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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1873)
1 THE II E It All i) Published eTery Thursday at bfTlo Corner Main and Second Street. AIYCTVtiriCi RATX&t One square, (to lhtei or loan) uns ivurVtva. Kacli subsequent Insertion.. v ... ". Professional cards; liot kKiiMmlhS t BOi Keolumn per annum column per annum.... iicolumn do . One column do . " Alt alltertls'rig MIW fltte quarterly. , j , Transient advertisements must b pai4 advance. . . . , .3.S- .cub4 VFFICIAL PAPER .OF CASS , COUNTY. J. A. MACMlJRPHYj Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS: $.0D Year fVTU Terms, in Advance: Or.e copy, one year. .'. .'. .' $2.00 Osia copy, six months '.. '.' 1.00 One copy, three months.. 50 Volume 9. PidttsmoiitB, Nebraska, Thursday, June 6, 1873. Number 10 Etia Cot-im of nnt Hkrald fur sale fry 111 J. Streitfht, at the Post Oilier, nd O. V. Joha son, comer ot Main and Filth BU.' . It i ( X i V ATTORNEYS. SAM. ?.T. CHAPMAN Attorney at Law and Solicitor in chancery-," Plattsmouth, Neb. Oitce lu HUgernld a P-loek. "T !B. Trcran.AUornoy' at Law. Office on Main Street, over Chapman's Drug Store. Special attenlion given to collection ol Claims. D. ty.yettwtt.ibir-: '-. j. w. STTjjejtcojrB. Wlieeler '.& Sllnclicoinb, ATTORNEYS AT tAW, -43-iy . ' ' . Flattsmoutn. Nebraska. AliQCETT, SMI'IH STAR BIRD. Attor - nt-ysftt Iaw. Practice in all the courts of the State. Special attention given to collections and matters of Probate. .: Office over the Post Office, Flattsmoutb., Neb. . : PHYSICIANS. 1 IS. LIVINGSTON, Physician and Surgeon. lA,. Tendors his professional services to the citizens of Cass countY. Residence southeast corner of Oak and Hixtn streets ; ofllce on Main Him, one door west of Lyman's Lumber Yard, I'lottsruoutii, Nebraska. - - - T W. RAWLINS, Sarcon and Phvsician, iJ I'ite SuriTi'on-iti- liief ol t he Army of the Potomac, Plat turnout li. NeiniMki. Oihce at O. r . Johnson's lru Store Main street. ; r IXSUUACE. & KKNNETT IN-al Estate snd ' TaxpHytnj A(jnt;t. Notarit'S Pullic, Kirc and Llf lusiirnn'e AKe:its, Flattsniouth, Xel. 1MIKLPS pAl.NK t;eneral Insiirnncp A?:ent, Represent nie of t! most iv!i:ible Com panies in the I'uited States. jaiiT-!! a iiotj:ls. BROOKS "HOUSE, JOIIN l'lTZGERALI), Proprietor. Main .Street, between Fifth & Sixth itlSCELLAXKOrS. riatfsmoulh Mills. c t JIRISEL, lroprietor. Have recent'y bctn ''- rei.:iiriMt nn,l ol.iced ill thorough ruilllill.T orncr. wuiiei m ir.':i: wiiuun iiiiinv di.itely for whie.ii the highest market price will b p;uJ. i . . . . i. ....... AlJstinc tS of Title. rrKE NVMERICAL SYSTEM The best In use -For (lescrtr'tive cirei;l;irs, jtli!ress. At' RES. BL.VCKM.VK & CO., . Bui'liii;toii, Iowa. GREENHOUSE AND BEDDING ' PLANTS. Time an1 tnonev saved by ordering of me. I have the Jarj-'fst a'nd bet collection of Plants ever olfcred Tor sl'.' In the Vest. C:it:;osii.-s free.- Sweet P!a'o. Cabbage. Tomato, aud otli Vr Hants for sa!e in tlicir s ::.xoa. AdurosH V.". J. 1IK.SSEU, PUittsinouth. Nch. FINE ART GA1LEKY. r-Pbotograplis.' "Ambrotvpes and cnples fi'-ia old pietup's. plain or coitned. cither in ink t:it-r tr ojl. Ail work neatly eecu;ed anil war ruid tuiv Mttisliu'tioii. V. V. LKONARD. Art:r. 10-tf ' ' . . Main St,, I'lattsnxKJtlt, Neb. NEW DRUG STORE. i - ' :. ' ' WAEPtXO WATER, KF.B. t. l. Hotter, DEALER IN PRCOS. MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS. VARNISH.. PERFCMEXY, ST A 'I i O N E R Y , NOTIONS, . . CIGARS AND TO- ' " BACCO. IGtf. L. GOLD1NQ, Dealer in CLOTHING, FCRNISHlN'i GOODS. HATS, CAPH.vHOOTS, SHOES. TRLNICS, . VALISES. 0AUPET BAGS, 1 &C, &C-, &C, )t4 of the oldest and w.v Reliable Houses n FUlts'iioulh. Main strttt, bceea Fourth and FUUi. " rI'-EMEMBER THE PLACE. n-tr." ' " .. ; NEW STYLES. E. L. ELSI EH, MERCHANT TAILOR. Is -a rectipt ol tl.e fi!ies ahd ASSORTMENT CASSIMEri.ES. CLOTHS A ESTf ?";S. SCOTCH GOODS. IRISH FRIESES, ie. in fart; ths largest and best assortment of Clo'lis er bmu'Lt 10 i -iis citv. which 1 atii prepared to up in the L;ite.-1 Styles. ChII una cxiuuine Goodu. r.jir;li. Mrs A. D. Whitcomb, bRESS'AND CLOAK XAKEIL liooxs three doors west of P.rooLs House. . :. , - : CUTTING AND ' FITTING Mftde H sie..I,-ClT. ' Patterns of all kinds constantly on hand 20-ly. JW. SHANNON'S FEED, SALE, d- LIVERY STABLE. , Mnin street, riattsiuouth, Neb. ' ; t prared to accommodate the public Kith Uorws, Carriages. Busies, Wagons and a No.l IIeaIa. On short -r.otiee and reasonable terms. A FlacU Miil run to the Steamboat lidiii,;. Depot end all pi-.rt of the city when desired. Jauitf. . .. . New Lumber -Yard. Hnvin op( iid a Lumber Yard at Louisville, I will keep on hand all kind of Lumber, Lath: . .. Doors, Blinds. I ; -i. Shingles, Sash, &c. I will also deal In all kinds of Grain, for wUich I will pay the highest market price. -Sj-- , . - E. NO YES. I onisville,14 - - ' ' - Nebraska. blacksmith Shop. eirAS; X. TIFFAXY, PLEASANT, NElJ. Bejrs leave to inTorm the farmers of Cass County that he keeps ii xxt No. 1 "HEA&KS1IITII SHOP or.e'mile north ol .ML Pleitaant. -. . ... AUJcimls of Ircn V"ork attciltlfil to. Wagons repftire!. Farm Implements c;irf oil j trfcccletl.---Lowest prices, anil rU! woii. uuue" on. stiCrt notice. ' Grhl-teefciA-ed irt pavtien;. ' Gite L .t irlaJ. Cbuk N: Tiff asti Official Directory. CONG UESSPONAL: T. V.'. Tipton. Brownvilie V. R. Sehator. P. W. Hitchcock. Omaha U. 8. Senator. L. Crouiise. Ft. Calhoun Representative. - EXIX'TIVE. I'. AV. Fnrnas, KrownvlHe. .- - Governor. J. J. Gosper, Lincoln Sec'y of State. J. It. Weston. Keatrif-e Auditor. II. A. Kenig, Columbus Treasurer. J. It. Webster. Crete Att'y Gen. J. II. ilcKenzle, Lincoln. . .Sup't Pub. Ixistruc-'c. JCDICIART, Geo. B. Ike, Omaha Chief Justice. MiUiiel (iantt. Nelnu'ka City, t As.ieiatt .Tiwl'a Sojnuel JIaisoU, Platts'th, f Associate Just s. rLATTSMOUTH. R. R. Livingston ...Mayor. I'lielps Paine . City Clerk. J. W. H nines Police Judite. Miics Morgan. . Marelial. I). N.Johnson Street Commissioner. ALDERMAN. Fikst Waud. J. Flfzcerald, H. 8. Nev.