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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1873)
B. a RAMSEY Editor. CoiumoutoadULX in "EducattouaJ Topics, Re ports cf EJncatlonol Meetings, &c..arc rtapett fidly ortcttAd fur tTte EdueallonaJ Column, and ma; te aJtfcsSseJ to Edacatlonul Cvuiiuiltce, Box 3C, cic BJuO, Nebraska. . ,-,.-"' . B. S. EA5ISET, Ir . ; ; r Ch'u Editorial Committee. ' THE TEACHERS ADVERSITIES. bi o. i. HIST. Tlio xrant o pupils to supl'ly A pleasing tui to fleeting eyes, TVoulrt seem, IX all thry neeiX to learn Were Unncd a thin of due coucera t To render this In measure just, Becomes the honest teacher's trust. But marry purse proud men there are Who honor due from him debar ; JETeR-vrlien possessed of talents rare. And hftracter that's passing fair ; . While much of good he glad would do, Ashamed am I to say 'tis true, Ilis editing low the people rate. And eft he feels the Tain man's hate. Tis those most wise in their conceit, Who oft his jjood designs defeat ; What foiWe he by chance possets. They with presuming cant ill guess r Like Solomon "more hope of fools," Than them, have we at lerust in schools. We satfand mortifif ti do feel WheD those uly tvlts our faults rercal ; For chance to gruniM-.! give delimit To thorn as much as what's tJl right, gonje iick Uistipliiiaii' skill, : And icrtce nlfjulles can't fulfill ; V; The case of these becomes much worse . By having ;hnrge of pupils so perverse. As know", not how control to broofc. Or pleasure find iu any book. Tlicir teacher's modes they will impeach. Or of his rules' will make a breach ; These, make for blr.i a thankless 7ttk By playlajf oil with th ankles quirk ; His good-advice they daily slight. While lie for them with lill Ids might, Cteks out from things both oi l and new, Such maxims as be fcno-.vs are true ; It gives to him no little pain, To see how youth will these disdain. bo:oc burrow maids there are that flamo On him what is a household shame ; In rain he ever castigates - For what a parent instigates : Tor duty just he then may f.ud How rancor springs from haughty mind ; A father's vengeance he may fear. Or from a wrathful Motherhcar ; The 11 much it aggravates his woes, II trusted friends sohuld tuni to foes ; And wort of all may lose his place, Obliged ta leave, la deep di.'C 'aco A triumph of the relx l crew, ad secnefor moralist to viw ! The cluufff of all is laid on him, So rules the reekh-ss public whim. The good Instructor's work undone. In truth to Satan's work beun ; lie then may start on his retreat. And shake the dust from o3 his feet. IVftat (ike these whea t upy occur, A better sense will oft bestir ; The teacher's wrongs will cause to see, And claim for him your sympathy. Though persecution be our lot, From well known duty .shrink we not ; But we must ever bear in mind Hovr the p reat leaeht-r or mankind. And the jirophcts, toot w hose holy zeal The sinful tribes were made to feel, Encountered just the same. Which gave to them posthumous fame. To them we're much in debt, . Their pd examples which we pet MiouM teach to us of modern time. The way to "make our lives sublime."' The nncicpt prophets' hr avcf-ly fire. Our minds to glory should iiisire : For mor4 duties fairly done. Our JTatltude h) Justly won ; Thfiugh to an I fro' by malice tossed. The teacher's work will not be lost. IRREGULARITY. TTe have frequently called attention to the very einlxirrasi ng in-gularity of many pupils of our public schools, and quite1 as often have aslied ourself the qution, Who is to Mavuf - In tndeav- oring to Tmd a satisfactory answer to the question, we have examined it as ; carefully "im we could, and have con- Tiidil. tlint iv:r-?if.i! ami rnntnlh-irys .irp l carefully as we could, and have con- j eluded, that parents and guardians are the responsible parties. AVe tan not j place the resptnaibl!ity upon the child-! rcn, tK-eau.;e they are suhject to the vrill f others; nor can any responsibility attacli to