juimssw i"Y 'I --rr. t 2 si i fid I V 1 ,1 t . t i V 1 i THIS . -llERAJLi): ! i ,; , usrr Railroad Time Table. B. d- M. R. R. IN NEBRASKA. Yr!tv?aM Eastward No. Xo. 3 No". 1 STATIONS. So. 2 So. 4 Xo. 6 8 oo s.itt 6.5 11.10 6.5 11 6.10 10.30 6.00 11. 00 Plattsmouth Ort- apoiis Omaha licllevue La Platte Oreapolis Concord Louisville South iieud Ashland tireenwood Waverly Sewtoa Lincoln Lincoln 1 CUton Highland ' I 'I elf lorche;ter Kvier l'ainnount 2.00 1.47 2.40 2.10 1..15 1.47 1.31 1.U9 7.45 7.25 a. io 7.SH) 7.10 6.M .. ts.ll 5.50 3.10 2.45 7.10 11.13 7.25 11.2. 7.41 11..W 8.11 12.00 .ZI 12.12 ft. S.33 2.13 i.; 1.10 .S8 S ii'.; 12.S3 12.20 12.05 11.52 11.35 11.17 5.32 1 1 53 6.14 11.25 4.5U lo.ro 4.41 111.30 4.20 10.00 9.30 Jf.iV) ll.ltf 9.12 12.50 I'i.c:- 31 1.03 12.25 P47 1.17 10.10 1.35 1.25 2.00 2.05 2.29 2.19 Xo. 7 2.4'J 3.M .M 3.00 10.0 3.24 11.20 4.10 11 M H.M 12.15 f 10.52 Xo. 8 8.22 10.28 2.5J 8.10 10.0S 2.20 .23 115 &.00 12.15 i 8.39 11.20 8 29 ll.od 7.0? 10.00 1.32 9 10 I 7.20 1 8.50 j 7.00 J S.iSO 6.43 7C3 1.00 5.08 Orafton Hut ton Harvard Inland 1.25 2..'l7 3.17 3.47 6.10 6.M 6.27 6.40 J Hastings T.fto 1 7.25 .Tunlata 4.30 S.evi e.02 6.20 7.12 7.4s Kenesaw 8.13 Ixw;-ll 8.35 Port Kearny S.05 Kearny June. .2J .UO 5.44 5.15 7.15 6 35 5.5.J 6.20 OMAHA BRANCH. L Plattsmouth, 6.35 p m Ar Omaha, 8.10 pm 2.40 p til 10.30 a ui 6.10 pin 1 15 p III 11.50 am 7.45 p ui Ar Le B.'d- M. R. R. J Si Platts,. Le Plaits., Ar Platts., The time 8.45 a m I.e Pacific June., 7.00 a in 3.15 am Le hii-iflc June, 4.30 pm 9.40 am Ar Pacific June, 8.5oaiu piven above Is that or Chleaijo, faster than thii of Platts- which U 33 mi.iutca mouth. LOCAL XEWS. LOCAL ADVKUTISEMENTS. Transient 25 cents a line. Kcular advertisers jo ceutM ier line. Xo advertisement Inserted tor loss than 25 cocu. IcjX advertisements vrtil te charged to the parties banding tliem la. COMMUXICATIOXS. An our ipwH: Is liniiie J, all communications most b brief bud to the pulni.wlth n waste of sitbscridet:3 Ar reneeted to notify the cSce If the rmptr la sol delivered promptly. XEVTorArEK DECI5IOX3. L Any person who tnV.en a paper reru!rrly from t;i; '.t. yf.ire. wLifitr 4i,,K-t'i ! hi mmo. crw'if'.iHT he a suiseiioer cr not U rvopoiTlole for the pay. 2. Jf snv jicrson i.rJcrj 7;aper dl.-contln-TU'd, he ni'iNt p:iy iiil SMTi-nrar;p..or t.e xml-iisher raav cniiimie to 5nd it until pavriMt 1 uiad', nu ci!ert the wliole amount, wli ether the pa par ii taken from tiie oilice or not. 3. The courts h;ive ! lod that re,tt;n!; tf kc nevr-rjers aa'l p.-rioiH-'uls from the pt ffOce, or r.'Uiovin;; wul iaviii them uiie.ulvd lcr, in prima rwdeiiee of i.vtesiul khaid. Kotk.'eto Hv trtvnoifV. Allsuuscriberspay n for their paper to us, and ordering it stopped at a certain time. v. ill End It so stopped; but we cannot be r-sioiihi'lj for what has been 3?ne before our tlai", tior for orders snpiosvd to Is give:i by other to other. Cur b.r:V3 alono ir.uit bo tha puUle for all cM BU'nscriptioua. 1'lease remember tiii". CI3 and oe D. Sehr.asse Co.'s new gco-Is. Kemcmbcr the Old Folks' Concert next week. A n:rx lot of blank deeds, summons', subpoenas, &c, &e., for sale at the IItr- j aud o.1Lee. A man in Omaha coughed up a tape worm which, when unwound, meas ured twenty feet in length, so says the "We don't know which i the hardest, to swallow that, or cough it up. Eargaliia at Hank Streight's. If. During one of the recent severe 6torm3 the barn of Daniel Rarnie, of Greenwood Precinct, was strck by light ning, and both his horses killed. Mr. Ramie is a poor man, and the loss v.i!I be a heavy one. lie barely saved hij granary from destruction. ICew Goods at the ertr. Shea Store, cheaper than C-.f. The Lightning has been trying its hand on Harry flon'.d, State Prison In bpector. Those Burt county fellows aro awful tough. It ii very doubtful if chain lightning can beat a Nebraska State Trison Inspector, in a fair tussle, any way. All the world of Plattsmouth is agog with wonder and astonishment to think the Old Folks are coming pretty soon, mid that -Black K'yed Susan" will dance a hornpipe to the tune of '-Old Dan Tucker, while Dick Claiborne stands on his head ready to be hung up to the cro'is-trees as Sweet "William. Gaiters for 51.40 at would go barefooted? the Shoe Store. Who ' 5tf. Having just received a large lot of Envelopes, and Letter Heads, we are prepared to fill large orders in that line. The editor the Herald, the other day, in conversation, remark.-nl that he mirwcpil nil tlm 1ivil iviw roimnir fillt of - - - -- ; him during tins sickness; ana a lany friend retorted that if all the devil came out there would bo nothing of the editor left but a shadow. Fine Cut 8K.ro. Tobaoco at the Tut I O Jloe Book ItL A lilt 13 child, about two years old, wa3 thrown from a wagon on Main street, on Monday last, by the sudden Btarting of the hor?es, and tlio wheel passed over its arm. Tortunately the earth was soft, with the recent rains, and the arm did not seem" to be serious ly injured. Dramatic entertainment on . next Thursday night for the benefit of the Episcopal CWurch. "Wiley Black, the handsomest young Black man in town, formerly of the firm of Streight & Black, having mov ed over on the Hekald side of the street where the sun shines and the flowers bloom an'tt all is lovely 03 a summer zephyr, opened out his new Ice Cream Saloon on Saturday evening in grand style, with oceans oM&f ream free to everybody. They doay that the hand&me young couples whoprom- fenaded u? "Wiley's gtep3 for ice cream that