Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 29, 1873, Image 2

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! frllE HERALD,
THURSDAY, MAT 29 1873:
From all parU of the State and fec'imtry respect
iully solicited for the Hf.hLd. .
, Agricultural notes and short articles detailing
former's experience particularly requested.
We do not read anonymous letters and coni
tnunlcaUons. The name and address of the
writer are id .ae IndlspensaWe as a guar
antee of good faith.
A Splendid Chance.
"vVc.?-n.l Mud the Herald and Deniorest's
Monthly, which is S3.00 for one year, to any per
on -who pays cs $3.50.
In addition to tosto Periodicals at the prica
Lamed, 6 chcicG frotn a list of extraordinary
Premiums is given to each subscriber to Demo
rest's Monthly. Air ong these are a One pair of
thromo rictures (Falls of Kipgara and Yoem
!te Fails), worth f to ; cr .a good stereoscope
with a series of view3 ; besides numerous other
T'Juable premiums worth tr'Sia two to ten dol
lars each.
. The boys and girls maztzine. ari V1
JTeprAoKA Herald at greatly reduced rates.
Ve will send the Nebraska and
bmiiOBEST's torso America, which is $l.vo
forme year, to any person who pays us $2.00.
Deniorest's Young America 1 always sparkling
W"lth e nterialnli s Ptor.e. roenis. Music, Puz
tlcn. Games, Travels, and other pleasant features
Is profusely illustrated, and cannot fad to amuse
Instruct, elevate, and assist I J make the lives
of youthful Americans useful; truthful and
happy. ,
The editor.of the1 Herald desires to
thank Mr.'Pottcnger and Col. VanAr
tnarr for personal visits to his bedside,
and ho hope fell sickness may never
cause cither gentleman to lose the
cirounianibicnt corporoeity that en
ables them to vrabLtf? with so much
flignity over this terrestrial sphere.
Tho bridge of the B. & M. II. R.
acros3 the ri?ttc river has teen consid
ered in danger oncucv twice this week.
A raft of drift wood ferried a dam on
the upper side of the bridge, and at
times the pressure must have been im
mense. So far she has stood the shock.
Gangs of men have been kept constant
ly at work removing the drift; and it is
now probably beyond all danger.
It is reported that the U. P. track
Las been washed away in various pla
ces, daring the late heavy rains, delay
ing trains very much. 276 accidents
nave happened as yet. A close watch
has had to be kept on the B. & JL, be
tween here and Omaha. In fact, the
late rain?, or rather torrents, have
played smash' with the regularity of
railroad travel all over the west;
TTe regret to stile that the principal
editor of this papr, Mr. ilacifurphy,
has been for nearly t vvo weeks confined
to his bed by a severe attack of illness.
He is now better, and we hope before
pjiother issue, will be able to resume
charge of tK5 paper. Those articles
prepared by him have been written by
dictation, during the few intervals he
was able to do anything. Any short
comings in the last two issues we hope
will bo excused by our patrons on that
i We desire to call the attention of the
; Press and the People of our State to
" the subject that stands at the head of
this article.
It is time Nebraska had such a So
' fciely. Eighteen years of magic growth,
havo already passed! years fall of in-
cidor.ts and events of historic interest;
jet, save an occasional sketch by the
Tocil Press, no effort has been put forth
to gather arid preserve the rich treas
' trcs these years contain. The value of
h Society, whose records will consist of
. foots nectary to an accurate and in
telligent nistorv of the State, cannot
be estimated. . '
Each town or county In the State
. tould furnish one or nioro members,
Hnd c?ntrrbr.te valuable and interesting
Nebraska has the men to do this
'- work, and do it well, if they will un-
dtrtake it.
Men who were active and
in the early history of the
I State, and inen of more recent resi
f dence, who have directed the great on-
terprises of later years.
Valuable incidents and event 3 now
fresh in the minds of thexe men, if not
: fecordeti will pass away with them,
attd the future historian of our State
be left to grope his way without their
TVe shotiVd like to fee a beginning
'. iale, though it be on a m- nlerate scale;
: If rightly made, its success will be a3
'. Bdred frcm the start. There is scarcely
a State or even town of any import
'; ance in thd Uiiiott, without such a So
ciety Those who may engage in this
i enterprise would find themselves re
paid largely in the pleasure such occu
pation would ailord them, and in the
I knowledge that their labors would be
I tf lasting value io ihaiiklnd.
1 As this article is written, not to fiil
f a "certain amount of space, but for a
practical purpose, we propose the sub
"': j?cfc' for discussion by the Nebraska
' Press, and that at the next meeting of
; the Press Association, after the regu
', lax business is disposed of. some
steps be taken looking to the organiza-
. tion cf a-State Historic:;! Society.
Having been laid on the sick list for
about two weeks, I propose to hold a
friendly chat with my readers, without
j".' . - - . 1 :
any o vce icrmiume3 usu;uiy iHLvn-
ihg newspaper or editorial correspond-
e'nee'.- On Fridaj-, (two weeks to-morrow).