teachers; for tlieir functions i pertain who ar-f to school, , not t'j those who are not sent It is this irregularity, coupled with a total: 'absence, that has caused such a wide-spread' sentiment in favor of com pulsory attendance, mid if Nebraska .should ever compel attendance at school by law, these cannot alone, must produce suiih a result. How much and inS niielj letter, if those who have the care of children would seriously con sider these valises, and thus avert, what many regard as an innovation upon the j spirit of our. institutions that of com plliptiendance at our public schools. The latie -nf parent stul guardian to child and ward, we regard as jtositire. There is no Shirking the responsibility izmaned.b? these classes of people. First We may mention thx-t of pro viding for tbe ihysie;d wants; food, clothing, fchelier, all aae required to sustain and furnish tlie natural body, itnd he orsliewho would deny these to tbe helpksavultemler beings entrustel to i-areutcl care, would be guilty of the .grossest outrage j!gain.-t common hu manity, against the laws of the State and r against those tender emotions which hpi ing from civilized and en lightened beings. The nexF duty T;hlch ronv be men lioned is that of ednenting tlie cliiid or i.varI, and this we regard as no less positive than the former ; but what a miserable farce is that method of edu cation by Which the child is sent to school one, two, or a dozen years out of twenty. The farmer who half plows, half owf-or in other words, imper fectly cultivates his farm, can not hope fox a bountiful return for his labor so carele5,lrvafd 1mp.rf.etiy pcriWai - , i-'a-J l tie same reasoning may iv . ineu iu .:,. .X.aAni i.V.if :t . ,illl'll ra uk' m;..'i.v-.,.i linn "nu t,, iv3 . r-illr. Crinliwll has openeil , the package receive tri xiry lrtadequats return fori - 1 . . 1 - the littWtiettHawat school. H and discover! that it u a journal of But tluis Dot themly cLjeetioa to 1 f3.11-IIa1 i6. vo,' theirreIity of ptir-ilsftt school' tamins wwh valuable information " Dcfrln?' tht-ir Menre their. classeM TfhlUn to tho Arctlc tf.on hereto- "hare mW-x(i .oii.; tyo turgor u aiay lo, ajulf dozen lessons farther advanced. They m-e uisoiuu-it . - V . 1 to take former places in claes, becau: the lespons' iiiL'Scd, ' jrt pare tlie lnenv- hem for the prtent one. In thw slat of aSfaiw Vwtat should teacher and class do ? r At this pou.t a hind friend- hn suited .taut the :ts in .order to help the "up," should lie put j laeJc 'cix a 'rerfip-tt-7 DVlijV surely, thdt -would indeed he very occaaimod;rtrnr, but it .would he' p vr lntiuccmenCfor the said Irrr-rxdar" ii 'obnect a Very bad iabiL' z "We objected' 9 oiirYrieztd'3 j TMt VricTt aii hefion on tliO part of the teacher would bo a dotvaright injustice to tliooa members who h:id attended faithfully and regularly. The "only ef fect ual remedy for this ecil in our pub lic schools, rosta 'with the parent and guardian. .When either or. both have occasion to keep any away from school for one, two, or three days, let the parent or guardian accompanying the absentee or absentees on their return to school, and iritness their first recita tions. This, we believe, will go far toward correcting an evil which exists in nearly every school, in Cass county. Tbo Coach. The above is the title of a new paper recently established in Central City, Colorado. The fifth number is the first copy that has been received at this office. It is bright and witty. H. "V7. Leach, late of Jacksonville, 111., is the "driver," or editor. The following from the editorial page is so fuiTny that we have to copy: WAKNIXO, The writing editor of the Coach car ries his oilico in his hat, and will al ways be found at home. - The fighting editor lias gone on the docks, but the. Cardiff Giant takes his place and will be around every Satur day evening to settle all difficulties. The financial editor, who went to Vienna, has resigned. R Erlanger will settle the bills of all those who