nigKwere cnbugS to iA-jtbeJ Zri3 vjf K D&tilile lei-fbrrtialiCe ht Fitzgerald's ball, next weeli, Hon. IX IT. "Wheeler left for Indian apolis on . Monday, to attend the Xsv tional Agricultural Congress to be holden there. Pan is alive. TTo were very rauch jileased to re ceive a call from the Honorable judge Maxwell. The Judge had just closed his court in Ciuning county, and come back among his old friends for a few days to see th'e old homestead and ob serve how the young la"nr firm, his Suc cessors, are wiggling along. He will receive nrSny a pleasant greeting from our j'eoplc. The only exclusive Boot and Slioe Store m Cas County. Xolhlng below cost, tut cheaper than ever. Tzizh Merges.. C. L. Mather and his family left Flattsmouth this week for their future home in the great Republican valley. Mr. Mather starts a new paper, the "Red Cloud Chief," in Webster county, the frontier paper in that direction, we believe. Day by day, almost as we can see the corn groWj do we See ths bounds of civilization stepping onward, onward, sectidn by section, while meridian line . after meridian line is passed, and still the great West opens her arms and cries for more. Willitt Pottenger, Esq, left for Salt Lake, on Tuesday, with the view to a permanent residence there. lie will engage in tbe practice of law; and as our Mormon friends are about to di vide up their wives and property, and make vast changes in their social or ganizations, we think there is a good opening for success. We sincerely hope that Pot will get his share of thir property, whether Le does of the wives or not. if A, GRANGERS, HOI ia'.e boots at the Shoe Store for Four Ar.y use to send to Chicago, eh? Teteh Mebgss. Hand Doliuts IHrROYEilEMS ON MAIN STKEET. The recent heavy rains have at last convinced our people, that we need some better system of drainage on Main street than hrs hitherto covered our sidewalks with garbage and flood ed our cellars with something -wetter than lager beer. Our honorable Mayor and Street Commissioner have been slushing around boot deep in the dtbris squinting and lacking and poking in order to find the best method of ditch ing the thing with credit to themselves ejid satisfaction to the water t The perennial ile-ser, "mit his little bell," and the samo stump of a cigar he had lat year, and the two nubbins h:i calls po:iie3, has once mora made hi3 appearance at our houses as a regu lar daily visitor, with the softest and most delicious asparagus, the crispest and juiciest lettuce, the reddest and pulpiest pieplant, and everything else according. By the way, Hesser's gar-dt-na and green houses are a perfect sight to witness, this spring. His fiow- . - . v v. fi - - , ftp.d ii is a beautiful spot to visit on a j summer evening just sufficiently far away for the boys to take a ride with the girls thev leave not behind them, THE PLATTC RIVEIl Has been, on a high and luscious old bender fur more than a week. Start ing way up in the mountains, drinking of the eternal snows of the hills the frolic began. Down through the val leys, over the broad plains lapping and Sucking and draining the cavernsj sew ering the gulches, picking up the stray timber along the bank3, washing the face of the sand bars, the "yaller" old beast comes tumbling and roaring in all the pride of mud and dirt and snags to help the old Missouri take a bigger spree It met a slight snag at the B. & M. j "R. bridge, but soon washed itself in t an eudv out of that and comes grin ning along sassy as ever. V. S. Gihnorc, tho big Jubilee man, proposes to give a branch entertain ment in the city of Chicago. It is to beheld in the magnificent Passenger Depot of the Michigan Southern and Rock Island Railroad, commencing on June 5th. It will be a grand Concert, no doubt, over three hundred perform ers being engaged, and all the western world will le in attendance. The B. & M. R. R. Co., with an eye to business, propose to issue excursion tickets for the round trip, and no doubt many of our people will take this occasion to visit Chicago. All I . j those who have not visited the great city since the fire will find this a good time to kill two birds with one stone, namely: see the new city and attend the concert as the fare will be a mere trifle, comparatively. Tickets' for the trip, iucluding ad mission to the concert, will be $20.70, i good for U'P days. JI urrah for Gilmore and tlie B. & M. R. R.! I A jouug child, belonging to a family by the name of Levins, living about ten miles out in the country, met with a frightful accident, resulting in death, last week. The father had placed the child, a little girl about three years of age, in the wagon, which contained some loose hay, giving her his coat to sit down on, while he took his team and commenced plowing in another fart of the Geld. There were some loose matches iii th6 coat pocket, and it 13 supposed that the child in playing; ith them set fire to the hay, and thus to herself. The fath er; seeing the smoke rise from the wag on, rushed towards it only to find his child enveloped in flames, lie burnt his hands severely in extinguishing the blaze, and after so doing the child was carried to the" house. Before a Doctor could reach the place -the poor little sufferer wa3 dead. The rarenta har3 the sympathy c the whole coraiQunity m their great iilderli.X,. 'flioniil, of 1Kb Christian Church, of 1-avenworth, Kansaa, will commenco a beriea of meetings at the Congregational Church, at 11 a. m., the first Lord's day in June. All are in vited. 