I went to the oflico, and after an
swering a few letters and getting out
Some copy for the outside, I began to
feelsi queer" abbnt the Lead," and so
rnany' funny little crawl3 about my
ie$2,"t"hat I 'finally put cn my coat &id
came home.' , , .. .. - v
, Very shortly af tef that event I pilecT
into bed, and somebody throwed six
tSeh blankets; two Cvercoats, a piece of
old carp?t and"af shawl over me and
til! I xras veiling for rovers. Atout
m r?m ef thr: mtxJilro: man of - for
all these cliuti off, and yelled for Ffank
Whites ico wagon. Sometime the next
fortnocn I made up my mind I was
sicS, !inJ wanted a doctor. I started
the "devil" put for Otz. . lie brought
baclt the report tliat this celebrated
professional had just been sent for by
the other editor; and after. that he had
a mule case t attend to. I then start
ed the foreman out for other profes
sional assistance, arid, after a long
geafch, I was formally introduced to
the honorable Mayor of the town, who
is also a celebrated medico. "When I
started out to hunt a Doctor I was la
boring under the impression that I
might have, fevern ager-r perhaps a
congestive chill or at most a slight
malarial fever. But, would you be
lieve it, my kind friends, when the il
lustrious Doctor left me, I found I was
laboring under the following load of
sin, to-wit: Diaphragmatis Singultus
Bectiti3, Hyperesthesia Enteretis Foli
cular Stoxnatis Sub-acute Inflamation
of the Glands of Pyer Tenesmus!
At this niy imagination immediately
took flight, and I could plainly see thesa
blue devils rig a lever diagonally across
my body, the long end of which pro
jected far beyond the head of my bod,
while the short end found a secure pur
chase in a netch on the nigh side of the
foot board, with niy poor body fot a
fulcrum, they wriggled, and telered,
and danced, and yelled played High,
Lot, Jack, Blind Man's Loo, up and
down that liver all that day and the
next. Oh, how they jammed and
squeezed trie sometimes. I tried to
wriggle out from under the thing, but
it had hig clamps, at the side, and old
Sub-acute and Hyper; and Tiiapr, wrig
gled their lingers at me, on the ends of
their noses, and politely informed me
I couldn't come it.
During the night I had such a funny
drearii 1 must tell it to you. It seemed
as if this old world had burst up, and
a lot of little young worlds were sail
ing round through space, cris-crossing
about pretty much as they pleased.
Myself and a whele lolt of fellows
were on one of these worlds; I can't
remember them all, but Cal Parmele
was aboard, and he and Barnes had
rigged lip a thundering tall ligntning
rod with a big shining globe on it
right in the middle of our planet. Pct
tenger had a dug-out law office at the
foot of the lightning rod, with the
American flag Hying from a hole in thd
sod roof. Moses Dodge steered thd
thing with one of Frank Morrison's
patent wind-mills. Tho top of Gen.
Cunningham's head had flowered out
into a natural compass, hung binnacle
fashion, and Capt. Marshall had him
propped up against Pot's cabin, while
he took the bearings from his head and
shouted out to Moses how to steer.
By and by we met another world,
with Billy Stadelman, Eli Plummer,
and a lot of other Platt3mouth fellows
on it. They throwed out a line and we
hitched h'crse3 to talk awhile. Plum
mer wanted to know what that tall
pole was on our world? Capt. Mar
shall told him it Vas one of Cal Par-
j mele's patent lightning rods. Plum
mer said he wanted to come on our
world, for he wasn't going to stay on a
world that hadn't any lightning rod;
any more. Billy said their world was
the best, and his folks had the best
clothes; oiir folks were shabbily
dressed. Plummer said he didn't care,
ho wanted a lightning rod. Billy or
dered somebody to cast tho line off,
and Plummer started to jump for
our .world. Somebody cut the line,
I saw Flumnior's coat-tails fluttering
the air, and woke up. Oh, my!
here comes the Doctor, his bols are
all muddy and he says the late rain has
washed both the avenues into a solid
mas3, which is now slowly aud majesti
cally moving towards the Missouri
Eiver. "Where Washington Avenue
used to be an immense lake "of the
purest, blackest, and slimiest mineral
water has suddenly arisen. It must bo
good to cure all diswies, for it ki.ell3
oh, Moses! One of "Waugii's skulls
washed down that way and the Doctor
brought rrie a skull half full of the
liquid. I thrust the jogged edges ot the
skull in mj' moutlv and drank fiercely.
The long end of the lever flew up and
half of the blue devils went out
through the stove pipe hole in the wall
above, the rest slid down the short
end of the lever and disappeared thro'
a knot hole in the floor, that my wife
forgot to cover with the carpet. I rose
up, shook the Doctor by the hand and
we're now about negotiating for that
oua muss association
Meeting has conio and gone without
producing such a result its wo had
hoxesl and dasircd. VTe regret our own
absence deeplv, but it was impossible
to be there, having been confined to the
bed by a sickness so severe that we are
yst suffering therefrom, and in conse
qiionce this article' is written by dictv'
"We did hope that this meeting would
bring forth some fruit ; that there
would be a calm and grave discussion
of the business interests of our frater
nity; and some united action decided
upon would give us more power
to do good with" the piiblid or to pro
tect our own rights.