can find him. orx rBixcirxi:?. The Coaoh has neither polities nor religion. The driver will crack his whip over whoever he pleases. The Conch has neither money, nor credit, and doesn't need any. We have no list of exchanges, and don't expect any. If one says anything mean about us, we desire a copy. If anything good, they can keep it to themselves. " Our stock of inodc&ty is barely suf ficient for our own use. "VVe have none to sell, and don't know any one in these parts that wants to buy any. ItESOLVTIONS. j Resolved: i That quotation marks are a nuisancs. j That we don't know anything about J grammar. i That we can't spell, and don't want ! to learn. j That we never saw a Rhetoric." i That we won't do anything for noth- , ing. . ' 'We will never Itt up on a friend or let up on an enemy. Globe. At Preston, "Webster County, Oa., on May 1, .was ' hanged Susan Eberhart, aged 19 years. In her confession site that .she did nctbing except being present, and under compulsion hand ing Spann a handkerchief , when he called for it to fdl his wife's mouth. Susan Ebarhart was hanged for being the accomplice of Spaun in the murder of his wife. In the Xew York Tombs, j to-day,Iuonges a man bred in the lap of fashion, educated to know that mur der is the fouI:-.t crime 'against the laws of God and man, who in broad daylight, without apparent ' provocat ion, shot down a fellow man, and since tVi-i linnr l-n-i rrrrl(l lii m ? ?ia 1 f 1a ' ' ' ' .. I naa uone a nooie aeeti. in one section j of the cuuntry a por, ignorant girl, in whose breast the milk of human kind ness could certainly not have turned to marble, is hung; in another a man, because he has Wealth and friend, and lives within the jurisdiction of a legal ....t, s(.0VjW tocherish a tal tcil(len,,ss toward the bla U allowoa to rc.xo in Vl nry pnd ffr t, nnprrctMeTlt sentimen- nekest vil- ison luv- w nT, f. t1, . .T,c,1-,w, ()f ye;ir and l;lIf to lows of . t3 fi.vil u Cattle-Crt oilers faxlins. There was much shrewd, practical the- late James A. lii-own, of Sangamon county, lib, did and s.aid in relation to stock growing, to which Jus life, as a farmer, was chiefly devoted. . We have taken the following from bis essay on "Tim Hearing and Management of Cattle in Illinois" published in Vol.,11. Transactions .State Agricultural Society: ' i ". ' 7T 'lse pure blooded males. Keep no more stock than yon can keeji well and -the young should always be improving. Never sell to the butcher or to anvbodv else, vour best- and thriftiest voting females. Calves sljolllll (1 v' from 1st of March to tlie 1st of Mav. "Never rIIdw calves to run with their dams and Suck at will; it injures both, "Milk tlie young, row , as .long ,as posssible. ' "All cattle 1'iTcdcTs should haver. two pastures - feu 'sunitfler' grdng, vand change tlie stock from one to the other freiiuently. "hand intended for 'winter grazing should not be grazed in mid-summer. The summer growth is needed for winter protection. "To render stock-growing as profi table as it 'should be, 'good grass for winter and summer is indispensable. Eli Perkins, in a society letter to the New York Urojrtiir, describing n. rail on one of the isnuvpKUx riches. L'ives i the follov. iiig. as appecimm of a Ms- cussion on music witli a youncr lady; "Is Th"mas going to give the Ninth SymplionyV I asked. "Oh. yes; he's going to give them all the ninth and tenth; and won't that be jolly nice?" 'Is be going to give tlie svmphoney in T minor?" "Oh. no! not in Deminer, j but in Contra! Park Garden; too lovely, aint?" 4. I I Just lipforo embark i n f on his List vcyave Captain Hall tlepo.