8w3 Go to tlie Old Folks' Con cert next "Wednesday nighty and the Dramatic entertain ment on Thursday night. A MYSTERY. On Friday of week before last, Dr. Wolfe, living near Republican City came to Lowell. ITc brought with him three teams for the filrpo3e, as he stat ed, fo hauling lumber to Republican. City to erect a drug store. The next day ho started for Lincoln to get 31, 400 in gold which had been deposited in a bank to the credit of his wife by some of her relatives, and directed his teamsters to remain at the Continental Hotel until his return, which would be the same night. Nearly two weeks elapsed, and the doctor has not been hcafd from. We are informed that he had no order from his wife to draw the money, not having seen her since tbe great snow storm. A day or two since, One of ths team sters telegraphed to Lincoln to know what had become of Dr. Wolfe, but was informed that he. could not be found. Neither could it be ascertained tvhether he drew the money from the bank or not, the place of deposit being unknown. It is possible he may have gone to Plattsmouth, where he formerly resid ed. Suspicions of foul play of some sort are entertained by Mrs. Wolfe, who is desirous of learning the whereabouts of her husband. Lincoln and Plattsmouth papers wrill cenfer a favor by copying the above, and thus aid in solving the mystery. Lowell Register. We find by later advices that the party in question ha3 taken himself off with the money and a female of ques tionable reputation, to parts unknown. The cheapest place for your foot gear is at the Shoe Store, of course. Fstzr HEEGEfl. 8v4 Mr. C. Ileisel is putting up a pair of grain and hay scales, at his mill, and is prepared to weigh all the wheat and corn that farmers bring him, besides paying them the highest market price in cash for the same. All who deal with Ileisel will find him a "square man.'" - Ohl Folks Concei t for the benefit cf the Episcopal Church on "Wednesday night.. Quite a party of our citizens went up to Omaha on the- excursion train to hear Blind Tom, and were very well satisfied, we believe, with the Concert. The audience was large, many finding difficulty in obtaing seats. BOOK X0TICE3. A GETSEH WASH-TUB. One evening Messrs. Spencer and Ilamp, desirous of testing the cleansing qualities of the hot springs, attempted, to wasli a flannel overshirt belonging to the former in their boiling waters. After carefully soaping the garment, they committed it to one of the leat active cauldrons in the basin, when to their astonishment the water in the spring suddenly receded, carrying the shirt out of sight. Citrinsity led thern the next morning to revisit the spring, which proved to be a geyser of consid erable force; and as they stood in mute astonishment upon the edge, and gazed down its corrugated sides, listening to the gurgling and spluttering of tho water and the ominous intonations froni beneath, an eruption suddenly took place, which projected the missing shirt, arnid a column of water and va por, to the height of twenty feet into the air, and in its descent it was caught upon one of the numerous .silicious projections which surrounded the edge Of the crater, and recovered. During our stay in the basin we had the good fortune to witness, beside the eruptions already mentioned, the Cas tle, the Bee-hive and the Grotto in ac tion. A hard wind was blowing in the morning, when tha Casth by various throbbings, pulsations and shakings gave notice of its intention to" dis charge. From "The Ascent of Mount Haydtn? Scriuner'sfor June. SCRinNER'S I'OIl JOE. Among the striking features of Scril ners for June are' X. P. Dangford's en tertaing and splendidly-illustrated ac count of "The Ascent of Mount Hay den ;" a new picture and biography of Bret Harte; illustrated papers on Cor nell University and "Our Postal-Car Service;" a curious and important pa per by Gen. Walker, Superintendent of tho late Census, on the relative increase by births, of the "American Irish and American Germans;" "A Seance with Foster the Spiritualist ;" and an article by Prof. Wise, the well-known aeronaut, in opposition to the received theory of the tides 1 An interesting account of a visit to tho Pope is given, and there are two capital short stories, "Captain Luce's enemy," by James T. McKay; ami "An OldFashioned Story," by Ma rian Stockton; besides the continua of Dr. Holland' "Arthur Bonnicastle," in which the hero has a New Year's experience. Dr. Holland, in "Topics of Time," discusses "Tlie Atlantic Disas ter and it3 Lessons ;" and "Conscience and Courtesy in Criticism." In the "Old Cabinet" there sire half a dozen somicts ; "Home and Society" and Etch ings are more than usually full, and in "Culture and Progress" there are, be side th book-reviews, articles on "The William Morris Window" and other art matters. The "Great South" series' will be commerii'od in tha Jiily number of Scribnsr's. Don't fail to see "Black Evcd Susan," next week; The Cleveland - JOeader speaks of fcOur Libel Suit" Vitu S3 much pride, and importance as the boy whoboasttd ; of f hp mortal on his father's horrso'. Centaur Liniment There h no pain which tho Centaur Liniment will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, j end no lameness which it will not cure. This is ' strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects are marvellous.. It lias produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia; lock-jaw, palsy, sprain,, swellings, ear-ache eakod-briasts, seaids, burns, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, &r., upon