"We shail here proceed to say a few
words, such as we should have said
had we been present at that meeting.--Not
doubtirg-" that there are many
other subjects as worthy of notice and
as much to our interest to discuss, but
hoping that other pens or dtlrer minds
will take these up, we will now devote
J our attention to that part of the tisi-
ness froni which its principal reveniie
is derived, namely, advertising.
In no other elais of business does
there seem to be so greet a diversity of
cpinion in regard to the Vest method of
I employing one of its adjuncf?, mr to
incomprehensible and utterly variaole
system of prices, as there is in this' de
partment of the newspaper business.
Many people secxii to think that ad
vertising eosta the printer nothing.
That it is a kind of a throw in, a make
shift, to .fiil up the paper, ana not a
which a"a equivalent, and of tentimoa
the dearest kind of an equivalent is re
turned to the advertiser by the poor
newspaper proprietor. Many, of tho
proprietors of newspapers seem to have
fallen into the same loose and Careless"
habit of thoughts, to judge by the use
less and curious non-paying, or pure
dead:head advertisements that they al
low to be run in their newspapers;
It should be the dut7, then, of a
Press Association, to ascertain some
real, fixed value, by gome established
basis, of the advertising columns of
the papers of this State, and then let
the charge bo tin! form, or somewhere
near it, and have it tlwrotlghly under
stood that advertising has a fixed value
and should be paid for in cash, and not
in truck and dicker, slow notes, sewing
machine orders; patent peanut bakers,
or any other kind of trash.
There is one peculiar branch of the
advertising business to which our at
tention has been particularly drawn.
We allude to that part called "foreign
advertising. In all the large citieS
there arc many manufacturers, many
large, dealers, many men in various
businesses, who desire to advertise their
different wares or specialties broadcast
over the land, and to whoni it is ex
ceedingly profitable to so advertise
themselves. They want the use of the
newspapers and we need the use of
their money, bnt ordinarily this is a
difficult thing to accomplish; the vend
er doe3 not know nor can he find out
on tho spur of tire moment, o'r during
the season of the sale of his goods, the
names and addresses of any great num
ber of newspapers. For the edit
or cr proprietor of almost any coiintry
paper to go to any of our large cities
and attempt to canvass them for adver
tising, is an' expensivo and time-wa:Tt-ing
process that few can afford," even if
it were always remunerative in the
end. The advertiser knows not the
editor and cannot take statements of
an entire stranger in regard to his pow
er to fulfill a contract, nor is the editor
safe in taking the word or contracts of
many a firm that he would naturally
fight on.
Here; then, is ah opening fcr a tldrd
party for a middle man--who can be
of the utmost use and sc-i vice to both
parlies, those wishing to atlyertise and
those publishing an advertising medi
um. An. advertising agent resident in a
large city, who, devoting la3 attention
io the business becomes thoroughly ac
quainted with all those desiring to ad
vertise, their standing and ability to
pay, and who by the same process can
ascertain what newspapers are reliable
how large their circulation is, and
what ought to be a fair price for ad
vertising in them has Ulled a great
want in the business, has found a real
niche for usefulness in the business
world, and it does seem to us that by
fair dealing and honest commissions
such a person could and ovght to
build up a handsome fortune in a le
gitimate way of trade, without a re
sort to double commissions, double ex
tortions, lies and swindling from begin
ning to end.
u. class oi men caueu uu i-insuiy i
agents, professing to do the very busi- !
ne53 we have described, have grown up
in our largo cities and instead cf doing
th?s fair and honorable business we
have spoken of what has been their
course? From the length and bixadtb
of th'e land we hear complaints of
them. With very few exceptions they
never pay their bills, and those who do
pay, hamper their contracts with con
ditions almost impossible to fulfill in a
country oilica and by deducting for
each petty delinquency 1-ave the poor
publisher but the barest pittance, at
the end of the year for his labor and
his pains. But we will not say so
much about this. If a man makes a
bail contract, or one that he cannot fill,
he must abide by the consequences,
but when these rascals refuse to pay at
all, even tho bepjraaly sum that their
extortionate cominirissohs leave due the
publishers, it is high time that some
general and public mode of redress be
adopted by the Press of this country.
One would think at first sight that
we had the iower in our own hands
by simply advertising these fellows wo
could stop their bilsir.ess ; but some of
them when threatened with this coolly
write back to advertise and be d d.