-iltetl a pnek- at a hotel in iv mitruc-hous that it bo tie a hotel in New York, with ,... .. . . , "fniT f-rinnfH u anything l.apper.el B i -i t tlicimws of In death; " IJi's are. hiltlpss swords,' "which cut jjie iuaitts tlut wiol-l thorn. v A Saint in inwardly j!ous when Lei not outwardly prosperous. A womlod eonscioace i. ahle to un paradit l'iiradie itself. Fuller. Xo man was ever so much deceived by anotlifvrju-by himself. Lord Gre- v jne .Experience is an excellont scliool m aster, but he does charge &ucU dread ful wogc-s. ?t Is cood In fevpr, and much lietter in antes', to have the tongue: kept clean THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST For your Giocerios go to F. R. Guthmann Corner Third and Main street, nattsmouth. lie keeps on hand a large and well selected stock of FANCY GROCERIES. COFFEES. TEAS. SUOAIi, SVRUF, BOOTS, SHOES, Sic, &C, &c., &c. In connection with the Grocery Is a ' ' , Bakery and Confectionary. t'AIl kinds of Country Troduce bought and sold. - Take notice of the sign- "EMriEi; BAKERY AND GKOCEEY." maylCtf. 0. F. JOHNSON. DEALER IN DRUGS, - MEDICINES, AND WMJL PAPER. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ALSO DEALER IN Hooks, Stationery, Magazines, And Latest Publications. Prescript !rn e:rpfully coai pounded by an ex- r-encuixu uiml','isi. Tlemcmhcr the jJuce. Corner Tifth and Main StiX't-Us, 1 "iitt!ioiith, Xvli. - - r Bonner Stables FINE LIVERY. j ; : r ; BUTTERY & L AZENB Y Horses & Carriages to Lot. ! Slock Hoarded by tlieDay Week or 3IontIi. Good Stock, rGood Vehicles Call and Give U3 a Trial. Str.ble on Vine Street. rLVTTSMOVTU, - - - - NEB. ntr. AND KT jr y ir. m 4 Ald U 2. O A J Jl1 & J. H. BUTTERY'S On Main street nearly oppor-hu the IlEitALD OfEce. Wliolcoale and Retail Dealer la DEL'GS AND Ml"J)ICrNF.S, TAINTS, Olll, VAKNIS1IKS, PATENT MEDI CISES, foVUZI AJ'.TI : .CM3. 5.rM &c t-"Prescrlpriotis carefully compounded at aH j T I NEBRASKA HERALD JOB OFFICE, . KEWZT New Press, New Type, and New 'Material Call and see our new lot.of LEGAI BLANKS. AB descriptions of work done In the printing line. Wc are fully prepared to do Every Kind and Style of Printing. fiend in your orders for LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, POSTERS, DODGERS, d-c. Witt? Has on bond, one Clothing and Genfs Furnishing and Summer. C f7 I invite everybody in want of anything fn my line to call at my store. South Side Main, Between Fifth and Sixth Stre And convince themselves cf the tact. I Inw stock, of Fine Clothing for Men and Hoys t'S" I also keep on hand a larp;e and well selected stock of Hats, Carts, Rootrf and Shoes Xj, IF1. JOII isns O IT , ZW Opposite the Platte Valley llouse, in Schlatter's Jewelry .Vtore. Main Strpet, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ST. LOUIS, DECKER BROS G. A. MILLER & COS r 1 a 11 0 s. nV(Dl!;tr Jfirst-riass Jinuos- autr .'Orpis. Wholesale Bcla'l Dealer iu Strings Sheet 'Iiisie and all kinds of Musical Merchandise Musical ixsmoiEXTS Tuned r.:id Kepalred Satisfaction G'.iaranieed. .p-f.; f. CHOICE TOWN LOT'S FOR SALK tow tmmM $ I C i ItcaB ncv he bius:ht ! Duke's Addition to the Chy of BlatUasoath, at prices fanglns I fivui $20 to 3:hj and on terms so easy that iersoni with THE SMALLEST INCOME MAY MEET THEM. For those who want town property either to hold for a speculation or to build upon, this is a rare chaneo to get it. These lots are in a delightful location, and arc dotted over with a Young- ami Beautiful Growth of Forest Trees. "Which add materially to their value. t-V Parties TvishinK to purchase or loo!; ai the-o 1.;-;, v;ll V.r shown t1;e:i. or driven any lufor mation dr-sired. hv -IHiij n 1.. 1. lit .K or U 1). HKNNKFi'. Kxecwtoi-s of "the Estate oi S. l't'KKor J. iJ. VJll.KLiiU. t ..ti!id KAKNLSi 1'tU.l.oc lieul iisliue Agents. l'"r ;tsii tite almvc p:i-es wil'. :ie i:si i::iin d ten .er i ut. l'ifltsiiiouiii, .cbra..a, eoler 2'd l:s.2. S, BLOOM -mMl?lSa s- ".COM & caTJ ' ... - ,. ft-ic- rJShB s- ' . y!.'-?i&:t;''? f sm&? BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, ROOTS, AND SHOES, Blankets, Rubber Goods, Trunks, Valises etc. Main Street, Second Door East cf Court House, nV.AN'CII nOUSE-Sroailwsy. Council rsiuff.s, Iowa. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, I)(ncn Go AT Celebrated v4 Sijuthwcst Corner Alain Street, Kattsmouth, Xebraska. r AND SO THE PEOPLE THINK WHO RUY Prcsri Goods, Prints, ' ' Delaine?, GiitniKT;-, ijrown Bleached Cottons, Clarke new Thread, In the Groctry lirae we keep the Fixkst and Bi:st " Tea, Coffee, - . Sugar, Dried J'".ruj3. In fact for Your Queeasware, 'Wooden -G lass ware, ilas and Cap.1?, C'i to FITTED VP. of the largest stocks of as a vccl;;!!v In wv Retail Department a to which wu'invite' those who want goods. I3UIIDET SMITH'S AM'N A X D C O ST O N OPvQANS. AT smt. teems Si fiMwk fur' ttmin'r '.riisA 1 V.l&9fjrfA K.:'V:--7KW B. i Syrup. tno r--ocess ol li'iv. njr. iCe.V. 3, Vw' Vr'm ' 1 v j. mks. I soiwtu.-s ..;ivu:i..iis and. Price fr.-rx -Syy &-X.&r- -:-;i I Whitcomb' ovt rci ii:-s :.!1 ciisr;i-rs inci-i 2 i f,-v :V5;-'t-3C:.-2! ' ' - ."?.-". T. "A IIs MOUTH NHgT r!alt':rooiit!i, Neliraskn, the Prices !! V. ! Tj JL j Vt 9 I t& LU' ti. Boots and Shoes, Sheeting, Balmorals, Carpets S. Cotton Yarns, Molasses, . ibices, etc, etc. .Groceries, llardxyare, Ware, Yankee Xctiona. "lioats and .Shoes, 12 M 53?" Sixth Street, one door south of tSo Pcrnot run Inks lee nidcrs & eorilinff to directions, and remain loii(? nmvcll, proviriod their bones are not destroyed by mine ral poison or otlicr means, and vital organs traced beyond trio point of repair. )ysCia or liKllrsllnii. ncai'arlie. Pain in the SUoui.lors, t'ouir'ns, TiKhtncsa of tho Client, Pizzinesr". Sour PrnctraioTis of the Sto raach, Taste in the Mouth, liiiioiis AttoeKs. halpitation of the Heart, Iniiainniutiou otlio Lnuxs. P.ita la tho resrioiis of the Kidney?, end a liniiarei other paiufiil Fj mptoin.s. are the oir sprinjrs of IiT.pepsia. One loi He will prove a better puariintco of lis merits than, a length advertisement. ForFtuiftI;(.'ointl.tlii4, In yonnjr or old, rhnrned i' pin?le, ot tuehiwu of womanhood, or the turn of life. thce Touie iliilera display so decided p.n iullueuco improvement is soon perceptible. I'or Inflammatory n:l Ctironlc Xlheiiuiiitlsm pnrl Clout, liiiinus. Ueinltleut mid Intermittent Fevers. DisUNes of the liiood, I.Ivor. Ividners and Bladder, these Hitlers have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated DlOlKl. Thrynrearnlle Purgative n well na m. Xoic. p(i.s.-easi;is the faent of actitifr 3 a powerful iisrput in relicvins foncestion or In flammation of the J.iver ond Visceral organs, and in niiion 1 )isea.c.j. For Skin I)iscrs. F.rnptions, Tetter, Sn't Rlicuin, lllolclies. Spots, riniplen. Piiulef, lioiis, Car'iuncies. ltiuji-worni.-. Scald Head, Sore Eyes, F.ryKipelas, Itcu, Scurfs, Discoiora t:ons of the Skin, limnors and IirtFC8 of tho Mviu of whatever uaina or i.atare, liter ally dnj up and carried out of the sys tem in :t short tinio by the nse of these iiittcr.i GriMeful Tliousanils proclaim Visegak DirTKtid the most wonderful Invigorant that ever Bustained tlie sinking system. it. ir. ncDOAi.D ro. Pmegists and (ieu. Apts., han Francisco. Ca!., Acer, of Washington and Charlton rjt.s.. X.Y. SOiJ I3Y ALL. DRCG.GISTS A DEJLLEK8. '; Manhootlj How Lost, How Keslored- tm .Tust tu!:isln'.l. a new ciiit; ;ii ot jfiJ,-?.rA Or. Cu!verw;di's Celebrated E-v- L'&fef av m tlie radli-r.l c;ir.- (willmu! kmnm Mr it tnctiicinc) of Si-fum atii;i;:u:a j or Seminal 'Weaklier, invol'intary Seminal j JUssi-s, I.mI'OTKNjCV, iiicntsil ;'.nd physical inca j jincitv. lmK'ihti'ii?s to J.Iiiiil.i'i-.. t ic. ; also. i t'ONSI JIl'TiOX, Kl'ILKl"8V. il'.id i-'ITS. i-ultlced I tiv self imli;iL'ii( e (irsi-u:.l i .ti ava;';:nee. i -fti'ricc in a st-alt'd 'iivelnj. only Scents. - The cclfiiratel ai:thT. in ihis :nimt!;tlit: cs i say, clearly H'in!istrat-s from a tlsirty year's sucee.if.Uir pr;etit e, that the :il.i:iiii:ii conse ' (ju itces i-f sclf-almxe. mav be radically cured ! without tlio ni "f iritornal I'tiv.lieiue 01 tl.e ap ! pii-a!ion f tin- kniic : pointing out the mode (-1 i -nre at enr-fl simple, cerlaiii :uul effecf ial. by 1 means fl v.hieh i-vt ry sulleier, no liiatter wliat ! Ins condition may be. may hi;iLsl clicaply ; privately uiu! radio:;!! v. j (.c'i'!!is Lecture rlioti'd I'e in tlio har.rls ofev : Vi-ry youth jmd nx.n in the land, i S-ift ttmler seal, in a plain envelope, to any j ivl"!res.s, on tLe receipt of six cents, or two post j aire stamps. "Also Dr. Culver's "Maniasa Cu;lc," price CO cent". t Address t'.ie rult'.islicis. ; filAH. .1. f. KT.IXE. ro. i 1J7 Itowcn-, New York. ' o-Ty l'ost ('mice Box. t&G. Woofl's HfiielioM lira rj U nn r f.rt-c'iiV'. n!':ar Moi:r!t1r. It i fl 0 1rc.ii nud ?ricliriy. tn-X wili iufcroct th1 entire bt'u.