animals in one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world boican. It is a counter-irritant, an all-healing rain-rellevcr. Cripples throw away their crutches, the laiae walk, poisonous bites are ren dered harmless, and the wounded arc healed without a scar. It Is no himibug. The recipe" is selling as oo article ever before sold, and It sells because it does Just what it pretends to do. Those who now sufTer from rheumatism, pain or swelling desorVe to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment, more than 1000 certificajes of remarkable cures. Including frozen limits. Chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumours, &c. h".ve bceri received. "We will send a c'reular containing certificates, the recipe, C, gratis to to any one requesting it. One bottle of tlie yel low wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for foundered or sweenied hor ses and mules, or for screw-wonH irt sheep. Stock-owners this liniment is worth your at tention. Xo family should bo without Centaur Liniment. J. B. Rose & Co., New York. 4C-1 j' Castobia is more than a substitute for Cas tor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine cr alcohol, and Is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. 4G-ly SPECIAL NOTICES. HOME MARKETS. JVheat i05108 Barley 5560 Corn 23 2."", Oats. 2325 Rye.... 45050 Reported by Cctlkr & "White. THE MARKETS. NEW YORK, May Money : 21. . . 34 pr. ct. Steady Gold Governments Dull and CHICAGO May 21. "Flour Quiet: "W heat Regular Corn Weak Oats Active Rye Dull Barley Dull Cattle Dull Hogs Live 3 25&5 25 1 3 32 yn eo 5 005 55 4 50&5 10 Business is business, and so are the Cijars the r. O. Hook Store. 5-tf. Ladies, c;Jl and examine the nice and -cheap Gaiters at the Shoo Store, before you buy else where. So charge for showing them. 5-tf. l'KTEB MEKOS3. FOR RENT. O.Ticc and Store rooms. Inquire of Mrs D. Whitcomb, or at this office. 5-0t. FOR RENT, The larje and commodious warcroom, cellar, and office on second floor of building formerly occupied by Jacob Vallery, jr., in Masonic Bloch. Enquire cf li. U- Livingston- or 4-tf. E.T.I)cKi. KALL KWICK. W'c konstantiy keep a Komplete stock of kroc kery. kweensware. kutlery. kongress gaiters, kodfish, korscts, kraekera, kanrty, kollars, k!o- thio;, k notions, kerosene, koflee, kurrants, kottonades, kassimeres, kandles. and eyery thinjj konsistcntly kounected with the trade, which we are selling at lowest ka.sh prices ; konsequeatly k.ush ku:tomer3 kneed to kali kwick to get bargains. ltKKi I'.ros.. 6-if "Weeping Water, Neb. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE F. r. Todd & Co. are the Agents for the Howe "Sew hi'' Machine, in I'lattsmouth. ! They have opened a salesroom and office on Main street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. This Mai'liino Is so well known that any words of praise from us would be useless. It is a Lock stitch, double threaded, nuir-hine, and ranks No. 1; ?.rrns the jreat Sewing Machines of the day. ttt Legal Advertisements; Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company in Nebraska. F.OHTON. Mass.. May 1.1. is:3. Tlv annual meoln!r of the stockholders of the llur'iincton & Missouri Kiver Kail road Com pany in Nebraska, will be held at tho oltiee of the VouipHuv in the eity of flattsmouth, Ne braska. Friday 1 lie ?ath clay of June, proximo, f.r the election of Directors, and other business which may leira'.lv come before the meeting. It is proposed to change the time of the annual meeting. By order of the f.oard. J. N. Dknisox, 8-5t Secretary. Probate Notice. Noi ice is hereby given to all penons haYinjr accounts as:dn.'.t the estate of Jonathan Adams deceased, to fii the same in the oiftce of Probate Judge, Vlaltsmouth. Cass County Neb raska, on or before the 1st day of October, A. 1. 18T:. II. E. Ellison, I'robate Judv'G- May 21, 173. 6w3. Notice Is hereby given that all jcrsons who bavemsvle Iii;proenn-iits on the School I-'!iis of this County since th Twenty-first day of June, A. 1. iHT.!, c-oi have sudh Improvements aj praWed by notifying the I'or.tty Clerk of .the same on or before the Fifteen tii day of oUue, A. I. ist:. By order of the County ComToi'-'sioiei-a, D. W. McKINNO.V. P-3 Clerk C:iss Co. Estray Notice. T.-ken up by the undersigned on the nth d:.v of ?d.;v. Is7;t. one nav Mare, about 14 veers old with "W " branded on the riglit and "t " on the left shoulder. The owner can have the same bv calling oil the undersi'.'iied and paving the charges. HirHAltu N. Lf.wis. Camp Creek, Greenwood I"ieciuct, Nebraska,' May l", 1S73. C-St. Sheriffs Sale. In tbe District Court of Nebraska, In and for cass county, 11. L. It. STTLES, vs. f Legal Notice. John" Sxyif.r & William Snvkkr. f JJy virtue of an order of sale issued to me in -LJ the alove entitled cause out of Hie said Court. I will at Eleven oV'ock a. v. on Monday I lie ii;ih day of June, A. 1. 1S7.'