-man. Skconii Waho. .1. Wayinun, C. Nichols. Thiki W.iti. K. C. Clisliin, Tlios. l'ollock. Fjluth Vi AKi).-H. Vivian, L. F. Johnson. Cass cocnty. II. F. Ellison Dan'l McKinnon W. L. Hobbs. V. W. Wise Jacob Vallery. I T. Clarke. V.... Lyman .ijimich, ) J." AV. 'i l-.ciu.-ts Probate Judge. County Clerk. Treasurer. ...Sup't Pub. Instruct'n. County Commissioners. ....Coroner. Churches. 1APT1ST On the corner of Main and Ntnth. Rev. T. .1. Arnold, pastor. Residence on Main between loth and llth. Services every Sabbath at II a. m. anil 1 p. m. Sabbath school atu',4 Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. CiHRISTI AX Service in Congregation Church ' at 11 a. in. and G : ."!n p. m. Oerner ft Locust and st!i M reels. Cordial hivitaUou extended to all classes to attend. IrPISCOPAL Comer Vine and Third streets, -i:ev. A. R. G-R'.ves. Services every Sunilay at tl : 30 a, in. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. in. CATHOLIC North side of Public Square, Rev. Father Boba!. First Mass every Sabbrtth at S-30 a. :u.. Seci-nd M;iss and sermon at 10-30, Vespers and Benediction at 3-30 p. in. Mass at 8 a. m. every wr-?r Uay. FIR.t PRESBYTERIAN North sUle of Main street, west of tun. Rev. AV. T. Battle ; Ser vices everv Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 6-30 p. in. Sabbath School fjt 9-30 a. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. "T ETHODIST EPISCOPAL West side of Cth street south of Main- Service- everv Sabbath at 10-30 a. m. and 7 1. m. Prayer irn-eting every Thursday evening. C'ass meeliiiirs every ?Innday evening and immedi ately after close of Sabbath morning services. Sabbath Sohool at SONTAG den 2t Septeinher hat die Deutsche Ev. I.ntb. tlenu-inds in ihrein Schulhans vor pdt."vTS inn 11 L'hr Goltcodienst. I'eberbaupt Tuuk-t ftoiselbe von jetzt an reirelinaes.-ijr aile it Tjte stair. Minister, Iiev. L. Haiinawald. Subbaih siiiKd ut 1 p. in.. Prof. d'Allemand, Superintendent. Liodgen. T O. f). F. Kesnlar meetings of Platte Ixdj;e No. 7. I. O. O. F. everv 'litursdar evenlnp at Old Fellows' Hall. Transient Brothers are cor dially invited to visit. A. d'A LLEMAND, N. G. M. H. Hathaway, Sec. I O. O. F. PIjATTSMOVTH EkcampmentNo. 3. Reidar Convocations the 2d ml 4th Friday's of each month at Otld Fellows Hall comer 3d and streets. Transient Patri archs cordially invited to v'sS. H. NEAVMAX.C. T. E. E. Cu"sixgham, Scribe. MASONIC PtATlSMOtTn LOIKJE Xo. . A. F. & A. M. Regular nieetinsrs at their Hall on tiie first and third Monday evenings of each month. Transient brethren fnvited to visit. K. 11. LIVINGSTON, W. M. A. d'.tM.r.MAMi, Sec. "f ACOY I-OLflE No. 23, A. F. & A. !. Requ- L lar meetings at Macoy Hall, first and Curd Frldavs J. N. AViSE. AV. M. J. if., See. 'EBRASKA CHAITEH No 3. R. A.M. EeR- ular otivoeatiiis second nd fourth Taes-i day eveidiis of each month at o'clock p. m. K. R. LIVINGSTON, U. P. n. Xewha:.', Sec. T O. O. T. OI.1VE BRANCH. No. ?, IT. Elli- son, M. W. C. P.. C. W. Kill!!. W. Sec. T. AV. Sliryoek. Lodge Ieputy. meets at Clsrk & Piuiniier's n.'ill every TutMiUy cvc-uing. ... Truv clliiijC Temiilars tuspectfully invited. -rru itNVkttETN. The Turner Society meets at -1 Turner.' Hall in G::ii!inin's-Block, on the first and third Wednesday s of each month. i Wckb:m,'i : Trctu.siirrlr Gns. Reln hackle ; First, 1 urnwarV VV m. Uessler; Hee ond Turnwarl Geo. larger r Warden John Erhart. Purissima et Optima. or Tli is nr.rl railed Medicine is warranted not to contain a sinjj'.e panicle of Mercury, or any in jurious mineral substanee, but is rCRELY VEGATABLE. For forty years if hps 7rovcd its preat value i'l ail disease 't the Liver.JJowels and Kidneys Thota"ds of the pood antl ftreat in ail parts of tiio ciiuiujy vouch f-r?i3 wonderful ami uculiur Iower in purifvinir the M-VtI. stimulating the tore'.d liver and bowels, liinl import mir new life and vijpir to the whole svsteir.. Simmona' IJv er Regulator is ack no wiedged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINT3, It contains fo::r medical elements'rever unit ed In tiie same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz ; a gentle Cathartic, a wonder ful T-inic, n't ini-ceepti-, Alterative and a certain Corrective of all imnnritie of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the GREAT UNFAILING. SPECIFIC.- for Liver Complaint and the painful offspring thereof. to-'xsit ; Dvsnepslx Constipation. Depression of Spirits Sour Stomach, Heart Bum. i'-c. &c. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEA ER. Prepared, only by J. H. 7-EILf X & CO. " j ' Drugnists, Macon, Ga. Send for a Circular ( and 3:' Ar-h street. Price l. t-y mail 1.2jf - philadcljhiaPa. For Sale by Jan-t-wly ; J. H. Buttery, riattsmouth. Neb. MONEY SAVED . sre ----- " " ' r . - Buying Yonr Greenhouse and Bedding - Plants AT TnE Pi cn ic Gdrdcii . "rONT s-wl East for Plants when vou can get y Just r. troAt SHr less nrorrey nearer home. To my numerous friends and palians I would sav that I have the "largest and best stock of plants ever offered for sale in the West, and at reasonable prices. B? sure and send forrny r-v r Sew DescripliT! Catalogue. whlf fc will he sent in e'to all who Lf.prv for It. TlieH pie tr.e your orders, and 1 feel confident I I can satisfy yon; Addrs. W. i, HESSeR:. KV'? - . rHtur'0'T Kftbf 1 An Old Hand. Bluc-Tclned aiid WTinklcd, knuckly and brown. This good old hand is clasping mine ; I bend above it, and looking down, I study its aspect, line by line. This band has clasped a thousand hands. That long have known no "answering thrl!!; Some have rnonldfred in foreign lands Some in the graveyard on the hill. Clasped a mother's hand in the day, BWhen it was little, and soft and white Mother, who kissed it, and went away, To reSt till the waking in God's good light. - Clasped a lover's hand, yetis agone, AVho sailed away, and left her In tears ; Under Sahara's torrid sun. Its bouts have whitened, years and years. Clasped til's hand of a good man, true. Who held it softly, and fell asleep, And woke no more, and never knew