-t'h'rltj, lnciuU'iu aid niuhlt it. hus-- OUiilij Wivi-s, fmrntHflfKl rS;l.1r-u. It npr- fii ccsH the iiiiportmuT :' Mtir'ii a unU'ii :f w n hvnrt and purro's iii i:lV U -lort" thoro fhalt Ik h union i htimi-1. . It l'Ievt tliat. v. ni'.o it f-f 5 is oman priviJruc to puriij or.rl cmiifttrt nnd g H adorn, it viionld to tnnit'a l'ilrp to provj-.lo J fur, c!ionsh, ami prutct. It would h:io chil- f Odri-n trrdiou n iVtlnv. tliinkin? and growing rrertture ptrii ctly crtTau-(l,ttt not prown. m l Yv.x iu advocating t lit'o doririnH, liio'H.ii- ij ZiH vol employ dor'.riiKtl ftni:or! 5 and dnary u'.-'ji!t!?iii'ns vhii h do not iintrt Kami thtrer(iro do not profit tim iva.K r. Hi U.o 13 contrary, it would raiiior rrcarh as though It Y Hpn'ui'Jjcii not an in!rtini?iiorr,ior inMHiM P coiir-c ly pivniK the remi r something rcul, iu I, O ifr.niK h nil jin.itmiw io iiiiiik aiout. 4j Tho won't u well 3,4 thr liLct ivfl itii- rT the MHc.izine U lm price. Th WIc-R of pptl iiir a yj Hviji flirt urd to most jpl. Vet iL employs some. ! ine dosi cin;rnmtjr.- in uic coumrv wm o Cwlm WfivcH totiirv ot" thre (liuusund did Inr. equivalent io alKut fen dollars per dnv. J Kacb imin'x'f ci!i!:iin9 urarlv eifht J:tindrc d " " .l).,ai M-rth if to n ( for- a li it,. khIu Z writer admit eight rent. A.IU If.) Ill t I tl I J I TH Villi tinrtrriMii worth Finr IoUnrs will ho inaiUd J fl irw meverv nubscrilior lu tlie Masrazinr Bt H .'O (5 i" Hri'i-imi'in frco. Admits irniml. AJiin-M S. fc H. WOOD A CO., 2icwtiurirU, X. V. Y I Hop 111 Joy-iioi8 ana jcyi J 1 nllrd yolce or me i-rs. cnn a It; IJ? - nminusiii M I'M 01' the nionumoti!' l.tiiinoi J ci)ioriri-i w hich mart the avt.StrthixU lltrmc Q PJtminl, i'lnlfl . I'm As lis title rcllll'',. It tf Is iTcvoli-d to the iusfrnclioii ami entfrtiiiiinii-i't K "IC 1'uniilvcIrrlcanit.iH order to plm-e il wlitu F v. In the Kitui'tiM of r -.nlcm in inmlerntc clmun- T iaiices,lt i fiiniishcil nt a reniarkahly lowrn'o Q hi rirnpi'riion to thi Inrpt ot' its cmiloiitii. N. ' 0. 2V1 i?. . . it lie.iw-iitiBlly a home niagftziu il mid H iut tlw thine that i-ii' would n'M desire Y to place In the li inn Is of his wife nrut little one.i, mm or that a man of Imsiitesa vould iiimKeif tuke f i Hp tor rlrt ainplovtiioiit cf n leisure hour. vw i V iliHitHcton, N'. Were we out of or 5j Priiairriniiirmi, a iirivnie ruiz;i-ii. rut on . mm from our eitclianno liM anil all llat. one of the b fT " ftrM niairazinon tu ' nhich we f-hoiild mlirrnti tj S 'r HoiiseboM. avjiVs'-, tiArt- r an ititi'licctiTiii niiil mot.-U CA eJueator, hltrlily prtxed hv ull who I come or- R 5L iniainled wilh It. I'hritii-m A-lrnr.H. If La O j.oiuliir writer are, therefore. Rood WTi;eri, r w ami if limit piSif prove the merit of literarv " warus. -then Mr. tTuud'a tuiis.n;r,e Is a eck1 fjt La ...... "T I.- r. l i ' . x ..-1, , . ....1 i lc hreathe a jpirit of economy, moraliir and i r vinue wiuca i- umiuy rt iixshuyi lit tuis tiw i.r g-m y fA-ihionitliie lolly ami vxtrarauance.', - Etdma, Xo- ...?It Is uiidoobtcdiv one ot the A fre-r.est llveliext iiwmnii we have rsainsm-d. TT j Rrmeti, jpritii:ic'ld, Ter.n The aruiti IX, J are nlmrt, piquant, and of ynrh nriu-.iionxl a excellence, tlint this perioiiiral oivlt to he tiotli f r.milliar and eiiHi in very nwoiy Iioiim-- f$ Y UoUis. Wood's U marvel ot cln apne and mm lirat-elam quality combined. A lurk ItmiK. fmm lift - TTrn rm Look to Your Children. Yij I The C, reat -Soothing nemeuy. $r& ft v5 C' feltTK WMtoomb'.the i.owcls. s.nd. facllitutvs! 