e.isi to the
pl;.-e of oeinuiiii;. o.-l Iut with tiie privi!eies
and apiiurtciiaiievs thereto beloiiLrin;;. As des
inateo on the record. d plat ot l'lattsinoth
coy. Tlu- aboic deseribed ical estate will be
no!il on ;iid day to s itislv the. deeree of the
t'iHt in l;ivor .f liih riaiiinff : dnst tiie Ie
feiKl.iiit and us the proxrty and real estate of
A. . Uobine. Defendant.
Given under my hand this second davof duly,
A. D. 1S73. J. W-.JOilXSON.
Sht-rilT Cass Co., Neb.
Sam. M. C it a I'm ax,
I'hihiiia'.s Attoniey. 14-5w.
Lssral Notice.
S. . I. Hunt, (whose given name Is net .known,
except S. .f. as aforesaid whos, pl:n v f resi
di'iicc N.t-nkmm'n, will taKe ito:ee that .John
Sh-iiin'-m of the County of Cass aii.l siaio of
Nebraska did on 4he i:lli t:i? of .1 mvo A. I.
li7.t, tiie bis ietitton in the .Probate i'ourt willi
ia and for County of fans in Statcof Nelrakai
agaiasi the said S. ,T. Hunt, Del'cndaiit. setting
forth that the said S. J. Hunt is indebted tothv
said I'iaintilf in the sum of .M5a with interest
thcreen at ten per cent frua the p;th day of
June isTrl'. for the rusoii that "ail Defendant
on said ltun day cf June is7a, f.iisely. fiulu
Icntly and knowingly delivered tu I'lajntilf a
fonre"d note piirpnrtiim to be made by cue Nel
son Jean, given tor M.'ki iu payment for a w:u;on
and forty oollars in monej- said Defendant by
fraud got of said I'laintiif. and that an attach
ment was on said Plh d.iv of June 1S7:;, issued
in add case and pr.Vini " the said Plaintiff
lire.' have jili'tsjemciit lor said stun Of money
villi the interest aforesaid and the s;tid S. .f.
HuU is notuled tl'rtl le is required to appear
and answer said petition oa or before the. ihird
Monday after the 31. -it day of July ls73, which
will makf answer day August I71h 1S7:i.
. July sth 1S73. H. K. ELLISON,
Probate Judge Cass Co., Neb.
l5-4t. Attorneys for John Shannon.
Executors Sale of Real Estate
, By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the
Clerk's oilice (and under the seal of the same)
in and for the District Court Nreund Judicial
District in the Coocly of Casr a'i.1 f'.'ate i t Ne
braska, ami direct ed to the undersigned, i-i an
action wherein Uoyd D. I'.enii'-tt and Ellrert T.
Diike. Kxecuuirs vi the lasi wiil and testiunenl
of slit'p?:erd Duke, deceased, are Plaint ill's, and
Lavina Dukc and oi tiers are Defitidanis, we
will at 10 o'clock a. m. on the
2-f day oAu-jttst, 1373,
in front of the Court House in the I it y of Flatts
moutli and State ot Nebraska, : oiler lor sale at
public auiioii to the highest bidder Uhc lar.ds
ami tee.ein-iits berein af:r described, on terms
foiiowimr, lo-wic : one-tourtli cash m hand, and
till residue in three annual iiayments
wilh l!Uei-et at ten mt cent and secured by
ntortv:ige ! the premises. Said lands bchuig
to the estate U .Shepherd Duke decc-aed, and
are peseiitic.l aw lollow8". to-wit : the southw't
quartered) f toe soe.!hv"i-st quarter ( VoI sec
tion 4-lveu (ll) town iwi-lve t'pji and r.mge tbir
teeii'vl") coataiiiiui; forty H) acres more or less,
aUo tlie north west ipiarier ' of the north
wet nuanert,) of section foiirteeu 1 4 town
twelve tl.') aiut rail-' thirteen t'lui, containing
forty acres, more or less ; also eitrlit. acres, be
ing subdivision lot eleven 1 11) in section tw eniy
iiihe t.n town twelve (fJ and ramie fourteen
(14 1. ail ttirei of said tracts of land lyinjr and be
ing i.i Oi'is County and State or Nebr aska -.iUo
liic following lots in the citv of riattsimmth
in said Cass County, bus four. live. six. nine
HO. I ei ni. 5. i. il.'alol 11). in block live 're, b-t j
nine e.o block twenty-nine c-j : lot four 4iu i
block 'forty-four ilo ; also the loilowing Ihis iy- '
in.? and being In Duke's Addiiion to the I iiy
of 1'laitsmotiih aT ires.iid. tiiat is to s:iy
lots one, two. three, four, live, nine
ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
si'teen. seventeen and eighteen (1. e 3. 4. 5, u
10. 11, U", 13. H. 13, Is;. 17 at:d IS; in biiM-k f uiri li.:
iols sis. seven, eighi. nine, tee, eieveji, twelve,
thirteen, fouriceii, fifteen; sixieen. .seventeen,
eighteen, twenty, twenty-one and tw-n;y-two
(ii, 7, s, :. lo, n, Ig, i.t. 14, ir. lit. 17. is. jii. 21, and
gg) in block , live. (5. i has four, live,
six, seven, .eiglU. nine, ten and twelve (4. 5.