!. olTer at pubii'c S;de to the highest and best bidder at tlie fnmt door of the Court ll;ue in I'lattsmouth Neb raska the following described lteal Kstate to wit. Lot No. Kive (5 in P.loc.k No. Sixty three (rci) in tho City of l'i.ittsaioulh Cass 'County Nel'raskjw Tlie above lteal K-statc will le sld on said day to satisfy the decree of tlie Court in favor of the Plaintiff against Defendants and as the proierty and KVal Kstateof the Defendants. (liven under my band this llth day of May. A. L. 1873. .1. W. Johnsov, . , f'criff. Cass Co., Nebraska. S:dii 51. Chajiman rififs Attorney. e-5t. Sheriffs Sale. Isaac VTeil and Isaac Cahn " Willis J. Horton, WHliara execution. C. Jeuks and James Clizbe. j Notice is hereby given that I will offer forsale at public auction at the front door of the Couft House in l'lattsnioiith, Cass Couuty, Nebraska, on Mondar, the 3oih day of June. A. D. IS73. at one o'clock n. ni. of said day, the following real estate, to-wit : The south hulf ('41 of the north east quarter (V) of section ntimber thirteen (131 in townsliip number ten (lo north of range number eleven (11) east of the Sixth JYin-ipnl Meridian, in Cass County. Nebraska, aud lot number live (5) in block number sixty-six (w. lot number six (C in block number sixtvAix (6f) Hnd lot num ber tlirec (3) in block number sixty-eight (68) and lot number four (4 in block number sixty eight all in the town of Weeping Water Cjlss County, Nebraska, levied upon as the property 4.1 the said Defendant, Willis J. Hor Vn. by virtua of an execution in favor of the l'lainliffs, Weil and Cahn, issued by the Clerk of the District Court, within aud for Cass Coun ty. Nebraska, aud to me directed as Sheria of said Coumv. ; Given under my hand this 2th day of May. A. V. 1872. J.W.JOHNSON, ' r. , - - -SberiftCass Connty, Neb. . O f. SsfiTfT, Attorney for Flatndff . ' - SheriLfs Sate IS tb DVtrict Court of Xebrttska, in tri tot Cada couaty : - O. L. Talmet, ' vs, ( Legal Notice. John Koss and SVSAN ItOSS. ) . . T?y virtue of an Order of Sale Issued to me In J the alove entitled caus;? out of the said Court. I wlU :t Dhe o'ehK-k, J. M.. on Monday the lGth day of June, A. 1. 1st;, offer for sale at tlie front door of the Court House, in I'latts mouth, Nebraska, the following described Lc&l Estate, to-wit : Iots number seven (7) and eight fS). In Block number thirty-six :".), in the C!ty of I'latts moilih. Cass cimntv, Nebraska. The above real estate will lie sold on shI J day to satisfy tho decree of the said Court in favor of the 1'laia tilf and against the Defendants, and as tbe property aud real estate of tlie defendants. C-1 ven under my hand this 14! h day of May, A. IX 1873. J. w. JOHNSON". Sheriff Ciiss Co., Nebraska. Sam. JI. CBiriiAK, i'ifl's Att'y. 8-svr Sheriffs Sale. IN the District Court of Nebraska, In and for Cass County : . - James Mitchell, vs. i Legal Notice; Andrew J. Klkpser & A. J. lii-ispstit. f By vIrtueof an Order of Sale Issued to me In the above entitled cause out of said Court, T will at Two o'clock P. M. on Monday the loth day of June, A. 1. 1S73, offer for sale at public Auction at tlie front door of the Court House in I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, the following described Ke;d Estate, to-wit : Five abres of ground commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northwest quarter) of the Northeast quarter (,H)of Section number Nineteen (l'J), in lownshin number Twelve (12). North of Kange number Fourteen (14) East of the Sixth Iriiicipul Meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska; thence East ah'iig the North line of said Section thirty-seven t.'J7 rods, tbeneo South twenty-one and sixty-three hundredths (21 3 l'Xi). roils thence West thiriy-sevcii (.T7) rods, Nortli thence to the place of beginning. The above real estate will be sold on said day tosatis fy tlie decree of the Court In favor of the Plaintiff against Defendants and as tile property and re:d estsiteof the Defendants. Given under uiy hand this 14t!i day A. D. 1S73. J. W. JOHNSON, or Jiay, siienn cass co. Sam. M. Chapman, ITifs Att'j. Nebraska. -5W Legal Notice. In the name of tbe people of the Sate cf Ne braska. John M. Hluehman and Alice Hinch uiaa, whose place of residence is unknown, aud Joseph V. Hinthuian of the State of Iowa, will take notice that William E. Donelan of the Countv of Cass and Slate of Nebraska, did on tiie Ltith dav of May, l73, fl!e his petition iu the District Court of the Second Judicial District of ihe State of Nebraska, in and for Ca.-.s County, a "a hist the said Johu M. Ilinehman, Alice Hincliman, his wife, and .losejdi V. Hiiichman, defendants, setting forth that John M. ilineh man and Alice Hincliman, his wife, gave a mortgage to the said William E. Donelun on the following lauds to-wit : Lots one aud two 1 1 and 2 in Block No. eleven til ), in the city of Platt.siuouth, and aiso on the undivided half of the following described land to-wit : commenc ing twentv-two rods south of the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section eighteen (is), town twelve (12.' range fourteen (14), e tst of tho th principal meridaii. run ning thence east forty (40 rods, thence south twenty-four (24) rods, thence west forty (k) rods, thence north twenty-four (24 1 rods. to. the place of beginning, all the above lands in Cass County, Nebraska, to secure the payment of ?-2M and interest, according to a certain prom issory note referred to iu said mortgage, and that since ti;e giving of-the said mortgage the said.Josph V. Ilinehman, the other lxiendant, claims some interest in part of said lands un der tlie said John M. Hincliman, and praying that said John M. lliiicliman may pay said sum now claimed to be due, with interest, amount ing to tlie sum of Slllf), and interest oa the same from the 13th day of September 1S72, at the ntecfl2 percent, per annum, that being the balance due after deducting tdl payments, or that s:iid premises may be sold to pay the same, and the said John M. Hinchmau. Alice Hincli man and Joscf-ii V. Ilinciinian are notified that lliey are reouired to appear and answer said pe tition on or before Monday the 7th day of July, A. D. 173, or Judgment will be rendered accord ing to the praver of the said petition. Dated this 20th day of May 1S73. . WM. E, DONKLAN, Plaintiff, by WILLITT ro'iTfNOi-R. ilia Attorney. 