2 J'VO? T? rJ Syrup, idem to l'-.lH.its and children. Ci.t. ?' jV Z- llT7c :,jr. f. jrT MBS. fines Diavrho-c, Hvseiite- Price y'-i-S'U--. ??.7's ' -.' ; - ?" r - - U'-rl '.N. SyrUp. icLildreii tallages. JcenW. "?r :. , 1. : :K,M iV'iA . It isthecreat Infant's and Children's fsooth- ;:. tc.-th!n .r any other " felTfe 'VSi'-Vi ire,,,r-d by the Grafton Medicine C..., St. m-Wr Ju':( sold l y dni-bts and dealers in Meoicincs mm?-'lXA 'tVT & l'TW ev-.ri wi.ere. JAi?' VV' jX . ' r if I ill liC3 Lst j ;&M'2r 4rJ B VqrtA - ' mm ..Ullllll V M I I - 1 mi nil i tips FOB SALE Elf Main, Call and see him and get a Machine, fins been heforo the American public OVER THIRTY years. It ha never yet failed to give perfect satisfaction, an l hrw justly been styled tho rw.nacearfor all ex ternal Wounds, Cuts, burns, S rcliinrrs, Fpraics, BmiscB, &c, Ac, for Mm r-.nd tieast. No family fchould be a 6;Dglo day sr VTE AO i: N'T .. - ' '" '' Halladay's Patent Wind Mill3. Force andiFarui Pumps, Feed Mills- etc. Tlif iTaHAtlay "Till h;H t.o.l 5t tM for W-i ! Vi-nrs. ti'ilh In the t'nitc.l S'.'it: ::nl Tu n hml i the i:iiy one K'.'-'.iilv tuio;j:i:l hy till rriiiflv-al. Railroads and Farmers. Ttrnis Lilitrr.i. Sohf? f;r Cntal v?nc arnl Vrice JJst. A. L. fc. ii.ANt.;, Lincoln, Nt t. HENRY BCECK, Faiiiiturp, Lounges, Safes. Tables. JJcdrjicaJs, i.e.. He., &c. Of a'l ('cs-.'riptior:s. Fflelallic burial. Cas WOODEX COFFINS. or am. sizi:s. R.rvlr; Made an fold Cheap fur Cash. Vt'ilh ninny tlinnks for pnsf ji.-ttroiiKo I Invite ::il tr r-.ill anil rx;mine tiiy larfc-e stock cf l'w nit-.uo C'oiilns. JuniS 0? 50 Cents per Dottle. 1 It promotes the CltOWTII, PRElEttTESI the CO IO It, and incroasien the Vigor and 11EAUT V of tbe II AIU. i 1 Om Ttttrtt TE-ns Ait T.toh Katttairow OB THK Hair van lirt plaood in the market bf Professor K. 'i'botuaa Lyon.a rrduaioof I'nncetoa VIl9go. The came ia dm-ivod from the ireelc IlLATHBO"ai(mif-ing to cleanse, r"trij,rt re'U'm or ri'or. The lavor it baa received, and thepopu Jarity it baa obtained. is unprecedented and incre f ible. It increases tho ;wowth and Be Ami of tha li AIR. It is Si dolifcatful dressing. Jt eradicate XandrnfF. It prsventa th Hair from turninir arnr. It keeps tbe head cool, and ari voa I li hair a rich, sol t. arloaay appearance. It is the same in W ANrtTK and Qrai-iTT as it wsa over a (jUADTCB of a Cy.s STJBT Aoo, aad m sold hy all Dru(ri(ii.t and tVinn. try Stores at ouiy i iliy Ceuts per Uoliic. Woman's Oicry is Her Hair. LVOV'S Bite iC tliHl Vx-- n urn without lids Liniment. Tho nonoy ro funded itnless tho U a renro foiitcl. b Fiir, pnil pfi t' f cmi-in's MEXICAN JIUSIANCi LKill.'i;?:'!'. foM by ail Drurpials ar.d C'o-.:-trv Etoren, at 2.'c, COc. r.n.l $1.(;0 )cr I'.ottlo. Kctioa Bljle, eizo cf bottle, kc. To ATiVF.p.Tir-n?;s. .AIT f eicir.1! r,; eonter.i-j-Iato iiiakii!;: ei titr.U'l i y.':i n wpppers t';r tl. irr eiliuii oi "Adwrliseiucnw k.iouid .iciid to Geo.,&owc-!l&0o. f..r a t'inru'ar, or iii.-los- T.5 : ir. f-r t.'o-;r or a lmn.Sred r-at'e r.i!'v;i! -:. (lotatiii'i': ' '' "I .".'e:-i.'ipv id-d esih !S.i-. r"v in:! 11 . wi cf wM-'i'-n-i, n'-!.'iti.iiiv uvefi'l I'.i. :.- ; o sd -V! !f-rs. ;.nd sin-;-- ,i-i.i.iU ill I l.e i v pi i i.'i,e":l i f i ;;) v. In i ai-ektioun iis.stii'i r; --f n! iid veri !; . II. is lb i l are ' In" !:;; i tns i f ike A:i.';iicao .Ncw.Nw.por At5.ri Adiiii y. anrl an- I :-..';'- scd iif IIP -il f:--:l"! :' f'T - rrriii- iiisi-i i ii.ii hi' su.v.-riit'-i.ii'i.t in itll rcsj-jn-r.i and i intli; ;.:.- ;it 1ov.i-.n1 l:i:-S. Book Tor 11:3 Million MARniACiHIl A . i.:in . :ior t- V.l GUIDE. M.-.'Tii. !! 1! -:. :: in I ti. Iti.u ! : rv I'll till' pbMii'i -.! il in rics nrd ir1. i l-)tii.ii-i of tin- s -xu.-i nIi in. iJie lli l iiis-(-, T;is in j r. I : n - ' t - - l-inl i!-M'iil ilij oli s n il liou i ii p. r-.i t vc ti" i 1 1 n; !.. .inn. e.". 