Others, we are informed, pay the large
and influential dailies, of whom they
stand in some dread, but habitually
swindle the smaller and weaker papers
out of iiieir" just due3;
Ag;un, it might be said, if you don't
like t heir mode of dealing, why do you
advertise with them and accept their
contracts ? Why not throw them aside,
as many editors do? Because, it in
jures the whole business of advertising,
and almost destroys iliroct communica
tion between the advertiser and the
newspaper. If it were only the Ne
braska IlEn.VLD concerned, we could
easily throw' these advertisements
aside, but that is not the point; your
shrewd advertising agent sends his card
and his "ad." to every little newspaper
in the country and in the West, where
newspapers are cominuauy cnanging
hands, or persons new in tho business
are continually taking hold, the agent
finds enough greenhorns persons who
have never been bit to keep his lists
fall, and make it appear to his adver
tising patrons that he is doing a land
ctTTce bTisiilfss." Sometimes he pays for
three or four quarters, or a year,
promptly. . The next year he rushes
in a lot" of advertising; gets"hispfry for
it, and leaves the newspapers to
whistle for theirs. Now, all this ought
to be stopped. AVe need good, sound
advertising agents, in the big cities.
We cannot go there to hunt up "ads."
and there ale very few of us bnt that
need the mbrmy that advertsera are
freely willing to give to make our pa
pers strong and useful in the comity,
at home.
We would ask our brethren Of the
Press in Nebraska, at least, to' unite
with us in, the endeavor to make ft to
tire fhtTest of every advertising agent
to deal honestly and squarely, and put
them in such a position that they must
weed out the rascals from among them
se.lves; or fcee. the business . totally
change hands by means of authorized
A ' A 1 "L ' !, A 4 "
St-ite sntPr o'r S'Tro? 'b Waft"
The Wild Itaa Oaco Mom Heard Froin;
Eact and Fdncy Intenaligledi
County Seats Corites and CosmepoIilc3
all Mixed up Together.
It ed Willow, Neb., May 19; '73.
Friend MacMurpii v : If I ever
felt like saying "thank God," it was the
other day when I received a copy of
the Nebraska Herald. I do not
know but I did say so, rather mild.
We have been having any quantity
of faim I believe we have had at least
(18) inches of water within tho present
month pretty wet for a desert. Dirt
roofs are at discount ; shingles are on
the advance:
Our new co'thty is settling up very
fast, in spite of Indian scares. No In
dians, Mr. Editor, nearer than Pawnee
We' are about to organize our county,
which yon. know is not uniform, in
spite of .big dog Gage county, and
whiffefr Webster. The oflicers are
nominated, and there are two sets of
candidates in the field lied Willow
ites and Coon Ilollow-ites. TheCoon
ite can show most bummers, but
Red Willow, most voters. Harvard
has turned out to help the Coon-ite.
Rut alas, Starbuck! their "Leoxidas"
is about to fall back in a hollow-square
and leave the poor Coon Hollow folks
to their sad fate. The county seat will
be located at Red Willow, and at least
two-thirds of the voters made happy.
Our convention nominated a man from
the enemy to bury the dead, who may
die on the 27th, inst in order that
they may liave decent burial.
In conclusion, permit your humbi?,
bashful friend, to say go ahead, and
get wealth publish the HEn vT-n, and
give even the devil his due. Stop
those cracks in your building those
inch cracks and if there are any oth
ers, stop them also. After election,
another: 1'ours, Truly,
A. B. M.
We received a call from Mr. Thos.
Coates, Editor and Proprietor of the
Great liepublic, a western advertising
land agent, published in Chicago. It
gives sketches of Kansas and Nebraska,
find of the whole West. Mr. Coates
goes to I'rgland in the interests of Im
migration, and will bo gono three
months. It also gives advico to set
tlers in regard to the best way of reach
ing tho West, and speaks thus of Ne
braska :
TI1E state of xebasica.
Last March we rode over the Chica
go, Burlington & Quincy Railroad to
visit and investigate the Nebraska
Land Grant of the Union Pacific Rail
road. Our interview with the Com
missioner, O. F. Davis, Esq., was ploas
ant and profitable. We pa?sfd up the
Union Pacific to Kearney Junction,
and were highly pleased with v. h tt we
saw of the State of Nebraska. The
appearance of the country and the
quality of the soil are much superior to
our preconceived opinion, from hear
say. If we had not been able to visit
any other new region of the West, wo
certainly should have preferred Ne
bratka as a field for enterprise, to any
of the rriar.y States east of it that we
had visited. Kearney Junction is a
point that has inoiicy in it, second to
no new inland place north and east of
its southern parallel of latitude; except
ing Chicago, and that is saying much.
Kearney j miction must soon be the
capital "of the State on account of its
south central position, its many compet
ing and powerful linesof railroads, its
rich, free and well watered soil, audits
nearness and railroad access to what ii
soon to be the great manufacturing
center of the nation, Colorado. We re
turned to the metropolis over the Chi
cago & Burlington Railroad, through
the beautiful and fertile State of Iowa,
and felt as comfortable and safe on tho
well equipped road as though we
sitting at our own fireside. liepu'Aic.