8-Jt. Legal Notice. Ilibfcard & Spencer of the SHte of Illinois, Isaac Weil. Isaac halm and William M. V ieth, of St. Joseph. Missouri, the St. Joseph Manu facturing Company of Die State of Indiana, and A. M. Allen, formerly of tho State of M;is-saehu.-elts.but whose residence is now unknown, Francis A. White, of New Jersey, and F. Whi. of Iowa, will take notice that Eunice A. White, a married woman, did on the 21st day of May, 1S73, lite her petition in the District CourUSecond Judicial District, in and for Cass County against the said Hibbard & Six-ncer, Jsadc and Isaac Kalin. the St. Joseph Manufacturing Company. A. M. Allen, Francis A. White and . F. White, :nd other Iefcnd ants, setting forth that Willis J. Horton and Paulina A. Horton (ly name and signature of Y. A. llorton) gave a mortgage to Francis A. White, Ezra S. 1 law ley and ii. F. White, on the southeast quarter (') of section thirty-ihree (a) in townsliip iiumhcr eleven (11) north of raiige, number eleven t'U) e;est of the (itli Princi pal Meridian, and the north half Ci)ofthe north west quarter fiof tlie south cast quarter (Vt) of st t-lioii number fotir (4 in tow nship num ber ten (I'D north of range utunber eleven (11) ca.se of the Sixth tth Principal Meridian, lying and being in Cass Countv and State of Nebras ka, to secure the pavment of .4.Uir..74 aeeoi.iiiig t.) a certain note of illis J. Horton and V.'ii liam ('. Jeuks. referred to in said Mortgage, which Mortgage and Note the said J'fancis AJ White, Ezra S. HaWlcy anil (J. F. White have duly assigned to plaintiff in her own l ight, and that since the giving of said mortgage tlie other Defendants claim some interest iu said lands under the said Willis J. Horton and William C. Jeuks, and praying that the said Willis J. Hor ton and William C Jeuks may pay said sum of $4.rV.74 with interest at 12 per cent per annum from January llth 1SC3. which is now claimed to be due, less 37.7) paid on the 4th day of September. 1S71. and $2,coo assumed by James Clizbe on the ISth day of December, 1S71. or that saiil premises may be sold to iay the same, and the said Hibbard and Sjiencer. Isaac Weil and Isaac Kahn Wiilhuu M. Weith, the Saint Joseph Manufacturing C.oiiijanv; A. M. A!!' r Francis A. White and (1. F. White are notified that they are required to appear and answer said petition on or before the the third MonSay after the 12th day of June, 1S73. Dated May 21st, 1873. Attest. D. W. McKINNOV, Clerk of District Court, Second Judicial Dis trict, Cass County, Nebraska. EUNICE A. "WHITE, By Wheeler & Stin-hi:omb, 8-4t Her Attorney; Public Sale of School Lands. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an act of tbe Legislature of the State of Nebraska en titled au act "to .provide for the registry of School Lauds for the control and disinisftioii thereof, and for the safe kee;ii.g of the funds derived from the sale and lease of said lands" w hicli said act was approved June 21th. A. D; IrtT. Aud also iu accordance with a suoso queut amendment to said act, approved Febru ary 15th, A. D. ISO!), I will oh Wednesday the 23th day of June next, at the hour of ten o'clock A. m., at the front door of the Court House in i'l.ittsmourii City. Cass County, Nebraska, otfef tor sale at public auction to tiie highest bidder, aJi tbe following described School Lands iu aabl county, to-wit ; no rs n o 0 1 c 3 5" 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 IV 12 10 11 11 13 13 10 11 11 ei 3 a Part of Section. All s. K n. H s. w. . pi H of all yf SO 16 10 If 16 06 36 1G 10 16 16 18 16 86 36 16 36 16 10 16 30 16 10 16 16 16 30 36 16 36 30 30 30 80 30 30 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 a; 0; 1 all of s. J of n. e. 4 n. of s. e. )i s. e. if. of s. e. 10 10 10 11. Vt of n. e. a s. w. 14 of 11. c. w. i s. -i of n. w; . S. J jj 8. W. all of n. 14 n. y3 9f c. e. H s. w: 4 of s. e. 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 n 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 s. e: 4 of n. w. s. w. of n. e. hi n. e. ,'4 or n. w. s. l of iu w. hi 11. H of s. w. U n. e. Ji of s. e. lA s. e. , s. w. - of s. w: n. e. 01 s. e. 4 all of n. e. 4 s. w. H f. H of s. e. 14 lot 3 lot 4 b: . U of n. c. U s. w. )i of 11. e. hi lot 4 Sr.fd sale will be continued" from day -dav nntil all ol ibe above described, lands shail Lave been oiTered. In witness whereof I have hereunto srt my band and afflxert the seal of said County, at llattsmouth, this 9th dayjof May, A. D. 1873. - IV "W. JkOCurNO?!.- .- To Farmers aiid Horsemen. Dr. "vV. t. Jonm bocs Iero trt ofl tXotJo ,M tothof-ct that he has Just reool red. twt vJ fine animals troui the euat, viz. : T ITT XTrirn-n T M fTT From Flrflild, Iowa, and th mad Btaiiion callod Iron Orry !or- "NORMAN," Five years old and weighs i.vkj oounds. They are both sure foal getters, and will ctand at lbt:k F.luffs and elsewhere iu the County during the season. For full particulars see Wlls. 61-13L THE"VICTOP" S.M. CO.'S NEW SEWING MACHINE Yl C TOR Buns yery Easy, Runs vcTy Faf:; Ituhsv-siy Still, Has a New Shuttle superior to all others. DEFIES COMl'iniTION. Great improvement in Needle, Cannot be Set Wrong. tS"Agcnts Wanted. Address THE "VICTOR" S. M. CO. M loth st., 4 doors west of Broadway, N. Y. 40-13t. 11. A. WATEltMAN & SOX wholesale Mid Retail Dealer la Pi 71 C u in b cr LATH, SHINGLES, Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. 