How long that impress this would keep. Clasped so many, so many ! so few, : That still respond to the living wiil. Or can answer this jn-essure, so kind arid trne ! So many, that lie unmoved and still ! Clasped at last, this hand, my own ; And mine will moulder too, ft turn, Will any clasp it when lam gone? In vain I study this liand to learn. LAZY LOTS; We were all siltinsr together, a little group of us, at one end of the long par lor of the Mountain View House. It was an exquisite morning. There had been a shower the night before, and now the air avuS as clear as well, a3 only mountain air can be, with a sepa rate sparkle, as it seemed, for every drop in the great blue Hood of light to match the glitter of the wet green under-world. , From my seat opposite the window I could see the milky clusters of the Avhite acacias, now jn their ful lest bloom; just over them two or tlrreeflSiffy clouds, curiously distinct in their woolly whiteness from the airy background; and, beyond, the limit line of peaks crowding each other aAvay into a distance more and more violet and hazy, till at last the eye followed by faith and not by sight through a dim purple region where solid earth ended and nothing Avas. Mr. U pham, our principal talker, Avas silent fl't; . the moment, and the rest Avevt! . silent too. till, as something Hashed through the light, Mrs. Water house, still mindful of last night's tre mendous thunder cannonade, gave a little scream. "Oh, was that lightning?" she said. "Only the 'lightning, of a dove's Aviiig,' ". said Emily Brace, who. I be lieve would have made herself misera ble if she had not had a quotation ap posite to every situation of life. "And the oily lightning Ave shall get to-day." supplemented Mr. Uphain. "My dear Mrs. Waterhouae,. don't you observe those are not thunder-clouds? I shall have to teach you the difference between the cumuli and the " "Don't 1" said Charley Somer3, open ing his lips for the first time. 9 "Don't what?" repeated Mr. Upham, turning, toward him with a surprised look. "Don't call all . the clouds names. I have leen enjoying them as clouds, blit if I must take the trouble to think of tlit m like that, I Avould sooner give it up altogetht-r." . , "Charley," said Mr. Upham, half vexed, yet smiling in spite of himself, "I wonder you are not ashamed to be so lazy: that is what you are, in plain English," hopelessly lazy." "Of course I am," answered Charley, in a well-sat islied tone, "hopelessly and delightfully lazy." ;;-.. Miss .Var.dcrlyn, coming into, the room through one of the low W indows, was just in time to hear the closing words. "Who is it so delight full v lazy?" she asked, as melted into a scat she in a manner in the apposite corner. Mr. Upham looked as if he would haA'e liked to make rather a personal reply for her own reputation for ac tivity did not stand ' high in the house but he 011I3' ansAvered, ..." "Well, I suppose Mr. Homers is the laziest man in America . since Arthur Vai ranee went away to dream about painting pictures in Home." "Then," said Miss Vandetlyn. in her lowi uninflected voice," which Mr. Up ham used to declare as drowsy to hear as the hum of bees on a hot day, "Mr. Somers will hae the kindness to give me the benefit of his laziness. I like lazy people ;" and she : Avaved her fan Avith a kind of queen-reprnant gesture toward the other side of the causeusb she had taken. Charley looked at her for a moment from under his half closed lids .'without stirring from his remarkably comfortable position, and I almost thought he Va3 riot going to stir: but I suppose the instinct of a gentleman prevailed, for he got up and slowly conveyed himself across the room to the seat indicated, antl, once there, became a fixture, by the attrac tion of gravitation probably. At least I never dre"amed at the time of there being any other attraction irt the case, but it appeared there must be something more ; as the days went on and found Charley Somers continually Inside ML13 Vanderlyn. Sometimes they talked ; of tener,. so far as I could see, did not speak, a Avord; ,but they seemed to find a pleasure in each oth er's silent companionship which Avas fairly a puzzle to me. . It was a very provoking puzzle to several among us, for Miss Vanderlyn, in spite of her queerness, was a good deal admired. She was a handsome and particularly striking girL tall, and fully though not largeiy formed, with a thick, colorless complexion and A'ery dark hair, ami eyes with the longest lashes' I ever saw. She had a peculiar way of moving and. of piaffing herself, which those; who - did not like her laughed at as "attitudinizing." liut I think it was a wholly natural peculiari ty, though with a more trained air than one is apt to look' orJn unstudied grace. - I might not have .known any more than the rest'about Henrietta Vander lyrunndit was. by the merest chance that Lcarae to do so. It happened in this way: : . ; . ..-.."; . We were both sitting, though not to gether, in a corner of the veranda run ning, around the' honse, neither of us doing any thing.- Mr. Upham had-just gone away, ariu I was rising to 'pick up the look from which he had been Tend ing aloud, when I heard my oif name . pronounced by seme one on the piazza above. I. could not see the speakers, but I recognized the voices at once.