Saturday evening a most violent
rain, thunder, lightning 6rid hail storm
visited this oily. The rain began fall
ing quite heavy at about ti'n o'clock,
and continued till about half pat
eleven, when the violence of the storni
suddenly increased, with accompani
ments of terrific thunder, brilliantly
blinding lightning, immense hailstones
and a gale of wind, lasting half an
hour, during which the streets were
flooded with water to the depth of from
one to two feet and a half, being filled
in many places clear up to the highest
sidewalks on the principal streets
especially on Douglas alid Farnham.
Cellars were filled with water; .walls,
Sidewalks, fences, bridges and loose
timber were utidermined and washed
awav: Skvlh-rhts and windows were
broken, and chimneys blown over; the j
streets were seriously damaged; fruit j
trees and shrubbery were literally cill
to pieces; awnings and signs were
stripped from their fastenings , and
scattered broadcast through the air,
and everything that was at all exposed
suffered to some extent more or less.
Omaha Bee.
A Proclamation.
B3' tho President of the United States.
Whereas, Under pretence that Wm.
P. Kellogg, the present executive of
i Louisiana, and the olllcers associated
with him in the State administration
were not duly elected, certain turbu
lent and disorderly persons have com
bined together with force aud arms to
resist the laws rtnd constituted author
ities of said State; and, whereas, it has
been duly certified by local authorities,
and judicially determined by inferior
and superior courts of said State that
the same officers are entitled to hold
their offices respectively and execute
aud discharge the functions thereof;
and, whereas. Congress at its last ses
sion, upon due consideration of the
subject, tacitly recognized said execu
tive and his associates then as now in
oflice, by refusing to take any action
with respect thereto; and,
provided in tho Constitution cf the
Ui'ited States that the United States
shall protect every State in this Union
on application of the Legislature or of
tho executive when the Legislature
cannot be convened, against domestic
violence; and whereas, this provided
in the. laws of tho United States that
in all cases of insurrection in any
State or of obstruction to laws thereof,
ft Bhall be lawful for tho President of
the United States, on application of
the Legislature of 6uch State or Exec
utive when the Legislature faritiot be
v'n- twb' a calf for th? Mi rnVry (t nny
pthei State cr States, or to employ suctf
part of the land and naval , forces aa
shall be judged necessary for the pur
pose of suppressing such insurrections,
or causing laws to bo duly executed ;
and, .
Whereat, the Legislature ef Snid
State is now in session and cannot be
convened in timo to meet the present
emergency, and the Executive of said
State, under section 4 of article 4 of
the Constitution of the United States,
and laws passed in pursuance thereof;
made application to me for such part
of the military force of tho United
States as may be necessary and ade
quate to protect said State and citizens
thereof against domestic violence, and
to enforce the execution of the laws ;
and whereas, it is required that when
ever it may be necessary, in the judge
ment of the President to use military
force for the purpose aforesaid, he shail
forthwith, by proclamation, command
such insurants to disperse and retire
peacably to their respective homes
within a limited time ; now, therefore,
I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the
United States do hereby make procla
mation, and command said turbulent
and disorderly persons to disperse and
retire peaceably to their respective
abodes within twenty days from this
date, and hereafter to submit them
selves to the laws and constituted
authorities of said State, and I invoke
the aid and cooperation of all good
citizens thereof to uphold the law and
preserve the public peace
In -witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
the seal of the United States to
be affixed. Done at the City of
L. . Washington, this 22d day of
May, in the year of our Lord
1873, and of the Independence of
the United State the 97th.
Oigned.) U. S. GRANT.
By thef President:
J. C. Bancroft' Davis.
Acting Sec'y of State.
The Roman Catholic Cathedral in
Omaha has just consecrated a chime
of bells.
The Nebraska Hta lesman wa.s sold at
auction on Monday last.
Ex-Chief Justice Mason has returned
from California.
During the ball and banquet, at Lin
coln, given to the Kansas Press excur
sionists, the lightning struck near one
of the. windows, "bursting a lamp and
knocking a couple of gentlemen down.
With tho exception of a slight feeling
of numbness, they experienced no evil
effects from getting in th6 lightning's
A man by the name of McNight was
run over by a train on the M. P. R. lln
and killed. Ho was lying asleep on the
A Citizen of Lincoln Missing.
Mr. J G. Miller, an attorney of this
city ha been missing from home since
the fin?t of April. At that time he
etftiled for tho Republican River in
this State, for the purpose of locating
a homestead for himself and for other
parties. He built himself a dug-out,
and had taken possession of it, and
his wife received a letter from him,
darted April 3th. Since that time noth
ing has been hoard of him, and it is
feared that he perished ia the great
snow storm that raged so furiously in
that section of the country on April
21st, and for several days thereafter.
It is reported that the body of a man
who perished in the storm was fouiid
near Red Willow after the storm, and
was not identified. It is feared that
this was the body of Mr. Miller.
His wife is of the opinion that ho is
dead, and has left- for the purpose of
searching for information ia regard to
him. Journal.
The Deceased the Wife of a French
Count, and the Daughter of
Dea. Holliday .