0-4L FOB THE HERALD. OF ALL KINDS AT TUB Herald Office, JOB OFFICE COMPLETE PRINTING Of All Kinds, NEAT AND CHEAP AT TIIE NEBRASKA HERALD OFFICE. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. . tXATTEWOCTIL NED. V L.' CtRuiiB CT2SKi, 1 - i " FLOUR, CORN MKALFF-E1; Always tra prices. btvid. nod for sale et lowest Cacti C?Tho Highest price jaW for Wheat ftni Corn. Farticular attention given to Custom work. THE NEW HAVEN ORGAN CO. Manufacture the Celebrated Jiiiiiice aM emple Organs. These Orgins are unsurpassed In tmahfy cf tone, style of finUli, implioi;y of coi.s'.rucllon, and duiat.iiitv. Also MELo'DEONS in various !yIt-8 and ua equaled In tone. .Send for IlliLstrr.leri Catalogue. Address NEW HAV EN (ill'JAM CO.. , , . . New llini, Conn, lyAgenls Wanted. -ic-ut - r ti l am now prepared to furnish the best una dulterated milk TWICE EVERY DAY To all parties notifying me - PETER COOS. Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOt)NE. Mafa street, opposite Ciocl.s IIcua. flair Cutting, Shaving Shampooning. and 1 Especial uttcr.tlon given to CUTTING CHILDREN'S HAIR. Cull and see BOONE, gents and get a boon in a GLEAN SHAVE. nlt-ly. NEW STORE, WEEriNO WATER; NEBRASKA. JAS.. CLISBE $L COm Dealers In General Merchandise, Such sa Dry Goods, (iroccrlcs. Hardware, (Juecnsware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shojs Notions, 6.C., &c. We are Ascuts for Willcor cC- Gills' Serving Marines. CITY MEAT 31AKKET; ntO. FICKLEB, rrofilctor. Tlte best cf Fresh Zleats always on hand in tJir season: HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR EAT CATTLE. t3" Highest Cash Trice paid for green bides. MAIN SREET. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. 8-Xtf FAll 31 Eli's' EXGIIANGET B. Or. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NEBRASKA. Keeps constantly on hand all such as Staple Articles COFFEE, SUGAR, TOBACCO, MOLASSES, Dry Goods, Koots, Shoes. 4&c. In fact, everything usually kept In a Variety Store. wliU h will be sold on small profits for CASH. All kinds of Produce takcu iu exchange for goods, and tha Highest Market Prices given in Ca.fli for Grain. l'J Machine Shop; TVayman t$ Curtis, PLATTSMOCTH. NEB., Repnircrs of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mills. Cas and Steam Fitting, Wrought Iron Pi p. Forehand Lift Pumps, bteatu ;uai;u3, baicty Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings Furnished on short notice. Fanning Machinery Repaired on short notice. 8-tf. Thos. W. Shryock, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, And" dealer in all kinds of Furniture and Chairs. Mais STtfF.iT, Nest door to Brboks House. FLATTSM.6UT1L - NEB. 1 V& P.epairir.s': and. VamishVrr? n-aUy dono. ' 'ill 3 ..,;V . A FEW APPLICATIONS 51AE3J A 4 - Puro Blooming .Complexion;. It s rurW Vcffotabio, mil Us pl,oa cn aiid ' 0o. .. It l xn wuy with Xha rius'iod Appiaraucs caasod by Ueat. FUtm iindfcxc.lUu.ewt. nialsnjidrmovBHaUClotch nd i'uiipls. dUpiUliii drli nit unsightly Lpc-ts. Di ivo(iay 'in. Fm-lr uil 8nn. urn, ai.d brits p,'mtlo but power lui liiflttono n.antlca the'laicdciictk v,iti . ., M toui iiri'L EL003I am beauty. V?oH t-t:i Ituiic'"'. I"i3"-y Stores. Do jot, i l --' vt.-k . Vlnejrni liUtrra r.'e nt.t ;.c l'uac rrinH, iiiadc c! Poor Rum, Whiskey, I'nx-f bptrits nnd llefuwj Llquoin, doctored, plccd. and fi-octecerl to pleuso tlie Inste, C;Jlc4 "Tonics." " Appciiitrs," " T.fi'1orr,', Ac, tlist le.ul tiie tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but nic a tree Medicine, tnndo Iroiu tli I.arive r.ir-is and licrb3 of ';i!iforn.a, tivm n "1 AIcoIk'c Stimulant;". Tln-y are tlie Orcn? lnood I'lii-iiler ami a I.ife.jrtviii!? Principle, n Perfect Pcuovator and lnic'rii'or of tn hy tern. r.irrMiia c:r a!l poi.-.onous matter ii' r":oi'i!i!: iiio bioo l bl a healthy ouditlon, en Sii liluif it, rcrrishlnir atld InvtrortOi"' ttoih ir,iol iinil body. '1 licy ro easy of U'liiUhlvtra. to'i. pior.it't in tbeir action, frt.iin in ihrir rcsuils, Bufu find rcllnblo iu all forniR of (lllicn. ,n I'rnnii rnu Uka lim Ultima".' coriiins; to directions, ond rcnuvii loncun cP, provided thtir Imjiicb aro u-.A. ddstroytd l7 tni:ier;vl pelson or oilier me:ni:i. and 1I10 vital organs wasted lwyond llic point of repnln i)-NpepMln or Indigent lrtii, llca-l.lrl.r , rin iu the Siinulilfri, Cennl.s. '1 inlitnc-ss of tliq Chest, Dizziness, Sour V. met at ions of UieStnm aeli.HadT;iste in tho Mouih.P'iHusAttacka.l'nh fitstion oftiic ll art. lnriuminii",ii of :ui Luoir. ain in the rfpions of the Kidnoys.and a hiuuJre-.i oilier painful symptoms, are tl.e pi:prinpa or Ivspcpi:. In ihe fe ccunpiBlnt It hnHiieeiul, nnd one Iiottlo will prove a botu r irunrHiituc of Its merit A lhaa a lenj;thy tulvcrnsMiicCt . ."V f.'or Frmnle oniplHlla. 1ti yot"for o.d nisrrled or simile, at me dawn of Wopmnltoo,' or the tuiu of life, these Tonic 1 liters oinpl.i v l:-3 decided rn influt-nce thut a marked Improve icent is sooa perecptflilo. Kor Iiiflniuumfory nl , throtilrt Xlliciimntiitnt and (inut, lniim nniu or Iml,. p.