- "Why, there goes Mr. Upham, I de-' clnre' I thmfn-hi he vra? peptizing down there with Miss Wells, remarked Number One.. -. ,. "Poor old Miss Wells I Is she get ting up a- flirtation. -1 wonder?" said Number Two, in a yawning voice. "The ideal" responded Number One, apparently liighly diverted. . "Don't you know she has Yd wed towear the willow forever for " a faithful swain who jilted her on the" wedding-day ?" "How very absurd I" languidly. Then, with . increased animation, "Ju lia, I haAe thought it .over and over, and I do not. tielieve blonde the proper trimming,' etc., etc. I can not tell whether they did not think I could hear or whether they did not care. ' At all events, I did hear with perfect distinctness. And so did Miss Vanderlyn. She rose suddenly, and coming to me, where I was leaning ngainst a piUar, put one arm about rae$ and bending down for she was taller than I kissed my cheek. "Don't mind them," said she, Avith a vibration of scorn in her deep low voice, "What Can delte know of a heartl" "I do not mind them," I answered, touched to a confidence foreign to my reserve. "The Avound is too old now to bleed so easily." She did not say any more, but kissed me again, still with her arm about me in a protecting sort of way. From that ' hour Ave were friends, and I began to learn lietter a nature which had from the first been rather a curious study to me. How I learned I could hot exactly say. Certainly not through any -oluntary rerelations of her own, for she talked little of any thing, and never of her self. It -was a word here and there, a look, a gesture, that supplied some part of the puzzle I was trying to put to gether in my mind. One of the greatest perplexities of my puzzle Avas what place to give ('barley Somers in it. That she liked him Avas plain ; but then so did every bodv, with a superior allowance-mak ing sort of liking that might have been rather mortifying to a man with any pride. I suppose he bad noi"; for he accepted it with perfect contentment, and returned it with equal amiability. That the common A-erdict, while grant ing him plenty of intellect, denied him any force of character, did not disturb him in the least, little as he .was al lowed to lose sight of it. Dut somehow this kind of half-and-half feeling did not seem to me in Miss Vandeiiyn's way, Avho had so feAV su perficial likings; and still, if they were lovers, neA'er surety did tiny lovers yet so little affront the cynical public eye Avith th spectacle of their infatuation ! Beyond the single fact of their being a good deal together there was absolutely nothing to build on not the least sign of love-making. Charley Avas not a Ahit more earnest, nor she a shade less indifferent. So, beAvildered by such unnatural doves, that would not bill and coo, my iriind swung back and forth like a pendulum, till one day a little chance occurrence settled it. Apropos of what I forget now, but Charley made some casual mention of the hard work awaiting him when lit? went back to town. As he had liever been known to allude to any remotest prospect of exertion for himself, I was not surprised at the incredulous stare with which Mr. Upham regarded him. "You AA-ork hard!" said he sarcasti cally. "Abandon that pleasing delu sion, my poor Charley ; your constitu tion Avould never stand the A ear and tear, you know !" "Miss 3 J race," said Charley, languidly turning his eyes toArard the "l'ocket Volume of elegant Extracts," 3 Mr. Upham had Aickedly dubbed that too stout sentimentalist, "pray come to my help. It is something about fihysic." " Tako physic. Pomp ?' " said Emily, doubtfully. "Try again," suggested Charley, graA-ely, though with a suspicious twinkle in his eyes. . Miss Brace's fallen countenance brightened suddenly: ".'The labor we delight in physics pain," she declaim ed, in a tone of triumph, "Precisely. I kneAv you would not fail me, Miss Brace. And there you have your ansAver, Horace." "Well," said Mr. Upham, dubiously, "if there is any kind of labor you de iight in, you are singularly changed, that is all I can Say." "It is a physiological faet, I believe, that we do change," returned Charley, with admirable simplicity. "I was aware of it, thank you, but not that it was quite so rapid an opera tion. However as for this change, I ant too iiiiich delighted to be hyper critical about it. .You knoAA", Charley I have ahvays told you you lacked only the Avill to place yourself on a level with" "The honorable gentleman himself," placidly interjHilated Charley, declining to follow this read. Mr. Upham joined in the laugh at his own expense, under cover of which I said to Miss Vanderlyn, where we sat a little removed from the rest, "That is j-our doing. I suppose?" . It was certainly ho affair of mine, and if I had stopped to think, I should not have spoken. But she answ ered at once, without any disclaimer, "I sup pose so." "In spite of your preference for lazy people," I said, smiling. "Yes" said she. gravely; "as a matter of taste I very tfluch prefer indolence, but I am tired of the general chorus of what Mr. Somers mitht be: it is time to show what can lie." She spoke with so much moi'e era phasis than usual that I could not re frain from expressing some surprise at finding her thus regardful of "they say." ..... . "Not for myself," wa3 all she an swered. ; : For him, then! That seemed to me so conclusive of the understanding be tween tnem that Aviien Mr. Upham Avas afterward wondering to me over tlie change in Charley, I thought myself safe in enlightening him, though nf course without repeating her word3 td me. Mr. Upham, "who had been as blind as only very sh arp-sighted people can sometimes be, was greatly surprised. ; "Poor fellow!" wtts Ids' first com ment, for he Avas not one of Miss Van derlyn's admirers.,- I could Hot help smiling at the genuine commiseration of his tone; but I reminded, him. that, as ha had himself said, the effect was a good one, Avhatever.the caUse. : For my p'art, I Avas thoroughly pleased pieitSed for both. It was with all the more regret, then, that oiily a few -days later X jerceited a coolness between them'; Exactly what it was I never kilcr; for; spite of ctfr niutu'al regard, I felt that 'Henrietta Vander lyn wa3 not one to be questioned where she did not choose, and as she offered me no confidence, I asked nothing. . I only knew it" had to do with a young West Indian, whose admiration for her Avas extremely evident: Charley had taken umbrage at something, and Hen rietta, one of whose faults was a silent, obstinate pride, the " strength of which was hardly to be : suspected by those Who did not knoAV her well, would not condescend either to the reasoning or the coaxing he expected. She let him go his way, and quietly went her oAvn, though every step was leading them farther apart. : I