From the lator Oooan, Vttli-1
Death, in "one of its saddest phases,
came yesterday afternoon to a lovely
and much esteemed lady, widely and
honorably known both in this country
and in Europe. The closing scene in
tho life of the Comptewse de Pourtales
Gorgier, occurred on a Pullman P;d act
Car, near Aurora, as the afternoon
train on the Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy Railroad was approaching this
city. The lamented lady is the daugh
ter of Benjamin Holliday, the great
stage line owner of the Pacific coast,
and who has been prominently con
nected with the recent developments
of the railways of California and Ore
gun. The Countess was accompanied
by her husband, the Conite Atthiir de
Pourtales-G oilier, by their child, a lit
tle girl about one year and six months
old, and two servants. For more than
a year the health of the Countess had
not been good, aud during that time
the family have traveled extensively.
The past winter was spent at Holli
day's home in Portland, Oregon. This
spring the family concluded to spend
the summer month.; among the moun
tains of Switzerland, and as the
strength of the laoy KOfnied adequate
to the long journey the family left
Portland about a week ago, and had
come thus far on their way when this
terrible and unlooked-for calamity be
fel them. At Ogden, on the Union Pa
cific Railwav, the Countess was attack
ed with bilious fever, but was not so
l i i i i i i ; -
seriously aneccea as to ueiay cue jour
ney or e ven to render the services of a
physician necessary. Yesterday morn
ing, however, her symptoms rapidly
grew worse, and medical attt'itd.ince
was from tiimi to time summoned by
telegraph, until several skilled physi
cians were collected at her side, every
thing was done 1'ct her relief, but
without avail, as she sank rapidly and
died about two o'clock in the after
noon. The intelligence was at once
telegraphed here to IL B. Ledyard, As
sistant Superintendent cf the road,
who had an undertaker and a hearse in
readiness at the depot when the train
arrived. The body was handsomely
encased and removed to the Sherman
IIouse whence the husband will ac
company it this morning to New York;
where it will be interred. The Count
is quite prostrated by the terrible blow.
The deceased had been married less
than four years, and was only twenty
two years of age. Her amiability and
accomplishments won the affectionate
regard of all who knew her, and will
make her untimely death keenly felt
and widely mourned.
The loss of the Atlantic has so' ftigh
ten'e'd an old lady in the suburbs that
she has had the well in the yard filled
up for fear of what might happen.
The piay-bill.5 of some of the Paris
ian theatres have printed on them a
map :f the principal streate ta tfc - vi1
NrdtVife t! cr"fTfpn''s of stray. gor
Wasiungton, Iowa; Slay 23.
A terrific tornado, or whirlwind, ac
companied With hail and raid, passed
over this coitnty about six miles north
of Washington yesterday afternoon.
It came up from the southwest and
passed out of the county a little south
of Yatton. The tornado was about
one-half a mile in width, and tore into
fragments everything that lay in its
course houses, barns, fences, cattle,
and human beings, were caught up and
whirled through the air like mere toys,
and then dashed to the ground with
such violence as to produce instant
death of animate beings. Houses and
bams were torn to fragments and scat
tered ; for miles around the fields are
dotted with large timbers driven into
the ground at an angle of ninety de
grees, and cattle were actually driven
h?ad foremost into the ground.
You can scarcely conceive the devas
tation or realize tho force of the torna
do. Already we have heard of thir
teen farm houses and many barns that
were literally torn to pieces, and many
others badly daiiiagell:
Omaha May 23.
Rev. J. H. Ruby, the clerical elder,
who recently returned to town declar
ing he would vindicate his character;
has disappeared, haying h'eard threats
of shooting from the husband of his
Mrs. J. Anderson, living on 13th st.,
in Omaha, left her home on Thurs
day, to make some purchases, since
which time she has not been seen, nor
can any clue be obtained of her where
abouts: She is 63 years of age. Foul
play is suspected, aa she had some mon
ey in her possession at the time of her
San Francisco, May 23.
General Davis reports that Capt.
Hasbrouck fought the Modocs, whipp-'
ing them badly. Tho Modocs surren
dered unconditionaly. The balance of
Modocs commanded by Capt Jack are
being closely pursued. News is ex
pected at any moment that Capt Jack
hrfs been captured.
Among the Modocs captured are
Bogus Charley, Shack Nasty Jim, and
several other noted warriors. Total
number of Modocs captured forty war
riors and boys. Party under Capt.
Jack must be very small. No soldiers
zrx: reported wounded.
Washington, May 24.
The "War Department has received
tin following information from Fort
Abraham Lincoln, Dakota Territory.
The Fort was attacked by 100 Sioux
Indians about 2 o'clock p. m., skirmish
ing for 2 hours along Beaver dam
Creek, in front of the fort. The Sioux
retreated. The troops lost three horses
but no men kiiled. The Sioux lost two
horses' one man; There is no cav
alry at Fort Lincoln at present, but
some are on the v. ay there.
Sunday, May 25.