;. '. S, :, lo unit lg in block six (tt) ; lots one,
two, three, four, live, six. seven and eihl U.
3. 4. 5. , 7 and f1) in block seven (7i( lots
tiiree and iour v3 ;.nd 4 in block
-o ; lots two. lliree. four, five, seven, eight,
bitte, it-it, eleven and twelve (J. 3. 4, 5, 7. x, 1',
10, 11 aue 12) iu block eleven (ill j Jill of l-ioek
twelve (121 tiein Pits one to tucnty-i w (1 to ggi
inclusive; ail of block thirteen ( i3) except lot
nineteen tl'.e being lots one lo twenty-two il to
git, inciusivc, execjif said lot nineteen (l.o ; lots
otie and two (-1 and 2 in block loin teen (ii) ; all
of block fif-een (i5 iK'ing lots me to twelve
(l to lg). inclusive : iots six. lour ami five (ti. 4,
and i) in block eighteen (is,; lots one, two,
three. seven, ei-iiu, nine, 'leveii and
tvi-iv (1. . J. 7.0.11 and lg) in biock nine
teen (l'Ji ; sdl of block twenty (go, except lols
eight, and twelve (s and lg). leiii lots one to
tweiny-two il to ggi. inclusive, except lots eiht
and twelve (S and lg) ; lot one, tivc, six, seven,
eibt. ten, fifteen, and (l, 5. . 7. t. 10,
15. in bloefr twenty-one 21); lots one.
two. three, four. five. six. sevenatnl eight
(!. 2.. 2, 4, 5. ti, 7 and X) 111 block twen-tv-lhrce
(23i ; lots three. seven. eight,
nine and ten ci, 7. s. J audio in bioektwenty
six (2tii: lots on", two. tiiree. four, six,
eigiii, fine, ten, eleven and twelve (1. 2, 3. 4. ,
8.0.10. Hand 121 In block twentv-seven (27)1
all of btoek tweiitv- ight (g. ex -pt lots
and seventeen (5 and 17 1. bein.r lots oiie to
twenty i l to 20). inclusive, except lots Toe and
seventeen t,5 and 17); bus eleven . and
twelve ill and 12) iu blocK twenty-nine
2!0 : lots mic, two. live. six. seven and eibt
1, 2. 5. :. 7 and Si ia biock thirty : lots live,
six. seven and eight (3. ;. 7 and s; in block thirty-one
31 : lots one. two. three, four, five, .sev
en, nine, ten, eleven and twelve (1.2. 3. 4. 5. 7,
!-, lo, 11 and 12) in block ten 110 : lots one, two,
four. live, seven, eight, nine. ten. eleven and
twelve 1. 2. 4. 7, f, , 10, H and 12J Mi block
twentv-two 22i.
1a!s3 .t 4 iti bhjck : hiid lot 1C in block 21.
Kaet saie V.ill oiitniiie from 10 o'clock a. m..
Uiil'.l sundown of s dd d iy. if necessary, and it
will be adjourned from day to day uuiil all are
soid ; this being an adjourned saie.
I'latismouth.'Jime h'th 1S73.
L1.01 1 D. Bennktt,
Ei.itEitT T. Di ke.
Executors of the hist will and testament of the
of tsiiepherd Duke, deceased.