grew very anxious at last, for I knew,' alas! the life-long pain a "lovers' quarrel" might end in ; and out of my own bitter experience I tried to make a warning for her. ' "Henrietta, my dear," said I one hiorning when' we were sitting togeth er, as I saw the perfectly unmoved face she turned on Charley Somers, Avho had passed us by without a single unneces sary word of greeting, "do not think I wish to intrude on your confidence, but I am a good many years older than you, and I have had occasion to see AA"hat misery a single mistake can cause. Do you remember AA'hat these young girls said one dav about my wearing the willow for a faithless lover ?" I went on, forcing a smile. "I should like to tell you something of how that really was." She had turned toAvard me noAv, and was looking at me with the same com posed countenance. I told her then briefly of the" history I had closed my lips on ever since that Avretched time, the quarrel, the pride that would not bend on either side, the final rash act that htid separated two lives that should have passed together, and blighted all the hopes (if at least one of them. But though she looked at me kindly and spoke to me softly Avhen I had finished, I saw tlrat it was merely through sym pathy for me, and that in her own ser vice I had effected nothing. She ruade no pretense of not under standing my implied reference to Char ley Somers, ' an'i Iter brief reply Avas spoken Avith perfect openness. "I will not endure to be doubted," she said. "I could trust fully through every thing, but I must be trusted so too." She said no more about it, but I knew after that that any further words of mine would be wasted. An idea just flashed across me of speaking to Cltarley, but my horror of being "nred dlesome," unless where I could clearly do niore good-than harm, made me dis miss it at once. As the days went by I had gradually ceased to have any hope, more especially a3 Henrietta wa3 soon going awey. She had told me So one afternoon when we were quite alone, most of the others having gone off on a picnic Avhich neither of us had cared to join. We had been -talking about this as Ave rested from our ram ble, and after a pause I wa3 beginning to speak of it again, when I saw' Hint she Avas not attending to my words. " What. is it V" I said, ''Are you star gazing by broad daylight?" for her eyes vere fixed Avide open upon the sky. "I was wondering what can make that red light over there. It is long before sunset ; I taink there must be a lire ?omewhere." T had not remarked the appearance before, but I saw it plainly enough now. We both got up and flimbed the bank, for the meadoAv lay too Ioav for any vie at beyond. From the- top, Iioaa ever, we dearly--perceived, afire, and from the direction concluded it to be the old Matherson mill. Almost everybody, I think, likes to see a fire. WC did, ft any rate, and we lost no lime in hurrying to this one. We found lenty more looking on, but noliody was doing much. Something had, of course, been tried at first, liut the mill-OAvner being by an unlucky chance absent, and the old mill AA'ell known for rather a worthless pile of old lumber, no one had persisted very energetically Avhen it became evident that the fire had made too much head Avay. So we stood there looking on, not much more idly than the rest, and though, of eourse,sorry for the OAvner's loss, able to enjoy the magnificent spec tacle without any of those anxieties about life and home' that one naturally feels in Avatching a dwelling house burn. I was just making some such remark to Henrietta, when "Silly Bil ly," a3 he Avas familiarly called, a half Avitted lad of the neighborhood, tAvist ed himself into our group and said, in a foolishly important voice, pointing toward the flames : "The man with the hat's up there, scratching on . some papers! 33illy watched him Billy knows," chuck ling feebly. "The man with the hat," I kneAV; meant Charley Somer?, Avhose odd- looking, lounging hat, fantastically cocked" with ribbon, had greally excited Billy's curiosity when he had occasion ally come about the hotel. ' Why the poor creature had only now mentioned this it Was useless to Avonder. Still chuckling and' pointing, he repeated, "Billy knows about the barrels of black sand all ablaze! a big Fourth of July. Hooray I" curveting up and doAvn. Th' passed iii less time than it takes to tell it. The bystanders, who knew that Mr. Matherson had a st'?re of gun- poAvuer. ana ma not KnoAv out mac some of it might hrt ve been placed here, all started back as by a single impulse on hearing this all except Henrietta Vanderlyn, who turned and looked at them with eyes that seemed to have caught fire from the flames be'fttr'e Hen "Cowards!" she said, as she rushed into the burning building. ; I sprang after her. instinctiA-ely to Siiatcli her back, but was too late :tt?o late for. both ; ; behind us a half-consumed rafter fell across the threshold, and a thick,' lurid smoke curtainweep ing round, shut us off from the green open Avorld and the free life, so. near and yet so horribly far away. I seemed to be thinking and nioting in a nightmare as I followed on Henri etta's swift footsteps. The mill was' a long, rambling building, and while the right side as we entered wa3 one mass of smoke and flame, the other still per mitted passage. I do not know what instinct guided her; but without an in stant's hesitation she ran up the rick etty stairs, I following, unheard for the noise : of the flames, and perhaps for her own intense pre-occupation. Reaching I the top, I saw before me a wide' empty chamber, ligbed at one end by a long opening,: with the sparkle of watfer bevWid. and near this was stretch ed poor Charley, tinder a heavy beam. I Thr.3 frSlcucd oowcj without rossiou ity dt escaje; yet with his f nil senses about him, --he -lay -waiting; -his eyes1 wide open, looking straight toward the fiery death that was coming to him. Those calm eyes turned' on Henrietta as she appelated with a look I shall never forget. I know he was thinking of her, perhaps