McMahon is President of the French
Republic, and Thiers again seeks the
ret i racy of a private station. For
years the new President was one of
the idols of the French populace and
ths French Army, but since Sedan pop
ular disproval luxs consigned him to
obscurity, Amid the whirl of excite
ment succeeding the Commune and
the Republic until now, McMahon has
been a looker-on. In their groping
after an administration and govern
ment which should bring release from
pre'-.erit and anticipated ills, tho Depu
ties, ru. representatives of the people,
have deposed Thiers and invested Mc
Mahon with supreme control.
TH E FKbUU AMfl 15
Of a Sunday School Institute to be ;
held at Weeping Water, June 20th and
21st, 1S73, commencing at 7 o'clock
r. si., and embraces all of Saturday.
Friday evening Sermon.
Prayer By II. F. Davis.
1st Discussion. Why does the Sun
day School demand Institutes, Normal
Classes, fcc.; Rev. II. T. Davis and S.
Exercises of Saturday, commencing
at 9 a. m.
Prayer By Rev. G. B. Crippen.
2d Dis. What are the principal diffi
culties in the way of the Sunday School
teacher; Rev. G. B. Crippen and L. F.
3d Dist. The Teachers' Meeting.
How may it be sustained ; best mods
of conducting them ; Rev. B. II. Beale
and L. W. Peet.
4th Dis. Sunday School officers;
Rev. S. Burrows and Sister Sheltou.
Oth Dis. What is the best hour fof
holding Sunday Schools? Rev II. P.
Mann and C. M. Shelton.
Cth Dis. How long should a Session
continue, and how niuch time should
be given to the study of the lesson?
Brother L. F. Reed, W. C. Jenks and
Riley Jones.
7th. How frequently can reviews j
be made profitable ; Prof. L. W. Peet
and Rev; J; A. Kenaston.
8th Teachers' Duties in School and
out ; Bro. E. A. Kirkpatrick, James Cliz
be and Sister Frew.
9th Dis. Shall strangers be invited
to address the school ; Rev. II. F; Da
vis and C. M. Shelton.
10th. Dis. Object of the Sunday
School ; D. C Fleming and A. L. Fold
lith. The" art of questioning; Rev.
John Gallagher and Sister E: Shelton.
12th. Dis. The art of securing at
tention; Brother M. E. Woods and
John Frew; D6xology;
P. C. Fleming". )
I,: F. Reed, . Com.
The Hcrwc Sewing Slachino
C;uiva.s.sliiK Agents wanted throughout the
Stale. Address
F. P. TODD, Ornrrai Agent.
pfr-Mnolilncs on exhibition at all times nt my
OlUce oa Main htreot. 8-;in
E. T. DOKE & CO.
At the foot of Main Street.
Wholesale and Retail Dca.ers in
Hardware and Cutlery,
FORKS, &c, &c.
All kinds of
Tinware Manufactured.
Post Office Book Store.
II. J. &TU2IGIIT, Proprietor.
For Your
Iloois, Stationery,
Pictures, Music,
Toys, Confectionery,
Violin String3.
Newspapers, Novels,
Sor; Ecok3, tf., -Sc.
riaiumouth. ... KetrzvsSa.
Sweet Potatoo Plants
Fcr Sala.
4 .
ro looo lo.'V.o.
"e.d nr.l Yellow Naascrecr.-I 5-v-ts & t. few
UrazilUan White '.5jls iS.
Of the Kar.y ,Ter?ey, wnkcfleM. and TettU-r's
I'.runswicK a! 15 eeut-s per dozen, TJ
cents per loft. i.t:i:ly l.iy !.st.
Also, Trophy ;uid ("leri. i.r.vnt Tomato I'lar.U,
at ;5 cents per dozen, 1.51 pur 100.
Celery Plants,
Jigj Plants,
Tobacco Plants,
Caulijlotccr riit'Jt,
ti'-c. d" dr., t?r.
In their scsxi.
Orders, from a c.:-.n-.-.- prr.mntTv fHIed, and
delivered at tfc Irx; mis OiV.a in I'iattsmoutii.
Cartage free.
These I "bin? tVc-" rrl-;" I nv fln-rlons In
Rock Bluffs. A-'..".o rf:m-;f. Proprietor.
t Frank While t y.,y authorized Acrrnt ia
Plattsmoulh. C-St.
The Best
Na .. large and good assortment of Farm Ma
chinery. The Marsh Harvester, aKeaperthat two men
ean eui and bind ten .icrcs per day, w ith one
man to drive, and tho binders caa work In tho
Main Street, Comer Cth.
Plattsmouth, - Nebraska.
Fourth utreet, north of Flatta Valley House.