'J !is it ;ni tiili i r.Ni iiiT v i'i'i'i of l uo ImiihIu'J ntiii tM'ii?y-foiir ' s. v. ii Ii miu ck.'is p;,i.iv ins. jiiid : t ;i t ii s v ;t!ilii iii ' ililiTin 'l I'm till i Ikin:' u ln :u i' ln;i 1 1 i l' i. ! r n J"!;i I ii.y in.'.r- ) i;i '''. Sliil. It is :i l'Ouli t !;:it iui; lit to in Ki l.r liniii'i- lock ;il. i !., nii'l II'. I Kil l r.".l' i'-Na.) aii'iul tin hmiNi'. Sent to niiv one i'froo i f -,os:iCf-l for r1 l-' lils. Aililri's Ir. nulls' I i ii,iis.u , o. 1, .S.hlh Sli'fl-t, .St. 1Olii.S, iio. Not iec to the Afi'icted a:;;l T'ii fortunate r. fori-:in;ily!ii:': in tin lwilm Iomh i,u.irI- wLo .-.ilv --r! !-c i: j iu ! 1 1 I'.-ijn rs. or kmh i.ny iif;.i k n-iiii-'Iii's. ji'-ri'N.' Ir. j.nils' ork. no nwiiu-i wnj'tjonr diMu.Nt! is or liov.1 iii''t"i;iMe uiil COIIlii'lOl). J r. Ii. il is cm hn ronmi'tTl. pel oii;illy or I lfiiiil, on t lie j . i! im I I i-.-il lo l:N W'll.i. UM'-o, No. liJ.N. l.i 'Jit s. ii '.1. ' i'liw-i:ii fl;r M.17- l:ci aiiti t in soul. Si. fVii. Sii. ilri'2-iy ON MAHRIAGE. UAI'I'V lli-'li. f for Vovtit: Men. fioni tlie J fccls of J jiois joi'l Aim s in inily lit". .Mun liornl rcsliifi d. Imni'il'M. 4 to j:mi 1 1 iK l!oVl"l. No'.V Illl'lliO't f t tvn'Illl 'it. . Mi'1 r-iii.-irkri!i'o ri'imvlii h. J '.noli s ni'il 1 Iri-iibv fcnt fi-i'P in si'ali' I i'Iik-Ii nvN. AO ir. Ns. IioSAKi A-s-r- fATION. No. t Sfoitli Ninth Mr 'i !. 11 1 ; ;.! !r.iia, l';i :m InMi tiiiio;: IiiiMi.? :i liii-ii i :: ' ;n for lioiiurutlc toii liu.'t ::nil jirofi";; ill. c.rf UyrtriEMEHTS., The Gf.'-wfi-i-'r b'J-Ao refer you. to tht I'uh'inh'tra cf ihix j.inrr n rrynrd (hHr perfect rtl'ibili'y, uitd v hen. writing to -;, 'i.'i -c r,.-i,Ji'T you a a? their Aavtf ?.t i rii 'Siir.r'i'. , v 7i A ..tlie 1 1 ( iothlrrt C3 r. V.i i N.4rh M. !... Mo., w 4:!i )t., l-f. I. . til-, .'lo., wiil. on . J H;:;il!-a' Imt, s'im run lueir accural e i." 5' n:ii i.f S IC-'I-nsnr-iirr.t. Illuvtralcd i irruler. tst: 1 I rlre List, wlttl full line t 'jiaj tl'-i. li.i'.'lin;' vfn trder Clot h- ( !r t r r. in th. r Il mio. Mhlrh will f". 4 in !. ill the ht-t (i ;. Shlj j eil hy e- i.rea. 1,(1. II.. with I lie uriuii,f It. ri.-tir.:iitr nnd r' t art.1: ai tiielr iipin-iD, if nol i-alirf. lurr. r'-!'PTC'I IS'i'iscfaelf-mrwiareirfiif S'n t fre diwil S Oa'"'.'i-i i-it iruuraiilfcil, fii)fO tij Voiiths' lothlnr aweislt). Ki ml tiiJ I O ti-r iliimlratcil Myiia ami I'rice. -rr-TV rtlrMJX' I'A'f t. r O-IIMN. A i sn s ii. Ai.i'i: :si r, fl - j JC-t T -:'.. l-r m.rUliiir lli.i svd-,, liulis, ' J". i!.irn l-i, l-i 'i Trill 1, . A- . .tc. ' - All Ir'.iH lm h iel !er lip- , -y Wi,,V. i i.i. for i!( iTl;,!lv ': ' -J jui'i 1 i -it, ir t iiult (iii v f.iiur Hie v. V :-pi:V; ii-v'i l fiTi "plr". !'fit V i' i r. '.i I V! I l.i. l'..e Itsi-lt in a f.jJ mill! 'i. P.ti'i (!.. I' ,''ji:!nii! o-t' fl. cr tii'in"-I i in in I. v.a.ici A1 mi ss II. ; Um-uju-iX A Co,., & t Ollvu dtr.utiUAJ. kflu!ie Vlr IV liWUUI eili inc. S, ml for ( irctilari.ail J'ri.-' V. I l I- NMi'. l.onis.Xo. i I. i ' 1 1 , 'i l-c f":farcst nnd li-iP'.li imest Aprtcult-ir;i t-fti i'd iuu.- Jour mi in itiia country Is tb ST. illllll.AMl l AltMtlt. I. f . -j Eik--.t r ..! ronrCt'.uniia, omy CO fa. a C -jiJ y .Hc.fiut ri- i'r.- L: t in. C" ra of Ail'trr I Ililli'iU. l'ili:U, -S 1 si M )''ii1 M' 1 MD, TliilN r--ot .'tuffM! Kprina it Slnnn, f ir tiiiii''ii I . l n i ii anil ..lit- r riicl' s. A silvi r-ijla.cil si.:,-?- Bf..i.;. ,.f tii'N l a:id ;-.-l.--1 c. t-i ii -in 'ta " ti'i h .tlie i f ti-t I iidi: i '.""ice i nni. dcll- -i i-iit . : . ; . ;::(' -r. 1 . I. . K 1 1'( lm-- '1 in a i re ..-i ii'ii-i S.I 1 ii ' I ' ni l la 1 '1 1 ,--i.i'd fir f.Hlvv l llil!;' i r tin; l. I .. -ii'S vr:.r.,:!i. if. I r. .t,t. ID . i .'t.Jiil:i ...-ii.AiJ li-li Arktl I i5 J A i..-!itr1il pii.r re hrk UrouiM, ;f hcUiiOMt'ly, tuvmit-t.. .1J ercr t -pltTo for t?H. Svnt innaUI on r f 3 i,l jjt. ur.Vir lur i -lher. A??nli f j- ,-. i.J rr-rr I i-rc, who can hiami J." . Tir.N. f .nrrrt oiecaBt ft - ' f,f r i"l f mojo 'vMVf'''Lv2 v r 1 1 'j -. . ; . 4 f 0 f -Sa. :i V aorgcstlcfli'ioa aisi-Uxer isaiun3i rii:--.,0'luiooit.. -, - 1 t