WHEEl.EK & STTXt ni 'iMIi,
12-31. Attorneys for Executors.
tint IT?. L -LV -
It discharcea itelf, and thus
twvoa almosb tho entire labor of
the operator It is an invalua
ble implement to very farmer.
. Descriptioil vrill .be sent to
rties applying;, who will please
state in what p.per they read
the advertisement.
Semple Birgo & Co.,
13 SOUTH NAM oL. SL 10'J'S.
The Best
Has n large and gotd assortment of Tarm Ma
chinery. The Marsh Harvester, a Beaper that two men
can cut and.bind.tcu. acres per da V. .With one
man to drive, ai.d the binders can w.frk in the
" . , , f. j. metteer;
'- . liain Street, Corner cth.
Ptdttsmouthi i- . NebfasJidi
MttKi miiKt
I rr now prepared to furnish the una
dulterated milk
To all parties notifyiio; wc ' '
rn Lit coos.
To Famerg and HoKemen.
Dr. W. D'. Jones begs. leave la cull Utffit!on
to the fact iblthch;is Just received two Very
line animals fiimi the east, viz. :
:'TUE WE lilt JACK,"
From Fairfield". Iowa, and the Iron Grey Nor
rii n Stallion called
Five years old nnd weiglm l.tno pot'nds.
They tire lioth sur. fal ifi tteis. and 111 stand
at ltock Bh.lls and elevvlre la the Coutijy
during 1I10 seaaoi:: For fitll particahiri seo
I'.hls. 61-131.
TVholeAala nnd Bctail Dealers in
Pi li c Ij u mb c r
Sash; Doors, Rlinds, &c.
New Boot and Shoo Firm.
Karcher & Klingbcl,
Boot & Shoe Makers;
Mala Street, opposite I'latte Valley House,
la good style.
All kinds of men's boots and shoes nsrele r-.n d
1'rlces low and work warranted to plve sstis
f.'ctmA G.KAKi'.HEIt,
12-iit. F. KLINollEL.
For Sale at
fa Bork Bluffs at ?J .53 per bushel. Orders so
licited. .
Cilery Plants,
Eyj Plants,
Tobacco Plants,
CauliJloU'er Plants,
ttV., d-c, d-c:, d-c.
In iTifir season.
Orders from a distance promptly filled, and
delivered at the Express Otltec in riattsmouth.
Cartag- free.
These I'l mUs were a'l raised nf mv fiardens in
Bock Blulls. AZIW SMlTiI. I'ropiiefor.
i.T" Frank White is my authorize A Asent in
riiaistiiotuh. 3-st.
Post Offlca Book Store.
ll. J. STBEIOIIT, Proprietor.
For Vour
Books; Stationery,
i'icturcs, Music,
Toys, Confectionery,
Violin Strings,
Newspapers, Novels;
' &Mig Books, SiC, &.C.
riattsmouth. ... Nebraska.
Get any Goods cheaper, or a better rt!cle
than is kert at the Store of
Jas, Clisbee & Co.
Dealers in
General Merchandise.
We are in receipt of Fresh Goods every week
from the East, whichare bought for Catdi, and
will be sold in any amount.
Granger'kecp youi eye on
your i'riendj
Wc viil not be undersold by
ciiy one.
Weeping Water July 1st, 1373. 14-41.
Fourth street, north or riatle Valley House.
Peler In
Hardware anil Cntlery,
Stove?, Tinware,
Iron, Xails ,
Glass,- L'dctis,
Garden City Pious,
Hay Rake;
Farni.iy Tools,
Farming Macltinery,
M- t'orniiriYs Refiper and Mower,
Ruck Eye Reaper and Mqicit,
tt-c, d-c, d-c d-c &c'.
& ii E D
For tne Garden, .
For the Orchard;-- t ' -,
:r, . For th 3 Field.
rjCAXzr.a ct
FaneDry Goods, IToticiii;
Ladies Furnishing Good-!
fiuR. . f
ad Bcrt AjStttti
Stock IStbe City.
Which we fire prep-tred to sell ebMprtd
they can lie purchased ilsivvueii ClT n call
aud examine our good
- : ' : t. .t
t!T"Storeori f-in street, between 4lh nd rait
street.s, I'l.ttlsniouth Nebraska. P.if. .
Mother'3. Mothers;
Don't fall to rrocare Mrs. WJnslow'i 8oothl4
syrup for Clit'ilren Tectliii.g.