-vuiou. Unions, Kemlttcut und Interjiilttcot Fevers, Disea'wf" of IhB HloHl.I.iver. Kidnc.i s&mT madder, tliose Hitters have len most aiirccuuiiU'. Euch I)iscnsesarecaunel byVituteoniood.whli a in pcneiA'ly produced by Ocrangc.Ticst of tlie. liitres'lve a'aiis. . , n' Tin-j- nr n Ceutlc Pnrsalir a ill an 't oiile, posMjbniuc alsj :i.c pe-ulrir lucni t: acting as a powerful nt-ent in n'llvl!itr :nr fcslion or Inini'imintion of tho I.lvcr aud Ma Ceral Oraans find iu ihiiotn biases. , , . For Skin Dienca, Knip! Ions. T'-.l lcr, t;'.r Pheuni, Iliot'-hes, huiiia. Plnt!i;s. ruHHileii, Hulls Carbuncles, Pinir-wortun, Hcald-llead. Sore Lyes rrvsipelus, ltcli. Scurfs. luscolonitions pi lb hk'in. Humors and liiseowa of tlie SKu, of whatever name or nature, are li.'u.-rally ;ui tip and carried out of the system In a sliort t'mcbf the use of ihcso Hi iters. nn bet lluln sucli caae4 will convince the most iiicrcihilcius cf tlielr cur-, atlve ctleets. ' . 1 t . . T"-, , Cle tli TIfettt nlo'o-T Vlicr.o--.ir you find its ImpnrltHv bursun through tho Kkta bi Pir:ipies, Kniptlons, ot (Sure ; rieanss II u-licn you nnd it obstrttrtei nnd sIukiI bt tbo vc'ns ; cleanse li when it Is foul ; your fe!int win toll you when. Keep the blood pnrc, aud tn? licilTii of the Fystcm wiil follow. . . , .- r.iblt fill TlotinM p'Ct lMm Vt-t(J f iTKiiJ? tho mot Wonderful 'nvlpftnu.il Ida, ever sa.st:ii!ie.l the siukin systna. Ciu, Tape, nnil ol l:r r Wtn iu. lnk!: , In the sTKtciii ol ko many tlioutanUH, are e:t. ; tnn:!y Uf 'st roved ond removed. 8ajH a illstic-' puiHiiod pliysiioloRiht : There is scarcely an inU- v !dti.-.l or: the faceofthoc.Trtli whose body loi errpt from the preseu"5 of wonns. It Js not n?l on ilic lie:iitby e!"i0'. tits of 1 lie bdd.y tint wcrnii e. M.u. but uion tho ll 4eased humors tnd tHKuyi dopo"!! that breed thene livtnx mounters of iisea.jc. No sysictu of medlciuc, uo venniriurc.,' 110 aiiiiiclwiiui! is. wiil fico tho tjalcai lioio, vvon; lll.e tl'.ese lhtttr?. . Mriianiril jleaa Perroit flBfig-V, H Pain's nt:d Mlncruia, sm Ii n Plumpers. Tpc-' f. 'rers Uold-t'ciMTS, and 5! 'iier, ar-tiiey ul-; vane4 ia hie, arc iitije.:t to parulvsis of tli(j bowels, 'in jrunrd iu,-Hi:irt thn, take a dnMi of vji KEK'S ViNECiAH LilTMib twice A Week,. rx. Illllnm, Itrmltleitf, nnil InlrruiW-V lent Fri era, wlilcli are si prevaietil In tli- valleys ot our jrrent rivers throughout ihe L'nitct f-:itcR. especially thOMe of the istsiippl. Ohio,' Missouri, latuot-t, TcilBcsw-c, Cuuilierluml, Ar- kani-as, i:-jd, Colorado, bnirCs, .itio -,rai(lo, l'eiirl, AUdinnui. Mobile, Kivannao, P.ran ike James, aud mut.y oiiiers, wl'li their va.-t TriU' tarics, tlirouKiioiit ur rulirc country thn Snmrnerand A-nnnin. nnil rntnarrtibiy ad" liuiu Fascnsof unusual heal and dyiiws,t,Q ltijri.ib:y acmnipanled by cxt'jnMvo o rat vo n'lentB ol the Moinach und liver, and other a-. doniiaal viscera. Iu their treatment, a pprga-' Uve, exenlng a powerful bifluenco uiou t''es various oreans. is esscnuiilly ueccstary. Ther? is no cathartic lor ths purpose equal io Dlt. 1," WlttKK'9 VINEOAK lllCI KltS. US tltey WU f ccdi:y remove the d:irk-ci-lered viscid matter" w!h wtiich tlie loweis are loitded, at t'io.amtf time sUniu.utliiK. th" wcteamw or tlie liver, aud r-ucr&lly reMionii? the bcnlUiy functions ol tkd Ui?esnve orgq-. ... .. f crofnlo, or Kli5' Hvl!, Wr.ita stc' lntrs t'lcors. hryMipeum, tw.-iled neck, lloitre,' Sercfulous Infhoituuitioiis, Indolent lulbiinma-, tkiBs. Mercurial Aflcctiona, Old fcoren, Krup-; tiorm of the Skin, hore Kvex, etc, cur. In ther asln all other constitutional llenHe.W l.lfBhiJl Viki;aii P.;tti;ks ::i Mliown their pn;at ocra-' tlte pnwea la llic cicst o!jttiiaie aud iutract-, aiii'; ts"i. j .. , Ir. Wnfker CallforiilA 'Vlnfat-f Itilters aet on all tliew; cases in a Miiniar limmier. Jiy piiiirln(r ttin liio'xl lliey pmiiok the eause. oiel by resolvitiir away the eibs-tH of tli lintanimutiou (tiie tul rculHr deposits) tho' ale.-cted puns receive licukli, aud a pcrmaorot Clue in I!cctcd. . . .... Ths troperle eflR. Wa I.E Kit's VrXESlr! Pitj eiis are . Apcneut. Idaphoretle, Cannu) ative, Nu;n:ki.s. l.aiative, Dii;rcilc, ii. live. Coiuiterdrritant, ijiuloriUc, Alterative, and Antl-biiiotis. . . Tlx Apcrirnt and mild Laratire pro".?r" ties of luu Walkkk's ivKOAa Hiiti-.ks 'fcio the best safc-pnard- In rajea of eruptions an I' malignant fcvcis, ttn-ir balsnmie, healmtr, and soothlug properties protect t'ic iiutnors of tho". fauces. Their Sedative p' opr rtlcs almr paid lit' tne nervous system, eiotiiach. an. I licwcia, tlitier fro'i inaiitmiiiion, wind, colic, cramps. eto.. Knrtlfj- tt IkhIj- itraliist illaoiie nutiryiiii; ail its iitiius wi:ii Viseoak hirrtuis." So cpiueuil'j can tukc bold of a ay sum thus fore-arined. ' Direct lona Take or tbe Blttc'iu cri c'M.r to bed at uoriit friu a li:ilf 10 one aud oiil-I,.7 wjuc-fc'lisslu'l.. Lat good nourl-hlnt food, ncoj a.s.0- f-fctesd;. niuiron chop, vcui,soa. roit hef, Pcd vcftctablesi. and lane otit-door exercle. Ttiey are composed of p'irely vcge'-able lD(;r. diettts, nnd Coutaas 'no spi.ii. ' . 11. II. MclMAM) &. CO.. ' - Dro?ist ;iU G' u. Airt.1.. ft,ia i'rarn-iscn, Ca!., A cor. ol Wacliineion ixr.l 'lisrlum Sts.. y.y. ' feOLU EY ALL iyltCUGlSTS A DtALEKS. mm Only 50 Cents per bottle. It promotes the GKO vVTII, FIlESrKVEa tbe COLUU, and Increase tho TIo , avadBEACTVof tfao IIAItt. , t IHB Ha 1 a wm lint plad 10 U roret .for 1 . 1 tioniAH L?on irrdaMo . Vn.D?"V. mt 1 m fooiN uia I milB. art. Hfl jiHUJw ....... - JmritT it h obtained, is oupiwedontfd n'L'0?J It incrart the Ofi;,.TH and v2 th Hum. It i a delightful drotoin. It rmdicteo Iudrarf. It pront b Hw from turoiac Tr ftkMp the btud cool. n.l iTea t h h.ir b "it. iw .mMnulr.. it fat the ?M in WAWTri K. QTl d oi.' T " - , all DruKjp. 'd f!"! iry Stores at only 1 11 y Cent Pr uwie, Woman's Glory is Her Hair; LYONS'. t Vu Ka - -." !' MS 1 n