seeing her in fancy; for in that inexpressible tenderness there Avas no surprise, bnt rather the rapt faith With Avhich the dying some times look on the heavenly visions about their bedside.' Bending down to him she kissed him passionately, quickly, over and OAer again, while both, holding each other's hands, lohking in each . other's eyes, murmured words which I could not hear, and had no need to hear, for the mere accent told enough. I think in that- moment they were for getful of pain and death, of the great world shut out, and the narrowing fire world Within-of everything hut each other. ' ; She was the first to recollect herself. She glanced around at the open space beside her, and her face changed. Springing up she began trying to move the lieaiy weight that was holding him doAvn. I ran to her help then, and we succeeded at last together in raising it. It was one of several great beams placed against the Avail, but so inse curely that Charley's sudden spring, on becoming aware of the fire, had top pled it OArer on him in such a manner as to hold him fast. Though liberated at lengtli, he was still not able to move, for a leg was broken ; but he was able to be moved, and I comprehended Hen rietta's idea from her glance at the door. It was the only door in the building besides that blocked up below : a lbtig window-like opening, reaching to the noor, and looking directly doAvn on the mill stream. The distance was formidable, and there Avas nothing like secure standing room among the rotten remains of AA'ood-AAork underneath; but still it Avas a chance the one chance" for life and Ave made the most of it. There were ropes lying among the rest of the lumber in the room; "and picking out the strongest-looking, after testing it as AA'ell as Vre could, Ave set to work. But we were -interrupted in a way, I 'fancy, unexpected by either; for I confess I thought the villagers, under the shock of the gunjiowdcr pan ic, would be terrified into leaving us to what seemed indeed a hopeless fate. I wronged them. After the first in stinctive recoil they had no thought of abandoning as without an effort ; and seeing that that part of the mill was utterly impracticable, they had come round to try the other side. All that I have leen relating had passed rapidly, liong as the moments had seemed to us, it could in reality have leen but a very short time from our entrance into the mill to or hearing the shouting of the people below. We rushed to the door and screamed in return. A boat was launched hastily strong men climbed' up to us we were saved! Just in time, for the snioke was black ening and the flames crackling over the walls behind us. But the barrels of gunpowder? the dreaded explosion ? - There was none, for the best of reasons that no gun poAvder was stored in the mill. Some talk of it there had been, which "Silly Billy" had overheard end; as I suspect ed Avhen listening to his exdltations, the notion of a grand Fourth of July bonfire had so tickled his poor feeble brain that he had himself set the mill on fire. The amusement had pretty nearly cost us dear enough. From that time forth I know 1 eoiilplelely lost my ad miration for the spectacle of a fire; even the tar barrels and torches of In dependence day mat?e rne turn my head with a most unpatriotic shudder. Charley Somers and Miss Vanderlyn took it, so far as could be seen, very coolly. I dare say they ought to have been different ; I only kneAT they AvcirS not ; in spite of the more than oppor tunity afforded by all tlld fifss naturally made over theni, they absolutely de clined to take up heroic positions, to be in any' Avay gushing, or to appear' any thing but "their own cool, indifferent seeming selAes. Nevertheless I knew what I had seen and heard, and I was not to be deceiv ed by tiiem any more. BENDER. HIS ARREST NEAR CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. Officers in Pursuit of the SonThe Whole Family will probably Soon be Arrested. From Jtbe Cedar EapidS Republican May 20. No little excitement Avas occsisioned on our streets last night by .the sup posed arrest and imprisonment in the jail of this place of no less a personage than the notorious Bender, of Kansas, who was the perpetrator of the late horrible murders that Avere committed in that State. Is it the real Bender? every one asks; and that is the ques tion" that will probably remain unset tled until the matter can be determin ed through the medium of the tele graph and the mail, or by being identi fied by those who have formerly known him in Kanpas, seA'eral of Avhrai re side in this vicinitj'. The circumstances attending his case are as follows: On Saturday night a strange looking man was hanging around the town of Ely, which is a station on the Burlington, Cedar Rap ids, and Minnessota - Railway, eight miles south of this plaee. The actions of this man Avere A'ery peculiar he be ing very restless, and looking as though he was on the Avatch for someone. He was suspected at once by J. L. Devault, the railway agent at that place, as a man Atho had committed some great crime, and who was dodging through the country to avoid his pursuers " Mr. Devault having just re.