This valuable preoarslloti bs been ued vttfc
It not l licves tlie -JjOd fniin pain. Il
Invigorates the s:omi.ih Htid bowels, correct
aridity, ami gives Ioko and euergy to tho whula
system, it will als.i ItiSt at tly iclleve ., , ,
GlMPlN'O IN Title ''oivK!. -iD VlNt) COLIC,
We bcliere H tho best nnd unrest remedy Is
the world. In all cases (,f Dysentery and Diir
rhea in cliildrcn, w hethcr :ti iaing Iroui tcethinj
ir tiny ot her cause. r
Depend upon it. mother, ll will glva rest f
yoursidves and , . ,
l.JMK!' AMI IltiAI.TIl TO Votn lirTAWT.
Bo s;ne and call for.
Mi:. Winsi-oW 's Sootiii."so Svitcr."
Havintf the faC'-liolle of "CUBT1S U Frit
KINS ' on the outside wrapper.
Sold bydriKists tliroa t.u it thH world. IS -
Furnas Nurseries;
Furnas and Sen; Jtrownville, Xehraft
ka, and K. l ei rand, Detroit, Mich
igan', liave consolidated their
stocks and will hereafter
conduct husinoss ut
Biownvillc', Neb.,
whejo tly ,
offer tlie tind most select fe7l
end Xursory Stock ever offered
in tlie West, consisting in
part as follows
sn.ion Choice 3 year old Apple Tr-xt.
100.0011 a '
e-i.')oo 1 " " " " .
fVj,)0 " 1.2.3 and 4 yesr old Tea:
Trees. ,
o.000 " 2,3. and 4 year old Cherry
'loss. . .1
iO.ixo " 1 hi.. I ',' year ol.l l'cnrh Trees'
20,ihh J'luiii. Apricot and Neciralne
4PO(ioiV No-. 1 Iloin.v loeiL't lledce Plants
2 mm No. 1 l)sar;e" I'eib.:" l'Untiil
5.o.M(;l Forest I'ree Seediiu-g".
goo.inHi Everjreens. iii variety. I
lon,MK) ca-.'i Iti.ickb -i 1 ies, llaspbemes tinvS
M.ihii) each 1 ..losberiies and CurranU.
go.iNxi l'ertvl mil and ( i'nibiug Bonuii.
H1.011O Flowering JSO'-'dis.
10.0tKi,0'0 Willow Cuttings.
Berkehirt, 6iailri
. J. Tt Dllley. of Cass Count v, will ait as Ac ti
f thee nurseries in this ".retina 1. O. udiircnf
i'lattsiuoutli, 1 'ass t o., Ncbiasku.
CoYrtspit'udtni-e sulu-iUd. Send far
a Catalojur. -1 1 -tf
Tootle, Hanna & Clark;
C. II. Fa w .!-,
Viei) I'leslUeai.
Ass't Cahlcr
This Bank is now ipen for business at their
new room. corner ,i'a;n and Sixth streets, and
are n p.ii' d to tiansact a gerier.U
Banking Business:
Stocks, Bonds,
tiold. Government
ai.d L0e.1l ' .
, Bought and
."sold, Dcpislts
Received and
Interest allowed
Cn time . ' .
Drafts drawn, available In any part of th.
Fnitfit states atd in all the piiacipal tow wit
and Cities of Europe.
Jik. mass. ric rac
Ijvjian LjJsn
' '4
, Frrsons wishing to bring out their friend.-,,
from Europe can purchase tickets from ur
through to riattsmouth
A Heavy Stock of Goods oi-?
Jo Rents anff gterest on Rorroired
Capital to be-- fJf Customers.
r '
SS T 71 lic.71 m.'T I 71 .
iTn rnrop
IN the cn:'::
North side of Main between Second and Tilt-
streets, takes pleasure la announcing to
That he hns a larce mnd well selected sto k
Drvoods, (iro-eries. Provisions, tu wtr Tr
brought to tho City ot Fluttsinoiuh.
i . -. r
fjy- It will cost yoa njthiM2 fo lo k si tti..
vaether yju bu - 01 :. By exair.ialna. '0
p.-:c?s at nift -L1 HilLlAlLE" y' r -'
AJ-v' t rM wb -c,t- ur -