Dealer in
Hard war c and Cutlery, j
Stove, Tinware,
Iron, Xriils
Glass, Locks,
Garden City Plotti,
Hay Bakei,
Fn.rm.inn T,v7t
Farming Zlachinery, j
JlcCormick's Reaper and Mower,
Buck Eytt Reaper and Mower,
di-c c.i dc 5s di
For the Garden,' . .. ,
For the Orchard;. -,
Fancy Dry Goods, Notion
Ladies Furnishing Good?
and Best Aborted
Sfcoefc Inthe City;
Which v,p are jiropared to pell ehefiper tharl
they can In- imroliasril elsewhere Give na a call
u exaiRiuv our gotui.
E"SS. ore nn Main street, between 4th and nth
streets, I'lattsmoutli Nebraska. litf.
Mothers, Mothers.
Don't f:;ll to proenrn Mr... Wlnslow'a Soothing
.svrun for Children Teethlnc.
This vuli.iO.lf lir'iarail'm lm been nied with
Jt not only relieves the child from pain, but
invigorates the stomach and l;ovc!, corrects
acidity, and ives tone and nervy to the wholo
systet t. It will also instantly relieve
We 1 -'ii've II the best H.nd siirot remedy In
the world. In all ei.'"s of Dysentery, mid Diar
rhea In children, whether amii-cC lroin teethlt2
or any other eaiisf.
Depend uiv.ii it. mothers, it will iive rest to
yourselves and
Pe sure and call fi.r
"M:ts. win. low's booTinyo Si iter."
II:.v!r,7 the fae-similo of "Cri.TlU ii, PER
KIN" on the u!:;ii.e wr.ippcr. .
fcohl bydrag?iai3 tnrouhout the world. 10
SPlttXG TKADE, 1873.
Furnas Nurseries,
run :? a a, n o a a feriiand.
Furnas r.nd Srr.c, V.rzvrrr. ille, Xcbrao-"
k.u ;tr;(i i:, rcrr;ui.5, Detroit. Mich, havo ro7is'''r;(!atod their
cLcckS aud will hoicrdU-T
conduct husincs-j ui;
Brownvil't', Xeb.,
whore llioy
oifrr lie largest ;:r.d moi vt select gea Xutrcry stock ever ottered
i:t ll-'i consisting in
put ! r.-i loilows:
?vv. C:.-vo 3 vcar vd Ajr-t Trees.
J.-.V.i'-O " i " ' "
0'.--0 " 1 " " " "
M-.w l,?, !) rwi 4 year old Tear
40. .-IO " ?, si, a -e1 4 year eld Cherry
r-V'O " 1 'i v'-rr oi l 7r-h Tree
'iA.-0 " 11iM. Aprie-.t au t l.raluo
i . V. 1 r.'..r:- V I.oc;ist l.e.Pv. Ilanta.
S --.' V.. J i -.:e-o II. "I V I'i.-.nts.
. . v ) I'urt-'-t 'I !:.i.-t iuiit!-'S.
1-Kvt r ."-f-i-ifj, in variety.
iw.'rj) ;';t-''::; iv! -t; , Kaspberrici and
Cr.''. e:i:!i " -. ' rrh and C'urrnnta.
tC.o'i'i F;ov -ri.i ; shml.a.
lQ.OK;M Vc :. C Uttir..".
Borivshiro and Poland
J. U r.ilry, of Cass County, v. ill act r." A(ter,t
of the" i.;::-r,--.ieM in lift vi tion. I', o. addie-M
riatiM.iou;:.. ( a-sVo., X,bi:.-,Ka.
fJ"Crr W'tidinre jluittd. Svd for
a Cd:rIo:;-y. -11 -If
- or rjATTs::oJT:x, nhb-iaska.
Tootle, Hanna & Clark.
Jon, Titzg tkai.t),
C. II. Paiimrt.h,
V'e IT'-sUont.
T. W. f V A NH,
As&'t Cashier.
Thin Pink Is n.r.v o-"ii for hnshiAA at thir
new room, comer Main and Siti fcu-eou, aud
are prepared to tramaet a gea :rl
Banking Business.
i Stocks, Ponds,
I Gold, Go'cmxcat
and Ixical
Puui.t and
Fold, Deposits
Bcce.ved and
lr. teres t allowed
On Um
Certi ilea ton.
Priffs drr.wT!. availai'l" hi n:y pnrt of thn
V'niied stares and In ail the ir:uc!pai towiut
and Lilies of Europe.
: ek; -a ".
A ?n D
Person1, wishing to hrin?: out their friends
from E iropo ean pnrehase ticket from us
tlirouRh to riatusmoiith
A Heavy Stock of Goods on
Xo BfvLi and Interest on Borrowd
Capital to be inad-e off" Customers.
Nnrth ide of Miln henveen Second and Third
utreets, taiies plea.-uid in anno'ineing to
Thnt he has fil&rf nd well '.iected Btoek ot
I)rv (.food, (;ref riiui, lTo-.4rn. a were tTer
brought to the City of I'latUinouth.
1ST" It will cost you nothing to look at them
whether you buy or not. lsv exaiuinlut; tho
Brif at tho -OLD KKLIAJihli" you wTllhQ
adO to tll wlii rtWf tav1.i trf 10 (rvrln U
JC.-.. ' - s