-ul a minute de scription of each member of the Ben der family, he soon discovered that this strange man at Ely answered the description in every particular. He at once telegraphed to Mr. Church, the operator in the B.C. & M. oflice at this placej for an officer id come 'down and arrest the man. Not' being "able to send word td the Sheriff, Mr. Church communicated the information he had received to our city officers, acting up- Cn which Marshal Heil Hale, Cottle and Joe - . secured a livery wagort and started f ui lily; . Incite' iricintiHle Mr. Devanlt aud a few of the. peopi of Ely had got the isr'?cicd mart in box car. and held him there by means of conversation and other devices Un til the officers of the laAv- arrived. They were determined at ' the same to hold him at all hazards if he at tempted to eScapc: The ofl)ceri arriv ing, at once went to the car, and beifig satisfied from a description tlrey had seen of Bender that this man ansAvered to it fully, they felt it thtir duty to ar rest him and hold him In custody until his case was finally determined. ' In goiHg from the car td the wagoii he showed that his feet were very sore, occasioned, undotibtedly, by long con tinued Avalking. ; On his way to this place he admitted that he had lived near Independence, Kan. "That he lived on a farm, and that he had an orchard. ' He also spoke several times of his daughter Kate, Avhom he said had 4.000 in her posses sion ; and that she kept nearly all of the money, having only given him a small amount . of it. He denounced Kate in severe terms for her thievish conduct in keeping the money. He rd so said his name is Benders To some lie tellS that he has been several days from Kansas; to others that he left there several Aveeks ago ; and to others again that he has been traveling around this country for ft long time. He told a ierson last night that he had not been at Kly at all, but that he came direct to Cedar Rapids from Clarence. His stories about one thing and another are very contradict ory, which-only makes las case the more singular and suspicious. Ho did not at all protest against being arrest ed. ..." Mr. Bershon, t?f this place, Avho knew Bender in the year lWGtl, was summon ed to the jail last night to see whether he could recognize him. He went away stating that he believed him to be Bender, the height, build, color of hair, and - general appearance of the man being precisely like Bender. The only difference he could see Avas that ho is a little fleshier row than be wjd seA en years ago. lie thought lus Avife would be better able to recognize him than he Avould be; . - , A son of Bender is supposed to haA'e got off the express train at MecllaTi'x ville last night, and an officer took the early train this morning for that place, with the intention of bringing him to this city if they find that he answers the description of young Bender. The Benders have been tracked into the southern part of this State, where all traces of them have been lost. Marshal Hale has telegraphed . to Colonel York concerning the arrest, and a photograph of the prisoner wiil be taken and sent to Kansas for iden tification. - THE OLD MAN". The following is the description of the old man, as we find it in the Chica go Journal : John Bender, or "old man Bonder," is fifty or sixty years oul, about fire feet, seven inches in height, rather round shouldered with very dark com plexion, and Aery heavy beard cut rather short; hair long and dark, mix ed with grey, and very heavy eye-lashes; nose sharp and rather long; hands spare, with cords upon the back prom inent; gait 1oay and sliijl;sh seem ed rather to stalk around than to Avalk ; weight 140 to 150 pounds. He had a sleepy, downcast look, and was grim and surly in his deportment. His cheeks are sunken and rather hrw. He speaks English in a very broken man ner, his native tongue being Eow Dutch. His voice seems" Id coiiie rath er from his chest than his mouth. He is slightly bald, and is careless and slovenly in hl5 drss. A Corpse Goes for a Direr. From the Detroit Free Press, May 15. John Quinn, the submarine diver stationed at this port for the past six or seven years, has been "doAvn among the dead men" a great many times, and has had some thrilling experience, but he was more frightened yesterday than ever before in his life. The pipe lead ing from the water-AA'orks into the riv er, put doAn last fall settled a few days ago, ana one of the joints -opened. Quinn was employed to make repairs, and "he took his apparatus and attend ants and went down yesterday morn ing. A' great many cords of stone had been piled on the pipe to hold it down, and his Avork wa3 near the outer end of the pile. The water was very clear, and, as he landed on the bottom, he no ticed some object leaning up against the stones but supposed it to be a log aiid Aient at his Arork. The. crevice in the joints was td be filled up with wedges, and the diA'er Avas about half an hour getting to Avork with tho ham mer He was -working aAvay when a schooner's yawl, pulling three oars and kicking up a 6wfl!; 'passed near him. Ho felt the swf-11 somewhat after a time, and was straightening iip after pounding stway when something struck his head and he felt himself embraced. He had no thought of a corpse, and when he looked up and found one right before him, with one arm over his air pipe, he cried out in alarm and moved back. The copse, that of a man, moved after him, and Quinn stumble back wards over the pipe, and went flat down with the homed form on top of him. Those ribove felt that he hsid moved and trave him more line and pipe. He pushed at the body and cleared himself of it, but as he regained his feet it came down upon hurl, and one of his legs rubbed acrcss his shoulders. The diver did not wish td take hold of the object but he wa3 forced to, and he pulled it about for several minuts be fore he ctfuid clear hl-i pipe. He pushed it by the legs back to the stone pile, ; and would have made his line fast and sent it up, but the swell Avashed it from his grasp"; ftnd the men above, mistaking his signal, drew him up. He went dowrt again, and made a long search for the body, but it had floated away. Ofwing to his' fright at first, and His nervousness afterward, the diver saw but little- which might identify the body. He i3. sure that there vtas a gold ring on one of the fingers, and that the man had on light boots, a3 he had1 his hands on them. The body wa3 below all the inlet pipes when first discovered, and was either sitting or standing against the stones, as one would sit or stand "to rest. While the diver admits the fact of be-" iilg frightene'd, he says It was because ho had no idea of finding such a visitor doAvn there.- Tho repairs to the pipe wfre cdrxipleted, arid Quiurf sent word along the dock: that the body liight bei watched for: WIVES COLUMN Tuckers, arid. rlaUfcfd trill. Laces and milliners' bill, Sliks that can stand alone, -, . With a richness U their own, , And of daintiest tints I wecn . Is'ile, myrtle ard pale sat;e-icn,.-Ilronze-bmwn, and cool j-giey, , Olive and primrose, and caft au luit, Dead-leuf, cocoa, modest pearl, ' This last B'i for a dark-eyed girl ; Roue, and vion'-t. and dots -tint rrk; Pale green, dark (Teen, rerf ; u-, .1 While heaven itself seems shining througn A love of a piece of pure clef-blue. TMcktrr, and pla!W; flfd frll'V Ibices, and milliners' bills, Dolman, and talma, and elcriii, , Pointedand rounded, the square bitsqulne; -And waist cut a ht Josephine, AVlth corsatce and vest of Iiu'n Fourteen J Flounces, cverskirt. ruffs and rolls, Cuffs and buttms; nii'j liiltor! -holes, - . Scarf.- THl combs, aud buckles and slideSJ Chatelaines," sashes, and belts besides All these, and more than thes, awult Our Peris at the outer gate, Ijooking and longing disconsolate. Until, with golden tears in their eyes. They enter the Ladies' Paradise. Ulolte. Jxive and marriage ieto toiHtiS df which eighteenth-century writers of vers lie societe, more skillful in their art than Boswell, delighted to make merry-' To one of them Ave nrtv Indebted fot Celia's retort on the cynical Dean! "Cries Celia to a reverend dean, 'What reason can be given, flince inari'.it.'5 Is a holy thing, That there Is none iu Heaven?' ..''.'. " 'There are no women,' he replied 1 She uulek returns the Jest 'AVonicn Uicre nr". but I'm afraid They cannot find a priest.' " . An 0io to ail Ciltf lU Old HiCasi lit MISS K. CO.NOMT. "Poor, guiltless I ! and can I choose but .sinifcf AVhcn every coxcomb knows me by my style." Pol-K. 'As Spring Day Hours " vvith tbeii; burden of sweetly ienevre'd i)lea3TJr'f:3 of life are overflowing with deliciousness the maiden. of town ' and province would bedeck themselves,l!ke the fldw ers of I)ay, in - ail lore-y gorgeotisnes i and thus, while nimble lingers -essay a!l endeavor to accomplish a victory d la. Pampadour, an od(or) of roet.'c licensd fills the air. Vauick. Poor, thrice-turned garment, wtth thy thread bare air, Can I your faded form once more repair ; Turn yet again your narrow, -well-worn skirt, Now fringed with specimens of c,f dirt? Can I the ruffles chaiiy'i to victlr'gs widu And cnrf tlMis the stains 011 clttikr side Give thy close sleeves a graceful," easy fici'f; ' And-plece them so no prying eyes will know f Your shabby boddice, can I, theni rC".'-cre, The trimming shaping a la Panipaimt.; . Thy dversTclrt td loon with careless" graco," Y'et hide most cunningly tho iiicri tetl fle? Goddess of Fashion ! at whose shrine we bovTl Iend me thine aid, greatly I need it now Inspire my hand with MH to tirn the stuff; And the scart pattern nisike appear enoughs Then, whene'er I wear It, how.'o'er I feel, , Oh ! grtlnt that I may look, at llrfst, genteel; The men it viewing as a bran-new gowii,- ---And me the best dressed lady in the townl akhaW Turf , nd'l and Ftiriii; The RiiD-HAinFD Girls. The fol lowing letter is copied, just as it wai -received by the publ.sher of .a latdiea journal in this country. It appeals for itself: ... Dear Sir, will you pity a young girl who has no person to a qtresthm of; Avho knoAvs no person1 .'ta whom 1 fthe; could place so much confidend iii; &3 to ask them. ' I have red hair and want to knoAv if there in any remedy td change it; My eyebrows are a.l'irhti -color, not even a shade of red in it," and will you please tell mo something that . I can use. When I am in company I am slighted, and niadc butt of and it ' makes me fed quite ffiiserjflie; and1 Avheii I go on the street the youiig children all call red-head, and at titrle I haA'e young gentlemen with me, and. of course in that way I am made 'a laughing stock of; and I am .in lovd - with a youiig man und he has deserted me for that reason, plesise tell me tforrie-'. thing to do, and I shall be ever grate ful to you. I remain yours in haste, " Cornelia GRACcuts. : CPleane don't say) Wineh-?teri Pa. Don't -laugh. The pathetic in tliafc letter is stronger than the humorous:. "I declare," Thackeray would have said,: "the .thought of that little maid ' weeping over her lover's desertioTf and puttirr? her woes oh p'tret )tt this hum ble way is to me infinitely touching and as that generous, easily moved heart is not here to speak pity for CbT rielirt (JniCchus, let you and I drJ a.J he would. Poof !ltt!e wentrifta, wasting ber true-hearted rCgretfori a lover whd Avas not manly enough to stand by hid girl because the street urchins cried after her. Her help was easy had nhe known it. An ugly color ,r:?'d is frond disease of the hair, and it is to Ue treat? cd by washing and brushing frequently: If Cornelia had brushed her red hair daily twenty minutes by the clockj ffhd would have foiind the color bo changed" in a month that her sweetheart could . not know it bv the lock in his waist-.' coat pocket. Bathing the head after smart brushing stimulates, the jrjtrmUJ , of the hair; so does holding the head over a hot stove, or in the current of hot air from ;i register. In time the Vreak, fine hairs rrejigthen and thd coarse ones fall out, leaving a Hold 6f well nourished locks, waving, light ill " C'-lor, and conveying the idea of vital ity, tV.rlt 1.3 the gn at t burin of li'r: and gives it the feathery spread and curl ;' so much admired. By the Avay, dili gent brushing of the hair is wortH uJote' than all tli9 curling p!'id.1 in thd hiiir to make it play into' ringlet shape: Globe: ... This season is prolific in severe;, stones. -(Scarcely ii the record of tho effects of one read by the public before" rnTother Is heralded with, more: fljsas' trovs results. Tlie tornado which Via Red the vicinity of Washington. lows? on Thursday has seldom - been equaled in violence: It sAvept over th country, "like a besom of dc-strtiction." '.Bafri" fences, house , cattle" and h iirtan K i figs at ere Swept doAvn like, straws , Bonie instances cattle and meix.. lifted into the air.anu uisiiw-. : fiTe3 re lctt. Web; " again .td the ground witn anif kw Ti&sff dt the terrible - ntlAVltary i-tv was destroyed, n n